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"Content Kingdom" |
"Social Media. course Content Marketing. : ,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Work hard without getting exhausted" |
"Do you feel exhausted? Do you need to work more but do not have enough energy? Do you feel close to burn-out? Do you want much more energy?Learn and implement powerful short-term strategies to get your life in order, increase your energy levels and get rid of damaging energy wasters."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"The PMO Bootcamp (find the job, ace it, & master the PMO)" |
"The Project Management Office or the PMO as it's succinctly known, is the role or the department within an organization that is responsible for all things project management. It makes sure that the right things are happening at the right time by the right people in the right way. The person responsible for the PMO is the PMO Leader, with official titles varying from PMO Director to VP of Project Management and everything in between.There are plenty of resources out there for other sections and offices in a corporation, but PMOs are often the neglected middle child with everyone fighting turf wars over funding and finishing their projects, nobody works to coordinate projects and keep them on track.Theyre often treated like a layer of bureaucracy that comes between the company and its goals but a well-managed PMO can be the opposite.I often come across many people who:are not aware of the differences between a project manager and a PMOleaderare project managers within PMOs, haven't had the best of experiences with them, and are looking for better avenuesdon't realize the major boost a PMO leadership role can provide to their career (& financial) growthwould like to become PMOleaders one day but are unsure of the career path to get thereask about the skills, mindset, experience that they can feel confident with when pursuing the rolewonder how to prepare and position themselves (& their resumes) when finding the roleget caught up in finding the silver bullet when settling in and setting up a PMOstruggle when explaining the benefits of PMO and seeking buy-in from executive leadership and stakeholdersseek proven roadmaps that guide to the successful setup and evolution of PMOsIf you can associate with any of these, then you've come to the right place.I invited some of the leading PMO, project management, strategy, and change management experts, authors and practitioners from around the world to a summit that I founded and hosted: the PMOVirtual Summit.This course includes all the presentations (both audio/video and PDF versions) and bonus materials (tools, templates, eBooks and other resources) from the PMOVirtual Summit.In addition to receiving educational insights and tools from me, this ""one-stop PMO learn fest"" also features thought leaders including:Dr. Wanda Curlee (has helped Project Management Institute [PMI] prepare certification exams)Mark Price Perry (pioneer of the Business-Driven PMO)Bill Dow (author of multiple PMO books)Chris Croft (has taught the most hours of project management in the world)and many, many moreIn this course, you'll discover:Does it make sense for a company to have a PMO if its project development is nascent or non-existent?How to make the case for your office to higher-ups in management to get more resources, time, and allies in your company.How to make the case for YOURSELF as leader knowing yourself, your place in the organizational culture, and getting a great role.How to make your case as a PMO leader when your bosses want a totally different methodology!The advantages (and follies) of a virtual PMO working with people across your organization and around the world.Without executive investment and understanding and support, your PMO wont have a future how to cultivate and keep support with stakeholders QUICKLY.How to survive the politics of establishing your new office both internal and external.How to save your PMO when a mistake and you in hot water. Maybe youre already here! Youll discover how to commit triage and salvage your department and your reputation after a string of defeats.What are the WRONG things to focus on as youre getting started?And that's not even close to everything you'll learn and see.Theres so much diversity in the stories and battle-tested expertise of these experts, youre virtually guaranteed to find something here that you relate to, that applies to your personal situation and needs.Just by taking this course, youll be ready to rock with a ton of strategies, insights, ideas and action steps you need to become a professional PMO leader and KEEP your place in the company.Youll discover the peculiar strategies and success shortcuts that skyrocketed 20+ respected speakers and authors to the top.Theyve done it all wrestled with unhappy executives in the C-branch and underwhelming results. Theyve been tied up with massive amounts of reports and status updates that kept them from doing their jobs properly or at all! Theyve struggled running operations on a day to day basis but theyve come out ahead.And now, this course compresses decades of experience and best strategies for you."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"*** Udemy designated ""Bestseller"" course and instructor for Dropshipping!*** The #1 most extensive Shopify dropshipping course on Udemy (18+ hours of content!)*** Over 3100+ students enrolled in this course within the first 24 hours it was opened! Welcome to the Ecom Profit Academy (EPA) where I will be revealing to you my exact blueprint for how I created my 7-figure Shopify dropshipping empire. I will be teaching you step-by-step how to start a highly profitable e-ecommerce business without any physical products, prior experience, or upfront capitol (Note: I recommend practicing what you learn in the videos from a computer, not a smart-phone.)Hi, my name is Kevin Princeton and Ive been a successful online entrepreneur since 2012. Over the years, Ive built multiple 6-figure businesses in e-commerce, Shopify, dropshipping, and online marketing. From these businesses Ive been able to pay off $326,000 in graduate school loans, travel the world while working off my laptop, buy my dream car (BMW i8) and a beautiful home for my family. In short, I've been able to achieve true financial freedom! And now, Im going to teach YOU how you can achieve it too!But it will not be easy. To become successful in this course, it will take lots of motivation, dedication, and perseverance. This is NOT a get-rich-quick course or a fast track to becoming a millionaire. If this is what youre looking for, this course is NOT for you. However, if youre truly willing to put in the time and effort to practice what you learn in this course to become a successful e-commerce entrepreneur, this course is for you!In this course, you will learn everything you need to become a successful dropshipping entrepreneur from setting up a Shopify store, finding dependable resources to dropship from, running and split-testing Facebook ad campaigns, and outsourcing your business to achieve true financial freedom.Now lets get started! See you guys in there! And remember, the only way you will ever achieve success is if you take action. Lets take action TODAY!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to the Ecom Profit Academy (EPA) where I will be revealing to you my exact blueprint for how I predictably and consistently find high-converting product to drop ship on Shopify. This course includes every possibly strategy you will never need to find the perfect product or niche to sell in. I will even show you how to ethically steal products from other shopify stores!Hi, my name is Kevin Princeton and Ive been a successful online entrepreneur since 2012. Over the years, Ive built multiple 6-figure businesses in e-commerce, Shopify, dropshipping, and online marketing. From these businesses Ive been able to pay off $326,000 in graduate school loans, travel the world while working off my laptop, buy my dream car (BMW i8) and a beautiful home for my family. In short, I've been able to achieve true financial freedom! And now, Im going to teach YOU how you can achieve it too!But it will not be easy. To become successful in this course, it will take lots of motivation, dedication, and perseverance. This is NOT a get-rich-quick course or a fast track to becoming a millionaire. If this is what youre looking for, this course is NOT for you. However, if youre truly willing to put in the time and effort to practice what you learn in this course to become a successful e-commerce entrepreneur, this course is for you!In this course, you will learn everything you need to find high-converting products and become a successful dropshipping entrepreneur. You will learn how to stay ahead of trends, hijack best-selling products from other stores, and leverage Aliexpress to the fullest potential.Now lets get started! See you guys in there! And remember, the only way you will ever achieve success is if you take action. Don't wait until tomorrow, take action TODAY!UDEMY designated this course ""BEST SELLER"" for 2019 and 2020UDEMY's #1 most extensive course on ""DROPSHIPPING"" with over 14 hours of content"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Vena a timidez em 5 passos utilizando o Coaching." |
"O curso tem como proposta mostrar ao indivduo o quanto a timidez pode atrapalhar em suas atividades dirias tanto pessoalmente quanto profissionalmente.Para alcanar o objetivo proposto, os vdeos utilizam uma forma de comunicao clara e eficaz de maneira que faz com que a pessoa possa refletir sobre a sua atuao frente a determinada situaes ou a pessoas.O que voc aprenderQuem sou eu?Timidez ou Fobia Social?Teste: Qual o seu tipo de timidez?Reflexo sobre o tempoA parbola dos dois remosConhecendo a si mesmoO que timidez:A timidez ou o acanhamento pode ser definida como o desconforto e a inibio em situaes de interao pessoal que interferem na realizao dos objetivos pessoais e profissionais de quem a sofre. Caracteriza-se pela obsessiva preocupao com as atitudes, reaes e pensamentos dos outros."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"Supere-se! Tenha um currculo atrativo e saia-se bem." |
"Utilizando a metodologia Coaching e sendo acompanhado por um Coach experiente em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, o curso tem como proposta capacitar indivduos para a confeco do currculo para o primeiro emprego, estgio, trainee ou para cargos de gesto.Alm do currculo, ser apresentado dicas de como sair-se bem em uma entrevista de emprego, assim como vrias perguntas comentadas que geralmente so feitas pelos entrevistadores! apresentado um teste de competncias profissionais para que a pessoa possa detectar se possui as competncias requeridas pela maioria das organizaes.O que Currculo:Em termos gerais, a palavra currculo diz respeito a um conjunto de informaes organizadas categoricamente para um determinado fim, seja ele educacional ou profissional.Pronto para confeccionar o seu Currculo?"
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"Internacionalizao de empresas e seu impacto nos processos" |
"No processo de expatriao aborda as fases (passo a passo) que uma pessoa dever cumprir para poder se expatriar e ter sucesso neste processo.Descreve sobre a cultura e a distancia cultural existente entre os pases, assim como aprofunda na cultura brasileira para que a pessoa tenha condies de entender a sua prpria cultura e estabelecer uma relao em outro pas.A internacionalizao de empresas brasileiras. Internacionalizar significa expandir a atuao da empresa para o mercado externo. Esse processo inclui desde a importao e exportao at a produo de produtos e servios em outros pases.Quais so os motivos que levam uma empresa a se internacionalizar?A internacionalizao de empresas que comercializam produtos pode ser uma interessante forma de reduzir custos de tributao. Muitas vezes, em troca de bons acordos comerciais, os pases de destino das mercadorias reduzem a carga tributria dos produtos exportados"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Avaliao de Desempenho por Competncia" |
"O Curso Avaliao de Desempenho por Competncias: Uma abordagem prtica, aborda todo o processo de avaliao de desempenho, desde o seu planejamento, execuo e devolutiva para o indivduo que est sendo avaliado. No caso ser apresentado somente o modelo por competncias. Primeiramente abordado os objetivos da avaliao de desempenho mostrando os benefcios que ela poder trazer para a organizao. Em seguida descrito quem na empresa dever ser o responsvel pela aplicao da avaliao e os principais motivos que podem levar uma avaliao a se tornar um fracasso. Dando prosseguimento relatado a forma correta de se dar o feedback ao avaliado, o passo a passo para a implantao da avaliao de desempenho e por fim ser apresentado uma ferramenta (planilha) que poder ser utilizada para a avaliao de desempenho por competncias."
Price: 429.99 ![]() |
"Resilincia X Resistncia" |
"O curso tem como objetivo analisar a capacidade de resilincia frente as adversidades enfrentadas pelas pessoas tanto em mbito pessoal quanto em mbito profissional. Para atingir o seu propsito aborda as mudanas que esto ocorrendo no mundo corporativo e a necessidade de adaptao a estas novas necessidades. Traz vrios testes para que a pessoa tenha condies de analisar tanto a sua atitude quanto as mudanas quanto ao comportamento dela frente a resilincia."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Supere-se! Planejando e Desenvolvendo sua Carreira" |
"O Curso Supere-se! Planejando e Desenvolvendo sua Carreira aborda de maneira prtica e passo a passo o planejamento e o desenvolvimento da carreira. Inicia trazendo a tona quais as competncias mais valorizadas pelas organizaes atuais e por intermdio de um teste faz com que o individuo analise as suas competncias comparando com as mais apreciadas pelas empresas. Para definir as fragilidades ou potencialidades ser realizado a anlise SWOT pessoal e utilizando a matriz GUT ser definido um plano de ao para que o individuo possa transformar as fragilidades em potencialidades. O prximo passo ser detectar o perfil comportamental, resultado que levar a pessoa a refletir se possui o perfil para o cargo que pretende ocupar ou no. Uma vez estabelecido o perfil comportamental o individuo ser exortado a realizar uma anlise do mercado atual e futuro, um debate de cenrios, anlise da vocao e da capacitao profissional, estabelecer um foco de atuao, postura estratgica e por fim a anlise de sua evoluo profissional.Como definir a carreira?Carreira profissional a trajetria que voc percorre durante a vida profissional. Uma carreira engloba cargos e empresas em que voc trabalhou, os conhecimentos que voc acumulou e as competncias e habilidades que voc foi desenvolvendo para crescer profissionalmente. Profisso, por outro lado, o que voc estuda."
Price: 564.99 ![]() |
"Primavera P6 Ver 18& 19.12 Overview Course and Tutorial" |
"Learn Primavera P6 Ver 18.8 Overview Course and Tutorial1. Lecture 1 link:lecture 1 explain P6 History, P6 Features, P6 Tools, P6 Interface, Critical Path, and CPM technique and terms2. Lecture 2 Link:How to download and Install Primavera P6 Ver,18How to download and install Primavera P6 Ver 18 and Database Configuration on your laptop and be an expert in Primavera In this Lecture: Installation Guideline step by step with a screenshot Database Configuration3. Lecture 3Create Project and WBS Details4. Lecture 4 in Oracle Primavera Ver 18.8 Activities:Adding activities and Creating Links5. Lecture 5 in Oracle Primavera Ver 18.8 Resources:Definition of resources, types and details of the resources addition - Measurement units - Prices - Resources codes - How to classify resources to its workers, tools and equipment on the Primavera software last version Ver18.8How to create Cost accounts for activities and also resources Adding units to resources assigning resources and unites and calculate Costs from Units6. Lecture 6 in Oracle Primavera Ver 18.8 Create BaselinesCreate Baseline the Baseline or Target Schedule provides a point of reference on which to measure and control the underway project. Create a Baseline copy of the schedule before the first update. This will be the target against which the projects cost, schedule, and performance are tracked. Assign each baseline a category to define its purpose (i.e. initial planning baseline, what-if project plan baseline, mid-project status baseline, monthly update comparison baseline). Categories are created under the Admin menu, Admin Categories, Baseline Types.7. Lecture 7 in Oracle Primavera Ver 18.8 Progress UpdateUpdate the schedule regularly and compare it to the baseline to ensure that resources are being used effectively, project costs are being monitored against the original budget, that there is a knowledge of actual duration and costs in order to initiate contingency plans if necessary.Ask the following questions when updating: What information needs to be collected to update the project and what method(s) will be used to collect information? Who will gather the necessary information used for the project update? How often should the project be updated? Are resources local or offsite? Who will need to see the results of the update and when are these results needed? What types of information will be generated after each update in order to communicate progress before the next update period?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ansible for Network Engineers" |
"This Course is designed to help network engineers and network administrators who are starting to build and use network automation to make your jobs easier. This course will mainly focus on how to use Ansible automation platform to configure and manage Cisco devices. Once you feel comfortable with Ansible you can also use what you have learned with other networking vendors and even servers.Many of the examples used through this course are used by me every day. It considers concerns such as complying with corporate policy, and security.No need to have experience with any programming language or know anything about Ansible. I will explain all the Ansible concepts so that we can get you executing playbooks and automating your network."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Mini Curso SQL para Hyper File SQL - HFSQL (PCSOFT)" |
"Mini Curso SQL para Hyper File SQL (HFSQL) da PCSOFT.Mini Curso de SQL para qualquer Base de Dados com especial destaque para as ferramentas da PCSOFT, Windev, Webdev e Windev Mobile.Neste Curso vo ser apresentados os conceitos de SQL, Structured Query Language, utilizados em qualquer base de dados com especial destaque no Hyper Fyle SQL (HFSQL).Vo igualmente ser apresentadas as principais funes existentes em bases de Dados e algumas prprias do Hyper Fyle SQL (HFSQL).Sero apresentadas solues alternativas para funes de Bases de Dados que no esto presentes no Hyper Fyle SQL (HFSQL)."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Programa de 12 Semanas Enfocado a Quemar Grasa" |
"Con este programa vamos a lograr hacer una base aerbica y acondicionar tu cuerpo con el fin de condicionarlo para bajar de peso hasta 1 kg por semana. Este curso es apto para todas las edades, Es un programa que va dosificado de cargas de ligeras, y poco a poco va a ir incrementando hasta llegar a cargas pesadas, en donde vas a desarrollar las capacidades fsicas, como fuerza, velocidad, equilibrio y capacidades coordinativas, las cuales son esenciales para una calidad de vida.Al terminar este programa, estoy seguro de que no slo bajaras algunos kilos, sino que te vas a sentir mas gil, mas sano, con mas energa. Vas a poder descansar mucho mejor, a parte, tambin, vas a poder lucir como tu quieres, ya que estars quemando muchas caloras en el transcurso del programa, y al final vas a haber logrado oxidar esa grasa o esos kilitos que traamos de mas para mejorar tu apariencia fsica."
Price: 945.00 ![]() |
"Confidence Building- A Journey to Your Sacred Space" |
"Imagine having a confidence that never leaves. Imagine having a confidence that is grounded on your true identity. How would you go about your day to day life? Imagine how much things would change. Dive into your inner self and get acquainted with your soul. Let's work, pull back the layers and see how fast we can build your confidence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pastel de Chocolate y Avellana" |
"Se elaboran varias preparaciones utilizando diferentes tcnicas. EL bizcocho es a base de almendras, el cual tambin se impermeabiliza con una capa de chocolate; se aprende a elaborar el pralin de avellanas y con l se elabora una capa crujiente; se elabora tambin una ganache de chocolate con leche, una cobertura tipo ""espejo""; y terminando con unas decoraciones con chocolate."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Panadera bsica" |
"En este curso aprenders las bases de la panadera, que funcin tienen los principales ingredientes y cmo debes manipularlos para obtener los mejores resultados en cualquier producto de panadera que elabores, as como diferentes tcnicas de amasado.Se elaboran 3 diferentes panes: Conchas mexicanas, Pan tipo rol de canela y Pan de molde para sandwiches 100% integral."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Consiente a tu familia con postres extraordinarios" |
"Mdulo 1 : IntroduccinMdulo 2: Alfajores de Maicena - Aprenders a elaborar y saborizar la masa para darle ese toque ctrico; conocers una tcnica para cortar la masa y que te queden del mismo grosor. Conocers los tips para hornear y decorar con coco rallado; y tambin aprenders a elaborar el delicioso dulce de leche, caracterstico de los alfajores.Mdulo 3: Alfajores Marplatenses - Originarios de Mar de Plata, hechos a base de una galleta de chocolate con un toque de mandarina, rellenos de dulce de leche y cubiertos de chocolate. Aprenders a elaborar y saborizar la masa; tips para hornear, aprenders a cubrir con chocolate y la tcnica de ""rayar"" para la decoracin.Mdulo 4: Cheesecake - Aprenders a elaborar una base de almendras, la cual podrs utilizar para elaborar cualquier pay. Conocers una tcnica para hornear cheesecakes, cmo hacer el caramelo, as como el montaje y la decoracin.Mdulo 5: Pavlova - En este mdulo aprenders la tcnica para preparar merengues. Descubrirs cmo elaborar una ganache y una crema de chocolate blanco para rellenar; as como una tcnica para que no se humedezcan los merengues y se conserven en esa textura ms tiempo.Mdulo 6: Macarons - Continuando con la elaboracin de merengues, conocers una tcnica infalible para preparar paso a paso los macarons; desde preparar el merengue, formar, saborizar, hornear, rellenar y decorar. Se elaboran 3 diferentes sabores, los cuales te servirn para rellenar otro tipo de preparaciones como galletas o pasteles.Mdulo 7: Brownies - Aprenders a elaborar unos deliciosos brownies de chocolate, con su consistencia y sabor ideal; y con varias opciones para decorar.Mdulo 8: Mousse de Chocolate - Aprenders una versin de mousse de chocolate con un sabor exquisito, su textura suave de espuma; y con la ventaja de que no se elabora con huevo crudo. Te encantar tambin aprender como hacer decoraciones muy lindas con chocolate.Mdulo 9: Tiramis - Un clsico de la pastelera italiana, elaborado con soletas y una combinacin perfecta de caf y queso mascarpone. Aprenders paso a paso su elaboracin; as como tis para decorar y conservar .Mdulo 10: Eclairs - Conocers la tcnica doble coccin que se requiere para elaborar los deliciosos eclairs y profiteroles. Aprenders a elaborar la clsica Crema pastelera y Crema Chantilly, y con ello diferentes formas de montaje y decoracin.Mdulo 11: Pastel pera - Y por ltimo, el consentido de muchas personas, un clsico de la pastelera francesa; a base de varias capas combinando diferentes texturas y sabores. Aprenders a elaborar el bizcocho de almendras, un buttercream de caf, ganache de chocolate, cobertura de chocolate; as como decorar y escribir sobre el pastel .Mdulo 12: Recetario Galletas y Macarons"
Price: 1320.00 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Invaso em Redes Sem-Fios (Wi-Fi Hacking)" |
"Este curso vem apresentar ao participante um cenrio atualizado da segurana em ambientes de redes wi-fi, domstico ou corporativo, atravs de diversos processos utilizados para violao de acesso em redes sem-fios. Visa apresentar as principais tcnicas utilizadas no hacking de redes wlan, a fim de instruir o participante a conhecer e aplicar boas prticas e dicas para manter-se protegido em seu dia-a-dia.A invaso de redes sem-fios tm suas particularidades e caracterstica prprias, bem distintas das usadas em redes cabeadas. O objetivo deste curso demonstrar muitas das vulnerabilidades que podem ser encontradas e as tcnicas e ferramentas para identific-las e explor-las.Os materiais complementares tambm so parte importante do processo, ajudando a reforar os fundamentos tericos necessrios para entender melhor as aes realizadas durante as aulas prticas.Estarei disponvel no decorrer do curso para qualquer eventual dvida na sesso de alunos e voc ter acesso vitalcio a este curso com certificado incluindo todas as atualizaes que este treinamento vier a ter no futuro.Te espero nas aulas!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Become Accounting Master" |
"Object of the course is to enable all students to learn basic accounting,I would try to explain that what is accounting and its objectives, how to post accounting entries and how to prepare trial balance which lead to prepare complete financial statements. if you take this course then you would start posting accounting entries and this course would enable you to prepare complete financial statements of any company and you can pass any accounting examination whether you are student of MBA,ACCA,BBA, Bachelor in commerce or any other accounting examination it would be no problem for you to pass accounting examIf you are working in some company then you can be competent in accounting irrespective of any type of accounting software you are working in like oracle, quick book, Tally ERP 9 etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"8051 Architecture, Assembly and 'C' Programming" |
"Course on 8051 Architecture, Assembly and C language ProgrammingStudents are going to study :Introduction to Microcontroller and Microprocessor o Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller o Harvard and Von Neumann Architecture o RISC and CISC machines o General Memory organization o How do Microcontroller execute program?Architecture of 8051 o Block diagram explanation o Registers o Internal memory organisation o External Memory InterfacingAssembly Language Programming o Addressing Modes o Assembly Instructions o Assembly Language programs Ports Structure Introduction to Keil software Interfacing of LED to 8051 (Program in assembly and embedded C) Interfacing of Push button switch (Program in assembly and embedded C) Interfacing of LCD (Program in assembly and embedded C) Interfacing of hex key pad (Program in assembly and embedded C)Timers and counters of 8051 o Modes of timers o Delay generation using timers o Counting external events using counter o Writing programs using timer/counter (Program in assembly and embedded C) Interrupts of 8051 o Interrupt structure o Timer delay generation using interrupt (Program in assembly and embedded C)UART block o Serial communication Modes o Serial data transmission (Program in assembly and embedded C) o Serial Data Reception (Program in assembly and embedded C) o Serial data Transmission/Reception using interrupt (Program in assembly and embedded C)Sensors and Actuators Interfacing (Program in assembly and embedded C) o Temperature sensor interfacing o PIR sensor Interfacing o DC motor interfacing o Stepper Motor Interfacing o Servo Motor interfacingProject 1 (Hardware and Program in embedded C)Project 2(Hardware and Program in embedded C)"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Football Formation Asset Allocation Investing. Learn. Invest" |
"Want to play a game? Quick! Its about to start. You score a goal when money goes into your pocket. You concede a goal when money leaves your pocket. If you live a good life you get to live to 90 years old. Like 90 minutes on the pitch. Are you frustrated that the money you save gets nothing in return, maybe youre scared to invest the market crashes or simply dont have the time to learn the seemingly complex world of the stock market? The retirement cliff edge is fast approaching as people dont have enough for when they stop working. The goal of this game (and this course) is to be financially independent. To become Financially free in the quickest time possible. Freedom is the power to live your life the way you want, on your terms. To wake up every morning with the choice on how to spend your day. The choice to follow your purpose in life to do the thing you were born to do. Is the purpose of life to seek happiness? Being financially independent so you can retire early. So you can work for joy rather than necessity. Having enough assets that will pay you an income, every month year after year. This is what it means to be wealthy.The easiest way to teach investing is using a Football analogy, which I have taught to 100s of my clients. Having a mix of different assets for example property, shares, bonds, cash etc is the safest way to build wealth long term and get the best results. This has been proven using decades of research by Nobel winning economists. It is what any good financial adviser use for their clients (they just keep it a secret so they can charge you more in fees). This course reveals everything you need to know to become your own financial adviser to build up your own portfolio of assets to reduce stress, get better results and to save you time in three ways 1) you can set this all up on autopilot using the latest Fintech products (all are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority).2) you don't need to spend your weekends checking the latest stock price in the paper. 3) the aim is for you to retire early by having enough assets to pay you an income so you can work for joy rather than necessity or do what you want in life. To spend you life doing the thing you choose to do. Maybe that is with your family, your friends or simply having more 'me' time to complete the things on your bucket list. The aim of this course is not just financial freedom but will give you Money Mindset where you don't need to think, stress or worry about money ever again. This is because you will know where you are heading financially and that's a big relief. Once you complete this course you will have the understanding, the knowledge and the confidence to automate your investing at a click of a button so this is done for you each month. One less thing on the to-do list, that never gets done. To hire your own Financial Advisor will cost over 100,000s of pounds to add to you lifetime allowance of your pension over 20 years (according to a Times reports). Why pay this much when you can learn these skills yourself?This course will save your 1000s of pounds from paying expensive financial adviser fees. These fees are like termites eating away at your dream home, meaning you will be further from being financially independent.An investment plan that requires you to be disciplined and stick to a budget is too much work and time to manage. Automate your finances to take the decision out of your hands. Its simple and obvious but many people arent doing this. This means you can spend what you like, when you like, without the guilt of going over budget. The problem is not how much we earn; its how much we spend, ending up with nothing to show for it. When we spend everything we have it causes stress, worry and anxiety. We have a choice. To work all our lives paycheque to payThere is a path you can follow to get to the lifestyle that you desire.The summit does exist and this course will show you the way.This course is different as it uses the latest business practises from financial planning and financial advice to create financial guidance that's right for you. We used a tried and tested formula that has been successful many times before with both my clients and others. In this course, you will create a life plan for yourself and your family for today and the future. You will learn how to build an investment portfolio using a football analogy, so you have a defence, a midfield and an attack depending on the results you want out of your life. This is a big relief to yourself and your finances.Sign up to this tried and tested system today."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Practice of Enterprise Architecture (Part I)" |
"Part I of the course The Practice of Enterprise Architecture provides a general introduction to the concept of enterprise architecture and other relevant topics. This part discusses the meaning of enterprise architecture, the place and role of enterprise architecture in the overall organizational context, key constituting elements and core mechanisms of an EA practice as well as the business value and benefits of using enterprise architecture in organizations.Part I consists of seven consecutive sections:Section 1 (Introduction) discusses the role of IT in modern organizations, explains the problem of business and IT alignment and introduces the notion of enterprise architecture as a potential solution to this problemSection 2 (The Concept of Enterprise Architecture) explains the general meaning of enterprise architecture, EA practice and EA artifacts as well as the role of architects and architecture functions in organizationsSection 3 (The Role of Enterprise Architecture Practice) discusses the need for enterprise architecture, the benefits of practicing enterprise architecture, the historical origin of modern EA best practices and clarifies what enterprise architecture practice is notSection 4 (Enterprise Architecture and City Planning) explains the key mechanisms of an EA practice and six essential types of EA artifacts based on the close analogy between enterprise architecture and city planning practicesSection 5 (The Dialog Between Business and IT) discusses the typical problems associated with using a business strategy as the basis for IT planning and describes five convenient discussion points for establishing a productive dialog between business and ITSection 6 (Processes of Enterprise Architecture Practice) describes three key processes constituting an EA practice, explains the relationship between these processes and provides a high-level process-centric view of an EA practiceSection 7 (IT Initiatives and Enterprise Architecture) discusses the role of IT initiatives in the context of an EA practice, describes five different types of IT initiatives and explains the flow of these initiatives through the processes of an EA practice"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The Practice of Enterprise Architecture (Part II)" |
"Part II of the course The Practice of Enterprise Architecture focuses specifically on EA artifacts as the core elements of an EA practice. This part discusses the most tangible and hard aspects of an EA practice including specific physical documents constituting enterprise architecture, their typical informational contents and representation formats, development and usage as part of an EA practice, practical roles and purposes in the organizational context.Part II consists of eight consecutive sections:Section 8 (The CSVLOD Model of Enterprise Architecture) describes in detail the CSVLOD model of enterprise architecture defining six general types of EA artifacts: Considerations, Standards, Visions, Landscapes, Outlines and DesignsSection 9 (Considerations) discusses Considerations as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Considerations including Principles, Policies, Conceptual Data Models, Analytical Reports and Direction StatementsSection 10 (Standards) discusses Standards as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Standards including Technology Reference Models, Guidelines, Patterns, IT Principles and Logical Data ModelsSection 11 (Visions) discusses Visions as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Visions including Business Capability Models, Roadmaps, Target States, Value Chains and Context DiagramsSection 12 (Landscapes) discusses Landscapes as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Landscapes including Landscape Diagrams, Inventories, Enterprise System Portfolios and IT RoadmapsSection 13 (Outlines) discusses Outlines as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Outlines including Solution Overviews, Options Assessments and Initiative ProposalsSection 14 (Designs) discusses Designs as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Designs including Solution Designs and Preliminary Solution DesignsSection 15 (The CSVLOD Model Revisited) revisits the CSVLOD model of enterprise architecture introduced earlier and provides an advanced discussion of some important aspects of this model including the continuous nature of the classification taxonomy, the mappings of specific EA artifacts and the known exceptions to the model"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"The Practice of Enterprise Architecture (Part III)" |
"Part III of the course The Practice of Enterprise Architecture provides a high-level discussion of other important aspects of enterprise architecture and an EA practice. This part addresses diverse secondary facets of an EA practice omitted in the previous sections including architects, architecture functions, architecture governance, EA tools and modeling languages, EA-related measurements, initiation and maturity of an EA practice as well as the relationship between an internal EA practice and EA consulting.Part III consists of four consecutive sections:Section 16 (Architects in Enterprise Architecture Practice) discusses the role and skills of architects, common architecture positions often found in organizations, their differences and relationshipSection 17 (Architecture Functions in Organizations) discusses the general role and structure of architecture functions in organizations as well as the roles and different types of architecture governance bodiesSection 18 (Instruments for Enterprise Architecture) discusses specialized modeling languages and software tools for enterprise architecture, templates for EA artifacts, architecture debt and quantitative measurements for an EA practiceSection 19 (The Lifecycle of Enterprise Architecture Practice) discusses the initiation of an EA practice in organizations, maturity of an EA practice and the role of external consultancies in an EA practice"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Music theory - Learn Arabic and Middle Eastern music" |
"Do you want to improve and enhance your Arabic or middle eastern music skills?Are you struggling to decide how and where you can learn an ancient musical art?OR you are simply curious to know how Arabic or middle eastern music different from western music?If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, then you are at the right place!!!This course is right for you. In this course, you will discover a new and a different concept in music that will change the whole way you will look at the music.Learn from a professional musician who has 15+ years of experience with music and teaching music.This course is not designed for beginners, but for amateur musicians and for music students, who want to improve and enhance their Arabic and middle eastern music skills. If you have a desire to improve and enhance your Arabic and middle eastern music skills and willingness to invest your time in doing a lot of practice and practice and practice, then this course is for you!At the end of this course, you will feel comfortable to perform and work with Arabic and Middle Eastern music!The purpose of this course is to make you understand the middle eastern music, discover what makes it different from western music, as well as developing an artistic personality which will be free from the usual music limits.Middle eastern music is a form of ancient art, unlike western music. Middle eastern music did not evolve properly because it depends on hearing and was rarely written. This made middle eastern music theory extremely difficult to study and relied on practice. But believe me, the original middle eastern music is simple and has so much potential for creativity.The contents of this course can be applied to any musical instrument but preferably the ones that allows you full control on the pitch, such as Oud, Ney, Qanun etc can be used to practice. Due to the nature of the Arabic or middle eastern music, you might not be able to perform all of the scales which you will learn in this course on certain instruments such as guitar or piano or non-middle eastern keyboard instruments.This course will not be just something to just watch. It is a step-by-step guide. I will teach you the tricks and provide you with exercises to practice.This course is well designed in NINE different sections.Section 1: IntroductionHere in this section you will understand the main features of middle eastern music. Understand what makes middle eastern music different than the western music and you will be prepared for the next advanced topics.Section 2: Quarter toneQuarter tone has its roots in the music of the ancient middle eastern music. In this section you will learn how to produce the quarter tone.Section 3: AjnasAjnas, meaning ""types"". In this section you will learn the different types or building blocks of middle eastern music. A jins is a set of stepwise pitches used to build an Arabic maqam, or melodic mode.Section 4: MaqamatThe Arabic maqamat is a melody type. It describes the scales in middle eastern music. Here you will learn how to connect ajnas, how to analyse a middle eastern scalesSection 5: TranspositionIn music, transposition refers to the process or operation of moving a collection of notes (pitches or pitch classes) up or down in pitch by a constant interval. Transposition in middle eastern music which will be much more easier if you get an idea about it.Section 6: FamiliesThere are different Maqam families where we will categories similar scales. You will discover how these families work in this section.Section 7: SwitchingLearning the switching is an important topic as we do not rely on harmony. Switching emphasis to the music itself.Section 8: Hearing skills and OrnamentationThis section will help you to improve your hearing skills. It consists of exercises to test your hearing skills. We will also learn the Ornamentation in this section with an exercise.Section 9: OverviewIn this last section of this course, we will summarize all of our learnings throughout the course.You will have to invest your time to do a lot of practice, so come prepared with a laptop and enough amount of coffee. I will be using older songs in my examples because the modern middle eastern music is very westernized, and I do not want to teach you something you already know about.The goal of this course is to create an artistic personality, free from the usual music limits!You will experience songs in Arabic, you might not understand the language but you can see how middle eastern musicians think. And you will be able to expose yourself to a new cultureSo, what are you thinking? Go ahead and click on the Enroll Now button.You have 30 days money-back guarantee and lifetime access to the course!!! See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Strategic Marketing Plan - tools and strategies to master it" |
"At the end of my course, students will be able to create their Marketing Plan from scratch, write a complete Marketing Strategy and confidently starting (or continue) to adapt the knowledge & implement the entire strategy marketing process for their brand.It's going to be a fun ride, with theory, examples & bonus materials."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Build And Maintain A Successful Business" |
"All the thing you need to know to start, build and maintain a successful business.1. Know how to start your business 2. Know your market and all the basic you need for starting a business3. How to Market your business in various platforms including facebook and google ads4. How to build a website with great optimization for search engines5. Learn self developments skills that will help you like NLP6. Control the art of selling7. Become a professional business man and sales personAnd many more..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies practice exams" |
"The AZ-300 exam is an expert level exam which tests candidates for advanced knowledge and experience working with various aspects of Microsoft Azure.This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy and configure infrastructure; implement workloads and security; create and deploy apps; implement authentication and secure data; and develop for the cloud and Azure storage.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 184 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"AZ-203 Microsoft Certified Azure Developer practice exams" |
"This exam measures your knowledge and hands on experience working with Azure technologies including but not limited to:Implement batch jobs by using Azure Batch ServicesCreate containerized solutionsCreate Azure App Service Web AppsCreate Azure App Service mobile appsCreate Azure App Service API appsImplement Azure functionsDevelop solutions that use storage tablesDevelop solutions that use Cosmos DB storageDevelop solutions that use a relational databaseDevelop solutions that use blob storageImplement authenticationImplement access controlImplement secure data solutionsDevelop code to support scalability of apps and servicesIntegrate caching and content delivery within solutionsInstrument solutions to support monitoring and logging*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 226 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |