Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Disciplined Mind" |
"Discipline is the ability to do things that you'd rather avoid. These are necessary things. These are things that can take your life to the next level. These are things that can set you up for greater success in life. These are the things that would resolve a lot of personally difficult issues, but most people would rather avoid them.Discipline involves action. It really boils down to what you do and what you choose not to do.With this video course you will learn all the skills you need to become more disciplined."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads 101" |
"In this specific video training course, you will learn what you need to do to setup your Facebook Ads properly.You will learn to find data about what your audience wants and what is the best way you should approach them.You will also learn how to make sure your ads appeal to the right person, how do you use the right text, the right image and much more!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"High Ticket Online Sales Secrets" |
"If you want to sell anything online, its actually not all that hard. Closing a sale is not the problem. Generating consistent, high-value sales, that's the issue.Even if you are able to master the art of online sales, you may still continue to struggle.Using the high ticket sales secrets from this video course, you will learn how to maximize the return that you get for all your efforts. It all boils down to being at the right place, talking about the right things at the right time with the right people."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Web Traffic Excellence" |
"In this video you will learn tips and tricks to help you avoid the common pitfalls people make.You can have the best product or the best service in the world but if you have no traffic its all completely worthless.This 5 - part video course will help new and experienced marketers generate huge amount of traffic from five different sources.You will learn everything you need to know about the highest converting traffic source.You will learn how to hunt down these forums for your niche and get laser targeted, and passionate traffic.The money is in the list! This video will show you how you can generate huge amounts of email traffic that are ready to buy your product."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NEW! CompTIA Network+ N10-007 Practice Exams and Tests" |
"All of these questions are hand written by an experienced instructor with over 20 years of experience in the field. I have based each and every question off of the objectives directly from CompTIA to help you prepare to take and pass the CompTIA Network+ N10-007 exam on your first try as many of the students in my live classes have done!These 5 practice tests are broken down by domain and individual objective so you can see where your strengths and weaknesses are and spend more time studying up on the areas where you might need a little more practice. You'll have 75 minutes for each of these exams which is 50 percent longer per question than the the 90 minutes for up to 90 questions that you'll have on your actual exam. Be sure to read each question completely and thoroughly to be sure you understand exactly what the question is asking. Just as with CompTIA's questions, sometimes questions may have extra information that is irrelevant to what is actually being asked, while other questions will be very straightforward.Whether you found this course through my YouTube channel or through my website or through some other method, I'd love to hear any feedback you might have about these questions. Feel free to contact me anytime!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Packet Tracer Major Important Practicals" |
"Computer Networking Beginner Students, Beginner Cisco Packet Tracer User and Lecturer those who gain Computer Networking Configuration with practical model can benefit from this Course. This Course Includes 10 Lectures there here belowLecture 01: Prepare a list of IP addresses, subnetwork IDs, Broadcast IDs, Network IP and Default GatewayLecture 02: Create & Configure Virtual Local Area Networking (VLAN)Lecture 03: Create & Configure Virtual Trunking Protocol (VTP) Lecture 04: Assign VLAN to PCLecture 05: Configure Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)Lecture 06: Encapsulate the Router for VLANLecture 07: Create & Configure Access Control List (ACL)Lecture 08: Configure Network Address Translation (NAT)Lecture 09: Configure Port SecurityLecture 10: Configure Wireless Devices & WiFi Protected Access (WPA)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain & Smart Contracts: Applied for Professionals" |
"K.Y.T Consulting develops our Professional client's knowledge through a comprehensive approach, providing a fundamental understanding of Blockchain Technology and Crypto Assets. However, rather than focus on the minutiae of the underlying technology, we look at its application, focusing on how it is set to disrupt industries and whos currently implementing it, providing concepts to be understood rather than terminology to be remembered, allowing client facing professionals to have better, more informed, conversations with clients and identify new opportunities.This course comprises three modules:Blockchain Technology Fundamentals:This module covers the origin of Blockchain, explaining what it is and then explores its various use-cases, with specific examples from some of the worlds largest companies.Crypto Assets & Smart Contracts:This asset class can be subdivided into Digital Cash (cryptocurrency), Utility Tokens and Tokenised Securities. In this module you will be introduced to each of these classifications and their respective features and use cases. This module also provides a comprehensive analysis of smart contracts; a key topic underpinning the disruptive nature of Blockchain Technology.Buying, Selling &Custody of Crypto Assets:This module focuses on how crypto-assets are acquired, liquidated and stored. Specifically, we shall review the counter-party options when buying and selling these assets, alongside key considerations, associated risks and their expected costs. This module also introduces clients to Initial Coin Offerings (ICO's) and Security Token Offerings (STO's), covering the due diligence clients must undertake and the underlying factors they must scrutinise prior to allocating capital.Disclaimer: This course does not constitute investment advise. Please consult a professional investment adviser prior to allocating capital."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Free & Paid Traffic: Ultimate Guide To Acquire Customers" |
"Course Content & OverviewInside the course, I will share the step-by-step approach that I used to build my eCommerce businesses that has generated 7-figure annual revenue. You will learn:How To Be A Great Growth HackerWhen You Should Pay For Social Media TrafficWhen You Should NOT Pay For Social Media TrafficWhen You Should Use Organic Search Vs Paid SearchTools To Use To Grow Your Business With RetargetingHow To Leverage On Free TrafficHow To Master Video MarketingThis courses come with a 30 day money back guarantee - no questions asked!Make This Investment in YourselfSign up today to become an expert in eCommerce advertising!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Super Mthode en Daytrading entre 40 et 70 points par jour" |
"Dans cette formation j'aborde une mthode extrmement solide qui ne laisse rien au hasardune mthode pratique avec des vraies exemplescette mthode va vous permettre de :trader sur nimporte quel plateformeLutter contre l'impatiencegagner du temps et d'efficacitavoir un confort de travailAvoir des gains quotidiensFaciliter la gestion du risqueidentifier le contexte trs facilementliminer le douteviter la subjectivitapprendre s'adaptergarder le contrleavoir des signaux sans retardse guider dans le bon sensprendre confianceet le plus important devenire gagnant sur les march"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CS6 Master Course In Hindi" |
", , , , Hi Friends in this course you will learn how to create picture in Photoshop and how to use filter. plugin as well as you will learn Action Creative GIF Icon Poster Info graphic Web Page Manipulation type pictures and so on..You Will Get Premium Filter, Brush, PSD install filtter in to install pattern in to create gif picture in to create krizma to create cenva to use fillter and light effect in photoshop.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Photoshop, even if you have little to no experience with it! The goal is to learn how to design fantastic looking websites in Photoshop and create a high monthly income from them"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trading Risk Management Masterclass" |
">>>>>> Take Action to learn how to Protect your Trading Capital <<<<<<The goals of this course:Reach your trading goals......while at the same time NOT destroying your trading account!+ Become aware of hidden risks in your current trading and ""think volatility"" like big banks.Risk Management is basically everything you need to trade successfully, the sooner you learn about it the better!The thing is, that you won't learn about your real risk inherent in trading if you're just randomly browsing the web.You will fall into the arms of fake trading educators, who are hired by retail brokers. They will tell you some fancy technical trading strategies and are silent about the fact, that volatility is the only thing that creates opportunity, that risks are often taken blindly and that trading is limited. Do it different and learn the boundaries of what's possible in the financial markets and what not. It doesn't matter if you're already trading or you're a beginner. And it doesn't matter whether you trade crypto, forex, stocks, futures or CFD's.... My course gets into the nitty details about all topics to build your edge and makes it almost impossible for you to lose the trading game... or at least increases your chances dramatically if you are taking the steps needed!______________________________________My video course will not teach typical technical analysis.You are going to learn more important things. You will learn how BIG BANKS see VOLATILITY and define OPPORTUNITIES in the markets without having a technical bias,because it all depends on STATISTICS and MATHEMATICS.Maybe you know it already: increasing risk/reward and the number of winning trades in your overall trading history will make you more profit.But do you really understand how to be the trader, that trades with a good risk/reward by letting winners run and how to be the trader that manages his losses in the most efficient way?Trading is not about experience, it is about understanding reality. The trading game looks very shiny to those who are hoping around in it. The reality is something that you maybe don't want to hear, because you believe the TV stories and the Youtube Commercials and people on Instagram.What comes closer to reality brings you closer to risk management and the necessity to improve yourself daily in it. Every day is a chance to be a better trader/risk manager.Only if you understand volatility and correlations, you can really say that one trade has nothing to do with the other. And then it becomes a game of maths: you will learn how to calculate maximum drawdown depending on your trading skill and how to scale up risk in accordance with your trading system, so that you will never risk too much.What you will learn:Understand the connection between volatility and opportunity.Create an opportunity set, that fits you.Hidden risks: different forms of correlations.How to not overtrade by respecting the statistics of an underlying.How to develop a risk scaling plan to protect your trading capital.How to improve exits, entries: create a Reason2Sell list and an entry/exit management plan.How to execute orders efficiently in stocks and futures.How to track your trades and improve daily on your own insights.How to build an edge with journaling.How to get out of drawdowns with variable tracking.... and more!______________________________________You want to stop losing your shirt in the markets? This course will help you do that, no bullshit!I'm not just talking around, I have over 6 years of active trading experience and can empathize with traders.Beginners often don't want to see the risks, because they are believing that they are special and that trading is easy.But you need to learn risk management before running a trading system, similar to learning how to use the brake if you're driving a car.Take this course and start a successfull trading career!______________________________________Unlimited lifetime access to the courseBonus material: Excel Files, and other sample files+ I'm always here to answer your questions+ Guarantee that you will have a hard time losing your hard earned capital in the markets if you follow the steps in the video course.______________________________________""Add to Cart"" Now, to don't let the Future get out of your Hand!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Implement Jets & Choppers in Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints" |
"A unique Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints course where you will learn to develop flying and firing behaviours of Combat Jets and Helicopters from scratch using Physics.Divided into 2 sections, this course is pretty well accommodating for the Beginners as well.Section 1 dedicated to the Beginners in Blueprints will teach you to create a simple Shoot-em-up game from scratch along with Sounds and UI.Section 2 is for the Intermediate Blueprint Developers which will teach you to implement Combat Jets and Helicopters using Physics in Blueprints.Learn to integrate the gorgeous UE4 Ocean Community Plugin(freely available from Github) to your Blank Project.Learn to set up a Classic Jet of the Indian Navy called INAS Seahawk where you will weaponize her, fly her using a Battlefield-esque input controls over the Ocean and fire from her powerful cannons and Rockets, all in Blueprints from scratch!Learn to set up a Classic Helicopter of the Indian Navy called INAS Seaking where you will weaponize her, fly her using a Battlefield-esque input controls over the Ocean and fire her anti-submarine torpedoes, all in Blueprints from scratch!Learn to implement the behaviour of entering and exiting vehicles as characters.Learn to create behaviours for Projectiles like Cannon Guns, Rockets, and Torpedoes.Learn to use Construction Scripts for an effective automation of the development process.Learn to create projects with an Object-Oriented architecture using Parent and Child Blueprints.Learn to use Blueprint Interfaces, Structures, Function Libraries, and Enumerations in Blueprints."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Create a game without coding ( ) Construct 3" |
". . .You may not be a programmer.Not a graphic designer.Everyone will show you how to complete a game without coding using PixelArt."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Direito Constitucional- Artigo 5 da Constituio" |
"Aqui voc aprender o contedo do artigo de forma rpida e eficiente. Foram feitos alguns recortes metodolgicos para que a assimilao ficasse mais fcil. O que voc encontrar no presente curso: a esquematizao dos incisos, a interconexo com outras Disciplinas, os remdios constitucionais, os pargrafos e a parte prtica. Na parte prtica, as questes de dividem na anlise para concurso pblico e para OAB.A metodologia pensada atravs dos nveis de conhecimento, ou seja, o objetivo que o aluno evolua da compreenso para reao/integrao. Em cada ponto voc encontrar um vdeo e Sistemas Mentais com a esquematizao da matria."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Dicas para o Exame da OAB- Direito" |
"Curso com dicas objetivas para ter uma preparao global para o Exame da OAB. O curso envolve preparao cognitiva, emocional e estratgia de prova e de estudo. O curso, por ser pensado no mtodo dos nveis de conhecimento (compreenso e reao/integrao), feito com base nos Sistemas Mentais e em vdeos curtos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Isolada de tica para OAB- Direito" |
"Aqui o aluno ir encontrar um curso focado em algumas dicas importantes para sua preparao para o Exame da OAB. Toda metodologia feita atravs dos nveis de conhecimento (compreenso e reao/integrao), com o intuito de fazer com que o aluno compreenda a matria e esteja apto para resolver questes."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Preparao prtica para a Prova da OAB" |
"O presente curso selecionou alguns aspectos prticos que podem influenciar -e muito- na sua preparao para a Prova da OAB. Falaremos de algumas objees que podem de impedir de comear a estudar. Em outra seo analisaremos algumas questes e mostraremos que voc pode usar alguns mtodos de estudos para otimizar a parte prtica- fazer questes. Por ltimo, apresentamos e explicamos como voc pode utilizar os Sistemas Mentais como mtodo de estudo e forma de resumo mais lgica e eficaz."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bitcoin, blockchain, gold, Austrian theory & the world today" |
"This is an essential course for anyone curious about Bitcoin, what it is and how it could possibly fit into the world we live in.This course takes you on a journey through the fundamental role of money in society, its origins and progress over time to where we are today and the state of the current economy.We cover a deep analysis of Bitcoin and provide a framework for understanding it as a new form of global, digital currencyWe cover the underlying components of Bitcoin including the Bitcoin blockchain. We explore Bitcoin mining and the economic principles and ideology behind Bitcoin.We begin with an overview of the history of money before moving onto an analysis of economics, focussing on Austrian economics, an overview of the global institutions and finally the state of the global economy today.How Bitcoin then fits in becomes immediately obvious!The explosion of cryptocurrency and blockchain projects around the world is very exciting for the transformation of money and global economics, innovation and technology - make sure you start from a solid grounding and understanding and begin with the innovation that matters the most - Bitcoin."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete WiFi Ethical Hacking Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to my WiFi cracking course where you'll learn how to crack the key and get the password to WiFi networks weather they use WEP, WPA or WPA2.100% working methods for 2019!The course is divided into four main sections: Introduction to Wireless Networks.Hacking from WANHacking using LinuxPassword crackingAnd after the update 05/09/2019Evil Twin attackAlternative Wireless Testing DistributionsWith this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section and we'll respond to you within 10 hours."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Firewall com Mikrotik" |
"Neste curso vocs vo aprender de forma simples e objetiva a configurao de um Firewall com Mikrotik. Aprenda a criar regras utilizando as tabelas do firewall, configurar servios, VPN, QoS, Fail Over e etc. Tpicos de ensino:- Introduo e Preparao do ambiente;- Servios de Rede;- Firewall Tabela Filter;- Firewall Tabela NAT;- Firewall Tabela Mangle;- Regras de Segurana;- Web Proxy;- Ferramentas;- QoS;- VPN;- Servios IP."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Ideal Position" |
"Stop feeling overwhelmed and undervalued. Think about thisyou have someones dream job, so go get yours! Follow these steps to understand what you are best at, how to promote that, and then go get it. The new sense of self that you will uncover during these exercises will enable you to be naturally more confident. You'll feel less nervous during interviews or at professional events, because you will be more secure in yourself; no facade necessary.Stop trying to fit into a position. Start being more naturally aligned with a position that is right for you.From gathering your greatness, building it into a resume, and all the way through to interviewing and networking with ease. Go, get on your way to the next level in your career."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Health and Vitality" |
"You only have one life and one body to experience that life in. That body deserves to have the energy and vitality it needs to thrive. You also deserve a healthy mindset, a new way of thinking that will help new habits take root and new perspectives to stick. The principles in this course will help you create a new foundation to build lasting results on.BY THE END OF THIS COURSE YOU WILL HAVE:A lifestyle of health that creates sustainable results.Tools to help you shift your mindset and habits to a desired level of vitality in your life.Tools that will walk you through everyday health challenges."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mastering YOU: 20 Steps to Achieving Self Mastery" |
"In this course we teach the habits and rituals that many, if not most, successful people practice. Success is not achieved in one action alone, but rather the sum of many habits practiced regularly. If these habits are consistently applied, over time they become a part of who we are. The result is a person capable of accomplishing whatever they desire.Learn what habits work for you, apply them and begin seeing results immediately."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Empower your Marriage" |
"Because of the demands of life it is easy to feel disconnected from your spouse and also from yourself.THROUGH THIS COURSE YOU WILL:Learn and apply tools, principles and habitsHave so much fun getting reacquainted with ALL of who you areExperience the joy and exhilaration of falling back in love with and nurturing yourselfBegin to show up in your marriage in more joy, uniqueness, and passion.You are a vital part of your marriage. Knowing, loving and nurturing yourself is where the healing journey in your relationship begins."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Rev Up your Retirement and Create a Strong Legacy" |
"BY THE END OF THIS COURSE YOU WILL HAVE:A greater understanding of your new mission and purpose and why you want to leave a legacy for future generations. Ways to keep your Mind, Body, and Spirit active and maintain Vim, Vigor, and Vitality in your life. New tools and resources I have discovered while being a Caregiver for over 35 years."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Live a Life full of Peace and Purpose" |
"ACCESS A FOUNDATION OF UNLIMITED PEACE THAT SUPPORTS YOU AS YOU CHASE YOUR DREAMS AND FULFILL YOUR PURPOSEBY THE END OF THIS COURSE YOU WILL HAVE:Perfect knowledge of who you are and how to be your own best friendA solid foundation of confidence, peace, and direction.The ability to always continue forward movement towards (and achieve) your MASSIVE dreams"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master Wealth and Live your Potential" |
"BY THE END OF THIS COURSE YOU WILL HAVE:Greater clarity and understanding of your potential and how to live with higher purpose.Tools to help you develop a phenomenal relationship with time and money.The knowledge and wisdom to call forward the wealth you need in this life to fulfill your purpose."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Real Estate Investing" |
"BY THE END OF THIS COURSE YOU WILL HAVE:Developed the right mindset necessary for investing and ways to stay in the game. How to find deals and analyze them with confidence. Building trust and talking with sellers to create win win solutions. You now have access to unlocking the power of investing and the right mindset to accomplish it. You have invested in the best person on this planet You."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Make A Pacman Game In Go" |
"We'll make a 2D pacman game in golang by using the ebiten library. We're going to have animations, sounds, collisions and many interesting stuff. The goal is that you play with golang by building something funny. As I can't put any link here, go to my profile page to find my website. There, you'll see an article about this course. I give you few executables (macos and windows) so that you can try the game on your own machine and really see how it works. If you purchase this course, you'll have access to all the source code. For almost each video, you can find a git command to switch to the code version of the corresponding video. That way, you'll be able explore the code the way you want and play with it. Of course, I'll be more than happy to answer your questions if you have any."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"30 days Well" |
"This course will challenge you to grow. We will discuss tools to increase wellness knowledge. After this course you will have plan to achieve wellness in all areas of life. I will teach you the steps from being 280 pounds to 120 pounds lost while having thriving wellness business. Everyone's wellness journey is different. Your wellness journey begins here."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Spread Trader's Crash Course - Trading Commodity Futures" |
"This series explores the many applications of spread trading in the commodities and futures markets. You'll learn how and why to apply spread trading, effective use of margin, technical analysis skills that are unique and specific to spread trading, proper position size and weighting, and which markets provide the best opportunities for spread trading. Insight and tactics gleaned from over 20 year of futures trading, you'll find knowledge within this course that has never before been published.Contains over five hours of video instruction and comprehensive written material via downloadable PDF."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |