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"Hzl ngilizce serimizin 3. ve sonuncu kursu. Gramer konular iinde nemli olan advanced noktalara temas edilen ayrca dil renmede asl nemli olan OKUMA ve ANLAMA almalaryla desteklenen ok keyif alacanz umduumuz bir kurs. Eer seviyeniz en az b2 dzeyse direk olarak bu kurstan balayabilirsiniz; fakat seviyeniz daha dkse HIZLI NGLZCE-2 kursumuzu tamamlayarak bu kursa gei yapmanz ok daha faydal olacaktr. Eer en batan sona bir hazrlk yapmak istiyorsanz bu 3 seri sizi en temel seviyeden ileri dzeye tayacaktr. Tm kurslarmzda ortak konulu olan baz videolar tekrar olarak baka kursumuzda kullanlabilmektedir."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"IELTS WRITING kursumuz ngilizce seviyesi en az (B1-B2) dzeyinde olanlar iin hazrlanm IELTS snavnn bu alann detayl tantan, yazma kalplarn veren, analiz ederek reten bir kurs; ayrca kurs sonunda 10 adet bonus WRITING CHECK yaplm videolarmzla sk yaplan hatalar dzelterek sizi hedefe ulatracak bir ynteme sahip. PDF dokmanlarla desteklenen kursumuza hepinizi bekliyoruz.Tm kurslarmzda ortak konulu olan baz videolar tekrar olarak baka kursumuzda kullanlabilmektedir."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"YKdil, YDS, YKSdil gibi snavlara hazrlanyorsanz; bu kurs ok iinize yarayacak. Son YKdil snav ncesi yapm olduumuz ONLINE-CANLI soru zm derslerinin kaytlarn ve BONUS olarak eklediimiz SINAV GRAMER konu anlatmn bulacaksnz; Videolarmz UDEMY iin zel ekilmi videolar deildir canl ders kaytlarndan olumaktadr. Yapmanz gereken tek ey kahvenizi alp ilk videodan itibaren evden , iten dilediiniz yerden sadece izlemek. Bylelikle soru trlerine kar bak anz deiecek; BU KURSUMUZU TAKP EDEBLMEK N EN AZ ORTA SEVYE NGLZCE bilginiz olmas gerekmektedir.Tm kurslarmzda ortak konulu olan baz videolar tekrar olarak baka kursumuzda kullanlabilmektedir."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Programowanie obiektowe w Python Zadania + Rozwizania" |
"W kursie szczegowo przedstawiam podstawowe zagadnienia programowania obiektowego. Pokazuj, w jaki sposb mona wykorzysta te koncepcje w jzyku programowania Python. Python, w porwnaniu do innych jzykw (Java, C#) posiada wasny sposb przedstawiania pewnych koncepcji np. polimorfizm, co dla osb nieprogramujcych w Pythonie moe by do nietypowe.Znajomo programowania obiektowego jest kluczowa, w przypadku starania si o pozycj Junior Developera. Dlatego na koniec kursu przygotowaem dla Ciebie list 10 pyta, ktre mog pojawi si na rozmowie o prac. Kade pytania posiada rwnie przykadow odpowied.Kurs podzieliem na 6 rozdziaw. W kadym rozdziale przedstawiam teori danego zagadnienia oraz przykad jego implementacji w Pythonie. Dodatkowo na koniec kadego rozdziau przygotowaem dla Ciebie zadanie domowe wraz z przykadowym rozwizaniem.Tematyka kursu:Czym jest klasa oraz obiekt? Pola, metody, konstruktorHermetyzacja - gettery oraz settery (@property)Dziedziczenie, dziedziczenie wielokrotne oraz MROMetody specjalne (magiczne) w klasach@classmethod oraz @staticmethodPolimorfizm w Pythonie. Duck typing, interfejsy oraz klasa i metoda abstrakcyjnaJeeli chcesz pozna w jaki sposb programowanie obiektowe wykorzystywane jest w Pythonie to myl, e jestem w stanie Ci pomc :)"
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"How To Talk To The Camera Like A Pro" |
"This is a 1-hour straight forward and right to the point online course which will take you to the next level. I coach and teach lawyers, doctors and business owners on how to talk to the camera like a pro when they give interviews for TV or when they present their businesses on video. I do this face to face but I decided to share this training online available for everyone worldwide. People don't judge you based on what you do, they judge you based on how you present it. If you have a business or an idea or you are a brand, you need to sell it. And the best way is to do that is to learn how to talk confidently to the camera and promote it over the social media and your website.In this course, I'll help you to overcome all your fears, anxiety and I'll make you feel confident and comfortable so you can start filming and publishing your videos right away. It's a must-see for all the business owners or brands who give interviews and they want to promote their business on social media with videos. Which is the best way to sell your products and services."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Start A Personal Blog on WordPress? Guide" |
"I explain to you every single thing you need to know to start a blog in a very simple and easy to understand way. It doesn't matter whether you're a technical person or not at all. I show you everything and I tried my best to be entertaining as well! I share my screen so you will repeat everything after me and I will explain to you how it all works together. There will be no troubles creating your own Wordpress website. But more to that, I explain the basics of SEO which helps you have your website discovered on Google by other people. I share all the essential tips on starting your blog and even try to make money from it with affiliate marketing and guest posting. The course also includes an interview with #1 SEO consultant in London."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Build Your Brand Online" |
"In this course you will learn top tips on how to build your online profiles on social media, how to build your website in a way to get you online and SEO boost and clients. I cover website and social media but most importantly I'm going to share the tips on how to improve them and put yourself one step ahead of your competition.I share Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Medium, Website, SEO, Instagram tips and tricks to grow your brand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Angular 7 Course by Lior Avital -Become an Angular Expert" |
"Angular is the hot new technology for building stunning dynamic and reactive websites.Angular 7 is out with many new features included. Since Angular 2 the web development platform is evolving constantly. Angular has already gained a lot of traction and is one of the top web development frameworks today. Many projects and companies have made the switch from Angular.js to Angular (version 2, 4, 6 and 7) and are looking for development professionals right now.Learn about:Angular ComponentsAngular DirectivesAngular PipesNG CLIAngular ServicesThe importance of learning AngularAnd much more..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Practice Test-1000 questions+ 400 FREE Questions" |
"The question set is designed to help aspiring project managers to ace the PMP Certification examThis practice papers will help the participants to understand the type of PMP test questions. This bundle will help the learners ace the 5 process groups and 10 knowledge areas covered in the PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition. This PMP exam sample paper has all the ingredients to provide the best PMP exam prep for the participants and this is what you need to conquer the final PMP certification examThe Question set covers Questions from below topics InitiatingPlanningExecutingMonitoring and ControllingClosingMonitoring & ControllingNote: We periodically updates the exam content outlines for each of our examinations to ensure they remain consistent with current practices in the project management field."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Practice - 400 FREE Questions" |
"The question set is designed to help aspiring project managers to ace the PMP Certification exam. This practice papers will help the participants to understand the type of PMP test questions. This bundle will help the learners ace the 5 process groups and 10 knowledge areas covered in the PMBOK Guide - Sixth Edition. This PMP exam sample paper has all the ingredients to provide the best PMP exam prep for the participants and this is what you need to conquer the final PMP certification examThe Question set covers Questions from below topics InitiatingPlanningExecutingMonitoring and ControllingClosingMonitoring & ControllingNote: We periodically updates the exam content outlines for each of our examinations to ensure they remain consistent with current practices in the project management field."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Karmacise - Unlock your true potential" |
"Taking its inspiration from the great religious faiths and doctrines, Karmacise is a modern way to gain inner peace and self-realisation through dedicated practice and through a network of both online communities and local groups.This course has been created from The Master Key System which has been updated for 21st Century use, with some additional modern methods of thinking. The course is structured around 24 weekly modules which are practised each day for around 15 minutes per day, along with a 30 day training programme to reinforce the information and to help users form the 'habit' of positive behaviour.Our mission is to build a network of followers and pull-together those who may be disillusioned with traditional faith systems, to help change our world for the better. Our members are encouraged to work in the community and to appreciate the importance of looking after our planet, as well as those who inhabit it with us.The law of attraction is very relevant in the modern age and has millions of followers, however these are currently disparate and Karmacise will help bring people with such beliefs together to create a positive vibration through shared experience and a common vision for our future.WHAT IS KARMACISE?Karmacise is a system of self-development created to help you achieve your desires by focusing your energy onto yourself, those you interact with and the universe around you, to help grow from within and help you focus on having a positive impact during your time on this planet. Helping you form the habit of positive behaviour to bring about change in your life. Change your thoughts, change your life is a simple way to consider the intention of this course.Aristotle (Greek Philosopher) described the 'Golden Mean' as the ideal place for humans to be, i.e. it's effectively a balanced place where all factors of your life are in equilibrium. Karmacise helps you find this place and with training keep you there.We have broken down life into five sections, Universe, Environment, Physical Body, EGO (mind) & Potential. Each element being represented by a colour which is used to symbolize your efforts and to remind you to focus. Each section has 5 core principles and we use these to focus our daily lives on the achievement of that which we seek.We have created a 30 day training plan which can be adapted by users (created from elements of the Law of Attraction, Vedic and other similar philosophy) to help you focus your attention on what you want to achieve and to help you change your thoughts to focus on whats important in life.Karmacise has, as the name suggests, being created out of the word Karma and exercise, i.e. in simple terms Karmacise is exercise for the soul/mind/spirit/etc. The intention is to create a system to help individuals change, to achieve more and to find whatever it is that they seek.The philosophy is simple i.e. that we are all cosmic entities manifest within a human form, essentially children of the universe created as part of and from the cosmic soup we call The Universe/God/Creator/etc. Modern terminolgy being Dark Matter. By learning to control our conduit to that Dark Matter, i.e. our mind, we can steer the course through this cosmic soup and help find our life's purpose.So nothing new there you say, true and why would there be? The philosophy of life isnt new and has been studied, discussed, altered and/or amended as necessary for thousands of years, from Vedic philosophy, to Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Humanist, etc. etc. etc. Karmacise is different in as much as its a simple process, a system that facilitates change without dictating how or what that change is or should be for the individual whos life it is intended to benefit.Karmacise is not a religion its simply a compendium of thoughts, ideas, exercises and philosophy Ive learned over the last 10 years or so. Its not the only way, in fact there is no only way to achieve enlightenment. But it is a way that could allow you to do so and one that doesnt rely upon guilt, fear, reward or profit. It doesnt promise enlightenment through chanting particular mantras or praying to some God or other, Karmacise is exercise for the soul, a soul that lives within each person and a soul that is unique to that person. Happiness comes from being happy, controlling your mind better can we believe help you find your personal happiness.What makes me qualified to bring this to you, nothing really but Im inspired to do so and in my mind thats sufficient! If you disagree and believe that only Priests, Prophets, Poets or other such People can help you achieve enlightenment, then stop reading now and go find such a person. My view is that salvation can only be found within our self, if someone else is providing salvation to us then its their salvation and not ours.HOW WE ARE DIFFERENTPart of the problem with the established religions, faiths and doctrines is that they bring with them historic baggage, for instance think of a follower of the Jewish faith (often referred to as Jews) and you likely conjure up a pre-installed opinion of that person and who they are. Same can be applied to any religion. This is because without knowing it you have been programmed based upon past experience, teachings and are being affected to a greater or lesser extent by conditioning of others as to how to think about such religions and those who follow them. Your opinion is a conditioned one, whichever religion you think of. Change the conditioning and you can, we believe, change how you look at our world and our intention is that when you look, you see and create positive energy and our course is designed to help you find that place.Karmacise doesn't have such historic baggage or align itself with any religion, believing that GOD (Giver Of Divinity) is within each of us and as we are all created from a single source (The Big Bang if you like) are all part of one creation.The power to change who we are, and by default the world around us, lies within ourselves, as such we need to practice positive thought, exercise and have a belief that we can change our historic beliefs and conditioning to facilitate a change for the better in our world.If Karmacise was to be considered as similar to other faiths, it would have its roots in Hindu (Vedic) philosophy, Taoism, Buddhism and would compare the practices to those of Islam & Christianity which are designed, in my view albeit somewhat misinterpreted over the centuries, to help the individual gain control of themselves and their thoughts, to help the world change through peaceful thoughts and to help us realise our place in the greater plan. Each of us interprets our own faith, based upon standards provided to us by others, whereas Karmacise is about individual responsibility for your thoughts and as such what you believe."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IT Asset Management - HAM" |
"Become a IT Asset Management Professional andLearn one of the most demanding job skill of 2019.This is the most comprehensive yet straight-forward ONLYCourse on Udemy.We cover a wide variety of topics including.Fundamental of IT Asset ManagementBenefit of ITAMNeed of ITAMITAM Life-cycleIT Asset Management processes KPI and Metrics Policy , Process and ProcedureITAM Maturity ModelITAM Tool Selection You will get lifetime access with 30 days money-back guarantee!So what are you waiting for? Learn IT Asset Management in way that will Advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Software Asset Management" |
"Become a Software Asset Management Professional andLearn one of the most demanding job skill of 2019.This is the most comprehensive yet straight-forward ONLYCourse on Udemy.We cover a wide variety of topics including.Introduction of Software Asset Management.Benefit of Software Asset Management.Important SAM Terminology. Software asset management and its subsets.Software licensing types.SAM Metrics.SAM reconciliation.Software license managementSoftware license audit.You will get lifetime access with 30 days money-back guarantee!So what are you waiting for? Learn IT Asset Management in way that will Advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Businessplan Finanzen" |
"Was wirst du lernen:Nach diesem Onlinekurs hast du dir deinen eigenen vollautomatisierten Finanzplan, als einen essenziellen Bestandteil des Businessplans erstellt, den du auch spter fr weitere Strategieentwicklungen nutzen kannst. Der integrierte Wachstumsfaktor hlt den Finanzplan sehr realittsnah, da er kein lineares Wachstum des Unternehmens voraussetzt, sondern Umsatzschwankungen miteinbezieht.Zustzlich bekommst du Tipps, wie du deine Finanzplanung im Businessplan berzeugend fr alle Kapitalgeber aufbaust und worauf du besonders achten solltest.Anforderungen:keineBeschreibung:Die eigene Grndung zu planen bedeutet mehr als eine Geschftsidee zu haben und die Selbststndigkeit anzumelden. Sie stellt eine der wichtigsten Weichenstellungen im Leben des Grnders dar wenn nicht die wichtigste berhaupt. Daher sollte die Existenzgrndung intensiver vorbereitet werden als jeder der bisherigen Schritte im Arbeitsleben.Eine akribische Planung ist der Erfolgsgarant einer Unternehmensgrndung. Daher ist unsere Empfehlung ganz klar: schreiben Sie einen Businessplan. Erstellen Sie ihn nicht nur fr die Bank oder den Investor, sondern in erster Linie auch fr Sie selbst.Der Finanzteil legt die finanzielle Umsetzbarkeit des Grndungsvorhabens sowie die Unternehmensentwicklung in Zahlen dar und gibt Aufschluss darber, ob sich das Geschftsvorhaben lohnt. Um diese Planungen mit konkreten Werten zu belegen, solltest du einen Finanzplan erstellen, da dieser auch insbesondere Kosten beinhaltet, die du als Grnder vergessen knntest zu bercksichtigen.Dieser Onlinekurs erklrt nicht nur Schritt fr Schritt, wie ein vollautomatisierter Finanzplan in Excel programmiert wird, sondern erlutert auch sehr verstndlich alle Bestandteile, Posten und Kennzahlen der Finanzplanung.Die Krnung des Finanzplans ist der integrierte dynamische Wachstumsfaktor. Normalerweise wird von den Grndern in der Finanzplanung ein lineares Wachstum des Unternehmens angenommen, was meistens nicht der Realitt entspricht. Der dynamische Wachstumsfaktor hingegen bezieht Umsatzschwankungen mit ein. Dies berzeugt nicht nur deine Bank und deine Investoren, sondern ermglicht es dir dein Vorhaben rational zu bewerten.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs?Fr alle Grndungswillige, Grnder und die, die das Programmieren eines Businessplans erlernen wollen"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Unternehmensbewertung- Company valuation" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die 4 wichtigsten BewertungsmethodenDie Discounted Cash Flow Methode Berechnung des Beta Faktors Berechnung des Return of Invested Capital (ROI)Berechnung des Capital Asset Pricing Modells (CAPM)Berechnung des Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)Cash Flow Forecast Den Unternehmenswert mithilfe der DCF MethodeDie Substanzwert Methode TeilreproduktionswertErmittlung der Werte von Aktiva und Passiva Ermittlung der Werte von Anlage und Umlaufvermgen Vollreproduktionswert Kritische BerechnungsoptionenDie Multiplikatorenmethode Berechnung von Multiplikatoren wie:EBITEBITDABrutto/ Netto Cash Flow aus der GUV/BilanzCompany Value Berechnung des Unternehmenswertes Mithilfe der Multiplikatoren First Chicago Methode (Venture Methode)Berechnung der relevanten Multiplikatoren Wert der Investition Renditeanforderungen Beteiligungsberechnung Post Money Bewertung Ein paar Tricks in Excel"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Finanzanalyse- Werde zum intelligenten Investor" |
"Achtung! Sichere dir Jetzt den Kurs fr 29,99 mit dem Gutscheincode: INVESTOR-JUNIIn diesem Kurs lernst du wie du eine Bilanz und GuV aufstellst und diese komplett analysierst. Weiterhin schauen wir und die Analyse fr Aktien an und stellen das Buffet Scorring Modell zur Bewertung einer Aktie zusammen. Was du alles lernen wirst:Bilanz und GuVLiquidittsgradeDeckungsgradeCashflowsEBIT und EBITDAEigen und Gesamtkapital- RenditenROA Return on AssetsROS Return on SalesROI Return on InvestmentKreditoren und Debitoren sowie deren LaufzeitenVorratsintesittenPersonalintensittenDie KapitalwertmethodeDie SensivittsanalyseKurs Gewinn Verhltnis KGVSales per Share SPS und EPS Earnins per ShareDas Kurs Cash Flow Verhltnis und das Kurs Buchwert Verhltnis"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Businessplan Masterclass" |
"Achtung ! Sichere dir diesen Kurs fr nur kurze Zeit fr 19,99 mit dem Gutscheincode: BUSINESS_SOMMERDu willst ein eigenes Unternehmen grnden oder dich Selbstndig machen?Dann wirst du nicht um einen Businessplan herum kommen. In diesem Kurs lernst du:Wie du Banken von deinem Businessplan berzeugstWie du Investoren von deinem Businessplan berzeugstWie du fr dich selbst einen soliden Businessplan entwirfst Wir werden im Kurs folgende Kapital bearbeiten:Den Hauptteil des Businessplans Von Executive Summary bis ZielgruppenanalyseDen Finanzplan Von Kapitaldienstplan bis Rentabilittsvorschau"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chartanalyse- Werde zum Trader" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen der Chartanalyse. Du wirst lernen wie du Formationen in den Charts von Aktien oder auch Indexen erkennst und diese gewinnbringend fr dich nutzen kannst. Das Hauptziel dieses Kurses ist es, zu lernen, wie du gewinnbringende Trades an der Brse platzieren kannst. Die Chartanalyse beschftigt sich dabei mit vielen Mustererkennungen sowie statistischen Wahrscheinlichkeiten. Dieser Kurs ist Teil der Masterclass: Aktien, Brse und Finanzen."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Chart analysis- Learn how to analyze stock charts" |
"In this course you will learn the basic knowledge of technical chart analysis. With the knowledge in this course you will be able to analyze complex charts of stocks or indices in detail and enter trades profitably. The primary goal of this course is to combine theory with practice to enable you to trade yourself."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Aktien, Brse und Finanzen Masterclass" |
"ACHTUNG ! Nur fr kurze Zeit! Nutze den Gutscheincode: BOERSE_SOMMER und sichere dir den Kurs fr 19,99In diesem Kurs lernst du alles ber die Brse, Aktien, Fonds und Derivate. Zustzlich lernst du um erfolgreich an der Brse zu werden:Die FinanzanalyseDie FundamentalanalyseDie Charttechnik Das Risk ManagementZustzlich werden laufend neue Videos im praktische Modul hochgeladen, um dir den Einstieg an der Brse so einfach wie mglich zu gestalten und tiefgehende Einblicke in das Brsenumfeld zu gewhren."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tecniche di Vendita" |
"Il corso Tecniche di vendita forma professionisti della vendita capaci di incrementare il numero di clienti acquisiti ed essere in grado di vendere prodotti che soddisfino realmente il cliente. Lo scopo del corso non solo quello di creare abili venditori, ma di dare le competenze per conquistare clienti realmente soddisfatti dal loro acquisto.Questi risultati possono essere ottenuti imparando a comprendere cosa significa realmente vendere e a gestire in modo efficace tutti gli aspetti della relazione e della comunicazione con un cliente.In particolare il corso porta a capire come scoprire i veri bisogni del cliente, come stimolarlo a desiderare l'acquisto di un prodotto, come rispondere in modo convincente alle perplessit e alle obiezioni, come completare la vendita con successo.Il corso online costituito da una serie di video in cui il docente spiega le tecniche e le azioni vincenti che il venditore di successo deve mettere in atto concretamente, oltre a una serie di fondamenti teorici indispensabili per comprendere a fondo le dinamiche e i presupposti del lavoro del venditore. A completamento dei video fornito un'ampia quantit di slide che riassumono i contenuti del corso e aiutano a memorizzare e a focalizzare meglio gli aspetti e gli argomenti pi importanti.Il corso viene regolarmente aggiornato e arricchito di nuovi contenuti, esempi, tecniche, simulazioni di dialoghi reali, ecc. In questo modo chi si iscrive pu sviluppare sempre pi le proprie competenze nel tempo in modo da rendere sempre pi efficaci le sue attivit di vendita. Gli iscritti potranno anche richiedere ai docenti eventuali approfondimenti di temi specifici o situazioni particolari: sulla base di questi suggerimenti potranno essere sviluppati nuovi moduli didattici e nuovi contenuti che permetteranno di allargare ulteriormente il bagaglio di tecniche e tattiche di valore che i venditori possono apprendere dal corso."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Web Content - Scrivere e creare contenuti per il web" |
"Questo corso fornisce tutte le competenze necessarie e indispensabili per gestire in modo professionale la creazione e la pubblicazione di contenuti di qualit nel web.Non basta infatti essere in grado di scrivere bene o produrre video di qualit per svolgere la professione di content manager. Per creare contenuti professionali per il web occorrono delle competenze specifiche, che spaziano dalla comprensione dei modelli di comunicazione tipici del web, alla conoscenza profonda e precisa delle caratteristiche di tutti i generi di contenuto presenti online, alla padronanza delle tecniche per gestire e trattare i contenuti online in modo realmente efficace.L'obiettivo del corso formare figure professionali apprezzate e competenti in grado di lavorare nel campo del web content management, nell'editoria online, nel copywriting contemporaneo e in generale per aziende che vogliono comunicare utilizzando internet e il web.Il corso insegner a ideare e produrre testi e contenuti multimediali di qualit, ottimizzati per la pubblicazione in siti, blog, portali, ma anche nelle pagine e nei profili dei social network."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Social Media & Digital Marketing" |
"Il corso Social Media & Digital Marketing di Communication Village forma professionisti della comunicazione e del marketing nei social media capaci di utilizzare gli strumenti del web contemporaneo per creare e sviluppare un rapporto solido con i clienti attuali e potenziali dell'azienda.Il social media marketing differisce dal marketing tradizionale perch permette di stabilire un dialogo diretto e personalizzato tra le aziende e il loro pubblico utilizzando i social network e pi in generale i siti pi evoluti del web attuale.Il concetto di relazione al centro di tutto il web contemporaneo e nei social media tutto ruota intorno alle persone, ai loro interessi e alle loro interazioni. La comunicazione diventa efficace e il marketing porta risultati eccellenti alle aziende solo quando si ha ben chiaro come usare questi media per costruire un rapporto solido e coinvolgente con il proprio pubblico di riferimento, in una modalit one-to-one.Il corso Social Media & Digital Marketing cambia il punto di vista classico con cui si fa formazione su questi temi basata quasi esclusivamente sull'analisi delle tecnologie e delle funzionalit dei vari siti e delle piattaforme social e mette al centro il modo in cui l'azienda deve relazionarsi con i suoi clienti attuali e potenziali utilizzando al meglio le funzionalit e i modelli di comunicazione dei social.Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, nel nostro corso dato ampio spazio all'analisi degli aspetti sociologici e psicologici che permettono di comprendere come gli utenti dei social agiscono e si mettono in rapporto tra loro e con le aziende. Tutto lo studio approfondito della comunicazione e del marketing nei social presentato in modo da portare il social media marketer ad acquisire le competenze pi valide per portare le aziende per cui lavora a creare una relazione pi forte con i propri clienti attuali e potenziali, per avviare passaparola positivi, migliorare la reputazione e la notoriet, costruire un rapporto di stima e di fiducia solido e duraturo e quindi incrementare le vendite.Il percorso di formazione parte dall'osservazione delle caratteristiche del web attuale e arriva all'elaborazione di un piano di social media marketing efficace e ai metodi di valutazione dell'efficacia degli investimenti fatti e delle azioni svolte."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Strumenti di Google per il Digital Marketing" |
"In questo corso vengono spiegati i principali strumenti di Google per il Digital Marketing, da Google My Business a Google Ads, passando per lo strumento per le parole chiave. Il corso insegna agli studenti, siano essi digital marketers o proprietari di piccole attivit, come creare un'identit su Google e come promuoverla in maniera efficace."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Este curso esta dirigido a las personas que les guste la fotografa de lencera, o los retratos en general. No necesitas experiencia previa, ya que vas a aprender desde como conseguir modelos hasta la realizacin de la sesin fotogrfica en general. Cambien aprenders que tipos de materiales se suelen utilizar y que tipo de esquemas de iluminacin son los mas adecuados. Por ultimo editaremos las fotografas en Adobe Lightroom."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical x64 Programming in Assembly : The Console" |
"This course will teach you how to use most of the common x64 architecture machine code instructions and how to write standalone applications in x64 assembly using just the operating system functions. Each tutorial has been crafted to logically follow on from the previous tutorial so you get a feeling of moving towards an end goal and help you develop an assembly programmers mindset.Every code tutorial example include a zip file resource that contains the entire Visual Studio solution for that tutorial. This is for you to use and is free of any royalties and licences.Will it make you an x64 assembly programmer? Only you can answer that question! If you put in the research, the time and the effort then yes you stand a good chance of achieving that. I will be there to help you all the way.Oh, and don't forget the Udemy 30 day money back guarantee!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IoT Fundamentals: Build your first project with BLE Beacons" |
"Have you wondered what all the hype surrounding beacons is about? What are they exactly, how do they function?Are you also an IoT enthusiast like us, wondering what the next shift in IoT is going to look like?Well then you're in luck, this course is designed to introduce you to the whole beacon technology and the core concepts of it. Anyone from any background is welcome to take this course for a better understanding of IoT and BLEbeacons. Usually, when it comes to IoTprojects, microcontrollers like Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP-32 comes to mind. However, we will introduce iBeacons or BLEBeacons. Beacons have revolutionized the IoTindustry with their endless use cases and applications being deployed all around the world. Unfortunately, many people have not even heard of this cutting edge technology which could be being used in their local malls!What we teach you in the course?Very Simply, the most excited you should be is for you to get to build your very first IoTproject with beacons (We know we are excited to teach you).Well, we start off with introducing you to the concepts and core of beacon technology, and IoT in general.We help you to order you very own kit of beacons from Estimote. We then take you through a complete IoT project, a smart museum, from start to finish with well known IoTtechnologies and protocols like MQTT and BLE.As an added bonus, you will also get introduced to web technologies like-Ionic FrameworkVery Basic Angular Conceptsand Node.jsThese frameworks and technologies are a rage in the industry right now! Ionic is growing in popularity all over the world as one of the best cross platform development frameworks. Node.js well, you know its importance. Also in addition to these you will not use them for traditional web apps but instead deploy a full featured IoTApplication using them, importing libraries for MQTT and iBeacon, and trust me when I tell you, no one is doing this right now!You will also get introduced to Android Studio environment, very minimally but nonetheless important.Lastly, our aim is to get you to think ""IoT"". By the end of the course you should be feeling excited to move on and create apps/systems for your very own IoT based ideas, or at least you will definitely start thinking of ideas if you don't have a few already.The course has no great pre-requisites except maybe a simple understanding of JavaScript or Programming languages is preferred but not necessary, so what are you waiting for, go ahead and STARTYOUROWNJOURNEYINIOT!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drawing a Caricature with Procreate 2019 On the iPad" |
"Procreate is a powerful digital sketching and painting app designed specifically for the iPad. Procreate offers exceptional performance, an elegant user interface, powerful layers support, stunning filters, hundreds of brush presets (including pens, pencils, and abstract tools), and the ability to import, create, and share custom brushes. The app supports Apple Pencil and iCloud Drive, and it records each brushstroke as you work, so sharing your work by video is seamless.My main purpose is to create passion among talented youngsters applying the latest and most advanced human technology at the present time. Moreover, using this tool instead of pen and paper is a tactful and big step toward protecting the trees and environment as a whole. The next purpose, is answering to the question on how to use special image illustration softwares which contain unlimited and varied options. In this course, I have dawning of Tom Cruzs caricature just in 7 hours which can be very helpful for those who are master in portrait. For beginners, also, the course opens a new bright perspective to enjoy caricature and learn all the portrait techniques to be a caricaturist in the near future. In my next course which will be published soon, Ive taught face anatomy (profile, semi profile and full-faced) which can be helpful for those who want to be a caricaturist, painter and sculpture. Also, the course provides many practices, so students can learn how to see well paint well."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Head and Face of a Person in the Procreate 2019" |
"Welcome to the comprehensive visual course on keys of drawing face (beginner to advance).As you know, three common and known angels of face are (profile, two-third and full-faced) which are considered as beautiful and best postures to recognize the face of individuals. Therefore, I have done the segmentation accordingly. I will start the process of face drawing with (full-faced) and then, we will work on profile and two third .Concentration on seeing wellBefore doing anything, we should learn to see well. That is, drawing requires seeing well. This theory is accompanied with the famous quote of Descartes: I think, therefore I am and is considered as criteria to enter the post-classic art which caused emerging of modernity attitude gradually. In short, how to see an object is a determinative fact in art. How to copy?Practicing on seeing well cause beautiful drawing. So before copying from this course, I recommend you to see it completely and keep what I explain in mind. Then, based on what you learned and what you experienced start drawing without looking at the course. For example, for those who are beginner, I recommend to divide each section more and then practice on each divided part. Mental PracticeThis action helps you get all necessary points which is generally called revelation too. In fact, our goal is just recognizing and identifying all the aspects and dimension which result in discovering new shapes.First section: Integrated shapeWe see the parts of face and head as an inverse egg which after seeing the distance of parts from each other, we do one forth division. This results in the identification of different of the face. . As you will see in this course, geometrical view of head is the distance between two eyes. This is considered as measurement criteria and then we can specify other parts of face. Second section: line fixingAfter making sure from the right position of parts, we should draw the lines with darker colors specially perimeter line of head and nostril, ear cavity, cheek and cavity beside the eye tears . Third section: Paying attention to the characterBe careful that another factor of similarity after considering physical principles of face (anatomy) is drawing and coloring the color of skin and line combination with colors. This action, embellish our drawing. In this section we will see that there is a general color in our drawing such as lips, eyes and hair. Also, as the background color is very light, we color it using the same color of parts of parts. Fourth section: anatomyIn this section we will implement the anatomy using brush which has broader coloring scale and has elimination effect. Then for architectural design size of tangible indents and ridges of face. In doing so, use bigger and wider bushes like old brush, gisinski ink as well as brush pen. For hair coloring also we use burnt tree which all of them are available in brush library."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing For Realtors" |
"Welcome to the Digital Marketing For Realtors Course! Who Am I?My name is Pieter Jordaan as Software Engineer and Information Technology specialist. After spending time in the corporate world of IT, I decided to jump into the world of digital marketing, real estate and automation. I started my own digital marketing company to help realtors achieve success. After I realized that it is not just running ads for realtors, but so much more needs to be done to make realtors use social media and automation efficiently.I decided to create this course to help realtors globally achieve success and build automated lead generation mechanisms not just to generate business, but also to free up time in their hectic schedules. After I shot the course I realized that the skills cannot only be used for real estate, but is essential for any small business owner in today's world.Why This Course?This course is one of the most comprehensive, follow along social media courses you will ever watch. This course starts from the beginning, on your own personal account before even jumping into the business side of things. Then we take it step by step into setting up you business manager, Facebook Page and finally we create some amazing ad campaigns. I teach tools and techniques to make online marketing pain and frustration free.Who Is This Course For?This course is designed for any realtor, business owner, marketing specialist and public personality who wants to grow their business and build some serious online credibility.This course is for you if:- You are not familiar with technology and how to embrace it for your business- You are stuck and need new ways to expand your business- You do not have the time and energy for the old ways of hunting leads (Cold calling, door knocking, etc)- You believe the digital age is taking over businesses and you want to lead the charge into the new age of technology and the web- You need to grow your online status and persona - You are a go-getter, passionate for successWhat Will You Learn?How to build your brand awareness using your social media profiles. We focus on Facebook, but the principles can be used on other social media networks as well.Content types you can use and what not to useCool tools to make your life easier and saves you timeHow to setup your own Facebook Business page and how to manage it effectively.Growing your page following and easily getting thousands of likes We will dive into creating and running sponsored Facebook ads. We go through different campaign types that will be beneficial and I show you step by step how to get your first campaigns up and runningAnd if you don't like this course?Udemy allows for 30 day money back guarantee! If you don't like this course and you feel you want your money back, please feel free to ask for a refund from your Udemy account. Buy this course now not to miss an amazing opportunity to take your business to the next level! What are you waiting for?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Video Editing - InVideo (Part 2)" |
"Welcome to the Introduction to InVideo Part 2 Course! Who Am I?My name is Pieter Jordaan as Software Engineer and Information Technology specialist. After spending time in the corporate world of IT, I decided to jump into the world of digital marketing, real estate and automation. I started my own digital marketing company to help realtors achieve success. I started expanding to other businesses and niches as well and I quickly realized the power of video in today's online world.Why This Course?Video is taking over. We all know it and we have heard it over and over again. The biggest problem is the time it takes to create video and where to find the content. If you are a content creator you will know that we all have a message inside us, but getting it across can sometimes be an uphill battle.This course is designed for this purpose. To help people create stunning content to get their message across by using the new InVideo platform. It is a new tool that makes video editing fast, efficient and painless.Who Is This Course For?This course is designed for any realtor, business owner, marketing specialist and public personality who wants to grow their business and build some serious online credibility through video.This course is for you if:- You need more video on social media- You need to create ad videos and promo videos fast- Managing your online presence is a daunting task with the time constraints we all face- You believe the digital age is taking over businesses and you want to lead the charge into the new age of technology and the web- You need to grow your online status and persona - You are a go-getter, passionate for successWhat Will You Learn?All about the new InVideo Platform and how to get started using itCreating awesome videos from scratch using pre-built media and your own contentCreating amazing videos with music to set the right mood for your customersCreating promo videos from templatesConverting scripts (or blog articles) into fabulous videos in no time.And if you don't like this course?Udemy allows for 30 day money back guarantee! If you don't like this course and you feel you want your money back, please feel free to ask for a refund from your Udemy account. Buy this course now not to miss an amazing opportunity to take your business to the next level! What are you waiting for?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |