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"Jenkins MasterClass for Absolute Beginner - Hands On DevOps" |
"Jenkins DevOps online course is designed to provide you with a thorough grounding in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery concepts with Jenkins and give you the necessary skills to implement them using Jenkins, Jenkins Code Pipeline, AWS CodeDeploy & AWS CodePipeline.What is this course about:This course covers all the fundamentals about Jenkins and teaches you everything you need to know to set up a Jenkins build pipeline starting with continuous inspection (build, test, and static analysis) all the way to continuous deployment(deploy to staging and production).At the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Jenkins and general DevOps skills to help your company or your own project to apply the right Jenkins workflow and continuously deliver better software.What will you learn from this lecture: In particular, you will learn:Understand the concepts of continuous inspection, continuous integration, and continuous deployment, and the difference between them.Build an automated continuous deployment pipeline to build, test, analyze, and deploy a web-based application with Jenkins.Create a multi-stage Jenkins job and visualize the complicated build pipeline with Jenkins build pipeline plugin.Integrate CI builds with other tools such as GitHub, Maven, Tomcat, Java, etcScale Jenkins workflow with Jenkins master and slave architecture, deploy and configure a multi-node Jenkins cluster in the cloud for labeled builds.Learn how to configure and extend Jenkins functionality with Jenkins plugins such as copy build artifacts plugins and deploy to container plugins, etcInvaluable DevOps skills such as setting up staging and production environment for continuous integration workflows.Learn tips on how to effectively improve Jenkins build time such as executing jobs in parallel.Best practices of working with Jenkins in the field.In-depth knowledge about Jenkins and confidence to help your company or your own project to apply the right Jenkins workflow and continuously deliver better software.And many many moreWhy shall we learn Jenkins: Jenkins is on the bleeding edge of technology today. It is also one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to software development and operation practices.The Jenkins Continuous Integration solution has become a standby in organizations of all sizes that want to increase productivity and streamline software development in the era of Agile. It has extensive community support has extended the core functionality of Jenkins by developing thousands of useful plugins. An ecosystem of more than 1,100 plug-ins has emerged, enabling customers to add all sorts of functionality and integrate Jenkins with everything from Active Directory to GitHub to Tomcat.Jenkins is becoming a must tool for DevOps. It allows companies to build very sophisticated build pipelines very quickly, thus greatly reducing the risk within the software development lifecycle. Tons of companies have already been using Jenkins to implement a continuous integration pipeline. Today you have access to that same technology right on your desktop. "
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Docker Container MasterClass : Docker Ecosystem From Scratch" |
"Learn Advance Docker & Docker Swarm form Experts.Develop and Conterize Application for Docker & Execute in Docker Containers.Convert your application into a Docker Application, Create Docker Images, and Deploy Docker Images.Manage Data Volumes, Persistent Data using Docker and Docker Swarm.Learn Continuous Deployment using Docker Swarm.Docker Training: Become Job Ready in Docker Containers by learning Docker Ecosystem, creating Docker images using Dockerfiles, Installing Ubuntu Linux, and CentOS Linux, Granting Docker Control to Non-root Users, Security, Orchestration, Network Configuration Files, etc. You will also get an exposure to industry based real-time projects in various verticals. After taking this course, you'll be able to:Use Docker in your daily developer and/or sysadmin rolesMake Dockerfiles and Compose filesBuild multi-node Swarm clusters and deploying H/A containersBuild a workflow of using Docker in dev, then test/CI, then production with YAMLProtect your keys, TLS certificates, and passwords with encrypted secretsKeep your Dockerfiles and images small, efficient, and fastDevelop locally while your code runs in a containerProtect important persistent data in volumes and bind mountsLead your team into the future with the latest Docker container skills!Why shall we learn Docker technologies:Docker software is on the bleeding edge of technology today. It is also one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to software development, operations, systems architecture, testing and compliance practices.Docker is becoming a must tool for developers. containers and the Dockers approach gives you the opportunity to work without any need of dependencies. Docker allows developers to focus on the things which actually matter without worrying about the environment where the application runs. Tons of companies are using docker in production, today you have access to that same virtualization technology right on your desktop. Why DevOps skills?Nowadays DevOps engineers are in great demand in the IT industry. Companies are looking for developers who can both develop and deploy the applications.The average salary of a DevOps engineer is about $140,000 per year in the Silicon Valley area which is 20% higher than the salary of a software engineer.Master DevOps Skills means you will be staying ahead in the competitive job market!Some of the many cool things you'll do in this course:Edit web code on your machine while it's served up in a containerLockdown your apps in private networks that only expose necessary portsCreate a 3-node Swarm cluster in the cloudUse Virtual IP's for built-in load balancing in your clusterOptimize your Dockerfiles for faster building and tiny deploysBuild/Publish your own custom application imagesCreate your own image registryUse Swarm Secrets to encrypt your environment configs, even on diskDeploy container updates in a rolling always-up designCreate the config utopia of a single set of YAML files for local dev, CI testing, and prod cluster deploysAnd so much more... 30-day money-back guarantee!You will get 30-day money-back guarantee from Udemy for this course. If not satisfied simply ask for a refund within 30 days. You will get a full refund. No questions whatsoever asked.Are you ready to take your DevOps skills and career to the next level, take this course now!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Git & GitHub MasterClass : Git Workflow, Commands & GitHub" |
"DescriptionGit CompleteThis course is designed to be a comprehensive approach to Git, which means no prior knowledge or experience is required but students will emerge at the end with a very solid understanding and hands-on experience with Git and related source control concepts.Course OrganizationThe course is divided into four major components:Introduction and SetupLearning Git Source ControlAll About GitHubBonusesEach one of the above components spans multiple sections in this course.New!Closed captions throughout the course!TheIntroductionprovides a welcome to the course including some useful tips for getting the most out of taking the course and how the course is designed. That is followed by theCore Conceptswhich go over some critical theory before diving straight into Git.After the introduction and core concepts, the first thing we do is aQuick Installationfor both Windows and Mac. The Bonus section has a more comprehensive, step-by-step process for those that prefer it.Course Introduction and Overviewprovides an introduction to this course and the Git source control system and sets the stage for the rest of the course.After the introduction, the first thing we do isGit Installationfor both Windows and Mac.Quick Starta very quick (15 minutes), hands-on introduction to Git. We start off by signing up for GitHub, creating a repository there, the makiing a local copy (clone), local changes (add/commit) and then update GitHub with our changes (push).InBasic Commands, we walk through all the foundation commands needed to start a new project managed by Git (or enable Git for an existing project) all the way through making commits, including common file operations like moving and deleting files. We also cover how to exclude the wrong files from accidentally being committed and how to review your repository's history.With a strong foundation in place, we explore ways to makeComparisonsin Git, including all the different local states, between commits, and between local and remote repositories.We give great attending toBranching and Mergingin Git. We start off with the simple ""happy path"" and learn about ""Fast-Forward"" merges and how to control them. The we walk through common ""automatic"" merges. Finally, we cause trouble on purpose so we can step through resolving conflicting merges with our visual merge tool.With a strong foundation in branching and merging, we will then cover a more complex topic,Rebasing. In that section, we cover several rebasing examples, including how to resolve a rebase conflict.In theStashingsection, we save our work-in-progress while we attend to more pressing issues, then pick up where we left off after that.NEW:In theTaggingsection, we mark important milestones or releases within our project. We also use those tags later for comparing differences between important milestones. We also look at how to use tags within GitHub.All toolshaveinstallationandconfigurationsections to ensure no one is left behind.Course FeaturesPresentationsprovide audio/video training of conceptual ideas. Since few like slide-ware presentations, slide-presentations are kept to a minimum.Severalattachmentsanddocumentlectures throughout the course provide supplemental information, illustrations, or other reference material.Moving ForwardThis course will expand periodically to include more topics, supporting materials and bonus content! Some content may be in direct response to student feedback or discussions -- so get engaged with the course discussions feature!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Recuperando Tu Nio Interior" |
"El temor al rechazo, el perfeccionismo, la dependencia emocional, la baja autoestima son actitudes y comportamientos que no nos permiten avanzar en la vida. Muchas ersonas gastan miles de dolares tratando de cambiar comportamientos y resultados y al final solo terminan frustradas.En este curso te queremos entregar una visin diferente, vamos hacer un viaje a lo profundo de tu mente para entender y aceptar estos comportamientos como parte de nuestro crecimiento personal.RECUPERANDO AL NIO INTERIOR vas a descubrir el origen de muchos hbitos que no nos permiten lograr muchos de nuestros resultadosVas a conocer cual es el verdadero origen del miedo a las ventas y como resolverloSi cada vez que inicias un proyecto, la falta de motivacin no te permite avanza en este curso vas a descubrir el rigenVas a conocer el origen del perfeccionismo y como esto puede retrasar los resultados de tu negociovas a saber la causa de la procrastinacin (por que dejamos todo para maana) y cmo resolverloVas a tener en tus manos tcnicas sencillas y muy prcticas para cambiar tus creencias y hbitos de forma rpida y permanentementePero antes de que tomes una decisin final, djame contarte algo. A lo largo de los ltimos dos aos de experiencia he conocido cientos de personas que inician un negocio propio y la falta de motivacin o la procarstinacin no los dejan avanzar y simplemente se abandonan a la desesperaciny espero de todo corazn que este no sea tu casoMIGARANTA En el improbable caso que despus de 60 das de adquirir y aplicar nuestro sistema, no logras hacer un cambio significativo en tu vida. Solo escrbeme un correo a info@inmensamente.nety te devolver el 100% de tu inversin si hacerte ninguna pregunta. Tu inversin est totalmente fuera de riesgo BONOS Cuadernillos de trabajo Acceso a la tribu inmensamente con asesoras mensuales para implementar nuestro sistema en tu negocio""Antes de dar clic en el enlace recuerda nuestra garanta de calidad: tu inversin est totalmente fuera de riesgo"""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Habilidades blandas del emprendedor Lider" |
"El recurso ms valioso de un negocio o emprendimiento es su genteConocer las habilidades blandas de inteligencia emocional, comunicacin y gestin de conflicto, te permitir crear un equipo slido y un ambiente de trabajo amigable y productivoEn ""Habilidades blandas del emprendedor Lder "" Vas a conocer un mtodo de 5 pasos que te permitir convertirte en un lder ms consciente y crear negocios enfocado en las personas (empresa consciente) que es la clave del xito de los negocios. Vas a conocer como pasar de vctima a protagonista.Vas a aprender cmo comunicarte de manera ms efectivaAprenders como desarrollar relaciones extraordinarias y cmo mantener a tu equipo motivado y comprometido. Aprenders el secreto detrs de la gestin emocional en los negocio (maestra emocional)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ZBrush - Aprenda Criar Seu Personagem para Games" |
"O que vou aprender?Aprenda a esculpirpersonagens,armaduras, acessrios e roupas do zero, utilizando tcnicas de artistas renomados nas indstrias de Games. Aprofunde seus conhecimentos e tcnicas artsticas com este curso de formao completa do Zbrush.Ao final deste curso voc sair com um personagem pronto para ser colocado em um game.Venha e Conhea nosso Curso.No ir se arrepender."
Price: 309.99 ![]() |
"Los 7 pasos para llegar el xito y conseguir lo que quieras" |
"Si estas leyendo la descripcin de este curso, es por que estas buscando lograr tener un cambio real en tu vida. Tal vez sientas que tus sueos de vida se han desviado y quieres volverlos a encaminar, volverlos a en rutar por el camino normal que deberan ir. Cuando somos nios los sueos de grande son muchos, queremos tener profesiones y posesiones casi que de pelcula, la verdad es que tener sueos de esta magnitud no es malo, lo malo es abandonarlos, dejarlos en el pasado, dejar que se pierdan. Esto es lo verdaderamente malo, en este curso te quiero animar a que los retomes, te animo a que vuelvas a soar como lo hacas de nio. PERO! esta vez que sea diferente, esta vez te guiare con unos pasos que no te alcanzas a imaginar el poder que pueden tener sobre tu vida si los aplicas en la forma te voy a ensear. Nunca es tarde para hacer realidad tus sueos, nuca es tarde para lograr tus metas, nunca es tarde para cambiar tu vida y empezar a escribir una nueva historia. Escribir esa historia en la que de verdad seras el protagonista, lleno de xitos y victorias. Y lo mas mgico de esto, es que con tus resultados podrs tocar y transformar la vida de todos aquellos que te rodean, djame acompaarte en este viaje."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a Thriller that Matters and Make a Bundle" |
"Adventure story writing is changing for the better, now that e-books are popular and people can read your tale on their smart phones while riding to work. A good thriller begins with action and ends with a terrific revelation and a big sigh of relief.Hold onto your seat! Here we go! Crisis after crisis! This is a course designed to help you understand how to write a gripping tale from start to finish, and then sell it to lovers of your genre. In this course you will learn: What makes a thriller thrilling Why a good thriller must have something important to say. Why the place where the action happens is vital. How to put the reader on the edge of his or her seat. How to surprise the reader in a satisfying way over and over again. How to put your story in a frame that makes it familiar, easy to sell and a pleasure to read."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Boost: Hear and speak correct English! Fast!" |
"English Grammar Boost is middle level course given by me, Anthony Barton, a native speaker and professor of education. I was born in England. I can help you master key phrases to make you sound more accurate when you speak English. I can help you understand what others are saying and help you speak better. The course includes: 23 lectures on key phrases and concepts 207 test questions to help you listen and speak the phrases correctly lifetime access to further material as it is added to the course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Great Leadership Made Easy" |
"Welcome to the 'Great Leadership Made Easy' course, where you will learn to use the right people management skills to be able to:build trust,build long lasting relationships and build great championship teams. THEISSUEWhy is it that so many people all around the world complain about their bosses?And why is it that only a very small percentage of (top)managers can truly say that they are highly appreciated and seen as a very effective boss andleader?Many bossesinall levels of management seem tolackthe vital skills to be reallysuccessful in their role. Theystruggle big time to lead and tomotivate their teams.This will definitely andpainfullyresultin:thebest staff membersleaving;chaos in the team;losing control completely;losing huge amounts ofmoney;losing customersandlosing reputation. And finally,......losing the entire business.THESOLUTION: 'Great Leadership Made Easy'Whatever the reason whyleaders and managers struggle, the smart approach isto focus on prevention andon solutions.This leadership course is all about prevention and problem solving. It isguaranteed free of theoreticalguru bla bla bla, but it is100% based upon many, manyyears of practical hands-on experience inmiddleandtop management functions.Learn from an expertwho believes leaders are thereto add massivevalue andby servingthe people they lead. A people management expertwho has been standing with his feet in the mud in leadingpositions for nearly 30 years. An expertwho knows what isreallygoingon at the work-floor, because he has been presentall the way. A guy who has been building andleading very successful teams and has inspired manyothers to do so as well. A highly appreciated leader who is comingfrom a place of love and serving.Raymondwants to highlight and share hisstrongbelief thatserving yourstaffis a strength, despite of what others might say. Heknows that makingradical positivechanges in the worldstarts withone person:YOU. Inspire others and get inspiredyourself!soWHY this course?Raymond Eckstein believes that the extremelydestructive results of bad or poormanagement skills, whichwe can see all around the world,are absolutelyunacceptable.Regardless where in the world peoplelive and work, hebelieves that everybossdeserves to be working with a great team and, at the same time,thateverybody deserves to be working witha great boss. Raymondis absolutelyconvincednobody needs to be a bad boss either. Hebelieves something needs to be done to change this, by applyinga different way of thinking. Positive improvementsarecreated for80% bypsychology and only 20% by mechanics.His dream is to make a positivechange in the worldby building a new generation of managers, who are truly good bosses and the right persons to lead and to inspire others. He is absolutelyconvinced this can be done. His mission is to reach as many like-mindedpeople as possible,who want to helpmake thischange and who firstwant togrowthemselves, before they can help others to grow as well.Together with you he wants tobuilda strongcommunityandinspire others to be part ofa positive changetoo. Bycreating a ripple effect, we can create a better world.So, what are the BENEFITS?for your CompanyStress free relationship between teams and all levels ofmanagementFull sense of being in control of the day to daybusinessHappy staff members who feel appreciated and highly motivatedHigher productivity for significant increased results in growing thebusinessVery loyal employees and vey low staff turnoverBeing protected from losing huge amounts ofmoneyBeing protected from losing customersBeing protected from losing reputationBeing protected from losing the entirebusinessfor YOU and your TEAMMore engaged staff members, working together for a greater goalLess distraction, more focusSelf-supporting teamsHigher creativity and problem-solving capacitiesLess stress and more motivationIncreased Bring it on mentalityMore personal growth and betterpossibilities to move up the ladderHOWThe way he successfully challenges the status quo is amazingly simple, straight forward and very effective. Raymond designed this course for anyone seeking to improve his or her leadership and people management skills. By the end of the course you will be able to recognize and confidently act on all kinds of business situations usingthe right mind-set.You will already see significant improvements happenwithin the first week after applying what you have learned.Raymond will use a very simple method explaining in easy to understand English language what skills are absolutely vital if you want to lead your team(s) or individuals as a champion and bring out the best in them, under any circumstances. This method is great for accelerated learning. Without using any form of rocket science, Raymondwill walk you through hisproven management method, step by step.WHAT In simple English he shares his knowledge, experience and expertise about leadership and people management skills with everybody who wants to become their best possible version as a boss anda leader.IDEAL STUDENT The ideal students for this course are starting managersor intermediate level managers who want to expand on their current skills to take their career to the next level. This course is forseasoned executives too,who do not get the results they have in mind. There are no complicatedrequirements necessary to enroll, but you areasked you to come with an open mind and you areaskedto be teachable.""Thank you so much for your interest. Feel free to take a look through allthe courseelements.I am looking forward to lead you tosuccess!"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Write in English Like a Native" |
"After 8 years of teaching, I have gathered my most effective lessons to create lessons online. This course is for intermediate to advanced English language students. The focus is common academic and professional grammar forms and vocabulary. Students who studied these exercises were successful at university and in their careers because of how quick the lessons increase fluency. The content includes infinitives, adverb clauses, noun clauses, participle adjectives and more but what's different about my teaching style is I show you when these skills are best used and the cultural meaning (or connotations) so you can use them with greater confidence."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cmo atraer clientes con Google Mi Negocio - 2020" |
"Google My Business o Google Mi Negocio es una herramienta que desde hace ya algunos aos, se ha convertido en el principal aliado de los negocios locales. Y si no la tienes o no la has utilizado adecuadamente, probablemente has estado perdiendo cientos o hasta miles de potenciales clientes. Google Mi Negocio fue creado para brindarnos resultados inmediatos cuando buscamos informacin sobre empresas locales.Lo ms seguro es que como usuario ya la has utilizado ms de una vez. Si nos vamos al buscador y escribimos Restaurantes cerca de m, te topars con decenas de opciones de establecimientos para ir a comer.En estas fichas de negocio podemos encontrar informacin sobre horarios, indicaciones de cmo llegar, telfonos, mapa, fotos de lo platillos y hasta opiniones de los clientes.Entre ms arriba aparezca un restaurante, ms posibilidades tiene de captar nuestra atencin y por lo tanto ms probabilidades hay de que lo visitemos.Y as cmo nosotros usamos esta herramienta, lo mismo pasa con los cientos de millones de usuarios de Google al da.No solo buscan restaurantes, tambin quieren encontrar dentistas, plomeros, salones de belleza, farmacias, centros comerciales, gimnasios, ferreteras y prcticamente cualquier tipo de negocio o prestadores de servicio que se nos ocurra.Si todava no te has registrado, tienes un oportunidad de oro en las manos. Pero si ya tienes listado tu negocio en Google My Business, y no has tenido buenos resultados aqu te platico algunas de las razones:No has entendido qu quiere Google de tu empresaNo llenaste tu ficha correctamente No ests haciendo publicacionesNo tienes suficientes fotosNo hay una congruencia entre tu informacin y el tipo de negocioNo ests gestionando adecuadamente las opiniones de tus clientesEntre algunas otrasLa gente est buscando tu producto o servicio, la oportunidad est ah. Por ejemplo, una de las novedades de esta plataforma son las publicaciones.Google nos permite ahora mostrar descuentos, productos, eventos y novedades de nuestro negocio de forma gratuita.Dentro de tu ficha solo debes irte a la seccin de publicaciones, agregar una foto y una breve descripcin y listo.Cientos o hasta miles de personas van a ver tus publicaciones y esto los motivar an ms a visitar tu establecimiento. Si no ests haciendo publicaciones que vendan, ests perdiendo valiosas oportunidades de crecer tu clientela.Probablemente hasta ahora, no has aprovechado todas las posibilidades que tiene esta herramienta para incrementar tus ventas.Pero no te preocupes... Porque en este curso voy a compartir contigo la frmula que yo mismo utilizo con los negocios de nuestros clientes de Ms Ventas NETLa misma que nos ha servido para incrementar sus ventas en muy poco tiempo.Toda esta informacin har que recibas cientos o miles de visitas de clientes a tu negocio, gracias a una correcta optimizacin de tu ficha en Google. Desde el ao 2010 me dedico a hacer marketing digital, me especializo en las PyMEs y creme, Google Mi Negocio es la mejor herramienta gratuita que me he encontrado para los negocios locales.Hemos visto cmo, despus de haber optimizado su ficha, los negocios de nuestros clientes han incrementado su visibilidad en Google hasta en un 304%Estoy tan seguro que este curso va a causar un impacto positivo en tu negocio, que si no te sirve o no te gusta, tienes hasta 30 das para pedir la devolucin de tu dinero."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu Agencia de Diseo Web altamente rentable desde casa" |
"Aprende todo lo que necesitas para comenzar con tu negocio desde casa de diseo de pginas web. T pones tus horarios y t eliges la cantidad de clientes que atiendes cada mes, todo es a tu propio ritmo y disponibilidad de tiempo.Si has pensado en tener un negocio rentable y trabajar desde tu hogar o desde cualquier parte del mundo mientras vacacionas, este curso te dar todas las herramientas que necesitas.Descubre qu tan rentable es tener una agencia de diseo webCmo conseguir tus primeros clientesCmo cobrar, crear y enviar cotizaciones irresistibles para tus clientesCmo generar ingresos de forma mensual y anual dando servicio de mantenimiento y hospedaje webEl proceso paso a paso desde la primera llamada con tu prospecto, hasta entregar el trabajo y cobrar por tus serviciosSaber exactamente qu quiere tu cliente y tenerlo siempre contentoOfrecerle otros servicios a tus clientes y monetizarte de forma mensualDescargar gratis mi plantilla de cotizaciones que yo mismo usoEs muy sencillo cometer errores cuando inicias un negocio, y este curso est diseado para ahorrarte tiempo y dinero comenzando con el pi derecho.La buena comunicacin es esencial para el xito de este negocio, en este curso aprenders tcnicas para comunicarte efectivamente con tus prospectos y clientes, creando relaciones a largo plazo y estableciendo expectativas que te asegurarn el xito constante.Al final de este curso tendrs todas las herramientas y bases para tener un negocio rentable, y que puedas llevar desde tu casa o desde cualquier parte del mundo donde te encuentres, siempre y cuando tengas conexin a internet."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Best T-Shirt Design Photoshop Tutorial In Hindi" |
"If you want to learn T-Shirt Design Tutorial from beginner level to expert then you are in Right place. No previous experience needed of Photoshop. I will teach you all step by step. IF you have some knowledge of Photoshop then it is great opportunity for you. In this course i will teach you how to design Best T-Shirt Design Tutorial in Hindi.T-Shirt Industry is a very big Industry and online fast growing in your business by T-Shirt Design. You can easily sell you design in Amazon Merch, Teespring etc. In this T-shirt Design Tutorial you will learn 5 t-shirts designs. So what are you waiting for enroll NowWho is target AudienceAny one interested to learn T-Shirt Design.Any one who want to sell online T-Shirt Design and earn Money at Home.You can sell your t shirt design Amazon Merch, Teespring etcNo prior Experience is needed.It is a basic tutorial of T-Shirt Design in Photoshop tutorialYou will get a certificate when course is completed."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
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"7/24 .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ( ) .. .. 9 .... #1 .. .. .. .... #2 20 .. + ... ..!! .."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Body building : guideline to build bigger muscles&burn fat 1" |
"The guideline to build bigger muscles & burn fat is your handbook for beginners men & womenbodybuilding that you can training without instructor or helper to safety youwhen you are exhausted during lifting the barbell or during training.However everything you will learn in this course is bass on scientific and its your essential knowledge that you have to use all the time in your bodybuilding life such asHuman biologyhow often you should train your muscles?What you should have after your exercise andwhen?How long time you should train ?Is 3-4 hours in the gym growth you bigger muscles?? True or not ??Muscles s nutrition sourcesCorrect exercise posture with the safety recommendBodybuilding philosophyAlright!! I suggest you to study in the course step by step. Never skip over any lecture for your the most benefitHowever lets enjoy the real meat of bodybuilding. And dont be hesitate lets enroll now and see you in the course!!We are waiting for you! !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create innovative ideas quickly using technology" |
"Innovative ideas are quickly becoming the most valuable currency. Learn to quickly create ideas that are more creative, guided by creative geniuses like Einstein, Marie Curie, Da Vinci, Ada Lovelace and others.Use the free and powerful technology tool T4I to simultaneously manage challenges and solutions, and to brainstorm new ideas in a multidisciplinary way.Combinemultiple disciplines and senses (visual, verbal, acoustic, emotional, etc), and the powerful Torch Innovation Methodology to exerciseyour entire potential.Train your creative muscles to keep them fit and ready to perform and generate useful ideas anytime.You will learn to accelerate the process of coming up with new solutions to all kinds of challenges, and to collaborate with others to innovate on projects, get feedback and manage the process to come up with new solutions.At the same time you will be better prepared to reduce stress and other side effects of too much analytical thinking, by reaching a better balance between your creative and your analytical muscles."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Canva - Ferramenta de Design Online" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar panfletos, convites, cartes de visita, logo, papel timbrado, grficos, infogrficos, apresentaes, eBooks, capas de livros, banner do Facebook, banner do Youtube, miniaturas para Youtube e muito mais com o Canva e sua nova verso 2.0:trata-se de uma ferramenta online e gratuita que facilita a criao de designs profissionais, mesmo que voc no tenha nenhum conhecimento com criao.Nem sempre podemos contratar um design profissional para cuidar da imagem da nossa empresa. Algum que possa dar forma ao contedo que produzimos, que prepare nossos posts das redes sociais, das imagens no site, no blog, que formate nosso eBook, ou que prepare os slides das nossas apresentaes e at crie a identidade visual de nossa empresa.Com o Canva voc poder criar todo o material grfico necessrio para informar, encantar e engajar sua audincia.Suas vantagens:Voc no precisar comprar nem instalar programa algum;Voc no precisa ter conhecimentos prvios de design;Voc no precisa de grandes conhecimentos em informtica;Voc conhecer o passo a passo para utilizao da ferramenta, com uma linguagem simples e objetiva para que voc entenda perfeitamente como criar seus designs;Voc no corre riscos: este curso tem garantia total de satisfao;Acesso vitalcio ao curso, ou seja, voc tem liberdade completa para comear e terminar o curso quando voc quiser e ainda poder acessar todas as atualizaes!Por que voc deve aprender a trabalhar tambm com imagens?Mais de 80% das pessoas no lem textos completos, eles simplesmente passam os ohos.Nas redes sociais, as imagens recebem mais curtidas e compartilhamentos do que os posts sem imagem;Uma imagem vale mais do que MIL palavras : nosso crebro l as imagens mais facilmente;Google, assim como os outros sites de pesquisa na internet, identificam e classificam tambm as imagens.E por que aprender a criar seus designs com o Canva?Primeiro por que o Canva uma ferramenta gratuita;Mas tambm porque: facil de usar e voc poder criar quantos designs precisar;Voc encontrar diversos modelos de design prontos para usar, modificar, copiar e compartilhar;Voc tambm poder criar seus prprios designs;Voc tem at mesmo a possibilidade de trabalhar em grupo na criao de seus designs;Voc pode editar textos e imagens;O que voc est esperando?Comece agora mesmo a descobrir esta ferramenta incrvel e use a sua criatividade para superar as expectativas de quem visita o seu contedo na internet!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2019/2016 - Minimalist. Professional. Aesthetic Charts" |
"COURSE OBJECTIVE: MINIMALISM. AESTHETICS. PROFESSIONALISM.The primary objective of this course is to train you to create charts in excel that are professional while being minimalist and aesthetic at the same time. Let me be honest with you, speedometer and highly colourful charts with data junk and information overload will not impress top tier clients.SUITABLE FOR PROFESSIONALS / CONSULTANTS / STUDENTSThis master course will be extremely useful for professionals and students alike; within a short period of time, you will be able to create Excel based charts that will positively amaze your clients and professors.The charts you will learn to create in this master course is as good if not better than the charts you usually find in professional journals and management consultant reports.All the charts created in this course, with the exception of the 2D Map Chart, can be made in older versions of Excel as well. Excel 2019 has 2 special charts namely the aforementioned 2D Map Chart and a new Funnel chart. However, in this course, I will show you how to create and even better funnel chart in older versions of Excel.So, if you are looking to take your consulting and presentation skills to a whole new level, enrol now! I look forward to significantly augmenting your chart creation skills. WATCH THE SAMPLE VIDEO TUTORIALPlease watch the sample video lecture where I will show you the basic principles associated with creating a highly professional, minimalist and aesthetic chart."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Manage Time Effectively and Increase Productivity" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Manage Time Effectively and Increase Productivity.This course isdesignedfor everyone seeking practical advice on how to improve time management skills and increase productivity.By the end of the course, you will be able analyze how you use time, how you allocate time, how to plan better your time as well as how to make instant changes to your work routine and benefit from 15practical tipsfor time management.Course starts by looking at how you spend your time currently, Then, we walk through the process of using proven techniques to make adjustments and improvements to your work habits.Wecontinue by looking at how to set goals, how toprioritize tasks, how to deal with meetings, how to organize better, how to deal interruptions and how to focus on results.We complete the course by presenting 15 tips that can be applied immediately with fast impact on productivity.There areno requirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start and Grow a Freelancing Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse on How to Start and Grow a Freelancing Business.This course isdesignedfor new or existing entrepreneurs seeking practical advice on how to start and grow a new freelancing business venture.This course is also relevant for full-time or part-time employees who are looking to make a transition into a freelancing business. In addition, young graduates and the unemployed can benefit greatly from this course.By the end of the course, you acquire practical tips for planning, preparing, managing and growing a freelancing business.Course starts by looking at freelancing and how it differs from full-time employment. Then, we look at what you need to consider before you get started, how to prepare and plan for a freelancing business, how to get the first clients and how to serve them well. We complete the course by discussing financial sustainability and what you can do in order to increase your income.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing entrepreneur that wants to start a new freelancing business, a full-time manager or employee who wants to transition into a freelancing business.There are no requirements necessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Grow an Established Business" |
"Welcome to ourcourse on How to Grow an Established Business.This course isdesignedfor entrepreneurs or managers seeking practical advice on how to grow an already established business.By the end of the course, you will be able to indicate whether your business is ready for expansion, what are the possible growth strategies for your business and how you can develop a growth expansion plan.You will acquire practical tips on how to analyze different business growth strategies, how to make decisions on which one to choose for your business and how to implement your decisions.Course starts by analyzing the current situation of your business and indicating whether your business is ready for expansion by using the SWOT analysis tool. Course continues by estimating the cost of expansion and looking at the impact on business changes. Course concludes by analyzing different business growth strategies and how you can implement your growth expansion plan.The ideal student for this course is a existing entrepreneur or manager that wants to improve business results by business expansion.There are no requirements necessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn. Please, allocate some time to complete the exercises in this course. Let's do it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a Project Report" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Write Project Reports.This course isdesignedfor everyone seeking practical advice on how to write a quality project report, quickly and effectively. By the end of the course, you will be able to write a quality project report in 2 - 4 hours. You will benefit from practical tips on how to prepare a project report outline, project report template, how to write different sections, how to write quality content and how to make it look professional.Course starts by looking at what you need to consider before you start writing, how to prepare a project report outline and template, how to gather the data, how to start writing different sections, how to complete proofreading, formatting and prepare for a presentation.Course includes templates for outline, template, report, tables and annexes.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing project manager who wants to improve their project report writing skills.There areno requirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learn."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write a Strategic Plan" |
"Welcome to ourcourse onHow to Write a Strategic Plan.This course isdesignedfor everyone seeking practical advice on how to write a quality strategic plan, quickly and effectively. By the end of the course, you will be able to write a quality strategic plan in 2 - 3 days. You will benefit from practical tips on how to prepare a strategic plan outline, strategic plan template, how to write different sections, how to write quality content and how to make it look professional.Course starts by looking at what you need to consider before you start writing, how to prepare a strategic plan outline and template, how to gather the data, how to start writing different sections, how to complete proofreading, formatting and prepare for a presentation.Course includes templates for outline, template, report, tables and annexes.The ideal student for this course is a new or existing project manager who wants to improve their strategic plan writing skills.There areno requirementsnecessary to enroll.We only ask that you come open minded andready to learnand ready totake some risks. In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklistsprovidedand engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!Theinstructorfor this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including20 years of business experiencehaving founded and developed multiple companies.Also, AJ has an educational background teachingEntrepreneurship coursesto University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make and Implement Effective Business Decisions" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Make and Implement Effective Business Decisions where you will learn to analyze and implement important business decisions like a pro.This course is designed for everyone who wants to improve their decision making so that they can make better, clear, timely and effective business decisions.By the end of the course, you will be become a better decision maker and you will be making better decisions in and out of your working environment.You will benefit from practical tips on how to analyze the situation, how to make good decisions, how to look at different options, how to come up with new creative solutions, how to involve your colleagues in decision making, andhow to implement the decisions that you have already made.This course starts by analyzing what it means to make a decision, what the process of decision making involves, how we involve your colleagues in decision making, what styles of decision making we can choose and how our decision making is impacted by the corporate culture of the business or organization where we work,Course continues by analyzing what do you need to consider during the time that you are making a decision, how we focus our attention to the implementation of the decision once the decision has been made and how we monitor the results or the performance of the implementation.The ideal student for this course is anyone who wants to improve their decision making skills and anyone who wants to become better at implementing the decisions that they have already made.There are no special requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn and ready to change your mind about decision making. In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Build up and Manage Teams Effectively in a Business" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Build Up and Manage a Team Effectively in Your Business.This course is designed for everyone who wants to improve their team leadership skills by maximizing team results.By the end of this course, you will become a better team leader, you will ensure you have better team performance levels and better results.You will benefit from practical tips and guidelines on: How to set up effective teams? How to lead the teams to maximum performance? How to ensure that the team dynamics are kept? How to ensure that the momentum is maintained? How to monitor performance? How to make adjustments and leaps? How to improve results over time?Course starts by analyzing team dynamics and what it means to work in a team as well as how this is different to working individually. Also, we look at what are the characteristics of an effective team and how we give responsibilities to team members including different roles to different people. And also, we look at how we can ensure that we have the right mix of experience in our team.Course continues by looking at how we can set up an effective team, how we make sure that the team remains independent and also make sure that team receives support from the company.Then, we check what kind of characteristics team members can have and how we can ensure that we hire and keep the good team members that we want to keep. Then, we look at how we work together in order to achieve maximum results and how to form self-managed teams.Course concludes by analyzing team efficiency and team results. We first look at what we can do to improve the team performance, then we analyze the team leader who should have skills in networking and communication which are very important in order to manage a team.Also, we look at how we can manage meetings in order to ensure that they become effective and not waste too much time on meetings. In addition, how can we create an environment where new ideas are welcomed from the team members?At the end, we finish the course by monitoring performance and seeing how we can spot things that can be improved in order to improve the results.The ideal student for this course is any professional who wants to improve their team leadership skills including new or experienced managers. But, taking this course will definitely help you achieve better results and work better with teams.There are no special requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you: bring a laptop, a pen and a notepad, are open minded, have a positive attitude, allocate some time to this course, be ready to learn and ready to practice what you learn, ready to commit to improve your team leadership skills.Through this course, you will become a better team leader and a better team player.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Communicate Effectively in Your Business" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Communicate Effectively in Your Business.This course is designed for everyone who wants to improve their communication skills including speaking, listening, writing and presenting skills.By the end of this course, you will become a better communicator, you will be able to determine what you can improve and where you can focus in order to be successful.You will benefit from practical advice on:How to speak clearly and concisely?How to listen carefully and professionally?How to write effectively?How to write quality content?How to prepare effectively for presentations?How to deliver a quality presentation?This course starts by looking at the communication process and trying to understand how communication happens and how it can become more effective. Then, we look at some problems that we have communication, why miscommunication and lack of communication happens between people. Also, we look at how we can listen more carefully? How we can improve our listening skills? And how we can become an active listener? We will see how listening becomes one of the most important parts of effective communication skills.Then, we continue the course with written communication skills including how to prepare for writing and how to think and consider important aspects such as topic, audience, information, message, etc. We want to prepare ourselves thoroughly and we want to write effectively. Before sending, we need to check whether we have any mistakes, we need to correct the text and we need to go through the writing process. I will show you how to do this in an effective manner.Then, we will continue and conclude this course by looking at the following aspects of effective presentation skills?How to prepare presentations?How to set objective of presentations?How to prepare individual slides?How to prepare our mindset for delivery?How to set up the room?How to deliver a powerful presentation?How to deliver an introduction, a presentation and a conclusion?How to handle the audience with questions and answers?How to achieve business objectives through presentations?The ideal student for this course is any professional who wants to improve their communication skills.There are no special requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open minded, allocate some time to this course, be ready to learn and ready to commit to improve your communication skills.Through this course, you will become a better presenter, a better speaker, better listener and a better writer or a combination of them.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ES6 Bootcamp From A-Z" |
"In this course you'll learn everything you need to be able to implement the biggest changes to Javascript. Examples and potential use cases for the newest features, how to deploy these new features in your code, and how it relates back to previous generations of Javascript. After this course, you'll be completely up to date on how to write new modern Javascript"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Typescript 3.0: A Practical Guide" |
"In this course we will start with the and take you from the absolute basics of TypeScript, to the most sophisticated features of the language. The beauty of all the things you'll be learning here, is that you'll be able to implement these modern features without the concern of compatibility with older browsers. This is due to the fact that the TypeScript compiler will automatically take your code and transpile it to an earlier version of JavaScript. Do to the utility and ease of use of TypeScript many frameworks have been built with and designed to implement TypeScript. After having absorbed this knowledge, you will also be able to grow and expand into some of the most popular frameworks out right now.Such as, Angular, Dojo 2, and Knockout.js for web applications and NativeScript, and Ionic for mobile app development."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2018 for Absolute Beginners" |
"The design of this course is simple. It's meant to give you the need-to-know information for you to get a firm foundational understanding of how to use Photoshop. Regardless of the industry, be it web design, photography, or character modelling, chances are you're going to need to use most of the tools covered in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms" |
"Updated for 2020 and 2021! Join a live online community of over 350,000+ developers and a course taught by an industry expert that has actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto as a senior developer. Graduates of this course are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook + other top tech companies.Want to land a job at a great tech company like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, or other companies but you are intimidated by the interview process and the coding questions? Do you find yourself feeling like you get ""stuck"" every time you get asked a coding question? This course is your answer. Using the strategies, lessons, and exercises in this course, you will learn how to land offers from all sorts of companies. Many developers who are ""self taught"", feel that one of the main disadvantages they face compared to college educated graduates in computer science is the fact that they don't have knowledge about algorithms, data structures and the notorious Big-O Notation. Get on the same level as someone with computer science degree by learning the fundamental building blocks of computer science which will give you a big boost during interviews. You will also get access to our private online chat community with thousands of developers online to help you get through the course.Here is what you will learn in this course:Technical:1. Big O notation2. Data structures: * Arrays* Hash Tables* Singly Linked Lists* Doubly Linked Lists* Queues* Stacks* Trees (BST, AVL Trees, Red Black Trees, Binary Heaps)* Tries* Graphs3. Algorithms: * Recursion* Sorting* Searching* Tree Traversal* Breadth First Search* Depth First Search* Dynamic ProgrammingNon Technical:- How to get more interviews- What to do during interviews- What do do after the interview- How to answer interview questions- How to handle offers- How to negotiate your salary- How to get a raiseUnlike most instructors, I am not a marketer or a salesperson. I am a senior developer and programmer who has worked and managed teams of engineers and have been in these interviews both as an interviewee as well as the interviewer.My job as an instructor will be successful if I am able to help you become better at interviewing and land more jobs. This one skill can really change the course of your career and I hope you sign up today to see what it can do for your career!Taught by: Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Web Development course on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, JP Morgan, IBM, etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life. Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities. Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way. Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible. See you inside the courses!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |