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"ICO 2018: The Ultimate Guide to Creating your own ICO" |
"Do you want to take advantage of the 2018 Cryptocurrency and ICO boom? Don't wait...sign up today don't get left behind like you did in the tech boom, the social media boom, or the mobile boom. There is still time act now.Follow me as go through project planning, structuring and ideation as we create an ICO project from scratch.We will go step by step using your idea from A- to Z.This is the only course that combines all aspect of the project- A complete ICO from beginning to end!!we will create our own Token on the Ethereum network using ERC-20 standardsWe will look at the blockchain in general along with Smart contracts and how they tie in to all of this.We will take a look at the legal landscape to take a look at what we are up against.We will learn how to produce the marketing materials and the landing page for your ICOWe will analyze costs of deployment as wellWe will cover team building and how to attract the right people to your team and fill gapsWe will look at ICO and Token builders that are available and weight optionsThis course will give you a guidebook to starting and running your own ICO--Includes downloadable Presentation--- Course quiz-- Step by Step guide included-If you find this course helpful---feel free to donate:For Donations:ETH Address: 0x6a77e0aE34E5C9BB128905A0d2A5cCb171d0492dBTC Address: 383CokjzTBucgkh6c92YdNTZ1wrsEksxRJLTC Address: MA36HD9UnCAijMbg9nqwSseduSsexDxLu6BCH Address: qp2cjz0suzvgv0p9rnn0mjej8429wh3ygufpzcc8y8"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency ICOs: The Complete Investing Course for 2018" |
"Do you want to find out about the best investment opportunities in your lifetime?Well look no further...Sure you have heard about Bitcoin..and maybe Ethereum and you have seen and heard about the gains people have made. Maybe you even know a friend, colleague or family member who made a substantial amount on these cryptocurrencies.Well i have good and bad news....the good first...The Party isn't over.... the have to sit thru my course to get the juicy details....just kidding;) it wont be painful.I show you how to find, break down and analyze ICO opportunities.Get in early and make max gains by choosing the right ones. There is a considerable amount of money to be made by getting in now before the next uptick in cryptocurrency adoptionLearn how to Use My Ether Wallet, Metamask, and MistLearn to give ICOs your own grade or rating by sifting through all of the noise in 50+ page whitepapers.Learn how to identify the star players of ICO teams to predict their successLearn how to find all of the best money-making ICOs from all of the best ICO ranking sitesThis is the most comprehensive course in ICO investingsThis is the only guide that you needLearn how to get free coin-Downloadable presentation slides--Course quiz included--ICO spreadsheets--over 100+ helpful links to supplement the videos-"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Initial Coin Offering (ICO) WhitePaper: The Complete Guide" |
"Have you been looking for a way to supplement your income or create a great new income stream? Don't re-invent the wheel. Look at what is out there and put it use. In this course, ill teach you how to do just that. Given the right examples and explanations, you will only need your idea and your plan. From there, mix in your research and data and off you go!In this course, we will take you step-by-step, section by section on the road to creating your own ICO Whitepaper.We use this course to demystify the process so that you can raise money faster by getting your great idea across faster and more efficiently.Learn how to balance the technical and non-technical language and include the right visuals to draw in your audience.We will dissect every section of the whitepaper and help you decide which sections you need to include and which to leave out.We will teach you how to sell your ideaConvert an ordinary startup into a more interesting and money-raising Blockchain startupLearn how to obtain projects and gigs writing Whitepapers for clients.-Downloadable presentation slides--Course quiz included--Complete Whitepaper Outlines-"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"AIPython : Go Ahead to AI, Python Animals!" |
"PythonITPythonPythonPythonPythonNHKThe Grand Tour"
Price: 23400.00 ![]() |
"Daily Scrum Avoid 19 Pitfalls of the Daily Scrum" |
"The Daily Scrum is an agile ceremony that many teams use to get started with when implementing Scrum. It is one of the most commonly used parts of the Scrum project management framework. Sadly, its also often misunderstood and implemented poorly, leading to poor results, a decline in productivity and a general despise for Scrum and agile methods in general.This course names common pitfalls and gives you actionable methods to avoid them. After this course you will not only know what the Daily Scrum is and why teams around the world use it, but you will also know the most common mistakes and how to avoid them!Your instructor is an experienced agile coach and Professional Scrum Master. Matthias Orgler has coached many teams worldwideand he knows the mistakes most commonly made by managers, team leads and project managers when performing the Daily Scrum."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 Eitim Seti" |
"Sfrdan Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 renmeniz iin hazrlanm eitim seti. BuPhotoshop Dersleri ile; aralarn, arayzn renebilir, web sitesi arayz vemobil arayz tasarmlarnn nasl yapldn, 2D oyun tasarmlarnn en basit ekilde nasl hazrlandn rneklerle renebilir ve uygulayabilirsiniz. Bununla birlikte fotoraflar zerinde renk ayarlar, k ayarlar gibi konularn yan sra fotoraflarla nasl maniple almalar yaplabilir bunlar da bu eitim setinde reneceksiniz. Extra olarak afi tasarm, mail imza tasarm, kartvizit tasarm vb. konularda da rnekler yaparak kendimizi dier alanlarda da gelitirebileceiz. Tm bunlarn ardndan tasarmclk ile yapacamz konumalar ile tm eitim setimizi sonlandracaz. Umarm beeneceiniz ve iinize yarayacak bir eitim seti olmutur."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Comment Perdre du poids tout en Sculptant son Corps !" |
"Vous souhaitez optimiser la Forme de vos Fessiers & Abdominaux Rapidement et Efficacement ?Sans vous prendre la tte ?Vous tes au bon endroit. Dans ce cours, tout est super simple.Vous savez que l'alimentation a un rle, mais vous avez peut tre dcid de prendre le chemin le plus rapide, le plus direct et le plus sain, celui de l'exercice physique.Voulez-vous aller dans une salle de sport, mais vous navez ni vraiment le temps ni largent ?Avez-vous dj ressenti que, peuimporte les techniques que vous utilisez ou les mthodes que lon vous a expliques, vous narrivez pas avoir de vrais changements significatifs lorsqu'ilsagit davoir un meilleur corps ?Avez-vous dj eudu mal perdre de la graisse, possder un ventre plat ou avoir des abdos?Cela vous est-il arriv d'tre pluttmal l'aise lide de vous mettre en maillot de bain?Avez-vous du mal perdre de la graisse certains endroits prcis de votre corps?Si vous avez rpondu oui certaines de ces questions, sachez quevous ntes pas seul(e).Mais rassurez-vous :Ce n'est pas de votre faute.Maintenant, liseztrs attentivement ce qui suit :Chacun et chacune mrite d'avoir le corps qu'il dsire.Une partie de vous-mme vous mener ce cours pour une raison.Que le sport ne soit pas trop votre ""truc"" ou que vous soyez fou de fitness, vous trouverez ici tous les dtails ncessaires votre volution.Peuimporte votre ge et votre situation professionnelle.Ici, tout est simple : les exercices vous sont prsentset on vous donne directement ce que vous dsirez: des fesses bien fermes, gnreuses, des abdominaux visibles et un corps dessin.Le programme est trs complet: lesmeilleurs exercices pour fessiers, avec tudes scientifiques l'appui, sont dmontrs et expliqus en dtailpour vous permettre tout simplement d'avoir le corps dont vous dsirez, sans vous prendre la tte, seulement en suivant le programme pas pas.Ce cours comprend :-LesExercices Indispensablespour Avoir des Fessiers Galbes tout en Restant la Maison-Comment perdre de la Graisse 2 fois plus Rapidement avec le HIIT- LesMthodes que vous Devez Absolument Faire pour Progresser plus Vite- 2 Programmes sur 30 et 60 jours pour maximiser les Rsultats- 10 Routines compltes et intgrales pour Sculpter votre Corps RapidementComme de belles fesses sont gnralement bien harmonises avec un Ventre Plat et des jambes tonifies.>>>Dans ce cours vous aurez galement inclus dans enchanementspour les abdominaux etpour les cuisses<<<Mais bien plus que a en ralit : desentranements Cardio de Haute Intensit sont galement prsents dans ce Cours. Du HIIT, avec bien sr des versions simplifies proposes, avec peu d'impact articulaire, alternatives utiles en cas de problmes de genou.L'ensemble du programme d'entranement est disponible au moment de l'inscription.Profitez-en !1- Entranez-vous votre propre rythmeCe courscomprend plus de10 sessionsd'entranement. Les exercices donns sont progressifs, vous permettant d'amliorer constamment vos performances, avec des routines adapates votre niveau.2-Vidothque complte et guide d'exercicesLe programme d'entranement contientplus de 20dmonstrations d'exercices vous entranant travers tous les exercices avec une forme parfaite pour maximiser le gain,le volume et la dfinition musculaire.3- Mobile et tabletteLe systme Udemya toptimis pour tous les appareils,y compris tablette, ce qui en fait votre compagnon idal lorsque vous voulez entraner votre corps en toutesituation.4- Revisionner et revisitez autant que vous le voulezUne fois que vous avez achet le cours, ilseradisponible en permanence, y compris les futures mises jour, et les nouvelles vidos regulires.Si vous voulez bnficier d'un programme complet qui vous guide pas pas vers le corps que vous voulez, alors participez ds maintenant ce cours.>>> Dpchez-vous cependant, le cours ne sera bientt plus disponible la vente. <<< ( fin d'inscription en Juin 2019 )*Pensez prendreune photo ds maintenant pour comparer plus tard avec le Avant-Aprs"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programme 6-PACK Abdominaux puissants & dessins" |
"Bienvenue dans un cours d'abdominaux, conu de A Z pour vous permettre de voir et d'avoir les abdos dont vous rvez.VOICIMESRESULTATSPERSONNELS AVECCEPROGRAMME EN 2 MOIS !!! (copie le lien pour voir la photo et supprime l'espace avant le .com)image.noelshack .com/fichiers/2018/36/2/1536062832-abs-guillaume.jpeg Dans ce cours, des routines quotidiennes vous seront proposes, et rgulirementde nouvelles routines seront ajoutes, pour que vous puissiez progresser quelque soit votre niveau actuel.Vous inscrire ce cours est la bonne dcision prendre pour mener votre vie un niveau suprieur;En Vrit, ce programme ne travaillera pas seulement vos abdominaux : il forgera votre Volont, il vous donnera les clefs de la Dtermination et de la Persevrance.Les rsultats dpassent toujours les efforts fournis.Dans ce cours, vous pourrez muscler et affiner votre tablette :- Au poids du Corps- Avec une haltre- Avec une barre de traction- Avec une Roue abdominauxLes Routines prennent en compte l'Anatomie de vos abdominaux ( les Grands Droits, les Obliques, le Transverse ) et de vos lombaires. Elles travailleront vos abdos en mode vitesse, en mode cardio, en mode force, en mode endurance, en isomtrie et en explosivit.Vous bnficierez d'un travail total, et des meilleurs exercices pour votre Performance.L'ensemble du programme d'entranement est disponible au moment de l'inscription.1- Entranez-vous votre propre rythmeCe courscomprend plus de6 sessionsd'entranement. Les exercices donns sont progressifs, vous permettant d'amliorer constamment vos performances, avec des routines adapates votre niveau.2-Vidothque complte et guide d'exercicesLe programme d'entranement contientplus de 30 dmonstrations d'entranements et d'exercices, vous motivant travers toutes les ralisationsavec une forme parfaite pour maximiser le gain,la force et l'endurance musculaire.3- Mobile et tabletteLe systme Udemya toptimis pour tous les appareils,y compris tablette, ce qui en fait votre compagnon idal lorsque vous voulez entraner votre corps en toute situation4- Revisionner et revisitez autant que vous le voulezUne fois que vous avez achet le cours, ilseradisponible en permanence, y compris les futures mises jour, et les nouvelles vidos regulires."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SPORT DE COMBAT & ARTS MARTIAUX - Conditionnement Physique" |
"Bienvenue dans ce cours complet de conditionnement physique et prparation au combat et la self-dfense.Vous pratiquez, ou souhaiteriez pratiquer un art de combat, ou vous voulez simplement vous entraner intensment, alors ce cours est fait pour vous.Lorsque vous voulez amliorer vos performances, vous cherchez obtenir :Des coups puissants et explosifs.Une bonne condition physique, pour rester vifs malgr la dure du combatUne Masse musculaire suffisante pour vous aider encaisser les coups, sans gner vos gestes, vos coups, ou diminuer votre allonge.Une bonne souplesse, pour des coups fluides et puissants.Une bonne technique de combatLes techniques de combat ne seront pas abordes ici, nous verrons tous les aspects qui vous aideront upgrader vos rsultats, quelque soit votre sport ou art martialde prdilection ( judo, MMA, karat, Taekwondo, Penchak Silat, boxe, aikido, self-dfense, Wing Chun... ).Nous verrons quels sont les points clefs renforcer tels que :- Votre Grip (la ""prise"", la force dans les mains)-Vos Poignets- Vos Avant-bras- Vos Tibias- Votre Explosivit- Vos Abdominaux- Vos Lombaires-Votre MentalLe cours comprends des exercices dtaills, que vous pourrez intgrer au sein de vos routines.Mais ce n'est pas tout.Tout au cours de l'anne, nous rajouterons des routines de plus en plus avances, des challenges pour vous remettre en question et dpasser vos limites.Vous prendrez soin de matriser les exercices de base, puis ensemble nous explorerons les capacits qui sommeillent en vous, nous rveillerons votre potentiel.----------------------------------------------------Dans un premier temps, nous mettrons le cours un prix bas, et au fur et mesure que nous ajouterons des donnes et des routines, le prix augmentera en consquence. Si vous vous le procurez maintenant, vous aurez un accs ilimit et vous aurez l'opportunit d'avoir un progrs constant avec des routines varies.***BONUS: les 50 premiers inscripts bnficieront d'un programme personalis, selon leur discipline respective !***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Callisthnie Anneaux - Dbutant / Intermdiaire" |
"L'ensemble du programme d'entranement est disponible au moment de l'inscription.Sachez que travaillez avec les anneaux est le meilleur outil que vous puissiez offrir votre corps. 1- Entranez-vous votre propre rythmeCe cours comprend plus de 7 sessions d'entranement. Les exercices donns sont progressifs, vous permettant d'amliorer constamment vos performances, avec des routines adapates votre niveau.2- Vidothque complte et guide d'exercicesLe programme d'entranement contient des dizaines de dmonstrations d'exercices HD , vous entranant faire chauque exercice avec une forme parfaite pour maximiser le gain, la force et l'endurance musculaire.3- Mobile et tabletteLe systme Udemy a t optimis pour tous les appareils, y compris les appareils mobiles et tablette, ce qui en fait votre compagnon idal lorsque vous voulez entraner votre corps en toute situation4- Revisionner et revisitez autant que vous le voulezUne fois que vous avez achet le cours, il sera disponible en permanence , y compris les futures mises jour, et les nouvelles vidos regulires.Si vous voulez bnficier d'un entranement avec des anneaux et que vous recherchez un programme solide qui augmentera votre Performance , augmentera votre masse musculaire et vous fera devenir un meilleur athlte, Calisthnie - Comment se Forger un Corps aux Anneaux est le programme qu'il vous faut.Le cours se compose de six sections, couvrant le travail et la matrise de tout le corps.Chaque section est conue pour que vous progressiez inluctablement.Les exercices sont dtaills pas pas et les sections sont ordones pour vous permettre un progrs constant, en passant du bon temps, parce que les anneaux c'est tellement jouissif !Force, endurance, mobilit, progression : voici les promesses toujours tenues d'un entranemet avec les anneaux.Probablement, vous allez jouer avec ces outils toute votre vie : c'est pourquoi acqurir ce cours est probablement la meilleure chose faire.J'ai cre ce cours car je n'en ai trouv aucun ailleurs sur internet qui dcrivent pas pas les exercices, comment les combiner, et surtout je n'ai vu aucune routine concrte ou satisfaisante ! ( ou alors pour des prix suprieurs a 80$, mais bon je suis d'avis que tout le monde devrait pouvoir s'acheter un cours de qualit, qui lui bnficiera toute sa vie ).Sachez galement que je serais toujours prsent pour proposer de nouvelles routines, adapte votre niveau, que vous n'ayez jamais touch un anneau de votre vie ou que vous soyez dj en mesure de performer la majorit des exercices prsents. Assurez-vous une place ds maintenant !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Calistenia : Ejercicios y Rutinas fundamentales con Anillas" |
"Calistenia : Ejercicios y Rutinas fundamentales con AnillasFormacin completa en Calistenia con Anillas - Hombros, brazos, antebrazos, abdominales, espalda, lumbares y abdominales1- Entrena a tu propio ritmo Este curso incluye ms de 6 sesiones de entrenamiento. Los ejercicios dados son progresivos, lo que le permite mejorar constantemente sus performancias, con rutinas adaptadas a su nivel.2- Videoteca completa con gua de ejerciciosEl programa de entrenamiento contiene docenas de demostraciones de ejercicios HD, llevndote a hacer cada ejercicio con una forma perfecta para maximizar la ganancia muscular, la fuerza y la resistencia.3- Mvil y tabletaEl sistema Udemy se ha optimizado para todos los dispositivos, incluidos los dispositivos mviles y tableta, lo que lo convierte en su compaero ideal cuando desesa entrenar a tu cuerpo en cualquier situacin. Ahora puedes practicar musculacin en cualquier lugar.4- Revisa y vuelve a visitar todo lo que quierasUna vez que hayas comprado el curso, estar disponible continuamente, incluidas las actualizaciones futuras y los nuevos vdeos regulares.Si deseas obtener un entrenamiento con anillos y que buscas un programa slido que aumentar tu rendimiento, aumentando la masa muscular y haciendo que te conviertas en un mejor atleta, Calistenia - Cmo forjar un cuerpo con Anillas es el programa que tu necesitas.El curso consta de seis secciones, que cubren el trabajo y el dominio de todo el cuerpo. Cada seccin est diseada para que progreses ineludiblemente. Los ejercicios se detallan paso a paso y las secciones estn dispuestas para permitirte un progreso constante, pasndola bien, porque los anillos son muy agradables!Sepa que trabajar con los anillos es lo mejor que puede ofrecerle a su cuerpo.Fuerza, resistencia, movilidad, progresin: aqu estn las promesas siempre cumplidas de un entrenamiento con los anillos.Probablemente jugars con estas herramientas durante toda tu vida: es por eso que comprar este curso es probablemente lo mejor que puedes hacer.Todo el programa de entrenamiento est disponible en el momento de la inscripcin.Se ofrece un espacio que describa ejercicios paso a paso y cmo combinarlos.Gracias por leer hasta ahora, no es para nada si llegaste aqu, tu inconsciente sabe con seguridad lo que es bueno para ti; )Tambin sepas que siempre estar all para proponer nuevas rutinas, adaptadas a tu nivel, ya sea que nunca hayas tocado un anillo en tu vida o que ya eres capaz de realizar la mayora de los ejercicios presentados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Writing/Editing Tips & Tricks - Writing Like A Pro" |
"LEARN HOW TO WRITE AND BLOGLIKEAPRO- THEEASYWAY!Taught by a Udemy Best-Selling Instructor and Huffington Post WriterWRITINGANDBLOGGINGLIKEA PRO - THEEASYWAYEliminate common writing mistakesDiscover the basics of writing and self-editingTake your writing skills to the next levelJOINOVER60,000 OF MY HAPPY STUDENTS!!Want to improve your writing, but don't know where to start? Tired of second guessing your blog posts and social media copy?If you said ""Yes""Iwant to invite you to learn how to write like a pro the easy way. Whether you want to create intriguing blog posts, build out effective website copy, or simply make your social media posts better... WRITINGLIKEAPROcan take your writing to the next level.In this practical, down-to-earthcourse you'll learn how to drastically improve the quality of your writing while covering topics like...The top 5 mistakes all writers are guilty of makingHow to self-editThe importance of writingconversationallyThe secretto makingyour writing flowEasy tricks for tighteningyour writingHow to add flavor to your writing""The course was informative, educational and will help me to write my next bestseller. The instructor is young but full of insight with an abundance of energy."" CHRIS, UDEMY STUDENT""Tyler has a relaxed friendly style...""DIANNE WILLIAMS, UDEMY STUDENT""Tyler explained the principles of being a GOOD writer in clear and easy-to-digest lectures. If you're a beginner like me, you'll gain a lot of insight from this course."" MARYAN, UDEMY STUDENT""As a seasoned copywriter and now blogger, I found Tyler's coverage informative, well-organized, and practical. He explored points particularly relevant to writing in the online community -- which I will put to immediate use.""JACKIE, UDEMYSTUDENTInow havearticles published withsome of the world's largest publications (places like the Huffington Post and TheBlaze) and Idid itall without a college degree or years of education. You cantry to learn these lessons onyour own (like Idid) OR you can get on the fast track now. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to...Write better blog posts, web copy, or social media posts.Go from ZEROexperience to WRITINGPRO the easy waySelf-edit anything you writeIf youre ready to start writing like a pro, click now to enroll.""The course was in-depth and helped understand a lot of things to my writing approach pretty easily and quickly. Thank you to the instructor for making this course so informative and easy to understand."" AMARBIR, UDEMY STUDENT""Tyler is thorough in his explanations and very easy to follow."" JULIE, UDEMYSTUDENT""The presentation was excellent."" ED, UDEMY STUDENT""Really enjoyed how quick and precise the instructor was, I never felt disengaged."" SARA, UDEMYSTUDENT"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting Secrets: Become a Content Writing Expert" |
"BECOME A CONTENT WRITING AND COPYWRITING EXPERTTAUGHTBYPROFESSIONALHUFFINGTONPOSTBLOGGER& UDEMYBESTSELLINGCONTENT WRITINGINSTRUCTOR Taught by a Udemy Best-Selling Instructor and Huffington Post ContributorDISCOVERPOWER WORDS &PHRASES PROVEN TO PERSUADE, CONVERT, AND SELLINSTANTLY INCREASEYOUR CONFIDENCEAS A COPYWRITER &CONTENTWRITERAttract high-paying clients and increase your earnings JOIN40,000 HAPPYSTUDENTS(AND COUNTING)""This course was even better than I had anticipated for so many reasons! Easy to follow/understand -- fun & engaging -- great examples -- exercises and a quiz to solidify what you learn -- experienced instructor -- AMAZING bonuses at the end of the course -- incredibly helpful course overall, especially if you're new to copywriting. You will love the way that the material is presented! JILL, UDEMYSTUDENTThis is a wonderful course and the instructor delivers the course materials in a clear, easy to comprehend manner. I feel confident enough to start using what Tyler has taught me right away. MJHASWELL, UDEMYSTUDENT""This is a quick course that will lay the groundwork for effective promotions. Using these base words and a little writers imagination it will cover nearly any assignment."" SCOTT, UDEMYSTUDENTTyler, the instructor was knowledgeable and easy to understand...SABRINA BOOTHE, UDEMY STUDENT""Tyler has a relaxed friendly style...""DIANNE WILLIAMS, UDEMY STUDENTImagine having access to a list of secret words and phrases proven to persuade, convert, and sell time and time again. What if instead of feeling overwhelmed by a new copywriting project, you got excited? Whether you want to build a home based business with your writing, land high-paying clients as a freelancer, or simply boost your copywriting skills your words are your greatest weapon. But not all words are created equal. Believe it or not, magic copywriting words and phrases DO exist. Power words and phrases that persuade, motivate, and inspire your audience to take action.What most people dont know, is that the worlds best copywriters have trigger words they return to time and time again.Ive spent hours and hours researching these words by combing the internets best viral Facebook ads, high traffic landing pages, successful product launches, and money-making marketing funnels.Through this research, Ive compiled a list of words and phrases used time and time again by the copywriting elite.As a professional copywriter, freelance blogger, and online entrepenuer I've even used these exact words to successfully launch multiple online courses and teach over 30,000 students from around the world. Now, I'm sharing these secrets with YOU...When you enroll in this course, you'll discoverPersuasion Words (that sell)Reassuring Words (for improving conversions)Anticipation Words (for successful launches and releases)Urgency Words (for email funnels and landing pages)Exclusivity Words (for increasing sign-up rates for memberships, workshops, & live events)Power Words (for creating intrigue and capturing attention)By the end of this course you'll have a wealth of high-converting words & phrases at your disposal. Youll be able to confidently write your copy for every situation, includingSocial media ads (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)Marketing funnelsWebinars and event promotionLanding pagesCTA'sMembership sites Product descriptionsIf youre tired of endlessly searching for the ""right"" words and you're ready to accelerate your writing skills and transform your earnings enroll now to gain instant access to this exclusive list of high-performing words and phrases and discover exactly how to use them!WHATOTHERSARESAYING ABOUTMYCOURSES...""Tyler seems genuine. He moves his material along at a clip. Each segment was short but worthwhile.""MICHAEL""Really, really helpful for bloggers and writers.He has amazing knowledge about internet marketing.""SABTAINHAIDER, UDEMY STUDENTThis course is necessary for anyone who is tired of the fatigue that comes with content creation and inspiration! Don't cheat yourself. TREAT YOURSELF! GET THIS COURSE NOW! Thank you Tyler!""LARNICE, UDEMYSTUDENT"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Social Engineering, Phishing, OSINT & Malware" |
"Welcome to the ""The Complete Social Engineering & Malware for Hacking Course"" course.Enroll and learn how to hack Windows, Mac OS X, Linux & Android by Using Social Engineering and how to secure yourself from hackers.Facebook,iPhone, Gmail, Android, SmartWatch etc. If we ask any person about these terms 15 years ago than nowyou would not get ananswer. However, they are a big part of our life in today's world. Even we can not imagine a life without them. This easiness also brings a huge weakness. We depend on these technologies for our sensitive information. and they arejust secured with just one password.Since most people are using the same password in most of the services. If a service is compromised or a hacker gain access to just one of our passwords all our identity, private and sensitive information can be stolen, deleted or can be used as a blackmail to us.Hackers can accessoursensitiveinformation by phishing, vishing, social engineering, putting malware,trojan horseto our devices. By the increase inthenumber of platforms, there may be anenormous amount of backdoors which hackers acquire our information and exploit. Also if you write ""how tohack facebook account"" or ""how to hack a phone"" thousands of resources can be found which shows the seriousness of the situation. Hackers can also collect your sensitiveinformation byinformation gathering, a.k.a. reconnaissance.In this course, I will cover all aspects of social engineering with different techniques and tools. I will start with terminology and integrate it the practical usage and hand on experiences. I will emphasize importkey points throughout the course. At the end of the course, you will easily understand necessary information about social engineering and take necessary precautions for yourself or for your organization.This course includes thebeginner levelsso you dont need to have a previous knowledge of social engineering, reverse engineering, malware, the Metasploit frameworkor information security. Youll learn how toethicallyapply social engineering.In this course Itried to showtheimportance ofusingfree toolsand platforms, so you dont need to buy any tool or application.By registering the course you will have lifetime access the all resources, practice videos and will be able to ask questions about related topics whenever you want.Heres just some of what youll learnby the end of course,Understand themain terminology of Social EngineeringCreate and distribute malwareHow open source intelligence(OSINT) can be gathered and used for hacking into systemsHow to send fake emailsLearn about vishing (Voice Phishing)tools and techniquesHow to use Empire Project,MSFvenom, Veil, and TheFatRatAnd much, much more...Also after completion of the course, a certificate will be createdfor your arsenal.In this course, you will find the clean and pure information. When preparing the training, we especiallyavoided unnecessary talk and waiting; we have found these parts for you and gotten them out.As your instructor, I have over10years experienceas a security expert. As a result of this expertise, I'm working with ahandcrafteddetail for creating the best and necessary content for my students. This approach also can be seen in my previous course's reviews.See what my fellow students have to say:""Very good experience, I always wanted such type of training which is filled with deep explanation and demo. I am interested in thesecurity field and want to make my career in this domain, I really enjoy the learning.""- Pragya Nidhi""Easy teaching, no unnecessary statements. Just telling what is needed... An effective real introduction to pentest.""- Ben DursunAll applied and easy to grasp the content. Looking forward to getting next training of the lecturer.""-Jim DowsonIm always updating this course with fresh content, tooIts no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New toolsreleasedevery day, the Metasploit database is getting larger andits crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better security specialist.For keeping up with that paceIm always adding new, up-to-date content to this course atno extra charge.After buying this course,youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates.Ill personally answer all your questionsAs if this course wasnt complete enough, I offerfull support, answering any questions.IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learnedshould be used when the attacker is authorized."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking: Network Scan by Nmap & Nessus" |
"Welcome to the ""Ethical Hacking: Network Scan by Nmap & Nessus""course. Thisis our 3rd course in our Ethical Hacking series.I wanted to use Hacking Essentials in front of the name of the course, but size limit didnt allow it.Why hacking essentials?To be able to perform a successful penetration testing or ethical hacking, first, you have to know all the secrets of your targets.You should find all the systems and network devices of your target network before proceeding an ethical hacking operation.On my complete course, you`ll discover thesecrets of ethical hackingand network discovery, using Nmap.Youll learn all the details of Nmap, which is the most known and de facto network scanning tool. After downloading and installingNmap by hands on lessons, you will be able to use it as an ipport scanner, open port tester and checking for devices'operating system and other features.Then in further lessons, well scan the vulnerabilities of the network we discovered by using Nessus. Nessus is the most known vulnerability scanner and is in the third place of the most popular cyber security tools.This course starts atbeginner levelsso you dont need to have a previous knowledge of network scanning, finding vulnerabilities in devices, using Nmap & using Nessus.In this course Itried to showtheimportance ofusingfree toolsand platforms, so you dont need to buy any tool or application.By registering the course you will have lifetime access the all resources, practice videos and will be able to ask questions about related topics whenever you want.A step by step approach will help you to track your progress on the go and learn needed skills gradually at your own pace. At the end of this course, you will both have a knowledge and a practical skill set about using network scanning, finding vulnerabilities on systems and learning the general competencies of hackers.Heres just some of what youll learnby the end of course,Understand themain terminology of Network Scanning and Finding Vulnerabilities in devices in a networkUsing Nmap with full knowledge and experienceHow to scan a network for scriptsLearn about network scan typesLearn how to use HpingAnd much, much more....We have alsoaddedpractical lab sessionsin our coursefor sharping up your skills.Also after completion of the course, a certificate will be createdfor your arsenal.In this course, you will find the clean and pure information. When preparing the training, we especiallyavoided unnecessary talk and waiting; we have found these parts for you and gotten them out.I have been working as a cyber security specialist and college instructor for 10 years after a decade of software engineering experience. I am the cyber security expert and the mentor of junior penetration testers as a Certified Ethical Hacker. I performed and managed internal/external/on-site/remote penetration tests & vulnerability assessments at top level financial institutions including global banks HSBC, City Bank, ING Bank; and much other public & private organisations. As a result of this expertise, I'm working with ahandcrafteddetail for creating the best and necessary content for my students. This approach also can be seen in my previous course's reviews.See what my fellow students have to say:""Very good experience, I always wanted such type of training which is filled with deep explanation and demo. I am interested in thesecurity field and want to make my career in this domain, I really enjoy the learning.""- Pragya Nidhi""Easy teaching, no unnecessary statements. Just telling what is needed... An effective real introduction to pentest.""- Ben DursunAll applied and easy to grasp the content. Looking forward to getting next training of the lecturer.""-Jim Dowson""I liked this course! Lots of topics were covered. What I liked the most is the variety of tools used in this course. This way, someone who is willing to learn can pick up the tool that he is interested in and dive more into details. The most important thing is the experienced instructor who takes comments and reviews into consideration and gets back to you whenever there is room for improvement or new topics that might be interesting to you. I can summariseall in two words. I learned!"" -Rami ZebianIm always updating this course with fresh content, tooIts no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools arereleasedevery day, andits crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better security specialist.For keeping up with that paceIm always adding new, up-to-date content to this course atno extra charge.After buying this course,youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates.Ill personally answer all your questionsAs if this course wasnt complete enough, I offerfull support, answering any questions.IMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learnedshould be used when the attacker is authorized."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking with Metasploit: Exploit & Post Exploit" |
"Hi there,Welcome to my Ethical Hacking with Metasploit: Exploit & Post Exploit course.This course is a monster!!! It covers the fundamental building blocks of hacking, penetration testing (Kali Linux), gaining control using Metasploit and application development.Do not worry. You dont need to have a previous knowledge about all. This course will take you from a beginner to a more advanced level.Good news is since free and popular tools are used you dont need to buy any tool or application. All my students will have a chance to learn how to set up a lab environment and install the needed virtual machines such as Kali Linux and the tools: Nessus and Metasploit.This course starts withvery basics. First you will learn how to install the the tools, some terminology and how devices communicate with each other. Then you will learn how to scan vulnerabilities with Nessus and gain full access to computer systems via discovering the weaknesses and vulnerabilities. In this course you'll also become an expert with Metasploit framework by using msfconsole interface. After learning Metasploit by practicing against victim machines you will be able to exploit and remotely access to Linux and Windows victim machines and gain control and access files (read/write/update/execute). You will not only learn compromising the target systems via vulnerabilities but also Pass the Hash: a genuine way to exploit systems even though they dont have any vulnerability. In this course you will also learn different password collection techniques such as using keylogger, and learn how to crack password hashes using brute force and dictionary attack techniques.All the attacks in this course are explained in a simple way and with hands-on practices. First you will learn the theory behind each attack and then you will learn how to carry out the attack using tools.Im always updating this course with fresh content, too.Its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New tools are released every day, and its crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge for being a better security specialist. You will always have up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge. After buying this course, youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates.Any question are welcomed! Ill personally answer all your questions.Be sure that I will always be here for full support as I did before. You can see this in my previous course's reviews.This course is just wow ! It hold a lot of information and practical use in real life. In my opinion, students who is interested in ETHICAL HACKING must take this course it hold a lot of information, Don't go with duration of course. Instructor is also very supportive and give you quick answer of all your question. Thank you for making this course for us. This course really expand my knowledge and i really enjoyed it. -Prabhakar Mishra""Easy teaching, no unnecessary statements. Just telling what is needed... An effective real introduction to pentest."" - Ben Dursun""Very good experience, I always wanted such type of training which is filled with deep explanation and demo. I am interested in the security field and want to make my career in this domain, I really enjoy the learning."" - Pragya NidhiHere is the list ofwhat youll learn by the end of course,Preparation for Hands-on experiences: Kali, Metasploitable Linux, Windows XP, Windows 8Vulnerability Scanning: How to find vulnerabilities to exploitConcept & Terminology: Vulnerability, Exploit, Post Exploit, PayloadRisks: Risks of the exploitation and mitigationsExploit Databases: Exploit-DB, Packet StormMetasploit: Metasploit Framework, Msfconsole, MeterpreterPass the Hash: Ps-ExecPersistence: Backdoor, service modification, creating accountMeterpreter Extensions: Core, Stdapi, Incognito,MSF Post Exploitation Modules: Escalate, Gather , ManagePassword Cracking: Hydra, Cain & Abel, John the RipperShared Files and End User Computers: With some real world examplesIMPORTANT: This course is created for educational purposes and all the information learned should be used when the attacker is authorized."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear un servidor web en Ubuntu 18.04.01 LTS" |
"Aprende a crear un servidor web en la versin de Ubuntu 18.04.01 LTS. Instalaremos esta distribucin en el virtualizador VMWARE.Instalaremos y configuraremos Apache en su versin 2.Instalaremos y configuraremos Php en su versin 7.2Instalaremos y configuraremos MariaDB.Instalaremos PHPmyadmin.Instalaremos los siguientes CMS: Drupal7, Drupal8, Wordpress, Prestashop y Magento.Nos conectaremos a travs de SSH con los programas Putty y GIt Bash."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a usar el servicio rest en Drupal8" |
"Aprende y domina como usar el servicio Rest en Drupal 8 de manera rpida y sencilla.Este curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia en el uso del servicio Rest en drupal 8, y requieren saber de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada, lo necesario para iniciar en el mundo del desarrollo de Drupal8.Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Sabr como registrarun usuario.Sabr crear uninicio desesin.Sabr Cerrar una sesin de usuario.Podr Crear, editar, eliminar y leernodos.Podr Crear, editar, eliminar y leer comentarios.Podr Crear editar, eliminar yleer taxonoma.Podr Creareditar, eliminar yleer usuarios.Por qu elegir este curso para aprender y no otro?1. Porque este curso es muy prctico. 2. Porque no hay un curso parecido.3. Porque este curso es muy completo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Drupal 7 Creando un Sistema de Noticias" |
"Bienvenido a este curso Aprende Drupal 7 creando un Sistema de noticias, en el cual vamos a ver muchas cosas interesantes.Este curso se divide en dos reas:1) Aprender para que se usa cada seccin de Drupal. Conocer los mdulos mas importantes y la configuracin de ella. 2) Aprender a crear un sistema de noticias completo.El estudiante al finalizar el curso podr realizar lo siguiente: Instalar Drupal7 en inglesQu hay que tener en cuenta antes de realizar una actualizacin de Drupal.Crear un duplicado del proyecto que tenemos para actualizar tanto el core de Drupal como un mduloCrear una copia de la base de datos desde PHPMYADMIN.Aprender a conectar el duplicado del proyecto a la base de datos de copia.Actualizar el core de Drupal de una versin anterior a la versin actualActualizar un mdulo de Drupal de una versin anterior a la versin actualAdministrar los contenidos.Crear contenidos de tipo pgina bsica y de artculo.Crear bloques personalizadosSaber las regiones de un tema donde poner un bloque.Crear y administrar menCrear y administrar vocabularios y trminos (taxonomas)Crear tipos de contenidosCrear campos personalizados en un tipo de contenido.Saber instalar temas.Ponerel tema como predeterminado.Poner un tema para la parte administrativa.Crear perfiles de usuario.Crear una vista de bienvenida personalizada por usuario a travs del filtro contextual.Traducir mdulos faltantes.Crear un men para los digitadores.Crear una vista llamada Mis NoticiasCrear una vista de tipo pginaCrear una vista de tipo de bloque.Cambiar visibilidad de un bloque.Crear perfil Editores y configurar permisos.Agregar filtros a la vista mis noticias.Agregar filtros expuestos a la vista mis noticias.Creando campos de fechasCreando campos de referencia a usuarioOrdenar enlaces de men.Consejos para solicitar al cliente lo que quiere que desarrollemos.Crear un bloque a travs de una vista (Ultimas Noticias)Agregar clases cssAgregar javascriptCambiar visibilidad del logo en el page tpl phpCambiar visibilidad del nombre del sitio en el page tpl phpCambiar bloques de lugar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de una tienda virtual con Drupal8" |
"Aprende a crear una tienda virtual con Drupal 8con este completo curso.Este curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia en el desarrollo de tiendas onlineen Drupal8, y requieren saber de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada, lo necesario para iniciar en el mundo del desarrollo de tiendas virtuales en Drupal.Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Instalar Drupal8Instalar Mdulos y Temas en DrupalCrear un subtema y personalizarloCrear VistasConfigurar la tiendaConfigurar productosCrear campos personalizadosCrear Cupones de DescuentosCrear promocionesCrear atributos de productosCrear categoras con taxonomasConfigurar el carrito de comprasCambiar el icono del CarritoCrear lista de deseosModificar FormulariosCrear mdulos personalizados.Crear galeras de imagenesCrear Zoom a la imagen principalCrear calificaciones de productosForma correcta de agregar css y js a nuestros temas y mdulosCrear Hooksy muchas cosas mas.Por qu elegir este curso para aprender y no otro?1. Porque este curso es muy prctico.2. Porque este curso utiliza la documentacin oficial de Drupal8.3. Porque este curso es muy completo.4. Porque al finalizar el curso crears cualquier tipo de tienda online con Drupal."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso MySQL desde 123 hasta el Infinito" |
"Aprende MySQL .Este curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia manejando bases de Datos e inclusive usando MySQL, y requieren saber de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada, lo necesario para iniciar a manejar este motor de bases de datos, desde lo ms bsico hasta lo mas avanzado. Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Diferentes programas para poner su computadora en un servidor.Conceptos importantes relacionados con MySQL.Conectarse a MySQL a travs de PHPMYADMINConectarse a MySQL a travs de MySQL WorkBenchConectarse a MySQL a travs de la consola (Terminal o CMD)Crear Base de datos va SQLCrear tablas va SQLAlterar Tablas va SQLCrear campos va SQLMostrar tablas va SQLDiferencia de los comandos CHANGE y MODIFYEntiendo el comando USE DATABASEUso del comando desc o describeUso de comentariosUso del comando renameCrear ndiceUso de If exists e If not existsUso de Insert/Delete/Update/SelectUso de TruncateAprender a usar Claves ForaneasExportar e Importar Base de datos de varias manerasUso de operadoresUso de funciones de tipo alfanumricoUso de funciones numricasUso de Funciones de FechaUniones entre tablasUso de Variables avanzadosCrear vistasCrear SubconsultasAdministracin de usuariosCrear triggersCrear funcionesCrear procedimientos almacenadosy mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Metasploit From Scratch" |
"Learn Metasploit From Scratch is a course designed in such a way that it takes you from absolute beginner to a Metasploit Professional. This course covers everything that is required to become a Metasploit Professional.Learn Metasploit From Scratch covers the following topics:IntroductionInstallation of Kali 2.0Updating KaliDirectory Structure ExplainedDatabaseMsfconsoleMetasploit Payloads and ExploitsMeterpreterFootprintingScanningAttacksMaintaining AccessDoing more with""Metasploit""By the end of the course, you will be able to perform Vulnerability Assessment for any size of Organizations.NOTE: Udemy provides you 30 Day Refund Policy, So what else you need. ENROLLNOW!!!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Begin Your Acting Career like a Boss" |
"Acting Business 101 is a 7 video series that will help actors who are either new to Hollywood or considering a move to Hollywood in the future. You will better understand how the acting industry is set up in LA. You will avoid needless false starts because you either don't know what to do, or you are listening to the wrong people. You will know exactly what is needed to get your acting business off the ground and how all of the professional players fit together.The course is divided into 7 sections. Each one ranging from 2-7 minutes. Although I simplify the information, I make sure that all of the important details are included to make the most sense. You will know why you are being asked to take certain actions by your representation. You will have a clear understanding of the casting process. And you will begin to understand how to raise your value. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mining Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin for Best Profit" |
"2017 and 2018 will be the year of cryptocurrencies. Many people have found that investing in Bitcoin and Altcoins (coins that are not Bitcoin) is one of the most profitable ways to secure an early retirement.In some cases the return is more than 1000 times more than the initial investmentWe will teach you how to work with cryptocurrencies and the most efficient way to mine them and how to convert them to Bitcoin;how to choose the hardware for the job and how to set it up for maximum profit per cost of electricity.AttentionTo all of our students, we will periodically send emails with what is new/trendy in mining, what new mining software isbetter and which altcoins we expectto have a good profit.Bonus!You will learn how to trade your mined cryptocurrency for Bitcoin or fiat money (traditional money)How NOTTO lose money to ICOs(Initial Coin Offerings) that try to scam youHow to recognize a potential good coin to mineAnyone can mine Altcoins as long as they have a computer and a more recent graphicscard.This is a domain that rewards early adopters! Start it the SMARTWAY with this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pythagoras Theorem" |
"""Pythagoras Theorem"" is a visually stunning and easy-to-understand training series on Secondary level (High School) Geometry that focuses on the age-old concept: a2 + b2 = c2***** I really enjoyed the course. Everything was clear and made much more sense after watching. *****- Tarin Camarena (Cinematographer)Do you feel maths is difficult, way over your head? Most people have trouble learning and understanding Mathematics. During this course we will show, explain and ""drill in"" how to solve questions requiring the use of Pythagoras Theorem.Watch as we solve problems and explain in great detail what is happening.We also take time to explain why things are done in a certain way. Only when you understand the reasons behind the calculation, you will be able to apply these concepts in other assignments. If you are preparing for your Secondary level exams, want a head start in your studies or are looking for clearer explanations, ""Pythagoras Theorem"" is for you!This course is intended for anyone wanting to learn about Pythagoras Theorem, but especially for secondary level students (ages 13 - 15).Today's technological world revolves increasingly around Mathematics!The truth of the matter is that almost everything in society relies in one way or an other on Mathematics. Think about Architecture, App Development,3D Printing, Machine Learning, etc. This is why it is essential and crucial that you gain a strong understanding of mathematical concepts and theorems as early as possible. Learn to understand maths, not just to pass exams!In addition to Pythagoras Theorem you will learn about Trigonometric functions, the concept of Similar Triangles, the importance of giving proof for assumptions, converting decimals into minutes and seconds, as well as many other important topics.Watch the Intro and join the course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Linux" |
"Believe it or not, Linuxis the most widely used Operating System in the world. It is deeply integrated in our daily lives, and yet most of us have never even realizedhow many devices run on Linux. From supercomputers and Smart devices to Air traffic control systems and Japan's Bullet Train, Linux is at the core of our day-to-day lives. It makes sense therefore, to learn more about this ""mysterious"" and powerful Operating System. Though Linux isn't the common choice for Desktop and Laptop computers, there is no reason why it shouldn't be._________________________________________________________Read what our students are saying about this course:***** Great course! Highly recommended! *****- Nandan Desai_________________________________________________________The Linux Switchblade - MultiBoot USB offers the perfect solution for you who want to learn and try out Linux, but aren't ready to migrate from your existing Operating System. If you are already a Linux user, you will benefit from the knowledge of how to create a multiboot pendrive, as you can carry your favorite Linux distributions with you anywhere and everywhere. Whether you have any prior experience with Linux or not, you can count on this course to get you started with some of the basics as well as some advanced topics.You will learn:How to download and install programs on WindowsHow to reliably scan downloaded files for viruses and malwareHow to partition a USB drive and what things totake note of during partitioningHow to create virtual machines for testing Linux distributionsHow to install Linux distributions onto a USB driveHow to change BIOS / UEFI settings to enable booting into LinuxUsing Third Party software for creating amultiboot USBdriveAdvanced lessons:Basic Linux Command Line (Terminal) operations such as changing file permissions and installing packagesUnderstanding the Linux boot processInstalling Linux MintPartitioning a USB drive in Linux using GpartedHow to create a Persistent file manually for Parrot Security OSUnderstanding, customizing and configuring the GRUB2 boot loaderTroubleshooting boot problemsLinux has many advantages over Windows and Mac!Linux isn't plagued by malware and viruses in the same way as Windows. Less than 5% of computers (desktops & laptops) run on Linux. This makes Linux a much less targeted platform because it just isn't as profitable. Low-level user privileges, software repositories and the open source nature of Linux addextra levels of security to the Operating System. Linux also respects your privacy unlike Windows! These reasons make Linux an excellent choice for Online Banking and Shopping as well as accessing private information such as emails and chats.Linux is more stable and does not usually slow down over time. Most distributions are capable of running on very low hardware resources making Linux a light weight alternative to Windows and Mac. Portability is another key factor. Linux distributions, on average, come in less than 2GB ISO files (some distros are much smaller than 2GB).The Command Line (Terminal)interface and BASH scripting are among the most powerful features in Linux. If you are fond of customization, Linux provides ample room to play around. It was created to be customizable based on users' needs.This course is a good introduction to Linux. It also provides you the opportunity to try out Linux for yourself and gives you sufficient knowledge to get started. Enroll now and start learning the smart way!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tout ce qui concerne l'conomie" |
"Bonjour tout le monde, ce cours est spcialement prpar pour les gens qui veulent comprendre l'conomie en gnral, ce n'est pas ncessaire que vous avez tudi l'conomie avant, il faut juste que vous pouvez comprendre la langue franaise pour commencer ce cours. Dans ce cours j'ai rsum tout ce qui concerne l'conomie gnrale pour vous permettre de commencer vos pas dans ce domaine vague, et bien sur ce cours est destin galement aux gens qui ont dj tudi l'conomie et qui veulent bien assimiler ses notions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Business in three languages: English, French, Arabic" |
"This course is a special one, because I presented it in three languages, French, Arabic and English, that will afford you the opportunity to learn business, and languages too in the same time.Ce cours est special, parce que j'ai le presenteen trois langues, Francais, arabe et Anglais, cela peut vous donner l'opportunite pour apprendre les affaires, et les langues aussi au meme temps. ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn the art of Hand Embroidery" |
"Hello everybody,this course will be reaaaally special, because it helps you to learn a special art which is the hand embroidery, I know that technology makes it very easy to get your embroidery in a few minutes but trust me the hand one is really great, I know that there is a part of people wo like traditional stuff, so wearing some clothes with your hand embroidery makes them special, another thing is that learning this art can help you to stand your own business in your good luck in your learning, don't forget to leave your comments andyour messages, I will be happy to give you more ressources of that great special art."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Develop Your Emotional Intelligence" |
"In this course, you will be able to identify your strengths,weaknesses and how to move forward towards achieving your goals. By understand where you position yourself, you will be able to receive well, rephrase your approach and react accordingly. Emotional intelligence is one of the most important aspect in human being life. EI is more important than IQ due to its involvements with people that will support your plans and dreams.Emotional Intelligence will allow you to gain more money (be wealthy), be healthy, position yourself among influencers and gain followers. In this course, you will be talking about effectiveness of EI and you can upscale your current thoughts, behaviors and practices to the next level. Keep in mind that you will need to investment in your self too beside of taking the necessary steps to amend or change the way your think or behave.For the ones who complete their assignment and share it with me, they will receive a FREE coaching session for 20 minutes via Skype as an appreciation of your hard work of completing the course and assignment. The course will be on discounted price for limited period and will be revise to higher rate due to its complexity and requirements. So, hurry up and utilize this unique opportunity.In case if you have any further details or clarifications required, feel free to contact me. Looking forward to enroll and don't forget to Share, Rate High and Subscribe."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Career in HR" |
"In this course, you will SAVE years of chasing experience and knowledge besides of SAVING a lot of money just to gain the necessary knowledge. In this course, I'm bringing to you over 7 years of corporate experience into 1.5 hour in an easy and simple way. In here, I will show case the real life scenarios and practical of HR department and its operations to have better understanding how employee affairs function perform at anyorganization.At this course, you will be able to understand where you stand and how can you choice the right career within HR that you are looking for. We will be covering the main functions, operations and responsibilitiesof HR department to ensure you understand the over all and little diving deep into its operations.More courses will be publish soon with regards to several initiatives, programs and other assignments that HR are responsible of such as: Talent Management, Nationalization, Employee Engagement, Training, Return of Investment (ROI) on Learning and Development and much more.I usually deliver this course for not less than USD 900/- however and for limited period, it will be at the set price mentioned. So, hurry up and grap this unique opportunity as it is for limited period. Don;t hesitate to contact me for any further details or clarifications required.Don't forget to Rate High, Share, Like and Subscribe too :)Thanks and best regardsFahad Khalaf"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |