Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Adestramento Comportamental Para Ces de Casa e Apartamento" |
"Neste curso, apresentaremos tcnicas de adestramento para que os donos de ces consigam educar o seu animal, no que tange ao momento em que o co chega na residncia, quanto ao local onde o co deve fazer as fezes e urina, corrigindo quando morde objetos e mveis, bem como evitando latidos dentro de casa, atravs comandos e tcnicas adequadas, buscando uma convivncia pacfica e harmoniosa do animal junto de sua famlia humana."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de MS Excel Aprenda na Prtica" |
"Aprenda a utilizar a ferramenta de uma forma dinmica, seja para realizar tarefas do seu dia a dia, ou no seu ambiente de trabalho.Se voc chegou at aqui, porque sabe da importncia, atualmente, do Microsoft Excel no mercado de trabalho. Inclusive, com toda certeza, uma pessoa qualificada no uso de planilhas eletrnicas ter um diferencial a mais em sua recolocao no mercado de trabalho ou, at mesmo, em uma projeo profissional. Isso tem ligao tambm com a necessidade do uso do Excel em todas as reas da empresa, comum que pessoas que se destacam em um setor com o uso do Excel seja chamada para auxiliar outras reas ampliando o seu networking.Esse curso ser ministrado em vdeo aulas, e permitir que voc coloque em prtica todos os recursos ensinados aula a aula atravs de exerccios e situaes do cotidiano.O contedo ser dividido, e as sesses sero identificadas de acordo com o nvel de conhecimento do MS Excel. O aprendizado ser contnuo, pois aprenderemos de forma explicativa cada conceito e ferramenta necessrio para seu entendimento."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Essencial: o que de fato funciona em Marketing!" |
"Este curso composto por uma breve apresentao (vdeo promocional), que aborda o atual cenrio do mercado. A seguir, so oferecidas 8 aulas, cada uma desenvolvendo um temas especfico. No necessrio que o aluno assista a todas. Poder optar apenas pelo tema que julgar mais relevante sua formao ou prtica.Os conceitos apresentados so: Aula 1O que Marketing (conceitos);Marketing-mix: os famosos 4Ps do Marketing (e os Ps de servios);Ambiente competitivo: variveis macro e microeconmicas e sua importncia;Como avaliar resultados em Marketing?Aula 2O que segmentao de mercado e para que se usa a segmentao;Como se define o pblico-alvo;Quais os pblicos envolvidos no processo de compra e seus papis;Pesquisas: como funcionam e como detectam o comportamento do consumidor. O que fazer quando no h verba para pesquisa.Aula 3Posicionamento estratgico;Como o posicionamento estratgico impacta o produto ou servio, o preo, a distribuio , a comunicao;O conceito de Marca e de Brand Equity. Como construir a sua marca, mesmo que voc no tenha verba.Aula 4Como desenvolver um produto ou um servio: pesquisa, definio de caractersticas e de diferenciais;Em servios, incluir: pessoas, processos, percepo da iniciao do servio;Como o posicionamento deve ser refletido nas caractersticas do produto ou do servio.Aula 5Ciclo de vida de um produto;Atividades de Marketing para cada etapa do ciclo de vida;Como alongar a etapa de crescimento e a de maturidade.Aula 6Como definir o preo de um produto ou de um servio: critrios de definio de preos;Como o preo precisa ser alinhado com o posicionamento de sua marca;O preo nas vrias etapas da comercializao;Como definir as condies de pagamento.Aula 7Como definir a distribuio de produtos e servios e seu alinhamento com o posicionamento;O conceito de canais diretos e indiretos (curtos, longos, ultralongos);A definio de estratgia de distribuio: exclusiva, intensiva e seletiva; vantagens e desvantagens de cada uma delas.Aula 8As ferramentas de Comunicao: quais so, como devem ser usadas. Como estabelecer a verba;O ncleo estratgico da Comunicao: estratgia de Campanha, de Criao e de Mdia: como decidir?Custos de Comunicao e o que fazer quando voc no tem verba!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sueos Lcidos: Una Gua hacia el Despertar en tus Sueos" |
"Un sueo lcido es una experiencia -cientficamente probada- en la que descubres que ests soando y logras controlar tu sueo a voluntad de manera parcial o total. Dado que dormimos en promedio unas 8 horas cada da, al final de nuestra vida habremos pasado un tercio de nuestro tiempo durmiendo.Aprender a interpretar tus sueos y a experimentar sueos lcidos es la garanta de que todo ese tiempo puede ser aprovechado al mximo.Quieres experimentar la realidad fantstica que los sueos tienen para ofrecerte?Quieres encontrar soluciones a tus problemas cotidianos mientras sueas?Quieres eliminar miedos profundamente arraigados en tu mente y conocer tu inconsciente?Inscrbete en este curso y embrcate en un verdadero viaje interior!Instructores:Karen Mora & Cristrian Narvaez"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Start Java Programming Today" |
"Are you ready to start coding in Java today?Let's get started with object oriented programming, printing screen, and understanding basic integers. As we continue into Java with floating point variables, basic operations, and more you will feel comfortable enough to follow along and try everything we show in the course. By the end, we imagine you are ready to step into more advanced Java programming and level up your career as a mobile app developer, web developer, or ITprofessional!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Android App Developer Course: Code 11 Apps in Android Studio" |
"Are you ready to become an Android app developer and build your own portfolio of mobile applications? Get ready as you develop your skills in Java to create simple, but powerful apps. Once you understand the process and the fundamentals, you'll be able to take what you've learned here and create even more powerful applications.In the Complete Android App Developer Masterclass you'll develop the skills you need to create Android applications that generate income with Google AdMob. Here are some of the applications we'll build together:Your own video player application you can use to watch your favorite videos.Your own music player application that's perfect for playing songs on the go.A camera application that has all the same snapshot and video capture features that comes with your phone.A drawing application for sketching or writing notes.And many more applications that we'll add to the course in the future.With these skills and some creative thinking, you'll have the fundamentals down and you'll be ready to build your best-selling application. So join us on this adventure of learning what's possible, while learning a skill that can not only generate passive income, but that you can also use as a freelancer to become a professional app developer. When you're ready to begin, signup for this course by clicking the white ""buy now"" button in the top-right corner and get started as an app developer today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Ethical Hacking, Account Security, & Bug Bounties" |
"Are you interested in making sure that your Instagram account is secure?Would you like to learn how to keep your client's Instagram accounts safe?Does testing for vulnerabilities in Instagram and getting rewarded for your work as an ethical hacker interest you?In the Instagram Ethical Hacking, Account Security, and Bug Bounties course, you'll learn the various ways that hackers compromise accounts. This will give you an understanding of what you can do to keep your account secured.This course isn't just for people who want to learn ethical hacking skills. It's also great for information and technology professionals that manage Instagram accounts for important figures, small businesses, and corporations.There are several ways that a hacker can conduct social engineering and traditional hacking attacks to find information about your Instagram account. If you have an Instagram account, it's important that you learn the tools and techniques ethical hackers and malicious hackers use to put your information at risk.By enrolling here, you'll discover: Tools ethical hackers use to uncover vulnerabilities and how to use them.How to conduct social engineering attacks and get account information from your target.The processes you can use to receive bug bounties of $500+ per critical vulnerability in Instagram.Simple techniques you can use to keep your account and your client's Instagram accounts safe.Are you ready to start learning how to hack Instagram? Click the white 'buy now' button in the top right hand corner above and start learning from the Instagram Ethical Hacking, Account Security, and Bug Bounties course today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Google Go Programming: Golang Beginner to Go Web Developer!" |
"Are you ready to learn Google Go, also known as Golang, to develop your programming language skills?This course is perfect for those that want to build open-source applications and for those who want to learn a skill that earns anywhere from $35 to $160 an hour as a freelancer.It's no secret that Golang programming has been hot the past few years. The Google Go programming language is robust, simple, and easy to maintain. That's why our goal is to take you from Golang beginner to Go web developer by enrolling in this course.Here's what you'll soon learn:How to install Golang on your local machine.The basics of programming languages.Advanced programming skills such as looping, switching, data types, and more.How to enhance your web development with Golang.Web programming languages such as HTMLand CSS.and a whole lot more!At the end of this course you'll understand Golang and you'll have enough experience to start working with clients to build their applications. Plus, you'll have a resume and a portfolio to showcase your Golang proficiency.Are you ready to start learning Google Go Programming? When you're ready, hit the white ""buy now"" button in the upper right corner and become a Goland programmer today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"OAuth 2: Web Security & Application Authentication" |
"If you're interested in making a secure web or mobile application, then you need to know and understand OAuth.In this course you'll learn everything you need to know about OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol and authorization tokens as a beginner to OAuth.It's challenging even for technical professionals to create the proper flows and select the right grant types needed to protect application data securely. That's why you'll learn all the theory and practical skills necessary to integrate OAuth 2.0 into your application by enrolling in the OAuth 2: Web Security & Application Authentication course.If you're ready to learn why OAuth 2.0 is a great tool for authenticating your applications, you're curious about tokens, flows, implementation, and more OAuth 2.0 topics, then you need this course.So, what are you waiting for? Click the white ""Buy Now"" button on the upper right corner of this page and secure your applications today!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"BlackArch Linux: Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing" |
"Are you ready to learn how to use BlackArch Linux for ethical hacking and penetration testing? That's exactly what you'll discover in this course, which will take you from BlackArch beginner to advanced penetration tester.You'll learn the tools used with BlackArch to gather information on your target, the different tools that ethical hackers use with BlackArch to get into systems and web applications, and even how you can hack Android devices, Windows computers, and even Facebook accounts! Of course, we'll also talk about having permission to practice your ethical hacking skills, so that you're following the law and providing value to a client that has hired you to complete network security services.So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready to start learning about BlackArch Linux today? Get ready start ethically hacking with BlackArch Linux by clicking the white ""buy now"" button above right now!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Belajar Bahasa Pemrograman Java Fundamentals" |
"Mengapa Anda memilih untuk belajar Java?Kenyataannya adalah bahwa ada banyak bahasa komputer di luar sana. Ada ratusan. Mengapa Anda memilih bahasa Java?Alasan nomor satu adalah popularitasnya. Menurut banyak situs web resmi yang melacak popularitas bahasa, Java berada di peringkat 1 atau 3 teratas. Popularitas berarti lebih banyak perusahaan dan staf mereka yang menggunakannya, jadi ada lebih banyak peluang karier yang tersedia bagi Anda jika Anda terampil dalam bahasa tersebut.Apakah kursus ini akan memberi saya keterampilan dasar Java?Ya, tentu saja. Dasar dari Java adalah java jdk (java development kit) yang harus dipelajari oleh programmer untuk pindah ke teknologi lain yang lebih maju.Mengapa Anda mengikuti kursus ini?Karena pada kursus ini dibangun dari hal yang sangat mendasar, seperti instalasi Java, Versi Java, menjalankan Java, OOP (Object Oriented Programming) hingga pemrograman tingkat lanjutInilah beberapa hal yang akan Anda pelajari(Tidak apa-apa jika Anda belum memahami semua ini, Anda akan mengikuti kursus ini)Semua Java keywords, operators, statements, dan expressions diperlukan sepenuhnya untuk memahami persis apa yang Anda koding dan mengapa, membuat pemrograman Anda mudah dipahami dan tidak membuat frustrasi.Anda akan mempelajari jawaban atas pertanyaan seperti Apa itu Java Class, Apa itu polimorfisme dan pewarisan dan menerapkannya pada aplikasi java Anda.Bagaimana cara mengunduh dan menginstal semua alat pengkodean yang diperlukan dengan waktu yang lebih sedikit dan tanpa instalasi atau pengaturan yang membuat sulitDilengkapi bab tentang pemrograman berorientasi objek dan banyak aspek Java sehingga Anda dapat membuat kode untuk semua platformBagaimana mengembangkan aplikasi Java yang kuat menggunakan salah satu Integrated Development Environments (IDE), IntelliJ IDEA! - Berarti Anda dapat membuat kode program fungsional lebih mudah. IntelliJ memiliki versi GRATIS dan berbayar, dan Anda dapat menggunakan salah satu dari kursus ini.Untuk siapa kursus ini:Kursus ini sangat cocok untuk pemula tanpa pengalaman pengkodean sebelumnya, dan untuk perantara yang ingin mempertajam keterampilan mereka ke tingkat yang lebih ahli.Mereka yang ingin membangun aplikasi Java yang kreatif dan canggih untuk penggunaan pribadi atau untuk melamar pekerjaan dengan penghasilan bergaji tinggi sebagai kontraktor atau wiraswasta.Yang memiliki etos kerja yang kuat, kemauan diri untuk belajar, dan memiliki perasaan yang senang sekali untuk membangun program baru dan luar biasa.Mereka yang suka dengan hasil kreatif mereka bersinar, sementara dibayar dalam jumlah yang besar untuk melakukannya.Hanya Anda, komputer, dan rasa ingin tahu Anda untuk memulai hari ini."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Learn 3D printing (Additive Manufacturing)" |
"Additive manufacturing (AM) as known as 3D printing, is a technology that reached the consumers market in recent years and started to be used in application on the individual and industry levels. Although the additive manufacturing technologies are expanding rapidly and carry a lot of potential for future advancement, each methodology followed has its own ups and downs. This class will cover additive manufacturing processes, the advantages and limitations of these processes, and the approaches to be used in considering the material properties and design for additive manufacturing. The applications of additive manufacturing will be covered, such as those in the aerospace and health care tools. Taking this course will empower you to design your own 3D models in a systematic way for various engineering application by learning the software and hardware of the additive manufacturing implementation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Engineering Mathematics" |
"The objective of this course is to help you build the skill necessary to analyze mathematical relationships, and equations you encounter in the real world. Topics include Ordinary Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms, Systems of Linear Differential Equations. Upon completion of this course you should be able to identify different types of differential equations and decide the best solution method to follow in order to solve that equation. Differential equations are in most cases the mathematical representation of a real world problem in physics and engineering. Learning how to solve a differential equation or a Laplace transformation could be a solution to a problem that is facing the real world today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
DUnity |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Masterclass by a TEDx Speaker (1000+ Talks)" |
"Are you somebody who fears to speak in public? or are you someone who wants to take their public speaking abilities to the next level? If so, then you have stumbled upon the right course. This course will take you on a journey from getting rid of your inhibitions and fears to creating content that your audience will love and remember. From mastering body language to creating epic ppts and videos.At the end of the course, you will have a lot of new knowledge in your arsenal, that you can immediately deploy. Whether you are a student, a working professional or an entrepreneur, it's important to keep upskilling yourself. You could just be talking to a small group of people or large audiences, you need public speaking everywhere. This course will also help you improve your basic communication skills and make you a power pact communicator.Hope you enjoy the course.All the best!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ebay Dropshipping la voie facile pour gagner de l'argent." |
"Cette formation en ecommerce vous apprendra les bases ncessaires votre russite sur Ebay mme si vous n'avez aucune connaissance dans le domaine.Il s'agit d'une formation accessible tous dans laquelle vous allez avancer pas pas et faire crotre votre business sans difficults.Vous allez voir que l'on peut obtenir un revenu complmentaire avec Ebay.Vous allez vous fixer un objectif raliste et ambitieux vous permettant d'obtenir 600 euros par mois de revenu complmentaire au bout de 3 mois.Vous n'avez aucun investissement financier ncessaire et vous partez de zro.Vous allez apprendre paramtrer Ebay comme un pro.Vous allez apprendre grce des outils gratuit comment trouver des produits ""winners"" qui feront le succs de votre boutique Ebay .Cette formation a t test sur des personnes n'ayant aucune connaissance en informatique et elle fonctionne.J'ai cre un compte test pour cette formation qui vous permettra de vrifier que gagner un revenu complmentaire avec Ebay en dropshipping est possible avec cette mthode."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Cryptography - Past, Present and Future" |
"This course is intended to provide an overview of cryptography. We will take a tour through history, looking at the earliest ciphers, through the secret-key methods that took over, through to current methods such as public-key methods, and also look at the future possibilities as the next step. The course consists of a series of short lectures on slides - many have supplementary notes and questions to attempt, with fully-worked solutions provided. The course is intended to be informative but also enjoyable - my aim is that you learn something about cryptography, but also enjoy it and are motivated to find out more!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microfocus (HPE) Opsbridge Course (Level 1-2)" |
"The Opsbridge application is explained with all of its screens starting with the installation.Although the level of education is tried to be explained as simple as possible, it also includes intermediate level information besides the entry level and practical examples are given on these issues.When you have completed your Opsbridge training, you can now easily manage Opsbridge and have the opportunity to work in monitoring teams in various companies.Opsbridge is actively used by many banks, technology companies and retail companies in the world and many companies provide consultancy services in this regard.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Opsbridge uygulamasn kurulumdan balayarak tm ekranlarnn uygulamalaryla birlikte anlatlmtr.Eitimin seviyesi mmkn olduunca basite anlatlmaya allsa da giri seviyesi haricinde orta seviye bilgileri de kapsamakta ve bu konularda da uygulamal rnekler verilmitir.Opsbridge eitimini tamamlandnzda artk siz de kolayca Opsbridge ynetimi yapabilir eitli firmalarda monitoring ekiplerinde alma frsat yakalayabilirsiniz. Dnyada birok banka, teknoloji firmas, parekende firmalar tarafndan Opsbridge aktif olarak kullanlmakta ve yine bu konuda birok firma danmanlk hizmeti vermektedir."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking & Neuromarketing - Complete BootCamp" |
"In Design thinking and Neuromarketing BootCamp, you will have the opportunity to discover and experiment with a systematic approach to uncover creative insights and innovative solutions.Thousands of companies use Design Thinking to innovate and implement new products and services. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Design Thinking, with a main focus on which tools can be used in each of the phases in order to enhance and develop your creativity. At the end of the Design Thinking, we are going to pass through neuromarketing which will be used as a potential tool in the phases of inspiration and testing.At the beginning we will discuss about what exactly is Design Thinking based on three concrete examples and you will experience a quick Design Thinking exercise so you can get a feel for what Design Thinking is all about. As the course continues you will pick a case study to work on and take that case study through the process of Design Thinking. When you have completed the course you will know how to start and finish a Design Thinking project on your own.You have unlimited access to all the lessons 24 hours a day, for as long as you want or need them, so you can take the course at your own pace and go back to review any materials any time you want.This course is based on the following values :Try : an opportunity to try out new behaviors online and through real-world projects.Share : share with the others and exchange with the others based on your creative ideas"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"People Analytics 101 : HR Analytics Fundamentals" |
"People analytics is also known as HR analytics or you can say talent analytics. It is kind of analytics which helps HR managers, executives to make data-driven decisions about their employee or the workforce. It gives you expertise in using statistics, technology on unused but very important peoples data which can help you in making better business decision and management for your company. If we talk about numbers, research by McKinsey shows the people analytics can help in an 80% increase in recruiting efficiency, 25% rise in business productivity and 50% decreases in attrition rate.Once you have completed the course, you can help your company to better drive the return on their investment on their employee. Classic approaches are not sufficient in getting the required result in the long run.To overcome this gap we came up with a solution where you can learn the techniques of solving these problems on your own in a very simple and intuitive self-paced learning method.You will understand how and when to use the peoples data to make decisions onHiring,Recruitment,Talent Development,Employee Retention,Employee Satisfaction,Employee Engagement, etc.Don't worry we will not going to perform complex talent management data analysis, but guide you to reach that step.We have tried to create a very simple structure for this course so even if you have no knowledge or very basic knowledge of analytics then even you won't face any problem throughout the course. Let's take a look at the structure. We will start with theUnderstanding of what is analytics and why it is required.Areas where you need to apply your business analytics understanding.Understanding and acting on talent data across the entire employee life cycle.Understanding a business problemFinding a better analytical solution to that business problemHow to collect data to solve that problemHow to Find solutions using basic analytics technique or you can say Exploratory Data analytics.Applying feature engineering techniques to get the most out of data.You will also learn, how to do hypothesis testing and what are various techniques.And the most important is applying machine learning on HR Data and predicting futuristic insights.Oh, and wait, you are also learning data analysis techniques, which you can apply anywhere.We intend to introduce you to ""Businesses prosper when the people who work in them prosper"". People analytics 101 is curated to help make both happen and at the same time, you flourish in your career growth, too."
Price: 11840.00 ![]() |
"Hands-on HR Analytics Course : Employee Satisfaction using R" |
"This is the second course in our series People Analytics : Learn ~ Practice ~ Implement.Our mission is simple Help anyone learn Data Science, create projects they were passionate about, and use those projects to improve their careers and lives.This hands-on project-based course is the only course on Udemy which offers an end-to end statistical project, guiding you to develop and master practical skills to solve any HR business problem using Step-by-step approach called Anatomy of a Statistical Model for HR Analytics.This is the tutorial youve been looking for, to start building a portfolio of great HR Analytics projects. This without any doubt, is one of the best ways you can advance your data science career.In fact, when we spoke to data science recruiters and hiring managers all over the world, we heard the same thing over and over again: data science portfolios and Git-hub repositories are among the first things they look at. Employers want to see if you can really do the job youre being hired for, so having real-world projects to prove your skills youre claiming on your resume is a must, whether or not you have a fancy degree.Give me 5 minutes of your time to explain to you why weve built this course and what is different here than any other Data Science or Machine Learning Course youll find all over the internet.1. In this course you will learn to use a dimension reduction technique known as Exploratory Factor Analysis to address an important HR issue Employee Satisfaction2. This course starts with a fundamental understanding of what is Employee Satisfaction, various metrics of measuring Employee Satisfaction, how do different organizations collect data around employee satisfaction, different tools available to collect data, how employee satisfaction can actually impact a Business financially.3. After finishing this course, you will be able to convert Employee Satisfaction business problem into a Statistical problem, know how to discover and collect data, how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights using various methods such as Uni-variate and Bi-variate Analysis, hypothesis testing etc, apply the dimension reduction technique to find significant factors for Employee Satisfaction, extract major findings and insights from the statistical solution and finally how the insights will help leaders make strategies and policies to improve employee satisfaction.4. You will learn all the above with specific tool that is one of the most in demand in the industry right now R Studio. Its geared specifically for people who want to learn employable skills in 2019.5. This course is developed by a team of analytics professional with a in-depth knowledge and understanding of HR domain. We wanted to build something that would not only teach students HR Analytics in a fun, hands-on way, but that would also help motivate them to keep learning.In this course, you will be taken through online videos and exercises where you will be able to do the following things by the end:1. End-to-end Statistical project on Employee Satisfaction Using Factor Analysis in R2. Master practical skills to solve an HR business problem using Step-by-step approach called Anatomy of a Statistical Model.3. Understand how employee satisfaction affect business in terms of money?4. Convert Employee Satisfaction business problem into a Statistical problem.5. Understand how to discover and collect data.6. Understand how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights.7. Apply the dimension reduction technique to find significant factors for Employee Satisfaction.8. Extract major findings and insights from the statistical solution.9. Understand how the insights will help leaders make strategies and policies to improve employee satisfaction.This course and all other courses in this series is the accumulation of all of our years of working in Data Science, Human Resource, learning, and teaching and all of the frustrations and incomplete information we have encountered along the way. There is so much information out there, so many opinions, and so many ways of doing things. So, this course is the answer to that exact problem. Throughout the years I have taken notes on what has worked, and what hasn't and I've created this course to narrow down the best way to learn and the most relevant information.We firmly believe that you wont find a course like this out there that is as well organized, and as useful, to build a strong foundation for you."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Optimizing Sales through HR Analytics" |
"Confused how to give incentives to the employees?Not able to decide how to identify the top performing employees?Are you facing issues related to employee satisfaction in your organization?Is your organization not giving proper attention to employee needs?Are you confused about how to improve the business ROI?Employee segmentation is used in many organizations nowadays. The idea behind this is simple, to segment the employee in such a way to maximize the efficiency of the workforce as well as the reward management. This course utilizes RFM( Recency, Frequency, Monetary) method of employee segmentation. The segmentation method involves the use of the R language for finding the optimal number of clusters which can be created using the data-set. Hierarchical clustering as well as elbow graph plays an important role in finding the optimal number of clusters.In this course we will take you to the path where you will learn how to choose and decide the right number of clusters along with the ratings from 1 to 5 to find the best employees and the employees who need training.We tried to create a very simple structure for this course so even if you have no knowledge or very basic knowledge of analytics then even you won't face any problem throughout the course. Let's take a look at the structure. We will start withWhat is Employee Segmentation?Why do we use employee segmentation?How to apply Employee segmentation to increase the employee segmentation and reward system.Anatomy of Statistical Model to understand the technique of solving any business problem through analyticsLearn how to understand Business problem and what are the key factors.How to collect data to solve that problem?Getting the most out of data using basic analytics technique or you can say Exploratory Data analytics.Applying feature engineering techniques to get in depth knowledge hidden inside the data.You will learn what is feature creation, variable transformation, and variable reduction.Learn the hypothesis techniques required for renege analysisHow to apply the RFM analysis using R"
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"HR Analytics: Factors impacting appraisal (excel analytics)" |
"Hello everyone, I welcome you to the course HR Analytics : Factors affecting Performance Appraisal.Appraisals are an act of assessing something or someone. A performance appraisal is a regular review of an employee's job performance and overall contribution to a company. Also known as an ""annual review,"" ""performance review or evaluation,"" or ""employee appraisal,"" a performance appraisal evaluates an employees skills, achievements and growth, or lack thereof. Companies use performance appraisal meetings to justify an employees reward which is usually increment in salary or bonus, based on their performance. Employees get good increments if their performance was commendable, whereas they get low increments or no increments at all if their performance was poor. The HR department is heavily engaged in it. It is clear by performance appraisal definition that this process affects the employees heavily. A good increment will lead to a more productive and satisfied employee. Whereas a low increment might lead to an unhappy employee which in turn might lead to the employee leaving the company. Hence this process should be unbiased. If an employee gets a lower increment than he deserves then he would be really unsatisfied and would look forward for an opportunity in another company.After this course you will be able to judge whether the performance appraisal process is biased or not. There can be many reasons leading to a biased appraisal process, like experienced employees getting higher increment, employees belonging to a particular department getting higher increment, male employees getting higher increment, etc. Performance appraisal should only be dependent on an employees performance and not on anything else.We will use linear regression to find out factors which influence performance appraisal. This would help us find out if the process is biased or not.We have created a very simple structure of the course in order to understand performance appraisal, how to judge if this process is biased or not, and what are the significant factors contributing towards it. The structure of the course is as follows:Abstract and course objectives of this course.The step by step approach created by unlock Hr to solve any business problem.Understanding the business problem we need to solve in this course.Introduction and installation for MS Excel Add-in Data Analysis Toolpak.Understand how to discover and collect data.Understand how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights.Apply the Linear Regression technique to find significant factors contributing towards performance appraisal.To go through the major findings and insights extracted from the data.Conclusion of the course.This course is created to understand and improve the voice of employees (VoE) who are the most crucial assets for any organization. With the help of this course, you can focus on your employees more, which in turn will be beneficial for the ROI."
Price: 12160.00 ![]() |
"HR Analytics using MS Excel (Excel Analytics)" |
"The present course centers around learning wide applications of Data Analysis ToolPak and applying the same to solve real business problems. Data Analysis Toolpak is an add-in for Microsoft Excel. An add-in is simply a hidden workbook that adds additional functions and features to Microsoft Excel. Data Analysis Toolpak provides data analysis tools for statistical and engineering analysis.Real life business problems are used as case studies to understand different tools that come with Data Analysis Toolpak.Different types of descriptive statistics tools are used to quantitatively describe or summarize the features of collected information.Inferential statistics tools are used to make inferences about the population with the use of random samples taken from the data.Predictive statistics tools are used to make predictions about unknown future events."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"HR Analytics - Build Dynamic Excel Dashboard from Scratch" |
"Well, we're going to build an interactive dynamic dashboard in excel. Yes you heard it right. We gonna create it in MS Excel. No, we are not kidding. Let me show you the end result, then you might believe me. You may have seen dashboards in tableau, power BI. but it's time you learn how to do that in excel. Why excel?My reason for building it in MS excel is because excel is easily available to everyone, and almost everyone have hands-on experience in working in Excel.Additionally let me tell you one very amazing part. You gonna learn to create the dashboard in less than two hours. Yes you heard it right, in less than 2 hours Amazing isn't it. Just imagine, your manager asked you to submit the report, and comeback with and interactive, dynamic, analytical dashboard. Definitely, It is going to add some extra points in your performance score. Start expecting a good bonus already.Now your question would be Why do we create a dashboard? What is the purpose?The main purpose of an operational Dashboard is to provide a comprehensive snapshot of performance, which means that you should incorporate a large amount of detail without using too many drill downs. Analytical Dashboards Use data from the past to identify trends that can influence future decision-making.In this course we used one of the very popular KPI Time to Hire and built an interactive dashboard around it. Which calculates and visualize the ageing of different stages, then we can also check or you can say filter the data week wise, by sourcing channel, skill wise. Also we can go ahead and check the recruiters efficiency, which business unit is takes too much time to get the candidate hired.We have also went ahead and created an anatomy of dashboard which will help you drill down the problem into smaller parts so that it becomes easy for you to build any interactive dashboard in very less time. That is a step by step approach to build a dashboard for any type of business problems."
Price: 11840.00 ![]() |
"HR Analytics - Workforce Management using R" |
"This course revolves around finding the right people to be deployed for a given task at the right time, to ensure that the customer expectations and metrics are being met. As an HR professional or a business partner, you play an important role, which is managing the workforce. In this course:You will learn the basics of workforce management. Tackle the problem of shortage of employees by performing resource management.We will solve a business problem that involves customers getting dissatisfied with the customer care service, due to non-availability and high waiting time which leads to customers abandoning the calls.You will study the call volume data and relate with employee demographics.Learn about Erlang C and it's applications in Rstudio to predict the number of employees required on an hourly interval to meet customer expectations.Master practical skills to solve an HR business problem using a Step-by-step approach called Anatomy of a Statistical Model.Understand how to prepare and explore the data for meaningful insights.Applying feature engineering techniques to get in-depth knowledge hidden inside the data."
Price: 11840.00 ![]() |
"Excel Bsico Para Iniciantes e as 3 Lies Mais Importantes" |
"O curso Excel Bsico para Iniciantes est projetado para oferecer uma experincia com fundamentos iniciais, para gerar base alicerada na aprendizado e utilizao de planilhas eletrnicas de dados em Excel, introduzindo o aluno aos primeiros aspectos a serem melhor levados em considerao para startar o conhecimento e fundamentar as informaes de suma importncia no incio dos estudos sobre Excel, para ento posteriormente engajar novas habilidades nessa plataforma eletrnica Excel, para assim para ter melhor domnio de informaes avanadas.O curso de propriedade da Controles Excel que em Maio de 2016, foi originada aps definies para a comercializao da Planilha Paletizadora, desenvolvida por Alex Felix Nepomuceno, em 2013, atravs de necessidades de pesquisa de campo universitria, no curso de Gesto da Tecnologia em Logstica na UNISO, Universidade de Sorocaba, em mdulo INTRALOGSTICA ARRANJO FSICO E EMBALAGENS INDUSTRIAIS, sobre o projeto de Layout Sistema de Armazenagem, ESTRUTURA DE ARMAZENAGEM E EQUIPAMENTOS DE MOVIMENTAO e Legenda do Layout, planilha esta, fixada em projeto inicial do Laboratrio de Logstica da prpria universidade, onde ao longo dos trs anos consecutivos a planilha foi aperfeioada e adaptada para ambiente prticos e utilidades profissionais, com gama comercial."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to become an Event Planner" |
"Get the career you want by doing what you love! In this course, you will learn the foundations of event planning. These concepts can be applied to social events, corporate events, weddings, fundraisers, etc... The concept of this course is to walk away with tangible resources and the confidence you need to get a job in the industry or start your own event planning business. This course is unique and is taught by a CMP (Certified Meeting Professional)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Utilizzo degli accordi in Cubase Pro 10" |
"In questa masterclass vengono affrontati tutti i principali strumenti che Cubase Pro 10 mette a disposizione in relazione agli accordi. Imparerai come creare e utilizzare la traccia accordi per visualizzare le sigle degli accordi, ottenere suggerimenti su quali accordi utilizzare nei tuoi brani, controllare e modificare l'armonia dell'intero brano in modo semplice ed efficace. Affronterai in modo approfondito l'uso dei Chord Pad e scoprirai come premendo pochi tasti si possono ottenere accompagnamenti armonici ricchi e coinvolgenti. Ti addentrerai nelle numerose funzioni legate ai voicing degli accordi; cambiare voicing o modificare la struttura degli accordi diventer semplice e immediato, senza bisogno di agire sulle singole note MIDI. Gli strumenti relativi agli accordi sono tra i meno conosciuti e utilizzati di Cubase Pro 10, ma possono velocizzare, semplificare e migliorare le tue produzioni in modo radicale. La masterclass stata realizzata su Cubase Pro 10, ma le funzioni armoniche non sono cambiate in questa release rispetto alle precedenti (purch non troppo datate). Gli strumenti affrontati sono presenti per la gran parte anche nelle versioni Elements ed Artist di Cubase. Per sapere di preciso quali strumenti relativi agli accordi ha a disposizione la tua versione di Cubase fai riferimento alla documentazione ufficiale."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a fazer Maquete Eletrnica 3D em Menos de 30 Minutos" |
"Com 9 anos de experincia em BIM, criamos um mtodo de projetar que nos tornou referncia em nossa cidade. Conseguimos criar uma maquete eletrnica numa velocidade absurdamente rpida e com uma tima qualidade ficando muito a frente de nossos concorrentes! ARCHICAD um dos melhores Software de BIMs que existente na atualidade! utilizado em toda a Europa, e agora est chegando forte no Brasil. Muitos profissionais j esto comeando a usar o ArchiCAD para criar seus projetos. (Seja um dos primeiros em sua regio a utilizar essa novidade!)Voc ira aprender tudo o que voc precisa saber sobre o programa e como utiliz-lo, vem com a gente!O curso vai lhe ensinar a ser muito prtico e rpido.Vamos mostra-lhe um mtodo inovador de projetar uma maquete eletrnica muito rpido.Para quem o curso Maquete Eletrnica - Na Hora?Arquiteto Urbanista(a), Engenheiro(a) e Designers que queiram aprender de forma rpida como criar uma maquete eletrnica para agregar valor em seu projeto e agradar ainda mais o seu cliente.Estudantes de arquitetura e urbanismo, engenharia civil e design que queiram aprender de forma rpida como criar uma maquete eletrnica para tirar a nota mxima nos trabalhos da faculdade. (Consegue-se fazer um prdio em 3D em pouqussimo tempo).Pessoas que procuram oportunidades que queiram aprender a fazer projetos e videos em 3D para ganhar uma renda extra trabalhando para engenheiros, arquitetos, designers, modeladores, projetistas, empresas e muito mais.Se tiver alguma dvida a respeito do curso, pode entrar em contato conosco pelo nosso e-mail.Economize tempo de trabalho e multiplique a quantidade de projetos;Ganhe mais dinheiro;Conquiste e faa novos clientes;Permita-nos lhe mostrar como criar uma maquete eletrnica incrivelmente rpida;Torne-se capaz de projetar a sua imaginao.ATENOO treinamento Maquete Eletrnica - Na Hora para quem queira estar um passo (enorme) na frente da concorrncia (profissionais e colegas), projetando um imvel absurdamente rpido, enquanto os demais demoram dias para um projeto muito inferior.Imagine quantos projetos a mais voc poder alcanar..."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"360 Dijital Pazarlama Eitimi" |
"Dijital Pazarlama alannda kariyer yapmak isteyen kiiler ve iletme sahipleri iin hazrlanm olan bu kursta dijital pazarlama hakknda tm bilgilere eriebileceksiniz. Srekli olarak gncellenecek bu kursta her zaman gncel ieriklere ulaabiliceksiniz.Dijital Pazarlamaya GiriStratejiDijital Pazarlama AralarGoogle Ads (Adwords)Remarketing (Yeniden Pazarlama)Facebook ve Instagram ReklamlarSEOAnalyticsTurkcell, GittiGidiyor, puhutv ve global irketlerde alan Emre Gkin size bu kursta elde ettii birok deneyimi paylayor."
Price: 349.99 ![]() |