Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Revit and Etabs from Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn the Revit and Etabs from Scratch to expert.-you will learn how to draw levels and grids. -columns and walls modeling and editing. -Selection,zoom and hide and isolate. -Modify Tools and measure-Beam modeling and editing-Floor creation, slope arrow and sub elements.-Opening(vertical, by face, wall and shaft) -Import Autocad drawing. -Analytical Model (Rigid links, boundary conditions, supports, load cases and load combination) -Export to Robot structural analysis and Etabs. -Materials Definition and units in Etabs. -Selection, view, display, meshing and supports. -Design of all elements (Columns, beams,slabs, walls... ) -Seismic Analysis using Static mehod and Response spectrum. -Wind Analysis-Verifications (Eccentricity, P delta, Drift, torsional irregularity...) So let's get started."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Sap2000 (Steel structure)" |
"The SAP name has been synonymous with state-of-the-art analytical methods since its introduction over 30 years ago. SAP2000 follows in the same tradition featuring a very sophisticated, intuitive and versatile user interface powered by an unmatched analysis engine and design tools for engineers working on transportation, industrial, public works, sports, and other facilities.In this course, you will learn how to model and analyze and design a steel warehouse from scratch using Eurocode. 1-Portal frameyou will learn how to assign the wind load by an accurate method. you will learn how to design all elements (columns, rafters, bracing, wind columns, side rails, purlins...) 2-Trussyou will learn how to design all elements of Truss (Top chords,Bottom chords,Diagonals and posts)And Design again (Columns,Side rails,Purlins,Bracing...)3-Crane GirderYou will learn how to calculate the forces and moments on crane girder Manually.Secondly,you will learn the design of crane beam in SAP2000.After designing,you will learn the design of canteliver in Portal frame.Finally,displacements Checking,and supports Modifications Results."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Teora musical simplificada - Parte I - enfocado en armona" |
"Dirigido para gente sin conocimientos previos de msica, estudiantes de msica en sus primeros aos de estudio o gente que desee aprender acerca de Teora musical y tcnicas de composicin o improvisacin, o simplemente querer comprender la msica que escucha o que ejecuta y toca.Ests interesado en composicin musical pero no sabes leer el pentagrama o no tocas ningn instrumento?Este curso est diseado para facilitar la lectura y comprensin del lenguaje musical, por lo que no se har uso del pentagrama y por lo tanto, no es necesario tener conocimientos previos en msica. Las herramientas de trabajo son unos archivos Excel (Versin en lnea con Google Drive disponible, en caso de no poder contar con Microsoft Excel 2007 o algn software similar) que contienen unas tablas interactivas que te generan los resultados necesarios para crear intervalos y tonalidades musicales para comprender mas fcilmente los temas.Para qu nos sirve la Teora musical? Con este curso demostramos que la teora musical nos sirve para poder comprender la relacin entre las notas y as poder crear una obra musical triste, feliz, pacfica o armoniosa, misteriosa o tenebrosa, o agresiva, entre otros. Esto gracias ms que nada a la experiencia acumulada durante aos de distintos msicos y gracias a los libros que se han escrito respecto a este tema. Errneamente se dice que la teora musical son ""reglas"" que te limitan como msico, ya que la composicin viene del corazn y no de ""reglas"" mentales, pero an as la mayora de estos msicos terminan componiendo con los conocimientos ms bsicos y convencionales de teora musical, por lo que terminan en una contradiccin muy mala y solamente demuestran que ignoran muchos temas musicales. En este curso veremos que estas ""reglas"" son ms bien modelos o prototipos de sonidos que uno puede usar o quebrantar segn sea lo que el compositor desee lograr.Contenido del curso:VOLUMEN 1.-LECCION 0. Las 12 notas de la msica occidental. a. La forma en que se escribe y la forma en que se lee cada una de las notas. b. La escala cromtica y la forma en que se escucha.LECCION 1. Intervalos musicales. a. Qu es un intervalo musical? b. Intervalos bsicos. c. Intervalos avanzados.Leccin 2.- Tonalidad mayor a. Escala mayor de Do. b. Escalas mayores de Re, Mi y Fa. c. Comprensin de la estructura y sonido/sentimiento de la escala mayor; comprensin del porqu se crearon los accidentes (sostenidos y bemoles) en la escritura y, por lo tanto, las misteriosas notas negras en el piano.VOLUMEN 2.- Continuacin de la Tonalidad mayor y Tonalidad menor.VOLUMEN 3.- Intercambio modal y ritmo."
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
"Lean Manufacturing: El Mapa de Cadena de Valor." |
"Est su organizacin invirtiendo tiempo y recursos en actividades que no Agregan Valor a sus productos y procesos?, Estn sus clientes satisfechos con la calidad de los productos y servicios que les brinda?, Sus competidores directos son capaces de entregar productos ms baratos con un tiempo de respuesta ms corto?Lean Manufacturing o Manufactura esbelta es una metodologa de diseo, administracin y mejora de procesos cuyo objetivo principal es la identificacin y eliminacin de actividades dentro de nuestra organizacin que no Agregan Valor desde el punto de vista de nuestros Clientes.El presente curso est diseado para aprender los fundamentos de la Manufactura Esbelta, la clasificacin de Actividades que no Agregan Valor y las diferentes Herramientas Lean para la identificacin y eliminacin de Desperdicios.El curso se enfoca en la creacin del Mapa de Cadena de Valor ya que es una herramienta imprescindible dentro de la metodologa Lean; el Mapa nos presenta de forma grfica el funcionamiento de nuestros procesos haciendo ms clara la identificacin y visualizacin de las diferentes clases de Desperdicios, permitindonos proponer y fundamentar de forma sencilla oportunidades de mejora.Convirtase en un agente de cambio y lidere la mejora contina dentro de su empresa a travs de la Manufactura Esbelta, transformando procesos y estructuras organizativas saturadas de Desperdicios, a procesos y ambientes bajo la filosofa Lean."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Las Siete Herramientas Bsicas de la Calidad" |
"Est su equipo de trabajo o los procesos a su cargo obteniendo los resultados esperados?, ha detectado una oportunidad de mejora que ayudara a solventar muchos inconvenientes dentro de su organizacin? Analice y fundamente oportunidades de mejora utilizando las siete herramientas bsicas de la Calidad.Si usted es un Profesional que trabaja en las reas de Manufactura o Control de Calidad este curso reforzar sus conocimientos en la creacin y aplicacin de las herramientas bsicas: Diagramas de Pareto Histogramas Diagrama de Ishikawa Flujogramas Hojas de Verificacin Diagramas de Dispersin Grficos de ControlEste conjunto bsico de herramientas es aplicable a una gran diversidad de escenarios y problemticas, siendo fundamentales para el anlisis de procesos, identificacin de Causa Raz y la creacin de propuestas de mejora.As mismo, si usted est interesado en certificarse en reas relacionadas al Control de Calidad (Ingeniero o Tcnico en Control de Calidad) o Metodologa Seis Sigma (Cinturn Verde o Amarillo), este curso le proveer conocimientos sobre las 7 herramientas bsicas, mismas que forman parte de la evaluacin en diversas certificaciones."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Seis Sigma Cinturn Amarillo (Yellow Belt)." |
"Est interesado en certificarse como un profesional comprometido con la Mejora Continua y la Calidad?, Desea contar con los conocimientos y herramientas necesarias para realizar iniciativas de Mejora? Convirtase en un lder y agente de cambio dentro de su organizacin, obteniendo los conocimientos y fundamentos bsicos de las principales filosofas de mejora: Seis Sigma y Manufactura Esbelta.Este curso de entrenamiento para Cinturones Amarillo (Yellow Belt) est diseado para profesionales que busquen iniciar su camino hacia la mejora continua de sus procesos, adquiriendo los fundamentos sobre filosofa Seis Sigma y Manufactura Esbelta, a travs de un lenguaje claro, conciso y sencillo.El curso desglosa cada una de las etapas del ciclo de mejora DMAIC, ciclo bajo el cual se desarrollan y gestionan los proyectos de mejora bajo la filosofa Seis Sigma, mostrando las diferentes herramientas que podemos utilizar en cada una de las fases que desarrollaremos en nuestros proyectos.As mismo, si usted est interesado en certificarse como Seis Sigma Cinturn Amarillo este curso le proveer de forma clara los conocimientos que formarn parte de la evaluacin."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Mapeo de Procesos." |
"Esta interesado en conocer a profundidad la operatividad dentro de su Empresa?, Tiene su equipo de trabajo claridad sobre las actividades que se desarrollan dentro de su entorno, los insumos necesarios para realizarlas y los productos o servicios que se espera que generen? El Mapeo y Gestin de Procesos le ayudarn a canalizar la informacin y conocimientos que su equipo de trabajo posee, transformndolos en diagramas y documentos que le permitirn:Establecer lneas de entendimiento sobre los procesos y la operatividad de su organizacinProporcionar estndares de funcionamiento y resultados para la generacin de valor hacia sus clientesProporcionar una representacin visual de sus procesos desde la cual puedan identificarse inconsistencias, con el objetivo de promover la mejora continuaObtenga los conocimientos y herramientas que le permitan tener una mejor visin de su organizacin desde el punto de vista de la gestin por procesos, permitindole:Mejorar la satisfaccin de sus clientes internos y externosEliminar actividades que no agreguen valor a su organizacinMejorar los tiempos de operacin y entregaReducir costosConvirtase en un lder dentro de su empresa mediante el Mapeo de Procesos, conociendo a detalle las Actividades crticas para su operacin, identificando y promoviendo la mejora continua en su organizacin."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to sing: Vocal technique - singing made easy!" |
"Learn how to sing online: This Udemy vocal technique course is a complete masterclass with original, high quality singing lessons and vocal coachings. You will also receive a FULL E-BOOK with all the information you need in order to learn how to sing.Hi darlings! My name is Maru, and I'm going to teach you how to sing! Online, at a world-class level. Not the typical things you have heard before, Im going to explain EVERYTHING in a way that is incredibly simple, for anyone.I started my career as a psychologist in the Netherlands, and quickly realized I wanted to follow my passion for music. Long story short, I really did not know how to sing or how to perform at all, I was far from a natural singer. The one thing I had was the sheer determination to learn.Id love to share with you how I went from an ok singer to consistently getting the most wonderful praise for my vocals, hearing my songs on the radio, getting signed as a singer/songwriter for Sony/ATV and singing in front of large & appreciative audiences all over the world. This may sound far-fetched, but the truth is: singing is really very simple. Not necessarily easy right away (you gotta put the work in!), but...simple :) I use a very easy-to-remember framework that can fix any issue, and that can maximize your potential quickly. Heres what you can expect from this course:Section 1 will describe the technical framework that I use, and that has helped not only me, but hundreds of other singers reach new levels. At end of this section you will find some helpful singing exercises that you can use as a daily vocal warmup.Section 2 goes deeper into breathing technique and breath control, which is essential for a singer! Finally a simple answer to the mysterious phrase sing from the diaphraghm...Section 3 will focus in on advanced techniques; how to add character to your vocals and find your sound. What distinguished a good singer from a great singer? Learn how to sing in a more interesting way here! Lotsss of helpful singing exercises :)Section 4 addresses the most frequently asked questions and concerns I receive about singing, including How do I stop voice cracks?, My throat hurts when I sing and How do I sing with a cold?.My former and current students are now releasing songs professionally, doing regular live gigs, are getting private auditions on talent shows such as The Voice & Americas Got Talent, and are confident singers on stage and in the studio. I've been very fortunate to sing professionally after genuinely thinking I did not have a chance, and now YOU can learn how to sing online, anytime, anywhere.Happy singing!MaruPS: Ill gladly answer your questions in the discussion board!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Sing: Vocal Psychology - Perform & Think like a Pro" |
"Learn how to sing, perform & think like a professional artist: This Udemy Vocal Psychology course is a complete masterclass with original, high quality coachings on the subject of, based on the Vocal Psychology coaching program. You will also receive a FULL E-BOOK with all the information you need in order to learn how to sing, perform & think like a professional artist.Hi darlings! My name is Maru, and I'm going to teach you how to sing, perform & think like a professional artist, and how to set yourself up for a successful singing career.I started my career as a psychologist in the Netherlands, and quickly realized I wanted to follow my passion for music. Long story short, I really did not know how to sing or how to perform at all, I was far from a natural singer. The one thing I had was the sheer determination to learn.Id love to share with you how I went from an ok singer to consistently getting the most wonderful praise for my vocals, hearing my songs on the radio, getting signed as a singer/songwriter for Sony/ATV, and most importantly: singing in front of large & appreciative audiences all over the world and actually ENJOYING it instead of feeling...embarrassed.Heres what you can expect from this course:Section 1 addresses all the possible obstacles you may face, from feeling physically blocked to any self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk you may experience. ANY issue is solvable with the right tools, the right technique and the right mindset!Section 2 offers an amazing way to lead from emotion when you sing. This is a GUARANTEED way to win fans and deeply move your audience.Section 3 delves deeper into what it means to be a professional artist. Having a great voice is amazing, but only the beginning if you want to make singing your career! We will go over some crucial elements that separate the amateurs from the pros.Section 4 focuses in on ways to continuously improve your voice, your performance and yourself. Progress, not perfection is the goal! Please note: this course does not offer singing exercises! We focus on building a brand, a style and a success mindset. Please check my course on Voice Technique for the technical part of singing. My former and current students are now releasing songs professionally, doing regular live gigs, are getting private auditions on talent shows such as The Voice & Americas Got Talent, and are confident singers on stage and in the studio. I've been very fortunate to sing professionally and get the most exciting opportunities, after genuinely thinking I did not have a chance... and now YOU can learn how to be a professional artist.Set yourself up for success by considering these tricks and ideas that took me years to accumulate!Rooting for you,MaruPS: Ill gladly answer your questions in the discussion board!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Vena os 5 Maiores Medos de Falar em Pblico em 60 Dias" |
"Profissionais de todas as reas deixam de crescer em suas carreiras por no possuirem habilidade adequada para falar em pblico.Veja se voc algum destes medos:- Medo de perguntas difceis- Medo de dar um branco- Medo de no controlar o nervosismo- Medo de no suportar a ansiedade- Medo de travar ou bloquear durante a apresentao- Medo das ""borboletas no estmago"""
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory: Electronic Synth Music Production & Branding" |
"Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives ""Music Theory: Electronic Synth Music Production & Branding""This course is taught by the legendary composer OGRE Sound. In this foundation course we will be learning the fundamentals of Music Theory & Music Production, where we will cover the following core skill sets:Sonic Branding, creating Trailer Music for a brand using various instrumentation, Mixing, and Mastering the tracksWell be utilizing the latest software packages/hardware that top tier composers of today use to create all of your favorite jingles and songs! The software packages that well be covering are:Ableton Live 8Boss CE-3Eurorack RingsKawai S100PMono/PolyMoog M32 ShakerMinitaur BassJV1080/VP03Contact MicrophoneCondensor MicrophoneMinilogue ArpeggioMinilogue TinesThe great thing about this course, is that we has something in store for everyone. Whether you are just a beginner interested in Sonic Branding/Trailer Music, or a Master professional looking to brush up on your current skill set, this course has material you surely wont want to miss!This course features award-winning composer Robin Ogden (OGRE Sound) whose work can be found in HBOs Vice Principals, an audio consultant for BBC, and various award winning indie title game compositions. Robin is also featured in the documentary The Rise of the Synths and is currently releasing music with Grammy winning soundtrack label Lakeshore Records. His work is grounded in a multitude of analog synthesizers, contact microphones, and custom handmade instruments.As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry standard music composition workflows from start to finish.Please remember, if this is your first time creating music composition/production, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details!However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Maya & Unreal: Complete Guide to Fast 3D Animation & Rigging" |
"Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives Maya & Unreal Engine from Beginners to Pros: Complete Guide to Fast 3D Animation & Rigging!!In this foundation course we will be learning the fundamentals of Character Rigging for games (specifically for the Unreal engine, but this method will also work for other game engines such as Unity).Learn everything necessary for Character Animation and Rigging utilizing Autodesk Maya taught by a AAA game professional with university level accredited instruction!Autodesk Maya is the industry standard 3D animation software, understanding the concepts in this course will help you land a job in the game, film, tv, or music industry. In this course you will learn how to rig and animate your custom created character from scratch.We will cover the following core skill sets:Getting started with Maya and understanding the interfaceJoint placement and theoryCreating proper skinning & weightsCharacter setup and rig pose theoryUnreal Engine's A.R.T. rigging tools for Autodesk MayaUnderstanding hotkeys to animate and rig quicklyCharacter Rigging to prepare for animationAnimating with keyframesAnimating a production ready walk cycle quickly and efficientlyExporting the character rig, and animation to the Unreal Engine***NOTE Course does NOT include custom character mesh. ART tools will include mannequin mesh which will allow all animation and lessons to be animated without a mesh or completing a custom rig. Course is strictly showing the process of rigging YOUR custom mesh character of choice, and animating a high fidelity walk cycle for ANY character regardless of software or rig limitations.Well be utilizing the latest software packages that top tier gaming studios of today use to create all of your favorite titles!Autodesk Maya, Unreal Engines Maya Animation Rigging Toolset (A.R.T. for short), and the Unreal game engine.Why Learn From Class Creatives?This course features an accredited university level animation instructor who has over 15 years of experience animating both keyframe, and motion capture based walk cycles for studios such as Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Guerilla Games, Sucker Punch, Google, Disney and more. Whether it be a complex hyper realistic character walk or a cartoony stylized Disney walk it ALL starts with the fundamentals which we cover in these lectures. The rigging instructor also has experience with studios such as Disney and Google creating various kinds of rigs for multiple styles and projects.Who This Course is For:Whether you are just a beginner interested in Character Rigging and Animation, or a Master professional looking to brush up on your current skill set, this course has material you surely wont want to miss!As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry standard character workflows from start to finish.Please remember, if this is your first time creating rigging or animating a 3D character, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details!However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Maya & Unreal: 3D Character Animation Jump Flip Fundamentals" |
"Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives Maya & Unreal: 3D Animation Jump Flip Fundamentals Complete Guide From Beginners to Pros Body Mechanics!!In this foundation course we will be learning the fundamentals of Character Animation for games (specifically for the Unreal engine, but this method will also work for other game engines such as Unity).Learn everything necessary for a Character Animation Jump Flip utilizing Autodesk Maya taught by a AAA game professional with university level accredited instruction!Autodesk Maya is the industry standard 3D animation software, understanding the concepts in this course will help you land a job in the game, film, tv, or music industry. In this course you will learn how to animate your custom created character from scratch.We will cover the following core skill sets:Getting started with Maya and understanding the animation processUnderstanding how to utilize the reference image plane in Maya to create a realistic game engine ready Jump Flip AnimationStrong Fundamentals of Animation Body MechanicsProcess of using IK/FK controllers and best practices of Unreal Engine's A.R.T. tools for Autodesk MayaHow to Blend Custom Animations to Existing Idle to Create a Loophole and Programmable AnimationUnreal Engine's A.R.T. rigging tools for Autodesk MayaUnderstanding hotkeys to animate and rig quicklyAnimating with keyframesAnimating a production ready jump flip quickly and efficientlyExporting the character rig, and animation to the Unreal Engine***NOTE Course does NOT include custom character mesh. ART tools will include mannequin mesh which will allow all animation and lessons to be animated without a mesh or completing a custom rig. Course is strictly showing the process of animating a character of choice, for ANY character regardless of software or rig limitations.Well be utilizing the latest software packages that top tier gaming studios of today use to create all of your favorite titles!Autodesk Maya, Unreal Engines Maya Animation Rigging Toolset (A.R.T. for short), and the Unreal game engine.Why Learn From Class Creatives?This course features an accredited university level animation instructor who has over 15 years of experience animating both keyframe, and motion capture for studios such as Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Guerilla Games, Sucker Punch, Google, Disney and more. Whether it be a complex hyper realistic animation or a cartoony stylized Disney character animation it ALL starts with the fundamentals which we cover in these lectures. Who This Course is For:Whether you are just a beginner interested in Character Rigging and Animation, or a Master professional looking to brush up on your current skill set, this course has material you surely wont want to miss!As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry standard character workflows from start to finish.Please remember, if this is your first time creating rigging or animating a 3D character, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details!However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Branding: Designing Custom Logos & Identity Systems" |
"Hi there!Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives Business Branding: Designing Custom Logos & Identity Systems; From Beginners to Pros: Understanding the Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Motion Graphics!!In this foundation course we will be learning the fundamentals of Brand Identity, specifically by creating a production ready Logo and Motion Graphic.Learn everything necessary for Logo Creation utilizing the Adobe Suite!We utilize the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects) because it is the industry standard software for outputting production quality design work. By understanding the concepts and tools in this course it will help you create Brand Identity systems for yourself, your company, or your clients! In this course you will learn how to design logos, vector your designs, and animate logos.We will cover the following core skill sets:Getting started with Photoshop and understanding the interfaceLogo design Thumb-nailingThe Pathfinder tool within IllustratorProduction ready Logo developmentAdobe Illustrator integration into After EffectsAnimating Trim Paths in After EffectsPolishing Animation with ease ins and outsExporting and Rendering the final motion graphics logoWhy Learn From Class Creatives?Over 20 years of professional industry experience and nearly a decade of accredited university level instruction. Instructors featured from Studios such as Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Television, Google, Nintendo, Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sony Computer Ent, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla Games, Infinity Ward, and more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"iOS iPad Game Development 3D Character Sculpting & Modeling" |
"Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives iOS iPad Game Development 3D Character Sculpting & Modeling!!In this foundational course we will be learning the fundamentals of Character Modeling, where we will cover the following core skill sets:Sculpting on iPad Pro (iOS 13) with Apple Pencil with the hot app: Forger iOS Why Learn From Class Creatives?Over 20 years of professional industry experience and nearly a decade of accredited university level instruction. Instructors featured from Studios such as Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Television, Google, Nintendo, Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sony Computer Ent, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla Games, Infinity Ward, and more!Who This Course is For:The great thing about this course, is that we has something in store for everyone. Whether you are just a beginner interested in Character Creation, or a Master professional looking to brush up on your current skill set, this course has material you surely wont want to miss!Using Forger iOS on the go will help speed up your workflow! This is a great tool to have in your repertoire to create characters anywhere you are in the world! As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry-standard character workflows from start to finish.Please remember, if this is your first time creating a 3D character, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details!However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on.***DISCLAIMER Course does NOT cover every tool, or option in Forger iOS, instead this course covers a workflow option that the artist chooses and feels fits best to create the final asset. There are always several ways to reach the end goal, this is simply one of those paths to reach the destination by this artist."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Stylized Game Art: Character Sculpting for Video Games" |
"Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives Stylized Game Art: Character Sculpting for Video Games Modern Nextgen Fundamental Workflow Development Thor Overwatch Style!!In this foundational course, we will be learning the fundamentals of Character Sculpting within Zbrush!!Why Learn From Class Creatives?Over 20 years of professional industry experience and nearly a decade of accredited university level instruction. Instructors featured from Studios such as Walt Disney Animation Studios, Walt Disney Television, Google, Nintendo, Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sony Computer Ent, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla Games, Infinity Ward, and more! Who This Course is For:The great thing about this course is that we have something in store for everyone. Whether you are just a beginner interested in Character Creation, or a Master professional looking to brush up on your current skill set, this course has material you surely wont want to miss!As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry-standard character workflows from start to finish.Please remember, if this is your first time creating a 3D character, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details!However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Game Design Concept Art Intro: Digital Environment Drawing" |
"Hi there!Welcome, and thanks for choosing Game Design Concept Art Intro: Digital Environment Drawing!In this foundational course we will be learning the fundamentals of cutaway concept art. This type of concept art is great for showcasing an interior environment space making it a great design learning opportunity.The focus will be on generating ideas, creating a relatable entertaining design, and sketching methods to create your concept.We will cover the following core skill sets:Philosophies and mindset of a concept artistGenerating ideas for narrative designReference StudyingPhotoshop BasicsDesign principlesDesign SketchingLinear PerspectiveSpace layout design including floor plansSome of these topics could be courses by themselves so we will look at methods concept artists use to hack things like perspective. The most important rules for creating entertaining sound designs will be covered but we will not go in depth over all of the design principles. As for PhotoShop, we will go over the basics needed for this course, with the end goal of a layout sketch in mind. Tools and tips will be covered throughout the course and future ones as needed.***NOTE This course shows the workflow for an artist creating a final asset, there are several ways to reach an end goal, this is simply one of those paths.Well be utilizing the latest software packages that top tier gaming studios of today use to create all of your favorite titles!Photoshop for the majority of this course, and SketchUp and/or Blender for perspective aidsWhy Learn From Class Creatives?Reide Perigo is an environment concept artist for Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) as part of the Visual Arts Service Group. In his time with SIE, Reide has worked on a number of games. Titles that have been released so far include Death Stranding and VR shooter, Firewall:Zero Hour.Outside of games, Reide has used his creative talents and design first mentality as a concept artist helping pitch and design Family Entertainment Centers all over the world, a graphic designer -- for companies such as SalesForce -- , and an illustrator for board games and even disc golf stamps.Who This Course is For:From beginners interested in learning about concept art and what it takes to make it into the industry, to professional concept artists looking to learn more fundamental design.As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry standard game design concept art work flows from start to finish.Please remember, if this is your first time creating concept art, environment art, or digital drawing, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details!However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kolay 2 ve 3 Boyutlu Mimari izim Program-Floorplanner" |
"Bu eitim mimari izime merakl olan herkese hitap etmektedir. Program indirmeden, internet sitesi zerinden izim yapabilme imkan sunuyor. ngiliz olan internet sitesini Trke anlatm ile kolay anlalr hale getirmeye altm. izim program ok kapsaml, ou izim gereksinimlerinize cevap vereceini dnyorum. Komutlar kolay kullanmldr. Yaptnz izimlerinizi hesabnza kaydedersiniz. Bu ekilde kaybolmaz ve internet olan her yerden ulap izime devam edersiniz. Ayrca yeni cep telefonu uygulamasndan da izimi aabilirsiniz. Eitimi sizden gelen yorumlar zerine de daha gelitirmek istiyorum. Anlalmayan noktalar paylarsanz sevinirim. Hepinize iyi izimler dilerim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Belajar Membuat Projek Website dari Nol Sampai Online" |
"Assalamualaikum, Salam sejahtera untuk kita semua.PREMIUM - Dalam Materi yang saya buat ini berdasarkan dari Studi Kasus. kamu akan di ajarkan mempersiapkan kebutuhan untuk membuat website apa saja yang harus di install, lalu selanjutnya memasang CMS WordPress di Komputer dan beberapa Setup Dasar untuk WordPress, dan di Akhir kamu akan melihat bagaimana cara membeli hosting dan domain secara Real Live atau secara nyata. setelah membeli domain dan hosting maka website yang kita buat di komputer akan kita pindahkan ke hosting agar bisa di akses oleh seluruh penjuru dunia selagi mereka memiliki akses internet, kamu akan dapat banyak sekali pengalaman yang hebat dalam kursus ini :)Semoga Bermanfaat Teman. Selamat Belajar dan Jangan pernah putus asa dalam belajar."
Price: 2800000.00 ![]() |
"Ethereum Blockchain - Decentralized Financial Application" |
"Learn how to build a fully decentralized application for trading derivatives on the Ethereum network. This course covers full-stack development along with smart contract design and implementation. Throughout this course, detailed descriptions and insight is given into the engineering process for decentralized finance. More importantly, students will gain an advanced understanding of how to design Single Page Applications through the Meteor framework while utilizing important NPMpackages to combine Web3 and Javascript."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ethereum Decentralized Application (Solidity, Javascript)" |
"Learn how to quickly build a Javascript app in less than 4 hours to build your own wETHto ETHConversion App by interfacing directly with the smart contract! Some tools you will use include Meteor and ReactJS ... good luck, and if you have any questions please use the Q&Aboard for additional help!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kursus Android Dasar Dari Nol Sampai Expert" |
"Kursus Android Online Khusus untuk Pemula yang ingin belajar dasar-dasar Android yang penting, yang sering digunakan di dunia perusahaan. Mulai dari membuat desain User Interface Interface(UI) yang bagus dengan Material Design, membuat dasar logika di Android, mengambil dan menampilkan data baik dalam bentuk text maupun list, kemudian mengambil data dari database online dan menampilkannya."
Price: 350000.00 ![]() |
"Pengenalan Machine Learning dengan Python" |
"Kursus ini adalah materi pengenalan dasar-dasar machine learning. Materi yang akan dipelajari Pemahaman tentang konsep dasar machine learning dan penerapannya, Pemahaman proses preprocessing data, Pemahaman algoritma supervised learning pada Machine Learning, Pemahaman algoritma unsupervised learning pada Machine Learning, Pemahaman melakukan evaluasi model dan melakukan improvement pada model, Pemahaman tentang Natural Language Processing, Pemahaman tentang Neural Network dan Deep Learning, Menyelesaikan project Machine Learning terkait materi yang sudah dipelajari"
Price: 350000.00 ![]() |
"Restful API dengan Google Apps Script" |
"Google Apps Script (GAS) adalah salah satu layanan yang dapat membuat sistem Web Service (Restfull API). Dengan GAS ini, kita tidak perlu membayar hosting setiap bulannya, karena GAS ini bisa menggantikan hosting yang kita bayar. Uniknya GAS ini diberikan secara gratis, walaupun gratis bukan berarti kualitasnya jelek, kualitasnya cukup powerful. Dalam studi kasus kali ini kita akan membuat sistem presensi Siswa menggunakan GAS + Google Sheet + Firebase. Dimana setiap kali ada siswa yang tidak masuk tanpa keterangan akan mengaktifkan fitur notifikasi melalui Google Sheet yang dibantu oleh Firebase. ada juga beberapa studi kasus lain dalam penggunaan Google Apps Script"
Price: 350000.00 ![]() |
"Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Practise Test 2020" |
"About The Course Fundamentals of Digital Marketing By Google This course module offers students a comprehensive overview of the digital marketing landscape and presents all the key concepts and vocabulary that are incorporated in subsequent modules. Just to give you an insight, Digital Marketing is an amalgam of Marketing through various online channels. These channels primarily include Search Engines, Social Media and E-Mails.The Digital Unlockedis Googles resource that will aid you toboost your digital knowledge. It is your one-stop shop for acing digital marketing skills with free courses on everything from search to SEO to social media, to help you grow your online business or digital marketing career. Googles Digital Unlocked platform is free, and you just need to signup. Once you do that, soon you will start receiving your online learning plan of around twenty-three digital marketing topics. You can easily complete your Google Digital Marketing course plan by viewing the lessons and checking your insight with fun and quick quizzes. Once youd have completed your plan, you can unlock the certification questions. If passed, you can easily download your certificate as well.Digital Unlockeds Introduction to Digital Marketing Course helps you learn from experience and you can watch different video tutorials from everyday DM experts of Google.Digital Unlocked also aids you in understanding thepractical aspect of Digital Marketing learning and provides you with methods to apply your knowledge to test what you have learned.This Course offers hands-on practice tests with a total of120 hand-selected questions (3 Practice Tests), the current major certification examand limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get aGood Score at least 80% on the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing 2019 Certification Exam Practice TestExam.Exam InformationExam Title : Fundamentals of Digital Marketing No of Questions :120 (Multiple Choice) Passing score : 80% (32out of 40) Exam Format :Multiple-ChoiceThe questions in the practice tests always stay current. We ensure this by taking the OfficialFundamentals of Digital Marketing Certification Exam Practice Testcertification ourselves.We always prepare/update questions for practice accordingly.These questions will helpyou score more then 80% on the main exam.Guaranteed passing the exam in the first attempt. Regular Updates Who this course is for: Anyone who want to attend the official Google Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Certification ExamThis course is the best fit for Job seekers and students. It is considered best for all those who wish to get started in Digital Marketing and like to hone their digital marketing skills with certifications to make their CV impressive."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Google Digital Sales Certification Exam Practice Test 2020" |
"Google Ads certification is an important credential for marketers.It is one of the few standardized ways to prove a certain level of knowledge or topical relevance.Attract Top Clients, Advance Your Career & Grow Your Business with Your Google sales Certification About the Google Sales Certification ExamThis Course offers hands-on practice tests with a total of58 hand-selected questions (2 Practice Tests), the current major certification examand limited time, which will help you prepare for the exam environment. You will get aGood Score at least 80% on the Google Digital Sales Certification Exam Practice Test 2019 .Exam InformationExam Title : Google Digital Sales Certification Exam Practice Test 2019 No of Questions :56 (Multiple Choice)Practice Test 2 : 26 Multiple Choice Questions in Each Practice Test Passing score : 80% ( out of 40) Exam Format :Multiple-ChoiceThe questions in the practice tests always stay current. We ensure this by taking the Official Google Digital Sales Exam Practice Testcertification ourselves.We always prepare/update questions for practice accordingly.These questions will helpyou score more then 80% on the main exam.Guaranteed passing the exam in the first attempt. Regular Updates"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Google Analytics For Beginners Practice Test 2020" |
"Are You Ready for Google Analytics Certification?Youre already a fan of Google Analytics. You know which data to pull, you know how to look at your audience, user behaviors, and conversions. You gather, analyze and present this kind of data month after month. Your clients, colleagues, and boss are satisfied.But somewhere, in the back of your mind, you feel like youre missing something. There are links in Google Analytics youve never clicked, reports you dont use because youre not quite sure what they mean. You cant escape the nagging feeling that theres something more you should be doing.Sound familiar? If so, its probably time to think about Google Analytics (GA) Certification. Being GA certified is more than just a nice line for marketing materials and its more than a resume filler. Its the process of trying to get as much as you can out of an extremely robust and intricate analytics tool that can help reveal the kind of detailed insight that helps cultivate meaningful, strategic change. No more exam stress. Get certified on the first attempt."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Advanced Google Analytics Practice Test 2019" |
"About the Google Analytics Certification ExamTaking the Google Analytics exam gives you an industry recognised Certification proving your skills in Digital Analytics and Google Analytics. The exam is free to take, 90 mins long and contains multiple choice questions (a detailed overview of the exam is provided in the course)CourseContent & OverviewAll Possible QuestionsThe file contains All possiblequestions from Google Analytics certification test generated after passing the exam multiple times.Similar Exam Pattern of the Actual Exams.All Latest and Updated Questions.A practice test based on the official Google Analytics Certification exam 2019Guarantee To Pass ( Score More Then 80% )No more exam stress. Get certified on the first attempt.Add Value to your CV This is the Perfect Time to Earn This QualificationThe Exam isnowFREE. Unbelievable value for an Industry Recognized Qualification. You can Add this Certification to your Resume with 1 day of dedicated study-not months ! ""Data Culture"", ""Data Driven Decision Making"" & ""Marketing Analytics"" are the Top of Mind now - take advantage of this to secure your next interview, promotion or client.No Need to Be Technical Person to Take The Google Analytics Certification ExamEnroll today to becomeGoogle Analytics Certified in just 1 Day !"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Rigging a Character with Duik Bassel in After Effects" |
"You may have the same question that Is it possible to rig a character and then create a walk cycle for it, in the shortest time and easiest way?To answer this question I have to say: Yes, The Duik Basel script has provided this. With this script you can easily rig your character, just by one click and also you can create walk cycle animation for your character, just by one click. All the expressions and the actions that a person needs to spend hours to do for rigging and animating, Duik does by one click and this feature makes it a powerful script for this purpose.But it may have happened to you when after spending a lot of time on the Internet to find a complete course of this script, You were faced with incomplete tutorials, each expressing a part and they have never fully explained all the tools in this script.Thats why, In this course, we want to completely present the last version of Duik script and check all the options in detail with practical examples.Here some of the techniques you will Learn:you will learn how to create a proper skeleton for Human and Animal character,how to match the skeleton with the character,how to rig your characters using auto-rig tooland how to create a walking animation automatically using walk cycle tool.furthermore, you will learn how to create manually a walking animation, running animation, and bicycling will learn about many other useful functions and practical tools of Duik script,such as connector tool, that is a great tool for rigging facial components,animation blender tool, that allows you to blend and control your animations by markers,effector tool, that lets you to control multi-layer animations,looper tool, that helps you to create different loops without any expression,copy offset animation option, that allows you to continue your animation simply by copying the keyframes,motion trail tool, that lets you to create a trail for your objects in the shortest possible time,camera tool that is very useful in creating complex camera movements.and so much more!This is a very practical course, That will give you the Practical knowledge of Rigging and Animating your own characters in adobe After Effects.With our 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and start rigging and animating your character for your next animation.So, I'll see you inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"learn how to make strategy of a business" |
"This course introduces the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis. It is concerned with managerial decisions and actions that affect the performance and survival of business enterprises. The course is focused on the information, analyses, organizational processes, and skills and business judgment managers must use to devise strategies, position their businesses, define firm boundaries and maximize long-term profits in the face of uncertainty and competition.By the end of the course, students should be able to:1.What is Strategic Management2. Explain What is a Strategy 3.Recognize the different stages of industry evolution and recommend strategies appropriate to each stage. 4 Appraise the resources and capabilities of the firm in terms of their ability to confer sustainable competitive advantage and formulate strategies that leverage a firms core competencies.5. Distinguish the two primary types of competitive advantage: cost and differentiation and formulate strategies to create a cost and/or a differentiation advantage. 6. Formulate strategies for exploiting international business opportunities including foreign entry strategies and international location of production. 7.Describe the Factors of SWOT Analysis8.Explain Porters Five Forces Model of Competition9. Demonstrate the ability to think critically in relation to a particular problem, situation or strategic decision through real-world scenarios.10.Recognize strategic decisions that present ethical challenges and make appropriate recommendations for ethical decision-making."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hybrid Vehicles The Fundamentals & Operating Principles" |
"This course will give u an in depth knowledge of Hybrid Vehicles, the essential components and their functions, ""What can you expect out of this course?In the above course, we will cover:World Vehicle Scenario Trends in ElectrificationIndian Vehicle Scenario Trends in ElectrificationWhy Hybrids?Introduction to HybridComponents in a Hybrid Vehicle:Electric Drive MotorsAuxiliary Power Unit (APU)Energy Storage System (Battery)Regenerative Braking (KERS)Control SystemAuxiliary Units in a Hybrid VehicleAuxiliary Invertor/MotorDC-DC MotorsCooling Units / Thermal managementMGU-H (Motor Generator Unit Heat)Hybrid TransmissionPower Split Device (PSD)Hybrid TopologiesSeries Hybrid (HEV)- Chevrolet Voltec- Range Extender Vehicle- BMW i3Parallel Hybrid (PHV) 12V Micro Hybrid - Mahindra - Suzuki SHVS 48V Mild Hybrid - Audi Mild hybrid 3. Series-Parallel Hybrid (PSH) - Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD)4. Plug-In Hybrid (PHEV) - Toyota PriusHybrid Hypercars- Porsche 918- LaFerrari- McLaren P1Hybrid Motorsports- Axle Split Hybrid (ASH)- Audi and Porsche Le Mans Hybrid Race CarsTechnologies used in Hybrid Vehicles- Regenerative Braking- Start/Stop- Electric Drive/Assist- Belt Starter Generator (BSG/ISG)Modes of Operation of a Hybrid Vehicles- Engine Idle Stop/start- Electric Torque assistance- Energy Recuperation- Electric Driving- Battery Charging (During Driving)- Battery Charging (From the grid)- Coasting SailingCapabilities of different types of Hybrid VehicleTechnical aspects in Hybrid VehicleSafety aspects of Hybrid VehicleFuture challenges for Hybrid Vehicles"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |