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"Cantonese 101 for Complete Beginners" |
"Welcome to Cantonese 101This course is designed for completely new Cantonese beginners who want to take a glimpse into the language as well as those who have limited knowledge of Cantonese and would like to understand more about its usage and learn new vocabularies and phrases.Although mastering Cantonese could be a daunting task for beginners, it can be achieved through dissecting the language and learning it through a structural and pragmatic way so that it can be easily absorbed and enjoyable to learn.That is the main goal of this training course.As a native Cantonese speaker, I will walk you through each lesson and pronounce each Cantonese words where you can repeat after me or pause whenever necessary.The most important way to progress in any language is through repetition, practice, and perseverance. So dont hesitate to repeat and review the course, then take it for a spin and practice with other Cantonese speakers.Whats Included In This Video (Scope)This training course consists of nine lessons covering basic Cantonese words that are widely spoken within everyday conversations.These lessons include: - Counting System - Colors - Pronouns - Directional Words - People - Time - Questions - Counter Words - VerbsIn each lesson, you will find the English translation; follow by the Chinese characters and the pronunciation that closely resembles English.The good news is that there will be no quizzes, because the main focus is to learn by repetition and persistency.The reason why I chose these nine lessons to start off for Cantonese beginners is because each lesson reflects a basic structure. These structures will help you better master the Cantonese system and allow you to build upon what you learned.It is important to note that when learning Cantonese from an English speaking perspective, you should never translate word for word. Instead, try learning it as if you were a baby trying to grasp the language for the first time.The English and the pronunciation are only there to guide you, but you must absorb Cantonese with a clear and open mind. This is important because it will stop you from over analyzing why certain word is spoken differently than from that of your own language.Why My Approach Could Work For YouCantonese consists of six intonations. Although these intonations are important as different tones can change the meaning of the word, mastering it while learning new basic vocabularies can be overwhelming.Therefore, I have designed this course to leave out the intonations so that you can focus on learning new Cantonese vocabularies without being discouraged by the added complexity of the intonations.Since most people fail to master pronouncing Cantonese correctly anyway through learning the intonations first, this training will provide an easier approach to remove the roadblock and allow you to dive in head on.Similar to learning how to swim, this course will essentially allow you to test the water, get comfortable with it, and then refine your skills through practice.Therefore I recommend learning the six intonations only after you feel comfortable enough with the language, then you can use intonations to sharpen your pronunciation.This approach has worked for many students that I teach and they find this method to be less overwhelming.After all, babies never learned the intonations before speaking Cantonese. What helped them was through listening, so that is basically the same approach here.By visualizing the English meaning and Cantonese words along with the pronunciation closely resembling English, you may find this learning approach to be less overwhelming and more enjoyable.Good luck and lets get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Take Control of Your Back Pain with Dr. Kurt Spurgin DC, PhD" |
"Now is the time for you to take control over your back pain! Let Dr. Spurgin help you get there!Learn from a trueexpert who understands and treatslow back pain on a daily basis!Dr. Kurt Spurginhas19 years of hands-on clinical experience working with back pain patients as a Doctor of Chiropractic.Dr. Spurgin has a PhD in Neuroscience and has intimate knowledge of pain and how thenervous systemfunctions.Dr. Spurgin is an experienced educator and hasbeen teaching college-levelcourses in subjects such as Biology, Neuroscience, Immunology and Health Sciences for over 7 years!This course representsmore thantwo decades of training and experience in how tobest understandand treatback pain.Dr. Spurgin shows you that much of what you think you knowabout back pain is wrongandprovides you with new ways to understand andtreatback pain using the most currentresearch. For example: Is R-I-C-E really the best approach for acute back pain? How do you know if your pain is due to something more serious? What does your MRI really tell you about the cause of your pain?Why does my back pain keep coming back? What can Ido on a daily basis to take control of my back pain?Reviews fromDr. Spurgin's students:""Dr. Spurgin he is most definitely one of the most dedicated, caring, and understanding professors I have ever had.His passion and enthusiasm is what made me attend class every day andtake diligent notes""""Dr. Spurgin was an amazing professor who made the material much more interesting and easy to understand. Dr. Spurgin isby farone of the best teachers I have ever had, notjust in college but in my entire academic career""""Great lectures, great professor, great video-style of teaching!""""Excellent professor! I liked how he always explained the material so clearly and you can tell he that he has much enthusiasm for the subject thathe teaches.""""An absolutely amazing teacher!""""I enjoyed this course, the professor was very enthusiastic and approachable""""Awesome Instructor! Teaches with passion and makes the subject matter interesting.""""Professor Spurgin was a great professor who really demonstrated his passion for what he taught""""Dr. Spurgin is an amazing professor!""""Dr. Spurgin is a very inspirational and informative professor, especially if it is one's goal to enter the medical field. Due to his personal/workexperiences he was able to create very relatable learning points that are forever memorable.""""Dr. Spurgin was a very enthusiastic and enjoyable instructor.""""I enjoyed this class a lot. I think you are an excellent teacher! I especially loved that you took real world examples from your clinic and broughtthem into the classroom.""Dr. Spurginis amazing so nice and smart and helpful""""I really enjoyed Dr. Spurgin's class. He genuinely is interested in the subject and is able to convey it with enthusiasm.10/10 would definitely take another course by Dr. Spurgin and 10/10would recommend him to anyone that's debating.""""Excellent professor! One of the best professor's that I have had so far at UCR. His lectures were easy to follow and made studying the materiala lot more bearable!""Reviews from Dr. Spurgin's patients:""I have been having problems for years and none of my doctors could figure it out. Always giving me pain medications or telling me I need surgery.A friend recommended Dr. Spurgin and he helped me after onevisit! He actually figured out what the problem was and I have been for 2 weeks and feel better than I ever have in years!"" - Linda M""I always feel better after my Dr. Spurgin's treatments. He treats with the fewest possible visits - I never get the impression some people have about chiropractic that they keep having you come back. He solves the problem and gives me exercises and stretches to help prevent future issues. He is always willing to answer questions and educate me. I highly recommend Dr. Spurgin!"" - MT""Dr. Kurt Spurgin is the best chiropractor I've ever been too. He has been healing my family for many years! If you have pain in your shoulder, neck, arm or leg pain go see Dr. Spurgin. I was ready to have back surgery & Dr. Spurgin said give me a few weeks...I did & my back is healed! He has healing hands! The staff are also awesome! If you're in pain go see Dr. Spurgin!"" - Linda B.""A fantastic professional. He liberated me from.years of horrendous migraines. Hands-on and superb in his level of expertise. The best chiropractor one can hope for."" - Jim S.""I wouldn't go anywhere else. Dr. Spurgin knows his stuff and goes above and beyond to help his patients get relief!""- Channing B.""Best chiropractor I've ever been to and I've seen many. Highly recommend this man and his office staff are good too."" - Larry O.Enroll today and TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR BACK PAIN with Dr. Spurgin!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How To Study For IT Certifications" |
"This course is intended for IT professionals and aspiring ITprofessionals. No technical back round is needed.In this course, we will cover everything that is involved with quickly studying for acertification and passing it. I have personally tested all of the content and can guarantee that the content here will help you throughout your professional journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"So you have a dream!: Startup analysis for a rational start!" |
"People starting up today are smart enough to realize that , having a unique/ relevant idea is not a guarantee for success.Hence , if you knowfew basics which if followed in spirit, would help you differentiate from your competition.This course is a step by step guide on how you can balance the emotional urges one gets when you startup young or are in nascent stage.Concepts explained in this course are based on decades ofresearch workdone by legendary marketing leaders.We all have something to learn from people around us. Ihave tried to explain several lessons that i learnt from my own start up journey.However , the concepts and examplesexplained in this course, hold equal relevance for companies of all stages."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ketogenic Diet Mistakes to Avoid For Weight Loss" |
"Do you suffer from LOW ENERGY, BRAINFOG, or carry arounda few EXTRA POUNDS?That's no way to live...I was once like you...struggling to concentrate, yawning like someone was paying me to,and dreaming of shedding my ANNOYING spare-tire. All I wanted was to look and feel good. Is that too much to ask??Enter Ketosis...The ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein and low-carbdiet that mimics the physiology of fasting by shifting your body into a state ofNUTRITIONAL KETOSIS. Once in ketosis, your body burns fat instead of sugar for fuel, giving you EXPLOSIVE ENERGY, LASERFOCUS, and BALANCEDHORMONES.So why doesn't everyone do keto?'shard without theproper guidance.The main reason most people FAIL at the ketogenic diet is because they fall victim to many common mistakes! But here's the secret...THESE MISTAKESCANBEAVOIDED!After I struggled to figure out how to enter and maintain ketosis, even with a busy schedule, I had a great idea!""What if I taught struggling keto dieters all the mistakes I encountered?? That way they could avoid them and be successful with keto!!""This Program Will...Teach you the basics of nutrition and dietIdentifyCOMMONMISTAKES that stopketosisShow you what to eat on KetoGive you the help and motivation needed for successful WEIGHT-LOSSHelp make optimal meal choicesImprove biomarkers and FIGHTDISEASEReduce INFLAMMATIONProvide asimple KETOMEALPLAN & COMPREHENSIVE SHOPPING GUIDEAre you ready for a new life of health and vibrancy in just 30 days?If so,join this course today and start changing your life NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trout Fishing: A Simple Method For Catching More Trout" |
"This course teaches an easy to learn method for catching trout. The method involves a formula for fishing success: F+L+P=Success. F is the fish factor. Understanding the basic nature of the trout is important to be successful in fishing for them. L is the location Factor. Knowing where a trout lives and how it positions itself to feed is critical to understand if you want to catch them. P is the Presentation factor. Having a proper presentation is the only way to trigger trout into biting. Presentation involves having the proper tools for success. This includes rod, reel and fishing line. Finally a simple presentation method is taught involving specific minnow lures. If you want to catch more trout, this course is for you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aprende ISO 27001" |
"Este curso esta diseadopara capacitar al personal de Apuestas Ochoa, en el contexto holistico empresarial, normativa y fundamentos especficos,sobre el sistema de gestin de la seguridad de la informacin certificadfo enla Norma iso 27001. teniendo en cuenta aspectos relevantes como historia de la norma ISO y su evolucin, hasta llegar a al tema de interes de este seminario que es la adquisicion del conocimiento general de la norma iso 27001"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Recirculating Aquaculture Systems For Fish Farm" |
"In this course we will explain how to design systems for fish farmRecirculating Aquaculture Systems Fish density Drum Filter Biological Filter CO2 Filter Air pump size water pump sizeFor next course will explain about :Open System Fish Density Fish Tank Design Water Pump SizeBiofloc How Its Work? What Fish Kind Can Live In Biofloc How To Make Biofloc Fish Farm How To Manage It."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"How Set Up Biofloc System For Fish Farm" |
"Need to make system and afraid of cost ? Afraid to lose your money on system give you just a little bit weight of fish and spend a lot food to feed your fish ?You want to get big fish with short time ? You want to Reduce fish food and get better result? You worry about changing water?In this course we will explain how to design systems for fish farmBiofloc How Its Work? How Set Up Biofloc System For Fish Farm How To Manage It."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
fishfood |
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Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"how to make Balance Fish Food" |
"In this course we will discuss the followingIntroduction .Components of the fish body.How the fish food become flesh.Protein Function.How to measure protein level.Amino acids (basic and non-essential).Amount of amino acids required for each tape of fish.Fat and oil in fish food.The materials to be provided in the fish meal. Recipe that help you to get what the fish needs and get better result."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Focada em Resultados" |
"Segundo um estudo feito pelo Sebrae, um tero das empresas de at dois anos de idadeir morrer, o que muito triste e ruim para a economia.Com uma didtica simples e direta, usando vdeos curtos no estilo YouTube, voc aprender a usar e conectar ferramentas de gesto mundialmente consolidadas tais como:Matriz SWOT;Metas SMART;Ciclo PDCA;Quadro Kanban;Indicadores.E ao final de cada mdulo voc ter um desafio pela frente para aplicar os conceitos na prtica. Cada exerccio consolida a teoria e em seguida o conhecimento sedimentado pelo feedback do instrutor.Tudo de forma a construir competncias em conjunto e sempre visando o sucesso de seu empreendimento.Assim, voc ter uma metodologia simples e robusta para tirar suas ideias do papel, ter resultados efetivos e viabilizar a sustentabilidade do seu negcio.Este curso foi cocriado pela ZeroPerda Treinamentos Gerenciais e validado com os coworkers do Worktiba, o primeiro coworking pblico do Brasil faz parte do ecossistema do Vale do Pinho, situado em Curitiba-PR, uma das cidades mais inovadoras do mundo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Primeiros passos com o Kdenlive" |
"Que tal aprender a usar o Kdenlive de vez?Este curso foi feito exatamente para isso, com ele voc ir aprender a utilizar o programa da melhor forma,criando assim, excelentes trabalhos, seja para uso profissional, escolar, etc.So aulas que vo desde a apresentao do programa, at a exportao de seu arquivo final, explicando como funciona as opes existentes dentro do programa.Voc vai aprender a Interface, Cortes, Efeitos, Transies, manipular udio, etc. Tudo isso para que voc possa usar o programa da forma mais tranquila possvel!No perca tempo, venha aprender a editar seus projetos dentro do Kdenlive!Objetivo: Aprender as funes bsicas do editor de vdeos open source, Kdenlive.A quem se destina:Pessoas interessadas em edio de vdeos e que esto iniciando nesta rea.Contedo programtico.Apresentao do programa e curso (Oque o Kdenlive)Conhecendo o software ( Ferramentas de manipulao, Timeline, preview, etc)Configurando projetoImportao e organizao de arquivosEditando o primeiro vdeo (cortes, junes, etc)TransiesManipulao de udio bsica (mute, gain, volume)Efeitos bsicos parte 1 (posicionar, rotacionar, transformar)Efeitos bsicos parte 2 (brilho, contraste, curvas)Render e Material de treino"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Secure your computer with 14 easy steps" |
"Hello everybody, This course is about to teach you how to protect your computer from Virus, malwares, cyber criminals and hacker attacks. It will show you how to secure your data with a password, and how to backup your important data etc..If you have any questions please contact meThank you"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"UML para Analistas de Negocios" |
"El Anlisis de Negocios (Business Analysis) y la Gestin de Procesos de Negocios (Business Process Management) son disciplinas de la Informtica en las que se requiere identificar, modelar, evaluar y mejorar diferentes aspectos y elementos de una empresa u organizacin. El pensamiento sistmico juega un papel fundamental en estas dos disciplinas; pues, le permite al analista concebir a una organizacin como un sistema compuesto de varios elementos interrelacionados, tales como: objetivos de negocio, procesos de negocio, actividades, objetos de negocio, actores, tecnologas, etc. Una actividad central de la aplicacin del pensamiento sistmico en organizaciones es el modelado de sistemas. A travs de este proceso cognitivo, el analista de negocios identifica y relaciona los elementos esenciales de una empresa, o de una parte de ella, los representa mediante un lenguaje de modelado, evala los modelos obtenidos y determina los cambios que deben hacerse para mejorar su estructura y funcionamiento. El Lenguaje de Modelado Unificado UML (Unified Modeling Language) es considerado, actualmente, la lingua franca de la Computacin y la Informtica. Es el lenguaje de mayor uso en el modelado de sistemas. Mediante el uso de UML, y de las herramientas de software que soportan este lenguaje, un analista de negocios puede llevar a cabo actividades fundamentales del modelado de sistemas de negocio, tales como, la representacin grfica de los objetivos del negocio, de sus procesos de negocio, de sus objetos de negocio, de sus actores, de su estructura organizacional, de sus reglas de negocio y de las tecnologas y aplicaciones que se requieren para apoyar la ejecucin de los procesos. Este curso se centra en el proceso de modelado de sistemas de negocio haciendo uso de la versin 2.5 del lenguaje UML y de sus extensiones para negocios.Este curso es el primero de una serie ofrecida a travs de Udemy que est orientado a la actualizacin y capacitacin de roles de alta demanda laboral en las reas de Anlisis de Negocio, Arquitectura Empresarial, BPM, Ingeniera de Requisitos y Transformacin Digital. El segundo de estos cursos, titulado BPMN para Analistas y Arquitectos de Negocios, se orienta a la descripcin de la notacin BPMN y su aplicacin en el modelado de procesos de negocios y es complementario a este curso."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"BPMN para Analistas y Arquitectos de Negocios" |
"La Arquitectura de Negocio (Business Architecture) y la Gestin de Procesos de Negocios (BPM - Business Process Management) son dos disciplinas fundamentales para lograr las transformaciones que estn ocurriendo en la mayora de empresas del mundo desarrollado. Ambas disciplinas constituyen dos de los pilares sobre los cuales descansa lo que conocemos como Transformacin Digital, definida como un proceso de cambio organizacional fundamentado en el uso intensivo de tecnologas de informacin y comunicacin. Los analistas de negocios y los arquitectos empresariales estn llamados a jugar un papel vital en dicha transformacin. El Modelado de Procesos de Negocio es la actividad central tanto de la Gestin de Procesos de Negocio (BPM) como de las Arquitecturas de Negocio. Para modelar procesos de negocios existen varias notaciones, siendo BPMN, los diagramas de actividades del UML, IDEF, DFD y los diagramas de flujo las ms conocidas. Entre todas ellas, la Notacin de Modelado de Procesos de Negocios BPMN es considerada, hoy en da, la notacin de facto para el modelado de procesos y arquitecturas de negocio, debido a la amplitud de su sintaxis y al elevado poder semntico que ella tiene para representar y relacionar diferentes aspectos de una empresa u organizacin. En este curso aprenders los conceptos fundamentales, la sintaxis y la semntica de la notacin BPMN; as como, su uso en el modelado de procesos en los contextos de la Gestin de Procesos de Negocio BPM y las Arquitecturas Empresariales.La principal diferencia de este curso, con respecto a otros similares, es que el nuestro establece un equilibrio entre conceptos, notacin, herramientas, mtodos y tcnicas que son necesarias para usar apropiadamente BPMN en el modelado y diseo de procesos de negocio y arquitecturas de negocio. El nfasis de este curso es en la aplicacin prctica de la notacin BPMN en el modelado de procesos de negocio. Este curso es el segundo de una serie ofrecida a travs de Udemy que est orientada a la actualizacin y capacitacin de roles de alta demanda laboral en las reas de Anlisis de Negocio, Arquitectura Empresarial, BPM, Ingeniera de Requisitos y Transformacin Digital. El primero de estos cursos, titulado UML para Analistas de Negocio, se orienta al lenguaje UML y su aplicacin en el modelado de negocios y es complementario a este curso."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Learn Tamazight Language (North African language)" |
"Even under the best conditions,learning a new language can be challenging.If you are trying to learn Tamazight language which has more that 3000 years old,check my courses about :adjectives,adverbs,articles,gender,negation,nouns,numbers,phrases,plural,prepositions,pronouns,questions,verbs,vocabulary and excercises to help you with your tamazight grammer.This language was lost in the canary island,it would be great to promote it in schools of spanish region."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Empresarial: Capta clientes potenciales con videos" |
"En este curso,conocerslos 9 pasos para generar trfico con YouTubeycmo crear una cuenta de Gmail.Tambin aprenders a identificar las palabras clave con las que trabajars durante tu proyecto, a investigar el nmero de bsquedas y competencias que tienen las palabras clave y a seleccionar las 30 palabras clave definitivas.Aprenders a crear un canal de YouTube, a personalizarlo, subir la imagen del canal y editar los enlaces del canal.Sabrs cmodescargar el programa para hacer videos, cmo buscar el contenido de los mismos, cmo crear un guin y cmo pasarlo a las diapositivas de PowerPoint.Tambin aprenders a grabar y editar los videos, a subirlos y configurarlos en el canal de YouTube y cmo crear una lista de reproduccin.Aprenders por qu es conveniente subirlos a otros directorios de video, cmo subcontratar servicios para mejorar el posicionamiento de losvideos y cmo colocar un video en el No. 1 de Google.Por ltimo conocers qu son los enlaces entrantes, los tipos de formatos que existen y cmo conseguir enlaces entrantes."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Empresarial: El marketing ideal para los negocios" |
"Conocers la diferencia entra una Fan Page y un Perfil de Facebook, las ventajas de usar una Fan Page y los elementos que la integran.Tambin aprenders a crear una Fan Page, a subir las imgenes principales, a editar la informacin de la pgina y a crear un llamado a la accin.Conocers el men de configuracin, cmo fijar una publicacin en la parte superior, cmo publicar una imagen, cmo programar una publicacin y cmo hacer que tu Fan Page sea viral.Aprenders autilizar aplicaciones para la Fan Page como EasyPromos para realizar concursos, WooBox para incluir el perfil de Twitter y el canal de YouTube, otra ms para incluir un formulario de contacto y para hacer una encuesta.Tambin aprenders a hacer un evento y un hito, a organizar las pestaas de la Fan Page y a ver las estadsticas de la pgina.Por ultimo conocers los distintos tipos de anuncios que existen, cmo escribir el texto de un anuncio, cmo hacer anuncios externos e internos y aprenders a interpretar el panel de administracin de los anuncios."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Twitter Empresarial: Tu aliado para conseguir clientes" |
"Aprenders a encontrar las mejores palabras clave para crear tu cuenta en Twitter, por qu preparar tu sitio web para recibir a los visitantes y cmo dar de alta tu cuenta.Aprenders a editar el perfil de tu cuenta y a darle diseo, conocers el servicio de ayuda que ofrece Twitter y cmo cerrar sesin.Aprenders a buscar personas y su importancia, cmo leer publicaciones y cmo acortar tus URL's .Cmo programar tus tuits y cmo publicar tus contenidos.Aprenders a responder mensajes, a retuitear, a borrar o eliminar un tuit, cmo agregar a favoritos, cmo enviar un mensaje directo y cmo publicar una imagen.Conocers que es un hashtag, por qu seguir para ser seguido y sugerencias y recomendaciones para usar Twitter.Aprenders a crear listas y conocers cul es su funcin, cmo integrar Twitter con Facebook, qu es ms importante: la calidad ola cantidad? y cmo escribir tuits que conviertan.Por ltimo aprenders por qu tener muchos amigos es igual a muchas conversiones, cmo dominar el buscador de tuiter, conocers una herramienta para aumentar tus seguidores y otras herramientas para administrar tu perfil."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Convirtete en un Community Manager" |
"En estecurso, conocers qu es una red social, qu es una red social en internetyconocers las caractersticas delblogging, microblogging y mensajera instantnea.Tambin conocers el origen y las caractersticas principales de Facebook, Twitter y YouTube, qu es un Community Manager y todos los conocimientos que debe tener para el buen desempeo de su actividad.Conocers los 7 principales grupos de herramientas que debe saber utilizar un Community Manager: Calendario, Lector de feeds, Banco de imgenes, Alertas de mencin, Administradores de mltiples perfiles, Analticas y Trabajo en equipo.Aprenders a generar contenido para las redes sociales Twitter y Facebook, conocers los tipos de usuarios que existen y los tipos de comunidades.Conocers las pautas para crear concursos en las redes sociales y consejos para resolver las crisis que se puedan presentar.Por ltimo aprenders a integrar y a presentar tus reportes y sabrs qu es un Community Manager Freelance."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Google+ Empresarial: Mejora tu posicionamiento web" |
"Conoce qu es Google+, cmo abrir una cuenta de perfily cmo hacer la configuracin general.Tambin aprenders a agregar las imgenes principales del perfil y a configurarlo segn tus necesidades.Conocers todos los tems que integran el men, aprenders cmoagregar personas a tus crculos, fotos y cmo utilizar los intereses de Google+.Tambin conocers el uso de las comunidades, aprenders a organizar eventosyhangouts, a encontrar lugares y conocers todas las opciones para publicar en Google+.Aprenders a crear una pgina de empresa, a editar el perfil de la pgina y a agregar las imgenes principales.Tambin conocers cmo configurar la pgina segn tus necesidades y conocers el uso del men ""Mi negocio"" para administrar personas, novedades, comunidades y el resto del men.Por ltimo, aprenders a compartir contenidos en esta red social, a vincular el sitio web con Google+, a crear la insigna de Goggle+, estrategias para aumentar tus seguidores y varias herramientas para administrar esta red social."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mster de Marketing Digital - 12 cursos en 1" |
"Con este mster aprenders aplanificar, ejecutar y supervisar efectivas campaas de marketing digitalpara comercializar productos o servicios en Internet de manera exitosa.Plan de Marketing.- Para establecer los objetivos comerciales online de una empresa y las estrategias a seguir para alcanzarlos.WordPress.- Paragestionar blogs, sitios corporativos y portales informativos.Email Marketing.- Para crear bases de datos autorizadas de personas interesadas en tus productos y/o servicios y redactar emails efectivos para ser enviados con autorrespondedores que te permiten medir los resultados de tuscampaas.Posicionamiento Web.- Para logra un excelente posicionamiento enGoogleconociendo las herramientas y tcnicas necesarias para desarrollar eficientes campaas de posicionamiento orgnico.Google AdWords.- Para lograr campaas exitosas de publicidad online.Bing Ads.- Otra plataforma publicitaria muy utilizada.Mercado Clics.- Para campaaspublicitarias de productos.Facebook Ads.- Para campaas de publicidad en la red social ms grande del mundo.Twitter Ads.- Para campaas publicitarias exitosas en esta red social.LinkedIn Ads.- Para campaas publicitarias de reclutamiento de personal entre otras acciones.Community Manager.- Para obtenerel mximo de las redes sociales conociendo, planificando y controlando las acciones necesarias para captar clientes online.Analtica Web.- Para definirobjetivos cuantificablesyutilizar las mtricas necesarias para mejorar su consecucin y establecer el anlisis adecuado de un sitio web."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo integrar una estrategia efectiva de Marketing Digital" |
"En este Seminario Web [Webinar] aprenders a integrar una estrategia efectiva de marketing digital utilizando los 7 pilares.Plan de MarketingSitio WebRedes SocialesEmail MarketingPosicionamiento WebPublicidad OnlineAnaltica WebAdems incluye:Un libro de trabajo para tomar apuntes de todo el Seminario.Un mapa con el sistema completo para integrar una estrategia efectiva de marketing digital.El eBook ""La Ruta Digital"""
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"A nation-wide free program, the Amputee Walking School has helped thousands of amputeesworldwide achieve their own personal goals of mobility. Throughout the course, Dennis andTodd will guide amputees through a series of fun exercises in a casual environment to help withincreased flexibility and strength to achieve the best performance from their prosthesis.For over 29 years, Paralympic Gold Medalists, Dennis Oehler and Todd Schaffhauser havehelped over 25,000 amputees world-wide with this 100% free program, helping them optimizethe use of their prosthesis. Whether you have been an amputee for years, a brand newamputee, or even contemplating amputation, the Amputee Walking School is a fun, casualatmosphere filled with inspirational stories and strength-training exercises.Dennis and Todd take a hands-on approach to training physical therapists at the WalkingSchool, encouraging the therapists to work one-on-one with the amputees. The AmputeeWalking School is also perfect for students, occupational therapists, physicians, restorativenurses, wound care specialists, case managers/social workers, discharge planners, and diabeticcounselors."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to cook Moroccan couscous?" |
"Though most of us are used to the quick-cooking method of soaking couscous in boiling water, this authentic Moroccan method of steaming and fluffing three times by hand yields plumper, more tender grains that are worth the extra effort.Look for couscous in bulk at Middle Eastern markets or else use any packaged couscous in the supermarket. You can make the broth up to two days ahead."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Investment Fundamentals Buy, Sell & Store" |
"Do you want to learn more about Cryptocurrency Investment? Are you aware of the fundamental principles behind Blockchain Technology and Crypto Assets?Learn from an experienced cryptocurrency Investor, Blockchain consultant,Certified Bitcoin Professional, Engineer, and founder of two businesses in the Blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.This course is tailored specifically foranyone who wantsto learn about cryptocurrencies and how to buy and invest them. Cryptocurrencies are a new global phenomenon that all started with Bitcoin back in 2009.In this course, students learn all about the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies, which is absolutelyessential in these early days of adoption.Hundreds of hours of research and effort has gone into this course to give students the absolute best description of cryptocurrencies, the foundational blockchain technology, how to go about buying them,andthelaws and regulations specific to the Australia."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Apple Keynote Essentials" |
"In this course, my business partner and husband agreed to be my guest presenter to walk you through the essentials of becoming an expert at creating amazing presentations in Apple's Keynote. A tool we both have used for over fifteenyears now.In this course, Carl will teach youhow to use Keynote, from the basics right through to creating a visually inspiring presentation.After completing this course you will be the envy of your colleagues and bosses, because you will have the skills to create brilliant, inspiring and memorable presentations using the best presentation software available today.It does not matter if you have never used Keynote before, Carl will walk you through the basics and then take you on a journey towards mastering Keynote and presenting.Good luck and please feel free to ask any questions you have. We love questions!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Transform Dust Allergies Total Reboot" |
"Learn How To Rebalance Your Body In Order For Your Allergies To Disappear For Good. Not Only Will You Experience Freedom From Your Allergies But You Will Also Experience A Profound Sense Of Wellbeing.Hi, I'm Charlie Maginness, Certified Detoxification Specialist and Health Coach. I have foundered 4 health and wellbeing companies and now focus on supporting people on their journey towards vibrant health. My ""How To Transform Dust Allergy"" course is designed for anyone who wants to level up their health, be empowered around their health as well as get a firm grasp on their dust allergies, or simply any allergy that their experiencing - this course will GREATLY assist! This course is not some random health course that skims over the surface of some foods, calories and lifestyle. Instead I will take you deep within yourself, into the core of why your allergies could be showing up and then further guide you with exact steps to correct the course. This course is ONLY for people who really are willing to make the necessary changes.I used to have severe allergies and now no longer. I share exactly how I did this and how I continue to do it with so many others. Unfortunately, the internet is full of false health gurus that sell you all kinds of diet plans and supplements that are overpriced and don't work. This is why I created a course specifically tailored to people with allergies and further deliver on what is promised - to give you all the tools you need to find the cause of your allergies and then take the necessary steps to improve them drastically and so much more. This course is on allergies, profound health and simply how to succeed in life. Here Is What's Inside The Program:Allergies:Everything You Need To Know About AllergiesFind The Cause Of Why You Are Experiencing AllergiesWhat Others Are Doing Wrong 3 Things To Stop Doing NOW3 Things To Start Doing Right Now If You Know Longer Want To Experience AllergiesProfound Ways To Alkalize Your Body Top Ways To Level Up Your Health The Lymphatic System:Why This Is Vital To Your Success With Your Dust Allergies How To Improve Its Function Energetic Ways To Improve Your Health & Immunity:Your Thoughts Are Energy How To Tame Your Thoughts To Bring You Health Scientifically Proven Ways To Boost ImmunityThe Course Includes Over 29 Lessons On Allergies, Health And Transformation.This Course Is Not To Be Taken Lightly! So If You Want To Take Control Of Your Allergies, Improve Your Overall Health And Begin Your New Life Today Then This Is The Course For YouRemember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enrol now, see if you enjoy the course, and start seeing the results today!tags: nutrition, dieting, allergy, allergies, fitness, health, natural, healing, mind, subconscious mind, emotions, meditationWho is the target audience?Anyone wanting to improve their allergiesAnyone with a holistic view of wellbeing"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Big 7: A Science-based Bodyweight HIT Program" |
"Thisis a practical video-based course in High Intensity Training / Resistance Training for individuals, who want to learn how to apply the principles of HIT at home with the convenience of a bodyweight only protocol. You can expect to gain an understanding of the science behind this training protocol and the impact it will have on your body.The detailed technique videos will show you exactly how to perform each ofthe exercises for optimal benefit.With this knowledge you will have laid the groundwork for themuscle and strength gains that you will develop across your whole body as you apply the ultra-effective Big 7 routine included in the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cmo empezar a ser feliz hoy mismo en un mundo cambiante." |
"Tu da a da. Madrugar. Asuntos que atender. Problemas. Estrs. Ajetreo. Recados. De un lado a otro. Prisas. La mente a mil revoluciones. Y a la cama. Ya? Y repite el proceso. Una y otra vez. Hasta que te jubiles, al menos.En esto consista la vida? Por qu no te haban advertido?En este cursovamos a poner en contexto cmo el ciudadano medio ha perdido conexin consigo mismo y cmo la civilizacin que hemos heredado y que, al mismo tiempo, estamos construyendo, ha contribuido a deshumanizarnos y alienarnos. Pero no vamos a abundar en lo obvio. Queremos contraponer una forma diferente de vivir la vida. Sin necesidad de romper con todo e irnos al campo (aunque bienvenidos sean los que decidan dar el paso). Una forma de vivir la vida que nos permita redescubrir esos momentos que marcan la diferencia. Una forma de vivir la vida que nos ayude a conectar con nosotros mismos. Una forma de vivir la vida que sea ms plena y autntica. Te atreves?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |