Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
future-design |
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Price: 19799.00 ![]() |
"Tableau 2019" |
"Be a Tableau Expert in 1 Hour. You will learn Dimensions and Measures, Dimension Hierarchy, Measures Aggregate, Line Chart, Bar Chart, Map, Symbol Map, Dual Axis, Size, Pie Chart, Filter, Map Floating, Interactive Dashboard; Percentage, Treemaps, Area Chart, Trend Line, Calculated Field, Table Calculation, KPIs; Scatter Plots, Data Set, Parameter, Color, Reference Line; Packed Bubbles, Donut Chart, Top N; Multiple Data Sources, Pivot, Blending, Data Relationships, PNG Shapes, Image Function, Pages, Animations.TableauTableauMap DashboardSalesProfitsPie ChartSalesProfitsFilterPowerfulKPIs Performance DashboardTrend LineDashboardTop N DashboardDonut ChartTableauData Sources BlendingRelationshipstableauPivot1Tableau"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SQL Interview Questions: Answer from Real Jobs" |
"Answer interview questions from real jobs will make a professional figure in front of the interviewers.It makes you feel more confidently.Also, the real job courses will give you a clear picture to fully understand how SQL works.It definitely would be a short way to learn SQL from home.When you learn this course, you also can down load all the real stories and codes in this course.It would help you handle your interview questions simple and easy."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"The Power of Tools: Adobe Illustrator Edition" |
"In this course you will receive an overview of adobe illustrator and learn about its capabilities and the kinds of designs you can create. You will also receive instructions on how to use some basic tools & the most commonly used tools as well. This is a beginner level course so I recommend it to those who are completely new to illustrator and also those who want to discover more about the different tools and functions. I made the course easy to follow and I also added in some comic relief so that it keeps you engaged and entertained."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating Patterns by Using Principles" |
"This course teaches you how to create beautiful patterns by understanding principles. You will also learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to help in the creation of digital pattern designs. In it we will cover several tools and techniques that will help increase your skills in pattern creation. The main topics that will discussed are:How to create and use a Pattern & Principle Grid systemA Technique using the Fibonacci SequenceIdeation and sketching TechniquesHow to create and use a Reflection TechniqueHow to use a Rotation Duplication Technique2 Pattern Tessellation TechniquesAt the end of this course you should have a deeper understanding of how you can use adobe illustrator to help create pattern designs."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Web Scraping in python (Telugu Language) ( webscraping )" |
"Web scraping is very popular now a days because of huge demand on data. Data science and Machine learning people needs huge amount of data for creating models. In this tutorial you will learn what is web scraping, uses, Real Time Projects and some ideas. All my video classes are in Telugu language. So definitely Telugu students are like this.( webscraping )"
Price: 2880.00 ![]() |
"Django ORM in telugu language" |
"This course is helpful to learn django ORM concepts like one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationship.Explained with a small website like student portfolio. Crud operations like read students information, insert new student record, update existing record and delete the record relationship: Store students multiple data like phone numbers, address, and etcone-to-one relationship: Store students unique data like Adhara card, ration card, driving license and so onMany-to-many relationship: Store students subjects, courses and year wise information."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Django Basics to Advanced And Real-time Project In Telugu" |
"You will learn Django basics to advanced level, Real-time project, Website deployment, ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and Razorpay Payment gateway. You will learn what is the virtual environment, how to check and install Django project requirements, orm basic crud operations, website deployment in Linux server, razorpay payment gateway and so on.Basics To Advanced LevelORM (Object Relational Mapping)OneToOne RelationshipOneToManyRelationshipManyToMany RelationshipProduct PageCategory PagePaginationWebsite Deployment in Linux Server (Digitalocean)Payment Gateway (Razorpay)Domain Assignment (Godaddy)and more"
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Punctuation & Sentence Types" |
"This course will provide an opportunity to learn and practice sentence variety and grammar. Specifically, four types of punctuation (dashes, commas, semicolons, and colons), and four sentence types (simple, compound, complex, compound complex) will be covered. The relationship between the kinds of sentences possible and the interactions with punctuation is taught in a simple way with easy to follow steps and practice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Computer Forensics" |
"Computer forensics is the practice of collecting, analyzing and reporting on digital data in a way that is legally admissible. It can be used in the detection and prevention of crime and in any dispute where evidence is stored digitally. In this course you get an overview of Computer Forensics. It provides a foundation for people new to the field of digital forensics. You'll learn how to conduct examinations by explaining what digital forensics is, the methodologies used, key technical concepts and the tools needed to perform examinations.You'll also learn about the types of investigations it's used for, and the different specializations within the field. We'll then get into how to prepare for an investigation; acquire data; make sure data is kept in its original state with software and hardware write blockers; analyze the data; and generate a report."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master Integral Calculus :Become a Pro in Calculus 2 quickly" |
"Hi and a warm welcome to This Course!Do you struggle with Integral Calculus ? Have you been trying endlessly to understand the concepts and methods to solve integration problems, but haven't had any luck ? Do you get stuck in the middle of a problem while solving it ?Well, I have been here where are you now. This is why I created this course.I'm Shekhar. I'm a Math enthusiast who has been graduated with Mathematics. Also I have a teaching experience of around 4 years in Mathematics. In this course I'll be walking through all the concepts of Indefinite Integral (Calculus 2 or Integral Calculus). Course Benefits:- This course will help you to understand the concepts of Indefinite Integral (Calculus 2) in a better way.At the end of this course, you'll be able to solve any problem related to Indefinite Integral easily.Also you'll be prepared enough to take Advanced Calculus courses in future.The key features of the course are:-This course is designed to cover all the topics of Indefinite Integral (Integral Calculus) in an interactive manner.This course is categorized into: Videos: 20 video lectures covering each fundamental concept of Indefinite Integral. You'll get exposure to a wide variety of problems. I explain each step taken in the problem.Quizzes: 13 Quizzes to test yourself along the way. When you think you've got a good understanding on a topic, you can test your knowledge by taking one of the quizzes.Quiz Solutions: You can review your answers by taking a look at the detailed solutions provided of each question asked in quizzes. If you understand, great! If not, you can review the videos again or ask for help in Q & A section.Formulae Sheet: There is also a formulae sheet to use throughout the course.FROM THIS COURSE, YOU WILL ALSO GET:You've unlimited lifetime access at no extra cost, ever.All future additional lectures, bonuses etc. in this course are always free.My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question.Udemy certificate of completion available for download.30-day money back guarantee.So what are you waiting for. Enroll in the course now and become master of the Integral Calculus.Enroll Now!-Shekhar :)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ten un sueo profundo y reparador" |
"Si tus preocupaciones y el estrs diario te impiden dormir bien.Si te pasas horas dando vueltas en la cama antes de conciliar tu sueo.Si te levantas de la cama y te sientes cansada/o porque tu descanso no ha sido lo suficientemente reparador.Entonces, ests en el curso adecuado para ti. En l vas a aprender paso a paso hbitos, tcnicas y ejercicios que te ayudarn a tener un sueo profundo y reparador, de forma que durante el da te sientas vital y llena/o de energa.Dormir bien es absolutamente necesario para mantener una buena calidad de vida. Si no lo ests haciendo, ests viviendo por debajo de tus posibilidades.Despus de realizar este curso descansars profundamente y dejars atrs la apata y la fatiga que nos produce no dormir bien."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to guess anybody's birthday?" |
"""How to guess anybody's birthday?"" is a Masterclass course, which is going to teach you one simple calendar trick which you can use instantly to impress your friends and familly. After taking this course you will be able to guess day of anybody's birthday or day of the week for any date in future or past in just a few seconds, without looking at calendar. It takes about an hour to learn this and it is really cool and useful thing to know. Check my course and I am looking forward to share this amazing skill with you"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Controlla la tua vita in ore, giorni, settimane, mesi e anni" |
"L'obiettivo di questo corso quello di dare il massimo dell'informazione in maniera concreta e immediatamente applicabile nel pi breve tempo possibile. Sono sicuro che questo metodo possa effettivamente migliorare la vita di una persona se applicato efficacemente e costantemente come mostrato nel corso.Liberati dal problema di ritrovarti sempre a corto di tempo. Tutti noi abbiamo in realt la capacit di fare ed ottenere tutto ci che vogliamo, solo che non abbiamo un sistema, un binario per avanzare costantemente nella direzione migliore per noi. Ci ritroviamo invece a muoverci in torno, sempre schiacciati dal peso delle scadenze imminenti, da cattive abitudini che non riusciamo a perdere e da buone abitudini che non riusciamo a mantenere. Questo metodo sfrutta diversi concetti e un One Pager per ribaltare completamente questa situazione a partire dalla prima settimana. Ti spiegher come tutto ci sia possibile mettendo in pratica i concetti del:PAMeLa Model 4 Quadranti Flow Key Indicators. Sei a meno di un'ora di distanza dal dare una svolta totale a te stesso e alla tua vita.Ti aspetto dall'altra parte!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Gesund - Gesnder - VEGAN" |
"Du bist interessiert am veganen Lifestyle, weit aber nicht wie?Dann ist mein Kurs genau das richtige fr dich!Ich erzhle dir von meinem Weg in den veganen Lifestyle, gebe dir Tipps und Tricks fr deinen einfacheren Weg in das vegane Leben. Du erfhrst von mir, worauf du bei der veganen Ernhrung und dem veganen Leben achten solltest!Ich zeige dir, dass ein veganes Leben nicht unbedingt teurer sein muss.Auerdem lernst du bei mir auch noch etwas ber die Ethik, in Bezug auf die Tiere und unsere Umwelt.Du wirst nach meinem Kurs erstaunt sein, wie einfach die Umstellung zu einem veganen Leben ist!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"mt4 indicator coding from strategy designing to selling" |
"if you have a profitable strategy that you tried for along time with success ,and you are hesitated weather to give it to another coder or not ,he might stole it!!! ,,then why you don't cod it by your self it is not that difficult task, her where you will learn coding in very fast way ,but as a custom indicator,then you will learn how to sell it"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Laisse-moi te poser 2 ou 3 petites questions. Je te demande simplement dimaginer :-Que serait ta vie si tous les choix que tu avais fait jusqu aujourdhui, tu les avais fait avec une immense confiance en toi ?-Comment serait ta vie demain si tu commenais ds maintenant agir avec une grande confiance en toi-mme et en tes capacits ?-Que ferais- tu ds maintenant si tu avais une norme confiance en soi ?Imaginons que tu aies une telle confiance en toi que peu importe ce que tu veuilles dans la vie, tu te sentes capable et assez fort pour aller le chercherCar oui, cest bien de cela quil sagit :Te sentir tellement confiant et sr de toi que peu importe ce qui arrive, tu sais que tu peux tout russirTous tes projets, tous tes objectifs, tous tes rves.Cest ce que permet ni plus ni moins la confiance en soi.Cest le SOCLE de tout.La BASE dune vie russie et heureuseCar avec une bonne dose de confiance en soi, on se sent libre dentreprendre tout ce quon a toujours voulu entreprendre, cest dire ses projets, ses objectifs, ses rves :)Voici ce que permet la confiance en soi:Changer de travail quand tu le souhaites plutt que de te sentir emprisonn et attendre patiemment la retraite.Faire un boulot que tu aimes plutt quun taf que tu dtestes juste pour payer les factures.Travailler pour quelquun que tu apprcies plutt que de subir les caprices d'un crtin.Dtre plus serein dans ton quotidien, et donc en meilleure sant.Dentreprendre des choses importantes.Davoir un meilleur salaire.De mieux ngocier.Dtre plus sduisant.De faciliter les relations sociales si tu es timide.Dtre plus heureux.etc etc. la liste des bienfaits est infinie.Bref, comme dit plus haut, la confiance en soi est le socle dune vie heureuse et panouie.Imagine quaujourdhui, tu aies tellement confiance en toi et en tes capacits que tu serais capable de quitter du jour au lendemain ton emploi pour un autre, plus en adquation avec ce que tu aimes, plutt que de faire un mtier que tu dtestes juste pour payer les factures.Et pourquoi pas mme, obtenir un meilleur salaire, ou mme, soyons un peu foufou, crer ta propre petite affaire, ton propre petit business.OUI C'EST POSSIBLE, cest possible pour tout le monde.Car la confiance en soi nest pas un trait de caractre.La confiance en soi, elle sacquiert et elle sentretient.Cest cela la vrit.Sans confiance en soi, difficile d'tre pleinement panouiCest pour cette raison que si tu veux tre heureux et tpanouir dans tous tes projets, la premire tape est de reprendre confiance en toi.Cest la base.Et cest aussi la raison pour laquelle jai cr cette formation.Je lai faite simple, efficace et conise.La formation est accessible tous. Pas de grandes thories. Pas de blabla inutiles pour faire mon expert.Juste les choses essentielles pour que chacun puisse comprendre. Pas besoin dtre un expert de programmation neuro-luiguistique, de psychothrapie ou de neurosciences.Juste des choses simples, accessible tous et appliquer ds maintenant pour changer petit petit ta vie.Dans cette formation, il y a tout ce que tu dois savoir pour reprendre confiance en toi, au cours de ces prochains mois.Si tu coutes et que tu appliques mes conseils, les choses changeront rapidement.Voil, je tai partag tout ce que tu as besoin de savoir. Maintenant cest toi de faire ton choix.Je te dis: A tout de suite.Ton coach Benji :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Motion Graphics & Infographics - After effects" |
"CC 2015"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mobile UI design using adobe xd , after effects" |
". . . 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ....................................................................................................... 2018 2015 :"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Photoshop basics in 2 Hour -" |
": layers color and adjustment shapes and cropping text layer styles selection and masking selection and masking 2 filters visual style re-touching brushes and shadows GIF...................................................CS6"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Apply Classic Eyelash Extensions" |
"From lash lover to lash stylist! Jump start your lash knowledge with this in-depth course that teaches you all you need to know to apply fabulous lashes. Learn the ins-and-outs of the industry, as well as tips and techniques to start lashing right away. This course is ideal for beginner stylists or lash artists who want to tremendously improve their lashing game.*Disclaimer* We teach this course on a Mannequin head. Before you practice on a live model we recommend you do so under the supervision of a trainer or eyelash technician.The Lash Scout's complete manual is provided for in-person trainings. For this online training, we have provided the essential documents to complete your beginner level training. If you are interested in learning more, please message us or visit our website.The resources can be found in the following lectures:1) Lecture 2 - Lash Tools Starter Kit2) Lecture 5 - Lash Style Guide3) Lecture 6 - Lash Style Guide Worksheet4) Lecture 9 - Client Profile Sheet5) Lecture 12 - Mannequin picture example"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"[2020] Kurs Tworzenia Stron WWW cz. I - HTML, CSS, RWD" |
"Cze, mam na imi Mateusz i zapraszam Ci do uczestnictwa w moim kursie tworzenia stron internetowych! Nauczysz si tworzy w peni responsywne i nowoczesne strony internetowe, poznasz jzyk HTML, CSS, JavaScript, preprocesor SASS, poznasz Bootstrapa, dowiesz si, czym jest semantyka no i przede wszystkim - bdziesz sporo wiczy/a! Teoria bez praktyki jest niczym i doskonale zdaj sobie z tego spraw. Dlatego w moim kursie znajdziesz mnstwo wicze i quizw, dziki ktrym utrwalisz oraz sprawdzisz swoj wiedz.Dla uatwienia nauki, kurs zosta podzielony na czci, poniewa ilo materiau do przyswojenia jest ogromna.Na szczcie nie musisz si niczym przejmowa, bo chtnie pomog z kadym napotkanym przez Ciebie problemem. :) Co wicej mamy Discorda! I mwic ""mamy"" mam na myli mnie oraz innych uczestnikw moich kursw. :)Zachcam wic do doczenia (linki znajdziecie w zasobach do pocztkowych odcinkw kursu), poniewa czekaj tam na Was wskazwki, quizy, konkursy i oczywicie pomoc! Warto rwnie doda, e mimo i jest to kurs dla zupenie pocztkujcych, to jednak mwimy tu o tworzeniu stron WWW. Zakadam wic, e radzisz sobie z obsug komputera, wiesz jak tworzy pliki i foldery i wiesz, jaka jest rnica midzy kursorem a przegldark. ;) "
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"[2020] Kurs Tworzenia Stron WWW cz. II - SASS, JS, Bootstrap" |
"W tej czci kursu nauczysz si zaawansowanego CSS-a, poznasz preprocesor SASS, ktry uatwi i przypieszy prac z CSS-em, poznasz Flexboxa oraz Grida, czyli zaawansowane technologie, ktre umoliwiaj rozmieszczanie elementw na stronach WWW. Nauczysz si te podstaw jzyka Java Script.Na kocu stworzymy profesjonaln i w peni responsywn stron internetow opart na Bootstrapie!"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"[2020] JavaScript - Jedyny Kurs, Ktrego Potrzebujesz!" |
"W kursie czeka na Ciebie mnstwo zada i wyzwa. Jzyka JavaScript nauczysz si od podstaw potrzebna Ci jedynie podstawowa wiedza z zakresu HTML oraz CSS, dobra kawa i edytor kodu. ;) Po kadym dziale dokadnie sprawdzimy Twoj wiedz poprzez liczne zadania, a na kocu zrobimy a 8 projektw, przy ktrych na pewno bdziemy si wietnie bawi. :)Co wicej, mog Ci zagwarantowa, e dowiadczenie zdobyte podczas tworzenia tych projektw bdzie bezcenne i skutecznie utrwali wiedz z pocztkowych odcinkw kursu. Czego nauczysz si w tym kursie? Tak w skrcie:dowiesz si czym s zmienne, jak je tworzy i jakie s midzy nimi rnice,poznasz konsol oraz przydatne komendy, ktre pomog w pracy z kodem,poznasz wszystkie typy danych oraz operatorw,dowiesz si czym s i jak wykorzystywa instrukcje warunkowe oraz ptle,poznasz tablice oraz metody, czyli takie gotowe funkcje, ktre uatwiaj prac na tablicach,poznasz wszystkie rodzaje funkcji w JavaScript, dowiesz jakie s midzy nimi rnice, jak je tworzy i wiele wicej,poznasz 'magiczne' this,dowiesz si czym jest DOM, jak z nim pracowa, jak pobiera lub usuwa dane, czym jest hoisting,dowiesz si czym jest API i jak z nim pracowa,poznasz obiekty oraz zaawansowane metody pracy z nimi,poznasz inne zaawansowane zagadnienia, m. in. promisy, async & await, axios i wiele wicej,i przede wszystkim - zrobisz mnstwo projektw!Take bez zbdnego przeduania zapraszam na kurs! :)"
Price: 609.99 ![]() |
"Cracking The Recruiting Code 101" |
"In this course you will learn about the college recruiting process. Regardless of sport, I have enough knowledge to make the process easier. In this course I will provide you with the different types of visits (official/unofficial), speak on the academics as well as questions you should ask, I will try and help you in choosing the best school for your child, as well as ways to assist you on letting him/her make the decision. This course will be fun and very informative. So sit back, grab a notebook, and take all this content with you to whichever university you plan on visiting!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Product Design: Sketching and Photoshop Rendering Tutorial" |
"Would you like a step by step sketching and rendering tutorial ? When I was younger I always wanted someone to take me step by step through the sketching and rendering phase within a design project. If you're completely new to design and Photoshop, dont worry this tutorial guides you through the process, enabling you to enhance your designing skills. Unlike other demos the rendering phase isn't sped up it's the real time scale. This course will not only demonstrate the rendering process but explain to you the variable techniques out there and which may be most suitable for you.Photoshop is commonly used within the industry, it will prove an advantage within the competitive design world if you understand the sketching and rendering process.I will teach you some of the techniques I use when creating digital renders and my personal portfolio."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Product Design Sketching : How to Sketch using Pen and Paper" |
"This course has been created to help one comprehend the fundamentals of sketching. Not only will this course show you the basics of sketching but it will guide you through to a more creative realm.Theres a difference between being able to sketch in perspective and being able to sketch like a designer. Everyone can sketch, but can they sketch like a designer? I believe being able to think and sketch like a designer is the real edge that one must develop. To aid you Ive included a section of product analysis. This section includes brainstorming and analysing the product. Then we sketch and think about the areas in which the product can be improved to provide a more efficient service.You dont want to just be able to sketch one particular product right? Theres a wide range of individuals who can sketch the same looking product over and over again and its boring. You need to have that creative edge, thats why Ive included some drawing exercises that I personally do within this course."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Digital Art Landscape: Learn How to Paint Digital Landscapes" |
"Have fun creating Digital Landscape Paintings, this course is a step by step course thats easy to follow. I always wanted to be able to create Landscape Paintings and Ive spent some time learning the process. I want to share the technique I have learnt so that youll be able to have fun creating art.Anyone can create amazing digital landscape art if you know the right steps and techniques to use. The ability is already within you. You have to learn how to cultivate it out. Theres an artist inside everyone.Digital Art is a fun process in creating stories and evoking certain emotions through pixels. You are the god your creations, you can paint whatever you desire once you learn the process."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Best Vocal Coaching on the net for beginners & intermediate!" |
"SING BETTER TODAY! Improve vocal tone and learn to consistently strengthen the voice. Learn how to sing in tune and stay in tune, breathing techniques to improve overall singing. While we're at it, lets improve vocal range too. You are sure to sing with confidence after taking THIS Course! Come with an open mind, and I promise you the techniques here are sure to have you singing better in no time."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Key Practical Combat Skills of Project Management" |
"Our life and job is full of Project type work. Compared with regular routine work, project is more complicated and more difficult to tackle. Project management is to help you handle these projects by systematic methods no matter in your life or job.Project management can be fun or nightmare depending on if you can grasp the key skills of project management and own the required personal characteristics to execute it in real job.In this course, I will reveal the key essential practical project management skills including the topics like:Project and Product relationshipProject processHow to start and manage a new project Project different aspects including scope, schedule, resource, cost, budget, risk and total managementWhats PMC? Project Management ConsoleWhat are the key characteristics and capabilities required for a project manager?You will learn these skills in shortest time and easiest way.You will be able to use these project management skills in your life and job to get success more easily.This course is suitable for the new project manager, those who needs project management skills in their work and people interested in project management."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"En este curso nos adentraremos en la prctica de la meditacin como una va de encuentro con el Ser. De forma gradual iremos hacia el silencio, aprendiendo a estar con lo que hay en cada momento.Ideal para el que quiera iniciarse o profundizar en este viaje a nuestro Ser que es la meditacin, ya que por muchas tcnicas que usemos, meditacin solo hay una y se trata de estar en conexin con uno mismo soltando todo lo dems, en este curso te acompaar en este proceso.Adems iremos viendo las dificultades que irn surgiendo con la prctica, resolviendo todas las dudas que aparezcan en este proceso.En cada seccin tendrs disponible el contenido terico que te ayudar a introducirte poco a poco en la meditacin y encontrars varias prcticas guiadas para vivenciarlo por ti mismo, ya que la meditacin es una experiencia.Si te comprometes con este curso y realizas las prcticas indicadas, este curso te aportar: Relajacin, Paz interior, Sensacin de Bienestar, Presencia, Disminucin del estrs y la ansiedad, Apertura espiritual, Aceptacin, Capacidad de relacionarte con tus emociones y pensamientos, Mejor relacin contigo mismo y con los dems, Apertura."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |