Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Social Media Marketing Masterclass Grow Your Audience" |
"Would you like to know theShortcuts to Successin getting moreSales, Traffic to your Website, Brand Awareness & Growing a Business using Social Media Marketing?Today You Can Market Your Products, Services & Grow a Business Onlinefor FREEusing Social Media - to Billions of people!Are YouReady to Sell more Products, Get more Clients &Grow your Business using Social Media?Take A Look atTheseTop Rated Reviews... ""This course truly covers all the big social media platforms and are stuffed with hacks and automation to market you business!"" - Rebecca Walsh ""I am learning things that I never knew about social media and Facebook. I felt like I had a good grasp on the technology, but I was only scratching the surface!"" - Jared Lindsey ""Learned a lot from social media, this is a great masterclass. I have some lectures left, so far impressive course. instructors really knows what they are talking about. recommend this course"" - VijayMaster Social Media Marketing And Ads Today!In this course you will learn how to master:Facebook MarketingYouTube MarketingInstagram MarketingPinterest MarketingLinkedIn MarketingTwitter MarketingQuora MarketingIn This Course You'll Get the Smartest ShortcutsTo GiveYou the Best Results for Whatever Goals You Have!WhetherYou Want to Become a Social Media Marketing Expert or Just Want the Latest and Most Effective Hacks and Shortcuts to Success Online, This Course is For You!Oh.... We Almost Forgot! You'll Learn How to Create Ads on All 7 Platforms as a Bonus!See You in The Course!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 18 Courses in 1" |
"Congratulations, You Found It!The Complete Digital Marketing Guide. In this Course you'll get 18 Courses in 1, instead of buying 18 different Courses around Digital Marketing - This Course has it all!This is a 100 % Practical Course - Get Ready For Real Time Hands-On Experience From The First Lecture!Take A Look at These Top Rated Reviews... ""For one more time I have to say that you are doing amazing work guys. I Am currently doing a degree in Digital Marketing and you can't imagine how helpful you are to me. ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS : GUYS, GET THIS COURSE AND SUPPORT THESE AMAZING GUYS WHO ARE DOING THEIR BEST TO PROVIDE A QUALITY COURSE THAT YOU CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE!!!"" - Theofilos Georgiou ""I have learned so much from this course. I have taken best selling courses in digital marketing, but they where not as complete and detailed as this course. this course is for you who want to learn digital marketing. Big thank you!"" - Mari Boggi ""This course is covers everything in digital marketing. Teaching is on screen and everything is shown step by step. It is without any doubt the best course i have taken. Strongly recommended"" - Linna Hggblad ""This has everything on digital marketing, thank you!!"" - Pavly YmerenkoAfter This Course You'll Be Able ToGrow Your Online BusinessWork as a Digital Marketing FreelancerGet Hired as a Digital Marketing ExpertWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseSales PsychologyMarket ResearchWordPress Website CreationEmail MarketingCopywritingSEO (Search Engine Optimization)Instagram MarketingFacebook MarketingFacebook AdsFacebook Ecommerce AdsFacebook Messenger AdsYouTube MarketingPinterest MarketingLinkedIn MarketingTwitter MarketingQuora MarketingContent Marketing MachineGoogle AnalyticsGoogle AdsThe Course includes Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Optimize Your Digital Marketing Journey!The majority of the tools in this Course is for FREE and will give you instant results. Paid tools are only the very BEST.Who Is The Target Audience?Website Owners Who Want to Increase Web Traffic, Conversions, and SalesBusiness Owners Who Want to use Digital Marketing to Grow their BusinessAnyone Want to Master Social Media MarketingAnyone Struggling to Get Traffic and SalesIf You're New In Business & Want to Market EffectivelyAnyone Looking to Start a Career in Digital Marketing SpaceAnyone Wants to Build a Brand and a Fan Base on Social MediaYou who Wants to Master Digital Media MarketingAnyone Wanting to Set up a Website from ScratchSomeone with a job who wants to create their own business on the sideSee You Inside The Complete Digital Marketing Guide!Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"50 Digital Marketing Hacks - Social Media Marketing Growth" |
"50 Digital Marketing - Secret Hacks That'll Get People to Your Website, Grow Your Brand & Drive More Sales! Learn how You Can Get Instant Results using Easy Digital Marketing Hacks That We'll Share In This Course.Are You Ready to Sell more Products, Get more Clients & Grow your Business using Digital Marketing?Take A Look at These Top Rated Reviews... ""So helpful! I've learned so much in just the first three lectures!"" - Lorian Pecker ""Very informative and gave me so many ideas to improve my internet presence! Thank you!"" - Marjorie ""Awesome course. It has a lot of helpful content on digital marketing secrets. Thank you."" - Bobbie SmithThis Course Includes Secret Hacks From...Facebook MarketingYouTube MarketingInstagram MarketingLinkedIn MarketingPinterest MarketingQuora MarketingSEO (Search Engine Optimization)CopywritingBonus Section Including The Content Marketing Machine!In this section, we'll teach you how to create valuable content to grow your following across 7 different Digital Marketing platform from one video!We start on YouTube, move on to your WordPress website, then to Quora, then Twitter, then Instagram, then Facebook and last we're uploading content to Pinterest.Enroll in this Digital Marketing Hacks Course Now to get the most effective hacks to success!See You in The Course!- Love Robin & Jesper "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
C/C++ |
"CC ++C19721C ++CIoTCC ++UnityCJavaC ++COSCC ++JavaPHPCC ++CWindowsVisualStuido 2017 Community EditionVisualStuido 2017 Community EditionC/ C ++IDEOS"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
kikagaku_blackbox_2 |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Crafts for Kids: Autumn and Winter" |
"Crafting is fun, and there's no denying its wonderful ability to help children develop their creativity, personality, and fine motor skills. Children and adults alike take joy in seeing something that they've made with their own hands come to life and become a thing of beauty. This craft course is a celebration of that joy and one that will bring a smile to every child's face. This essential collection of autumn and winter crafts will see you delight friends and family with everything from back to school keychains to Valentine's cards. There's something for every holiday: Christmas tree decorations, spooky Halloween treats, and New Year's delights! I'lleven introduce you to the Danish style of hygge living and share great ideas and projects that let you incorporate it in your life. Plus all of the tips, tricks, and templates for each craft are included!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Crafts and Table Settings for Autumn" |
"There is something magical about handmade crafts. Each craft is much more than just the glitter and glue holding it together. Everything made from your hands contains your time, care, and love, and this craft course is a celebration of those ingredients!This one-stop autumn craft course will prepare you for Back to School, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and will even introduce you to the Danish concept of hygge. Throughout the course you will learn to create 24+ homemade treasures, as well as learn how to set a themed table based around each special occasion and holiday. It's the perfect arts and crafts course for adults and children.Each craft lesson includes detailed video instructions, written directions, a required materials list, and any necessary templates. So get ready to delight friends and family with themed parties and crafts. All the tips, tricks, and templates youll need are included! All you need to do is grab a warm cup of coffee and you're ready to go!Themes Covered:Back to SchoolHalloweenThanksgiving Hygge"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crafts and Table Settings for Winter" |
"Crafting in winter is all about creating wonderful traditions and memories around special holidays. There is a wonderful magic in the air at this time of year, and its a great time to gather the family and create together!This one-stop winter craft course will prepare you for Christmas, the New Year, Valentine's, and will even introduce you to the Danish concept of hygge. Throughout the course you will learn to create 24+ homemade treasures, as well as learn how to set a themed table based around each special occasion.Each craft lesson includes detailed video instructions, written directions, a required materials list, and any necessary templates. So get ready to delight friends and family with themed parties and crafts. All the tips, tricks, and templates youll need to make your winter merry and bright are included just add roaring fire and get crafting!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Parenting: Life Skills for Children's Development" |
"Earn the confidence to help your child positively grow in the six primary life skills areas & support their developmentLearn how to improve your child's:LanguageSocial and Personal ConfidencePhysicalityUnderstanding and Acceptance of OthersFascination with the World Around ThemOur children are on their journey towards independence from the day they are born. In order for them to live positive independent lives without us (their parents), we need to teach them essential life skills.These valuable life skills can not be learned from a book, school, or even an app. They must be learned from parents and other important adults and role models in their lives.In this course, you will get an insight into life skills as they apply to your child's development and discover how you can help your child grow in each area. Together, all of the pieces of this developmental puzzle will fall into place as we discover each life skill and how to better help our children.You will enjoy in-depth, well-organised material covering each life skill: language, social competence, personal competence, nature, culture and values, and body and movement. Each skill is broken down with practical exercises that providereal world application to help you immediately reach your child and watchthem positively develop and grow."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Parenting: Bullying & What Parents Can Do" |
"Bullying is a universal issue that touches every person, family, school, or community at one time or another. It does not differentiate based on gender, age, race, religion or socio-economic level. Bullying is not only a situational playground issue either. It is a broader community health and wellness issue and its effects can last a lifetime.We as parents want the very best for our children and want them to feel safe and accepted in their environments. We want our children to believe in themselves and be strong individuals. Parents should not have to fear sending their children to school and our children shouldn't be afraid to go to school.The good news is that prevention of bullying through education and awareness is possible and that everyone plays a role - parents, teachers, and children.In order to stop bullying, we need to understand the issue of bullying more deeply. We need to learn about what the world's best research is reporting, and we must be aware of practical approaches and resources that are effective.In this course you will get an insight into what bullying is and what it does to a child. It will give you strategies and ideas on how to prevent it from happening in the first place, what to do if it is happening, and what to continue to do once a particular episode has ended.You will discover in-depth, well organised material covering each part of bullying and even what bullying is not. The course is built around practical exercises with real world application that help you focus on improving communication with your child, their emotions and identity, and the power of inclusion.Bullying can be stopped and it can start today.This course is for:ParentsTeachersAunts and UnclesChild CaretakersBabysittersCommunity WorkersSocial WorkersSunday School TeachersAdults that work with childrenGrandparentsThose seeking early childhood education continued learning courses (This course focuses on children in kindergarten and primary school)After completing this course, you can:Identify bullying behaviour and its signsProtect your child and othersfrom being bulliedHave the confidence to standup to bullies and help other children"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
3PAR |
"HP 3PAR. , , . , . . HP."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dmarrer un Business vendant des T-Shirts sur Teespring" |
"oui aujourd'hui vous pouvez gagner des milliers de dollar jusqu' 100 dollar ou plus par jour,Lobjectif de ce cours est de aidez vous de vendre des milliers de T-shirts en client ,en vas commence tape par tape de la cration des T-shirts.tes-vous prt dmarrer une entreprise en ligne qui ne ncessite pas de frais de dmarrage? Une entreprise qui ne vous oblige pas stocker ou acheter un inventaire?Bienvenue la Comment dmarrer une entreprise T-Shirtgagner des milliers de dollarle premier tape c'est dfinir la mthode Teespring la deuxime c'est la Cration d'un compte sur Teespring aprs c'est Les tape de la Cration de t-shirt sur Teespring en vas voir aussi comment faire L' achat et la livraison sur Teespring ensuit la Cration de Facebook Ads pour teespring et faire publicit de votre t-shirt ensuit en vas voir comment cre/modifier un logo avec Photoshop et mettre dans votre T-shirt en vas voir aussi comment cre un compte Paypal et li avec votre carte bancaire pour retirer votre argentVous allez suivre toutes les tapes, tout est entirement film. Vous allez voir que de faire des ventes de T-shirts devient amusant !Vous navez pas besoin davoir de connaissances particulires pour suivre et appliquer les concepts dece cours. Tout simplement, parce que je passe en revu tout ce que vous devez faire et cela de A Z."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gagner sa vie seulement de copier et coller un lien cut-url" |
"Cette formation est faite dans le seul but de permettre nimporte qui, de pouvoir gagner l'argent facilement pour lui permettre den tirer un revenu complmentaire voire principal.La Mthode est trs simple !!!!Vous navez pas besoin davoir de connaissances particulires pour suivre et appliquer les concepts dece cours. Tout simplement, parce que je passe en revu tout ce que vous devez faire et cela de A Z.Donc en vas voir en dtaille dans cette formation :A-cre un compte sur le site cuts_urlsB-Explication de l'interface de cur_urlsC-Li votre compte avec compte paypal pour retirer l'argentD-Rduire les lien et mettre dans votre Plateforme pour gagner l'argentE-Cration un compte paypalF-lie votre carte bancaire (Visa,Master Card...) avec PaypalG-Les mthode de la publicit votre LinkH-les mthode lgal de la publicitPour commencer tout de suite, je vous invite cliquer sur le boutonAcheter Maintenanttout en haut de la page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"virtualisation windows server 2016 Hyper-V" |
"APPRENDRE VIRTUALISATION DEHYPER-V de dbutant a l'expertCherchez-vous poursuivre votre carrire en apprenant Hyper-V ?je vais vous prsenter cette formation sur la gestionet l'administration de Microsoft Hyper-Vde Windows Server 2016.Cette formation s'adresse pour lesdbutant etl'expertaux administrateurset ingnieurs systme et rseaux Windowsqui veulent apprendre installer et grer au quotidienHyper-V de Windows Server 2016.Ensemble, dans cette formation,nous allons voir comment utiliser l'interface d'administrationde l'hyper-viseur Hyper-Vpour atteindre cet objectif.En particulier,nous allons passer en revue les tches pour installer Microsoft Hyper-Vde Windows Server 2016,grer les tches lmentaires d'administration d'Hyper-V,grer les disques durs des ordinateurs virtuelset configurer le rseau virtuel.Parmi la gestion des tches avances,vous verrez aussi comment crer, appliquer et supprimerun point de contrleou utiliser Hyper-V Best Practice Analyzerpour surveille l'application des bonnes pratiques. l'issue de cette formation,vous serez donc en mesured'utiliser l'interface d'administration d'Hyper-Vde Windows Server 2016pour grer les services de virtualization.Je vous souhaite une bonne formation.QUE PUIS-JE FAIRE AVEC LA VIRTUALISATION HYPER-V?Vous pouvez:Excutez un logiciel qui ncessite des versions antrieures de Windows ou des systmes d'exploitation non-Windows.Exprimentez avec d'autres systmes d'exploitation.Hyper-V facilite la cration et la suppression de diffrents systmes d'exploitation.Testez le logiciel sur plusieurs systmes d'exploitation utilisant plusieurs machines virtuelles.Avec Hyper-V, vous pouvez les excuter tous sur un seul ordinateur de bureau ou portable.Ces machines virtuelles peuvent tre exportes puis importes dans n'importe quel autre systme Hyper-V, y compris Azure.Rsolvez les machines virtuelles partir de n'importe quel dploiement Hyper-V.Vous pouvez exporter une machine virtuelle partir de votre environnement de production, l'ouvrir sur votre bureau excutant Hyper-V, dpanner votre machine virtuelle, puis l'exporter dans l'environnement de production.Grce la mise en rseau virtuelle, vous pouvez crer un environnement multi-machine pour le test / le dveloppement / la dmonstration tout en vous assurant qu'il n'affectera pas le rseau de production.Beaucoup plus...TES-VOUS PRT PRENDRE VOTRE CARRIRE IT AU NIVEAU SUIVANT?Pour commencer tout de suite, je vous invite cliquer sur le boutonAcheter Maintenanttout en haut de la page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Speak: Conversational French Touristsstudent" |
"Learn to Speak: Conversational French-Full for tourists and student Course Do you wish learning French was an easy thing to do? Do you wish you were be able to communicate easily with French speakers when traveling around the world or in your own country?If so, the Conversational French tourists and student will give you the tools to communicate effectively with French speakers anywhere in the world.This course takes you from learning how to pronounce French words correctly to understanding others and expressing your needs in a number of situations What will the participants learn and what can they do after taking your course?1-Be able to communicate with French speakers.2-Learn Helpful French vocabulary 3-By the end of this course you will be able to hold a basic conversation with a native French speaker.4-In this course you will learn to introduce yourself, ask for directions to important landmarks and order a range of food and drinks5-Have information about French and France and Marrakech.6-Learn Helpful French vocabulary tourist.7-By the end of this course you will be able to ask questions and form sentences in numerous real-life situations. From meeting new people, to ordering food, asking/follow directions, getting around using public transportation and more!8-week in Paris - Arrival at the Airport 9-Arrival at the Hotel10- Paris Sightseeing ..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Camtasia Studio 9 Formation complet de A 2020" |
"Faites vos meilleures vidos en utilisant Camtasia 9!Camtasia Mastery pour Camtasia 9 s'adresse tous ceux qui utilisent Camtasia 9 pour raliser des vidos sur leur PC Windows. Des dbutants apprenant ce que le programme est, aux utilisateurs expriments qui veulent apprendre comment combiner des animations et utiliser les nouveaux comportements de la version 9, ce cours contient beaucoup d'informations pour les apprenants de tous les niveaux d'exprience. Des dbutants aux utilisateurs de longue date, vous apprendrez comment utiliser au mieux Camtasia Studio.Les sections Camtasia Mastery sont divises en plusieurs vidos de petite taille. Si vous dbutez avec Camtasia, suivez simplement l'ordre des vidos pour les leons bases sur les informations prcdentes. Si vous avez de l'exprience avec Camtasia, Vous pouvez obtenir exactement ce dont vous avez besoin, quand vous en avez besoin - plus d'heures parcourir des vidos pour essayer de trouver la seule information dont vous avez besoin.Postez vos questions. Je rponds la plupart des questions et commentaires des tudiants dans les 3 jours (habituellement plus rapidement). Les meilleures questions obtiennent des rponses vido. Je vais crer une vido pour rpondre toutes mes questions. Les rponses vido (et les questions) seront partages avec tous les lves dans une section facultative la fin du cours.Si vous crez des vidos de formation avec Camtasia 9, vous apprendrez des trucs et astuces pour gagner du temps et rendre vos vidos superbes! Inscrivez-vous maintenant et je vous verrai l'intrieur du cours. en vas voir dans cette formation :Tlchargez et installez Camtasia 9.Enregistrez leur cran d'ordinateur et audio avec des paramtres idaux.Importer des supports tels que des images, des vidos de camras vido, des vidos webcam, de l'audio ou d'autres enregistrements d'cranMettez les mdias en ordre afin que certains mdias apparaissent devant ou derrire d'autres mdias.Supprimez une couleur pour ajouter des effets d'cran vert leurs images ou vidos.Familiarisez-vous avec l'interface du logiciel, les raccourcis clavier et les meilleures pratiques.Modifiez les enregistrements et ajoutez des lments tels que du texte, de la musique de fond et des animations.Produire des vidos dans diffrents formats.Animations sur camtasia studio 9Mettre une video en l'inverseImporter video camtasia sur youtube et google DriveAmliorer la qualit d'un imagePack cran vert ....."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Preparing a tender document - Practical Guide" |
"Thiscourse will:Assist novice and experts in responding to tenders.Ensure your tender response is not being disqualified due to non-compliance.Improve your chance to succeed by eliminating administrative oversights in yoursubmission.This Course is for entrepreneurs, small and medium enterprises in any industry participating in economic growth through providing products andservices through tender processes.This Course is not for big companies with more than 10 or moreyears industry experience."
Price: 1100.00 ![]() |
"Project Management - Knowledge, Skill & Tools to run project" |
"This course is about a practical process to start,plan, manage, do the workand complete a project. In this course you willlearn a simple easy steps to implement using practical tools to complete any project you undertake. We follow the basic principles of PMBOK Guide to show you how to plan andmanage aproject."
Price: 1300.00 ![]() |
"DIY Coding Further - (WordPress)" |
"## ( ) /archives/1688 !(WordPress) SEO , , , . 1/3, 35% . (Bootstrap) PC , CSS Javascript . .DIY Coding Further, , . 2018 2 DIY () . DIY 4 (2018. 10) Static Website code Resource . 2 , . 2014 WordPress, PHP JavaScript . . WordPress . Best Medical . , PHP loop, if , , , , Live Search dev Server Live Web hosting Server ( Git Deploy ) (Bootstrap) . . . ."
Price: 187000.00 ![]() |
"Loja virtual com Wordpress Woocommerce" |
"Nesse curso, mostraremos tudo que precisa saber para criar uma lojas virtual super profissional no Woocommerce.voc aprender na prtica os recursos mais importantes da ferramenta como conseguir domnio e contratar hospedagem para criar a sua loja,ser dono da sua loja podendo vender ate no sistema Dropshing e no correr o risco de ser bloqueado o perderconta como em outra plataforma .Nesse treinamento vou te ensinar como criar uma loja virtual profissionalpasso a passo com a ferramenta Wordpress e WooCommerce"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide to Python Programming Language" |
"The course will lead you from beginning level to advance in Python Programming Language. You do not need any prior knowledge on Python or any programming language or even programming to join the course and become an expert on the topic.The course is begin continuously developing by adding lectures regularly.Please see the Promo and freesample video to get to know more.Hope you will enjoy it."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Web - HTML&CSS" |
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Web - JavaScript" |
"javascriptHTMLCSSJavascriptjQueryHTML5CSS3webBootstrapNodeJSVueVueWeex...## :### 01-javascript []- JS- JS- - - - - HTML- - - - ### 02- []- CheatSheet- - &&- typeof- Undefined- Null- Boolean- Number- String### 03- []- - if- switch- do-while- while- do-whilewhile- for- breakcontinue- ### 04- []- - - - - - JS### 05- []- - - ()- - - - - - ### 06- []- this- this- - - - - this()- this()- this()### 07- []- splice()- splice():- join()sort()- - indexOf- substring()- spit()- ()### 08- []- - - - Date- - ### 09-DOM []- window- - - - - - attributes- DOM- - - ### 10-BOM []- BOM- - ### 11- []- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### 12- []- - - - - - - - - ### 13-Ajax []- ajax- ajax- ajax- ajax- get- post- ajax### 14-JSONP&Cookie []- - - JSONP- JSONP- JSONP- cookie- cookie"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"English idioms. Improve your speaking skills. be a native..." |
"This course aims at widening your abilities in understanding others' language and develop your communication with native speakers. you will learn fifty ideoms which will affect positivelyyour abillity to speak English and sound like native speakers of English. This course is meant for both native speakers and non native speakers of English. It is designed for all levels as it is introduced in a very simple and enjoyable method."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Rails |
"Ruby on Rails5WebPCRubyRubyRubyRailsDockerRailsMySQLRailsRails. 2. Ruby PCRubyRuby3. Ruby RubyRuby4. DockerRails5. Rails Rails2018/04/14 dependent2018/04/26 2018/05/23 2018/05/262018/05/26 2018/06/022018/06/022018/06/032018/06/06.2018/06/06"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"How to Draw Funny Cartoon Characters & Figure Drawing" |
"How you draw says just as much about you as what you draw.youll learn to bring your drawings to life with dynamic and engaging mark making.Youll learn:How to use the pencil to create a Caricature and other drawingsHow to draw an eyeHow to draw human faceThis course is for the beginners and anyone looking to develop solid fundamental drawing skills. It is recommended that true beginners enroll in the Basic Skills .At the end of this course you will complete a project file from a script to implement what you have learned. This will help you to understand how client work is done and what you need to accomplish in that process.I am confident that you will find this course to be extremely valuable and it is supported with a30 Day Money Back Guarantee.I am also here if you have any questions and feedback for me to make this course a better experience for everyone!Gamal Zakaria"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Data Science with Python for People in a Hurry." |
"This is not your typical Data Science course.We aim to show you the very basics ofData Science with practical examples. We require you to be familiar computer programming in general but not an expert.This course includes hands on lecturesdemonstrating fundamental concepts of data science, and useful python libraries for data science. For each hands on lecture we provide you with the code,documentation, and excercises.We present the information in an understandable format, so if you have no experience with Data Science but are interested in learning more about it in a short time periodyouare in the right place.Why should you take this course?You are a entrepreneur or business owner and you want to learn about howData Science and/or Analytics can make your business thrive.You are a student and you feel like you really do not understand the basics of Data Science.You dreadtakinga course about Python and Data Science because it sounds too complicated and just want a simple explanationsYou want to see how to implement projectsin data ScienceThis course Introduces:Jupyter EnvironmentPreprocessing DataStatistical VisualizationsMachine LearningDebugging Machine Learning ModelsCreating Data Science Presentations"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Administrator Certification Practice Tests" |
"This course is designed to ensure that you learn & master the concepts of Salesforce Administrator and pass the certification exam on your first try. My practice testswill help you learn how to administer and configure Salesforce. The practical hands-on learning approach followed in the course will ensure you clear the certification course. All the best!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete VMware Package - Practice Tests" |
"Virtualization has taken the industry by storm and those that posses skills in this area have many job prospects paying in excess of 80k per year. Students will learn installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere and learn how to configure a scalable virtual infrastructure. Some of the topics covered in this course include Fault Tolerance, vSphere Management Assistant, Storage vMotion, and DPM.VMware is is a provider of virtualization software. VMware's desktop software runs on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. VMware's enterprise software.This practice tests consists of all the important aspects one should be aware of with respect to VMware.Cloud Management (Validates your skills in installing, configuring, and optimizing public, private, and hybrid clouds usingthe VMware vRealize Suite.)Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals ( Validates your skills in designing, installing, and managing VMware vSphere environments.)Desktop & Mobility (Demonstrates your skills in installing, configuring, and maintaining virtual desktops and applications using VMware Horizon),Hybrid Cloud (Validates your skills in installing, configuring, and optimizing public, private, and hybrid clouds usingthe VMware vRealize Suite.),Network Virtualization (Demonstrates your skills in designing, implementing, and managing a VMware NSX environment.) andFoundation Exam"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Six Sigma Black Belt Certification - Practice Tests" |
"A Six Sigma Black Belt leads the improvement team and is competent in managing a team and using various improvement and statistical tools.This practice testcovers questions all you need to know as Black Belt - whether you want to take the ASQ CSSBB, any other certificationexam or be the Black Belt improvement leaderin your organization.This practice testcovers the point by point Body of Knowledge (BoK) for American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Six sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Center University Associate (DCCA) Practice Tests" |
"This associate certification indicates a foundationknowledge of critical physical infrastructure in the Data Center. This program was created by Schneider Electric. Its a great program for beginners who want to start work in a Data Center environment.The different sections that would be covered in the practice tests are as follows:Advantages of Row and Rack Oriented Cooling ArchitectureExamining Fire Protection Methods for your Data CenterFundamental Cabling Strategies for Data CentersFundamentals of AvailabilityFundamentals of CoolingFundamentals of Physical SecurityFundamentals of PowerGenerator FundamentalsOptimizing Cooling Layouts for the Data CenterPhysical Infrastructure Management BasicsPower DistributionPower Redundancy in the Data CenterRack Fundamentals"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |