Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Excel 2019: The Ultimate Guide to Excel VLOOKUP" |
"Learn Basics to Advanced use of excel VLOOKUP function. This course is on MS Excel VLOOKUP function. In this course, you will learn from basics to advance use of VLOOKUP. Alongwith this you will also understand what you can do and what you can't do with the VLOOKUP function. In addition to VLOOKUP function, you will also learn how to use other LOOKUPfunctions like, HLOOKUP, LOOKUP, INDEX MATCH, etc.This course is recorded with the latest version of Excel 2019. All the lectures are explained with the examples and you can download all these excel files and practice the formulas. You will also learn below mentioned most important excel tricks which will help you to give easy solutions to problems you face in applying LOOKUP formulas.Use of wildcard in VLOOKUPVLOOKUP to the LeftNested VLOOKUP TrickVLOOKUP Multiple CriteriaVLOOKUP Auto Update Column NumberVLOOKUP to Replace Nested IF FormulaLOOKUP Picture instead of DataVLOOKUP Different Sheets with Same Formula2D LOOKUP with VLOOKUP3D LOOKUP with VLOOKUPVLOOKUP Multiple TablesSpeedup Your VLOOKUP FormulaCase Sensitive LOOKUP for Exact MatchHow to Use VLOOKUP in VBAHandle VLOOKUP ErrorsThe course is presented in an easy to follow step by step approach. Any one with basic excel knowledge and vlookup function can learn all these tricks with the help of this course.Enroll now and take the action to become master in excel LOOKUP!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Sales Training: The 3D Sales Method" |
"Sales Training: The 3D Sales MethodInfluencing the purchasing decision of the people in charge (the decision makers) and working in different ways depending on their HUMAN TEMPERAMENTS (personality types), which are technical choleric, non-technical choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmaticThe first D of the 3D Sales Method - DEVELOP YOURSELFThis part of the course is about starting with the beginning, with yourself, and developing a solid foundation for all the other skills and practical techniques we will cover later on in this course. This first part focuses on building and developing yourself both inside and out.This is exactly what I want to offer you: practical methods and actions you can take that will greatly increase your self-confidence, creating a lasting change, so that you have the mental posture which will definitely help you in influencing the people you generally meet and, most importantly, the clients or prospects you come in contact with.The strategies and practical methods we will cover in this course are fundamental truths, that are often neglected by the majority of sales people, many of which are also struggling financially.And honestly, it no wonder this is the case, since you know as well as I do that working in sales can be tough, exhausting and sometimes even emotionally painful. So how we develop ourselves, how we build ourselves is what is important, and what ultimately makes the difference in tackling the challenges we find in sales.And this is the first step, the first D in the 3D Sales Method Developing yourself.The second part of this course, the second D is for DISCOVERI offer you two modules which will help you overcome some of the biggest, fundamental mistakes made in sales.Before we get to talking about the product, sales and negotiating techniques, lets first get clear who we are addressing: the person or the job title. Who are you actually selling to: a char, a desk, or the actual person sitting at that desk, occupying that title, the actual person that will make the decision. Understanding this distinction and understanding the person in front of you is essential to making the sale.These are just a few of the things we will cover in these two modules, and I will give you precise, clear indicators that will help you read the person youre selling to, the one that ultimately makes the decision. If we want huge sales, we can achieve them if we approach the sales process in a logical way, by first reading and discovering the person were selling to.The third part of the course, the third D, stand for DETERMINIn this logical and chronological order, you first develop yourself, you discover and understand the person, reading him/her like an open book, then you influence and determine the buying decision.Here you will have 6 Chapters which will give you precise and practical actions you can take, including specific words and phrases through which you can reach your objective, influencing and determining the buying decision.The 3D Sales Method: DEVELOP YOURSELF, DISCOVER AND DETERMINThis is the offer Im making: lets start on this journey together, lets build you up and develop you into a sales professional. This offer has been made to more than 2500 sales people, some new to sales, others with many years of experience. During the 7 years of teaching this course live, face to face, Ive asked for feedback at the end, one of the questions being: on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), what grade or rating would you give this course?. The average feedback, in over 7 years of teaching and presenting this material, has been 9.52.This was the same offer I made them, the same offer Im now making you, because I know this path, Ive done it, it has been verified and tested in more than 22 years in sales, and now, this is what Im giving you: a simple, practical and efficient sales algorithm, one that Ive created, perfected and verified in multiple ways, a sales method that is guaranteed to work for you.God bless you, and lets go on this road together, a road which will lead you to incredible success that you will achieve, due to your personal value and skills. Good luck."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide to Business Intelligence" |
"This course explains the major concepts of Business Intelligence (BI), it describes the categories of data we are dealing with as well as the phases involved in a BI project life cycle. It also gives an overview of SQL, an important skill for BI/Data analysts and includes a practical workshop."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unity3D Gelitiricisi: Oyun Yapmaya Dair Her eyi renin 1" |
"Bu kursun yaplmasnn en byk amalarndan bir tanesi profesyonel dzeyde ki oyunlar nasl byk ekipler tarafndan yaplabiliyorsa, bu oyunlarn istenildii ve gerekten emek verildii takdirde bireysel olarak da yaplabileceini sizlere gsterebilmek... Sizleri byle bir konuma getirebilmek iin size vereceimiz bilgileri adm adm dndk ve ilmek ilmek iledik... Bunlarn detaylarna gelin aada her beraber bakalm...Sizlere ilk nce C# programlama dilinin temellerini aktarmamz gerekmekteydi. Bunu hi kafalar gereksiz bilgilerle doldurmadan en gzel ve en gerekli ekilde yaptk. Lakin unu unutmayn sizler iin hazrlayacamz bir sonra ki eitim setinde btn olaymz C# OLACAK...C# temellerini rendikten sonra artk Unity ile tanmann vakti geliyor. Emin olun ki o da sizinle tanmak iin sabrszlanyordur. Lakin Unity yle bir ey ki birden her eyini renmeye kalkarsanz hemen ksersiniz lakin biz sizin Unity ile ok iyi bir arkada olmanz istediimiz iin ilk bata Unity ile ilgili hem temel hem de en ok kullanlan zelliklerini sizlere aktarmaya altk. ( Benim bu esnalarda ilerim ok youn olduundan tr anlatmna ok gvendiim birisinden yardm istedim. Sonrasnda ise sizlere hep ben elik ettim merak etmeyin ;) )Artk Unity ile tanma faslmz bittikten sonra, Unity'i daha yakndan daha detayl tanmamz gerektiinden sizler iin hazrlam olduumuz 6 TANE OYUN ile bu daha detayl tanma ilemini halletmi oluyoruz. Siz artk Unity ile ne yapmak isterseniz bu saatten sonra yapabilirsiniz. Eer ki bilmediiniz bir durum ya da herhangi bir ey olursa o durumu aratrarak bile ok ksa srede anlayp, kavrayp projelerinize dahil edebilirsiniz. Sizin bu saatten sonra en yakn arkadanz Unity olmu olacak unutmayn ;)Birok ey renildi buraya kadar lakin biz sadece bizim oynayabileceimiz oyunlar yaparak profesyonel dzeyde oyun yapm olmayz... Bizim yapm olduumuz oyunlarn birok kii tarafndan ve ayn anda oynamalar da gerekmekte. O zaman sizinle anlayacanz zere artk multiplayer oyun yapmna balayabiliriz. Bu ksmda tek bamza balam olduumuz oyun dnyamza yeni arkadalarda katlabilir ;)Sizleri ok youn ve yorucu bir serven bekliyor olacak ama istediiniz zaman emin olun ki baaracaksnz... unu sakn unutmayn sizlerin en iyi ekilde baarl olmas sizden ok bizi mutlu ediyor... Hepinize imdiden kolay gelsin diyor ve hepinize tek tek baarlar diliyorum ;)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Land A Dream Internship or Career?" |
"With my program, you will learn how to create a professional resume and cover letter that will make you stand out to employers and internship sites. We will create a professional Linkedin account, an about me page, and a personal professional website. This course will give you everything you need so that you can find a new career or new internship opportunity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Snowflake Decoded - Fundamentals and hands on Training" |
"This course is not affiliated with Snowflake (the company).This course provides Snowflake concepts & hands on expertise to help get you started on implementing solutions using Snowflake. This course reinforces the learning through hands on labs, assignments & quizzes.At a high level we will go through the following topics Introduction - A bit of history about snowflake & its differentiation. Getting Started with Snowflake - Sign up for a snowflake trial, setup the required tools and will create & load our first table into SnowflakeArchitecture - A look into the snowflake concepts, how the snowflake decoupled architecture differs from the traditional database architectures. We will explore how Snowflake virtual warehouses allow scaling up and down of compute as per demand.Getting data into Snowflake - We will explore the ingestion or loading methods available in Snowflake i.e. bulk copy & snowpipe. We will stage the data in an S3 bucket and load into Snowflake table using both bulk copy and snowpipe. We will also explore ways to load semi structured data like JSON into Snowflake.Time Travel & Zero Copy Clones - Time travel & cloning is a very powerful feature unique to Snowflake. We will explore how time travel can help you recover data before a query was run or before a specific time. Combine time travel with cloning and you can create new tables which contain data back in time, and all that without incurring additional storage cost.Secure Data Sharing - Snowflake based solutions can easily share data with other Snowflake users as well as non Snowflake users. We will explore ways on how to share your data and also how the sharing reuses existing storage."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"This questions will help you to pass the real exam in first attempt with above target score.Also will help you to get deep understanding project management professional PMP.No need to solve any more questions, only pass all exams with score above 90 %.After finishing any exam read feedback for right&Wrong questions until understand.For further information, don't hesitate to contact me.The Course Contains :4 Exams> 1 Full length exams with 200 questions. Exactly like real PMP exam.> 50 Questions Exam . Scenario-Based.> 50 Questions Exam . Scenario-Based.> 50 Questions Exam. PMP content outline."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop. Retouche et Montage Photo pour Dbutants" |
"Photoshop est un logiciel qui parat compliqu car il permet de faire de trs nombreuses choses.Mais chaque outil, chaque rglage pris sparment, est trs simple comprendre.Dans cette formation, j'ai privilgi la pratique.Nous travaillerons sur des projets concrets.Faire des Montage Photo, des Retouches, des Trucages. Retirer des imperfections. Rajeunir. Faire une Caricature. Faire un Photo Montage, en plaant une ou plusieurs personnes diffrentes dans un endroit diffrent.Vous pourrez alors la fin de la formation, savoir facilement quels outils utiliser pour les projets que vous dsirez entreprendre."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IT Requirements - Learn How to Elicit, Gather and Manage" |
"If you are looking to create requirements that fully capture what you stakeholder wants, then this is the right course for you. IT requirements are typically the area the companies spend the least time capturing during a typical project cycle. However; poor requirements gathering leads to a massive 80% of project failure. Capture the requirements that the people want to see!Knowing which elicitation technique is best given a particular situation or how to document requirements without introducing any ambiguity. This course highlights the pitfalls that many make so you can avoid them.By the end of the course, you will have a number of templates that you can use to capture requirements in your organization!But more to the point you will learn how to create templates that will fit the needs of your specific organization.What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Abi, and I have been a freelance Business Analyst / Architect for over a decade. I have worked on a number of projects across sectors as diverse as Finance, Retail, FMCG, and several transport and infrastructure projects and Government projects. I have captured the requirements for many billion-dollar projects. However; what is most important is that I have been successful in what I do and to this date have not worked on a project that has not been delivered or one where major requirements have been missing or incorrect. I have managed mentored and trained many junior analysts and have enjoyed seeing them excel in their careers.I enjoy what I do and want others to enjoy the process. My promise to youI am passionate about what I do, and I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.What is this IT Requirements course all about then?In this complete guide to IT requirements, you'll not only learn ten techniques to eliciting requirements but also how to analyze, document and manage requirements with the mindset of an experienced business analyst/project manager.This course will cover everything you need to know to start capturing requirements, including:What are the qualities of good requirements?Understanding the requirements engineering processEliciting stakeholder requirementsIdentifying valuable stakeholdersElicitation techniquesRequirements classification Requirements analysis Requirements verificationCreating Use CasesHow to create a requirements document Requirements managementSo much more!Learn from someone who is currently working in the industry, who knows the most current techniques, and who has an MBA from one of the country's top business schools.BONUS: As a bonus, I have included some templates you can use to capture requirements and also a cheat sheet to help you identify different types of requirements.By the end of this course, your confidence in capturing requirements will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of how to go into an organization and determine the requirements that will form the basis for resolving their issue - possibly opening up your career prospects.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Abi"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Launch Your Author Brand and Platform" |
"Whats included in Launch Your Author Brand & PlatformAccess to: 10 Step-By-Step Lessons 15+ Awesome Bonuses 7 Bigger Than a Bonus Meet the Experts (insider secrets to success from the Masters -- other authors!) training on goodies like dos and donts for new authors, agent advice, book club visits, and public speaking Each lesson includes Rookie Mistakes to Avoid, Myth Busters, and How to Go the Extra Mile!FULLCOURSEINFO:1. PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE IN YOUR WRITING COMMUNITYOrganizations to joinHow to best engageIn-person and online connections2. FIGURE OUT YOUR AUTHOR PERSONASoul-Searching: Who am I?Discover keywords, phrases that best fit youFind like-minded peopleShare your story to connect with readers!3. YOUR WEBSITEWhat you need to get startedWhat content to include for best engagementRecommended optionsBest website practicesHow to avoid overwhelm & get the darn thing done4. SOCIAL MEDIA ZONEWhere and when to postHow to find best-fit followersWhat to post for highest engagementHow to optimize your social media platforms5. YOUR BLOGName and platformWhat to blog aboutHow to build readershipBand with other bloggersBest practices6. BUILD A SUBSCRIBER LISTWhy you (absolutely!) need an email listNewsletter vs. bloggingWhat platform to useHow to build itContent to include7. BAND WITH AUTHORSHow to conduct researchHow to connect online and in-personHow to find other debut authorsBest practices to engage8. CONNECT WITH READERSHow to conduct researchCreate a profile of your readerWhere to find your readersLook to your books themes for answersHow book bloggers are your friend9. POSITION YOURSELF AS AN EXPERT!How to write for others with guest postsWhere to find ideal blogsPresenting at in-person eventsHow to start small with public speakingHow to prepare to present with confidence10. NOW WHAT?Keep promoting!Grow your reviewsBook awardsExpand your social mediaPaid advertisingNew markets for your bookHow to continue a focus on community buildingMarketing Bonuses:Book Launch Countdown How to Best Run Book Ads Making a Book Trailer 101 Launch a Book Trailer/Cover Reveal The Awesome Resources Guide The Awesome Course PlannerNetworking Bonuses:Prepare for Public Speaking Writer Organizations by Genre and Region Publicity Bonuses:How to Write a Press Release How to Write a Review Request How to Write a Blurb Request How to Write a Guest Post Pitch Social Media Bonuses:Goodreads 101 Instagram for AuthorsTwitter 101 Rafflecopter 101 Meet the Experts: GuidesLiterary Agent Q&A Dos and Donts for New Authors Kick-Butt Debut Authors Meet the Experts: VideosAudiobook Production 101 Book Club Visits 101 Building Community Public Speaking 101"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking for Authors 101" |
"In this course you'll learn how to jump into public speaking as an author and prepare to do presentations with confidence (in any situation!). We'll cover 6 steps to follow to create the foundation for a successful public speaking event:1. Pre-planning2. Creating your presentation3. How to use visual aids4. Setting the stage5. Combating anxiety6. Going the extra mile!As authors, we are often in the public eye which can include presenting at conferences, being a guest author at conventions, giving school assemblies, doing group author events, and much more.Saying YES to these opportunities will enable you to get over your public speaking fear, network with readers and writers, and build an influencing community around you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Author School Visits 101: Marketing Children's Books" |
"In this course you'll learn how to create, prepare, present, and book school visits as a children's book author with confidence.We'll cover these steps to create a children's book marketing foundation for a successful school visit event:Section 1: INTRO & PRESENTATION GOALSSection 2: RESEARCH TEACHING STANDARDSSection 3: DEVELOPING PRESENTATION CONTENTSection 4: ORGANIZING PRESENTATION CONTENTSection 5: EFFECTIVE WAYS OF ENGAGING WITH STUDENTSSection 6: TIMING OF YOUR PRESENTATIONSection 7: PREPARING FOR VISITSSection 8: BOOKING & PROMOTING SCHOOL VISITSSection 9: FEES, INSURANCE, & CONTRACTSEngaging with your young readers through a school visit is one of the most rewarding events you can do as a childrens book author.Your children's book is written, published, or soon-to-be released and one of the best ways to get it in the hands of your young readers (and keep your book in print!) is doing school visits. You've invested a lot of time, energy, and emotion into your book -- presenting at schools as a visiting author can ensure your book captures the spotlight.By the end of this course you will be confident in knowing how to create, present, and book author school visits."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Avanado de PJe 2.0" |
"Neste curso os usurios podero conhecer todas as funcionalidades do Sistema PJe, tais quais: distribuio de processos, solicitao de habilitao, cincia e resposta de prazos, pesquisa de processos, dentre outras. Ao final voc ser capaz de operar o sistema com destreza e segurana, tornando o sistema seu principal aliado para o sucesso profissional."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create Your Birth Plan" |
"Did you know there is a secret menu for your labor care? In this class we begin to work on your birth plan. I go over common practices, why they're followed, the risks and benefits of each and finally, I give you the secret menu!This class is jam packed with all of the evidence based information you will need in order to make informed decisions about how you birth and about your newborns care in the hospital. By the end of this class you will have a birth plan that fits your family. You will be able to discuss your choices with your birth team and your provider. Most importantly, you and your partner will go into labor feeling like you know the answers no matter the twists and turns your journey makes."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Labor Coping, Positioning & Comfort Techniques" |
"Labor is a very different place then most of us are accustomed. It doesn't follow our social rules, there is a special etiquette that should be followed and there are things that are helpful to expect and know how to move through. This class will explain what you and your partner can expect from labor from the movements, the sounds, the smells, and all the emotions that go along with it as well as give you the tools to cope in labor as a team.Your partner will learn how to support you with breath coping techniques, comforting touch and anticipating your needs."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Book folding to create unique gifts/paper craft" |
"Book folding is a craft that allows you to recycle used books to create unique and meaningful gifts. We will begin with the basic measure and fold pattern and two patterns (Home and Family) will be provided for you to use for your own creations. You will need a hardcover book, ruler, and pencil to begin this activity."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kick- Start Your Marketing Career!" |
"The class Kick- Start your marketing career, can be a tremendous & valuable asset, to anything you do!If you're marketing yourself, a product or another business, you have to take this class! This class will teach you, step by step, how to Market like a Pro! Quick, simple & easy, with our 6 step formula.Armed with the incredible content & value from this class, you'll be marketing like a Rockstar in no time!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Vender Valor e Fugir do Preo" |
"Vendas de Valor um modelo de gesto comercial onde o foco totalmente nas necessidades dos clientes.Ram Charam, consultor indiano radicado no USA, j h muito tempo atrs lanou o termo Vendas Criadoras de Valor, onde explica que infelizmente a maioria dos vendedores despejam contedo e informaes sobre seus produtos ou servios ao invs de primeiro descobrir quais as reais necessidades dos clientes.Resumidamente na Venda de Valor voc deve descobrir:POR QU o cliente deseja ou necessita do seu produto e o quanto voc e sua empresa demonstram interesse genuno em ajudar.COMO seu produto resolve o problema do cliente e o quanto voc conhece os problemas dele.O QU o cliente ganha ao comprar de voc e da sua empresa?Eu sei que voc ficou curioso e adoraria se aprofundar mais nesse tema, correto?Ento faa sua inscrio em nosso treinamento on line: Como Vender Valor e Fugir do Preo!"
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Write Anything...Like a Pro!" |
"About this courseLearn the Essentials of Good Written Composition That Can Be Adapted to Any Medium from Business Communications and College Essays to Creative Writing.Skill level: All LevelsLanguages: EnglishLectures: 28Video: 6.5 hoursFeatures: Certificate of completionDescription: Learn to Write ANYTHINGLike a Pro!Are you struggling with your college essays or term papers?Are you a business professional whose written communications are holding you back?Do you lack credibility in your written correspondences?Do you want to become a better writer but dont know what to focus on?Do you feel stifled creatively and just dont know how to find more imaginative ways to express your thoughts?THE 8 STEP Write AnythingLike a Pro! System is a simple training program that will teach you the basic fundamentals of writing structure, enabling you to tackle any type of writing from business emails and memos to college essays and even creative projects. Youll learn ways to dig up ideas from scratch, get around writers block, and open up your creativity to give your writing a richer, more compelling quality.IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN:The basics of written communication, including essential topics such as punctuation, grammar, word usage, and coherency to strengthen writing skills and formulate meaningful, error-free writingExploratory techniques designed to help find topics and ideas, which will also enable students to find their own unique, creative voice that can be applied to any type of writingWays to target content for any audience and sharpen written communication abilities that can be adapted across all venuesMethods to conquer writers block, and ways to unleash creativity to craft more interesting, colorful content.GUARANTEEIf you dont feel that this course has significantly improved your writing capabilities, please, get a Udemy-backed refund and spend the money elsewhere. I prefer that you only pay for the course if youre GREATLY satisfied with it!FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWho are you? My name is Dr. Douglas May (Dr. Doug), and I have more than 20 years experience teaching English to speakers of foreign languages and students in higher education. I am also a professional copywriter and have worked in several high-end commercial organizations crafting content for product copy, press releases, emails, memos, scriptsyou name it! I have written across many mediums, including marketing, editorial, and academic venues, and because I see bad writing everywhere, I wanted to create a course that could help people from all walks of life, at all stages of development, and from the four corners of the world improve their writing skills with a relatively quick crash course designed to improve writing quality at a fast pace. The course is also loosely based on a few essay writing assignments, as it is my belief that if one can write an essay well, he or she can write anything!What's in it for you? No more long nights trying to craft together a college essay that falls short of expectations; no more embarrassing gaffes in emails, memos, or other types of business communications; no more frustrations with writers block, holding you back from completing critical projects; and no more believing that you have no imagination from which to work we ALL have tremendous imaginations the key is having the patience and tools to let your imagination flourish!Writing seems overwhelming to meI never know what to focus on to get better! This course is an overview of what Ive found to be the most important things to focus on to become a good or even great writer! From my 20+ years experience teaching writing skills to people at all levels, I have crafted this offering together as a crash course that is designed to give you the basics of what you really need to improve your writing skills quickly along with the tools to help you create more interesting, varied, and error-free content.Can you guarantee that I will improve my writing skills? Good writing takes time AND practice! I lay out the most important structural elements that will lead to good writing while providing many tools one can use to create more powerful, imaginative content. I believe that if you take this entire course, your writing will significantly improve, and if you keep writing as much as you can, you will only get better with time! And, of course, if you feel that you didnt get what you wanted out of the course, you can always get a refund.ARE YOU READY TO BECOME A GREAT WRITER IN JUST 8 UNITS?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button on top to start your new and FAST journey to better writing and communication!Who this course is for:Beginning writers who want to improve their skills QUICKLY!High school or college students struggling with essays, term papers, or other written assignments.CEOs, sales people, and other business professionals who need to improve their written skills NOW to retain credibility and professional standing.Creative types who want to hone the basics of good writing and find ways to unleash their creativity.Anyone and everyone who wants to learn the secrets of good writing and apply these techniques to any venue."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Disea tu Logo profesional con Photoshop CC 2019 - Espaol" |
"Soy Israel Lajara y te presento mi curso de Logotipado profesional. Que realizars de manera intensiva pasando por los siguientes puntos:Clase 1 - Photoshop y sus basesClase 2 - Logotipo simple y tabla de psicologa de coloresClase 3 - Logotipo con profundidad y efectosClase 4 - Logotipo con pluma y trazoClase 5 - Logotipo con vectores y vectorizarClase 6 - Formatos de guardado y finalizacinEntre todas ellas prestaremos atencin a diversos estilos y herramientas. Y te formars como un diseador para tus proyectos.No se requiere nivel previo ya que te enseo una base de Photoshop para que puedas llevar el resto a cabo.MUCHA IMAGINACIN Y SUERTE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Your Self to Get Hired" |
"Whatever field you are in to get a job you have to go through a H.R. process. i.e. C.v. or Resume scanning to an interview.To have your dream job one must understand what recruiter seeks in a candidate.To explain it I had included world different countries recruiters and career experts researches that will surely facilitates you to have a broader understandings what a recruiter search for in a candidate.To excel in any career one should find out his or her passion (Passion is a work one can do without getting bored) and link it with a profession in line with education and skills he or she is having.Usually recruiter seeks for eight combination of skills in a candidate excluding required specific job skills set.Thousands of my students asked me that why they are not shortlist for a job or failed in an interview.Keeping this serious issue in mind I had utilized my educational and experience to develop this course.In this short and concise training I had shared different surveys and researches in order to provide you a clear and straight picture that what recruiter needs and on what skills one should focus to get a dream job.Consistency is the key to success. Keep developing polishing these skills. Development appears with the time.I wish as my other students gotten their dream jobs you will get too."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Mastery: The Complete Beginners Course" |
"If you're looking for a Digital Marketing Masterclass taught by a Practitioner that includes step-by-step strategies, action plan and a roadmap, then you've come to the right place!You'll learn and accumulate knowledge of the cutting-edge industry and various digital marketing strategies that you can use across various social media platforms. If you're a brick-n-mortar business owner, solopreneur or an entrepreneur, it will help you grow your business and improve conversion rates.If you're a startup, early-stage founder, executive leader or CEO, it will help you expedite your learning curve so that you can quickly inject strategies and techniques and get started quickly, effectively and efficiently.If you're a career professional, marketing manager or a brand strategist, with the techniques taught in this course, you can powerfully brand yourself so that you can become sought-after candidate in the job market.In this Masterclass, I'm teaming up with Greg Rollett, an Emmy Award Winning Producer and CEO of Ambitious Media to deliver to you the best of the digital marketing strategies from soup to nuts. We'll take you on the journey together with us to the promised land of Digital Marketing.I've structured my course in 7 modules in such a way that these modules are simple and straight-forward so as to make it easier for you to learn the various aspects of Digital Marketing. Module 1: Introduction to Digital MarketingI will cover introduction to digital marketing, different facets of digital marketing, what it means to you and your business/ profession.I will get into how technology, internet and social media are bringing people closer than ever before and why you shouldnt neglect it, what are the huge shifts that have transformed the status-quo and how you should take advantage of it.I will also cover what we can learn from Amazon in terms of disrupting the traditional industries and how we can benefit from it. I will then get into 4 Case studies- Dacia (Facebook Ads), Gucci (Instagram), Dollar Shave Club (YouTube), Individuals as Brands.Finally, I will cover advantages of digital marketing, key differences between Marketing and Selling and the key challenges facing the Digital Marketing industry.Module 2: Conduct Your Digital Marketing AuditIn this module, I will talk about what the digital marketing audit is, its importance and why should you conduct it first before getting excited about digital marketing, branding and social media.What are the key elements of marketing audit, identify the gaps and what steps you need to undertake to perform marketing audit:Your marketing goals and objectivesMarketing triangleUnique value propositionAudience PersonaBranding or messagingSocial media strategyContent strategyWebsite DesignSEOSocial media marketingTeam Skillset, Resource utilizationModule 3: Build Your Unstoppable BrandYour brand should allow your customers to recognize unique sense of differentiation compared your competition. Here, I will cover what is branding and how the term has evolved from what it used to be and what is its modern connotation. I will also bust certain myths in terms of when business owners think they dont have a strong brand of their own.I will talk about the importance of building your brand, building your online presence, how to build your brand, difference between personal and business brand.I will then talk about the importance of importance of defining your USP (unique selling proposition) and 6-steps to create it.Module 4: Dominate Social MediaAs soon as you enter the social media ballgame, you will realize that the field is bigger than youve imagined. Here, I describe what is social media ecosystem is and how to create your own ecosystem.I talk about discovering 8 elements of why social media is exactly where your customers are spending their time and why you need to turn your attention there. Also, discover that social media is an equal opportunity medium no matter your business sizeFinally, I cover 8 ways on how to dominate on social mediaNext stepsModule 5: Content Marketing Crash CourseContent is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy and you shouldnt underestimate its power. Content Marketing is a specialized approach to create, publish and distribute content for your online audience.I give an overview of what content marketing is and why it is the heart and soul of digital marketing, examples of different types of content, content marketing goals and objectives, 7 reasons why you need to create great contentThen, I cover my best strategies for creating compelling content so you can go and produce your own content immediately and become go-to expert for your marketplace.Finally, I cover basic rules of content marketing, 4 content marketing setup strategies, the fastest ways to create real value through your content and how to create your content marketing game plan using 7 key strategiesNext StepsModule 6: Internet Traffic and Lead GenerationGetting a consistent flow of traffic is one of the key challenges you will have to overcome. With an explosive promise of digital marketing comes high competition. Thus, every passing day presents a challenge to drive traffic. This is because no traffic means no leads, no leads means no customers and no customers means no revenues.In this module, I cover the importance of Traffic in relation to Customers and Revenues, understand what marketing funnel is and how you can take your prospects on a journey from being a cold lead to becoming a paying customer, 5 steps involved in Marketing FunnelI end this module by covering 9 best strategies to drive traffic, attract leads and generate salesLanding PagesSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)Influencer MarketingVisual ContentCustomer Reviews and TestimonialsBe Consistent3rd Party VisibilitySocial Media Platform IntegrationEMail MarketingNext StepsModule 7: Closing Deals and Acquire CustomersOnce a lead is generated, its all about making sure that those leads turn into sales. Thus, youve to successfully manage closing the deals. Digital marketing is a process that, when well-planned, can map out your customers journey all the way from the beginning to the end.At this point, you're looking for ""money in the pocket"".If you've done everything right,You are talking to the right prospects who fit in with your target audience characteristics (aka audience persona) and align with your branding messageYou may have conducted digital marketing audit for them highlighting areas of improvements and gaps. If not, you can offer this service as a precursor in order to close a dealYou have educated them and offered enough value (through your blogs, white papers, case studies that speak to their pain-points, challenges, likes and dislikes) that your prospects know precisely what to expect from you8 Ways to close the dealsListen more, speak lessCompete on the basis of valueAdopt ""Before"" and ""After"" transformation storyBe precise about your value propositionsCoffee in One Hand and Confidence in the Other HandDon't burn the BridgesAsk ""What Else?""Believe in the power of Follow-upsSummary:With the skills learned in this Digital Marketing Masterclass, you can:Build strong online presence that you've always desired forGet found and discovered efficiently on Google and Social Media ChannelsSet yourself apart from your peers and your competitionDrive traffic and generate sustaining leadsClose deals, generate steady revenues and acquire paying customersWHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU ENROLL IN THE DIGITAL MARKETING MASTERCLASS?Lifetime access to the course and all updatesUdemy certificate of completionPractical strategies and tips for you to get on the fast-trackYou can ask me any questions and I'll respond to every single one of them in a thoughtful manner30-Day 100% money back guarantee - no questions asked!We're in this together! Let's take the journey together!You Got This!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn Arabic language(Zero to Hero Part 1)" |
"welcome to our course Arabic zero to hero you are going to learn Arabic alphabet, how to pronounce them correctly and how to get them together to make a word,Arabic zero to hero are not that hard and you are going to realize that during your studying.i hope you apply and practising the course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Carreira Profissional: Como Passar Numa Entrevista" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao Curso de Carreira Profissional: Como Passar Numa Entrevista.O material est dividido em 17 captulos, onde abordaremos temas como a preparao Antes do Currculo, como elaborar um Currculo + Lista de Referncias + Certificados, como preparar para conseguir agendar uma Entrevista, como portar-se numa Dinmica e como realizar o Acompanhamento Aps a Entrevista.Voc ter ao final um captulo sobre dicas de Produtividade para organizar a gesto de seu tempo.Apresentarei Referncias Bibliogrficas e Portais de Contedo e Informaes.Ao longo do curso apresentarei temas relacionados a comportamento e conhecimento tcnico, ou seja, como construir uma boa relao entre habilidades comportamentais e habilidades tcnicas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Lgica Contbil e Partidas Dobradas" |
"Para uma boa aprendizagem preciso ter uma boa base. O curso online de Lgica Contbil e Partidas Dobradas um curso de introduo contabilidade que ir ajuda-lo no seu entendimento para os prximos assuntos contbeis. Aprenda sobre: Estrutura Conceitual Bsica, Equao Patrimonial e Regime de Caixa x Competncia. Todo o material em vdeo e anexos foi pensado para que voc obtenha sucesso ao responder as questes de provas de concurso."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Contabilidade Bsica - II" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo ensinar os mecanismos de apurao de resultados e a contabilizao de compra e vendas de estoques de mercadorias, bem como preparar uma Demonstrao do resultado do exerccios nos termos do artigo 187 da Lei 6.404/76. Composto de videoaulas bem como resumos em pdf, legislao aplicvel e lista de exerccios resolvidos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Xfer Serum ile Ses Tasarm'na Giri" |
"ster ses tasarmn renmeye yeni balayan biri olun, ister koleksiyonuna yeni bir synth eklemek isteyen profesyonel bir ses tasarmcs.. Bu kursun size ok faydal olacandan hi phemiz yok.Kursumuz toplam 40 dersten olumaktadr. Bu derslerde, size Serum'un her parametresini tek tek detayl bir ekilde anlatacaz. Her parametrenin nasl kullanldn renmi olacak ve mzik prodksiyon kariyerinizde kullanmak iin bir ton faydal bilgi renmi olacaksnz.zellikle aadakileri ele alacaz:Osilatrler blmnde, aadakilerden yararlanarak ses retmeyi reneceiz ...1) Wavetable sentezleme uygulayarak ses retmemizi salayacak Wavetable Osilatrleri2) Seslerin altna tamamlayc sub sesler retmemizi salayacak Sub Osilatr3) Serum'a samplelar ekleyip, o samplelar almamz salayacak Noise Osilatr.Ses efektleri blmnde, aadakileri kullanarak sesleri ekillendirmeyi reneceiz...1) Voicing & Portamento (Sesleri notalara gre ekillendirme) 2) Filter Blm (Subtractive Synthesis)3) Efektler4) Serum FX VSTSes Modlasyonu blmnde, seslere nasl modlasyon uygulayacamz reneceiz...1) Envelopelar2) LFOlar3) MIDI Note Velocity & MIDI Note Pitch 4) Macro parametreleri5) Mod Wheel & Pitch Bend 6) Modlasyon Matrix SekmesiVe son olarak, leri Dzey blmnde, Serum'da bilmemiz gereken ileri dzey zellikleri reneceiz...1) Global Sekmesi2) Ana Men3) Custom Preset retimi4) Custom Wavetable retimiBu kursu oluturmamzdaki asl ama, size kendi prodksiyonlarnz iin orijinal sesler olutururken, hibir snrlama olmadan, Serum'da zorlanmadan istediiniz sesi retebilmek iin yeterli bilgi salamak.Kursun sonunda, sadece bir Serum uzman olmakla kalmayacak, ayn zamanda hemen hemen her synth'i rahata kullanabilecek ses tasarm bilgisine sahip olacaksnz.Umarz Serum Balang kursumuz size mzik kariyerinizde yardmc olur. Mzik prodksiyon ve ses tasarm almalarnzda baarlar!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"T-SQL For Beginner Data Analysts" |
"In this course we will talk about Structured Query Language - SQL, in particular we will focus on Microsoft's version of it - T-SQL. The language to get data from relational database. We will go through all the parts of the query, we will learn what we can select, from which data we can do that, how can we filter the returned data, use aggregations and many-many other things.If you want to enter the world of data this course is for you. If you want to learn how to get data from database to be able to present it or to work with this data in your app - this course is for you. This course may surprise you by its simplicity and casualty, because this is how I believe things should be taught.During the course you will have a lot of info, a lot of homework and final task where you will have to go through all the material we have covered.The course consists of 8 sections:The Story Begins Here - Introduction To The CourseImagine You Have To Find a Book in a Library - where we talk about Select ClauseWhich Bookshelves I Want to Select books FROM - where we learn how and what to use as our data sourceI've Got My Books, But It's Too Much!!! - Filtering Query Results Some Books Have Similar Info, Can We Put Them Together - Grouping Query ResultsThanks Sir, I've Got The Books I Need, What Can I Do With Them NowFinal ProjectBonus SectionBy the end of the course you will be able to get any data you need from a database and have a solid base knowledge about SQL."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn para Super Estagirios" |
"O LinkedIn uma das redes sociais mais importantes para quem quer se tornar um Super Estagirio e ela totalmente subexplorada por ns, universitrios.Ela surgiu com propsito de conectar profissionais do mundo todo.Atualmente, conta com mais de 500 milhes de usurios 45 milhes so brasileiros.Agora vamos ao dado mais importante, um em cada trs profissionais possuem uma conta no LinkedIn, e 49% dos tomadores de deciso de empresas usam a rede para propsitos profissionais.Sim, o seu recrutador est no LinkedIn. O seu chefe. O seu cliente....Se voc quer se tornar um Super Estagirio, voc precisa do LinkedIn.Pela plataforma voc consegueSe inscrever em vagas de estgio de forma rpida e fcil;Conhecer pessoas incrveis que vo impulsionar sua carreira;Se comunicar com pessoas famosas, de alta gesto, referncias no mercado de forma acessvel;Ficar por dentro das ltimas novidades do mercado, eventos, cursos, grupos de networking;T preparad@ pra mandar brasa no LinkedIn?Ento se inscreva no curso e simbora!#AUInfinitoealm"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming - For School Kids" |
"For school kids it is hard to follow available online materials which are catered for adults. The span of attention of school kids is small. It is imperative to present a concept in a short and crisp manner to grab that attention. This course does just that. It introduces each concept/feature in a very short video which students can follow along. All basic Java programming concepts are presented. At their age level it is not advisable to start talking about advanced concepts until they are comfortable in programming in a procedural way.If they can master this course materials they will be able to write small applications (calculator, quiz) and will boost their confidence which will enable them to continue learning advanced programming."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Row On The Rowing Machine" |
"In this course i got through the basic rowing technique and tech you how to master it. I also go through common problems that people have when they first learn how to row and i show you how to fix them. It is a well rounded rowing course that will get you rowing quickly and well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |