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"TMap Suite Test Engineer Practice Exams" |
"Map NEXT Test Engineer is created for professional testers of any level for whom testing is a significant part of their role. It is also useful for users, developers, and managers who test software projects or information systems.Main subjectsFramework and importance of testingTMap activities and TMap NEXT phasesTest design*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 78 questions ***"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Domain-Driven Design ( DDD )" |
"Atravs deste curso, voc aprender todos os conceitos e fundamentos bsicos relacionados ao Domain-Driven Design. Sero abordados todos os detalhes da modelagem atravs do design estratgico e design ttico. Por fim ser apresentado o funcionamento da dinmica Event Storming, para extrair os conceitos mais implcitos do seu domnio de negcio."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Arquitetura de Microsservios (Microservices)" |
"Atravs deste curso, voc aprender os fundamentos bsicos e iniciais relacionados a Arquitetura de Microsservios. Sero abordados temas como o porque da utilizao de microsservios, estratgias de escala da aplicao e banco de dados, formas de integrao e comunicao e componentes de plataforma. Nenhuma linguagem de programao pr-requisito (porm noes de arquitetura web e de sistemas so bem-vindas), visto que sero abordados os conceitos de forma abrangente, com o objetivo de ter uma viso macro de arquitetura e funcionamento de aplicaes distribudas. Por fim, ser apresentado uma breve apresentao do que DevOps e como a operao se aplica a esta arquitetura em especfico."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Rhinoceros 3D Akademik Eitim Seti" |
"Bu eitim, bilgisayar destekli 3 boyutlu modelleme ve tasarm esaslarnn Rhinoceros Rhino programn kullanarak uygulanmasn hedefler.Bu dersi baaryla tamamlayabilen renciler;Rhinoceros modelleme programnn arayzn tanyabilecektir.bu program temel modelleme arac olarak kullanabilecektir.Rhinoceros kullanarak 2 boyutlu izim ve grsellerden 3 boyutlu modeller yaratabilecektir.Rhinoceros programnda rn baznda farkl modelleme stratejileri gelitirebilecektir.3 boyutlu dijital modelleri k ve malzeme kullanarak sunabilecektir ve 3D kat model ve prototip oluturabileceklerdir."
Price: 209.99 ![]() |
yogapregnant |
", . 4 , . , ; ; . , , , , . , , . , , ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"How To Get A Technical Customer Facing Role in 2020" |
"Why Choose This Career Path?Technical customer-facing roles like Sales Engineer, Technical Customer Success Manager roles are fun, engaging, and rewarding jobs.Plus, they are also equally lucrative paths that start out in the $100K base salary range with some sort of variable payout. Moreover, the career path from a technical customer-facing role is flexible and varied from leadership roles, product management, marketing, and more.Here are the topics covered in this course:BUSINESS SKILL SETFull-cycle business from market development, closing a sale and nurturing customers to renewal contractsMarket DevelopmentAccount-Based MarketingDeveloping Ideal Customer ProfilesDeveloping Ideal Buyer PersonasWhat is Prospecting?Useful Market Qualification frameworksHow to develop Market Development skills?SalesHow to Build a Business Case?What are the common Sales Stages?What are some Negotiation Tactics?What are the fundamental Sales Qualification frameworks?What are the common Sales Frameworks and Methodologies?Customer SuccessHow to approach Customer contract renewals?How to Upsell existing Customers?How to manage a Portfolio of Customer Accounts?How to develop Customer Success Plans?How to conduct QBR meetings?How to handle product implementation and customer onboarding?How to help Customer achieve Business Outcomes?TECHNICAL SKILL SETUnderstanding some common technical knowledge and topics to equip you in a technical customer-facing roleUnderstanding Software Development & ArchitectureWhat aspects of software engineering are useful for a technical customer-facing role?What is the fundamental understanding of software engineering?What are the key concepts in software architecture design?What are the common software architecture patterns?What are the common data structure and their use cases?What are APIs and their use cases? Understanding Business Intelligence & DataWhat aspects of data and business intelligence is useful for a technical customer-facing role?What is the data science hierarchy of needs?What are the components that make up a data warehouse architecture?What are some best practices in data visualization?Understanding Product ManagementWhat aspects of product management is useful for a technical customer-facing role?What are some project management best practices?How to make decisions based on benefits and tradeoffs using SWOT analysis?What are some leadership best practices?How to decide on product goals and metrics?HOW TO GET A TECHNICAL CUSTOMER FACING ROLE?What is a Sales Engineer and what value do they bring to a company?What is a Technical Customer Success Manager and what value do they bring to a company?How to position yourself for a technical customer-facing role?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LIFE COACHING: El poder de cambiar tu vida en tiempo rcord" |
"Durante este curso descubrirs por qu haces lo que haces y las estrategias que existen para afrontar tus problemas.Aprenders cmo puedes liberarte de comportamientos que no te ayudan y construir la vida que quieres, con mejores actitudes sobre lo que te ocurre y lo que haces.Adems, descubrirs cules son los vehculos que mejor se adecuan a lo que necesitas para tener una vida plena y satisfactoria.El objetivo de este curso es que uses a tu favor algunas de las mejores herramientas del coaching de vida para que tu bienestar sea una constante y no algo que te sucede por azar.Las clases estn repletas de ejemplos reales para que te resulte mucho ms fcil aterrizar el aprendizaje, adems del anlisis de 2 casos de estudio.Empecemos tu proceso personal de transformacin... te espero en la primera clase."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Maestra Emocional: DOMINA tus EMOCIONES como un experto" |
"Descubre cmo apalancarte en la inteligencia emocional para vivir mejor. Gestionando tus emociones simplificars tu vida de una manera que ni te imaginas. Si te sientes inseguro de ti mismo, la timidez te est limitando y ya ests demasiado cansado de sentir que nada da resultados, apuesta por trabajar en tu dominio de las emociones.En Coaching estratgico sabemos que las emociones nos dan mensajes, aprender a interpretarlos es clave si quieres vivir una vida plena basada en el autoconocimiento."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"COACHING para obtener resultados masivos Explota tu 2020" |
"El curso est pensado para trabajar en l durante 7 das y que puedas empezar a ver los primeros resultados reales. Si haces lo que propone el curso, es imposible que no veas resultados.Podrs replicarlo las veces que necesites para conseguir ms resultados en 1 semana que en 1 mes a voluntad.La promesa es ambiciosa y funciona pero solo si lo aplicas. Sin pasar a la accin no conseguirs nada.Es un curso para personas comprometidas con sus sueos que quieren empujar sus lmites para sentirse realizadas.Utilizamos herramientas de coaching para que tomes accin y de autoconocimiento para que comprendas qu necesitas hacer para mejorar tu vida.Te espero dentro del curso para revolucionar tus resultados y conseguir aquello que hace tiempo se te escurre entre los dedos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cmo iniciar un negocio de COACHING (De novato a experto)" |
"Ahora podrs construir un nuevo negocio, que te permitir crear tu propio horario, ser tu propio jefe, tener ms libertad y, lo ms importante, ayudar a otros a alcanzar sus sueos brindndoles tu conocimiento valioso para tener xito.Trabajar como coach online te da la posibilidad de ayudar a muchas personas en cualquier parte del mundo.Te mostrar cmo yo lo hice para que puedas copiar mi plan de accin paso a paso y al fin emprender en el mundo del Coaching.Muchas personas necesitan tu ayuda pero si no te encuentran ser imposible que trabajen contigo.Aprende lo bsico y ve escalando hasta conseguir el negocio que de verdad quieres crear. Si hasta ahora no supiste cmo emprender en coaching, no fue tu culpa, solo es miedo a lo desconocido. Y vamos a solucionarlo de inmediato.Este curso est pensado para mujeres emprendedoras, pero hombres son bienvenidos!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprende cmo SUPERAR LA TIMIDEZ y sentirte mucho ms libre" |
"Sientes que la timidez te hizo perder oportunidades? Quizs ests intentando emprender pero no lo consigues porque exponerte te aterra.La timidez se puede erradicar de tu vida si aprendes a controlarla y es lo que te ayudar a hacer en este curso corto e intenso.Quiero mostrarte cmo yo misma super la timidez con 8 hacks que puedes aprender rpidamente y empezar a aplicar de inmediato en tu vida cotidiana.PD: Este NO es un curso de seduccin."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"LIFE COACHING: Aprende a gestionar los miedos y vivir mejor" |
"Saber cmo superar los miedos es una habilidad que nos acompaa durante toda la vida, nos permite expandirnos, conseguir lo que buscamos y alcanzar la plenitud en todas las reas de nuestra vida.Si te sientes temeroso al emprender, al exponerte o el miedo al fracaso te invade cada vez que iniciar un proyecto, este curso te ayudar a superarlo.El coaching de vida nos gua para usar las herramientas de superacin personal ms poderosas y dejar de procrastinar, romper lmites y comprender lo que necesitamos para seguir creciendo.En este curso voy a ayudarte, con ejemplos, ejercicios y herramientas concretas a gestionar los miedos ms comunes para que puedas vivir cada da mejor."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
phlebotomy |
"NO more fears and nightmare from blood drawing anymore .you will not have difficulty in drawing blood anymore ,for more than 3 years ago i have faced difficulty in drawing blood so i thought , Is this problem with my own hand skills or there is a way and tips i can takeFinally I found the answer , you just need to learn tricks of phlebotomy .anyone can draw blood with one trial from the first time , I have searched a lot on the internet and websites and books and I asked a lots of doctors and nurses ,so i collected all what I learned in this course ,the tips and tricks in this course I think it is enough to draw blood with confidence and one time trial.This is a phlebotomy course. let this course help you along your journey by reviewing with you phlebotomy principles and guidelines, anatomy and physiology, order of the draw and much more.You will have access to your course again and again to review you can view and review the entire course over and over or focus on those areas you believe you need.This course is perfect for everyone interested in learning phlebotomy especially the newly trained phlebotomist, the medical assistant, nursing students, EMT's and others.In only a few hours you can have a comprehensive review of phlebotomy leading to a success. you can start on the very basics of the blood and anatomy and work your way up to the order of the draw, additives, and much more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"First Aid" |
"Knowing how to deliver Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & First Aid is critical in responding to common emergencies. This course will prepare you to perform CPR, First Aid in accordance with the latest guidelines.This course will cover how to provide care to simple and complex injuries, respond to common medical problems, perform high quality CPR and safety and prevention. Populations covered include infants, children, and adult .This course is not designed to make you a professional medical provider, and it will not teach you how to diagnose your childs illness. This course is basic and necessary, and will cover the most common situations that can and will arise, as well as less common but dangerous situations that require immediate response. After taking this course you will feel more comfortable and confident, that if something should happen to a person and you are in the area, you will be able to properly assess what needs to be done and take the right steps to control the situation until help arrives.There are many situations where appropriate steps taken immediately can save lives, prevent future complications, prevent bad situations from getting worse, and make sure that the healing process starts effectively and immediately."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"German -how to speak German from scratch part 1" |
"this specially developed course you hear me speak very slowly with many repition . and the course for who have little or no knowledge of the language they are being taught. just the guidance You participate in this class actively and learn along with the students. This radically different approach means that you will learn a language in real-time conditions There is no need to stop the recording to do homework, additional exercises, or vocabulary memorization. Therefore, unlike other learning methods you may have encountered, you will not be set unrealistic or unachievable goals. The success of this method is proven by the very results that you hear from the students and from you as you make your own responses!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Nail Your Course Concept Step by Step" |
"Whether you're about to create a course or stuck in the process, a viable, focused course concept makes all the difference in building a course or moving forward with one. Most people start out with what they THINK is a focused concept but which actually isn't. This video series shows you exactly why a fuzzy course concept is the source of so many problems in organizing, creating and selling a course. It demonstrates why you must create a course around a subject you're passionate about, and it teaches how to pinpoint that passion. Finally, using a unique process, it teaches you how to zoom in on a core concept that you can easily and logically build a course from, that will make it easier to market as well as to write. The process also works for developing a book or business concept. The course is taught by Marcy McDonald, who has coached 100s of professors and subject matter experts, including more than a dozen evergreen courses that earned >$1 million their first year alone."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Tlconseiller - Centre d'appel - Dbutant" |
"Un cours qui rassemble l'essentiel du mtier de Tlconseiller.Ce cours se devise en 5 sections, chacune d'elle aborde un pilier du mtier des Call Centers (Centres dappel).Lavantage avec ce cours c'est qu'il est simple du fait qu'il est rsum, et concentr. Des vidos pas trs longues pour vous garder concentrs.Des exercices en forme de quiz pour valider vos acquis la fin de chaque section.Ce cours est pens et fait pour vous, pour vous donner une ide claire sur les centres d'appel et vous aider intgrer cette activit en tant prt 100%.Bon courage."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Best You is the REAL You! - Live AUTHENTICALLY Part 1" |
"This easy to follow, powerful eight lesson self-pace course will help you learn what makes you tick, be comfortable in your own skin, and live a liberated life free from the heavy weight of the expectations of others. It is the first module in a powerful series of eight that will help you live an authentic life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Best You is the REAL YOU! The AUTHENTIC Makeover Part 2" |
"This powerful course will help the student to re-evaluate their past with a new perspective as they learn strategies to help build unshakable self-esteem. Also, they will learn how to become the person they have always wanted to be as they proactively take progressive steps to reach their goal of having a more satisfying life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Best You is the REAL YOU! - True Self Acceptance Part 3" |
"This powerful course will help students of all levels learn to accept and appreciate themselves. They will learn to stop doubting their abilities and appreciate their worth. They will learn how to stop negative self-talk and use affirmations to build them up. This course will help all who have suffered from crippling self-esteem to see how beautiful and powerful they really are!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Best You is the REAL YOU! - TRULY Love Yourself Part 4" |
"This powerful course will help the learner to truly love themselves and live authentically. They will learn why they should avoid seeking approval from others and embrace their individuality. They should stop 'keeping up the Kardashians or Joneses' and stop comparing themselves to others. They will learn to like themselves with all of their quirks, flaws, strengths, and weaknesses. The learner will come to understand the importance of loving one's physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual self."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Best You is the REAL You! - Your TRUE Purpose Part 5" |
"What is your life purpose? Why should we be interested in discovering our life purpose and learning the benefits of doing so. Learn how living your life's purpose can help you live an authentic, fulfilling life.This course will help the learner find their life purpose and the principles of meditation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Best You is the REAL You! - AUTHENTIC LIVING Part 6" |
"In this powerful course you will learn to listen to your inner voice without fear or shame. You will learn to have the courage to develop your originality, express your true feelings, reveal your true personality and create a compelling future. You will learn to present yourself honestly and be authentic in every area of your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"After Effects & Cinema 4D" |
"VFX 3D Animation"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Entrena para bajar de peso o subir de masa muscular." |
"El curso de entrenamiento fisico para bajar de peso o subir de masa muscular y bajo riesgo de lesion, con plan de alimentacion y suplementacion deportiva, para personas que quieren bajar de peso o subir de masa muscular, es un curso de aprendizaje de un entrenamiento fisico que podras realizar en cualquier lugar como; casa, parque o gimnasio, aprenderas lo que es un entrenamiento efectivo y con un riesgo de lesion casi nulo, el curso viene con los planes de nutricion y suplementacion deportiva de tal manera que tambien aprendas a alimentarte y suplementarte de forma efectiva para que logres los resultados en tu cuerpo que quizas hayas intentado y no lo has logrado, junto con la enseanza que te provera este curso, viene un programa de 8 semanas de transformacion fisica que cambiara tu cuerpo para siempre.Te daremos todas las herramientas necesarias para que completes tu programa de 60 dias de entrenamiento, rutinas, planes de nutricion, planes de suplementacion en archivos PDF.Tambien encontraras los videos explicativos acerca de como llevar este curso, ademas de todos los videos de ejercicios explicados de una forma facil y sencilla para que los puedas ejecutar sin problemas, las rutinas te marcaran claramente que ejercicios deberas hacer todos los dias y semana tras semana tanto de fuerza como de entrenamiento cardiovascular, hasta que logres tu objetivo.No importa si no has hecho ninguna actividad fisica nunca o si no has llevado algun plan de nutricion, si tienes sobrepeso o eres muy delgado, este curso te enseara desde cero a entrenarte, suplementarte y alimentarte de forma que cambies tu cuerpo y tu vida para siempre."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"El Currculum de Precisin Estratgico" |
"Aprenders a elaborar un currculum estratgico de precisin diseado especficamente para ese lugar al que quieres ingresar a trabajar o esa institucin educativa para continuar tus estudios. No es un curso de diseo grfico de currculums, aqu aprenders a disear el fondo para hacer necesario en los objetivos de la empresa que elijas para trabajar y desarrollarte."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ventas 1 a 1; cuida a tus clientes y atrae nuevos" |
"En este curso aprenderemos como el contacto directo con tus clientes actuales, levantando sus datos personales de una manera transparente y directa, es una herramienta poderosa para mantenerlos al tanto de tus novedades y promociones. Est comprobado que mantenerse dentro de la mente del cliente ""top of mind"", de una manera sutil, no agresiva ni usando ""spam"" es la mejor situacin posible para establecer una relacin de largo plazo con ellos y poder atraer ms de manera directa.La utilidad de este curso de ventas es para los siguientes sectores:Para todo tipo de negocios y vendedores enfocados hacia el consumidor directo Con los clientes existentes dentro del local. Ejemplos:Restaurantes y locales de alimentosRefaccionariasFerreteras y materialesTiendas departamentales Prospeccin de nuevos clientes potencialesCasa por casa, negocio por negocio y en calleDentro del propio local comercialVentas de catlogo y multinivelo Para quienes no tienen resueltas las siguientes preguntas: Sabes dnde estn tus clientes/prospectos en este momento?Nombres y apellidos, no de manera genrica. Puedes contactarlos y decirles algo en este instante? Sabes cmo hacer que tus clientes regresen frecuentemente?Si respondiste que no a alguna, entonces este curso es para tiTambin es para quienes, adems de su estrategia en redes y medios tradicionales, quiere crear nuevos clientes, especficamente de ciertos segmentos estratgicos, por medio de una prospeccin en sitio y directa"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cmo crear un CV de impacto para las empresas?" |
"Te ha sucedido que por ms CV's que envas a las empresas no obtienes respuesta? El Curriculum Vitae es tu carta de presentacin laboral por lo cual es necesario que tenga un impacto positivo en las empresas. Cuando descubres la manera adecuada de presentar la informacin de tu experiencia profesional en un CV, adquieres una importante ventaja en un mundo laboral cada vez ms competido. Incrementa las posibilidades de obtener el trabajo que siempre has buscado con este curso en el que te llevar de la mano para que obtengas un CV que reflejar el valor de tu trayectoria laboral y con el que te sentirs con absoluta seguridad para demostrar por qu eres la persona ideal para el puesto?."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tcnica para poner lmites efectivos a los hijos" |
"Tener hijos es todo un reto, pero lo es an ms poder guiarlos y educarlos de una forma en la que adquieran las herramientas psicolgicas y emocionales necesarias para ser personas felices, con la capacidad de relacionarse sanamente con ellos mismos y los dems. Los lmites son una parte fundamental para el sano desarrollo de los hijos, y aprender a poner lmites de forma efectiva sentar las bases para una transicin armnica de la infancia a la adolescencia y a la vida adulta. Con este curso aprenders la importancia de los lmites para el desarrollo de la personalidad, as como una tcnica sencilla y muy efectiva para poner lmites efectivos, de manera amorosa y libre de culpas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle SQL - The Complete Interview and Certification Course" |
"Welcome to the world of SQL Knowledge!!! This course will offer you all what you required to clear any SQL Interview or to Grab SQL Certification Exams.The Course Includes:90+ Solved SQL Questions and Answers50+ Solved Basic SQL Queries (Syntax based on Oracle)20+ Solved Advanced SQL Queries (Syntax based on Oracle)100 Solved Multi-Choice Questions and Answers for SQL Certification Exam PreparationBonus SQL Tips"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle PL/SQL- A Complete Interview and Certification Course" |
"Welcome to the world of PL/SQL Knowledge!!! This course will offer you all what you required to clear any PL/SQL Interview or to Grab PL/SQL Certification Exams.The Course Includes:70 Solved PL/SQL Questions and Answers55 Solved Multi-Choice Questions and Answers for PL/SQL Certification Exam Preparation with explanationCovering All PL/SQL Topics: Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Cursors, Packages, Exceptions etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |