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"Finanzas Empresariales con Business Intelligence y Power BI." |
"En este curso vas a recibir un nuevo enfoque acerca de las herramientas tradicionales de Analisis Financiero tales como Control Presupuestario, Flujo de Caja y Punto de Equilibrio, ya que lo veras desde un punto de vista super practico porque ahora los pondras en practica con el apoyo que te brinda el Business Intelligence o la Inteligencia de Negocios, usando el muy reconocido software para analisis y visualizacion de informacion Microsoft Power BI.Vamos a realizar una formulacion, bastante practica, de metas tanto para gastos como para ventas, con el fin de realizar una proyeccion financiera de una empresa, tambien vamos a seguir y controlar la ejecucion presupuestaria y el cumplimiento de las metas, podras llevarte la idea de como crear un flujo de caja proyectado algo que es muy anhelado en las empresas y lo novedoso de esto es que sera con el uso de Microsoft Power BI, lo que sin duda alguna estaria llevando tu trabajo al maximo nivel porque es lo actual y es la manera ahora de crear y analizar informacion empresarial. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Informe analtico de Business Intelligence rea Comercial" |
"El saber de POWER BI ya es un requisito profesional y mas all saber usarlo para preparar INFORMACION y KPI que permita gestionar de manera fcil cualquier rea de la empresa agrega mucho valor a tu desempeo profesional.En este curso vers (de manera fcil) como preparar en Power BI funcionales y dinmicos Dashboards con informacin que permite analizar y controlar la gestin comercial de una empresa y as agregaras valor a tu perfil profesional y estars cada vez ms destacado en tu trabajo, abriendo de esa manera nuevas oportunidades para un xito cada vez mayor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CURSO DE POWER BI: Desde los Datos hasta los Dashboards" |
"Hoy en da en todas las empresas se necesita informacin adems que abundan los datos, sin importar el tipo de negocio esto es as, de ah que han surgido muchas metodologas para aprovechar tales datos y convertirlos en informacin que contribuya a mejorar la gestin en la empresa, a tomar mejores decisiones, a descubrir cosas que no estn a la vista de manera simple. En ese campo Excel se ha destacado a lo largo de muchos aos ayudando a las empresas a ver tal informacin, pero la realidad es que ya se qued corto y ha sido sobrepasado por la cantidad y variedad de datos, es donde surgen entonces las plataformas de analtica empresarial.En el caso de Microsoft la evolucin constante del propio Excel llev a la creacin de varias herramientas como Power Pvot, Power Query, que al final convergen en este fabuloso producto llamado MICROSOFT POWER BI.El Power BI es la plataforma lder de analtica empresarial y as como Excel se ha vuelto un requisito laboral, porque a travs de ella se pueden aprovechar todos los datos que te imagines, pudiendo extraerlos, transformarlos y convertirlos en informacin valiosa para la empresa, por lo que los profesionales y los empleados que tengan las habilidades sern quienes tengan las mejores oportunidades.Este curso te capacita en el uso de Power BI desde el nivel mas bsico y te lleva a un nivel avanzado porque veras desde qu es el Power BI, hasta crear Dashboards avanzados verdaderamente impresionantes que le dan contexto a la informacin que necesita toda empresa.Veremos la conexin, transformacin y modelado de datos con el uso de DAX y Power Query, los tipos y uso de las visualizaciones, objetos visuales y creacin de medidas para la creacin de Dashboards para su posterior publicacin, asimismo insertaremos nuestros Informes, Dashboards, infografas, etc. En distintos lugares para poder compartirlos con otros usuarios.En fin, haremos todo un recorrido por todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un usuario avanzado de Power BI, dejando todo servido para que puedas desarrollar Business Intelligence."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso MASTER: Business Intelligence COMPLETO con POWER BI" |
"Este NO es un curso ms de BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ni de POWER BI.En este curso por una parte vas a aprender a usar el POWER BI desde un nivel principiante hasta convertirte en avanzado, porque veremos como descargar e instalar el POWER BI Desktop hasta crear impresionantes DASHBOARDS e INFORMES que permitan analizar la informacin de manera integral con el uso de KPIs.Por otra parte, vas a crear un modelo COMPLETO 100% prctico, integral y aplicable en cualquier empresa, ya que abarca las principales reas funcionales y te convertirs en un profesional altamente calificado y destacado que te llevara a la cima de la lista de oportunidades de mejorar espacios laborales como de remuneraciones y reconocimientos.La finalidad es que puedes tener toda la informacin para crear este modelo en la empresa conectado directamente a las bases de datos de los sistemas de transacciones y operaciones que utilicen en tu trabajo.Se trata de un GRAN curso que compila mucha experiencia en consultora en BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE y en el uso de POWER BI que te estar a tu disposicin y se volver un referente y de cabecera para tu carrera profesional."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"BIG DATA aplicado con POWER BI usando Microsoft AZURE" |
"Este curso te ensea de forma completa a desarrollar valiosos modelos de anlisis de la informacin contenida en Facebook, para evaluar el desempeo de los post publicados en la Fan Page, extrayendo la frase o palabra clave de los comentarios, as como la interpretacin automtica del sentimiento expresado en el texto del comentario (o tweet en el caso de twitter) utilizando para ello tecnologa de Big Data a travs de varias herramientas en las que se incluye Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Power Automate y por supuesto Microsoft Power BI.No dejamos atrs el anlisis de la gestin de un canal de YouTube ya que es otra de las grandes plataformas actuales en las que se esta colocando mucho dinero y contenido por parte de las empresas por lo que el Business Intelligence en la empresa debe mostrar informacin del desempeo de esa gestin.Los Dashboards creados representan una informacin sumamente importante para las empresas y particulares en la actualidad, ya que se invierte mucho esfuerzo, tiempo y dinero en colocar contenido publicitario en las redes sociales, siendo Facebook y Twitter unas de las principales y disponer de anlisis de las opiniones refleja la imagen de la empresa (o persona) y la eficacia que se ha obtenido de esa publicidad, permitiendo generar contenidos ms adecuados a los gustos y opiniones de los usuarios de estas RRSS que son potenciales clientes."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
abouzeid |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Accounting" |
"This course is designed to give the user a basic understanding of financial accounting. The course explains the accounting process by following some everyday small business owners through the accounting cycle.This course is designed with beginning level accounting students in mind. Small business owners that want to understand accounting better so they could either do the bookkeeping or better understand the financial statements would also benefit from this course.This course starts from the beginning. It covers basic terms, concepts, and topics. A series of small business owners are used as examples throughout the course. You follow these businesses throughout the lectures.By the end of the course you will have an understanding of financial accounting that will provide a foundation for further learning in this subject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Depreciation Calculations for Financial Accounting" |
"Course OverviewA beginners guide on depreciation in quick lectures with Excel spreadsheets. Never sweat the depreciation chapters again. Breeze through depreciation problems. Real-world type example company for learning. You will know understand depreciation, how to calculate it and have tools you can take with you.Learn which assets need to be depreciated for financial reporting. Learn how to calculate Straight Line, Declining Balance, Sum of the Years Digit, and Activity Methods. Get Excel templates for these methods while learning to use Excel to do the calculations.Who will benefit from this course?If you are a beginning level accounting student that wants to develop a better understanding of depreciation then you are perfect for this course. Also, bookkeepers or entrepreneurs that need to depreciate your venture you will be find this course an excellent resource. Students should already have a basic understanding of the accounting cycle.What you will learnA beginner will learn depreciation for accounting in short, direct, lectures. These lectures will use real world example businesses.Lesson Descriptions What assets are depreciated? In this lesson you will learn what is an asset and how assets differ between long lived and other assets. This is important because without understanding the nature of assets it is difficult to understand what depreciation is all about. The relationship between the balance sheet and income statement. In this lesson you get a discussion of how an income statement only expenses what has occurred in that time period. Since long lived assets are used for many time periods, you only want to include a portion of the asset that was used up for the time period that the income statement covers. The balance sheet has your assets while the income statement includes expenses. The balance sheet shows you what is available and the income statement helps see what profit was made during a time period. As assets are used up on the balance sheet that using up cause an expense. What is depreciation expense vs accumulated depreciation? As you use up the asset, you will have an expense called depreciation. That expense only shows up in the income statement made for that time period. As depreciation whittles away at the asset the depreciation grows or accumulates thus accumulated depreciation. Youll learn the debits and credits during this lesson. You will learn how to put the depreciation activity in the books using a journal entry. Once the journal entry is completed you can determine the assets book value. Did you know there are multiple methods of depreciation? There are different methods from which managers have to choose. The differences are only timing differences since at the end of the assets useful life the asset will always depreciate down to the salvage value. You will get a discussion of what salvage value means in accounting. Straight-line depreciation: How to calculate Straight line depreciation using an example business and Excel template. Declining balance method: How to calculate declining balance method for depreciation using an example business and Excel template. Sum of the years digit depreciation: How to calculate the sum of the years digit depreciation using an example business and Excel template. Activity method How to calculate activity method depreciation using an example business and Excel template. You will get a comparison of these methods and why managers may choose one over the other. Bonus: Advanced topic in depreciation is covered. You will learn how to apply the straight-line test to the declining balance method. Templates! You will get Excel templates that you can use after the course. Each template has a video tutorial. You can use these to help with textbook problems or with real-world assets.Course Prerequisites:Students should have a basic understanding of accounting or the accounting cycle."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Financial Accounting Primer" |
"Accounting can be an intimidating course. Accounting students look forward with anticipation but also hesitance. Non accounting majors that are forced to take accounting look at accounting with dread. This course is designed to make accounting a more friendly course by getting you ready. A big fear of the unknown will now be known.Fear: UnknownFear: Loss of controlFear: HumiliationFear: Left behind or lostFear: FailureWho will benefit from this course?Are you about to take financial accounting? Would you like to better understand financial accounting? Are you a student, businessperson or manager that does not have a background in accounting but may need to deal with the accounting department? Then this course would benefit you!What you will learnWe will learn what accounting really is and what it is not. We will see the truth behind the math misunderstanding of accounting. You will get a primer in accounting by understanding what accounting reports. You will get an introduction into basic accounting equation. You will be introduced to debits and credits. You will even learn to use journal entries. I will show you some examples using Excel.Lesson Descriptions Introduction to the course: You will get an overview of this course and what to expect. You will see how this course will help pre-accounting students gain an understanding of accounting. Knowing what accounting is about will take away that fear. Managers that deal with accounting may be at a disadvantage if they do not know what the accounting department does. Common student fears introduced: The biggest fears students have in accounting are discussed in this lesson. One fear is that of math. Math can be intimidating or even scary. Math students often fear math because of the use of formulas. Students in math see the questions as right or wrong with no interpretation. Students also fear accounting for its use of rules. Accounting is seen as a profession of rules. Students believe not knowing the rules can lead to failure. Students often fear the use of debits and credits in problems. After this course you will understand that none of the common misconceptions about accounting, math, debits and credits, or rules is true. Perception vs reality: What is an accountants life like? We perceive accounting and accountants a certain way. In this lesson well discuss that perception. Well then discuss the reality of the profession. What do accountants really do? What is their career like? Basic accounting terms: Key terms include transaction and account. These terms are used throughout business. The reason for confusion is that there are multiple definitions for these terms in business depending on your role. Accounting Reports: What are the reports provided by accountants? Youll learn the major two accounting reports that are taught in school. Youll see what kind of information is provided in these reports. Who?: In this lesson you will get to see who uses the accounting reports. Youll find out why accounting reports are so useful and why there is such a need for accountants. Math: You will get the truth about math as it is used in financial accounting. There are numbers in accounting but what accountants really do is communicate. The numbers are part of that transfer of information to the user. The math accountants use is really just adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. The accounting problems take no special math skills, but those accounting problems may be a challenge. So how should you approach accounting problems when you take the course? Accounting Equation: All of financial accounting can be boiled down to one formula: Assets = Liabilities + stockholders equity. You will understand this formula as a fundamental or foundation of information you will need for the course. Debits and Credits Oh My!: You will know, by the end of the lesson, what a debit and credit is and what they are not. You will understand how these are merely tools for increasing or decreasing accounts. Journal Entry: Learn how to do a journal entry. Get some examples from real world transactions. You will follow the journal entries as they are completed using Excel.Course Prerequisites:No prerequisite: You will learn the very basics of financial accounting!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Resume Writing for Finance Analysts and Accountants" |
"HAVE A NEW RESUME AND COVER LETTER WITHIN 3 HOURSPERFECT FOR THOSE ASPIRING TO GET INTO THE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING PROFESSION sOR ALREADY IN THE INDUSTRY AND NEED A NEW RESUME AND COVER LETTERYou have just found the ultimate step-by-step course to creating a new resume and cover letter for aspiring Financial Analysts and Junior Accountants.The challenge for most people at present is that every Tom, Dick and Harry has a business degree and the competition in the job market for Finance and Accounting professionals is super high. In fact, you are probably reading this because you just can't score an interview at the firms that you want. So, I have designed this course just for you to help you write an interviewing winning resume and cover letter so that you can land the job of your dreams!Learn how to write, design and format an interviewing winning resume and cover letter specifically designed to get you into the finance and accounting industries. This course is designed to help you:1. Get the job that you desire in accounting or finance industries (at the entry to manager level)2. Understand the reasons why you are getting rejected even before you get an interview3. Create a brand-new resume and cover letter using templates that I have created for you (using techniques, formatting and content that I have used to help numerous people land jobs in in the finance and accounting fields)4. Learn the ins and outs of the resume and cover letter processes5. Understand the different pathways to brand yourself to get the job during the application process6. and much much more!Who is this course for?This course is ideal for professionals looking to get into the finance or accounting industry which include the following:1. Undergraduates wanting a new/updated resume and cover letter to get a head start for internships and graduate programs2. Recent graduates looking for new/updated resume and cover letter to get entry-level positions in the finance or accounting industry3. Recent graduates looking for a new/updated resume and cover letter to apply for graduate positions4. Professionals looking for new/updated resume and cover letter to transition into the finance or accounting industry (you will need qualifications to do so, e.g. bachelor degree in business)5. Professionals who are already in the finance or accounting industry and want to update their resume/cover letter in order to apply for a new role6. Professionals who are already in the finance or accounting industry looking to be promoted from a junior to manager level and are applying internally or externally for these roles requiring a new/updated resume and cover letter7. This course is not for senior managers, executive leaders or CEO's of these industries. This course is purely aimed at entry level roles and/or middle manager roles and/or business students.Why listen to me?I have spent eight years in the accounting and finance industry (mostly finance) becoming a middle manager at one of the largest banks in Australia before I left to become a career coach in 2016. As a career coach, I have conducted interviews for numerous junior level entry roles at the bank as well as coached people every single week for the last year to help them get a role in accounting or finance. I'm currently the Head Coach for Finance, Marketing and Business stream at the Infinity Coaching Institute in Melbourne, part-time entrepreneur and I'm passionate about helping you get the job of your dreams!What my students and clients said?""Andrew is passionate about his courses, and this shines through in his delivery of the presentation. The course is thorough, well thought out and planned, which makes it great for all levels - both seasoned professionals who can pick up a few tips here and there, as well as those new to the workforce"" Jimmy Leong - Accounting Professional ""Andrew is someone with a track record of helping other aspirants achieve their goals. He coached me on many topics at both a personal and professional level, giving me the skills and confidence to advance my career. Andrew's vast knowledge and experience in handling human relations in the corporate world is invaluable as coach and mentor. Your problems become solutions with Andrew Pham, because he's seen it before, and knows what works and what doesn't"" David W - Finance Professional ""This is a great course, and foundational for anyone looking to apply for a job, whether it be their first time, or twentieth time! Good flow of content, with a lot of practical content which one can immediately apply to their resume or cover letter"" Wei Chen Tan - Finance Professional Will this course be updated?This course will be updated with everything you need to know to get into the interview stage, and I will be happy to create lectures based on feedback or FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) throughout the course.This service will not cost you any extra and is free of charge as soon as you buy it. I always endeavor to offer the best service to my clients and students.What if I have questions?If you should have any questions throughout the course, I offer full support throughout the week which means 7 days a week.This means that if you don't understand something or you get stuck, you will get a fast response to help you through the course to create that brand-new interview-winning resume and cover letter that you need.There is zero risk of buying this course!This course comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course and your refund request meets the requirements under the Udemy Refund Policy, simply let click the ""request refund"" button and you will receive 100% of your money back. You legitimately can't lose!Ready to get your job as a financial analyst or accountant?Sign up now by simply clicking ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button on the top right, and get started with creating a brand-new resume and cover letter to help you get that job in finance or accounting.Feel free to preview some of the lectures in the course outlined above so that you can get a feel for the lectures and ensure it is the right course for you!See you in the lectures!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Make Money Online: Sell your ""Junk"" on Facebook Marketplace" |
"MAKE MONEY ONLINE BY SELLING YOUR UNWANTED GOODS ON FACEBOOK MARKETPLACEWOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE UP TO $250 PER WEEK BY SIMPLY SELLING SECOND HAND AND UNWANTED ITEMS ONLINE?You have just stumbled upon a step-by-step guide that will help you master selling your second-hand and unwanted goods on Facebook Marketplace.The challenge for most people is that any side hustle takes up way too much time! Lucky for you, this will cost you about 1 hour per week just by taking photos and selling your junk on Facebook Marketplace.Learn how to take photos that sell, write winning product descriptions and a winning title. This course is specifically designed to help you sell all your second-hand goods online in as little time as possible. You will learn the following:1. Identify the opportunity on Facebook Marketplace and discover how to master it2. Learn how to identify items you can sell online3. Learn how to take photos of your items to attract buyers4. Learn how to write a winning title and a selling advertisement5. Download numerous examples for you to copy and apply to your advertisements6. Learn some basic sales techniques and safety protocols to sell online7. Much much more!Who is this course for?1. Stay at home parents looking to make extra money on the side or a money generating hobby2. Side hustlers who are looking for a hustle that has little time and capital investment but still a good return on time invested3. People looking to raise capital for a start-up4. People looking for an easy way to make money online with limited technical skills5. People wanting to clean up their house and didnt realise they can sell it online and make some cash6. Just because?Why listen to me?From July 2018 to December 2018, I have been selling my unwanted goods and junk on Facebook Marketplace and earned ~AUD$250 per week with little time invested. In addition, I raised enough money to start a new business as well as clear out my house to make way for my wife to move in. It couldnt have worked out better for me.I was surprised at how much money I was making from this simple side hustle, and in the next months I earned up to $5,000 by selling unwanted goods that were around my house. My friends and family even offered to give me their unwanted good to sell too!In addition to that, I have learnt many sales skills, photography skills and marketing skills that helped me sell online, which I also reveal to you in this course.What if I have questions?If you have any questions throughout the course, I offer full support 7 days a week.This means that if you don't understand something or you get stuck, you will get a fast response to help you complete the course.What if I have questions?If you have any questions throughout the course, I offer full support 7 days a week.This means that if you don't understand something or you get stuck, you will get a fast response to help you complete the course.There is zero risk of buying this course!This course comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course and your refund request meets the requirements under the Udemy Refund Policy, simply let click the ""request refund"" button and you will receive 100% of your money back.There is zero risk of choosing this course!You legitimately can't lose!Ready to start your side hustle on Facebook Marketplace and earn up to $250 per week?Sign up now by simply clicking ""Buy Now"" or ""Add to Cart"" button on the top right, and get started making some extra cash selling your unwanted goods online.Feel free to preview some of the course material outlined above so that you can get a feel for the course and ensure it is right for you!Enjoy the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo de aplicaciones web con Spring Boot 2" |
"Con el proyecto Spring Boot se ha hecho ms ligero el desarrollo de aplicaciones web, permitiendo que el desarrollador se enfoque ms en la implementacin del software y menos en la configuracin.En el presente curso aprender desde configurar su ambiente de desarrollo hasta crear los servicios Rest usando el Patrn de Diseo Facade, el cual es ampliamente utilizado en el campo laboral.El curso consta de 04 captulos:01.- ""Configuracin"".- Captulo enfocado a configurar el entorno de desarrollo. Instalar Java 8, PostgreSQL, Maven, Spring Tool Suite (STS), etc. 02.- ""Base de datos"".- Creacin de una base de datos (tablas y vistas) para registrar data a exponer en los servicios Rest. Adems de generar backups y restaurar base de datos.03.- ""Spring Boot 2"".- Conceptos y desarrollo una aplicacin Spring Boot, conectada a una Base de Datos usando el Patrn de Diseo Facade.04.- ""Proyecto Final"".- Desarrollo de los servicios Rest que simulan la venta de una Tienda de Ropa, en donde se pone en prctica todo lo aprendido. En este proyecto se utiliza un proyecto adicional llamado Canonical, el cual permite gestionar las clases necesarias que permiten mapear las peticiones y respuestas hacia y desde el servidor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows 2019 - Aprendizado Definitivo" |
"Uma viso e apresentao direta das funcionalidades do Windows 2019. Um curso essencial para todos os profissionais que desejam dominar a gesto de um servidor e de uma rede Microsoft. Sendo lecionado de uma forma diferente, com dicas e apresentaes sem cortes, mostrando a realidade de uma gesto de servidores."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Vmware VSphere 6.7 - Curso Prtico" |
"Apresentar os conceitos bsicos para gerenciar um ambiente com um servidor Vmware ESXi 6.7.Mostrar na prtica as opes existentes para configurao de rede e discos.Mostrar os grficos de monitoramento.Implementar mquinas virtuais e mostrar as opes de backup e snapshot.Proporcionar ao aluno uma nova opo para criao de servidores para serem utilizados em ambientes de baixa escala.Acesso no telegram nosso canal de vagas de emprego para infraestrutura de TI.Procure por vagasinfrati no telegram."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Organize Your Life For Peak Performance & Peace of Mind" |
"Organization is the foundation of your lifestyle and your results. Imagine your Personal Performance soaring while you become More Confident, More Competent and More Deeply Fulfilled in life, all at the same time. Do you ever feel like half of you is fully dedicated to living An Extraordinary Life and the other half is dragging its' feet? Do you find yourself getting stuck in overwhelm, self sabotage or procrastination in your business, career, relationships or any other area of life? What if you could achieve Real Concrete Results and Feel More Fulfilled at the same time? This Business and Lifestyle Organization course will walk you through the easy to follow system to get In Control, Focused and Inspired so you can get the Success that you truly want. Learn how to utilise your full potential. I remember how hard it was to achieve greatness when I was stuck in my OK job with my just OK life. I didn't have the tools to live my dreams, so I kept letting myself down again and again. Eventually I decided to turn my life around. I invested years of my life and tens of thousands of dollars mastering the art and the science of success and fulfilment. Since then, I have coached and mentored hundreds of clients on how to optimize their lives. My clients have literally tripled their income, transformed their relationships from suffering to thriving, become fit, healthy and delighted with life. And it all starts with organization! Now I want to share these tools with the world.I'd love to Save You Years of research and experimentation with this easy to learn combination of the most Powerful Tools available. Don't waste another minute of your time stuck on the treadmill of mediocre. Sign up right now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Automao de Testes para Mobile para Iniciantes" |
"Uma introduo sobre as ferramentas ROBOT Framework, APPIUM e Genymotion ser mostrado detalhadamente. O objetivo desse curso mostrar como o funcionamento e configurao do ambiente para testes mobile usando essas 3 ferramentas citadas. O curso ir auxiliar voc a ter um conhecimento geral na rea de testes para mobile, ser disponibilizado manuais e exemplos completos para seus estudos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to MongoDB for Data Analytics" |
"In this course, we'll begin by covering the basics of MongoDB and the key differences between NoSQL and SQL to help you build an intuitive understanding of foundational concepts for the course. This will be followed by engaging practical exercises to help you understand how to use database operations in the Mongo Shell.You'll then move on to designing your own database to store data for a blogging website, exploring how different data structures can be best-suited to solve different problems depending on the use case. Finally, we'll move on to data analysis. You'll use filtering, projection, sorting, and querying complex data structures to extract actionable insights from real world datasets. You'll build these skills through a blogging website case study and then apply them on an E-Commerce data analysis challenge."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Basic cathodic protection - Proteccion catdica Basica" |
"Nivel 1 proteccion catodica. El curso basico contempla 11 modulos lo cual dara las bases necesarias para la formacion profesional en el area del control contra la corrosion.Curso dirigido a estudiantes, aprendices, ingenieros que comienzan en el mundo de la corrosion.Todos los casos que se presentaran en dicho curso son de las experiencias adquiridas a lo largo de mi trayectoria en este emocionante mundo en done sin lugar a dudas todos los dias se aprende algo nuevo."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Este curso se enfoca en los principios y procedimientos para el diseo de proteccin catdica en una variedad de estructuras de los sistemas actuales, tanto galvnica como de corriente impresa. El curso aborda los conceptos tericos tras el diseo y las consideraciones que influyen en el diseo (medio ambiente, la estructura tipo o materiales de construccin, revestimientos), los factores de diseo y clculos (incluyendo atenuacin).Dirigido a apendices, tecnicos, ingenieros, supervisores, custodios de instalaciones que desean adentrarse al mundo del Conttrol Contra la Corrosion.Si deseas evitar los daos y perdidas que causa la corrosion entonces este curso es para ti."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Redaccion y estructura de Informe Tecnico en la industria" |
"TABLA DE CONTENIDORESUMEN EJECUTIVO 1 INTRODUCCIN 2 OBJETIVOS 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECFICOS 3 DOCUMENTOS Y NORMAS TCNICAS APLICABLES 4 EQUIPOS UTILIZADOS 4.1 INTERRUPTORES DE CORRIENTE 4.2 MEDIDOR DE ATMSFERAS 4.3 EQUIPO PARA INSPECCIN DEL ESPESOR DE TUBERIA 4.4 PINZA VOLTIAMPERIMTRICA 4.5 MULTMETRO DIGITAL 4.6 HERRAMIENTA COMPLEMENTARIA 5 DESCRIPCIN DEL SISTEMA DE PROTECCIN CATDICA INSTALADO 5.1 LECHO ANDICO 5.2 CONEXIN ELCTRICA 5.2.1 Cable Negativo 5.2.2 Cable Positivo 5.2.3 Caja de conexiones 5.2.4 Rectificador 5.2.5 Puentes elctricos. 5.2.6 Puentes elctricos complementarios. 5.3 ESTACIONES DE MONITOREO. 6 INSTALACIN 6.1 LECHO ANDICO 6.1.1 Perforacin. 6.1.2 Excavacin manual. 6.1.3 Instalacin caja de positivos. 6.1.4 Soldadura exotrmica. 6.1.5 Instalacin de unidad rectificadora. 7 PUESTA EN MARCHA DEL SISTEMA 7.1 DATOS NOMINALES DEL RECTIFICADOR 7.2 PRUEBA EN VACO DEL RECTIFICADOR 7.3 PUESTA EN OPERACIN DEL SISTEMA 7.4 CALIBRACIN DEL SISTEMA DE PROTECCIN CATDICA 7.5 DATOS OPERACIONALES DEL SPC 7.5.1 Datos operativos de la URPC. 7.5.2 Datos operativos caja de positivos. 7.5.3 Datos estaciones de monitoreo. 8 LISTADO DE MATERIALES 9 CONCLUSIONES 10 RECOMENDACIONES 11 ANEXOS LISTADO DE ILUSTRACIONESIlustracin 1. Esquema general de lecho andico instalado. Ilustracin 2. Esquema general caja de positivos. Ilustracin 3. Puentes elctricos instalados en XXXXX. Ilustracin 4. Excavacin y relleno para inicio de perforacin. Ilustracin 5. Adecuacin para instalacin de piscina. Ilustracin 6. Adecuacin para la circulacin de lodos. Ilustracin 7. Anclaje e izaje de carga. Ilustracin 8.Inicio de perforacin. Ilustracin 9. Ampliacin de perforacin con broca de XX. Ilustracin 10. Aditamento durante prueba de verticalidad. Ilustracin 11. Resultado prueba de verticalidad. Ilustracin 12. Excavacin entre cabeza de pozo y caja de conexiones positivas. Ilustracin 13. Excavacin entre caja de conexiones positivas y unidad rectificadora. Ilustracin 14. Excavacin para tendido de cables negativos. Ilustracin 15. Excavacin para soldadura de cables negativos. Ilustracin 16. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXX. Ilustracin 17. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXXX. Ilustracin 18. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXXXX. Ilustracin 19. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXX tubera de X. Ilustracin 20. Excavacin para puente elctrico en XXXX entre las tubera de X y X. Ilustracin 21. Instalacin de caja de positivos. Ilustracin 22. Soldadura exotrmica sobre tubera de entrada a XXXXX. Ilustracin 23. Soldadura exotrmica sobre tubera de salida de XXXX. Ilustracin 24. Soldadura exotrmica puente elctrico GCP01 Entrada. Ilustracin 25. Soldadura exotrmica puente elctrico GCP01 Salida. Ilustracin 26. Instalacin de unidad rectificadora. Ilustracin 27. Instalacion de interruptor de corriente Ilustracin 28. Verificacion potencial On e Instant Off en el punto de drenaje. Ilustracin 29. Corrientes medidas en la caja de conexiones positivas. Ilustracin 30. Potencial Instant Off medido en estaciones de prueba. LISTADO DE TABLASTabla 1. Interruptor de corriente. Tabla 2. Medidor de atmsferas. Tabla 3. Medidor de espesores. Tabla 4. Pinza voltiamperimtrica XXXXXXXX. Tabla 5. Multmetro digital. Tabla 6. Equipos y herramientas complementarias. Tabla 7. Excavaciones tendido cable negativo. Tabla 8. Excavaciones tendido cable para puentes elctricos. Tabla 9. Espesor de pared para soldadura de cables negativos. Tabla 10. Espesor de pared para soldadura de puentes elctricos. Tabla 11. Datos nominales del rectificador ubicado en xxxx. Tabla 12. Parmetros operativos del rectificador. Tabla 13. Corrientes en caja de positivos. Tabla 14. Potenciales obtenidos durante la puesta en marcha. Tabla 15. Listado de materiales principales usados en la construccin del SPC. LISTADO DE GRFICASGrfica 1. Prueba en vaco. Grfica 2. Corrientes drenadas por la cama andica. Grfica 3. Comportamiento de potenciales On Instant Off. Grfica 4. Comportamiento de voltaje AC."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Seasonal Wardrobe System" |
"In this course included all basic knowledge about seasonal wardrobe system and how to use your clothing potential each season without many investments and everyday stress when you realise that you dont have much to wear.Examples in this video are based on the women's wardrobe basics and trends of the spring-summer 2019 but you can use all recommendations when it comes to any other seasons. They are general so, have mentioned in this course current trends in your mind, because they are likely to hold sway, and follow basic rules to built your cohesive wardrobe.This course divided into 5 main chapters. In the first parts we will be talking about seasonal wardrobe itself. What is it actually? What key parts true to everyone does it include? Then we will discuss the basic strategy of a wardrobe building and how this logic differs from person to person? What are the differences between your and your friends clothing choices? And then we will talk about modern basics of a consistent womens wardrobe. And the last part is dedicated to this year spring-summer trends which are really wearable and potentially could be used in many feature seasons as well. I included the most common clothing brands. But really my clothing choice is more about references of the modern silhouettes and items combinations.By the end of this course you will be able to check up your wardrobe and understand what is the logic of your clothing, what are the basic items and what are the specials. How to set them logically apart and how to trendy combine them in your outfits together."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Convivencia escolar" |
"Conocer el concepto de la convivencia escolar. Favorecer las relaciones entre los distintos actores de la comunidad escolar. Determinar las funciones que le compete a los integrantes de la comunidad. Generar una cultura escolar propia de cada comunidad. Establecer un modelo escolar, con una lnea clara de estilo de relaciones humanas. Trabajar sobre el modelo inclusivo participativo, abierto al dilogo, en una construccin permanente, colectiva y dinmica. Desarrollar relaciones sociales que crean y recreen en la cotidianidad. Construir un convivencia dinmica, cotidiana con espacios sociales que permita expresar una cultura propia."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Convivencia Escolar Nivel Avanzado" |
"Las clases contienen estrategias para mejorar la convivencia escolar de las instituciones educativas. Cuatro secciones con una clase llena de animaciones en cada una, que contienen las temticas ms relevantes necesarias para desarrollar un plan para fortalecer la educacin, para desencajar pensamientos, cuestionando paradigmas y proponiendo argumentos consecuentes, basados en : Entender el impacto de la autoridad, la obediencia, la resistencia al cambio y el concepto de premios y castigos sobre la educacin de los jvenes. Fortalecer las normas, las necesidades, la empata, la socializacin, la instantaneidad, la innovacin y el propsito educativo, sobre la formacin humana. Desarrollar un espacio formativo, abierto al dialogo, fortaleciendo los vnculos entre las personas, en un espacio sin violencia, centrando el aprendizaje en el proceso, promoviendo la ciencia en y desde el aula, despertando as la atencin de los alumnos con clases motivadoras, estimulando de manera positiva, haciendo del conocimiento una inteligencia divertida, formando a los alumnos en el respeto, en un clima de amor, afecto e inclusivo.Promoviendo estrategias para mejorar la convivencia escolar en los alumnos, docentes, apoderados y en el modelo educativo."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Escritura creativa - Problemas frecuentes y estilo." |
"Destinado a quienes comienzan a escribir y aquellos que llevan tiempo hacindolo pero no encuentran los modos adecuados de lidiar con los problemas comunes y sienten que sus textos no brillan. Estilo, correccin a ojo de pjaro, la tijera como herramienta, economa de palabras, lo presumiblemente potico, el problema de los adjetivos, ventajas y desventajas de la redundancia, los sobreentendidos, la voz pasiva, la velocidad de las escenas, sus sentidos y sensaciones; y mucho ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Vertriebsakademie |
"EinKomplettpaket fr Deine persnliche und vertriebliche Weiterentwicklung!Hier lernst Du alles, was Du brauchst, um inneren und ueren Erfolg anzuziehen und deine Fhigkeiten im Verkauf zu verbessern!Egal, ob Du Unternehmer oder Angestellter, Networker, Vertriebler bist oder einfach mehr ber die Themen erfahren mchtest und Dich in die Themen einarbeiten mchtest.Unserer Meinung nach brauchst Du fr Deinen Erfolg immer ein auerordentliches Mindset, Fhigkeiten im Vertrieb (egal in welcher Nische/Branche Du ttig bist) und stndige Motivation, damit Du auch Deine Ziele erreichst und kontinuierlich dran bleibst!Dafr haben wir unsere Vertriebsakademie ins Leben gerufen und diesen Kurs fr Dich entwickelt.Wissen anzueignen ist die eine Sache, das Ganze umzusetzen, die Andere! Deshalb bekommst Du hier auch praktische Umsetzungstools mit an die Hand, die Du Dir herunterladen und beliebig oft ausdrucken kannst.Bei Fragen, kannst Du uns jederzeit ber Facebook, Email oder Instagram kontaktieren:Matthias:Facebook: matthias.baum.3Instagram: matthias__baumFlorian:Facebook: schmidbauer.florianInstagram: florian_schmidbauer_businessEmail: info@gibgashabspa.deBleib dran und werde die beste Version Deiner selbst! :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"RICS APC from enrolment to final assessment explained" |
"This course, delivered by APC Assessor Chairman and practising Chartered Surveyor David Inman FRICS, outlines what you need to do from enrolment to the final assessment itself to be successful with the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).The is the first of the DIEM Ltd APC PASS courses that show you how to undertake your APC in a way that it is:ProfessionalAchievable, giving you theSpecialistSkills to succeed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RICS APC Ethics, Rules of Conduct and professionalism" |
"This course, delivered by APC Assessor Chairman and practising Chartered Surveyor David Inman FRICS, outlines what you need to understand in terms of the RICS regulatory requirements to be successful with the RICS Assessment of Professional Competence (APC).This course is designed for levels 1, 2 and 3 for the RICS APC competency ""Ethics, Rules of Conduct and professionalism"".It is well known that if you get any item of this competency wrong your final assessment, you will not pass and be referred.This is the second of the DIEM Ltd APC PASS courses that show you how to undertake your APC in a way that it is:ProfessionalAchievable, giving you theSpecialistSkills to succeed.All RICS members are required to undertake learning in relation to the RICS Global Professional and Ethical Standards at least once every three years and this course, whilst tailored to APC candidates, will support this requirement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to implement ISO 14001 in your organisation" |
"Leading Chartered Environmental Surveyor and Chartered Environmentalist David Inman details the steps needed to implement an environmental management system to the ISO 14001:2015 standard.As part of this he will discuss how you can protect the environment and audit your environmental management system.This course is designed for people working for organisation who want to work towards certification to ISO 14001 and people working for organisation who already have ISO 14001 and need formal training on the subject.There are practical exercises in the course to practice your environmental management skills and knowledge.David has supported a wide range of organisations with ISO 14001 for 20 years ranting from UK governmental organisations to some of the largest UK brands. He is also lead auditor for a UKAS certification body for ISO 14001:2015."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Russian language for tourists." |
"Have you ever dreamed to travel to Russia, to see Moscow and Saint Petersburg, ancient cities of the Russian Golden Ring? May be you have an idea to start your business in Russia? Are you inspired by the world famous Russian literature? Whatever will be your desire and goal, it is always better to know some phrases in Russian language and to start your linguistic journey before departure. Everybody will advise you to know at least several Russian phrases to be able to feel yourself psychologically free and to be perfectly accepted by the friendly Russian people.This Russian language conversation course, - ""Russian language for tourists"", - will help you to learn quickly the most frequently used phrases and to begin to express yourself in this language without difficulties. All given Russian phrases are translated into English and you will find the precise following Russian subtitles and English ones for every phrase pronounced. This will help you to learn quickly the Russian pronunciation of the native speaker with precise Russian voice intonations. This video course represents a word by word reading of all Russian phrases of the textbook, that you can download as the pdf file. The reading is made two times for all texts: one is slow, that helps to understand syllables, and the second reading is at the normal conversation speed with precise native intonation, that is very rare for Russian conversation courses. The proposed to you linguistic approach is based on memorizing different Russian everyday phrases by passively listening to the speaker and by repeating exactly what was pronounced. This is an easy, quick and fun way of learning of a foreign language. This approach will help you to learn the everyday Russian language in no time. This course is useful for non native Russian students of all levels."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to PHP7, Bootstrap 4 and JavaScript." |
"If you are beginner who want to learn PHP, Bootstrap 4, MySQL and JavaScript then this course is perfect for you. In this course you'll learn to create a mini CMS practically.This course contains of live project where you create PetNotes app. This app has a features like CREATE, UPDATE and DELETE. In validation we are using JavaScript and Ajax to perform operations Asynchronously. You'll also see the beautiful confirm box using SweetAlert Js.Who this course is for:Absolute Beginner"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"PLC Programming From Scratch To Advance" |
"This course is designed to equip the novice with no prior PLC programming experience with the basic tools necessary to create a complete PLC program using ladder logic common to most current platforms.In this course we will be solving different problems by making ladder logic's which will help students to make there own logic's according to required functionality.In this course we will be working on multiple software's :1. Automation Studio2. Factory I/O3. WinSPS S7 (Siemens S7-PLC (S7-300 & S7-400) programming from scratch)Automation Studio is one of the best simulators on which we will be creating different ladder logic's and simulating them. Factory I/O is a 3D factory simulation for learning automation technologies. On this software we will be creating different factory environments and then making ladder logic's to simulate those environments. We will be also working on Control I/O which is the built in tool to automate different environments.WinSPS-S7 is a complete programming software for S7-PLC. On this software we will be making ladder logic's and then connect it with Factory I/O to simulate different environments.This course will make you from zero to hero in PLC programming. No prior software or hardware skills required."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |