Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"7 Keys to Portrait Painting" |
"Welcome to my 2nd Udemy class. 7 keys to portrait painting that Ive learned as a student, practitioner, and working artist. In this course I will cover what I believe, in theory, are the most important concepts of portrait painting. My instagrams are Kevoarts and Kevospaintings. Feel free to contact me."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gestion du temps et productivit l're digitale" |
"Le temps est la matire premire de toute ambition, encore plus dans un monde qui acclre et se disperse. Les startuppers, freelances et autres digital nomads l'ont bien compris ! Aujourd'hui, ces no-workers nous montrent la voie : distance, en coworking en flex office et en mobilit, ils tirent pleinement parti des outils numriques pour rinventer les modes de travail l're digitale. Ivanne Poussier est l'une d'entre eux. Elle vous propose une initiation acclre aux techniques et outils qui vont booster votre productivit personnelle. Elle revisite la gestion du temps tape par tape, en mobilisant les meilleurs auteurs franais et anglo-saxons, des neurosciences l'anthropologie digitale, en passant par le management, la psychologie et le coaching. Entrepreneuse et consultante freelance, Ivanne est une transfuge du monde de l'entreprise traditionnelle, un environnement qu'elle connat bien. Son approche se veut rsolument pragmatique, l'attention des cadres et managers salaris comme des indpendants, freelances et entrepreneurs.Si vous vous demandez :comment reprendre le pouvoir sur votre tempset mieux vous organiser pour gagner en productivit personnelletout en tirant parti astucieusement du potentiel des outils digitaux*...Grce ce cours et en moins de 3 heures, vous serez en mesure de.Clarifier vos prioritsPlanifier vos activits aux meilleurs moments de la journe et de la semaineVous outiller de manire adquateExcuter vos tches plus rapidementDvelopper votre attention et votre capacit travailler en profondeurPour vous aider tirer pleinement profit du cours, une checklist tlchargeable vous permettra de mettre en place les techniques et outils adapts votre situation, tape par tape et votre rythme, afin de les ancrer durablement dans votre quotidien.* Par exemple : les outils Google (plbiscits par les startuppers), Workflowy, deux exemples de carnets de journaling...."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Complete course TelegramBot and PHP, Build your ChatBot" |
"My name is Clementine, i m project manager and i work with Sirous who is programer. We have register to Udemy to introduce our project about telegram bot. In our video, we will cover all method of Telegram for writing a bot and prepare a robot for your business and you can deeply learn API and PHP,first we start with PHP and then we focus on Telegram method and step by step to create our first telegrambot,during course you will see lot of example and complete project to be clear for all students and then we work on real project, and we will continue our course with more project after this course you will have new view of programming and you can even work with other API like Whatsapp,you can write your telegrambot and application free on telegram platform , you will achieve to your goal and you can start new carrier..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TESOL Speak English Without Borders." |
" Learn and Practice introducing yourself to the World. To teach you interactive ways of how to read, write and speak the Art of the English Language. Below are a few ways to help get you motivated while having fun speaking in the English language, through the Art of, Conversational English with Pazzo Chef Business Conversational English Conversational English with a Pilot Conversational English for all ages 3 and up English Bed time Stories for Kids 12 and under. Learn How To Speak The English Language Without Borders.So, Let's get started!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"DB2 10.1 DBA for Linux, UNIX, and Windows practice exams" |
"Are you aiming to earn your IBM DB2 10.1 DBA for Linux, UNIX, and Windows certification? If so, you've come to the right place.If you are knowledgeable of DB2 10.1 and are capable of performing the intermediate to advanced skills required in the day-to-day administration of DB2 instances and databases, you may benefit from becoming an IBM Certified Database Administrator.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 118 questions ***"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IBM DB2 10.1 Fundamentals practice exams" |
"Thinking about obtaining the IBM Certified Database Associate - DB2 10.1 Fundamentals certification? If so, you've come to the right place.This Database Associate certification is an entry level exam for a user of any of the DB2 family of products. This individual is knowledgeable about the fundamental concepts of DB2 10.1 through either hands on experience or formal and informal education. The database associate should have an in-depth knowledge of the basic to intermediate tasks required in day-to-day administration, basic SQL (Structured Query Language), understand which additional products are available with DB2 10.1, understand how to create databases and database objects, and have a basic knowledge of database security and transaction isolation.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 136questions ***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A Fool's Guide to EUR/USD Trading Success" |
"Note: This Course is not for impatient people. This Course is for people who are willing to spend time growing there wealth over periods of time till they achieve Financial Freedom(Yep!! with the techniques you'll learn in this course, Its very possible). Please look deep within yourself, if you do not fall into this category, please do not take this course. Thank You.Now lets take a case study, Imagine you start out with $200 in your Trading account, Based on Volatility of the EUR/USD and some other techniques we will discuss in this course you are able to net in 15 Successful Trades of $1 profit each per day, that's $15 per day. It would take approximately 13 days to hit $200 profit(That's Doubling your amount). That extra $200 is an indicator that you can increase your profits per day by $1 per trade($2 per trade total/$30 per day). When you hit another $200 in 6 days, you can increase it by another $1($3 per trade total/$45 per day). Its not rocket science that the amount or value of units of the EUR/USD you invest in is directly proportional to the profit you'll make from each trade.With this progression in place, it will get to a time where you start hitting $200 everyday. This is the kind of trading technique and mindset I will grant you in this course.Here are some of the things we will do in this course:- We will make use of proper financial guidance from experts before executing any trade. - We will consult Technical Analysis from sites or apps Investing. - We will set up a demo account on Admiral Markets(I'll Explain why in the course) on MetaTrader 5.- There are many good forex brokers out there, with very low commission. In this course I share one of my personal favourites which I am currently and also includes a handy negative balance and price action protection mechanism. Also know that if this course does not work for you based on the techniques that I will teach(Which honestly is very unlikely), you can ask for a refund(30-day window) and Udemy will pay you back without haste. With that being said, I'm very sure that this course will take you to financial freedom given you follow the rules.So are you ready? Enroll now using the ""Buy "" Button on this page and lets start analyzing and trading."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AND-401: Android Application Development practice exams" |
"Are you worried about how to pass your Android Application Development certification exam?Whether you are planning to become an Android developer, or to take your Android development skills to the next level, or even become an Android development trainer, Android AND-401 has built the right path of exams and courses to get on track for Android certifications. The following certification path chart illustrates which exams you should pass to achieve each certification.If you are looking for Android Application Development (Android AND-401) EXAM Practice Test with Real Exam Questions, you are at right place. This course have latest Question Bank from Actual Exams in order to help you memorize and pass your exam at very first attempt.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 104 questions ***Android software developers are in charge of creating effective mobile applications for their organization on the Android platform. They create software designed to meet company objectives and provide excellent customer satisfaction. Android software developers frequently collaborate with creative staff to integrate graphics and functionality into the applications. They evaluate frameworks to decide which will produce the best results using less resources. As part of their main responsibilities, they optimize application memory footprint and consumption to increase performance. They also create highly scalable software systems for increased efficiency."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AND-801 : Android Application Development v8 practice exams" |
"Are you worried about how to pass your Android Application Development v8 (Kotlin) certification exam?The explosive growth of AndroidTM applications lately has created a boom in demand for developers. Developers are there but how can employers assess their competencies? How can they really know who deserves the opportunity to take the responsibility of their applications?*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 86 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Java SE 8 Programmer I practice exams" |
"Prepare for the OCA Java SE 8 Programmer I exam using these effective practice tests.This exam measures the following skills:Introduction to JavaClasses and objectsMethods, encapsulation, and conditionalsData manipulation and inheritanceInterfacesExceptionsDeploymentThe Oracle exam 1Z0-808, Java SE 8 Programmer I exam is necessary to obtain the Oracle Associate level certification.Additional Preparation and InformationA combination of training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience) provides the best preparation for passing the exam.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 118 questions ***OCAJP 8 Exam SyllabusThe exam syllabus is more equivalent to older versions of SCJP certification with Java SE 8 new additions, like date/time API, switch with String, and exception handling enhancements. The below contents are directly taken from the Oracle page:Java BasicsDefine the scope of variablesDefine the structure of a Java classCreate executable Java applications with a main method; run a Java program from the command line; produce console outputImport other Java packages to make them accessible in your codeCompare and contrast the features and components of Java such as platform independence, object orientation, encapsulation, etc.Using Operators and Decision ConstructsUse Java operators; use parentheses to override operator precedenceTest equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals ()Create if and if/else and ternary constructsUse a switch statementUsing Loop ConstructsCreate and use while loopsCreate and use for loops including the enhanced for loopCreate and use do/while loopsCompare loop constructsUse break and continueWorking with InheritanceDescribe inheritance and its benefitsDevelop code that makes use of polymorphism; develop code that overrides methods; differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an objectDetermine when casting is necessaryUse super and this to access objects and constructorsUse abstract classes and interfacesWorking with Selected classes from the Java APIManipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methodsCreate and manipulate StringsCreate and manipulate calendar data using classes from java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.PeriodDeclare and use an ArrayList of a given typeWrite a simple Lambda expression that consumes a Lambda Predicate expressionWorking With Java Data TypesDeclare and initialize variables (including the casting of primitive data types)Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variablesKnow how to read or write to object fieldsExplain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, ""dereference by reassignment"" and garbage collection)Develop code that uses wrapper classes such as Boolean, Double, and IntegerCreating and Using ArraysDeclare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional arrayDeclare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional arraysWorking with Methods and EncapsulationCreate methods with arguments and return values; including overloaded methodsApply the static keyword to methods and fieldsCreate and overload constructors; differentiate between default and user-defined constructorsApply access modifiersApply encapsulation principles to a classDetermine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed into methods that change the valuesHandling ExceptionsDifferentiate among checked exceptions, unchecked exceptions, and ErrorsCreate a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flowDescribe the advantages of Exception handlingCreate and invoke a method that throws an exceptionRecognize common exception classes (such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"1z0-809 Java SE 8 Programmer II practice exams" |
"OCPJP (1Z0-809) covers advanced topics (Generics and collections, I/O fundamentals, File I/O, Concurrency, JDBC and if its JAVA 8 then it will have Lambdas, Streams and Date & Time APIs)Part One Class DesignEncapsulation and Immutable Classes, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Inner Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations,Part Two Generics and CollectionsPart Three Lambda ExpressionsPart Four Streams and CollectionsStreams, Iterating and Filtering Collections, Optional Class, Data Search, Stream Operations on Collections, Parallel Streams, Peeking, Mapping, Reducing and Collecting, Files and StreamsPart Five Exceptions and AssertionsExceptions, AssertionsPart Six Date/Time APICore Date/Time Classes, Time Zones and Daylight SavingsPart Seven Java I/OPart Eight ConcurrencyThread Basics , Concurrency , Fork/Join Framework Part Nine JDBC and Localization JDBC API , Thirty. Localization*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 85 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Certified Mobile App Testing (CMAP) practice exams" |
"Gain an excellent introduction to mobile app testing, the most relevant techniques and terminologyThe past several years have seen a rapid acceleration in the advance and proliferation of applications for mobile end devices. The large number of different devices, not to mention the diversity of platforms and operating systems, presents unique challenges for development and quality assurance teams alike. While usability is an especially critical success factor, security and optimal interoperability between hardware and software are also relevant to success. In short, mobile application testing is like no other type of testing.The Foundation in Mobile App Testing gives an overview of the mobile market and the most significant trends. It addresses topics such as the challenges of mobile application testing, mobile test process and mobile performance testing. The Foundation level provides an excellent introduction to mobile app testing, the most relevant techniques and terminology.Target GroupsQuality managers and software testing managersSoftware testers and developersContentAn overview of the current developments in the field of mobile applicationsA closer look at the various types of testing used in the mobile environmentAn introduction to the test processes and testing techniquesTest automation tools, especially simulators and emulators*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 84 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Write your first Business Analyst Resume" |
"This course will enable you to get your first Business Analyst job by writing a perfect resume. This course will teach you comprehensive Business Analysis activities and keywords associated with those activities. It will then teach you to include Business Analyst key words which are specific to your background as a beginner:Graduates - Internship or trainee or Junior Business Analyst roleIT Professionals Looking for a career changeNon - IT Professionals Looking for a career switch"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Bonjour, je mappelle Dimitri,Cette formation nest pas une formation comme les autres.Si vous narrivez pas gnrer des clients sur votre boutique, si vous galrez avoir des revenus rguliers, alors INSTAGRAM CASH MACHINE va changer votre vision.Si vous avez besoin de gagner en visibilit et avoir des milliers de prospects actifs alors, c'est la formation qu'il vous faut.Tout ce que vous avez faire, c'est passer l'action ou rester dans votre ""train, train"" quotidien. Je n'ai plus besoin dutiliser ces techniques et secrets bien gards par les influenceurs, aujourd'hui j'aimerais les partager avec ceux qui passent l'action, avec ceux qui sont dans l'optique d'voluer et qui ont conscience de l'importance des rseaux sociaux en 2019.Tout ce que je vous demande en retour, cest recommander mes formations aux plus grands nombresPar contre, le prix est variable et pourrait augmenter tout moment. Donc ne tranez pas ! Foncez ! Passez laction maintenant !Pour rcapituler si tu veux gnrer des revenus avec les rseaux sociaux, tu vas apprendre crer une relle communaut engage prte acheter !"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Selbstvertrauen Masterkurs" |
"Probleme:Du hast Ziele, weit aber nicht du diese erreichen sollst?Du hast das Vertrauen in dich selbst verloren und glaubst, dass es Abhngig von ueren Faktoren ist?Keine Lust mehr, ein normales Leben zu leben?Lsungen:Mach dein Ding und lebe deinen Traum, indem du lernst wie ein Gewinner zu denken.Werde wirklich frei und habe den Mut, deine persnlichen Ziele zu verfolgenLerne wie du mit unseren Techniken mehr Freiheit und Lifestyle in dein Leben bringst.Daran lassen wir uns messen, unsere 3 Produktversprechen:Dieser Kurs kommt mit ins Ziel: Wenn du dich die nchsten zwei Monate viermal die Woche etwas ausgiebiger mit dem Thema beschftigst, dann wirst du ein Felsenfestes Selbstvertrauen besitzen!Danach bist du in der Lage, weniger tun zu mssen, um mehr zu erreichen. Du bist in der Lage, dich klar zu positionieren und weit ganz genau, was zu tun ist, um glcklich zu sein. Besser: Du wirst es tun, da du vollkommen von dir berzeugt sein wirst.Solltest Du das anders sehen, dann kannst du von unserem umfassenden Rckgaberecht Gebrauch machen! Einfach E-Mail schreiben und du bekommst binnen wenigen Tagen dein Geld zurck!10 Regeln fr Verlierer daran solltest du dich halten, wenn du auf dein Traumleben verzichten mchtest:Unterscheide dich wenig von anderen Menschen!Sei zufrieden mit dem jetzigen Zustand und bewege dich nicht fort!Sage immer Ja und sei immer einer Meinung mit anderenUmgib dich mit Menschen, die dich kennen und bleib in deiner KomfortzoneGib dich jedem Trend hinUntersttze niemanden ohne GegenleistungGehe immer allein MittagessenMiss dich an den Schwchsten Konkurrenten!Rede viel und tue wenig!Tue das unwichtige, das wichtige kannst du auch spter erledigen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Organisation Masterkurs" |
"Du hast das maximale Chaos auf deinem Schreibtisch? Weit nicht, wie du deine Termine vernnftig organisiert bekommst? In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du dich richtig organisierst, sodass du in deinem Kerngeschft, worin du wirklich gut bist, richtig glnzen kannst. Aufgaben, die kein Geld einbringen, keinen Spa machen etc. knnen in der Regel auf einfach Art und Weise ausgelagert werden.Um dies zu knnen, gehen wir Anfangs auf die korrekte Zielsetzung und Strategische Planung deines Unternehmens ein. Nur so ist es mglich, dich anstndig zu positionieren. Denn eine gute Organisation erleichtert nicht nur deine Arbeit im Bro, sondern zieht auch weitere Kunden an.Schieb das Problem nicht weiter auf und Pack es endlich an! In diesem Kurs lernst du alles, was du wissen musst!Inklusive Vorlagen, bungen und Praxisbeispielen. Daran lassen wir uns messen, unsere 3 Produktversprechen:Dieser Kurs kommt mit ins Ziel: Wenn du dich die nchsten zwei Monate viermal die Woche etwas ausgiebiger mit dem Thema beschftigst, dann wirst du ein Felsenfestes Selbstvertrauen besitzen!Danach bist du in der Lage, weniger tun zu mssen, um mehr zu erreichen. Du bist in der Lage, dich klar zu positionieren und weit ganz genau, was zu tun ist, um glcklich zu sein. Besser: Du wirst es tun, da du vollkommen von dir berzeugt sein wirst.10 Regeln fr Verlierer daran solltest du dich halten, wenn du auf dein Traumleben verzichten mchtest:Unterscheide dich wenig von anderen Menschen!Sei zufrieden mit dem jetzigen Zustand und bewege dich nicht fort!Sage immer Ja und sei immer einer Meinung mit anderenUmgib dich mit Menschen, die dich kennen und bleib in deiner KomfortzoneGib dich jedem Trend hinUntersttze niemanden ohne GegenleistungGehe immer allein MittagessenMiss dich an den Schwchsten Konkurrenten!Rede viel und tue wenig!Tue das unwichtige, das wichtige kannst du auch spter erledigen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"What goes inside SEO?" |
"In this course I have explained machine learning concepts used in SEO with simpler language so that people from all background will be able to understand.This course contains 31 knowledge rich lectures of more than 3+Hours.This course will help you to understand - Crawling and its architecture- Information Retrieval and its components- Why SEO revolves around Keywords why terms/ words hold so much importance- Indexing and how terms are stored and why indexing is been done?- Retrieval Model used for retrieving similar pages with respect to the search criteria entered- Calculation of Term-weight to define importance of the page- Cosine Similarity used to find similar set of pages- Ranking algorithms used to rank the pages- Personalized Information Retrieval and difference between Information Retrieval and Personalized Information Retrieval-- User Profiling done to display search results according to the user interest as well as search query"
Price: 10560.00 ![]() |
"Design and drawing" |
"A course on Mechanical draughting. Includes the following sections:1. Mechanical draughting2. Screw threads, square threads and helical springs3. Orthographic projection4. Gears and Keys5. Limits and Fits6. Cams7. Sectioning8. Detail drawing9. Assembly drawingsThese topics will be discussed and examples of drawing each type of component will be given. A comprehensive drawing course that will improve your mechanical engineering draughting knowledge and skill. #Machine drawing #Mechanical design"
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Sheetmetal design for Engineers" |
"Sheet Metal Fabrication is the process of forming parts from a metal sheet by punching, cutting, stamping, and bending.3D CAD files are converted into machine code, which controls a machine to precisely cut and form the sheets into the final part.Sheet metal parts are known for their durability, which makes them great for end-use applications (e.g. chassis). Parts used for low volume prototypes, and high volume production runs are most cost-effective due to large initial setup and material costs.Because parts are formed from a single sheet of metal, designs must maintain a uniform thickness. Be sure to follow the design requirements and tolerances to ensure parts fall closer to design intent and cutting sheets of metal."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trabajar en el sistema educativo britnico" |
"Este curso es la continuacin de ""conoce el sistema educativo britnico"" recomiendo realizar el curso anterior a menos que ya tengas algo de experiencia en Reino Unido. Este curso te va a beneficiar en dos mbitos fundamentalmente, primero a conocer el curriculum de espaol de GCSE y A-Level (AQA) y posteriormente las claves para realizar una buena cover letter, aplicar a puestos de trabajos y sobre todo a superar la clase de prueba y la entrevista personal."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Basic Spanish for travel" |
"Do you want to learn some Spanish so you can make the most of your holidays but can't be bothered learning boring grammar? This is your course!No, you are not going to be fluent after this course (sorry to disappoint you!) but you are going to be able to understand better the culture and to communicate with locals in simple situations, for example in restaurants, stores or even at the doctors."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Installing VMWare NSX-V 6.4.5" |
"In this course well be taking a look at the installation process and requirements needed to make VMWare's NSX-V 6..4.5 functional before its moved into production.From a target audience perspective. This course should be viewed by Network Administrators and Engineers who has an understanding of not only routing & switching of the underlay fabric but also of VMWare's ESXi and its functionality, and the concept of SDN and how SDN overlays work.Here's what well be doing:- Solution Perspective An abstract diagram, the VMWare NSX 6.4.5 components - what each does, and show a logical diagram & flow- System and functional requirement of the environment needed to get VMware NSX 6.4.5 working- Then well install the various components of VMware NSX-V 6.4.5 to make the solution whole- Have fun! And one more thing before we being Id like to say thank you for everyone who is viewing this course.Its greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoy!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Java 2" |
", . /, ( 50 , 3-4 ) . . Java , Java : ;Web , Web Web ; Android; ., , , : , . ( , ); . ( . 90% . , .); . ( , . ); , . ( . , , . ); , . ( , , . , . , , ) Java. , , : , , ; (, , , ; , ..) , .. , . , , . , . , , , . Java Java. , : "" "" . : : git; : GitHub; : Java 11 ; Java: OpenJDK : IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition; : Maven; : Windows, Linux, Mac OS; : JavaFX 11 (OpenJFX); : JUnit 5, Mockito; : checkstyle; : jacoco; : pmd; : : 8; : 525; : 100; (.. 20% ) : 32 421; : 22 677; , : 0 30% ( . , 30% )"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Quit Porn XXX Addiction NOW (Step by Step To A BETTER Life)" |
"We are happy to present Brooks Palmer on this Udemy course for breaking free from XXX addiction!In this course, Brooks will help you get started/succeed on your journey by giving you the information you need to gain a new and real perspective on the industry and the traps that capture so many millions of people into this seemingly harmless but ultimately destructive addiction!Brooks then dives deep into the how and why of the journey where you will learn how to develop self control, things that will help you on your journey and how to deal with urges!Lastly, Brooks will give you some extra resources to help you even more on your journey of quitting addiction!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Piano Lessons - Play Basic, Sound Like a Pro" |
"This course will show you how to take basic piano chords and transform them to a professional sound instantly. At the end of this course, beginner students will be able to sound more professional with these easy changes. Intermediate students will all be able to take their playing to another level"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Manifest anything you want into your life!" |
"I am happy if you have got this far and is just about to sign up.Before anything I want to tell that, this class is not for you if you are ok with:- Staying complaining about the crappy life you have- Blaming others for the situation you are in.- Have no energy to keep going in life- Have no fun and passion in lifeThis class IS DEFINITELY for you if you are Tired of all those things. I also want to let you know that his class is ahead of EVERYTHING you have learned before!- You are ready to take control of your reality- Manifest your dreams while you sleep- Have confidence that you are creating your dream life- Trust the process of manifesting- Manage your energy 24/7 to create what YOU want!Are you ready?xoxoLiz Barbosa"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Healing Trauma - The Senseless Peace Project" |
"This course is designed for trauma survivors looking for healing who likely have experienced frustration in other ""talk therapy"" settings and are hoping for something different that can help. The course teaches the core essential ideas, strategies, and skills for healing trauma in a brief therapy model. The course also intentionally focuses on clinical and Christian principles in a collaborative way to increase the potential power for healing in a nurturing and safe environment.You will learn:Background information exploring the nature of trauma, the phases for healing, and some of the best known and researched therapies for healing.How to release trauma and restore well-being and discover peace.How to identify a therapist who understands trauma and is trained in Brainspotting and/or EMDR to help you process through your trauma experiences in a caring and safe environment.Identify goals and targets in healing your own traumatic experiences.Tons of skills and strategies for self-regulation and understanding in stressful situations.Understanding Brainspotting and EMDR as healing tools.What experts believe an ""ideal"" trauma processing session should look like for the greatest chances of healing.Multiple handouts and practices for each section and detailed information on learning and practicing awareness and regulation skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Renacer despus de una Separacin" |
"En este curso te daremos las herramientas para que puedas liberar el dolor y el resentimiento que causa una separacin.Desarrollars una actitud positiva de gratitud para que puedas incrementar la vibracin que atraer ms felicidad a tu vida.Comprenders la importancia de la oracin y lo que significa conectarte con el universo para atraer y manifestar sanacion, felicidad y amor en tu vida.Comenzars a co-crear con el universo decidiendo en cada mbito de tu vida que es lo que quieres para ti en esta nueva etapa de soltera. Establecers orden, limpieza y nuevos patrones de pensamiento y conducta en tu vida tomando las riendas del ambiente que te rodea en tu casa y en ti misma. Tendrs una visin muy clara de cmo quieres vivir tu vida y cmo quieres que tus interacciones con otras personas sucedan de aqu en adelante. Tomars accin para atraer todo lo que deseas hoy y el resto de tu vida."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ISO 27001: Interpretacin y pautas para su implementacin" |
"La implementacin de un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin en el presente contexto digital que vivimos hoy en da resulta de suma importacin, esto lo podemos observar en el informe de riesgos del 2018 del foro econmico mundial donde las amenazas de ciber ataques y fraudes ocupan el tercer y cuarto puesto respectivamente en lo relacionado a la probabilidad de ocurrencia, esto mismo lo podemos confirmar viendo las ltimas amenazas mundiales de los ltimos aos como los ltimos ciber ataques o fraudes a las entidades bancarias.As mismo, muchas organizaciones tienen la necesidad legal, regulatoria o contractual de implementar un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin ya sea para cumplir con normas tcnicas dictadas por el estado, sector industrial o en caso tengan la necesidad de invertir en la bolsa de valores.Cualquiera que sea su motivacin la implementacin de un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin se basa en el estndar internacional ISO/IEC 27001:2013, en ese sentido este curso est compuesto por tres partes:En la primera parte veremos un poco de introduccin, revisaremos que es la ISO y la serie de familia referida a la seguridad de la informacin, pasando por un poco de contexto mundial y revisando algunos conceptos generales.En la segunda parte revisaremos y entenderemos cada uno de los requerimientos para poder establecer, implementar, mantener y mejorar un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin, el cual cumple con el ciclo de mejora continua establecido por Deming, que est compuesto por las etapas de planificar, hacer, verificar y actuar con el objetivo de alcanzar la mejora continua en cada iteracin.En la tercera parte revisaremos los controles que estn descritos en el anexo A y que referencian a la ISO/IEC 27002:2013 que deben ser implementados en la medida que sea aplicable para reducir la probabilidad e impacto de los riesgos de seguridad de la informacin, en total existen 114 controles descritos en este anexo A los cuales estn agrupados en 14 grupos y 35 sub grupos.Finalmente, tendremos un pequeo examen sobre los puntos revisados en las sesiones y un material de trabajo adicional el cual les ayudara a determinar el nivel de cumplimiento del estndar durante la implementacin, mantenimiento y mejora del sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin, as como preparar la declaracin de aplicabilidad que revisaremos en las sesiones de la clase.Al finalizar el curso usted podr adquirir conocimientos solidos sobre cada requerimiento de la ISO/IEC 27001:2013 y control de la ISO/IEC 27002:2013, entre los principales objetivos que alcanzaras con este curso tenemos:Comprender y adquirir los conocimientos de cada uno de los requerimientos del sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin y de los controles establecidos en el anexo A.Dominar estos conceptos y tambin las pautas para saber cmo realizar la implementacin y auditoria de cada uno de los requisitos y de los controlesFinalmente contar con las capacidades y conocimientos para asesor a las organizaciones en la implementacin y mantenimiento de un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas esenciales de maquillaje" |
"Aprenders, en orden, los pasos de tu maquillaje; preparar la piel, integrar los productos, aplicar las tcnicas y las herramientas adecuadas para lograr un look de maquillaje duradero y de acabado natural.Te explicar de manera sencilla y completa cada paso y podrs ponerlos en prctica tanto para ocasiones especiales como para diarioTambien podrs conocer mejor las brochas del kit bsico y los productos imprescindibles."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Como colocarle Precio a tu Producto o Servicio" |
"Qu esperar de este curso?Una de las cosas ms importantes, y el principal enfoque del mtodo propuesto, es, que lograras, conocer todos tus gastos, tomando en cuenta, algunas cosas, que por lo general, no les damos la importancia que merecen; esto te permitir colocar tu precio con la certeza de que tus gastos estarn cubiertos en l; adems como tendrs completamente caracterizado a tu cliente ideal, sabrs si le estas brindando la calidad que necesita, y tambin, tendrs muy claro cunto estas ganando.Otra de las cosas positivas dentro del curso es que lograras conocer de una manera muy profunda tu producto o servicio, conociendo exactamente tus gastos, para llegar al precio adecuado.Al finalizar este curso estars en capacidad de:Colocar el precio correcto a tu producto o servicio, tomando en cuenta:Tus CostosTu Cliente ideal (o cliente objetivo)Tus ganancias deseadas.Tu competenciaConocer tu producto o servicio con mucha ms profundidad.Por qu decid impartir este curso?:Luego de varios emprendimientos, brindando servicios; comenc a notar que a un gran nmero de personas, les es difcil encontrar el precio correcto de su producto o servicio, y esto los haca perder tiempo y dinero.En ese momento decid que era mi deber ayudar a todo el que lo necesitara, (el presente curso surgi como respuesta a esa necesidad), comenc a modificar el mtodo que he utilizado durante mi vida profesional, para hacerlo digerible y sencillo, para que todos podamos utilizarlo.Para m tambin era difcil colocar el precio a mis servicios cuando comenc, por lo que entiendo lo difcil que puede ser al comienzo.Encantado que hayan ledo estas lneas, y si llegaste hasta aca, inscrbete en el curso, te va a gustar."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |