Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Volume II: permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012" |
"Ce cours est destin tous les futures ingnieurs IT,administrateurs systmes et tous les curieux dsireux d'apprendre l'architectureet l'administration systme.bienvenue tout le deuximepartie de cette formation(Volume II)contient:Permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012Partage et configuration des imprimantes sous Windows Server 2012Vous pouvez voir ou revoir la premire partie de la formation (Volume I) intitule:Volume I:Installationest configuration Windows Server 2012la formation complte contient 6 grands volumes:Volume I:Installation et Configuration de Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions etpartages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:La virtualisation sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux et les rles d'infrastructures DHCP et DNSVolume V:L'Active DirectoryVolume VI:LesGPO la fin de cette formation vous serez capable de monter votre propre infrastructure et grer votrepropre parc informatique."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Volume VI: Les GPO sous Windows Server 2012" |
"Ce cours est destin tous les futures ingnieurs IT,administrateurs systmes et tous les curieux dsireux d'apprendre l'architectureet l'administration systme.bienvenue tout le monde.Le siximevolume de cette formation (Volume VI) contient:Cration et gestion des GPOLier un GPO un domaine ou une unit d'organisationExercices sur le mappage des lecteurs et redirection des dossiersConfiguration des stratgies de scuritVous pouvez voir aussi les 5premires parties de la formations Windows Server:Volume I:Installationest configuration Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:LA Virtualisation Hyperv sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux,DHCP et DNS sous Windows Server 2012Volume V: Active Directory sous Windows Server 2012la formation complte contient 6 grands volumes:Volume I:Installation et Configuration de Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions etpartages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:La virtualisation sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux et les rles d'infrastructures DHCP et DNSVolume V:L'Active DirectoryVolume VI:LesGPO la fin de cette formation vous serez capable de monter votre propre infrastructure et grer votrepropre parc informatique."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Volume IV: Les rseaux, DHCP et DNS sous Windows Server 2012" |
"Ce cours est destin tous les futures ingnieurs IT,administrateurs systmes et tous les curieux dsireux d'apprendre l'architectureet l'administration systme.bienvenue tout le monde.Le quatrime volume de cette formation (Volume IV) contient:Dfinition et subdivision des rseaux via la mthode CIDRTransition de l'IPV4 l'IPV6Dploiement et configuration du DHCPDploiement et configuration du DNSVous pouvez voir aussi les 3 premires parties de la formations Windows Server:Volume I:Installationest configuration Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:LA Virtualisation Hyperv sous Windows Server 2012la formation complte contient 6 grands volumes:Volume I:Installation et Configuration de Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions etpartages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:La virtualisation sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux et les rles d'infrastructures DHCP et DNSVolume V:L'Active DirectoryVolume VI:LesGPO la fin de cette formation vous serez capable de monter votre propre infrastructure et grer votrepropre parc informatique."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Volume V: Active Directory sous Windows Server 2012" |
"Ce cours est destin tous les futures ingnieurs IT,administrateurs systmes et tous les curieux dsireux d'apprendre l'architectureet l'administration systme.bienvenue tout le monde.Le cinquimevolume de cette formation (Volume V) contient:Dploiement de L'Active Directory domain Service et de son Contrleurde domaineDploiement du RODCAjout et gestion des utilisateurs et ordinateurs dans un domaine AD DSAjout et gestion des groupes dans un domaine AD DSGestion des partages et permissions de scurit dans un domaineADDSVous pouvez voir aussi les 4premires parties de la formations Windows Server:Volume I:Installationest configuration Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions et partages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:LA Virtualisation Hyperv sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux,DHCP et DNS sous Windows Server 2012la formation complte contient 6 grands volumes:Volume I:Installation et Configuration de Windows Server 2012Volume II:Permissions etpartages sous Windows Server 2012Volume III:La virtualisation sous Windows Server 2012Volume IV:Les rseaux et les rles d'infrastructures DHCP et DNSVolume V:L'Active DirectoryVolume VI:LesGPO la fin de cette formation vous serez capable de monter votre propre infrastructure et grer votrepropre parc informatique."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Apple Numbers Eitim Tm Konular" |
"Bu eitim kursu ile allmn dna kyoruz. Excel'e alm olup Numbers'da zorlananlar ya da tm apple cihazlarda ilerini kolaylatrmak iin Numbers kullanmak isteyen herkes bu eitim programna dahil olmaldr. Yeni bir dnya kefetmeyeceiz !Excel'de yaptklarnzn aynsn yaparak daha grsel ve kaliteli sonular elde etmek istiyorsanz NUMBERS yeterli.!Bunun iin tek artmz herhangi bir Apple Cihaz..*** Eitimler Mac Numbers zerinden anlatlmaktadr. Dier Apple cihazlar iinde zellikler ayndr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crea una librera de juegos con PHP MySQL AJAX y 2 proyectos" |
"Qu hars en el curso?Crearemos 3 proyectos prcticos:Un carrito de compras totalmente funcional y dinmico.Una plataforma con registro y login seguro, librera de videojuegos para postear y calificar juegos.Un proceso de compra completo reutilizando el proyecto 1.Haremos uso de PHP, MySQL y AJAX con ejemplos reales y aplicables en proyectos o tareas de la vida cotidiana.Curso 99% prctico, entretenido y didctico. Un excelente curso para todos los diseadores y desarrolladores que quieren seguir mejorando para obtener mejores proyectos, habilidades o puestos, al final del curso vas a dominar el realizar peticiones asncronas con AJAX para manipular bases de datos o informacin, crear funcionalidades que le den ms dinamismo a tus proyectos, maquetar con Bootstrap como un pro, organizar tu cdigo de forma profesional. Vamos a utilizar jQuery, Ajax, MySQL, PHP, HTML5, Bootstrap 4 y SASS para realizar 3 proyectos, el primero un carrito de compras totalmente funcional, el segundo una librera de videojuegos con base de datos y el tercero aprenders a usar lo bsico de Composer para aadir funcionalidad a un proyecto existente, adems de varios plugins de jQuery gratuitos."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
+Photoshop |
"Adobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop 1 JCCD Studio 2003KFSSilbird"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"Adobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop 2003KFSSilbird"
Price: 13800.00 ![]() |
"Pro Trader Network Traders Workshop" |
"A you a Struggling Trader looking for answers to create and execute a successful Trade Plan?Do you lack the essential Processes and Psychology to consistently win in the markets?Find out what you've been missing with clear, focused direction on how to fill in the gaps and get back on track.Organized and to the point, you'll want to pay close attention to this simple and rich training offering solutions for the pitfalls encountered by most traders. This Traders Workshop contains the required wisdom and know-how to tackle and overcome the challenges of Traders at all Levels.Here's what you get:Part 1 - Getting Back to Basics - Your chance to reboot your Trading Perspective.Part 2 - The Skill of Trading - What it Really Takes to become a Professional.Part 3 - A Solid Foundation - Starting with the End in MindPart 4 - The Trading Business - How to Compete and Win in ForexPart 5 - Process and Outcome - Staying Consistent and FocusedPart 6 - Building a Trading System - Creating and Executing a Trading SystemPart 7 - Mind over Markets - Developing and Keeping a Trading MindsetPart 8 - Biology of Beliefs - How to Make Winning a HabitPart 9 - Profitable Trading - Calculating a Positive ResultLike all Pro Trader Network Courses, this one All Killer and No Filler!DON'T FORGET - For a Complete, Turn-Key, Professional Trading Education, check out the PRO TRADER NETWORK EXCEL COURSE 2.0! Watch the Preview and Create Your Trading Legacy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pro Trader Network Skill Builder Series" |
"We don't always needlong lectures tofortify our approach to the markets and keep us in tune.This Skill Builders Course uses a quick, shotgun style to address Trading Topics and Issues Traders encounter everyday.It is designed to refresh your Trading Mindset and overcome the burnout, confusion and ""noise"" that can cloud decision making.The content is delivered from a Coaching Perspectiveto reinforce things you may already know, but often get lost in the daily clutter.Highlights include:We identify and review the Skills every trader needs to develop a solid Trading Plan and profitableTrading Business.We cover a multitude of topics from ""Why Markets Move"" to ""Making a Living Trading"" and everything in between.Short and to the point, each video containsTips and Training thatwill keep you focused and improve your Trading I.Q.Filled with facts and actionable ideas, this information can help fast track your Trading Learning Curve and Steady Your Concentration."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python ---" |
"Udemy30 PythonPython-TensorFlowPythonPython --- PythonPython --Windows 10PythonAnaconda,SpiderJupyter NotebookTensorFlow+Keras Python ,PythonPythonPythonTensorFlow+Keras CNNTensorFlowCNNTensorFlowTensorboard.TensorFlowVisualization23.....106...PythonPythonPythonSVM,,,PCA,LDAPythonSQLServer 2017.PythonPythonPythonPython Python--Python Python Python--Python Python Python Python1.Python1-1.MacPythonpip install pip install pip uninstall pip listAnaconda,Numpy,MatplotilibMacLaunchpadAnaconda NavigatorMacSpiderjupyter notebook1-2.Window 10PythonWindow 10PythonWindow 10Python,C:ProgramsWindow 10PythonPythonShellwin,pythonpythonpythonexit()Windows 10AnacondaAnaconda,Numpy,MatplotilibPython 3.6condaSpiderJupyter Notebook1-3PyCharmMacPyCharmPython,PycharmPythonJupyter notebookPycharmWindows 10PycharmCommunity2.PythonMac/usr/local/binWindowsC:python36set path=%path%;C:python36utf-8-*-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-#python$ python+-*/,,,=,3.tuple,settuple,()tuple,{}Set{:}4.,TrueFalseifwhileWhile.ifif:if : 1else: 2while,for:for in range(,):TrueFalseandTrueFalseorTrueFasleFalsenotTruenotFalseFalsenotTrueifif : if5:if (1):1elif (2):2elif (3):3elif (4):4else (5):5forPythonfor(statement)whileifwhile5.,,.,,.pass.,6.init__(self,..),self__init__(self), __del__(self)7.class (1,2,3,..): 1 2 (inheritance) (attribute) (method) :getEngine()8.raise,fp=open(,)9.matplotlibMatplotlib.pyplot.pyplot10.Python tuplesetScipynumpyPandasMatplotlib11.tuplesetScipytuple,()tuple,{}SetScipy12.numpynumpyreshape()np.zeros((10,3))10*313.Pandaspip installpandasPandascsvcsv,big5SeriespandasDataFramePandaslambda14.Matplotlib2Matplotlibplt.plot([1,2,3,4])X# r','bs','g^'scatter()meshgrid()15. EntropyInformation GainID3K-nearestKNN16.Python k-meansk-meansnKk-means:k,00,1,,.,DBSCAN:,,,.,,.,.:17.Logistic(Naive Bayes Classifiers)P(AB)BAPCAPCAPCAnmW,m<<nLDA18SVMSVMLagrange,CRBFPythonRBF,,,,Support Vector Regression 19.Python TensorflowKerasMNIST20.Python Python Perceptron21._15022.classifier23.Python _,Python24.Adaline,W25.26.J(w)27.SQL Server 2017 Python SQL SERVER 2017SQL SERVER 2017SQL Server 2017_SQL Server"
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Learn to play ""Limbo"" on the Steel Drum!" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge,"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Play TEQUILA on the Steel Drum!" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge,"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play ""Red Red Wine"" on the Steel Drum!" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that, YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge,"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play ""Here Comes the Bride"" on the Steel Drum" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that, YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge,"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play ""Somewhere Over the Rainbow"" on the Steel Drum" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that, YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play ""Love Me Tender"" on the Steel Drum!" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that, YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play ""Stir It Up"" on the Steel Drum!" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that...YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play ""Don't Worry, Be Happy"" on the Steel Drum!" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that, YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play ""I Shot the Sheriff"" on the Steel Drum!" |
"This is a fun course that will enable you to play a very laid-back, beachy, fun, tropical song on a Steel Drum (or even a Steel Drum app) for your friends and family.You will learn the notes to play at a VERY SLOWspeed, gaining confidence, until you can play the song at full speed.Once you learn the basic notes that comprise the song, you will be playing along with the instructor. Once you're comfortable with that...YOU willtake the lead!The course is meant for beginners with no musical knowledge."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory applied to the STEEL DRUM" |
"Whether you play classical music or heavy metal, we all use the same 12 notes-the chromatic scale.This is a fun course that will teach you:How to build a chromatic scale in every keyHow to pull a Major scale from the chromatic scaleHow to pull a Minor scale from the chromatic scaleHow to pull a Pentatonic scale from the chromatic scaleYou will start by downloading a steel drum app from the internet, then learn to build scales. The steel drum is like no other instrument, as you'll see in the video, because the note layout is designed on the circle of fifths.Please have fun and enjoy the class!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Swiss-German From A To Z" |
"Swiss-Germanis the main Language in Zurich, Berne, Basle, St Gallen and Fribourg and is understood by 70% of the Swisspopulation. This Course is created to teach you the structures and the necessary vocabulary in order to communicate in everyday situations. This course is the best one for people wanting to travel, live and work inSwitzerland."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Czech Language" |
"Czech Language is main language in The Czech Republic , This course will teach you Czech Language Fast and Efficient , This Course was specifically designed for beginners , if you want to learn to speak Czech Fast , then this is the Course for you , Learn the Czech Language essential words & phrases that you need in order to become a fluent Czech speaker . Build a strong Czech language knowledge with this course for beginners ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"4G Network Planning From A to Z" |
"- lte- - - - - - - - Atoll 4G networks RF planning for beginners and intermediate levels Engineersall planning steps in an easy and exiting way.- LTE Intro.- Types of planning- Why planning- Planning steps- 4G Dimensioning "" Capacity and Coverage ""- Coverage dim. steps- Capacity Dim. steps- Case Study- Atoll Simulationalso with practical case study and simulations on cairo mapspresentation and maps are included"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2G, 3G, 4G and Pre 5G" |
"GSM, GPRS, EDGE, CDMA, UMTS, HSPA intro., LTE, LTE-A, LTE-A Pro. Part I: Understanding GSM, GPRS and EDGEFundamentals of Cellular SystemGSM Network ArchitectureGSM Air InterfaceDigital Mobile ElementsGSM Network ProtocolsGPRS and EDGEPart II: Understanding CDMA and UMTSFundamentals of CDMAUMTS Evolution and Air InterfaceUMTS Network ArchitectureUMTS Protocol Stack &Physical layer processingUMTS Network ProtocolsPart III: Understanding Long Term EvolutionLTE Enabling TechnologiesLTE Network ArchitectureLTE Radio InterfaceLTE Protocol StackLTE Network ProtocolsLTE-A & LTE-A Pro"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"An Easy Approach to Goal Setting" |
"All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high,one which sometimes seemed impossible. Orison Swett MardenSetting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Goals are what take us forward in life;they are the oxygen to our dreams. It'svery important that you realize the significance and importance of goal-setting and apply this knowledge in your life. Imagine having to shoot an arrow without being given a target.Where would you aim? And say you did aim at some random thing (out of sheer perplexity). Why would you aim there? And what would the purpose be? Get the idea?? This is a literal example of what life is like without a goal or target in mind.It's pointless and a waste of energy and effort.You can have all the potential in the world but without focusyour abilities and talent are useless. Just like how sunlight can't burn throughanything without a magnifying glass focusing it, you can't achieve anything unless a goal is focusing youreffort. Becauseat the end of the daygoals are what give you direction in life.By setting goals for yourself you give yourself a target to shoot for. This sense of direction is what allows yourmind to focuson a target and rather than waste energy shooting aimlessly, allows you to hit your targetand reach your goal. By setting goals for yourself you are able to measure your progress because you always have afixed endpoint orbenchmark to compare with. By setting goals you give yourself mental boundaries. When you have a certain end point in mind youautomatically stay awayfrom certain distractions and stay focused towards the goal. The root of all the motivation or inspiration you have ever felt in your entire life are goals. Goal setting provides you the foundation for your drive. By making a goalyou give yourself a concrete endpoint to aim for and get excited about. Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfilment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. Earl NightingaleHence, this course aims to enlighten its students on Goal Setting and different aspects associated with it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Greek Art for Art Lovers, Artists and Designers" |
"This course is a journey of discovery into the magic of Greek Art. Greek Art is the foundation for the art of the western world and has influenced all world art. Here you will learn not only how to appreciate and understand these wonderful works of art, but you will also learn how they were made and how to make them yourself. Also, you will meet some of these prominent artists that have had such a profound and lastinginfluence onour art and our culture."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright" |
"This course follows the influences on and the sources of the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright and explores the design and construction insightsof his major works. We examine works from the different stages of his design career to provide a comprehensive look at his amazing buildings. The course encourages students to participate by using Google Earth as a study and research tool."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"The Architecture of Le Corbusier" |
"The Architecture of Le Corbusier is an essential topic in understanding modern design and architecture. We examine the sources of his design and architecture both from the technical side and the design side. We look in detail at the evolution of his most important works of architecture and design. The course analyzes the impact that Le Corbusier had on the early and fundamental developments of modernism in architecture and design. He is one of the most influential designers of our modern world."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Art of the American West" |
"In this course we are going to travel throughthe Old American West. We are going to step inside the most famous saloons of the Old West and have a drink, listen to captivating stories and adventures, enjoy some music, dance, play poker and enjoy the company of beautiful girls.With original photography of Old West Saloons by your professorbrought to life by some of the greatest masters of Western Art."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Egyptian Art" |
"This course is an expedition of excitement, mystery and beauty. We will travel by felucca, by camel, in caravans and on foot to discover and wonder at the art in the temples, in the tombs and in the sacred documents of ancient Egypt. I will introduce you to the most iconic works from ancient Egypt, and also take you to less well known, more mysterious and remote sites throughoutEgypt. I have taught this course at the university level numerous times and have taken students with me on life changingtravels throughout Egypt, and that is what I want for you."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |