Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Checkpoint For Your KYC/AML Skills" |
"The test is aimed at enhancing the quality of compliance in combating illegal operations and movement of funds through the use of banking channels. KYC and Anti Money Laundering operations have assumed added importance owing to the security risk that it poses to the country, and also to maintain the financial health of the institutions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sales - How To Sell To Ad Agencies The Professional Guide" |
"Learn from one of London's top production companiesIfyou have a product or service you are selling and you want to grow fast, one of the quickest ways to grow is by selling to agencies.Thats what were here to show you using our tried and tested system; how to sell to this industry that is worth 21 Billion in the UK and $48 Billion in the USA alone. Agencies are also the gateway to selling to big brand businesses, because all big brand companies use agencies to run their advertising campaigns.Introduction to the course:This course is a professional guide on how to win business with top brand agencies. It discusses selling creative services to agencies such as TV Commercials, but the same principles and processes apply irrespective of what creative services you are trying to sell to an agency. You should be able to adapt the information in this video to your service or product, and gain insights in to how agencies buy services and how they work.The course takes out all the risk. We will actually be giving you our working model for success. So all you need to do to quickly recoup the cost of your investment in this course is to apply the model and take action.Using our step by step system well guide you through the process of understanding how and why agencies buy services and how they make their decisions so you can win that business too.Nothing like this has ever been created before it is the definitive insiders guide.Once you know from an insider how things work, youll find the whole process a lot easier to navigate through.So what will we be covering?How ad agencies workHow and why they buy what are their decision making processesWhat you need to do in order for agencies to buy your servicesWe cover the various strategies you can use to win businessWhat pitfalls to avoid to ensure your successABOUTYOURINSTRUCTORS:Angelique RodriguesCreative Producer, Course Co-Author and PresenterMitchell BrownPrinciple Filmmaker and Course Co-AuthorDave IrvingHead of Digital Marketing, and Course Co-AuthorZah AhmadFilm Director, Course Co - Author"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Script Development For A Feature Film" |
"Product SpecificationsDescription:Self paced online video tutorialDuration: 41 MinutesLevel:Beginner / IntermediateCertificate of Completion:Intermediate Level CourseQuizzes and ExercisesThis course includes quizzes and exercises throughout to help you to really get to grips with the content and become a better film maker.ContentOverview of the Scriptwriting for a feature filmThe process of creating a shooting script for a feature filmCreative vs commercial scriptsBeing clear about your objectives for a feature filmDetermining the target audience of a feature filmCreating an audience profile for your feature filmWhy your feature film should have international appealShowing your screenplay to your target audienceThe importance of getting feedback from your target audience and acting on that feedbackThe marketability of a feature film scriptWorking with industry experts in script developmentWhat makes a good script editor and the costs of hiring oneAboutDo you want to know how to make films but think its adaunting task. Maybe youve been wanting to make a feature film or short film for years but havent got around to it yet.Well weve created this series ofbehind the scenes videosmaking a feature film or short film taking you stepby step through the whole thing as you go on the journey with us.The map of how to make a feature filmThe idea is that you see the whole picture, so that at the end of the process you have an actual map of all the steps involved in making a feature film,which you can use as a model to guide you, and for you to keep and refer to forever.Why are we sharing our knowledge with you?Some people have asked us why are we sharing all our secrets on the web and helping other people do what we do. Well we dont see it like that. For us, we are all a community of film makers and we all have totally different stories to tell to different audiences who need us. So we have to help each other and support each other to create better movies. That way everyone benefits and we all feel supported by each other. Thats the kind of world we want to live in.Whats unique about our feature film making course?Perhaps you have been to film school but found that it was full of teachers who had been academics all their lives and never made a feature film.Or perhaps youve taken online courses but again found they were made by professional trainers who had no real portfolio of work.Perhaps you have also noticed that the problem with most online courses is they never show all the messy details and the real life problems and how to deal with them so everything goes smoothly. They just show you the text book stuff, so youre never fully prepared for the real world situations.Well this behind the scenes series of online video tutorials is made by industry experts and provides a real life working model that you can use to make your own feature film.About the course creatorsThis course is one of many in ESAs Masterclass video series. Our series is the only one produced by an international production company that is currently producing award-winning TV Commercials and corporate videos for some of the worlds leading brands such as SONY, Barclays, Kelloggs, BBC, Microsoft and Nokia to name just a few.Unlike some other film courses taught be a single person or a few individuals, with ESA you will have the collective experience of a whole company behind you to guide you and support you in your career.So what are you waiting for. Enroll today and kicks start your career.Bonus MaterialTo really help you in your career, as part of this course well be giving you checklists and exercises to develop your skills and keep you on track to successOur course includes:In depth video tutorialsDownloadable PDFSAs well as exclusive access to our online exercises and checklists.This course contains 6 exercises for you to complete.You are welcome to submit your completed exercises to us at is this course for?Anyone who wants to learn the whole feature film and short film production cycle from script development to delivery.Dont waste any time. Kick start your career now andBUY IT NOW."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Effizient Laufen - Besser Laufen mit Wissenschaft" |
"Wir werden uns zusammen alle relevanten Aspekte des Themas Laufen anschauen.Durch eine wissenschaftliche Betrachtung kannst du sicher gehen, dass ich hier nicht nur erzhle, worauf ich gerade Lust habe - alles ist klar gegliedert und fundiert erforscht.Wir werden uns u.a. mit Laufstilen beschftigen - welche gibt es, wann bietet sich welcher an. Oder vielleicht findest du das Thema ""Trainingsgestaltung"" besonders spannend? Bei welcher Temperatur luft man optimalerweise einen Marathon, wie viel trinkt man bei einem 10km Lauf? Was sind eigentlich Minimalschuhe und brauche ich welche?All diese Fragen wirst du im Anschluss beantworten knnen."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"How to stop your child being bullied" |
"If you are looking for an online course about children being bullied and how to stop the bullying you have found your resource.If your child is being bullied in school, a club or in the playground you need to understand what bullying is, how it affects your child, what the warning signs are and how to effectively STOP your child being bullied.This course will provide you with all the information you require to help your child through this hurtful and stressful time as well as dealing with all other parties such as schools, clubs, family, the bully and their family. The course not only provides the parent or carer with very helpful information to stop a child being bullied it also has a toolbox with a number of downloads that have been designed specifically for the child to use. These downloads are a fun and informative way to assist the parent in helping their child to understand how do deal with being bullied and how to stop being bullied.Our lecturer (Fiona) is a mediator, established author on bullying issues, and a mother who knows only to well how having a child that is being bullied can affect the whole family. She explains how to get the best possible solution to your bullying issue and advises you on every step of the process.This course has been designed by professional mediators with years of experience dealing with bullied children on a daily basis. It is based on a proven programme called the SALT Programme. This programme is used widely in approximately 50% of schools in Ireland. The methodology is also based on a fully accredited academically approved level 7 FETAC mediation course. The SALT process is used widely by professional mediators who deal with children affected by bullying. The philosophy behind the course content has been used as the base content and strategy for the best selling book ""Resolving Bullying""."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Como Vender Mais Identificando o Estilo do Cliente" |
"Este curso vai ajudar voc a aumentar muito a sua possibilidade devender mais e melhor porque fundamental que conheamos os estilos de cada cliente.No podemos vender da mesma forma para todas as pessoas.Na verdade, precisamos saber vender para os diferentes tipos de clientes.E isso que voc vai aprender neste curso.Aps este curso, voc ser capaz de:. Conseguir identificar os diferentes tipos de clientes e assim aumentar as suas possibilidades para vender mais. Criar as condies e possibilidades paravender da forma correta para os diferentes tipos de pessoas. Aumentar as possibilidades de vender maispelo uso adequado de palavras e argumentos com diferentes tipos de clientes. Reduzir as perdas de vendas por erros cometidos com argumentaes inadequadas. Aumentar significativamente as probabilidades de vendas porsaber identificar que habilidades de comunicao voc precisa desenvolver e como desenvolv-las. Entender quando realizar apresentaes de vendas mais detalhadas. Falar de forma a criar Rapport e conexo com o cliente. Ajustar o seu estilo de comunicao para diferentes situaesO curso composto por vdeo aulas divididas nas seguintes sees:[1] Introduo. Bem vindo. Estrutura do Curso. Comunicao Subconsciente. Viso Geral dos Perfis[2] Perfil Analtico. Quais as caractersticas do Perfil Analtico. Como vender para um perfil analtico. Erros a evitar com o perfil analtico[3] Perfil Criativo. Quais as caractersticas do Perfil Criativo. Como vender para um perfil criativo. Erros a evitar com o perfil criativo[4] Perfil Relacionamento. Quais as caractersticas do Perfil Relacionamento. Como vender para um perfil relacionamento. Erros a evitar com o perfil relacionamento[5] Perfil Dominante. Quais as caractersticas do Perfil Dominante. Como vender para um perfil dominante. Erros a evitar com o perfil dominante[6] Outras Aplicaes de Perfis. Como ajustar equipes de vendas. Como selecionar vendedores[7] Concluso. Parabns e Prximos PassosSobre o Instrutor - Fred GraefCriamos treinamentos, cursos e programas focadosno ser humanohumano. Desenvolvemos capacidades e afloramos o potencial de negociao usando tcnicas avanadas de coaching e vendas. Elas permitem criar um posicionamento mental campeo que ajuda a superar obstculos, motiva e facilita o planejamento de uma carreira comercial de sucesso.As ferramentas que usamos para alcanar esses objetivos so comprovadamente eficazes, testadas e aprovadas. Nossa proposta potencializar a sua capacidade de agir como senhor de sua prpria vida, despertando atitudes que te ajudem a manter o controle sobre ela.A essa especial atitude em relao vida, fazemos questo de somar conhecimento tcnico de excelncia. Assim, existimos e acordamos motivados todos os dias, para te ajudar a alcanar a excelncia nesses dois nveis.A metodologia usada para contribuir com o seu sucesso resultado da experincia e conhecimento acumulados.So mais de 3.300 horas de coaching, de 15 anos de experincia corporativa, dois livros editados e slido conhecimento acadmico em economia e marketing, alm de um Master em PNL."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Financial Advisor Training: Phoning and Prospecting (Part 1)" |
"Have you ever wondered what separates elite financial planners and advisors from the rest? It starts with the phone and who youre reaching out to. Get ready to experience more fun and freedom with phoning and prospecting, while boosting your client acquisition rate. Youre about to learn how to do this for yourself using your own unique personality and communication style. Well break it down to make it simple and easy. Youll leave with a turn-key process you can use for successful phoning and prospecting.After interviewing literally hundreds of financial planners and advisors, we discovered the top eighteen things they worry about when it comes to phoning and prospecting. Ask yourself, have you ever had any of the following concerns?I feel like Im using people when I ask them for help.I cant get word of mouth to spread about my business.I upset people when Im phoning.I dont know the right words.Phoning takes too much effort.Ive lost too many prospects.I dont feel competent calling people.I want to convince people to sit down and talk with me but dont know how.These people dont want to hear from me.Im awkward on the phone.It takes so much time for me to call.I would like to grow my business faster and add more clients.The people Im going to call arent right.I get rejected when Im on the phone.I am hearing no too often.I want to expand my network to continually get enough referrals.Im just not a good phoner.People dont want to listen to me.Well address how to handle each of these eighteen concerns and more in this program. Youll learn how to build relationships, communicate effectively, and ask the right questions during prospecting and phoning to encourage your clients to work with you.Most gurus just say, Heres the gold dust, and then people dont know what to do with it, or it simply doesnt work. The point is that they dont give the precursors as to why it works. In this program, we will break down each and every technique to make it simple and easy and tell you why it works so that you can apply it to new situations day after day in your practice, such as how to get your clients to set meetings for you.This program will help you with twelve key areas of your practice:Phoning takes less time.Your prospects want to listen to you.Youre giving people the opportunity to help others.You sound competent on the phone.The people you call rock.You know the right words to say when you call people.Phoning becomes easy.Your prospects want to hear from you.You feel competent calling people.You are pleasant on the phone.You make people happy when you phone.People accept you when you call.By the End of This Program, You Will Learn How to: Session #1: Prepare to be Your BestSet the Stage to be GroundedGround Yourself PhysicallyGround Yourself MentallySession #2: Set Up the Environment to SucceedSet Up the Right Location and Time of DayDo the Right Research on the ProspectsSet Up the Right Energy and MoodSession #3: Conduct an Effective ApproachPut the Prospect at EaseBecome Relevant QuicklyEstablish Healthy Boundaries and ExpectationsSession #4: Identify Peoples Life GoalsIdentify Goals for People with No GoalsIdentify Goals for People Who Lack FocusAdd Value to People with Clear GoalsSession #5: Create a Sense of UrgencyDiscuss Current and Past Financial DecisionsGet the Prospects to Self-Identify MisalignmentIdentify the Hot Buttons to Steer the ConversationSession #6: Handle Touchy SituationsHandle People Who Made Poor Financial ChoicesHandle People With Bad ExperiencesHandle People Who Live in the CloudsSession #8: Attract New Investment AssetsOpen their Minds to a New Financial MethodologyHelp them Determine the Best Methodology for ThemHelp them Find an Advisor to Adopt that MethodologySession #9: Uncover Peoples Risk-based WantsUncover Their True ValuesUncover Their MotivationUncover Their Pain PointsSession #10: Create a Budget that WorksUncover Their Spending Pain PointsBridge the Marital Stress GapDeliver the Budget SolutionSession #11: Ask Questions that Make you MoneyAsk Leading QuestionsAsk What If QuestionsAsk Curiosity QuestionsSession #12: Get the Prospects to Show Up for the CloseGet a Dollar CommitmentTie Off the Urgency BalloonFind the Date that WorksSession #13: Get your Highest Quality ReferralsAffirm the Value of the MeetingProspect at the End of the Fact FinderGive them the Opportunity to Introduce YouWhy Rule the Room Financial?There are three key reasons why Rule the Room Financial is different:Youll learn WHY it works. We dont just show you how to do it or what to do. We tell you WHY it works so you can learn to fish on your own.Youll learn in YOUR unique communication style. We all communicate differently. Thats why every lesson is taught with four unique selling styles (fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer) taught by four of the top producing financial advisors in the country: Katherine Forrester, Chris Koon, Karl Dettmann, and Matt Heckmann.Youll be able to APPLY practical techniques right away. This training actually makes sense. World-renowned trainer, Jason Teteak, is able to decode the magic that happens when top reps are meeting with their clients. He then bottles up the secret sauce and presents it to you so you can easily understand how to use it in your own style and apply it to any situation.How Is Stack the Deck Different?There was a time when Katherine, Chris, Matt, and Karl did all of their phoning themselves, and even now, in some cases, they still do. This boot camp will help you take it to another level. Youre going to learn not only how to more easily do it yourself, but how to be more genuine and even start to have your staff do it for you! Even if you dont have any staff at this point, you wont want to miss this for when you do.You may have seen other gurus teach you how to phone. Chances are, they gave you their language and you may even use it verbatim. There is a 75% chance that they didnt give you the right language for your style. Most gurus dont explain why it works, they just explain that it does. If youre going to make up your own language, you need to understand why it works.The reason we are so excited to have you see Katherine, Karl, Matt, and Chris dive in on some of this is that through the process of being taught by them, you will find new pieces of gold that are within you that you didn't even know were there and they will help you become a better advisor.Lastly, there are very few financial planners advisors that have their clients highly tee up or set up meetings for them . . . we do. Were going to prove it in this program with real case studies that will give you some amazing ideas for your own practice.As a collective group, we have come up with some amazing things. The techniques in this program will help you experience more fun and freedom with phoning. They will help you boost your client acquisition rate with your prospecting. It is exciting to see what will be uncovered. One of these four communication styles will be right up your alley, and the others will offer good insight and complement the things youre already doing.Testimonials: ""I want to tell you how much these Rule the Room Financial sessions helped me with my phoning and prospecting. I've already met my weekly phoning goals and you, the speakers, and the programs have given me the drive to surpass it today. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and can't believe how easy phoning is now. THANK YOU!""--Jolie P LaBarre, Financial Advisor""There may be no single bootcamp that has a greater effect on a new financial planner's practice than this one. This bootcamp should literally be required for every financial planner in the business.""--Jason Teteak, Rule the RoomI achieved a lot of success after the bootcamps. I averaged 7.5 Lives and $16,566 premium in the five months after Stack the Deck. I set many more meetings in the first two months.-Brian Acker, Financial RepresentativeStack the deck is helping me to become more deliberate. And I have been incorporating each lesson as I go, and am taking notes on its effectiveness given the time of day. When it comes to the referrals Ill be set to ask the nominator the directed question of when would they themselves be most successful to reach out to them, and finding out as much as possible about the prospects schedule instead of playing the guessing game. Also in watching just the second episode and realizing Im a quick decision maker has made me realize I need to alter my approach when dealing with military members to incorporate more of the leadership that handles more decisions in stressful situations. Im beyond excited to keep seeing the art and science intertwine and watch my practice get filled up with a more productive and efficient schedule.-Andrew Schiller, Financial PlannerLet's get started!..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Advisor Training: Phoning and Prospecting (Part 2)" |
"Have you ever wondered what separates elite financial planners and advisors from the rest? It starts with the phone and who youre reaching out to. Get ready to experience more fun and freedom with phoning and prospecting, while boosting your client acquisition rate. Youre about to learn how to do this for yourself using your own unique personality and communication style. Well break it down to make it simple and easy. Youll leave with a turn-key process you can use for successful phoning and prospecting.After interviewing literally hundreds of financial planners and advisors, we discovered the top eighteen things they worry about when it comes to phoning and prospecting. Ask yourself, have you ever had any of the following concerns?I feel like Im using people when I ask them for help.I cant get word of mouth to spread about my business.I upset people when Im phoning.I dont know the right words.Phoning takes too much effort.Ive lost too many prospects.I dont feel competent calling people.I want to convince people to sit down and talk with me but dont know how.These people dont want to hear from me.Im awkward on the phone.It takes so much time for me to call.I would like to grow my business faster and add more clients.The people Im going to call arent right.I get rejected when Im on the phone.I am hearing no too often.I want to expand my network to continually get enough referrals.Im just not a good phoner.People dont want to listen to me.Well address how to handle each of these eighteen concerns and more in this program. Youll learn how to build relationships, communicate effectively, and ask the right questions during prospecting and phoning to encourage your clients to work with you.Most gurus just say, Heres the gold dust, and then people dont know what to do with it, or it simply doesnt work. The point is that they dont give the precursors as to why it works. In this program, we will break down each and every technique to make it simple and easy and tell you why it works so that you can apply it to new situations day after day in your practice, such as how to get your clients to set meetings for you.This program will help you with twelve key areas of your practice:Phoning takes less time.Your prospects want to listen to you.Youre giving people the opportunity to help others.You sound competent on the phone.The people you call rock.You know the right words to say when you call people.Phoning becomes easy.Your prospects want to hear from you.You feel competent calling people.You are pleasant on the phone.You make people happy when you phone.People accept you when you call.By the End of This Program, You Will Learn How to: Session #1: Prepare to be Your BestSet the Stage to be GroundedGround Yourself PhysicallyGround Yourself MentallySession #2: Set Up the Environment to SucceedSet Up the Right Location and Time of DayDo the Right Research on the ProspectsSet Up the Right Energy and MoodSession #3: Conduct an Effective ApproachPut the Prospect at EaseBecome Relevant QuicklyEstablish Healthy Boundaries and ExpectationsSession #4: Identify Peoples Life GoalsIdentify Goals for People with No GoalsIdentify Goals for People Who Lack FocusAdd Value to People with Clear GoalsSession #5: Create a Sense of UrgencyDiscuss Current and Past Financial DecisionsGet the Prospects to Self-Identify MisalignmentIdentify the Hot Buttons to Steer the ConversationSession #6: Handle Touchy SituationsHandle People Who Made Poor Financial ChoicesHandle People With Bad ExperiencesHandle People Who Live in the CloudsSession #8: Attract New Investment AssetsOpen their Minds to a New Financial MethodologyHelp them Determine the Best Methodology for ThemHelp them Find an Advisor to Adopt that MethodologySession #9: Uncover Peoples Risk-based WantsUncover Their True ValuesUncover Their MotivationUncover Their Pain PointsSession #10: Create a Budget that WorksUncover Their Spending Pain PointsBridge the Marital Stress GapDeliver the Budget SolutionSession #11: Ask Questions that Make you MoneyAsk Leading QuestionsAsk What If QuestionsAsk Curiosity QuestionsSession #12: Get the Prospects to Show Up for the CloseGet a Dollar CommitmentTie Off the Urgency BalloonFind the Date that WorksSession #13: Get your Highest Quality ReferralsAffirm the Value of the MeetingProspect at the End of the Fact FinderGive them the Opportunity to Introduce YouWhy Rule the Room Financial?There are three key reasons why Rule the Room Financial is different:Youll learn WHY it works. We dont just show you how to do it or what to do. We tell you WHY it works so you can learn to fish on your own.Youll learn in YOUR unique communication style. We all communicate differently. Thats why every lesson is taught with four unique selling styles (fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer) taught by four of the top producing financial advisors in the country: Katherine Forrester, Chris Koon, Karl Dettmann, and Matt Heckmann.Youll be able to APPLY practical techniques right away. This training actually makes sense. World-renowned trainer, Jason Teteak, is able to decode the magic that happens when top reps are meeting with their clients. He then bottles up the secret sauce and presents it to you so you can easily understand how to use it in your own style and apply it to any situation.How Is Stack the Deck Different?There was a time when Katherine, Chris, Matt, and Karl did all of their phoning themselves, and even now, in some cases, they still do. This boot camp will help you take it to another level. Youre going to learn not only how to more easily do it yourself, but how to be more genuine and even start to have your staff do it for you! Even if you dont have any staff at this point, you wont want to miss this for when you do.You may have seen other gurus teach you how to phone. Chances are, they gave you their language and you may even use it verbatim. There is a 75% chance that they didnt give you the right language for your style. Most gurus dont explain why it works, they just explain that it does. If youre going to make up your own language, you need to understand why it works.The reason we are so excited to have you see Katherine, Karl, Matt, and Chris dive in on some of this is that through the process of being taught by them, you will find new pieces of gold that are within you that you didn't even know were there and they will help you become a better advisor.Lastly, there are very few financial planners advisors that have their clients highly tee up or set up meetings for them . . . we do. Were going to prove it in this program with real case studies that will give you some amazing ideas for your own practice.As a collective group, we have come up with some amazing things. The techniques in this program will help you experience more fun and freedom with phoning. They will help you boost your client acquisition rate with your prospecting. It is exciting to see what will be uncovered. One of these four communication styles will be right up your alley, and the others will offer good insight and complement the things youre already doing.Testimonials: ""I want to tell you how much these Rule the Room Financial sessions helped me with my phoning and prospecting. I've already met my weekly phoning goals and you, the speakers, and the programs have given me the drive to surpass it today. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and can't believe how easy phoning is now. THANK YOU!""--Jolie P LaBarre, Financial Advisor""There may be no single bootcamp that has a greater effect on a new financial planner's practice than this one. This bootcamp should literally be required for every financial planner in the business.""--Jason Teteak, Rule the RoomI achieved a lot of success after the bootcamps. I averaged 7.5 Lives and $16,566 premium in the five months after Stack the Deck. I set many more meetings in the first two months.-Brian Acker, Financial RepresentativeStack the deck is helping me to become more deliberate. And I have been incorporating each lesson as I go, and am taking notes on its effectiveness given the time of day. When it comes to the referrals Ill be set to ask the nominator the directed question of when would they themselves be most successful to reach out to them, and finding out as much as possible about the prospects schedule instead of playing the guessing game. Also in watching just the second episode and realizing Im a quick decision maker has made me realize I need to alter my approach when dealing with military members to incorporate more of the leadership that handles more decisions in stressful situations. Im beyond excited to keep seeing the art and science intertwine and watch my practice get filled up with a more productive and efficient schedule.-Andrew Schiller, Financial PlannerLet's get started!..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Advisor Training: Fact Finding Mastery (Part 1)" |
"Are you having a difficult time creating a sense of purpose and urgency for your clients to sign up for your products? How much different would your practice be if your clients couldnt wait to get back together and learn about the steps they could take to move forward with your process? Its time to stop wondering if your clients trust you and if they want to get started doing business with you. In Win the Relationship, we will show you, step-by-step, just how to make your clients feel excited and motivated to move forward and create a long-term partnership with you and your practice.After interviewing hundreds of financial planners and advisors, we discovered the top seventeen things advisors worry about in the fact-finding meeting. Ask yourself, have you ever had any of the following concerns?I wont be relevant.This person doesnt want to talk to me.I have to build a relationship with this person.I dont want to meet with this person.I have to sell something to this person.I have to get names from this person.Im lying when I talk to people about making their finances better.I have to get all the right data from this person.These people dont want what I have to offer.I have to know all the answers.I dont have my finances in order, so I cant help others.Im not organized enough to do this.These people are going to ask too many questions.I have to prove my worth to this person.When I get paid, Im taking things from the client.I have to have a friendly relationship with this person before theyll work with me.Being genuine will cause me to repel people.Well address how to handle each of these seventeen concerns and more in this program. Youll learn how to build relationships, communicate effectively, and ask the right questions during the fact finder to encourage your clients to work with you.Most gurus just say, Heres the gold dust, but many advisors dont know what to do with the treasure. or it simply doesnt work. The point is that the gurus often dont give the precursors as to why it works. Conversely, in this program, we will break down each and every technique to make it simple for you to understand. We will tell you why it works so that you can apply your knowledge to new situations day after day. In each circumstance, you will know how to attract new investment assets and uncover peoples risk-based wants.This program will help you with twenty-one key areas of your financial planning practice:You will be more relevant in the fact finder.Prospects will want to talk to you.You will be more attractive and genuine to people in your fact finders.Clients will view you as being their partner.You will build better relationships with prospects and clients.Youll look forward to meeting with every prospect.More clients will introduce you to new prospects than ever before.Clients will want to be friends with you.Your prospects will give you the right data in the fact finder.People will want what you have to offer.You dont have to know all the answers.People will instantly see how you can make their finances better.You will be more organized and efficient in the fact finder.People will ask you just the right amount of questions.You dont have to prove your worth to anybody anymore.Youll get paid for helping people in ways you never dreamed of.You can work with people in a more friendly and profitable way.You will start to create cases where there wasnt a case prior.Clients will send you more thank-you cards.You will attract more high-dollar clients.These techniques will make your life sweeter.By the End of this Program, You Will Learn How to...Session #1: Prepare to be Your BestSet the Stage to be GroundedGround Yourself PhysicallyGround Yourself MentallySession #2: Set Up the Environment to SucceedSet Up the Right Location and Time of DayDo the Right Research on the ProspectsSet Up the Right Energy and MoodSession #3: Conduct an Effective ApproachPut the Prospect at EaseBecome Relevant QuicklyEstablish Healthy Boundaries and ExpectationsSession #4: Identify Peoples Life GoalsIdentify Goals for People with No GoalsIdentify Goals for People Who Lack FocusAdd Value to People with Clear GoalsSession #5: Create a Sense of UrgencyDiscuss Current and Past Financial DecisionsGet the Prospects to Self-Identify MisalignmentIdentify the Hot Buttons to Steer the ConversationSession #6: Handle Touchy SituationsHandle People Who Made Poor Financial ChoicesHandle People With Bad ExperiencesHandle People Who Live in the CloudsSession #8: Attract New Investment AssetsOpen their Minds to a New Financial MethodologyHelp them Determine the Best Methodology for ThemHelp them Find an Advisor to Adopt that MethodologySession #9: Uncover Peoples Risk-based WantsUncover Their True ValuesUncover Their MotivationUncover Their Pain PointsSession #10: Create a Budget that WorksUncover Their Spending Pain PointsBridge the Marital Stress GapDeliver the Budget SolutionSession #11: Ask Questions that Make you MoneyAsk Leading QuestionsAsk What If QuestionsAsk Curiosity QuestionsSession #12: Get the Prospects to Show Up for the CloseGet a Dollar CommitmentTie Off the Urgency BalloonFind the Date that WorksSession #13: Get your Highest Quality ReferralsAffirm the Value of the MeetingProspect at the End of the Fact FinderGive them the Opportunity to Introduce YouWhy Rule the Room Financial?There are three key reasons why Rule the Room Financial is different:Youll learn WHY it works. We dont just show you how to do it or what to do. We tell you WHY it works so you can learn to fish on your own.Youll learn in YOUR unique communication style. We all communicate differently. Thats why every lesson is taught with four unique selling styles (fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer) taught by four of the top producing financial advisors in the country: Katherine Forrester, Chris Koon, Karl Dettmann, and Matt Heckmann.Youll be able to APPLY practical techniques right away. This training actually makes sense. World-renowned trainer, Jason Teteak, is able to decode the magic that happens when top reps are meeting with their clients. He then bottles up the secret sauce and presents it to you so you can easily understand how to use it in your own style and apply it to any situation.How Is Win the Relationship Different?This program is going to transform how you do your fact finders. Youll learn new techniques for attracting new clients; how to obtain high-quality referrals; and how to ask the questions that make you money. This course is going to pay for itself in no time and is exactly what you need to grow your practice.You may have seen other gurus teach you how to fact find. Chances are, they gave you their language, and you may even use it verbatim. There is a 75% chance that they didnt give you the right language for your style. Most gurus dont explain why it works; they just assure you that it does. If youre going to make up your own language, you need to understand why it works.The reason we are so excited to have you see John, Karl, Matt, and Chris dive in on some of this is that through the process of being taught by them, you will find new pieces of gold that are within you that you didnt even know were there. And these discoveries will help you become a better advisor. Were going to prove it in this program with real case studies that will give you some amazing ideas for your own practice.As a collective group, we have come up with some fantastic stuff. The techniques in this program will help you get over the fact-finding hump to seal the fact-finding deal. It is exciting to see what you will uncover. One of these four communication styles will be right up your alley, and the others will offer good insight and complement the things youre already doing.TestimonialsRule the Room is to the art of the business as Granum is to the science. It is a great system of accountability to encourage implementation and mastery. The different sales styles makes it easy to for different financial planners and advisors to relate to and then be able to apply. Rule the Room is definitely a piece of training that we are missing. We can already see sales improving.-John Ertz, Managing Partner""This program is single handedly going to transform how you do your fact finders. You'll learn new techniques for attracting new clients, how to obtain high quality referrals, and how to ask the questions that make you money. This course is going to pay for itself in no time and is exactly what you need to grow your practice.""-Jason Teteak (Rule the Room)This program has given me tactical, real techniques that have not only helped me survive but thrive better in this career. It also enabled me to embrace my natural style and find leaders who I can more easily emulate to propel my business further, faster.-Jessica Veitch, Financial Planner""What you guys are doing is absolutely critical to the success and growth of financial planners. I know that I have been inspired, have renewed confidence, and I'm ready to hit the ground running. Thank you for all you do!.""--Scott Dunlap, Financial PlannerLet's get started!..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Advisor Training: Fact Finding Mastery (Part 2)" |
"Are you having a difficult time creating a sense of purpose and urgency for your clients to sign up for your products? How much different would your practice be if your clients couldnt wait to get back together and learn about the steps they could take to move forward with your process? Its time to stop wondering if your clients trust you and if they want to get started doing business with you. In Win the Relationship, we will show you, step-by-step, just how to make your clients feel excited and motivated to move forward and create a long-term partnership with you and your practice.After interviewing hundreds of financial planners and advisors, we discovered the top seventeen things advisors worry about in the fact-finding meeting. Ask yourself, have you ever had any of the following concerns?I wont be relevant.This person doesnt want to talk to me.I have to build a relationship with this person.I dont want to meet with this person.I have to sell something to this person.I have to get names from this person.Im lying when I talk to people about making their finances better.I have to get all the right data from this person.These people dont want what I have to offer.I have to know all the answers.I dont have my finances in order, so I cant help others.Im not organized enough to do this.These people are going to ask too many questions.I have to prove my worth to this person.When I get paid, Im taking things from the client.I have to have a friendly relationship with this person before theyll work with me.Being genuine will cause me to repel people.Well address how to handle each of these seventeen concerns and more in this program. Youll learn how to build relationships, communicate effectively, and ask the right questions during the fact finder to encourage your clients to work with you.Most gurus just say, Heres the gold dust, but many advisors dont know what to do with the treasure. or it simply doesnt work. The point is that the gurus often dont give the precursors as to why it works. Conversely, in this program, we will break down each and every technique to make it simple for you to understand. We will tell you why it works so that you can apply your knowledge to new situations day after day. In each circumstance, you will know how to attract new investment assets and uncover peoples risk-based wants.This program will help you with twenty-one key areas of your financial planning practice:You will be more relevant in the fact finder.Prospects will want to talk to you.You will be more attractive and genuine to people in your fact finders.Clients will view you as being their partner.You will build better relationships with prospects and clients.Youll look forward to meeting with every prospect.More clients will introduce you to new prospects than ever before.Clients will want to be friends with you.Your prospects will give you the right data in the fact finder.People will want what you have to offer.You dont have to know all the answers.People will instantly see how you can make their finances better.You will be more organized and efficient in the fact finder.People will ask you just the right amount of questions.You dont have to prove your worth to anybody anymore.Youll get paid for helping people in ways you never dreamed of.You can work with people in a more friendly and profitable way.You will start to create cases where there wasnt a case prior.Clients will send you more thank-you cards.You will attract more high-dollar clients.These techniques will make your life sweeter.By the End of this Program, You Will Learn How to...Session #1: Prepare to be Your BestSet the Stage to be GroundedGround Yourself PhysicallyGround Yourself MentallySession #2: Set Up the Environment to SucceedSet Up the Right Location and Time of DayDo the Right Research on the ProspectsSet Up the Right Energy and MoodSession #3: Conduct an Effective ApproachPut the Prospect at EaseBecome Relevant QuicklyEstablish Healthy Boundaries and ExpectationsSession #4: Identify Peoples Life GoalsIdentify Goals for People with No GoalsIdentify Goals for People Who Lack FocusAdd Value to People with Clear GoalsSession #5: Create a Sense of UrgencyDiscuss Current and Past Financial DecisionsGet the Prospects to Self-Identify MisalignmentIdentify the Hot Buttons to Steer the ConversationSession #6: Handle Touchy SituationsHandle People Who Made Poor Financial ChoicesHandle People With Bad ExperiencesHandle People Who Live in the CloudsSession #8: Attract New Investment AssetsOpen their Minds to a New Financial MethodologyHelp them Determine the Best Methodology for ThemHelp them Find an Advisor to Adopt that MethodologySession #9: Uncover Peoples Risk-based WantsUncover Their True ValuesUncover Their MotivationUncover Their Pain PointsSession #10: Create a Budget that WorksUncover Their Spending Pain PointsBridge the Marital Stress GapDeliver the Budget SolutionSession #11: Ask Questions that Make you MoneyAsk Leading QuestionsAsk What If QuestionsAsk Curiosity QuestionsSession #12: Get the Prospects to Show Up for the CloseGet a Dollar CommitmentTie Off the Urgency BalloonFind the Date that WorksSession #13: Get your Highest Quality ReferralsAffirm the Value of the MeetingProspect at the End of the Fact FinderGive them the Opportunity to Introduce YouWhy Rule the Room Financial?There are three key reasons why Rule the Room Financial is different:Youll learn WHY it works. We dont just show you how to do it or what to do. We tell you WHY it works so you can learn to fish on your own.Youll learn in YOUR unique communication style. We all communicate differently. Thats why every lesson is taught with four unique selling styles (fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer) taught by four of the top producing financial advisors in the country: Katherine Forrester, Chris Koon, Karl Dettmann, and Matt Heckmann.Youll be able to APPLY practical techniques right away. This training actually makes sense. World-renowned trainer, Jason Teteak, is able to decode the magic that happens when top reps are meeting with their clients. He then bottles up the secret sauce and presents it to you so you can easily understand how to use it in your own style and apply it to any situation.How Is Win the Relationship Different?This program is going to transform how you do your fact finders. Youll learn new techniques for attracting new clients; how to obtain high-quality referrals; and how to ask the questions that make you money. This course is going to pay for itself in no time and is exactly what you need to grow your practice.You may have seen other gurus teach you how to fact find. Chances are, they gave you their language, and you may even use it verbatim. There is a 75% chance that they didnt give you the right language for your style. Most gurus dont explain why it works; they just assure you that it does. If youre going to make up your own language, you need to understand why it works.The reason we are so excited to have you see John, Karl, Matt, and Chris dive in on some of this is that through the process of being taught by them, you will find new pieces of gold that are within you that you didnt even know were there. And these discoveries will help you become a better advisor. Were going to prove it in this program with real case studies that will give you some amazing ideas for your own practice.As a collective group, we have come up with some fantastic stuff. The techniques in this program will help you get over the fact-finding hump to seal the fact-finding deal. It is exciting to see what you will uncover. One of these four communication styles will be right up your alley, and the others will offer good insight and complement the things youre already doing.TestimonialsRule the Room is to the art of the business as Granum is to the science. It is a great system of accountability to encourage implementation and mastery. The different sales styles makes it easy to for different financial planners and advisors to relate to and then be able to apply. Rule the Room is definitely a piece of training that we are missing. We can already see sales improving.-John Ertz, Managing Partner""This program is single handedly going to transform how you do your fact finders. You'll learn new techniques for attracting new clients, how to obtain high quality referrals, and how to ask the questions that make you money. This course is going to pay for itself in no time and is exactly what you need to grow your practice.""-Jason Teteak (Rule the Room)This program has given me tactical, real techniques that have not only helped me survive but thrive better in this career. It also enabled me to embrace my natural style and find leaders who I can more easily emulate to propel my business further, faster.-Jessica Veitch, Financial Planner""What you guys are doing is absolutely critical to the success and growth of financial planners. I know that I have been inspired, have renewed confidence, and I'm ready to hit the ground running. Thank you for all you do!.""--Scott Dunlap, Financial PlannerLet's get started!..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financial Advisor Training: Expand Your Prospecting List" |
"Youll learn how to work with your existing clients to expand your prospect list and get new prospects teed up for success. What does that mean? Well it all starts with your client meetings. When you can give your client a great experience there is a series of questions to get them valuing your service and product.We show you how to turn that conversation into a system of referrals and new clients excited for doing business with you.Engaging referrers to tee up prospects for you is all about getting the people that youre interacting with to see the value in what you do in a way that makes them passionate and excited to tell others about you. The effectiveness of the referral is based on the relationship between the referrer and the referee. If your clients feel like the financial services youre providing are awesome stuff, and they understand how important it is that others in their life have it too, they will give you the names of the closest people in their lives. They will even call them for you. This 1-hour program focuses on all the things you can do with the people who refer you so that when you call a prospect, they are more receptive to the call. When you learn how to do this, each of your conversations will begin with the hope that it is going to be as good as you think its going to be rather than, Ive got to get rid of this guy. That hope will help you build trust and get to the decision making with your clients and prospects sooner and more effectively. Everything gets done quicker.What You'll DiscoverGet Them to Say the Value You BringGet Them to Tell You What They've LearnedGet Them to Tell You What That Means to ThemTell Them They Are Not AloneAsk Them If They See ImportanceGet Them To Give You High-Quality NamesAsk Them Who Else Needs to Know ThisAsk Them For One More PersonGet Them to Tee People Up For YouGet Them to Give You the Language For Each ProspectGet Them to Call the Prospect To Prep for Your CallWhy Rule the Room Financial?There are three key reasons why Rule the Room Financial is different:Youll learn WHY it works. We dont just show you how to do it or what to do. We tell you WHY it works so you can learn to fish on your own.Youll learn in YOUR unique communication style. We all communicate differently. Thats why every lesson is taught with four unique selling styles (fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer) taught by four of the top producing financial advisors in the country: Katherine Forrester, Chris Koon, Karl Dettmann, and Matt Heckmann.Youll be able to APPLY practical techniques right away. This training actually makes sense. World-renowned trainer, Jason Teteak, is able to decode the magic that happens when top reps are meeting with their clients. He then bottles up the secret sauce and presents it to you so you can easily understand how to use it in your own style and apply it to any situation.As a collective group, we have come up with some amazing things. The techniques in this program will help you experience more fun and freedom with prospecting. They will help you boost your client acquisition rate with your prospecting. It is exciting to see what will be uncovered. One of these four communication styles will be right up your alley, and the others will offer good insight and complement the things youre already doing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial Advisor Training: Attract New Investment Assets" |
"Attracting investment assets, for most clients, is the ultimate test of how much trust youve built in the relationship. A person will not give you charge of a million-dollar-plus portfolio unless he really feels comfortable with the relationship. He might decide that he will buy a little bit of insurance from you or try a little bit of this or a little bit of that, but the ultimate test of how the relationship is set up is this: is he willing actually to turn over the nest egg to you?Scale your Business with your Existing ClientsBringing in investment assets is the best way to create recurring revenue for your practice. Recurring revenue means you actually have an opportunity to go back and build, maintain, and grow a relationship and get paid for it every single time you show up, without regard to what transaction gets it done. This arrangement takes a lot of the pressure off of you. It allows you to reinvest in your business, staff, office space, marketing, and whatever else helps your business because you have repeatable, recurring revenue that you can count on.Its much easier to maintain a relationship with your existing client than to find a new relationship with a brand new client each time. Revenue associated with maintaining a relationship is much more enjoyable from that standpoint. Most of our clients have more assets than their current lifestyle allows. You want to make sure they dont ever look back and say, Gosh, I wasnt efficient here. I didnt get the most out of my life here. I could have gotten more. This program will show you how to help your clients get the most out of their lives. It will give you a system to teach your clients context and perspective by helping them determine whether their wealth actually aligns with their core values or not. It helps them get the most that they possibly can get out of life, given the resources available to them right now. Thats what youll be able to do for your clients. Why Rule the Room Financial?There are three key reasons why Rule the Room Financial is different:Youll learn WHY it works. We dont just show you how to do it or what to do. We tell you WHY it works so you can learn to fish on your own.Youll learn in YOUR unique communication style. We all communicate differently. Thats why every lesson is taught with four unique selling styles (fascinator, performer, inspirer, and energizer) taught by four of the top producing financial advisors in the country: Katherine Forrester, Chris Koon, Karl Dettmann, and Matt Heckmann.Youll be able to APPLY practical techniques right away. This training actually makes sense. World-renowned trainer, Jason Teteak, is able to decode the magic that happens when top reps are meeting with their clients. He then bottles up the secret sauce and presents it to you so you can easily understand how to use it in your own style and apply it to any situation.As a collective group, we have come up with some amazing things. The techniques in this program will help you attract new investment assets. It is exciting to see what will be uncovered."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial Planning: Get Your Clients to Save More" |
"Your clients have the desire to want and do lots of things, but those things take money. If a client doesnt see where the money is going to come from, then he wont feel confident enough to act. When you help clients create a budget that works, you help them accomplish two things. First, you are helping the clients find the money. You are helping the clients discover whether they are really as cash strapped as they think they are.Secondly, you are helping the clients from a psychological standpoint. This is the part that most financial advisors miss out on... People save more money when they feel good about what they are doing with their finances. This program teaches you how to paint your prospects and clients in a way that gets them to be financially responsible and have that manifest itself in a very cool-looking budget for them, the clients, and you, the advisor. This rings your cash register. Its not just about creating a budgetDont let the title of this course fool you. Were not just creating a budget here. This program includes Jason Teteak and Guru Karl Dettmann. Karl will show you exactly what he does in his practice to uncover your clients spending pain points, how to bridge the marital stress gap, delivering a budget solution, and more. Youll learn how to ask the right questions to get your client acting and thinking the way they need to. This is how we help our clients live better lives."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GCSE / IGCSE Business Studies" |
"GCSE Business courses based on this specification should encourage candidates to: Actively engage in the study of business and economics to develop as effective and independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds Use an enquiring, critical approach to distinguish between fact and opinion, build arguments and make informed judgements Develop and apply their knowledge, understanding and skills to contemporary issuesin a range of local, national and global contexts Appreciate the range of perspectives of differentstakeholders in relation to business andeconomic activities Consider the extent to which business andeconomic activity can be ethical and sustainable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to market Your Business Idea" |
"If you have a great product or service idea you want to promote, the next step is to identify your potential customers. Which means communicating the value of your product or service to potential customers and develop your relationship with existing customers. Many marketing techniques provide the consistent exposure, customer service and reputation-building activities required to develop a strong brandFrom this course you will learn how to:Develop a Business IdeaChoose specific demographicThe psychographic of your targetHow to distribute your marketing and promotional materialsAttend Trade ShowBenefit of trade ShowHow to Attract the followers on social media"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Christian Guide to Fasting - How to Spiritually Fast" |
"Its time to learn how to fast. Jesus told us that we need to fast (Matthew 6:16). Yet we rarely do. I believe this is because we don't know how to properly fast. Well not any more. Once you take this course you will know exactly why, when, how and what fasting is. I look forward to helping you learn to grow in your faith."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Electrical Wiring" |
"Welcome to thecourse Basics of Electrical Wiring. This is a basic course for anyone who wants to know more about the all-importantelectricity that brings the power to runmodern life. Even though electrical wiring appears complicated wehave simplifiedthingsfor you by using simple wiring diagrams which clearly illustrates all the basic components of electrical wiring -starting with incoming supply, consumer panel, wiring components, wiring different circuits like radial, ring, parallel, single phase, three phase and so on. We have also gone into theselection of conductor sizes and circuit breakers, distribution of load between phases andthe application and wiring of Residual Current Devices (GFCIs). As abonus section adetailed wiring illustration of a sample apartment is provided. At the end of this course you will be in a position to know exactly what your electrician is supposed to do in your house and even be able to troubleshoot minor electrical problems yourself!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crie um Jogo 3d sem programao-Windows" |
"Fazer jogos uma arte, no para todos, um jogo para que seja bom tem que fazer sonhar, muitos contam histrias de pessoas que so heris outros skill e mais kill.Onde est a piada!!!Com o meu curso para alm de aprender a programar uma demo, menu e load,sem um unico SCRIPTaprende tambm que para tersucesso tem que ter trabalho, e nada vem por acaso.Espero por si no meu curso! At l GRANDEABRAO:):)Nelson LourenZo"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
novayarabota |
". - , , - , . """" """" . , . , , . . - . , . ."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Render con V-ray 3.5 + 3DS Max 2017 (espaol)" |
"En este curso, aprenderemos a ir formando un criterio propio del uso de este motor para nuestro trabajo. La intencin de diversas lecciones y diversos archivos de trabajo son un apoyo para comprender por separado las herramientas a utilizar y poder comprender como interactuan entre ellas, para si, crear nuestro mtodo de trabajo que sea til y eficaz al momento de crear nuestras escenas."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"What Every Tenant Should Know Searching For A Rental" |
"If you have endured theaggravation of wasting your time, gas and money applying for rentals that werenot a good fit for you, this course is for you! Find out tips that will helpyou not waste time on scams and properties that you would be unhappy with. Whenyou finish this course you will know how to spot red flag language in ads,neighborhoods, features and terms in your contract that you should avoid.Ultimately when you finish this course you will make a more educated choice fora rental property that meets your needs."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2020) - Complete Financial Reporting &Analysis" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2020) - Complete Quantitative Methods" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2020) - Complete Fixed Income" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"CFA Level 1 (2020) - Complete Alternative Investments" |
"Bestselling and Highest Rated CFA courses on Udemy!(for 2020 and 2021 CFA Level I exam)The CFA program is rewarding but gruelling. The majority of candidates fail the exam. In order to pass, you are going to need much more than summaries or crash courses. But we can fully empathise if you feel the curriculum is too lengthy and too difficult given your busy schedule.That is why we have crafted for you this complete series of 10 courses covering all 10 topics of the CFA curriculum. These courses are not superficial summaries, but a detailed and concise coverage of the curriculum for each topic area.We keep our videos short so as to help you follow the Pareto Principle. We believe that if you put in the optimal 20% effort using the right approach, you can potentially achieve 80% of the results!The PrepNuggets approach is to condense pertinent material from the curriculum to easily digestible nuggets for you to consume during your pockets of free time. Each nugget is painstakingly crafted to explain really complex concepts using engaging illustrations and animations. No more wading through pages and pages of words, or sitting through long boring lessons with bullet-point slides.By the end of this course, we are confident you will be able to comfortably handle at least 80% of the questions under this topic area.Don't take our word for it! Hear what some of our students have to say:""This is an INCREDIBLY useful course for visual learners. The concepts are clear and concise. You will begin to see the relationships between concepts as you progress. Excited for the rest of this course and the other courses in the rest of the series."" - Andrew Bachman""One of the best courses I've seen, if not the best. Prepnuggets staff know how to pass on knowledge, both by visualization and by verbal explanations. Excited to finish this course and continue to other courses."" - Lidor SigronTake action now! It is never too early or too late to start preparing. Join thousands of CFA candidates worldwide in making us your preferred prep companion!*NOTE: This course is part of a complete series of 10 courses that fully cover all 10 topics for CFA Level I. We recommend you begin your exam preparation with our Quantitative Methods course. For our full catalog of courses, look for our instructor profile down below and click on the PrepNuggets logo.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: CFA Institute does not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality of the products or services offered by PrepNuggets or Udemy. CFA Institute, CFA, and Chartered Financial Analyst are trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Unconscious Bias" |
"In this course, learners will build awareness of unconscious biases in the workplace by considering the many perspectives associated with them. The science of unconscious bias will be examined throughout to uncover biases both personally and professionally.Learners will have the opportunity to examine a case study and build an action plan to help leverage diversity in the workplace."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Test Data Management" |
"TDM OverviewCourse covers all the aspects of TDM e.g Data Generation,Data Masking,Data subsetting,Data Archiving.Typical challenges faced in testing projects are discussed in detail along with solutions catered by TDM. This training covers all services and aspects of TDM (Data Masking, data generation ,data sub setting).This will help to implement masking solution at an enterprise level and will give a fair idea about Compliances like GDPR ,Hippa etc."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"pixel art Photoshop Unity 0" |
"? , . , , , , , . , , . , . ( ) . :. , , Adobe Photoshop. . : 3 40 : / , , , . , , !: , , , , , , Bloodlust 2D - , , ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"PIXEL ART Photoshop" |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Social Selling - Strategy for Success in the Digital World" |
"Nowadays, the question 'why should I do social selling' seems like it has an obvious answer. Widespread blog titles like 'Social Selling leaders get better results' and statistics that say 'by only investing up to 10% of their daily time on social selling efforts,salespeople who use social media outperform their peers by 78%'underline the urgency and necessity to get familiar with the topic.Yet in real life examples it become quickly clear - to be successful, you need a strategy!This course will help you to understand the concept of Social Selling, how it has transformed traditional sales, and how you can leverage tools and technique to increase your sales performance."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"7 Steps to Start Your Own Business" |
"7 Steps to Start Your Own BusinessDefine Your Vision/Mission and Values. Who are you, what is your company and whom do you serve? How do you serve them uniquely? What services and/or products will you offer and how will you charge for those services/products.From this course you will learn logisticaland practical solutions to launch a profitable business.Course materials includestep-by-step instructions and activities you can implement immediately.Course Testimonials:""Thanks so much for such a useful and informational workshop! I learned so much about how to build a real business.""- Mary, course participant""Thank you for sharing your expertise with us. I found the course enlightening and inspiring!""- Meg, course participant""I can't say enough to thank you. Your words and documents are helping me to get more clear on the nature and scope of my business. Over the weekend, I made a major decision regarding my niche offering, especially on a passive income endeavor. I could not have become aware of this valuable set of information without your hard work and thought.""- Pam, course participant"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |