Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"A Comprehensive Guide On Domain Name & Web Hosting" |
"So you are a budding entrepreneur or a self-employed who wants to have your own website?Let me get you started with a FREE domain name. Yes each student who purchases this course until 31st Dec 2016 will be given a free domain name for 1 year for first 100 students!Let this comprehensive course help you avoid all mistakes and save you hundreds of dollars and lot of headache by doing things right the first time.You have tried to see hosting plans and are confused with so many options. You also don't understand the technical jargon and what all those features mean? You also feel its a bit trickly, how come the domain names are offered so cheap by some of the providers and are now guessing which one should you choose and why.Am i right?Let me also guess, you want a quick understanding of these so that you can move on to more important stuff and get your website up and running quickly?My name is Kamlesh Rajpal (call me Raj); a 14 years experience teacher andand i have created this course Understand Domain Names & Hosting Like APRO specially for YOU. My students love me for the simplistic approachi useforexplaining themost complicated concepts. Beginners love me because i use simple English and no technical jargon's to explain. Also my approach of subtly introducing the jargon and concepts that are absolutely essential to know, have helped many students. My methodology is that by the end of the course these should become second nature with any special effort.Who is this course for precisely?Understanding domain names and hosting plans and how they work can be quite a daunting task for a newbie. It can sound very technical, hence i created this course to bring a absolute beginner up to speed and running within a short span of time. If you need to deal with your website developer or hosting providers, then learning this content will put you ahead in the game, where you are in full control and you can go back to focus on the more things.How is it organized?The chapters have been organised such that you can jump to the chapter that you need right away or one that interests you. Each chapter explains 1 topic and stands on its own without depending on other chapters.This ensures, those who already know certain stuff can quickly get what they need and don't need to go through the whole course.What will be my level of understanding at the end of the course?Go from zero to champ in this course learning everything you need to know about domain names and hosting. Learn how to choose the right domain names, avoid costly mistakes and cherry pick the right hosting plan for your business. This course saves you lot of headache and helps you choose the right domain name hosting plan with confidence without burning your pocket.Some advanced concepts like domain parking etc have been introduced for those who might need such services.What is special about this course?Overall the course provides comprehensive coverage of topics. There is a revision pdf at the end that serves two purposes - oneto quickly recap concepts and act like a cheat sheet that can be referred to while actually working.This helps students, that they do not need to keep going back to the course, to find out things while working and can keep the saliet features and Do's and Don'ts handy and save themselves from common mistakes.How is it better than other courses on the same topic?Other courses do not give you a cheat sheet for quick reference and lack the revision i have provided in.What if you have questions? See my unique way of answering them below.Feel free to let me know any questions you may have and i will gladly answer them, all of them. To make it easy for you, i will record videos and share them with you individually to answer your questions."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"SAT Math 2 Subject Test - Watch Me Solve!" |
"If you're tired of struggling to decipher the explanations provided by the SAT test makers, then this course is for you. I don't know about you, but sometimes it seems to me like they don't even want you to understand the explanations!I created this course with that exact problem in mind. This course allows you to watch me solve these problems in the time required - or less - with easy-to-understand explanations as I go.I've tutored math for nearly 10 years now, so I understand the struggles that most students have. It is my goal to break down each question into easily-digestible pieces that allow you to solve the problem quickly, skillfully, and with confidence. This course is perfect for students who have done some studying but are looking for something to take them to the next level. This course will teach you to be faster, make you aware of the 'tricks' and shortcuts, and give you the confidence you need to succeed on the SAT.Disclaimer: These videos demonstrate me solving problems provided by the College Board. These questions are not my own, and I did not write them. They can be found online on the SAT website."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn SOLIDWORKS Basics by practicing 45 exercises" |
"This is a practicing course for SOLIDWORKS. Learn the industry-leading CAD software now and have a chance for more job opportunities with an average salary of 58,000$. Master the basics and move to an advanced level in SOLIDWORKS. Why would you take this course?1- Enhance your problem solving skills in the field of 3D modelling 2- Learn SOLIDWORKS by practicing 45 exercises designed to boost your skills in 3D Modeling and Assembly. 3- Upgrade your skills from drawing the first sketch to modelling advanced parts and making realistic assemblies. Course topics overview Many companies in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Industrial Engineering etc use SOLIDWORKS in the design process. We will learn about this software and you will be able to create a new job opportunity as a SOLIDWORKS designer. I designed this course based on Learn by doing approach. A brief introduction will put you on the track of how to start using the software and understand the 3D modelling concepts. You will watch more than 40 parts created step by step, these exercises were designed to cover the most important features in SOLIDWORKS. Finally 5 exercises will teach you how to start making realistic and functional assemblies. Complete the 45 exercises, quizzes and project andyou will move to an advanced level in SOLIDWORKS."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Edit Like a Pro! - 2 - Beckett Bridge Sunset" |
"This class takes you through an easy to follow, structured set of editing steps to turn a typical sunset photo into an image of professional quality.We edit the shot adjusting exposure, apply somequite complex adjustments to the bridge to brighten it up against the background anduse radial filters to bring out specific areas of the shot which need localised brightening.Although I use Adobe Lightroom, the techniques can be applied using any photo editing application, and I've split out each different technique into separate sections so they can be watched and applied more easily. Why not watch the class with your own photo open in your own editing application and follow along, applying the techniques I show to your own image? It's really easy - go on - have a go!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Edit Like a Pro! - 4 - Castletown Stately Home" |
"This hour long class takes you through a detailed landscape image edit, covering almost all of the various Develop module tabs in detail.You will learn how to crop to panoramic ratios, apply global and selective edits, and end up with two very different versions of the original shot - one in colour, the other a dramatic black and white.Anyone can follow and benefit from this class - no prior knowledge required!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ten different ways to make great living online." |
"Want to make online money without spending timeto become popular on youtube or on your personal website? This course is definitely for you!!In this course I will discuss ten different ways with a practical example for each one , This coursewill allow you to make great money online.If you are looking for a way to earn living instead of the nine hours job.....just enroll into this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Risk Analysis PMP, PMI-RMP -" |
"This is a short training course about objective and numerical risk evaluation, as risk management becomes one of the major knowledge areas that adds value and bring benefits to the project, its important to be aware of all calculations required to identify the project risk exposure. This course will cover all math formulas used to evaluate individual risks and overall project risk, and the course will explain in details 4 Major topics: Risk Score , Expected Monetary Value , Decision Tree Concept , Contingency reserve calculations., Monte Carlo Simulation In each lecture you will find few questions that will improve your understanding of the concept explained in the lecture, at the end of course you will have 10 questions with detailed answers in exam form , at the end of the course you will be able to download some helpful resources to pass PMI exams .What makes all my courses unique that I create and pick for you tricky questions, I dont select simple ones just to count questions! Dont expect to see simple& direct to the point questions in the exams, you should read the question carefully in order to pick the correct choice. Click the Take this course button and lets start some useful risk calculations. , , 20 ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam : Detailed Math , PMP" |
"This training course about all math formulas you should know before scheduling your PMP exam, its direct and simple, talking only about math formulas and calculations. By understanding this course content you will have the chance to guarantee more than 20 questions in the real exam, the course will explain in details 8 Major topics:Project Selection Methods Economical ModelsActivity duration and cost estimates Schedule Network analysis and critical path methodEarned Value ManagementNumerical Risk AnalysisCommunication Channels Make/Buy AnalysisContracts final fee & final price calculationsIn each lecture you will find few questions that will improve your understanding of the concept explained in the lecture, at the end of each section you will have few questions with detailed answers in exam form, at the end of the course you will be able to download some helpful resources to pass PMI exams .What makes all my exam preparation courses unique that I create and pick for you tricky questions, I dont select simple ones just to count questions! Dont expect to see simple & direct to the point questions in the exams, you should read the question carefully in order to pick the correct choice. Click the Take this course button and lets start some useful project management calculations. , 7 , 30 , 2 3 , 5 10 , , :1.Project Selection Methods Economical Models , 2. Activity Cost and Time Estimates , 3.Schedule Network Analysis & Critical Path Method , 4.Earned Value management , 5. Numerical Risk analysis , 6. Communication Channels , 7. Make/Buy Analysis , 8. Contract final & Final Price Calculations , 50"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Bases de Datos desde CERO (Access y Lenguaje SQL)" |
"En este curso aprenders todo acerca de las bases de datos, partiendo de lo que son hasta llegar a crear y gestionar tu propia base de datos.He decidido sacar este curso porque me he dado cuenta que si tienes el conocimiento de las bases de datos y como utilizarlas puede desarrollar cualquier aplicacin sin importar que sea compleja puesto que ya conoces o sabes al menos trabajar con un gestor podrs crear formularios en distintos lenguajes y conectarlos todos a una misma base de datos.En este curso ira conociendo poco a poco todo lo que necesitas sabes para entender y manejar a la perfeccin las bases de datos. As como tambin herramientas tiles como son los diagramas entidad-relacin que nos ayudan a comprender a la perfeccin las relaciones entre tablas.Y ya para finalizar el curso sabrs crear una base de datos desde 0 hasta sus formularios para la interaccin final con un usuario."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Build Sign Up and Login Forms With Bootstrap Modal" |
"Bootstrap modals are lightweight javascript popups that are used to display videos, images, alerts as well as forms for sign up, login and contact. The plugin for modals is part of bootstrap.js.In this course, we use bootstrap modals to display sign up and loginforms to enrich users experience. We use html, css, bootstrap library, jquery plugin, php and mysql.Features are:Bootstrap modal with sign up formBootstrap modal with login formAdding styles to the modalsUsing bootstrap tabs in modalValidate forms with jQueryInsert and retrieve data with phpSave data in mysql database"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build A Weather App With Ajax Using Open Weather Map API" |
"API stands for Application Programming Interface. API is basically a way for programmers to communicate with certain applications.The use of APIs in building applications is becoming increasingly popular.In this course, we will build a complete weather app using the open weather map API. Open weather map API is simple, clear and free to use. Open weather mapAPIprovides current weather data, weather forecast data as well as historical weather data.With our application, we will make API calls by city nameto the open weather map API using Ajax to get response in JSON format.The weather app will be used to:Get current weather information like temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed, winddirection etc.Get weather forecast information of any city by city name and number of days.Features:Make API calls with Ajax.Open weather map API description.Get current weather information.Get weather forecast information.Use jquery plugin to animate text."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Existenzgrndung aus der Arbeitslosigkeit" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle, die beabsichtigen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit heraus eine Existenzgrndung durchzufhren. Das Ziel ist es, den Kursteilnehmern zu vermitteln, welche Hrden sie erwarten und wie sie diese meistern, um den Grndungszuschuss vom Arbeitsamt zu erhalten. Dabei kann man eine Menge Fehler machen, deshalb zeigen wir in diesem Kurs wie man diese vermeiden kann und so jede Menge Geld auf dem Weg in die Selbststndigkeit spart. Natrlich wird auch auf die Voraussetzungen und die richtige Vorbereitung eingegangen.Alle Informationen stammen aus eigener Erfahrung durch die Grndung aus der Arbeitslosigkeit heraus, sowie aus Erfahrungen befreundeter Unternehmer, die ebenfalls diesen Weg gegangen sind. Dabei fehlte uns damals selbst der berblick und so haben wir viele Fehler mitgenommen, die uns einiges an Geld gekostet haben und diewir im Nachhinein htten einfach vermeiden knnen.Dieser Kurs wird euch nicht nur helfen, den Grndungszuschuss zu erhalten, sondern auch hunderte bis tausende Euro beim Start in die Selbststndigkeit zu sparen (abhngig von der Unternehmensform die ihr whlt).Selbstverstndlich stehen wir mit unserem Know-How auch nach dem Kurs fr euch zur Verfgung, scheut euch also nicht Kontakt aufzunehmen und Fragen zu stellen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ihave designed this course for beginner or professional divers. You do not need to have prior knowledge to follow this course. This course consists of two main partRDP and eRDPwith the total 22 videos and 14 quizzes and final exam. All you need to know about how usingRDP and eRDPwill find in this course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Finding the Best Deals on Amazon" |
"Are you ready to take charge of your family's budget? I have compiled simple and easy steps to help you find sales and deals while shopping from the comfort of your own home. Amazon is a great resource for anyone looking to take charge of their budget, but most people don't know where to look. Have no fear - my course is going to give you all the basic knowledge you need to find deals easily.Once you have finished my course, you will be able to:1. Find featured sales & deals.2. Grab your household goods & grocery items through the subscribe & save program.3. Clip Amazon coupons for more savings.4. Shop the exclusive Prime Pantry program for fabulous savings.5. Save money by purchasing items as part of the Pre-Order program.6. Find Amazon bestsellers and popular items.7. Score completely free Kindle eBooks.8. Utilize all the benefits available to Prime Members.And, I will be keeping the course updated and possibly even add new content for all users."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Science-Based Workout: Build Muscle, Lose Fat & Get Fit" |
">>COURSE REGULARLY UPDATED: NEW TIPS, MORE LESSONS<<Looking For A Workout & Diet Program That Is Based On Actual Science And Proven To Get You Results? This course is for people who want to build muscle and lose fat with a science-based workout plan. But it does more than teach you a few exercises and workout tips. In the course I go over the science behind building muscle and successful dieting, the perfect beginner workout plan and show you how to set clear and well-defined fitness goals that keep you motivated.By giving you the necessary tools to reach your fitness goals, I will also have to debunk certain training myths that have been around for decades. How many times have you been told that if in order to build muscle you need toExercise at least five times per weekTrain two or even three hoursDrink two or more protein shakes per dayAnd perfectly time your meals no more than three hours apart.As you will see in the course, most of these tips are nonsense and some will even work against you in the long run. Instead I will show you the exact training methods that are scientifically proven to work. Here is what's inside the program:Part 1: IntroductionPart 2: How To Build Muscle & Lose Fat The Scientific WayThe Step-By-Step Muscle Bulding FormulaThe Step-By-Step Fat Loss FormulaThe Best Supplements For BeginnersHow To Create A Bulking DietHow To Create A Cutting DietPart 3: Workout ProgramThe Full Workout PlanHow To Progress And See ResultsHow To Warm Up CorrectlyHow Much Cardio Do You Really Need?Exercise Videos To Help You Train With Perfect FormEctomorph Muscle BuildingWhat About Abs? How To Get Six-Pack Abs Without Much Effort Part 4: Motivation & Goal SettingSetting SMART Fitness GoalsMore Tips On How To Stay MotivatedI also included 2 BONUSES for my students. Along with the program you also get my 100 page ebook ""Gym Basics"", with 48 Additional Strength Exercises (Pictures Included) and access my private facebook group so you can ask questions, interact with others and share your success stories.This muscle building course and workout is right for anyone and will show you how to build muscle and gain weight with the right workout routines and workout plan. Fitness training is essential to build muscle and lose weight.Scroll Up And Get The Science-Based Workout Program If You Want To See Real Results "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQL for Beginners : The Easiest Way to Learn SQL - Step by Step" |
"(Always Up to Date Course) Course Updates:21-Nov-2017: COMMIT & ROLLBACK Statements Lecture is added!============================================================= Now you are looking at a course, that you will really Learn SQL by Coding Easily and Quickly. This course is not just easily explained, but also explained in detail, and many examples. Forget about all the trivial courses, articles, or youtube videos. You are looking at a course that you will buy to thousands dollars ($$$,$$$) at somewhere else. I tried to explain the subjects with all the details, and with maximum number of examples. What is different in this course? ""Proffessionality"".If you get this course, please try to write and run all the examples with me.You can askanyquestions about this course from discussion board.Your questions will be answeredimmediately.=============================================================Benefits of Taking This SQLCourseKnowing SQL canget you a better job or improve the one you have and it provides to earn you $80k+ in the IT Industry. It's a skill that will put you more in demand in the biggest technology companies in the IT industry, and make your software life easier, that's why it's so popular and backed by Oracle.This course will help youquickly get up to speed with Oracle SQL. I will demystify the query skill andhelp youunderstand the essential conceptshow to write SQL codes easily and thinking analytically against the problem in your company.No Risk Money-Back GuaranteeFinally,there is no risk. You can preview 10% of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course,Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee.So you have nothing to lose,sign up for this course and learn how to write SQL code easily from scratch to master level!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trading for Beginners - Intermediate Level" |
"Welcome to Trading for Beginners - Intermediate Level. In Trading for Beginners, we take youthrough establishing a solid foundation of market fundamentals, teaching you what the market really is and why trades really happen. The fundamentals you'll learn in this course can be applied to all types of financial trading and investingincluding stock trading, forex trading, commodities trading, and futures trading. We equip you with a lexicon of market terminology, an understanding of Risk, and an ability to analyze the markets using both Fundamental and Technical analysis.We conclude the course with live trading examples. The material is presented to you through lectures, video, and cartoons to help make the more complex topics approachable. Whether you're interested in short-term trading or longer-term investing, Trading for Beginners sets the stage for you to take it to the next level.This course is for complete beginners - seriously. Webuild onfoundational concepts and terminology before introducing meaningful analysis. We also include sample exercises to help you practice your skills. All you need is an open mind to some new ways of looking at your charts.Here'sa few of our recent 5-star reviews from our Entry and IntermediateLevel courses:Its a great way to learn a complicated subject. Don't be fooled by the friendly presentation -this is some real information and it gently introduces you to real world tools, definitions, and concepts all through a couple of cute cartoon twins - Bill and Phil! Good job and thank you!- Frank SilvestriniI've learnt pieces about financial markets and trading here and there, and thus I find this course is very structured and helpful in understanding some of the most important basic concepts. For those who wanted a fast-paced course, this course isn't for you. But if you're looking for a course that is crystal clear and help you in understanding the overall (and difficult) concept(s) of trading, then this course is made just for you. - Cipta JayaI gave it 5 stars because the teacher presented the material as if we were having a casual conversation. I didn't feel like I was in a boring classroom. Also, his inclusion of graphics, quizzes, real life trading replay exercises into the course put flesh on these concepts. In addition, the teacher's humble approach and honesty about the realities of trading was very much appreciated and a breathe of fresh air. I thought his balanced style of teaching was like an island in a sea of hyped up promises. - JJRJohn RThis course is an excellent introduction to markets and trading. It offers clear and concise explanations of the basic concepts that underlie how markets operate, and how trading is conducted. This is done through the use of informative, and engaging graphics employed throughout the lectures, which augment the winsome manner in which the instructor presents the material.- Michael BankaThis was an Excellent beginner introduction to the topic. I'm not entirely new, but still a novice and still got information out of this that I didn't realize and it helped make a few connections for me. Thank you. - Jacob HerreraThe content was well thought out and easy to understand for a beginner like me. Tyler was engaging and the animations keeps you interested. A++- Ron ArayataAmazing instructor explaining in simple terms a confusing topic like Trading. For the first time, I was comfortable with the industry language terminology often used by trade professionals. Looking forward to more courses.- Foster SmithClearly explained. Can really be understand by a newbie trader. Thank you.-Florie ThiongAs with all my courses:Udemy courses have unlimited, lifetime access, at no extra costs - ever!All additional content is and always will be absolutely freeUdemy has a no questions-asked, full 30 day money-back guaranteeWe're here to help answer your questions.We usually respond same day, but if you give us a day or two, we'll be sure to have an answer.This is a course that will continue to grow.Sign up today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LEARN FRENCH IN 3 MONTHS -- First Month" |
"Forget about all the school stuff and start learning French fast. This program was designed for you to quickly be able to speak and understand French and to give you strong foundations so thatyou can then keep learning on your own. You will learn French through real life situations and using the actual language French people use. Together with the language, you will learn about the French culture, the French way of life and the French way of interacting with others.More than a simple technical language course, this course is a wide open door to enjoying your next trip to France. Just be aware that, with al this knowledge, you'll feel so good in France that you may not return ;-)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"OpenStack: Introduction to Architecture & Internal workflows" |
"In this course we will learn aboutOpenStack'sArchitecture as a whole and Detailed insights in to all the core projects and their components.We will be ocvering the details of how Openstack formed, its project types, its ecosystem and its release management.We will finally go through all the steps that occurwithin OpenStackwhen an instance creation operation is requested.OpenStackis a free and open-source software platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS). The software platform consists of interrelated components that control diverse, multi-vendor hardware pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android App Development using Android Studio - Advance" |
"This course is intended to teach mobile app development onAndroid platform using native Android SDK on Android Studio.We at Sisoft Learning believe in enabling our students to become qualified developers. In this course, we work with our students to make them ready for working on the latest Android App concepts. Our course has an integrated discussion forum where in students can discuss their problems and leverage from peer-to-peer learning. Do ensure that you utilize the discussion forums to interact with other students.We keep adding new lectures to keep our course updated.As you keep studying with us, you will keep making android apps with the latest features introduced by Android. You can also request for new lectures on a particular concept for which you need guidance."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Controle de SPAMs com ASSP - Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a implementar um sistema de controle de spams na sua empresa ou em seus clientes totalmente livre e gratuito. Ensinaremos voc a configurar passo-a-passo o ASSP (Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy), uma ferramenta livre e gratuita e dessa forma voc poder minimizar bastante a incidncia de SPAMs no seu ambiente ou de seus clientes. Aprenda agora essa incrvel soluo de anti-spam utilizada por diversas empresas!Veja abaixo o comentrio de alguns dos alunos desse curso:Comecei hoje no assp e at o momento s tenho que lhes parabenizar pelo contedo. Muito didtico e rico em informaes verdadeiramente relevantes. Parabns!Matricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gerenciamento de senhas com Teampass" |
"Voc j teve precisou acessar um servidor do seu ambiente de TI e simplesmente no lembrou a senha?Voc utiliza uma planilha ou bloco de notas para lembrar das senhas dos seus servidores e compartilha esse arquivo com seus colegas de trabalho?Se voc se identificou com os problemas acima, ento este curso para voc! Aprenda a configurar o Teampass, uma ferramenta web e 100% gratuita para que toda sua equipe possa cadastrar e consultar todas as senhas dos seus servidores e servios!Curso 100% prtico! Ns vamos construir a soluo passo a passo com voc. No final do curso, voc ter o Teampass pronto para ser utilizado em seu ambiente de TI."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Monitoramento com Centreon Enterprise Server 3.4" |
"O que o CENTREON?O Centreon uma soluo de monitoramento de ativos de rede e sistemas baseado no padro do Nagios, sendo open source, e que permite instalar e implantar facilmente e com eficcia, um monitoramento de desempenho e gesto.Vantagens do Centreon Instalao e implementao dentro de minutos;Totalmente incorporando ao CentOS Linux e inclui plugins SNMP;Interface web fcil e amigvel;Escalvel e integra-se com outros servidores Centreon e Nagios;Sem limite de hosts, servios e dispositivos.Este treinamentoCom aulasprticas e utilizao de cenrios passo-a-passo para que o aluno tenha uma soluo funcional e que poder inclusive utilizar no seu ambiente de trabalho.Veja abaixo os comentrios de alunos desse curso:""Estou dando continuidade as aulas e os meus resultados esto de acordo com os apresentados nas referidas aulas.""Matricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gerenciamento de Backup com Bacula 7" |
"OBacula um sistema que permite gerenciar backups, recuperao e verificao de dados atravs de diferentes tipo de redes. O Bacula pode executar em um ou mais servidores e fazer backups de vrios tipos de mdia, incluindo fita e disco.Neste curso ensinaremos a instalar e gerenciar passo a passo uma das melhores ferramentas de backup do mercado, o Bacula Open Source, com contedo prtico, ou seja, ao final do curso voc ter implantado uma ferramenta de backup e est utilizando como se fosse na vida real!Como faremos isso?Apresentamos um case e a partir dele vamos construindo passo-a-passo desde o planejamento da politica de backup at o backup e restore sendo realizado, e por fim, relatrios e dashboard para lhe auxiliar no dia-a-dia.Veja abaixo o comentrio de alguns alunos desse curso:- Muito Bom.- La verdad que, el curso es super interesante la herramienta es poderosa, el instructor a pesar que el curso esta en portugues, lo entendi de buena manera, ademas super oportuno en las respuestas Muchas graciasMatricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Monitoramento com Zabbix" |
"Aprenda do zero a configurar o Zabbix, uma das melhores e mais famosas ferramentas de monitoramento de TI do mundo! Neste curso, voc vai aprender a monitorar todos os seus ativos de TI, alm de gerar dashboards gerenciais customizados utilizando o grafana, uma soluo feita para voc desenhar da forma que quiser suas telas de grficos. Voc vai aprender tambm a integrar a soluo com o Telegram e assim receber diretamente no seu smarphone e no da sua equipe, todas as informaes sobre seu ambiente de TI e assim, poder tomar aes pr-ativas!Matricule-se j e conhea mais este curso com a qualidade da FAME Treinamentos!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to read and understand diet and health research?" |
"Every day, people all over the world are deluged with information about diet, health and medicine. The problem is that most of it is incorrect. The medical journals are filled with studies plagued with conflicts of interest, poor study design, and meaningless conclusions. This is made worse by misreporting by the media. But there is good and accurate information available too and the secret is to learn how to tell difference.Dr. Pam Popper Ph.D author of Food Over Medicine and featured in the NETFLIX populardocumentariesFood Choices and Forks Over Knives,will show you how to become an empowered and enlightened consumer of research, be able to discern the reliable from the unreliableand how to apply this information to your own daily life."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"What causes disease?" |
"People think that disease is caused by genetic predisposition, chemicals in the environment, bad luck, aging, and other factors outside of our control. These are all factors, but the good news is that the biggest contributors to disease development are things you can control the diet and lifestyle choices you make. During this courseDr. Pam Popper Ph.Dwill review with you the scientific evidence concerning disease causation, and show you how you can have more control over your health outcomes. Dr. Pam Popper is a internationally renowned scientist and nutritionist, author of best selling books and featured in several NETFLIX documentaries such asFood Choices and Forks Over Knives.There is a big difference between what peoplethinkcauses disease and what actuallydoescause disease. In this course Dr. Pam will provide detailed information about various influences on health so that you can invest your time and energy in the ones that count the most. Diet and especially a plant based diet can make a significant difference in your health outcomes and Dr. Popper discusses this in depth.Youll finish this with a sense of empowerment that your future health status is within your control, not due to outside forces."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 for beginners: Logo Design Concept" |
"Welcome to Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 for Beginners course. In this course I willbe helping students to learn Basic tool and designing using Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 effectively. Adobe Illustrator cc 2017 is one of the world's most powerful graphic designing software. Adobe Illustrator is Vector base graphic designing software. We will be guiding you all tools in Adobe Illustrator and at the end of in this course we will design amazing logo for constructor company. While being a professional Computer Graphic designer I have decide to cover all these topics in this course Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 for beginners where we will be guiding your all topics with easy steps and techniques."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mobile App Design in Photoshop from Scratch - UI & UX DESIGN" |
"Mobile app designing is one of most demanding area in Graphic designing. With so many mobile (Android or iPhone) apps being released in such a short period of time, designers need to really create apps that stand out. And most of designers face difficulties designing top Mobile app design using beautiful user interference. So, this tutorial is solution for all mobile app designer and mobile app developer at the same time. In this course we are designing complete Mobile app design for music which includes all pages with every single details. Lets start the first mobile app designing in Photoshop for both android and iOS (iPhone mobiles)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Pokmon Go Complete Guide for Beginners and Professionals." |
"The presentcourse covers most useful contents ofthePokmon Gowhich wecan't find them easily on the Internet. It'smostlysuitablefor beginners and includes some contentsforprofessionals,in different casessuch as thePokmonGo hiddenEaster egg,Pokmonappraise, buddyPokmon,catch bonus, egg patternsand so on.I will demonstrate not only the basicsof the game but also the tips and pro-tips.This course is broken down into foursections inlcuding:1 )11 lectures about downloading the game, catching yourfirst and rarePokmon, using Pokmon GOmain items, lure module andincense, hanging around Pokstops andpower up, etc,2) 10 lectures about completedetails we should know aboutgym and how to battle in a gymand how to train Pokmon in it.3) Sixlectures about Pokmon evolution,lucky egg andPokmonIV calculation, all in details.4)Two lectures about appraise and buddyincluding some .PDF filesabout newly updates suchPokmonGo Plus updates and how to use it.Completing this course, you willsave your time and energy.Putting into actionall you learned, youwill enjoy every second you areplaying thePokmon Go.Warmest greetings"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agile & Multi-Platform Game Dev. with Unity - Tier 1" |
"In this series of videos, you'll learn how to develop a video game project using Unity, with Agile development practices in mind.This course touches on the foundation principles and features of Unity. The course has been tested andis fully compatible withUnity 5.6, 2017.4 and 2018.1.In Tier 1, were going to touch on Unitys programming fundamentals to quickly deliver a prototype. For that, were going to be developing a 2D space shooter. All the sprites, the sounds and other assets are provided, so that we can focus on programming.This training is for anyone who wants to learn object oriented programming for video games. It has introduction chapters that people familiar with Unity can skip. All the programming basics are covered, and we touch on all major features of Unity. The training focuses on programming, and uses a 2D game project to keep things simple and stay away from fancy graphics features that already are well documented. Whether you know programming or not, whether you're new to Unity or already have some experience, this training will give you the good practices and help you organise yourself in the chaos of a video game project.I'm a self-taught developer myself. I work with Unity since 2011, and was very lucky to meet with mentors who taught me a great deal about Object Oriented Programming. That's a lot to learn about when your background is not in engineering, though, I figured that if I could do it, anyone can.I started to put this training course together a while back for a Master Class held with Unity, and decided to take it way beyond that, as I realised many developers were self-taught programmers, ex artist or designer, looking for that true programming knowledge.I wanted to emphasise on Agile practices, while this is not an Agile training in itself, because of the huge demand for Agile programmers. Agile Development really is a mindset that you cannot push. From a programmers perspective, its mostly about letting go of your desire for completeness and architecture awesomeness, and willing to deliver playable software as early as possible. The responsibility given to programmers brings a lot of stress, with which comes the need to foresee, plan and control development. Then any change in the plan becomes a trouble.Team confidence is key to Agile Development, and confidence comes with knowledge.The more you know, the more you trust yourself, and the less you doubt.The less you fear change, the less complex and overthought you need to make your code, and the sooner you deliver a prototype.This training aims at empowering programmers with enough knowledge to be confident in their capability to react to design changes and always deliver the most business value in the time theyre given.Now, Agile Development isnt just about prototyping, and well also touch on Performances, Scalability and Reusability of the code, which is also key to maintain a project.I really wanted this training to go beyond the usual academic training course. It does have a good share of theory, but everything is put into practice. Its course is well planned and offers a smooth learning curve, while its delivery is more like a live coding session in which I share what comes to my mind as to why I do things along with tips and tricks."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |