Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Microsoft Excel - From Beginner to Advanced User" |
"Microsoft Excel is the most used application in Business today but unfortunately the majority of users either only know how to do a few basic formulas or simply dread having to use spreadsheets... and that is where I come in.My name is Ben and having worked as an Excel Analyst in the City of London for 10 years Iwant to share with you the experience and tips I have learnt. So whether you are a complete beginner or wanting to further your existing knowledge, this course will start from scratch and take you through the formulas, functions and even ""tips and tricks"" required to make you an advanced user. Excel really shouldn't be feared and you will soon see just how easy and straight-forward it really is!Take this course and see for yourself what you can achieve!...oh and don't forget to let us know about all the amazing feedback you receive from your co-workers once you put the content from this course to use!Ben"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Beauty of Vedic Speed Mathematics (Vedic Maths)" |
"Vedic Speed Mathematics is a collection of simple one liner formulas to solve mathematical problems in easy and faster way. It is Very Simple, Efficient, Fast, Coherent, Flexible, Original & Straight Forward. It is Amazingly Compact, Powerful & World's Fastest Mental Calculation System. India's next gift to the world could be Vedic Speed Mathematics. You can solve mathematical problems in just few seconds. Students just loves it."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Curso - Operao Bsica De Drones" |
"Nesse curso voc dar seus primeiros passos para os primeiros voos com o seu drone, abordaremos assuntos importantes para maior segurana e tranquilidade.Esse curso est dividido entre teoria e prtica. Na parte terica voc vai aprender sobre a regulamentao no Brasil e os documentos necessrio para que voc esteja de acordo com a nova regulamentao. Conhecer algumas funcionalidades e configuraes necessrias para o primeiro voo, vamos falar tambm sobre condies de voo, segurana das baterias, checklist para o primeiro voo e muito mais, confira nosso contedo programtico abaixo.Curso excelente para amantes da Tecnologia em geral e profissionais que buscam uma nova oportunidade em um mercado totalmente em ascenso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"JavaServer Faces" |
"""Das Internet ist eine Spielerei fr Computerfreaks. Wir sehen darin keine Zukunft."" - Ron SommerDa hat sich der ehemalige Telekom-Chef RonSommer im Jahr 1990 leicht getuscht. Das Internet ist inzwischen allgegenwrtig und man kann mit Fug und Recht behaupten, dass es die grte Revolution der Menschheitsgeschichte darstellt. Es hat unser Leben stark verndert und noch immer ist kein Ende abzusehen - eher im Gegenteil. Das spannendste drfte uns noch bevor stehen.Deswegen wird es auch immer wichtiger, dass man Programme fr das Internet schreiben kann. Zahlreiche Frameworks haben sich entwickelt, die es ermglichen, mit der Programmiersprache serverseitige Java Programme zu schreiben, die dynamische Internetseiten anzeigen. JavaServerFaces (JSF) ist ein solches Framework, das zu dem offiziellen JavaEE-Standard (Java Enterprise Edition) gehrt. Es soll die Entwicklung groer webbasierter Unternehmensanwendugen ermglichen. Dabei geht JSF den Weg, dass die Vermischung von Java- und HTML-Code vermieden werden soll. Auerdem mchte JSFdem Programmierer viel 0815-Arbeit abnehmen und die Schwierigkeiten bei der Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen mglichst vor ihm verbergen. In diesem Kurs sollst du dieses sehr mchtige Java-Framework in all seinenFacetten kennenlernen. Wir starten bei den absoluten Grundlagen und arbeiten uns dann immer weiter in die Tiefen desFrameworks vor. Ich zeige dir neben den grundlegenden Bausteinen, den ManagedBeans, die Datenvalidierung, Konvertierung, Listener, auerdem den Templating-Mechanismus, der die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Teilen der Webseite erhht, und vieles mehr. AmEnde schreiben wir zusammen ein groes Programm, in dem alle Inhalte noch einmal vorkommen. So entsteht vor deinen Augen eine relativ groe Anwendung, die alles miteinander verbindet. Neben den Videos gehren zu dem Kurs noch weitere Materialien:Du erhlst Folienstze als pdf, mit denen du die Inhalte noch einmal wiederholen kannst. In den Videos programmiere ich meistens und arbeite wenig mit den Folien, aber die Folien enthalten noch einmal alle wichtigen Informationen zusammengefasst frs Wiederholen und schnelle Nachschlagen. Auerdem stelle ich dir natrlich smtlichen Quellcode aller Beispiele zur Verfgung, damit du sofort loslegen kannst. Einige Quizes und bungen vervollstndigen den Kurs. Neben dem eigentlichen Thema JavaServer Faces zeige ich dir noch die Grundlagen des Servers GlassFish, der die Referenzimplementierung von JavaEEist, und die wichtigstenElemente vonCDI - ein Bestandteil von JavaEE, der inzwischen zusammen mit JSF verwendet werden kann. Auerdem ist es mir ein Herzensanliegen, auch ein wenig ber eine gute Architektur fr Web-Anwendungen zu sprechen, die ich dann in dem groen abschlieenden Beispiel auch realisieren werde. Als IDEverwende ich Eclipse, aber es ist dir natrlich freigestellt, eine andere IDEzu verwenden. Jede grere IDEsollte hnliche Funktionen anbieten wie ich sie dir in Eclipse zeige."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Datenbanken und SQL" |
"""Auch mit Bezug auf den berflu an Informationen, leben wir heute in einer berflugesellschaft."" -- Willy Meurer (1934 - 2018), deutsch-kanadischer Kaufmann, Aphoristiker und Publizist, M.H.R. (Member of the Human Race), TorontoSpeichern und Verwalten von groen Datenmengen ist in aller Munde. Ob nun Schler verwaltet werden, Kunden oder irgendwelche Lagerbestnde - es ist ganz wichtig, dass man schnell und flexibel die Daten verwalten und auswerten kann. Die beste Mglichkeit dafr sind Datenbanken. Sie speichern groe Datenbanken so, dass ein Computer sie schnell und effizient auswerten und verarbeiten kann. Doch es gengt nicht, eine Datenbank aufzubauen. Die Daten mssen auch so strukturiert werden, damit ein Computer sie auswerten kann. Man kann der Maschine das Leben auch unntig schwer machen. Aus diesem Grund sind einige theoretische Kenntnisse ber Datenbanken notwendig, bevor man richtig los legt. Denn nur eine gut durchdachte Datenbank kann auch den hohen Anforderungen stand halten, die heutzutage an die Datenverwaltung gestellt werden.Nachdem wir uns mit der Planung einer guten Datenbank beschftigt haben, starten wir auch schon mit SQL durch. Dieser Kurs beschftigt sich mit allen wichtigen Themen aus der SQL-Welt. Als Datenbanksystem werden MariaDB und MySQL verwendet. Zustzlich zu den Videos gibt es zahlreiche Folienstze mit vielen Informationen und bungen, mit denen Sie das Gelernte vertiefen knnen, damit es richtig sitzt."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Exame de Suficincia do CFC - Contadores" |
"Resoluo elucidativa e detalhada das questes dos Exames de Suficincia de Contabilidade para Nvel Superior realizadas pelo Conselho Federal de Contabilidade no ano de 2018. Este curso prepara os seus alunos para realizao do exame e auxilia muito a conquista da aprovao na prova do exame e a definitiva conquista do registro no Conselho Regional de Contabilidade (CRC). Observao Importante: No foram resolvidas as questes de Portugus, Estatstica e tambm as questes anuladas por recursos nas provas."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"ISTQB Nivel Bsico - Examenes prcticos en Espaol" |
"Ests listo para aprobar el examen de certificacin ISTQB Foundation Level? Descbrelo probndote con estas pruebas de prctica.Las pruebas de prctica brindan una gran cantidad de preguntas para el examen, lo que le permite confirmar su dominio y le brinda la confianza que necesitar para tomar el examen final de certificacin ISTQB Foundation Level.Las pruebas de prctica estn cronometradas, por lo que sabr cundo est tomando ms tiempo del que permite el ISTQB, y al final de la prueba recibir un desglose personal de las preguntas que respondi correcta e incorrectamente para ayudarlo a mejorar continuamente. Tambin podr ver una explicacin de cada pregunta al final de la prueba para ayudarlo a evitar cometer los mismos errores al realizar el examen.Hay muchas preguntas en la web que estn desactualizadas o mal contestadas. Estoy tratando de filtrar todas esas preguntas y proporcionarte una buena herramienta para practicar el examen similar al examen de la vida real tanto como sea posible.El resultado que obtiene despus de completar el examen de prctica ""ISTQB Software Testing Foundation Level"" es solo para evaluar sus conocimientos de pruebas y no debe tomarse como una indicacin del resultado del examen real."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kotlin from Zero to Hero - Bahasa Indonesia" |
"Kursus Kotlin from zero to hero ini adalah isi rangkuman dari buku kotlin from zero to hero terbitan udacoding. Diharapakan dengan adanya kursus berupa video ini, semakin memudahkan pembaca didalam memahami isi dari buku tersebut. Kursus ini membantu anda untuk belajar bahasa pemrograman kotlin untuk mengembangkan aplikasi mobile dari dasar hingga mahir. Kursus ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang ingin mendalami bahasa pemrograman kotlin."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Happy Flutter- Membuat Aplikasi Android dan iOS jadi Gampang" |
"Kursus ini merupakan kursus Bagian I dari Happy Flutter, untuk bagian Ke 2 Bisa cek di Kursus Udacoding Lainnya yang bertema Happy Flutter - Sport News Flutter.Video ini merupakan versi video dari buku Happy Flutter yang di buat oleh Team Udaocoding. Kursus ini sangat berguna bagi anda yang ingin belajar flutter dari dasar . Materi yang dibahas pada kursus ini adalah mulai dari pengenalan tentang flutter, movie apps,penggunaan gambar pada flutter hingga pembuatan apk aplikasi"
Price: 490000.00 ![]() |
"Happy Flutter - Sport News Apps Flutter" |
"This course video exactly is the second part of our happy flutter video. In this part, we will learn about Passing Data Value, Return Data, Design Database Mysql, Webservice JSON (Java Script Object Notation), and then make Apps News Sport with Webservice JSONdan Database MySQL (Client Server Concept in Flutter)."
Price: 350000.00 ![]() |
"Membuat Aplikasi iOS dengan Mudah Menggunakan SWIFT & Xcode" |
"Kursus Membuat APlikasi IOS dengan Mudah menggunakan SWIFT & XCODEPengisi Content : M Frizar FadhillahMobile Developer at UdacodingPada Kursus ini akan mempelajari tentang cara membuat aplikasi aplikasi dengan menggunakan Xcode dan Bahasa Pemrograman Swift.Kursus ini berbahasa indonesia dan akan mempelajari tentang dasar-dasar bahasa pemrograman swift. Materi yang di ajarkan di antaranya :Cara install Xcode pada mac os, perbedaan Swift dengan Objective C, Pengunaan String pada Swift, OOP pada Swift, dan materi menarik lainnya."
Price: 490000.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Skin Science for Beauty Therapists" |
"How well do you understand the skin? Would you like to take a closer look inside the epidermis and dermis and see how the skin works? How products can penetrate into the skin and how compromised skin results in pigmentation, acne and sun damage?Delivered online and assessed by end of course questions and answers, those that pass will receive our Advanced Skin A&P certificate.Subjects covered include:What is healthy skin?How we can improve skin health?Skin rejuvenation?EpidermisThe epidermal layers in detailEpidermal programmingDesquamationAdvanced histology of skin cells including;structure and functionthe cellular membraneOrganelles of cells3D look inside the cells and how they workCells of the epidermisKeratinocytesMelanocytesDesmosomesLangherhan cellsMerkel CellsCell Mitosis and stem cellsTransient amplyfying cellsExtra cellular matrixIntra cellular matrixMoisturisation & Barrier functionNatural moisturising factorFree fatty acidsTryglyceridesSebaceous lipidsFormation of the acid mantleDermisThe dermisAreola tissuePapillay layerReticular layerFibroblast cells and there roleTissue regnerationCollagen TypesCollagen structureTriple helixVitamin C & CollagenCollagen degradation & regenerationCollagen glycationElastinStructure of elastinDegradation and moisturisation of elastinGlycosaminoglycans (GAG's)Hyaluronic AcidGlycoproteinsSubcutaneous layersAppendages of the skinSebacous glandsDermal PapilaSebumSuderiferous glandsEccrine and apocrine glandsSensory nerves of glandsCirculatory system of the skinLymphatic system of the skinIndications and treatment modalities on skinPigmentationProductpenetration and permeationEffects of hormones on the skinSun damaged skinHow skin agesFree RadicalsAcneWound healing processCosmetics and their ingredients effects on the skinSkin peels - how they effect the skinMicroneedling - effects on the skinLaser & IPL - effects on the skinLED light therapy - effects on the skin"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"7 Steps To Creating & Automating FREE Search Engine Traffic" |
"Welcome to my course on ""7 Secrets to Creating & Automating Free Search Engine Traffic"". In this course I will teach you everything you need to know about how to become a rock-star at getting free traffic from Search Engines. My name is Trent Jessee. For the past 13 years I have coached and mentored over 3,340 breadwinners on how to create sustainable passive income streams online. At the end of this course you will have gain the knowledge and guidance to create FREE traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, etc. anytime you wish. The 7 steps I will guide you through are:INTRO: Course Overview & Your InstructorSTEP 1: The 5 Secret Building Blocks Of Free Traffic Block 1: Create Valuable Content Block 2: Find & Use Keywords With Buyer Intent Block 3: Relevancy - to your target audience and product Block 4: Competition - keyword ranking difficulty (KD) Block 5: Volume - DemandStep 2: Model After Success Modeling After Winning Search Engine ContentSTEP 3: Top 3 Tools To Do Keyword Research RightSTEP 4: Competitively Present Your Content How To Competitively Present Your Content/Products To Increase Free TrafficSTEP 5: Tools For Measuring & Tracking Free Traffic Installing and Using Webmaster & Analytic ToolsSTEP 6: The Currency Of Free Traffic How to Get Backlinks To Increase Traffic and RankingsSTEP 7: Creating Perpetual Free Traffic How to Automated Your Free Search Engine TrafficThis course is designed for beginner and intermediate business owners who want to generate free traffic to their own websites from search engines like Google, Bing, etc. This course is not for people who are selling products on eBay, Amazon or other 3rd party sites. However, the principles and strategies I teach in this course can be used to improve your listings on those 3rd party sites."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Living Well With Cancer" |
"New Cancer Diagnosis? Learn from a Stage 4 Cancer Survivor What to Do *(& What NOT to Do)Who do you know whos facing cancer right now? Cancer is so prevalent we all know someone a family member or friend, maybe someone you work with or go to church with, or maybe the person facing cancer right now is you.In this unique class you will learn crucial time, energy, and potentially even money and life-saving information from a stage 4 cancer survivor (whos named Joy). Joy will share with you key resources so you can find helpful information when time is of the essence and decisions need to be made (For example, you know of cancer DOTorg, but do you know about cancer DOT net?). Shell also point you to great places to find support and encouragement for your cancer journey.Joy was unexpectedly diagnosed with stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (in her 30s!) and she discovered, No one is happy they have cancer, but you can have cancer & still be happy.Youve heard Laughter is the best medicine, and Mind over matter, right? The point of this class isnt to be happy about cancer, but to learn how to have more good days than bad Joy authored Cancer with JOY published by Morgan James Publishing of New York City. She has also blogged for The Huffington Post, and been featured on the radio, television, and in numerous other online and print articles. Her live interactive programs at hospitals/cancer treatment centers, churches, and cancer survivor events receive standing ovations for how real and inspirational they are. Joy received her Masters Degree in Health Communication from Boston University. When facing cancer, you desperately need a dose of Joy, and thats what this class will provide. Joy is your personal guide to facing cancer telling you about valuable resources providing a quick demo to navigate them saving significant time.You have lots going on right now, so your final project simply includes talking about what you learned by checking out the resources Joy will show you; which one was the most valuable to you and why?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SALES LEADERSHIP Sales Management Training & Coach Training" |
"TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIPDevelop a World-Class, High Performance, Accountable Team by Becoming an Exemplary Leader and Coach""Every company and sales leader must transform into a world-class performance coach and create a coaching culture in their organization if they want to continue to grow and thrive. This course will make you a great sales leader and coach who develops sales champions and a top-performing coaching culture. And Keith is there as your partner and coach every step of the way."" - And more quotes from top leaders from the world's best companies such as LinkedIn, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, CA Associates, Johnson & Johnson, Vodafone, Square, Amazon and more.Most leadership programs don't apply to sales leadership. Sales leaders are uniquely and indispensably special and need to be coached in a way that's aligned with their role to achieve their personal goals and company objectives. Since most managers don't know how to coach, they become part of the non-stop, problem-solving legion of frustrated Chief Problem Solvers who habitually do other's work, create dependency, and nourish the seed of mediocrity. What if you can coach anyone in 15 minutes or even 60 seconds using one question? Using Keith's intuitive L.E.A.D.S. Coaching Framework, the coaching talk tracks for critical conversations, and his Enrollment strategy to create loyal, unified teams--you will inspire immediate change. Now, coaching is easily woven into your daily conversations and rhythm of business so that it becomes a natural, healthy habit.Based on Keith's, Globally Acclaimed award-winning, Coaching Salespeople Into Sales Champions and his latest book, SALES LEADERSHIP, named the 2018 Sales and Leadership Book of the Year by Amazon and Top Sales World, this program makes delivering consistent, high-impact coaching easy. For busy, caring salespeople, business owners, and managers, this removes the pressure and misconception that,""Coaching is difficult, doesn't work, and I don't have time to coach.""TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP delivers a chronological path to develop a thriving coaching culture and into a coaching leader who creates top-performing teams and sales champions."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Metrologia" |
"Curso de metrologia para quem deseja se aperfeioar e tambm se preparar para provas de concursos que caia esse tema (Metrologia), com esse treinamento voc fara leituras com autonomia de diversos instrumentos de medies, as ultimas aulas ter inmeras questes tiradas de provas de concursos, esse curso ser um diferencial na sua vida!!!profissionais"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Qualidade em servios e produtos" |
"Esse curso tem inteno de forma objetiva instruir as pessoas da existncia de ferramentas da Qualidade nos processos e servios, foi dividido em assuntos que facilitam a compreenso de ferramentas da Qualidade em Produtos e Servios, dimenses da qualidade, dimenses servios, importncia da qualidade, gesto da Qualidade, princpios para gerenciar a qualidade, tcnicas de controle de qualidade, ferramentas da qualidade,Qualidade Total, 6-Sigma, assistncia ao cliente .A sequncia exposta sugerida para a implementao com sucesso, um curso para iniciantes da Qualidade em servios e produtos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Matemtica" |
"Curso de matemtica onde estudaremos os seguintes temas: Conjuntos numricos; Representao decimal e fracionriaMdulo de nmero ; Operaes com nmeros fracionrios;MMC ; MDC; Razo e proporo; Regra de trs; Equao de primeiro e segundo grau geometria plana ; Clculos de volume, diversos exerccios e muito mais.Este curso vai ser um potencializador para voc conseguir seu objetivo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Potty Train: The 3 Day Strategy - By I'm A Little Teapot" |
"A step by step guide to potty training in 3 days: Real results, real fast - delivered by a real mom.Step 1: Plant a seed for your child to discover on their own.Step 2: Start the conversation & hear those delightful words ""I already know mommy!"" (Just what we wanted)Step 3: Hit the shops with your toddler.Step 4: Ready, set go!Step 5: Bonus videos - Accidents, bed wetting & night lights."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Everything you need to know to ace college algebra" |
"In this course, I will go over topics such as: equations and inequalities, graphs and their functions, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices, determinants, sequences, series. You will learn everything about graphing linear equations. You will will learn everything about inequalities especially how to solve and graph them. You will be an expert how to graph polynomials and rational functions. You will learn everything about system of equations in two and three variables. You will be introduced to matrices and determinants, and solving variables by using gaussian elimination. Finally, you will be introduced to geometric and arithmetic sequences."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"College Algebra, Algebra 2, Intermediate, Practice Exams" |
"This is an all video practice exams lecture for: college algebra, intermediate algebra, and algebra 2. These video lectures give detailed step by step solution that's why this course is longer than most udemy practice exams. This course is broken into four practice exams. Some of the problem involves: graphs of equations, linear equations in two variable, functions, shfiting, refelction, stretching, inverse functions, quadratic functions, graphing polynomials, synthetic division, complex numbers, zeros of polynomial functions, exponenetial functions, logarithmic functions, properties of logarithms, exponential and logarithmic models. Who is this course for? This course is specifically made for: college algebra students, intermediate students, algebra 2 students, or anyone who has an interest in algebra. This course is a perfect refresher, so if you don't have time to go over hours of lecture review this is perfect for you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learning Web Security OWASP Top 10 2019" |
"Founded in 2001 as an open-source security community centered around the goal of spreading application security awareness, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is most famous for their OWASP Top 10 which has become the industry gold standard for application security.Powered by a global network of over 42,000 security-aware volunteers, OWASP members hail from educational and government institutions, large corporations and more. This highly active community produces content, organizes events, and publishes articles, methodologies, tools and technologies which are free and available to everyone. All OWASP projects and events are managed and backed by the OWASP Foundation which is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.One of the factors that allows OWASP to produce such high quality application security content without any inherent biases is the fact that OWASP is not affiliated with any specific organization, although it receives support from its active community members."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing 2020 - Basics For Complete Beginners" |
"As of November 2019, there are 3.2 billion people worldwide that are on social media and the number is increasing gigantically with every year passing by. With that said, I want to ask you something. Do you want to lose the opportunity to cash in these 3.2 billion people? I mean, there ARE many individuals and companies out there that are doing this and making HUGE - HUGE amount of money. Wouldn't it be great if you, my friend, dive in the pool of such people? I bet you'd want that for yourself. But how would you do that? Well, with this course namely ""Social Media Marketing - Basics For Complete Beginners"", you'll be able to equip yourself to reach billions of those people we've just talked about. If you're a business owner who's seeking to scale-up their business, this course will teach you exactly the things that are required to maximize your reach and ultimately boost your profits. If you're an individual who's seeking to engage with like-minded people to support their cause, this course is for you. And If you don't fall into any of these two categories, then this course is for you as well. Because you can always start your own Social Media Marketing - or SMM - Agency or you can work for one. Sounds great, doesn't it? Well, it should - because most of the businesses that you see physically are going online with each passing year. And in order to reach customers and to compete with other businesses online, they need someone who could market their brand over the web. A Social Media Marketing Agency is what they'd look for - because, as mentioned earlier, almost everybody that has access to the internet spends time on one or more social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. So, this business is quite in demand. Get Enrolled Now :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Estruturas Metlicas - Projeto e Dimensionamento Bsico" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo ensinar e fornecer referencias bibliogrficas para que voc possa realizar projetos bsicos em estruturas metlicas, tais como, mezaninos e galpes formados por perfis de alma cheia. No temos o objetivo de esgotar o assunto, visto que isto levaria uma quantidade de tempo imensamente superior. Nosso objetivo fazer por voc o que no fizeram por mim, dar uma direo para que voc possa seguir o seu prprio caminho neste mundo incrvel."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guild Arturia Pigments Synthesiser" |
"Want to learn Pigments?Well here's a course for you! Learn the ins and outs of Pigments Synth by Arturia today! You will learn everything you can know about Pigments and be able to create your own sounds.I will go through all of pigments features, and enable you to know where everything is and what each function do. Pigment is an outstanding synth best of both worlds modern with it's wavetable engine and analogue engine which I consider a hybrid synth.Massive Packed with pre-built presets to choose from. I will teach you first everything about pigments the fundamentals, then put everything into theory by creating advance sound design presets.""I want to teach you everything, and I want you to succeed in music. Even if you're a hobbyist you get to learn to make Everything from scratch.""What makes me qualified to teach you?I have studied at South & City, Birmingham college for 3 years and gained a Certificate BA Hons for music technology.I also have the experience of making electronic music, I started making my own music since 2009.In this course I will go through the following things:Interface Layout & Basic functionsPreset Browser & ManagementImporting audio samples in the wavetableOscillators (Both Wavetable & Analogue Engine)SequencerAssign Modulation & RoutingLearn modulation sources (keyboard, Lfos, Envelopes, Random, Functions, Random, Combinate)EffectsFilter TypesI will be including a large sum of sound design videos in the bonus section, by following along these videos you will be able to create your own presets from scratch. Learning the process of how producers create their own certain sounds for certain genres of music. I will update it weekly.Bonus - Genres of sound Design I will be coveringDubstep (Growls, minimal, Riddim, Modern sounds)Drum & Bass (Old style Reece basses, De-tuned/weird basses)Trance (Plucks, arps, Psy-trance bass)House (Future House bass, Leads)Trap (808 Kicks made in pigments!)8-bit/Synthwave/Ambient Music (Lush pads, Drones, Even more arps)Future BassFX (sweeps, Crashes, Risers)Learn how to create your own drums!At Some point i will eventually make track from scratch just by using Pigments and essential daw mixing tools.Click the enroll button today, and I'll see you soon.Thank you,Thomas Shane"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Massive X Tutorial: Learn""Massive X"" in One Week" |
"Want to learn Massive X?Well here's a course for you! Learn the ins and outs of Massive X Synth by Native instruments today today! You will learn everything you can know about Massive x and be able to create your own sounds.I will go through all of massive x features, and enable you to know where everything is and what each function do. massive x is an outstanding synth , Easy routing, fantastic wavetable modes and so much more!Massive Packed with pre-built presets to choose from. I will teach you first everything about Massive x the fundamentals, then put everything into theory by creating advance sound design presets. (Bonus content which will be updated often""I want to teach you everything, and I want you to succeed in music. Even if you're a hobbyist you get to learn to make Everything from scratch.""What makes me qualified to teach you?I have studied at South & City, Birmingham college for 3 years and gained a Certificate BA Hons for music technology.I also have the experience of making electronic music, I started making my own music since 2009.In this course I will go through the following things:Interface Layout & The Basic functionsOscillators (dual oscillators and their wavetable modes along with a Third Oscillator using a insert effectLearn modulation sources (Performer, Lfos, Envelopes, Tracker, voice randomisation)EffectsFilter TypesPhase ModulationI will be including a large sum of sound design videos in the bonus section, by following along these videos you will be able to create your own presets from scratch. Learning the process of how producers create their own certain sounds for certain genres of music. I will update it weekly. I will also show you how to re-create the future bass style preset from my introduction from scratch which will also be on bonus content.Bonus - Genres of sound Design I will be coveringDubstep (Growls, minimal, Riddim, Modern sounds)Drum & Bass (Old style Reece basses, De-tuned/weird basses)Trance (Plucks, arps, Psy-trance bass)House (Future House bass, Leads)Trap (808 Kicks made in massive x!)8-bit/Synthwave/Ambient Music (Lush pads, Drones, Even more arps)Future BassFX (sweeps, Crashes, Risers)Learn how to create your own drums!At Some point i will eventually make track from scratch just by using Massive x and essential daw mixing tools.Click the enroll button today, and I'll see you soon.Thank you,Thomas Shane"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Excel Fast - Beginner to Master" |
"Want to learn Excel fast?Well here's a course for you! Learn the ins and outs of Microsoft Excel today!You will learn everything you can know about Excel from complete Beginner to advance.In this course I will go through the following things:Excel InterfaceExcel FundamentalsChartsIndex MatchesvlookupAdvanced FunctionsDataSo much more!Each week a new lesson will be uploadedClick the enroll button today, and I'll see you soon.Thank you,Thomas Shanep.s the intro song is called ""Aeden & Harley Bird - Find A Way Out"" a royalty free song.Also the excel saved files will also be included."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hands-On Writing: Tips, Tools, and Real Content Examples" |
"Are you looking for a way to fix the content you write and rank higher on Google?I have created the Hands-On Writing: Tips, Tools, and Real Content Examples course as the most engaging course on writing and staying productive while creating written content. I aimed to turn this into the only course youll ever need to get you started with writing EFFECTIVE content. This 3-in-1 course combines writing with content marketing and productivity hacks. We'll discuss the myth of the writers block, why some content fails, how to get your first ACTIVE readers, and so much more. I'll also show you how I write an article from start to finish and how you can use modern tools and artificial intelligence to create better content (you'll love this). I started this course with real article examples in mind because I believe you need to see what good writing actually looks like and not just hear about it. This content writing course targets all kinds of writers, combining both fundamental tips and advanced hands-on content analysis. If youre a beginner you can enjoy the introductory theory on writing, its importance, and its challenges. For more advanced writers, Ive prepared a series of activities and real-life content examples well analyze together so you can learn how you can get your content and brand on that first page of Google.Hands-On Writing: Tips, Tools, and Real Content Examples is a perfect choice for anyone involved in web writing, content writing, copywriting, content marketing, and even for digital marketers, business owners, entrepreneurs, and freelancers who are looking into creating better content for a personal project or to promote your clients' brands.I promise to deliver a fun learning experience with occasional jokes and lots of fun activities and quizzes. I'll keep things simple and concise while I show you how YOU can come up with your own unique content ideas and optimize your content to its full potential so you can appeal to both your readers and Google's bots. This course for writing web content is also a good fit for you if you're looking for extra motivation to get you started with writing and write the content you've always dreamed of.Together we'll discuss both common and specific writing situations so you can be prepared to write for any audience and deliver the results they want. As a bonus, I am always available to answer any questions you might have. I'll use my experience and knowledge to guide you through this learning journey, help you improve your writing on a technical and emotional level, and get you started with taking your content one step further. A large part of this content writing and strategy course focuses on letting you find out if writing is really the right career for you and if you've got the right traits for this profession. I'll also gladly assist you with getting started in your career as a content writer. The course is aimed to boost your confidence and show you how everyone can create valuable content for the web.Here's a detailed look at what each section of this writing course will teach you:Section 1 - I'll introduce you into the world of writing and help you find out if you have the right writing skills. I'll also show you how you can use the power of a story to sell your brand and differentiate yourself from your competitors.Section 2 - We'll discuss the ""writer's block"" myth and how you can overcome your writing blocks. I'll teach to to generate new ideas efficiently and I've also reached out to other professional web writers to offer you an up-close insight into handle their challenges when it comes to writing content.Section 3 - You'll learn some tested methods in which you can brainstorm timely new ideas with minimal effort, develop a buyer persona to better understand readers and their needs, and we'll look into how you can use specific hacks to keep readers focused on your content so they choose to read YOUR articles.Section 4 - I'll give you the best tips and exercises on writing unique web content, changing your mindset to keep your productivity at a top level when writing for the web, and understanding how powerful and influential words can truly be. As an extra, we'll closely analyze what makes existing one-of-a-kind content so special among billions of other articles.Section 5 - While focus on your readers is a must you need to understand the importance of investing in your own education. I'll show you what books I recommend you read and help you create your own environment to practice writing killer content before you start publishing.Section 6 - You will understand what the important parts of the writing process are, how to create valuable content with focus on benefits. And you'll learn how to slow down when you're rushing to finish a web article in time, write viral headlines that will catch anyone's attention, review (a step so important when it comes to digital content) and structure your work.Section 7 - This is the section you're looking for. I'll teach you how to apply SEO best practices and rank higher on Google and I'll take you with me as I write an article from start to finish so you can better understand the process of writing effective copy. Additionally, we'll analyze pieces of content that perform well in the search results and the elements that make them succeed.Section 8 - Finally, I'll teach you to use the best tools for writing and will review the key takeaways for this content writing course.You'll also get: Lifetime access to the course Practical tips that will bring you results Fast & friendly support in the Q&A section Udemy certificate of completion A 30-day money back guaranteeSee you inside the course where you can fundamentally change the content you write from day ONE. Don't forget to give your best and practice patience!***Things to keep in mind before starting the course:If the captions are covering something I'm showing you on the screen, make sure you go to their settings and change the opacity.If my speed pace is too fast and you want to take notes, you can slow down the video from the player.Assignments are there for you to practice. If you want to skip them it's fine but make sure you come back to them once you get the time. Theory is nothing without the practice.If I don't explain some of the resources it's because their authors already did that in great detail. In this web writing course I try to focus on sharing information you won't find somewhere else so there's no purpose to explaining what someone else already wrote."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Strategies - Going Beyond the Basics" |
"This one-of-a-kind Digital Marketing Strategies will introduce you into all aspects of developing a digital marketing strategy and plan. Ive kept this course entertaining, with several assignments you can do to sharpen up your skills until your final lecture where well write a marketing plan together. I aimed to turn this into the only course youll ever need to get you started with creating EFFECTIVE digital marketing strategies.We'll discuss how you can speed up the strategic thinking process, create new goals, set priorities, and, most importantly, build a digital marketing plan with everything this includes: from establishing a buyer persona, to doing market research, keeping track of what your competitors are doing, and creating efficient strategies for the platforms that will work you and so much more.Ill also show you how you can use modern tools to create better strategies (you'll love this). I started this course with real strategy examples in mind because I believe you need to see what good strategies actually look like and not just hear about them.I'll keep things simple and concise while I show you how YOU can come up with your own unique digital marketing strategy ideas and optimize your current marketing tactics to their full potential. This course for planning your marketing tactics and creating digital strategies is also a good fit if you're looking for extra motivation to get you started with creating a strategy that will work for you and your business.Together we'll discuss both common and specific marketing situations so you can be prepared to create one for any audience and deliver the results they want. As a bonus, I am always available to answer any questions you might have. I'll use my experience and knowledge to guide you through this learning journey, help you improve your strategic thinking, and get you started with taking your marketing strategies one step further.Here's a detailed look at what each section of this marketing course will teach you:Section 1 - I'll introduce you into the of strategic marketing and help you understand the importance of building a marketing strategy for your business. I'll also show you how you can prioritize your general business and marketing goals using actionable methods.Section 2 - Youll learn all of the steps you need to know to start building a digital marketing strategic plan. Ill teach you how to make the right marketing decisions and what youll need for the decision-making process.Section 3 - You'll find out how to do market research the right way and make it work for you. Well also look at the best methods and websites you can use for analyzing your competitors.Section 4 - Ill show you how you can build a buyer persona and understand which strategies work for each step of the buyers journey. Youll get to learn the fundamentals of convincing your clients to choose your over your competitors as well and make the difference between features and benefits so you can use them to your advantage in your strategies.Section 5 - Well have a close look at all of the tools you can use to anticipate any market trends your potential clients might want to keep up with. As an extra, well analyze the importance of using digital marketing analytics data to create your marketing strategy.Section 6 - In this part of this complete course, well understand the fundamentals of vital elements like pricing, budgets, and online platforms you can use to establish a solid marketing strategy. Ill also give you an exclusive look at the process I use for building a digital marketing plan myself.Section 7 - Finally, well review the key takeaways for this digital marketing strategy course.You'll also get: Lifetime access to the course Practical tips that will bring you results Fast & friendly support in the Q&A section Udemy certificate of completion A 30-day money back guaranteeSee you inside the course where you can fundamentally change the way you create digital marketing strategies from day ONE. Don't forget to give your best and practice patience!***Things to keep in mind before starting the course:If the captions are covering something I'm showing you on the screen, make sure you go to their settings and change the opacity.If my speed pace is too fast and you want to take notes, you can slow down the video from the player.Assignments are there for you to practice. If you want to skip them it's fine but make sure you come back to them once you get the time. Theory is nothing without the practice.If I don't explain some of the resources it's because their authors already did that in great detail. In this fundamental marketing course I try to focus on sharing information you won't find somewhere else so there's no purpose to explaining what someone else already wrote."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"E-commerce previna fraudes e riscos! Venda com mais seguran" |
"O e-commerce cresce a cada dia. Essa uma grande oportunidade para fazer negcios e ganhar muito dinheiro mas tambm significa que voc precisa tomar muito cuidado para evitar fraudes online.O curso ensinar a voc como criar padres de segurana e principalmente criar uma CULTURA de segurana para assim evitar possveis fraudes que podero ocorrer na sua loja online!Se voc se preocupa com a segurana dos seus dados e dos seus clientes esse curso indicado pra voc!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Android |
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Price: 2400.00 ![]() |