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"Curso de Beleza e Cuidados Pessoais" |
"Anna Paula Ramalho idealizadora do curso de moda e comportamento FashionTeen. Anna acredita que, com a moda, podemos trabalhar diversos contedos ligados inovao, autoestima, criatividade e autoconfiana. Publicitria, especialista em Fashion Design pelo Instituto Europeu de Design Brasil-Milo, especialista em Fashion Design e Desenvolvimento de Coleo pelo Instituto Milan Fashion Campus. Finalista do Prmio Sebrae Mulher de Negcios, categoria local (Distrito Federal), em 2016. Isabela Dourado professora de maquiagem, penteados e outros assuntos de beleza no FashionTeen. Formada em Sociologia pela Universidade de Braslia, nunca deixou de lado sua paixo pelo universo da moda: participou da primeira turma do curso presencial FashionTeen e nunca parou de se atualizar na rea, participando de eventos e cursos ministrados por profissionais renomados, como o curso de maquiagem avanada da Makeup Academy, com Renata Meins.Conforme voc vai ficando mais velha, tudo sobre voc comea a mudar: sua aparncia, o formato do seu corpo, seus sentimentos, suas reaes e as coisas pelas quais voc se interessa. Isso acontece com todas as garotas e garotos com a sua idade, mas, s vezes, normal que voc sinta como se fosse a nica pessoa passando por essas situaes. Esta aula foi feita especialmente para lhe ajudar a cuidar de si e para voc descobrir que pode ter uma autoestima ainda maior do que a que tem agora. Voc vai aprender dicas incrveis para valorizar sua beleza natural.Para comear, tudo o que voc precisa fazer colocar uma msica bem animada e comear a danar de frente para o espelho. Observe o seu corpo, o seu rosto e vem com a gente! Vamos entender quais cuidados voc precisa ter, da pontinha do cabelo at o dedo do p, para manter sua autoestima nas alturas, todos os dias! Nesta aula voc vai aprender:A cuidar do seu corpoA importncia do autocuidado para uma autoestima elevadaSaber mais sobre os produtos indispensveis no dia a diaUsar os produtos do jeito certoDicas de alimentao saudvelEscrever uma carta para o futuroO que voc vai precisar: MATERIAL COMPLEMENTAR INCLUSO PARA BAIXARLpis ou canetaFolha de papelProjeto da aula: Para o projeto desta aula, escreva sua carta para o futuro."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Desenho de Moda com Apoio do SEBRAE e SENAI Cetiqt" |
"Todo desenhista precisa soltar sua mo e seu trao para adquirir melhores resultados em seus desenhos. Nesta aula, vamos aprender vrios exerccios de traos, que vo lhe ensinar a ter um maior domnio sobre os seus desenhos, entendendo, por exemplo, o momento certo de colocar mais fora no grafite, de ter um trao mais firme, contnuo, ou at mesmo mais leve. Nesta aula, aprenderemos a fazer efeitos de movimento, profundidade, detalhes e muitos outros que vo lhe ajudar muito para realizar qualquer exerccio de desenho, principalmente de roupas de moda. Solte seu trao e se sinta mais confiante para fazer suas criaes.Voc vai aprender a: Treinar o seu trao e deix-lo mais firme e contnuo Fazer vrios exerccios de movimento e leveza Aprender a desenhar laos e cadaros O que voc vai precisar: MATERIAL COMPLEMENTAR INCLUSO PARA BAIXAR Lpis ou lapiseira Borracha Papel*Projeto da aula: *Para o projeto desta aula, solte o seu trao e mostre que voc aprendeu a aquecer sua mo para desenhar."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao Mundo da Moda com Senai Cetiqt e SEBRAE" |
"Neste curso, voc vai aprender que a moda vai muito alm de roupas e formas. Ela acompanha a histria da nossa sociedade e se transforma de acordo com nossas necessidades e desejos. Um sculo de muitas mudanas, embalado por duas grandes guerras e transformaes sociais, culturais e artsticas que transformaram a forma de vestir de pessoas do mundo o todo. Da Belle poque, cheia de rendas, plumas e volumes, passando pelo estilo minimalista e clssico de Gabrielle Chanel, aos grupos libertadores dos anos 70, com os movimentos hippie, punk e disco. Entender como o vesturio se moldou ao longo do sculo vai lhe ajudar a compreender por que a moda hoje se inspira no passado para criar tendncias e conexes, ditando novas histrias da nossa sociedade.Escolher em qual rea atuar um superdesafio! Na rea da moda, so muitas profisses bacanas para seguir. Neste curso, vamos entender toda a cadeia da moda e todas as possveis profisses que voc pode escolher no futuro. Muita criatividade, dedicao, olho afinado nas tendncias e em tudo o que est acontecendo no mundo so muito importantes para ser bem-sucedido nesta rea. Vamos falar de diversas profisses, como: pesquisador de tendncias, estilista, profissional de marketing, modelagem, styling, comprador de moda, vitrinista e muitas outras. O legal voc entender como funciona o mercado e visualizar qual ocupao tem mais a ver com o seu perfil. Ento, mo na massa e vamos descobrir onde voc ir trabalhar no futuro!Neste curso voc vai: Conhecer os fatos que marcaram a histria do mundo fashion nos ltimos 100 anos Compreender por que um profundo conhecimento da histria da moda fundamental para encontrar sucesso em seu futuro Encontrar inspirao criativa entendendo a moda do sculo XX Melhorar sua compreenso contextual e crtica da histria da moda Compreender os principais pontos de referncia que cada estudante de moda precisa saber Aumentar seu conhecimento cultural para melhorar suas habilidades de pesquisa. Conhecer as profisses da rea da moda Compreender todas as reas de atuao na moda Escolher qual carreira tem mais a ver com o seu perfil*O que voc vai precisar: * Lpis e papel"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Criao de Personagem" |
"Com esse contedo voc aprender a desenhar personagens em qualquer ngulo, com expresses dinmicas e poses criativas! O mais importante compreender os fundamentos do desenho e as caractersticas do seu personagem para poder ter um melhor resultado ao final do desenho. Descubra como criar personagens passo a passo, transformando o que antes poderia ser um personagem sem graa em algo nico e marcante! Alm de vrias outras sugestes de exerccios, desafios e recursos adicionais.Voc vai aprender a:Como utilizar as formas geomtricas para criar seus desenhosDesenhar em detalhes cada parte do corpo humano desde: cabea, cabelos, expresses faciais, pernas, braos, mos e psCriao do personagem desde o conceito a finalizaoO que voc vai precisar:MATERIAL COMPLEMENTAR INCLUSO PARA BAIXARLpis ou lapiseiraBorrachaPapelLpis de CorAquarela (opcional)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia de Moda com Celular" |
"Com esse contedo voc aprender a fotografar, relacionado moda, com o celular de qualquer ngulo, com expresses dinmicas e poses criativas! O mais importante compreender os fundamentos da fotografia na moda e as caractersticas de que vai ser fotografado para poder ter um melhor resultado ao final. Descubra como fotografar com o celular passo a passo, transformando o que antes poderia ser uma foto sem graa em algo nico e marcante! Alm de vrias outras sugestes de exerccios, desafios e recursos adicionais.Voc vai aprender a:Como fotografar com o celular: fotos relacionadas moda.Dicas de poses, montagem de quadro criativo, identificao do seu melhor ngulo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"DNS Bind - step by step" |
"Want to learn how DNS servers are configured from Root Level, Top Level (TLD) and Second Level Domains (2LD)? If yes, then this course is the right choice for you. You will understand parent and child/sub-domain works by configuring Root Level until Second Level Domain.This isolated DNS environment will be useful for you to conduct any testing related to your DNS without touching your live DNS. In this course, you will learn: Understand how Authoritative and Cache DNS worksLean how to setup Authoritative and Cache DNS in proper wayPerform BIND hardening on your DNS servers DNS Troubleshooting and understand common mistakes by DNS administrators DNS Cache Poisoning demo targeting on vulnerable BND versionSecuring your DNS servers by implementing TSIGSecuring your DNS data by implementing DNSSECThis course was developed by ex-DNS Administrator for country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for more than 6 years including applied R&D in DNS, DNS trainer and facilitator in yearly DNS training event.Course Updates:15-07-2019 : Added Cache Poisoning Demo, TSIG and DNSSEC"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Immigration Genealogy" |
"The World Is Smaller Than You Ever Imagined.Family Tradition Meets Forgotten Cultural Influence.You Are More Complex Than You Realize.The world is smaller than you think. Your life looks like it does because of choices your ancestors made potentially hundreds of years ago.They stepped off the ship with not much more than the clothes on their backs and high hopes for the future. The future that became your history.Are you ready to find out why?Discover a new culture and traditions. Finally learn that the weird tradition your family has isn't so unique, it's just a forgotten cultural relic. Begin to understand what your ancestor's lives were like in a different country, in a different time. When genealogy meets immigration, the stories really start to unfold.Traditions Genealogy Academy offers you the chance to learn the step-by-step process for locating reliable records about your immigrant ancestors.Where Do You Come From?Connect To The Culture And People That Led You To Become The Person You Are Today.International searches tend to involve elusive ancestors and dead ends. You shouldn't have gaps in your family history just because of different countries.Immigration Genealogy gives you the chance to further refine your research skills and really take control of piecing together your history.Through a mixture of watching videos, reading articles, and doing worksheets on immigration topics, as well as completing assignments based on the information learned in each unit, you will have a much deeper understanding of your place in the world.After completing this course, you will be able to:Locate and utilize all available naturalization documents.Understand the laws regarding immigration and naturalization during the 18th and 19th century.Access passenger lists from all major U.S. Port of Entry.Locate the name and an image of the ship your ancestor arrived on.Recognize the difference between Castle Garden and Ellis Island and know which one to use when searching for your family.Understand what an alien registration document is and where to find it.Utilize common records, such as censuses, obituaries, and biographies to assist in immigration research.Determine if a passport application is available for your ancestor."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Meet Your Ancestors: Bring Your Genealogy To Life" |
"Names And Dates Are Only The Start Of Your Family Tree.Branch Out And Truly Get To Know Your Ancestors.Family is important. That's why you have so many questions. Especially as you get older, and the people who might have had some answers for you are no longer around.You've put together a bit of a family tree. But the truth is, it's looking a bit sad. It's a winter tree at the moment. All branches, waiting to be fully realized.Names and dates tell you the very basic story. They don't tell you about dreams and hopes and hobbies and careers. Your ancestors were much more than a name and collection of dates.It's time to meet the real people that you came from. You've always wondered.Growing Up On The Western Frontier.Falling In Love During The Civil War.Every Single Name On Your Family Tree Has As Many Stories To Tell As You Do.When you look deeper and get to know the people behind the names, the real stories come out.You'll find snippets of information that make you need to know more.Take Your Research To The Next Level.This course is designed to guide your research so you can find out the real stories that make up your past.This course walks you through non-traditional genealogy sources, so you can refine your research skills and be sure that you are getting the full picture.Well look at using Google Books to locate books on your ancestor's community. Locating County ""Brag Books"" and church books. Understanding how College and University Archives can be useful in your search. Utilizing historical fiction to better understand the world your ancestors lived in.The full picture. Give life to your ancestors. Because they lived full lives.What you need:A computer with internet connectionAccess to emailAbility to use a word processor (Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Google Documents, etc.)What You Get:This is a self-paced online course. You get access to required class materials and can work through at your own pace, in your own time. We recommend at least 2 weeks to complete, but there are no deadlines.Access to articles and videos.Assignments to put your skills into practice.You will have the opportunity to discuss problems or ideas with other students and your instructor.You have lifetime access to all course information. Across all of your devices.If its not what you expected, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.Your Ancestors Have Amazing Stories To Tell.Are You Ready To Listen?"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Lefse Making" |
"Lefse making is not as tricky as you might think. Anyone can do it.In this course, you will be guided through a step-by-step process for making tasty authentic lefse, without becoming intimidated or frustrated.Even if you have never touched a rolling pin, by the end of this course you will be successfully making lefse.Bringing back this treasured family tradition and forming a connection to your heritage.Master specific techniques that will take the mystery out of lefse making.What will I be able to DO after I enroll? Confidently use lefse making tools. Select the appropriate potatoes to make high quality lefse, just like grandmas. Carefully cook potatoes so the dough is the correct consistency and easy to work with. Roll out thin, delicate sheets of lefse. Grill each sheet until perfectly cooked. Choose from popular lefse toppings. Appropriately store your lefse for the longest shelf life. Troubleshoot common lefse making problems. Bonus- Create delicious lefse using instant potatoes.Create thin, delicate sheets of perfect lefse.The first time I tried to make lefse was a complete FAIL. My husband and I used his grandmas recipe (which was really just a guess because she didnt follow a recipe).We didnt get even a single piece to turn out. It was complete mush and impossible to roll.Since then, I have tried MANY different recipes and techniques. Some have worked, some have not.This course is a summary of what I have learned through research and experimenting.It is the step-by-step process that I now use to make awesome lefse that turns out nearly every time (not quite every time... there is some art to it after all).Youll learn how to use all of the tools and where to find them. So no struggling or fumbling with something unfamiliar to you.Your lefse will turn out more consistently. It should be about the same each time so you know how it will turn out.Following the techniques and tips will keep you from needing to deal with a sticky or crumbly mess. Youll know what to do if you have a problem.Lefse is traditionally eaten with butter and sugar (and sometimes cinnamon). But these are far from the only options. You discover all kinds of ways to serve your new treat.After all of this work, youll need to know how to store and preserve it so you can enjoy it for as long as possible.For many families, lefse is a holiday tradition.Many of us have lost the people who carried on this tradition. Some of them passed it on, while others did not. If your family recipe has been lost to time, you will be able to revive it and bring it back to your family.Lefse making is an important part of the Scandinavian-American culture. Connect to this part of your heritage by learning this new skill.What will I learn specifically? The specific tools that are needed and how to use them How to choose and prepare the potatoes How to mix up the dough using your potatoes Rolling out thin sheets of lefse Grilling the sheets to perfection Choosing from traditional and unique toppings for serving lefse Storage and expiration dating Troubleshooting Bonus Making lefse using instant potatoesIn short, you will learn exactly what, why, when, and how each step is completed to easily make delicious lefse.So, give it a try. Sign up today so that you can begin making lefse on your own and bring this amazing tradition back to your family.If you dont love the course, you can get a 100% refund at any time. So there is no risk to you.Once you enroll, you will have all of the information you need to make lefse on your own.I will also be available to answer any questions that might come up and to assist you if you are struggling. Let me know what I can do for you."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"URBAN SKETCHING Composition, Pattern, Color" |
"This short course is focused on urban sketching with ink and watercolor.- such sketches can be turned into postcards, prints and illustrationsThe course will give you some tips on:choosing an interesting scene to sketchdrawing patterns such as bricks or foliage the easy waydraw without unwanted line intersectionsusing water and color combination wiselyIn this course I will also demonstrate the sketching process itself.As for the assignment, I will ask you to sketch using my tips but also in style that youre comfortable with.This course is geared towards beginners and sketch enthusiasts because everyone can decide on their own level of precision and detailization to sketch.If you have any additional questions after taking this course, please, ask me, I'll gladly answer."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Stay at Hotels For Free with Influencer Marketing" |
"In this online course you will learn the exact techniques I've used to stay at beautiful luxury hotels during my travels throughout South America and Southeast Asia for the past three years! It is not necessary to be a social media influencer or have millions of followers to achieve to be successful with this campaign, all you need are the right tools, persistence, proper communication, and some basic technical knowledge.I will demonstrate step-by-step how to use lead generation and email marketing techniques to arrange free accommodation at luxury hotels in exchange for offering a valuable service. You will learn how to use a browser extension called Hunter to collect email addresses, create a list of hotel emails interested in your attractive offer, and set up an effective email campaign to get in contact with the hotel managers.Here's the full course breakdown in six modules (35 minutes):Module #1: How to Install Google Chrome and HunterIO extensionModule #2: Lead Generation using HunterIOModule #3: Building Your Email List of Luxury HotelsModule #4: Create Your Email Marketing CampaignModule #5: Designing Your Email CampaignModule #6: Example Email Scripts in MailChimpAre you ready to get started? Let's begin!Please leave a positive review if you get value from the course."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Empleabilidad Emprendedora - Como Encontrar tu Trabajo Ideal" |
"NICO CURSO QUE TE ENSEA A DESCUBRIR TU VOCACIN, DETERMINAR TU TRABAJO IDEAL, REALIZAR UN PLAN DE ACCIN PARA POTENCIAR TUS FORTALEZAS Y MEJORAR TUS DEBILIDADES Y REALIZAR UN PLAN ESTRATGICO DE BSQUEDA DE TRABAJO PARA QUE HAGAS LO QUE TE GUSTA EL RESTO DE TU VIDA!!!3 Razones para inscribirte a este curso:No identificamos nuestro vocacin ni identificamos nuestro escenario laboral de xito antes de buscar trabajo. En EE te ensearemos a hacerlo.Al salir de la universidad nadie nos ensea a buscar trabajo de manera correcta. En EE te enseamos las herramientas actuales para que puedas realizar una bsqueda estratgica de trabajo.Cuando te grades del curso resolveremos todas tus dudas durante 1 semana para que puedas desarrollar sin ningn problema tu ""plan estratgico de bsqueda de trabajo"".En este curso aprenders con clases tericas, ejemplos reales y 11 actividades practicas lo siguiente:Realizar un auto diagnostico de tus capacidades.Conocer tu personalidad, tus fortalezas y debilidades que te ayudaran a conseguir tu trabajo soado.Identificar tu trabajo ideal y realizar un plan de accin para lograrlo.Identificar tus ""Creencias Limitadoras"" y reemplazarlas por ""Creencias Facilitadoras"" que te ayudaran a lograr tus objetivos.Crear un ""Curriculum de Impacto"" adecuado para todas tus bsquedas de trabajo.Desarrollar tu ""Marca Profesional"" en redes sociales como: LinkedIn y Facebook.Comprender todas las etapas del ""Proceso de Seleccin"" para desarrollar diferentes estrategias exclusivas para cada etapa del proceso.Conocer todos los canales de ""Bsqueda de trabajo"" y como postular a cada uno de ellos.Desarrollar un ""Discurso Estructurado y Adaptado"", para que puedas vender tus servicios profesionales en todas tus entrevistas de trabajo.Conocer la importancia de la ""Legislacin Laboral"" de tu pas para negociar las condiciones de tu contratacin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aikido ABC - Vol 1. Body preparation" |
"Welcome to the premiere course of Aikido ABC - Vol 1. In this initial program we will focus on the body preparation for all the Aikido work coming later in course Vol 2-5. This warm-up will include: 1. The traditional Japanese whole-body Aikido Calisthenics. 2. Basic core strengthening exercises. Waist, hips and legs.3. Kokyu-Ryoko: How to train soft strength. Breath power.4. Connection. Stretch and pull your tendon and fascia connective tissue to create a strong yet supple connected body.All four exercises blend, complement and inform each other yet each can be done in isolation by itself. *Remember that personal hands-on teaching from a qualified instructor is invaluable in order to fully grasp the inner methods of practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aikido ABC - Vol 2. Basic techniques" |
"We will learn the first six numbered techniques of Aikido from the Shomen-uchi attack:1. Ikkyo, omote and ura waza.2. Nikkyo, omote and ura waza 3. Sankyo, omote and ura waza.4. Yonkyo, omote and ura waza.5. Gokkyo, yokomen-uchi ura-waza. Tanken-dori.6. Rokkyo.We will learn it in its basic Kihon form and in its flowing Ki no nagare form. Step by step instruction of each detailed foot and hand movement. Each technique done from both left and right side."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stop Motion Animation Lego Movie Making With Your SmartPhone" |
"Have you seen the LEGO Movies? ""Everything is Awesome!"" about the way it looks! Well, it's such a FUN experience to make your own Lego style movie! With my ""Quick Class"" you will be shown how to make your very own BriQ FliQ or Stop Motion Animation Movie. I take you from the supplies needed, making/shooting, tips and tricks, and exporting.Not just for kids BUT if you want to spend quality time and connect with your child, but they dont want to put down the tablet? BriQ FliQs QUICK CLASSES are a GREAT and FAST way to connect with your kids using Legos and movies. STEM type class for you and your child. Make an Animation Movie!Most people dont want to spend hours in a classroom. Thats why our QUICK CLASSES are perfect. In this QUICK CLASS: MAKE YOUR BRIQ FLIQ - LEVEL ONE you will learn the basics.The items you need to make a Stop Motion Animation Movie or BriQ FliQHow to make your character do a Walk CyclePreproductionProductionPost ProductionTips for better shootingWe are excited to help you MAKE YOUR MOIVE YOUR BRIQ FLIQ!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a Software QA Tester. Roman Savin's Course" |
"""Ive hired many QA engineers, and can vouch for the effectiveness of much of the material here If youre serious about becoming a software tester, I cant think of a better way to start."" Phil Libin, Evernote CEOCourse FAQ1. What is the primary purpose of this course?To help you find a QA job ASAP.2. Do I need to have a computer science degree or QA experience to get a job?Many, if not most, QA engineers came from the fields unrelated to computer science. There are former lawyers, civil engineers, accountants, customer support specialists, teachers, salespeople, etc. who got their QA jobs after taking a class on software testing. BTW, the great option to start QA career is to do internal transfer within your company so many companies have websites, and somebody needs to develop and test them! QA is not rocket science! in fact, our profession is the easiest way to join the software industry. Having said that we want to stress that QA studies and QA work DO require things that not everybody has: attention to details, perseverance, patience, curiosity, and ability to learn new concepts/approaches.3. What this course consists of?a. 45 video lectures PACKED with materials and practical exercises. Lectures 40-45 (inclusively) cover our Job Hunting System designed to help you stay ahead of your competition in the job market.b. 45 homework assignments (PDF file with homework is attached as a Resource to each lecture).c. 45 quizzes.d. Web-based training software SHARELANE.COM.e. Professional Exam for Software QA/Test Engineer (178 questions on QA, Manual Testing, QA automation and software development)e. Templates and examples of QA documents (including first QA resume template) that you can use for your career. We urge you to - execute all practical exercises as you study video lectures.- take all quizzes - complete all homework assignments. Once again, if you want to be ahead of your competition on a junior tester job market, you have to study hard and do all practical exercises, homework, and quizzes. This course is big, comprehensive and its designed to help you get a job ASAP, but youll have to invest your effort and attitude and all good things will come your way.This course is based on a bestselling book by Roman Savin and Ruslan Desyatnikov How to Become a QA Tester in 30 days and on previous Roman Savins books (How to Become a Software Tester and ).4. Would I benefit from this course if Im already employed as a software tester?Many employers have bought this course and its predecessor to refresh knowledge of their test engineers or to convert non-QA employees into QA pros. So, yes, you will.5. Why do you use QA Tester in the name of the course? Aren't QA and Testing different things?The purpose of Quality Assurance is to prevent bugs. The purpose of testing is to find and address bugs that were not prevented. So, while QA and Testing are different things, they both deal with and improve software quality. In the software industry, titles QA, Tester, and QA Tester are used interchangeably.6. Do you guarantee that Ill find a QA job after your course?We cannot guarantee that because it's irresponsible to do so! There are too many variables: job market, students attitude, students intellect, students persistence in learning, students ability to take rejection, etc. etc. But what we CAN guarantee is that youll get TOP QA Education and this course will provide you with all the knowledge needed to start and successfully proceed with your QA/Testing career.7. Some people say that manual QA is no longer needed.Nope! QA automation is a great thing, but it merely does what you program it to do. QA automation has no intelligence of its own. Hence in many cases, e.g., when software has a lot of moving parts, usage of QA automation makes no sense, and the only way to test software is to involve manual testers. We recommend learning manual QA first, then getting a job, then moving to QAautomation.Manual QA engineers will always be needed before AI is self-aware, but in that case, we are in big trouble in anyway :)8. Do you cover QA automation?QAautomation means a broad spectrum of tools, techniques, and approaches. Here is what we'll do in this course:we'll have three lectures about QA automation where you'll learn how to write QA automation correctly and how to find good cases for its usage -- in other words, you'll learn how to work smart with whatever automation tools you'll choose in the future.9. Are there Junior QA jobs? How much can I make from the start?You'll find plenty of junior positions if you know how and where to search -- we will teach you that. As of April 9, 2019, Glassdoor reports that for average Entry Level QA Analyst salary is $56,773/yr in the USA. Not so bad for a start!10. When I look at QA positions, they require at least some experience.Well teach you how to translate your non-QA experience into QA experience, and how to get actual QA experience that you can put into your resume. 11. How is this course different from hundreds of other QA courses, including free ones?- This course was created by PayPal, Evernote, and Chegg alumni Roman Savin. His works on QA/Testing enabled thousands of people around the world to get started with QA career.- This course is about action there is NO DRY THEORY here. We are going to give you the methodologies, approaches, solutions, suggestions, recommendations, ideas, brain positioning and document examples and templates that have immediate IMMEDIATE practical application in any company youll join.- You'll learn QA/Testing and practice your QA skills with innovative web-based training software SHARELANE.COM. In other words, you'll practice while learning, and learn while practicing!- The course videos were produced by professionals in a professional studio on professional equipment. The voice over belongs to professional American narrator.- In addition to basic QA/Testing training, e.g., test case writing or bug filing, youll get familiar with many TECHNICAL things: databases, log files, builds, version control, automation tools, programming practices, website architecture, etc. etc.- In this course, weve also covered work of other participants of the software development life cycle (product managers, coders, DB admins, release engineers, etc.), so you can understand how things work in the software companies, why bugs appear and what can we do to prevent them.Welcome to the course and thanks for choosing us,Roman Savin and QA Mentor team."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Modele seu Processo de Negcio com BPMN no BIZAGI" |
"Uma organizao pode ser vista como uma coleo de processos de negcio integrados para criar valor para seus clientes. Quanto mais a organizao conhece seus processos melhor ela funciona e a maneira de conhecer um processo modelando-o.BPMN a notao padro, de fato, utilizada na modelagem dos processos de uma organizao, com a qual voc pode descrev-los, document-los, criar manuais de procedimentos, capacitar fora de trabalho, realizar melhoria contnua de produtos e servios e automatizar operaes.Aprender BPMN, alm de mudar a maneira como voc v uma organizao, pode ajudar na sua carreira em qualquer rea de uma empresa.Este curso para iniciantes ou para quem j usa o BPMN mas no tem uma base slida nos fundamentos da notao ou nos conceitos de processos de negcio ou de modelagem de processos.Os conceitos so apresentados um de cada vez, medida que se fazem necessrios para a modelagem do Processo Lavar Carro, que assim completamente modelado, passo a passo, desde suas definies iniciais.O curso organizado em 10 aulas distribudas em duas sees:Seo 1) Conceitos de Processos de Negcio e ModelagemAula 1: IntroduoAula 2: Diferenas entre BPM, BPI, BPMS e BPMNAula 3: Conceitos de Processos de Negcio (nome, objetivo, escopo, instncia)Aula 4: Conceitos de Modelagem de Processo de Negcio (As Is, To Be, modelagem descritiva, analtica, automao)Aula 5: Aplicativo para Modelagem de processo de Negcio (download e instalao)Seo 2) Seo de Elementos da Notao BPMN e Modelagem do Processo Lavar CarroAula 6: Principais elementos de BPMN (pools, eventos de incio e de trmino, atividades, fluxos de sequncia)Aula 7: Tipos de atividades de BPMN (tarefas abstratas, manuais, de usurio, automticas, subprocessos, call activities)Aula 8: Gateways condicionais e paralelos (gateway ou-exclusivo e paralelo)Aula 9: Papis do processo (lanes) e outros processos (lanes, black box pools, fluxos de mensagem)Aula 10: Tratamento de dados e artefatos (objetos de dados, depsitos de dados, anotaes, grupos)Todas as aulas incluem uma vdeo-aula. A partir da 2 aula, incluem tambm 5 questes tericas do tipo melhor resposta entre 4 alternativas, para fixao dos conceitos apresentados naquela aula.A partir da 5 aula, quando ser instalado o BIZAGI na sua mquina, haver ainda um exerccio prtico em cada aula com o uso do aplicativo, utilizando os elementos da notao BPMN apresentados naquela aula. A parte prtica no BIZAGI ser explicada e demonstrada por um segundo vdeo em cada aula.Assim, os conhecimentos adquiridos nas aulas sero aplicados gradualmente ao mesmo processo Lavar Carro e, ao final da ltima aula, o modelo do processo estar pronto e voc ter conhecido a sequncia de procedimentos para modelar seus prprios processos de negcio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Voc melhor em 30 dias" |
"Programa de exerccios fsicos completo para sair definitivamente do sedentarismo. Voltado para pessoas totalmente sedentrias ou at quem nunca treinou. Inclui o fortalecimento muscular que feito atravs do treinamento funcional. Esta uma metodologia completa de treino que permite treinar em qualquer lugar e sem a necessidade maquinas ou pesos, utilizando o prprio peso corporal e movimentos bsicos do nosso dia a dia. Isso proporciona quebra de rotina e possibilidade de mudar constantemente os locais de treino. Podendo treinar em parques, praas, dentro de casa, no hotel em qualquer local mesmo com espao reduzido. Alm disso, tambm inclui exerccios aerbios para melhorar a sade, perder peso e melhorar o condicionamento fsico. Alongamento geral para melhorar postura, reduzir dores e diminuir o stress.Inclui bnus com: guia sobre a relao de descanso e dormirguia com psiclogo e coach sobre mudana de hbitos e estilo de vidaguia sobre alimentaoe muito mais!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How To Build SAAS Product using Python &NodeJS" |
"Learn NodeJS ,Python (ML+Scrabing) ,Angular JS ,Firebasecourese outline:Install NodeJs ,Install express ,Create hello world Node & Express appInstall python shell , install python ,install Sklearn , install pip (Connect Python with Node JS)Install beautiful soup ,Example scarperDemonstrate Python scraper (syarah) + JsonConnect Firebase with python and execute predictionCreate Angular app and connect to node JS and send data from HTMLReceive data from NodeJS to htmlSolve the arabic language problemCreate new layoutDeploy Node JS python on HerokuDelpy HTML to free Host AwardSpace"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
blockchaininarabic |
", .. :1- :IntroductionOverViewCourse GoalsBlockChain Vs BitcoinSending Money ProblemHigh Fees ProblemBitcoin and Satoshi NakamotoBitcoinDouble Spending ProblemLeadgersPeer2Peer NetworksBlockChain levelsEtheruem BlockChainSmart ContractHyperLedgerBlockChain ChallengesBlockChain SectorsLets review Example 1Lets review Example 22- :BlockChain in HealthCareBlockChain in insuranceBlockChain in Real-EStateBlockChain in SupplyChainBlockChain in Retail and ShipmentBlockChain in IOTBlockChain in BankingBlockChain in FinanceBlockChain in FintechBlockChain in IdentityBlockChain in EnergyBlockChain in Retail and ShopsBlockChain in Legal3- ICO .."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Master & Maker: Realiza proyectos con Arduino. De 0 a Maker!" |
"Quieres aprender a ser un maker? Quieres saber todo lo que puedes llegar a hacer con Arduino? Participa en este curso y aprende a realizar cualquier proyecto que se te pase por la cabeza con Arduino. Con este curso aprenders sobre las placas de Arduino, los componentes, los sensores, el mundo analgico y el paso al mundo digital y todo desde un punto de vista practico orientado a proyectos. Con cada seccin irs aprendiendo de forma incremental y realizando proyectos con diferentes objetivos. Cuando llegues a la ltima seccin podrs realizar proyectos grandes con objetivos claros.El enfoque del curso es eminentemente prctico, siguiendo una metodologa estricta de aprendizaje. A travs de la metodologa el alumno podr ir comprobando, mediante la realizacin de ejercicios, como se van adquiriendo los conocimientos necesarios para lograr concluir con xito el curso. Dichos ejercicios sern resueltos por el instructor en sesiones posteriores.En cada seccin se evaluarn los conocimientos que has ido aprendiendo, mientras que en la ltima seccin se te guiar para realizar un proyecto evaluable con nociones de todo lo que se ha ido aprendiendo.Si te gustan los proyectos DIY no lo dudes, hazte maker!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Find Real Fans For Your Music On Social Media" |
"One of the major pain points facing independent music artists in this digital era is how do I find fans?. I often meet talented artists struggling to grow a fanbase. Record labels have collapsed and artists are rapidly becoming reliant on streaming algorithms paying pennies on the dollar.Artists that dont have digital marketing and sales savvy are being left behind.Even worse many feel that these skills are out of their reach which is far from the truth.This course is part of the solution.By the end of this course you will learn:Step-by-step instruction on how to create music video rollouts on FacebookStep-by-step instruction on how to create real fans on autopilotStep-by-step instruction on how to create targeted audiences to find fans that like your kind of music on social mediaWe know theres a lot of fake gurus out there. So to prove our strategy works we included a live case study for the course. You get to see exactly how within 30 days we scaled an acapella Hip Hop music video to:100K+ Facebook views20% increase in Spotify listeners400+ new social followers1K+ unique clicks to the artist's website800+ post shares18,000 Ad Lift Recall (18K people remembered the video 2 days after watching it upon polling)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
2010-kav |
"2010201320102010201320 MOS"
Price: 6000.00 ![]() |
"Autodesk Revit Arquitectura 2019: Curso Definitivo" |
"En el ""Curso definitivo de Revit Arquitectura"" encontrars 98 clases sintetizadas y dedicadas 100% a Revit Arquitectura, donde aprenders todo lo referente al programa, adems de ciertos elementos estructurales como Plintos, Pilares, Vigas y Sistemas de vigas. El surso se divide en dos secciones, la primera dedicada al desglose de cada herramienta que nos brinda REVIT, explicando su uso y con archivos de prctica, para su mejor entendimiento y puesta en prctica. Y una segunda parte, dedicada al modelado de un PROYECTO BIM, con la metodologa adecuada para que el programa logre una cuantificacin precisa de cantidades de obra y por ende, ahorro de tiempo y dinero."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM Subcontracting and SAP Batch Management Process" |
"In this course, I have explained the process steps of Subcontracting with sub scenarios like over and under consumption of components during Subcontracting procurement. And also accounting entries during Goods Receipt of Finished product are explained. I provided few doubts session videos along with main course video.I have provided Batch Management Configuration and testing process in this course. Batch determination is explained along with testing of Batch Management functionalities"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM PR and PO Release Procedure" |
"Purchase Requisition Release Procedure Step by Step Configuration with classification includes define characteristics, class and release codes along with multiple strategiesPurchase Requisition Release Procedure TestingPurchase Order Release Procedure Step by Step Configuration with classificationPurchase Order Release Procedure Testing at different approval levelsBusiness requirements of Release ProcedureQ&A session videos on Release ProcedureFew issues related to Release Procedure discussions"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM Consignment and Pipeline Procurement" |
"In this course, one can learn below topics- Configuration Steps for Consignment Process- Testing of Consignment Cycle step by step for End User- Configuration Steps for Pipeline Process- Testing of Pipeline Procurement Cycle step by step for End User- Business Examples for the Procurement Processes- Accounting entries are provided for each goods movement in Consignment and Pipeline Procurement- Invoice Settlement with MRKO Transaction is explained- Few doubts are explained"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP Intra Company STO process" |
"In this course, one can learn below topics- Intra Company STO without Delivery configuration and step by step testing steps. This process will happen within SAP MM- Intra Company STO with Delivery configuration and step by step testing steps. This process is integrated with SAP SD- Movement types and accounting entries related to Intra STO are explained in this course- Few doubts session videos are provided which cover few questions from STO process along with few other topics of SAP MM"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM Import and RTP Procurement Process" |
"In this course, I have taught below topics which cover configuration and testing - Import Procurement configuration and testing- Accounting Entries of Import Procurement and explanation about different types of condition types- Import Pricing Procedure- Returnable Transport Packaging Procurement Configuration and Testing- Business examples for the procurement- Q&A session on Import Procurement and few other SAP MM topics"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM Pricing Procedure" |
"In this course, below topics are covered. I have explained step by step configuration and testing- SAP MM Pricing Procedure configuration includes Condition type, pricing schema and schema determination etc.- Condition Table and Condition Records- Testing Pricing Procedure with Purchase Order- Business examples for Process- Q&A sessions on Pricing procedure"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |