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"Morgan (EP8::)" |
"15+MultichartsTrade StationEasy Language12(CSIA)IT(Multicharts)(EP)EP8EP(Timing Selection):MultichartsMulticharts"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre crer des Plugins Minecraft Spigot" |
"Durant ce cours, tu commenceras par apprendre configurer un serveur minecraft avec Spigot. Puis tu continueras avec l'api Spigot qui te permet de modifier ton serveur avec tes possibilit infini.Pour ce cours, des bases en Java sont ncessaires mais vous pouvez y arriver sans forcment tout comprendre.A la fin de ce cours, vous saurez crer des plugins pour un serveur Minecraft sans difficult !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Game assets in Blender - 3D Assets Modeling in Blender" |
"Blender is considered to be one of the most complete 3D packages on the market and it is free and open source!This course will give any beginner the necessary skills and knowledge to create own 3D projects with Blender. You don't need to have any previous experience in 3D modeling, but if you do, then this course is a great way get you started with Blender.Through this course, we will create a wonderful project using a step-by-step approach. You will start by getting to know the modeling tools available in Blender as you create a 3D game asset and then you will discover more advanced techniques and even use Photoshop to texturize the general aspect of the asset. After that, you will learn how to export it to Unity.The tools and techniques are introduced in a practical way, so you can apply them in your own projects later.By the end of this course, you will master a workflow that you will be able to apply to your own creations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Esmaltao em Gel - 100% Prtico" |
"1 - Aula Inaugural (Apresentao da metodologia do curso e apresentao da Instrutora)2 - Cutilagem Perfeita (Preparao da Cutcula, tcnica correta de cutilagem, materiais e cuidados)3 - Preparao (Assepsia e preparao das unhas para a aplicao)4 - Esmaltao em Gel (Tcnica correta de aplicao, secagem, cuidados, dicas e macetes)5 - Avaliao Final (Aula final de avaliao do curso e envio do certificado digital de participao)No perca tempo e venha se aventurar no mundo da Nail Art."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sistemas embarcados profissionais - imerso ao assunto" |
"Neste curso, voc ter a imerso necessria para sair do nvel de entusiasta em eletrnica e sistemas embarcados em direo a uma carreira na rea. Ou seja, voc aprender conceitos e fundamentos importantes aos profissionais da rea de sistemas embarcados, permitindo o desenvolvimento de software embarcado de maneira mais profissional.Voc tambm ser capaz de escrever software embarcado de forma a se extrair o mximo possvel de performance de um microcontrolador, algo essencial em se tratando de desenvolvimento de produtos que envolvam sistemas embarcados."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao LoRa" |
"Neste curso, voc aprender os conceitos bsicos de comunicao LoRa, uma tecnologia cada vez mais aplicada em projetos de Internet das Coisas. O contedo do curso abrange: - Definio e vantagens do uso de LoRa- Aplicao de LoRa em projetos de Internet das Coisas- Diferenas entre LoRa e LoRaWan- Definio da LoRa AllianceAinda, o curso contm uma aula / projeto prtico de comunicao LoRa, onde voc poder colocar os conhecimentos aprendidos em prtica e consolidar o conhecimento adquirido.Se voc tem interesse em aprender sobre LoRa e Internet das Coisas, este curso para voc!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"IoT: Aprenda a fazer seu projeto do dispositivo nuvem" |
"Como voc est no desenvolvimento de projetos IoT no mundo real? Tem dificuldades?Neste curso, voc vai aprender a lidar com dispositivos IoT e a plataforma IoT Tago IO de forma eficaz e eficiente. Voc vai ser capaz de extrair o mximo da plataforma IoT de modo que seus projetos fiquem cada vez mais completos, melhores e com maior alcance (comercial e geogrfico).Neste curso voc aprender a:O que Internet das CoisasArquitetura de uma soluo IoTProtocolo MQTTQuais so as principais plataformas IoT do mercadoObservaes sobre segurana e escolha de rdiosLiteratura recomendadaE o mais importante: Voc aprender a fazer um projeto IoT completo, desde o dispositivo at a nuvem, utilizando recursos muito teis de uma plataforma IoT como disparo de aes automticos, anlise de dados em nuvem e dashboards muito bem feitos.Aps este curso, voc estar apto a desenvolver projetos reais utilizando IoT.Isso lhe trar:Mais conhecimentoMais chance no mercadoChances de desenvolver solues cada vez melhores.E a, bora estudar IoT?"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Algorithmic Trading - And social trading" |
"The course is divided into 2The first part will be for investors who want to copy the strategies of professionals.And the second part is for traders who want to be a TRADE LEADER and earn money from subscribers.TRADE LEADERS can make thousands of dollars each month only from subscribers.We will also teach you about the possibility of connecting your broker directly to the platform.Brokers are actually connected to each other.Any action taken in a TRADE LEADER broker account appears immediately in your broker account."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Algorithmic Trading - Trade MasterClass" |
"Today it is a fact among traders in the financial market that a human being has no chance of competing with a robot which can scan thousands of securities and indicators around the world in a second by using the algorithm trading.The problem today is that most people who trade on the stock market losing money.They sit for hours in front of a screen, lose patience and buy shares according to their gut feelings, and It's not because they dont know the rules of trading, they just cannot compete with robots which uses fast algorithmic trading and control more than 70% of the financial market activity.The good news is that these robots were not created by aliens, they were built by humans just like you.And today anyone can build a robot that will be traded on its own 24 hours a day according to Algorithmic Trading that we have developed.In this curse, we will teach you how you can build a robot that can trade for you in the financial market.And we'll share with you one of our most profitable strategies which are based on Multi-Time Frame and Momentum.You will learn how to build an automated strategy that will trade for you 24 hours a day even when we sleep.Our algorithmic trading strategy which we will built in the course, you can publish on our social trading network AlgoSharing, which connects traders and investors from all around the world.In this social trading platform, traders can earn thousands of dollars every month from subscribers who copy their strategies in real time.In AlgoSharing hundreds of successful strategies which are based on algorithmic trading, and anyone can follow and copy the strategies in his own brokerage account.If you are new in the financial market, dont worry. This course will teach you from the beginning, step by step, and teach you how to trade correctly and automatically with the right tools, and you'll know how to trade with algorithmic trading.This course includes unique strategy you can download and advanced trading methods.The financial market has changed, so you must change with it!Join us today and build a robot that will trade for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Boudoir Photography: Cell phone self-portraiture" |
"This course is designed for the novice, who has little to no photographic knowledge, but wants to take some intimate images of themselves. We see selfies posted to social media by people everyday. Some are beautiful , while some are absolutely awful. This course will help you to take better selfies. We'll cover setting, lighting and wardrobe for your images and then you'll see how to put it all together."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Manifesting with more Power Clarity and Presence" |
"Using ancient meditation techniques backed by the science of quantum consciousness and tested by myself and my students I have created a simple but incredibly focused 4 fold process which allows you work with your powers as a creator so that you can manifest into your life potentials which serve you, more powerfully more easily and more quickly. This process also roots you in 6 dimensions so that you can come into present moment of heart based awareness through a state of grace and thus become more conscious. This then allows you to direct your new intentions/manifestations with clarity and not create from unconscious conditioned habits which may be detrimental to your well being. once these techniques are natural to you , you will find that your life expands in unlimited ways, bringing you more joy, contentment, excitement and love then you ever thought possible.Sarita is an incredible teacher with fantastic knowledge, intuition, grace and kindness. I have profound regard for her and her work, she has helped me heal in ways I could never have imagined. Thank you so, so much Sarita. Jacquelin.CSarita is a truly gifted practitioner who holds a safe, powerful and loving space. During the one day workshop I was introduced to a variety of ancient feminine traditions and energy healing, with life enhancing empowerment. I think it is rare to find healers and guides that embody her level of skill and integrity. Alicia Watson"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Como potencializar suas redes sociais para vender mais" |
"As redes sociais tm cada vez mais fortalecido marcas, negcios, instituies. Mas muitas pessoas no conseguem extrair o que elas podem oferecer de melhor: vendas, relevncia, autoridade. - Voc tem dvida em como planejar e criar um contedo para as redes sociais? - Voc comeou um negcio e no sabe por onde iniciar a comunicao nas redes sociais?- Voc est buscando uma melhor performance em redes sociais?Este curso para voc! Nesses 10 anos que trabalho com comunicao e marketing digital, aprendi com minhas experincias dirias, o que fazia as empresas terem melhores resultados, alavancando as vendas com as redes sociais. Desenvolvi, ento, um mtodo, uma forma de extrair o que mais importante na empresa e como comunicar de forma certa para atrair novos clientes. O sucesso do Mtodo Immpulse me fez viajar o Brasil para dar treinamentos e palestras, me abriu oportunidades internacionais tambm.Neste curso voc vai conseguir compreender como funciona o Mtodo Immpulse, quais os passos para impulsionar sua marca nas redes sociais, o: como fazer!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"DIY Mindfulness, Part 1" |
"Welcome to DIY Mindfulness, Part 1, Practical Mastery For Everyday Life! In this course you will learn four easy to use concepts that will assist you in creating a positive lasting impact on the areas of your life that you care about the most: relationships, career/work, self-expression, passionate living and beingness.This is not your typical mindfulness course. I have spent the past 25+ years studying, practicing and mastering spirituality, mindfulness, and self-realization tools and techniques. I have taken my knowledge and experience and created an easy to use self-empowerment program to train you on cutting-edge life skills and self-awareness principles.Permanent transformation doesn't have to take years or even months for you. With a sincere commitment and willingness to expand and explore, you can shift negative patterns and habits quickly, easily and pretty painlessly. :)I like to think of this as active mindfulness. Instead of observing, you will be dissecting your thoughts, actions and behaviors and transmuting those energies which have kept you stuck and frustrated. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the level of peace and calm that are available to you as you clean up your negative self-talk and uncover unproductive and destructive beliefs."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"3 Keys to Lasting Groups" |
"If you've spent any time at all starting groups, you know it's very time consuming and the last thing you want is to see all of those groups disappear. Whether you've launched groups with a church-wide campaign or for a semester, the end of the study or semester usually means groups stopping. In this course, you will learn to overcome the obstacles and give the right incentives to get your groups to continue. You'll never get 100 percent of groups to move forward, but you should see at least 80 percent of them continue. These keys will help you get there."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of U.S. Contracts Law" |
"A contract is a voluntary and legally binding agreement between two or more parties. A lawyers is not needed to create a contract. We enter into contracts all the time simply in the process of going through out our day, from agreeing to a website's terms of service to ordering a meal at a restaurant. Contracts are a part of our everyday life.Knowing the principles of contracts is not just a skill needed by lawyers, it is essential to each and everyone of use, particular entrepreneurs and business owners as they are more exposed to legal issues related to contracts.This course is designed to introduce the range of issues that arise when entering and enforcing contracts. Some of the topics covered through out this courses include: how are contracts formed; what makes a contract enforceable, when the law will refuse to honor a contract; third parties' ability to enforce contracts; and how courts interpret contracts."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Algoritmo + Lgica de Programao + Iniciao em programao" |
"Algoritmos e lgica de programao so assuntos essenciais para qualquer programador iniciante ou profissional. Esse curso tem como objetivo ensinar esses conceitos de forma clara e simplificada, com aulas tericas, prticas e exerccios para se praticar o que esta sendo aprendido. Alm disso, o curso fornece ao aluno uma apresentao de como os conceitos ensinados so aplicados nas linguagens de programao que so usadas para a criao de diversos tipos de software, possibilitando que ele prprio escreva seus cdigos e inicie nessa carreira que cresce cada vez mais.Contedos ensinadosIntroduo computao.Algoritmos e linguagens de programao.Variveis e constantes.Tipos primitivos e compostos.Teste de Mesa.Estrutura de seleo.Operadores lgicos e relacionais.Estrutura de repetio.Modularizao.Variveis Homogneas e Heterogneas.Vetores.Matrizes.Registros.Iniciao em Linguagem C.Iniciao em Linguagem JavaScript.MetodologiaCada aula explicada de forma clara, com apresentao do contedo, exemplos e resoluo de exerccios. Cada contedo possui um artigo resumindo tudo que foi explicado nos vdeos e com exemplos. Aps o trmino de cada contedo ser fornecido ao aluno um questionrio para testar o que foi aprendido. RecursosO curso fornece ao aluno vrios recursos para realizao de atividades prticas dos contedos ensinados. Tambm fornecido um ebook com todos os conceitos ensinados ao decorrer do curso, e o aluno pode ler quando quiser."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Engenharia de Software" |
"Os conceitos de engenharia de software so essenciais, pois saber que programar uma pequena parte dos conceitos de software, mas, no mundo real, quando voc desenvolve um projeto, h muitas etapas envolvidas. Seja desde o design, que mostra de onde a parte especfica do cdigo vai, em seguida, back-end e nuvem e muitos outros conceitos. Portanto, programao sozinha no suficiente, e aprender conceitos de software adiciona uma vantagem extra ao seu perfil.Conhecer programao como saber como usar concreto e tijolos para construir paredes, como instalar portas e janelas, como fazer conexes eltricas e instalar fontes de gua, etc., voc pode saber tudo sobre o que necessrio conhecer para construir uma casa.Mas, se algum simplesmente comea a construir uma casa a partir do zero sem pr-planejar a estrutura e analisar os requisitos de espao, salas, sadas de gua, drenagem, etc., o resultado provavelmente ser uma baguna estragada. Mas se fizermos um planejamento adequado, analisarmos nossos requisitos, prepararmos um esquema de estrutura, planejarmos nossas finanas, etc., ento o resultado definitivamente ser bom.Ento, aqui podemos relacionar essa coisa, pr-planejamento com conceitos e prticas de engenharia de software. Se os seguirmos corretamente, o software ser o mais eficiente, concludo em um perodo de tempo mnimo, atendendo ao objetivo exato para o qual foi necessrio e tudo.No incio, para programas menores, seguir conceitos de Engenharia de Software parece intil para novos programadores, mas ainda assim uma boa prtica manter conceitos de Engenharia de Software adequados, no apenas ajudar a desenvolver um hbito para o mesmo, mas tambm ajudar a muito enquanto trabalhava em aplicaes maiores mais tarde em suas carreiras.Aprender apenas Linguagens de Computadores no ajudar voc a criar / desenvolver aplicativos ou Software. A engenharia de software incluiria os conceitos, modelos que podem ser seguidos para facilitar o desenvolvimento de software."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Gelimi Android Programlama Eitimi (Java)" |
"Dijital dnyada Katma Deerli Hizmetlerden biri olan Mobil Teknolojiler gnmzn vazgeilmezi olmakla birlikte, olduka popler ve bir o kadar da ihtiya haline gelmitir. Yazlm bilginiz ile Mobil Yazlm zerinde hayal gcnzn ve retebileceklerinizin bir snr yok !Projelerinizi Mobil Platforma tayarak daha fazla bulunabilirlik/bilinirlik salayabilir, hedeflediiniz kitleye rahata ulaabilirsiniz. Ak kaynak gelitirmeye olanak tanmas ile birlikte Mobil Uygulamalar Gelitirerek ek gelir elde edebilir yada rettiiniz almalar satarak para kazanabilir, Mobil Teknolojileri zerinde faaliyet veren firmalarda alabilirsiniz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C# ile Unity Online RPG Oyun Programlama" |
"(ETM ER 2 SAATTEN FAZLA OLDUU N CRETSZ YAPILAMAMAKTADIR. )(Eitimin seyiri asndan yersiz ve olumsuz derecelendirme yapmaynz. Eitmenle haberleebilmek iin email zerinden ulaabilirsiniz.)Kiisel olarak hedef belirlediim video saysn 600 olarak ngrmekteyim. Bu srete sizlerden desteklerinizi bekliyorum :)nallah yararl bir eitim ierii olumasn temenni ediyorum.Aklnza taklan sorular YouTube kanalm ve Udemy zerinden mesaj olarak bana bildirebilirsiniz.Eitim eriinde;(Tamamland) RPG Oyun Mant (Knight Online zerinden rneklendirildi)(Tamamland) Harita Oluturma ve Dzenleme(Tamamland) Terrain, Texture, 3D Object(Tamamland) Camera Change (Kameray Deitirme)(Tamamland) Rebirth Sistemi (Item/Giysi Aydnlatma)(Tamamland) Ses Dosyas ile alma(Tamamland) Click to go mechanism (Tklanan konuma yr)(Tamamland) Select to go Mob,Npc,Character Mechanism (Se ve yr)(Tamamland) Mob Kill mechanism(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Login System(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Character Selection(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Sahne deitirme (Scene Change)(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Player Nesnesi Oluturma ve Optimizasyonlar (Kamera Rotasyonlar, WASD kontrol, D-PAD kontrol)(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Oyun Grafik Arayz Oluturma ve Zenginletirme (UI Design)(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) evrimii Haberleme Sistemi (Java Sunucu Socket Haberlemesi)(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Character Building (Karakter Oluturma)(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Character Animation (Karakter Animasyonlar / Mixamo)Teleport Object System (Inlanma Nesnesi)(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Teleport Area System (Inlanma Blgesi Sistemi)Drop System (Yerdeki kutuyu amak/itemi almak)Skill Systemtemler iin Iklandrma Sistemi (Aydnlatma, Alev, Buzlu Ik, Elektrikli Ik)VS Area System (Kapma Blgesi Sistemi)Event Area(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) MySQL Veritaban(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Register SystemLoading System(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Character CreationCharacter DeletionClan (Guild) System (Pelerin ve Kolluk Grnml)(Gelitirilmekte) Inventory systemItem Change Mechanism(Tamamland/Video Eklenecek) Notice system (Kayan bildirim yazs)Chat systemFriends systemNPC system (Oyun ii grevlileri)Revival/ len karakterin yeniden domasgibi konulara inallah deinmeye alacam."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Simulado Preparatrio PMP - Certificao PMP - 6 Edio" |
"500 questes muito prximas a da prova onde voc ter a chance de aprofundar seu conhecimentos.Os simulados disponibilizados aqui foram usados por mais de 300 alunos nos cursos preparatrios presenciais e distncia.Aprofunde seu conhecimentos fazendo os simulados. Somente com a prtica dos exerccios possvel ser bem sucedido na prova de certificao.Consultem as avaliaes no LinkedIn por Armando Monteiro ou no site da Play Consultoria."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Project 2019 - Planejando e monitorando um projeto" |
"Domine o Microsoft Project 2019. Aprenda a inserir tarefas, criar relacionamentos, estimar duraes e esforo, gerenciar calendrios , definir linhas de base, tudo isso e muito mais para que voc possa gerenciar seus projetos pessoais, corporativos ou profissionais.Do planejamento a execuo , passando pelo monitoramento do projeto, controlando o andamento das atividades, definido recursos, analisando o caminho crtico, monitorando o percentual do andamento, contornando atrasos, etc.Uma abordagem simples , didticas mas efetiva para o aprendizado da ferramenta."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mtodo para Seleo de Projetos e Gesto de Portflios" |
"Este curso indicado para alunos que queira conhecer qual o mtodo empregado na seleo e priorizao de projetos que fazem parte do portflio de projetos de uma organizao e que normalmente so gerenciados por escritrios de projetos (PMO).To importante quanto a gesto de projetos, o gerenciamento de portflios crucial para que as empresas alcancem seus objetivos estratgicos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Google Data Studio Reports - GA, AdWords and Search Console" |
"This course will cover how to build an actual report that is used in a digital agency to highlight website's performancedata to it's clients. It will show you how to connect your data sources from Google Analytics, Google Ads and Search Console as well as the Supermetrics data plugin. Creation of the following reports will be covered within this course:Traffic By Default Channel GroupTraffic TrendsLanding Page PerformanceDevice Category PerformanceBrowser PerformanceReferral Traffic InformationRevenue By LocationBrand vs Non-Brand Search QueriesTop Organic Search Landing PagesGoogle Ads OverviewConversions By TypeAssisted ConversionsFurthermore, the course will go into depth about what insights you should be looking for in order to uncover the story behind the data and how to present this information to the client."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Google Ads SKAG method - get the perfect Quality Score" |
"This Course Teaches You the Google Ads 1 to 1 SKAG method. In this comprehensive course you will learn how to:Find the right keywordsSet Up The Account with SKAG method in a spreadsheetUse the Google Ads Editor to upload ad groups, keywords and ads from the spreadsheetEffective Ad Text writingBuild effective Landing PagesSet Up Location Settings and Ad ExtensionsBid Optimisations and SQREverything you'll need to set up and run a successful Google Ads campaign.If you would like to have my help to set up your Google Ads account. Please email me at"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"True happiness NOW: a seven steps program" |
"In this day and age, where consumerism, nihilism and other forms of objectively empty forms of life dominate societies, it is increasingly hard to become truly happy. This course is a no-nonesense seven steps program to get happier in a few short weeks using solid, well-founded, well-researched techniques that work. I put my years of experiences into this course, along with the best cherry-picked exercises and techniques from around the globe. Therefore, I just know this course delivers: it is guaranteed to make even the most grumpy individual happier."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketo for Managers" |
"Tired of videos teaching you how to push buttons? This course is designed for the busy manager or executive who wants conversational fluency in Marketo, not a technical certificate. You'll learn how to use the essential elements of Marketo, but also how the principles of healthy systems and the reports you need to evaluate your system right now. The course includes walkthroughs and slides covering the key concepts of Marketo, including Engagement Programs, Lead Scoring, and Analytics. At the end of this course, you'll know exactly where to focus your resources to optimize your system, and how to fill in for an admin when they leave."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Guitarra e Violo para iniciantes." |
"O curso indicado para: Alunos iniciantes que nunca tiveram contato com guitarra e/ou violo.Todas as aulas contem material em PDF e som e imagem de alta qualidade facilitando assim o aprendizado.O Contedo:1-Introduo ao instrumento.2-Postura3-Repertrio4-Explicao sobre tablatura5- Repertrio com riffs e solos6- Aula sobre pestana 7-Repertrio com pestanas 8-Noes sobre teoria bsica 9-Campo Harmnico maior"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Revenus Sur Internet" |
"De nos jours, internet est un outil puissant qui a chang de faon drastique nos habitudes sur plusieurs plans.Grce ce fameux outil, vous pouvez rester nimporte o aujourdhui et gagner votre vie. Plus aucune contrainte gographique comme ctait il y a quelques annes. Grce internet, la reconversion professionnelle est devenue monnaie courante. Si vous souhaitez vivre de vos passions, avec internet cest possible, si vous voulez offrir vos services des personnes situant lautre bout du monde, avec internet cest possible, si vous souhaitez galement crer des business passifs qui vous rapportent de largent mme quand vous dormez, vous le pouvez avec internet.Cest tout simplement une norme opportunit que nous offre internet pour enfin vivre la vie quon souhaite mener.Si vous en doutez, fates juste une recherche sur google ou sur youtube et vous verrez la masse importante de personnes qui sont devenues MILLIONNAIRES du jour au lendemain avec internet sans parler des centaines de millier de personnes qui gagnent des revenus par mois dpassant le salaire dun cadre grce internet.Pourtant avec tout cela, certains ne sont pas encore au courant de toutes ces opportunits, dautres sont au courant mais ne savent pas par o commencer, enfin dautres sont au courant et savent par o commencer mais cause de leur position gographique narrivent pas en profiter.Si vous vous retrouvez dans ces trois catgories, alors cette formation est faite pour vous.Dans cette formation, vous verrez la majorit des business que vous pouvez lancer sur internet et en vivre. Vous verrez mme si vous partez de ZRO (zro connaissance et zro investissement financier de dpart) comment crer un business rentable sur internet. Vous verrez enfin dans la formation, si vous vivez dans lun des pays africains non couverts par Paypal, comment vous pouvez retirer vos gains sur internet sans dpenser un centime de votre poche. Cest une formation pense et adapte tout le monde."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
". . English. Quick start." |
"-, ? , ? ! , . , , , , 77 , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Essential Guide for Effective Managers" |
"I want you to start your management career on the best foot possible. Managers (especially new ones) can often feel unsupported, unsure and stressed out. The HR consultancy, DDI says that new managers find the stress of the job is second only to getting a divorce! But it doesnt have to be that way. Having the right tools in your tool belt is the first step to showing up as your best, positioning yourself as a resource, and creating value for your team and your organization. As a leader, your relationships and how you maintain them are what set you apart. This course is a comprehensive guide on how to navigate those workplace bonds and strengthen your brand as a leader in any industry.If you are a people manager who is feeling unsure about your brand, and executive presence as a leader, then you may be feeling the pressure of wanting to know all the answers, being extremely supportive, and ensuring that your team is meeting their potential. In this course, you will learn the foundational frameworks for flexible leadership styles, leading from your strengths, and emotional intelligence, so that you can connect with and empower your team on a daily basis.I created this Udemy course for you. Its filled with real world anecdotes from my own experience as an executive coach and leadership development facilitator and manager for over 10 years. My course is filled with modern takes on age old management frameworks, and practical exercises so that you can implement each new technique into your work routines and relationships immediately.This course is perfect for brand new managers, and provides a deep dive refresher for veteran leaders who are looking to revive their brand. And the best part is all you need is an open mind, a desire to improve, and some basic knowledge about your company communication norms and performance processes.Specifically, in this course you will:Define your management brandMaster flexibility in your leadershipBuild trusting manager/report relationshipsIncrease your influence with your teamDelegate with authorityCreate systems for capturing performance dataGive great feedbackReinforce your high performersPerfect your performance reviewsIn addition to learning some foundational management frameworks for flexible leadership, strengths-based leadership, and the power of Whats In It For Me (WIIFM), you will also complete several exercises to practice implementing your new knowledge. You will have access to dozens of prompts for asking the right questions, evaluating team relationships, mapping out feedback conversations and dozens of suggestions on how to drive performance without increasing costs.As a communications, leadership and executive coach who has spent years creating individualized development plans for countless managers and business owners, it has always been my delight to see a leader find their unique style and increase their influence (and their impact). In this course I have compiled the most accessible strategies for you to define your unique style as well.So Let's Do This!Enroll today and start multiplying your impact, increasing your influence and defining your leadership legacy.CPE (Continued Professional Education)Learning ObjectivesDefine your management brandExplain how to master situational leadershipName the techniques to build trusting manager/report relationshipsDiscovers how to increase your influence with your teamIdentify ways to delegate with authorityExplain how to empower your reports to take more ownership of their own developmentDescribe how to create systems for capturing performance dataIdentify ways to reinforce your high performersDiscover your management styleIdentify what motivates your staffDescribe ways to incentivize higher team performanceExplain how to lead more efficient one on onesIdentify how to develop more confidence in your decision making as a leaderSummarize ways to ask better questions to foster team growthFor additional information including refunds and complaints, please see Udemy Terms of Use, which is linked from the footer of this page.For more information regarding administrative policies, please contact our support using the Help and Support link at the bottom of this page."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Microwave Asian Style Dishes with Claypots and Casseroles" |
"This course will teach students how to use claypots and casseroles to cook directly in it and afterwhich to serve from it. No clutter of pots and pans to wash. Students can cook in comfort with no splashing of hot oil hence keeping the kitchen cleanClaypots are mostly used for cooking herbal medicines or soups. However, it is not limited in its usage. It can be used also to cook rice, curries or meat dishes. Food cooked in a claypots can be said to be more flavourful. Some claypots are porous so some care needs to be given to it to ensure that it is well maintained. For a new claypot just soak it in water for a few hours before using. When you use claypot in the microwave oven, lift rather and slide the pot in and out to avoid scratching the glass surface of the turntable. Always use hot pads to hold the handles as it can be hot from the lengthy cooking. Protect it from sudden change of temperatures to avoid breakage. Most claypots are fired at high temperature and it becomes hard and durable that can tolerate high oven temperatures. To clean it, use hot scalding water and a stiff brush. Different claypots have different ways of maintenance. So it is best to check with the supplier. A casserole is a large deep dish that can be used both in the oven to cook or as a serving utensil. Casseroles for use in the microwave oven can be ceramic, oven glass, stoneware. Casseroles can be small or large as they vary in size and depth. They can be square, oval, round or rectangular, Round and oval casseroles is more favourable to use in a microwave oven for even cooking. Squares and rectangular casseroles can also be used except that food at the corners may be overcooked. Choose one that is deep enough if there is going to be a lot of liquid in the dish to prevent overflowing. Always cool the casserole before washing to avoid sudden temperature change resulting in breakage at times. Some of the dishes taught here are street food that can be found at our hawkers stall. Some are restaurant cuisine which are simplified . Some are plain ole homecooked everyday goodness. When one is not too familiar with the steps of how to convert such dishes to microwave cooking, this course will be most suited to those who are looking for convenience and simplicity in recreating the same dishes but in the comfort of your own kitchen."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |