Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Darknet - How To Safely Access The Darknet!" |
"Learn What the Darknet Has To Offer?Eager To learn How To Access The Darknet?Want To Learn How To Use Darknet Search Engines?This Course Will teach Everything You Need To Know About The Darknet.ACourse On The Darknet With The Aim Of Getting You On The Darknet Securely And Safely.This Course explainsEverything From How To Access The Darknet With Tor Browser , What Tor Browser Is Everything is Explained InBasic Terminology So You Know How ToSetUp A Secure And Safe Environment For Darknet Surfing.This course will show you the best Online services the Darknetoffers from Search engines To Email Provider.This course also shows how to install and use free software's to run on your PC after accessing the Darknet for your peace of mind thatnothing has infected your PC, thiswill ensure your safety and security from the threats posed not juston the Darknet but the Surface Web also.This course also introduces you to a free ransomware software to install on your PC.This course is aimed at anybody that wants to get started using the Darknet in a very safe, and secure environment. From complete beginners to anyone that has little experience with the Darknet, You are in the right place."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Calculus 1 Made Easy" |
"This course in an evergreen course because every weekI upload new videos and quizzes.I also upload new videos each month based on what students need and request.Videos: Every video covers a topic of calculus 1. For every topic I solve several examples from simple to hard. I believe that we learn betterwith more exercises. Quizzes: You can test your understanding and knowledge about a topic by taking a quiz (all of them have complete solutions). If you pass, congratulation. If not, you can review the videos againorlook at the solutions of questionsorask me for help in the Q&A section."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create a remarkable business Facebook page from scratch" |
"So, you've noticed other businesses succeeding on Facebook? You've heard about the power of this social media platform for creating relationships with prospects and customers? But when you go to do it for your business, you lose confidence and you aren't sure quite what to do?Facebook is a fantastic platform for your small business to promote on. The functionality allows you to build a mini website. In this course I will explain the value of a Facebook page and how to make the most of this platform. I will show you how to set-up a page from scratch and guide you on what wording to use, choosing photos and how to post to Facebook so you can confidently use it.My name is Kelly Hodgkins and Im here to guide you, step-by-step, through this process! I have loved marketing for as long as I can remember and I have been working in the industry for over ten years. I am the co-owner in my own marketing consultancy in South Africa. As social media have come to the fore, I have engaged with them, created strategies for them and implemented these strategies for a broad range of clients. I have taught several students the Facebook basics in person and Udemy allows me to teach you, wherever you are in the world! I want your business to have a remarkable, tailored Facebook page and for you to feel confident using it. In this course, we explore the different kinds of Facebook business pages you can choose from and why a Facebook business page is preferable to a personal profilewe will identify who you are talking to and how that affects your contentwe will create the key elements to create a remarkable Facebook business page including:the text for the About Us sectionthe images for the profile and cover photosyour first post we will look at the different kinds of Facebook posts includingphotosvideosliveeventswe will create your Facebook business page, step-by-stepwe will post your first post, step-by-stepTo get the most out of this course, you need to have a Facebook personal profile and use Facebook regularly. My objective is for you to create a well-thought out business Facebook page and manage your page confidently. I will explain each decision we make, why we are doing what we are doing and I will show you step-by-step, click-by-click, how to do it."
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Salon Marketing 101-Digital Marketing Introduction" |
"Are you wanting more traffic to your salons website?More clients through your doors and a well known salon reputation?This is your first step to becoming a salon marketing pro, so... Congratulations! You are at the right place to start!Salon Marketing 101 - Digital Marketing IntroductionIn this course I will teach you how to harness the power of your online presence to drive clients into your salon.We will look at Facebook, Instagram and Youtubeas channels to build a brand for your salon.The modern world moves quick, gone are the days of flyer distribution and an advert in the local newspaper, no, look around, everyone is glued to their phone and thiscourse will allow you capture their attention.Together in this course we will create beautiful,exciting &captivating content you can use for yoursocial media. I will assist you to how to identify your target audience and how to build a community for your salon to grow your audience.Welcome on-board!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
Amazon |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Sell on Amazon and Walmart - Go From Beginner to Pro" |
"In this course you will learn how to build your own scalable and sustainable business selling your own private-label branded products on Amazon and Walmart. You will learn from two multi-million dollar Amazon Sellers and all about their strategies that brought them over a million dollar in yearly sales. This course shows you exactly what to do every step of the way. You'll learn how they source products, how to import products from China and all about branding your private label products.We'll also get into a variety of tips to help you become successful at selling your products through your own online store and through Amazon FBA. There is also a bonus section on how to sell on Walmart."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Meditation - Discover Your Uniqueness" |
"This course is all about YOU!Meditation ishighly beneficial to whatever you want to manifest in your life.I believe that with your uniqueness you also need a unique meditation practice.I introduce you to 7 techniques that you can exercise with. You'll have access to 7 guided meditations (also downloadable mp3 file), I'll explain tools that will help your practice and that willserve you immediately in your daily life. You'll receive a blueprint, my personal mediation structure that gives you the steps to tune out and go inwards. Plus you'll receive video's with breathing exercises and yoga poses that will support you in whatever you want to manifest.After this course you'll be able to make meditationyour own, meaning you can develop your own unique practice in your awesome unique life. You'll increase your self-belief with meditation, create awareness and understanding of the outside influences, your ego and your behaviour. You'll be able to give stress a face and you'll change/decrease it by making more authentic decisions.Meditation Rocks! Don't make it a prison.You can make it as fun as you want.Get introduced to this amazing tool.Sign up now and start creating your own meditation practice right away.Namast JJ"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Buenondismo - Qu hacer con el miedo" |
"Sentimos miedo y ansiedad todo el tiempo yno sabemos por qu somos tan infelices.Buenondismo es un manual para entender los conceptos bsicos de la existencia y as evitar sufrir tanto en nuestra mente y disfrutar ms la vida.En Buenondismo aprenders de los siguientes temas:Por qu sufrimos? Por qu tenemos tanto miedo? Analicemos el relajo que vivimos en nuestra mente.De qu forma nos afectan nuestras creencias. Tenemos la mente muy condicionada, todo el tiempo estamos comparando todo con nuestras vivencias pasadas, as que no disfrutamos el presente.Cmo sobrevivir las relaciones? Si ests bien de la cabeza, no necesitas a nadie.Si quieres cambiar el mundo, haz billete. El dinero es pura energa, es un mundo de posibilidades. Si eres buena persona, t debes tener mucho dinero, ya que hars buen uso de l. Crees que el dinero es malo? Entonces dselo a quienes lo necesitan ms!chate un clavado a tus vivencias y crate. Estars mucho mejor si ordenas toda la informacin que ha entrado a ti desde la infancia.Quin hizo todo esto llamado Vida? Quin est detrs de todo esto?Dios tiene muchos nombres. El trmino ms universal es Conciencia. La conciencia es quien ha creado todo lo que existe. Pero no slo eso, ella habita dentro de nosotros, podemos sentirla.Todo iba bien hasta que lleg el Ego a cagarlo todo. El ego es la persona que t crees que eres, es la suma de tus vivencias.Qu hacer? de qu me sirve saber todas estas cosas? Hay cosas muy sencillas que puedes hacer para no volverte loco en tu mente y disfrutar ms de la vida.Eso de que la Ley de atraccin trata de pedirle cosas al universo suena muy New Age, te explicar una forma ms cientfica de verla y cmo sacarle provecho verdadero.Al final habr un video con una conclusin para que te queden claros los puntos ms importantes de este manual.Espero te sirva mucho este curso y comiences a disfrutar mucho ms de la vida!"
Price: 1470.00 ![]() |
"Marketismo - Vende tus servicios y productos!" |
"En este curso en lnea nos enfocaremos de una forma muy prctica en una pequea rama del mundo del marketing digital: te dar un tutorial paso a paso para crear anuncios de Facebook e Instagram para que recibas mensajes de Whatsapp de tus posibles clientes.Hablar de una forma general del tema de marketing en nuestra era.Explicar cmo ordenar campaas, conjunto de anuncios y los anuncios.Crear una campaa (hay 8 tipos de campaas pero nos centraremos en una).Crear un conjunto de anuncios.Definir la audiencia a la que nos dirigiremos.Segmentacin.Uso de imgenes de Shutterstock.Crear un copy (son 3 textos los que se deben escribir, te explicar la mejor forma de acomodarlos para ser ms efectivos).Crear un cdigo sencillo para que quienes vean tu anuncio piquen un botn y los lleve directo a tu Whatsapp, en donde ellos encontrarn que ya est pre-escrito un texto (que t definirs), de forma que ellos slo deban dar click en enviarConocers el Ad Manager para editar tus anuncios y crear nuevas campaas y anuncios.Tienes talento. Yo te ayudar a que utilices de una mejor forma tu energa para que tengas mucha chamba y puedas generar riqueza para ti y los que te rodean."
Price: 1470.00 ![]() |
Inkscape() |
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
myxjzpbb |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC :" |
Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"#1 Complete ASP.NET Core MVC Single-Page App[The Future]" |
"I HELP ALL STUDENTS VIA TeamViewer USING Skype CALL TO FIX ALL INITIAL ISSUES.Im always updating this course with fresh content, too..Its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.Thats why Im always adding new, up-to-date content to this course at no extra charge. Buy this course once, and youll have lifetime access to it and any future updates (which are on the way as we speak). Creative way to turn any version of ASP.NET-MVC or ASP.NET CoreApplication Into Single-Page Application Within 2 minutesafter using my (toufiqElahySPA.js)Jquery Plugin. Here,toufiqElahySPA.js is a Jquery Plugin which is responsibleto turn any web application into single page application. I developed this Plugin to minimize developer's effort while working on Creating Single Page Application. Let's see, how my Plugin can make developers life better.Single page applications are more capable of decreasing load time of pages and the amount of data transfer from server to client. Why This Course?There are several pain points while working with Javascript framework like AngularJs, React, VueJs, Knockout, meteor e.t.c. in a ASP.NET MVC application in order to create Single-Page Application. Few Pain Points Are:Need to specify routing for each requestNeed to modify Server side technology according to Javascript frameworkOnly possible to debug on run timeHard-coded data-binding caused too many errorIncreasethe complexity a lot developerno need to learn any javascript frameworkand alsono need to write much Jquerycodeto make Single Page Application after using my Jquery Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js).Note: developer can also use other JavaScript framework(angularjs, knockout, react e.t.c.) side by side with my Jquery Plugin. But no need, i will prove.I applied the Plugin in a .NET Web application. This plugin will also work for Other Web Technologies too. Iwill show in my future course.90% of time Developer no need to Create View-model Classes.This course is so important to Developer who loves:Strongly Typed data-binding(Razor code)Compile time error checking,auto code completion(IntelliSense),Re-usability,not to get Run-time error unexpectedlyto get rid fromcomplexityshould definitely take this course.Why (toufiqElahySPA.js)Jquery plugin is betterthanany JavaScriptframework:(1) Developer won't need to write too much Javascript code after using my plugin wheres developer usually writes too many javascript code while working with AngularJs(javascript framework)(2) Developer won't need to write Jquery ajax code because the plugin has ajax function specified which will be called automatically as a common function(3) Developer won't need to specify routing as like AngularJs because My plugin will follow ASP.NET MVC routing by default.(4) Developer can learn using my plugin easily and quickly. justneed to followonly 5 rules of my pluginand any complex scenario can be achieved through this plugin like AngularJs [i will prove](5)Developercan also make Single-Page app even not following those 5 rules of the plugin. Those rules are for critical situation. First 2 rules is enough to solve any heavy lifting work.What technology is used infront-end?Mainly JqueryHTML & Razor CodeWhat technology is used in back-end?c#, LinqASP .NET-MVC CoreEntity Framework CoreWhat tools you will need?Any Version of Visual Studio will Work but try to getLatest Updated VersionASP.NET Core 2.0 will need to be installed in your MachineAny browser Whatever you like mostWhyI applied My Plugin toAsp .NET Core application:Cross-platform needs.High-performance and scalable systems.Allcoding best practices(asynchronous programming, dependency injection)Within this course I will Show:How powerful and complexcross-platformsingle page application we can build with my Plugin And how my SPA techniquecan improve the Software performance both on server and client side.How toufiqElahySPA.js(jquery plugin) works:If End user click any Link or submit any Form or click Backward or Forward button on browser, the common ajax function of the Plugin will be invoked automatically. 5 rules of the plugin to handle critical situation:I will explain all these 5 rules in 10 minutes within this course. True fact is: learning these 5 rulesareenough to learn this entire Course. Learn By Doing.Money-Back Guarantee:After taking this course, if any student fail to achieve his goal, i will refund. Make sure you followed my video's and source code and specially my 5 rules. If something is still unclear, you can askquestion in the forums, i will reply. Happy Coding!I hope! You will Enjoy this magic Course.Important Notice:i want to ensure all the Student that my Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js) will not be responsible for any serverrelated error while applying the Plugin(toufiqElahySPA.js) in your own Project. you may just need to modify toufiqElahySPA.css according to your application need. If you get a server related exception that means your implementation has problem which need to be fixed. Don't ever think that the Plugin maybe the reason for this exception.please, give good ratings and comments if you want to get this type of creative and unique course in future. Good feedback will definitely encourage me to make more course on Udemy. Thank you!Notice(to all):If i don't getgood ratings and comments, i will not able to get inspired to share more content. if u really want to get Advanced Topics . please give me true ratings and comments."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Hackea tu timidez y multiplica tu confianza en 3 capitulos!" |
"Muchos se fijan en lo duro que es dejar de ser timidos, pero has pensado en lo que cuesta seguir con una confianza tan baja? Lo que cuesta a nivel de relaciones, lo que cuesta sentirse incomodo en todas las stituaciones sociales? Le has hablado a la persona que te atrae ultimamente? Eso va a cambiarImagina que este curso es una escalera (y asi es), enla parte ms baja de la escalera representa a las personastimidas y con confianza extremadamente bajas. Estas personas :Se sienten intimidados en situaciones sociales en las que estn rodeados de personasSiempre tratan de asegurarse de no hacer nada que los pueda avergonzar frente a las personas.Mentalmente se preparan para reaccionar ante situacionesespecficas, antes que pasen, para saber qu hacer si ocurren.No expresan su opinin para no contradecir a la persona con la que hablan y as evitar una discusin.Encuentran difcil el hacer contacto visual sobre todo con el sexo opuesto.Siempre se muestran de acuerdo con las personas, incluso cuando no lo estn.Se sienten ansiosas al pensar en abordar a alguien que no conocen.Le temen al ser rechazado por el sexo opuesto, especialmente en frente de sus amigos.Les preocupa el poder satisfacer a los demasPiensan que hay personas con un mayor valor que ellos.La cima de la escalera representa a las personas con una autoestima y auto-confianza extremadamente altas. Las personascon alta autoestima:No se preocupan de lo que la gente piense de ellos.Creen que el mundo es su saln de juegos y pueden hacer lo que les plazca (dentro de lo razonable).Disfrutan del desafo de atraer al sexo opuesto.No le temen al rechazo de nadie, sea hombre o mujer.Saben exactamente qu quieren de la vida.Saben lo que aceptarn y no aceptarn de otros seres humanos. Por ejemplo, si otra persona se comporta de manera grosera, ellos se lo harn saber y le dirn que se detenga, en vez de aceptar sus crticas.Pueden acercarse a cualquier desconocido, no importa lo genialque sea, y aun as sentirse tan confiados como siempre.Creen que en SU VIDAvalen mas que cualquiera, porque es SU vida.QUE VAMOS A HACER PARA LLEGAR HASTA AHI?El curso se basa en un metodo de analisis, en el que estudie y clasifique los puntos que hacen la mayor diferencia para aumentar la seguridad en si mismo de una persona, en el menor tiempo posible. Esta pensado para dejar de ser timido, una vez que te muestre porque no sos timido, vamos a enfocarnos en aumentar tu confianza. Desarrolle este ""metodo de optimizacion progresiva"", que es esta especie de escaleracon diferentes niveles de confianza para que avances desde el lugar en que estas ahora. Vas a conocer las mejores tecnicas psicologicas para avanzar mucho mas rapido (PNL). Vas recibir la motivacion e informacion que necesitas para transformarte en una persona segura, sociable y atractiva. Eh leido cientos de libros y probado decenas de tecnicas y metodos, por eso pude tomar los puntos mas efectivos y poner a tu disposicion este material que cambio mi vida y tengo la esperanza que haga mismo con la tuya.Es un placer que te unas a nosotros!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Shopify For Beginners" |
"From author Ken Walker (Copywriting for Today's Internet Marketer).This course teaches complete newbies how to setup a Shopify store from start to finish. You'll learn simple tricks of the trade as well as expert insight to make your new business venture profitable as quickly as possible. Enrollment in my course gives you access to:Support directly from me while you setup your new store - getting answers quickly...Expert advice on best practices - skip over the learning curve hurdles by tapping into my 20+ years ofreal-world-experience...Discover the easy way toboost saleswith free add-on apps...Discounts on my other courses including advanced social media marketing strategies, email marketing and more...Once your store is setup you'll also be able to take advantage of my bonus content that includes Social Media Marketing to start getting traffic to your new store quickly so you can make sales before your Shopify trial is even over!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing Domination" |
"Ken Walker (Author of Copywriting for Today's Internet Marketer) explains how email can make your business more money through automation and creative communication with your prospects and clients.Successful businesses large and small, digital product owners, filthy-rich bloggers and affiliate marketers all have one thing in common - the LIST. An email list of subscribers is like money in the bank ready for you to make a withdrawal month after month.Today, if you're not using email marketing you are leaving money on the table, and lots of it.You know how hard it can be to get a new customer. Advertising expenses, man-hours trying to close those deals, video production, conference presence, it's all out there taking up time and money. But the whole time you've got something in your backyard that could instantly DOUBLE your income. Every. Single. Month.Your existing customers already love you. They've proven that by buying what you're selling. This course will teach you how to tap into that fountain, gushing with hungry buyers, right in your own backyard. But more than that...this powerful system works FOR YOU to get new customers, turning prospects into PROFITS automatically, while you rake in the rewards of your labors.We're talking about Email Marketing Domination. You'll get a first-hand look right inside the world of Email Marketing and how successful marketers, entrepreneurs and business owners, from mom-and-pop shops to huge retail chains tap into FREE money with every single email they send.I'm Ken Walker and for years I've worked with a close-knit group of online marketers building list after list in laser-targeted niches just like yours. It doesn't matter what your business is - I can show you how to build a list from scratch and effectively market to those subscribers generating revenue for your business, over and over again.Enroll today and start building not only your list but your future as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python From A to Z" |
"Be an awesome Python Programmer now & Learn one of the most sought-after programming language by employers in 2017!.This course takes you from the very beginning steps and basics of Python until you become comfortable in using the language. if you are a beginner programmer or intermediate programmer or switching from another language to Python then this is the right course for you !We are going to first start by learningbasic syntaxin Python and learn the concepts of programming in Python like if statements and conditions, variables, for/whileloops &functions. Then we move to the Object Oriented Programming & Learn Classes & Objects , which is probably the most important concept in all programming languages.We finally learn how to import packages in Python& use them to build our awesome appsthat solves real problems.So what are you waiting for? it's time to get your career to the next level & get your dream job!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Django Create a Complete Website" |
"Welcome to Django For Web Developers, In this course we cover everything you need to know to build a complete website using Python, with Django Framework, and many more web application technologies!Whether you want to change to web development career path, expand your current skills, start your own business website, or just want to learn, this is the course for you!I will teach you the latest technologies to build awesome web applications with Python and Django. Moreover, that is NOT it, we will teach teach you Front End technologies that could make your application more appealing including HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. This course can open a whole new world and many opportunities fro you as a web developer!This course is designed so that anyone can learn how to become a web developer. We teach you step by step how to create each block in your code and we also debug errors together, so you will become families with errors in your code that could be faced in the futuer and will be able to debug them.Here is some of the topics covered in this course:HTML5CSS3BootstrapMVCPythonDjango BasicsDjango TemplatesDjango FormsDjango Admin CustomizationCRUDClass Based ViewsUser Authenticationand much,much more!You will also get the complete code after the end of this course so it could be a good reference for you to build upon or improve it further for your own needs. And any question feel free to contact me to help you out in your journey!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kivy Create Cross-Platform Applications" |
"Are you a Python developer? Do you want to create smart phone apps that runon Android,iOS & Windows Phones? Are you tired of writing a lot of code for each platform? then you are in the right place :)In this course we will take you step by step to teach you how to create Smart phone Apps in Pythonfor all platforms including Android, iOS, Windows, Linux & Mac using Kivy library. By the end of this course you will have created a complete app that runs on all platforms and you will be able to create your own app by using that tools that have been taught throughout this course.Kivy is a python library that gives you both the power of creating cross platform applications andbeautiful &attractive UIall that with Python code so you will not need to learn Java/Kotlin to create OnlyAndroid apps or Swift to create only iOS apps. But you will write only one simple code that runs on all platforms so you will save your time and effort.Moreover, we will go through Kivy documentation and we will the most important features of it.Here is some of the topics included in this course:Design UI using Kivy LayoutsCreate widgets like buttons,labels,text view, text inputs and moreModify button colorsAdd event listener for buttons & inputsCreate Http requestsDesign app classes & objectsCreate dynamic classesCreate JSON storageCreate PopupwindowsDelete JSONstorageDisplay date on appand much more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Easy Way To Master Angular 4" |
"Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for creating front end apps. Its popularity was derived from Google which has created & launched it. If you want to work & move forward with your career as a frond-end developer, you definitely need to learn Angular.With TypeScript, Angular might seem so difficult and impossible to learn, however, In this course we make things so easy like never before. Actually you will realize how easy Angular is after you follow through with me.Angular 4 will make the process of managing your website as easy as possible and you will not believe so. Moreover, fixing bugs in Angular is quite simple because you can locate the error quickly with features given by Angular.By the end of this course you:will have created a completed website.will have learned the most important features of Angular 4will be able to use Angular 4 with your own projectwill fix bugs & manage your project easilyHere are the most important topics covered in this course:Creating componentsUsing directives & creating custom directivesAdding modules to your projectUsing command line to interact with your Angular projectMVVM concept Login form & form validationLogout & back buttonHTTP get request Get JSON response from HTTP RequestDisplaying JSON data to your viewUsing for directive loop through arrays in viewUsing if statement in viewAdding routing & navigationCreating services to use throughout your projectDesigning your html using bootstrap & csseasiness is our goal, instead of doing it the hard way we choose the easy way in all aspect of our course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Javascript For Newbies" |
"Javascript is the language that modern developers need to know, regardless of their specialization . The demand for Javascript developers is increasing everyday and adding it to your portfolio will get you jobs much easier.NOTE: This course is not on a specific Javascript framework or library. It's all about the basics.In this course you will learn how to code using Javascript, learn and understand what a Javascript code does, and how to avoid bad practices in Javascript, debug Javascript code, and most of all how to write a clean organized code in Javascript that you can get back to it, understand it or fix it and also let others understand it.This course will take you step by step so that you don't get confused and it will cover topics and concepts like objects, function expressions, constructor functions, functional programming, scopes, anonymous functions, try & catch and much more.I'll take understand how Javascript can manipulate web pages and how important that is in nowadays websites and web apps.What you'll learn in this course will make you a better Javascript developer, and improve your abilities as a web developer and will put you on the right path to specialize in one of the most popular Javascript Frameworks & Libraries such as AngularJS, NodeJS, jQuery, React, Ember, MongoDB, and all other Javascript-based technologies!Note: In this course you'll also get downloadable source code. You will also be provided with an exercise or quiz at the end of each lecture to test your understanding."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Stop Waiting - Start LOVING Your Single, Childfree Life" |
"If you're finally ready to stop staring at your 'dream wedding' Pinterest board and start living your best life right now, this course was created for you. If you want a course thattruly challenges you to make actionable changes in your life and will give you tangible results, this is it.My name is Lilli Blackmore, and I'm a writer at The American Spinster and author of the upcoming book Radical Spinsterhood: How to Ditch The Stereotypes, Free Your Mind, and Change The World.In this course I'll teach you how to hold a magnifying glass to your 'dreams' and see them for what they really are, as well as how they might be holding you back. You'll gain the tools to refocus your goals, and live the most fulfilling life you possibly can - no spouse or child required.This course will give you:an actionable game plan to transform your lifetangible, real-life resultsa 5-part workbookongoing support long after you'vecompleted the courseaccess to the course's private Facebook groupWhat sets this course apart from other personal growth courses is that you'll learn by applying these principles to your life. Instead of just reading about self-help theory, you'll be using it immediately in your day-to-day life - and seeing immediate results!You will learn:How your dreams of marriage and babymight be holding you backHow to refocus your dreams to create the most fulfilling life possibleHow to stay on track after you complete the course""Spinsterhood"" has traditionally be seen as something to avoid at all costs. In this course, however, I'll teach you why planning on being single and childfree can result in a truly satisfying life - even if you marry and have children later on.Why should you sign up for this course?The intensive nature of this course will challenge you to make real, tangible changes in your life. No procrastination, no excuses. Just real life changes.If you're waiting on a spouse or a baby, you're wasting the best years of your life. This course will show you how to take back control of your life right now.When you order, you'll receive a 30-day moneyback guarantee, so there is absolutely no risk to you.Who is this course for?This course was designed primarily for women who are unmarried and without children. If you fall into these categories and you are ready to make a positive change in your life, this course is for you.Stop waiting; start living and LOVING your life exactly as it is now."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Business 101: Sales Fundamentals" |
"What makes someone a great salesperson? Is it how they dress? Is it how they talk? Is it how they carry themselves? Simply put, the answer to these questions is YES!!! Ever notice how the greatest sales people never seem to meet a stranger? No matter where they go, they always seem to strike up a conversation with the most random people and often, these new found friends become leads somewhere down the road. Ever wonder how these people have this ""gift of gab""? Is this ability due to genetics? Were they born with it? Short answer...NO!! Of course not, these ""effortless"" gifts, are the result of hours, days, weeks, months, and even years of hard work and dedication. What you don't see are all of the thousands of phone call hang ups,thousands of doors slammed in their faces, and thousands of well craftedemails with little to no response from potential customers. Wouldn't it be great if you could just skip the years of learning by ""trial and error"" and get right to the lessons, life hacks, and tips that will make you a successful salesperson today? Well that's why I created the Make It Happen courses and University, so you could learn from my 24years of blood, sweat, and tears as one of the greatest sales people in the world, having been voted the top global wealth manager in 1999, 2000, and 2003 and having personally coached and mentored THOUSANDS ofpeople to become MILLIONAIRES. Would you like to become mynext SUCCESS story? Lets get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide To Add Social Media Login to PHP Web Apps" |
"In this series you will learn how to add different social media login option to your existing PHP web application. This course will cover Facebook Graph PHP SDK, Google Client API and GitHub API for Login.Nowadays, filling big registration forms are boring and time consuming. With one click, you can get the complete valid user data from any of the social networking sites like facebook, google, microsoft, linkedin and github which are trending at the moment.OAuth login is definitely a must have login system for any PHP web based projects. OAuth login is quick and easy, which helps to increase your website registrations.Social Media Logins makes it extremely easy for new users to join your website, your client base can grow exponentially within a very short time. My Approach I employ a project based approach for all my courses. In this series I use simple examples that can be easily understood to illustrate concepts and build upon it. Timely Support !If you ever encounter any problem why taking this course, don't worry I am always here to help and guide you through."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"PHP: The Complete PHP MVC Course" |
"COURSE UPDATED ON 16th DEC 2018 - New Section Added: ""Solutions to Assignments""COURSE UPDATED ON 06 OCT 2018 - New Section Added: ""Upgrading to Nodejs 8 And Webpack""PHPThe Complete PHP MVC: Build a Modern eCommerce Store In this series you will learn how to build a responsive PHPMVC eCommerce website from scratch using modern and techniques such as ZURB Foundation, SASS, Composer, Gulp, PHPLaravel Elixir, VueJS, Eloquent ORM, Laravel Blade Templating Engine, Axios for HTTP Request, Stripe and PayPal APIs for payment processing and lots more. Are you a full-time working developer, or a professional freelancer? Then you should buy this course now. Why? Over the years I have come to understand few things about Web development and IT in general; things change so rapidly such that if youre not keeping up with latest trends you will be so surprised how much has changed in few months. Companies want to move fast and get things done, they need developers who can write stable and scalable code with speed and efficiency. This is how your value is measured. With an initial 21 hours on-demand videos, your PHP workflow will change drastically, you will learn how to write clean and stable code, use the tools that working developers use to get things done in a fast and efficient manner. Some of the tools you will learn how to use are: This PHP MVC course is intensive, comprehensive and practical oriented. You will learn how to write code using PHP MVC pattern, create components that you can use in other projects plus you will build an eCommerce store from scratch We'll go through the entire design and implementation process from start to finish, and learn how to build a modern, stable, secure eCommerce web application using PHP MVC Pattern. After completing this PHP MVCcourse, you would have developed a more thorough and efficient workflow and be well equipped to take up any web development project; do more in less time. This course covers all you will need to compete in the job market as a full stack web developer. Awesome right? Give yourself the competitive advantage and tools to become a true, well-rounded PHPdeveloper. You wont regret it.What You need to knowThere is only one main requirement for this course which is a solid understanding of the concept of Object oriented programming. I have noticed that most students still struggle with understanding OOP for that reason I have put together a resource on Devscreencast ""PHP Object-Oriented Bootcamp"" P.S. All those enrolled in my PHP MVC course will get the ""PHP Object-Oriented Bootcamp"" course for FREE.In this series I will introduce the concept of object oriented programming using PHP. You will learn about:Classes, objects properties and methodsConstructor & destructorProtecting access to your class properties and methodsUsing setters and gettersObject InheritanceStatic methods, properties and late static bindingMethod chainingObject abstraction and InterfacePHP 7 type hinting and return type, etc"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Reverse Engineering games & applications Reverse Engineering" |
"Hi Students,Fall in love with learning with our course from $11.99. New Year , Cyber Monday, Black Friday & Thanksgiving Day Deals Are here again,don't miss ! in Step by Step todayIn this Reverse Engineering games & app-reverse engineering process training course, The expert author will teach you about common reverse engineering software and how to find them, as well as how to reverse engineering techniques between various operating reverse engineering programs systems. This reverse engineering course is designed for beginners who are looking to get started in App Re skinning & game development, penetration testing, and reverse engineering.Learn how to create your games using reverse engineering tools, the free-to-use game development tool,in our case we will learn how to use APK tools Advanced. We start super simple so you need no prior experience or reverse engineering of coding! With our online types of engineering courses tutorials, you'll be amazed what you can achieve.You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss topics on a course-wide basis, or down to the individual and unique videos. So,the question is : what is reverse engineering? You will start by learning about reversing compiled Android applications, using APK tool Advanced Tools. From there, we will teach you how to reverse engineer Android applications. Those videos tutorials also covers how to find other profitable niches to help you increase high profit with less investment. Finally, you will learn about simple reverse engineering examples, making games & apps, create tens of successful games & apps in short time .Once you have completed this engineering course, you will be fully capable of finding your way in developing more ideas by making your own applications than publish them on google play and other stores such as Amazon store. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.Oh, and it's just bigger and better than the competition. See the length and the reviews.For each demo game you build you will follow this process...Be challenged to Reskin the entire game yourself.Be shown step-by step how to Reverse your Application from existing APKs.Be challenged to apply, and re-apply your knowledge regularly.You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee.Dive in now, you won't be disappointed!What will i Learn ? Learn more about APK reversing tools.Learn more about finding the must profitable APK from google playYou will be able to create tens of Applications/Games & earn money from them.You will become more familiar with simple Step by Step Course, games reskin.Be sure you will earn your first dollars by following those Steps.A live case study using an aleatoire APK from google play.At the end of couse you will get a PDF file countain all details you need to start as soon as possible."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Your Topic Trending on Twitter" |
"This is the only course available on Udemy (and probably anywhere on the Internet) that teaches you specifically in great details on how to make something trend on Twitter. I've made many topics trend on Twitter and now I am going to reveal the secret.If you've always wondered how to be on that trending list then you'll learn exactly that in this course. Maybe you've tried to make something trend a few times but it didn't work? Don't worry, that happened to me too at first.There's actually aprecise method (broken down into 6 important steps)you need to follow in order to make it happen. When that happens, you'll be able to reach to millions of people in just a few hours.In this course, you'll discover things you probably didn't know about Twitter's algorithm of trending topics, you willtruly understand what goes on behind each trend.As with any social media techniques, they all go out of date very quickly, this is why I update this course on a monthly basis to make sure everything you learn will still work today and not last week or last year.Don't forget - this is a very unique course that can't be found anywhere else. After learning this course, you'll be the very few in the world who's able to make something trend on Twitter to give you up to millions of reach and impressions of your business or your profile."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Keyword Research: Find the Best Keywords for SEO & Content" |
"Keywords still form the backbone of all your marketing (not just digital, even your traditional marketing as well!), irrespective of whether you are running an organic campaign, or a paid one. Keywords are still alive and kicking!Its been almost two decades since the existence of keywords and they are still very much relevant, they are not dead! If you do a quick analysis on, say Google Trends, about this tiny, yet powerful keyword industry (if I may call it!), you can find a very steady and stable growth over the past many years. STDC! What is it?Unlike the usual customer lifecycle or journey, we use the contemporary approach called STDC (See-Think-Do-Care) framework to showcase the importance of keywords.Keywords for AllPrimarily, keywords are the key foundation for all your SEO efforts. However, we believe they are equally important for all the other digital marketing efforts also, such as content marketing, social media, Google AdWords, Bing ads, email marketing, YouTube optimization, and even the offline marketing campaigns! Think of a big front page ad with some obscure, ambiguous keywords (they may be creative, I agree!) in the CTAs (call-to-action), will you, as a reader, be interested in reading further? What if the same message contains well researched, relevant and targeted keywords! I will show you some examples of this case in the course.In a nutshell, this course is designed not just for SEO, but for the overall marketing success by leveraging keywords.Off the Beaten TrackWe take a rather unique approach to teach the research process! Starting with Google Keyword Planner coupled with a few other tools such as Moz Keyword Explorer, Ahrefs keyword tool, SEMrush, Long Tail Pro, etc. This is not what we recommend when it comes to a meaningful, ROI-focused keyword research and analysis. Our methodology touches upon some great creative aspects, such as integrating one process with another (like Twitter + Quora + BuzzSumo, etc. with GKWP + Moz + Ahrefs and all!), a clear and concise keyword -> content mapping (including a bonus template) and more.Free ConsultationAfter completing the training, you will get a rare chance to submit your keyword project to our panel of experts (ex-Googlers, ex-Facebook) and get expert feedback before implementing your keyword plan into your marketing campaign, this is absolutely free if you have enrolled into this course.There are lots of courses out there, how different is this course?This is different in terms of:Coverage of the topics, tools and techniquesStrategy wise (STDC)Not just for SEO, but for overall marketing successPractical, contemporary examples (beyond flowers, chocolates and shoes!)ComprehensiveNot the usual random step-by-step guide"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Math Std X (According to GSEB syllabus)" |
"Demo for this course is Available online. You can search My Name ""Nihar Hirani"" on youtube forthedemo. Topics Covered are...1. Trigonometry2. Heights and Distances3. Statistics4. polynomial Topics are explained in as simple language as possible. Explanation is hinglish (Hindi + English). Mostly I will speak Hindi so that students can understand Easily."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Elementary English Crammer" |
"This course is for 7 to 12 Years old children. Test will refresh the knowledge of grammar before a state exam or test. Sometime students do the best as soon as after topic is Explained and they forget the things at the time of Exam. It will help students to refresh. I will keep updating it Regularly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Made Easy: A Beginners Bootcamp!" |
"A Beginners Bootcamp to getting started in Cryptocurrencies!Welcome to'Cryptocurrency Made Easy'thebeginners bootcampto give you everything you need to get started in cryptocurrencies.This step-by-step course has been created with you in mind, giving you all the knowledge you need to be able to buy and invest inany cryptocurrencies!From choosing an exchange, opening an account, learninghow to trade (buy / sell)your cryptocurrencies, create a wallet & keep them safe, this course will give you ALLthe information you need to start investing in cryptocurrencies.The Facebook group will give you the chance to ask any question if you get stuck and learn even more!Please note that none of the guidance given within the course constitutes financial advice; you invest at your own risk with investments going down as well as up."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |