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"Como Vender Por Internet" |
"Vender por Internet no es saturar los post de las redes sociales con anuncios tratando de vender productos o servicios a nuestros seguidores, amigos, o miembros de los grupos a los cuales pertenecemos; tampoco es colocar anuncios de ventas en portales clasificados, aplicaciones mviles para ventas de productos servicios, portales o marketplaces, etc, etc, etc.Vender por internet implica una seria de acciones sistemticas, que conjugan herramientas, recursos y estrategias bsicas necesarias para lograr realizar ventas de productos o servicios a travs de Internet, entre ellas acciones estratgicas de marketing digital.Con este curso online, compuesto de 4 excelentes Master Clases de 1 hora cada una aproximadamente, aprenders los fundamentos bsicos para realizar ventas a travs de Internet y las redes sociales,cuales son las herramientas y recursos necesarios para realizar ventas automatizadas, as como el funcionamiento del comercio electrnico.Aprenders como colocar nuestros productos en los principales market place de comercio electrnico, y lo mas importante, conocer los aspectos bsicos de un plan de marketing digital para promover nuestros productos o servios a travs de Internet.Al terminar este curso online, tendrs los conocimientos necesarios para dar los primeros pasos en el desarrollo de proyectos negocios para vender por intente y las redes sociales.Ademas tendrs la oportunidad de descargar una muestra de mi libro ""Emprender Por Internet"" donde hablo en detalle de todo el contenido en este curso online.Anmate!No vemos adentro en el rea de aprendizaje."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VSD - Machine Intelligence in EDA/CAD" |
"This webinar was conducted on 31st March 2018 with Rohit, CEO Paripath Inc.We start with Electronic design automation and what is machine learning. Then we will give overall introduction to categories of machine learning (supervised and unsupervised learning) and go about discussing that a little bit. Then we talk about the frameworks which are available today, like general purpose, big data processing and deep-learning, and which one is suitable for design automation. This is Machine Learning in general with a focus on CAD, EDA and VLSI flows. Then we talk about Applied Theory (data sets, data analysis like data augmentation, exploratory data analysis, normalization, randomization), as to what are the terms and terminologies and what do we do with that, accuracy, how do we develop the algorithm, essentially the things that are required to develop the solution flow, lets say, you as the company wants to add a feature in your product using machine learning, what you would be doing, and what your flow will look like and this is what is shown as pre-cursor of flight theory as what you should be looking out.And then we start with regression, which is first in supervised learning. In the regression, we will give couple of example, like first is resistance estimation, second is polynomial regression which is capacitance estimation. For resistance estimation, we have the dataset from 20nm technology. And finally, we go on to create a linear classifier using logistic regression.Next will be dimensionality reduction, meaning, you have a large dataset and how to you reduce the size of that so that you can run on a laptop or even on your cell phone. Then there is a big example of that. Everything has mathematics behind that, this wont be a part of the webinar.About Rohit - Rohit Sharma is Founder and CEO of Paripath Inc based in Milpitas, CA. He graduated from IIT Delhi.He has authored 2 books and published several papers in international conferences and journals. He has contributed to electronic design automation domain for over 20 years learning, improvising and designing solutions. He is passionate about many technical topics including Machine Learning, Analysis, Characterization and Modeling, which led him to architect guna - an advanced characterization software for modern nodes.He currently works for Paripath Inc."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Brand & UX Design: Intro to User Experience for Brands" |
"If you ask 10 designers about the relationship between brand and UX, youll get 10 different responses. There is a lot of confusion out there and you dont always know who to listen to. Well Ive spent the last few weeks studying this subject and have prepared a definitive breakdown of the relationship between brand and UX.By the end of this class, you will be able to explain what a brand is, what makes a good brand great, and how brand and user experience are related to each other.In order to accomplish this objective, were going to first establish the modern definition of brand. Were going to discuss the qualities of a great brand, how a brand has a personality, and throughout this course well also be doing some exercises to help reinforce what youre learning along the way.There is no prior knowledge required for this class. Enjoy!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Crea pginas de aterrizaje y carta de ventas desde cero" |
"OptimizePress es unaextensin de WordPress que te va a facilitar la creacin de diferentes tipos de pginas. Si vas a ofrecer un producto o servicio este curso es el adecuado para ti, ya que de una manera muy simple podrs crear pginas de captura para conseguir tus primeros prospectos, carta de ventas para colocar todos los detalles de lo que ofreces y si te dedicas a la enseanza OptimizePress tiene la capacidad de montar un portal de miembros exclusivos similar a Udemy.OptimizePress es la herramienta ms utilizada por profesionales del marketing el cual les ha permitido generar miles de dlares por lasencillez de crear cartas de ventas muy completas.Preguntas frecuentes:Es esto para mi? Si te dedicas a ofrecer productos o servicios necesitas conseguir personas interesadas en lo que haces. Para conseguir prospectos debes captar su atencin con una pgina de aterrizaje donde ofrezcas un recurso gratuito y la persona de pueda dejar su correo a cambio para despus mandar mensajes a su email aportando ms valor gratuitamente. En este curso veremos cmo crear dichas pginas de aterrizaje.Por qu lo necesito? Hasta el momento, si necesitas crear un proyecto web a la medida de tus necesidades debes saber o contratar a alguien que sepa html, css, javascript, programacin y otras tecnologas. Si tratas de aprenderlo por tu cuenta te va a tomar meses o incluso aos de ensayo, prueba y error. Contratar a alguien que haga el trabajo por ti te va a costar miles de dlares. Aqu vas a aprender lo necesario para crear slo lo que necesitas para tu negocio en Internet, no ser 100% a la medida de tus necesidades pero te aseguro que a un 90% si te saldr.De qu trata? Veremos cada una de las opciones de OptimizePress, este constructor trata de arrastrar y soltar elementos que ya estn hechos por el sistema y tu slo tienes que llenar los datos ms simples. Si necesitas insertar texto, imgenes, videos entre un sin fin de elementos adicionales, tu solo le dices donde lo quieres colocar, llenas la informacin y listo. Ms fcil? imposible.Cmo lo adquiero? Slo tienes que ir al botn de inscribirme ahora para pasar a las opciones de pago y tener acceso inmediato al curso. Al finalizar el curso vas a poder crear:Pginas de captura/aterrizaje/landing pagePginas comerciales a nivel bsicoCarta de ventas profesionalesPortal de miembros exclusivos tipo UdemyNo vuelvas a crear pginas en html hasta que no veas el nuevo mtodo para crear un sitio web,inscrbete hoy mismonos vemos dentro del curso."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Bootstrap 4" |
"Bootstrap 4es sin dudael framework ms utilizado para hacer pginas web responsivas de manera rpida y profesional en el mundo, pero no solo nos permite adaptar nuestras pginas web a cualquier dispositivo, sino que nos brinda una enorme gama de herramientas para simplificarnos la vida de diseadores y desarrolladores web.Este curso est enfocado para personas que no tengan ningn conocimiento sobre el tema, hasta poder lograr pginas flexibles y poderosas. Es necesario que se tengan conocimientos bsicos sobreHTMLyCSS, pero no necesitas ser un experto en el rea. No necesitas tener ningn conocimiento enJavaScript, ya que no utilizaremos este lenguaje.Al final el curso podrs:Comprenderlos inicios de Bootstrap 4, cmo instalarlo en la computadora o desde un CDN, usar bsicamente la cuadrcula para hacer una pgina responsiva.Aprenderlas diferencias de tipografa y de estilo entre HTML y Bootstrap 4 en etiquetas como abbr, mark, pre, kdb o blockquote.Aprendera crear listas agrupadas, paneles y grupos de paneles, mens dropdown, listas colapsables, crear un acorden, men de tabuladores, men de pldoras, mens verticales, as como tabuladores y pldoras centradas en Bootstrap.Crearbarras de navegacin normales y en colores invertidos, aadir un dropdown, crear opciones a la derecha e izquierda de la barra, agregar botones, un formulario y hacer una barra colapsable para un dispositivo pequeo.Aprendera crear y modificar los objetos media, centrando verticalmente, justificarlo a la izquierda o derecha o anidarlos.Crearun carrusel de imgenes y posteriormente agregar subttulos, crear ventanas modales, aadir un tooltip a un elemento HTML, crear ventanas popover, as como una barra ScrollSpy y un componente Affix.Crearpginas responsivas de varias columna para dispositivos pequeos, medianos, computadoras de escritorio y de pantalla ancha. Conocer el uso de las clases hidden, visible, clearfix, offset, pull y push.En el curso encontrars los apuntes a cada seccin, as como ms de 100 ejercicios que te ayudarn a lograr nuestros objetivos. Para este curso necesitas una computadora con Internet y un navegador moderno, as como un editor de cdigo como SublimeText, Brackets, Dreamweaver, etc."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Living with Differing Personality Styles" |
"In this world, we are all unique. We have our own personal style, our own way of communicating, making decisions, orienting to the outer world and how we get our energy. If you've ever wondered why you clash with certain people, are unable to get others to accomplish task, goals and objectives or even why your kids and husband seem to be so hard to understand . . . look no further. We have the answers. You are not crazy.... they are just not you. Personality makes us unique and once we understand not only how we respond to the world, we can also understand how others do as well. It will open new doors to understanding ourselves and building stronger relationships with those around us. This workshop gives us the basics to understanding personality PLUS shows us ways to interact with others so we can reduce conflict and achieve greater harmony both in business and in life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide" |
"Datais becoming a force to recon with. Withthe amount of data that is being generated every minute, dealing withdata has become more important. Theimportance of data liesin the fact that it allowsus to look at our history and predict the future.DataScience is the field that deals with collecting, sorting, organizingand also analyzing huge amountsof data. This data is thenused to understand the current and future trends. This field borrowstechniques and theories from across multiple fields such asmathematics, statistics, computer science, information science, etc.It also aids other domains such as machine learning, data mining,databases and visualization.DataScientists are gaining importance and are also earning highersalaries, which means this is the right time to become a datascientist. While, it mightseem easy, sorting data, these scientists are responsible for writingimportant algorithms and programs to help sort and analyze the data andthis isnt an easy task.However,weve done everything we can to make it as simple as possible. Inthis beginner course to data visualization, youll get started withimportant concepts of data science. The course will help youunderstand exactly where to beginin this lucrative field. Startingat the very beginning, this course will help you understand theimportance of Data Science, along with becoming familiar withMatplotlib, Pythons very own visualization library. From there youwill learn about the linear general statistics and data analysis.Wellalso go overimportant concepts such as data clustering, hypothesis gradientdescent and advanced data visualizations.Thecourse will cover a number of different conceptssuch as introduction to Data Science including concepts such asLinear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Matplotlib, Charts andGraphs, Data Analysis, Visualization of non uniform data, Hypothesisand Gradient Descent, Data Clustering andso much more. Thats notall, well also include projects to help you show exactly how tobuild visuals using Python.Youcan learn all this and tons of interesting stuff in this unique datascience course. Enroll now and start building next generationinterfaces for your data."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Chess Openings: Crush Opponents with the Evans Gambit" |
"CHESS IS A WONDERFUL GAME THAT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO LEARN.The above sentence is especially true for the opening phase of the game, which is when you will either get an immediate advantage or disadvantage for the rest of the middle and end games.Most beginning and intermediate players play very similar and standard opening positions and have very little knowledge of certain aggressive opening sequences.The EVANS GAMBIT is one opening that very few people are familiar with or know how to play well, which makes it one of the most effective weapons for white against black's choice of playing 1...e5 as their opening move (moving pawn to e5 after you have started the game with your pawn moving to e4)IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN:1. How to lead your opponent into the Evan's Gambit2. How to get a decisive attack against your opponent's king3. How to surprise your opponent and leave them confused in the opening4. How to trap your opponent and gain material early in the game5. How to get a great position out of the opening every single time6. How to save time on the clock when playing blitz7. How to get a huge advantage over your opponent with the Evans Gambit when playing Blitz or Bullet games8. How to CRUSH YOUR OPPONENT with the Evans Gambit!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete IPO Course: Learn Initial Public Offerings" |
"Are You An Entrepreneur?Are You The CEO Of A Growing Private Company?Do You Want To Learn How Companies Go From Private To Public?Do You Want To Understand The Process Of Working With The SEC For An IPO?Do You Want To Learn The Entire Process Of Taking A Company Public via An Initial Public Offering (IPO)? If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success!I have taken companies public! You are learning from someone who has been involved with seed stage companies which years later we took public!Bonus Reason: Udemy has a 100% refund policy - no questions asked and no risk for you!The Initial Public Offering process (IPO) is a very complex and long one at best. For the first time entrepreneur attempting to navigate it, there is a lot to know, and not much time to make things happen. Empower yourself with knowledge of what the process involves, the timing, and what experts you need in order to make your initial public offering (IPO) a success. By the end of this course, you will be ready to plan out your action plan for an initial public offering (IPO).In this course we learn a lot of information. What an IPO is, the pros and cons of going public, who the parties involved are, the entrepreneurs involvement, how to select an investment bank, the underwriting process, the audit process, working with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and finalizing the deal. As well as everything in between. As you can tell there is a lot involved, and we will cover it all in this course about initial public offerings (IPOs).What We Do In The Course: Learn what an initial public offering is at its coreLearn the pros and cons of an IPO for a company and entrepreneurDiscuss the selection of the various parties involvedTake about the due diligence processUnderstand the book making and pricing decisionsUnderstand the role the auditors playHave a better understanding of the timing of the entire processReview a case study of an IPOAnd Much More!If at any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN THE INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING (IPO) PROCESS FROM A SEASONED CFO EXPERT! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, entrepreneurship and initial public offerings and IPO's. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"A Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Get your first job interview for SAP HANA FIORI REAL. "" Get a recession proof skill at 1/10th the cost of training "" A career which can easily help you learn valuable skill. There is no other module which is as central to SAP implementations and support as SAP HANA FIORI REAL. with SAPHANA FIORI REALskills, you get exposure to all elements of business as each function involves SAP HANA FIORI REAL configuration. It is also easy to learn and forms a good entry module for beginners. Excel in SAP HANA FIORI REAL. The author will teach you with live videos and other aids all the basic skills needed to be an SAPHANAFIORI REALadministrator in an organization. In no time will you have a good insight into all SAPHANA FIORI REALadministration tasks. The course is intended to be lucid, easy to follow not theoretical as are most of the courses taught online. crack sap interviews successfully and get a 6 figure job. Get a career break in SAP HANA FIORI REAL."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP HANA made Real Simple" |
"A Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Get your first job interview for SAP HANA. "" Get a recession proof skill at 1/10th the cost of training "" A career which can easily help you learn valuable skill. There is no other module which is as central to SAP implementations and support as SAP HANA. with SAPHANA skills, you get exposure to all elements of business as each function involves SAP HANA configuration. It is also easy to learn and forms a good entry module for beginners. Excel in SAP HANA. The author will teach you with live videos and other aids all the basic skills needed to be an SAP HANAadministrator in an organization. In no time will you have a good insight into all SAP HANA routine administration tasks. The course is intended to be lucid, easy to follow not theoretical as are most of the courses taught online. crack sap interviews successfully and get a 6 figure job. Get a career break in SAP HANA."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Program a Screen-Capture Tool in C#" |
"Create a screen-capture tool in C#. In this course you will follow the development of a complete project from the ground up. You will end up with a utility that grabs images from screenand saves them to disk in multiple image formats.In this course you will develop programs that do all the following: Grab an image of the entire screenGrab an image of a selected windowGrab an image from a second or third monitorMark an area of the screen with the mouse and grab that areaAdd an image of the mouse pointer to grabbed imagesCalculate screen coordinates and offsetsSave images to disk in various image formatsCreate hotkeys to trigger the screen-capture from any applicationUse forms and picture boxes to display imagesUse Windows API functions to add extra features to C#Use file dialogs to save and load imagesCreate transparent and translucent windowsMake forms draggable using API functionsOverride the Windows Procedure to handle eventsThis is a project-based course that comes with all the source code ready-to-run. It provides a great way for C# programmers to move beyond the basics to explore the development of more complex C# applications."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Parte 3 (Avanzado)" |
"La capacidad de colaborar con colegas, automatizar tareas complejas o repetitivas y utilizar la lgica condicional para construir y aplicar frmulas y funciones elaboradas pondr todo el poder de Excel al alcance de su mano. Mientras ms aprenda sobre cmo hacer que Excel haga el trabajo por usted,ms podr concentrarse en obtener las respuestas que necesita de la gran cantidad de datos que genera su organizacin.Este curso cubre los objetivos del examen especialista de Microsoft Office para ayudar a los estudiantes a prepararse para el Examen Excel 2016 y el Examen Experto Excel 2016."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Network Programming for Network Engineers (Python 3)" |
"Learn Network Programmability and Network Automation using GNS3 and Python version 3.This course is based on Python 3.Want to program networks using Python, but not sure where to start? Well, this course will show you how you can startprogramming Cisco networks within 20 minutes.This course was created for network engineers. There are too many other Python courses out there that try to make network engineers software developers. Instead of teaching network automation, they teach you Python theory. This course is different.This course is practical.I won't talk about programming in abstract terms and make you wait before you can start automating networks. I will show you how you can quickly and easily start network programming by using GNS3, Cisco IOS and Python.You will see demonstrations of the configuration of both Cisco routers and switches in GNS3. For example, how to configure multiple VLANs on a multiple switches, or how to configure OSPF on a router and more.This course shows you practical examples of using Python to programmatically configure Cisco network devices rather then just talking about it.The days of configuring Cisco networks only with the command line interface (CLI) are drawing to a close. You need to add network programmability using Python and APIs to your skill set.Learn how to automate networks using:- Telnet- SSH- Paramiko-Netmiko-NAPALMTools such as NAPALM and Netmikomake it easy to configure and interact with network devices using an API such as NETCONF or using SSH. Don't reinvent the wheel. Use the tools available to you to quickly and easily automate your networks.Some comments about the course:""Knowing the material from just the first video would have saved me hours of work and rework in the past.""""It's the easiest, most fun, and most valuable course I've completed yet on Python Programming for Networking. Love it! Thanks again David!!!""""Excellent course on Network Programming using Python with lot's of practical network configuration examples.""""Great way of explanation.Nice video and inspiring words! Thank you so much David. You are genius.""""I've been doing network automation for a while, even so, I've learned new things through this course. The instructor start from a basic example, adding improvements in each step. It's a skill that's worth it.""""A must for all network engineers who want to learn python!!! I had very ""very"" basic programming skills, and couldn't just get the bridge between network and programming (mainly Python - since that's where the hype is now), this course was amazing, I have never been glued to a training course since I can remember. The couple of things I loved the most about this course: 1- David's clear voice. 2- Real world application, not only will David interduce different real-world practical modules that you can import and use, but he shows you how to apply them on ios devices.""""Excellent course on Network Programming using Python with lot's of practical network configuration examples. High quality content."""
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory Comprehensive: Part 12 - Secondary Dominants" |
"** UDEMY BEST SELLER **This course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.Welcome to the COMPLETE Music Theory Fundamentals Guide!This is a class designed for the average person who is ready to take their music career (or music interest) and turn it into a business. Whether you are an active musician, an aspiring musician, or an aspiring music manager or agent - this class is perfect for you.For years I've been teaching Music Theory in the college classroom. These classes I'm making for Udemy use the same syllabus I've used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost. I believe anyone can learn Music Theory - and cost shouldn't be a barrier.My approach to music theory is to minimize the memorization. Most of these concepts you can learn by just understanding why chords behave in certain ways. Once you understand those concepts, you can find any scale, key, or chord that exists. Even invent your own. If you've tried to learn music theory before, or if you are just starting out - this series of courses is the perfect fit.Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated Udemy instructor, and university professor. In 2017 the Star Tribune featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. Throughout this class, If you get stuck, you can review the videos or post a question, and I'll back to it as fast as possible. This class is Part 12: Sequences and Secondary Dominants. It finishes what would be the second semester of a college music theory class (according to the typical American academic system for learning music theory).In this class, we will cover:Analyzing BachIdentifying SequencesMelodic SequencesHarmonic SequencesDiatonic and Chromatic SequencesThe Descending Fifth SequenceAlternating Inversions in SequencesAscending Fifth SequencesDescending Third SequencesSecondary DominantsChromatic ChordsTonicization and ModulationSecondary Leading Tone ChordsLeading Tones To FiveTonicizing Other Scale DegreesLeading Tone of AnythingAnalyzing BeethovenResolving Secondary DominantsEmbellished ResolutionsIrregular Resolutions...and much, much more!And of course, once you sign up for Part 12: Sequences and Secondary Dominants you automatically get huge discounts to all the upcoming parts of this class.You will not have another opportunity to learn Music Theory in a more comprehensive way than this. All the tools you need to successfully learn Music Theory are included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course"" button so you can launch your music career today.Test Prep: This course is perfect for prep for the Praxis II Test (ETS Praxis Music), The ABRSM Music Theory Exam (up to Grade 8), AP Music Theory Exam, College Placement Exams (Music Theory), and other common secondary and post-secondary placement exams.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music theory course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows the complex concepts to get obsorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waiting for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students who register for this course will receive ongoing exclusive content and discounts to all future classes in the series. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Complete Media Training Master Class - Confidence on Camera" |
"This Media Training course is nearly 10 times longer than other leading media training courses here on Udemy. With 550 lectures, nearly 30 hours of content, and five supplemental books, this course was designed to be your ultimate media training resource.Media training is not taught in schools but it is essential for anyone who has a message, product or service to communicate to the world today. Enroll in this media training course if you want the following: 1. Look comfortable, confident and relaxed in front of any TV or video camera. 2. Shape powerful media messages. 3. Answer reporters' questions effectively. 4. Speak in sound bites and get the exact quote you want in any story. 5. Control your own social media video images and messages. Message from the instructor: ""I hold nothing back in this course. I am sharing with you every single lesson I have learned over the last 30 years of conducting in-person media training workshops with more than 10,000 people across the globe, including Presidents of countries, Prime ministers, Members of Congress and Parliaments, Nobel Peace Prize Winners, Miss Universes and professional athletes. I want you to have the ultimate media training resource and reference guide to meet all of your needs for years to come. "" TJ Walker Please note: this is NOT a course on the technical production side of creating videos (there are lots of other course for that). This course is 100% focused on how to speak to the journalists, reporters, talk show hosts, and TV and video cameras. TJ Walkers single-minded devotion to presentation has made him the #1 expert for executives seeking guidance on speaking to the public and media. Bob Bowdon, Anchor/Reporter, Bloomberg Television TJ Walker is the leading media trainer in the world. Stu Miller, Viacom News Producer The worlds leading presentation and media training firm. Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Channel Anchor To break through the cluttered media environment, it's important to get your message out in a clear and concise way. TJ knows how to do it and gives you the tips to succeed."" - Howard J. Rubenstein President, Rubenstein Associates, Inc. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mental Health Wellness: Get Back to Yourself FAST" |
"Learn 60 coping skills for handling a variety of mental health issues including grounding,mindfulness and other practical and easy-to-remember skills. Course organized by situation makes for an easy to follow course where you can choose what skills are likely to work for you. All from a Dialetical Behavorial Therapy (DBT) trained Therapist. Receive access to a private Facebook group, reinforce those skills withsupplemental resources and practice using exclusivehandouts to ensure you leave each lessonwith clear understanding of a new skill."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCENT Packet Tracer Ultimate labs: ICND1 Exam prep lab" |
"Labs! Labs! And more Labs! Get the hands on experience to pass your CCNA or ICND1exam!*****You get access to the ICND2Packet Tracer course for FREEas part of this purchase *****Make sure you are ready to pass the CCNA exam! Preparepracticallyfor the Cisco CCNAcertification which is the most in-demand networking certification in the world today! Make sure you can pass the Cisco CCENTRouting and Switching 100-105 exam!This course tests your knowledge of CCNA topics with practical, hands on labs. Labs includeboth configuration as well as troubleshooting labs.Ask yourself these questions:- Are you ready and prepared for the labs in the CCNAexam?- Areyou able to troubleshoot Cisco networks?- Are you confident with your ability to configure networks as required by Cisco to pass the CCNA?Answer:This course helps you prepare for the exam and gain the confidence to pass the exam!There are many topologies and many labs in this course!Networks are all around us and you are using one right now to access this course.Imaginefor a moment, how different your life would be without access to Facebook, Snapchat, Google, YouTube, Whatsapp or any of the other websites on the Internet? How would you live withno Internet?The Internet is extremely important in modern life today and all websites and Internet communication relies on networking. This reliance is only predicted to continue with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the next few years.Without routers, switches, network cabling and protocols like BGP there would be no Internet!This course will teach you how networks actually work and how you are able to connect to websites like Facebook, Google, and YouTube.Companies throughout the world (from the smallest to the largest) rely on networks designed, installed and maintained by networking engineers. Join this in demand industry!Start your journey today learning about networking.I want to welcome you to this GNS3 Cisco CCNA course! I'm David Bombal, and I have been teaching networking courses for over 15 years. I qualified as a Cisco Certified Interwork Engineer (CCIE) in 2003 and hold with numerous other networking certifications. I'm also a Cisco and HPE certified instructor where I have trained thousands of networking engineers in many of the largest companies in the world including Fortune 100 companies.The course covers the topics in the Cisco ICND1, ICND2 and CCNA exams.At the end of this course, you will be able to confidently discuss networking topics; and be able to start configuring real networking devices such as routers and switches. In this an introductory course, but contains a lot of information that can be directly applied to the CCNA certification.The ideal student for this course is someone looking to break into the networking field, someone looking to extend their knowledge from PCs and servers to networking, or someone interested in getting knowledge to work in one of the most exciting, most in-demand jobs in IT - networking.There are no requirements necessary to enroll in this course, I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.Feel free to take a look at the course description and some of the sample free videos.I look forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA Packet Tracer Ultimate labs: ICND2 Exam prep labs" |
"Labs! Labs! And more Labs! Get the hands on experience to pass your CCNA or ICND2 exam!*****You get access to the ICND1 Packet Tracer course for FREEas part of this purchase *****Make sure you are ready to pass the CCNA exam! Preparepracticallyfor the Cisco CCNAcertification which is the most in-demand networking certification in the world today! Make sure you can pass the Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 exam!This course tests your knowledge of CCNA topics with practical, hands on labs. Labs includeboth configuration as well as troubleshooting labs.Ask yourself these questions:- Are you ready and prepared for the labs in the CCNAexam?- Areyou able to troubleshoot Cisco networks?- Are you confident with your ability to configure networks as required by Cisco to pass the CCNA?Answer:This course helps you prepare for the exam and gain the confidence to pass the exam!There are many topologies and many labs in this course!Networks are all around us and you are using one right now to access this course.Imaginefor a moment, how different your life would be without access to Facebook, Snapchat, Google, YouTube, Whatsapp or any of the other websites on the Internet? How would you live withno Internet?The Internet is extremely important in modern life today and all websites and Internet communication relies on networking. This reliance is only predicted to continue with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the next few years.Without routers, switches, network cabling and protocols like BGP there would be no Internet!This course will teach you how networks actually work and how you are able to connect to websites like Facebook, Google, and YouTube.Companies throughout the world (from the smallest to the largest) rely on networks designed, installed and maintained by networking engineers. Join this in demand industry!Start your journey today learning about networking.I want to welcome you to this Cisco CCNA course! I'm David Bombal, and I have been teaching networking courses for over 15 years. I qualified as a Cisco Certified Interwork Engineer (CCIE) in 2003 and hold with numerous other networking certifications. I'm also a Cisco and HPE certified instructor where I have trained thousands of networking engineers in many of the largest companies in the world including Fortune 100 companies.The course covers the topics in the Cisco ICND2 and CCNA exams. At the end of this course, you will be able to confidently discuss networking topics; and be able to start configuring real networking devices such as routers and switches. In this an introductory course, but contains a lot of information that can be directly applied to the CCNA certification.The ideal student for this course is someone looking to break into the networking field, someone looking to extend their knowledge from PCs and servers to networking, or someone interested in getting knowledge to work in one of the most exciting, most in-demand jobs in IT - networking.There are no requirements necessary to enroll in this course, I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn.Feel free to take a look at the course description and some of the sample free videos.I look forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Accounting 101: Understanding & Analyzing Balance Sheets" |
"Have You Heard of a Balance Sheet But Have No Idea What To Do With The Information On It?Are You Someone Who Can Read a Balance Sheet On The Surface Level But Don't Know What To Do With The Information?Are You Studying Accounting Or Will Be And Want a Real World Idea of How Balance Sheets Are Used?Are You A Business Owner or Manager and Need To Understand Much Better How Your Business Is Performing?If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success!Bonus reason: Udemy has a 30 day 100% money back guarantee if for some reason you don't enjoy the course!Recent Review:Falyn H. says: ""Really learned a lot in a short amount of time. While on a surface level I understand what a balance sheet is and shows, this course taught me how to actually READ it and understand the information at a whole new level. Something I have put off a long time. Glad I took the course, was painless and completely useful!""Why You Should Take This Course: The Balance Sheet is one of the main 3 financial statements, and its important for people to understand exactly what information it includes. There is a wealth of information on the balance sheet, and it contains several business indicators which are often overlooked. To be an effective accountant, CEO, bookkeepers, financial analyst or business owner you should have a solid fundamental knowledge of the balance sheet, its sections, and how to compare and contrast it to previous periods and other companies. Become a pro at reading, analyzing and interpreting balance sheets!In this course you will learn everything you need to know about balance sheets. We will start by learning the sections of the balance sheets - assets, liabilities and equity. Within each of those sections we will talk about the sub headings such as current assets and liabilities and long term assets and liabilities. From there we will learn how to use ratio analysis to understand the data and how the company is performing. What We Do In The Course: Review several companies balance sheetsLearn the major and minor sections of a balance sheetUnderstand what to look for as strengths and weaknessesLearn key financial ratios, how to calculate and how to interpretAnd Much More!!At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN HOW TO ANALYZE AND UNDERSTAND A BALANCE SHEET! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, financial statements, financial analysis, balance sheets and income statements. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Parte 2 (Intermedio)" |
"En este curso aprender a crear libros de trabajo y hojas de trabajo avanzados que pueden ayudar a profundizar su comprensin de la inteligencia organizacional. La capacidad de analizar cantidades masivas de datos, extraer informacin procesable de ella y presentar esa informacin a losresponsables de la toma de decisiones es la base de una organizacin exitosa que puede competir a un alto nivel.Para obtener una ventaja verdaderamente competitiva, debe ser capaz de extraer informacin organizativa procesable de sus datos brutos. En otras palabras, cuando tiene preguntas sobre sus datos, necesita saber cmo lograr que Excel le proporcione las respuestas.Este curso cubre los objetivos del examen especialista de Microsoft Office para ayudar a los estudiantes a prepararse para el Examen Excel 2016 y el Examen Experto Excel 2016."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Office Excel 2016: Parte 1 (Principiante)" |
"Microsoft Excel 2016 puede ayudarle a organizar, calcular, analizar, revisar, actualizar y presentar sus datos de maneras que le ayudarn a usted u otras personas que toman decisiones en su organizacin a guiarlo en la direccin correcta. Este curso le proporcionar una base slida para el conocimiento y las habilidades de Excel, que puede aprovechar para que eventualmente pueda convertirse en un experto en Excel 2016.Este curso est dirigido a estudiantes que deseen obtener la comprensin bsica de Microsoft Office Excel 2016 que es necesaria para crear y trabajar con hojas de trabajo electrnicas. Este curso cubre los objetivos del examen especialista de Microsoft Office para ayudar a los estudiantes a prepararsepara el Examen Excel 2016 y el Examen Experto Excel 2016."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Top Javascript and PHP Programming Bundle" |
"Welcome to my Javascript and PHPProgramming Bundle! This is a bundle of two of my popular courses; ""Javascript Programming ForEveryone"" and ""PHPProgramming for Web Development"".In this bundle we'll learn the Javascript and PHPprogramming languages from anabsolute Beginner level all the wayto Advanced in no time at all!This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don't need any coding experience at all!We'll start out by setting downloading and installing the Sublime TextEditor - for free. That's the onlytool you'll need to start writing and running Javascriptcode.Then, we'll dive into very basic computer science concepts. Things like:Printing to the ScreenVariablesNumbers andSimple MathComparison OperatorsAssignment OperatorsAfter that,we'll move into more intermediate topics like:Conditional If/Else StatementsWhile LoopsFor LoopsFizzbuzzFinally we'll finish up with more advanced topics like:ArraysObjectsFunctionsAfter that we'll learn web development things likePopUpsWeb FormsAnd More...Towards the end of the course we'll put everything we've learned together and build a fun little math flashcard web app. You'll be surprised at how quick and easy this will actually be!We'll learn those things for Javascript in the first half of the course, then learn them with PHP in the second half of the course. Learning these same concepts for two different programming languages will REALLYcement it into your brain!Javascript and PHP aretwo of the greatest programming languages to learn, and learning has never been this easy!I'll see you on the inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Music Theory for Rock, Blues and Jazz." |
"Dr. Marigaux presents music theory from the other side of the tracks. Theres music theory for classical players, and then theres music theory for rock jazz and blues. Im a sax player, and Ive been playing blues, rock and jazz for more than forty years. Ive got music degrees from universities, but the best stuff that I ever learned were the tricks I picked up from illiterate musicians who could really, really play. The stuff I learned at music school helped me package up what I learned from illiterate masters, and deliver it to you in a straightforward and clear way. Why ""blackmarket""? Because this course is full of dirty tricks - this is the under-the-counter, back door version.Well cover all the stuff you need to know, but theres also some cool tricks in this course that will jump-start your knowledge. This course is a complete start from scratch course. Ive really worked hard on writing it so you dont need to know anything at all at the start there is no assumed knowledge. Theres a lot of material in this course: it might be that some of this is too simple for some of you, but its easy to skip over material that you already know. Also each video concludes with a Takeaway Menu which has the key points that have been covered so if you think you already know the material in a video, jump to the end and check the Takeaways so you can be sure you didn't miss anything important. At the end of this course youll be able to Improvise a solo against a backing track (and hopefully that will prepare you to play live with you own band). Find the notes in any chord using two different methods - you can use either one, or use one as a backup for the other. Find the notes in the major and minor scales using the cycle of fifths. Read music - not enough to play in an orchestra, but enough for a rock or blues player to figure out whats on a page of sheet music (and not enough for you to get bored or confused by). Use the Marigaux Scale, a simple scale that works against any chord. Develop phrases in your solos from understanding that not all notes in the scale are equal each note has its own job to do, and its own role to play. Whats in the course? How the piano keyboard relates to music theory. A lot of the course uses an animated piano keyboard to show how chords and scales fit together. I use the piano keyboard since its tied into sound; its more practical than a music stave. How to read music well start with reading rhythms the different values of notes and rests, and how the most grooving rhythms are written down. Then well move on to pitch and cover the music staff and how the notes fit on that (its all alphabetical, so if you know the first eight notes of the alphabet this should be pretty easy). Intervals the gap between two notes, and how pairs of notes work together. Also well cover the way you count the gap, which is not at first obvious, and leads to some weird addition (in music 3 + 3 = 5!) Scales lots of notes played one after the other. Well cover major, minor, blues scales, the chromatic scale, and my secret weapon, the Marigaux Scale The Marigaux Scale is what I recommend you use to start getting a handle on what notes to play. Sometimes when you are playing with a band it seems like theres a whole ocean of notes that you could play, and many of them seem wrong. The Marigaux scale is a keep it simple, stupid type of approach. Start with a very limited palette of notes maybe just the root, 3rd and 7th and build out your note choices from there. Actually, as Ill demonstrate, you can do a whole solo with just those three notes and it will sound just fine. The Cycle of Fifths this really is a go to diagram that is so useful in so many ways. Well learn how to draw it, and what to do with it. And well learn why Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle is the most useful sentence youll ever learn. Three-note chords(triads) major and minor chords. These are the building blocks of music theory. Even though four-note chords are more common in blues, rock and jazz, we need to get a handle on these basic ones. The second most useful sentence youll ever read: Freaky And Creepy Eddie Goes Back Down (Creepy Eddie is a mnemonic that allows you to find the letter names in any chord. All you have to do then is figure out if the notes are sharp, flat, or natural). How to work out if the notes in a chord are sharp flat or natural. Ill show you how to do this in the simplest way or at least this is the way that worked for me when I was learning this stuff. Youll need to memorise one chunk of information the types of chord that you get if you use only the white keys on the piano and then you can use that to work out what the notes are in any chord. And that one chunk of information isnt that big either (its this: chords starting on A, D and E are minor 7thchords. Chords starting on C and F are major 7thchords. Chords starting on G are major chords with a flat 7th, and chords starting on B are minor-7-flat 5 chords). How to use the Cycle of Fifths to work out the notes in any chord Four note chords all the good chords have four notes! Power Chords, a classic example of less is more. Power chords are the staples of hard rock, and are two-note chords (so technically they are not really chords, but they get used as if they are chords) The modes these open up more possibilities. Well keep this section brief, but the modes are pretty easy to get a basic understanding of. And then well wrap it all up with a section on putting all this together and improvising against a backing track. So who is Dr. Marigaux? Dr. Marigaux is the stage name of Phil Davison. Phil began playing professionally in the late 1970s and studied composition at Auckland, Waikato and Otago universities. Phil has been performing in Dunedin under the stage name of Dr Marigaux as both a soloist (playing guitar) and with his band, Highway 88, which is a hard rocking R&B band with a three-piece horn section. Phil has been involved with almost every genre of music in his time, including classical, punk, and free improvisation, but tends to feel most at home with blues and jazz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 101: 10 Most Powerful Microsoft Excel Tips and Tricks" |
"Are You Someone Who Knows There Are Better Ways To Do Things In Excel, But Don't Know What They Are?Are You A Basic or Intermediate Level Excel User?Do You Feel Like You Are Only Using a Minimal Amount Of The Power Of Excel?Do You Want To Make Your Life Easier By Letting Excel Do The Hard Work?If You Answered ""Yes"" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further. This Is The Course For You!*** Updated in July 2020 with new content! ***Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now:You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success!Bonus reason: Udemy has a 30 day 100% money back guarantee if for some reason you don't enjoy the course!Recent Review:Courtney W. says: ""Perfect course, exactly what I was looking for. I consider myself a basic user in Excel, quickly I have 10 new tools I can use that are practical and really not all that difficult!""Why You Should Take This Course: Microsoft Excel is a very powerful tool, and often under utilized by people. Harness the power of Excel and learn not just 10, but 12, tips, tricks, features and more from an expert level Excel user! After taking this course you will wonder why you didn't learn these Microsoft Excel tips and tricks before! They will make your life far easier, and you'll impress people instantly with your ability to master Excel.In this course we will cover multiple ways to use Excel far more efficiently than you have in the past. Whether you work with big data, create financial reports, or just keep lists, there is something in this course for everyone. What We Do In The Course: Cover Easy, Medium and Advanced tips and tricksLearn about conditional formatting, fill series, adding multiple rowsLearn about absolute references, paste special features, drop down filters, freezing dataLearn about vlookups, pivot tables, IF formulas, and goal seekAnd Much More!At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK ""BUY NOW"" AND LEARN HOW THE TOP 10 POWERFUL MICROSOFT EXCEL TIPS & TRICKS! ***About The InstructorChris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, and Microsoft Excel. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Bootcamp - Programming and Computer Vision" |
"This course will provide you with a ground-up, fundamental understanding of the Python programming languagethrough the creation of your own Frogger-style game and image-processing filter application. Both engagingandfun, these courses will teach you the concepts such as variables, functions, conditional statements, and loops. Lean how to apply matrices, color models, brightness and contrast, convolution and OpenCVUIto you image-processing application, and gain transferable skills along with two great additionstoyour portfolio."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete React Course - Build Web Applications" |
"React is a JavaScript library for building responsive user interfaces, created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook. It was first deployed on Facebook's newsfeed in 2011 and later on Instagram in 2012. It was open-sourced at JSConf US in May 2013.This course will teach you how to create a fully-featured To-do app from scratch, connected to a local database using ReactJS. Not only this, but youll learn how to deploy it online, so you can use it whenever you want and easily show it on your Resume or personal website as part of your portfolio. It covers beginner to intermediate topics, so lets take a closer look:What youll learn:Install React Developer Tools on your favorite browser for easy debuggingInstall NodeJS on your computerLearn the difference between jQuery (imperative) and React (declarative)Learn the difference between Angular 2.x (two-way data binding) and React (one-way data flow)Learn to transform your HTML code to React CodeCreate a React app in five minutes without using npmCreate a React app fully configured with sensible defaults to allow for usage of ES6 and JSXFront-EndLearn JSX and what it actually doesJavaScript interpolation and styling in ReactUtilize a 3rd party UI librarys components to make your app look niceUse component state to store your todosUpdate states based on user interactionUse the React event to extract data from input elementsUse component props to reduce complexity of your appBack-EndUse JSON Server to create a fake database to store dataUse lifecycle methods to perform certain tasks whenever a React component is at a certain stage of its lifeLearn about GET, POST and DELETE requestsDeploymentGetting started with HerokuDeploy to Heroku with just a few lines of codeUse a reverse proxy to make development and deployment simpler"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Starting an ISP with MikroTik" |
"Many of you would like to start an ISP or possibly are working for an ISPto distribute internet service to customers. For this, it requires a lot of technical knowledge to be able to:Reach the internet to the customer premises using technology such as DHCP or PPPoEAssign each customer a bandwidth speedConfigure the ISP router to be able to divide the bandwidth per customer using VLAN'sand QOS.Sometimes, helping the customer to configure Queuing on his bandwidth to assign each user in his LAN an equal/unequal bandwidth.For this, I have designed this course to explain in deep of all those topics. My lectures will be based on theory following practical LABs to show you how you can configure those things on the MikrotTik router. The LABs are based on step-by-step with a very friendly way so you can understand the contents in an easy way.All LABs will be based on real MikroTik equipments and every LAB will be tested by end of each configuration to check if the goal is achieved the way we want.During the course, I will explain in details and with LABSeverything about DHCP, PPPoE, NAT, VLAN, QOS using PCQ queuing, Mangle using Prerouting/Postrouting and much more.If you want to master all those topics, don't be late and register inmy course and get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tapping Into The Power of Inspired Marketing" |
"Do you hate marketing that feels manipulative?Are you tired of feeling like your marketing has to persuade, or worse yet, manipulate people if it's going to be effective?Are you sick of being told to use psychological tactics like urgency and fake scarcity to get people to buy?Does it feel out of integrity and make you want to avoid marketing all together?Or, maybe you find yourself...Getting overwhelmed trying to keep up with all the latest marketing trends.Doing what you think you need to do to market yourself, only to find it doesn't work.Struggling with writing marketing copyOr feeling like you have to use social media, video, Facebook Live, or other marketing activities you really dont like doing.I'm here to tell you there is another way. Hi, my name is Debbie LaChusa. I guess you could say I'm a marketer by trade. After getting a college degree in marketing, I spent 13 years working in advertising agencies (marketing and advertising every imaginable product and service) and as a vice president of marketing for an international non-profit organization (where I got to market fitness, one of my personal passions).I've also run my own marketing coaching, consulting, and training business for more than 20 years.And, I almost left that business because of marketing.A few years ago I almost walked away from my marketing business (including my online course business) because the online marketing strategies I was being taught, and that I thought I had to use in order to be successful in business online, felt so manipulative and out of integrity. I got to the point I just wasnt willing to do it anymore.I took a sabbatical from business, wrote a book about my frustrations, but eventually came back. Why did I come back? Because I realized that I had been successful in marketing for many, many years before learning those manipulative marketing strategies. I figured if I had been successful without using those strategies, I didn't need to use them. Why not go back to marketing the way I was inspired to, instead of feeling like I had to do what the so-called online marketing ""experts"" said I had to do? I decided to give it a try and see what happened. I went back to what I knew and you know what, it worked just fine! Id like to introduce you to something I call Inspired Marketing.Why do I call it Inspired Marketing?Because instead of doing what you think you have to do market your business, you do what you're inspired to do.Think about it. I'll bet you're in the business you're in, or you're starting the business you're starting, because you were inspired to do it.Something inside of you led you to leave your job and start your own business.A dream of creating a life with more freedom perhaps?A desire to do more meaningful work... to make a difference... or maybe just to feel a little more in control of your destiny.Whatever prompted you to start your own business, I'm willing to bet there was a seed of inspiration in it.What if you could rely on that same seed of inspiration to guide the marketing of your business?I'm here to tell you that you can!Inspired Marketing Works.Having marketed both waystraditional and inspiredI can tell you its absolutely possible to be successful marketing inspired.Not only does it feel a whole lot better, it absolutely works. In fact, in my experience it works better, especially if youre serious about creating a long-term business, and not just making a quick sale.Yes, Ive taught a lot of marketing courses over the years.And I stand by all of those courses. Because quite honestly there is a thread of inspired marketing running through all of them.Thats just how Ive always marketed. Well, with the exception of those few years I got caught up listening to too many other people and believing that in order to be successful online I had to follow their systems and blueprints.That I had to use tactics like manufactured scarcity and manipulation in order to get people to click and buy.Well, that is absolutely NOT TRUE! There is another way.If youre like me and you simply dont want to market that way, you dont have to.In this course I will teach you:What I mean by Inspired Marketing, Inspired Ideas, and Following InspirationThe differences between Inspired Marketing and Traditional Marketing (or what often feels like Pushy Marketing)The Circle of Inspired Marketing: 6 steps to help you tap into the power of inspired marketing for your businessHow the motivation and intention behind your marketing can make all the differenceWhat Inspired Target Marketing is and how to use it in your businessHow to use Inspired Copywriting to write the perfect copy to market your programs and servicesHow to use something I call The Marketing Copy Tree to help you write copy more easilyHow to transform Traditional Marketing Strategies into Inspired Marketing Strategies How to use Inspired Marketing Strategies and TacticsHow using the concept of Inspired Selling can totally transform how you feel about selling your servicesYou absolutely DO NOT have to use manipulative marketing!While it may work in the short term, it is not a long-term business strategy. I've run my own business for 22 years. Even though my business has evolved in that time, I have clients who've stuck with me through it all. And I continue to attract new clients and online course students year in and year out. At the same time, I've seen many flash-in-the-pan marketing gurus come and go. In fact, many of the marketing ""gurus"" I studied under (because I thought they had the magic bullet strategies to build a successful online business) are now nowhere to be found. That ought to tell you something!Why I'm so excited to share this online course with you.I created my first 6-figure business before I'd ever even heard of all those marketing tactics that felt so yucky. I created two more 6-figure businesses using the Inspired Marketing I'm going to share with you in this course. You do NOT have to use manipulative, persuasive, slimy marketing to market your business. In fact, I would argue if you want your business to stand the test of time, you absolutely CANNOT use that kind of marketing. While it may work in the short term, people eventually catch on. And, the last thing they'll want to do is give more of their hard earned dollars to someone who overpromised and under delivered, or who they felt took advantage of them. They surely won't recommend their friends to you. Inspired marketing not only works and feels better than traditional manipulative marketing, it creates raving fans that keep coming back, buying more, and happily refer their friends.If you're ready to learn a new way to market your business... a way that feels good AND works, please join me in this course!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Adobe Illustrator CC" |
"Do you want to learn the best tool for design, digital illustration and prototyping? Perhaps you are a designer moving towards a digital practice? Maybe you are someone who wants to create beautiful artwork? Do you want to be able to create everything from logos, to realistic illustrations, to digital paintings? If so, then Introduction to Adobe Illustration is for you.Join master designer AnneK. Mulligan to learn the fundamentals of the Adobe Illustrator tool.Ann will take you through all of the important tools and features so that you are ready to use AdobeIllustrator for professional level work as soon as you complete this course.You'll start the course immediately by making your first graphic in illustrator. As you work through the course you'll work through activities that have you draw complex shapes, add depth to your designs, work with typography, create charts and create your own logo. This is NOT a course where you'll just watch the instructor-- You're invited to open Illustrator and complete every activity Anne demonstrated.If you're wanting to learn to be a PRO with Adobe Illustrator this is the course for you! Enroll now."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress for Web Development" |
"Perhaps you want to start creating professional web sites. Maybe you want to start a small freelance business or take control of your own business web site. Maybe your a designer dipping a toe in to the digital world. Or, perhaps, you just want to learn to develop complete sites in Wordpress the right way.Whatever your reason if you want to learn the in's and out's of Wordpress, this course is for you.This isn't a course that teaches you how to type content in to existing Wordpress themes! This program is designed to give you full command of the Wordpress environment so you can make dynamic web sites that look anyway you want and are easy to update and maintain. You're diving DEEP into Wordpress discussing theme development, mobile ready sites, templates and much, much more.You'll work with Wordpress expert Mark Hannon as you develop your Wordpress skill set. This course launches quicklyas you jump right into developing your own, unique, Wordpress theme. (No more boring, poorly executed templates!)This isn't a course where you'll simply watch Mark go through the procedures. You'll be invited to work along with Mark step-by-step to make sure you remember and can apply every concept demonstrated. Speaking of hands on learning, the course isloadedwith lab exercises and examples to help you immediately apply the skills that you're learning."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |