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"Mastering Unity 3D Game Development from scratch using C#" |
"More about the Instructor:This course is designed by Animation Hackswhichis the visual effect studio with high-quality skillartistwork on numerous unannounced projects. In addition, they enjoysharing theirknowledge with those students who learn 3D online.NOTE FORSTUDENTS- please take a lookSection 1 / Lecture 1 to downloads for the source attachmentlinkwith the lesson.)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The complete guide for blueprint development in Unreal 4" |
"More about the Instructor:This course is designed by Animation Hackswhichis the visual effect studio with high-quality skillartistwork on numerous unannounced projects. In addition, they enjoysharing theirknowledge with those students who learn 3D online.NOTE FORSTUDENTS- please take a lookSection 1 / Lecture 1 to downloads for the source attachmentlinkwith the lesson.)"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"How to Start a Business - From Idea to Bootstrapping/Funding" |
"What would our life be like without companies like Uber,Airbnb, LinkedIn,Twitter orYouTube?Facebook started as a way tocompare attractiveness between classmates.Twitter started as a website to list and find podcasts.What to they allhave in common?All of these companies started as asmall business and they allhad to define the problem they solved, the solution, traction, team etc.What will you Learn in this Course?Determinea problem worth solving - The villianDefine a solution people need - The heroTell an awesome storyWhy Now?DemoMarket sizeTractionCompetitorsTeamAskYou are going to learn 3 pitches? What?30 second pitch - What you say in a room full of people3 minute pitch - Someone is interested in your company and wantsmore infoFull pitch - Deep dive into your businessWhy didIbuild this course?Well, I have been through two business accelerators andfor the last yearIhave been sitting in a conference room with 2 other startup founders and we would work on our pitch decks for a couple hours one day a week. After our meeting we would go out use the pitch decks in front ofinvestors, meetups,pitch competitions, startup weekends, startup incubators, in front ofcustomers, friends and family to large venture funds.You name it and we did it. We would then come back every week and refine of decks, discuss what worked and what did not and I put it into a course.Who is the Target Audience?Anyone that would like to start a businessSomeone that has an idea and wants to see if it is viableYou have a company and or looking to grow and need more fundingYou want to be your own boss and work for yourself"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Age Slower - The Secrets of Skincare Revealed" |
"Its never too late. Here you will find many techniques and strategies that you can use to reverse damage to your cells, your brain and your joints.Too young? Now its an awesome moment to worry about how youre going to look in the future.So, its absolutely essential that you start to look after your health as soon as possible.Getting older is inevitable. Until scientists discover a genetic fountain of youth, we all must come to terms with the fact that we are going to see our health deteriorate as we get older and count more candles on the cake with each passing year.(Okay, so that last part isnt necessarily true most people give up on that once you reach about five).But while its inevitable that you are going to age, you do get a say in how you age. You get a say in how you get to look and feel and how healthy you are. Sure, some of this comes down to luck, butA Whole Lot of it Comes Down to the WayYou Eat,Your Lifestyleand EvenYour Mental Attitude!If you are already making your way into your twilight years then you may be under the impression that it is already too late for you.Not true! As you will see, there are many techniques and strategies that you can use to reverse damage to your cells, your brain and your joints and many of these can make a profound difference in a short amount of time.And perhaps youre in the other camp. Maybe you think youre too young to worry about how youre going to look in the future.But if youre over 25, the reality is that your body has already begun to decline. It has already begun to deteriorate. So, its absolutely essential that you start to look after your health as soon as possible. Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My Advice, youll be able to doLearn how to get the very most from your body, your looks, your mind and even your career no matter what age you are. Learn the secret to aging gracefully whether youre a man or a woman and no matter what life throws your way.See that your body can and should last you your entire life that aches, pains and damaged skin are not inevitable. Learn to keep on thriving until your last days on this Earth.Look and feel better immediately and protect you against changes that you might otherwise see in as little as a year. For the younger readers this is going to come down to how much foresight you have. How well youre able to look into the future and to plan for that, rather than doing what pleases you right now.And the list goes on and on But before you make up your mind on whether this is something you should spend your time on, I want you to imagine a day in the future. This day might occur in a few years from now or in a few decades.But at some point, you are likely to get a call from your old school/college inviting you to a reunion.You can now turn up at that event and look fantastic.If youre single, then youll have the pick of all the hottest men/women of your childhood.If youre not, you can flaunt your success and just how incredible you look OR you can ignore my advice and live life for the moment.You can turn up to that same event and be the one who just looks tired. You can be the one who your old friends whisper about behind your back: theyll say boy, that guy/lady has really let themselves go.Think ahead. Get Age Slower - The Secrets of Skincare Revealed now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Camtasia 9 Training: Pro Recording & Editing" |
"Make your best videos using Camtasia 9!Camtasia Studio Masteryis for everyone who uses Camtasiato make videos on their Windows PC or Mac. From beginners learning what the program is about, to experienced users who want to learn how to learn more about combininganimations and using the new behaviors in version 9, this course has loads of information for learners of all experience levels.From beginners to long-time users, you WILL learn how to best use Camtasia Studio.The Camtasia Mastery sections are divided into several bite-sized videos. If you're new to Camtasia, just follow the order of the videos for lessons that build on previous information. If you're experienced with Camtasia, jump to any of the topics you need help with. Most videos are only a fewminutes long but the course is packed with hours of instruction. You can get exactly what you need, when you need it - no more scouring hours of videos to try and find the one nugget of information you need.Post your questions. I reply to most student questions and comments within 3 days (usually faster). The best questions get video answers. I will create a video to fully answer great questions. Video answers (and questions) will beshared with all students in an optional section at the end of the course.If you are creating training videos with Camtasia, you will learn tricks and tips to save you time and make your videos look great! Enroll now and I'll see you inside the course.Youve come to this page because you're a new Camtasia user, or you have the old version and you're wondering whether you should upgrade. Youre probably tired of buying.New softwares only have it collect digital dust on your hard drive... A New Application Only to Paralyze You When You actually want to do something with itA program that everybody says is ""awesome"" but you're only able to do really basic thingAnd you start to wonder how it can be YOU to create the kind of eye-catching videos that get results...Camtasia Nine Makes Video Creation Dead SimpleWhether you want to record a simple video, presentation style with a program like Google Sheets or PowerpointOr you just want to show your customers and prospects some things you're seeing on your screen...Or maybe, you want to take a talking head video with NO screen sharing...just you and your audienceYoure probably wondering, if Camtasia makes any of these easy...or easier to do than what you're doingThe answer is yes and no. YES, Camtasia has lots of features inside of the program that make it dead simple to do super cool things to make you look like a pro.But all of these cool things are buried inside of the menus and the toolbars, without a prior knowledge of what to look for you could easily go out and buy lots of other video tools...when all along you had it with your copy of Camtasia.What if someone were to take you inside of Camtasia...Really deep inside to show you exactly how to start using it to do the Stuff that guru level video creators doAnd what if you could pick and choose what you wanted to learn and when you wanted to learn it.And you could do it whenever you wanted.Here is What you'll discover in this Video Course:Purchase And InstallationBasic Screen Recording Controls and Capture MenuTools and Menu OptionsRecorded InputsTracking Your ProgressTimeline ElementsUsing MarkersQuizzes and SurveysLibrary ElementsTransitionsAnimationsCursor EffectsAudio EffectsQuizzing and Surveys ExpandedProject SettingsConnecting Your Mobile DeviceBatch ProductionScreencast .comCustom Production SettingsScreen CaptureRecording PowerPointAnnotationsBehaviorsInteractive Hotspots.....And Much Much More (Too much to mention it allI know youll love Create Video with Camtasia 9 and get use from it month after month."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate eCommerce Blueprint: Amazon, eBay & Shopify" |
"Why You Should Start An E-Commerce Business Today...If your answer is: Lower start-up costs Then youre absolutely right! Because thats probably one of the main reasons why many are interested in starting their own e-commerce businessNot only will you say goodbye to needing to hire employees to run the business for you, you are also free from heavy monthly expenses like rent, utilities and insurance!Imagine how much you can save up and use it to invest on other things instead!Whether youre experienced in e-commerce businesses or planning to start one soon, heres something you can rejoice! - Because modern technology has made building brand awareness among customers much more easier!...With the growth of 202% in e-commerce sales in 2014, sales are expected to further increase for online business owners!How you ask? Its easy!...Social media can reach out and increase your companys visibility even to potential buyers at places like subway stations or street corners!Youll be amazed at how impactful social media can be when you start seeing your business expand to greater heights!With Your Permission, We Would Like To Introduce...E-Commerce FiresaleE-Commerce blueprint is a 40-part PDF course on how anyone can start an e-commerce business on popular and commonly known platforms like Shopify, Amazon, Alibaba and eBay.The blueprint was created not only to end the struggles that most newbies face when it comes to building their online business...But also as a go-to master guide for experienced e-commerce merchants to stand out from the rest of the competition and to finally make a name for themselves in the world of online marketing.We built this blueprint as something we wished we HAD when we started out.What's Covered In This 40-Part BlueprintYou'll Learn How To Build Yourself A Successful Online Business Empire Using One Of These 4 (Or All Of Them... The Choice Is Yours!) Most Popular Websites Used By Merchants Worldwide...Your Own StoreThis leading platform for global wholesale trade has over millions of products in over 40 different categories ranging from electronic devices to accessories. Discover how you can use it to your full advantage byreaching a global audience for your products, and if youre a buyer, find suppliers fast and efficiently!ShopifyWhat started out as a simple platform to pursue their passion quickly transformed into a tool in helping other online merchants to build their own retail business. Merchants today use Shopify to manage all aspects of their business including product orders and building relationships with customers.AmazonOriginally a book seller, this largest online shopping websiteexpanded to sell a huge variety of electronic media, digital media and consumer goods. Similar to eBay, users from around the world can purchase and sell goods using their online marketplace system.eBayWith their mission to be the worlds favorite place for discovering wide selection and rekindling passion, they aim to provide sellers the platform they need to grow and expand their businesses. They are currently the top 10 global retail brand and are focusing on building stronger connections between buyers and sellers as well as turning items that customers no longer need into real cash.And You Know What?You DON'T need high-level technical knowledgeYou DON'T have to be a rocket scientist to figure this outYou DON'T need high capital to start an online businessGo with just ONE of themand you can build an income stream that replaces your job... or DOUBLE, TRIPLE your online profits!Here's A Full List On What's Covered In This Amazing 40-Part E-Commerce Blueprint...Amazon01. Why Be An Amazon Affiliate?02. How To Register For Amazon Affiliate Program03. How To Get Amazon Affiliate Approval04. How To Identify Bestsellers On Amazon05. Keywords Research (Google Adword, Google Trend)06. Your Amazon Affiliate Site Blueprint07. Ultimate Copy Formula For Your Website Post08. How To Get Traffic To Your Amazon Affiliate Site09. How To Optimize Your Landing Page10. How To Scale Your Amazon Affiliate BusinesseBay01. Why eBay?02. Setting Up Your eBay Store03. How To Identify Hot Selling Products?04. Essential eBay Vendor Tools05. How To Source Items?06. How To Sell On eBay?07. Shipping Logistics08. Price Point Strategy On eBay09. eBay Traffic Building Strategies10. How To Scale Your eBay BusinessShopify01. Shopify At A Glance02. Getting Started With Shopify03. How To Set Up Your Shopify E-store04. How To Identify Hot Selling Products For Your Shopify Store05. Shopify Optimization06. Launching Your E-store07. How To Generate Traffic To Shopify08. How To Optimize Your Store09. Shopify Apps To Drive More Traffic10. How To Start Your Affiliate Program As A VendorStarting Your E-Commerce Website01. Why You Should Start Your Own E-Commerce Business02. Social Media Content Strategy03. Targeting Your Traffic04. Using Live Chat Services05. How To Build Your E-Commerce Mailing List06. Building Up Your Affiliate Army07. Retargeting Marketing08. Logistics Outsourcing09. O To O (Online To Offline)10. Secrets To Boosts Your E-Commerce Sales"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Marketing Strategy for Niche Marketing" |
"If You're Still Struggling to Find Your Place in Online Marketing, You Need to... Stop Trying to Be Everything to Everyone, and Learn the Power of a Focused Business!New marketers make a lot of mistakes.Bad copy, faulty website navigation, horrible color choices, and spammy emails are just a few of them. I made a few of these faux pas myself, and I bet you did, too. But there's one killer mistake that it can be nearly impossible to recover from - not defining your niche.There was a time (not that long ago!) when you could build a website around a market, like ""weight loss"" and make a ton of money. Now, though, a market is far too broad for you to make an impact. You need to narrow your focus. Successful marketers today use a laser-targeted approach to business - niche marketing.With nich marketing, you aren't going head to head with the big boys in the ""weight loss"" market, instead, you're doing battle with smart business owners like yourself in the smaller, but more profitable, niches within a larger market. And make no mistake, there are plenty of niches within every market. For example, within the weight loss market you might choose to target the raw foods niche, or the high protein niche (Dr. Atkins certainly does well with that one!), or even the elliptical trainer niche. The possibilities are nearly endless.If you know how to approach it.There's More to Niches than Long-Tail KeywordsThe Business Dictionary probably defines niche marketing in the simplest terms: ""Niche marketing is aimed at being a big fish in a small pond instead of being a small fish in a big pond."" But simply choosing a niche in which you can be the ""big fish"" is not enough. You also need to research, test, focus your marketing efforts, drive traffic, and - of course - satisfy your customers.This special report, Niche Marketing: Busting the Saturation Myth, is designed to teach you everything you need to know about niche marketing. It's not complicated, but you do need to get all the pieces together - in the right order - to make a profit in any niche. If you've studied niche marketing at all, you've probably seen a lot of advice about choosing keywords. But that seems to be where everyone stops.It's not enough to just choose the right keywords. That's great for a short burst of traffic and some quick cash, but it's not sustainable. Without all the other pieces of the puzzle, you'll end up being a small fish in that small pond, and some bigger fish will come along and have you for lunch! Time to step up your efforts and reallybuild a niche marketing businessinstead of just a short-term solution.I'll show you how...Niche Marketing from the Beginning...If you've ever searched online for a solution to a problem, or just information, you've no doubt come across a niche marketing site. Maybe you were making a quilt and wanted advice about which was the best quilting machine, or maybe you wanted to know what the hottest Christmas gift for your five-year-old nephew was. You probably found the information you needed, perhaps made a purchase, and went on your way. But did you ever stop to think how those sites ended up on your screen? That's what niche marketing is all about.In Niche Marketing: Busting the Saturation Myth, I'll take you by the hand and teach youeverything you need to know about niche marketing, from findingYOURniche, to researching your market, to choosing products, to setting a budget.We'll cover all the basics first, like...Knowing the difference between a niche and a market- go too broad, and your site will never see the light of day - or the traffic it deserves.How to choose the right niche for YOU- profitable is great, but you must keep two other key factors in mind when choosing a niche!Building a niche website- get it wrong, and your visitors will click away just as soon as they land on your site!But that's just the beginning...Beyond the Basics to the Heart of What Makes a Profitable Niche Marketing BusinessI'm not going to lie to you, there's more to building a niche marketing business than just slapping up a website and calling it good. You need to do your research first. But the good news is, I'm here to help!In this information packed report, I'm going to share with you all the pointers it took me years to learn, so you canGet right to work building your business,without the long and sometimes painful process of wading through all the useless ""information"" you'll find on some websites.Save time and moneyby learning early on how to set your goals - and reach them - without endlessly surfing the 'net for the missing piece of the niche marketing puzzle.This step-by-step plan lays it all out for you, in simple, easy-to-understand steps. No more guesswork or trying to piece together random bits of information overheard in marketing forums or on blogs whose only purpose is to get you to part with your money. Just good, solid information you can use.Read Today, Start Building Your Business TomorrowThis quick-read, step-by-step plan gives you all the everything you need to know to get your own niche website up and running in as little as a day.It covers things like:5 must-have elements of a successful niche marketing website - miss one of these, and you're losing customers!3 Niche Marketing Myths you've probably heard - and how hugely successful, international companies prove them wrong.The number one strategy for defining your target market AND driving traffic. Without this, your business will fail.How to find out - even before doing any work - what your market wants, and how to give it to them.How to continually refine your business - to bring in more customers and increase your profits.You'll also quickly learn these valuable business lessons:Maintaining your focus - Learn to be a strong taskmaster and your business will flourishHow to set - and stick to - a business budget - so you don't end up ""out of business"" before you even get started!4 proven marketing methods- two of which are absolutely FREE!Listen, building a business online has never been easier. Readily available (and FREE) software, inexpensive hosting solutions, easy research tools, and the staggering amount of information online means that everyone can have the business of their dreams. But there's a catch. You have to make sense of all those tools and information - and that's where my report comes in. This valuable, step-by-step system will help youmake sense of the niche marketing confusionand build a business you can count on.This quick-read, easy-to-understand report really is your guide to success in the niche marketing field. Do yourself - and your business - a favor and grab a copy today. If you find it's not everything I've promised and more, you'll be glad to know...So grab a copy today, and start building your own niche marketing empire. Soon you'll have a crowd of paying customers clamoring for more - more information, more products, more of everything you offer. Your credibility and authority will soar, and so will your profits! Just click on the button below to get started today!YES! I really want to learn more about building a successful and profitable business with niche marketing!Please send me my copy of Niche Marketing: Busting the Saturation Myth right now so I can learn how other marketers just like me are using this business model to build a better business.I understand your Special Report includes information about:Finding my niche - and how choosing the wrong niche for me will doom my fledgling business to failure.Driving traffic to my site - and why failing to do the proper research here will cause me to waste valuable time and money.Building a successful niche website - And how to get my target market to tell me exactly what they want to see!Developing your unique selling point - without this you're just another website!Enticing customers with valuable bonuses and3 proven strategies to really WOW!your potential customers.But most of all, ""Niche Marketing: Busting the Saturation Myth"" willsave me from wasting months of time and untold amounts of money learning the ins and outs of niche marketing by trial and error. Instead, I'll learn the most important aspects of building a niche marketing business quickly and easily from this one detailed guide to my success.I guarantee that once you read my guide and get started building your business, youll be just as excited as I am about Niche Marketing. Youll see how it canbuild your credibility, your authority, and your profits while filling your list with buying customers!Best of all, Niche Marketing gives youA highly targeted customer base you can count on to buy again and againA business you truly love to work on - because no one wants to hate what they doA scalable, repeatable business model you can use again and againall without having to cater to the masses (a surefire recipe for disaster)!Now, I'm not saying that large markets are bad. Amazon does an amazing job of being everything to everyone, but when you're just starting out, choosing a small, managable piece of a larger market is the best way to build a successful, sustainable business. I know it, and so do the companies I've showcased in Niche Marketing: Busting the Saturation Myth. Grab your copy and find out more today!To your niche marketing business success,P.S.Don't forget:Niche Marketing: Busting the Saturation Mythis backed by my personal guarantee - if you don't find it as helpful as I claimed - if you don't feel you've gained a better understanding of niche marketing and how it works, simply shoot me an email, and I'll cheerfully refund your money. Andyou have a full 30 days to decide. So take it for a spin. I think you'll like what you see!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Traffic & Digital Marketing Master Class" |
"If you're struggling to get more visitors to your website or you're frustrated from trying methods that DON'T work, well you're in luck because we're going to help you change that TODAY.And when you scroll further below this page, we'll show you how to make money from this...Also As Early As Today!Don't worry even if you think you're a newbie. Anyone with any level of experience can make this work.First, Who Are We And Why Listen To A Word We Say?My name is Edmund Loh. That's a picture of me while on a heli tour at the Grand Canyon.As you can see, I'm just an ordinary guy. If we pass each other on the street, you probably won't look at me twice.So what do I do for a living?Well, I've been running an online business for quite some time, selling digital products and services purely through the Internet.Here's a screen shot from one of my accounts recently...And here's another one...Now I'm not here to brag or try to tell you how awesome I am, butI know how important proof is to you.And I know YOU want to know howyou can make results like POSSIBLEfor you.I am living proof that financial freedom is very humanly achievable.And having been doing this for 12 years and counting, I remain 100% convinced that starting your own Online Business is still the BEST business of the 21st century.I am joined by Chrysa Lin, who is a teacher and authority figure in Singapore's Education industry. Her vast experience is matched by her passion to teach young children and teenagers.Some time ago we launched a social media product andgenerated more than $48,000 in sales in under a week!""Wowza, How Did You Make That Happen?!""The Short Answer:We Know How To Get Traffic!Let's face it. You can create your own product. Or buy the rights to an existing product. Or buy over websites even...But if you do NOT know how to send traffic, all these will mean NOTHING at all.I mean, how are you supposed to sell your offer if no one knows about it in the first place?Unfortunately that's where a lot of people struggle.And it's sad because in their frustration, they become vulnerable to scams and questionable methods like""Get 1 Million Guaranteed Visitors For $29.99""""Free Traffic Exchange Programs By Surfing On Other People's Sites""Submitting Hundreds Of Low Quality ArticlesSpamming The Classified Ads... And more methods that don't work(or don't make sense)That's why you won't find any of these ineffective methods in our latest course.We're Calling This...The Big Traffic FiresaleOur colossal course covers traffic-getting methods that arevigorously tried and battle-tested, but that's not why we named it so. You see, most products out there focus on 1 specific method, but we understand that not all traffic methods are equal.So instead of covering just 1 or 2 methods...... We've decided to just give you the entire gamut.Act Now - Get Instant AccessWe Reveal 11 Rock Solid Ways To Get Traffic... Covered Over 60 Parts In This Entire Training Course!Nothing held back, here's a sneak peek at the full syllabus covered in this epic training program...1 - Introduction1. Introduction2 - Google Adwords2. What Is Google Adwords3. Google Adwords - The Mechanics4. Highest Bid Quality Scores - The Basics5. The Stractics (1)6. The Stractics (2)7. The Stractics (3)8. The Stractics (4)9. Optimize Your Google Adwords3 - Media Buying10. Media Buying_An Overview11. Reverse Engineering12. The 5 Distinctive Variables13. Direct And Indirect Competitors14. Mastering Your First Banner And Offer15. Work It Out4 - Solo Ads16. What Are Solo Ads17. How To Generate Your Traffic (1)18. How To Generate Your Traffic (2)19. The Golden Rules (1)20. The Golden Rules (2)21. Test It Out5 - WSO22. What Is Warrior Special Offer23. Creating Your Own Warrior Special Offer24. Warrior Tips To Traffic6 - Affiliate Program25. Meet The Affiliate Program26. The 3 Handymen Of Affiliating27. Customize Your Profile28. Grab An Affiliate29. Finalizing Your Product To The Affiliate7 - Facebook Ads30. Facebook Ads An Overview31. Lets Get Started32. Your Campaign Objectives33. Facebook Ads Budget And Bidding34. Audience And Targeting35. A Picture Is Worth A 1000 Dollars36. Optimization Increasing Traffic And Conversions37. Video Tutorial - Creating Your First Ad Campaign8 - Search Engine Optimisation38. Introducing The Search Engine Optimization39. Meet Your Optimization Friend40. SEO Agents Of How (Part 1)41. SEO Agents Of How (Part 2)42. You & Your Traffic Generating Agents9 - Facebook Page43. Facebook Page44. The Fundamentals Of An FB Page45. FB Page Traffic (Part 1)46. FB Page Traffic (Part 2)47. Concluding Your Consistency With FB10 - Instagram48. Introducing Instagram49. Instagram User On The Go (Part 1)50. Instagram User On The Go (Part 2)51. Whats Next For You & Instagram11 - Tumblr52. Welcoming Tumblr53. Becoming A Tumblr User (Part 1)54. Becoming A Tumblr User (Part 2)55. Tumblr & Traffic12 - Pinterest56. Pinterest_Your Virtual Pins And Boards57. How Do You Pin It (Part 1)58. How Do You Pin It (Part 2)59. Traffic And Pins13 - Conclusion60. ConclusionIf You Solve Your Traffic Problems Today...If you couldn't or don't know how to send traffic, your websites won't make money.If you're not making money, you will be out of business sooner or later.And if you're out of business, how are you going to pay for your bills... or quit that job you hate so much?Sure we're thinking way ahead...But Isn't That True?If you believe in the 90/10 rule, then THIS is the10%that is causing90%of your problems right now.Now If It Were TheOPPOSITE, Imagine How Things Will Be...You've mastered the art and science of summoning traffic to ANY site at will.Word goes around among product vendors that you possess this... unearthly sorcery.And they'd be begging you to promote their product.Whether their product will be a bestseller in the market... is at your mercy.Just as important, all the products you've been buying all these while? They finally make sense... and make money for YOU.Because you've arrived at the epiphany that... He Who Controls The Traffic, Controls The Game!Many Years Ago There Was A Critically Acclaimed Traffic Course That Sold For $997.And for many reasons we should charge the same price(if not higher)Considering that more methods are covered in this training, not to mention up to date PLUS in the grand scheme of things, it's a small price to pay to get your site flowing with traffic...Finally getting eyeballs on your sales pages...Signups on your opt-in forms...Sitting people for your webinar or offline event...Getting customers to your e-commerce stores...How Much Would You Pay To Get Results Like This?Well, Here's The Good News...It won't be $997.It's not $497.And it's not $100 even..."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Backward Sales Funnel: Secret of Higher Conversion Rates" |
"""Finally, Discover How To Create All Your Products In Your Sales Funnel To Ensure You Have The Highest Converting Sales Funnel Quickly And Easily Without ""Writer's Block""...Starting Today!""By the end of this video course you will be able to see exactly what your products are going to be inside of your sales funnel. Once you get the hang of the strategy you'll be able to set up sales finals in a matter of less than 15 minutes.There's a lot of talk about different sales funnels and different funnel blueprints, but oftentimes you get stuck or left in the dark wondering how to put it into practice.What kind of offers should you create so you have the highest converting funnel?You get left high and dry because you don't know how to create offers to sell.You get product owner's ""writer's block"", as one would say.You're stuck.What should be your freebie to get people to opt into your list so you can promote your front end offer?What should your front end offer be?How about your one time offer?What about a second one time offer after that one?How about your high end ticket / mastermind / coaching offer, etc?As a product creator myself, after years of product creation I discovered an amazing strategy to speed this process up.I learned this specific trick which allows you to create everything inside your sales funnel fast.No more roadblocks once you learn how this strategy works.Not only will I share with you this strategy, but I'll walk through real life and practical examples that you can follow and apply to your own business and products.So by the end of this video course, you'll have a finished and complete sales funnel filled with the right products.Introducing... The Backward Sales Funnel!!!Here's a list of this 9 part video series in more detail:Video #1: Introduction to the Backward Funnel MethodUp until this point you may not have heard of the backward funnel method. So in this particular video we are going to give you a quick overview of exactly what will be discussed in this video course. Plus, we'll talk about how it all works so that you can create your own game plan for implementation.Video #2: The LadderBefore we can jump into understanding how to implement this method, you need to understand what causes writers block or, in this case, a big roadblock that prevents you from creating your products and services in the form of front end offers and one time offers.Video #3: The Biggest MistakeOnce you understand how to prevent writers block and potential future roadblocks, it's time for you to learn about the biggest mistake that most people tend to make when it comes to building your sales funnel final from front to back.Video #4: Your High Ticket OfferIn this particular video we will be covering your highest priced offer first. We will discuss how you can go about creating lists, what it entails, and why you should start with this offer first rather than starting from the front.Video #5: Your One Time OfferNext, we will move to the one time offer and show you exactly how to make everything congruent so that you have the highest converting funnel ever. Now, there is a specific way of doing this, so we will show you step-by-step how to go from basic understanding to full implementation in this video.Video #6: Your Front EndNext we will cover the front end offer. This is going to be what people see as of the first page that sells your first product. Oftentimes when businesses start at this point and move forward through their sales funnel, they get extremely confused. We don't want that to happen to you, so we will make sure that you understand exactly how to create a high converting funnel as well as an effective one.Video #7: Your Lead MagnetNow comes the freebie that you can offer to people in exchange for their email address. This can be considered building your prospect of lists or people that have not purchased your product just yet. But this part is crucial because it's the very front end of your sales funnel. Do this wrong and you can ruin the rest of the funnel. Do this right and you can set the tone for your sales funnel and a positive, high conversion rate.Video #8: Practical Application: 5 Minute ExamplesBy this point you will understand exactly how to implement the backward sales funnel method. In no time will you be able to create your finals quickly and easily; in fact, youll be able to do it within five minutes or less. But to put this into perspective and to ensure that you are fully confident, we will cover five-minute examples to show you exactly how easy this is.Video #9: Recommended Platforms to Connect ToCongratulations! You have reached the end of this video course. By this point you will have learned how to implement and activate your game plan. However, you will still need to have a platform that allows you to sell your products and services. We will cover this in the recommended platforms to help you apply this right away. Well also take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each platform. This way you can come to the best decision for your business and success.Learn how to set up all your products and services inside of your sales funnel to create the highest converting funnel right off the bat."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cisco ACL (Access Control List with VLan ACL)" |
"Really want to understand what is Access control list from very basic to advance level.I have explained all about from very basic to advance configuration of ACl even including vlan ACL in LAN. This course include everything about ACL like staring from what is ACL , why we need it , what are universal firewall rule to configure ACL . Then what are different type of ACL , and how we can configure ACL with practical demonstration how we can configure Standard , Extended , Named &VLANACL ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dveloppeur d'Applications Mobiles Formation Complte 2020" |
"Devenir dveloppeur d'applications mobiles devient accessible tous grce cette formation complte ! (Dj plus de 3900 participants l'intrieur du cours)Aucune connaissance pralable en programmation n'est requise pour suivre cette formation: Que vous soyez tudiant, en reconversion professionnelle, dveloppeur ou exerant un autre mtier (enseignant, mdecin...), vous pouvez commencer votre apprentissage ds maintenant!Vous avez juste besoin d'un PC ou d'un MAC et d'une connexion internet.Cette formation vous permet d'atteindre de manire simple et efficace les objectifs suivants:- Savoir crer vos propres applications mobiles iOS et Android de A Z (et les publier dans les store)- Savoir raliser tous type d'applications tout en partageant le code entre iOS et Android (gain de temps norme)- Savoir dvelopper en langage C# (un des meilleurs langages de programmation existant, qui vous permettra par la suite d'voluer vers d'autres domaines: dveloppement de jeux Unity, dveloppements serveurs...)Ces comptences forte valeur ajoute vous permettront de prtendre un emploi ou crer votre propre produit.Il y a actuellement un besoin important en dveloppeurs d'applications mobiles. Saisissez cette opportunit d'apprendre les comptences les plus demandes sur le march de l'emploi, et gagnez de l'argent!Pourquoi Xamarin ?Dveloppement Natif, React natif, ionic, PhoneGap... Vous avez peut tre entendu parler de ces frameworks de dveloppements mobiles.Sachez que Xamarin est la meilleure technologie de dveloppement d'applications mobiles Cross-Platform. C'est dire qu'elle permet de dvelopper la fois pour iOS et Android tout en utilisant le mme code source: en langage C#.Pourquoi le meilleur? Car il permet d'obtenir les meilleures performances et le meilleur rendu graphique pour votre application (comme une application native).En une phrase: Xamarin c'est la technologie qui vous permet de raliser rapidement et facilement des applications mobiles performantes et fiables.Cependant cette technologie reste mal connue en France. Cette formation c'est tout simplement la formation la plus complte sur Xamarin sur le march Francophone.PROGRAMME- Pour les dbutants, nous allons d'abord apprendre la programmation en partant de zro. Vous apprenez les concepts de dveloppement en analogie avec des exemples trs concrets tels une recette de cuisine. Tout le monde peut comprendre!- Vous tes dj dveloppeur? Dans ce cas passez directement la partie ""Spcificits du C#"" pour rentrer rapidement dans le langage C#. Dans cette partie je compare le langage C# avec le Java et le C++ afin de vous expliquer les diffrences de syntaxes et les spcificits de ce langage.- Si vous connaissez dj le C#, vous pourrez directement aller la section sur ""Crer des applications mobiles avec Xamarin Forms"".Xamarin vous permet de raliser vos applications mobiles tout en partageant du code entre les diffrentes plateformes (iOS, Android, Windows).Ainsi vous allez gagner du temps au niveau du dveloppement, mais aussi au niveau apprentissage, car nous allons utiliser un seul langage : le C#.100% du contenu de ce cours est en Franais (textes, interface des logiciels...).Vous pouvez utiliser soit un MAC, soit un PC : je vous montre les deux versions dans les vidos (Visual Studio 2019 pour PC ; Visual Studio 2019 sous MAC).OBJECTIFS- Apprendre la programmation et le langage C# en partant de zro.- Crer des applications iOS et Android en partant du tout dbut, jusqu' la publication dans le store.- Maitriser les techniques de partage de code entre plateformes avec Xamarin.Forms.- Etre suffisamment autonome pour intgrer par vous mme des fonctionnalits spcifiques votre projet.CONTENU- Installation de Xamarin et de Visual Studio (pour PC et pour MAC)- Prsentation de Xamarin- Apprendre la programmation et le langage C#. Concepts et projets pratiques.- Synthse du langage C#, qui permet aux dveloppeurs d'un autre langage de comprendre la syntaxe et de rentrer rapidement dans le sujet.- Crer des applications iOS/Android avec Xamarin.Forms : - Les plateformes iOS et Android - Connaitre les techniques de partage de code - Savoir crer des layouts qui s'adaptent tous types d'crans - Utiliser les contrles de base - Naviguer entre diffrentes pages - Animations et fonctions asynchrones - Communication Serveur (HTTP Client, JSON) - Persistance des donnes (User settings et File System)- Publication dans l'AppStore (iOS) et le PlayStore (Android)- Pratique et Exercices travers diffrents projets.DU CONTENU FRAIS POUR 2020La formation contient toutes les dernires techniques et nouveauts concernant le dveloppement d'applications mobile iOS/Android avec Xamarin Forms.Une section spciale a t rajoute pour apprhender les dernires fonctionnalit de Xamarin Forms 3.5Un nouveau module spcial ""Vivre du code"" vous parlera de votre futur de dveloppeur : Comment montiser, des conseils emploi, devenir freelance et digital nomad.A VOUS DE JOUER !Mon engagement: ""Raliser le meilleur cours possible et vous donner accs du contenu de haute qualit, afin que vous ralisiez vos objectifs de manire la plus facile et efficace possible""Vous ne prenez aucun risque: Si pour quelque raison que ce soit, ce cours ne vous convenait pas, vous pouvez faire appel tout moment et sans aucune justification au remboursement intgral de ce cours (dans la limite des 30 premiers jours).Vous donner toujours plus: Des cadeaux de bienvenue et des bonus supplmentaires vous attendent l'intrieurs de la formation. Ces bonus vous aideront tre plus efficace dans votre organisation, et vous donneront accs du contenu complmentaire.Vous n'tes pas seul:Un problme ou la peur de se retrouver bloqu cause d'une erreur ? Vous aurez accs l'ensemble des questions que les autres participants ont dj pos dans ce cours. Si cela ne vous aide toujours pas, je vous invite m'adresser votre question afin que je vous aide rsoudre votre problme.Nouveau : Vous aurez accs au groupe priv de la communaut sur ""Discord"".Passez l'action ds maintenant et rejoignez les 3500 autres participants l'intrieur de cette formation!Voici ce qu'ils en disent:Mickael L.""Le cours permet une prise en main assez rapide de l'univers Xamarin! Heureusement que certaines personnes, comme Jonathan, souhaitent transmettre leurs connaissances car dans le cas de la documentation officielle de Xamarin il manque tellement d'informations!"" Franois N.""Excellent cours pour apprhender Xamarin forms, bravo.""Emmanuel C.""Bravo Jonathan ! La formation est trs complte, les explications le plus claire possible. L'ensemble est aussi trs bien squenc.""Sun B.""Franchement, je dis bravo !J'ai voulu me lancer aprs avoir cod en Visual Basic pendant mes tudes (j'ai voulu apprendre le C# pour pouvoir faire plus de choses). Ce cours est dtaill, concis et trs clair !D'ailleurs, on peut monter rapidement en comptences grce la pratique avec quelques exercices et des projets bien sympathiques.C'est accessible tous (mme si vous n'avais jamais cod puisque vous reprenez par les bases dans la premire partie du cours).Merci Jonathan Roux pour cette formation gnialissime ^^"""
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Rdaction et Publication d'un Article Scientifique" |
"Vous avez des soucis pour avancer dans votre doctorat? Vous tes bloqu et vous n'avez plus de visibilit comment produire des articles pour valoriser votre travail? La formation sadresse aux doctorants, et nous souhaitons atteindre ces deux objectifs travers cette formation: Vous donner de lnergie positive pour bien avancer dans votre doctorat Connaitre les astuces et les erreurs viter pour produire plus darticles. La formation contient des conseils pratiques inspirs des expriences relles de doctorants."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"In this course, the Step-by-Step Guide To Build A Shopify Store That Converts, I will help you hands on, how to start your own dropshipping business using the Shopify platform and how to build a Shopify store that will have a high conversion rate without any coding knowledge, using the best strategy and completed in less than 1 hour! You won't have to waste weekstrying to learn how to set up and customize everything on your own, everything is explained thoroughly and straight to the point.You Will Also Learn How To 1. Make extra income with shipping fee2. Write a high converting product description 3. Choose winning products4. Price your product rightlyand many more opportunities.Course Resources1. Free Fully Customized Theme2. Shopify Income Multiplier Starter Guide3. List Of 4 Hot Selling Products e.t.c.Cash on this opportunity now, start your own well optimized highly converting Shopify eCommercestore with me and let your dream become a reality.Act quickly and let us start building your first Shopifystore now!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop From Zero to Pro" |
"Thiscourse will guide you through how to use Adobe Photoshop CC and its user interface and you will learn in a step-by-step manner how to use the basic essential tools for editing and enhancing your photographs. The course will show you how to remove background elements from the image, re-touch blemishes in the original photograph, crop elements out of the image, insert text onto an image, create marquees around elements to remove or modify them, and free transform a selection that has been cut from an image.Topics include:Saving images in different file formatsCreating actionsRecording actionsBatch processingCreating dropletsWorking with variablesUsing Vector GraphicsMastering the Layer StylesRendering 3D objectsConverting 2d images to 3DUsing ArraysBasic and Advance Use of Every Tool of Adobe Photoshop"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness for Anxiety: The Ultimate Anxiety Program!" |
"Is Anxiety affecting your life in any way? Trust're not alone.If you would like to take the journey of dissolving your anxiety naturallythen this is the course for you!Running a Mental Health & Addiction Clinic we see people from all walks of life, however one common thread that seems to run through everyone in some form or another is a sense of anxiety & stress.So how do we tackle this??In this course you'll learn:- About your instructors lifelong battles with Anxiety & Addiction- How society primes us to be anxious- Understanding the physical, mental & emotional process of Anxiety- The events where you have unresolved Fear- How to have compassion for yourself while experiencing fear- How to slow your thoughts and tap into something much greater- How to meditate- How to stop accumulating emotional baggage- How to work with your inner child- A tool belt full of strategies to help you manage in the futureLet me say this.....I'm not going to click my fingers on a video and your anxiety will be gone.This requires work!There will be many exercises to do, supplemental resources to go through and a thorough PDF Syllabus to fill out.So if you're up for the challenge and would like to take the journey together,Enroltoday! And start learning how you can live a life that's no longer controlled by Fear & Anxiety."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
jzysuyic |
Price: 7800.00 ![]() |
"Wix Web Design 2020 Part 2: EXPERT *Wix Certified Trainer" |
"It's like a Professional Design School in a box.Where our 101 Master Course left off, we continue the journey. Most courses stop at the basics. Now we will take you to the next level of web design. Learn professional web design principles from a Wix Certified Trainer. New for 2020: Learn about the new Wix Ascend service portalYou will:Discover the 4 W's of Web DesignAdd value to your websiteLearn foundational design principlesBuild a call-to-action buttonImplement color palettesApply the Law of ContrastImprove your typography with 3 rules of fontsUpload custom fontsCreate a video landing pageCreate a video/homepage hybridBuild a page with design stripsApply animation to buttons and objectsCustomize the navigation menuFind out 3 things your Footer should haveAdd an event flyer to your homepageCreate 3 types of photo galleriesBONUS SEO SECTION!Learn a brief history of Search Engine Optimization, then learn how to use your knowledge to get maximum results.We will look at the Wix SEO WizardHow to get your Wix site listed with Google DIRECTLYHow to add blogs to your site: Wix, Blogger, and Tumblr Transcript from welcome video:Hello, everyone. I'm Michael Wood at Captivatim Multimedia & Web Design. I'm really excited about this Web Design design course. And yes, I did say, ""design,"" twice. The reason why is the term ""web design"" or ""web designer"" has come to mean so many things; everything from building a website, to designing it, to figuring out search engine optimizations (SEOs), and keywords and blogs -- all the way to automation, like automatic bookings and getting people to schedule appointments online. There are so many jobs a web designer of today needs to do.So I've broken it down into basic steps. If you were with me at the Web Design 101 class, we learned to build websites without writing code. We used Wix Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI), we used templates, we used anything we can to just get the site built.If I were to use a car as an analogy, it's like we built the car. It's fast, it moves -- it moves great, actually. However, this course is about the paint job. This is where we're going to make that car look great. We're going to make your website look stunning and professional.However, what I've come across when I work with clients, is they get stuck at the template stage. Yes, their website is done, it can be published. But what can we do to make the website better? And that's where this class comes in. I am going to show you the strategies that professional web designers use. We're going to answer a lot of design types of questions, questions you were probably wondering and didn't even know who to ask. For example: What kind of fonts should you use? You know, you can go in there and choose 30, 50, even an infinite number of fonts. But which ones are best for websites designed for screens and for mobile devices? How many fonts should you use? What about colors? How many colors should your website have? Can we just choose any colors or are there a predetermined set of colors that should be used? And if so, how do we make the text pop? How do we make it stand out on the screen? What can we do to help our visitors have an emotional response when they go to the ""Home"" page? Not just to know about your business or service, but to feel it, to get excited about it. What can we do to add to your site to make people feel how awesome your business or service is? How about a video background? Should we do a full-page video background or should we just kind of have a strip, a video strip? Which one is better? And if we went with a strip, why?So this is not just a how-to-do-things using Wix, this course is going to show you the strategies. Half of it is, yes, here's how to change your fonts. But the other half is well, why and which ones and under what circumstances should we make those changes?We'll talk about colors. Let's talk about your navigation menu at the top of your website, the heading. What if you have ten pages on your site, but you only have five items of text at the top of the heading? Which pages should go on your navigation menu? And what do you do with the other five pages? How do we tuck those pages under so there's sort of a drop-down menu? These are nuts-and-bolts types of questions that if you can get the advice from a professional web designer, it's going to not only save you hundreds of hours of testing and frustration, but it's going to make your website stand out from the crowd, and in this Internet-crowded space, that is really important. All of these design-specific questions will be answered in this course.So I'm excited about this. The prerequisite would be that you go ahead and have a website first. If you haven't taken the 101 class, I encourage you to do so. Or just have a website that you already have built, either from a template or from Wix Artificial Design Intelligence, or perhaps a website that's just been sitting around for many years and is starting to look old and it needs a renovation. Have a website in mind when you begin this class. Then as I start to show you the strategies design professionals use, you'll know how to make your website even better.Let's go from good to great, and I look forward to seeing you guys in class."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create Custom Soundtracks for Your Videos with Filmstro" |
"How would you like to soundtrack your next video project? Not just dropping down a pre-made music track, but actually deciding on the depth, momentum, volume, and power of the track, which is customized for your project? Music can really help bring out the drama of a production...if it hits at the right moment. With Filmstro, you become the composer of your own soundtrack, and you dont even need a degree in Music!Filmstro is an online service that delivers pre-made soundtracks to your projects, but then allows a new level of customization never before possible (without being in an expensive studio).Learn HOW TO:Access the Filmstro serviceAdjust for DEPTH, MOMENTUM, and POWERIntegrate Filmstro into Adobe Premiere (optional)Tips and Strategies when composing your soundtrackBonus: Super PRO tip. The last class you show you a massive time-saving tip that will make you a soundtrack superstar...but you will not understand its power until you finish the course. It will be well worth it!As a veteran Instructional Designer for multi-million dollar corporations and organizations, such as Knott's Berry Farm, The US Army, and Farmer Boys, I have the experience and expertise to show you how to soundtrack your videos properly. I understand the difficulty of getting your music score just right to communicate your message.At the end of the class, you will create your own custom soundtrack for your next video project. Share it with the class!Transcript:Hi everyone, I'm Michael Wood with Captivatim Multimedia and let me ask you.. have you ever wanted to create a custom soundtrack for your video projects? Now I'm not just talking about dropping down a royalty-free music track you found somewhere on the Internet. We've all done that. And believe me, I understand if that's what you do. I've been doing that for 20 years as a Content Creator. It's just that now there's a better way. Look, I know this sounds like a commercial, I'm really not trying to be a commercial here, it's just that I found this amazing tool that I've been using to create custom soundtracks for my projects, and so, well, I want to pass that on to you. So that's why I developed this course.Now when I say custom soundtrack I mean really custom. For example, if your video is 2 minutes and 17 seconds, then your soundtrack should be 2 minutes and 17 seconds. You know, it should be customized exactly to your video. But not just the length, but the drama of your video as well. I mean think about this for a moment. If you're truly making great videos, either for yourself, or for others, then you know you need to have dramatic moments all throughout your video. There are parts that should be faster and action-packed, right? While other parts need to be a bit more slow and contemplative because you're asking your viewers to think deeply about a particular subject. Well I say, a truly custom soundtrack should match all of those moments and not just one type of music. You should be able to create a custom soundtrack using anything from Pop or Dance, Metal, Classical, even Ambient music. That's right. I think when you're listening to those birds chirping in the forest, they should go along with your video too.The tool that I've been using is actually called Filmstro. And no, I don't work for the company at all. Again, as a Content Creator I just wanted to share with you a tool that I've been using for my projects. Filmstro allows you to build custom soundtracks and you use things like momentum, depth, power, and volume. Filmstro is a standalone service. It's an app that you download to your desktop and they also have a mobile app. But here's the cool part. You can actually plug it right into Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro. It's okay if you don't have those two programs. The principles of creating a custom soundtrack still apply here.In this course I will show you how to build a custom soundtrack using those elements of momentum, depth, power, and of course, making volume changes. I will show you how to create sound maps so that way you can match the beats of the song directly to your video and it's going to sync up perfectly. One of the best parts is you do not have to have musical experience or even composition experience to be able to use this tool. Think about it. If you wanted to have a video that builds up in energy or maybe you just want a sudden burst of power - boom - like your logo just showed up on the screen and you want the music to really be raging...Well this tool allows you to make those kinds of changes.Now as an added bonus for those of you who finish the course, I added a final lesson at the end of the course that will give you a super power tip. I don't know what else to call it! All I could say is it will make you a soundtrack superstar and it's going to save you hours of work. But I saved it to the end. I know you can go jump to the end right now and check it out but I'm telling you, it won't make much sense and you're not going to see the value of it until you actually go through the course. Those who do get to the end, check out my super awesome tip. I'm telling you, minds are just blown.I think we're going to have a real good time. I think YOU'REgoing to have a good time creating your own custom soundtracks. I really look forward to working with you. Go ahead and jump into the class and I'll see you in the next lesson."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
eBay |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Como Comprar uma Franquia Sem Risco" |
"Este curso tem o intuito de levar futuros empresrios a fazerem bons negcios e a terem seus investimentos assegurados de que esto corretos naquilo que deseja.Eu Matheus Conti, estou a 10 anos no mercado de franchise, e sou franqueador de uma marca de alimentao natural - Suco do Batuque, no qual esta hoje em 33 lugar no ranking das melhores para se investir segundo a pequenas empresas grandes negcios.Um curso bem coloquial e com uma linguagem bem descontrada, para que voc aproveite ao mximo todo nosso contedo!Seja bem vindo(a), ao Grupo Mercatta!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Olvdate del SEO y paga por Click - Adwords" |
"Deja de hacer seo y obtn resultados rpidos en google adwords, paga por tus resultados con campaas rentables, deja de gastar dinero en SEO, aprenders a hacer campaas en la red de bsqueda, display, shopping. Usars la red de display como un experto, as mismo sabrs diferenciar los tipos de palabra clave que existen, aprenders a usar el planificador de palabras clave y sobre todo estars listo para postular al examen de certificacin de Google Adwords con el cul podrs trabajar en las mejores agencias u abrir la tuya propia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Gana por clicks con adwords 2" |
"curso donde aprenders a resolver el examen de conceptos bsicos para adwords. as que no necesitaras entrar a academias ni ninguna institucin, ac te preparamos para que rindas el examen y pases con todo el puntaje alto. Olvidate del seo y empieza a ganar con PPC, adwords es la mejor herramienta si deseas clientes nuevos"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"adwords 3" |
"Exmen de conceptos bsicos de google, obtendrs la certificacin para poder trabajar en agencias u abrir la propia, ya no gastes ms dinero en institutos que te preparan para rendir el examen de google, con este curso es suficiente para rendirlo tu mismo y ser un asociado de google. Cambia el SEO por SEM, tendrs lo necesario para ser un experto"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Getting to know Lean and Lean Six Sigma" |
"Lookingfor a career change that can earn you 6 figures, looking to help organizationssolve their most pressing challenges, or have heard of lean and just want toget your feet wet, then this course is for you. Lean and Lean Six Sigmahas helped companies and organizations around the world save billions ofdollars, become more competitive and deliver products and or services faster,better with less effort.Thiscourse introduces you to Lean and Lean Six Sigma, the framework used, the coreprinciples and tools used. Beforeconsidering a certification take this course to get you started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
digital-illustration-kurohuji-jp |
"Adobe Photoshop1"
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Manga Drawing / Digital Illustration Rugged Momotaro" |
"This course is the captured video that a professional illustrator, Kurohuzi Nekotaro drew it by Adobe Photoshop.It is also included the whole process that the illustrator draws, redraws, thinks, and so on.You can check not only the whole process (from drafting to finishing touches) of a professional illustration, but also the details of quality improvement like work method, how to use tools and functions, etc. that you would have hardly watched.When there are important points, the captions are explained appropriately.Let's check the professional techniques again and again to improve your techniques! <POINT>You can learnthis illustrator's focus points and ingenious waysby watching his real process (drafting, line drawing, coloring and finishing touches).You canfeel lots of redrawing and correcting works to improve his illustration, not just complete it.You can refer to how to use the software concretely like pen tools, layers, functions, and so on.<THEME>The theme of illustration is ""Momotaro"" of Japanese old tale.Every Japanese have known this story that Momotaro born from a big peach, go with a dog, a monkey and a pheasant, and beat the devils in Onigashima island.If you draw, what kind of ""Momotaro""'s illustration do you do?What kind of Momotaro do you want to watch? read?Kurohuzi Nekotaro-sensei drew his original ""Momotaro"" by adding his touch like location, personality, etc.Please feel his ""Momotaro"" world.* about this video courseThis course is not included technical explanations about how to use software.And there is no audio description because you can concentrate on the professional techniques in the screen.But there is appropriately the explanation by caption when it comes important points."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
digital-illustration-nico-jp |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Manga Drawing / Digital Illustration beautiful Momotaro" |
"This course is the captured video that a professional illustrator, nico-sensei drew it by SAI.It is also included the whole process that the illustrator draws, redraws, thinks, and so on.You can check not only the whole process (from drafting to finishing touches) of a professional illustration, but also the details of quality improvement like work method, how to use tools and functions, etc. that you would have hardly watched.When there are important points, the captions are explained appropriately.Let's check the professional techniques again and again to improve your techniques! <POINT>You can learnthis illustrator's focus points and ingenious waysby watching his real process (drafting, line drawing, coloring and finishing touches).You canfeel lots of redrawing and correcting works to improve his illustration, not just complete it.You can refer to how to use the software concretely like pen tools, layers, functions, and so on.<THEME>The theme of illustration is ""Momotaro"" of Japanese old tale.Every Japanese have known this story that Momotaro born from a big peach, go with a dog, a monkey and a pheasant, and beat the devils in Onigashima island.If you draw, what kind of ""Momotaro""'s illustration do you do?What kind of Momotaro do you want to watch? read?Nico-sensei drew her original ""Momotaro"" by adding her touch like location, personality, etc.Please feel her ""Momotaro"" world.* about this video courseThis course is not included technical explanations about how to use software.And there is no audio description because you can concentrate on the professional techniques in the screen.But there is appropriately the explanation by caption when it comes important points."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Practical tips for beginner analysts" |
"This course help you to prepare not only correct, but most of all accurate and handy analyses, and help to use your theoretical analitical knowledge in practice. The course is completely based on experience in working with beginners in the field of data analysis. The course covers topics related to what to do in order to become a better analyst and what, apart from choosing the appropriate research method, is important during the preparation of analysis."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Django A-Z Sfrdan Web Programlama" |
"Django , Python'n ak kaynak kodlu web framework'dr. Neden Django renmeliyiz sorusuna hzldr ve gvenilir cevab hali hazrda verilebilir ama tek bunlar yetmiyor. Django renmeye balaynca gryoruz ki hali hazrda bir ORM yaps bizi bekliyor. Nedir bu ORM yaps diyecek olursak da, temel olarak programlama dilinin kodlarn kullanarak SQL sorgusu yazmadan sorgulama ilemi adn verebiliriz. Ayn zamanda veritaban ilemleriyle sizi bomadan ok rahat bir ekilde tablo oluturarak hzl bir ekilde rnnz gelitirme imkan salyor. Bu eitimde Django'da olmazsa olmaz olan: Form snflar , model snflar , kullanclar ve modeller gibi temel konular detaya ineceiz. Her bir konuyu detayl anlatmla ele alarak gncel web sitelerindeki benzer rnekleri referans alarak reneceimiz , renirken eleneceiniz bir eitim olacak.Anlamadnz yerlerde sorularnza 7/24 cevap veriyor olacam! Sizlerden gelen talepler dorultusunda derslerin ierikleri gncellenebilir olacak ve ders ekleme durumunu gerekirse gncellemeler yapacam.Ben eitim bu serisini hazrlarken ok elendim , umarm sizler de izlerken elenir ve renirsiniz. :)"
Price: 389.99 ![]() |
"Programarea calculatoarelor de la absolut zero" |
"i-ai dorit vreodat s tii cum se programeaz calculatoarele?Ai fost descurajat de prea mult matematic, prea mult tehnic, prea mult nvat?Acest curs i va explica totul pe ndelete, noiune cu noiune, fr s ai nevoie de altceva dect de aritmetica de clasa a patra.Vei afla ce face ca un calculator s funcioneze, cum se programeaz aceste maini, i cum fac programatorii ca s se poat nelege cu ele -- totul folosind prezentri scurte, simple i bine sintetizate. Cursul ncepe de la absolut zero, i te va conduce pn la programarea ntr-un limbaj modern de programare, limbajul Ruby.Dup acest curs, vei fi capabil s continui pe cont propriu, ori s alegi un curs ceva mai avansat de programare, fr teama c te vei mpotmoli n noiuni necunoscute!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |