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"Beautiful Peony. Watercolor and grafic." |
"This course consists of 3 bigger artworks. The first one will be a grafic sketch, you will learn to draw peonies, use the colors you will need and produce an easy and good-looking drawing. Furthermore, we will create a contrasting, deep and academical watercolor-painting using the classical picture structure layer after layer. And to finish this course, we will paint a mixture of the techniques used above and establish a light but still strong artwork."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Pfingst Rosen. Sketch. Aquarell. Expression" |
"Fr Alle, die Aquarell und Grafik lieben ist dieser Kurs besonders gut geeignet! Wir beginnen mit einer Skizze, die eigentlich sich in eine sehr schne grafische Arbeit verwandelt, und whrenddessen klren wir alle Fragen der Komposition, wie man eine Knospe und offene Blte zeichnet, wie man Vasen platziert und Wasser andeutet. Auch Kontraste und Umrisse werden besprochen.Dieses Wissen reichen uns um die weiteren Werke ohne Mhe mit Leichtigkeit und Genuss umzusetzen.Zweite Arbeit- ist eine klassisches Aquarell mit mehreren Schichten, Fokussierung auf Licht und Schatten und Kontrast. Zum Schluss zeige ich eine kurze Grafische Sequenz /kann beliebig angewendet werden/.Drittes Werk ist wie ein Lied- wir singen Aquarell und danach vervollstndigen wir das Bild mit Linien, eine abstrakt-expressive Komposition."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Kreativer Druck leicht und verstndlich. Teil 1" |
"Kreativer Druck Zuhause ist absolut leistbar und leicht zu organisieren. In diesem Kurs werde ich dir sehr genau zeigen und erzhlen, was du alles brauchen kannst um erfolgreich drucken zu knnen. Beginnen wir mit einer Skizze (in Teil 1. Eine kleine Eule), danach bertragen wir die Skizze auf die Druckplatte und beginnen langsam zuschneiden, Stck nach Stck, Linie nach Linie und in krzester Zeit ist unsere Platte fertig.Eine sehr spannende Lektion ist der Druck und berdruck, eigentlich braucht man keine teure Presse um scharfe und professionelle Drucke zu schaffen! Wir drucken in zwei Farben und probieren auf diversen Papieren und farbigen Hintergrnden zu drucken.Mit eine Nummerierung, Signatur und Einrahmung schlieen wir den ersten Teil ab. Im zweiten Teil besprechen wir die kreativen Zugnge, kontrastreiche und raffinierte Kompositionen."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Kreativer Druck.Teil 2. Landschaft kreativ und kontrastreich" |
"Fnf kreative Werke schaffen wir in diesem Kurs. ""Schwarze Sonne""- kleiner Schnitt mit wenigen Strichen und klarer plakative Wirkung.Zweites Werk ist ""Venedig"" in blau und schwarz gedruckt. Dieser Komposition ist klassisch aufgebaut- auf dem ersten Plan sind die Boote platziert und als Hintergrund dient eine architektonische Kulisse. Drittes Werk ist eine ""Maritime Stimmung"" mit Mven und Booten. Klar, Grafisch und flchig aufgebaut und auch in blau-schwarz gedruckt.Viertes Werk ist ein dreifarbiger Schnitt. ""Das Mdchen und drei Vgeln"", Gelb-rot-schwarz, sehr grafisch und linear aufgebaut,Und das fnftes Werk ist eine kreative Komposition mit einer neugierigen Katze und Flaschen-Stilleben in zwei Farben gelb-schwarz.Ich wnsche euch allen viel Erfolg und ausreichend Ausdauer und Begeisterung- das Ergebnis wird euch mehrere Jahre freuen!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acrylmalerei. Maritimes Bild. Motiv: sterreichisches See ." |
"In dem Kurs malen wir ein Bild, dafr werden 2 Techniken kombiniert und verfeinert angewendet. Zuerst wird durch groe Pinselstriche ein sehr abstrakter und feiner Farbauftrag fr den Hintergrund gemacht. Nach der Trocknung wird durch eine Spachtel eine zweite, genauere Schicht aufgetragen, die dem Gemlde ein Motiv verschafft. Durch Spachtelstriche in verschiedene Richtungen werden Kontraste gesetzt und dem Bild ein interessantes und tiefes look-and-feel verschafft."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Zeichnen-Kurs. Eulen kreativ und liebevoll zeichnen" |
"Aquarell Hintergrnde und diverse Bunt-und Grafikstifte ermglichen uns kreative und ausdrucksstarke Eulen zu zeichnen. Schritt-nach-Schritt zeige ich euch wie man von der Skizze bis zum Grafischen zu einem kreativen Werk kommt!Und die Grafik Bilder ermglichen uns einen anderen Blickwinkel zu gewinnen und ein anderes Kunstmedium zu verwenden!ich wnsche euch viel Spass und Freude bei dem Kurs und viele tolle Bilder als Ergebnis!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aquarell. Sonnenblumen 4 Varianten" |
"Sonnen Blumen in Aquarell und Grafik. Urlaubsstimmung festhalten.In diesem Kurs zeige ich euch wie man den Sommer, Sonne, Glcksgefhle am Papier festhalten kann!Wir immer, beginnen wir mit einem Sketch, danach folgt ein Aquarell in Technik a la prima, danach eine Grafische Arbeit und dann schlieen wir diesen Kurs mit einem klassisch-expressiven Sonnenblumen Aquarell ab.Du kannst genau mein Hand bei der Arbeit sehen und auch die Erklrungen werden bestimmt ntzlich fr dich sein!ich wnsche dir viel Freude und Erfolg mit meinem Kurs!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Hibiscus Variation. Drawing and painting. (English)" |
"In this course you will draw and paint a hibiscus in different ways. First of all, you will do a sketch, to get to know the hibiscus, how the leaves compliment each other and to see the different layers. Furthermore a watercolor sketch will be done, I will show you how to set highlights and make some contrasts. The next step will be another grafic drawing and to finish this course you will combine everything you have learned before in one big painting which includes watercolor and graphic elements. The main goal of this course is getting used to drawing and painting free."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Modern Watercolor. 4 Spain Landscapes." |
"This course combines all the Spain feelings and different settings in 4 watercolor paintings. All of the paintings are explained step-by-step, drawing / painting / grafic. The first one will be a big fisher boat landscape with light layers. The second will be Spain at night, colorfulness and contrastfulness do describe this painting perfectly. Furthermore we will do 2 smaller and lighter paintings. The goal of this course is a better understanding of combining 3 different art styles in one painting."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Poetical drawing with colored pencils" |
"First of all you will learn how to work with the different pencils and learn how to shadow. Then on a bigger leave you will use your new knowledge and combine different colors with shadowing. You will produce 4 landscapes, each one is different and gets more advanced. In the first landscape you will work with movement, the horizon and make a really minimalistic drawing. In the second one you will work with color and draw a traditional austrian village. The third village is the one I am living in and you will see the different techniques for the front and the background. Last but to least you will make a totally different artwork from the city Salzburg, which is darker and has a sea of houses that are individual and combine perfectly at the same time."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Creative leave-carpet with colored pencils" |
"First of all you will learn how to use the pencils properly. Furthermore you will make an exercise for color combination with shadowing. Then you can get 5 different leaves (in form and size) from the garden or park and draw them with a marker on a piece of paper. Afterwards you will need a lightbox, so you can create a composition of leaves on a bigger piece of paper. I will only use one leave and shadow it, then I will expand the shadowing on the background but you can be as free as you like. Paint all leaves, just the background or just the same all the time. Your creativity is asked for. The last painting is even more free and I will make a totally different kind of leave in the background of the carpet."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Kreative Aquarell Sketching . TEIL 1" |
"Dieser Kurs umfasst 2 bungen um das ntige Wissen fr das Sketching mit Aquarell und Linienfhrung fr diesen Kurs anwenden zu knnen. Darauf folgen 4 fertige Kompositionen. Eine lose Blattwelt welche mit der richtigen Farbsetzung Vorder- und Hintergrund erzeugt. Trockene Blumen in einer dunkleren Farbwelt. Eine luftige Rosenanordnung um Leichtigkeit hineinzubringen und man schliet mit einem umgefallenem Rosentopf der dein ganzes Wissen und neu Erlerntes zusammenfasst ab."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Zeichnen. Teil 1. Landschaften" |
"Dieser Kurs zeigt dir Technik, knstlerische Herangehensweise und kurze, leichte und zum Erfolg fhrende Aufgaben. Zuerst wird die Technik gezeigt, wie wird der Buntstift gehalten, wie entstehen Flchen durch Linien setzen und schattieren. Danach entsteht die erste einfarbige Landschaft, es werden die neu erlernten Techniken von Zeichnung 1 angewendet. In dieser wird auf Komposition, Perspektive, Vorder- und Hintergrund eingegangen. Das dritte Bild beschftigt sich mit dem knstlerischen Aspekt und bekommt Farbe. Zum Abschluss werden alle Fertigkeiten kombiniert und ein einfaches, spannendes und kontrastreiches Bild entsteht."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Zeichnen Kurs. Teil 2. Harmonische Wasserspiegelungen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen wir, wie vielfltig die Verwendung von Buntstiften sein kann. Im Ersten Teil habt ihr impulsive Stadtlandschaften gelernt und dieser Kurs ist eine Steigerung, also wrde ich euch raten den Ersten Teil vorher abzuschlieen, da die dort gelernten Kenntnisse eine wichtige Basis fr diesen Kurs sind.Hier geht es vor allem um den speziellen Umgang der Buntstifte, sowie unterschiedliche Nuancen herzustellen nur mit den vorhandenen Farben. Ich zeige euch unterschiedliche Kompositionen, die den Ausdruck dieser Landschaften unterstreichen sollen. Jedes Kunstwerk hat eine ganz eigene besondere Farbgebung , dadurch lernt ihr welche Farben man gut kombinieren kann und aus einer eingeschrnkten Farbpalette eine umfangreiche Farbpalette zu erzielen.Ich wnsche euch viel Spa und Erfolg dabei mit Liebe Inna"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Grafik. Teil 3. Experimentelle Kompositionen mit Tusche" |
"In diesem Kurs geht es um einen neuen Zugang ber die knstlerische Anwendung von Tusche.Diese wird als ein malerisches Element verwendet und die Besonderheiten der Ausfhrung von dieser Technik als wichtiger Aspekt dieses Kurses gezeigt wird. Angefangen mit kleinen Schritt fr Schritt bungen von der Kombination Tusche - Buntstiften, darauf folgenden simple Landschaften mit nur 3 Elementen, sowie berraschend einfache aber Ausdrucksstarke Blumenkompositionen. Schlussendlich wird der Kurs mit einer Tierstudie von einem Hahn abgeschlossen. Dieser wird anhand Anwendungen verschiedener Strukturen und Pinselstrichen ausgefhrt.Alle Aufgaben sind einfach zum Ausfhren und von der Dauer kurz. Ich hoffe ihr habt den selben Spa wie ich bei der Ausfhrung dieser faszinierenden Technik ."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Kreatives Sketching. Teil 2. Stadt Architektur" |
"Dieser Kurs basiert auf ""Kreatives Sketching. Teil 1"" und ist als Erweiterung anzusehen. Spanien. Wien. Venedig. In diesem Kurs werden 5 Bilder unterschiedlicher Stdte mit Aquarell und Fineliner praktiziert. Das erste Bild zeigt ein Sketch auf dem im Nachhinein mit Aquarell gearbeitet wurde. Die weiteren Bilder werden zuerst durch eine Schicht Aquarell hergestellt, dann wird mit Fineliner gezeichnet und dann wieder mit Aquarell Tiefe und Kontrast herbeigefhrt. Als Bonuseinheit wird eine Farbpalette erstellt auf der mit Buntstift eine weitere Stadt gezeichnet wird. Teil 3 ist in Vorbereitung."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lift Qi Up, Pour Qi Down" |
"IntroductionWelcome to our first Online Course - Lift Qi Up, Pour Qi Down. This course will teach you the first Qigong form developed by Dr Pang Ming, and taught here by John Millar, Jeremy Colledge and Caroline Whyman. (Since the filming, Caroline has resigned from The Three Monkeys.)HistoryBack in 2011 Three Zhineng Qigong Teachers met up to discuss what we could do to help Zhineng Qigong grow and develop in the UK.Over the following years we combined our experience, skills and opinions and developed a modular Teacher Training programme.(This film is the entry point for people who just wish to learn the form, or indeed engage with our Community or School in any way.)Our aim at the Three Monkeys is to further Zhineng Qigong in the UK through the development of a community of practitioners, supporting both those who want to share their understanding and experience through teaching and those who want to develop and explore this powerful practice.We believe that this community should be:Open a closed community is unable to be fully aware, its unable to listen and learn from others perspectives. In order to truly grow we must be aware and this can only happen when we are open.Respectful Respect helps us to be humble enough to constantly learn. Without respect we can more easily fall into the trap of feeling superior, knowledgeable or even correct.Accessible Our view is that everyone can benefit from exploring the practice of Qigong so its important to build a sustainable, supportive group that is accessible to everyone.What is Zhineng Qigong?Developed by Dr Pang Ming, Zhineng Qigong is an open system that is both a highly effective in healing and spiritual development.Drawing together a range of Qigong practices as well as both Buddhist and Daoist influences, Zhineng Qigong represents a point in the evolution of Qigong that is both complex enough to support modern academic study, while retaining a simplicity that makes the practice truly accessible to anyone.Whether you are looking for a powerful healing system with a proven track record of effectiveness or a tool with which to explore the more spiritual aspect of practice, Zhineng Qigong has a wealth of information and practice for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a tratar con gente txica" |
"El participante aprender y desarrollar tcnicas y habilidades para poder mejorar las relaciones interpersonales con clientes, amigos, parejas, jefes y cualquier tipo de personas txicas, manteniendo en balance sus propias emociones y permitiendo una conducta asertiva y pacfica. Lo anterior garantizar un comportamiento mucho ms emptico, ya que se dar cuenta que la energa de cada emocin debe ser aprovechada a su favor, convirtiendo la ira y el enojo, en potencia para alcanzar objetivos. Ms de 300 personas ya hay tomado este curso valioso para su vida, su trabajo y sus relaciones, aprovchalo y comprtelo!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Active Body Language Techniques in Everyday Situations" |
"Did you know that only 7% of our communication is verbal?Do you want to understand the other 93% of what is being communicated?This is the ultimate guide to everyday body language skills, a course designed to improve your body language skills using practical examples that you face every day.I'm an investigator with a Masters in Criminology, but I also live in the real world and recognise that body language skills can be applied by anyone, anywhere. Understanding body language and its importance in communication can change your life for the better.This course is focused on your world, giving examples of nonverbal communication that you will come across in your every day life.By providing you with the foundations of body language, as well as some little known practical tips, this course will help you read other people better, leading to better relationships.You can use the skills you will learn with any of the following situations:Entrepreneurs and other businessesRelationships, love and datingSalesSocial eventsFriendsFamily membersMen, women, even kids!The course is designed to be fun and informative with practical activities to practice reading others' body language along the way.The course begins by explaining the background to body language and where it comes from. Pairing this with a small amount of theory allows you to become more natural at reading body language. Rather than having to remember what each of the cues mean, learning the theory will help you to be able to quickly recognise the meaning behind a gesture. You will then learn about each of the areas of the body giving a break down of the different cues and their meanings and providing practical examples. You will learn about facial expressions, gestures and postures. The course also includes lie detection and how you can spot not only deceptive body language, but also inner conflict. There are some great little-known tips in here, easy to understand, and very commonly seen.There is absolutely no risk to sign up. Get a 100% refund in the next 30 days if you don't find the course informative.Click the 'Buy Now' button above to start your body language journey now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Interfaces Grficas com C# 7 e WinForms 2019 - Crie 20 Apps" |
"Fala MindHacker, beleza?Voc assim como ns j est cansado de aplicaes apenas por console parecendo filmes de hackers dos anos 70? Ou ento aquelas telas com um grande quantidade de botes e opes que nem o desenvolvedor sabe como usar?Se a resposta sim, esse curso para Voc!Neste curso aprenderemos como dominar o Window Forms partindo do ZERO!!!Voc aprender todo o necessrio para desenvolver Interfaces Grficas de Usurio (GUI) de maneira fcil, dinmica e profissional, agregando um alto valor ao seu produto final e como consequncia, atraindo muito mais clientes!No curso voc aprender como criar 20 aplicaes usando os 22 componentes mais utilizados do WinForms, atravs de aulas tericas e prticas.Entre o que ser aprendido podemos citar:O que Windows FormsO que so ComponentesAs propriedades bsicas de um ComponenteOs eventos bsicos de um ComponenteComo utilizar Labels para textos simplesComo utilizar BotesComo utilizar ListasComo utilizar TextBox para receber dados do usurioComo configurar um modo noturno na sua aplicaoComo criar Layouts prprios com sua identidade visualComo trabalhar com validao de dadosComo utilizar o Calendrio e Relgio do WindowsComo criar uma aplicao Multi-JanelasComo desenvolver uma aplicao com um Web-Browser (navegador) NATIVO dentro delaCriar um aplicativo que funciona como Relatrio de VendasTudo isso e muito mais, venha conferir!Este curso, assim como todos os outros da MindHacks ensinado de maneira fcil, rpida e direto ao ponto, ensinando justamente o que voc quer saber sem tdio ou perda de tempo!Voc conhece nosso lema: Seu tempo precioso e ns damos valor a ele!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Android 9.0 Avanado: APIs Nativas e Banco de Dados [2019]" |
"O Android sempre atualiza no mesmo? Todo ano vemos vrios e vrios smartphones trocando a verso do Android e muitos programadores perguntando ""Ser que mudou muita coisa?"", ""Meus cdigos ainda vo funcionar?""Pensando nisso, para desmistificar esse monstro de 7 cabeas, resolvemos fazer um curso que ensina tanto a desenvolver telas modernas, persisitir dados em qualquer dispositivo, acessar a cmera de qualquer tipo de Android e muito mais, chegando at a criar um aplicativo totalmente funcional de uma agenda completa! Tudo isso usando o Android 9.0, para mostrar como as mudanas no interferem tanto no cdigo e voc pode migrar agora mesmo para a ultima verso!Com o curso voc aprender:- Criar e Configurar um projeto Android- O que um Activity- O que um Adapter- O que um Fragment- Como construir telas modernas- Como persistir dados- Como desenvolver aplicativos com banco de dados- Como desenvolver banco de dados usando SQLite- Como fazer um CRUDCompleto- Acessar APIS Nativas do Android- Interagir com a Cmera- Criar uma aplicao completa!- Criar um agenda telefnica- E muuuuito mais"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"VS Code: Produtividade Infinita [COMPLETO 2019] + EBOOK FREE" |
"Alcance a produtividade infinita com o Visual StudioCode em mais de 100 aulas, contemplando CENTENAS de dicas, atravs de mais de 8 horas de aula!Nosso curso baseado no livro ""VS Code - Produtividade Infinita"" disponvel para compra na Amazon, tambm de nossa autoria, para garantir um contedo completo e profissional! PS: Uma verso digital do livro estar disponvel para download de forma gratuita nos materiais disponibilizados nesse curso!Aprenda a se tornar ainda mais produtivo com: PYTHONJAVA C# CC++HTMLCSSTYPESCRIPTJAVASCRIPTANGULARREACTNODEVUEPHPANDROIDIOSFLUTTERIONICREACT NATIVEXAMARINSWIFT MYSQL SERVER SQLITE MONGODBMARKDOWNJSONBASHPOWERSHELLE MUITO MAIS! Em todos os setores do mercado, o principal favor na hora de avaliao justamente a produtividade. Na programao no diferente, tanto que um dos mtodos de se avaliar a qualidade de um programador chamado de KLOC/H, ou em portugus, Milhares de Linha de Cdigo por Hora. Infelizmente, esse mtodo no dos melhores, pois mil linhas de Hello World tem um peso em menor do que mil linhas de machine learning, por exemplo.Sendo assim, o que muitas empresas fazem passar tarefas em uma Sprint (intervalo de tempo para se concluir tais tarefas) e analisa se o desenvolvedor conseguiu ou no suprir a necessidade imposta pelos gerentes do projeto. Ou seja, querendo ou no, a avaliao perante a sua produtividade!Neste curso vamos abordar justamente sobre isso: A Produtividade! Voc receber mais de 100 dicas de como melhorar sua produtividade utilizando o VS Code para as mais diversas situaes do cotidiano, seguido de mais centenas de dicas prprias para linguagens especficas, abordando mais de 25 linguagens usadas no VS Code!Todas as dicas esto atualizadas referentes ao ano de 2019, reunindo a opnio, configurao e dicas de dezenas de especialistas no mercado!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Recriando o Status do Whatsapp para Android (Snapchat app)" |
"Os aplicativos com funes de fotos temporrias vem se tornando cada vez mais populares, aps a popularizao do Snapchat, vrios outros apps similares surgiram, inclusive redes sociais como Facebook, Instagram e Whatsapp criaram suas prprias funcionalidades deste estilo, como o Stories do Instagram e Status no Whatsapp.Neste curso vamos abordar sobre a criao deste ltimo caso, o Status do Whatsapp! Aqui voc aprender a recri-lo com as principais funes como, por exemplo: Adicionar fotos direto da cmeraAdicionar fotos pela galeriaInserir status de textosAlm disso, tambm classificamos como status que ainda no vimos e status j vistosOrganizar de acordo com a ordem cronolgica de postagem do status E muito mais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dominando a Segurana da Informao" |
"Voc conhece os riscos e ameaas existentes no mundo digital? Sabia que sua vida real tambm corre perigo se a sua vida virtual estiver em risco?Voc conhece os principais inimigos digitais e como eles podem levar uma empresa a falncia, terminar relacionamentos e acabar com o lado pessoal de algum?Sabia que tudo isso pode ser evitado apenas por conhecer seus inimigos, as ameas que eles fazem e os mtodos de defesa?Caso pelo menos uma das perguntas acima te espantou ou voc tenha respondido NO para elas, esse curso pra VOC!Aqui voc aprender a se defender dos principais inimigos digitais, conhecendo seus poderes e fraquezas. Dentre eles:InvasoresGolpistasSpammersCrackersLadres de DadosEngenheiros SociaisMumificadoresE vrios outrosVoc tambm aprender sobre os perigos nos mais diversos meios digitais, como por exemplo:Perigos nas Pginas da Internet (Web)Perigos nos Dispositivos Mveis (Mobile)Perigos no Computador Domstico (Desktop)Perigos nos E-mailsE muito maisPor fim, tambm aprender mtodos, tcnicas e ferramentas para se proteger e se privar de todas essas ameaas, entre elas:ProxysVPNAnti MalwareFirewallAntivrusMquinas VirtuaisSistemas Operacionais SegurosMuitas outras dicasVenha se proteger com a ByLearn e torne sua vida digital muito mais fcil, segura e prazerosa!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Criando o Flappy Bird na Unity 2019 [+ Apostila/E-book]" |
"Fala ByLearner, beleza?Seja bem vindo a mais um curso da ByLearn! Que tal criarmos um Flappy Bird na Unity?Quem nunca jogou o to amvel (e odivel) jogo dos pssaros que tentam de forma frustrante atravessar os canos do Super Mario?Que voc j jogou este jogo ns temos certeza, mas ser que tambm consegue recri-lo? Com esse curso, a resposta SIM!Neste curso voc aprender a recriar o Flappy Bird de forma FCIL, RPIDA E PRTICA!Mas no s isso... Voc tambm ir receber vrias dicas sobre a Unity e como tirar o melhor proveito das funcionalidades e mecnicas dessa famosa Game Engine.Ficou interessado? Ento te vejo no curso :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"TSA Connect Course" |
"After your completion of this course you will understand: How to help our educators plan for their retirement by utilizing their 403(b) /supplemental savings planWhy the need for more retirement agents is so demandingHow to become an authorized agent in your local school districtsThe generous income opportunities for you and your businessHow to get started with TSAConnect .and more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Application Framework (OAF) & Workflow Bonus Sessions" |
"Step by step approach to understand about Oracle Application Framework- MVC design pattern. Practical approach to design OAF pages having : buttons, links, images, AOL components, header regions, advanced table regions, DML operations using (EO, PLSQL, GlobalTemporary Table etc.., page deployment, VO Extension, CO Extension and Personalization. Source Code for all the pages, code handbook to understand which code to be used for a requirement.5 Workflow Bonus Sessions included for more gain to the developers. OAF FoundationOAF Overview, MVC, Pre-RequisitesSetting up JDeveloperConfigure JDeveloper, FolderStructure and Sample PageDeep dive into OAFTextItem and Button SampleDisplay Data From a Table Using VOLOV SamplePopList SampleSearch Page - Using QueryBean- ResultBasedSearch-ConstructionModeSearch Page - Using QueryBean- AutoCustomizationCriteriaSearch Page - Manual VO ExecutionDML Operations Using Entity ObjectOAF Page Deployment (R12.1.3 and R12.2.*)OAF Debugging TechniquesShared RegionIntegrating AOL ComponentsUsing SQL and PLSQL in OAFInvoke OAF Page from Standard Form Using Form PersonalizationOAF Switcher Region SampleOAF Using PLSQL and Global Temporary Table GTTFlexfields- Descriptive and Key FlexfieldsDeep dive advanced samplesInvoke Concurrent Program, Workflow, Table-ValueSetPartial Page Rendering (SPEL) - Master Child PageMini ProjectOAF Integration with XML ReportExtending seeded pagesOAF PersonalizationOAF CO ExtensionOAF CO Extension - Additional SampleOAF VO ExtensionWorkflow Bonus Sessions"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Oracle E-Business Suite (R12.1.3) Technical RICEW" |
"Introduction to ERPDefinition of ERP, Overview of popular ERP'SComparison of Oracle Apps with other ERP'STypes of RolesTypes of Projects (4)Upgrade, Implementation, Support, RolloutAIM documentation standards (OUM Oracle Unified Method)Oracle Application Architecture.Database structure of OAUsing TOAD/SQL DeveloperLatest 2030 Strategy of Oracle E-Business SuiteApplication Object Library - FND Foundation ModuleCreating UsersWHO columnsCreating ResponsibilitiesMenu constructionRequest group constructionFlexfieldApplication developmentDefining concurrent programConcurrent programs with parametersWorking with multiple concurrent programsScheduling the Concurrent ProgramConcurrent Program incompatibilitiesCreating Request SetProcedure registrationValue setsReports- RDFHello World Report developmentParametric report registrationReports with repeating framesReports with Lexical Parameter, Placeholder ColumnsReports with PLSQL IntegrationInvoking Report from PLSQL ProgramModifying Standard Reports ProcessXML PublisherIntroduction to XML PublisherCreating TemplatesCreating Data DefinitionsXML Reports with Different Approaches (RDF/DataModel/PLSQL/OAF)Parameterized ReportsGroup ReportDynamic Columns ReportPivot ReportXDO Functions RowColor, IFCondition etcForm registrationTemplate.fmbAppstand.fmbForm development using templatesForm customization conceptsForm Registration ProcessCustom.PllUsing function Zoom_available( )Using procedure Event( )Interfaces & ConversionsIntroduction to Interfaces and ConversionsInbound InterfacesSupplierGL JournalItem MasterPurchase OrderAR ReceiptsSQLLoaderProcess CSV FileProcess Fixed LengthUpload to multiple tablesUTL_FILE (read/write)Deployment/MigrationUnix BasicsMigration Script for : Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Forms, Workflow and AOL ComponentsWorkflowFYI, FYAModifying Standard WorkflowInvoking via PLSQL"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud ERP(SaaS) Technical- ICS/OIC, Dell Boomi Bonus" |
"Oracle Fusion Cloud Technical course is an online program which aims to make you an expert in the cloud technology. This course will help learns to understand and gain knowledge on the implementation process of cloud ERP applications. With the real-time scenarios and uses cases that are provided during the course, you could easily be ready to work or upgrade to Oracle ERP Cloud tech job.One Stop Oracle Cloud Technical Training which comprises : SaaS (Reports, Conversions, Users & Roles), PaaS (VBCS, ICS), Dell Boomi and DBCSDell Boomi Overview sessions are included and will upload few more in coming weeks, keep watching ;)Added Oracle Cloud Demo Instance Registration Process - 30 Day Free Access for : ICS, DBCS, VBCS, SOACS, JCS..etc..Good set of content on the Oracle Integration Cloud Service (ICS/OIC) covering FTP/File/SaaS IntegrationsAdded BI Publisher Cook Book an Easy guide from beginners of BI Publisher.Added New Session on : Oracle Cloud ERP Upgrade Strategy and Instance StrategyOne of the unique course with varied set of content covering from Reports, Conversions , Integrations, VBCS and many more..will be added in the future.This course is unique course covering SaaS+PaaS content, new videos get uploaded every month with newer samples.Furthermore more set of videos will be uploaded on Process Cloud Service (PCS) and API and APIARY :) Gear up for the festive season with good learning.*Oracle Cloud ERP Instance (Conditions Apply) Provided on monthly charge basis.Refer this : oratrainings . com/category/1z0-934/ for Application Integration Certification Dump"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Photoshop - Manipulation Photo Crative Avance" |
"Voici un atelier Photoshop orient manipulation photo expliqu en vido.Vous apprendrez crer un montage photo cratif avanc from scratch partir de diverses photographies et ce, pas pas et de A Z.Ce que vous allez apprendre dans cet atelier manipulation photo Photoshopcrer un background partir de plusieurs photos de manire non destructivecrer un effet brumeux de manire procdurale sans photo l'appui et sans comptence en dessincomposer une image de faon parfaitement symtriquemanipuler des objets dynamiques pour plus de souplessecrer rapidement une ambiance colore en 2 coups de pinceauxinventer un personnage indit partir de plusieurs photographiesfinaliser et magnifier votre rendu simplement et sans plugindonner un rendu pictural votre imageet bien d'autres notions...Cet atelier pratique dans lequel j'avance pas pas est destin aux dbutants ayant idalement des connaissances mme basiques des principaux outils d'Adobe Photoshop. Notamment l'utilisation de la plume et des masques de fusion.Vous pourrez, si ncessaire, utiliser l'espace d'aide afin d'obtenir des rponses vos soucis.La formation est ralise sur Photoshop CC.Tous les fichiers ncessaires sont fournis.Je vous souhaite une bonne formation et vous dis tout de suite dans la premire vido."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect practice" |
"There are many reasons to take a certification exam, personal development, interest, bragging rights, job requirements. The Cloud Architect exam will definitely help with all of the above and more!The Google Cloud Architect exam acknowledges that you have a working knowledge of all of the core GCP services and how to architect and design solutions on GCP.The exam covers all the major services, from IAM to GKE and BigTable to Dataflow. It ensures that takers are able to advise potential customers or teams on the best way to implement solutions and migrations on Google Cloud platform.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 172 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |