Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Hi! Soy Rubn Alvarez!Bienvenid@ a este nuevo Mster Experto en Modelado 3D Autodesk 3DS MaxEn este MASTER aprenders desde CERO y, durante ms de 350 clases, la herramienta Autodesk 3dsMax para lograr las habilidades necesarias para la creacin y modelado de geometra para el desarrollo de cualquier diseo, elemento u objeto 3D para proyectos de Cine, Animacin, Videojuegos, Arquitectura, Diseo 3d, Realidad Virtual, MotionGraphics, etc Solo necesitars el Software Autodesk 3ds Max que podrs descargarlo gratuitamente como estudiante desde la pgina oficial de Autodesk.- Empezaremos con el manejo de la rbita y el espacio 3d, las herramientas necesarias para conseguir el control absoluto de las perspectivas y las vistas 2d del programa, en el proceso del modelado y la creacin de escenas. Trabajaremos con los modos de distribucin y organizacin de elementos, as como los distintos tipos de modelado paramtrico, modelado de Foma Libre, Objetos de Composicin, Formas 2D, Herramientas de Generacin de Geometra, Edicin de Mallas para Modelado Orgnico y Modelado Inorgnico Hard Surfaces, Metodologas de Combinacin Geomtrica y Herramientas Avanzadas Graphite Modeling entre otros muchos puntos con los que conseguirs convertirte en un Diseador 3D Profesional. - Adems desarrollaremos 6 proyectos prcticos de Modelado, as como ejercicios simples, donde aprenderemos a diferenciar y a utilizar los distintos tipos herramientas y metodologas consiguiendo dominar con soltura una de las herramientas ms demandadas de la industria.- No hay requisitos para este curso, slo necesitars ganas de aprender y la disciplina necesaria para ser constante para mejorar tu perfil profesional. Este Mster est orientado para alumnos que quieran adentrarse en el mundo del 3d, as como para los alumnos y profesionales ya experimentados que quieran implementar sus conocimientos en modelado 3D Avanzado. - El aumento de NIVEL del Curso ser progresivo y estar marcado en cada una de las secciones como NIVEL I, II y III. Las Clases contarn con marcadores, grficos y textos para facilitar el aprendizaje. - Los proyectos se detallan al mximo, sin acelerar la locucin, el video o las acciones para evitar perderse en los pasos a seguir. Tendrs Acceso a todos los Recursos y Archivos del Programa contando con la ayuda del Profesor 24/7 en los Foros de Preguntas y Respuestas, as como un contacto directo desde la plataforma.- Finalizaremos este Mster con 2 Secciones Bonus Consejos y Recursos + 1 Seccin Render con Marmoset que podrs aplicar a tus futuras creaciones, donde nos introduciremos en la optimizacin de geometra, veremos herramientas adicionales e interesantes para complementar los procesos de modelado, y aprenderemos a crear una animacin para presentar nuestros modelos. - Por otro lado, mediante la herramientas Marmoset trabajaremos el renderizado en tiempo real para imagen fija, exportacin interactiva y de pelcula (turn around) para dar un plus visual al modelado de cara a una presentacin, redes sociales, portfolios, galeras as como para aadirlo a nuestra demoreel o bobina de trabajos.- Se ha aadido una nueva seccin sobre el renderizado con Vray donde nos adentraremos en la representacin de diseos 3d con este potente motor de render sin salirnos de la herramiento 3ds Max.____________________________________________________SOBRE RUBN: durante aos he trabajado como instructor en varios centros de nuevas tecnologas, as como director de contenidos para alumnos en las diferentes reas del diseo 3d (como la animacin, grafismo para videojuegos, diseo 3d, motiongraphics, composicin). Entre mi formacin cuento con una Certificacin Profesional como Docente para la Formacin para el Empleo.Actualmente combino la docencia y las artes grficas con proyectos de animacin 3D, Composicin y Motiongraphics para agencias y estudios; y en mi anterior curso de Udemy cuento con casi 3000 alumnos.____________________________________________________Este detallado Mster de ms de 350 clases se ha diseado en base a mi experiencia como docente presencial y en base a mi experiencia profesional como diseador 3D, para que los alumnos adquieran de una forma slida los procesos y la comprensin de las herramientas avanzadas de modelado para el desarrollo de proyectos para la industria con 3ds Max ( + Marmoset Toolbag y Vray en las secciones de renderizado en tiempo real ).Sintete libre de revisar toda la descripcin de curso y cualquier duda que te surja no dudes en escribirme. Espero que te apuntes a esta completa experiencia didctica.Suerte y nos vemos por la plataforma.:D"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Deliver the perfect pitch for 3rd sector funders" |
"This is a course for people who want to make a real difference to the environment and their local communities. A course for people who need to pitch to charitable funders for money or influence change makers to enable their goals to be met. Stand out from the crowd by avoiding the common mistakes most people make when pitching. The course gives you valuable insight and information about pitching. Step-by-step, the course takes you through each of the stages you needed to create the perfect pitch. The course also has a number of resources and tools to keep your pitching perfect. The 5 modules with supporting videos and a pitching template will take you through the process of developing your perfect pitch and increasing your success rate."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Social Start-up box, how to start a non profit business" |
"Business can be a catalyst for positive change. You can be your own boss and make a living at the same time as helping others. This is a course for people who have a business mind-set but do not want to run their business in a purely profit motivated way. Be an entrepreneur with real ethical values and a commitment to making a difference and set yourself apart from the crowd. Save yourself time and money by avoiding the common mistakes most people make when starting their Social Business. The course gives you valuable and honest insight into setting up your social business and helping you turn your idea into a reality. Step-by-step, the course takes you through each of the stages you needed to create a successful social enterprise.How to start a social enterprise is filled with plenty of resources and tools to bring your vision to life.The 11 modules with supporting lectures and a comprehensive workbook will take you on a thought provoking and practical learning journey from developing ideas to business planning and setting up your enterprise, covering all the essential areas to make your social business a success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scrivener fr Windows" |
"Warum eigentlich Geld fr etwas ausgeben, wenn man Microsoft Word doch kostenfrei nutzen kann?Warum ist Scrivener bei so vielen Schriftstellern im englischsprachigen Raum so beliebt?Du wirst anhand des Gedichtes Die Gedanken sind frei dein erstes Scrivenerdokument erstellen und dabei die Grundfunktionen von Scrivener kennenlernen.Dann werde ich dir Anhand des Projektes Reisefhrer Deutschland erklren wie durch Brainstorming, Ordnen und Ergnzen Projekte in Scrivener organisch wachsen.Denn Scrivener kann auch dir helfen kreativ und gleichzeitig strukturiert zu arbeiten."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deutsche Schrift 1: Die Kleinbuchstaben" |
"*** Dieser Kurs eignet sich nicht fr Deutsch als Fremdsprache ***1. Ich stelle dir einen Buchstaben vor.2. Dann zeige ich dir wie man den Buchstaben in einem Wort verwendet.3. Dann gibt es zu jeder Buchstabengruppe Unterlagen auf liniertem Papier, damit du eines der wichtigsten Dinge tun kannst.Die Deutsche Schreibschrift ben, ben und nochmals ben.4. Es folgt ein Abschnitt in dem ich alle Worte in den Unterlagen einzeln durchgehe.5. Und zu guter Letzt, kannst du das Lesen ben. Ich mache ein Quiz und da kannst dich selber testen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deutsche Schrift 2: Die Grobuchstaben" |
"*** Dieser Kurs eignet sich nicht fr Deutsch als Fremdsprache ***1. Ich stelle dir einen Buchstaben vor.2. Dann zeige ich dir wie man den Buchstaben in einem Wort verwendet.3. Dann gibt es zu jeder Buchstabengruppe Unterlagen auf liniertem Papier, damit du eines der wichtigsten Dinge tun kannst.Die Deutsche Schreibschrift ben, ben und nochmals ben.4. Es folgt ein Abschnitt in dem ich alle Worte in den Unterlagen einzeln durchgehe.5. Und zu guter Letzt, kannst du das Lesen ben. Ich mache ein Quiz und da kannst dich selber testen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Instalar o Windows 8.1" |
"O curso de Windows 8.1, para quem est iniciando o seu aprendizado como tcnico de informtica ou para aqueles que querem saber como formatar e configurar o sistema operacional. necessrio ter conhecimento de informtica bsica, para compreender os termos abordados. Durante o curso, voc vai aprender a particionar um disco rgido, para fazer os backups necessrios."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Hyper-V" |
"O curso de Hyper-V, para quem est iniciando o seu aprendizado como tcnico de informtica, programador, analista de teste de software e para aqueles que querem entender como utilizar uma mquina virtual. necessrio ter conhecimento de informtica bsica, para compreender os termos abordados. O Hyper-V fornece a virtualizao de hardware. Isso significa que cada mquina virtual executada em hardware virtual. O Hyper-V permite que voc crie discos rgidos virtuais, comutadores virtuais e um nmero de outros dispositivos virtuais que podem ser adicionados a mquinas virtuais."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing for Tourism" |
"Instagram is changing tourism marketing and there is no question if youre in the tourism and visitor industry you need to be on Instagram. Whether you are a beginner or advanced user, there will be something in Instagram for Tourism Online Course to help you ignite excellence in your marketing efforts.As a passionate tourism business growing your business and your brand in the online world, youve already established an online social presence to attract visitors, promote your experience, and delight your customers across platforms like Facebook.With now over one billion users, Instagram has become an essential element of social media marketing for any tourism business. Additionally, there are many benefits for you to navigate growing Instagram for your business the right way, which is why we put together this training on how to set up, develop, improve and optimise your Instagram strategy to increase your audience, followers, leads, customers, networks and continue down the path of becoming an (even more) lovable experience.There is no question if youre an experience maker in the tourism and visitor industry you need to be on Instagram. Whether you are a beginner or advanced user, there will be something in Instagram for Tourism Online Course to help you ignite excellence in your marketing efforts.While our efforts focus on the tourism industry, the best practices, tips and strategies apply to many other small to medium business working in any other industry as well.Dive in and explore learning at your convenience around your business. If you have any question and will like to speak to the course trainer contact us."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cum S Vorbeti Bine" |
"Cursul este pentru tine dac:Simi c nu poi s-i controlezi emoiile atunci cnd vorbeti n public sau expui un punct de vedereAi ascultat cel puin o nregistrare cu vocea ta i nu i-a plcut deloc ceea ce ai auzitVrei s transmii for, energie i ncredere de fiecare dat cnd vorbetiTe temi c NU te ridici la ateptrile celor care te ascultAi vrea s ncepi lejer orice fel de conversaie cu ncredere n tine i curajAlegi s cedezi ntr-o discuie fiindc simi c nu poi s-i duci ideea la capt din cauza emoiilor i a nencrederiiSimi c ai abilitile unui lider i ai vrea ca vocea ta s fie un instrument care s conving i s influeneze oamenii din juri e team c relaiile cu ceilali ar putea s fie afectate din cauza faptului c nu comunici aa cum i-ai doriAfli ce poi s lucrezi la vocea ta ca s o poi controla mai uor n timp ce vorbetiDescoperi cele mai comune 4 probleme de voce i afli soluii practice ca s le evii pe viitorAfli care sunt cei 6 stlpi ai unei voci de calitate i cum s te antrenezi n fiecare zi ca s i ntretinvei s controlezi volumul, ritmul, nlimea i intonaiile pentru ca felul n care vorbeti s devin mai atractivAfli cum s acionezi la cauzele problemelor de voce i dicie, nu doar la efecte"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"UiPath RPA for Professional Automation" |
"Welcome to the course about UiPath ReFramework!If you have a basic experience in working with UiPath and want to pass an exam to get an RPA developer certificate, or just want to increase your RPA developer level, then this course is exactly what you need!I developed a lot of automation using ReFramework, and I want to share the knowledge gained from work.In this course, you will first become familiar with the concept of the State Machine and in what situations you need to use ReFramework.Next, we will move from the high-level structure of ReFramework to a more detailed description after reviewing all the framework files and the connections between them.To finally get a complete and detailed scheme of ReFramework.In the last section, you will see how to work and make changes to ReFramework with practical examples.Register for this course and become a professional RPA developer."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Blockflte lernen fr Anfnger" |
"Liebe*r Musikfreud*inHier lernst du deine ersten Stcke auf deiner Blockflte. Es ist egal welche Flte du besitzt, ob es eine barocke ( 2 Doppellcher am Blockfltenfu) oder eine deutsche (durchgehende einfache Lochbohrung) Blockflte ist!Diese Kurs ist fr absolute Anfnger*innen. Hier lernst du deine ersten und einfachen Stcke spielen. Alle Lieder sind mit einer Hand spielbar. Fr das erste Stck verwenden wir nur 3 Tne, und fr alle anderen Stcke nur 5 Tne.Egal ob du glaubst, du seist unmusikalisch oder ob du keine guten Erfahrungen im Musikunterricht gemacht hast, hier kannst du in deinem eigenen Tempo, deine ersten Stcke auf deiner Blockflte erlernen. Vertraue dir und mache einen Schritt oder besser Liedteil nach dem anderen. Vertraue und gib nicht auf, und mache dir selbst und vielleicht auch anderen Menschen eine Freude.Ich wnsche dir groe Spiel- und Musikfreude beim Erklingen deiner Blockflte.Freue dich auf deine ersten Stcke wie: Ringel, Ringel, Reihe - Unsre Katz hat Ktzchen ghabt - Ist ein Wolf in Brunn gefalln - Hnschen klein - Hnsel und Gretel - Hopp, hopp, hopp - Schlaf, Kindlein schlaf - BONUS einfache Rythmusbungen."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Get the best price possible with AirBnB Hacking" |
"Im currently staying in my 3 bed, 2 bathroom condo in La Manga Spain for the month of March. So where do you get the seeds for your money tree mate? Truth is Im not rich, Im not even wealthy. I got less than $700 in my bank account but it DOESNT MATTER when you know how to work the AIRBNB platform. $2000? $2500? Nice try, I paid only $540 for the ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH! I taught my friends and family who are now traveling to their dream destinations and Im willing to teach you as well in as little as 2 hours.We have spent countless hours figuring out the best possible way to travel, saving thousands of dollars on hotels, luxury villa's and much more.This course will teach you everything I know in relation to finding insane deals on flights, AirBnB's and travel in general."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Turco para Falantes de PortugusIniciante" |
"Cupom: MEUCUPOMVoc j tentou aprender turco antes e falhou?CURSO DE TURCO PARA FALANTES DE PORTUGUS como nenhum outro curso de lnguas. A maneira como esse mtodo funciona significa que voc ter sucesso e estar falando em turco at o final da primeira aula.""Eu no sou muito bom com idiomas"" ou "" Eu tenho muita dificuldade para memorizar palavras e frases, no sei se posso aprender"".Eu sou ouo isso o tempo todo por novos alunos que querem aprender a falar turco. Sobre isso posso dizer que: No importa o quanto voc acha que ruim com idiomas ou que sua memria pssima. Chega de ""M M M""! Voc ficar incrvel com o CURSO DE TURCO PARA FALANTES DE PORTUGUS e estar preparado para se comunicar com pessoas natas no idioma turco.A forma como o CURSO DE TURCO PARA FALANTES DE PORTUGUS definido, significa que voc no pode falhar. Voc estar construindo sentenas em um mtodo lgico, passo a passo, aprendendo palavras e frases que voc poder usar quando for de frias para um pas de lngua Turca.Como o mtodo funciona?Nos videos eu decompus a lngua turca em seus menores componentes e depois ensinei como reconstru-los em sentenas lgicas. Voc ter muitas oportunidades de praticar com a lngua e ficar surpreso com a rapidez do seu aprendizado.Eu posso realmente aprender CURSO DE TURCO PARA FALANTES DE PORTUGUS?A resposta para essa pergunta SM, voc pode e deve aprender um novo idioma!Ento, se voc quer aprender a falar turco rapidamente e com um mtodo simples que voc pode usar mesmo que voc no tenha tempo livre, ento adquira o CURSO DE TURCO PARA FALANTES DE PORTUGUS e em pouco tempo voc estar habituado ao idioma turco, sendo capaz de se comunicar com qualquer pessoa que conhea a lingua turca.Inscreva-se agora e comece a falar imediatamente! ok Teekkrler (muito obrigado)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing practice exams" |
"Whether you're a complete beginner, business owner or marketing professional looking to upskill, this digital marketing exam is perfect for you.The Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing will introduce you to the key digital marketing specialisms, from mobile and social media to email, PPC marketing and SEO.Upon successful completion, you will become a Certified Digital Marketing Professional.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 180 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads Search Certification Practice Exams" |
"Google Ads certification is an important credential for marketers.It is one of the few standardized ways to prove a certain level of knowledge or topical relevance.While it isnt an exclusive badge, it requires a certain level of work learning the concepts or experience in day-to-day Google Ads use to attain.Google Ads certification is a process by which Google recognizes marketers as experts in online advertising.After passing two Ads certification exams, individuals get a personalized certificate and if affiliated with a company contribute to company Google Partner credentials.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 201 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads Fundamentals Certification practice exams" |
"Google Ads certification is an important credential for marketers.It is one of the few standardized ways to prove a certain level of knowledge or topical relevance.While it isnt an exclusive badge, it requires a certain level of work learning the concepts or experience in day-to-day Google Ads use to attain.Google Ads certification is a process by which Google recognizes marketers as experts in online advertising.After passing two Ads certification exams, individuals get a personalized certificate and if affiliated with a company contribute to company Google Partner credentials.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 158 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads Display Certification Practice Exams" |
"Google Ads certification is an important credential for marketers.It is one of the few standardized ways to prove a certain level of knowledge or topical relevance.While it isnt an exclusive badge, it requires a certain level of work learning the concepts or experience in day-to-day Google Ads use to attain.Google Ads certification is a process by which Google recognizes marketers as experts in online advertising.After passing two Ads certification exams, individuals get a personalized certificate and if affiliated with a company contribute to company Google Partner credentials.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 222 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google analytics individual qualitification practice exams" |
"The Google Analytics Individual Qualification (IQ) is a demonstration of proficiency in Google Analytics that is available to any individual who has passed the Google Analytics assessment. Qualified users will be effective at leveraging Google Analytics within their organizations and at helping others to do the same.The Google Analytics Individual Qualification covers basic and advanced Google Analytics concepts. This includes: planning and principles; implementation and data collection; configuration and administration; conversion and attribution; and reports, metrics, and dimensions.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 260 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads Video Advertising Certification practice tests" |
"Google Ads Video Certification covers basic and intermediate concepts, including best practices for creating, managing and optimizing video advertising campaigns across YouTube and the web.Google Ads FundamentalsGoogle Ads Fundamentals covers basic and intermediate concepts, including the benefits of online advertising and Google Ads, and best practices for managing and optimizing Google Ads campaigns.Google Ads VideoGoogle Ads Video covers basic and intermediate concepts, including best practices for creating, managing and optimizing video advertising campaigns across YouTube and the web.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 169 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google Shopping Ads Practice Exams" |
"Shopping ads Certification covers basic and intermediate concepts, including creating a Merchant Center account and product data feed and creating and managing Shopping campaigns.Certification requirements : Google Ads FundamentalsGoogle Ads Fundamentals covers basic and intermediate concepts, including the benefits of online advertising and Google Ads, and best practices for managing and optimizing Google Ads campaigns. Please check my specific course for this partShopping adsShopping ads covers basic and intermediate concepts, including creating a Merchant Center account and product data feed and creating and managing Shopping campaigns.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 138 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads Mobile Certification practice exams" |
"Google Mobile Ads help you to reach audiences on-the-go. Mobile ads appear on mobile devices in Google search results, on content websites, in apps and videos. This AdWords Mobile Advertising course covers the strategies and tactics for running mobile targeted campaigns through AdWords.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 116 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Foundations of Singing" |
"This course covers the basic fundamentals of singing:how to release tension, how to breathe properly, how to sound more mature, and how to project healthily and without muscle strain. The methods in this course are based in classical roots but are applicable to multiple genres of interest: classical, musical theatre, pop, etc."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Developing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases exams" |
"The 70-464 exam is meant to be taken by database professionals who build and implement databases across the organization, while ensuring high levels of data availability. You should be about the perform tasks including creating database files, create data types, tables, plan create and optimize indexes, Implement data integrity, Implement views, stored procedures and functions, manage transactions and locks. Microsoft states that the exam is meant to be taken by those whose primary responsibilities may include:Optimize and tune queries.Create and alter stored procedures.Create and alter indexes.Maintain database integrity.Optimize indexing strategies.Create and alter tables.Maintain indexes.Create and modify constraints.Create and alter views.Create and alter user-defined functions (UDFs).Control execution plans.Work with XML DataImplement full-text search.Troubleshoot security.Write automation scripts.Troubleshoot performance issues.After passing the Developing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases (70-464) exam, you complete the requirements for the MCSE: Data Platform certification.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 148 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2014 Databases exams" |
"This exam is for SQL Server 2012 and 2014 focusing on Administering SQL Server.This exam is designed for customers who are interested in learning SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014. It covers the new features in SQL Server 2014, but also the important capabilities across the SQL Server data platform.Content : Describe core database administration tasks and tools.Install and configure SQL Server 2014.Configure SQL Server databases and storage.Plan and implement a backup strategy.Restore databases from backups.Import and export data. Monitor SQL Server.Trace SQL Server activity.Manage SQL Server security.Audit data access and encrypt data.Perform ongoing database maintenance.Automate SQL Server maintenance with SQL Server Agent Jobs.Configure Database Mail, alerts and notifications.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 170 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"70-765 Provisioning SQL Databases practice exams" |
"Microsoft exam 70-765 (aka ""Provisioning SQL Databases"") is one of two tests you must pass to earn a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): 2016 Database Administration certification.Content : Implement SQL in Azure (4045%)Deploy a Microsoft Azure SQL DatabaseChoose a service tier, create servers and databases, create a sysadmin accountPlan for SQL Server installationPlan for an IaaS or on-premises deployment, select the appropriate size for a virtual machine, plan storage pools based on performance requirements, design a storage layout for a SQL Server virtual machineDeploy SQL Server instancesDeploy a SQL Server instance in IaaS and on-premises, manually install SQL Server on an Azure Virtual Machine, provision an Azure Virtual Machine to host a SQL Server instance, automate , deploy SQL Server by using templatesDeploy SQL Server databases to Azure virtual machinesMigrate an on-premises SQL Server database to an Azure virtual machine, generate benchmark data for performance needs, perform performance tuning on Azure IaaS, support availability sets in AzureManage databases and instances (30-35%)Configure secure access to Microsoft Azure SQL DatabasesConfigure firewall rules, configure Always Encrypted for Azure SQL Database, configure cell-level encryption, configure dynamic data masking, configure transparent data encryption (TDE)Configure SQL Server performance settingsConfigure database performance settings, configure max server memory, configure the database scope, configure operators and alertsManage SQL Server instancesCreate databases, manage files and file groups, manage system database files, configure tempdbManage Storage (3035%)Manage SQL StorageManage SMB file shares, manage stretch databases, configure Azure storage, change service tiers, review wait statistics, manage storage pools, recover from failed storagePerform database maintenanceMonitor DMVs, maintain indexes, automate maintenance tasks, update statistics, verify database integrity, recover from database corruption*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 108 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"70-761 Querying Data with Transact-SQL practice exams" |
"Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-761and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of SQL Server 2016 Transact-SQL data management, queries, and database programming. Designed for experienced IT professionals ready to advance their status, Exam Ref focuses on the critical-thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the MCSA level.Microsoft's SQL Server database platform is dominant in the enterprise database marketplace, making those with MS SQL Server skills highly sought after in any job market. Possessing a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) SQL 2016 Database Development certificate tells employers worldwide that you have these skills.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 110 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Prolog ( Logic Programming )" |
"-: - - ( ) . . . . . . prolog prolog .prolog . Prolog . prolog . prolog . . . Unification, search and backtracking .Programming in prolog.Recursion and Lists in prolog.Arithmetic in prolog.Cut and negation.More about Lists.Input & Output and FilesMore built-in PredicatesRepresenting Data Structures in prologRetrieving Structured Information from a DatabaseTrees and GraphsBinary TreeWhether you want to:- build the skills you need to learn logic programming- move to a more senior software developer position- or just learn prolog for machine learning and expert systems....learn prolog (logic programming) language from scratch is the course you need to do all of this, and more.Are you aiming to learn machine learning and expert systems but struggling to find out what skills you want and which course will give you those skills?This course is designed to give you the logic programming skills you need to learn how expert systems work. By the end of the course you will understand prolog extremely well and be able to build your own apps and be productive as a software developer. Perhaps you have looked at the size of the course and are feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of finding time to complete it. Maybe you are wondering if you need to go through it all?you only need the beginning and the rest will become easy for you to complete .the course is from scratch to advanced , when you get the concept well , the advanced level will be easy for you to learn .Why would you choose to learn prolog?prolog is used in expert systems and machine learning.prolog is a logic programming language that is easy for you to learn where you write less , it does more.Prolog is used in natural language processing and problem solving.prolog is used in automated reasoningWill this course give me prolog skills?Yes it will. knowledge base is the fundamental parts of prolog that programmers need to learn to move onto other more advanced technologies.Why should you take this course?It is hard to find complete prolog course from scratch to advanced in other learning websites.this course is easy to learn as it begins from scratch and takes you to the advanced levels.Heres just some of what youll learn(Its okay if you dont understand all this yet, you will learn in the course)you will learn the difference between procedural and declarative programming.Unification, search and backtracking .Programming in prolog.Recursion and Lists in prolog.Arithmetic in prolog.Cut and negation.More about Lists.Input & Output and FilesMore built-in PredicatesRepresenting Data Structures in prologRetrieving Structured Information from a DatabaseTrees and GraphsBinary Tree"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Dizione e Fonetica Italiana Online" |
"Il Corso di Dizione e Fonetica Italiana Online di Cristiana Raggi pensato per comunicare meglio, con pi chiarezza, espressivit ed eleganza.In particolare, il corso ti aiuta a migliorare il modo in cui pronunci le parole e farti capire meglio da tutti. Attraverso un percorso ricco e stimolante, la comunicazione diventer limpida, efficace e piacevole, acquisendo sicurezza e tranquillit.Prova queste lezioni se vuoi imparare e/o migliorare la tua dizione e fonetica in maniera semplice per far capire meglio i tuoi pensieri rendendo le parole pi chiare.Il programma di questo corso base il seguente:Programma di vocalitLa respirazione apicale, petto e di pancia.La respirazione diaframmatica.Voce diaframmatica, potenziamento vocale.Accenti tonici, fonici e grafici.Corretto utilizzo della respirazione diaframmatica nel parlato.Mobilitazione: collo, spalle, busto, anche. Correttivi di posture errate, incidenti sulla respirazione, tra cui deviazioni della colonna vertebrale e anteriorizzazione delle spalle.Esercizi di correzione e miglioramento del suono prodotto con la voce.Programma di dizioneE, O aperte e chiuse.S, Z aspre o dolci.Regole ed eccezioni.Omografi.Tempi dei verbi.Mesi, giorni, settimane, numeri.Filastrocche e scioglilingua. Regionalismi dellItaliano.Esercizi per eliminare cadenze dialettali e cantilene.Programma di foneticaGli organi dellarticolazione:lingua, denti, labbra, palato. Esercizi di rafforzamento e mobilizzazione dellapparato fonatorio.Potenziamento della muscolatura articolare fonatoria.Corretta pronuncia delle consonanti (bilabiali, labiodentali, dentali, alveolari, post-palatali, palatali e velari). Fonemi semplici e complessi. I difetti dellarticolazione.Corretta pronuncia delle vocali (forti e deboli).Articolazione (ortofonia): caratteristiche dei suoni articolati.Esercizi di articolazione e scansione.Esercizi per la pronuncia delle vocali e delle consonanti.Una volta apprese tutte queste cose sar possibile soprattutto nel mondo del lavoro, farsi comprendere bene, questo permette di:aumentare il rendimento e la tua soddisfazione personale;raggiungere gli obiettivi;realizzare presentazioni efficaci;farsi apprezzare e rispettare;rendere lascolto piacevole per la propria audience;prevenire situazioni di incomprensione e possibile imbarazzo;gestire meglio il contatto col pubblico;trasformare ci che normalmente considerato un difetto di pronuncia, in una potenzialit.Il corso di Dizione e Fonetica Italiana Online di Cristiana Raggi rivolto a coloro che, per motivi professionali o per desiderio personale, sentono il bisogno di:parlare in modo corretto senza errori di pronuncia;migliorare e perfezionare la pronuncia della lingua italiana;imparare ad usare la voce correttamente liberandola da cattive abitudini ed inflessioni regionali;togliere eventuali difetti di articolazione di alcune consonanti come la R e la S, rotacismo e zeppola;avere una voce bella.******************************************Vuoi saperne di pi su di me e sui miei corsi?Digita Cool - Cristiana Raggi nella barra di ricerca di Youtube, troverai tanti tutorial e risorse gratuite dedicati alle tecniche del public speaking / parlare in pubblico e alla dizione. E ancora corsi, esercizi, consigli per vincere la paura e la timidezza di parlare davanti ad altre persone: dagli amici, sino alle grandi platee. Ogni mese rispondo alle domande e dubbi degli iscritti con un video che entra nel programma del corso.Iscriviti e non perdere nessun aggiornamento per capire come usare la voce al meglio, in ogni occasione."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Pillole di Stretching" |
"Lo Stretching Biodinamico un insieme di esercizi corporei, movimenti facili e piacevoli e tecniche di respiro consapevole, che hanno il proposito di migliorare la salute fisica, psichica ed emozionale di coloro che si vogliono liberare da tensioni (muscolari e fasciali) o aspetti di difficolt legati alla propria condizione (ansie, paure).Si influisce sulla forza del corpo, apportando in esso cambiamenti benefici, attraverso posizioni precise assunte dal corpo fisico, che permettono di allungare direttamente il canale energetico su cui si sta lavorando. Tecniche che insieme ricaricano e liberano.Cosa succede durante una lezione? Si svolgono degli esercizi corporei di allungamento lungo le linee dei meridiani, i canali energetici della medicina cinese e giapponese comunemente conosciuti per lutilizzo nellagopuntura. Sono movimenti facili e piacevoli abbinati a tecniche di respiro consapevole, di ricerca di quiete profonda e di allungamento della fascia muscolare. Il proposito quello di migliorare la salute fisica, psichica ed emozionale di coloro che si vogliono liberare da tensioni (muscolari e fasciali) o anche aspetti di difficolt legati alla propria condizione (ansie, paure).In questo corso lavoreremo con il MOVIMENTO DELL'ACQUA, MERIDIANI RENE E VESCICA I livello.Prossimi video in pubblicazione:Stretching Biodinamico - RENI e VESCICA (acqua) *II livelloStretching Biodinamico - STOMACO e MILZA (acqua) *I livelloStretching Biodinamico - STOMACO e MILZA (acqua) *II livello--------------------------------------------------Chi Shizuto Masunaga?Psicologo giapponese ide questi movimenti dalle molteplici propriet curative. Lo Stretching Biodinamico che propongo stato elaborato da me e fonda le sue basi sulla pratica inaugurata dal maestro e, consapevole dei tempi e dei luoghi di svolgimento, unisce altre due pratiche prettamente occidentali: i meridiani miofasciali e il craniosacrale biodinamico.Il corso ha come contesto teorico di riferimento la MTC (Medicina Tradizionale Cinese), il Craniosacrale Biodinamico e i Meridiani Miofasciali.Il potere della guarigione allinterno del nostro corpo e questo potere si chiama vita. La focalizzazione dellenergia verso la zona interessata produce un ciclo continuo di vita: limmagine crea il movimento, il movimento crea l'energia."" Masunaga--------------------------------------------------Perch scegliere lo Stretching Biodinamico?Perch mi riposa la mente, di conseguenza miglioro la concentrazione e lavoro meglio - PaolaPerch non ho pi mal di schiena - LorenzoDa quando lo faccio sono pi in contatto col mio corpo e riesco a guarirmi da sola quando mi vengono degli acciacchi, alle volte basta poco - Anna*** Cristiana Raggi declina qualsiasi responsabilit derivante dall'esecuzione impropria e/o scorretta di questi esercizi; non quindi responsabile dei danni diretti o indiretti a cose, oggetti e persone, anche in qualit di terzi. Mi raccomando, in questo caso non stiamo facendo riferimento ai quei dolori -purtroppo inconfondibili, che preannunciano una patologia. In quel caso, consultate subito un medico."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Klavier spielen lernen" |
"Herzlich Willkommen in der Online Klavierschule von Jing Li. Hier kannst Du online Klavier lernen und Dir endlich Deinen Traum erfllen. Entdecke jetzt den spannenden Online Klavierkurs mit tollen Liedern und lerne ganz in Deinem Tempo!Diese Vorteile bietet Dir die Online-Klavierschule:Fr jedes Alter geeignet!Perfekt fr blutige Anfnger und Wiedereinsteiger mit Vorkenntnissen!Detaillierte Videos mit einfachen Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitungen!Lernkonzept von einer erfahrenen Konzertpianistin mit eigener Klavierschule!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |