Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Power BI e Tableau : The Best Data Discovery - JUNTOS" |
"Que tal comear a trabalhar com as duas principias ferramentas de visualizao de dados do mercado. As que mais CONTRATAM! POWER BI e TABLEAUReunimos em uma incrvel combo, que lhe ajudar a adentrar no mercado.Quais so as vantagens? Por que fazer o combo POWER BI+TABLEAU?1. Voc pagaria em separado por cada curso, aqui voc ter os DOIS cursos pelo preo de 1.2. Tudo que h de importante voc saber no curso, aps seu trmino, poder realizar qualquer projeto de VISUALIZAO DE DADOS.3. O que voc aprender em cada curso:POWER BI: com os dados em mos hora de exibi-los para o Gestor ou CEO da empresa, para isso utilizaremos o POWER BI, ferramenta da Microsoft que desponta como a principal do mercado e que de fcil manuseio tanto por analistas como por gestores. cria grficos, relatrios e dashboards em pontos minutos.TABLEAU: Chamada de mais bela das belas, o TABLEAU se posiciona no mercado como a nmero 1 em uso pelas grandes empresas, a beleza dos seus grficos, enriquecido com a facilidade de leitura e exibio dos dados para os gestores, caracterizam o TABLEAU como uma das mais utilizadas pelas empresas. Contm ainda um grande conjunto de ferramentas analticas como previses e tendncias que demonstrada neste curso.Por que estudar comigo?- Sou profissional da rea de dados h 15 anos.- Tenho mais de 16 cursos na Udemy e mais de 8 anos na rea EAD.- Sou professor de ps-graduao na rea de dados h mais de 8 anos.- Os cursos dePOWER BI e TABLEAU possuem MATERIAL PRPRIO, um texto com tudo passo a passo, nico e bem articulado. VOC NO ENCONTRA SIMILAR NA UDEMYConfira e venha comigo!"
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Academia BI - Analytics" |
"Que tal comear na rea de BI com os 4 principais cursos do mercado. MODELAGEM DE DADOS PARA DW - TALEND DATA INTEGRATION PARA DW - POWER BI - LINGUAGEM RReunimos os principais cursos do mercado em uma incrvel ACADEMIA BI - ANALYTICS que ser o seu incio na rea de cincia dos dados.Quais so as vantagens? Por que fazer a ACADEMIA BI ANALYTICS?1. Voc pagaria em separado por cada curso, aqui voc ter os QUATRO cursos pelo preo de 1.2. Tudo que h de importante voc saber no curso, aps seu trmino, poder realizar qualquer projeto de BI.3. O que voc aprender em cada curso:MODELAGEM DE DADOS PARA DW: necessrio em todo cliente, que voc levante os dados e crie uma base de dados robusta, integra e com qualidade nos dados, para isso vamos criar um modelo de dados adequado, que responda as perguntas dos gestores e nos d garantias que todas as informaes estaro adequadas, para isso vamos modelar de forma dimensional ou multidimensional que ser gravado na base de dados conhecida como Data Warehouse (DW). Estruturar um modelo de dados que seja funcional e rpido para encontrar as respostas dos gestores.TALEND DATA INTEGRATION: aps ter criado a sua base de dados no Data Warehouse (DW), voc dever criar as cargas que sero executadas diariamente, semanalmente ou at mensalmente. Para isso, dever utilizar ferramenta de captura dos dados e que carreguem diretamente no DW. O TALEND a principal ferramenta open source do mercado e com muitas funcionalidades.POWER BI: com os dados modelados e carregados, hora de exibi-los para o Gestor ou CEO da empresa, para isso utilizaremos o POWER BI, ferramenta da Microsoft que desponta como a principal do mercado e que de fcil manuseio tanto por analistas como por gestores. cria grficos, relatrios e dashboards em pontos minutos.LINGUAGEM R: Aps todos os dados estarem na base, voc poder utilizar algoritmos preditivos e estatsticas para depurar e encontrar informaes escondidas no dados. Ser capaz de gerar grficos, anlises apuradas e que podem ser integradas com o POWERBI.Por que estudar comigo?- Sou profissional da rea de dados h 15 anos.- Tenho mais de 18 cursos na Udemy e mais de 8 anos na rea EAD.- Sou professor de ps-graduao na rea de dados h mais de 8 anos.- Os cursos dePOWER BI ,TALEND DATA INTEGRATION, LINGUAGEM R possuem MATERIAL PRPRIO, um texto com tudo passo a passo, nico e bem articulado.Confira e venha comigo!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"How to plan your week using Google Calendar?" |
"Learn how to plan your week using Google Calendar for maximum productivity and reach goals.You will learn:How to set upGoogle Calendar for productivity?How to use Events and Reminders (Better thanTasks)?How to plan your time in gaps, which makes more sense?How to plan your time to write that book or program that app?How to use your free time for maximum productivity?How to plan weekend to succeed in life?By the end of the course you will have bulletproof plan to use Google Calendar to get maximum productivity and now burn out. You will learn time management and balance your work time,family time and free time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Explore Crypto currencies - Bitcoin and others." |
"HOW TO WORK WITH CRYPTO CURRENCIES?What kind of cryptocurrency classes are there?What kind of cryptocurrency wallets are available, how to choose and use them safely?How to buy, sell and exchange the regular money to cryptocurrency?What is blockchain and what kind of blockchain types are there?Why you must be familiar with mining?What is the role of exchange portals and how are they different from non-script exchange? What are their main functions?HOW TO FOLLOW TRENDS?We will teach you how to find a path in the fluctuating market so that your trades would be cost-efficient and give you maximum profits.HOW TO PREDICT THE CRYPTOCURRENCY MARKET?Through studies and use of technical and practical skills you will learn how to use tools to analyze and assess various existing investment projects and how to tell which projects are good and which are bad.FINANCIAL STRATEGYHow to commence a successful transaction and develop initial trade strategies, and how to gain in your bank account first profits from the trade."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Selenium Ruby Automation Engineer Bootcamp" |
"Hi! Welcome to the Automation EngineerBootcamp, the one andonly course you need to learn automation from scratch.There are a lot of tutorials for web development but only few for the Automation skills. Among them,this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and complete on the market due to following reasons.This is the one and only course taught by professional Automation Engineer with more than 8 years of experience.You do NOT need any prior programming knowledge. Most of my students who are enrolled tend to be outside of programming background but eventually work to end up as Automation Engineer in fortune 500 companies.90% of my bootcamp students go on to get full-time automation engineerjobs. Most of them are complete beginners when I start working with them.Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry meaning it covers the latest Selenium 3.0 which just was released on the market recently. This course does not cut any corners.This is the only complete beginner full-stack automation engineer course that covers Ruby, Selenium, Cucumber and ATDD.You will be able to learn everything step by step which means that you don't have to rewind the video back and forth to grasp the concept.The course isconstantly updatedwith new content, projects, and modules. Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of developer training.When you're learning technology that is very new and seems to scare you to enhance your career in technology, this course works as a stepping stone as I would explain you the programming knowledge in practical way such that it will encourage to learn more about programming language and definitely excite you to be an Automation Engineer.This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.Course Curriculum have been divided into 11 sections starting with basics of Ruby Programming Language and eventually gaining speed with Selenium WebDriver Automation tool and finally closing with design of Automation Framework with Cucumber which is commonly used in the Automation Industry.Section 1: Introduction to QA What is QA?Importance of Testing in Software Industry.Section 2: Software SetupJava Installation for MacBash Profile Set up for MacJava Installation for WindowsRuby Installation for MacRuby Installation for WindowsRubymine installation for MacRubymine Installation for WindowsSection 3: Ruby EssentialsWhat is String?String MethodsMore String MethodsInteger MethodsConditional Execution - If &elseIf &Else continuedConditional Execution - CaseString InterpolationArray in RubyLooping - for/while/untilLooping ContinuedAdvanced LoopingHashesMore HashesRuby MethodsRuby Methods ContinuedRuby Methods With Default ValueWhat are Ruby Classes?Ruby Classes ContinuedRegular ExpressionsRegular Expressions ContinuedRuby Variables TypesRuby Variables Types Continued.Ruby as an OOPRuby OOP - EncapsulationRuby OOP - InheritanceRuby OOP - Inheritance ContinuedRuby OOP - PolymorphismRuby ModulesRuby Modules ContinuedFile IOFile LoadingSection 4: Automation BasicsIntro to WebApplicationWebApplication ArchitectureWhat is Testing?Types of TestingAutomation TestingSection 5: Selenium BasicsIntroduction & Brief History of SeleniumSelenium IDESelenium IDE DemoSelenium RC &Selenium WebDriverDifference between Selenium RC &Selenium WebDriverSection 6: Selenium WebDriver Hands OnSelenium WebDriver Installation in MacSelenium WebDriver Installation in PC(Windows)Automation TestcaseSelenium Test Automation in FirefoxSelenium Test Automation in Firefox ContinuedSelenium Test Automation in ChromeSelenium Test Automation in SafariSelenium Test Automation in Internet ExplorerSection 7: Selenium Element LocatorsXPath Element LocatorFirefox Addons for SeleniumCSS Element LocatorSection 8: Intermediate Selenium WebDriverSelenium Wait - Implicit waitSelenium Wait - Explicit waitSelenium Automation - Headers &ImagesSelenium Automation - Checkboxes & DropdownsSelenium Automation - CalendarSelenium Automation - Calendar ContinuedSelenium Automation - Alerts/PopupsSelenium Automation - IFrames/FramesSelenium Automation - Multiple WindowsSelenium Automation - Capture ScreenshotSection 9: Data Driven FrameworkExcel Data Driven Framework - Simple Spreadsheet GemSimple Spreadsheet Gem Installation in WindowsExcel Data Driven Framework ContinuedYAML as a Data SourceYAML Data Driven FrameworkYAML Data Driven Framework ContinuedSection10: ATDD(Acceptance Test Driven Development)FrameworkIntro to ATDDCucumber for ATDDCucumber Gem Installation in WindowsCucumber Framework part 1Cucumber Framework part 2Cucumber Parameterization part 1Cucumber Parameterization part 2Cucumber Parameterization part 3Advanced Cucumber ParameterizationCucumber Terminal CommandsBunder Installation in MacBundler Installation in PC (Windows)GemfileSection 11: ConclusionHelpful ResourcesFinal WordsThroughout the course,If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I got into this Automation Engineer field because I was exhausted doing manual testing and love the challenge of automation as well aslove teaching andworking with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding automation industry can be.Who is the target audience?This course is for anyone who wants to learn about automation, regardless of previous experience or prior programming language.It's perfect for complete beginners with zero experience.It's absolutely perfect for manual testers who would like to enhance their career in Automation Field.It's also great for anyone who does have some experience in a few of the technologies(like Ruby, Testing) but not all.If you want to take ONE COURSE to learn everything you need to know about Automation, sign off on this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Purpose Driven Plan - 11+ For Parents" |
"Welcome to Guru's Odyssey.Thank you for discovering the course on 11+ for parents. I know you have been looking for lot of information on 11+ and have been visiting lot of 11plus for parentswebsites or 11plus for parents forumson web and still havent found one place where you can get maximum information on 11plusfor parents. As a parentI have been in this difficult situation before and I can understand what you might be going through without clear guidanceon 11plus exams preparation planning. But I can assure you that you have come to the right place compared to 11plus forums or websites for parents because my experience is first hand experience on the subject.I am confident that you will get most of the criticalinformation on planning for the 11 plusexams for your child in my course what other 11plus forums or websites for parents won't provide.This epic journeyis as much about you as it is for your child's success.What you will learn in this course? What is 11 plusExam?When to take 11 plus?Who should prepare for 11 plus?How to motivate my child for 11 plusand how to make sure that they remain motivated throughout?How to deal with my fear?Which one is better State or Private Schools?As a parent, how to plan the entire journey for 11 plus?Is my child capable of appearing for 11 plus?What is the role of parents, schools and friends during preparation?Do I have to spend money to send my child to coaching institute or private tuition?How much my child should study during preparation?My child does not study and lacks concentration, what shall I do? What could be the possible reason for lack of concentration?What level of study is required for 11 plus?What preparation should be done in first 6 months and during summer holidays of year 5?On the day of exam how to motivate my child?When to start practice tests and mock tests?Can we take breaks during preparation?Does age matter while calculating standardize scores?Does it help to be in grammar school catchment?My child is playing lot of video games. Does it impact the 11 plusexam preparation and results?Which books to be used at every stage of preparation?How to record my kids progress?What is the value of working as a family and as a team?And you will know much more...This course will structure your thoughts and enable you to know how much effort and discipline will be required from your side.NB. This course is not for those parents who want to learn Maths, English, VR or NVR topics to teach their child."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Formation Complte sur Arduino : les premiers pas vers l'IoT" |
"Arduino est un cosystmequi permet de crer rapidement des montages interactifs. Pas seulement rapide, mais aussi trs simplement et super abordable. Le code est ultra simple utiliser, les composants sassemblent comme des legos, bref, Arduino est l pour aider les cratifs mettre leurs ides en uvre, mais ne pas perdre ce temps a devoir apprendre toute llectronique autour ! Lapproche crative est une des valeurs en plus que cette formation offre. En effet, vous allez dcouvrir le langage de programmation Processing qui agit comme la face visuelle dArduino sur votre ordinateur.Cette formation contient des tonnes de ressources. Tous les codes sources sont tlchargeables ainsi que toutes les prsentations. Vous trouverez aussi des sets exclusifs dicne pour schmatiser vos circuits!Cette formation est designer pour les dbutants et commence zro et grandie grce vous! Si vous avez un sujet en particulier qui vous manque, ou que vous voudriez explorer plus en profondeur, nhsitez pas prendre contact par mail: ou travers notre page Facebook.Si vous tes curieux dcouvrir le monde des microcontrleurs et crer vous-mme vos propres prototypes, suivez-moi dans cette formation qui vous prendra de zro jusqu Pro !"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Terraform indepth(2020) - With 10 Realworld Job Casestudies" |
"Terraform indepth - With 10 Realworld Job Casestudies covers all basic and advanced topics with realtime examples. Course is created by AWS engineers who supported thousands of EC2 instances in production environmentNote:This course Primarily focuses on AWS(90% of the course is AWSbased) . Some sections of this course focuses on Google cloud (GCP) and Azure> Realworld Job Scenario 1 : Launch a complete web application stack : 2 ELBs , App servers , Web servers , RDSwith Multi-AZreplication . Learn how to launch production scale webapp stack in one go using Terraform> Realworld Job Scenario 2 : Launch Kubernetes cluster using KOPS and Terraform : Kubectl , Kops , Hosted zone creation , learn docker basics, kubernetes architecture> Realworld Job Scenario 3 : Launch Kubernetes cluster AWSEKSand Terraform : AWSEKSarchitecture, IAM authenticator, Worker node deployment, Control plane deployment using terraform> Realworld Job Scenario 4 : Launch centralized logging to monitor : ELK(Elasticsearch , Logstash , Kibana) using Terraform . You will be using MODULES , REMOTE-EXECPROVISIONER , NULLRESOURCE, FILEPROVISIONER> Realworld Job Scenario 5: Launch Dynamodb resource using Terraform . You will be creating dynamodb table assigning RCUs, WCUs> Realworld Job Scenario 6: Launch database cluster using Terraform . You will be creating Master-Replica pair in production like environmet> Realworld Job Scenario 7: Launch EC2 and security group resources using MODULES sourced from Github and local repo> Realworld Job Scenario 8: Launch Web app stack in Google cloud . You will be launching load balancer , Compute engine , CloudSQL resources in GCP using Terraform> Realworld Job Scenario 9: Launch Web app stack in Azure cloud . You will be launching load balancer , VM machine , Azure MySQLinstance in Azure using TerraformSolve 10 challenge scenarios at the end of course to test your Terraform skills"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"A Complete Guide to Improve HTML & CSS Workflow using Emmet" |
"In this Class, Students will Learn how to write codes without wasting oftimes. Without writing any tags orattributes, they will feel great;getting full Syntax of HTML and CSSbecause of just pressing TAB key on Keyboard and typing short letters or keywords only. It's quite different way to write the codes for best Web Developers forever. No need to remember every tags or attributes. Without typing tags and attributes, they will get response all tags and attributes on screen. Time to fun with Codes!!!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ultra Detox and Healing" |
"This unique and powerful course will give you the information you need to:- Activate your self-healing abilities- Supercharge and rejuvenate your body to turn back the clock- Boost your metabolism and immune system- Stabilise your bloodsugar and cool down inflammation- Loose weight and get back in shape- Give you a healthy and glowing lookAging is an irreversible fact of life - Buthowdo we want to age -howdo we want to look and feel?Do we accept the steady decline, weight gain, loss of muscle and mobility, sagging skin, memory loss and increased risk of disease?The answer to that is probably NO for most of us.Life happens to all of us, some more than others. We get sick, have traumatic experiences or live with circumstances that affectsbody, mind or spirit negatively. This can accelerate aging, weight gain and the risk of disease.The good news is, that there is something you can do about it.In this course you will learn how to take back control of your health, aging and weightand thereby boost both body and beauty in a positive way.You will besupporting your billions of cells, so you can enjoy a life with vitality, energy and happiness.The information I give in this course is kept short, direct and easy. There is no medical language, long explanations or time consuming reading. I believe in keeping things simple.Therefore you will find an easy go-to plan in each lecture, and if you feel the need to study each subject further, you simply just use the links, I provide underneath each lecture.I have added:- A very powerful distance healing to restore balance in your body and energy system- Anacupressure tutorialto relieve stress and balance your hormones- Afacial cupping tutorial, which is very effective to tone and tighten the muscles in your face.Lets get started. Take the first step into learning how to improve the quality of your life.Disclaimer:The content in this course is meant for inspiration and educational purpose only. It is not meant to replace medical advise, diagnose, treat or cure any health issues or pre-existing conditions. I am not a medical practitioner and cannot be held responsible for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of the information in this course.Always work with your doctor, preferably a functional medicine practitioner, if you have any health issues or take any prescription medication. Some conditions requires a steady flow of medication in your blod, which some foods and supplements can interfere with, so follow your doctors advise and stay safe."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to make a liquid Soap professionally" |
"This course has designed to offer you the professional way to make a liquid dishsoap, as well as weare professional in manufacture of industrial detergents, we will teach you how to make aliquidsoap as ourfactory doing, in order to start your own projector even to make it home using your own materials. Just follow the steps and lecturesinstructions to see how it became easier."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"""La tcnica de Liberacin"" Tu Alivio. Tu Paz Felicidad!" |
"Vive libre! Vive plenamente!Sientes un intenso malestar, ansiedad o miedo frente a: Una situacin traumtica Un tema de inseguridad o laboral Una situacin econmica, sentimental o con una o ms personas Volar, un examen, una fobia, hablar en pblico Un nuevo desafo?Inscrbete ahora! Aplica La tcnica de liberacin. Disfruta de una inmediata sensacin de alivio. Vive desde un estado de tranquilidad S Feliz! Caractersticas de la tcnica: Es eficiente, simple y fcil de aplicar. Solo utilizas lpiz y papel. Es autoadministrable.En la segunda seccin del curso vas encontrar ejemplos de temticas de inters desarrollados en formato tipo Podcast, con la voz de Jorge Ciley. La intencin es que de manera prctica y amena profundices la comprensin de la aplicacin de la tcnica. Vive tu Felicidad! "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"""La tcnica de Limpieza Total y Recuperacin de Fuerzas""" |
"Vive libre! Vive plenamente!Quieres liberarte de tus hbitos y pensamientos negativos?Repites conductas negativas una y otra vez? Ejemplos: procrastinacin, adicciones, depresinSientes que te faltan fuerzas para perseverar?No logras cambiar tu forma negativa de pensar? Ejemplos: pensamientos limitantes, angustiantes, extremistas, excesivamente crticos, nihilistas, manacosInscrbete ahora! Aplica La tcnica de limpieza total y recuperacin de fuerzas. Transforma tus pensamientos de manera especial. Disfruta de un profundo bienestar y aumenta tu nivel de energa. S Feliz!Caractersticas de la tcnica: Es simple y eficiente. Es fcil de aplicar. La puedes llevar acabo cundo y dnde quieras. Solo utilizas lpiz y papel. Es autoadministrable.En la segunda seccin del curso vas encontrar ejemplos de temticas de inters desarrollados en formato tipo Podcast, con la voz de Jorge Ciley. La intencin es que de manera prctica y amena profundices la comprensin de la aplicacin de la tcnica. Vive tu Felicidad!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"""La tcnica del Quiero Esencial"" Triunfa! S Feliz!" |
"Quieres triunfar?Quieres atraer a tu vida las vivencias que deseas?Quieres concretar tus logros: Econmicos, materiales Laborales y/o profesionales De pareja y/o familiares Personales Deportivos?Inscrbete ahora y vive tu xito! Aplica La tcnica del quiero esencial. Vive lo que realmente te hace feliz. T te lo mereces!Caractersticas de la tcnica: Es simple, eficiente y fcil de aplicar. Solo utilizas lpiz y papel. Es autoadministrableEn la segunda seccin del curso vas encontrar ejemplos de temticas de inters desarrollados en formato tipo Podcast, con la voz de Jorge Ciley. La intencin es que de manera prctica y amena profundices la comprensin de la aplicacin de la tcnica. S Feliz!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Salud en la nutricin" |
"Un curso rpido para entender los principios fundamentales de la salud y alimentacinlo cual permite mejorar tu salud y vida en una hora, adems detener el conocimiento necesario para evaluar qu tan ciertas son todas las afirmaciones que encontramos cada da acerca de la salud. Este curso es fundamental para no dejarse engaar de estafas o engaos mediticos.Muchas personas suelen tener dudas sobre cul dieta es mejor, que alimentos son mejores, que si los productos que tienen etiquetas naturales son realmente bueno, y as me han hecho muchas preguntas. Con los principios que te quiero compartir podrs dar tu mismo la respuesta a todas estas preguntas.Tambin quiero hablar de los principales venenos que son legales y estn al alcance de todas las personas incluyendo a los bebs.Si quieres vivir mejor este es el curso ms elemental que deberas de llevar pues establece el fundamento de todo, y cuando digo todo es todo pues no se limita tan solo a la salud de tu cuerpo sino y mucho ms."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Escribir y publicar un libro con Herramientas Gratuitas" |
"Con mi propio libro te voy a mostrar cmo puedes publicar tu primer libro usando herramientas gratuitas que estn al alcance de todos para poder hacer una produccin profesional del libro aprovechando las diversas alternativas disponibles tanto para la creacin como edicin y publicacin final del libro.Crearemos dos versiones del libro, una que ser digital y otra impresa de tal forma que si quieres enviarla a editoriales o hacer la impresin autnoma, tambin lo puedas hacer.Adems hay una seccin de preguntas frecuentes en donde estar respondiendo cualquier duda que puedas tener a lo largo del curso."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Raise Funding for Your Start-up / Early Stage Company" |
"This course isdesigned to get you thinking about how to successfully raise funding for your start-up or early stage company. The course includes 2.5h of instructional video and includes three instructional lessonsfrom fundraising team professionals. The course is spread over7 modules each with a quiz to make certain the viewer is absorbing the key points being made. Those successfully completing the course will receive a certification."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Get STARTED with your Apparel business" |
"This is the course that gets you off the sideline and into the Game! If you have been looking for the Step By Step guide on how to get Apparel and Sell it quickly. It's one thing to have a brand but it's a completely different concept to have a brand that sells. This course shows you how. Also, you get my number to text if you have questions or to get you un-stuck."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CISMCertified Information Security Manager CISMCISM RMCISM QMQ631ISACA CISMISACACISMEverything you do in preparation for this exam should be done to make you become a excellent CISM, not only to pass a test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Privacy Exam Preparation Quiz For CIPM" |
"Welcome to this course. This course aims to provide necessary help and Practice for those who want to master the basic knowledge of privacy, access to privacy related certification, develop and build privacy work in organizations, hoping to help you. The course has been tested by the internal team experience.Some of the mentioned related organizations, certifications and other information are owned by the corresponding intellectual property owners. This quiz is only for learning and practice. Completion of tests and exercises does not promise you to obtain qualifications and certifications.[Pay attention to GDPR] Pay attention to GDPR for your real examination ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Up and Running with Microsoft Teams" |
"Microsoft Teams is the hub for team collaboration in Office 365 that integrates the people, content, and tools your team needs to be more engaged and effective. It is the ultimate messaging app for your organizationa workspace for real-time collaboration and communication, meetings, file and app sharing.In this course, we'll go over everything you need to know about using Microsoft Teams, starting with how to set up teams and join existing teams. We'll covers how to organize teams and engage in conversations. We'll also show you how to share files with colleagues and initiate video and audio meetings on Teams. In addition, learn how to add extra functionality using apps, bots, and connectors; customize user and administrator settings; and work with the Microsoft Teams mobile app."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing Sales Ninja" |
"Email marketing is affordable and fastest way to grow your sales. If you have proper knowledge of email marketing tools then you can get a good results with the marketing channel. Here you are going to learn about email marking tool and way of doing emails so that you can enhance your sales strategy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Latest Node.js in Hindi" |
"If you learn from very basic then Node is really a very simple language to learn. Espeically for Indian user we have created this video in Hindi so that is will be extremely easy for them to follow it and focus on coding part.While reading this course if you get any trouble then you can ask in question answer section."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Sell Your Digital Skills" |
"So you want to be a freelancer?Starting a small business can be daunting. This online training course will teach you how to plan and set-up a startup business.This course is designed specifically for those working in the creative industries and will help you become a freelancer. If you believe you have enough skill to deliver quality digital products to a growing marketplace but aren't sure how to get started, this course is for you.The following creative industry skill-sets can benefit from this training: Photographers Graphic Designers Web Designers App Builders Film-makers Illustrators & Digital Artists Sound Designers Social Media ManagerWhat you'll learn:Becoming a freelancer is easier than you'd think. The course is packed full of business advice, guidance and essential processes involved in setting up a new business. It will help you work online from home.The business skills youlearn will enable you to define your marketable skills,set-up a business, protect your work, find clients,set prices, evaluate your brand and avoid making common beginner mistakes.The instructor is an experienced freelancer with over a decade of creative industries production experience.Examples of what a creative industries freelancer can do:Work from homeFind freelance graphic design jobsStart a photography businessMake money from homeStart a marketing agencySell websites"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"retr0 (Unity C#)" |
"2019 (TPS ) . . . , C# . ! ! . (C# ) , : 8 ., C# UI (UGUI) . ."
Price: 88000.00 ![]() |
"Beginner's Course on Logo & Graphic Design using Illustrator" |
"This course is specially catered for beginners to teach how to design basicGRAPHICS & LOGOSusingAdobe Illustrator.Whether you want to create Graphics for your Website / blog, social media pages, to sell in your online shop or create your own Graphic design business, then this course will teach you what you need to know to start designing RIGHT AWAY."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Design Printables & Make Money Online" |
"This course is for any blogger / entrepreneur who wants to learn how to design Printables, Workbooks / Worksheets, PDF to offer it to your audience / clients.. If you want to giveaway Worksheets as Freebies to gain Subscribers, then this is for you. This course also covers 3 ways on how to make money using the printables you have created and makePASSIVE INCOME!I started creating Printable in 2014, and I still get Income from it till date. This is an amazing way of making Passive Income and you just have to work on it once.I have over 450+ sales in my Printable store and all happy clients!If you want to learn how to Design Printables and make Passive Income using this, then this COURSE is for you!In this short e-course you'll learn how to design Printables using MS Word / Illustrator and i'll show you ways on how you can make money using this."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting For Beginners: Set & Achieve Meaningful Goals" |
"Did you know that 92% of the people who set New Years resolutions dont stick to them?Setting and achieving goals is a skill. Once youve mastered it, you can use it for the rest of your life to achieve any goal you desire. Lets face it, the last thing you want is to reach your deathbed full or regret and wishing you had pursued the goals that meant so much to you.Thibaut Meurisse is a personal development blogger and author of several books on goal-setting, habits, and productivity. He has helped thousands of people just like you set and achieve exciting goals.In this introductory course, he teaches you how to set and achieve meaningful goals that will make a real difference in your life. He tells you everything you need to know to ensure that youll actually achieve your goals.Youll learn the following from this phenomenal course:How to set meaningful goals that resonate with youThibauts original SMARTEST Goals Method for achieving any goalHis Motivation Framework, which you can use to build rock-solid motivation in your life4 little-known strategies to achieve your goals fasterHow to achieve challenging goals using the Mastery Mindset and the Bullet-Proof TimeframeAnd much, much more!Content and OverviewIn this course, Thibaut will invite you to set one specific 30-day goal and to use the tools provided in this course to achieve it.To assist you, youll be given a step-by-step workbook that corresponds to the course. In the first lesson, youll learn how to set meaningful, exciting goals that are in line with your purpose and core values.In the second lesson, youll learn Thibauts SMARTEST Goals Method, an enhanced version of the famous SMART Goals.In the third lesson, youll learn how Thibaut inoculates himself against failure using effective mental preparation and how you can do the same.In the fourth lesson, youll find out how to implement effective strategies to achieve your goal and avoid wasting time.In the fifth lesson, you'll learn how to measure your goal effectively to ensure that you stay on track with it.In the sixth lesson, youll learn a few tips to help you stay focused on your goal.In the seventh lesson, Thibaut will share 4 of his favorite strategies to help you achieve your goal faster.In the eighth lesson, youll be introduced to the powerful Motivation Framework that Thibaut uses to build lasting motivation in his life.In the ninth lesson, youll see how you can create an exceptional mindset that will allow you to achieve your most challenging goals.Finally, in the tenth lesson, youll look at how you can use visualization to support your goals.If you want to join the 8% who achieve their New Years resolutions and set thrilling goals in your life, this is the course for you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Time, Price And Opportunity: Learn To Trade Market Profile" |
"This course has been developed for anyone who wants to go straight into the world of Prop trading and doesn't necessarily want to waste time with the retail trading strategies that are archaic and used only by the vast majority of non-professional traders that have proven largely to be unable to make a return, yes not even 0.0001%rather they lose money. So you have to ask yourself, why?The TPO course focuses on giving you a clear understanding of the auction process that happens in all market places regardless of the asset class or derivative. So you can stay in the hear and now.What is TPO?It is the starting point for developing market profiles and graphically represents the market as separate auctions allow the trading to have a more dynamic and current picture of value perception without any other information. Time Price Opportunity, simply means Time regulates price, thus presenting opportunity. The concept is also known as Market Profile.Developed by Peter Steidlmayer in the 1960's for Traders in the Chicago Board Of Trade,to have an easier graphic representation. It is the number oneprofessional tool used by 95% of professional traders. Available in all professional platforms, including Ninja Trader and CQG. Pros don't play without it.This superior approach to trading is endorsed by The CME and other futures exchanges. Retail FX brokers and the likes will not publicise this method through their traders because they know they will stand to lose a lot more if you start trading like a professional prop trader.What to Expect?The course will give you a know holes barred approach to learning market profile and presents you with a more than foundation knowledge on true technical analysis. You will expect to delete all indicators and ignore all forums and switch off all educator emails as you immerse yourself in the world of professional trading.This course creates the foundation you need to finally learn how to develop your own trading style using the concepts you learn that are shockingly straightforward and jargon busted. It is possible you may have doubts but the reality is, that if all the professionals trade with market profile, then you are clearly on the wrong path following anything else. When one deals with money in speculative markets, a certain degree of absolution of path is necessary, it only takes one mistake.I hope you enjoy this short course, I also hope I change your life if you are struggling in this field or you are completely new. Thank you all. Please remember to check out our other courses, especially our follow on advanced market profile courses, DOM central order book for futures and stock traders and our volume courses that compliment what you learn here. Any questions you can DM or talk to us on Discord, please check the resource section of the first module for access. Note: Those downloading the free MT4 Market Profile tool should check the resource page, you can also get the tool on our Discord server. You may have to wait for password activation, please email your MT4 number for activation, on installation please ensure allow DLL is checked or the validation won't work till it is. Thank you..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Harmonic Trading: The Art Of Trading With Low Risk" |
"Harmonic trading often seems like a magic bullet tradings system based on its geometrical approach. It is also quite accessible by all types of traders. This has of course led to a lot of different modifications and different schools of thought but as you know the Traders Club loves authenticity so we go back to the roots of this one and aim to start beginners with what works rather than what is popular.You will notice that we have focused on the important aspects of harmonics and cut out the things that are not so important to deliver a practical based course that gets you in the driving seat as fast as possible. In the course you will learn to spot harmonic patterns before they complete, something most traders find difficult so often start buying predictive software. This is not wise, knowledge is power in the end. In this course we hope to help you achieve the skills you need to see your own patterns and execute trades on the most viable.Make no mistake, this is no magic battle as some would have you think but this is a low risk approach that will ensure steady growth. Have fun and don't forget to ask questions. An advanced Harmonics will be coming soon."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Volume Price Analysis: Day Trading Made Simple" |
"As this is not my first course, a lot of you know my direct style. In this course you will see a continuation from my first Volume price analysis instalment. You will find some practical chart work and ideas on day trading based on Volume price analysis. This is the course I wish I had when I first became an investor many years ago. I hope you enjoy it and it provides the necessary foundation.Often we find daytrading challenging as markets are very unforgiving. This course manages to give you a simple framework for using demand and supply principles to pick out the most profitable trades and the ability to track the behaviour of the market movers. You will find concepts based on Wyckoff and Elliot as a compliment. Volume price analysis has been used by professionals the world over dating back to the late 19th century. Jesse Livermore being the most famous of them all. This concept will not only start you off on the right foot but will help you achieve in investing. Day trading does not need to be hard, this course proves that all you need is discipline and structure. Welcome once again to this course on day trading with volume price analysis.- You will learn structure and how to execute against that structure without ever changing frames, you will see all frames in one meaning quick decisions.- You will learn to with confidence anticipate what will likely come next, meaning low risk on all trades.- You will learn to day trade both stocks and Forex taking into account leverage and non-leveraged markets.- Most of all you will gain confidence. 9 out of 10 investors bottom because of a confidence beating, this even could lead to violent outbursts and blaming.- You will learn to trade responsibly."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |