Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"GMAT Math - Data Sufficiency Made Easy" |
"Hello. My name is Corey and welcome to my short course on solving GMAT Data Sufficiency questions. Mastering this topic is an essential ingredient for a superb GMAT score and gaining acceptance into business schools. This course contains 75 actual GMAT Data Sufficiency questions with annotated solutions. Feel free to preview sample solutions so that you have an idea of what to expect in the rest of the course. Thank you for your time and I look forward to helping you maximize your GMAT data sufficiency skill set.Check back often for more updates as I shall continue adding more problems. Contact me if you have any questions on the solutions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 Hour HTML" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn to code but don't know where to start? Learning how to code can get you a better job and lead to a better future. This course starts you off with the basic coding language of HTML. This is a very condensed 1 hour tutorial that will show you how to code in HTML. Enroll to begin your journey to be a web development master."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creativity and Personal Mastery for Business Success" |
"Creativity and Personal Mastery for Business Success is a program designed to transform your life. It takes the most powerful teachings of the worlds greatest masters and adapts them to the needs of intelligent persons in a post industrial society. These masters intimately understood the human predicament and they devised solutions that have been tested over millennia. These solutions absolutely work and are incorporated into the exercises in Creativity and Personal Mastery - the Basics. The exercises in this course will lead to success in business as well as great serenity."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Physicians: Find the Right Job & Negotiate a Better Contract" |
"Whether you are a resident or fellow, or an early-, mid- or late career physician, this course will help you answer questions like: - What are my key career issues? - How can I find jobs that might satisfy my key career issues? - How can I evaluate jobs during interviews and visits? - What are my duties and schedule? - Is the compensation fair? - How can I leave the job? Lectures include: - How health care market consolidation affects your career - The decline of the voluntary medical staff model - Accountable Care Organizations - Health system employment - Physician-owned independent private practice - Career costs of family - Take charge of your job search - Recruiters, networking, and other job sources - Learning about the job and community - Visiting the practice and community - Physician-owned practice: Joining, buying (into), and starting - Physician-owned practice: Hospital loan agreement - Good and poor employment contracts - Duties, schedule, location, and workload - Compensation models - Term and termination of employment - Professional liability (malpractice) insurance - Restrictive covenants - Path to becoming a shareholder in a physician-owned practice - Negotiating strategies and techniques"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Twitter Bootstrap Marketing" |
"Twitter bootstrap marketing will dramatically enhance both search engine, keyword rankings as well as onsite click-thrus. Seo, when setting up Twitter profiles should be a part of your online marketing strategy. Effective Twitter marketing requires understanding a balance must exist between 'onsite' brand messaging as well as offsite Google, Yahoo and Bing search rankings yet, with minimal cash investment expense. Here are the top 7 benefits students will receive by enrolling in this course: 1. Using Twitter profile Seo to demolish competitors in the Twitter marketplace 2. How to set-up winning, search engine optimizing profiles to increase viewership 3. How to increase website visits through one-simple and proven marketing strategy 4. The 11 areas of profile optimization which will increase 'followers' and profits 5. Placing multiple Twitter sales profiles on Page #1 of Google, Yahoo and Bing search 6. How do I maximize online marketing impact by multiplying my Twitter content across industry keyword markets 7. Using keywords and Hashtags to steal followers and website visits from competitors These and many more Twitter marketing best practices are learned in this course so JOIN US TODAY!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Un huerto ecolgico en casa" |
"Quieres que t vida y la de los tuyos sea ms saludable y satisfactoria?Deseas comer alimentos sanos y naturales y sin tener que pagar ms por ellos?Alguna vez has pensado en recuperar el verdadero sabor de las hortalizas y verduras que hoy da comemos?Te gustara contribuir en no daar el medio ambiente y s en mejorarlo?Y adems Quieres crear un entorno verde, educativo, relajante y lleno de felicidad?Pues si deseas todo esto Aprenders Paso a Paso como hacer un huerto en casa sin tener Ningn Conocimiento sobre ello. De una forma muy sencilla, dinmica, creativa y repleta de beneficios para ti y los tuyos.No importa que no tengas suelo para cultivar, tan solo con tener un espacio donde poder aprovecharlo ser suficiente para tus hortalizas y verduras. De esta forma conseguirs un estilo de vida Saludable y Natural, cuidando y respetando el Medio Ambiente."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Ethics: How to Create an Ethical Organization" |
"This Business Ethics course teaches managers, business leaders and corporate trainers how to design ethical organizations and manage organizations of high integrity. You will learn the 90 best practices for hiring ethical people, implementing codes of ethics, ethical decision making, ethics training, respecting employee diversity, ethics reporting systems, ethical leadership, engaging and empowering ethical employees, environmental management and community outreach. Assessment tools are provided to analyze the ethical performance of your organization."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gospel Piano Essentials" |
"Gospel Piano Essentials is designed for the gospel musician who desires to move from a beginner level to an intermediate level. If you follow all of the concepts in this course your playing will have a more advanced sound. This course covers:Essential chord concepts in gospel piano.Essential chord progressions.Key concepts that can improve your sound.More than 20 song breakdowns.Talk music concepts.Shout Music concepts.Preacher chord concepts.Gospel groovesAnd much more!This course features over 12 hours of pure content. Every video can be downloaded for offline viewing. This is THE course for any musician needing to their playing to the next level."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Stylish Ladies with Adobe Flash" |
"The Stylish Ladies Illustration Tutorial. Session 1: The BasicsIn this first session you will learn the basics of vector illustration with Flash, which is a very simple approach to drawing, even for non-artists. To illustrate, I use a mouse (nothing fancy like a Wacom or Cintiq), and rarely view the actual vector points making up the illustration. Instead I teach simple techniques to mold shapes. This one hour session covers step-by-step how to illustrate a basic head, and this portion of the course is free.Session 2: The BodyThis two hour tutorial focuses on illustrating a clothed body. Initially we look at some simple clothing choices to avoid working with the finer points of illustrating the female form (i.e. a big dress). After that I will design a more realistic body in silouhette, to use as the basis for a fully shaded illustration. That piece is drawn over the course of an hour, in real time, using symbols for parts that could be animated later.Session 3: Hair Styles and Head TurnsIn this 90 minute session, we look at tips to illustrate hair and turn the head. The part on head turns should be particularly useful to any Flash or vector artist, since I demonstrate some interesting ways to start from a front view and methodically convert all the way over to a side view.Session 4: Expressions, hands, and feet.In this 97 minute session, we gather together various "components" of the body to use in our final session. To make drawing a full pose easier, we can create libraries of body parts and facial expressions to copy and paste into later projects. You are welcome to use my source files in your future projects as well.Session 5: Final pieces.In this three hour session, we draw three final poses, focusing primarily on clothing techniques and shading. Each pose is a separate one hour video."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 Hour CSS" |
"In this tutorial series you get to learn about CSS. CSS is the number design language for the web. CSS is easy to learn and it is used in most web development today. This course is a 1 hour course of action packed material. By the end of it you will have a firm understanding of the concepts of CSS. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a Elaborar una Tarta de Hello Kitty" |
"Te gustara aprender las TCNICAS FUNDAMENTALES para decorar una tarta con fondant? Te gustara hacer un curso en TIEMPO RCORD y sin CONOCIMIENTOS PREVIOS? Esto es lo que aprenders: Cmo hornear, nivelar, humedecer y rellenar los bizcochos Cmo sellar las migas y cubrir el bizcocho Cmo forrar un bizcocho rectangular con fondant Cmo dar textura al fondant Cmo hacer una figura 2D o puzzle Cmo fijar la figura a la tarta Adems, el curso incluye: Vdeo de cmo hornear bizcochos Recetas de bizcochos aptos para este tipo de tartas Preguntas frecuentes sobre bizcochos Vdeo de cmo preparar almbar, buttercream y ganach de chocolate Recetas de rellenos Preguntas frecuentes sobre rellenos Vdeo de cmo preparar tu propio fondant Preguntas frecuentes sobre fondant"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Shopper Psychology - Becoming A Smart Shopper" |
"INSIDER TIPS REVEALED - how you are influenced in the shop. Welcome to this Shopper Psychology - Becoming a Smart Shopper web-course - the first online program designed to teach you everything you should know about your shopping behavior. The reason we created the course is to make people feel good about their shopping trips, to give them insight into the shopping behaviors and teach how to become a Smart Shopper. The web course is designed to be compact and easily understood. You can decide how you take the course. One of the commonly used learning techniques is splitting the course over the period of a week when each day you spend just 10 minutes on learning. This also helps to absorb the information better and gives a time to put your new knowledge in use. The good thing is that you will be able to access your course materials any time without any limitations and repeat the course whenever you want. Though there have been different studies carried out around the world about different shopper influencers, the mind still remains a mystery and there are still many things to learn and its a never-ending process. In the following web course chapters you will learn the main things you need to know while shopping: - At the beginning we will explore what shopping really is and how you see the products in shop; - In the next sessions you will discover how your senses might be influenced while shopping; - Understand Consumer Decision-making process; - And will get the tips for smart shopping."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Python for Rookies" |
"You should learn this language! Python is one of the fastest growing languages, it's even renowned as the language of the decade. You can use Python on any operating system to build whatever you like, including but not limited to GUI Applications, Web Applications, and Console Applications. I'll teach you how this seemingly strange language is actually quite simple. We cover the fundamentals to writing Python code from Syntax, Datatypes, Operators, and Looping. We'll even take a look into 3rd party package management!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Elements of English Grammar" |
"In this course, we will concentrate on the technical aspects of writing for business and academic purposes. We will learn how to compose clean copy that is writing devoid of technical errors of grammar, syntax, usage - and spelling. We will learn to present ourselves in writing so that we come across as educated, intelligent and competent. A complete course in English grammar -- for students, college, high school, and learners of the language, and anyone else who has long wanted to learn the correct form for spoken and written English. 430 minutes of video instruction 10 chapters of supplemental text (more than 150 pages) Exercises to practice and re-enforce your learning. Chat-room contact with your instructor so you can ask any question, so nothing is left unclear. All at a reasonable price. A verifiable Certificate of Completion will be awarded at the successful completion of the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning Spanish with Ana 1" |
"This is a Spanish course for beginners. The concepts we work with are essential if you want to study the second most spoken language in the world. This course includes 15 videos than can really help you and extra materials for each lesson. You can find information related to the way of greeting, and talking about your nationality, age and occupation. After the course you would be able to introduce yourself in Spanish and to learn a lot of new words. So it is a must if you want to start meeting new friends or if you want to travel all over the world and to feel more and more self secure. It is a great chance!The course begins with some considerations, and after we work with Spanish in common uses. There is no time to lose, get started now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cpsulas de End2End Coaching para el xito" |
"Me parece como si yo no fuse el protagonista de mi vida... Es como un disco rayado... siempre lo mismo... Es como si mi vida se escurriese como agua entre mis manos... Tengo la impresin de que simplemente me estoy manteniendo a flote..., Quiero un cambio en mi vida, pero no s cmo,... ni siquiera s lo que quiero... Te identificas con alguna de las anteriores afirmaciones? Cuando las personas se sienten as, suele ser porque carecen de un objetivo, una ilusin por la que levantarse con alegra cada maana, algo hacia lo que encauzar su energa, algo ms que esperar la nmina o las vacaciones. Les falta definir su idea de xito, expectativas, un propsito, saber que han determinado un punto de llegada hacia el que estn dirigiendo sus esfuerzos. El xito es un concepto que alguien tiene en su cabeza. Disea el anteproyecto del tuyo. Quiz para m el xito sea superar el rcord de salto de longitud de Mike Powell y para ti sea ser una escritora famosa y vivir en una casita en la montaa. Cada cual tiene un concepto diferente del xito. Por eso es esencial que definas el significado de esa palabra para ti. Si no sabes lo que el xito es para ti, cmo lo vas a conseguir? Hasta que esa idea no est totalmente clara y definida, se convierta en lo que yo llamo tu anteproyecto, es poco probable que lo consigas. La finalidad del Curso Cpsulas de End2End Coaching para el xito, sin embargo, no es solo esa: aclarar, establecer y definir tu concepto del xito. Es mucho ms, porque para que puedas llegar hasta ese punto, a dibujar tu anteproyecto, vas a convertirte en el arquitecto de tu vida como t la quieres, vas a convertirte en la persona que realmente eres y quieres ser. . (Visita tambin el Curso Identifica y Define Tus Objetivos donde profundizo y amplo el tema sobre la creacin de objetivos). Haz click en cualquiera de las clases abajo si quieres ms detalles sobre el contenido del curso. Visita End2EndCoaching & Development para conocernos mejor."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SketchUp Tutorial Video - A Practical Course" |
"This SketchUp training course teaches you how to use this 3D modeling program designed for architects, engineers, designers. SketchUp comes in two versions, a free and paid version. This tutorial can be used with either version, and is designed for the absolute beginner. No prior experience with 3D modeling programs, or SketchUp specifically, is required.You will start by exploring the user interface for SketchUp, getting familiar and comfortable with navigating and where the tools are located. The course utilizes many Ruby scripts, which are provided in the working files, and he will show you how to install and use the scripts throughout the course. Some of the functions that you will be taught throughout this tutorial include; working with lines and shapes, how to make faces and surfaces, drawing edges, scaling your models, working with layers and using the architectural tools. You will also learn how to style your work, use color and texture on your models, create walkthrough animations and finally, how to export your work to share and present it.By the completion of this computer based video course for SketchUp, you will be comfortable using the tools within the software to create and share 3D models. This video tutorial includes working files, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Como montar uma argumentao persuasiva" |
"Resumo A forma como voc descreve a sua empresa em reunies e em ligaes telefnicas crucial para gerar boas vendas e convencer o cliente a comprar do seu negcio. O curso ir desvendar de forma simples e descontrada esse assunto, oferecendo um passo a passo de como montar a argumentao de vendas do seu produto ou empresa. Sero abordados os seguintes tpicos: Introduo Quais so os principais motivos que fazem as empresas perderem clientes e porqu importante uma linha de argumentao boa na hora de vender. Conhecimento do negcio e clientes Qual o seu posicionamento no mercado e como o cliente enxerga e sente a sua soluo em relao concorrncia ou outros problemas dele. Regra dos trs minutos Assim como num relacionamento interpessoal, os trs primeiros minutos de conversao so essenciais para despertar o interesse do cliente. Ento, o que fazer? Kiss! Keep it simple, stupid! Um passo a passo para como deixar a sua argumentao breve e fcil de ser compreendida. Use a memria do cliente Como em somente uma frase economizar minutos de conversa e ainda tornar a idia mais fcil e persuasiva para o cliente utilizando exemplos. Explique em Loops A seu projeto ou produto deve ser explicado em "voltas" para resumir e facilitar a interpretao do cliente. Nesse mdulo, aprenda como fazer isso passo a passo e veja tambm um estudo de caso. Validando a argumentao com clientes Como ter certeza que o seu discurso colou? Que o cliente entendeu e ficou interessado em comprar? Aprenda a validar. Treinando a equipe e atualizando o discurso Como conscientizar a equipe e trein-los para usar o discurso todos os dias e como realizar uma melhoria contnua do material que voc criou."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Future Masculinity" |
"Masculinity, as shaped by both men and women, has a profound impact upon the world in which we live and functions as a core problem for social sustainability. Yet few people stop to question the forms of masculinity that have been passed to them, let alone construct a more conscious alternative. Via video, audio and text, Future Masculinity will help both men and women understand how masculinity functions in contemporary society, and how it can be re-imagined for a sustainable future. Many of society's problems are related to the social construction of masculinity: How is masculinity defined? How is masculinity asserted within society? These questions are answered in this course via a number of key themes: history, sexuality, relationships, fatherhood, archetypes, and spirituality. By questioning the social construction of masculinity within our everyday lives, we can make massive changes to society encouraging a more sustainable way of living that can be enjoyed by men, women, children, and the world in which we live."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PMP Practice Questions to Pass the PMPExam the first time!" |
"If you are a Project Manager who is interested in taking the PMPExam, then this course is for you. I know when I was studying for it, I was constantly searching online for project management courses and areas that offered more PMPExam sample questions to better prepare for it. Are you looking for more PMP Exam questions to take? Take the FREE sample quiz offered in this course to see what you can expect in the rest of the course. If you want to take more questions and find out WHY the correct answers are correct, sign up for the course. After taking the PMP Exam and passing it myself, I created this course to offer you great insight on what to expect when taking the PMP Exam, the legit cheat sheet you will have with you, and TONS of additional PMP Exam questions reviewed. In order to pass, you NEED to study the different types of questions, so why not take the ones I offer here? You'll be glad you did! The more PMP Exam question practice you get, the better chances you will have of passing the exam the first time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Principles - Kotler & Armstrong Text" |
"This introductory marketing course covers identifying segmentation, differentiation, target marketing and positioning opportunities that can be addressed with the proper marketing mix. All of this is taught in the context of todays complex global environment. By course end, you will be able to analyze a marketing opportunity and write a marketing plan to address that opportunity. A must for both corporate marketing employees and budding entrepreneurs. The course includes ""Real World Applications"" for you to develop your own marketing strategy, field your own marketing research, develop and test new product ideas and an advertising campaign. At the end, you will also be able to write a complete, professional marketing plan! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Virtual Piano Lessons - A New Way To Learn Piano" |
"When most people think of taking piano lessons; teachers, benches, and clunky pianos come to mind. But now that the internet has come of age, your course instructor does not need to be there in person. Anyone can take piano lessons online whenever they have some free time. You may be thinking "well how can I learn piano on the computer?" The answer is; you can learn to play the piano step by step with this brand new video course that will instruct you in how to play the piano using a computer software program that allows you to follow the keys. It is a virtual piano experience and anyone from children to adults can learn it. Follow along at your own pace and you will see that with practice you can learn some nice songs to play your self. You can use a USB piano keyboard and computer for this course but if you do not have an electric piano keyboard - you can use your computer keyboard. This course is for windows computer users and Mac users as well. Are you self-motivated? - then taking online lessons is a good choice because it puts you in charge of your own schedule. Do you like working at your own pace? If so, you will enjoy learning in a virtual environment. This video course allows you to take your time and learn how you want to learn. All in all, virtual piano lessons are an excellent choice for the adult piano student, and children are so adaptable to learning with computers they will just love these easy and fun lessons.. We are offering a discount coupon ..... use the code "summersale" for a discount on the price of this course. Also, If you would like to take your new video course information to the next level.... please message me about taking a live session one on one via webcam. I am a independent piano instructor and I can show you how to play the virtual piano live online via webcam in a private session."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Make Your first Android App in 60 minutes FLAT with NO code" |
"Android is taking the market by storm. Why not make your first Android app today! Despite what some think, Android has 60%% of the market share on apps. IOS has a mere 20%%. That means your Android app can spread like wildfire once you get it out there. If you've ever wondered about making your own app, NOW is your chance. With this course you will watch over my shoulder as I walk you through the making of a real live Animal Sounds Android app. No you don't need to know how to code. You don't even need to know HTML. Yes! This is a real app, not some app slap on of some weird website. It's a really fun Animal Sounds app you'll be so excited you built. You can publish this app in the Play store, make money from it or just show it off to your friends and co-workers. Once you learn the basics you can make more fun apps to your heart's galore. I can't wait to see what you make. I structure my videos in little bits and pieces. First I walk you through the software and installation. If you're on a Mac you'll learn the one single trick to run Android on Macs. Without it, it has stopped so many Mac users from building Android apps. Then I show you how to do everything STEP BY STEP. I don't skip anything so you'll never miss a thing and wonder what happened. You'll watch these videos in High Definition (HD). They're crisp and clear, with step by step instructions and high quality audio. No squinting to see what to do, just clear video. In full screen you'll see all the details. Go ahead and make your very first Animal sounds Android app in less than 60 minutes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Job Search On Target" |
"Job Search on Target, Success in 30 days is the most needed workshop for present generation, perhaps everyone looking for a job or career enhancement. Everyone has to search an employment minimum once in lifetime. Considering the situation of fresh graduates, ambitious professionals and those in tougher situations, all the solutions are covered in this workshop. Highly effective, self-tried and tested methods which I had used in different countries (minimum 5) are explained in workshop in simple language. In case English is not the first language of communication then, the speaker notes are available to read along with narration making the process easier. I have also offered some important tips on being proactive, self-confident, how to promote yourself as a product. The focus on similarity between Sales and Job search Process covers advertising, branding, cold calling and other activities which help to get employed quickly. The methods are steps included will take you beyond Job Search and prepare you for achieving your career objectives. It is important that you should follow the steps seriously. Advantage YOU!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sitios Web Responsivos desde Cero con HTML y CSS3" |
"Con este curso aprenders a crear sitios web con Responsive Design, adaptables a cualquier pantalla y dispositivo mvil. El curso esta compuesto por 16 videos donde paso a paso y desde un diseo PSD, realizaremos la maquetacin esttica del mismo en XHTML y CSS, luego crearemos una grilla flexible y por ultimo convertiremos todo el sitio a Responsivo. Tambin te dar una serie de herramientas que te ayudarn a trabajar mejor con Responsive Design y mucho mas rapido. Y por ultimo, animaremos las transiciones de los elementos !! Este curso est apuntado a toda peronsa que desee ser parte de lo ultimo en tecnologa de desarrollo de sitios web modernos. Responsive Design te permitir ahorra mucho tiempo de desarrollo ya que con un solo sitio maquetado, puedes adaptarlo a cualquier dispositivo. Si eres o quieres ser un programador web, Responsive Design te permitir brindar un valor agregado a tus clientes, obteniendo ganancias mas altas en tus trabajos. Puedes visitar tambin mis otros cursos para continuar avanzando en tu formacin: PSD a HTML Paso a Paso: Experto en HTML5:"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Running A Web Design Business" |
"You can run your own web design business from home and make exceptionally good money all you need is a computer and an internet connection.My name is Rob Cubbon and I have been running a successful web design business since 2006 which turns in more profit year after year.How do I do it? Well, it's not because I'm the best designer in the world, that's for sure! ;) Here are some essential questions I'll answer for you:What software and hardware you will need to start and grow the business?How do you get clients? How you handle clients on email, on the phone in real life?Do you need contracts? If so, what you put in a contract.How do you get paid? What are the best ways to ensure you get paid properly and on time?If you really want to make money running a web design business then you'll have to offer a premium service to the best type of clients and I can show you how to do that.In order to build a company that offers complete digital solutions rather than being an overworked freelancer you will need to learn the following:How to start The first essential tasks necessary to start your web design business.How to continue The basic principles behind the business.Getting work Should you signup on bidding sites, cold call or concentrate on your site to bring in business?Dealing with clients How much information, what to say and when to say it.Numerous tried-and-tested email transcripts to simply paste into your client emails.What to charge A simple sliding scale of charges and lists of extras to provide so you can charge premium rates!How to branch out How to offer logo design, print design, SEO and marketing services to your clients to expand your businessHow to specialize and ways to pinpoint your interests so you because the go-to business in a certain field.And, meet the designers. Direct advice from over 40 successful independent web designers!This isn't just my business model. I surveyed over 40 different independent designers from the mega-successful to those just starting out. Some names you may know, like David Airey, Chris Spooner and John O'Nolan. They answered questions like how much you should charge, how much time you should spend marketing, how you should get work and many more.In fact I collate their answers and display them graphically to give you a complete picture of the life of a web design business owner.Leaving work and running my own web design business from home changed my life for the better. It can change yours too."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Time to Thrive...for Family Leaders" |
"Time to Thrive is a proven time management and productivity system for busy parents who are ready to get control of their schedule and accomplish big goals in their personal or professional lives. As a Family Leader today, you face some really unique challenges. You do so many things, you dont feel like you can do any of them well. You have lots of dreams and goals, but you dont see any way to get to them. Youre just too busy. If you look closely, youll find that most of your struggles boil down to losing control of your time. You do more and more stuff, but less and less of what matters most to you and your family. Its time to change that. I believe that you deserve to live life intentionally and do more of what matters. Thats why I created Time to Thrive. This program is the result of many years of learning, living and teaching other Family Leaders. Its here for you to guide you step-by-step away from feeling overwhelmed and to a place of contentment where you can fully enjoy the many blessings youve been given. The promise is strong but simple follow the Time to Thrive plan over the next 30 days and you will gain at least one extra hour of quality time every day. How would it feel to be in control of your schedule? How awesome will it be to finally accomplish that big goal you keep putting off because you have "more important" things to do with your scarce time? Here are the Top 5 benefits of completing Time to Thrive according to feedback from our graduates: The easy step-by-step format helps you break free of overwhelm and enjoy the confidence that comes with regaining clear FOCUS.You'll gain new healthy HABITS by doing the things that matter most to you.You'll learn the 12 top techniques that empower family leaders to become SUPER PRODUCTIVE.By following the Thrive plan, you'll accomplish a big GOAL that you've been anxious to achieve - all during our 30 days together.Above all, the biggest benefit you'll receive by completing this course is gaining at least an extra hour of quality TIME each day to do more of what matters to you and your family.When you join today, you'll also get access to our exclusive private Thrive Community on Facebook. Its not just a great place to hang out but an important tool for taking action and staying accountable. Youll never be alone. And youll have direct access to ask me (your instructor) any question you have along the way right inside the Community. As a busy Family Leader, you know how easy it is to put all of those other important tasks at the front of your to-do list, never making time for yourself. Make today the day you invest in YOU! Let me take you by the hand and lead you to a life where you have control of your schedule, a sense of accomplishment and actual FREE time. In the next 30 days, youll not only achieve a big goal thats important to you, but youll learn to enjoy an extra hour of quality time each day. But to get there, you must take the first step. Enroll in Time to Thrive, and Ill be there to get you started right away. When you access your course, youll find a welcome video and a simple roadmap/checklist to guide you to success. And dont forget your investment is 100% guaranteed. I can't wait to see you inside to show you how to Thrive in your busy life!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master Overview of a Career in Solar Sales" |
"If you are looking to expand your business into solar energy or you are looking to start a career in solar energy, this is the perfect course. It is designed for HVAC, roofers, contractors and handimen who want to get into solar energy. It is also extremely useful for those considering a career in selling solar energy. Who buys solar? How do you sell it? How much does it cost? How much can you earn? It is all explained in this course. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Vendas Completo - Da prospeco ao fechamento" |
"Destaques 100% de garantia! Devoluo do dinheiro em at 30 dias caso no fique satisfeito! Qualidade comprovada! Professor com quase 20.000 alunos na Udemy! Destaque no jornal Folha de So Paulo: ""Professores usam sites para vender aulas em vdeo""Certificado de concluso do cursoExcelente para vendedores B2B (vendedores que vendem para outras empresas) Como ser bem sucedido em vendas? O que os vendedores e negociadores de sucesso possuem so ferramentas e tcnicas de vendas que os ajudam a fechar mais negcios. Em cada etapa da negociao existem boas prticas e tcnicas que devem ser seguidas para voc aproveitar ao mximo de cada oportunidade de fechar um negcio. O que voc aprender no curso? Como vender suas idias, produtos ou serviosComo prospectar e abordar do jeito certo clientes potenciaisComo entrar em contato com clientes por e-mailComo vender de maneira efetiva pelo telefoneComo aplicar tcnicas avanadas de fechamento e negociaoComo aumentar sua produtividade diria em vendas ************Veja abaixo a ementa completa com as 71 aulas! Quem o professor? Meu nome Alessio Aliono e comecei minha carreira em vendas captando patrocnio e negociando com empresas como TIM, Fundao Getlio Vargas, Petrobrs, Correios, Brasil Telecom, HSBC, Unilever, Coca-Cola, Ambev e muitas outras. Depois disso fui consultor em fuses, aquisies e revitalizaes de empresas, restruturando a rea comercial de negcios com faturamento entre 50 e 200 milhes por ano nos setores da indstria, varejo e servios. Nesses processos de restruturao, minha principal funo era formar equipes comerciais agressivas e de alta performance, responsveis por tirar empresas do prejuzo e lev-las para uma nova fase de crescimento, aquisio de novos clientes e sade financeira. Essas equipes foram to bem sucedidas que acabei sendo mentor e conselheiro de outras empresas e startups e participei como palestrante e jurado em eventos como Feira do Empreendedor do Sebrae, Startup Meetup, Startup Pirates, Desafio Brasil, Startup Brasil, E-talks da Endeavor, HUB Fellowship e outros, sempre contribuindo quando o assunto se refere a marketing, vendas e negociao. Como vender 2x, 3x mais? Pode-se aprender como ser um bom negociador? Eventualmente uma pessoa pode ser mais extrovertida e ter uma facilidade natural para se relacionar, mas isso no significa que ela ter as competncias e habilidades necessrias e presentes em todos os grandes vendedores. Com o tempo aprendi que vender no um dom que nasce de bero - os melhores na verdade tem muito conhecimento, habilidades, ferramentas e tcnica, muita tcnica. Em minha opinio todos, se tiverem vontade verdadeira de aprender, podem se tornar vendedores excepcionais. Por causa desse aprendizado que resolvi ensinar e transmitir de forma fcil, didtica e organizada tudo o que aprendi em todos esses anos de prtica como vendedor e formando vendedores. O curso muito completo, so 13 horas de contedo separados em 71 aulas ensinando desde os passos mais bsicos como o passo a passo para montar um script de vendas tcnicas avanadas de fechamento e negociao. Desejo de corao que voc tenha muito sucesso aps aplicar esses ensinamentos, assim como eles me ajudaram todos esses anos como vendedor, coach de vendedores e empreendedor. Bem vindo ao clube, j so quase 2.000 pessoas em todos os meus cursos online. TPICOS 1.0 Como posicionar seu produto ou servio Domine o processo de como analisar o mercado, como mapear o perfil dos seus clientes potenciais, entender as relaes de poder na negociao, como definir o posicionamento da sua empresa e saiba como realizar uma anlise de valor agregado para realizar propostas mais efetivas. 2.0 Como montar seu discurso de vendas A forma como voc explica o que vende fundamental para o cliente decidir se precisa ou no comprar de voc. Nesta etapa, voc aprender a como montar um discurso de vendas perfeito, como mant-lo resumido, o que dizer primeiro, como explicar em loops para facilitar a interpretao e outros. 3.0 Ferramentas e tcnicas para aumento de produtividade Como se organizar e controlar seus prospects de forma a conseguir fazer mais negcios? Descubra quais so as ferramentas, boas prticas e planilhas mais utilizadas em equipes comerciais de alta performance e aplique os mesmos modelos no seu dia-a-dia. 4.0 Como prospectar corretamente clientes potenciais Como abordar de forma eficiente clientes por telefone, e-mail e prensencialmente atravs de reunies. Alm disso, dicas pontuais para aumentar sua produtividade em eventos comerciais. Boas prticas, dicas de como usar (ou no usar) materiais visuais como portflios, grficos e pastas. 5.0 Linguagem corporal e Programao Neuro Lingustica (PNL) Aprenda como ler atravs de comunicao corporal e facial o que o cliente est pensando. Use tcnicas de Rapport para criar empatia com o cliente e para deix-lo inclunado a falar o que precisa e comprar o seu produto ou servio. Aprenda sobre as chamadas pistas de acesso ocular e saiba como us-las para detectar mentiras dos clientes. 6.0 Como descobrir as necessidades do cliente Aprenda como fazer uma das etapas mais importantes da venda, a coleta de dados. Aprenda quais so as perguntas mais adequadas para descobrir o quanto o cliente est disposto a pagar por seu produto ou servio, o que ele valoriza e quais so as perguntas ideais para se conduzir uma venda. 7.0 Objees A venda comea com o primeiro no Quem nunca ouviu no telefone um por favor, pode me enviar tudo por e-mail que te respondo? quando estava prospectando um cliente ou na etapa de fechamento de negcio objees como no tenho dinheiro ou preciso pensar ou desculpas similares? Aprenda como contornar as objees mais comuns e como evit-las. 8.0 Parfrases Conduzindo o cliente para comprar Uma das etapas mais importantes da venda, mas dominada por poucos vendedores. O cliente s vai comprar quando ele perceber que precisa do seu produto ou servio. Aprenda a conduzir o cliente a criar essa necessidade fazendo parfrases que induziro o cliente a comprar. 9.0 Tcnicas de fechamento de negcios Um excepcional vendedor no quem apresenta bem, quem fecha mais negcios. Aprenda detalhadamente como funciona um ciclo de fechamento de negcio, como identificar oportunidades de fechamento e quais so as tcnicas mais adequadas para cada situao especfica. Dvidas mais frequentes: 1. Qual o prazo para concluir o curso? O tempo para acessar ilimitado! Voc poder fazer tudo no ritmo que achar ideal. 2. O curso tem horrio fixo? No, voc pode fazer o curso quando e onde achar mais confortvel. Do trabalho, de casa, nos fins de semana. Voc s precisa de um computador com acesso a internet! 3. Por qu o valor do curso est em dlares? A plataforma na qual o curso realizado (Udemy) americana, ento os valores so definidos em dlar. De qualquer forma, ao realizar o pagamento usando o Paypal voc pode escolher a opo de pagar o valor em reais. 4. Mas qual o valor do curso em reais? O valor do curso em reais pode variar de acordo com a taxa de cmbio do dlar de sua operadora de carto de crdito. Veja quanto um dlar vale hoje, e multiplique esse valor pelo preo em dlares do curso. 5. Quais so as formas de pagamento? Voc pode pagar com os principais cartes de crdito pela plataforma do Udemy."
Price: 564.99 ![]() |
"Achieve Udemy Success with Course Marketing - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc. You need online learners to enroll in your course and you need them NOW! Learning to effectively market Udemy courses is key to achieving financial success. With thousands of other instructors and some trying to sell the same course as you are, you need a competitive advantage. Optimizing a course for both Udemy onsite marketplace search as well as Google, Yahoo and Bing rankings can push you well-past competitors and fast! Getting your course to top search results on Udemy as well as search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing will have has the following benefits; Brand exposure to buyers searching (by keyword) for specific, online learning opportunities Beating out other instructors, with the same courses, for top placements Dramatically increasing students enrollment counts and profits Page #1 course rankings on Udemy's Marketplace Page #1 search rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing Core to success for online instructors is building a student base. With this comes financial success! Join us today and begin the process of optimizing each area of your course and strategically placing them where the real money is - HIGH SEARCH RANKINGS!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Web Development: Make A Website That Will Sell For Thousands" |
"If your looking to get a start on learning the, fun, and profitable skill of web development, then this course is for you. Unlike other courses which teach tedious theory ABOUT making a website, you'll learn practical knowledge on HOW to do it. This course takes you step-by-step as we build a complete professional website from scratch. Websites like the one we build in this course can easily sell for $1,000 - $4,000. The course starts out assuming that you know nothing, and shows you where to get the free tools needed to make a website. Then we jump right in and start learning HTML5 and CSS3 the easy way. By the end of the course, you'll be able to make a complete professional website and be able to sell your work for a lot of $. Whether you're looking for a new career, to make a little extra on the side, or you want to be able to make a website for yourself and friends, you've come to the right place. You could be making money RIGHT NOW on the internet instead of wasting your time. Enrolling in this course will give you all the skills you need to do so.We begin by learning HTML which is the structure that makes up every single website. Once the structure of our site is complete we begin styling it using CSS, which is also used on every single website. CSS is used to style everything on a website, including: background colors (or images), font sizes, font colors, as well as the width, height, and position of everything on a webpage.We then cover topics which are critical to modern websites, like responsive design and embedding images and videos. We also go over how you can develop a website locally on your computer, then put the files on a live server for the world to see.Enroll now to invest in yourself and to open the doors to this exciting field."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |