Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Sicherheitstraining Level 1" |
"Yuukikai-Cheftrainer Sren Kalmarczyk fhrt euch in die Grundlagen der Gefahrenvermeidung ein. Selbstverteidigung beginnt damit, Gefahren und Gefhrder zu erkennen und ihnen aus dem Weg zu gehen, bevor man berhaupt in Gefahr gert. Mit Profiling-Techniken und den speziellen Yuukikai-Sicherheitsinhalten lernst du hier, wie du deine Krperhaltung von ""Opfer"" auf ""Respektsperson"" umstellst, wie du dich positionierst und deine Umgebung einschtzen kannst. Nach kurzen, prgnanten Lektionen ber Krperhaltung und Umfeldbetrachtung folgen tiefgehende Lektionen zum schnellen Profiling aller Personen, denen du begegnest und zum grundlegenden Verhalten, wenn es doch mal zum Schlimmsten kommt.Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist, dir die Fhigkeiten und Kenntnisse zu vermitteln, um Gefahren zu erkennen und zu vermeiden, Konfrontationen zu deeskalieren und wie man sich im Ernstfall verhlt, wenn alles andere versagt hat. Du wirst hier theoretisches Wissen erhalten, jedoch nicht kmpfen lernen, dazu besuche bitte vor Ort eine kompetente Kampfkunstschule, die du daran erkennst, dass sie die Kursinhalte anwenden und vertiefen kann."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to write a POWERFUL CV to secure your dream job" |
"Are you struggling to write a good CV? or perhaps you have written a good CV and applied to several jobs but constantly getting rejected? The reality is that your CV only gets 6 seconds to make the cut and many job seekers fail to get interviews due to poorly structured CVs. Ihave experienced this first hand and Ilearnt the hard way the art of creating stellar CVs that went on to land me interviews to top multinational firms.If you have been applying for jobs and constantly getting rejected then this course is exactly what you need. In 1.5 hours I will teach you the principles to writing a CV that will make you stand out and have recruiters calling you for interviews. These are tried principles that worked for me and many others, landing interviews to top multinationals. This course is for you if you are: An unexperienced or experienced job seeker A student or recent graduate looking to start applying for jobs Have been rejected severally after applying for jobs"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trading : Your Complete Guide A-Z For Beginners" |
"In this course you will learn everything you need to know to start Trading the Forex Market right now!This is not just a theoretical course, there is LIVE Trading Included (where we show you how to use the information learned to Trade Live)Here at 2nd House were more than just trade geeks, this is your 2nd HOME. That means were family, We trade together, encourage each other and Study TOGETHER!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Prospecting Strategies for Fast Growth: Financial Advisers" |
"Prospecting Strategies for Fast Growth is a complete, step by step sales and business development process. It shows you the mindset, sales strategies and techniques needed to identify high quality prospects for your business easily and consistently WITHOUT the need to make cold calls.The most successful sales efforts are based on strategy. Strategic prospecting is maximizing your resources using your resources to the very best advantage in order to position yourself favorably amongst the most qualified prospects.This program will help you to identify your most profitable prospects, where to locate them and the most effective strategies for reaching out and connecting with them. We will also be exploring several online and offline prospecting strategies.By the end of this course, you will be able to sell the most to the greatest number of customers at the least cost and at the highest possible profit."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fun Math Tests for 1st graders and 2nd graders" |
"This is a very simple collection of exams targeted for kids of 3-8 year old.The content will escalate in difficulty as the course goes on providing a sense of success for the students.The different tests will cover basic math knowledge ranging from additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions across multiple levels of difficulty. In order to get the best out of it, I recommend the supervision of an adult to support on answering difficult questions. This tests will provide you accurate data on what areas your kid must improve and how you can help them. It's the same as a light in the dark to support you helping your kid.A good start in the early school will ensure your kid success later on his career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practice Spanish C1 with traditional poems" |
"While I was learning Japanese language I realized that learning a language is more than words, is culture, history and traditions. With this in mind I decided to create this short set of tests that might help to not only learn Spanish, but also to enjoy part of the culture and traditions.There is a lot of language options to learn Spanish, and that's not the objective this tests. This tests have been created to live again the classic poems of Spanish culture."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Teach English Online - Launch Your Online Teaching Career" |
"Do you want to work from the comfort of your own home? Or are you thinking of travelling and need a way to make an income while doing so? Perhaps youd just like to make a side income together with your full-time job. Or maybe youre looking for a complete career change. If youve answered yes to any of the above, then this course is for you. I will give you all the knowledge necessary to confidently apply to an online English teaching school to teach english online with the intention of not only getting offered a great job as a part-time or full-time online English teacher, but also the hourly rate that you deserve. Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this course:This Masterclass course starts out by introducing you to the booming online learning industry and sharing what you need to know about online English teaching, including what qualifications are necessary, how much you can get paid, the schedule flexibility and more. I will then show you how to go about the entire application process from scratch. Youll learn how to avoid common mistakes that decrease your hourly rate offer, what factors contribute to increasing your hourly rate offer, how to succeed in the interview and how to master the demo class. Youll gain tips to create engaging online lessons and insight into possible further income opportunities within your company (the company you teach with). Ill help you get your online English teaching career off the ground quickly with little time investment by giving you a CV template, an introductory video script to follow and other necessary documents needed for an online teaching job application.What will you be able to do after you finish watching this course?Youll have a professional, quality application that will help you get a job as an online English teacherYoull understand what you need to do and what to avoid doing in the application process to get a great hourly rate offerYoull be able to find the right online teaching company for youYoull have the confidence to pass the interview Youll be able to master the demo classYoull have the knowledge to decide whether you would like to teach part-time or full-timeYoull understand ESL and EFL teaching and have insight into the online learning industryYoull understand EFL teaching lingo such as CCQs and TPR and be able to use these successfully in your demo class and online lessonsWhen you are finished watching this course, you will have your online English teacher application ready to send off and youll feel confident to start your new journey.I want my students to feel comfortable before making a purchase, so Ive uploaded several free videos for you to watch at any time. I also offer you a 30-day money back guarantee.Youve got nothing to lose and so much to gain! Take this journey with me and become a successful, well-paid online English teacher. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT:NOTE: This is NOT a TEFL course, but rather a course to help you boost your online teaching career from the get-go in terms of getting together a great application. NOTE:As I mention in the course, every online teaching company is different and will therefore have different processes and different requirements. In this course, I speak from my experience and share the knowledge that I have gained on my teaching journey, which may be different to the experiences and knowledge of other online teachers."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2019" |
"Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certification is fast becoming the must have certificates for any IT professional working with AWS. This course is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate Exam. Even if you have never logged in to the AWS platform before, by the end of our AWS training you will be able to take the CSA exam. No programming knowledge needed and no prior AWS experience required. With this AWS certification under your belt (and optionally after completing our AWS Certified Developer 2018 - also available on Udemy), you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.In this course we will start with a broad overview of the AWS platform and then deep dive into the individual elements of the AWS platform. You will explore Route53, EC2, S3, Cloud Front, Autoscaling, Load Balancing, RDS, RedShift, DynamoDB, EMR, VPC etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Terraform Beginner to Advanced - Using Amazon Web Services" |
"Welcome to the Terraform Beginner to Advanced - Using Amazon Web Services course!This course aims to teach you the fundamentals of Terraform and apply them to AWS. We also aim to show the more complex features of functions of AWSand Terraform to really get the student ready for the working world. The course teaches the following:EC2RDSSecurity GroupsVPCS3 Buckets Functions ConditionalsRemote StateNull ResourcesLocalProvisionersJoin CountDependsThe in-depth course aims to get the the student up and running, straight to the point and teach how to get this infrastructure working in AWS. We hope you enjoy it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Terraform Beginner to Advanced - Using Google Cloud Platform" |
"Welcome to the Terraform Beginner to Advanced - Using Google Cloud Platform course! This course aims to teach you the fundamentals of Terraform and apply them to GCP. We also aim to show the more complex features of functions of GCP and Terraform to really get the student ready for the working world. The course has been updated to use Terraform Version 12. The course teaches the following:Virtual MachinesDatabasesSecurity Groups & Firewall RulesVPCBuckets Functions ConditionalsRemote StateNull ResourcesLocal ProvisionersJoin CountDependsThe in-depth course aims to get the the student up and running, straight to the point and teach how to get this infrastructure working in GCP.We hope you enjoy it! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Terraform Version 0.12 - Complete Guide on Microsoft Azure" |
"Welcome to the Terraform Version 0.12 - Complete Guide on Microsoft Azure course! This course aims to teach you the fundamentals of Terraform and apply them to Microsoft Azure. We also aim to show the more complex features of functions of Microsoft Azure and Terraform to really get the student ready for the working world. The course teaches the following:Terraform Version 12Virtual MachinesDatabasesSecurity GroupsVPCBlob Storage Functions ConditionalsRemote StateNull ResourcesLocal ProvisionersJoin CountDependsThe in-depth course aims to get the the student up and running, straight to the point and teach how to get this infrastructure working in Microsoft Azure. We hope you enjoy it! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Git in under 60 minutes! Everything you need to know!" |
"Welcome to the Git in under 60 minutes! Everything you need to know! course! This course aims to teach you the fundamentals of Git apply them in the working environment.. We also aim to show the more complex features of functions of Git to really get the student ready for the working world. The course teaches the following:GitGitHubCreating RepositoriesCreating BranchesDeleting BranchesAdding FilesCommiting FilesPushing FilesMerge ConflictsGit IgnoreWorking locally wit GitWorking remotely with GitGit StashingGit loggingThe in-depth course aims to get the the student up and running, straight to the point and teach them how to going with Git. We hope you enjoy it! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matrisez les bases des mathmatiques" |
"Plus de 50 sessions de cours en vidos et de supports PDF pour s'exercer et assimiler les bases de l'algbre et de l'arithmtique.Le cours s'organise selon diffrentes sections: Entiers naturels Puissances (partie 1) Multiples, diviseurs, division euclidienne, facteurs premiers Entiers relatifs Reprage, oprations avec les entiers relatifs PGCD , PPCM Fractions Nombres dcimaux Proportionnalit, pourcentages Applications de la proportionnalit: vitesse, dbit, chelle Puissances (partie 2) Racines carres Calcul littral: dvelopper, rduire, identits remarquables Factorisation quations, systme d'quations InquationsDans chaque section:Vidos: pour tudier le cours, voir la correction dtailles de chaque exercice.Ressources PDF tlchargeables : L'intgralit de chaque cours sous forme de notes, les noncs des exercices ainsi que leurs corrections.Quiz: pour vrifier vos connaissances"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"TCC na Prtica - Como Escrever seu Trabalho de Concluso" |
">> O TCC na Prtica um treinamento online que te orienta quanto execuo do TCC. Ele especial porque ele te mostra o caminho de se fazer o tcc, explicando cada etapa para que voc tenha tudo pronto dentro do prazo.>> O TCC na Prtica foi pensado para pessoas que:No sabem por onde comear e esto querendo um norteJ vm tentando, mas esto levando muito tempo e esto com medo de levar ainda mais - um tempo que no tmPessoas que precisam tomar um rumo com o TCC e termin-lo de uma vez por todasEsto procurando maneiras de aumentar a produtividade, escolher o tema, redigir os elementos do pr-projeto, escrever ou apresentar para a bancaPessoas que j tentaram dar conta sozinha, mas que esto vendo que sozinhas no t dando muito certo e que esto comeando a achar que vo precisar de ajuda.>> Quais so os mdulos?MDULO 1 - Escolha seu TemaMDULO 2 - Pr-ProjetoMDULO 3 - Tcnicas de EscritaMDULO 4 - ABNTMDULO 5 - Apresentao para a Banca>> Voc no precisa mais ficar sozinho nessa jornada nem tentar adivinhar como deve ser feito nem se paralisar porque no sabe qual o prximo passo ou por onde comear nem se sentir ansioso, preocupado ou com vontade de deixar para depois, de desistir... >> O TCC na Prtica foi feito para ser seu guia e agora as coisas vo comear a fluir!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Escolha o Tema do seu TCC e Artigo Cientfico" |
"O tema inadequado uma das principais razes que levam estagnao de uma produo cientfica. Seja porque o tema deixou de ser interessante, seja porque no h recursos suficientes para que se escreva uma monografia (ou artigo) sobre ele.Neste curso, voc vai aprender diversas maneiras de escolher o tema ideal e, assim, aumentar as chances de escolher um tema que vai te ajudar, e no o contrrio.Saiba como ter vrias ideias de temas, escolher o mais adequado e delimit-lo."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Projeto de Pesquisa na Prtica: TCC e Artigo Cientfico" |
"Falhas no pr-projeto tendem a comprometer todo o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa cientfica. Os elementos como problemtica, justificativa, objetivos, hipteses e metodologia so a base da maior parte dos estudos acadmicos. A banca de avaliao observa-os com bastante exigncia, sobretudo durante a apresentao do Trabalho de Concluso de Curso.Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar uma estrutura clara de problemtica, justificativa, objetivos, hipteses e metodologia."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Escrita Acadmica para TCC e Artigos Cientficos" |
"Se voc perde tempo demais encarando a pgina em branco ou escrevendo poucas frases, acha difcil se concentrar em escrever e geralmente se sente mal porque procrastinou ou porque produziu muito pouco, eu te entendo. Essa a realidade de quase todo mundo que encara o desafio de escrever, sobretudo a escrita acadmica.Porm, existem tcnicas que ensinam como escrever com embasamento sem plagiar, como comentar sem ser pessoal - e tudo isso facilita muito na hora da escrita. Saiba como desenvolver os pargrafos e montar o texto, utilizando uma sequncia de trechos embasados que ser elaborada por voc."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Django Build & Deploy Fully Featured Web Application" |
"Welcome to the Django 2 for Beginners! In this course you will learn to use Django to create Contact manager web application and deploy it into online easily! After completion of this course, you will have solid idea and confidence to build any web application you can imagine!In this course, you will learn the following things:Set up development environment to work with djangoWork with Django ModelsWork with Django TemplatesWork with Django ViewsSet up Static and Media filesWork with Django AdminCustomize and style Django Admin Passing data from views to template and vice-versaFunction Based ViewsClass Based ViewsImplement Create, Read, Update and Delete functionality easily from the frontendImplement Sign up and Log in functionalityWork with Django MessagesUse external Django LibrariesDeploy your Django projectAnd a lot more interesting topicsYou will also get access to online community of students, happy to help you out with any questions you may have! Any questions, feel free to send me a message here on Udemy and connect with me on social media.What you will get from this course?50+ Quality videosPython slide reference to get you started with DjangoNotes to work with Django and to get along with the course30 Days money back guarantee"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Protect Yourself" |
"Afraid to walk alone at night, or in distant, exposed locations? Feel insecure when dealing with people who are bigger and stronger than you? Want to know how to protect yourself and your family in case of attacks or threats? Anxious about the security situation and want to receive practical tools to cope with it?Then This Disc Is For You!Protect Yourself provides you with effective tools for self-defense in any situation of threat or assault. Moshe Konikov gives you tools suitable for every level of expertise, age, or physical fitness. The disc focuses on the best methods of neutralizing knife attacks, because somebody who knows how to defend against a knife attack is ready to deal with a wide range of threats!Who Needs Protect Yourself? Men and women aged 15-65 who want to improve their physical fitness and self confidence, protect themselves and their family, and take greater responsibility for their lives.Moshe Konikov is an international Krav Maga expert, a highly experienced martial arts instructor, and the owner and CEO of ""Yesha Krav Maga"". Moshe is also a shooting instructor and certified range officer, and a graduate of the Mt. Washington Physical Education College. Over the past 10 years, he has led more than 1,000 training sessions and workshops, and has trained thousands of people from Israel and around the globe. Moshe was also featured in Fight World, a special series on fighters from all over the world, produced by Netflix. 54-3982313"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Plan your Study for your future" |
"If you are straggling with your educational plan; if you are intelligent but you can't produce as much as you supposed to; If you are tired of learning new subject and don't use it in your career; If you think you have to pivot your career; this course would give you guide line. You might be in mid of your study or you started your career but you dont know which direction you have to go. How you can find your desire study felid? These are the main discussion we have in this course.This course is ideal for you if you Want to be more successful and confident at your study. Want to be more confident at your job. Want to optimize your time in your study and your career. Want have better vision about your future.These are main section in this course:1. What is the problem and how you can solve your problems?2. Learning skill.3. Educational planning.4. Identify your sectors.In this course you will see the way that you can develop your study plan and rectify your current study plan, also for any question you can ask instructor to guide and help to your future."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial Freedom" |
"Go to school do your higher education and get a good job, has been defined as the path of success for us, when we are in school. But, we saw in several cases this does not give us financial freedom and it doesnt make us successful. Then after straggling with life the confusion will come. Most of us in this situation dont know what to do and how to go to the success line. Learning is the key to success, but you have to learn the relevant subject to your problems.Here we address the problem and we look at how this problem has to become part of our life, and what should be our approach to this problem.This course is ideal for you if you: Want to be financially independent. Want to be more confident financially. Want to find your financial problem route. Want to pivot your career and start your own business. Want to optimize your time in your study and your career. Want have a better vision about your future.These are the main section in this course:1. What is the problem?2. How this problem comes to our modern life?3. Learn to sale?4. Learn to learn?5. What is mindset will financially free you?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comment faire de vrais conomies ? De 0 des milliers d'!" |
"Vous avez des rves plein la tte mais votre porte monnaie ne suit pas ? Vous aspirez un meilleur quotidien mais vos fins de mois ne vous le permettent pas ? Vous souhaitez avoir plus d'argent ?.:. Mais vous vous dites :-( Jadore dpenser mais lide mme de grer un budget me rend malade , Je ne sais mme pas par o commencer , Je ny comprends rien aux chiffres, ce nest pas fait pour moi , Tenir jour des comptes ??? Non merci ! , La thorie ce nest pas fait pour moi , Je nai pas le temps dattendre, je veux des rsultats tout de suite , Il nest pas question que je me prive de quoi que ce soit, l'argent c'est fait pour tre dpens ..:. Imaginez :-)Des tapes dtailles pas pas pour savoir exactement comment sy prendre en partant de zro,Une mthode 100% sans bla-bla facile mettre en place,Des rsultats ds le premier mois de mise en pratique,Des milliers deuros dconomies lanne 100% garanti.Je vous propose une mthode des plus compltes, propose sur le comment faire de vraies conomies, mais surtout, sur le comment s'enrichir financirement.Sans aucun bla-bla ni termes techniques, cette mthode a t conue afin de vous donner les moyens et la mthodologie pour apprhender pas pas comment faire de vraies conomies au sein de votre foyer mais par dessus tout vous enrichir financirement.Il n'appartient qu' vous de vous lancer :-)J.D."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Easy Thai Reading for Beginners Learn Thai Language" |
"LOOKING FOR THE THAI READING MATERIAL FOR BEGINNERS?This will help you build much more confidence in your Thai reading comprehension through funny short stories about various everyday topics!If you've been learning Thai for more than a while now and feel like you are ready to start reading things but you find Thai novels and news are too difficult to begin with. This Easy Thai Reading For Beginners will be a great tool to start!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Essential Thai Phrases For Travelers Learn Thai Language" |
"The most essential Thai phrases for a comfortable and enjoyable trip!""Essential Thai Phrases For Travelers"" online videos and audios are designed as an easy to use, fun and interactive introduction to the Thai language. It's ideal for people wanting to travel or live in Thailand. There are various topics ofvideos, eBook, and downloadable learning material that help you learn Thai from absolute beginner to advanced levels.We will go over very simple yet powerful phrases that you can use while traveling in Thailand. This handy guide, complete with everything a traveler needs to know while staying in Thailand, will make your trip more enjoyable, ease your language barriers, and give you the knowledge to get around Thailand.I highly encourage you to repeat words, phrases, and sentences after me as you go through the lectures - - your learning process will be much faster as your muscle memory develops through pronunciation and as you internalize how Thai sounds like, its melodic structure and its easy grammar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Uygulamalar ile Arduino Dersleri" |
"Merhabalar ben Tark Bura,Sfrdan Uygulamalar ile Arduino Dersleri adl kursumuza ho geldiniz. Kursumuz hibir kod bilgisi olmayan kiileri gz nne alarak hazrlanm olup, kurs sonunda kendi projelerinizi gelitirmenize olanak salayacaktr. Online ve Offline yazlmlar ile de Arduino devre tasarmlarnz nce PC zerinde sonra eer elimizde var ise Arduino kart ve malzemelerimiz zerinde olarak bilgisayarmzda Arduino kodlamasn yapabilmek iin gerekli olan programn kurulumunu gerekletireceiz. Sonrasnda direkt uygulamalar ile kodlamaya balayacaz. Uygulamalar sonunda ise adet proje gerekletireceiz. Bu projeler rnek amal olup kurs sonunda renmi olduumuz sensrler bilgisi sayesinde gelitirebilirsiniz. Projeler Nelerdir ?Proje 1 Uzaktan Kumanda ile Led Uygulamas : Uzaktan kumanda kullanm renip, devremizdeki led lambalar kumanda ile yakp-sndrebiliriz. Hatta led lamba yerine servo motor katp onu bile kontrol edebiliriz. Bu tamamen sizin hayal gcnze ve projenize gre ekillenecektir.Proje 2 Mesafe Sensr (HC-SR04) Uygulamas : Aralarn park sistemlerinin nasl altn anlayacak ve kendi park sistemimizi yapacaz. Belli bir mesafeye geldiinde uyar veren bir sistem dnn veya bir engele geldiinde oradan uzaklamasn salayan bir robot projesinde olmazsa olmaz bir sensr ile uygulama gerekletireceiz. Proje 3- Ses Sensr ile VuMeter Uygulamas : Ses sensrnz ile eer ortamda ses varsa almasn, yok ise almamasn gerekletireceiz. Odanza,evinize vb gzel tasarm yapp, mzik veya evre sesine gre led yakma uygulamasn gndelik hayatta da kullanabilirsiniz. Siz isterseniz led yerine kurs ierisinde grdmz farkl ilemleri de gerekletirebilirsiniz. NOT - 1 : Kurs ieriinden farkl yapmam istediiniz bir uygulama olursa mesaj atmanz yeterli olacaktr. Gerekli donanm salandktan sonra uygulamay yapp, kursa yklerim.NOT - 2 : Son olarak anlamadnz bir video/konu olursa soru-cevap/mesaj ksmndan bana sorup o konu ile ilgili gerekli ve detayl aklamalar yapabilirim. Gerekli dnt dorultusunda o konu ile ilgili yeni bir video ekebilirim."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cyber & Social Media Intelligence Analysis" |
"This is a comprehensive, instructional design led online social media research and analysis course. It is developed specifically for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and research professionals and provides the knowledge, skills and research methodologies necessary to become an effective and efficient social media analyst within the field OSINT. Graduates of this course will prepare themselves for more advanced courses in this field and make themselves eligible for positions in this rapidly expanding field."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Cyber & Social Media Intelligence Analysis" |
"This is the advanced course associated with Social Media Intelligence Analysis. This is a comprehensive, instructional design led online advanced social media research and analysis course. It is developed specifically for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and research professionals and provides the knowledge, skills and research methodologies necessary to become an effective and efficient social media analyst within the field OSINT. Graduates of this course will prepare themselves for more advanced courses in this field and make themselves eligible for positions in this rapidly expanding field."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear una tienda online en Instagram de 0 a 100" |
"En este curso aprenders lo necesario para emprender en instagram con tu tienda online y tener exito! Al unirte recibirs asesorias gratis de parte del Autor del curso donde tus dudas podrn ser resueltas. Aqui aprenders lo NECESARIO para tener un emprendimiento EXITOSO , este curso es especifico y claro con todo y las dudas pueden ser resueltas de manera inmediata. LO QUE NECESITAS PARA COMENZAR A EMPRENDER!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Introduction: Practical Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday" |
"This course will introduce those new to mindfulness meditation, and also deepen and enrich the practice of those who already have experience. This course is about using awareness, meditation, breath, and concentration meditation to guide, inform, and improve your life second by second, day by day. There are many meditative practices, some good, some not so good. I emphasize Buddhist tradition because it has the best foundation, and in fact is very similar to psychotherapy, and rehab programs. Mindfulness is often a part of religious traditions but does not need to be. Mindful meditation in the context of this course is used to not necessarily bring spiritual enlightenment, but more to empower students in their daily lives."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Cowboys in World Culture" |
"This course will inform, educate, and make you reconsider long-held beliefs about the cowboy, media, and culture. While for many the cowboy is well-known and brings about certain perceptions and feelings we should think twice about whether or not our feelings match reality. Historical reality, and cultural bias in regards to ethics, morals, and cultural norms all play a part the the cowboy image as it evolved from old world hero images, to Hollywood major productions. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Using Meditation to Ease Addictions." |
"This course gives explanation of how mindfulness meditation and techniques are helpful in easing addictions. It covers what addiction is, how we become trapped by it, and how meditation is such a strong medicine against it. I cover basics of breath, concentration, and insight meditation, but encourage students to get deeper training elsewhere - for example my other online materials, or in person. In particular I cover what addiction really is and why it is so difficult to break. Also new information about addiction that many people may not know. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |