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"Employability skills, self-awareness and self-development" |
"Questionaire time !!! Grab a pen and paper, create a yes column, create a no columnsTick your answers tally them up at the end !!! Q1. Do you understand and respect your natural design ?Q2. Can you apply for just 3 interviews and get a interview ?Q3. Do others fair you when your name appears in the same interview list as theirsQ4.Do you never get nervous before an interview ?but instead Know they will be lucky to have you because you are amazing at what you do ?Q6.Do you demand what you need to improve your performance at work?Q7. Are ou in the 20% club who are happy with the work they do ?3 or more no's take the course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"UMA MULHER LIVRE, LEVE E SOLTAESPERA PORVOC!PROTAGONIZAR OS SONHOS - 15 DIAS - SA - mdulo VIAGENS um curso prtico.Nele te convido a redescobrir os prprios sonhos e realizar cada um deles. Sabes por qu? Porque isto uma questo de escolhas. Que escolhas estais fazendo por ti e pelos teus sonhos?#viverdeescolhas algo que me motiva. Redescobri meu personal branding e atravs de orientao para mulheres percebi que muitas delas no estavam cientes de seus sonhos nem de seus prazeres.Neste mini mdulodisponibilizo uma volta s origens dos seus prprios sonhos, que aqui eu relaciono com VIAGENS. Os prximos mdulos so uma busca para encontro com os prazeres, que relaciono com VINHOS e com o estilo pessoal prprio ao qual atribuo o nome de PERSONALBRANDING.Vamos comear? Afinal estamos em contagem regressiva ... venha temos15 DIAS para realizar!*Quando eu decidi que queria ser livre, leve e solta e viver de minhas prprias escolhas isto foi libertador. Meus valores e minhas crenas foram potencializados. Hoje minha misso como coach, trainer, palestrante e escritora levar s mulheres o melhor do que formatei com estudo, aplicao em minha vida e com base experimental em diversos processos de coaching, workshops e mentorias.SER AUTNCIA poder ser uma mulhercom independncia emocional, amor prprio, seguras de seus valores, potncia e poderes reais, se estes so alguns dos seus objetivos, ento este treinamento pra ti.Aqui o mdulo VINHOS do meu treinamento SER AUTNTICA - VINHOS, VIAGENS E PERSONAL BRANDING 100%online, separar quererque possas iniciar esta maravilhosa e disruptiva jornada do autoconhecimento, com uso da criatividade, humor, PNL, eneagrama, design thinking entre outras tcnicas.O SER AUTNTICA o treino que ir te ajudar a conectar suas habilidades sua evoluo e performance pessoais.Ento ...O QUE O SER AUTNTICA VAI FAZER?Toda mulher pode prever o prprio futuro, basta cri-lo. E isto possvel, mas preciso treinar.Aqui tudo que precisa ser feito se permitir ir para o nvel de performance: o desenvolvimento pessoal.Este curso prtico, ou seja um treinamento, com tarefas estruturadas apartir do uso de PNL, aplicao de tcnicas aplicadas de forma especficas, orientao para o conhecimento sobre a prpriapersonalidade, o direcionamento pararedescoberta sobre os valores e propsitos.Cada aula tem tarefas a serem executadas.Se coloque 100% e vai se surpreender!Nos vemos em breve!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Stress Reduction: How to Build Resilence and Cope" |
"Life seems to be getting faster with increasing demands and pressures which can often cause us to feel overwhelmed and helpless at times.Stress and anxiety is rapidly becoming the number one cause of absence from work and ill health so it's vital to learn how to reduce your reaction to daily hassles and stressors so you can cope with mental clarity, inner calm, ability to deal with life and reintroduce some happiness. This short course talks you through some of the fundamental ways you can significantly reduce the effect life demands have on you whilst also increasing your health and wellbeing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Science of Buddhist Philosophy [Level 1]" |
"This course is ESSENTIAL for EVEYONE because, whether you realise it or not, the thing you - and everyone else for that matter - is seeking is a deep sense of inner happiness, contentment and peace. Everything else falls below this mission. Money would mean nothing if you were unhappy. Living in your dream home would mean nothing if you were miserable. Working in your ideal job would provide you with nothing if you were depressed. Happiness (as Buddhist teachings and scientific research tells us) is the ultimate goal and should be our main focus, because, health and prosperity follow on from the attainment of inner happiness...and not the other way around!On this course you will understand the nature of the human mind, how it works and how to maximise your potential for more happiness, health and wealth (in that order). Using modern-day psychology and scientific research to help reiterate Buddhist teachings, the aim of this course is to guide you towards the path of lasting happiness and all the positive, life enhancing experiences that comes with it. Regardless of weather you feel low, average or happy, this course aims to provide you with the mechanism and practical tools to attain the 'Holy Grail' of your existence so you can reach your true potential."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Science of Buddhist Philosophy [Level 2]" |
"This is the second part of The Science of Buddhist Philosophy course.It's quite remarkable that Buddhist text is c4000 years old and yet, only relatively recently has science begun to confirm the truth behind these ancient teachings.Each video on this course aims to gradually highlight the links between modern-day scientific understanding and Buddhist schooling on the unified nature of consciousness and reality. The implications of these findings - as will be discussed on the course - will not only astonish but may completely change the way you think about yourself, your true potential, the meaning of your life and even your death. At the very least, this course aims to challenge assumptions about the physical nature of the world in which you exist, and at very best, provide you with a lasting sense of existential bliss. If fully understood and applied practically, the positive impact of this course on an individuals life will be nothing short of transformation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Invest in Real Estate Crowdfunding" |
"This course will teach you how to access the major real estate crowdfunding platforms and invest with confidence. You will be walked through, step-by-step, on several different deals including both debt and equity. You will be able to build a diversified real estate portfolio, starting with as little as $1,000USD. This course is meant for investors who reside in the USat this time."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The hidden Toxins in Human Daily Foods" |
"This course covers Facts and Issues concerning Mycotoxins In FoodProducts. It awares about the harmfulness that can be caused by fungus and most of us assume that if something is 'natural' it automatically means its safe. As recent studies proved that this assumption is completely wrong. Join this course to know about these natural toxins and how to minimize its risk in your daily life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Film Financing: Finding & Pitching Investors" |
"Award-winning veteran indie filmmaker Steve Balderson presents a Maverick Masterclass on Film Financing. In this course, you will learn:How to find investorsWho are the five kinds of investorsHow to gain rapport with each of themValuable communication techniquesThe gentle art of persuasionAlthough the focus of this workshop is on filmmaking and film finance, any entrepreneur seeking investors will find this workshop especially useful.For this workshop, you will need:To be fluent in the English language (there are predicate lessonsand verb tenses which will be very challenging for anyone not alreadyfluent in English)Previous knowledge of how to create a business planA willingness to think outside of the boxSoftware which can openPDF documentsA printer (optional)WHAT OTHERS SAY:The workshop was fantastic, I enjoyed every minute of it and I loved the thoroughness of the information discussed. The information was very useful. I gained the perspective of utilizing how to speak more effectively with people. I can use what I learned in the workshop to help me with my future projects and my daily life. I would wholeheartedly recommend this workshop to others. A.H.I had some knowledge about building a business plan and budget, no insight into where to find investors though. Biggest shift was that raising funds now seems obtainable. It will take a lot of leg work but now I have a direction and a place to start. For anyone who has made a film or plans on making a film this workshop was a great place to not only start, but also to enhance knowledge that one might already have about approaching potential investors. J.J.I thought the flow and the agenda was terrific. C.A.""Dikenga for life!"" - Lloyd Kaufman, President Troma Entertainment"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Independent Marketing & Distribution For Creatives" |
"When should you start thinking about marketing and distribution? Before, during or after writing your script or album? Before, during or after casting or recording? What if you already have a completed movie or albumready to sell? While its best to strategize from the very beginning, its never too late to figure out a marketing and distribution plan. Although it might seem overwhelming and confusing to navigate through the distribution landscape of todays marketplace, it doesnt have to be. Join me as we explore effective and efficient ways to market and sell your work. What we will learn in this Maverick Masterclass: Marketing:Effective Self-PromotionDifferent Kinds of PublicityStrategic PlanningThe Marketing ChecklistPress-KitsDistribution/Selling Your Work:Who are Producers Reps, Sales Reps, Aggregators and Distributors?Ways To Sell Your WorkWhat to Know Before Signing a ContractAfter making, selling and releasing over 17feature films globally, Steve has a lot of secrets, tips and cautionary advice to share.This workshop is perfect for any artist (actors, musicians, filmmakers) wanting to learn about self-promotion and how to get their work out into the world."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Creating Beyond Criticism" |
"Do you feel badly when a casting director, or boss, or critic gives you harsh feedback?Are you tired of other people imposing their viewpoints on you? Do you ever second guess yourself when other people tell you what to feel, what to see, how to speak, or how to think of your work? Sometimes people will assert their opinions to create an illusion they are smarter, a better actor, a more successful artist, a stronger musician, but those types of people arent in control of your life. You are. In this workshop we will explore effective and efficient ways to let go of unwanted criticism and any feedback that isnt useful for you. Well also explore how criticism can be useful, and when to recognize it. After this workshop, nothing anyone says to you again will ever get under your skin again. After making, selling and releasing over 15 feature films globally, Steve has a lot of secrets, tips and cautionary advice to share. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS MAVERICK MASTERCLASS:Perception, and where it comes fromHow to find the right viewpointHow to handle horrible peopleStrengthening your creative workHow to never second-guess yourselfWays to understand every criticHow to be less judgmental of others"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso de bajo elctrico nivel 1" |
"El curso de bajo elctrico para principiantes diseado por la escuela de bajo te dar los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar a tocar este maravilloso instrumento llamado bajo elctrico, aprenders los fundamentos comenzando con la historia del bajo, las partes del bajo, cual es la funcin del bajo dentro de la msica, cuales son los diferentes tipos de bajo, como se afina el bajo, cuales y donde estn las notas dentro del diapasn del bajo, cual es la postura correcta para comenzar a tocar, cual es la tcnica correcta para pulsar las notas con la mano derecha y la mano izquierda, que equipo podemos utilizar para acelerar nuestro aprendizaje, "
Price: 720.00 ![]() |
"IBM Datastage For Administrators and Developers" |
"ETL/ELT, buzz of Datawarehouse, Initial point and source for Reporting and Analytics, IBM Datastage is always in demand ETL tool used in many sectors to implement Business Requirement.There are detailed explanation on the Architecture, Installation, Topology & 65 examples of Job Design using different stages to learn Datastage Designer and Director. Additionally, the course is filled with assignments & scenarios with free-data for practice.Let's parse that.IBM Datastage is one of the software in IBM Inforsphere Information Server Suite and is used in all major sectors not limited to Banking, HealthCare, LifeScience, Aerospace projects for data transformation and cleaning.Because of its cool User Interface and ease of design, its easy to implement any requirement/scenario with limited background knowledge.These 65 examples will help you trust Datastage. Each is self-contained, has its dsx code attached. Each example is simple, but not simplistic.What's Included:The Big Ideas: Before we get to the how, we better understand the why - this course will help clarify why we even need ETL and Datastage.The Little Details That Matter: Partitioning & Pipelining, Types of Jobs(Server,Parallel & Sequencer Jobs) and their differences, Deployment topologies (like Two tier, three Tier, Cluster & Grid). Concepts like these matter, this course will cover them. Aditionally, the course focus on live requirement implementation & clarifications. Hence, we design 65 scenarios to understand the basic concepts of stages from Designer & Project setup from Web Console and Administrator.Also, you are provided with Datastage 9.1 and Datastage 11.3 VirtualMachine where you can practice and explore the tool.Using discussion forumsPlease use the discussion forums on this course to engage with other students and to help each other out. Unfortunately, much as we would like to, it is not possible for me to respond to individual questions from students:-(I have worked with many consultancies on training Datastage and have literally seen students getting looted by them, in terms of money, time and training content and quality. And hence,I took over my course to Udemy to make it reachable to millions at an affordable price without worrying about the mediators.Also, I have implemented the entire experience of 3 years of training to create a course, which is self understandable and covers all the concepts required to implement any simple to complex scenario on Datastage. And hence, the course comes with *MINIMAL Technical support over email or in-person*. The truth is, direct support is hugely expensive and just does not scale.We understand that this is not ideal and that a lot of students might benefit from this additional support. Hiring resources for additional support would make our offering much more expensive, thus defeating our original purpose of delivering the course at a low cost. But we can definately use the discussion forum to help each other out. I can pitch in at times on certain scenarios if required.It is a hard trade-off.Thank you for your patience and understanding!What are the requirements?Basic knowledge of DB concepts like Joins (Left, Outer, Inner or Full) & Slowly Changing Dimension Concepts esp SCD Type 1 & 2.The course cover the Virtual Machine set up of Datastage - no worries on that front as we have to simply use the Virtual Machine & Datastage is installed already!What am I going to get from this course?The course explains the basic concepts and architecture of Datastage, sets the mandatory steps to follow to design the jobs to ensure minimal errors and warnings, use Datastage to Implement Business requirement using different stages, pick up the correct stage to create a best suitable job.Identify what features are available in the stages that we can choose to implement a certain requirement to ensure limited stage usage and maximum output with accuracy."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Taming Big Data using Spark & Scala" |
"The Course is for those who do not know even ABCof BigData and tools, want to learn them and be in a comfortable situation to implement them in projects. The course is also for those, who have some knowledge on Big Data tools, but want to enhance them further and be comfortable working in Projects. Due to the extensive scenario implementation, the course is also suitable for people interested to write Big Data Certifications like CCA 175. The course contains Practice Test for CCA175.Because the course is focused on setting up the entire Hadoop Platform on your windows (for those having less than 6GBRAM) and providing or working on fully configured VM's, you need not to buy cluster very often to practice the tools. Hence, the Course is ONETIMEINVESTMENT for secure future.In the course, we will learn how to utilize BigData tools like Hadoop, Flume, Kafka, Spark,Scala (the most valuable tech skills on the market today).In this course I will show you how to - Use Scala and Spark to analyze Big Data.Practice Test for writing CCA 175 Exam is available at the end of the course.Extensive and Real time project scenarios with solutions as you will write in REALPROJECTSUse Sqoop to import data from Traditional Relational Databases to HDFS&Hive.Use Flume and Kafka to process streaming dataUse Hive to view and store data & Partition the tablesUse Spark Streaming to fetch the streaming data from Kafka &FlumeThe VM's in the course are configured to work synchronously together and also have Spark 2.2.0Version Installed. (Standard Cloudera VM has Spark 1.6 Installed with NOKAFKA and requires an upgrade for Spark, while the VM's provided in the course has Spark 2.2 configured and working along with Kafka.)BigData is the most in demand skills right now, and with this course you can learn them quickly and easily! You can also learn the components in the basic setup in files like ""hdfs-site.xml"", ""core-site.xml"" etc They are good to know if working for a projet.The course is focused on upskilling someone who do not know BigData tools and target is to bring them up-to the mark to be able to work in BigData projects seamlessly without issues. This course comes with some project scenarios and multiple datasets to work on with.After completing this course you will feel comfortable putting BigData, Scala and Spark on your resume and also will be easily able to work and implement in projects!Thanks and I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Creating a detailed crowbar game asset" |
"In this tutorial series we are going to learn how to make a game ready crowbar only using blender. We will go through the stages of low poly modeling, uv unwrapping,high poly sculpting, texturing and finally exporting from a nodal systemto bring into something like unreal. The model will use a pbr workflow using a roughness and metallic to achieve a realistic result. So I hope you can get something out of my tutorial and thank you for watching."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master the GMAT Work and Rate problems" |
"""I have enjoyed this course as it was quick, to the point. I also like how Anis stays involved with practice questions. ""Ubaid M.""Good ideas and strategies. The summary is great. Time to practice now. Thanks!"" Martin S.Remember those problems when they tell you that Sam can eat 5 pizzas in 2 hours and Rose can eat 3 pizzas in 4 hours, and then they ask you at the end to know how many pizzas can Sam and Rose eat together in 80 minutes ? This is a WORK and RATE problem, and it is one of the most frequently asked questions in the GMAT.In this course i will teach you how to overcome any work and rate problemthat encounters you in the GMAT. I am Anis, a GMAT Quant expert, i took the GMAT 5 years ago, and i scored 98th percentile on the quant section (Q51), and since then i have helped hundreds of students to enhance their score in this section and iwill help you do the sameLet's go back to the pizza problem, most of the students at the beginning struggle with it, they simply don't know what to do or where to begin. That's why i created a very effective method to solve this type of problems, and once you understand it you'll be able to solve work and rate problems very easily and withminimum effort. First we'll begin with the basic formula we use for this type of problems, and then I'll show you the magic formula i created to solve work and rate problems that involve different identical machines working together at their constant rate. Furthermore, I'll show you the 5 strategies you need to know in order to solve any problem of this type easily without any complications. Then we'll see together 14 questions of different level of difficulty and i will show you step-by-step how to solve them in the simplest way possible. Once you master the methods i teach in this course, you'll be able starting of tonight, to not only solve any work and rate problem but also you'll be able to solve them quickly and this will help you save a lot of time during the test. This course has a 30 days money back guarantee, so i you feel for any reason that this course doesn't suit you, you can ask for a refund very easily. See you in a few minutes."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Master the GRE Work & Rate problems" |
"Remember those problems when they tell you that Sam can eat 5 pizzas in 2 hours and Rose can eat 3 pizzas in 4 hours, and then they ask you at the end to know how many pizzas can Sam and Rose eat together in 80 minutes ? This is a WORK and RATE problem, and it is one of the most frequently asked questions in theGRE.In this course i will teach you how toovercome any work and rate problemthat encounters you in the GRE.I am Anis, a GRE Quant expert, i took the GRE 5 years ago, and i scored 98th percentile on the quant section, and since then i have helped hundreds of students to enhance their score in this section and iwill help you do the sameLet's go back to the pizza problem, most of the students at the beginning struggle with it, they simply don't know what to do or where to begin. That's why i created a very effective method to solve this type of problems, and once you understand it you'll be able to solve work and rate problems very easily and withminimum effort.First we'll begin with the basic formula we use for this type of problems, and then I'll show you the magic formula i created to solve work and rate problems that involve different identical machines working together at their constant rate. Furthermore, I'll show you the 5 strategies you need to know in order to solve any problem of this type easily without any complications.Then we'll see together 14 questions of different level of difficulty and i will show you step-by-step how to solve them in the simplest way possible.Once you master the methods i teach in this course, you'll be able starting of tonight, to not only solve any work and rate problem but also you'll be able to solve them quickly and this will help you save a lot of time during the test.This course has a30 days money back guarantee, so i you feel for any reason that this course doesn't suit you, you can ask for a refund very easily.See you in a few minutes."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"GMAT Data Sufficiency : The ULTIMATE GUIDE" |
"""If you want to master GMAT Data Sufficiency, then this course is a must. I learned a lot of tactics and this helped me alot enhance my GMAT score, i GOT 710!!! Good luck for everyone"" Audrey R.""This is best GMAT course ever, if you are looking to dominate the GMAT Data Sufficiency you are in the right place. Anis explains everything you need to tackle any DS question easily. More than 40 examples very well explained. Highly recommended.""David C.Data sufficiency is the most important part of the GMAT Quantitative section.This part is very ambiguous and many students struggle with it.In this course I will teach youstep-by-stephow to overcome the GMAT Data Sufficiency section. No, i will not show you how to solve 1000 Official guide Questions because i believe it is useless to solve hundreds of questions without having a good strategy. In this course i will give you the best strategy to tackle any Data sufficiency question and i will show you how to apply this strategy to 40 different practice questions. Once you finish this course you'll be able to solve any data sufficiency question that encounters you in the GMATI am Anis, a GMAT Quant expert, i took the GMAT 5 years ago, and i scored 98th percentile on the quant section (Q51), and since then i have helped hundreds of students to enhance their score in this section and iwill help you do the same A young lady once came to me and told me that she got 45th percentile on the Quant section and she is surprised because she has a good level in maths. Within the first session i knew that her problem is with Data sufficiency, she simply doesn't have a strategy to tackle questions. After 2 weeks of intensive coaching she mastered the Data sufficiency and got 82th percentile on the Quant section. In this type of problemsthey give you one question and 2 statementsand you need to know if the statements are sufficient to answer the question or not.In this course i will show you the best strategy to adopt in order to solve any data sufficiency problem. First i will introduce you to data sufficiency. Then i will show you the magic way i use to prove that a statement is not sufficient.Next i will show you the tactic i use to prove that a statement is sufficient,and then i will show you the trap that 99% of test takers fall into and i will show you how to get right answers on this type of question.Once you master the methods i teach in this course, you'll be able starting of tonight, to not only solve any Data Sufficiency problem but also you'll be able to solve them quickly and this will help you save a lot of time during the test. This course has a30 days money back guarantee, so i you feel for any reason that this course doesn't suit you, you can ask for a refund very easily. See you in a few minutes."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Actually Fill up your Seminar Room!" |
"Many Trainers, Coaches, Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Therapists are really good at what they do. But they all have a common challenge - reaching out to the required number of people.I have myself seen empty rooms. 100 people registering, only 10 turning up. Wrong people coming up in the wrong rooms. A lot of time wasted in calling people who are interested in our workshops / seminars, and then continuously following up. Then there are people who will lie on our face as well.I have also seen Money being wasted. Empty chairs is wasted money.This builds up frustration. And takes away a trainers chance of experiencing true joy of making real transformations happen for a lot of people.This is exactly why being able to fill up Seminar Rooms is one of the most critical skills and this is the exact reason why I have created this course.At this course, you will be equipped with all the tools, strategies and the mindset required to become pro at filling up rooms. In any City. Even when people know you or not. Without wasting Money on costly Newspaper Advertisements. And with Having COMPLETE CONTROL over the entire process.I have invested 3 years and almost 3,50,000 Rupees in coming up with a ROBUST and SIMPLE SYSTEM that will give you guaranteed results. I am Building a 123 Crore company just on this system. You can do that too! Infact I have also shared how exactly I am building up my Success Habits Academy.So the price that is offered is an outrageous offer which you should be grabbing now!The reason WHY I am openly sharing my system with you is firstly, I believe in collaboration and not competition and also I believe in Abundance and secondly, I have been there. I have seen the pain of people not turning up in the rooms. I have felt it. And today I see other good trainers going through the same pain... My first response is I wanna help them out!So, I will see you inside. Looking forward to hear your success story about being able to fill up your Rooms!Sign Up at this Crazy Offer Now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mit PowerPoint 2016 als Anfnger erfolgreich durchstarten" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich also an Anfnger, die entweder komplett neu imUmgang mit PowerPointsind oder aber schon ersteErfahrungen mit PowerPoint haben und vielleicht noch den einenoder anderen Tipp bentigen. Wenn Du also PowerPointberuflich nutzen mchtest und Anfnger bist, dann bist Du hier richtig.Ich selbst bin kein Freund von trockener Theorie, deshalb werdeich Dir in diesem Kurs nicht einzelne Funktionen und Mens erklren, sondernich werde mit Dir Schritt fr Schritt eine komplette Prsentation erstellen.Und zwar nehme ich an, dass Du ein Projektleiter bist, der freinen Projekt-Kick-off eine Prsentation erstellen muss mit Text, Tabellen,Diagrammen und Grafiken.Im erstenAbschnitt werden wir gemeinsam eine Prsentation bestehend aus insgesamt zehnFolien erstellen pro Lektion genau eine Folie. Dabei hat jede dieser Lektionen einen thematischen Schwerpunkt,den ich Dir stets am Anfang kurz erklre. Am Ende jeder Lektion bekommst Dunoch 1-2 Expertentippsvon mir, ohne die ich mir den Umgang mit PowerPoint gar nicht mehr vorstellenknnte. Diese Expertentipps helfen nach meiner Erfahrung sogar vielen erfahrenenPowerPoint-Profis.Der zweiteAbschnitt beschftigt sich dann mit dem Feinschliff deinerFolien. Hierzu zhlt natrlich auch, dass ich Dir erklre, wie Du diePrsentation vorfhrst und welche Hilfsmittel Dir PowerPoint hierfr zurVerfgung stellt. Der dritteAbschnitt ist ein Bonusteil mit zustzlichen Tipps fr diePrsentation, aber auch mit einer Anleitung, wie Du Folienbergnge undAnimationen erstellst.In diesem Kurs benutze ich PowerPoint 2016 als Teilvon Office 365, Du kannst aber auch noch eine ltere Version, z.B. 2010 oder2013, benutzen, da diese sehr hnlich sind."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"10 kotlin Android" |
"For Future free training courses like us on Facebook justsearch for ""Mobile Application Courses - MAC""On Facebook/mobileapplicationcourses/ . Google 10 Face Book messenger snap Chat - Uber : Play Store ! : . . . . . - : IntelliJidea - Android Studio Canary Interface Builder Firebase Sqlite ..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Microsoft SQL Bootcamp :Learn SQL For Beginners" |
"Learn to become an SQL Expert in SQL Server Database.This course is for anybody who wants to become a SQL Expert in a SQL Server Database but doesn't know what skills or steps to take.Nearly every company uses SQL and usually, they need a SQL Expert. To become good at SQL, you need technical, communication and problem-solving skills.In this course 'The Complete Microsoft SQL Bootcamp :Learn SQL For Beginners' I will cover how to use SQL and you will learn the same skills no matter which version of SQL Server you use.This step by step approach will be as followsLearn how to write SQL in a SQL Server DatabaseYou will understand what SQL is and how to update, delete and insert information in tables"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
10-tvmkg |
"! - , ! ."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Bordado com Pedraria" |
"Bordar sempre um prazer! Ver seu trabalho pronto e receber elogios por sua arte e criatividade completam esse prazer.Imaginar que alinhavar aqui, colocar uma pedra ali e continuar acol, vai transformar uma pea simples em algo to belo e diferente.E fazer disso uma profisso ainda melhor, pois um trabalho dinmico em que a imaginao e a criatividade no tm limites.Use e abuse das suas criaes. A melhor vitrine voc. Nunca diga no sei fazer. Pesquisando, perceber que no difcil.Fique atenta moda e tenha contato com a Internet. Hoje, a rede o melhor e mais rpido meio de pesquisa e acesso s novidades,e aos profissionais que querem mostrar seus trabalhos.Sempre valorize seu dom e seu tempo.Boa Sorte !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Percusso - Aprenda a Tocar Surdo, Caixa, Tamborim" |
"O curso de percusso direcionado para que o aluno encontre a musicalidade prpria, trabalha-se com as principais reas do Brasil e Africana e Amrica Central, SAMBA, tradicional com instrumentos de tamborim, tarol. A escola de samba com surdos, caixa, tarol e bateria leve. O pagode com tants, repique, pandeiro, tamborim. O Samba Rock com bateria. Africano com o estudo de tubadoras, berimbau. E estilos especficos de Cuba, Republica Dominicana, Porto Rico.SEJA UM PERCUSSIONISTA!!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso Cavaquinho Fcil + Revista Digital Grtis" |
"Quanto tempo voc j gastou na internet pesquisando informaes de como tocar cavaquinho? Quanto tempo voc j gastou tentando aprender a tocar cavaquinho por conta prpria? Ou passando horas e horas em frente do youtube tentando aprender alguma coisa Acredito que a maioria dos iniciantes de cavaquinho passam por essa situao.So poucos os estudantes que realmente aprendem a tocar. Vou ser totalmente sincero ao falar isso, pois o objetivo abrir os olhos de vocs que comearam a aprender agora. A grande maioria, ganha ou compra um cavaquinho e j partem l pro youtube tentando tocar alguma coisa sem ao menos, sentar e tentar entender o bsico do bsico de cavaquinho.O Curso Cavaquinho Fcil um treinamento 100% online direcionado para alunos que esto comeando do zero, ou que j tocam mas desejam aprimorar os seus conhecimentos."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de Canto Gospel" |
"Gospel pode ser entendido como um estilo de msica dos cultos religiosos, que possui sua origem na comunidade negra norte-americana, caracterizando-se por uma harmonia simples, pelo gnero folclrico e pela intensa influncia do blues.Cantar um dom, mas tambm exige tcnica. Que tal abrilhantar ainda mais a sua voz? Aprenda a respirar adequadamente, exerccios vocais e saiba como Proteger a sua voz.SOLTE A VOZ!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso Prtico de Canto" |
"Para conhecer e dominar a voz necessrio estudar a tcnica vocal.Existem vrios mtodos de canto e cada tcnica tem fundamentada sua concepo particular com relao a vrios aspectos, tais como respirao, emisso, ressonncia e articulao, entre outros. A respirao o alicerce da boa voz para situaes tanto de fala quanto de canto, sendo responsvel pelo equilbrio vocal, segurana e controle da situao.A receita de como se deve respirar pode tornar-se perigosa e ser experimentada como um aprisionamento ou constrangimento da expresso pessoal e at vocal.Pode tambm ser compreendida erroneamente, levando utilizao mais intensa de determinada musculatura, com maior ou menor tenso, privilegiando por mais tempo a contrao dos msculos expiratrios ou dos inspiratrios, enrijecendo a musculatura abdominal e/ou adquirindo m postura.Com o apoio respiratrio, o cantor comanda uma inspirao bem dosada e controla o fluxo expiratrio de acordo com as exigncias da msica.Aproveite!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a Tocar Viola Caipira" |
"Voc conhecer as partes da viola e suas funes, as tcnicas de mo direita e esquerda, aprender a fazer acordes e vrios ritmos de acompanhamento. Tudo isso passo a passo, partindo do zero. Estude, pratique e encontre o seu ritmo. o primeiro passo para sua carreira musical.O contedo deste mdulo pode ser aprendido de um a seis meses depende do tempo que voc disponibilizar para o estudo, mas certamente ser uma fonte de referncia por muitos anos.Bons estudos!Case Editorial"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Teclado + Revista Digital Grtis" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso de msica Teclado Fcil. Nosso curso dividido em 38 VDEO-AULAS. Neste curso vamos conhecer as notas do teclado, estudar as tcnicas de mo direita e esquerda, aprender todos os acordes maiores e menores, alm de vrios ritmos de acompanhamento. Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de tocar quase todo o repertrio da msica pop mundial com perfeio. Tudo isso passo a passo, partindo do zero.Estude, pratique, encontre o seu ritmo."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Violo Fcil Vol. 1 - BSICO / Grtis Revista Digital" |
"Bem-vindo ao Curso Violo Fcil Ed. I O Curso inclui 15 Vdeo-Aulas e Acompanha uma Revista Digital Ilustrada com toda a Explicao do que voc Aprendeu nas Vdeo-Aulas.Tudo isso Passo a Passo, Partindo do Zero e ao Final do Curso, Voc Ser Capaz de Tocar Quase Todo o Repertrio da Msica Pop Nacional e Mundial. Bons Estudos!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |