Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"QR Code Login Like Whatsapp Webapp With Angular 7 + Ionic 4" |
"In this cource, we will learn QR Code Login with mobile + web application.Mobile application will be constructed with Ionic 4 hybrid (IOS and Android) framework.Web application will be constructed using with Java, Angular and Spring Framework.Important Topics:QR Code LoginIonic 4 Mobile ApplicationAngular Model View ControllerSpring Framework MessagingHibernateMysqlSpring Boot 2.1.4Java 1.8Model-view-controllerAngular 7I hope that cource will be so helpful for all developers."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack Web (Angular) and Mobile (Ionic) App Development" |
"In this course, we will develop web and multiplatform mobile application. With this application, we will use and learn a lot of technologies. These technologies will be:Spring Boot 2Angular 7Ionic 4HibernateLiquibaseGradleIntellijWe will have three main components for our application. These components are:Server side We will implement Spring Boot.Client SideWe will create new pages and components with Angular 7.Mobile SideWe will create multiplatform mobile application with ionic 4."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step By Step Create Admin Panel With Spring Boot And Angular" |
"In this course, we will create admin panel. With this admin panel, we will learn and implement a lot of new things. Our system will be based on user and product management system. So we will go on with users and products. The basic operations will be like below:For users:loginregisterprofileto see all productsto purchase productFor admin:manage users (CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations)manage products (CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations)All operations will be implemented step by step.In this course, we will use below tools, frameworks and languages: Spring Boot 2.1.4MySQLHibernateLiquibaseGradleLombokSpring SecurityAngular 7IntellijJson Web Token (JWT)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Full Stack Web Development With Spring Boot(Inc. JWT)" |
"In this course, we will implement example project step by step with using Spring Boot and React. We will create a product management system. And products can be seen and bought by users.There will be two roles of users. Admin and User.So we will also go on with role based authentication. To imlement it, we will use Json Web Token (JWT).To secure login, authentication and authorization, we will use Spring security.We will go on with two main components. These are client side and server side.On client side, we will implement example react project. - Admin Panel and user operations will be implemented.On server side, we will implement example spring boot project. - Model view controller will be implemented. - Liquibase will be implemented for database changesets. - Mysql will be used for Database. - Json Web Token will be used for role based authentication.Our examle project will be product management system."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Step By Step React Native Hybrid Mobile App With Spring Boot" |
"In this course, we will create a multiplatform hybrid mobile application. This application will support many basic concepts.Our application will be product management system. In this system, we can manage products. Also, we will go on with user components like login, register, user list, user update, user delete...All system will be implemented step by step so you can easily follow all lectures.In our application, we will use:Spring Boot: Spring Security, Model View Controller architecture, Rest Controllers, REST API...Hibernate: Java Persistence API, Object Relational Mapping...Liquibase: We won't implement to database changes manually...MySQL: We will use it but we can migrate to other databases easily.React-Native: We will use it for mobile application. We will consume server side data on React-Native with API calls."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack Web and Hybrid Mobile App Development With React" |
"In this course, we will develop full stack web and multiplatform(ios, android) application. Whole development will be implemented step by step.We will create a product purchase system. This sytem will include basic CRUD operations like:Create product,Update productDelete productList productCreate UserUpdate UserDelete UserList User...We will go on with three main components on our development:Server Side: Spring Boot, Spring Security, MySQL, Liquibase...Client Side: React, User Interface (UI), Javascript, npm, nodejs...Mobile side: React-Native, Android, IOS..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React + Spring Boot And Cloud Microservices (Inc. Cassandra)" |
"In this course, we will learn microservices. Microservices can be implemented with different strategies and different frameworks. We will implement it with most popular framework (Spring Cloud).There will be a lot of services on our application. We will implement our services step by step. Each of them will be implemented with Spring Boot. They can communitace with each other by Spring Cloud.In addition, for microservices gateway is the one of the most important thing so to do it we will use Spring Zuul.Our all services will be used on client side. So we will test them one by one with React UI.In our course, we will learn lots of new frawemorks, tools...- Spring Boot- Spring Cloud- Eureka Discovery- Spring Zuul- Liquibase- Mysql- Cassandra- React..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular 8 Full Stack Development With Spring Boot (Inc. JWT)" |
"We will create a new project in this course.And we will implement this project with using Spring Boot 2.1.5, Angular 8, MYSQL and Liquibase.In our project, we will implement CRUD operations. And these CRUD operations will be requested from Angular.Then This requests will be handled from Spring Boot.Our project goes on User and course operations. Our main operations will be user login, register, profile and course list.Also, role based operations will be implemented.And this all things will be provided with secure way in both Angular and Spring Boot side.We will create a student enrollment system. This system will be implemented with different roles so we will implement role based authentication. To implement role based authentication, we will use JWT on server and client side.We will implement different panel for each roles so you will see angular role panels.All implementation will be displayed step by step."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"JWT Role Based Authorization With Spring Boot And Angular 8" |
"In this course, we will create full stack development application with Spring Boot and Angular. All development will be implemented step by step. We will go on with user management. We will use different roles on our application. Also, we will show different panels and different authorization and authentication for all of them.In addtion, in this course we will use a lot of technologies like below:- Spring Boot- Angular- Hibernate- Mysql- Liquibase- Lombok- GradleWe will implement our project with two components. These are server side and client side. We will use Spring Boot on server-side and we will use Angular 8 on client side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack Development With Vue JS 2 And Spring Boot" |
"In this course, we will learn Spring Boot and Vue JS. To learn it, we will follow a project step by step.This project will be user management system.In this application, we will learn a lot of things about Spring Boot and Vue JS.Of course, we will implement security on both Spring Boot and Vue JS.By the way, our project goes on with two sides. These are server side and client side.On server side, we will use Spring Boot and we will also use:Spring Security for secure authentication and authorization.Liquibase for database migration.Mysql for database.lombok for clean code.Gradle for library dependencies.etc.On client side, we will use Vue JS and we will also use:Node JS: For infrastructure of client module.NPM: For library dependencies.Vuex: For state management.etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular 8 + Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud" |
"In this course, we will learn microservices with using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. To create it, we will implement eveything step by step from initial to finalize so everything will be so clear. Also, we try to look into every detail of code. Of course, we can miss some points of them but in that case, you know that all time you can ask your questions from Q&A section or from direct message. All questions and messages will be answered.Our application goes on with two main components. These are server side and client side.On server side, the main core thing will be Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. We will implement microservices with using these two libraries. Also, we will use these libraries on microservices;First one is Spring Boot Web; Because we will use Model View Controller structure on our service. Second one is Spring Security; Because we will implement secure login.The other one is Java Persistence Api; Because we will use Object relational mapping.The other one is Rest Repositories; Because we will use rest API.The other one is Liquibase; Because we will use it for database migration.The other one is MySQL; Because we will use it for database.The other one is Eureka Discovery; Because we will use it for communication with other services.Last one is Lombok; Because we will use it for clean code.On client side, we will use angular 8. We will create a course management sytem on front end. Also, we will implement it step by step."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React + Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud" |
"In this course, we will implement Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Step by Step. In addition, to test our application, we will implement Front-End Client Side with React. Our application will be online course enrollment system. We will implement to this application step by step... In this application, we will also learn a lot of new tecknologies like:- Spring Security- Spring Boot: It will provide simpler and faster way to set up, configure, and run rest API applications with Spring boot, Model View Controller structure will be implemented.- Data will be presented to client as API call so Spring Rest Controller will be used to handle it.- MySQL- We will map our database tables to objects with hibernate. so we will provide object relational mapping with hibernate. - For database migration, we will use Liquibase. In liquibase, we will define our database changes and spring will handle it on initialization.- Eureka Discovery: to connect to other services.- Spring Zuul Gateway: gate for microservices.- React: User Interface for microservices."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vue JS + Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud" |
"In this course, we will learn Microservices. Microservices will be examined step by step and deeply with all details. To learn Microservices, we will implement Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Step by Step. In addition, to test our application, we won't use non-practical tools or frameworks like postman etc. We will implement Front-End Client Side with Vue JS. Our application will be online course enrollment system. We will implement to this application step by step... In this application, we will also learn a lot of new technologies like:- Spring Security: This layer is so important for secure applications so we will examine it deeply in our course. we will learn the difference between authnetication and authorization...- Spring Boot: It will provide simpler and faster way to set up, configure, and run rest API applications with Spring boot, Model View Controller structure will be implemented.- Data will be presented to client as API call so Spring Rest Controller will be used to handle it.- MySQL- We will map our database tables to objects with hibernate. so we will provide object relational mapping with hibernate. - For database migration, we will use Liquibase. In liquibase, we will define our database changes and spring will handle it on initialization.- Eureka Discovery: to connect to other services.- Spring Zuul Gateway: gate for microservices.- VueJS: User Interface for microservices.- Vue-Router, Vuex store..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Full Stack Ionic 4 Admin Panel With Spring Boot" |
"In this course, we will create admin control panel with using Ionic 4 and Spring Boot 2.1.7. To create this admin panel, we will handle a lot of things about Ionic 4 and Spring Boot. In our application, we will go on with User and Product CRUD operations. There are two main categories for panel operations. These will be admin panel operations and user panel operations:For users:loginregisterprofileto see all productsto purchase productFor admin:manage users (CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations)manage products (CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations)manage transactions (purchases, user-product relations)All operations will be implemented step by step.In this course, we will use below tools, frameworks and languages: Spring Boot 2.1.7MySQLHibernateLiquibaseGradleLombokSpring SecurityIonic 4IntellijJson Web Token (JWT)Basic Terms:Ionic is a framework to create hybrid (ios, android, windows) mobile applications.Spring Boot is a library to handle easily model-view-controller architecture on Java.Why Product/User Management Application on this course?Because real life scenarios looks like familiar with it. When you write a standard application, most probably you use security-layer, database, admin-panel so this course will cover all of them one by one.Why Ionic?Because it is easy to use, easy to learn, hybrid platform and ...Java Version?In our course, we will use Java 8 but you can use Java 11 or new versions.Spring Boot Version?Spring Boot is often updated with new versions so going on with latest versions is pretty hard."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Full Stack Hybrid Mobile App And Web Admin Panel Development" |
"In this course, we will create admin panel. With this admin panel, we will learn and implement a lot of new things. Our system will be based on user and product management system. So we will go on with users and products. The basic operations will be like below:For users:loginregisterprofileto see all productsto purchase productFor admin:manage users (CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations)manage products (CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations)All operations will be implemented step by step.In this course, we will use below tools, frameworks and languages: Spring Boot 2.1.7MySQLHibernateLiquibaseGradleLombokSpring SecurityAngular 7Ionic 4IntellijJson Web Token (JWT)We will go on with three main components on our development:Server Side: Spring Boot, Spring Security, MySQL, Liquibase...Client Side: Angular 7, User Interface (UI), Javascript, npm, nodejs...Mobile side: Ionic 4, Android, IOS, Emulator..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RabbitMQ With Spring Boot Messaging (Inc. Docker Clustering)" |
"Hi there,In this course, we will learn every details of RabbitMQ from A to Z. To learn it, we will use Spring Boot project. First of all, we will start with meaning of it so we will start with basic things. And we will go on step by step with its details... Maybe the most important thing about this course, we will learn some practical features of RabbitMQ like Highly Availability, Poicies that you couldn't find enough resource on internet...Here is the some basic topics in this course that will be learned:QueueExchangeBindingProducerConsumerRouting KeyPoliciesFederation UpstreamClustering With DockerQueue Arguments/FeaturesHighly Availability In this course, we will work with multiple nodes via Docker. So we will also learn basic Docker commands about RabbitMQ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Interview Skills and Self Introduction (For Indians)" |
"This course is for those who want to apply for job interviews. It tells how to give a self introduction, what is the importance of knowing English in various fields, what points are to be considered and prepared before giving interview, how to face interview and how to answer interview questions which are generally asked."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Hello and Welcome, Discover why it is essential to start your Online Home Business with a clear Life Vision and Purpose, in order to attract your ideal clients.I developed this course with you in mind and after a three year period of providing full-time Independent Business Coaching service to over 300 clients for a global business owner. The common most people experience was self-limiting which were holding them back. Or jumping too quickly into numerous Online Business opportunities which they end feeling as though they didn't achieve their intended goals, or through significant sums of money down the drain. My course is intended to help you toMove you beyond the learning process and to start outlining your Life Vision and Purpose Action Plans from the beginning asTo start implementing and taking action on your goals from the beginning and within the 30 Days of starting the course. To challenge you in overcoming your fears and see through your Life Vision. You will be held accountable to yourself and by accountability partners. Everyone is held responsible for achieving their own goals (this how success happens with consistent daily action).Ready to start taking action and to start actualising your greatest potential and your Online Lifestyle Business Dreams? You will discover why it is essential to start your Online Home Business with a clear Life Vision and Purpose, in order to attract your ideal clients. Most Aspiring Entrepreneurs start their online business without investing sufficient time in being very clear about what their true Life Vision, Purpose and Passion is.SOME ENTREPRENEURS FACE THE FOLLOWING ONLINE STARTUP CHALLENGES;Some individuals struggle with self-limiting beliefs and end up procrastinating on following through with their Life Vision, or end following endless online opportunities which are not suitable or in line with their core values and beliefs. Believing that it will be the next best opportunity to make the rich instantaneously. They are uncertain about what they truly are passionate about or enjoy doing creatively, which could enable them to add value in other people's lives and to start earning an online income.They start marketing to everyone without having invested time in mapping out who their ideal client is. Ever heard the saying, when you market to everyone you market to no one?They invest their time and money learning from numerous online course and webinars without actually implementing any goals.They end up feeling overwhelmed or feeling defeated by most of the online business opportunities they joined/signed up due to not seeing any results.Does any of the above sound familiar to you? I don't want you to fall into this endless trap of thinking that you are failing. As I believe that with the right Entrepreneurship Plans in place, Education and Online Business systems, you can establish a long time successful online creative entrepreneurship business. Especially, if you are self-motivated, committed to learning, and in implementing what you have learnt. Including being patient with yourself and time to develop your creative venture for long term success. I developed this course with you in mind and after a three year period of providing full-time Independent Business Coaching services to over 300 clients for a global Small Business Owner. As a result of my experience, I discovered that the most common themes Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners faced was Self-limiting and imposter syndrome beliefs which were holding them back from actualising their truest potentialSome jumped too quickly into numerous Online Business opportunities, such as Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Ecommerce without fully investing sufficient time learning about what it takes to establish an online business and to brand their personality. Some brought into false advertisements of get rich-quick schemes, without fully understanding that there are no shortcuts when it comes to starting an online venture.Unfortunately, as a result of the challenging startup experiences they had in the beginning, some felt like giving up or wasting significant amounts of money for a quick fix. My course is intended to help you toMove you beyond the learning process and to start outlining your Life Vision and Purpose Action Plans from the beginning.To start implementing and taking action on your goals from the beginning and within the 30 Days of starting the course.To challenge you in overcoming your fears and in seeing through your Life Vision.You hold yourself more accountable and responsible for achieving your Entrepreneurship Goals. Only you will not have to be alone on your Entrepreneurship Journey as you will with like-minded Female Creative Entrepreneurs to support you through your journey and to cheers you on. Ready to start taking action, to stop dreaming and to start actualising your greatest potential and your Creative Entrepreneurship Goals?LET'S GET STARTED! REGISTER NOW & WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE. I look forward to welcoming you to our Exclusive Inner Circle, CfM Elite Lifestyle Business Community. I am looking forward to connecting with you. And in supporting you in creating and actualising your Life Vision Plans for your Lifestyle and Online Business Goals. Your Lifestyle Business Mentor/Social and Digital Marketing Strategist Chiko Connect with me via IG@ChikoCfM"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Management Consulting Careers : an honest guide for students" |
"An honest guide for studentsThis course helps you consider: (a) if you should become a management consultant (b) which types of firms you should (and shouldn't) work in (c) what you should expect in terms of work, pay and job satisfaction(d) key tips and insights to boost your career and payIt provides crucial information about the consulting industry which will also be useful in interviews, as well as helping you decide if it is the industry for you.Dr. Joe O'Mahoney is a Professor of Management Consulting and leading authority on the consulting industry.He has taught over 1500 MBA students about the industry and provides consulting career workshops all over the world. His teaching has won a national prize from the British Academy of Management.Joe has worked for, advised, or worked with, all the major consultancies in the world. He has worked as a corporate consultant with big firms, an independent consultant, and as an internal consultant. His textbook 'Management Consulting' with Oxford University Press was the best selling book on consulting last year. He has worked with or for all the major consulting institutes including the Institute of Consulting, the IMCUSA, and the MCA.#businessconsultant #consultingcareer #management #certification #training"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso Base Trading Online" |
"Corso di formazione che ti spiega come fare Trading Online Automatico copiando i migliori investitori che da oltre 15 anni operano sui mercati azionari con notevoli profitti.Un team di esperti ti aiuter passo passo per farti capire come far lavorare i soldi quando sei a lavoro o in vacanza. Operare sui mercati finanziari richiede grande conoscenza per questo i nostri servizi gratuiti possono aiutarti a raggiungere i risultati sperati in poco tempo.Investire sui mercati azionari non un gioco ma un lavoro e ci vuole metodo e tante conoscenze.SEGUICI SU FACEBOOK SULLA NOSTRA PAGINA: TRADING ONLINEPer maggiori info contattami 06.56548804Su Facebook puoi contattare direttamente il mio superiore: Francesco Muratelli o Giacomo CorsiniFOREX COMMODITIES E INDICI : come lavorare sui grafici e sull'analisi fondamentale"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Informatica Master Data Management Hub Tool" |
"The Informatica Master Data Management Hub Tool course is for beginners who would like to start their career as MDM Developer or MDM Administrator. The course focuses on various features of MDM hub and how to use those for successful implementation of MDM Solution. At the end of this course, you should be able to -Access SQL Developer, Jboss Application Server and MDM hubRegister Operational Reference Store (ORS) in MDM hubValidate ORSCreate Party Data modelCreate Users and assign Operational Reference Store and Master DatabaseAssign MDM hub tools to UsersConfigure Source SystemsCreate Landing, Staging and Base Object TableConfigure Delta Detection and Raw RetentionCreate Cleanse functionsCreate mappings between landing and staging tablesConfigure relationships and LookupConfigure Trust values to Source SystemsConfigure Match and Merge RulesCreate queries and packagesConfigure roles and privilegesConfigure batch groupsExecute batch jobs"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Overview of Informatica Data Director (IDD)" |
"The overview of the Informatica Master Data Director course is for beginners who would like to start their career as MDM Developer or IDD Developer. The course focuses on various features of Informatica Data Director and how to configure it in simple steps.At the end of this course, you should be able to -Access Data Director Configuration Manager, IDD ApplicationUnderstand IDD Concepts - Subject Areas and Subject Area GroupsPerform ORS BindingConfigure Subject Areas and Subject GroupsConfigure children and Grand ChildrenConfigure Cleansing and ValidationsSearch records using IDD ApplicationCreate basic and advanced searchesCreate and Update EntitiesExport and Import IDD ApplicationUnderstand configuration files"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Forex con Excel e Strategie di Copertura FX" |
"Con questo Videocorso imparerai ad utilizzare Excel per il Forex, sapendo sempre quali sono i livelli ed i periodi migliori in cui bene comprare o vendere una determinata Coppia di Valute e quali i livelli che il prezzo raggiunger oppure che lo conterranno con maggiore probabilit. Saprai anche, grazie allAnalisi Statistica Descrittiva ed Inferenziale sviluppata in Excel, sfruttare sul Forex le stesse Strategie di Copertura che si utilizzano sulle Opzioni Vanilla in relazione ai Coefficienti di Sensibilit, alle Dinamiche di Mercato, alle Fasi e allorizzonte temporale di ogni singola operazione per guadagnare anche quando unoperazione ti va contro, oppure chiudere almeno a breakeven."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PMP - Project Management Professional practice exams" |
"For a project management consultant, achieving a professional certification can be a big asset to your business. While getting a certificate isn't required to launch your practice, accreditations have many benefits, including building your credibility and allowing you to charge a higher rate. The Project Management Professional (PMP) is among the certifications offered by the Project Management Institute. The Project Management Professional (PMP) is aglobally acknowledged professional certification that validates a professionals education and experience in project management. This coveted credential is offered by the reputed Project Management Institute to professionals who qualify in the PMP Exam conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI). *** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 1000 questions ***"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"PMI-ACP - PMI Agile Certified Practitioner practice exams" |
"The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) is a professional certification for Agile practitioners offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Project management practitioners are increasingly embracing the Agile techniques for successful management of the projects. Gaining a PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP) Certification is extremely beneficial to your profession in the field of Agile Project Managemen ****** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 146 questions *******"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PMI-RMP - PMI Risk Management Professional practice exams" |
"Every project has risksevents or conditions that, if they occur, have positive or negative effects on a projects objectives. And project managers are risk managers, some better than others. If you want to improve your project success through better risk management, consider getting certified as a Risk Management Professional. There are several reasons you might pursue this credential. First, you may simply want to improve your ability to identify, evaluate, respond to, and control risks. These skills can translate into greater project success.Second, if you wish to perform a specialized risk management function for organizations, programs, and projects. The PMI-RMP certification process greatly enhanced my knowledge and skills and prepared me to better serve as the Director of Enterprise Risk Management for a large property and casualty insurance company.Third, if you desire to complement your Project Management Professional (PMP) credential with another credential, you may choose the PMI-RMP. Think about ityouve already studied many of the knowledge areas that you would see on the PMI-RMP exam. Why not take advantage of what you know to gain further distinction and enhance your career?*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 266 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Associate in Project Management (APM) practice exams" |
"The APM Project Management Qualification is aimed at those wishing to achieve a broad level of project management knowledge sufficient to participate in projects from individual assignments through to large capital projects. Target AudienceManagers and project team members, students at the graduate or undergraduate level, and/or entry level practitioners, as well as anyone who has an expressed interest in project management as a career or wants to improve their effectiveness in a project management environmentThe APM certification is suitable for you if you: Have a basic or limited understanding of project managementAre working in a project environmentRequire knowledge for APM Certification ExamWant an internationally recognised project management qualification*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 406 questions ***"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Program Management Professional (PgMP) practice exams" |
"The Program Management Professional [PgMP] is a visible sign of your advanced experience and skill and gives you a distinct advantage in employment and promotion.As a program manager, you are a senior-level practitioner on the forefront of advancing your organizations strategic goals. You manage multiple, related projects in a coordinated way, achieving benefits that could not occur if the projects were handled separately.Your leadership is instrumental in the success not only of the programs you are working on but also lot of stake of organization is dependent on this person known as a Program Manager. With program management maturity, an organizations projects are far more successful than without it 76 percent compared to 54 percent according to 2015Pulse of the Professionreport.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 255 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Managing Successful Programmes Foundation practice exams" |
"The purpose of the MSP Foundation certification is to confirm you understand the MSP guidance thoroughly enough to work effectively with those involved in the management of a programme or to act as an informed member of a programme office, business change team or project delivery team working within an environment supporting MSP.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 110 questions ******"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Management of Risk Foundation practice exams" |
"M_o_R Foundation is suitable for any organization or individual seeing the need for guidance on a controlled approach to identification, assessment and control risk at strategic, programme, project and operational perspectives.The purpose of the Foundation certification is to confirm that a your have sufficient knowledge and understanding to contribute to the identification, assessment and control of risks across any organizational perspective. Your understanding will include the four elements of the M_o_R framework and how these support corporate governance.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 130 questions ******"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices Foundation exams" |
"P3O stands for Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices and the first edition of the guidance was released in 2008. P3O training courses have since become a must-have for those working within any form of programme or project support office environment. A P3O model provides support for programmes and projects of all types that aim to bring about change within an organisation.The P3O Guidance brings together, in one place a set of principles, processes and techniques to facilitate effective delivery of portfolio, programme and project management, through the enablement of focused support structures. These structures also bridge the gap between the strategy, management implementation decisions and the tactical delivery of prioritised programmes and projects.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 150 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |