Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Optimizing Fertility In Endometriosis" |
"Endometriosis is a problem we need to encounter both as Gynaecologists as well as Fertility experts. How do we diagnose the problem at the earliest? Do the same treatments as applicable to pain management apply to Fertility as well ? Is the role of Natural conception and laparoscopy exaggerated in such patients ? Which patients will benefit through IUI or Intra Uterine Insemination ? How does an Endometriotic cyst affect IVF? Is the agonist cycle better or does the antagonist cycle give better results in such cases ? The answer to these and many more questions lies a few moments Register to find out more !!!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"The SIMPLEST way to become an online ESL teacher" |
"In this course we will be diving into the steps needed to become an online ESL teacher. This course specifically dives into the process of teaching students in China, right from the comfort of home! Whether you are a stay at home mom looking for a little side gig, someone with a bachelors degree just looking for a job or a college student in need of some flexibility, this job is for you! There are so many wonderful perks of being an online ESL teacher. From having the flexibility to making a schedule that best fits your life style, to teaching any where in the world, this job makes a great fit. No need to browse the internet finding all the information that goes into becoming an online ESl teacher when I cover it all within this course. This course discusses the process of becoming an online ESL teacher, the certification required, what to expect in the interview and the mock class, as well as becoming a 5 star tutor and dealing with difficult students. It goes in to cover each aspect of what to expect in the process, such as the pay, hours and how to have stability. I hope to have you as one of my students and I hope to mentor you throughout this process! I am here every step of the way, you got this!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automao Residencial PROJETISTA ESPECIALISTA + AutoCAD" |
"Curso de Projetos de Automao Residenciais + Autocad Bsico - Seja um Projetista Completo de Automao ResidenciaisNeste curso voc aprender desde os fundamentos da automao residencial.Aprender os conceitos principais da automao e os projetos. Aprender tudo que necessrio para elaborar um projeto de automao residencial seja ele de uma pequena residncia, apartamento ou uma grande residncia.Seja um projetista completo de projetos de automao residenciais.Aprenda do bsico ao mais avanado. Simbologias, padres, processos, elaborao, check-list, conceitos.Aprenda agora a criar seus prprios projetos de automao residencial.Projeto de Segurana e acesso de entrada-BsicoProjeto Sonorizao de Ambiente-BsicoProjeto de automao de Iluminao-BsicoProjeto de udio & vdeo-BsicoProjeto Telecomunicaes-BsicoCaderno de Automao: como elaborar um memorial descritivo completoTabelas de entradas e sadas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AZ-900 Azure Sure&Quick Success Complete Course-2 Full Exams" |
"This fundamental course is targeted for the students to prepare and pass the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 fundamental certification. In addition, learn basics of Cloud computing. The course will help beginners learn about IT Architecture and Microsoft Azure.Trusted by students across 100 plus countries, 100s of successful certifications, fastest growing AZ-900 certification course. There are real life success stories of getting certified in weeks after taking the course. Read thru the reviews for details.There is no prerequisite to take the course. The course will help all IT professionals, IT Sales professionals, Business users, Students and anyone who wants to learn about cloud computing and Azure. The course walks thru to show how cloud configurations screens looks like and evaluate difficulty level of making Cloud computing changes.Some of the students review Comments and Messages:Really concrete and solid course. Watched 3-4 course times for the exam and worked on the parts which I need more focus. Cleared the exam with ease. Thanks, Rajeev for developing this course. - Aroh ShuklaPassed in first attempt Rajeev and only using your course :) Thanks - John B. Signed up 3/11 - Certified on 3/28I'm happy to inform you that I have passed the exam! I huge thank you to yourself for providing the course material, it certainly was a huge decider to the result! - Jordan A.Thanks a lot! It was really helpful for getting the certification. - Alejandro CiallellaBetween the course and the Microsoft education link in the course I was able to pass the AZ-900 test. Thanks! - Jeff ScholesInformation is very specific and straight to the point. - Cheryl R.Awesome. Well structured outline - Sameera I.Excellent course for beginners! A well-structured course which is explained in a simple and lucid way for beginners to get their concepts clear. A great way to certification! - Vikas ShahPlease see the breakup of the Course which is similar to the AZ-900 Certification requirement:- Understand Cloud Concepts (15-20%)Understand Core Azure Services (30-35%)Understand Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust (25-30%)Understand Azure Pricing and Support (25-30%)The AZ-900 course is the FIRST STEP before you take any advanced Microsoft certifications such as AZ-300 - Microsoft Azure Architect TechnologiesAZ-301 - Microsoft Azure Architect DesignAZ-400 - Microsoft Azure DevOps SolutionsBETAAZ-500 - Microsoft Azure Security Technologies70-473 - Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions70-475 - Designing and Implementing Big Data Analytics Solutions70-487 - Developing Microsoft Azure and Web Services 70-537 - Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"AZ-900 Azure Certification:- 5 Complete Practice Exams" |
"World's largest collection of question with full practice exams for AZ-900. The practice test has scenario based questions that will help students withAZ-900 certification.Please refer to the AZ-900 training to be able to successfully complete the exams and getting certified.Please see the breakup of the Course which is similar to the AZ-900 Certification requirement:- Understand Cloud Concepts (15-20%)Understand Core Azure Services (30-35%)Understand Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Trust (25-30%)Understand Azure Pricing and Support (25-30%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3ds max + Corona render : Creating Private Villa" |
"Throughout this tutorial, we will go through the complete modeling and rendering workflow for this project.We will study the different essential modeling techniques, modeling of each part of the building, including terrain modeling.A way that makes creating fast, easy to edit, and quick to render.You will also learn to brighten and render daylight scenes, as well as create your own fast rendering materials.And I will guide you through the post-production process. You will learn how to use rendering elements in Photoshop to make the picture more beautiful.At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to work and think like a professional, to model and render, and easily.Be able to finish your job in a very short time."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Building a RESTful API Application using Spring and Angular" |
"API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate and exchange data. It is one of the main drivers of our world of communication as we know today. APIs developers are in an at-all-time high demand since almost every company uses APIs.In this course, you will learn how to build your very own API, along with an Angular application that will use and consume this API. This course teaches how to use JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication & Authorization with Java, Spring Security to secure API, Stateless Session Policy management with Spring Security along with password encryption. It covers Entity Management, Relationship, and Mapping to Database (MySQL) using the Java Persistence API (JPA). It covers managing User Security Roles. This course also dives into defining and creating API, exposing API Endpoints Over HTTP, and handling HTTP Requests and File Upload through API Endpoints. It covers testing API Endpoints (using an HTTP client).For the client application, this course dives into Angular Components, Forms, Routing, and Angular Services. It goes into Angular HTTP Communication and Angular Interceptors to manage Caching (web cache or HTTP cache)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become a Creative Thinking Master: Unleash Your Creativity" |
"People assume Creative Thinking is a blessing that people are born with, But did you know you can become a amazing creative thinker in a short amount of time? You can increase your creative flow and come up with amazing creative ideas easily. This course will show you the in's and out's of Creative Thinking, letting you pass limits of your creativity you never imagined passing. If you use this course correctly you can become an amazing creative thinker.Creative Thinking can be used for so much like solving a problem, coming up with ideas, being better at coping, be a better planner, etc. This Creative Thinking course is made for beginners, It will help you reach the heights of Creative Thinking you've always wanted if used correctly.What can I DO after enrolling in the course?GENERATECreative Ideas EasilySTRENGTHENYour Mind and EmotionsOVERCOMECreative Blocks and ProcrastinationBECOMEAnAmazing Creative Thinker Now"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HandsOn Devops - Weblogic e Jenkins" |
"Nesse curso vamos ver na prtica como instalar e configurar o Weblogic 12c em sua mquina, depois veremos como instalar o Docker, com ele vamos instalar e configurar o jenkins e novamente o Weblogic, com isso conseguiremos criar scripts para automatizar a implantao de nossos deploys em ambiente de desenvolvimento, testes ou produtivos.Esse curso voltado para desenvolvedores/analistas de todos os nveis que ainda no tenham tido contato com automao de deploy, um curso bsico, porm intuitivo e como o nome diz mo na massa, bem prtico."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
firealarmcourse |
"(loop & zone)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
intercom |
"1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Venda mais e melhor" |
"A atividade de vendas envolve habilidades de relacionamento, premissas de psicologia para interpretar os diversos tipos de clientes, para aplicar a abordagem mais eficiente para cada caso em particular. Alm disso, apresentamos tcnicas consagradas pela Literatura que auxiliam a estruturar a atividade de vendas, desde o planejamento, a negociao at o ps-venda."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Capacitao Didtico-Pedaggica" |
"Aprimorar a conduo de aes educacionais., sejam aulas, palestras, workshops, transmitindo informaes com segurana e segurana no contedo: Este curso combina as mais consagradas tcnicas de ensino com o aprimoramento da habilidade de se comunicar e interagirDetalhar o processo de aprendizagem em etapas, para conhecermos as estratgias de cada uma, e que resultados esperarLapidar a capacidade de transmitir conhecimentoDesenvolver o auto conhecimento, para reconhecer seus pontos fortes, as oportunidades de melhoriaDesenvolver-se na arte de falar em pblicoConhecer a essncia e a importncia do plano de aulaA partir das informaes transmitidas aqui, compor sua prpria metodologia de ensinoPropsitos e Requisitos do aprendizadoPor que planejar ?Premissas do PlanejamentoElementos e estrutura do Plano de AulaAmbiente ProfissionalMarketing Pessoal na prticaAbordagens Pedaggicas"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Aging In Place Tips and Essentials" |
"In this course we will go over ways to make a home accessible for people with disabilities. We will cover four main areas: Entrances, Bathrooms, Kitchens, and Stairways. Learn the techniques, characteristics, and products that can make these spaces accessible. Great for people who want to make an accessible home for themselves or a loved one. Also great for architects, interior designers, contractors, and students in those fields."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 min pour APPRENDRE DCHIFFRER une Tablature GUITARE" |
"5 min pour APPRENDRE DCHIFFRER une Tablature GUITARE - Cours Dbutants-Vous connaissez bien sr lhistoire de la canne pche et des poissons : si vous dpendez toujours du poissonnier pour manger, vous risquez un jour davoir des soucis : sil est malade, sil arrte son mtierAlors que si vous savez pcher vous-mme, vous vous en sortirez toujours.Ici, les poissons, ce sont les accords.Lide de cet srie darticles est de vous montrer, travers quelques exemples, comment on peut crer de nouveaux accords partir de ceux que lon connat dj.Aujourdhui, nous allons aborder le barr.Le principe du barrVous savez certainement que ce qui donne son nom un accord, cest sa fondamentale.Si lon prend par exemple ces deux diagrammes daccords, E (Mi) et Em (Mim), ils se nomment ainsi parce que leur fondamentale est la note Mi (en noir, dans le systme des couleurs dites relatives) :Un barr consiste dplacer un accord simple sur le manche de la guitare.Une fois laccord dplac, cest la note correspondant lemplacement des points noirs qui sera la nouvelle fondamentale et qui donnera son nom au nouvel accord ainsi form.Ainsi, si nous dplaons le diagramme de E dune case, nous obtenons le diagramme de F (Fa) majeurPourquoi devient-il un F ? Parce que la fondamentale (point noir) est dsormais en case 1 sur le manche de la guitare, l o se trouve la note Fa (sur la plus grosse corde).A quoi sert le geste de barrer la case 1 avec lindex ? A plaquer les notes qui taient joues vide dans laccord simple de dpart. Cest vident quand on regarde les diagrammes. Il faudra donc toujours un doigt supplmentaire dans le barr.Ainsi, les accords simples ne pourront tre dplaables que sils nutilisent pas plus de trois doigts (sinon, on devra enlever une ou plusieurs notes redondantes ou faire appel un guitariste extra-terrestre !).De plus, dans ces accords, la basse doit aussi tre la fondamentale (autrement dit, on nest pas dans un cas de renversement). Par exemple, cest bien le cas dans laccord E ci-dessus : la fondamentale, Mi, est produite par la corde de Mi grave joue vide.Comme il y a trois cordes graves, on aura trois familles daccords dplaablesceux dont la basse est sur la corde de Mi graveceux dont la basse est sur la corde de Laceux dont la basse est sur la corde de R (moins souvent utiliss, en particulier quand on est dbutant)En rsumTout accord simple (mineur, majeur, septime, etc.) pourra servir de base un barr sil nutilise pas plus de trois doigts et si sa basse correspond lune des trois cordes graves joues vide.Cela fait normment de possibilits !"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Autoestima na Prtica" |
"Quantas oportunidades voc j desperdiou por duvidar de si mesmo?A sua avaliao sobre o seu valor-prprio e seu sentimento de pertena determinam a sua autoestima.Autoestima a disposio de experienciar a si prprio como tendo competncias em lidar com os desafios bsicos da vida e ser merecedor de felicidade. - Nathaniel BrandenAutoestima, seja qual for o nvel, uma experincia ntima; reside no cerne do nosso ser. o que EU penso e sinto sobre mim mesmo, no o que o outro pensa e sente sobre mim. Porm, esta autoavaliao est primeiramente comprometida por pensamentos negativos e autocrticos que inconscientemente nutrimos sobre ns mesmos. Estes pensamentos criam o que podemos chamar de LIMITAES PERCEBIDAS ou IMAGINRIAS. E so essas limitaes imaginrias que lhe geram inseguranas e pensamentos do tipo: ""Eu sou um perdedor"", ""Eu no sou bom o suficiente"", ""Eu no sou fisicamente atraente"", ""Eu sou inadequado"", ""Eu nunca vou conseguir atingir isso"".Os benefcios que obter ao final deste curso sero:Ter pensamentos mais energizadores - porque aprendeu a eliminar os vieses de pensamentos distorcidos e negativos sobre si mesmo;Se criticar menos - porque aprendeu a trocar a voz do seu crtico interno por uma voz interna mais compassiva;Amar mais a si mesmo - porque reformulou a autoimagem negativa que tinha que era baseada em opinies negativas de si mesmo.Agarrar mais as chances que lhe surgem - porque voc j reconhece suas foras e sabe como usar melhor as suas capacidades;Sentir-se mais seguro nas suas relaes sociais e familiares - porque voc reconhece as qualidades que voc traz para as suas relaes com as outras pessoas.No se comparar mais com os outros - porque voc j sabe que todas as pessoas possuem pontos positivos e negativos e voc sabe onde precisa trabalhar para aprimorar os seus.Correr riscos calculados - porque voc acredita mais na sua capacidade de aprender e evoluir como pessoa.Ser mais assertivo e defender a si mesmo - porque voc aprendeu a se valorizar mais e a respeitar a si mesmo.Se divertir mais e ter mais momentos prazerosos - porque voc aprendeu a cuidar de si mesmo e reconhece e faz o que lhe traz prazer, alegria e divertimento.Se enxergar como digno, valoroso e valioso que , independente de qualquer coisa - porque percebeu que seu valor maior est simplesmente em quem voc .Confiar mais em si mesmo e na vida - porque possui crenas mais ajustadas sobre quem voc e do que voc capaz.Expressar a si mesmo com confiana - porque voc agora se sente completo e adequado, uma vez que adquiriu um conceito e uma imagem ajustada de si.A autoestima no tudo; mas simplesmente sem ela no h nada. -- Gloria SteinemA grande maioria das pessoas sente-se deficiente em autoestima e autoconfiana em pelo menos um aspecto das suas vidas. Muitas delas nem ao menos gostam de si prprias. Voc sente-se desempoderado, sem confiana em si mesmo, e em dvidas sobre se conseguir lidar com os desafios da vida. Voc acaba por desenvolver uma opinio negativa acerca de si mesmo.Voc possivelmente:Sente-se inseguro, sem capacidades ou qualidades positivas e se acha inferior s outras pessoas.Sente-se como algum invisvel, desvalorizado e menosprezado.Acha difcil amar completamente, respeitar e aceitar a pessoa que voc , por dentro e por fora.Sente-se incapaz e no suficiente quando compara as suas realizaes e conquistas pessoais.Possui um crtico interno muito severo que vive lhe sabotando e dizendo que voc nunca ser nada na vida.No se sente digno de amor e merecedor de coisas positivas e agradveis.Sente que uma pessoa que no vale a pena e que no tem nada de til e valoroso para oferecer aos outros.No se sente competente em nada. perfeccionista e sempre acha que o que faz nunca est bom o suficiente.D muita ateno aos seus aspectos negativos e no consegue enxergar aspectos positivos em si mesmo.Evita perseguir alguns dos seus objetivos e sonhos por causa de medo e auto-dvidas.Confiana crucial para uma vida feliz e realizada. Dela dependem o nosso sucesso no trabalho, na vida familiar, nas relaes e at nas atividades de lazer. As nossas experincias de vida, nossos pensamentos, as nossas circunstncias sociais, as reaes dos outros as comparaes do eu com os outros so alguns fatores que podem minar a nossa autoimagem. Reclamar o nosso poder pessoal requer que tenhamos uma autoimagem que reflita nossas qualidades, valores e talentos nicos. E este curso lhe proporcionar exatamente as ferramentas de que voc necessita para isso.O que voc aprender:Vencer os seus prprios pensamentos prejudiciais autocrticos e limitadores de sua prpria autoestima a partir da forma como voc olha, pensa e como quer viver a sua vida.Manipular as autocrticas e a negatividade que voc alimenta sobre si mesmo.Ajustar a sua autoimagem negativa para uma imagem de si mesmo mais coerente e adequada a quem voc de verdade.Parar de se sentir mal ou negativo sobre voc e comear a sentir-se bem consigo mesmo e mais feliz por dentro.Parar de comparar a si mesmo e sua vida com outras pessoas e suas vidas.Descobrir suas foras e fraquezas de fato e uma perspetiva mais equilibrada e matizada para voc e seu mundo.Responder e questionar o seu prprio crtico interno, parando-o antes que ele possa prejudic-lo e sua vida ainda mais e, em seguida, substitu-lo por hbitos mais saudveis."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Intro to MATLAB under 3 hours" |
"This course (MATLAB programming in under 3 hours) will take those new/beginners in MATLAB through very important basic topics in MATLAB to allow them to get up to speed very quickly (less than 3 hours). The course will explain how to perform certain tasks in MATLAB showing you (line by line) how to write the code."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Road to Financial freedom - Online business with Airtasker" |
"The course is designed to assist every day people develop an online business with Airtasker. You do not need to be good at technical skills but good at what you enjoy doing. You could have a full time job, no job, stay at home parent, young, old or you may just be looking to earn a bit of an extra pocket money. If any of this sounds like you then this course will help you set up an online business in less than a day with zero upfront investment on the Airtasker website. All you pay is for this course on Udemy. The course will take you from choosing/identifying your niche to earning the first payment into your bank account, with a potential to automate when you scale your business and everything in between. All you need is a motivation to keep going and build your dream business."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"learn e-commerce in hindi urdu, make website in wordpress" |
"This E-commerce course is designed in Hindi language and is useful for people who are interesting in doing business but don't have sufficient money or funds and time to spend on it. It does not really matter whether you are a student, employee, businessman, housewife or whatsoever. Here, we will teach you using video tutorials that how to earn money by making a website in word-press only using drag & drop options. Where is no HTML or CSS coding required."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Salesforce System Architect - Identity and Access Management" |
"Salesforce System Architect - Identity and Access Management is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge. So join us in becoming a salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes Apply general identity and access management best practices to Salesforce implementations.Design an identity architecture that may span multiple platforms and include integration and authentication across systems.Articulate system design considerations, benefits, and recommendations for identity architecture.Explain high-level concepts and flows of OAuth.High-level concepts and flows of SAML.Determine appropriate user lifecycle management techniques (automated user provisioning, just-in-time provisioning, manual account creation, etc.) for a given project.Describe the configuration requirements of delegated authentication in Salesforce.Describe the configuration requirements of SAML in Salesforce.Distinguish the difference between Identity Provider Initiated SAML and Service Provider Initiated SAML and when to use each.Describe how trust is established between an Identity Provider and a Service Provider.Determine the general identity federation capabilities that are available for a given project.Describe why Two Factor Authentication is important and strategies for implementing it in Salesforce.Explain the use of Login Flows. Determine the applicable use cases for Identity Connect."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce System Architect - DEVELOPMENT & Deployment" |
"Salesforce Certified System Architect - DEVELOPMENT LIFECYCLE AND DEPLOYMENT DESIGNER is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge. So join us in becoming a salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes Communicate development methodologies and trade-offs.Provide alternatives to development methodologies.Ensure Governance through change management and release management.Ensure Governance in environment management.Develop and execute effective deployment strategies.Use technical tools to execute deployment strategies and environmental approaches.Describe the capabilities and characteristics of the metadata API."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SALESFORCE CERTIFIED MARKETING CLOUD EMAIL SPECIALIST is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge. So join us in becoming a salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes EMAIL MARKETING BEST PRACTICESEMAIL MESSAGE DESIGNCONTENT CREATION AND DELIVERYMARKETING AUTOMATIONSUBSCRIBER AND DATA MANAGEMENTTRACKING AND REPORTING"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SALESFORCE CERTIFIED MARKETING CLOUD CONSULTANT is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce certification which will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge so join us in becoming a salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes DISCOVERY CONCEPTUAL DESIGN MARKETING CLOUD CONNECT ACCOUNT CONFIGURATION REPORTING DATA DESIGN AUTOMATION EMAIL BUILD CONTACT BUILDER JOURNEY BUILDER"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"System Architect - INTEGRATION ARCHITECTURE Designer" |
"Salesforce System Architect - Integration Architecture Designer is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification. Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full time job, rather because our team love sharing salesforce knowledge. So join us in becoming salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising till you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes SALESFORCE INTEGRATION CAPABILITIESSALESFORCE INTEGRATION PATTERNSENTERPRISE INTEGRATION ARCHITECTURE CONCEPTSSALESFORCE INTEGRATION TESTINGINTEGRATING WITH SALESFORCE: SECURITY TOOLSMONITORING"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce App Architect - Sharing and Visibility Designer" |
"SALESFORCE APPLICATION ARCHITECT - SHARING AND VISIBILITY DESIGNER is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 2-3 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge so join us in becoming salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete this practice set and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes Demonstrate how to properly enforce Object and Field level permission when designing Programmatic Solutions.DECLARATIVE SHARINGPERFORMANCE PROGRAMMATIC SHARING"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SALESFORCE APPLICATION ARCHITECT - DATA ARCHITECTURE & MANAGEMENT DESIGNER is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge so join us in becoming salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes DATA MODELING -20% CONCEPTUAL DESIGN -15% MASTER DATA MANAGEMENT-10% METADATA MANAGEMENT 7% DATA ARCHIVING 10% DATA GOVERNANCE 7% BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE, REPORTING & ANALYTICS 10% DATA MIGRATION 10% PERFORMANCE TUNING - 11%"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Application Architect - Platform Developer I" |
"SALESFORCE APPLICATION ARCHITECT - PLATFORM DEVELOPER I is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge so join us in becoming salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes SALESFORCE FUNDAMENTALS -10% DATA MODELING AND MANAGEMENT -12% LOGIC AND PROCESS AUTOMATION -46% USER INTERFACE 10% Testing 12% DEBUG AND DEPLOYMENT TOOLS - 10%"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Application Architect - Platform App Builder" |
"SALESFORCE APPLICATION ARCHITECT - PLATFORM APP BUILDER is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge so join us in becoming salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes SALESFORCE FUNDAMENTALS 8% DATA MODELING AND MANAGEMENT 20% SECURITY 10% BUSINESS LOGIC AND PROCESS AUTOMATION 27% SOCIAL 3% USER INTERFACE 14% REPORTING 5% MOBILE 5%.APP DEVELOPMENT 8%"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SALESFORCE SERVICE CLOUD CONSULTANT is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge so join us in becoming salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE -10% IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES -15% SERVICE CLOUD SOLUTION DESIGN -16% KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 9% INTERACTION CHANNELS 10% CASE MANAGEMENT 15% CONTACT CENTER ANALYTICS 5% INTEGRATION AND DATA MANAGEMENT 5% SERVICE CONSOLE-15%"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SALESFORCE CERTIFIED SALES CONSULTANT is a stepping stone to achieve the most coveted Salesforce CTA level and will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge so join us in becoming SALESFORCE Certifiedconsultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes INDUSTRY KNOWLEDGE 5% IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES 6% SALES CLOUD SOLUTION DESIGN 25% MARKETING AND LEADS 7% ACCOUNT AND CONTACT MANAGEMENT 12% OPPORTUNITY MANAGEMENT 15% SALES PRODUCTIVITY 12% COMMUNITIES AND SITE MANAGEMENT 5% SALES CLOUD ANALYTICS 5% INTEGRATION AND DATA MANAGEMENT 8%"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SALESFORCE Certified Administrator" |
"SALESFORCE CERTIFIED ADMINISTRATOR is a first step towards your Salesforce journey and it will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Please note that this is not course materials and is Practice set ONLY so try only when you completed your trailhead associated with this certification and ready for actual certification.Are you tired of going through multiple tests on the internet and spending too much time? This is a one-stop-shop that takes only 4-5 hours to revise and crystallize your concepts. Please ensure that you complete the respective salesforce trailhead to get the basic idea. This practice will help you to pass your exam with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead.We guarantee your success with a 100% refund policy. We guarantee that by using these practice sets, you will be able to pass the certification on your very first attempt. We are very confident about the quality of our products thats why we are offering a 100% refund if you fail to ace the exams. Our product is a secure investment, which means you will not be at risk of losing money. Please ensure that you complete both practice sets. We follow and adhere to the Udemy refund policy.Are you looking for a good quality low-cost Salesforce learning and practice set after completing your respective trailhead?Salesforce Certifications are fast becoming the must-have certificates for any IT professional working with Salesforce. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Exam. With this Salesforce certification under your belt, you will be in high demand by many employers and you can command a superior salary.This course is cheaper than most other courses because we are not doing this as a full-time job, rather because our team loves sharing salesforce knowledge so join us in becoming salesforce certified consultant by completing these practice sets.Please ensure that you complete your trailhead related to this certification to get the basic idea and concepts. This practice will help you to pass this certification with flying colors. This has been prepared based on a detailed analysis and thorough review of multiple forums and content from the salesforce trailhead. Ensure that you complete these practice sets and keep revising until you get more than 80% on your practice exams.This Practice set is designed to follow the structure of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification and this includes ORGANIZATION SETUP 2% USER SETUP 7% SECURITY AND ACCESS 14% STANDARD AND CUSTOM OBJECTS 15% SALES AND MARKETING APPLICATIONS 15% SERVICE AND SUPPORT APPLICATIONS 12% ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT AND COLLABORATION 3% DATA MANAGEMENT 8% ANALYTICS - REPORTS AND DASHBOARDS 10% WORKFLOW/PROCESS AUTOMATION 12% DESKTOP AND MOBILE ADMINISTRATION- 1%. APPEXCHANGE 1 %"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |