Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How To Maximize Your Profits Trading Options" |
"*****Join Over 1,680 Students Currently Enrolled In This Course*****This course is a complete step-by-step guide on how to create consistent returns trading Short Strangles. If you have an internet connection and a computer, you can trade this strategy from anywhere in the world. Whether you are a brand new investor, or veteran trader, this course will provide you with the tools necessary to reach your financial goals. We reveal a trading strategy that is commonly used by Hedge Funds, Market Makers and Floor Traders.Your could pay for the cost of this course with your first trade!BEFORE ENROLLING IN THIS COURSE PLEASE COMPLETE OUR FREE COURSE - ""Trading Options For Consistent Returns: Options Basics""Here is what you will get from this course:The NavigationTrading Implied Volatility Indicator - Load it directly to your trading platform! The NavigationTrading Watch List - The most profitable symbols to trade...AND which ones to avoid!Learn to make money trading 15 minutes per day. You DO NOT have to be glued to your computer screenHow to place high probability trades, that win over 90% of the timeLearn how to make money on trades if the market goes UP, DOWN or SIDEWAYSHow to open and close winning trades...and most importantly, how to fix a trade that goes badA little known trick to learn your Probability of Profit, before you even enter the tradeLots of real life trade examples...using my own moneyStudents of our course can get a reduced commission rate at a top rated options brokerUnlimited email support from the instructor and his trading team"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How I Make My Profits Fly High Trading Butterfly Spreads" |
"Learn how I profit from trading Butterfly Spreads using options on stocks and ETFs. This course is a complete step-by-step guide on how to create consistency trading Butterfly Spreads. If you have an internet connection and a computer, you can trade this strategy from anywhere in the world. Whether you are a brand new investor, or veteran trader, this course will provide you with the tools necessary to reach your financial goals.You could more than pay for the price of this course with your first trade!What you will get from this course:The NavigationTrading Implied Volatility Indicator - Load it directly to your trading platform! The NavigationTrading Watch List - The most profitable symbols to trade...AND which ones to avoid!Learn to make money trading with minimal time each day. You DO NOT have to be glued to your computer screenHow to place High Probability Butterfly Spreads, that win over 75% of the timeLearn how to make money on trades if the market goes UP, DOWN or SIDEWAYSHow to open and close winning trades...and most importantly, how to fix a trade that goes badA little known trick to learn your Probability of Profit, before you even enter the tradeLots of real life trade examples...using my own moneyStudents of our course can get a reduced commission rate at a top rated options brokerUnlimited email support from the instructor and his trading team 1.5 hours of professionally edited videos, in 20 easy to follow sections Dont forget to check out the BONUS Section at the end of the course to learn about how to receive V.I.P. course training and LIVE trade alerts with our Pro Membership"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advance MySQL for complete End to End Testing" |
"This course is for Testing profile candidate who wanted to build there career into Testing profile. So I have designed this course so they can start with basic MySQL Queryconcepts to big data testing. All the users who are working in QA profile and wanted to move into testing domain should take this course and go through the complete tutorials. I have included the material which is needed for testing profile and it has all the necessary contents which is required for learning MySQL.It will give the detailed information for different MySQL queries which is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. Testing Arena.This course is well structured with all elements of differentMySQL Queriesin practical manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn MySQLfrom scratch."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Test Management Tool: JIRA, Rally Tools with Agile Concepts" |
"This course is for Testing profile candidate who wanted to build there career into Big Data or Non Big DataTesting. So I have designed this course so they can start workingwith JIRA and Rally with Agile methodology intesting. All the users who are working in QA profile and wanted to move into testing profile domain should take this course and go through the complete tutorials.I have included the material which is needed for big data or Non Big Datatesting profile and it has all the necessary contents which is required for learning JIRA, Rally with Agile methodology.It will give the detailed information for different features and how to use at different levelwhich is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. Big Dataor Non Big DataTesting.This course is well structured with all elements of different uses of JIRA, Rally and how it is used in real time projectsin practical manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn JIRA and Rally with Agilefrom scratch."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Manual + Unix/ShellScript + MySQL for Complete Testing" |
"This course is for Testing profile candidate who wanted to build there career intoTesting. So I have designed this course so they can start with All kinds ofbasic testing concepts to testing.All the students who wantedto move into testing domainshould take this course and go through the complete tutorials. I have included the material whichis needed for testing profile and ithas all the necessary contents which is required for learning Testing, MySQL, Unix etc.It will give the detailed information for different basic concepts which is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. BiggerTesting Arena.This course is well structured with all elements of Basic Testing Concepts, MySQL, Unixin detailed manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn testing from scratch."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Advance Unix and Shell + MySQL DB for Big Data Testing" |
"This course is for Testing profile candidate who wanted to build there career into Big Data Testing. So I have designed this course so they can start workingwith basic Unix and Shell Scripting commands into big data testing. All the users who are working in QA profile and wanted to move into big data testing domain should take this course and go through the complete tutorials.I have included the material which is needed for big data testing profile and it has all the necessary contents which is required for learning Unix, Linux and Shell Scripting.It will give the detailed information for different Unix commandswhich is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. Big Data Testing.This course is well structured with all elements of different Unix commandsin practical manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn Unixfrom scratch."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Ingestion using Sqoop and Flume for Big Data Testing" |
"This course is for Testing profile candidate who wanted to build there career into Big Data Testing. So I have designed this course so they can start workingwith Sqoop and Flume to move theirdata into HDFS forbig data testing. All the users who are working in QA profile and wanted to move into big data testing domain should take this course and go through the complete tutorials.I have included the material which is needed for big data testing profile and it has all the necessary contents which is required for learning Sqoop and Flume.It will give the detailed information for different Sqoop and Flume querieswhich is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. Big Data Testing.This course is well structured with all elements of different sqoop queriesin practical manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn sqoop and flumefrom scratch."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress fr Beginner - Agenturwissen schnell und kompakt" |
"MIT DEM GUTSCHEINCODE ""BESTPREIS2017"" (ohne """") NOCH EINMAL KRFTIG SPAREN!In diesem Kurs werden Sie einfach und praxisorientiert lernen, mit WordPress effizient umgehen zu knnen und diese umfangreiche Webanwendung sogar zu meistern. Wir - eine Internetagentur mit jahrelanger Erfahrung - nehmen Sie an die Hand und zeigen Ihnen Tipps, die fr Einsteiger leicht zugnglich sind (keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig), aber auch fr eingefleischte WordPress-Veteranen neue Kniffe bieten. Nachfolgend der Leitfaden fr diesen Kurs: Einrichtung und Installation von WordPress auf einem Host und dem lokalen Computer Einfhrung in WordPress: Grundeinstellungen,Theme-Auswahl, Einpflege von Inhalten (Beitrge und Seiten), Medien-Einpflege... usw. Ausbauen der WordPress-Kenntnisse: Kommentare und Spam, Widgets, Permallinks, Installation von Plugins, Benutzerverwaltung...usw.Durch unsere Erfahrung wissen wir genau, wann und wo Sie unsere Hilfe am ntigsten haben. Daher ist unsere Devise fr diesen Kurs, Ihnen ein mglichst frustfreies WordPress-Erlebnis zu bieten, bei dem ihre Motivation konstant gehalten wird und sicher nicht erlischt - unser Ehrenwort!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Atom el editor cdigo de fuente para los desarrolladores" |
"Buscando el curso perfecto que te ensee a utilizar los editores ser un programador ?Cansado de ver tutoriales aburridos y mal explicados?En este curso, Atom es el protagonista. En este aprenderemos la informacin bsica que tienes que saber para iniciarte en Atom. Y paso a paso manejar esta herramienta que te va dar esa conexin de amor con tu cdigo y tu producto final.Tu y yo nos enfocaremos en ver poco a poco las caractersticas de esta herramienta y as mostrarte porque puede ser tu aliado y tambin descubrirs el motivo de ser muy superior a otras en el mercado, para comenzar fue desarrollado por el equipo de GitHub, Como sabrs ellos son los responsables de manejar la mayor cantidad de repositorios de cdigo fuente.Ademas Atom es gratuito, por lo que aprenders acerca de una herramienta creada por una de las ms importantes empresas de programacin que desean que todos en tu casa sepan codear.He diseado este curso para ti, que puedas desde verme instalar Atom a ir personalizando opciones temas, mostrarte las herramientas y atajos que puedo utilizar en mi da a da.El material del curso se actualiza peridicamente para incluir todas las actualizaciones ms recientes e informacin. No olvides que solo por registrarte tienes acceso de por vida al curso, lo cual te da motivos ms que de sobra para venir de vez en cuando y ver qu hay de nuevo en Atom."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Using The Power Of Thinking Big Technique In Your Daily Life" |
"WHAT IS THIS COURSE ABOUT ?This course gives you practical but simple way to stay positive and think big all the time, the course does not talk about unique practices , reading or other forms to be self motivated.Brief guides, illustrations and examples to deal with life most crucial issues we face daily.HOW TO MAKE USE OF THIS COURSE ?Follow the steps in the lecture and every day try to apply it wherever you are.Always be sensitive wherever you are and analyse your thoughtsWatch the lecture over and over again to get deep inside youKeep talking to yourself and replying yourself with the lesson you learn from the lectureWHY ENROL IN THIS COURSE ?This course is very brief and preciseGives you a straight forward guideGive illustration and examples to followClarity of expression which makes it easy to understandWHO IS TEACHING THIS COURSE ?Motivation is my passion and my life, anyonewho come close to me is always illuminated by the energy and drive in me, l hadthe opportunity to talk to a lot people from different countries. I read books, watch videos, listen to audios all of this materials lay more emphasis on THINKING BIG . So l want to use this platform to share my ideas on this wonderful technique."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UNITY3D Ralisez un First Person Shooter-FPS Guide complet" |
"Bienvenuedans cette formation complte surUnity3Det ledveloppementd'un Jeu First Person Shooter (FPS)Cette formation va vous permettre dedvelopperun jeu la premire personne, mais aussi d' apprendre a matriser Unity3D et le C# pour atteindre vos objectifs mais aussi dvelopper vos comptences par la pratique.Cette formation a pour vocation de vous apprendre matriser deux outils :le langage de programmationC#le moteur de jeuUnityVous apprendrez utiliser ces deux technologies conjointement ou sparmentpas pas.Vous disposerez desressources(Projet complet ,modles 3D, sons, etc...) afin de suivre ce cours le plus facilement possible et pourquoipas,les rutiliser dansvotre propre FPS GAME?Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs enHD 1080ppour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder lespreviews gratuites).Je rpondrai personnellement vosquestions si vous en avez, et je fournirai autantd'aide que possiblepour vousaider matriser le C# et Unity.N'attendez plus etcliquez surSuivre ce coursen haut droite.C'est parti !"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Unity3D Gestion des donnes avec MySql Guide complet" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation complte sur Unity3D et l'utilisation des bases de donnes MySql sous Windows.Cette formation va vous permettre de dvelopper vos comptences de gestions des donnes avec une Base de donne afin de raliser une interaction avec votre communaut de joueurs (Login, Highscrore, Emailing)Cette formation a pour vocation de vous apprendre matriser deux outils :L'utilisation d'une base de donnes MYSQL avec UnityManipuler les donnes depuis votre jeu vido.Vous apprendrez utiliser ces deux technologies conjointement ou sparment pas pas.Vous disposerez des ressources (ainsi que de l'asset complte du cours) afin de suivre ce cours le plus facilement possible et pourquoi pas, les rutiliser dans votre propre projet ?Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs en HD 1080p pour que vous puissiez tout voir clairement pendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder les previews gratuites). Je rpondrai personnellement vos questions si vous en avez, et je fournirai autant d'aide que possible pour vous aider matriser l'objet de ce cours.N'attendez plus et cliquez sur Suivre ce cours en haut droite. C'est parti !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Selenium Automation for Real World Challenges" |
"This course is for those who know the basics of Selenium WebDriver but having no idea on how things actually work actually in real-time mode inside a project. This course includes a simple approach and more authentic mode of explanation for some advanced concepts on how to deal with dynamic web elements using Advanced CSS selectors. This course throws quite an amount of light on how to develop a robust framework which effectively and efficiently saves time and increases productivity. This course includes scenarios from an Ecommerce web application and a Insurance Calculator web application. After finishing this course, anybody will be able to solve real time problems in Automation testing."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Legal Research Skills Course [Law Students & Junior Lawyers]" |
"What do people say about this course?******* The course is excellent explains everything in a plain language. Thank you. ******* You cannot afford not learning legal research skills if you are a law student or in the legal profession. This course makes things clear and easy. ******* ""The beauty is that these are very good and short lectures ,I will say a must-have course for anyone interested in improving his legal research skills. This course conveys in few sittings what books will tell in hundreds....""Knowledge is oftwo kinds. We know a subject ourselves,or we know where we can find information about it. James BowelLegal Research Skillsis considered as a fundamental and core skill for the law students and buddinglawyers. More and more law schools areconcerned aboutdeveloping this skill for their students at the initial stages of their legal studies.This 'ALLYOUNEEDTOKNOWABOUTTHELEGALRESEARCH' course is aimed at thelaw students undertaking their undergraduate or postgraduatelaw courses anywhere in the world in any jurisdiction. The course teaches essential and practical legal research skills you need right from the start of your legal career throughto the completion of it (I hope that is retirement from your professional life if you wish so!).The course discusses strategies forundertaking legal research for a particular assignment and discusses, supports andencourages well established practices andpractical approaches towards carrying out effective legal research. The coursecoversall stages of the legal research; from the point when a student or a lawyer is handed an assignment through to presenting the final findings of the research to the tutor or supervisor.I have been involved in carrying out legal research extensively during my postgraduate degrees and then in my legal practice foraround sevenyears in total. The course also reflects my personal experience of undertaking legal research and workingat a law firm ranked in 'Chambers and Partners', the organisation thatidentifies and ranks the most outstanding law firms and lawyers in over 180 jurisdictions throughout the world.The course also includes useful Latin terms, abbreviations, practitioners' textsand contains wide range of invaluable and free online resources which will be helpful in finding relevant resources for research purposes. The resources include material from independent organisations andalso include resources fromnumber of legal jurisdictions for you to explore them further."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Ancient Voices Sacred Stories: Sarah" |
"Our VisionReveal the timeless truths unfolding from the Bibles pages.Our AimThrough a unique blend of Bible study, performance, Biblical scholarship, discussion and personal reflection, we aim to present relevant historical background, provide understanding, offer emotional connection, and encouragement to live out the timeless truths of scripture.Our ApproachWe've designed each character study to begin with historical background for the character, then a basic Bible study for you to do, so you can see for yourself what the text actually says. Then we'll show you an artistic concept--a performance--of that character, along with life application questions.The final piece is a lecture, wrapping up the study, and offering some thoughts on how to live out the wisdom you've gained. Each segment of the study includes a 10 to 20 minute video, with a written character study sheet, and a written Bible study sheet, which you can spend as much, or as little, time on as you would like.Our Hope As you engage in each part of this study, we hope you will experience something fresh and new from the pages of this ancient, yet living, document, God's Word; as well as the enrichment of spiritual and emotional connection with God."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"I hate being Bipolar, It's awesome! Mental Health Disorder" |
"Do you go through intense moods?Are you or your loved one struggling with Bipolar disorder ? Do you want to understand, alleviate the emotional roller-coaster and get back to a balanced life? If you answered yes, this course is for you!Youre about to discover strategies on how to manage Bipolar Mental Health Disorder and get your life back on track.Millions of people suffer from Bipolar Disorder and throw away their lives and their future because they dont know how to deal with this condition. Don't let this happen to you! In this complete course, we offer you straight talk, true stories, and proven strategies that can help you achieve greater balance and free yourself from out-of-control moods. We racked our brains to include and describe every single aspect we could think about on how it is to live with Bipolar disorder or with someone who has the Mental Health disorder. We put our Bipolar minds together and brainstormed every little thing we think you need to know about bipolar disorder and how we personally manage to live with Bipolar disorder and have a normal life. This course is more than a repair manual for the bipolar brain. Sure, we discuss diagnoses and treatments, available medications and therapies, and the lifestyle changes that can help you cope. But we also go beyond that to reveal some of the causes and consequences of bipolar disorder, let you in on some crisis-survival strategies, and describe ways that friends and family members can support loved ones who have bipolar disorder. Have no fear : wellness is attainable if it isnt already at your doorstep. Follow a few simple , but not always easy, tips and tricks and you will find yourself on your way. Nothing can cure bipolar disorder, but we do believe the more you practice and improve yourself, the greater the chance you will spend less time in mania or depression. In the end of this course , you will have many new tips on how to fine tune your illness or how to help the ones you love who lives daily with it. We are not doctors, but we are experts in living and dealing with Bipolar disorder. It is our wish that something inside this course will assist you in leading a more balanced and enjoyable life. Some of the information is very basic and some concepts are more complex but we made them as simple as possible for you to understand to make sure you get the core knowledge we really want to share with you. We sincerely hope you find our course and experiences useful and that you are able to integrate them into your lives as well. So, why should you start this course? You'll find the answer to all the questions you have about theMental Health illnessYoull find alternative ways to fight the extreme mood swings And youll finish the course with a fresh perspective! Learn more about yourMental HealthThis is the first self-help course available specifically for individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder or for anyone living and dealing with someone who has this condition! So what are you waiting for? Take action to help yourself or your loved one suffering from Bipolar disorder and start this course now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop: Aprende 30 filtros fotogrficos con Camera Raw" |
"Mediante este video-curso aprenders las tcnicas para aplicar efectos fotogrficos similares a los que ves en redes sociales como Instagram y Snapchat, en Photoshop con el filtro de Camera Raw.Camera Raw es un filtro incluido en las versiones recientes de Photoshop, que nos permite modificar imgenes de forma muy detallada y precisa.Aprenders a utilizar esta poderosa herramienta para crear los efectos, ytambin aprenders a guardar los ajustes de cada filtro para poder aplicarlos posteriormente en cualquier imagen y con solo un clic.//----------------------------------------------------//Algunos comentarios de los estudiantes:""Fcil de seguir y de realizar los pasos, merece la pena no solo por los filtros que uno aprende a hacer vindole a l hacerlos, sino por el hbito que uno coge de aprender a elaborarlos por uno mismo, acaba, a base de repetir los mismos pasos, por automatizar el proceso de generar los filtros, lo que sirve para uno luego crearse sus propios filtros personalizados y guardarlos. Muy recomendable.""Gustavo Martn Prez""Bien explicado cada paso, y hace entendible las herramientas a utilizar.""Julin Mirallas Longares//----------------------------------------------------//Los efectos se aplicarn sobre una imagen original que ponemos a tu disposicin para descargar, pero podrs aplicarlos sobre distintas imgenes y variar los ajustes segn tus propios gustos y necesidades.Al finalizar el curso, podrs utilizar las herramientas de edicin del filtro de Camera Raw en Photoshop sobre cualquier imagen, aplicar y modificar los filtros aprendidos y crear los tuyos propios.No se trata de un simple tutorial de Photoshop, ni de una mezcolanza de tutoriales, sino de un curso de Photoshop diseado para crear filtros y efectos fotogrficos con el filtro de Camera Raw.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... Lo tomas a tu ritmo, donde y cuando te resulta ms cmodo.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte, para responder tus dudas, como una suerte de tutor online.Aprenders como usar Camera Raw en Photoshop para crear y aplicar efectos y filtros fotogrficos similares a los que puedes ver en redes sociales, y podrs manejarte con soltura y confianza dentro del programa. Manejars las bases de Camera Raw dentro de Photoshop: Temperatura, matiz, exposicin, contraste, iluminaciones y sombras, blancos y negros, claridad, intensidad, saturacin, tono, luminancia, dividir tonos y equilibrarlos, agregar y quitar neblina, ruido y vietas. El curso est diseado para principiantes de Photoshop, aficionados a la fotografa, aprendices de la edicin de imagen y la edicin fotogrfica e incluye las imgenes JPG necesarias para realizar las prcticas."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop: Soluciones para tus fotografas con Camera Raw" |
"Curso en vdeo mediante el cual aprenders las tcnicas para corregir los problemas de tus imgenes, en Photoshop con Camera Raw.//----------------------------------------------------//Algunos comentarios de los estudiantes:""Es hora de refrescar conocimientos y empiezo por los cursos de H Novo por lo estructurados que estn, y por que no mezcla temas al presentarlos, entendiendo el alumno bien aquello que se pretende ensear en el captulo presente y no en el previo o en el siguiente.""Jordi Matamoros Iraola""Buen curso, para iniciarte en camera raw.""Joaquim""Explicacin clara y detallada paso a paso para lograr los distintos efectos.""Irene Seco""Muy bueno, muy bien explicado cada detalle, el curso le puede servir tanto a personas que tengan conocimientos previos sobre camera raw o a aquellas que apenas empiezan.""Herminio Lopez Ariza""Compr este curso buscando mejorar significativamente fotografas de dibujos y pinturas. Aprend muchas capacidades tcnicas de mi inters y entr en contacto con otras aplicaciones de las mismas en las que ahora tambin estoy interesado. Hctor me respondi muy atenta y profesionalmente DOS veces el mismo da en que hice una pregunta...""Hiram Molina Espinosa//----------------------------------------------------//Aprenders a:Eliminar las dominantes de color y corregir problemas de exposicin.Dar vida y nitidez a la mirada y la boca.Corregir imperfecciones de la piel y crear una ""piel de porcelana"".Corregir la perspectiva y el nivel.Enderezar el horizonte.Modificar individualmente cada tono de una fotografa.Corregir una imagen por sectores.Hacer ms clida o ms fra una fotografa.Aplicar o quitar vietas.Eliminar o aadir neblina.Quitar o agregar ruido, etc.Camera Raw es un filtro incluido en las versiones recientes de Photoshop, que nos permite modificar imgenes en formatos crudos originados en cmaras fotogrficas profesionales y semi-profesionales y en otros formatos de imagen ms comunes como JPG, TIFF, etc.Al finalizar el curso, podrs mejorar la calidad de cualquier imagen, solucionando los problemas habituales que afectan a las fotografas, utilizando las herramientas de edicin del filtro de Camera Raw en Photoshop.No te estoy presentando un simple tutorial de Photoshop, ni una mezcolanzade tutoriales, sino un curso de Photoshop diseado para solucionar los problemas ms comunes de las fotografas con el filtro de Camera Raw.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... Lo tomas a tu ritmo, donde y cuando te resulta ms cmodo.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte, para responder tus dudas, como una suerte de tutor online.Aprenders como usar Camera Raw en Photoshop para solucionar los problemas habituales que presentan las fotografas.Manejars las bases de Camera Raw dentro de Photoshop: Equilibrio de blancos, temperatura, matiz, exposicin, contraste, iluminaciones y sombras, blancos y negros, claridad, intensidad, saturacin, tono, luminancia, dividir tonos y equilibrarlos, agregar y quitar neblina, ruido y vietas.El curso est diseado para principiantes de Photoshop, aficionados a la fotografa, aprendices de la edicin de imagen y la edicin fotogrfica e incluye las imgenes RAW y JPG necesarias para realizar las prcticas."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to the Intentional Torts" |
"This course will introduce you to the intentional torts. At the end of the course you will be able to describe the six intentional torts that most law students cover during the first few weeks of law school. In addition, you will also be able to identify the affirmative defenses that defendants can use to avoid liability.Identify and Learn the Intentional Tort Elements in this Introductory CourseBatteryAssaultFalse ImprisonmentTrespass to LandTrespass to ChattelsConversionAffirmative DefensesOverviewI designed this course so that anyone can take it. Because I've taught this material to law students for two decades, you will learn the intentional torts from an experienced and effective instructor. My goal in creating this course was to create engaging videos, so I purposely kept them relatively short and filled the videos with the same examples that I use in a traditional live classroom. Also, you will have access to some of the edited cases from my law school casebook ""Torts: Majority Rule Cases."" Finally, for those of you that want a challenge, you will find that my quizzes are in the same style that law students have on their exams in law school and on the bar exam.You will also receive bonus material, including my eBook on the Intentional Torts and relevant links to videos on my YouTube channel that will help you learn the law better. Finally, I will answer your course related questions in a timely fashion.So please sign up and let me help you begin your journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Economics - Forms of Market, Perfect Competition, Revenue" |
"ThisCourse covers several Economics topics likeProducer's Equilibrium, Concept of Revenue, Forms of Market and Perfect competition. In Producers Equilibrium, we have covered what is producers Equilibrium, when is it achieved, how can you find outProducers Equilibrium using Marginal cost curve, Long and short run equilibrium and what is perfect competition. In the concept of Revenue section, you would learn about, Average, Marginal and Total Revenue, there inter-se relationship and Demand curve of a firm under Perfect competition and Monopoly or monopolistic competition. When looking at Forms of Market, we have explained various forms of market and there characteristics, including perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and Oligopoly. How each of these forms of market compare with each other is also covered as a part of this Course. In case of perfect competition, our course covers what would be the market situation in case where either supply or demand are elastic, or inelastic, and there are changes in the other variable. This would cover simultaneouschanges in supply and demand, change in demand when supply is perfectly inelastic and vice versa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Apps in MATLAB with App Designer (Codes Included)" |
"Basic Course DescriptionThis is a basic course on creating apps in MATLABusing itsgraphical user interfaceutility called App Designer. The App Designer is next generation, i.e.,future of designing apps in MATLAB. The App Designercontains many new design components that areabsent in the conventional app designingtool calledGUIDE. The course is designed so that a person with the basic knowledge of MATLAB is able to transform his code to a beautiful User Interface and app.The motivation for the course, i.e., why should take it,is my observation that students and people put alot of effort in writing the code but little on its appearance. By learning this course, you will easily transform your code into awell understood piece of software that the users will find useful to interact with. All you need is motivation to learn and basic understanding of MATLABsuch as variables, matrices and others. The course contains 3hours of recorded lectures. Every lecture contains a demonstration of the concepts and the codes are included with the course. The following are the outlines of the courseSegment 1: Basics of App DesignerSegment 2: Tips and Tricks for Effective use of App DesignerSegment 3: Coding GUI'sSegment 4:Advance TechniquesSegment 5: Sample Projects with App DesignerWhat are the requirements?We will start from the very beginning in this course. Although i will try to focus on very basic constructs however, i will expect some Know-how of using MATLABsuch as variables,matrices and some commonly used operations on the variables. Moreover, you should be familiar with the working environment of the MATLABand should know what is command line and what is .m file etc.I am also expecting that you should have already installed Matlab Software R2016a or R2016b.Please visit mathworks official website for a free trial of the software. Majority of the Universities offer a free student version of the software, so if you are a student, contact your university for availability. You can purchase the student version directly from Mathworks. Please note that i am using its R2016a version.What am I going to get from this course?You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make gui for your code.At the end of the course you be a confident user of the matlab utility calledApp Designerfor making GUI for your programs.You will be able to ask any question. I will answer it ASAP.You will be able to create your GUI's. If you have any problem I will help you.You will get complete source codes of lectures.Regular course updates: new lectures, applications and documents.____________________________________________________________________________Your Benefits and AdvantagesYou receiveknowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer sciencewith over 10 years of teaching and 15 years of programmingexperience and another decade of experience in using MATLABThe instructor has6 courses on udemy on MATLAB.If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.____________________________________________________________________________Student Testimonials!This is the second Udemy class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.Jeff PhilipsGreat information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!Oamar KanjiThe course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!Josh NicassioStudent Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category""Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!""Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course ""Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)""___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...I am excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam___________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learning Photoshop CC - ""The Elf"" a full workshop" |
"""The Elf"" A complete Photoshop workshopThis course is taken from my Photoshop Compendium as a stand alone course, during this course you will learn my techniques for creating ""The Elf"" a stylised fantasy based image.During this course we will look at a load of techniques to achieve this look, out goal is for you to be able to go it alone and create amazing images of your own.Who is the course for?Beginners to advanced usersWhat will we cover?Colour correctionColour curvesFrequency seperationHigh pass layersAdding lightingBlemish and retouching techniquesColour targettingMasking and selectionNon-distructive work flowsSharpening the imageControlling your adjustmentsVarious tweak and colour adjustmentsGlobal adjustmentsThe SoftwareWe will use is Photoshop CC although CS5 and above is fine.The TechniquesI will cover everything you need to know in order to create this image.Course ExtrasDownload of the source files and the actual PSD file.Feedback and help section to ask questions and get help if you get stuck at any point."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC - Learn How to Actionscript and Batch Automate" |
"This course on ""Automate and Actions Script to speed up your workflow in Photoshop CC"" will teach you ways in which you can speed up your workflow and make consistent changes over hundreds of images extremely quickly!During this course I will teach you how to use actions and also how to run that action using Batch automation, further to this we will look at how to create a contact sheet and create a droplet.As well as this I will also show you how to export actions and import them into Photoshop, great for sharing or even selling!This course is short and to the point keeping your interest with exciting techniques and pit falls!Enjoy Action Scripting with this easy to follow fun course built for all user levels."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Constitutional Oriented Policing" |
"In a profession where cases and controversies surround freedom of expression, bearing of arms, illegal search and seizure, the excessive use of force, overcrowding of jails, and the reversal of convictions and sentencing, public scrutiny about law enforcement procedures has never been higher. These are not isolated incidents, they are gross constitutional deprivations undermining the authentic value of law and order.Today, now more than ever, as a peace officer enrolled in this course, you will master a cutting edge model for enforcing the law respective to civil liberties and equal justice. A model that does not reinvent the wheel, require votes from legislatures or even need millions of dollars of budget appropriations. This common sense model already exists in the well-established framework of the federal and state Bill of Rights.Music sound track ""In the Beginning (Intro)"" and ""In the Beginning,"" (Green Valley 2006) authorized by artistWilliam Green."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
politician-freelance-communication |
"Udemy Udemy 11PS.1720174"
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"[Mac] PageseBook" |
"WindowsMacMacMacBook ProPagesMacPOP9PagesEnterPageseBookPagesAppleMacPageseBookPagesPagesPagesPages2222PageseBookPages"
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"MailChimp -" |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
Price: 14400.00 ![]() |
"Online Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Stroke Order" |
"Online Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Stroke Order is a learning video for beginners of the Japanese language. You can learn and practice Japanese hiragana and katakana stroke orders. It focuses on how to write the correct stroke orders. It is easy to understand because it is explained with animation. The learning materials include a writing practice textbook PDF file that can be printed so that learners can practice writing Hiragana and Katakana while watching the video."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Online Japanese N5 Kanji Character Stroke Order" |
"Online Japanese N5 Kanji Character Stroke Order is a learning video for beginners of the Japanese language. You can learn and practice 110 JLPT N5 level Kanji stroke orders. It focuses on how to write the correct stroke orders. It is easy to understand because it is explained with animation. The learning materials include a writing practice textbook PDF file that can be printed so that learners can practice writing N5 kanji characters while watching the video."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Online Japanese JLPT N4 Mock ExaminationAll 3 sets" |
"The Online Japanese JLPT N4 Mock Examination is a complete mock examination for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N4. It contains 3 sets of examinations. Every set includes a question sheet, a listening script, an answer sheet, a correct answer sheet and a list of marks. The simulation test is the exact same manner as the official JLPT N4 so that learners are able to practice and test their Japanese ability well."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |