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"How To Help Your Business Clients Improve Profitability" |
"The ultimate goal for you as a business banker in a client relationship role is to have clients see you as their trusted business advisor. In this course, one of the Trusted Business Advisor series of courses, we explore how to help clients improve their profitability by clarifying what profit is, how we can understand it better and how it can be improved through the application of some simple, easy-to-use techniques.The course includes numerous practical exercises to ensure that the content is fully understood and several spreadsheets and worksheets that you can use in discussions with business clients immediately to ensure a quick improvement in their profits."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tutorial RESTFUL API dengan PHP dan Framework Codeigniter" |
"Tutorial ini membahas bagaimana cara membuat restful api dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php dan framework codeigniter. Tidak hanya itu saja, tutorial ini membahas secara mendalam dengan studi kasus ""sistem akademik"" sehingga pembelajaran semakin mengasyikkan.Pada tutorial ke 2 kita akan membahas bagaimana mengimplementasikan api ini di smartphone android dengan menggunakan library retrofit (coming soon tutorial) dan jika ada perubahan mengenai api ini. Teman - teman yang telah membeli tutorial ini jangan khawatir karna kami akan share secara gratis. Berikut ini beberapa material yang include di dvd :Software pendukungAssets pendukungMateri videoJadi, tunggu apalagi? yuk daftar kelasnya :)RegardsBagicode"
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"STM32CubeIDE STM32F4 (Drone Development)" |
". Udemy ! 1080p ( ) . !!! . . DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE! NO MORE UPDATE!This course supports Korean only. English captions are not available. STM32F4 Micro Controller (Flight Control System) . STM32F4 PID . . pixhawk, ardupilot , ! MH-FC V2.2 ! M-HIVE MH-FC V2.2 FC !!! ( .)FC . ! :) 3 , 11 .1 FC(Flight Controller) CH1. CH2. CH3. GPS CH4. (FS-iA6B) CH5. (QAV210) CH6. 2 CH7. ( ) CH8. (EEPROM, , ) CH9. (Fail-safe )3 (PID Control) CH10. , ( PID => P-PD ) CH11. ( PID => PD ) . STM32F405RGT Cortex M4 , BNO080 9 , ICM-20602 6 LPS22HH . UBLOX M8N GPS . (, GPS ) , . PID Control . , .2019 2020 . .- M-HIVE ChrisP"
Price: 110000.00 ![]() |
"Indesign - Expert em Dados Variveis" |
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender a trabalhar com dados variveis utilizando o Indesign.Com essa ferramenta, voc ir aumentar sua produtividade, reduzindo o tempo de produo e garantindo a consistncia dos dados, ou seja, que as informaes esto corretas.Utilizando dados variveis voc vai tratar as informaes de forma diferente, praticamente eliminando o mtodo ""copiar e colar"" para alterar as informaes dos seus arquivos.Voc pode utilizar dados variveis para:Convites numerados;Convites com nmero e mesa;Ingressos com fila e cadeira;Certificados;Criar cartes de visita mais rpido e com artes diferentes;Criar cards ou figurinhas com informaes e imagens diferentes;"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Expert em Criao de Calendrio" |
"Nesse curso, explico as quatro formas de se criar um calendrio. Duas delas so formas erradas (do muito trabalho) e duas so as formas corretas.Explico tambm como identificar os feriados, separando-os em datas fixas, datas mveis e datas especficas, o que facilita muito o processo de criao do calndrio.Em resumo, voc aprender como criar um calendrio de uma maneira simples e rpida."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
ConfiDANCE |
"Do you avoid situations where there is a possibility of being dragged up on to the dance floor? Or do you wait until the alcohol has kicked in before making your move? Are you afraid of judgement from other people, feel embarrassed or lack confidence, feel you are unable to keep time or just lack the moves?Confidance! is a triple video series of easy to follow short tutorials that strip social dancing back to basics, leaving you with confidence and moves to dance is any situation you find yourself in.Perfect for weddings, discos, parties or events!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Change Management Foundation based on ECMHBook" |
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Niemiecki z Chrisem: graficzna nauka niemieckiego A1" |
"Niemiecki z Chrisem: nauka niemieckiego dla pocztkujcych to bardzo graficzny, interaktywny kurs wprowadzajcy do jzyka niemieckiego. Twoim nauczycielem bdzie Chris Like (Christian Frster) urodzony w Niemczech i dorastajcy w Niemczech oraz w Polsce coach, filolog germanista i content designer.Oprcz wideo-lekcji uzyskasz dostp do wielu innych materiaw i interaktywnych wicze, w ktrych sprawdzisz swoje umiejtnoci. Wiele materiaw to te przyjazne graficzne wyjanienia.Przez kurs przeplata si historia Janka - trzydziestolatka, ktry wybra si do Niemiec w celach zawodowych. ledzc jego losy poznasz praktyczn stron jzyka niemieckiego. Zdobyta wiedza przyda ci si, gdy bdziesz chcia pracowa w Niemczech lub w Polsce zdoby dobrze patn prac wymagajc znajomoci jzyka niemieckiego.Nauka niemieckiego w tym kursie jest oparta o praktyczne zastosowanie. Poznasz niemieckie sownictwo, zwroty, sposb wymowy i zasady gramatyczne. Liczne wizualizacje pomog ci szybciej zrozumie podstawy jzyka niemieckiego.Ten kurs jzyka niemieckiego online to nie tylko filmy, ale rwnie dua ilo materiaw zamieszczonych w moim serwisie internetowym. Uzyskasz dostp do licznych grafik, wyjanie i innych treci, ktre pomog ci w zdobyciu wiedzy.Nauka jzyka niemieckiego w tym kursie jest oparta na wykadach i lekcjach oraz interaktywnych wiczeniach umieszczonych w zewntrzym serwisie. Ucz si po kolei, zgodnie z ukadem w Udemy. Dziki temu uzyskasz najlepsze rezultaty.Na samym pocztku poznasz Janka i zdobdziesz podstawowe informacj zwizane z Republik Federaln Niemiec. Nastpnie dowiesz si, w jaki sposb przedstawia si w jzyku niemieckim. Poznasz te niemiecki alfabet i jego wersj telefoniczn. W dalszej czci przybli ci niemieck gramatyk jak zaimki osobowe i czasowniki.W codziennych sytuacjach przydaje si te znajomo dni tygodnia. Dlatego poznasz niemieckie okrelenia dni tygodnia i sprawdzisz, jak wykorzysta je w zdaniu. Stopniowo bdziesz poznawa histori Janka, jego now prac i mieszkanie. Przybli ci rzeczowniki oraz ich relacje z zaimkami i czasownikami.W ramach nauki niemieckiego poznasz te mieszkanie Janka, nazwy pomieszcze i przedmiotw oraz liczebniki do 100. Bdziesz w stanie zapyta o ulic oraz odpowiednio zareagowa pacc w sklepie przy kasie. Wspominajc o sklepie, poka ci rne rodzaje sklepw, w tym odzieowy. Przyda ci si niemieckie sownictwo zwizane z ubraniami, podobnie jak umiejtno podawania godziny w stylu oficjalnym i nieoficjalnym.Dziki temu kursowi jzyka niemieckiego dowiesz si, jak tworzy zdania i jak posugiwa si czasem teraniejszym i przeszym. Uczc si dni tygodnia zauwaysz, e czas teraniejszy moe te suy do wyraania przyszoci. Pod koniec zobaczysz znajomo Janka i zobaczysz, co mona kupi w kawiarnii.Tworzc ten kurs zwracaem uwag, by wyjania w sposb wyrazisty, przy pomocy grafik i animacji. Chciabym, by nauka jzyka niemieckiego staa si dla ciebie przyjemnoci.ycz ci przyjemnej nauki i wspaniaych rezultatw! Do zobaczenia w kursie!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"RPA UiPath 1" |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Understanding Financial stock trading using segmentation" |
"Today in this world full of unathentic knowledge it is very important to grab and listen to people who have huge experience and also highly successful. The trading is alphabets and numbers. Did you understand what I am saying? Why alphabets and numbers is simple. The theoritical knowledge has far implications from reaching byproduct as success. But learning from a great knowledge is directly listening to master in his appearence. The reason is simple I will come to the students to answer there questions if I can so as to help practicing professionals and undertaking professionals to succeed in this bitter cross world. Saying this the game is not hafazard when you understand how to segregate the information. Today the most successful traders never come out in public. But I decided to explain my concepts because I want to add value to the students who are sincere and wish to acknowledge to transfer knowledge. Saying this I have made some gramatical mistakes in my presentations so please pardon me and forgive me seeing the bright side of concepts discussed. Today the auspecious moment of greatness is recorded in my sentences. Thank you. Please do not forget to follow me. And please forgive me for any mistakes humbly. But to make sure I can give 100 percent gaurantee that you will be overwhelmed seeing the concept when applied directly. Terms and conditions are applicable."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"In theory and practice of discussions stock trading" |
"I wish to draw my years of work in forex trading to be sustainable and evenly odd. What I mean by evenly odd in simple terminology is the categories of my market observation from deep observation are shared in this course. To be more precise I wish to share my knowledge of observing markets into a customizable course plan."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Make Color Switch Clone Using Unity" |
"Make color switch clone using unity is a 21 lesson course where you will learn to make a successful game from start. We will start with the main game-play scene. We will make game logic, animations, UI and particle systems. Then we will move to other scenes where you will learn to create advanced UI logic and you will learn to save and load game data. We will end the course with new game-play scenes where you will learn other animations and physics tricks."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Web Dev 101: Zero To Hero" |
"This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to develop CUTTINGEDGEWEBSITES.I've taken my years of experience as a developer and crunched it down into a simple easy to follow course that will get you up and running in NOTIME!This course leverages all the tools available online for free so all you need is a computer and a little bit of time to learn.The course covers the following topics in detailHTML CSSJavascriptAPIMIT CodeImage ProcessingWebsite OptimizationDesigning for SEO"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design Thinking - Remoto 2020" |
"En este curso terico-practico aprenders las cinco etapas del Design Thinking desde cero pasando por las mejores tcnicas en cada una de ellas.El Design Thinking es una metodologa gil para resolver problemas o desafos utilizando diferentes herramientas que combinan la empata, la creatividad y la racionalidad para satisfacer las necesidades del usuario.Al terminar el curso los alumnos sern capaces de aplicar la metodologa Desgin Thinking y sus diferentes herramientas a algn emprendimiento, negocio establecido o proyecto de negocio."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo aumentar tus ventas fidelizando clientes" |
"Con este curso tendrs lo que necesitas HOY para crear en tu negocio la cultura de entrega de valor al cliente. La Fidelizacin de Clientes es ms poderosa de lo que crees y hoy en da es uno de los aspectos que debes tomar en cuenta para el crecimiento de tu empresa.Desde el momento en que empieces a recibir informacin, te dars cuenta de lo que te ests perdiendo por no crear lazos de valor con tus clientes. Creme, te gustarn las ventajas de tener cliente fidelizados y en consecuencia, un negocio que perdure en el tiempo. As que apntate ahora mismo y comencemos a transformar tu negocio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2019 -Test(NEW)" |
"This practice real like test simulates the actual AWS Solution Associate test with every test containing total of 65 multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions, to be completed within 130 minutes.Test Covers the following domain knowledge which are critical for clearing this certification-- Design Resilient Architectures- Define Performant Architecture- Specify Secure Applications and Architectures- Design Cost-Optimized Architectures- Define Operationally-Excellent Architecture"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
self-philosophy |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"How to Create, Market & Sell Online Courses" |
"My name is Dan & Im a full time online course instructor. In this training I will show you the best way to successfully launch your very own first course.This training is aimed at people who have never created an online course before and no previous experience is required.You might not be doing this full time like me, so Ive broken process up into easy steps which you can tackle one at a time together with me - step by step.You'll learn:Check the profitability of a courseWhat you should name your courseHow to create an outline.Options for recording and editing your course.Places you should sell your coursesHow to price your courseHow to successfully launch your course.Ive produced 22 courses. On my journey here Ive learnt an amazing amount about what to do, and equally what not to do when creating a course. This course will take you through personal steps necessary to develop & launch a successful course.So if youre ready to earn extra money, working from home, join me and together let's make your first online course a great success!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
createecommerceonlinestore |
"5 ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
googleadsenseandseo |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"3D hand painting course for beginner to advanced" |
"Hello everyone, I am cgr , I am from ChinaI have been working in art for ten years, I have been teaching online art for 3 years.This course is for art lovers. It is so easy to study painting with me. When you finish the course, you can create your own 3D works. I am very happy to help you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Magic and Manifestation Introductory Course" |
"Why to practice magic?[!DISCLAIMER!] You take sole responsibility for any and all knowledge along with the actions there of resulting in the use of this knowledge to effect your realty. Practice responsibly. The creator is watching and judging us on what we do with our intent. This course is not designed to be the subject matter expert for this knowledge. This is a basic course to guide those that are new to magic so they can safely experiment with their powers, this course is best suited to give the new student a path for advancement.Throughout the course you can find video and text lectures that will guide you on your path in the path of the light of the Creator. I will advise you of the pitfalls that you will face and how to safely navigate this realm. If you are not balling out living the life you always dreamed of, Then you should learn magic. All that can be had in this life is attainable with the right application of will through love.Everything here on earth is energy even money. And this energy system here is a circuit. And that circuit is controlled by your vibrations. This is why the inner work is so important. I recommend doing the inner work for about three months before practicing any magic. Except we will do one manifestation to get things rolling and to see what kinda return time you have. All magic should return between instantly and three months, If it doesn't come to fruition you did something wrong. Re do your working. At this time lets talk about the book of shadows. Each magician /witch should keep a book of shadows to record their spells and workings and manifestations. We do this so if something doesn't work we can change it up and try again. Its a very scientific processI actually keep a working journal and a book of spells that work great.If you are not controlling your reality then someone else is.For example if you work at Burger King, then you are living someone else's dream. Not that this is bad, its just you can be anything and anyone you want. Why not be the best version of yourself? Live that dream life you have always wanted?Earth is a God school where souls come to learn how to control their thoughts and emotions, through this discipline they learn to control energy. After graduating Earth we get the option to return to source or to go create worlds and life in the cosmos, or we can come back to Earth school and help others graduate. An example of those who return are the ascended masters.Hermetics is the original teachings behind all religions and all different forms of magic. This is the the origin of all the mystery schools. This is the information that the ruling Cabal has tried to keep secret."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics for All Magic & Healing" |
"The contents of this course consist of three main sections:1. Casting a Circle2. Altar & Cleansing Tools3. Channeling Source EnergyThis course is intended to cover the basics of all magic & healing so that initiates in magic are able to fully understand preparation for ritual and attain clear knowledge on how to correctly as well as safely perform the procedures listed above. Recommended for the beginner or intermediate practitioner as well as any individual looking to develop their skills."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Thoth's Atlantean Magic" |
"This course will go over Atlantean Magic Techniques as taught by many spiritual masters since ancient times. This information is recommended for experienced practitioners and offers key advancements when followed correctly as explained within this course.With this information the practitioner will be able further develop their energetic alignment with source, allowing them to become adept at Magic and Manifestation."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning Practical Workout 8 Real-World Projects" |
"""Deep Learning and Machine Learning are one of the hottest tech fields to be in right now! The field is exploding with opportunities and career prospects. Machine/Deep Learning techniques are widely used in several sectors nowadays such as banking, healthcare, transportation and technology.Machine learning is the study of algorithms that teach computers to learn from experience. Through experience (i.e.: more training data), computers can continuously improve their performance. Deep Learning is a subset of Machine learning that utilizes multi-layer Artificial Neural Networks. Deep Learning is inspired by the human brain and mimics the operation of biological neurons. A hierarchical, deep artificial neural network is formed by connecting multiple artificial neurons in a layered fashion. The more hidden layers added to the network, the more deep the network will be, the more complex nonlinear relationships that can be modeled. Deep learning is widely used in self-driving cars, face and speech recognition, and healthcare applications. The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of deep and machine learning techniques in a practical, easy and fun way. The course provides students with practical hands-on experience in training deep and machine learning models using real-world dataset. This course covers several technique in a practical manner, the projects include but not limited to: (1) Train Deep Learning techniques to perform image classification tasks.(2) Develop prediction models to forecast future events such as future commodity prices using state of the art Facebook Prophet Time series.(3) Develop Natural Language Processing Models to analyze customer reviews and identify spam/ham messages.(4) Develop recommender systems such as Amazon and Netflix movie recommender systems.The course is targeted towards students wanting to gain a fundamental understanding of Deep and machine learning models. Basic knowledge of programming is recommended. However, these topics will be extensively covered during early course lectures; therefore, the course has no prerequisites, and is open to any student with basic programming knowledge. Students who enroll in this course will master deep and machine learning models and can directly apply these skills to solve real world challenging problems."""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Education Application: Learn to Trade Derivatives" |
"Here Is A Course on Financial Education From A Very Practical Perspective of entering the financial market to experience its surprises, as you will see in Lecture 15 of Section 3 which gives you a complete idea of what Robert Kiyosaki meant by being ""Done With Stocks..."" Saying:Im Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the #1 best-selling personal finance book of ALL TIMEAnd Ive Just declared that Im DONE with stocks.And for good reason.The market is more volatile than ever, any gains are minimal, and experts agree that a crash could happen at any second.So Ive uncovered a whole new way to make money without plainly buying stock sharesAnd the only way youre going to get the chance to learn how you could make enormous profits outside the world of stock investing is by seeing the new financial surprise of the financial market.And Jim who co created this new financial market surprising strategy for trading indexes to make $1000s in weekly profit would later explain this strategy in details as you would learn in the main content of Lecture 15. An extract of Jim's explanation could be seen below:Jim: Sure, remember when I talked about the guessing what the weather will be here in Scottsdale next week?If the historical average this time of the year is 75 degreesIts very unlikely that the temperature will be higher than 100 degrees or lower than 20 degrees.So Im willing to bet money that the temperature will stay inside that range, between 100 and 20 degrees.Thats what were doing with indexes.We look at historical data of market prices and normal volatilityAnd were trying to find the optimal range.A cash flow zone thats wide enough that it will be very likely youll get paid.Now, this is a very simplified version of the mechanism we use.This stuff can get complicated behind the scenes.Theres a ton of math involved.The good news is we have computers that do all the calculations for us.For example, the pros on Wall Street use this formula to determine the parameters that go into the cash flow zone:The geniuses who came up with this formula. Myron Scholes and Robert Merton even won a Nobel prize in Economic Sciences for their work.Heres where this story gets interestingMyron Scholes used to be my partner at Long Term Capital Management. So, Im very familiar with this formula.I spoke to him almost every day for six years so I worked closely with the man who literally wrote the formula.Using this formula, you can actually calculate the probability youll make money.But dont worry the computer will do all the calculation for you.And you can actually see the probability of profit on your screen when you open the trade. Here let me show you how it looks on my computerSo, when I set up these cash flow trades, Im looking at trades that give me at least an 80% chance of success.Thats the bare minimum I look for.And this is really it.I mean, I could spend hours here teaching this stuff but I dont want to bore you to the death with all the math details.Heres what you really need to knowYou just place a simple trade once a weekThen if the trade ends up in the cash flow zone, you can get paid $1,000s.Isn't it surprising to learn a strategy for trading the financial market with high probability of weekly profitability as you've seen in the brief discussion by Jim from the extract above?The financial market is full of surprises which you could take advantage of to make big time profits as a trader than most people are able to make from other markets, because the financial market is the world's largest market. See a brief of the kind of surprises Jim, Brian and Robert were discussing as you will learn about in details in lecture 15. It is a highly profitable strategic way to trade indexes with higher win probability rate of 80-90% where ordinarily individual stocks trading market volatility would have caused you a big loss within a week's trading timeframe. In fact, in this financial education application course you're going to learn how to safely trade the financial market with overall understanding of the safest ways and times to trade one financial market or the other. You could then apply the knowledge in taking real trades in any markets where your learnt strategy will guarantee lesser risk of loss and higher probability of profit, such as not trading options but trading futures and knowing when to switch between options and futures contracts as a derivative market trader.Or switching between Forex trade and stocks trade when you are looking to compound your interest faster.And, or switching between trading indexes and trading individual stocks when you want to profit off very low volatility in the financial market.Thus, this is the kind of financial market education you need to be able to compound your interest by trading the financial market more knowledgeably than the average person trading one financial market without knowledge of the other.The brief discussion below is an extract from lecture 15 of this course that features a surprising strategy for netting high profits from trading indexes. Take a quick look at what you will learn in lecture 15 on trading indexes with a unique strategy designed by Jim and Robert below:Jim: A big reason why this strategy reduces risk is because were not betting on any single stockWere betting on something called an index, which is a basket of securities.Im talking about indexes, like the S&P 500, the Russel 2000 and the Nasdaq 100.Lets look at the S&P 500 index, for example.Its a basket of 500 large companies that are listed on big exchanges.And it basically represents the US stock market overall.So by betting on the S&P 500, were NOT betting on any single stock.Let me show you why thats important.Look what happened with the S&P 500 index at the beginning of 2018.Lets assume you placed a cash flow zone trade right here.So youre not trying to guess if the stock market will go up or down.Youre just betting its going to finish inside this big green area.Now, lets zoom in and see what happened.The market dropped almost 10% because the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, said it might raise the interest rate to slow down the economy.That was bad news for the market.But it recovered and it finished about 2% lower.Now, heres the thingDuring that same time that the market was very volatile, some stocks fell much more than thatShares of a company called Inpixon, for example, fell 60%...A company called Concept therapeutics fell 39%...And shares of Chipotle fell 23%Lets say you had $5,000 invested in each of those stocksYoud have lost $6,100.Now compare that to the cash flow zone strategy.Because the S&P 500 is more diversified, it fell only 2% during that time and it finished inside the zone.And you could have walked away with $1,380... instead of losing more than 6 grand.And even with the crash, if you look at the chartYou can see that the S&P 500 index stayed inside the chosen zone 88.9% of the time.So this was a very high probability trade.Isnt that amazing?Brian: Yes, it is. That is really amazing.Its shocking most people dont even know you can place those types of trade.I meanIt sounds like these trades are relatively safeBut if you talk to financial advisors and Wall Street guysTheyll tell you that if you want a good return you have to take big risks.Are these financial advisors wrong, Robert?I mean, these financial advisors are prosRobert: Most of these financial planners, they're just salespeople. They're good people, but they're salespeople.They have to put food on the table like all of us do. They will tell you almost anything that Wall Street tells you to tell us.As my rich dad taught me, you're either on the inside or the outside. The two of you, when it comes to Wall Street, are insiders. I mean, would you buy a 401k? Yes? No.Insiders don't touch that stuff, but the outsiders do. So, that's why they partnered up. We have to say something, because friends and families are getting ripped off as we speak because of lack of financial education.Financial education application in this course refers to the ability to apply financial literacy to real life scenes of making financial decisions that have immediate financial impact on the learner. The decisions are practices of trading derivatives in the futures and commodity markets that can be done with proper guidance to help the decision maker take care in choice of market trading instruments, market options and trading strategies to achieve predictable financial outcomes. This course condenses the concept of financial education by putting it in a real life test situation of financial decision making involving financial market trades and their dynamics.Having a strategy for trading indexes profitably is a great opportunity to enjoy its benefits in the financial market, you will learn more about the index trading advantages. Just think about it this wayIndexes greatly reduce company specific risksSuch as bad earnings results, a surprising acquisition announcement, etcI mean, the index cannot lose a CEO.The index cannot have a bad earnings report or cut dividends.And the index cannot fail an FDA approval.Does that make sense?By taking this course ""financial education application,"" to learn derivatives trading, you will immediately start applying the knowledge of compound interest fundamentals of generating sustainable wealth to systematic trading of derivatives in the futures and commodity markets.You could, by so doing, in order to experiment with the overall values of financial education you acquire here, begin to measure its impacts on your life, as your financial blueprint gets changed.Robert explained why you can really expect this financial blueprint change. See it below:Robert: Well, let me say it again. Cash is either flowing in, or it's flowing out. And the reason so many people are struggling is because without financial education, the cash keeps flowing out.With this system you have a chance of reversing the direction of cash flow, to have it flow in. And that's called financial intelligence or financial IQ.Any idiot can have money flow out. It takes some degree of intelligence to have cash flowing back in, right?This system that Jim and I have put together is safer, it makes more sense.It gives you a better chance to make money no matter what's happening. Going up or down, you can still have income coming in. And that's the beauty of this system. Thats much better than a 401k.With this financial education application course, you will be equipped to make a regular active market participation commitment to your individual financial wellbeing, and demonstrate how this financial education has enhanced your financial capabilities by becoming a consistently profitable derivatives trader."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PMP Practice Test: High Realistic Exams(270 HQ Questions)" |
"270 High Realistic PMP questions in 3 Exams The practice test has 100 questions, and you are allowed two hours to complete all 100 questions, you have to get 75% of the scored questions correct to pass these practice tests. As an exam prep course, you will find all the information/explanations you need to pass the PMP exam on your first try. You should probably go over the PMBOK Guide Sixth Edition at least twice before taking these practice tests. The majority of questions on the practice tests are situational (like the real exam). In other words, you need the experience to know what they are talking about.Instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"CAPM Practice Tests: 2 Real CAPM Exams(200 HQ Questios)" |
"Pass the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) on your first try!200 High Realistic CAPM questions in 2 Exams 200 High Realistic CAPM questions in 2 Exams The practice test has 100 questions, and you are allowed two hours to complete all 100 questions, you have to get 60% of the scored questions correct to pass these practice tests. As a practice test course, you will find all the information/explanations you need to pass the CAPM Exam on your first try. You should probably go over the PMBOK Guide Sixth Edition at least twice before taking these practice tests.Instructions: You can pause the test at any time and resume later. You can retake the test as many times as you would like. The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.(as learning mode) You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam. You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test. If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Curso completo de Microsoft Teams" |
"Este curso est diseado para que aprendas a trabajar con Microsoft Teams desde nivel bsico hasta avanzado. Es un curso tctico y rpido para iniciar rapidamente en el teletrabajo en esta nueva exigencia del mercado laborar producto de la Pandemia del Covid19Conocers su entorno de trabajo, administrar grupos, administrar salas de conversaciones, integrar aplicaciones en Teams, opciones y mucho ms.El curso est estructurado en un orden que te permitir aprender desde lo ms bsico e ir avanzando en funcin de las opciones disponibles en Teams. Los ejemplos estn mostrados en dos ambientes diferentes: Caso cotidiano de una cuenta Teams, y una versin desde cero, de tal manera que podrs estar preparado tanto si eres un usuario reciente de MS Teams, como tambien si tu empresa est impulsando el uso de esta herramienta de colaboracin y de trabajo remoto.Conocers y aprenders a trabajar con MS Teams en sus 3 versiones: Web, Aplicacin, y Movil.Este curso continuar siendo actualizado con nuevos contenidos, de esta manera tus conocimientos y destrezas en el uso de Microsoft Teams como herramienta de colaboracin en la transformacin digital de tu trabajo y negocios seguir desarrollndose.En este momento en que el trabajar desde casa est siendo requerido por la gran mayora de las empresas, aprender a trabajar y colaborar con Microsoft Teams te dar una ventaja ante el resto de sus compaeros de trabajo, y si eres ejecutivo de empresa el estimular a tu equipo de trabajo a utilizar MS Teams les permitir seguir productivos en esta nueva cultura del teletrabajo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Career path through innovation - novasyon ile kariyer" |
"In this course, we will learn the following topics by spoken Turkish by subtitle english- the effect of technology on our real life and new occupations- concepts of innovation- How to make a career plan?- how should we improve ourselves?We will answer all the answers to these questions in the light of the world and turkey samples. While preparing our career plan, we will learn what analysis we should do.Bu derste, aadaki konular reneceksiniz.- Teknolojinin gerek yaammza ve ilerimize etkisi- novasyon kavramlar- Kariyer planmz nasl yaparz?- Kendimizi nasl gelitiririz?Btn bu sorular Trkiye ve Dnya rnekleri nda cevaplayacaz. Kariyer planlarmz hazrlar iken, ne yapmamz gerektiini nasl analiz edeceimizi konuacaz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Raspberry pi Dialogflow" |
"Dialogflow Chatbot Google AIY Kit . Google API Dialogflow . Dialogflow .Google AIY Google TTS . AWS Database .node-red . . (: facebook)"
Price: 137500.00 ![]() |