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"Networking-To-Go: A Step-by-Step Guide to Grow Your Network!" |
"In 2018, I connected with over 100+ influencers, business owners, entrepreneurs, millionaires, and billionaires! No, I don't mean shaking hands with someone and moving on with my day. I mean physically collecting a business card, requesting for a follow-up, and sitting down with the individual; building friendships and relationships that I maintain TODAY! I have met with cryptocurrency experts, real estate moguls, digital nomads, authors, business consultants, Instagram Influencers, elected officials, and in just about every industry or profession you can think of. Whether you are prospecting for a business partner or you are attempting to find a mentor, I have created a step-by-step process to help you in this effort! From body language techniques to essentials phrases to use, there is a lot from my time in these past 5 years that I have learned and have created just for you! Here is what you will get out of my course:- 5 Steps to Prepare for a Networking Event- What SPECIFICALLY to Wear- 10 Essential Phrases- 10 Key Body Language Techniques- The 4 Step Follow-Up- 8 Coffee Exchange Questions to Keep Your Follow-Up Appointment Engaged- 6 Places to Meet Key Networking Connections- 3 Practice Assignments- 24/7 Instructor Capability for Feedback Even if you are shy or have a hard time talking about yourself, Networking-To-Go is for you! With multiple lectures and practice assignments and many more resources for you to utilize, you have EVERYTHING to be successful in my program! In fact, with the 30-day money back guarantee, you have absolutely NO RISK in learning my strategies in Networking-To-Go. If you are wanting to learn the basics or are wanting to strike conversation or are wanting to instill influence, don't hesitate to take this opportunity upon yourself! If you are still hesitant on taking the next step, every student has access to contact me for any questions or additional support. YOU ARE MY TOP PRIORITY! In addition to this course, you will have access to a Facebook Page that posts content regularly for you to utilize within and beyond the program! You NEVER stop learning! I'll see you in class! :)Thanks,Dylan M."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Produktivitt steigern: Effizientes Zeitmanagement im Alltag" |
"Du knntest tglich mehr schaffen, doch weit nicht wie? Hier erhltst du genau die richtigen Tools, Tricks und Dokumente des effizienten Zeitmanagements, um abends wieder mit einem ruhigen Gewissen einzuschlafen. Hol Dir mit ""effizient."" den Durchblick zurck und verdopple Deine Produktivitt.Einfach. Praxiserprobt. Digital.Eliminiere Zeitfresser, ordne Dein Postfach mit Outlook und lerne Methoden der Produktivitt (Pareto, Eisenhower etc.) frs Bro kennen, die Deine Karriere und Deine persnliche Weiterentwicklung voranbringen. Berufliche Stagnation, ad!Alle aufgezeigten Methoden sind in der realen Berufswelt erprobt und liefern Lsungen fr viele Herausforderungen der DigitalisierungEgal, ob Unternehmer, Fhrungskraft oder Facharbeiter: Wenn Du die Vorteile der 3-Minuten-Regel, des 6-Uhr-Clubs, des Eisenhower Prinzips oder unserer Kniffe bei Outlook kennengelernt und implementiert hast, werden sich Deine Produktivitt und Dein Selbstmanagement sprbar verbessern.Du erfhrst, was die Prinzipien einer effizienten & erfolgreichen Geisteshaltung sind""effizient."" stellt Dir die wesentlichen und praxiserprobten(!) Tools zur Verfgung, mit denen Du Deinen Alltag ideal strukturieren, Deine Produktivitt verdoppeln und Ziele im Beruf erreichen kannst"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"DY01: Learn to use Dynamo BIM with Spreadsheets" |
"This course will let you utilise Dynamo in Revit with spreadsheet file formats such as excel and csvs for customisation and analysis. We will look at the basic functionalities of using Dynamo to give you some background on the fundamentals of Dynamo before building upon this knowledge.It is important to understand the data that is being used in Dynamo, Revit and excel as this will determine how a Dynamo script is set up. No doubt, as a Dynamo scriptwriter you will encounter errors that would require amendments to the script so it is essential to understand the data you are managing.All this data that you will extracting is perfect for further data analytics.The course will run through 4 exercises to explain the connections between Revit and Excel, and also 3 samples that build on the learnings of the exercises.Target AudienceProfessionals in the AEC industry Data administrators Non-ProgrammersPeople who want to start using Dynamo for data extraction and transactions Happy Learning!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"DY02 : Learn to use Dynamo BIM with Spreadsheets and Lists" |
"This course will let you utilise Dynamo in Revit with not only Spreadsheets but also Lists in general. This is one of the first things I learnt and understood before I could advance into building more advanced scripts in Dynamo as everything in the world of Big Data, comes in Lists. The course aims to give you a solid foundation into grasping the concepts of Lists and how to execute various functions to manage and administer all types of data in all types of lists.Although the course is an introduction to all types of list functions, users are expected to know the basic concepts of Dynamo and Revit. But like the previous course, there is no requirement to know Programming.All these courses are to help build you up to be able to extract and manage data for further data analysis.The course will run through 36 different list functions, examples of how Code Block, Lacing works and 2 Sample Exercises to explain the connections between Revit, Lists and Excel.Target Audience Professionals in the AEC industry Data administrators Non-Programmers People who want to start using Dynamo for data extraction and transactionsHappy Learning!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Do iu spik inglisc?" |
"Il corso nasce per te che hai sempre sognato di avere un buon metodo di studio, un buon tutor, un buon insegnante a qualunque ora e in qualunque momento!Partiremo dalle basi ma arriveremo rapidamente a saper costruire frasi e piccoli discorsi, ponendo le basi per uno studio autonomo e innescando la curiosit necessaria per imparare una lingua.Consigliato sia per principianti che per chi mastica la lingua."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"R Programming For Data Science - Easy as ABC" |
"Learn R programming by doing!To get the most out of this course, I strongly recommend you to do exercises on your OWN before you look at the solutions. The only way you can improve your programming skills is if you PRACTICE.After every video you learn a new valuable concept. At the end of each chapter, we combine all the concept you have learned, you will get an exercise and a quiz.This course has been designed in such a way that even if you have no prior programming skills or statistical background, you will be successful in this courseI can't wait to see you in class!Sincerely,Lugisani Mukovhe"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Tarot - Curso de Tar - Arcanos Maiores e a Jornada do Heri" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender os conceitos necessrios para uso dos arcanos maiores em jogadas. Ir aprender o significado e conceito de cada lmina e como jogar com elas. Vamos transcorrer de maneira didtica e clara pelos arcanos do Tar, do Louco ao Mundo, transitando pelos Planos da Existncia (material, Mental, Sentimental e Espiritual). Importante, vamos analisar os aspectos das cartas de maneira a coligar os planos. No h analise individual de cada plano. Convido a Vocs para essa incrvel jornada pela Conscincia humana nesse jogo de auto conhecimento."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Crer un profil LinkedIn attirant en moins d'une 1h (2019)" |
"Ce cours est rserv aux nouveaux utilisateurs de LinkedIn, les notions abordes vous expliqueront les principes de base de LinkedIn.Si vous dcouvrez LinkedIn et vous souhaitez vous familiariser avec la plateforme, cette formation est pour vous !Vous ne le savez peut-tre pas, mais LinkedIn est le rseau social professionnel n1 en 2019 dans le monde.Des opportunits professionnelles sont prsentes dans tous les domaines d'activit. LinkedIn est bien plus qu'un simple rseau social, c'est un outil simple d'utilisation qui vous permettra de crer et de saisir des opportunits pour votre carrire professionnelle. Chaque jour, des milliers de personnes trouvent un emploi sur la plateforme, mais aussi des milliers d'entreprises trouvent de nouveaux collaborateurs, ou de nouveaux clients avec qui travailler.Vous l'aurez compris, LinkedIn est indispensable en 2019 pour prendre en main sa carrire professionnelle !N'ayez pas peur de passer le cap, travers cette formation, je vous accompagnerai pour faire vos premiers pas sur votre premier rseau social professionnel.Vos questions, vos commentaires, et vos avis sont les bienvenus.J'espre vous retrouver dans la formation, bientt !Yoann"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start Your IT Support Business" |
"You are neededMillions of people and businesses around the world rely on their computers, laptops and IT systems without knowing what to do when they go wrong. Computer failure can cause loss of income and an increase in stress. This is good news for us IT experts because we can be well rewarded for helping them in their times of need.Many people like you are fixing computer problems in a 9 to 5 job and not getting the recognition, thanks and rewards that you deserve. Some people are solving IT problems for friends and family but not reaching out to a wider audience and not getting paid for their skills. Imagine what it would be like to get the income and respect that you deserve.In this course I will show you how to start your own IT support business step by step.I have used the techniques described in this course to build a business with more than 9000 satisfied clients. You have the chance to follow a similar journey if you are prepared to be helpful, keep up to date with your ITskills and listen carefully to your clients to find out what they need.Provide a high value serviceOnline support is available worldwide and you must not compete in a race to the bottom with low prices. You will increase your perceived value by asking your client more questions to find out their broader needs. Clients will trust you more as you show them that you genuinely care about them.For an older person, loss of sound on their laptop mean they cannot stay in touch with distant relatives. For a business client, slow broadband issues may be wasting time for their staff and destroying productivity.In this course you will learn aboutThe difference between positive and negative motivationThe reasons to start your own businessHow to tell if you are in businessHow to build your personal brandThe importance of authenticityBuilding an online presenceNetworking in the real worldHow to get in shape for businessHow to dress the partHow to get fit and healthyWays to develop good habitsHow to get startedHow to find your nicheDifferent sales techniquesOnline and offline marketing strategiesHow to look after your clients and yourselfHow to grow your business30-day money back guaranteeThis IT Support Business Startup Course is designed to show any skilled IT person how to get clients and grow your business. Everything is here for you.If you do this course, take all the suggested action and dont generate more paid jobs then I will give you a full immediate refund. No questions asked.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?You must know how to fix common computer issuesYou must be able to search online for solutions for problems that you have not seen beforeYou must be able to communicate clearly with your clientsWho this course is forIT technicians who want to work with who they wantSkilled IT people who want to start their own business"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Crie Sites Responsivos com HTML5 e CSS" |
"Nesse curso o aluno ir construir o HTML e configurar suas regras CSS desde o incio, levando em conta a semntica do HTML, melhores prticas de como deixar o site responsivo e aplicar as regras CSS.Usando as Media Queries da CSS de forma correta, e com a aplicao das suas regras, o site ficar visvel em vrias resolues de tela atingindo, assim, um pblico mais amplo na Web."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Drawing - Listen to your EYE and not your brain!" |
"The greatest frustration for any artist is not knowing the fundamentals. Sadly enough it is one of the most neglected areas by far. Do not fret. Let me help you find the inner artist by helping you step by step through the fundamentals before you attempt your great and awesome masterpiece. In this course consisting of 8 parts, you can be comfortable with the knowledge that should you do the exercises diligently, you will improve and you will dust off your Inner Artist and let it shine through victoriously! Practice really makes perfect. A disclaimer of some sorts, this is NOT just a listen and learn course. You have to put in the work and do the exercises. That is the big secret!Another secret of being the best artist you can be is............(Drum roll) / Do you really see things differently from any other person. If not, you should. You should become Inspector Artist (Private Eye) pun intendedFrom part 1 to last course, Seeing like an artist should, would put you in the driving seat. yes, imagine that! You will see things others do not even see. You will be quick to find where the problem lies in your drawing, you will more readily see what is wrong with a painting/drawing because your eye is trained to see differently. This 4 part course was developed in sequence so that your art foundation is strong and unshakable!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Vue JS 2 - Beginners Guide To Fundamentals March 2019" |
"Vue JS is the hottest framework in the market. Developers are jumping ships from React and Angular to learn Vue JS. Already overtaking React in terms of Github Stars, Vue is more than giving the giants like React and Angular a run for their money. With each year, Vue gets more and more popular and the adoption rate keeps going through the roof. If you are beginner developer who is planning on learning Vue JS. This is the perfect time for learn the framework.This course does not require you to know React nor Angular, and I guarantee you that you will learn it way quickly than you can learn any of the other two frameworks.Why This Course?This is the perfect course for any beginner stepping into the territory of Vue JSInside the course we cover - Front- End Framework FundamentalsVirtual DOMVue InstanceVue CDNData PropertiesVue CLIMethod PropertiesComputed PropertiesData BindingTwo- Way Data BindingEventsEvent ModifiersMouse and Keyboard EventsWatch PropertiesComponentsConditional RenderingPropsCustom EventsLooping the templateLife Cycle HooksMixinsVue - RouterDynamic NavigationProgramatic NavigationHow to look for Jobs with Vue JSWe cover all these topics with detailed practical examples that can help you while building your own Web - App using Vue JS.Who is this course for?This Course is for Everyone interested in Frontend Development and Major JavaScript FrameworksThis Course is for you if you want to create Reactive Applications, which run in the BrowserThis Course is for students who are looking to remove boilerplate and get to the exciting parts real quick."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Lightning Framework with Real-world Examples" |
"### Enroll in the NEW Salesforce Lightning Web Component Development Course ####If your responsibilities include developing custom applications running in Lightning Experience and Salesforce1 that support multiple devices and screen sizes from a single codebase, taking this class will boost your skills to the next level.In this course, youll learn how to program Lightning Components with markup, JavaScript, CSS, Apex, and the Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS), and make them available to Salesforce end users. WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?Programming Lightning Components is ideal for independent software vendors (ISVs) and web application developers who want to produce custom Lightning Components and Applications that run in Lightning Experience, Salesforce1, or hybrid mobile applications that extend the Salesforce App Cloud.WHEN YOU COMPLETE THIS COURSE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: Efficiently create custom, reusable Lightning components and applications. Surface Lightning components and applications throughout the Salesforce ecosystem. Build a Salesforce1 mobile application that marshals data from your org. Define input forms with client-side data validation. Build apps that enable a user to create, read, and update data from a Salesforce org. Programmatically invoke features of Salesforce1. Make components available to other developers through AppExchange and unmanaged packages. Theme your application by using SLDS MODULES AND TOPICS COVERED IN THIS COURSE:Using HTML5 and Lightning Components to Develop Apps Defining a Lightning Component Defining and Manipulating Component AttributesHandling User EventsUsing Helpers for Complex Client-Side Event Handling Working with ApexDeep-Diving into Building Lightning Pages with Components and App Builder Building Components for Lightning Experience Record Pages Using Lightning in Visualforce Pages with Lightning Out Dynamically Instantiating and Destroying Components Using Renderers Validating Input Data BONUS MATERIAL:Code FilesQuizzesInterview PreparationDedicated Instructor Support"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Parejas Conscientes: crea la mejor relacin de tu vida." |
"Has vivido una relacin dolorosa tras otra relacin,ms dolorosa? Quieres tener una relacin de pareja sana y no sabes cmo comenzar? Quieres tener una vida con mayor consciencia? Quieres conocer cmo crear la mejor relacin de pareja... esa que siempre has soado?Finalmente lleg tu momento de tener esa relacin?Sper! Este curso es para ti. Aprende lo que nunca te ensearon y debes conocer para crear una relacin de pareja sana y consciente. En este curso, aprenders LA BASE que sostendr tus relaciones, no pretende ser un mapa completo. Es un curso que va al punto; es muy concreto y te dar acciones especficas a tomar. A veces nosotras solas nos complicamos la vida pensando que necesitamos algo complejo y aos para poder hacer un cambio. Conocer esto, cambiar tu perspectiva en cuanto a las relaciones de pareja y bueno, en realidad... de todas tus relaciones."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Design Sprint" |
"Aprenda o mtodo gil mais utilizado pelas empresas no mercado para prototipar e validar um novo produto em apenas 5 dias. Inclui mais de 20 videoaulas explicativas, com roteiro completo da oficina e exerccios de fixao. Tudo isso mediante linguagem de fcil acesso para voc aprender e disseminar a tcnica em sua empresa ou negcios."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Marketing de A a Z. Dos 4Ps ao Marketing 4.0" |
"Aprenda os principais conceitos de Marketing, cases de sucesso de reposicionamento de 4Ps, alm das novas tcnicas e ferramentas de Marketing 3.0, Marketing 4.0 e suas aplicaes. Conhea tambm o Inbound Marketing e os conceitos de Marketing Disruptivo e Content Marketing ou Marketing de Contedo; a ferramenta mais utilizada por empresas no mundo inteiro para vender produtos e servios e fidelizar clientes. Tudo com exemplos e cases de sucesso no mercado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Financial Accounting & Reporting: Notes to FS Practice Exam" |
"FAR is a set of practice tests that will enable students to grasp the theories and concepts of Financial Accounting and Reporting. This course is specifically focusing on the specific section of FAR, Notes to the Financial Statements.Key answers and explanatory notes were provided at the end of each practice exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Accounting Secrets" |
"What is the ""Accounting Secrets""?""Accounting Secrets"" contains various powerful lessons that helped a young boy understand accounting better and pass his exams despite his doubts and failures.After being able to break through his personal challenges, he realized a framework - lessons that are not taught in our traditional education system. This lessons will be revealed to you inside the course.Just to be clear, this course is only about how to learn accounting better. It is not telling you to stop reading your school books. NO it is not.This is about how YOU can avoid the failures that the author has been through and how YOU can finally appreciate accounting as he did.Can you imagine yourself not worrying about how to solve an accounting problem? A mindset of analysis and confidence? And a mind with appreciation and fulfillment? That is exactly the result we want you to get from reading this book.- Accounting Secrets will show how you can learn accounting better even if you've failed a lot of times or you're scared to get started.- Accounting Secrets will give you tips that the author has learned throughout his journey so that you can speed up your accounting success.- Accounting Secrets will help you learn Accounting in a FUN and EASY way."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Lectura e interpretacin de planos elctricos" |
"El curso de Lectura e Interpretacin de planos fue diseado en base a los estndares de internacionales de elaboracin de planos. Durante el mismo el participante debe aprender a leer e interpretar de manera rpida y eficaz toda la documentacin relacionada con los procesos de la planta.En el veremos: Smbolos elctricos. Tipos de planos elctricos. Identificacin de los cables. Planos de alimentacin. Planos de mando (control). Planos de potencia (motor). Planos de entrada y salida de PLC. Referencia cruzada."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks - 3 Boyutlu Tasarm Uygulamalar" |
"Deerli arkadalar,Hangi tasarm program olursa olsun, hayalinizdeki tasarmlar grsel olarak oluturabilmeniz iin komutlar bilmeniz tek bana yeterli olmamaktadr. Bilinen komutlar uygulamak daha nemlidir. Tasarm konusunda kendinizi gelitirebilmeniz ve hayal gcnz grselletirebilmeniz iin bol bol uygulama yapp tasarm mantn zmeniz gerekmektedir. Uygulamalardan oluan bu eitim seti ile Solidworks 2 boyutlu izim ve 3 boyutlu kat modelleme komutlarnn kullanmn ve alt detaylarn balang, orta ve ileri seviye uygulamal rneklerle renecek ve kat model tasarm mantn kavrayacaksnz. Ayrca montaj ile ilgili detaylar ve pratik yntemler bu uygulamal eitim setinde gsterilmitir. Eitim setinde bulunan uygulamalar anlalabilmesi iin tane tane aklanarak anlatlmtr. Uygulamalarda "" solidworksacademy "" instagram sayfamda paylam olduum teknik resimler kullanlm, 2 boyutlu izim rnekleri ve kat modellere ait teknik resimler uygulama videolarnn yannda kaynak olarak paylalmtr. 3 boyutlu kat model uygulamalarnda teknik resimler zerinden para izimleri oluturulmutur. Uygulamalarn yannda tasarm konusunda size yardmc olacak pratik bilgiler de verilmitir. Uygulama rnekleri ile ilgili herhangi bir sorunuz olduunuzda soru/cevap blmnden iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sitios Web Autoadministrables desde una web esttica." |
"En este curso te ensear a crear pginas web dinmicas o administrables.Qu es una pgina web Administrable?Una pgina web administrable es aquella que le permite administrar su contenido, es decir, que uno mismo puede actualizar su pgina web, aunque no sepa programar, subiendo nuevas fotos y textos cuando as lo requiera. Puede actualizar los precios de sus productos, colocar nuevos productos o servicios, cambiar las fotografas, actualizar el texto, eliminar algn contenido, etc.En este curso te ensear paso a paso como hacer sitios web dinmicos desde una plantilla web creada solo con html y css.Al final del curso sers capaz de implementar la programacin en PHP para transformar una web esttica en dinmica.En este curso aprenders a crear los gestores para:Slider.Textos.Imgenes.Mensajes.Suscriptores.Usuarios.Redes Sociales.Datos del sitio.Te invito cordialmente a que te inscribas a este curso, muchas gracias..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sistemas de Citas Mdicas Online" |
"En este curso te ensear a crear sistemas web de clnicas mdicas, en el cual vendr incluido un sistema para que los pacientes registrados puedan solicitar citas mdicas de manera online.Tambin te estar enseando a crear los gestores para crear, mostrar, editar y borrar, Secretarias, Pacientes, Doctores, Consultorios.Vamos a ver como llamar datos desde diferentes tablas de la base de datos. Por Ejemplo:Vamos a llamar el nombre del Consultorio desde la tabla consultorios y el nombre de los Doctores desde la tabla doctores.Este Sistema contar con roles de usuarios para que por ejemplo: los Pacientes no puedan eliminar Doctores.Te invito cordialmente a que te inscribas a este curso.Muchas Gracias."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sistemas de Gestin para Universidades" |
"En este curso te ensear a crear un sistema completo para la gestin acadmica.Vamos a ir paso a paso, creando los diferentes mdulos para el sistema.Utilizaremos roles de Usuarios para permitir ciertos ajustes, te ensear como hacer que los alumnos puedan ver sus notas en las distintas materias, podrs generar archivos PDF para ver por ejemplo los alumnos inscriptos a un examen.Utilizaremos el plugin DataTables para que nuestras tablas sean ms dinmicas y la plantilla AdminLTE para nuestro Sistema.Vamos a realizar los siguientes Gestores:Inicio.Usuarios.Carreras.Materias.Comisiones.Exmenes.Certificados.En cada seccin estarn disponibles los archivos descargables con los que trabajaremos en esa misma seccin. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sistemas Web para Restaurantes y Delivery" |
"En este curso te ensear a crear sistemas web para Restaurantes utilizando PHP y MySQL, en el cual vendr incluido un sistema para gestionar Deliverys de manera online. Te ensear a elaborar los gestores para crear, mostrar, editar y borrar, Usuarios, Categoras y Comidas. Este Sistema contar con un gestor para cada pedido o para cada orden, en donde podrs agregar una comida con su precio, cantidad y detalles, luego de cada orden se sumar el total a pagar. Adems podrs visualizar que mesas estn disponibles y ocupadas.Tendrs un gestor de Deliverys donde se colocar si el pedido est: Pedido, En Camino o Entregado.Te invito cordialmente a que te inscribas a este curso.Muchas Gracias."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Unity 2D : Unity RPG 2" |
"UnityUnityiOSAndroidPlayStation4Nintendo SwitchVR/ARUnity2D"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Unity 3D : Unity VR 4" |
"2020/8/30 Unity2019UnityUnityiOSAndroidPlayStation4Nintendo SwitchVR/ARUnity3D3D"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Python 3 : Web - Python" |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Unity VR : Unity C# 4 VR" |
"2020/8/30 Unity2019VR VR VR Unity C# , NavMeshAI, , , VR"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Intro to Python for Data Science" |
"Practical, approachable, fun and friendly learning!This takes users from not even having Python installed, to learning how to use the language for a variety of different applications.Follow Jon as he is taught live by Brad how the core aspects of Python programming work, and for everything you learn there is a new project to apply your knowledge.Each project is a self contained Jupyter notebook that you can download and work through at your own pace.We have a set of solutions in the same format that you can access, showing one of the ways that you can approach each problem."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn German Fast From English: Easy German For Beginners" |
"Everyone knows that German is a difficult language. But it doesn't have to be.What if you could learn German without putting in much effort?What if you could speak basic German without studying much?What if there was finally a way to learn basic German easily and quickly in only a few hours?What if you could communicate in German simply by using what you already know from English?What if you could transform your English into the German language right now?The secrets of learning German from English for beginnersBefore I became a foreign language teacher myself, I had to learn the languages from the very beginning. I learned English, French and Spanish at High School and at language schools. When I was sitting in the classrooms or at home doing homework I often found it difficult to make sense of the new words and grammar that seemed to be from another planet. I felt overwhelmed. I had moments where I felt lost and just couldn't make sense of it what the teacher was trying to explain to me about that language. I felt that the way the teachers were teaching were not very effective, sometimes confusing and that it just took too much time and effort to finally see results. I was thinking that there had to be an easier way to learn a new language. I experienced that whenever I could make a connection to German - my mother tongue - I could understand and learn the new language much easier and faster (for example English and German words: brother - Bruder, house Haus, cat Katze, and so on). The teacher did not have to explain so much to me because it all came natural. But unfortunately the teachers rarely made use of it.A few years later, when I started teaching German I noticed even more how similar English and German actually are. I realized that not just many words were similar but also many phrase structures. After doing some research I found out that around 50% of the English words are related to German and the word order has many similarities as well because both languages have the same roots since they belong to the Germanic language family. But the way we were supposed to teach German did rarely make use of what German has in common with English. Instead, the books taught vocabulary and grammar which were complicated and not so useful for typical real life situations with German speakers or for travelling. And being able to speak and communicate easily should be the final goal not to make a rocket science out of it I thought.I noticed that many language learners don't want to lose endless hours on grammar theory and on memorizing hundreds or even thousands of words until they finally speak their target language. I personally would have loved a teacher who would've pointed out similarities first rather than starting out with what I don't know, struggling all the way and learning slowly. Imagine how motivating it is to first discover and use what you already know about German. In fact, many language learners - maybe you are one of them - want to be able to communicate in German as quickly as possible and start out with the basics that are important for communication in a German speaking environment.So I finally came up with the idea to create a German learning method which takes advantage of what English speakers already know about German and activate this knowledge to make learning as natural and easy as possible for anyone who knows English. Combined with the 100 most frequently used German words its possible to create thousands of sentences in German without much effort a powerful shortcut to the German language that can transform your English into German in 7 days or less!""I would like to learn German but I heard it is too difficult and I don't have the time to spend endless hours on learning the grammar, memorizing all the new words and even do the pronunciation right.""- If that sounds familiar to you I can assure you that you are not the only one out there. In fact, learning German in a more easy and efficient way - avoiding the long, tough and painful path of learning the language is a desire which many language learners have.Count yourself lucky - you as an English speaker have a surprising advantage. Since German and English have the same Germanic language roots it can be astonishingly fast and easy for you to learn basic German! It simply needs the right learning method to activate the German you already know from your English!You will feel knowledgeable, competent and motivated using the basic German language by the end of the course . With a vocabulary of approx. 4414 German words and a careful selection of the most 100 frequently used German words in your memory it is possible to be able to string around 80.000 German phrases together and to speak useful German for real life situations in a way that feels natural and easy to you.In 7 days - or even faster - depending on your learning speed - you can see the surprising results and finally feel confident using the German language.Why choosing this course? Learning German can be frustrating at times starting out with what you already know is convenient and gives you a basis to build up your German amazing knowledge which you don't want to miss out on It saves you time, energy and money because other apps and courses take a long time, take a lot of effort, are difficult, inconvenient and you usually spend too much time on what is not so important for basic communication The fastest and easiest way to learn German for basic communication you can find - other apps, courses and teachers miss out on this big opportunity to make learning German less time consuming and less painful A ""super boost"" from scratch which gives you great knowledge which will impress your fellow students and German teacher Neuroscience proves that learning a new language connects certain parts of the brain and makes you smarter Simplify the German grammar and be surprised how uncomplicated it is for you as an English speaker to speak basic German Why wait weeks, months or even years to be able to speak basic German? Activate your German language skills in only a few hours from nowThis course is for you if...... you have no or little knowledge about the German language... you want to kickstart your German in only 7 days (faster or slower - depending on your learning speed)... you want to learn German the fastest and easiest way possible by activating your knowledge from English... you want to learn the basics and speak useful German for travelling to Germany, Austria or Switzerland, talk to locals and to your German-speaking friends... you don't want to learn German the hard way with all the complicated grammar and words which you actually don't need for effective and practical communication... you want to make use of your English by transforming its many similarities into the German language and become a bilingual member of the German-speaking communityOther German learning apps and online courses (Duolinguo, Babbel, etc.):1. They dont use English-German similarities (your hidden knowledge) as an advantage for learning German2. Their way of teaching is therefore much slower and difficult and involves a lot of memorizing words and studying difficult grammar theory3. They teach what is not so useful and important for basic communication in German4. You usually spend weeks and months to be able with other apps to communicate in German. When you learn German from English you can have basic conversations already after a few hoursWhat science says:""It is a general and basic law of any kind of learning that we associate new elements, items and structures with elements, items and structures already stored in our memory.""- Gerhard Neuner (German language scientist)""If I had to reduce all of educational psychology to just one principle, I would say this: The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly.""- David Paul Ausubel (American educational psychologist)Course content:Lesson 1: Arrival - Germany/ Austria/ SwitzerlandSituation: Arrival at a German, Swiss or Austrian airport, transfer to the hotelWhat you learn: Say what you need, what you look for and what (public transportation) you take, the German Akkusativ (accusative), more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)187 new wordsLesson 2: At the hotel Situation: At the hotelWhat you learn: Say who you are, what you would like, what you have, how you like things, persons and situations, more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)240 new wordsLesson 3: Move around at the new place Situation: You get around in a city, you ask for directionsWhat you learn: How to ask questions, say and ask for directions, more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)425 new wordsLesson 4: Spend more time at the hotel Situation: You are in a hotel, at the hotel reception, you ask for a free room, you have a drink at the hotel barWhat you learn: Say what you like, what is yours, what you do, how you pay, numbers, prices, more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)533 new wordsLesson 5: At the train station Situation: You buy tickets for a train, you ask for train departures and arrivalsWhat you learn: Say where you come from, what you see, where your sit, ask for a (free) seat, buy a train/ bus ticket, ask for bus/ train departure and arrival, say and ask the time, colors, the German he/ she/ it, more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)314 new wordsLesson 6: Have a day trip Situation: You organize an excursion/ day trip, you are exploring your travel destinationWhat you learn: The German way of using can/ able to, must, should, shall, may/ allowed to, will/ going to (future), more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)336 new wordsLesson 7: At the restaurant Situation: You are in a restaurant, you ask for a table, you order foods and drinks, you ask for the billWhat you learn: The German Dativ (dative) and important prepositions which you use with Dativ, say what you eat and drink, more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)393 new wordsLesson 8: Plan your trip and travel around Situation: You plan your itinerary (places you want to visit), you rent a car and visit famous German cities (such as Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich) and the OktoberfestWhat you learn: Say what you think and speak, the German usage of because, important prepositions with Akkusativ (accusative), the German would, more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)324 new wordsLesson 9: You had a great trip Situation: You talk to your friend about your travel experiences and how the trip wasWhat you learn: Talking about the past (Perfekt the German present perfect tense), more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)656 new wordsLesson 10: You had fantastic travel experiences Situation: You talk to your friend about your travel experiences and how the trip wasWhat you learn: Talking about the past (Prteritum the German simple past tense), more Top 100 Words (most frequent German words)697 new wordsBonus materialWhat you learn: Komparativ (comparative) with adjectives to say better than, nicer than, etc, nouns that you create from verbs, useful tips and tricks how to use I, you, he/she/it, we, they, irregular verb conjugations, rules for articles309 new wordsP.S.: You know a lot of German already! Don't miss out on your opportunity to activate your hidden knowledge and make use of what you already know! Get started with your English to German language transformation now!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
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