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"Moroccan Traditional Food #1 ""HARCHA""" |
"The main object and goals of this course is to get to know how to cook this traditional meal called ""harcha"" , And getting to know how its taste and how its looks.Harcha (or harsha ) is a Moroccan pan-fried bread made from semolina. Although it looks a bit like an English muffin, it's more like cornbread in texture and taste. Recipes for harcha vary from family to family.You need some simple basic kitchen knowledge, and you will need to use your hands for mixing the ingredients"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2018" |
"This course have been made in a way that will suit every person beginning the idea of setting up a ecommerce business.The goal of the course is to show you how you can set up your store using shopify, and how to use it in the bes way posiibel to be the most profitable, by showing you how to import product, setting the email liste, and advertising to your store on facebook and instagram, and other sources of trafic that you can use.Try to keen your mind opened and do as shown thank you"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain fr Business" |
"Der Kurs ""Blockchain frs Business""klrt zunchst ber die technischen Grundlagen der Blockchain-Technologie auf. Danach beschftigen wir uns mit weiteren Blockchain-Arten wie Ethereum oder privaten Blockchains, eheim letzten PartMethoden und Tools zur Entwicklung und Bewertung von Blockchain-Usecases vorgestellt werden.Abgerundet wird der Kurs durch kurzweilige Quiz-Einheiten zum vorherigen Lernabschnitt. Darber hinaus bekommen die Kurs-TeilnehmerInnen kostenlos ein Glossar mit den wichtigsten Begriffen (und Erklrungen)aus der Blockchain-Welt."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Modeling an exterior scene from a photo reference" |
"Some of us drool over while viewing 3ds or pictures on pinterest. I will like to show you how that can be a past-time and how to model from any photograph or reference pictures .Using 3dsmax to model one of your mostsavouredpinterest architecture pictures would be an interesting course for max users of all levels."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de un libro - InDesign para escritores" |
"Dirigido a escritoras y escritores, profesionales o aficionados, que deseen publicar sus historias de manera impresa.Lleva tus textos a InDesign, la mejoraplicacin para diseo editorial del mercado, edtalos y optimzalos para su produccin final.Planea tu proyecto, configralo y convirtelo e un libro listo para impresin y encuadernacin. Llevars a cabo la composicincontenido interno, la portada, el lomo y la contraportada.No te preocupes si no posees conocimientos en diseo, este curso te dar las herramientas necesarias para que tu libro cobre vida desde Adobe InDesign."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Vue.js (Vue JS 2+Webpack+Vue-router+ Axios)" |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Pitch Perfect: How to network effectively in music" |
"To inspire the world with your music, it has to be 'out there' so that people can hear it.You also need to be able to live and make money if you're going to be able to do it full-time - before you hit the big time that is.The problem is that most musicians don't like to sell - least of all when they are in fact, the product. The MusicBusiness:often we focus on the music and not so much on the business, but like most businesses the music business is relationship based - it's really about who you know. So, you will need to be able to network and talk confidently about what you do. Most importantly, you will FEEL CONFIDENT if you are able to be totally AUTHENTIC as well.But to network well - you need to know what to say - so that when the moment comes, you'll connect with the right people at the right time and never miss your 'big break'.ORGANISEyour thoughts about what you doUnderstand what you are selling and WHYALWAYS know what to sayAVOID feeling 'salesy' by connecting AUTHENTICALLY to othersCreate your PITCH and get ready to network!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drohnen: Dein Guide zu groartiger Videografie & Fotografie" |
"Hast du schonmal groartige mit einer Drohne aufgenommene Videos und Fotos gesehen und dich gefragt, wie die Person das gemacht hat? Oder hast du schon eine Drohne und mchtest dein Wissen erweitern und deine Kenntnisse verbessern, um sicher mit ihr zu fliegen und schne Aufnahmen zu machen? Dieser Kurs ist genau richtig fr alle Anfnger und Neugierigen!Ich mchte dir beibringen wie du sicher mit deiner Drohne fliegen kannst, bessere Aufnahmen machst und diese zufriedenstellend nachbearbeiten kannst.Wenn man eine neue Drohne hat oder seine Kenntnisse erweitern will, um bessere Aufnahmen zu machen steht man oft vor dem Problem, dass Informationen weit verstreut im Internet und auf Youtube sind. Man sucht hufig sehr lang nach guten Tutorials und bis man sich zu jedem Thema etwas herausgesucht hat ist man oft so frustriert, dass man keine Lust mehr hat berhaupt Aufnahmen zu machen, weil man einfach keine Erfolgserlebnisse hat. Ich mchte das ndern!Warum solltest du von mir lernen?Ich beschftige mich seit mehreren Jahren mit der Videografie und Fotografie mit Drohnen und habe diesen Bereich in meinem Studium intensiv vertieft. Meinen Bachelor of Arts im Fach Intermedia Design habe ich mit Auszeichnung abgeschlossen.Was wird behandelt?In dem Kurs werde ich mit dir meinen kompletten Workflow einmal durchgehen und dir viele Tipps geben. Wir werden zusammen die Grundlagen des Fliegens, Flugbungen, DJI spezifische Grundlagen, Foto- und Videoeinstellungen, Gesetze, Locations, Wetter, Tageszeit, viele Kompositionsmglichkeiten fr bessere Fotos und Videos und die Nachbearbeitung derer durchsprechen.Groartige Videografie & Fotografie mit DrohnenWir behandeln alle wichtigen Aspekte des Fliegens mit deiner Drohne: Grundlagen - Fluggrundlagen, bungen, Einstellungen, ChecklisteTheorie - Gesetze, Locations, Flugverbotszonen, Wetter, Tageszeit, SonnenstandKomposition - 10 verschiedene Kompsositionsmglichkeiten fr deine Fotos und VideosNachbearbeitung - Kompletter, leicht verstndlicher Workflow fr Videos und FotosAlso worauf wartest du? Starte jetzt!Man liegt nie falsch, wenn man sich selbst und sein Wissen investiert. Verbessere deine Drohnen Kenntnisse, um tolle Fotos und Videos zu machen und lerne mit meinem umfangreichen Guide."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Raspberry Pi para principiantes" |
"Curso orientado a personas con poca experiencia en minicomputadoras, que deseen iniciarse en el uso de la Raspberry Pi y quieran aprender sobre su hardware y sistema operativo.Se ensearn fundamentos del uso de la terminal linux, instalacin de utilidades importantes y otros procedimientos variados que son muy tiles para cualquier modelo de Raspberry que estemos usando.Todos los pasos se llevan a cabo al mismo tiempo que se explican, de modo que se aprende con el ejemplo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Uluslararas Eitim Danmanl Sertifika Program" |
"Uluslararas Eitim Danmanl Sertifika ProgramUluslararas eitim kavram iki farkl bak as ile aklanabilir. lk bak as uluslararaslama gerei ve rencilerin kresel vatanda olmak iin gereken eitimi ve artlar karlama maksatl aldklar lokal eitimle alakaldr. Ders programlar dnyann hemen hemen her lkesinde her seviyedeki eitimler iin artk kresel bir bak asyla hazrlanmaktadr. Gelien teknoloji ve iletiim alar bu uluslararaslamay kanlmaz hale getirmektedir.kinci bak as ise uluslararas eitimi, snrlar aan bir eitim tecrbesi olarak ifade eder. Baka bir deyile, renciler anavatanlar dnda farkl okullarda eitim grmek iin seyahat etmektedirler. Genellikle, yurtd eitimi ya da renci deiimi olarak adlandrlan bu programlar, rencilerin anavatanlarnda eitim aldklar okullar tarafndan zorunlu ya da semeli bir tecrbe olarak kendilerine sunulmaktadr. Byle kapsaml bir eitim tecrbesi, rencileri her gn daha hzl bir ekilde kreselleen bir dnyaya daha iyi hazrlar. Bu tarzdaki uluslararas eitim ile kresel bak asnn gelimesi, kltrel farkndalk ve evrensel deerlerin anlalmas daha iyi salanabilir. Ticaret, bilimsel aratrma, turizm ve sanat alanlarndaki uluslararaslama insanlarn dnme ve davran ekillerini deitirir ve akabinde doal olarak eitim sistemleri de deiim gsterir. Dolaysyla, uluslararas bak asna sahip renciler dijital aa ait srekli deien dnya gereklerine kar daha uyumlu ve hogrl olurlar. Yukarda bahsedilen hususlarla alakal olarak, yz binlerce renci kresel eitimi tecrbe etmek iin anavatanlarn belli sreliine terk etmektedirler. Birlemi Milletler Eitim Bilim ve Kltr rgtne (UNESCO) gre, dnya zerinde yaklak 3 milyon uluslararas renci bulunmaktadr. Uluslararas rencileri cezbeden ilk be lke (1) Amerika Birleik Devletleri, (2) Birleik Krallk, (3) Fransa, (4) Avustralya ve (5) Almanya olarak sralanmaktadr.Gelimekte olan lkeler kategorisinde olan Trkiye her yl binlerce rencisini dnyann farkl lkelerine gndermektedir. Kendi imknlaryla ya da devlet destei ile binlerce renci bir yabanc dil renmek veya gelitirmek, lisans, yksek lisan veya doktoralarn yapmak zere seyahatler gerekletirmektedir. Yurt dnda eitim almak isteyen bu rencileri ok ciddi bir hazrlk sureci beklemektedir. Bu hazrlk srelerini bir danman kontrolnde yapmalar renciye hem zaman hem finansal olarak ciddi tasarruflar salayacaktr. Bir uzman danmann yardmyla en kaliteli eitimi en uygun fiyatlarla gerekletirmek mmkn olmaktadr.Programn getirileriSertifika programna dahil olan katlmclar yurtdnda eitimine devam etmek isteyen bir rencinin genel anlamda eitim danmanln yapma becerisine sahip olacaklardr. Yurtd eitim danmanl i koluna profesyonel olarak balamak isteyen katlmclar iin bu sertifika program ok daha ciddi bir admdr. Yurtd eitim danmanl ciddi maddi getirisi olan bir danmanlk alandr.Uluslararas Eitim Danmanl Sertifika Program, USA INTERNATIOANAL EDUCATION CONSULTING LLCnin uzman kadrolar tarafndan verilen 20 seanslk bir programdr.Kimler katlabilir?Eitim kurumlaryneticileriretmenlerrencilerPsikolojik danman-rehber retmenleriUluslararas eitim alannda profesyonel alma yapmak isteyenlerEitim Programnn Yrtlme Esaslarlgili eitime katlmc kaytlar yaplr.Eitim hakknda bilgi verilir.Eitimlere devam zorunluluu vardr.Katlmclar online verilen ders videolarn takip etmek zorundadr.Programn sonunda lme deerlendirme yaplacaktr.Ders dili Trkedir.lme deerlendirme iin yaplacak online snav 40 sorudan olumaktadr. Yanl cevaplar doru cevaplar eksiltmemektedir.Snav sonunda 30 dorusu olan katlmclara USA INTERNATIOANAL EDUCATION CONSULTING LLC tarafndan sertifikalar verilecektir. (Snav 5 seferalnabilir). Posta creti katlmclara aittir.Sertifikalarn posta creti katlmctarafndan karlanr."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Graduate Level Engineering Admissions for US Universities" |
"There are over one million international students in the United States and around four hundred thousands of those students are receiving their graduate and undergraduate education in engineering related majors. High quality standards of graduate level engineering programs (Master of Science, Master of Engineering and PhD) attract people to get their graduate level education with domestic students. Such an educational experience in graduate level engineering programs from a US based university pays those students back as salary increase and as prestige in their home countries. After graduating from engineering programs, international students have right to work up to 27 months in the United States.Application procedures (e.g., documentations, choosing the right schools, time management, scholarship and assistantship applications, etc.) however are complicated and require solid knowledge and in many cases professional consulting. Furthermore, selecting and narrowing down the schools out of more than four thousands universities in the US are challenging and stressful especially for international applicants. This course is designed to guide people who wish to apply tograduate level engineering programs at US based Universities.Students via this course will deeply learn all steps of application procedures as well as required exams and scores, selecting the schools and programs, preparing for the interviews and composing an effective personal statement. Furthermore, students will learn about the best graduate level engineering programs, universities as well as the overall higher education system in the US. Students will be able to complete graduate level engineering program applications by themselves from A to Z.This course is given by Erkan Acar, PhD in slow and easy to understand format since many students will not have English as their first language.Some of the programs covered in this courseBioengineeringChemical and Biomolecular EngineeringCivil and Environmental EngineeringCivil and Environmental Engineering and Earth and Environmental SciencesComputer EngineeringComputer Science and EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Engineering PhysicsElectrical and Computer EngineeringEnergy Systems EngineeringEngineeringHealthcare Systems EngineeringIndustrial and Systems EngineeringManagement Science and EngineeringMaterials Science and EngineeringMechanical Engineering and MechanicsWho can take the course?Non-US people who want to apply to graduate level engineering programs in the United States.People who want to consult their students regarding graduate level engineering education in the United States.Some titles and topics covered in this courseHigher Education System (General) of the USPreparing required documents for applicationsBest universities in engineering, statistics, rankings, tuitions, fees, living expensesInternational students and their study areas in the US, research and budgetsConcentration areas of the engineering programsSample courses, credit hours for graduation requirements, admission requirementsThesis and qualifying (Comprehensive) examsDeadlines, time management for preparations and applicationsRequired exams for graduate level engineering programs (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT)Reference Letters, transcript evaluations, WES, ECEAdmission types, rolling Admission, regular AdmissionVisa Procedures, orientation, I20 documentPersonal Statement, financial support documentScholarship applications and evaluations aspectsChoosing the best fitting university, locations (States, cities)Emails and communicationAbout USA International Education Consulting LLCWe are a United States-based international education consulting company for students who wish to continue their educational dreams in the United States. We providepersonalizedconsulting on application procedures, documentation, qualifications, requirements, and deadlines. Further, our consulting expertise includes but not limited to (1) cultural considerations, (2) understanding American universities and colleges from a foreign point of view vis--vis adjustment issues, (3) how different universities approach international recruiting and care for their students throughout the process, (4) financial concerns, (5) obtaining student visas, and (6) transitioning to American universities from abroad."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Admissions to Graduate-Level Psychology Programs in USA" |
"There are over one million international students in the United States and around fifth thousands of those students are receiving their graduate and undergraduate education in psychology related majors. High quality standards of graduate level psychology programs (MS, PhD, PsyD) programs attract people to get their graduate level education with domestic students. Such an educational experience in psychology programs from a US based university pays those students back as salary increase and as prestige in their home countries.Application procedures (e.g., documentations, choosing the right schools, time management, scholarship and assistantship applications, etc.) however are complicated and require solid knowledge and in many cases professional consulting. Furthermore, selecting and narrowing down the schools out of more than four thousands universities are challenging and stressful especially for international applicants. This course is designed to guide people who wish to apply to graduate level psychology programs at US based Universities.Students via this course will deeply learn all steps of application procedures as well as required exams and scores, selecting the schools and programs, preparing for the interviews and composing an effective personal statement. Furthermore, students will learn about the best psychology programs, best universities as well as the overall higher education system in the US. Students will be able to complete graduate level psychology program applications from A to Z by themselves.This course is given by Erkan Acar, PhD in slow and easy to understand format since many students will not have English as the first language.Who can take the course?Non-US people who want to apply to graduate level psychology programs in the United States.People who want to consult their students regarding graduate level psychology education in the United States.Some titles and topics covered in this courseExploring the Higher Education System (General) of the USPreparing required documents for applicationsBest universities in psychology, statistics, rankings, tuitions, fees, living expensesInternational students and their study areas in the US, research and budgetsConcentration areas of the psychology programsSample courses, credit hours for graduation requirements, admission requirementsThesis and qualifying (Comprehensive) examsDeadlines, time management for preparations and applicationsRequired exams for graduate level psychology programs (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE)Reference Letters, transcript evaluations, WES, ECEAdmission types, rolling Admission, regular AdmissionVisa Procedures, orientation, I20 documentPersonal Statement, financial support documentScholarship applications and evaluations aspectsChoosing the best fitting university, locations (States, cities)Emails and communicationAbout USA International Education Consulting LLCWe are a United States-based international education consulting company for students who wish to continue their educational dreams in the United States. We providepersonalizedconsulting on application procedures, documentation, qualifications, requirements, and deadlines. Further, our consulting expertise includes but not limited to (1) cultural considerations, (2) understanding American universities and colleges from a foreign point of view vis--vis adjustment issues, (3) how different universities approach international recruiting and care for their students throughout the process, (4) financial concerns, (5) obtaining student visas, and (6) transitioning to American universities from abroad."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Apply Cyber Security Programs in US Universities" |
"There are over one million international students in the United States and around ten thousands of those students are receiving their graduate and undergraduate education in cyber security related majors. High quality standards of graduate level cyber security programs (Master of Science, Master of Engineering, PhD in Cyber Security, etc.) attract people to get their graduate level education with domestic students. Such an educational experience in graduate level cyber security programs from a US based university pays those students back as salary increase and as prestige in their home countries. After graduating from cyber security programs, international students have right to work up to 27 months in United States.Application procedures (e.g., documentations, choosing the right schools, time management, scholarship and assistantship applications, etc.) however are complicated and require solid knowledge and in many cases professional consulting. Furthermore, selecting and narrowing down the schools out of more than four thousands universities are challenging and stressful especially for international applicants. This course is designed to help people who wish to apply to graduate level cyber security studies programs at US based Universities.Students via this course will deeply learn all steps of application procedures as well as required exams and scores, selecting the schools and programs, preparing for the interviews and composing an effective personal statement. Furthermore, students will learn about the best cyber security programs, best universities as well as the overall higher education system in the US. Students will be able to complete graduate level cyber security program applications from A to Z by themselves.This course is given by Erkan Acar, PhD in slow and easy to understand format since many students will not have English as the first language.Who can take the course?Non-US people who want to apply to cyber security education (Master of Science, Master of Engineering, PhD in Cyber Security, etc.) in the United States.People who want to consult their students regarding cyber security education in the United States.Some titles and topics covered in this courseHigher Education System (General) of the USPreparing required documents for Master of Science, Master of Engineering, PhD in Cyber Security, etc. applications Best universities in cyber security, statistics, rankings, tuitions, fees, living expensesInternational students and their study areas in the US, research and budgetsConcentration areas of the cyber security programsSample courses, credit hours for graduation requirements, admission requirementsThesis and qualifying (Comprehensive) examsDeadlines, time management for preparations and applicationsRequired exams for graduate level cyber security programs (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE)Reference Letters, transcript evaluations, WES, ECEAdmission types, rolling Admission, regular AdmissionVisa Procedures, orientation, I20 documentPersonal Statement, financial support documentScholarship applications and evaluations aspectsChoosing the best fitting university, locations (States, cities)Emails and communicationAbout USA International Education Consulting LLCWe are a United States-based international education consulting company for students who wish to continue their educational dreams in the United States. We providepersonalizedconsulting on application procedures, documentation, qualifications, requirements, and deadlines. Further, our consulting expertise includes but not limited to (1) cultural considerations, (2) understanding American universities and colleges from a foreign point of view vis--vis adjustment issues, (3) how different universities approach international recruiting and care for their students throughout the process, (4) financial concerns, (5) obtaining student visas, and (6) transitioning to American universities from abroad."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"MBA Admissions: A Complete Guide for Non-US Citizens" |
"There are over one million international students in the United States and around two hundred thousands of those students are receiving their graduate and undergraduate education in business related majors. High quality standards of Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs attract people to get their graduate level education with domestic students. Such an educational experience in MBA programs from a US based university pays those students back as salary increase and as prestige in their home countries.Application procedures (e.g., documentations, choosing the right schools, time management, scholarship and assistantship applications, etc.) however are complicated and require solid knowledge and in many cases professional consulting. Furthermore, selecting and narrowing down the schools out of more than four thousands universities are challenging and stressful especially for international applicants. This course is designed to guide people who wish to apply to MBA programs at US based Universities.Students via this course will deeply learn all steps of application procedures as well as required exams and scores, selecting the schools and programs, preparing for the interviews and composing an effective personal statement. Furthermore, students will learn about the best MBA programs, best universities as well as the overall higher education system in the US. Students will be able to complete MBA program applications from A to Z by themselves.This course is given by Erkan Acar, PhD in slow and easy to understand format since many students will not have English as the first language.Who can take the course?Non-US people who want to apply to MBA programs in the United States.People who want to consult their students regarding MBA education in the United States.Some titles and topics covered in this courseExplore the Higher Education System (General) of the USPreparing required documents for applicationsBest universities for MBA programs, statistics, rankings, tuitions, fees, living expensesInternational students and their study areas in the US, research and budgetsConcentration areas of MBA programsSample courses, credit hours for graduation requirements, admission requirementsThesis and qualifying (Comprehensive) examsTime management for preparation and application, time managementConsidering required exams (TOEFL, IELTS, PTE, GRE, GMAT, LSAT)Reference letters, transcript evaluations, WES, ECEAdmission types, rolling admission, regular AdmissionPersonal Statement, financial support documentScholarship applications and evaluations aspectsChoosing the best fitting university, locations (States, cities)E-mails and communicationAbout USA International Education Consulting LLCWe are a United States-based international education consulting company for students who wish to continue their educational dreams in the United States. We providepersonalizedconsulting on application procedures, documentation, qualifications, requirements, and deadlines. Further, our consulting expertise includes but not limited to (1) cultural considerations, (2) understanding American universities and colleges from a foreign point of view vis--vis adjustment issues, (3) how different universities approach international recruiting and care for their students throughout the process, (4) financial concerns, (5) obtaining student visas, and (6) transitioning to American universities from abroad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Start to Finish Law School Admissions in USA." |
"There are over one million international students in the United States and around fourth thousands of those students are receiving their graduate and undergraduate education in law studies related majors. High quality standards of graduate level law studies (LLM, JD, SJD, PhD in Law, MS in Comparative Law, etc.) attract people to get their graduate level education with domestic students. Such an educational experience in graduate level law studies from a US based university pays those students back as salary increase and as prestige in their home countries. Studying law in the US also make eligible foreign lawyers to take bar exams in some states and accordingly practice law in specific jurisdiction.Application procedures for the law schools in the US (e.g., documentations, choosing the right schools, time management, scholarship and assistantship applications, etc.) however are complicated and require solid knowledge and in many cases professional consulting. This course is designed to guide people who wish to apply to graduate level law programs (LLM, JD, SJD, PhD in Law, MS in Comparative Law, etc.) at Law Schools in the US.Students via this course will deeply learn all steps of application procedures as well as required exams and scores, selecting the schools and programs, preparing for the interviews and composing an effective personal statement. Furthermore, students will learn about the best graduate level law programs, universities as well as the overall higher education system in the US. Students will be able to complete graduate level law program applications by themselves from A to Z.This course is given by Erkan Acar, PhD in slow and easy to understand format since many students will not have English as their first language.Who can take the course?Non-US people who want to apply to law studies programs in the United States.People who want to consult their students regarding law studies education in the United States.Some titles and topics covered in this courseHigher Education System (General) of the USPreparing required documents for applicationsBest universities in cyber security, statistics, rankings, tuitions, fees, living expensesInternational students and their study areas in the US, research and budgetsConcentration areas of the cyber security programsSample courses, credit hours for graduation requirements, admission requirementsThesis and qualifying (Comprehensive) examsDeadlines, time management for preparations and applicationsRequired exams for graduate level cyber security programs (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, LSAT)Reference Letters, transcript evaluations, WES, ECE, LSACAdmission types, rolling Admission, regular AdmissionVisa Procedures, orientation, I20 documentPersonal Statement, financial support documentScholarship applications and evaluations aspectsChoosing the best fitting university, locations (States, cities)E-mails and communicationAbout USA International Education Consulting LLCWe are a United States-based international education consulting company for students who wish to continue their educational dreams in the United States. We providepersonalizedconsulting on application procedures, documentation, qualifications, requirements, and deadlines. Further, our consulting expertise includes but not limited to (1) cultural considerations, (2) understanding American universities and colleges from a foreign point of view vis--vis adjustment issues, (3) how different universities approach international recruiting and care for their students throughout the process, (4) financial concerns, (5) obtaining student visas, and (6) transitioning to American universities from abroad."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nde MBA Eitimi" |
"Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nde bir milyondan fazla uluslararas renci var ve bu rencilerin iki yz bin kadar, lisans ve lisansst eitimini iletme-finans ile ilgili alanlarda alyor. Lisansst dzeyde iletme programlar (Master of Business Administration) yksek kalite standartlaryla, Trkiyeden de binlerce renciyi bu lkeye ekmekte. ABD merkezli bir niversitede MBA programlarndaki bu tr bir eitim deneyimi, rencilere kendi lkelerinde maa art, daha farkl kariyer seenei ve prestij olarak geri dndnden, Trkiyeden her sene daha fazla renci ABDyi tercih etmektedir.Bununla birlikte, bavuru prosedrleri (rn., dokmantasyon, doru okullar seme, zaman ynetimi, burs ve asistanlk bavurular, vb.) karmaktr ve detayl bilgi gerektirir. rencinin ou durumda profesyonel danmanlk almas gerekir. Bu ders, ABD merkezli niversitelerde lisansst MBA programlarna bavurmak isteyen kiilere rehberlik etmek iin tasarlanmtr.Bu dersi alan renciler gerekli bavuru prosedrlerinin yan sra almalar gerek snav ve puanlar, okullar ve programlar nasl semeleri gerektiini, mlakatlara nasl hazrlanacaklarn ve etkili bir niyet mektubu yazmn reneceklerdir. Ayrca, renciler ABD'deki en iyi MBA programlarn, niversitelerini ve genel anlamda yksek renim sistemini tanyacaklardr. Bu kursu alan renciler, Amerika Birleik Devletlerindeki MBA program bavurularn A'dan Z'ye kendi balarna tamamlama becerisi elde edeceklerdir.Bu derste ele alnan baz balklar ve konularGenel anlamda ABD yksekretim sistemiBavurular iin gerekli belgeler ve hazrlanmas hazrlanmasMBA programlaryla alakal istatistikler, okullarn sralamalar, harlar, cretler, yaam giderleri, en iyi niversiteler, en iyi MBA programlarUluslararas renciler ve ABD'deki alma alanlar, aratrma ve btelerMBA programlarnn konsantrasyon alanlarrnek dersler, mezuniyet tamamlanmas gerekli kredi miktar, kabul artlarTez ve yeterlilik snavlarZaman ynetimi, bavurular iin son teslim tarihleriMBA programlar iin gerekli snavlar (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE)Referans Mektuplar, Transkript deerlendirmeleri, WES, ECEKabul trleri, rolling kabul, normal kabulVize prosedrleri, oryantasyon, I20 belgesiNiyet mektubu, mali destek belgesi"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nde Psikoloji Eitimi" |
"Amerika Birleik Devletleri'nde bir milyondan fazla uluslararas renci var ve bu rencilerin krk bin kadar, lisans ve lisansst eitimini psikoloji ile ilgili alanlarda alyor. Lisansst dzeyde psikoloji programlar (MS, PhD, PsyD) yksek kalite standartlaryla, Trkiyeden de yzlerce psikoloji mezununu bu lkeye ekmekte. ABD merkezli bir niversitede psikoloji programlarndaki bu tr bir eitim deneyimi, rencilere kendi lkelerinde maa art, daha farkl kariyer seenei ve prestij olarak geri dndnden, Trkiyeden her sene daha fazla renci ABDyi tercih etmektedir.Bununla birlikte, bavuru prosedrleri (rn., dokmantasyon, doru okullar seme, zaman ynetimi, burs ve asistanlk bavurular, vb.) karmaktr ve detayl bilgi gerektirir. rencinin ou durumda profesyonel danmanlk almas gerekir. Bu ders, ABD merkezli niversitelerde lisansst psikoloji programlarna bavurmak isteyen kiilere rehberlik etmek iin tasarlanmtr.Bu dersi alan renciler gerekli bavuru prosedrlerinin yan sra almalar gerek snav ve puanlar, okullar ve programlar nasl semeleri gerektiini, mlakatlara nasl hazrlanacaklarn ve etkili bir niyet mektubu yazimini reneceklerdir. Ayrca, renciler ABD'deki en iyi psikoloji programlarn, niversitelerini ve genel anlamda yksek renim sistemini taniyacaklardir. renciler, lisansst dzeyde psikoloji program basvurularini A'dan Z'ye kendi balarna tamamlayabileceklerdir.Bu derste ele alnan baz balklar ve konular:Genel anlamda ABD yksekretim sistemiBavurular iin gerekli belgeler ve hazrlanmas hazrlanmasPsikoloji programlaryla alakal istatistikler, okullarn sralamalar, harlar, cretler, yaam giderleri, en iyi niversiteler, en iyi psikoloji programlarUluslararas renciler ve ABD'deki alma alanlar, aratrma ve btelerPsikoloji programlarnn konsantrasyon alanlarrnek dersler, mezuniyet tamamlanmas gerekli kredi miktar, kabul artlarTez ve yeterlilik snavlarZaman ynetimi, bavurular iin son teslim tarihleriPsikoloji programlar iin gerekli snavlar (TOEFL, IELTS, GRE)Referans Mektuplar, Transkript deerlendirmeleri, WES, ECEKabul trleri, Rolling Kabul, Normal KabulVize Prosedrleri, Oryantasyon, I20 belgesiNiyet Mektubu, mali destek belgesiBurs bavurular ve deerlendirmeleri"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced English Grammar. Learn to Be an Expert in Grammar" |
"Join more than 15Ostudents using this course to excel in Englih grammar.This course aims at improving students' abilities in grammar. It will help you fully understand English grammar more and how different elements in a sentenceare put together to form clear and simple sentences.In my lectures, you will find avery simple explaining for each stage of parsing along with some exercises for practice on the spot. The elements of sentences are all shown and identified clearly so you don't have to worry about identifyingany element after taking this course. By the end of this course, you will be able to parse sentences in a very professional method in addition to being able to write compound and complex sentences skillfully."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Moroccan Kitchen" |
"in this course wewill learn how to make a Moroccan soup and couscous step by step and I hope that everyone can practice it at home because is very simple specially the soup, we'll also find a list ofingredients and vegetables that we used in our meals. if u have any question you can email me. enjoy it."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Pronounce Spanish Like a Native Speaker: A Proven Approach" |
"Do you want to learn how to pronounce Spanish perfectly, sounding like a native Spanish speakerevery time you speak?Do you want to learn my secrets to pronouncing the language perfectly, like my past clients in companies such as Coca-Cola, Turner, and The Home Depot?Over200 million people around the world in over20 countries, and 55 millionpeople in the United States aloneare of Hispanic origin. That's almost one in fivepeople living in the United States! Not to mention that many people who are not of Hispanic origin also speak Spanish. Youcan sit down and complain all day long, but this is something that has happened all throughout history, and those who prevail are those better prepared.In this course, you will learn the correct pronunciation of every vowel and consonant, how to tackle every phonemeto sound authentic, how to properly stress Spanish words, how to read accent marks, pronounce diphthongs, digraphs, and special characters (such as the and thediresis) and how to place your tongue and mouth to ensure that you sound like a native Spanish speaker every time you say a Spanish word.Who this course is for:Are you an actor or public speaker who needs to sound convincing when saying a Spanish text?Are you a mediapersonality who has to pronounce words in Spanish and fears mispronunciationand ridicule? Do you work in amulti-cultural or global company where you have to address people who speakSpanish natively or maybe have to pronounce Spanish product names?Or do you simplycare to sound like a native every time you say words in Spanish?If the answer to anyof those questions is ""yes"" then this course is for you. By the end of it, you will know how to pronounce any word in Spanish just like a native speaker."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Drawing course with pencils and charcoals" |
"I have designed this course very perfectly as per my experience of 15 years in this area of sketching and drawing. This ultimate drawingcourse will teach you easy and smooth handling of charcoals, graphite pencils, color pencils.This course includes -1) Professional techniques of human face sketching with pencils and charcoals.2) Application of basic science behind isometric views and 2-D, 3-D views, shadows of objects.3) This course will teach you how to sketch from a photograph perfectly.4) If students want to get a lecture video on certain subject, their need will be fulfilled.(for ex. if anyone asked to give guidelines on how to draw realistic eye, i will upload a lecture about it)5) Every detail of sketching with pencils and charcoals will be covered in this course.6) At the end of this course you will be able to sell personalized sketches, color portraits on A4 , A3 and A2 size papers.7) I will also upload lectures according to the demandsof students and their difficulties in certain sections. Anyonecan contact me on my mail id about this."
Price: 6400.00 ![]() |
"Crypto Monnaie - Cours Pratique Complet (Bitcoin, ...)" |
"Cours complet qui vous apprendra acheter du bitcoin avec des euros/dollars, l'changer contre d'autres crypto monnaies sur des plateformes de trading,puis le revendre contre de l'argent traditionnel.Vous apprendrez galement :Participer des ICO (quand une crypto startup vend ses propre token pour se financer)Diffrencier les bons projets de startupdes mauvaisComprendre les diffrents facteurs qui font qu'une crypto monnaie prend de la valeur ou en perd.Utiliser la plateforme de trading BittrexUtiliser d'autres plateformes de trading telles que HitBTC, EtherDelta etCryptopia.Identifier les arnaques avant qu'il ne soit trop tard"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Blog para Professores:" |
"J pensou em criar um blogpedaggico de forma simples, prtica, profissionale gratuita?Este curso destinadoa professores,formadores, instrutorese educadores que acreditam no potencial dos blogs como uma ferramenta de ensino equeremcriar umpara trabalhar contedos relevantes com seus alunos.Nestecurso eu vou te ensinartudo que aprendi durante todos esses anos criando blogs para uso pedaggico. Voc vai compreender que possvel utilizar essa ferramenta para motivar seus alunos e ampliar ainda mais o conhecimento da turma.E para finalizar,irei apresentarprticas educativas com blogs que foram realizadas por mim com alunos de uma escola pblica.Voc irAprender:A origem dos blogs e suas contribuies na sala deaula;Como criar, gerenciar e utilizarseu blog para diversos projetos educacionais;Como incorporar textos, imagens e vdeos em seu blog;Como integrar atividades ldicas com osjogos educativos;Como organizar pesquisas sobre os assuntos vistos em sala de aula tais como: sites, vdeos, imagens, msicas, textos e slides;A usar o blog como umaferramenta deapoio aaula presencial;Criar um banner para divulgar projetos, atividades e trabalhosdos alunos ou dasua Instituio e inserir em seu blog;Como integrar as redes sociais noblog.Criar o seu portflio profissional professorUtilizar o seu blog como um repositrio de objetos de aprendizagemCriar um blog Institucional, ou seja, da sua escolarea para tirar suas dvidas:Alm do espao que o prprio curso oferece para voc tirar dvidas comigo,teremosumGrupo no Facebookpara trocas de experincias e sanar dvidas,mesmo apso curso ser concludo.E tem mais:Este curso aindaest em desenvolvimento.A cada mssero disponibilizadas novas aulas sobre a criao epersonalizao deBlogs Pedaggicos.Aproveite, uma excelente oportunidade para vocdominaresta ferramenta e utilizar melhorem suas aulas,atividades e projetos pedaggicos!A aprendizagem deve ser como uma condio no individualizada mas construda na interao socialFreire 1996Com os Blogs Pedaggicos,as aulas se tornam mais dinmicas, interativas e os alunos mais participativos e colaborativos. ( professora Clarice Menezes)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Falar Chins Mandarim em 10 dias - Chinese do zero" |
"Partiremos do Bsico ao Avanado!Te ensinarei estudar convergindo sua ateno somente paraos 15% que garantem os 85% de resultado na fala do idiomaChins.Neste Curso de 10 dias meu foco ser ensinar vocs como comear estudar corretamente e como pronunciar as palavras na entonao correta, ecomo j citei tero condies de viajar para china e voltar com segurana.Para isto criei um plano infalvel se executadofarvoc aprender mandarim de forma fcil eficiente e efetiva em 10 dias."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Gesto de Produtos (Product Management)" |
"Junte-se aos mais de 9 mil alunos inscritos no curso ""The Complete Product Management Course"", disponvel em trs lnguas, sendo esta a verso mais vendida de Gesto de Produtos da Udemy Brasil.Esta verso apresenta legendas (BR), exerccios e toda a sesso de perguntas e respostas em portugus. So mais de 5 horas de vdeos e 76 aulas com um metodologia de idealizao e lanamento de produtos validada por startups e grandes corporaes do Sillicon Valley.Desenvolva as principais habilidades que iro otimizar o seu processo de Gesto de Produtos passando pela ideao, pesquisa de mercado, construo de wireframes, prototipao, histrias do usurio e liderana. Esse curso foi idealizado para ser facilmente compreendido por pessoas que j atuam na rea de produtos ou que tambm desejam ingressar.Esse curso ideal para:Startups e empreendedores em geral;Desenvolvedores ou designers que querem atuar com produtos;Profissionais que desejam concorrer a uma vaga de Gerente de Produto (Product Manager);Product Owner ou Scrum Master que deseja assumir uma vaga de Product Manager;Analistas ou Gerente de Produtos Jr. que querem ser promovidos para cargos mais altos;Gerente de Produto (Product Manager) Sr. que quer se atualizar e otimizar os seus processos com nova metologias de mercado. Alm das habilidades principais, voc tambm ir aprender com aplicar as ferramentas mais utilizadas em Gesto de Produtos como Popplet, Axure e Pivotal Tracker. Voc ter a chance de desenvolver a sua prpria ideia de produto atravs de um passo a passo com 10 fases, exerccios e templates. No final do curso, voc estar apto a criar uma Especificao de Produto com backlog de funcionalidades, wireframes e um prottipo interativo.J se perguntou como as organizaes como Apple, NASA e Ticketmaster projetam seus produtos? Voc saber depois de fazer este curso! Voc receber todo o conhecimento organizado de um especialista em Product Management, que por 8 anos liderou equipes nessas organizaes de ponta e lanou mais de uma dzia de produtos usados por milhes de pessoas diariamente.Voc ter acesso a segredos prticos que ficam escondidos nos bastidores das empresas mais inovadoras do Sillicon Valley. Tudo isso com exemplos reais de produtos muito bem sucedidos nos seus mercados de atuao."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
Docker |
"DockerDockerDocker HubLinux Docker HubDocker. 2. DockerDocker3. DockerDocker4. DockerDocker5. Automated BuildDocker6. Docker MachineDocker MachineDockerAmazon Web ServiceAWSGoogle Cloud Platform7. DockerDocker8. DockerDocker9. Docker ComposeDocker ComposePythonDjangoRubyRuby on Rails 10. Swarm ModeSwarm Mode11. KitematicKitematicGUIDocker"
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Amazon Web Service VPC" |
Price: 8400.00 ![]() |
"Amazon Web Service EC2" |
"AWSAmazon Web ServiceEC2Elastic Compute CloudAWSEC2EC2EC2EC2EC290%75%EC2LAMPWordPressAWSAWS. 2. EC2 EC2EC23. EC2EC2EC24.EC25. AWSAWS6. WordPressWordPressLAMPLinuxApacheMySQLPHP7. EC2EC2Amazon8. 90%9. 75%10. Dedicated Host11. AMIAmazon Machine ImageEC2AMIAMIAMI12. EBSElastic Block StoreEBSEBS13. Web14."
Price: 10800.00 ![]() |
"Kill Bed Bugs Like a Pro" |
"You will learn how to Exterminate Bed Bugs in your home the same way that the professionals do using the same equipment and supplies that the professionals use. This will save you hundreds of dollars. The national average for bed bug removal is between $1200 and $5000. You will learn what supplies you will needand where you can purchase them. The training is broken intoshortvideos to make it easy to watch when you have time. In most videos the knowledge isexplained first and themdemonstratedso you can see it in action. Enjoy the course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ISACA Certified Information Security Manager - Practice Test" |
"This training is a comprehensive reference guide designed to assist individuals in preparing for the ISACA CISM exam and individuals who wish to understand the roles and responsibilities of an information security manager. It is a current, comprehensive, peer-reviewed information security management global resource.CISM Domain 1Information Security GovernanceEstablish and/or maintain an information security governance framework and supporting processes to ensure that the information security strategy is aligned with organizational goals and objectivesCISM Domain 2Information Risk ManagementManage information risk to an acceptable level based on risk appetite in order to meet organizational goals and objectives.CISM Domain 3Information Security Program Development and ManagementManage information risk to an acceptable level based on risk appetite in order to meet organizational goals and objectives.CISM Domain 4Information Security Incident ManagementPlan, establish and manage the capability to detect, investigate, respond to and recover from information security incidents to minimize business impact."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) Expert Level" |
"CHFI certifies individuals in the specific security discipline of computer forensics from a vendor-neutral perspective. The CHFI certification will fortify the application knowledge of law enforcement personnel, system administrators, security officers, defense and military personal, legal professionals, bankers, security professionals, and anyone who is concerned about the integrity of the network infrastructure.By attaining this Course, professionals can prove their skill and knowledge in the following fields.Investigation processes in Computer forensicsLegal issues involved in investigationsSearching evidence and digital handprintsMethodologies of Acquisition and seizingRecover deleted files and hard dusk partitions and Many More.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |