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"Energize Your Life -Be A Wellbeing Practitioner (ACCREDITED)" |
"ATTENTION: ANYBODY WHO IS HUNGRY TO CREATE ULTIMATE WELLBEING IN LIFE""THIS COURSE REVEALS HOW TO FLOOD YOUR LIFE WITH THE PROVEN, EASY TO USE TOOLS KNOWN TO MANKIND FOR CREATING HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND VITALITY""++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++***Note: This Course is INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED with the IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine).CLAIM 2 Certificates:1. Wellbeing Practitioner Certificate (Internationally Accredited)2. Completion Certificate from Udemy++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HERE'S WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING... ""He is a great teacher. I am applying each and every technique given by him, and I am observing changes within me. It really works. Now I feel calm and be able to work without any distraction."" ~ Sourabh Nahatkar ""I love this course. The instructor is addressing the things I need to focus on....he is clear and concise, I am excited moving forward. Thank you"" ~ Kimberly Johnson ""I love this course so far. I have learned things I had no idea about and makes me go to the next lecture and to the next one and so one. Looking forward for the following sections and for other courses !"" ~ Raluca Ioana Man ""I love this course so much. My whole eating, sleeping and thoughts are changed. I am feeling so energetic and happy."" ~ Aman Sharma ""I had an amazing and life transforming experience with this course. I implemented the tools shared and my sleep has got better, headaches have disappeared. Yes disappeared!! Thank you for the beautiful gift"" ~ Indu Chaudhary""IT IS POSSIBLY THE COMPLETE WELLBEING VIDEO COURSE FOR THE PEOPLE EVER MADEDear Student, If you want to tap the highest possibilities of your body, mind and emotions and significantly enhance the quality of your personal and professional life,and want to learn NEW lifestyle practises that would DEMAND and INSPIRE you to take consistent actions to grow, evolve and expand, this will be the most important course you would ever watch.HERES THE GOLD YOULL DISCOVER IN THE PROGRAM --Ancient techniques for deep purification Tools to Relax, Rejuvenate & Recharge Self You will know the Science of Body-Mind Balancing How to Identify limiting beliefs, patterns & behaviours How to form Positive & Constructive RitualsTOOLS TO RELEASE States of Shyness, Introversion, StressEmotions of Negativity, Mood Swings, low feelingsSimilar lower vibrations that keeps you limited in lifeand OVERCOME variety of PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS like tension, anger, anxiety, stress, depression, restlessness & compulsive behaviour.Also...HOW TO GAIN Vibrant & confident Personality Good Health & Harmonious Relationships Peace of Body & Mind, Clarity & ProductivityYOU WILL BE ABLE TO Create a lifelong healthy foundation for overall wellbeing in life. Establishing a strong foundation for spiritual growth Solve many of the smallest to biggest problems and challenges people face on a daily basisI will also REVEAL...6 MINUTE -GUIDED MINDFULNESS MEDITATION That instantly relax and energize you with positive energy Daily use of it purify you and help you develop a positive attitudeUsing this ONE TOOL ALONE, you can bring positive shifts in body, mind, emotion and energy levels.YOULL ALSO RECEIVE THESE FREE BONUSESDaily Routine: 18 Mins - Detox of Body, Mind & EmotionsEbook: 18 Ways To Create Wellbeing17 Enriching Articles 16 Downloadable ResourcesAlso included Discounted link for:Book ""108 Divine Seeds""1-on-1 ConsultationDeep Sleep Guided MeditationGuided Mindfulness Meditation (A quick 6 minutes version is included as lecture 12, Access to complete version is given in Bonus section)YOU MUST KNOW ...THERE IS NO COURSE IN THE WORLD THAT OFFER ALL THESEWELLBEING MODALITIES IN ONE COURSE Breath, Yog, Mudras, Acupressure, Meditation, Mindfulness, 5 element purification, Mantra, Crystals, Digital detox, vipassana, music/sound, colour therapy, nature, flowers, fragrance etcBUT YOUR LIFE IS DIFFERENT AND THIS WONT WORK FOR YOUIf that's what you might be saying to yourselfThe little voice in your head is probably muttering things like This all sounds great. But my life is different and this won't work on my type of people.However, I will personally GUARANTEE you it will.You see, if for some strange reason you try the strategies outlined in this course and they dont EXPONENTIALLY grow your sense of well-being, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE within 30 DAYS -ASK FOR REFUND -NO QUESTIONS ASKED Sound fair?CLAIM YOUR LIFE TRANSFORMING COURSE NOWWe all are unique, living in different places, spaces and time zones with different backgrounds and history of lifestyle and rituals. Therefore, it became the NECESSITY for me to put all Methods AND Tools in ONE PLACE and PACKAGE it as a Universal Solution for seekers like youYou must know these strategies arent restricted to any classification or categorisations --No matter who you are, What you do, have or not,What is your age, colour or culture, These tools help you become better version of you.I AM GIVING ALL THE YEARS OF HARD-WORK, SUCCESS TOOLS, METHODS AND STRATEGIES TO YOU- TAKE IT, USE IT AND SPREAD IT.Start your life transforming journey with thousands of students who have already enrolled ( from 112+ countries ) and many more joining on their way to creating overall wellbeing in their lives by using the most scientific, systematic, measurable, result- oriented course ever made.No matter where you are on the journey, I hope this course tremendously helps you.I want to thank you for giving me this chance to share with you.Love & GratitudeAshwani DeswalNote: The material in this course is for informational and educational purposes only. Every individual and situation is unique so you should use proper discretion, in consultation with a health care practitioner before undertaking any of the recommendations, protocols, diets, techniques, training methods, exercises or anything else described herein. Voyage to betterment and the author expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the information contained herein."
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda Amigurumi fazendo bonecas personalizadas" |
"Neste curso aprenderemos as bonecas personalizadas em croch na tcnica de amigurumi. Vamos confeccionar a boneca com corpo articulado, medindo 28 cm, olhos e face bordados. Nas 5 primeiras aulas daremos nfase em cada parte do corpo do corpo. Na sequncia, veremos como bordar a face e aplicar os cabelos."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Amigurumi - Bonecas da Disney" |
"Este curso foi especialmente preparado para quem quer aprender a tcnica do amigurumi comeando pelas bonecas! Um curso de nvel iniciante , de baixa complexidade, onde voc aprender a tcnica do amigurumi confeccionando as Princesas da Disney - Branca de Neve. Nas primeiras aulas aprenderemos o corpo base de uma bonequinha de 15 cm. Nas aulas seguintes como fazer os cabelos e as roupas e adereos. Estamos tambm te presenteando com a aula para fazer a Princesa Bela. Este curso ser o primeiro de uma srie da coleo Princesas da Disney."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Amigurumi Bonecas Princesas da Disney 2" |
"Este curso foi especialmente preparado para quem quer aprender a tcnica do amigurumi comeando pelas bonecas! Um curso de nvel iniciante , de baixa complexidade, onde voc aprender a tcnica do amigurumi confeccionando as Princesas da Disney - Rapunzel e Cinderela. Nas primeiras aulas aprenderemos o corpo base de uma bonequinha de 15 cm. Nas aulas seguintes como fazer os cabelos, penteados, as roupas e adereos. Este curso ser o primeiro de uma srie da coleo Princesas da Disney."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Amigurumi Princesas Disney - parte 3" |
"Este curso foi especialmente preparado para quem quer aprender a tcnica do amigurumi comeando pelas bonecas! Um curso de nvel iniciante , de baixa complexidade, onde voc aprender a tcnica do amigurumi confeccionando as Princesas da Disney - Ariel e Aurora. Nas primeiras aulas aprenderemos o corpo base de uma bonequinha de 15 cm. Nas aulas seguintes como fazer os cabelos, penteados, as roupas e adereos. Este curso o terceiro de uma srie da coleo Princesas da Disney."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Bonecas Amigurumi - Nivel 2 - Bonecas Colecionveis" |
"Neste curso aprenderemos as bonecas personalizadas em croch na tcnica de amigurumi. Vamos confeccionar a boneca com corpo articulado, medindo 30 cm aproximadamente, olhos e face bordados. Nas 4 primeiras aulas daremos nfase em cada parte do corpo do corpo. Na sequncia, veremos como bordar a face e aplicar os cabelos sinteticos."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a hacer amigurumis haciendo muecas personalizadas" |
"El curso de muecos personalizados, fue idealizado ante la necesidad de ensear tcnicas exclusivas de crochet para amigurumi. Tcnicas que no son publicitadas por artistas internacionales desde hace mucho tiempo. Vamos confeccionar muecas con cuerpo articulado, mediando 28 cm, ojos y rostro bordados. Las primeras 5 clases hablaremos mas de cada parte del cuerpo. En seguida veremos como bordar el rostro y poner los cabellos."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"Creational Design Patterns in Java" |
"In this series, we discuss design patterns in Java. We focused on what is design pattern and different types of pattern. We then closely looked into the Creational design patterns. We talked about Singleton, Factory, Builder, Prototype and Abstract Factory design patterns. Each design pattern is discussed with real life examples and demonstrated with live coding."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Spring 5 Core - An Ultimate Guide" |
"A comprehensive guide on Spring fundamentals. Whether you are a complete beginner on Spring Framework or an experience Spring developer, there are so many take ways from this course. It covers the following Spring concepts:-Module 1: Course OverviewIntroductionWhat we needTarget AudiencePrerequisiteCourse Walk throughWhat wont be coveredModule summaryModule 2: Set up the development EnvironmentIntroductionInstalling JavaInstalling MavenInstalling - Spring Tool SuiteCreating Maven Project in Spring Tool SuiteInstalling - Intellij IDEACreating Maven Project in Intellij IdeaModule 3: Spring Core IntroductionSpring OverviewSpring HistorySpring ModulesDependency Management: Traditional WaysDependency Management: Dependency InjectionConcepts of POJO and BeanInversion of Control : Spring IOC ContainerBean Factory InterfaceApplicationContext InterfaceConfiguring beans: XML based, Annotation and Java Config configurationModule conclusionModule 4: XML Based configurationIntroductionConfiguring POJOs with XML based configurationClassPathXmlApplicationContextSetter based dependency InjectionConstructor based dependency InjectionConstructor vs Setter based InjectionsCircular dependenciesComposing XML-based Configuration MetadataReferencing Other beansInner BeansHandling Java CollectionsMerging CollectionsDepends-onLazy-InitializationModule 5: AutowiringBasics of AutowiringAutowiring Types, No Autowiring ,Autowiring byName, Autowiring byType Autowiring constructorIssues with AutowiringModule 6: Java ConfigurationConfiguring beans with Java ConfigurationComponent scan with @ComponentScan@Configuration and @Bean Annotation@Component, @Configuration, @Service and @Repository annotationsConstructor InjectionAutowiring POJOs@Primary Annotation@Qualifier AnnotationImporting Configuration@Scope Annotation@Lazy Annotation@DependsOnModule 7: Spring Beans in DepthIntroductionBean Life Cycle Callbacks@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotationsBean ScopeBean Post ProcessorPOJO Creation with factory methods - Static factory, instance method and Spring factory beanManaging environments - @Profile annotationSpring Aware InterfacesBeanNameAwareBeanFactoryAwareApplicationContextAwareMessageSourceAwareResourceLoaderAwareEnvironmentAwareModule 8: Spring Aspect Oriented ProgrammingAOP IntroductionCore AOP ConceptsWhat is Aspect?Join PointWhat is Advice?PointcutAOP Proxy AspectjWeavingAspectj and @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotationAdvice Annotations: @Before, @After, @AfterReturing, @AfterThrowing, @Around@Before and @After Annotation@AfterReturning Annotation@AfterThrowing Annotation@AroundDemostrationModule 9: Spring Task ExecutorIntroduction to Java Executor, ExecutorServiceRunnable, Callable and FutureThreadpool - Fixed thread pool , Cached thread pool, Single thread executor, scheduled thread pool executorSpring TaskExecutorSpring SimpleAsyncTaskExecutorSpring SyncTaskExecutorSpring TaskExecutorAdapterModule 10: Communication between Beans - ApplicationEvent ManagementIntroductionApplicationListener InterfaceApplicationEventPublisherExampleModule 11: ConclusionSource CodeCourse AummaryWhatsNext"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Spring AOP Crash Course" |
"Welcome to this course on Spring AOP. Aspect Oriented Programming is a really powerful Programming Model. It comes with many powerful features to manage multiple cross cutting concerns of an application. This is an introductory course on AOP and I have aimed to cover the basic concepts around Spring AOP. This course will provide you a solid foundation on Spring AOP and it should be a great place to start with. In this course we will cover the following:AOP IntroductionCore AOP ConceptsWhat is Aspect?Join PointWhat is Advice?PointcutAOP Proxy AspectjWeavingAspectj and @EnableAspectJAutoProxy annotationAdvice Annotations: @Before, @After, @AfterReturing, @AfterThrowing, @Around@Before and @After Annotation@AfterReturning Annotation@AfterThrowing Annotation@AroundDemostrationThis course is one of the module of my another Udemy course Spring 5 Core - Ultimate Guide. You can skip this course entirely if you have taken up the Ultimate Course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crafting Pixel Perfect Icons The Right Way!" |
"A comprehensive course that will teach you how to create sharp looking icons. No matter if youre just starting out or already know a thing or two about icons this course is for you! You not only learn what is pixel-perfect icons but also be able to practice creating three icons specially selected to cover every practical detail you might need to know."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Como organizar suas finanas pessoais em 10 passos" |
"Hoje em dia, muitas famlias andam com problemas de falta de dinheiro, com a consequente sufoco das dvidas. Essas famlias, ou pessoas, quanto mais ficam endividadas tendem a contrair mais dvidas, criando deste modo condies para mais sufoco.Outras famlias simplesmente no conseguem ficar um ms com os seus rendimentos. Recebem o contra-cheque ou salrio e aps uma semana j no tm nem dinheiro nem comida para se alimentar. Resultado disso o stress e mal estar generalidade.A causa disso tudo nica: finanas desorganizadas. Voc precisa organizar as suas finanas para que o seu salrio chegue at o fim de ms. Precisa organizar as suas finanas para que a sua vida financeira melhore, e deste modo melhore tambm o seu bem estar e da famlia.O fundamento da causa, finanas desorganizadas, o modo de pensar. A mente o principal motor para que as coisas mudem para o melhor ou para o pior. O modo de pensar guia as nossas aces. As nossas aces produzem resultados, e estes podem ser bons ou maus.Neste curso voc vai compreender como pessoas ricas pensam, o que faz com que eles se diferenciem com pessoas de classe mdia e pobres. Vai compreender como funcionam as leis da riqueza e prosperidade, e perceber por que h pessoas pobres enquanto outras enriquecem na mesma cidade ou pas. Por que h pessoas organizadas financeiramente e outras nem tanto?Estratgias e mtodos so explicados para capacitar o aluno a eliminar dvidas, pagar as suas contas, poupar e investir.Ao terminar o curso, voc estar capacitado para organizar a sua vida financeira e comear a acumular riqueza."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linux Essentials for Amazon Web Services" |
"This course is designed for the AWS engineers or enthusiasts who want to learn Linux Operating System on Amazon Web Services. Most of the servers in Cloud runs with Linux OS, So i choose AWS to explain this Linux Course. Most of the times Amazon web services engineers or developers or Solutions architects need to work on Linux Operating Systems. This course will be useful who wants to learn AWS and want to gain knowledge on Linux also."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Jenkins for Beginners" |
"Jenkins for Beginner course is designed for the users who can understand the basic software development.This course is not just designed for DevOps engineers but also for developers, testers and Business Analyst.This course course covers below topics :Understanding the devops conceptsUnderstanding and configuring Jenkins in Windows OSUnderstanding and configuring Jenkins in Linux OSUnderstand and working with Jenkins freestyle projectUnderstanding what is MavenUnderstand and working with Maven projectUnderstand and working with Jenkins pipeline projectsAt the end of this course, will get clear understanding of what is Jenkins and how to design your solutions, deploy with CICD."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"FL Studio Prtico - Seus primeiros passos no mundo da msica" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender a utilizar a principais ferramentas do Fl Studio, incluindo modelos de boas prticas baseados em minha longa experincia na rea. Friso que o curso no vai ensinar a mixar e masterizar, o curso serve para que o aluno conhea a ferramenta por completo e s ento ele deve procurar (aps concluir o treinamento) os conceitos relacionados mixagem e masterizao. Digo isso pois muitas pessoas iniciam de forma errada, acabam aprendendo s a mixar mas no compreendem como o seu ambiente de trabalho funciona (comumente chamado de DAW)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Injeo de dependncia com C# e ASP.NET Core e Microsoft DI" |
"Bem vindos ao curso Injeo de dependncia com C# e ASP.NET Core e Microsoft DI!Meu nome Paulo Fernandes, Lead Developer na Braspag. Sou um desenvolvedor com mais de 10 anos de experincia em .NET, tendo acumulado muita experincia nos ltimos 8 anos dominando a Injeo de Dependncia.Em aplicaes cada vez mais complexas e em rpida mudana, escrever um cdigo extensvel e usar das vantagens da Injeo de Dependncia no s desejvel como imprescindvel.Neste curso eu vou ajudar voc a entender:O que um cdigo acoplado e seus problemasO que inverso de controleSOLIDComo isso est ligado a testes de unidadeE como utilizar DI Containers para facilitar muito a sua vida.Vai fundo se voc est procurando um curso bem prtico, direto e didtico."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Survival from a narcissist for an empath" |
"Survival for empaths from narcissistic abuse. If you have been through narcissistic abuse in your life, whether it was your partner or your parent or someone else that did this to you, this course is here to help you heal. Also if you currently have this situation I advise you straight to do what you have to do. By going through my course over and over if you need to, you never have to waste your time in support groups again. I tell the truth like it is. I am giving you tools to understand and heal the situation and move on. I also give you my genuine compassion. Especially if you are a very sensitive person and thought that everything you endured was your fault and normal, and you don't have anyone to talk to about this and you feel so alone with this and no one believes you, this course is for you.In the end, your life and your healing are up to you, but I have been abused my whole life and I am an empath and I have all the tools to help you see your situation clearly and start recovering. You can always message me if you have any questions or anything you want to talk about."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprender Yoga" |
"Este curso es una gua prctica para comenzar a practicar Yoga sin importar tu condicin fsica. Por medio de 3 prcticas sencillas ms los Saludos al Sol simplificados tu cuerpo va a volverse ms flexible y fuerte; Tu mente va a relajarse y estar ms creativa y atenta, vas a redescubrir el poder de tu respiracin y encontrars comodidad en tu cuerpo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Clculo vectorial y de varias variables" |
"Este curso es el complemento perfecto para aquellos estudiantes de ingeniera que estn tomando el curso de clculo vectorial y de varias variables, y que desean lograr una mayor comprensin de aquellos temas que est viendo paralelamente mientras toman este curso en lnea. Tambin puede ser tomado por aquellos entusiastas que gustan aprender matemtica.En el curso se utilizan grficas generadas por computadora, las cuales pueden ser rotadas para poder observarlas desde distintos ngulos, lo cual brinda una oportunidad nica al estudiante para poder estudiarlas desde distintos ngulos y obtener as una mejor comprensin de muchos conceptos que, en ocasiones, una imagen esttica no permite obtener. Para la realizacin de las grficas se ha utilizado el software profesional Maple. Si el estudiante desea, puede, opcionalmente, bajar cada una de las hojas utilizadas durante el curso, las cuales estn disponibles en clases estratgicamente escogidas; nicamente necesita tener instalado Maple Player, el cual es distribuido gratuitamente por la misma compaa creadora de Maple. En el curso se explica cmo obtener fcilmente el Maple Player, el cual est disponible en versiones para windows, Mac y Linux."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MYSQL Training Beginners to Advanced + T-SQL" |
"Welcome! In this course you can learn to produce data reports on MYSQL server using MYSQL and T-SQL. In this course you will learn to return data sets by:Accessing Data:-All Columns, A single column and multiple columns of data from a Single Table-All Columns, A Single Column and Multiple Columns from Multiple Table (Join Syntax)-Unite queries to stack a queries results on top of another queries resultsFiltering Data:-Count total records in a table-Display only Distinct values in a table (Remove Duplicates)-Order data in a result set (Ascending / Descending)-Unite query results to format results with result set totals-Where Clause with Conditional and Logical operators to return data meeting specific conditions. -Date Functions and formatting-Combine entire table data into single rows with Aggregate Functions"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Greek Coffee Expert" |
"In Greece, Turkish coffee was formerly referred to simply as 'Turkish' (). But political tensions with Turkey in the 1960s led to the political euphemism ""Greek coffee"" ( ), which became even more popular after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974. This course is about the history of Greek coffee, how is made, the culture, the preparation and the heath benefits. At the end of this course you can watch a video of preparation of original homemade Greek Coffee."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pregnancy Nutrition & Lifestyle" |
"In this course I will try to explain to you why healthy nutrition and lifestyle are so important for both women and men. In addition, we must all understand that healthy nutrition and lifestyle must begin before conception, during pregnancy and after birth, if we want healthy children.So, I will start from the basics of what is healthy nutrition and lifestyle and how important it is for foetal development, how this affects pregnancy, the fundamentals of healthy nutrition and lifestyle and also, the nutritional requirements of pregnancy and breastfeeding.You will also be able to understand the physiological and metabolic adaptions of pregnancy, the diet-related conditions during pregnancy, the travelling during pregnancy and of course a management guide and some tips for a healthy and safe pregnancy.I made this course with great love and sensitivity and with unlimited respect to all women wishing to become mothers."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Greek Salad - How to create the famous Greek Salad" |
"In this course you will learn what an original traditional Greek salad must contain, the instructions, some tips and how to prepare the original traditional Greek salad step by step with me in my kitchen, what is the story behind and of course why Greek salad is good for your health."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sports Nutrition Basics" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of sports nutrition such as what sports nutrition is and why is so important. You will also learn about competitive athletes and what should be the fuel for them. You will be able to understand the cellular adaptation in athletes and of course what about their immune function, the fluid needs in athletes and finally about body composition management in athletes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guia Prtico de Estratgia - Comece certo!" |
"Da srie Guias Prticos de EstratgiaPara comear uma empresa ou para inovar em uma empresa j existente preciso aprender sobre a essncia da Estratgia.Nessa primeira parte, separei 03 Guias Prticos.1. MINDSET INOVADORPratique a mentalidade gesto e faa acontecer de verdade!Aprenda a pensar estrategicamente e faa acontecer de forma rpida e simples.Guia Prtico com conceitos, testes, dicas e desafios para voc experimentar o modo de pensar dos empreendedores inovadores.Se voc quer fazer mais e sonhar menos, compre este GUIA PRTICO e transforme sua vida."" Para quem tem o pensamento forte, o impossvel apenas questo de opinio""2. INTELIGNCIA COMPETITIVAAprenda a transformar ideias em oportunidades de negcio.Como identificar tendncias e fatores crticos de sucesso?Guia prtico com dicas sobre como fazer uma boa Anlise Estratgica.Uma ideia no vale nada, o que vale a execuo!3. DNA INOVADOROs verdadeiros empreendedores criam CONCEITOS e deixam um legado!Como ter uma boa viso de negcios capaz de atrair talentos?Como criar uma misso forte para engajar pessoas ?Como criar e sustentar valores capazes de moldar atitudes pr-ativas?Como desenvolver competncias alinhadas aos fatores crticos de sucesso?03 Guias03 Vdeos03 Manuais/Guias16 Exerccios PrticosTudo pra comear certo e inovar de verdade!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Guia Prtico de Estratgia - Planeje Simples" |
"Como planejar para tomar a deciso certa?Nesse novo curso que chamei de KIT PLANEJE SIMPLES separei mais 02 guias prticos de estratgia para ajudar na sua tomada de decisoFazer o feijo com arroz j no mata mais a fome!! #ficaadicaAprenda planejar e criar uma vantagem competitiva nica e difcil de ser copiada!J decidiu fazer acontecer de forma diferente?Ento este KIT seu!Aproveite e #borafazer!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Guia Prtico de Estratgia - Execute Forte" |
"Como fazer acontecer de verdade?E como fazer diferente?E execuo a habilidade do futuro. Planejar no to difcil quanto parece e ter ideias mais fcil ainda. Ento qual o segredo?EXECUO e CRESCIMENTO mais RESULTADO!Aprenda a aprender com os erros e saiba que quem inova erra, e muito.Para ajudar a fazer acontecer de verdade, montei esse KIT EXECUTE FORTE com os 02 ltimos GUIAS PRTICOS DE ESTRATGIA da srie de 07.Guia Prtico 6 - APRENDIZADOGuia Prtico 7 - LIDERANASeja um lder 4.0 e se prepare para o futuro dos negcios e da vida.Aprenda a liderar pessoas e atrair talentos.JUNTOS SOMOS MAIS FORTE."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Dialux - Projeto luminotcnico - Integrao Revit/IFC/CAD" |
"Ol Turma Bem Vindo ao Curso: Dialux - Projeto luminotcnico - Integrao Revit/IFC/CADSer apresentado Inicialmente uma introduo sobre o software Dialux Evo 8.1, em seguida ser demostrado o passo a passo do Programa explicando (Comandos,funes,Modelagem...)Na sequncia Mostraremos o principal recurso do Dialux Evo que o Calculo Luminotcnico.Continuando iremos fazer a integrao do Dialux com outros softwares como Autocad,revit e Arquivo IFC.Essa parte muito importante com relao a tecnologia e Processo BIM(Building Information Modeling).Conclumos com vrios exemplos Prticos dessa integrao.Sendo a aplicao de acordo com a norma ABNT NBR 8995 -1/2013"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to Control Your Costs and Increase Profitability" |
"We are Ben & Mason... And together, we are The Numbers Guys!We are accounting and finance experts. We have both worked in accounting and business partnering roles for several years and are currently in Controller and Director of Finance positions. We have been able to gain experience and knowledge that has allowed us to reach a level of mastery that we are now ready to share with the world! We also both hold the CMA (Certified Management Accountant) certification and have obtained our MBA (Masters in Business Administration). While we have undergone a great deal of education, we stand out in our ability to deliver knowledge from a real-world, small/medium-size business perspective. In this course, we are going to walk you through the development and the financial management of a real-life business, a New York City Hot Dog Stand.Throughout the course, we explain the technical accounting terms in a manner that everyone can easily understand and grasp in a fun and engaging way. We stand apart from the crowd because we won't bring forward concepts that aren't actually used in starting and growing a business. Our concepts are used in the real-world on a daily basis. That's where our mantra comes into play; Accounting Finance For the Real World.We have paired a comprehensive presentation with an Excel workbook model that allows you to classify and understand the costs just as a business owner would. The workbook is fully dynamic and can be used for analysis outside of this course when you are finished.This course is going to help you to achieve a mastery of your business costs so that you can understand your cost behavior, appropriately price your products, and achieve greater revenues and profitability. Things that we do NOT cover:ABC (Activity Based Costing) purely theoretical textbook knowledge that is not used in the real world)Ratios that are never used in real-lifeThe production and sale of a widget. We focus on real-life concepts and no one has ever manufactured or sold a widget."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Business Process Improvement AND Process Mapping 2.0!" |
"Caution: This course is not like anything else out there. 80-90% of the material will covered subjects related to leadership, organization culture, best practices on leading and implementing projects. Why? The remaining 10-20% covers diagramming techniques because if you don't get the culture and leadership skills right, you won't succeed in process improvement. I've built this course to reflect life. When was the last time that someone wanted to pay you more for doing the same thing? Never.That's the problem with being someone who maintains the status quo; you aren't delivering value to your organization that they can then share with you. Let's fix that. This course will transform your role and teach you how to identify opportunities, understand them fully, work together with your team to create solutions, and then implement them.I will teach you how to deliver value to your organization so that your company will be thrilled to pay you even more.That is why you need to learn what Business Process Improvement (BPI)is and why you need to learn this skill now.What will I learn in this course?This course is designed to teach you how to analyze problems and effectively implement solutions by conducting process interviews.I will cover the seven essential DMAIC tools used to capture information so that you can sell your process improvement case to management.I will discuss the necessary soft skills and influence dynamics that are required if you want your project to succeed.Learn how to diagram processes, how to conduct process interviews, how to review procedures, how to identify solutions, how to implement solutions, and how to implement controls in your processes.Why would you take my course vs. doing your own research online?I will teach you the fundamentals of Business Process Improvements and then add insights not found anywhere else.How? I have practiced in this area for six years, I have completed extensive research from every corner of the internet on the subject so that you don't have to. I've watched an endless number of webinars, I have read most of the relevant books on the subject, and I have networked with many other professionals in the area.I then blended the best parts from each of these sources together to make the content for this course.The most exciting thing that I've discovered is that everyone has what it takes to learn this in-demand skill.Please join me as I cover everything that you need to know and walk you through two real-world examples of process improvement projects.In this course, I provide many custom created downloadable resources to aid your learning experience and to help you in your career.Why Am I Teaching This CourseI have developed an expertise in process improvements at 3 major corporations and a private-equity backed company over 6 years.I have completed in-depth research of current methodologies and have borrowed the best pieces of each approach.I have a passion for helping other professionals improve their processes and work lives.What This Course IsA strong understanding of the process mapping tools and techniques available today.A process investigation-driven approach to solving problems.A tool that allows you to make an impact at your job immediately.What This Course Is NotThis is not a primer course designed to up-sell you.This course is the complete package that you need to go into work and make an immediate impact.This is not a course focused on statistical approaches.Statistical approaches distract from the human side of process improvements.Utilization of alternative methods of measuring problems and tracking results.Statistical requirements lead to people to overlook problems where the data does not fit into the specific model and boxes cannot be checked.This is not BPM. BPM is a much more technical approach that requires understanding of a complex model.Downloadable Resources Available with This Course:A complete, ind depth business simulation with exercises explained.Udemy Excel Workbook: includes separate sheets for all of the individual resources listed below.5 Whys7 process improvement tools10 Commandments of Continuous ImprovementDetailed Process MapDMAICFishboneHigh Level Process MapPDACProcess Interview ChecklistProcess Mapping ToolsRelationship MapSIPOCSMARTStakeholder diagramSwimlaneAnd TONS more!You can purchase the corresponding book based on this course on Amazon in Kindle or Paperback format:The Complete Business Process Improvement Field Guide: Learn the tools, tips, and processes required to understand and improve business processesHighly recommended for note-taking and further reading. The content in the book is greatly enhanced.*Please note that I am no longer reviewing and feedbacking assignments. I have designed these for self-study.*"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |