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"Content Marketing Blueprint: Blog Posts That Build Authority" |
"Would you like to demonstrate your authority with written words in the form of blogs and articles? If Yes...Then this course is for you!I will show you step by step how to plan, write, edit and refine your own authority building blog post.Maybe, you've already spent hundreds buying courses that teach you how to setup a Wordpress site or Medium publication...The problem with them is that they spend little or no time explaining how the process of writing high value content works!According to hosting facts:There are over 4 million blog posts published every single dayThis is in addition to 500 million tweetsSo...How do you stand out in this noisy world with your writing?This course will help you write high value content even if you have never written before!For the past three years I have been working as a Chief Marketing Officer, and while working with a lot of content writers and copywriters I found that a lot authority building is actually done in the way the post is structured.In this course, youll learn the secret of the 1% of people who build their thought leadership the right way.This course is presented in a five day challenge where every day youll grasp an important key concept with a video lesson, and finish creating something with it with an exercise video and a workbook.Once youve gone through the material, its virtually impossible to forget its structure.Eventually youll be able to crank out high quality content using this formula with your intuitions.The structure you will learn here, can even be used to create podcast or video scripts that build your authority. It's that powerful!So if you want to be seen as a benchmark of authority in your niche or industry, then this course is for you!If for any reason it doesnt, you are fully covered by my 30 days money back guarantee.Ive designed this course to be finished in under 5 days with less than 30 minutes of your time every day.Join me now, enrol on this course today and take on this challenge!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Etik Hacker Olma Kursu" |
"Udemy'nin koyduu kurallardan dolay %95 indirimli kuponu burada paylaamyorum, bu kuponu edinmek iin bana twitter zerinden mesaj atn. Yine kurallardan dolay linki buraya koyamadm, o yzden twitter hesabma udemy profilimden ulaabilirsiniz.Platform zerindeki En Detayl Etik Hacker Olma Kursu'na Hogeldiniz!Bu kurs ile sfrdan balayarak siber gvenlik ve etik hacking alanlarnn temellerine inerek daha fazla bilgiye nasl ulaabileceinizi renmi olacaksnz. Yani bu kurs ile renmeyi renip, edinebileceiniz bilgi birikimi potansiyelini geniletmi olacaksnz. Kurs YapsDier kurslarn aksine sadece ara kullanmn deil, bilginin kaynan, nereden geldiini renerek gerek siber gvenlik eitimi deneyimini yaam olacaksnz. Var olan aralarn kaynak kodlarn inceleyerek ve kendimiz ara yazarak en temelde nelerin gerektii ve ilerin nasl yrdn kavram olacaz. Yaplan her ilemi nedenleri ile birlikte ele alarak kalc olmayan ezber bilgi birikimini nlemi olacaksnz.Siber gvenlii gerek anlamda renmek ve size deer katmayacak kurslar ile zaman kaybetmek istemiyorsanz, bu kursa kayt olarak kendinize deer katabilirsiniz.erikBilgi gvenlii, a gvenlii, yazlm gvenlii alanna giri yapmak isteyen hemen herkes iin bu kursu hazrladm. Kurs haritasndan da grebileceiniz zere video isimlerinde zellikle spesifik olmaya alp ""WIFI Hacklemek"" ya da ""WPA Krmak"" gibi balklar koymadm. Akas kendim de bir eyler renmeye alrken bu gibi tk tuzaklar(ClickBait'ler) hevesimi krmt ve sinirimi bozmutu. Bu gibi ilemler dier kurslarn iddia ettii gibi 3-5 videoda mmkn deil arkadalar, eminim ki siz de bunun farkndasnzdr. Zira yle olsayd herkes 3-5 videoda bu ii yapard ancak gerekten ie yarar bir saldr-savunma iin ok daha detayl bilgi gerekiyor.Yine ayn ekilde bu kursta Linux zerinde zellikle Tool/Program kullanmay retmemeyi hedef aldm. Aksine program yazarak ya da var olan programn kaynak kodunu inceyelerek bir eyler yapmaya altm. nk ara(tool) kullandmz zaman bir bakasna muhta oluruz, fakat kendi aralarmz nasl yazacamz bildiimiz zaman istediimiz eyi yapabiliriz. Elbette shell zerinde kullandmz onlarca ara(tool) olacak; fakat ou ziyadesiyle basit programlar. Bu iki olay piyasada grdm videolarda rastladm eylerdi: Clickbaitler ve Hunharca Tool kullanmak. Bu ii gerekten yapmak istiyorsak, bir programn en kk parasna kadar inmeliyiz. Bu sebepten, eitim boyunca programlarn en kk paralarna kadar inerek derinlemesine incelme yapmaya ve Assembly Dili'ne ok fazla nem vermeye altm. Eitim iin balang seviyede herhangi bir dili bilmeniz yeterli olacaktr. Kurs boyunca bu temel kullanlarak C Programlamaya deindim. Fakat C dilinin semantik ve syntax'na hi deinmiyorum. Zira farkl bir dili giri seviyesinde biliyorsanz bu konuda ekstra bir aba yapmanza gerek kalmayacak. Basit kontrol ve koul yaplarnn renilmesi en fazla 1-2 gn alr diye dnyorum. Giri blmnde C dilinde deindiim birok ey oldu, fakat geribildirimlerden sonra duruma gre eitimi C'ye dair zenginletirebilirim diye dnyorum. Eer niyetiniz size deer katacak siber gvenlik bilgileri edinmekse kesinlikle doru kurstasnz.Market ve Pazarlama Ortaklk iin iletiime gein."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Xamanismo: Animais Totmicos e de Poder" |
"Muitas pessoas j ouviram falar em Animais de poder, mas muitas auras de mistrio j foram criadas sobre esse assunto. O que so eles? Para que servem? Como posso acessar?Esse curso visa trazer respostas para essas perguntas e ainda trazer o conhecimento ancestral do xamanismo unindo a sua filosofia ancestral para os tempos modernos, de forma que todos possam conhecer cada aspecto dessa linda filosofia, assim como todos os princpios que guiam a jornada pelo caminho vermelho.O que a Roda de cura? O que so os caminhos xamnicos? Como posso ter o meu Espao Sagrado?So outras questes que vocs conhecero as respostas aqui neste curso, que visa trazer essa linda filosofia de reconexo com a natureza todos vocs com muito respeito e carinho.Ahow! Permita-se conhecer e desbravar esses lindos mistrios."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Werde Deiner Selbst Bewusst" |
"Schn das du da bistIch freue mich dich hier von Herzen begren zu drfen. Hier findest du alle Informationen zu diesem Kurs. Vorab mchte ich sagen, das dieser Kurs vor allem etwas fr dein Herz ist. Nimm dir Zeit und schau dir alles in Ruhe an. Jetzt wnsche ich dir viel Spa. Warum gibt es diesen Kurs?Diesen Kurs gibt es, da ich die Menschen von meinem Wissen und meiner Erfahrung profitieren lassen will. Mein Ziel war und ist es eine friedvolle, zufriedene und glckliche Zukunft zu schaffen. Der Kurs lsst dich an diesem Ziel Anschluss haben. Der Kurs wird dich befhigen dasselbe in die Welt zu tragen. Diese eine Erde auf der wir Leben wartet nur auf eine neue Menschheit. Dieser Kurs setzt einen Impuls, dass du beginnst mit dir und deinen Gedanken in die Freude zu kommen.Dieser Kurs zeigt dir wie du deine alten Muster aufbrechen kannst um Raum fr neues zu schaffen. Du wirst am Ende erlernt haben friedvoller mit dir und deinen Gedanken um zu gehen. Es ist ein Geschenk an dich selbst, auf das du Teil einer friedvolleren, zufriedeneren und Glcklicheren Zukunft wirst. Wie mache ich das?Ich zeige dir, wie du bewusst mit dir umgehst. Der Prozess der Bewusstwerdung ist durch aktive Selbsterfahrungen begleitet. Wenn du den Kurs in seinem vorgeschriebenen Zeitablauf absolvierst wirst du sehr schnell Vernderungen in dir bemerken. Solltest du lnger brauchen, ist das auch kein Problem. Der Kurs wird durch Meditationen und bungen im normalen Leben begleitet. Die bungen sind so konzipiert, dass du sie umsetzen kannst ohne, dass ein anderer Mensch es in erster Linie bemerkt. Dieser Kurs fhrt dich zu deinem inneren Selbst. Er befreit dich von dem emotionalen und gedanklichen Ballast deines Lebens. Die Inhalte des Kurses basieren auf meiner eigenen Lebenserfahrung, sowie Inhalten der Achtsamkeits-, Spirituellen- und Psychologischenlehrern und meinen Erfahrungen als studierter Sozial Arbeiter.Was ist der Vorteil dieses Kurses:Wenn du dich dazu entscheidest diesen Kurs zu absolvieren, dann erhlst du einen Teil meines Wissens. Dieser Kurs enthlt zudem verschiedene Gefhrte Meditationen, die dir nach Kauf permanent zur Verfgung stehen. Diese Meditationen fhren dich zu einem tieferen Bewusstsein im Leben. Der Effekt ist, weniger Drama und mehr Freude und Glck. Da ich aber mchte, das wirklich jeder Zugang zu meinem Wissen hat biete ich diesen Kurs hier gnstiger an. Natrlich gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen Kurs und Coachings, doch solltest du nach dem Kurs das Verlangen verspren mit mir in Kontakt treten zu wollen ist dies kein Problem. Neugierig?Dann schau doch einfach rein. Hole dir jetzt deinen Zugang und werde deiner Selbst bewusst. Befreie dich vom gedanklichen Ballast und ffne dein Herz fr das Leben.Ich wnsche dir viel Spa beim Kurs und alles GuteMarco Breuer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Accounting: Double Entries" |
"The course on Introduction to Accounting is designed in a non-traditional format to help you grasp the accounting essentials in a fun, animated and user-friendly way. Our primary objective was not to allow you feel bored at any stage throughout the lectures and yet walk out of the course with decent level of confidence, therefore did our best to elaborate a truly interesting and compelling video content to make sure to convey you otherwise tiresome topics in the most exciting and connecting way. Whether you are a beginner to the world of accounting and don't know anything about it, or you have gone half way through, or an accountant working in your specific area and always have some questions in the background of your mind about accounting entries and impact of your work on overall financial picture of your company, this course is just for you. The course will shed light to many aspects of your accounting experience and help you get a profound understanding of accounting concept. The design of this course is fun and extremely user-friendly. With this course, you do not need any books, notepads, pens or pencils. All you need is just to set aside some time and listen with focused attention. The illustrative, interactive and animated format of the lecture will ensure that you don't get bored and visualize actual processes which will help to comprehend concepts discussed easily and deeply. This inexpensive budget course will definitively strengthen your confidence in your accounting experience and will equip you with necessary underpinning knowledge to progress further with your accounting journey confidently."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Revenue Recognition - IFRS 15 & ASC 606" |
"This course explains and provides deeper insight into the new revenue standard, namely, ""Revenue from Contracts with Customers"" issued jointly by IASB and FASB as IFRS 15 and ASC 606, respectively. Delivered in a fun, user-friendly and animated video format, the complex subject becomes interesting and clear as students progress throughout the course content. The course consists of 3 main sections. The first section consisting of 5 lectures devotes each lecture to one of 5 steps of 5 step revenue recognition model. The second section delivers a quite interesting video content explaining accounting entries for types of revenue recognized over time. And the last section is all devoted to practical questions and their solutions, treatment and recognition matters of concern to wider accounting and finance audience, including but not limited to all level of accountants, finance experts and professionals, ACCA and CPAstudents in their pursuit of revenue topic."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SEGUNDA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"SEGUNDA de 5 PARTES DEFUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. La Segunda Parte incluye: la prctica de la pintura al leo, el manejo del pincel, la luz y la sombra, los 5 tonos bsicos, los contornos, la textura, demostracin de un bodegn con pintura monocromtica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PRIMERA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"PRIMERA de 5 PARTES DEFUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. Esta Primera Parte del curso incluye: el estudio en su casa, el caballete, los pinceles, los colores, la paleta, los mdiums, los soportes, la teora del color y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TERCERA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"TERCERA de 5 PARTES DEFUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. La Tercera Parte incluye: elementos y conceptos del color, la temperatura de la luz, la vibracin de los colores, la paleta premezclada, la paleta libre, las mezclas de colores, demostracin de un bodegn, la paleta de colores bsica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CUARTA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"CUARTA de 5 PARTES DE FUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. Esta Cuarta Parte del curso incluye: La Perspectiva Lineal y Area, El Manchado, Transicin hacia el Color y los Detalles, El Restregado, La Composicin, El Terminado, Los Opuestos, El Concepto, La Variedad de las Formas, Los Tonos y Colores, La Pintura Suelta vs. Pintura Rgida, La Esttica, La Composicin y Jerarqua y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"QUINTA PARTE - Fundamentos de la Pintura al Oleo" |
"Quinta y ltima de 5 PARTES DE FUNDAMENTOS DE LA PINTURA AL OLEOEl mejor curso en espaol sobre la pintura al leo con el artista puertorriqueo Alejandro De Jess. Esta Quinta Parte del curso incluye: 1. IMPORTANCIA DEL DIBUJO2. ACERCAMIENTO GENERALCambiando la manera de ver las cosas3. SEGREGANDO TONOS Y COLORES4. MANCHADO INICIAL5. LA SOMBRA PROPIA6. LA SOMBRA PROYECTADA7. LA TEMPERATURA DEL COLOR DE LA PIEL8. LA UNION ENTRE LUZ Y SOMBRALos Contornos9. PATRON DE TONOS Y COLORES10. ESQUEMAS DE COLORES11. LOS PLANOS12. EL IMPASTO EN LA LUZ13. LOS OJOS14. DEMOSTRACIONy mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Filosofa para la felicidad" |
"Mi nombre es Luca Morcillo y soy Graduada en Filosofa y Profesora de Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato en Espaa, as que este curso, aunque sea de filosofa, va a ser entendible, divertido y didctico. Pienso que la filosofa debera ser ante todo algo prctico y algo que nos sirviese a todos para vivir mejor, conocernos ms y ser ms felices, que como dira Aristteles esto es al final lo que todo ser humano busca. Por eso, en este curso vamos a ver cules son las ideas o las claves que Epicuro nos dara para ser felices y para vivir mejor, trataremos la filosofa como una teraputica del alma. Es realmente sorprendente la vigencia que tiene hoy en da esta filosofa de hace ms de 2000 aos y cmo al ser humano siguen preocupndole las mismas cosas y sigue hacindose las mismas preguntas.Con este curso pretendo ayudarte a conocer mejor la filosofa de Epicuro, uno de los representantes ms importantes de la filosofa helnica y de la historia de la filosofa, y que conocindole a l y conociendo las claves y las ideas que l da para ser feliz, consigas, aplicando stas en tu vida, empezar a vivir de una manera mucho ms serena, calmada y feliz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como se Relacionar com as Pessoas com Deficincia" |
"Este curso prope uma orientao para famlias; profissionais e estudantes (futuros profissionais) que lidam, ou iro lidar algum dia, com pessoas com deficincia. Com uma durao breve e um valor acessvel, o objetivo que qualquer um possa gozar dos conhecimentos que o curso trs e no fim do curso esse conhecimento possa agregar tanto na vida dos alunos do curso, quanto na vida dos que esto ao seu redor, em especial s pessoas com deficincia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CorelDraw para Sublimao" |
"Trabalha com sublimao? Voc quer ter independncia nas criaes das suas artes? Quer parar de depender dos outros para conseguir entregar ao seus clientes, estampas de qualidade? Nesse curso voc ir aprender a desenvolver artes incrveis e finalmente ter sua independncia.Voc aprender: Dominar as ferramentas essenciais do CorelDRAW; Trabalhar com imagens e edita-las;Desenvolver suas artes do absoluto zero;Redesenhar imagens para construir do seu jeito;Vetorizar imagens;Criar seu mockup para apresentao das suas estampas;Tratar imagens no Photoshop (Bnus)Criar artes para Datas Comemorativas e outras.H algum requisito ou pr-requisito para o curso?Voc precisa de uma conexo internet para assistir as aulas!Para quem este curso:Empreendedores e Futuros Empreendedores que querem ou trabalham com Sublimao."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home Jobs: Online contracts that pay!" |
"Learn how to work from home as an online contractor and how to start a potential business. This course will covers varies online freelance contract positions that you can work in most cases with little on no experience. Get paid cash from these companies weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. We also cover responsibilities of a contract worker. As well as needed identification for tax purposes and resources for starting your own home business. This course will also give insight on companies that have been verified as legitimate contract employers . The key to being an online freelancer is balance. This course will show you how!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Launch Your Blog For Beginners" |
"Are you interested in starting your very own blog? Not sure where to start? This 7 part course will teach you everything you need to know about blogging. By the end of the first 2 lectures you will be able to identify your target audience and select a domain name for your blog. The rest of the course looks at designing your blog, how to come up with content and more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Break your Mental Barriers & Complete your Goals (set goals)" |
"Break your Mental Barriers & Learn How to Achieve your Goals (set goals)This course is meant for everyone who wants to jump start their way from confusion and Chaos to planning and achieving goals. If you are tired of procrastination or stuck in life seeming to have no direction then this course is just for you. This course will teach you -How to remove chaos through planningHow to define your purpose and goalsHow to see them accomplished till the end.How to set and achieve goalsAt the end of the course I guarantee that you will have an experiential learning on how to be more organised and achieve your goals. When faced with doubt and fear you will know what to do and where to turn to build self confidence and faith.No More Procrastination and Self-Doubt. Learn How to Achieve goals and Jump-Start on your goals and your way to success!Resources :You will get a 30 page Workbook & Journal An Excel sheet goal planner and action takerQuick win worksheetThe program helps in overall personal development and personal transformation as well.No More Procrastination and Self-Doubt. Learn goal setting via smart goals, mindtools and 5 hacks.Slay Procrastination, Break your mental barriers and complete your goals, goal setting via smart goals, unofficial udemyGoal Setting, goal achievement , focus mastery, Personal Development, Personal Transformationofficial udemy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Complete Blog System using PHP, MYSQL and js in Arabic" |
"PHP, Mysql, Bootstrap 4, JQuery and Git Version Control."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
galmusictheory |
": , , , -"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Keyboard for Electronic Music" |
"LEARN KEYBOARD PLAYING TO IMPROVE YOUR MUSIC!This course purpose is to allow any DJ, music producer or other musician to acquire the skills of playing the keyboard.You don't need years of classical piano training in order to play what your music needs on the keyboard.If you feel a little handicap every time you try to play a bassline, lead or a pad for your track then this course is exactly for you.HOW IS IT GOING TO IMPROVE MY MUSIC?By the end of this course, Youll be able to express your musical ideas on the keyboard in a much natural, musical and creative way.I believe that the best way to learn something is by just jumping the water and start doing it: and that's exactly what this course is about. straight to the point lessons that give you cool keyboard exercises and methods of playing electronic musical elements for your tracks!WHAT WILL YOU GET OUT OF THIS COURSE??Improve your Music by improving yourself as a Keyboard Player?Become a more professional Music Producer?Gain more confidence with your Keyboard Playing?Quicker workflow when writing or arranging your songs and tracks?Create more artistic freedom for yourself?Enjoy more from your songs and playing?Open your mind for new approaches of Keyboard Playing?Develop an essential Musical Skill that will serve you for lifeHOW CAN I KNOW FOR SURE THAT THIS COURSE IS FOR ME?If you learned a little piano/guitar/other instrument but never really took it super seriously - you'll find here a fresh approach.The reasonable cause you that you didn't hook to an instrument is that it wasn't in your needs learning how to read sheet music or memorize classical pieces. Here you will find the important music theory and playing methods that are crucial for your development as a creating artist.WHO IS THE TEACHER?I'm Gal Peiser. I'm a music producer, pianist and a teacher for the past 15 years. I've worked with a lot of students in recent years and I'm excited to have this opportunity to share my experience in instructing musicians online.YOV'VE GOT NOTHING TO LOSE...JUST TO IMPROVE!I'd like to remind you that when you're buying this course your purchase is RISK-FREE!Either you're satisfied, or you're getting your money back. ENROLL NOW!Let's Make Some Music !Gal"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ear Training - Chords Pro" |
"START HEAR CHORDS IN PRO EARS !What will you get from this course after finishing it?Important progress in developing professional musical hearing.Be able to identify which chords you hear in the music.Be able to identify chords progressions in a scale.Improve your own music by improving your hearing skills.Communicate better in musical situations with other musicians.Evreyone enjoys listening to music, but what about enjoy plus understand what you hear?Ear Training - Chords Pro is a course that teach you the super importnat (and fun!) skill for evrey musician:IDENTIFY THE CHORDS THAT YOU HEAR!if you'r saying: sounds nice, but I have the hearing of a deaf person...Than I'm here to tell you that you also can hear and start recognize chords!It's NOT something you are born with.It's NOT relate to Perfect Pitch.IT'S A SKILL EVREYONE CAN LEARN (and should! espciecaly musicians).This course will help you to understand chords and chords progression by ear.The course is contain lesoons and easy to follow exercises.The course is focused on training your ear recognizing diatonic chords (chords that relate to a scale).This is not a course about music theory or reading sheetmusic, though some music theory background is given through the lessons.Some background in playing an instrument is an advantage but not a must. No previous knowledge is required.LET'S DEVELOP SOME EARS TOGTETHER! :)**Photo by Kyle Smith"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Rhythm Pro Musician" |
"TAKE YOUR RHYTHMIC SKILLS TO THE NEXT LEVEL!This is a class designed for anyone who is ready to take his music career (or music interest) and develop it into something more. Whether you are an active musician or an aspiring one - you will find this course intresting and developing.WHO IS THE TEACHER?I'm Gal Peiser, I'm a full-time Music Producer and Music Teacher. I'm teaching music out of passion to share inspiration, knowledge and skills with students around the world.If you have any questions about the content or composing or producing in general, I will always be responsive to questions and messeges.We all know you have to practice to become a better musician.Most teachers don't have the paticence or the right plan to teach you the very foundations of rhythm so you can grow in the right direction.In this course you'll find step-by-step lessons, explaining evreything in simple language, so that evreyone who is ready to invest his time and practice will be able to understand and develop.WHAT WILL YOU GET OUT OF THIS COURSE:Develop Professional rhythmic hearing.Be able to create the rhythmic motives you imagine.Improve your music and productions by taking your rhythmic skills a leap forward.Communicate better with other musicians in the rhythmic domain.Perform better live and in the studio when working on rhythmic elements.Gain a professional understanding of the rhythmic elements.Create groovy new rhythmic ideas.So, is this course for you?Honestly, I have no idea - but you can ask yourself: will I benefit from this learning? do I need to improve my rhythm skills and understanding? anyway, you've got nothing to lose! We're offering a 30 day money back guarantee.Scroll up and click the ""Take This Course"" button now.:)Photo by Parker Coffman on Unsplash"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Israeli Cuisine - Cook DELICIOUS Vegetarian Dishes" |
"THIS COURSE PURPOSE IS TO ALLOW ANYONE TO COOK SIMPLE FRESH ISRAELI VEGETARIAN DISHES IN NO-TIME!You don't need any experience in middle eastern cooking and no special kitchen equipment. We invite you to join us in our home kitchen while we're making our favorite Israeli dishes :)What will I gain in this course?Develop a new cooking style.Be able to put together a nutritious and exotic meal in a few minutes.Improve the variety of your home cuisine.Gain a new perspective about vegetarian food.Broaden your understanding of Israeli food culture.Who are the instructors?Gal & Erez, we both are Israeli musicians from Tel-Aviv. We have a huge love for cooking (and eating) those amazing Israeli dishes and we love to share our experience in making them in the original Israeli way!ENROLL IN OUR COURSE AND START MAKING THOSE TASTY DISHES!Gal & Erez"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ear Training - Sing The Notes!" |
"LET'S LEARN THE PRO MUSICIAN SKILL OF READING AND SINGING NOTES!Ear Training - Sing The Notes! is a course that teaches you this super important (and fun!) skill for the professional and the aspiring musician.Singing notes pitches, and reading them from sheet music (also known as Solfege) is an important skill for every music producer, songwriter, singer or instrumentalist musician.When you acquire this skill you can:Hear a song melody inside your head, or sing it out loud, without an instrument.Compose and produce better and more accurate music ideas.Quicker workflow when writing or arranging your songs and tracks.Figure out the notes for a melody without an instrument.Communicate better with other musicians by reading and ""Solfegeing"" a melodyIf you're saying: sounds nice, but I have the hearing of a deaf person...Then let me assure you that: anyone who's ready to practice a little can develop his reading and singing in a profound way!It's NOT something you are born with.It's NOT related to Perfect Pitch.IT'S A SKILL EVERYONE CAN LEARN (and should! especially musicians).This course will teach you how to read and sing the notes of the C major scale using only the treble clef.The course contains lessons and easy to follow exercises, this course is excellent for beginners.This is not a course about music theory, though some basic music theory is discussed in order to make our reading and singing previous knowledge is required.LET'S DEVELOP OUR MUSICAL HEARING, READING, AND SINGING TOGETHER.ENROLL NOW!(I'm reminding you that you've got 30-days-money-back-guarantee in case you find out this isn't the right course for you)See you inside :)Gal**Photo by Kyle Smith**"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Keyboard For The Songwriter-Producer" |
"LEARN HOW TO ACCOMPANY YOUR SONGS!Playing songs accompany on the keyboard is a skill every singer-songwriter or music producer should develop.When you know your way of playing chords and rhythms on the keyboard your workflow becomes very easy and sufficient when you compose songs and making arrangements.YOU DON'T NEED TO READ SHEET MUSIC FOR THIS COURSEIn this course, you'll learn how to play chords and accompaniment patterns through video lectures - the only pre-requirement is to be familiar with the keys of the keyboard (C D E F G A B C).BECOME A BETTER SINGER-SONGWRITER AND PRODUCERWhat will you get out of this course?Acquire essential keyboard accompaniment skills Become an artist with the techniques of a professional player Enjoy more from your songs and playingGain confidence when writing, producing or performing with the keyboardBe able to accompany songs more fluentlyCreate more artistic freedom for yourself Open your mind for new approaches of keyboard playingDevelop an essential musical skill that will serve you for lifeI KNOW YOU CAN DO ITPlease trust me :) I'm Gal, a PianistMusic Producer with an experience of more than 10 years in teaching; I've met A LOT of music students and I know that everyone can develop his keyboard skills with the right instructions.I've created this course to give artists who have an interest in playing their songs a good alternative for the classical way of learning piano in a lesson by reading sheet-music.ENROLL THE COURSE NOWBy-the-way; you've got 30 days money-back guarantee if you'll find out it's not the right course for you - so you really got nothing to lose!So, ready to play some songs on the keyboard ??See you there :)Gal"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Develop Discord Bots in nodejs Complete course" |
"Course has been updated twice 2020.Hi there, 'Develop Discord Bots in nodejs Complete course' is perfect for you who wish to make Discord bots and add to your server. In this course I will teach you how to create some basic and then more advanced bots. We're going to have a lot of fun! As we progress further into the course, the bots will become more advanced and your skill will grow rapidly. There are 10 bots that we're going to develop throughout this course as of update july 2019. Each bot serves a purpose, some bots are more educational and some bots are useful on a daily basis.I will be there developing the bots with you, even if you get stuck you will be able to get the bot up and running by downloading the source code from the lecture. Why trust me?I've been developing different kinds of software including a lot of web development during my timespan as a developer. Creating complex functions with tons of security is my favorite. Creating outstanding code is my focus. I'm teaching you nodejs in this course which is the fastest language to use when it comes to Discord bots. I have 4 years of experience in programming and I've used different languages to build different type of software applications. When this course was first released for free I received a lot of positive feedback. Now this course is being further developed to become a large Discord bot course.Why this course? The best bot course on Udemy. You have lifetime access, you will get new content for free. At a very generous price. The knowledge within this course is litterally worth $400-$500. Downloadable code so you can use my code for free. Bots are made to teach you how to handle objects in programming. 1080p HD videos. English captions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Useful Discord bots for your server" |
"Hi there student, This course is a great course to begin developing Discord bots. In this course I will teach you how to quickly build useful Discord bots for your server. We're going to have a lot of fun! We're going to develop bots that are very useful for your server. This course is also great to get you started with developing Discord bots.I will be there developing the bots with you, even if you get stuck you will be able to get the bot up and running by downloading the source code for the lecture. Why are Discord bots useful? Discord bots can do a lot for you, such as gathering advanced API data from ex Blizzard websites displaying character information in World of Warcraft. Or down to a simple feature that welcomes a new user to the Discord server. Or keeping track of when a user edits or deletes a message.Why trust me?I've been developing different kinds of software including a lot of web development during my timespan as a developer. Creating complex functions with tons of security is my favorite. Creating outstanding code is my focus. I'm teaching you nodejs in this course which is the fastest language to use when it comes to Discord bots. I have 4 years of experience in programming and I've used different languages to build different type of software applications. With my first bot course, I received a lot of positive feedback. Why this course? We're developing very useful Discord bots to use in your server daily. You have lifetime access, you will get new content for free. Downloadable code so you can use my code for free. Bots are made to teach you how to handle objects in programming. 1080p HD videos. English captions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Front end Web Development Basics Complete Course" |
"Hi there, 'Front end Web Development Basics Complete Course' is the ultimate course for you who wish to start your career as a front end web developer or even full stack web developer if you have skills within the back end and you wish to master front end as well.This course layout is perfect to learn the complete basics within front end web development. Each section focuses on one specific area only. This is great because you will have a full understanding of the basics if I teach you the complete basics.I will be there developing the website projects with you. We are going to make use of every single basic that I teach you within this course. Each section on it's own will have a final project where we develop a website mainly by using the knowledge learnt within that specific section. As you progress through the sections, we will also add what we have learnt in the previous sections to create a larger website project each time.Writing our own code!We're not going to use any library to help create the website projects within this course. Why? Because I believe you can only become a professional web developer if you master the basics. And you can't practice the basics if you use libraries. My belief is that only by writing your own code from scratch in your early days of your web development career, you will be able to succeed to be a strong web developer. This not only gives you the incredible speed in terms of developing projects, this also gives you the power to spot errors faster than anyone. Only by understanding the complete basics about a subject, let's say CSS, you will be able to immediately understand where about the error lies. This gives you a better shot at becoming a web development leader, if you can spot errors and help fellow colleagues you will be successful big time.I'm teaching you the basics that I wish I was taught during my polytechnic university education.With that in mind, you're going to learn the basics immediately while going through the course. Instead of having to spend over 4 years reading, practicing, building projects, exploring, researched, studying more to learn more. All these steps you will be able to skip in order to learn the complete basics.Why trust me? I've been developing different kinds of software including a large major part in web development during my time span as a developer. I'm equally good in terms of front end and back end. However creating complex functions with tons of security is my favorite. Security is something that I love the most. After that comes back end combined with front end. Creating outstanding code is my focus. I have 4 years of experience in programming and I've used different languages to build different type of software applications. I've built multiple applications with different frameworks, IDEs, programming languages that communicate with each other to create a complete system. Which is a incredibly hard task.With my first ever course I received a lot of positive feedback. The course is a large Discord bot course. Now I'm using my main knowledge to teach you about front end web development.Why this course? The complete course about front end web development basics. You have lifetime access, you will get new content for free. At a very generous price. The knowledge within this course is of very high quality. Downloadable code so you can use my code for free. 1080p HD videos. English captions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Travel Hacking-How to Travel the Globe when Young and Broke!" |
"The mission of the Gap Year of Travel Course is to educate young adults, like yourself, that it is possible to live life on YOUR OWN terms, and to take a gap year of travel while you are still young. Even if you are broke!The decision to travel has been the best decision I have ever made. So far I have met no-one that has regretted their decision to travel. However, there were a lot of common and expensive mistakes that newbie travelers make, an I even made back in the day. And I want to make sure YOU don't make the same mistakes that Idid.I break down the best practices that I have learned in my 3 years of inexpensive travel around Australia and South East Asia. Including how to WORK WHILE ABROAD to fund you trip.On completion of this course, you:*will have a better idea of what you are getting into with your Gap Year Experiences. *You will be armed with tons of tricks and best practices for your trip.*You will learn now to work while abroad.*You will learn how to take a Gap Year of Travel while you are still young!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Pack For Long Term Travel" |
"Do you have a backpacking trip, a gap-year, sabbatical, or any other long term trip planned? Learn: *Exactly what you should pack for your trip.*Exactly what features those items should have.*How to decide what kind of luggage you should bring with you (suitcase or backpack).*My opinion on the best luggage for long term travel on the market. *We will make your own custom packing list off of my template. *How to keep your belongings organized in your backpack while traveling."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lyft: Level Up your Lyft Driving to Earn and Profit More!" |
"Hey there Rideshare Driver!Are you ready to Profit Big in 2019?Are you a Lyft Driver ready to take your rideshare driving to the Next Level?Are you an Uber Driver looking to Switch Over to Lyft? Have You Ever Wondered:If it is still worth it to Drive Lyft in 2019?How Much Money you can make as a Lyft driver?The least stressful method of driving?How to get a great deal when purchasing a car?If you should use the Standard Mileage Deduction, or Actual Expenses when it comes to Tax time?How Vehicle Depreciation affects the profitability of your Rideshare driving?If you should Purchase a New Car for Rideshare Driving?If you should drive economically Or if you should drive fast?How to be ready for, deal with and Make the most Money from a Puker?If there was an easy way to make additional money from your passengers?If there is a way to maximize the number of Prime Time Rides you get?How to Strategically use the Destination Mode to increase your earnings?If you should save money by filling up with gas at the cheapest spot in town, or is that a waste of time?If these are the kind of things you think about then you are serious about your Rideshare driving with Lyft, and you are in the right place! The great news is that I answer all of these questions and more in this class!Hi, my name is Adam Bartnik and I am you instructor for this course. I have given over 5,500 rides on the Lyft Platform in Minneapolis and I absolutely love Lyft for the flexibility and time freedom it allows me!During all of my thousands of rides, I have been a diligent student of Rideshare driving on the Lyft Platform to determine what strategies worked the best to increase my earnings, and ultimately my profitability.Over my time driving, I have picked up many General Best Practices that I always implement, and other very Specific Strategies for use at very specific times and situations.In this course I break down all the top tips and strategies for driving Lyft as PROFITABLY as possible.Many of which I havent seen anywhere else on the internetProfit is ultimately a 2 sided equation. To profit the most, you need to keep your driving expenses low, and your rideshare income high. I go into depth on each of these in this course.I also include some of my Super Sneaky Tricks (I call them Black Hat Strategies) Which are ways of Gaming the Lyft App to Increase your Earnings.(Example-How to decline a ride request without it hurting your acceptance rating, and how to guarantee you earn big by getting a high prime time ride that is super far whenever there is prime time!)These are tricks that currently work REALLY WELL, but if everyone started to use them, Lyft would probably make it so they dont work anymore. So, enroll in the course today and take advantage of all of these ways to decrease your expenses, maximize your income, AND take advantage of these Super Sneaky Black Hat Strategies before Lyft shuts them down!Note: This course does not include the process of how to become a rideshare driver. You can find that information for free on Lyfts website or youtube. This Course Includes Advance Strategies for people that are ALREADY Lyft Drivers.Also Note: I do not cover Uber in this course. Some of the information in this course will also be beneficial to you if you are only an Uber driver, but all of the advance strategies for increasing your earnings apply to only Lyft and NOT Uber."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |