Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Skyrocket Your Productivity by Typing with 'aText' on macOS" |
"If you are someone who types a lot, you know how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to write the same words, phrases, and code out over and over again. Most of us also regularly mistype certain words, or are inconsistent in how we write our names, addresses, dates, website URLs and other key pieces of information on a daily basis. If this is you, you could gain a lot from learning how to get the most out of 'aText' - an application for macOS that expands text and allows you to save hours upon hours of time while typing on your macOS computer.In this course, I'll teach you how to download, set up, and optimise aText as well as how to get the most out of aText with every day activities like emailing, coding, promoting your products and services, and word processing. The application itself will save you hours upon hours of typing, and this course will save your hours upon hours in set up.Please note that I am a real user and fan of 'aText' and not affiliated in any way to the creators."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dependency Injection, Configuration, & Logging in .NET Core" |
"This is a step-by-step procedure on how to:use dependency injection create and use configuration settingslog messages to text files using nLogprovide email notifications using nLogin a .NET Core application. The course creates a simple application, then uses dependency injection to provide configuration settings and logging in the application. The popular nLog logging framework is used to provide text-based logging and email notifications."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Boostez votre mmoire en apprenant apprendre" |
"Ce cours est destin vous donner tous les outils ncessaires l'amlioration de vos apprentissages.Vous y apprendrez non seulement les mthodes qui ont fait leurs preuves, mais vous pourrez en tester l'efficacit sur vous mme.Pour parvenir activement votre succs, vous trouverez dans ce cours tous les savoirs scientifiques qui vous permettront de comprendre ces mthodes, et ainsi de les adapter votre personnalit et vos besoins.Qu'il s'agisse pour vous d'apprendre un nouveau mtier, de rviser vos cours, ou simplement de vous faire plaisir en apprenant plus vite et plus profondment, ce cours est fait pour vous."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Become a super fast learner & Boost your memory" |
"This course is designed to give you all the tools you need to improve your learning.You will not only learn the methods that have proven their worth, but you will also be able to test their effectiveness on yourself.To actively achieve your success, you will find in this course all the scientific knowledge that will allow you to understand these methods, and thus adapt them to your personality and needs.Whether you are learning a new profession, revising your courses, or simply enjoying learning faster and deeper, this course is for you."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Les fondamentaux en mathmatique - prparation aux tests" |
"Ce cours est destin ""rafrachir"" vos connaissances mathmatiques sous une forme adapte aux exigences des tests d'aptitudes.Que vous souhaitiez postuler un nouvel emploi ou tre admis dans une Grande Ecole, vous serez soumis ces tests pour lesquels vous n'avez pas t prpar.Quelque soit votre niveau en mathmatique, le niveau d'abstraction qui vous a t enseign vous a fait oublier les dimensions concrtes des mathmatiques, et c'est pourtant celles-ci sur lesquels vous serez jugs.En suivant ce cours, vous retrouverez les fondamentaux "" l'ancienne"", tels qu'ils sont utiliss lors des tests psychotechnique, et qu'ils sont dsormais promus par la mthode dite de Singapour.A l'issue de chaque vido, vous disposerez d'exercices semblables aux conditions des tests, et bien sr accompagns de leurs corrigs pdagogiques."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Lecture rapide: lire trois sept fois plus vite" |
"Ce cours est destin vous donner tous les outils ncessaires l'amlioration de votre vitesse de lecture.Vous y apprendrez non seulement les mthodes qui ont fait leurs preuves, mais vous pourrez en tester l'efficacit sur vous mme.Pour parvenir activement votre succs, vous trouverez dans ce cours tous les savoirs scientifiques qui vous permettront de comprendre ces mthodes, et ainsi de les adapter votre personnalit et vos besoins.Qu'il s'agisse pour vous de lire plus parce que vous le devez ou parce que vous aimez a, ou qu'il s'agisse de passer moins de temps lire parce que c'est pour vous une contrainte, ce cours est fait pour vous."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Sprzeda Fizycznych Produktw Na Amazon" |
"Szukasz pomysu na biznes? Chcesz zmieni swoje ycie? Chcesz w kocu zacz pracowa dla siebie a nie dla kogo? Nie posiadasz jednak wielkich pienidzy na inwestycje?Jest na to rozwizanie. Zacznij swj biznes Private Labeling sprzeda produktw pod wasn mark na Amazonie.Biznes, ktry pozwoli Tobie na :Uzyskanie wolnoci finansowejRezygnacj z dotychczasowej pracyProwadzenie biznesu z dowolnego miejsca na wiecie. Wystarczy laptop i internetUzyskanie wicej wolnego czasu dla Twojej rodziny lub na realizacj wasnych pragnieStworzenie wasnej globalnej marki, ktr bdziesz mg sprzeda z wielkim zyskiemZ kursu dowiesz si w jaki sposb krok po kroku :Skonfigurowa konto Seller CentralWyszuka produkt Znale dostawc Zoy zamwienie Stworzy stron produktu Dostarczy towar do magazynu FBA Rozpocz sprzedaNic nie ryzykujesz- pamitaj, e Udemy daje Ci 100 % gwarancj zwrotu, jeli bdziesz niezadowolony z kursu.Jeeli jeszcze nie jeste pewien to sprawd recenzje wielu zadowolonych kursantw, ktrzy wzili udzia w kursie i ju buduj wasne biznesy.Wyprzed konkurencj. Docz do kursu i zacznij budowa swj nowy dochd ju dzisiaj!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How To Build Muscle & Lose Fat Effectively" |
"If you are looking to build muscle or lose fat then this course is for you.In this course I will be breaking (in depth) down the science to building muscle and losing fat. I will show you principles that you can take with you into your daily lives to help you reach your body goals. This course is everything you need in order to help reach your fitness or nutritional goals. Why chose me?There are many fitness 'gurus' out there that make a lot of claims of being the best and having the most advanced knowledge. I simply have done my education within the fitness industry and have plenty of experience to back up my statements. I have my degree in sports rehabilitation, which I studied for 3 years as well as getting my BTEC Level 3 extended sports diploma at college. Let me talk about my story briefly. I took the plunge into the fitness industry when left school when I was 16 years old. I started to see professional athletes and fitness models with incredible bodies and I wanted to look like them. So I decided that I wanted to study an extended sports diploma at college to learn all about the bodys functions and how to get it to look better. A lot of this diploma was orientated around sports (which I loved), so it was easy to engage with as I loved sports. From here I learned about nutrition and exercise.This is why I then got my degree in sports rehabilitation because I was fascinated by the recovery stage of the body. In this course I have removed all of the boring and unwanted nutritional segments but have still applied the main principles needed to succeed. You will have gained new founded knowledge from taking the plunge into this course. It's much simpler than you probably think!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals Of Nutrition & The Importance of Healthy Eating" |
"In todays world we are told to not be judgemental & we should accept people for who they are. However, when 650+ million people worldwide are obese, we cannot just sit here and pretend everything is fine. We all need to take action and become advocates for healthy eating, which is why I have created this course. In this course you will learn a variety number of things within nutrition, and by the end you should have gained new founded knowledge that you can take into your daily lives and start to become healthier and maintain it!You will be taught about:- Micronutrients- Macronutrients- Energy Balance- What Nutrition Actually Is- Most Common Nutrition Nutrition Myths- Dietary FactsWithin each of these topics I will break down the key fundamentals of each - what build up nutrition as a whole.I have created multiple slides with information that you will on screen to help the information sink it rather than just speak at you. I want all of my students to feel engaged and willing to learn."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
WordPress |
"WordPress . . , ., , WordPress. , . , WordPress. , , WordPress. HTML CSS ."
Price: 10299.00 ![]() |
"Kizomba-Online Part 4 of 4 Beginner with Aditya Upadhya" |
"This course is part of a series that offers a structured progressive syllabus course designed to give you a three-year professional training program so as to take you from 'Day 1 to Mastery' in Kizomba (fusion). Kizomba-OnlineDay 1 to MasteryPart 4 of 4Finale: This is the final part of the four-part 1 year Beginner's course for Kizomba and this part 4 of the course has 9 videos that should last 3 months.This course takes your skill building to another level and you will already look like an intermediate level dancer when you master these steps.It is recommended that you learn one step per week for the first three weeks of the month and practise all the steps in the fourth week.Practising is the way to go for this course and it helps to go back a few steps and take a break from learning more steps, instead, you should spend more time revising the steps you have already learnt.Have fun with the course and never stop learning."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kizomba-Online Part 3 of 4 Beginner with Aditya Upadhya" |
"This course is part of a series that offers a structured progressive syllabus course designed to give you a three-year professional training program so as to take you from 'Day 1 to Mastery' in Kizomba (fusion). Kizomba-OnlineDay 1 to MasteryPart 3 of 4: This is the part two of the four-part 1 year Beginners course for Kizomba and this part 3 of the course has 9 videos that should last 3 months.This sequel to the part 2 course is mainly dedicated to building your vocabulary of steps.It is recommended that you learn one step per week for the first three weeks of the month and practise all the steps in the fourth week.Practising is the way to go for this course and it helps to go back a few steps and take a break from learning more steps, instead, you should spend more time revising the steps you have already learnt.Have fun with the course and never stop learning."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Salsa Beginner Bootcamp Vive La Salsa, India" |
"This is a beginner's guide to exploring Salsa Dancing. This bootcamp is all you need to get comfortable with dancing Salsa on the floor while learning it at the comfort of your home, economically. Whether you are a girl or a guy there is enough material for everyone. It is essential to find local clubs where you could go dancing to practise what you've learned in this course.Happy Dancing!Aditya Upadhya, Vive la Salsa - Kolkata, India"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Pachanga for Beginners" |
"In this course we will cover the basics of Pachanga technique so as to keep you well equipped with the fundamentals and hence ready to take on more challenging steps later on. It is important to note that Pachanga is usually danced by Mambo dancers or Salsa on 2 dancers but I have explained the steps from the perspective of on1 dancers as it is easy to find videos on Pachanga for on2 dancers. This doesn't affect the dance in any way, it's just that the basic step used is an on1 basic. Consequently, all the steps start with the left foot instead of the right.As a dance, Pachanga can be seen as ""a happy-go-lucky dance"" of Cuban origin and is mainly seen incorporated into 'Salsa Shines' or footwork. Shines can refer either to a performance by a group of solo men or women without a partner, or a pause in partnerwork for each dancer to show off before coming back together.Please do not ignore the body movement technique in the course as you would need to have a strong hold on it whenever you dance Pachanga.Happy Dancing!Aditya Upadhya - Vive La Salsa - IndiaKizomba-Online"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bachata Immersion Beginner's Level 1 Day 1 to Mastery" |
"Bachata Immersion is an online course designed to take you from 'Day 1 to Mastery' in the Sensual and Dominican styles together as we believe they go hand in hand and do not need to be taught separately. This course is part of a series that offers a structured progressive syllabus course designed to give you a three-year professional training program in Bachata.Bachata ImmersionDay 1 to MasteryPart 1 of 4 of Beginners: This is part 1 of the 4 parts - 1 year Beginners course for Bachata and this part 1 of the course has 9 videos that should last 3 months.It is recommended that you learn one step per week for the first three weeks of the month and practise all the steps in the fourth week.Practising is the way to go for this course and it helps to go back a few steps and take a break from learning more steps, instead, you should spend more time revising the steps you have already learnt.Have fun with the course and never stop learning."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"English Speaking - Easy Present Perfect" |
"Do you struggle with the present perfect tense in English? Are you unsure when to use the past simple or present perfect? In this course you will learn how natives use the present perfect in five different ways as well as the basics of the tense and I provide you with examples of how and when to use it. By the end of the course you should have a much better understanding of why we use this strange tense and why we dont just use the past simple and continuous."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Projetos para Iniciantes" |
"Curso introdutrio sobre Gesto de Projetos.O objetivo do curso capacitar os alunos com as bases para um entendimento geral do que um projeto e do impacto que podem criar nas suas organizao quando o interpretam e interagem da maneira correta.Vo aprender tcnicas base de liderana e como as aplicar para transformarem as suas equipas.Curso indespensvel para quem se est a iniciar e que pretende comear a assumir mais responsabilidades dentro da sua organizao."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Symfony 2.8 - Comienza principiante y termina experto" |
"En este curso aprenderemos como desarrollar un BLOG completamente funcional paso a paso desde la instalacin y configuracin de symfony 2.8 hasta algunos trucos avanzados para desarrollo de sistemas con este gil framework, utilizaremos bootstrap para nuestras vistas, base de datos en mysql, peticiones asncronas con ajax, modulo de gestin de usuarios e inicio de sesin, gestin de archivos de imgenes para los post y otras funcionalidades avanzadas con las que cuentan los sistemas web en la actualidad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Blogs que convertem!" |
"Com o curso Blog que convertem, voc ir aprender a criar um blog voltado para converso do zero em Wordpress, alm disso vamos aprender a integrar com as melhores ferramentas gratuitas do mercado e analisar os resultados das nossas aes, algumas delas so: Wordpress (Configurando domnio e servidor);Mailchimp (campanhas de email, automao de marketing e criao de landing pages);Sumo (criao de pop ups integrados com o Mailchimp);Google Analytics (Anlise de dados e criao de metas de converso);Google Search Console (Instalao e configurao);Google Data Studio (Criao de dashboard para acompanhamento de resultados);Yoast SEO (configurao e aplicao em pginas);Facebook e Google Ads (aulas bnus);Criao de contedo para Web (overview de criao de contedo para blogs);E muito mais...Ainda por cima, veremos princpios bsicos de SEO para auxiliar nas converses do seu blog!Tudo isso voc vai aprender de maneira objetivo, didtica e simples. No vamos abordar conceitos de marketing digital, portanto o curso 100% prtico desde da primeira aula, ento se prepare para colocar a mo na massa!Comea agora a criar blogs que alta performance!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Saxophone Made Easy. - Beginning Lessons Level One" |
"Let's learn the Alto Saxophone!I offer a personalized learning experience designed to accommodate viewers of all levels; from beginners to seasoned experts. I empower our community to learn at their own pace whenever its convenient, and from the comfort of wherever they are in the world. I have been playing and teaching for decades and have launched hundreds of students on their saxophone journey. This course was started with one goal in mind: providing people from all walks of life with an affordable, user-friendly learning experience. My innovative tutorials give users the opportunity to expand their horizons and learn new skills - all from the comfort of their own device. Whether it's learning to play well in your school band or becoming a professional saxophonist that performs all over the world I can help you because I have done it myself! By working at something so cool and fun as playing saxophone you can enjoy decades of making great music in different types of bands because you will have the skills to achieve it. I know this because after 45 years of playing I still enjoy the satisfaction I get playing cool music with my friends. These easy to follow saxophone courses will enable you to continue to grow as a musician and enjoy a life-long passion of playing! The courses will teach you: Putting together the saxophone for success Proper embouchure and air support Playing notes to form a Pentatonic scale Learning the ""cool"" notes to play the blues Jamming with background tracks to make your own music Start your journey today and have fun playing the Saxophone!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn 3 Meditation Techniques That Will Transform Your Life!" |
"Whether you are a beginner in meditation or a well seasoned yogi these meditation techniques will benefit you. I have personally done these practices for over 10 years and want to share what I have learned through trial and error in order to eliminate the guesswork so that you can dive right in and get the ultimate results that you desire. These techniques will help you:* Reduce Stress, Tension and Anxiety* Clear Your Mind and Cultivate Inner Peace and Clarity* Clear Inner Obstacles and Blockages* Progress On Your Spiritual Path*Activate Your Bodies Natural Healing Response"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Expresses Regulares (GREP) e scripts no InDesign" |
"Toda tarefa repetitiva deveria ser automatizada. Essa a minha mxima.Com os anos de experincia que acumulei em redao de jornal trabalhando com formatao de texto para diagramao, consegui fazer um apanhado do que eu aprendi de mais importante no processo de automao do meu fluxo de trabalho. Ento, quero dividir com voc esse conhecimento para que voc tambm possa focar no que mais importante, sendo capaz de automatizar tudo o que for possvel atravs do uso de expresses regulares e scripts no InDesign."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Teach Your Baby Sign Language" |
"Babies ""get"" communication very early. From about four or six months, they know that sounds have meaning and things have names. But the muscles of their face, mouth and tongue are not developed enough to form words for 12, 16, or 20 months later. By teaching your baby sign language, they can communicate with you a year or more before they can speak. With signs, your baby can:Express what they wantTell you what they see and what they feelLet you know where they hurt when they doSurprise you with what they know and want to talk aboutYou literally can have conversations with your baby when they are an infant. This have many, many benefits to you and your child:Better communication - You don't have to guess what they want or want to sayLess frustration - Without guessing, you know quickly what your baby needsMore enjoyment - You can get into your baby's world, what they see and feel, not just what they wantHead start - Your baby develops communication skills with others very earlyMotor skills - Your baby develops the muscles to move hands and harms with precisionConfidence - By ""listening"" more than just what your baby wants, they gain confidenceSocial grace - Your baby learns to ""use their words"" rather than crying or fussingLess crying - With signing, your baby does not have to cry to get what they want or be understoodThis course will not teach you an ""official"" sign language, like American Sign Language for the Deaf, or Australian AusLan, or any other dialect. Rather it will teach you how you can develop communication with your baby using sign. The signs you use may be based on the official languages, but you are not limited to those. Just as in spoken language, you will develop your own vocabulary of signs that will make a difference in communication with your baby. You will choose what words you will use and what signs you will use for those words.While this may seem daunting - making up your own language - it is actually faster, easier, more enjoyable, and more fun than trying to memorise the ""right"" signs.In this course you will learn:The benefits of baby sign languageWhat concerns you may haveThe process for teaching your baby to signThe stages your baby will go through in learning sign languageWhen to start signing to and with your babyHow to start signing3 simple rules for the signs you useKeeping track of the signs you useTeaching others (family, friends, and carers) to sign with your babyHow and when to stop signing and switch to speechYou will also learn approximately 120 signs to start your vocabulary.There are two bonus lessons included which enhance your child's enjoyment of language.This course is fun, easy, enjoyable, satisfying and valuable.What our students have said:Priyanka D AjgaonkarThe course is awesomeKristin SteeleThis course was incredibly informative. All of my children are grown, but I plan to incorporate baby sign language with my young grand children.Zita de Freitas Enjoying it so far and learning a whole lotShelly SemandI thought the course was great! Jim taught me an easy way of signing that I didn't know was possible. Terrific instruction and demonstrations."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Spring Boot Fundamentals" |
"Spring Boot is a very powerful open source java framework based on Spring, which has dramatically simplified the bootstrapping and development of java based applications and microservices. It takes an opinionated approach towards development, providing intelligent defaults so that you get a production-grade application which you can just run with minimal configuration. In this course we will cover the basic fundamentals and concepts of this multi-featured framework. We will go step by step building a fully functional Spring MVC app as well as a CRUD REST based web services app. We will see how to create and consume REST web services. We will learn about the Thymeleaf template engine supported by Spring Boot for the front-end development as well as see how Spring Boot makes it easy to connect to backend databases and switch them at ease,along the way. We will cover health monitoring, caching and security of spring boot apps. We will see how to configure our app for different environments using Spring Profiles. We will see how easy it is to dockerize our spring boot app, which allows us to quickly deploy it to cloud environments. By the end of this course, you would have a solid conceptual understanding of the various aspects of this framework to rapidly start developing applications and microservices.Spring Boot basic concepts and benefitsBootstrapping your applications using Spring InitialzrBasic Spring annotations, artifacts, starter dependenciesCreating a fully functioning Spring MVC app with the model, repository,service, controller and view layersThymeleaf template engine and integration with third party libraries like bootstrap and jqueryConnecting to a backend database: H2 and MySQL Monitoring health and metrics with Spring Boot ActuatorsSecuring your app with users and rolesImplementing caching using RedisConfiguring your app for different environments using Spring ProfilesDockerizing your app and launching several instances of it"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial e Machine Learning com JavaScript" |
"Finalmente voc ter um curso de Inteligncia Artificial voltado para desenvolvedores e no para Cientistas de Dados. Aprenda os principais fundamentos dessa tecnologia e aplique em seus sistemas Web, Desktop e Mobile com JavaScript. Curso completo e com avanos gradativos respeitando o ritmo de aprendizado. Voc aprender sobre as metodologias de Aprendizado de Mquina e sobre os principais algoritmos de Machine Learning. Tudo com exemplos prticos e alguns casos reais para fixar o contedo da maneira correta. Conhea a tecnologia mais badalada do momento e tenha esse diferencial no seu currculo, no perca mais tempo e embarque no fantstico mundo da Inteligncia Artificial!* Introduo ao Curso de Inteligncia Artificial e Machine Learning com JavaScriptHistria da inteligncia artificial, conceitos, mtodos e aplicaes.* Redes Neurais Artificiais do Tipo Feedforward (Funo de Aproximao)Neurnio natural e neurnio artificial, funo somatria, gradiente descendente com mtodo de descida do gradiente, inputs, outputs, valores de busca, taxa de erro, pocas de treinamento, funo de ativao para formatao de resultados, pesos e sinapses artificiais.* Funes de Ativao (Formatao)Clculos da tangente hiperblica, funo sigmoide com resultado na curva sigmoidal, unidade linear retificada com e sem vazamento e passo binrio.* Regresso Linear SimplesClculos dos produtos de X por Y, quadrados de X, somatrio de X, mdia de X, frmula da regresso linear aplicada aos resultados, treinamento de mquina, predio, salvamento e carregamento de modelos pr-treinados e orientao a objetos no clculo matemtico.* Regresso Linear MultivariadaRegresso linear multivariada com mltiplas entradas em uma nica sada de informao.* Naive Bayes ProbabilsticoEliminao de elementos duplicados, retorno de classes, contagem de textos coincidentes, organizao de classes e entradas em objeto JSON, clculo de frequncia, contagem de classes, somatrio de classes, clculo total individual e geral, clculo de ocorrncia, aplicao do teorema de Bayes.* Naive Bayes ClassificativoAdaptao do teorema de Bayes probabilstico para clculo classificativo.* K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)Subtraes e quadrados dos eixos X e Y, soma dos quadrados, radiciao, treinamento e predio por grau de proximidade numrica.* Clusterizao (Agrupamento de Dados) com K-MeansExportao de mdulo, mdia dos eixos de X e Y para o grupo, clculo dos centroides para X e Y, elemento mnimo, retorno de ndice, comparao de arrays, atualizao de grupo, formatao dos grupos como vetores de uma matriz e agrupamento final.* Aprendizado por ReforoSalvamento e leitura dos ndices dos centroides por meio de feedbacks positivos e negativos.* rvore de Deciso (Decision Tree)Construtor de classe, proporo das classes para um determinado valor de eixo, proporo dividida pelo total, logaritmo na base 2 de uma diviso, produto da diviso pelo logaritmo, clculo da multiplicao atual menos a posterior, ganho de informao, clculo de entropia e predio classificativa.* Rede Neural Artificial com Arquitetura Perceptron Multicamadas (Multilayer Perceptron - MLP)Transformando um feedforward em perceptron multicamadas com configuraes de construo de rede. Bias, ns de entrada, interao e sada, atualizao de pesos multiplicativos em matrizes, treinamento e execuo de um multilayer perceptron.* Clculos EstatsticosElemento mnimo e mximo, soma, mdia, mediana, produto, quadrado, cubo, valor absoluto, varincia padro, varincia com tendncia, varincia sem tendncia, desvio padro, desvio com tendncia, desvio sem tendncia, raiz quadrada, multiplicao convencional e matricial, subtrao, transposio, seleo aleatria, adio, diviso, logaritmos, logaritmo na base 2, aproximao para baixo, aproximao padro, aproximao para cima, expresso e filtro.* Rede Neural Artificial (RNA) com Frmula FixaFrmula matemtica para a construo de redes neurais artificiais, camada de entrada, camada oculta, camada de sada, pocas de treinamento, taxa de erro e aprendizagem, funo de ativao, aleatoriedade em pesos, gradiente descendente, funo sigmoidal, neurnios artificiais e sinapse artificial.* Manipulao de Arquivos Estruturados no Formato CSVConverso de CSV para objeto JSON e abjeto vetorial.* Aprendizado de Mquina (Machine Learning) no Front-End com Layout HTMLrvore de deciso, k-nearest neighbors, naive bayes, rede neural e regresso linear no front-end com layout HTML e eventos em JavaScript.* Plotagem de Dados para Anlise de InformaesGrfico line, scatter, bar, pie e bubble.* Redes Neurais Artificiais SofisticadasSofisticao em redes neurais artificiais.* Aprendizado SupervisionadoAplicaes de algoritmos de aprendizado supervisionado.* Aprendizado AutnomoExemplo de aprendizado autnomo no front-end por meio de clusterizao.* Processamento de Linguagem Natural (NLP)Processamento de linguagem natural para o reconhecimento de padres em textos e caracteres. Identificao de indivduos atravs da escrita e anlise de sentimentos por meio de computao cognitiva com o teorema de bayes.* Viso ComputacionalRedes neurais convolucionais pr-treinadas para a classificao de imagens no front-end.* Mquina de Vetores de Suporte (Support Vector Machine)Definio dos vetores de suporte, margens, hiperplano, gamma e classificao binria.* Regresso LogsticaClculo regressivo para casos de classificao de dados.* Regresso PolinomialPropriedade degree para o grau da curva de melhor ajuste e aplicao do clculo de regresso em dados com distribuio catica e no linear.* Regresso Linear Multivarivel (Regresso Linear Mltipla)Reconhecimento de padres numricos em mltiplas entradas e mltiplas sadas.* Anlise Classificativa de Dados com Pacotes NPMPacotes NPM para anlise classificativa com o teorema de bayes, k-nearest neighbors e rvore de deciso.* Anlise Regressiva de Dados com Pacote NPMPacote NPM para anlise regressiva com regresso linear mltipla.* Agrupamento (Clusterizao) com Pacotes NPMPacotes NPM para clusterizao de dados com k-means.* Anlise Preditiva (Classificao e Regresso) com Pacotes NPM para RNAPacotes NPM para anlise classificativa e regressiva de dados com redes neurais artificiais em distribuies lineares e no lineares.* Redes Neurais Recorrentes (RNN)Redes neurais recorrentes para a anlise de sries temporais. Rede neural recorrente com e sem intervalo de tempo, memria de longo e curto prazo e unidades recorrentes bloqueantes. Reconhecimento de padro sequencial por ordenao e posicionamento de dados.* Deep Learning (O Aprendizado Profundo)Redes neurais profundas com mltiplas camadas de interao nos dados.* Exemplos PrticosClculo salarial, precificao de imveis, predio de cotaes futuras para o dlar, bitcoin e aes da bolsa de valores.* Concluso e EncerramentoConcluso e encerramento do contedo das aulas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial com JavaScript e TensorFlow.js" |
"Utilize a mesma tecnologia que a DeepMind utilizou para derrotar o campeo mundial de Go.Aprenda a utilizar o TensorFlow, a biblioteca de IA mais famosa do mundo e utilizada por gigantes da tecnologia e empresas multinacionais como DeepMind, Netflix, Google, Airbnb, Snapchat, Uber, Nvidia, Coca-Cola, Twitter, IBM, SAP, Dropbox, GE, Intel, Blommberg, ebay, Lenovo, Linkedin, PayPal, Qualcomm e outras. Construa algoritmos de Machine Learning e Deep Learning PROFISSIONAIS utilizando a mesma tecnologia que as grandes corporaes utilizam nas suas solues de Inteligncia Artificial e tudo isso com uma nica linguagem: o JavaScript!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial com PHP-ML" |
"Se voc um desenvolvedor WEB PHP e no sabe como entrar no mundo da Inteligncia Artificial este curso pra voc. Tenha esse diferencial no seu currculo e domine uma habilidade que poucos desenvolvedores dominam no mercado. Desenvolva algoritmos de Machine Learning e Deep Learning utilizando a linguagem que voc est acostumado a trabalhar e embarque nesse fantstico mundo da Inteligncia Artificial."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Chatbot com JavaScript" |
"Construa um sistema de Chatbot completo com todos os recursos necessrios para coloc-lo em produo e vende-lo como um servio para sites e empresas de terceiros fazendo disso uma renda financeira em uma poca em que os Chatbots nunca estiveram com tanta evidncia. Voc aprender a construir um Chatbot com Inteligncia Artificial capaz de manter uma conversao em tempo real com os usurios respeitando o fluxo das interaes e se adaptando a perguntas desconhecidas encontrando a resposta mais adequada para a questo do cliente. Voc ainda aprender a utilizar algoritmos de Processamento de Linguagem Natural para capturar informaes de conversas como nomes, endereos, e-mails, nmeros e telefones e documentos ou qualquer outra informao que seja pertinente ao seu negcio. E para facilitar a vida do seu usurio voc ter ainda uma API de Integrao Plug and Play que tornar possvel a instalao do seu Chatbot em qualquer tipo de sistema. No perca tempo e inicie j a sua jornada de criao de Chatbots e ganhe dinheiro com o seu prprio servio de Bots online. E o melhor! Voc usar uma nica linguagem, o JavaScript. Construindo tudo do zero sem depender de APIs ou servios de outras empresas que te deixam sujeito a alteraes de cdigo que podem prejudicar a sua aplicao. O Chatbot ser 100% de propriedade intelectual sua!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Inteligncia Artificial com JavaScript e BrainJS" |
"Desenvolva os seus prprios algoritmos de Inteligncia Artificial com uma das bibliotecas mais simples e prticas do mercado, perfeita para quem est iniciando na rea de IA ou at mesmo para quem j possui uma certa experincia e deseja utilizar uma ferramenta mais produtiva. Aprenda a construir, configurar e treinar Redes Neurais Artificiais para anlises classificativas e regressivas, aprendendo ainda sobre as Redes Neurais Recorrentes utilizadas na anlise de sries temporais. Tudo isso com uma nica linguagem: o JavaScript!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"REST API e GraphQL com Node.js" |
"Saiba como construir e utilizar tanto uma API RESTful quanto GraphQL de forma separada e tambm integrando uma a outra e tenha todos os conhecimentos necessrios para trabalhar com os dois modelos de API mais utilizados na atualidade. Tudo isso de forma simples e intuitiva com uma nica linguagem: o JavaScript!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Chatbot com Python" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a desenvolver um sistema de conversao inteligente que far uso de Inteligncia Artificial com Processamento de Linguagem Natural atravs de algoritmos simples e objetivos para responder a perguntas em tempo real. Mesmo que essas perguntas no estejam cadastradas na sua base de dados.O Chatbot ser capaz de manter um fluxo de conversa coerente respeitando a ordem das respostas anteriores e ainda ter a capacidade de capturar informaes pessoais como nome, endereo, e-mail e nmeros de documentos com validao de forma automtica.Alm de tudo isso ao final do curso voc ter uma plataforma completa com integrao via API a sites e sistemas externos atravs de um layout responsivo que funcionar tanto em desktops quanto em dispositivos mveis sem limitaes, te possibilitando vender o servio para os seus clientes e conseguir uma RENDA EXTRA de forma passiva com Chatbots personalizados por usurio.Aprenda a construir um sistema de Chatbot completo utilizando Python nativo sem depender de APIs ou servios de empresas que iro te cobrar custos abusivos para que elas possam te liberar todos os recursos sem limitaes de acesso e cadastro. Te deixando preso a uma estrutura que poder ser mudada ou retirada do ar a qualquer momento prejudicando a sua aplicao. No seja um desenvolvedor dependente de servios como o IBM Watson e se sinta livre para produzir e distribuir um sistema 100% de propriedade intelectual sua desenvolvido completamente do zero e com toda a liberdade que isso ir te proporcionar. No seja um programador que s trabalha com chamadas de funes prontas, seja um programador de verdade e surfe na tendncia da grande onda dos Chatbots!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |