Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"SUPERAUTOR: como escrever e publicar um livro de no-fico." |
"O Superautor um curso dedicado a novos autores que desejam escrever e publicar livros de no-fico. De maneira objetiva, e sem embromao, Jaqueline vai direto ao ponto e, em menos de duas horas, mostra tudo o que um autor precisa saber para encontrar sua motivao, escrever de forma orientada e escolher a melhor via de publicao. Se isso o que voc procura, seja bem-vindo! Este curso capaz de te ajudar e, depois dele, o sonho de ter seu livro nas mos poder rapidamente se realizar. IMPORTANTE: este curso possui cerca de 2 horas de puro contedo. No h devaneios propositais ou por falta de edio, nem repetio de conceitos a fim de deixar o curso mais longo. Assista com ateno, faa as tarefas e leituras propostas e, claro, aproveite!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Classical Pilates Mat Beginners Instructor Course." |
"In this course you will learn all you need to know to become a professional Classical Pilates Mat beginners Instructor. If you are already a fitness teacher or a Yoga teacher this course is great for you, if you would like to incorporate Classical Pilates exercises in your classes. If you have no experience in teaching but you have some knowledge of Pilates, this is also a great course to start your journey to become a professional Classical Pilates Beginners Instructor. Start your own business as a Classical Pilates Instructor, enrich your fitness or yoga classes or if you're just interested in learning a new skill that you can immediately use to generate some extra income, don't hesitate to start this course. And for those that just want to learn about Classical Pilates for an everyday workout, to tone up and lose weight this course will break down all the exercises. Follow the instructor on Instagram @cindylicious. Enjoy!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"7 Ingredients for Success" |
"There are seven ingredients that make up any given success. If you study them and apply them you can succeed in anything.This course outlines these ingredients and shows you how to apply them.Having applied these ingredients in many areas, Anthony gives his personal story as an example on each ingredient. As you go and apply them, we await to hear your success story in the near future."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Maya Essential Training: 3D Modeling for Beginners" |
"Have you ever watched an animation or played a video, and wondered. How is this done? Have you ever wanted to learn the software that builds these amazing environments and characters? Then Autodesk Maya is a perfect software to learn.Im Monica and you may know me as Academic Phoenix. Join me in learning the essential skills needed to understand how to use Maya to create 3D models. In my eCouse, Ill take you through the essential features of Maya, and teach you how to model complicated 3D objects.By the end of this course, youll have a strong foundation in the software that will allow you to continue in other areas of animation, visual effects and gaming.Dont forget, there is a bonus feature at the end!Learn the Fundamentals of Autodesk MayaInstall MayaLearn theMaya UIModel using polygonsModel using NURBSCombine your scene togetherBonus Material!Why Autodesk Maya?Autodesk Maya is an industry standard software that is used by many animation, game and visual effects companies. By learning Maya, you'll have the knowledge to be able to create anything in 3D. All the theories that you will learn, can also apply to numerous other 3D software packages.What Does This eCourse Offer?This eCourse consist of 15 Maya 2019 lessons where you will learn to use Maya's User Interface, manipulate 3Dobjects, create simple and complicated models, and so much more.Not only will you understand the essential tools to create 3Dmodels in Maya, you will also have access to a complimentary eBook and all the completed Maya files for you to reference! So, if you are interested in learning more about how major animations and games are made, then have a seat and join me for this course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Maya Essential Training: Texturing for Beginners" |
"Are you an artist that has created amazing 3D models in Maya, but want to take them to the next level? Have you ever wondered how industry professionals create textures that make environments and characters come to life? Then this eCourse is for you.Im Monica and you may know me as Academic Phoenix. Join me in learning the essential skills needed to understand how to create beautiful textures using software like Maya, Photoshop and the render engine Arnold. In my eCouse, Ill take you through the important features of Maya, and teach you how to texture complicated 3D objects. Well be touching on shader creation, textures, UV Mapping, rendering and more. AND, theres bonus material at the end!By the end of this course, you will have a solid workflow for texturing that will give you the confidence to texture any model that you create.Learn the Fundamentals of Autodesk MayaInstall MayaLearn Maya's HypershadeCreate unique shadersMix shaders togetherCombine your scene togetherBonus Material!Why Autodesk Maya?Autodesk Maya is an industry standard software that is used by many animation, game and visual effects companies. By learning Maya, you'll have the knowledge to be able to create anything in 3D. All the theories that you will learn, can also apply to numerous other 3D software packages.What Does This eCourse Offer?This eCourse consist of 23 Autodesk Maya lessons where you will learn to use Maya's User Interface, manipulate shaders objects, create beautiful textures, and so much more.Not only will you understand the essential tools to create 3D textures in Maya, you will also have access to a complimentary eBook and all the completed Maya files for you to reference! So, if you are interested in learning more about how major animations and games are made, then have a seat and join me for this course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to build your own altcoin cryptocurrency mining pool" |
"Learn how to build and maintain your own altcoin cryptocurrency mining pool, including how to compile coin daemons under Linux, add coins to a pool, and how to earn commission from everyone who mines at your pool. Lots of demos that you can follow yourself as you build your own mining pool.Note: This course is not for those that are unfamiliar with cryptocurrency mining and blockchain technology, those with little computer experience, or those wanting to learn how to invest in cryptocurrencies."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Ultimate Secrets to Content Marketing" |
"You can look for the perfect course, out of thousands, that has the best instructions and guidelines. Keep in mind and ask yourself, does it truly speak your language? If we want to understand content and its marketing to others, its important that we understand content and marketing ourselves. This is the ultimate course that will disclose the secrets to content marketing for beginners early on. In a world where information is overloaded. Defining what is the right content can be the hardest part. So I put together a course that explains content in process and marketing theory, with steps guiding you to content in its marketing execution. I have worked content marketing for many years and I have learned it isn't just the quantity, but also functionality. You will learn: Basic to advanced levels of marketing, Multiple Media Platforms, SEO - On Page optimization Keyword Analysis, Back-links relevance, Landing page Functionality, Developing websites, Traffic analytics, Reading conversion metrics and much more... You will be able to nearly run your own agency with content from beginning to end. I give you tips most marketers overlook and focus on areas that many don't have hands on experience in. Great opportunity to create social growth for your business from your content marketing efforts."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"2G - GSM Network Course-Global System For Mob. Communication" |
"This is the GSM course taught by CourseComm experts it talks about the basics of telecommunication networks and its standards followed by clear explanation for GSM Network including its architecture, access techniques & the connection methods used. After that we will talk about cellular concept used, air interface channels and its transmission problems and mapping them into time slots. Then different traffic cases such as call scenarios, location update & handover types and finally the practical part for optimizing the Network & the tools used in any telecom company."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Design a Basic 7-Day Clean Eating Meal Plan" |
"If you want to learn how to design your own meal plan, then you're going to enjoy this course. You'll learn how to come up with countless meal ideas and then structure them into stand-alone meals that keep you satisfied and energized. Learn from a nutritionist with over a decade of experience. The course was initially designed as a tool for nutritionists. However, the simplicity and efficacy of the meal creation process makes it a valuable asset in any household.Once you learn how to create a meal plan, you'll understand what you need to do to adjust it and personalize it so you transform this meal creation process into a nutrition skill.This course requires no experience as a nutritionist or with food for that matter. Anyone can start designing their meal plan today.Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"MoonHeart Meditation Program" |
"Namaste!Witam w jedynym na wiecie Programie Medytacyjnym zsynchronizowanym z rytmem ksiyca - MoonHeart Meditation.Program powsta z myl o wszystkich osobach, ktre chc si rozwija i wiadomie pracowa z energi, emocjami oraz umysem. MoonHeart Meditation proponuje nowoczesne, przetumaczone na zachodni jzyk podejcie do medytacji oraz pracy z emocjami. Integruje pradawn wiedz wschodu ze wspczesn psychologi, co skutkuje przystpn form do gbokiej pracy z umysem.MoonHeart Meditation Program stanowi zarwno wspaniay wstp do pracy medytacyjnej, jak i jest doskona kontynuacj i pogbieniem cieki kadej praktykujcej osoby, ktra szuka nowych form pracy wewntrznej.W programie wykorzystujemy techniki Pracy z energi Kundalini (inna nazwa energii yciowej - wicej na ten temat mwi tu), gesty doni (mudry) oraz techniki oddechowe, stosowane przez joginw od tysicleci. Wszystkie techniki i medytacje s bezpieczne i sprawdzone.Mwi si, e jeli chcesz zmieni wiat, zacznij od siebie. To jest Twoja okazja na dowiadczenie zmiany, ktra pynie z synchronizacji ruchu planetarnego z Twoim wewntrznym procesem.Serdecznie zapraszam do wsplnej podry,Paulina KulikowskaYoga of Love"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Get Happier in 10 Minutes-Reduce Anxiety, Depression & Anger" |
"How to create a powerful ritual of 10 minutes a day that will help to make you massively more happier. How to overcome mental health* and life challenges and grow in happiness, love, fun, strength and success. (* Mental Health challenges like Anxiety, Depression, Anger and Stress and many more...)Powerful techniques and practices that bring great calm, reduce negative thoughts, increase positive thoughts, help you understand yourself (and others) better, handle emotions, be stronger and more resilient, know the best path for your life and make better decisions. Empower yourself to have better control of your thoughts and your life and gain more power to choose what you want.A no-fluff course that brings several powerful techniques that have been life-changing for me and that of my clients and can change your life. A culmination of 15+ years of practice that have taken me from anxious, depressed, stressed and angry to joyful, loving, calm and happy. I have combined them into a quality-packed video course which will give you tools to create a happier life for you in a short space of time.This course is fantastic value, you can become happier, calmer and more successful and create lasting positive change in your life, today!~~~What Is 'Get Happier in 10 Minutes' all about?It's an online course with powerful calming techniques that you can use in this and any moment to gain more inner peace, success and happiness. It's about creating your 10 minute practice, that you can use in your daily life that builds into a reliable source of calm, that you can access at any time.It's about creating positive change that lasts for you.It's about feeling the feelings, knowing what they mean for you deep down, and using those feelings to overcome challenges and build a better life for yourself.It's about knowing your truth and being okay with all of it.It's about recognising all the good that's in your life.It's about learning meditation and mindfulness.It's about loving yourself. And loving others.--Join over 1200 students on the course today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mi Negocio Ideal para Emprendedores Novatos" |
"""Mi Negocio Ideal un seminario creado para ayudarles paso a paso a encontrar cual es su negocio ideal de acuerdo a su situacin actual, sus pasiones, sus valores, su conocimiento y tambin sus talentos.Est creado de una forma que usted puede identificando paso a paso, en su tiempo y en la comodidad de su hogar cual seria el negocio ideal, el que usted puede iniciar en este momento.Dirigido a: Emprendedores que deseen iniciar un negocio pero que no saben cual negocio, ya sea porque tiene muchas ideas o porque no tiene ninguna. Que durante muchos aos han querido realizar un negocio pero no lo han dejado para despues.Qu Informacin Recibirn los Participantes?20 minutos de clase en video(1) Cuaderno de trabajo para ir desarrollando paso a paso(1) Gua de las herramientas digitales que le ayudarn a cumplir sus metas, a optimizar su tiempo, a gestionar sus proyectos.Que aprendern los participantes?Al final estarn listos para ir a la siguiente fase donde pueden empezar con su idea de negocio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emprende Digital Hoy Mismo!" |
"En este curso te entregamos un visin completa de las diferentes oportunidades que hay en el Internet para ser empresario, tambin te damos dos guas complementarias que te ayudarn a tomar la mejor decisin y al final te ofrecemos el curso que te permitir identificar si un negocio de membresa puede ser un negocio para ti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Plan de MARKETING Paso a Paso para Novatos" |
"Bienvenidos!Este curso te brinda las nociones que necesitas sobre el marketing, paso a paso descubrirs conceptos fundamentales para disear un plan estratgico a la medida que lleve a tu producto o servicio al xito en el mercado.Te garantizo que este curso te ayudar a mejorar o bien a disear paso a paso tu plan estratgico a la medida de tus necesidades como empresario o emprendedor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bienvenidos!Este curso te brinda las nociones que necesitas para potenciar tu marca, paso a paso descubrirs que debes hacer para que tu producto o servicio sea un xito en el mercado.Te garantizo que este curso te ayudar a mejorar o bien a disear paso a paso tu plan estratgico a la medida de tus necesidades como empresario o emprendedor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bienvenidos!Este curso te brinda las nociones que necesitas para ser un ESTRATEGA, paso a paso descubrirs las cualidades que permitirn dominar el arte de la estrategia a la medida que lleve a tu producto o servicio al xito en el mercado.Te garantizo que este curso te ayudar a mejorar o bien a disear paso a paso tu plan estratgico a la medida de tus necesidades como empresario o emprendedor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bienvenidos!Este curso te brinda las nociones que necesitas planificar y lograr aumentar las metas empresariales, para que tus productos o servicios alcancen el xito en el mercado.Te garantizo que este curso te ayudar a mejorar o bien a disear paso a paso tu plan estratgico a la medida de tus necesidades como empresario o emprendedor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bienvenidos!Este curso te brinda las nociones que necesitas para empezar a facturar tus primeros 100K y lograr aumentar las metas empresariales, para que tus productos o servicios alcancen el xito en el mercado.Te garantizo que este curso te ayudar a mejorar o bien a disear paso a paso tu plan estratgico a la medida de tus necesidades como empresario o emprendedor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Starkes Selbstvertrauen" |
"28 Tage ChallengeIn diesem Programm bekommst Du jeden Tag eine Aufgabe gestellt, die Dein Selbstvertrauen frdert. Im Nachhinein werden Dir die Hintergrnde erlutert, warum was funktioniert. Die Aufgaben steigern sich leicht und stetig. Wenn Du Probleme hast auf andere Menschen zu zugehen, ist dieses Programm genau das richtige fr Dich. Aber auch wenn Du schon ein erfolgreiches Selbstvertrauen besitzt, wird es dir helfen knnen dein Wissen rund um Selbstvertrauen zu vertiefen, und nicht zuletzt ber Dich selbst.Dabei setzt das Programm vor Allem auf Referenzerfahrung, welche Du dir schaffst. Eine Begleitung im internen Kursbereich und Erluterungen der kommunikativen und sozialen Zusammenhnger hinter den Aufgaben."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corso intensivo di Equipaggiamento Video" |
"Vuoi conoscere tutto l'equipaggiamento necessario per fare video professionali?Ciao sono Michele, sono nato a Firenze....credo si senta dall'accento :D .....e lavoro come videomaker da 10 anni tra Londra e Milano. Ho dedicato gli ultimi anni ad imparare e provare equipaggiamento video per diletto e per lavoro.Credo che avere una visione complessiva dell'equipaggiamento sia una componente fondamentale per chi vuole fare video, infatti sapere a cosa serve ogni strumento aiuta a realizzare video sempre pi belli. L'equipaggiamento per chi lo usa una necessit tanto o forse di pi della camera stessa.Per questo motivo nel corso guarderemo insieme tutto l'equipaggiamento che ho acquistato in anni di lavoro e credo che queste conoscenze e consigli ti saranno utili nel fare le scelte giuste quando decidi di fare delle spese per il tuo kit. I tuoi video miglioreranno a dismisura quando acquisterai il materiale giusto, quindi perch non fare un corso intensivo e scoprirlo tutto insieme?Cosa Imparerai?- Imparerai come funziona e a cosa serve qualsiasi tipo di equipaggiamento- Scoprirari quali marche sono migliori, quanto costa e come scegliere il prodotto giusto- Sarai capace di scegliere te quale strumento comprare subito e quale invece pu aspettare, poche persone si possono comprare tutto quello che serve in una volta sola, io ci ho messo e investito divesi anni, quindi sempre bene sapere prioritizzare e fare le scelte giuste.Per chi questo corso?- Amatori: se ti sei avvicano da poco al mondo del videomaking scoprirari in una volta sola tutto l'equipaggiamento che si utilizza per fare video- Fotografi: se da anni ti dedica alla fotografia e vuoi iniziare a fare video sai gi che le strumentazioni sono diverse ma complementari, guardiamo insieme cosa necessario per fare video- Marketers: se vuoi promuovere la tua persona, azienda, prodotto o servizio online attraverso contenuti video necessario fare un invetimento e comprare quello che ti serve. Fai il corso e parti alla grande con una visione completa di quello che serve a fare videoSei pronto?? Iniziamo!A presto, Michele"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java for Scientific Computing" |
"Whether you are an experienced java developer or a high-school or college student, if you are a java enthusiast then this course is for you. This course will equip you with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts of scientific computing such as optimization, finding roots, and solving differential equations. The lectures and the accompanying powerpoint slides are designed and prepared with the utmost quality."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Create Custom Static Meshes for Unreal Engine 4!" |
"No more default Static Meshes or Static Meshes created by others!You must be tired of re-using default assets.I was.Iwas tired of searching for the ""perfect"" Static Meshes to use in my projects. I knew what I wanted, so why couldn't I just create it?""No problem"", I said. I'll just create what I need.But I was in for a rude awakening. I wasn't ready for the amount of technical knowledge I had to learn. There was so much work involved!Custom Static Mesh process involves multiple software and specific guidelines to follow for each step of the pipeline. You'll need to make sure your 3d modeling software is set up correctly for matching the scale and grid spacing to UE4. You'll need to model a low-poly and a high-poly mesh, UV for textures and for lightmaps, set hard/soft edges, bake Normal maps, bake Ambient Occlusion maps, create textures, materials, custom collisions, export/import using specific settings while problem-solving at every single step of the way.The process itself is actually very straight forward once you've gone through it a couple of times. The problem is getting there. Learning what to do for each step of the pipeline is what takes so much time.You no longer have to figure it out on your own.This course is for you!""UE4: Custom Static Mesh Formula"" tutorial series is going to show you how to create your own custom Static Meshes and finally master this process."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Git, de principiante a experto, GitHub y GitLab" |
"La idea principal es que te diviertas, aprendas a utilizar Git (crear un repositorio, subir archivos, eliminarlos, crear ramas, recuperar archivos borrados, navegar entre commit, etc) Aprender a utilizar GitHub y configurar un servidor GitLab con seguridad en tu empresa, este contar con certificados SSL y conexin va HTTPS.Espero que este curso sea de tu agrado y aprendas mucho."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"R Fundamentals" |
"This is the course to learn R programming language from scratch. Course is designed for one who wants to learn R within a week.In this course you will learn basics in Fun and easy way. You would be covering concepts of all basics to create your own program of R from scratch. Content for Data types, Functions , Package management to Importing of the data from different sources will covered.Course will be short and sweet covering all aspects of basic programming in R."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Finding Your Goldilocks Niche" |
"The success of your digital marketing efforts has just as much if not more to do with the work you put in well before you place your first ad. It's about taking the time to identify your ""Goldilocks Niche"" and building your digital marketing strategy around it. Not all niches were created equal: some niches are too narrow while some niches are too broad. This course will walk you through the process of identifying profitable niches and then developing your digital marketing strategy."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Keywords Research - Don't Miss Any Head Keywords" |
"For the Amazon FBA business, I have built the keyword list for more than 100 new listings in the last 4 years. That's why I try to simplify the process to build a keywords list. We can really save time and budget to do this work.When I communicate with my other Amazon seller friends, or when I train our team members, I realize they didn't spend too much effort on keywords list building. They couldn't find all of the head-keywords/ short-tail keywords.So here I am! I will show everyone how to build a keywords list, including the keywords your competitor have, or their unknown keywords.Over the 4 chapters you will learn:Why build the keywords list?Tools list introductionStep-by-Step guideHow to use the list?I guarantee you will learn to build a competitive keywords list for your FBA private label, to help you monitor your products listing traffic source, monitor the performance of your keywords, and quickly generate your product copywriting.What else you will get?Personal contact with meLifetime access to course materialsOther resources for your FBA businessMy unique formula to calculate FBA replenish inventory"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
affiliate_marketing_for_blog_marketing |
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"Custom Logo Animation Studio Rider For Adobe After Effects" |
"In this course you can learn the various techniques of animation inside adobe after effects.Also you can learn how to manage Adobe Illustrator files in order to import into Adobe After effects.I will also teach how you can render the best quality and low size file by using Adobe Media Encoder."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Complete Python In Simple Way" |
"As the part of this course the following topics covered in detail.1. Language Fundamentals2. Operators3. Input and Output Statements4. Flow Control5. Pattern Applications6. Strings7. 20+ Applications on String Concept8. List Data Structure9. Tuple Data Structure10. Set Data Structure11. Dictionary Data Structure12. Functions13. Modules14. Packages15. Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)16. Exception Handling17. Logging Module18. Assertions19. File Handling20. Object Serialization By using PICKLE, JSON and YAML21. Decorators22. Generators"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn 100+ Python Pattern Printing Programs In Simple Way" |
"As the part of this course the following topics covered in detail.1. Introduction To Python 2. Python Installation & Various Ways to Run Python Program 3. Python Language Fundamentals 4. Input and Output Statements 5. Flow Control 6. Functions 7. Square Pattern Printing Programs 8. Right Angle Triangle Pattern Printing Programs 9. Inverted Right Angle Triangle Pattern Printing Programs 10. Pyramid Pattern Printing Programs 11. Inverted Pyramid Pattern Printing Programs 12. Diamond Pattern Printing Programs 13. Right Half Diamond Pattern Printing Programs 14. Left Half Diamond Pattern Printing Programs 15. Top Half Hallow Diamond Pattern Printing Programs 16. Bottom Half Hallow Diamond Pattern Printing Programs 17. Hallow Diamond Pattern Printing Programs 18. Alphabet Pattern Printing Programs 19. Vertical LED PANEL Display with Alphabet Symbols 20. Horizontal LED PANEL Display with Alphabet Symbols"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Luxe-Tique Acedemy Secrets to a perfect Gel Polish Manicure" |
"Many people seem to thinks that us Nail Artists just polish nails and its oh so simple!!!!Haaaaa!!!!If they only knew the problems that arise on us Nail Artists on a daily basis!!!Have you ever put your clients hand in the light to cure and they come out and there are wrinkles or bubbles in the gel polish that should actually be cured? Had the gel polish run into the cuticle after it went in the light?Or have you ever been applying get polish to your clients natural nails or even acrylic nails for that matter and the gel is shrinking and pooling before your eyes?Or better yet....Have you ever had the gel have dents or tiny bumps after it has come out the light and is fully cured?There are certain major key factors, technical elements, simply simple reasons, and preventative measures to avoiding every nail techs most dreaded nightmare!In this course you I will share with you secrets of the Gel Polish Mani, That you probably never heard before!!!READY?????? LET'S DO THIS!!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |