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"Game Development (Android + IOS): Build 12 Apps & Games" |
"Welcome to Python Programming world: most popular language skill to have in 2018. You are going to learn every bit of python language in this course so that you can apply your knowledge in real world apps. You will learn:1. Android game and app development with Kivy+Python2. Python basics and advance3. Important pygame moduleQuestions that most beginners ask me: Is Python A Good First Programming Language To Learn?Even though it has not yet been adopted as a first language by many computer science programs, Python is widely seen by industry experts as a great first programming language when learning to code and its extensive use in SpaceX to automate and handle technologies to launch rockets, Instagram, Google to support their backends and Many companies to support and execute ML and Deep Learning Algorithms; Its undoubtedly No.1 Programming Language to learn. For starters, the syntax of Python is simpler than that of most other major programming languages, with fewer exceptions and special cases. It also tends to use plain English keywords in place of the system of punctuation that has to be memorized in other languages, making it easier to learn to code. Given these conventions, Python code tends to appear as less of a ""jumble"" to newcomers than it does in comparable languages.Another great feature of Python is the ubiquity of its use. While Python is optimized for development on Linux and Unix systems, interpreters are available for just about every major operating system. All implementations of Python are supported by an excellent standard library, which means that new students can very quickly move on to creating actual functional programs that are useful. Additionally, the standard implementation of Python, CPython, is free and open source.What Type Of Jobs Are Available To Python Programmers? In the job market, if you observe the trends; Python is often looked as a strong language to support some primary language that is more broadly used like C or Java. But Lately, with the evolution of ML and Deep Learning Algorithms; it is highly demanded skill to have in 2018 and later. There are a variety of jobs that one can get focusing exclusively on Python development, however. Many of these jobs will be in building and improving the internal tools that a company uses to create its finished marketable products, rather than working on the finished product itself.One specific economic sector where the presence of Python programming is particularly strong is the geospatial industry. This is a critical industry that deals in navigational tools such as GPS, radar and light measurements.If you're interested in web applications, Python is a better choice for development (working with the back-end or server side) rather than design (creating the actual finished front-end that site visitors interact with). As mentioned previously, Google employed Python for many components of its search engine, and it is quite widely used in the data mining industry.Finally, Python can also be used for game development. Some famous examples of games developed either entirely or in large part with Python include EVE Online, Civilization IV, the Battlefield game series and the Mount & Blade games. The popular development environment Blender is written in Python.TOPICS TO BE COVERED IN THIS COURSE:Installing PythonRunning Python CodeStringsListsDictionariesTuplesSetsNumber Data TypesPrint FormattingFunctionsScopeargs/kwargsBuilt-in FunctionsDebugging and Error HandlingModulesExternal ModulesObject Oriented ProgrammingInheritancePolymorphismEncapsulationAdvanced MethodsCopy ModuleDecoratorsIteratorsAndroid development with KivyClosuresand much more!PROJECTS Minor Projects (Basic to advance):Password generatorDomain FormattingStar PatternStop timerTic Tac ToeSimple word count Scientific calculatorRock Paper ScissorsCredit card ValidatorPunctuation removalMajor Projects:Flappy Bird2048 game"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Soberano - Tratamento e composio de imagens" |
"Domine a ferramenta mais poderosa para tratamento, manipulao e composio de imagens e torne-se um especialista!Se voc tem a necessidade de ajustar, corrigir imperfeies, aplicar efeitos em imagens, e realizar composies incrveis, voc precisa fazer o Curso Photoshop CC Soberano.Nosso curso abrange desde conceitos bsicos at a produo de projetos avanados.So apresentadas as caractersticas de ferramentas, suas propriedades e efeitos. Em seguida so desenvolvidos exerccios e projetos para aplicao prtica.Indicado para quem nunca manipulou o programa, e para aqueles que desejam se aprimorar."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Personal Transformation Masterclass" |
"Dive deep into subconscious patterning to understand and heal your life from the inside out! In only 7 days you will learn not only how to actually transform your life, but you'll gain a true understanding of the experiences and patterns that mold us into who we are. You'll learn how to forgive and let go of things that have been holding you back in life and move forward with confidence and grace!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"History of Ireland: Viking Invasion, Part 1: 795 - 902" |
"The Viking Age in Ireland began when raiding parties arrived of the east coast of Ireland in 795. Over the next twenty years Ireland was scourged by raiding parties that camein searchof mobile wealth and slaves. They looted and destroyed islandbasedmonasteries and coastal communities. By the 1820's they know enough about Ireland - the language, political and military situation, the agricultural potential, geography - to begin considering an invasion and settlement. The first major invasions occurred in the 830's. The 830's until the 870's was the first of twoperiods when the Vikings had the potential to defeat the Irish and build their colony. The Irish fought back, often the initiative being devolved to local chieftains. Once the issue of who would be high king in Irelandwas resolved, the Irish resistance evolved. The Danes arrived in the 850's and controlled Dublin until a counter-attack restored control to the Norwegians. In the 870's the Norseman lost their main leaders and this resulted in twenty years of internal warfare for control of the colony. During this period the Irish became resurgent and after a civil war amongst the Vikings the Irish acted and ousted them from all their bases culminating in the takeover ofDublin in 902."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
tm-course |
"10 Brian Tracy ... 15 45 5 30 ()! 10 10 ...!"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Crear Personaje 3D Cartoon en Autodesk Maya Para Animacin" |
"En este Crear Personaje 3D Cartoon en Autodesk Maya Para Animacin adquirirs todos los conocimientos necesarios para crear un personaje cartoon en 3D, desde cero y dejarlos listos para el proceso de riggingEl proceso del Modelado es fundamental en cualquier produccin de animacin, aun que en la industria su usan nuevo programas para modelado ms didctico, es indispensable conocer y saber crear la topologa, que debe hacerse para que las texturas, el rigging y la animacin funcionen correctamentePartiremos de los conceptos bsicos del Modelado, el blueprint, la topologa, aplicar texturas usando Photoshop, aplicaremos materiales, iluminacin, cabello, adems aprenderemos como crear los render y sacar la imagenes, crear hueso para mover y darle pose al persona, tambien animaremos las poses con un giro de la pose en turnaround hasta terminarlo totalmente, este proceso nos ayudar a entender muchos conceptos del proceso de animacin.El Curso se realizar con el software Autodesk Maya, uno de los estndares en la industria de la animacin. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de los conocimientos adquiridos en este curso son aplicable a cualquier otro software 3D."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The University of Rap" |
"Learn how to rap by learning how to rhyme with vivid instruction based on the Amazon best selling book series ""How to Rhyme"" by Jami Jordan. ALL OF THE INFORMATION in ""How to Rhyme Vol 1."" as well as in the ""Audio Drills"" is contained in this one course. So, you don't have to buy the ebook or the Audio Drills that were indicated in how to rhyme vol.1 if you are getting this course. The University of Rap video series teaches you the in depth science of sculpturing rhymes like only the best! There are dozens of courses on how to rap but there has never been a scientific un-bias analyses of this unique skill from a high level practitioner of the craft. Though there are a few exceptions MOST OFTEN you will get a university professor of poetry who wrote a book about how to rap who's RAP SKILLS, in the least, are never up to par or the average Joe who either has the same lack of real high level rhyming skills. OR you get the rapper who is good but has no credibility as a teacher and or just can't teach what they know very well. That is the difference between all of the other courses and ""The University of Rap"". Here we cover all of these factors in bringing you the best informational course on how to rap of the era. A lot of emphasis is put on the ability to FLOW when you are learning how to rap. This skill alone is something that many have a hard time achieving. However, this course makes this skill easy to understand. If you want to learn how to rap, #howtorhyme, #howtoraplikearapper, #howtorap like anyone, #howtorap on basic levels, how to rap on very high levels, or how to flow at a very high level than this course is for YOU! You will will learn virtually all of the rhyming patterns that can ever be made through a unique concise teaching systems. You will learn how they are applied in rap and poetry. Through our unique teaching system you will lean the foundation for all rhyming patterns and thus easily be able to comprehend the creation of many variations of them. Mumble artists are HIGHLY advised to join this course. :) Class is now in session! Enjoy!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"First Steps to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher" |
"Ojas Yoga's Online Teacher Training is dedicated to holistic healing and wellness practice. Our classes are created to empower people. Courses offered teach students to increase vitality and strength. Our approach to wellness is to treat the cause of disease as well as through preventative care. Our therapeutic training classes are suitable for all students including yoga teachers, general yoga practitioners, alternative healers, western medicine practitioners, and the general public.Through the Ojas Training program we enable our teachers to understand a multi-lineage curriculum focused on injury prevention, spiritual evolution and yoga in a true and pure form. We encourage students to teach and practice at a physical level beneficial to her or his individual health. We aim to create unique teachers who honor themselves."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Freelance Copywriting: Write Dirty. Go Big. Start Now!" |
"WARNING: This course is NOT a comprehensive study of copywriting. It is a BEGINNER LEVEL introduction to FREELANCE copywriting. It teaches you only what you need to know to get started as fast as possible. If you are looking for a bunch of swipe files, long-form sales letters, and copywriting examples (AKA action faking) then this course is not for you. If you are looking for a simple structure to get going from scratch and make money, then keep reading...Imagine if you could start a copywriting career this week even without experience. You just dive in, get work, and get going. You do it all without spending years learning to write or persuade. You do it without a fancy degree or portfolio. Within a week you earn your first clients and within a month you're pulling HUGE gigs. How would things change for you?I don't know how your life would change, but I do know how my life changed. When I started freelance copywriting back in 2014, I did it with no degree, no experience, and no portfolio. Instead, I jumped into the deep end and earned work immediately. I learned on the fly, and got experience in the trenches. Then my clients told me which parts of my writing sucked, and what needed fixed. From there I made adjustments and improved.Iteration after iteration, one project at a time, I became a global name in copywriting. I did this without any Gary Halbert challenges or hand-writing 10,000 sales letters. And I've taught thousands of other people to reproduce these results. If that's something you're interested in, then this course might be right for you.What is Freelance Copywriting?Freelance copywriting isn't like traditional copywriting where you have to know the in's and out's of human behavior and psychology. That's because freelance clients mainly want a good writer who can get results. As a freelance copywriter, your goal is not to be the best. You only need to be good enough to write for pay, and that's what this course will show you how to do.What Will I Learn?When you join this course you will learn how to get started fast with freelance copywriting. This isn't an in-depth study of copywriting techniques or tactics. It's only exactly what you need to know right now to get started this week EVEN IF you've never written a single line of copy in your life. Inside this course, I will show you:The super simple extremely fast approach I used to make money copywritingHow to become a freelance copywriter even if you don't have experienceThe four types of copywriting you need to deliver great results every timeThe biggest copywriting mistakes amateurs make that hold them back foreverHow to find and manage clients and deliver great results every single timeWhat Else is Inside?There are examples, quizzes, and useful resources to help you get a feel for different styles, projects, and things you can expect. There are also tips on how to write better, and ensure your clients get what they want. There are even book suggestions and copywriting tools for those who want to go deeper.Who is this for?If you've heard about freelance copywriting and want to give it a try, then this is for you. If you want an in-depth study of copywriting tactics and techniques, then this is NOT for you. But if you just want to learn enough to get started, and grow fast...then you're in the exact right place because all of my courses are designed to get you up and running as fast as humanly possible without wasting time on B.S. that never goes anywhere.If any of that sounds like what you need, join us now.Your Instructor,Lex DeVille ;)FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ - Do I need to write good English to become a freelance copywriter?A - If you plan to write English copy, then YES. No client will hire an English copywriter when that person can't write good English.Q - What if I don't know anything about copywriting?A - I'll teach you the basics in this course and by the end you will know enough to get started and grow. Q - Is it really possible to earn $100/hr within a month?A - Yes. I earned two $100/hr clients by the end of my first month as a freelance copywriter. Q - What is the key to success here since I don't need experience?A - The key to success is action and a willingness to improve and grow. If you do that, you can win.If that makes sense for you, put yourself in this course now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Psychology of Games - Secrets of Good Game Design" |
"Have you ever wondered why some games are so popular that they are played with enthusiasm by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people?The answer to this is certain psychological tricks, elementsand methods that seem simple but can have incredible effects in humans. If you are working on a game or planning to do so, but have no idea how to make the gameplay fun and addictive - You are in the right place!At the end of every chapter you get a summary of the most important contents. That means that you can watch the course relaxed and attentive without having to take notes.Important: This is not a programming course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"English Interview Preparation Course" |
"This course is the complete preparation guide for non-native english speakers, preparing for job interviews in English.This course will show you how to answer the most common and difficult interview questions and give examples of top quality answers that will lead you to success. This course is the real deal! No cliche interview examples here.You will learn the language of interviews and understand how to use those common phrases and buzz words which are alien to you now.This course is for you if;-You want to sound natural, not like a foreigner-Use the correct grammar, idioms, phrasal verbs and buzz words-Confidently answer tough questions without sounding fake and rehearsed. No cliche interview answers in this course.Why should I use this course over another?Apart from 8 years experience as a highly succesful Recruitment Consultant from Australia, Iam also aiprofessional interview coach who has prepared people from many different industries and countries for job interviews in English. You are learning from someone who knows what they are talking about!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating Digital Slideshows..." |
"This course presents the essentialcomponents requiredto create a meaningful digital slideshow. The emphasis is on capturing and preservingyour life's events, with the intent to share them through various digital mediums. Thetopics taught are: storytelling, slideshow software, use ofcolor andmotion, editing, audio, output, and my personal comments in summary based on many years of experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Android Studio 2018 from Scratch to PlayStore" |
"Hello guys,I'm Sheshadhree the creator of this course . So in this Course you'll be learning how to develop various apps from scratch and you'll also learn how to launch them directly on Google Play .What You'll learn after this Course?So you'll learn how to develop beginner level appsyou can launch your app on Google PlayYou can integrate Ads in your appYou can EARNMonthly UpdatesWhy learn to make Android apps? Android is without a doubt THE biggest mobile platform in the world, with over 80% market share and over 1 billion devices sold in 2016alone. You can develop for Android on a Windows, Mac or Linux computer. Java is a fantastic language to learn, allowing you to make apps for PC, Mac and the web, as well as Android. Android app discovery is way superior to the App Store, so your app has a far better chance of getting seenand bought. Ad-based revenue is a lot more common on Android than on iOS, and a cinch to set up with Google Ads.Who is this for?Anyone who wants to learn to code to become an app developer: This is a complete Course, So once youre up and coding like a demon app developer, itll ALSO teach you how tomake money from your apps.Sound good?Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to be an app developer, It will teach you how to make money from your apps as well as how to code.Anyone who wants to learn to code: Java is a fantastic language to learn how to code with.Anyone who loves Programming Those who wanna rock their apps in Google Play"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Advanced React Native Topics" |
": . "" "" , , , - - How Use Expo Platform- React-Navigation V2- Sign in with Facebook Auth- Integration with Google Cloud Function (Firebase Functions)- Animation in React Native- Twilio Integration"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SQL Server for Beginners to expert" |
"Be Ready to update your CV for better Job by attending this sql database for beginners course.Database Management and Database programming is an essential need of every industry therefore almost every organization needs people with skill-set in Database Management and Database administration.Microsoft SQL Server is one of the famous relational database management system (RDBMS) of modern era, You may find sql server online course on internet but This SQL course is designed for those students who want to learn the basics of database as well as to improve their SQL Query writing skills instantly.This course will help you to learn Microsoft SQL Server instantly with in a week, just remember that Database Designing is an ART which can not be learnt unless you do not posses the sufficient knowledge of database basics and know-how about database development tools.sql for beginners course contains lot of information for you to help you in getting new job, We are very confident that it will answer the most asked question that How to become a database developer, how to learn SQL in minimum time.After completing this bootcamp SQL course, you will have the sufficient knowledge of the following key areas which will provide you a solid foundation to become Database Developer and Database Administrator (DBA) . What is RDBMS (Relational Database Management System)Understand and Use DatabasesUnderstand and Use SQL with DatabasesFamous RDBMS that are being used in modern age.Introduction to SQL Server Management Studio ( Database Developer Tool)Introduction to mssql ( microsoft sql server)Primary Key,Composite Key and Foreign Key Fundamentals of Structured Query Language (SQL)Concepts of Data Models ( One to One, One to Many , Many to Many)Step by Step guide to install Microsoft SQL Server create a Database in Microsoft SQL ServerBasic operations Applying Data filters InsertionUpdate existing data in a tableDelete data of a tableSelection of DISTINCT recordsTypes of SQL JoinsDefinition of Aggregate functions COUNT functionMIN Aggregate functionMAX Aggregate functionSUM Aggregate functionDifferent variations of GROUP BY ClauseUpper and Lower Case functionsSubstring functionTOP Keyword you can find lot of Sql server online course however this course is designed for all those students who have very less knowledge of databases, Therefore we always claim this as ""sql server training for beginners""Through Learning SQL online , You will be able to improve your skills , Please keep in mind that you will have to practice what you learn during sql training course. Moreover this course will also help you to prepare yourself for microsoft sql server database certifications.We pray for your success in your career through the knowledge gained by this best sql course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks Online Bookkeeping: A Reference Guide Approach" |
"A Reference Guide ApproachLearn QuickBooks Online with a course developedto coincide with each QuickBooks Online feature. Have this course's videos availableto guide you through entering your accounting transactions.Avoid wasting time searching for answersonline or waiting for phone support. With this 77 video course you have your problems solved with step-by-step instructions, in which, I take you by the hand to resolve. Each 2-9 minute video focuses on a specific QuickBooks Online feature and setting.21st CenturyBookkeeping AutomationBookkeeping automation does exist and my course teaches you how to nearlyeliminate manual data entry through setup ofQuickBooks Online features. The more you challenge yourself to achieve as muchbookkeeping automation as possible,the more time and money saved and used for other areas of your business. With my course you acquire the confidence and focus to do your own company's bookkeeping.Compared to Other CoursesIf you compare my course to others, you quickly realize mycourse'sdifferentstructure. My course has been created toeliminate the frustration on not knowing where to start and how to finish doing your own bookkeeping. My course setup works along with you as you work through the bookkeeping process."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"spanyolca'da Zamanlar - Trkler iin spanyolca 2" |
"Merhabalar,Birka ay nce yaynladm ""Trkler in spanyolca"" kursunun devam niteliinde bu kursu paylayorum.spanyolca'da Zamanlar kursuna A1 seviyesinde altyaps olan herkes katlabilir.spanyolca'da fiil ekimleri ve zamanlar en ok kafa kartran konulardan biridir ve renciler en ok subjuntivo konusunda zorlanrlar. spanyolca'da Zamanlar kursu temel anlamda bu sorunlar zmek amacyla oluturulmutur.Her derste ayr bir zaman ilediimiz kursumuzda nce zamann nerelerde kullanldn sonrasnda da ekimlerini ve irregular fiillerini renmekteyiz. Son olarak da rnekleri inceleyip dersimizi bitiriyoruz.spanyolca renmeye yeni balayanlar kadarB1-B2 seviyesinde spanyolca'ya sahip olup kafasnda soru iaretleri olan renciler de bu kursu rahatlkla kullanabilir."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SAP simulator SD-01 Basic Structure Configuration" |
"Fundamentals to create a sales structure within SAP - Inside SAP IMG Implementation Guide, you define Distribution Channels, Sales Organizations, Customer records, Plant and pricing in Master Datas. This training includes setting of the different assignments and interactions inside the Sales structure. The first implementation step in SAP SD, for beginners and confirmed users.After purchase, contact me to get additional promotionals!CREATE CUSTOMER MAINTAIN CUSTOMER MAINTAIN CONTACT PERSON UPDATE PRICING CONDITIONS ASSIGN COMPANY CODE TO CREDIT CONTROL AREA ASSIGN DISTR CHANNEL TO SALES ORG ASSIGN DIVISION TO SALES ORGANIZATION ASSIGN SALES GROUP TO SALES OFFICE ASSIGN SALES OFFICE TO SALES AREA ASSIGN SALES ORG DISTR CHANNEL TO PLANT FINAL EXAM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP simulator SD-02 - Intermediate Structure Configuration" |
"An essential training about sales parameters for SAP intermediate users.Provided as Video,, this course introduces you with SD Master Data, sales assignments and reporting modes. It covers the customization of Credit Control, Distribution Channel, Sales group, Billing and Personnel areas. A step by step practice to define a new Sales and Distribution structure.After purchase, contact me to get promotional offers !ASSIGN SALES ORG TO CIE CODE CREATE A SALES AREA CREATE A SALES OFFICE CREATE DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL CREATE SALES ORGANIZATION MAINTAIN A SALES GROUP ASSIGN DIVISION TO SALES ORGANISATION ASSIGN SALES AREA TO CREDIT CONTROL AREA CREATE BILLING DOCUMENT CREATE PERSONNEL AREA CREATE PERSONNEL SUBAREAS FINAL EXAM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP simulator SD-03 - SD/MM Structure and Assignments" |
"A comprehensive training about Distribution and Material assignments. You will assign Material parameters with specific logistic, Finance and Distribution settings and you will configure mandatory MM specifications in the context of a new SAP structure implementation. Essential for SAP structuration understanding and provided with practical and theoreticals contextual explanations.After purchase, contact me to get promotional offers !ASSIGN CHART OF ACCOUNT TO CIE CODE DEFINE PERIOD FOR MATERIAL MANAGEMENT DEFINE AND ASSIGN FISCAL YEAR VARIANT UPDATE MATERIAL TYPE QUANTITY ACCOUNT DETERMINATION FOR VALUATION AREA ASSIGN MATERIAL TO PLANT CREATE ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT FOR MATERIAL ASSIGN COUNTRY TO CALCULATION PROCEDURE DEFINE CHECKING GROUPS CUSTOMERS ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT GROUP DEFINE CUSTOM TRANSPORTATION CREATE A MATERIAL PRODUCT FINAL EXAM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP simulator SD-04 - SD Customer Structure Basic" |
"SD Customer Structure BasicFirst, you will setup customers legal status then you will position it inside SAP customer hierarchy. Afterwards, you will integrate this customer in Sales and Accounts structures and configure specific connections to logistic and Condition types. An essential training about SD commercial structuring for SAP users involved with sales and product management.After purchase, contact me to get promotional offers !DEFINE FLOATS MARGIN KEYS DEFINE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT GROUP DEFINE CUSTOMER LEGAL STATUS DEFINE CUSTOMER GROUPS DEFINE SALES DISTRICT ASSIGN SALES AREAS TO CUSTOMER HIERARCHY ASSIGN ACCOUNT GROUP TO CUSTOMER HIERARCHY DEFINE SHIPPING TYPES DEFINE ACCESS SEQUENCES DEFINE CONDITION TYPES COPY RULES FOR CONDITION TYPES FINAL EXAM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP simulator SD-05 - SD Accounts Determination" |
"Setting Pricing procedure and Accounts determination.Pricing Procedure and Accounts determination are based on numerous business and material criterias necessary to build the effective commercial SD structure. You will configure these mandatory accounts parameters in the ATP planning context. These lessons are in the center of SAP SD procurement. After purchase, contact me to get promotional offers !PRICING PROCEDURE DETERMINATION DEFINE DOCUMENT PRICING PROCEDURE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT GROUP DEFINE ACCOUNT KEYS ASSIGN GL ACCOUNTS USE DEFINE CHECKING GROUPS DEFINE MATERIAL BLOCK FOR OTHER USERS DEFINE CHECKING GROUP DEFAULT VALUE PB CONTROL FOR AVAILABILITY CHECK MAINTAIN PRODUCT PROCEDURE ALLOCATION FINAL EXAM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Bitcoin Criptomoedas na Prtica" |
"Criei este curso voltadoparaIniciantescom as informaes necessrias para que voc consiga iniciar seus investimentos no mundo das criptomoedas de forma rpida e segura. Os grandes diferenciais deste curso so:Abordagem prtica em mais de 90% do cursoAulas objetivas e dinmicas Linguagem financeira usada de forma simples para fcil compreenso Uso do Bitcoin no seu dia a diaDicas para investir em novas moedas digitais (ICO) E muito mais! Neste curso abordo o tema de criptomoedas com foco no Bitcoin(BTC) por ser a principal moeda digital. Porem com os conhecimentos adquiridos voc conseguir comprar e guardar com segurana outras moedas digitais da mesma forma.O futuro do dinheiro fsico est mudando rapidamente com o avano das plataformas descentralizadas, as criptomoedas iro mudar o mundo e impactar nossas vidas pessoais e profissionais, vo mudar em breve os meios de pagamentos atuais. Empresas como Microsoft e Dell dentre outras j adotaram o Bitcoin como meio de pagamento. O curso possui acesso vitalcio e direito a certificado. Quem tem o conhecimento, tem o poder!.Para quem NO este curso?Este curso no recomendado para quem deseja fazer operaes anlise tcnica ou tenha conhecimento avanado em criptomoedas."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Data Structures and Algorithms : From 0 to HERO" |
"If you are interested to learn more about data structures and algorithms or you are preparing for an interview this course is the best option, doesn't matter the programming language you choose. You will learn how to approach a problem and how to write clean and efficient code so you could pass any interview at any company. Topics: Arrays StringsMaps Linked Lists Stacks Queues and Priority QueuesGraphs BSTDynamic Programming"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sci-Fi Interior Environment Creation for Virtual Reality" |
"ATTENTION:This course is still under Development. MUCHMORETOCOME!Have you ever wanted to build Sci-fi Environments and didn't know where to start? Did you ever wonder what the pipeline between Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter, and Unity is for development? Is Virtual Reality something that interest you but you didn't know where to start?Well this is the course for you!This course has been recorded in real-time, nothing has been sped up, and not a single step has been missed. Everything you everwanted to know about the 3D pipeline between these programs is completely covered from start to finish.This Course Will Cover:Autodesk Maya:Setting up Maya Project correctly.Lining up concept art to Maya camera both manually, and with SLiB Match plug-inSaving scenes correctly.Using basic primitives to create complex geometry.Modeling to concept art.Proper use of display layersOrganization, optimization, naming conventions, grouping forkeeping a clean organized manageablescene.UV Mapping made simple and using the UV Transfer Script.Organizing UV Maps to share with multiple pieces of geometry.Applying and naming materials correctly for use with Substance Painter.Exporting Geometry correctly for use withSubstance Painter.Applying Substance textures to geometry for use with Unity.Setting up the sceneproperly for real worldscale within Unity.Exporting finalmodel with Game Exporter for use with Unity.Substance Painter:Setting up Substance Painter Project and importing Maya model.Baking out texture maps (Normal, Curvature, Ambient Occlusion, World Position, etc) for use with Smart Materials.Importing Hard Surface Alphas properly for use with High Frequency Detail.Adding High Frequency Detail to the model.Baking out High Frequency Detail into a Normal Map and baking maps properly.Import custom materials from the Substance Share website and how to organize material library.How to use Smart Materials and adjust their parameters.How to create custom Smart Materials.How to use layering system, channels, and blending modes.How to apply alphas with smart selections and Smart Mask.Best practices of using Generators andFilters.Create custom images in both Photoshop and Illustrator for use in Substance.Painting with Brushes and Particle Brushes.Adding wear and weathering to your paint.Create custom export channels to create extra texture maps for use with Unity.Export Textures properly to the correct directory.Unity and Virtual Reality:Setting up Unity Project correctly and folder structure.Importing textured model correctly.Set up proper color space to work best with PBR Textures.Adding Model into the scene correctly.Lighting the scene and creating a mood.Creating Particles to add extraelements into the environment.Rigging,animating, and triggering custom animations.Importing characters into the scene and applying motion capture animation.Add post effects to the camera.Importing Steam VR Plug-in for use with Virtual Reality.Adding Controllers and scripting them to teleport around the scene.How to set up both the HTCVive and the Oculus Rift Headsets.Export your VR Scene as an app that can be viewed on the Samsung Gear or Google CardboardMuch More to Come!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Software Product Leadership - Product Management 101" |
"Welcome to Software Product Leadership - Product Management 101, a short course focused on Product Management(PM) as it relates to building Software that customers love and leading Software Developers by influence i.e. without direct or formal authority. Product Manager may look like a fancy title, but it is serious work. Digital landscape is always changing, user expectations are rising and there is simply immense competition in the marketplace due to rising dominance of incumbents and ever increasing number of startups in the tech space. As you start your PM journey, we want to share our learnings from being Product Managers in different PM roles at Microsoft and other places and as technology entrepreneurs starting companies . The course is designed as a crash course to provide you with an overview of important Business, User Experience, Leadership, Execution and Measurement(or Business Analysis) topics and ideas you need to be aware of as you start your journey and to give you more than enough knowledge to decide whether PM is the right career for you or not. Syllabus OverviewSection 1: Introduction and Business ConceptsRole of a Product ManagerAn overview of business skills needed to run your products and features.A deep dive into performing competitive research.How to keep up with prevailing market trends and how to think about what features, apps or products to build next.Section 2: Leadership and TeamworkHow to create a pitch for your ideas.An overview of how to do estimation of time and resources needed when trying to get your idea funded.Understanding the dynamics and the culture of the team that you are inBest practices to avoid isolation and mis-alignment for yourself and others.Tips on socializing your ideas and seeking feedback on them from others in respectful and non-intrusive ways.Section 3: User Experience(UX) DesignDeveloping user stories and making use of personas to communicate product and feature ideas.Basics of visual design and working with designers to come up with alternatives (explorations) to bring the ideas to reality.Understanding the non-visual elements of design such as gestures, responsiveness, etc.An overview of common methods for performing user research, such as flash feedback, etc.What is A/B testing and how and why to A/B test different ideas.Section 4: Execution and Evaluation(Data Driven-ness)Writing functional specifications.Unblocking Engineers by taking care of non-technical issues all the way from legal things such as open source licenses to UI strings that could block your team's progress.Understanding your role as the person who may be responsible for communication with partners.Role of Data - Understand common metrics such as Monthly Active Users, Daily Active Users, Net Promotor Score and so on - What are they about? How to use them to make product decisions!Special topic: A day in the life of a PM.Section 5: Product Management interviews and Career advancement strategiesPro-tips for preparing for your Product Management interview.References to books, blogs and materials you need to read to get started for your PM interview.A peek into career strategies that Dean applied to continuously grow his career for20+years.A framework for figuring out your career advancement as a PM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Garoto de Informtica - Formatao + 2 Cursos Tcnicos" |
"Se chegou at aqui uma prova de que quer muito aprender a formatar computadores ou tem interesse e curiosidade! No estou certo?! E pode ser por qualquer motivo. Seja ganhar uma renda extra com formatao ou apenas quer aprender. E se voc como eu.. Tem interesse nos dois.Hoje habilidades com o computador necessrio para qualquer pessoa. Seja voc quem for. Homem, mulher, criana, adolescente. E no precisa ser tcnico em informtica, mas necessrio aprender habilidades na rea. Uma hora voc ter que se deparar com um computador, por isso domin-lo um requerimento. Por vezes realmente aparecer problemas que no ser possvel resolver como uma corrupo de dados. E ser necessrio formatar.Uma formatao custa R$70 a R$80,00 reais. As pessoas esto sempre melhorando suas habilidades e aprendendo novas coisas, por isso de uma forma ou de outra os preos sempre iro aumentar. O que voc pode fazer economizar esse dinheiro! Ao inves de pagar outra pessoa para formatar seu computador voc mesmo pode fazer em 10 minutos!Alm disso, voc no precisa parar aqui! Voc pode ganhar dinheiro com isso! Na nossa vida em defendo que devemos ter varias fontes de renda. Se voc atualmente tem um trabalho fixo, ganha tambm um valor fixo. Podemos fazer um trabalho extra nos fins de semana, ou algo rpido no meio dela formatando computadores e ganhando dinheiro!Inicialmente eu tinha pensado nesse curso apenas como algo para ensinar as pessoas a formatar e pronto. Mas depois percebi que poderia ajud-las muito mais, dar ainda mais conhecimento para elas. Pra voc. Por esse motivo esse ano de 2020 eu fiz uma atualizao e coloquei mais 2 cursos dentro deste! O primeiro o Hardware Fcil. Com ele aprendemos sobre computadores, aprendemos sobre todos os componentes internos do computador. Assim voc aprender como seu prprio computador funciona e o que torna ele especial... ou uma completa tartaruga rsrsAlm disso temos tambm o curso de Segurana da Informao, o ano de 2019 foi o ano em que eu me apaixonei pelo mundo hacker, pelo mundo da segurana e nesse curso eu trago gratuitamente um ensino de como os hackers podem vir at voc e hackear voc, sua famlia e conhecidos. Eu mostro nesse curso de uma maneira muito simples como um ataque simples pode ter consequenciais desastrosas para voc e todos ao seu redor! Esse curso pode ser assistido por completo nessa pgina.Dessa maneira, com esses cursos voc se tornar uma pessoa mais eficiente no seu novo trabalho de formatao de computadores. Aprender a formatar um computador em 10 minutos, aprender sobre os componentes que fazem o computador funcionar e por fim aprender como proteger voc, sua famlia e seus futuros clientes! E como voc provavelmente ser o unico no seu bairro a fazer esse trabalho. Poder ganhar R$500 a R$800 reais extras por ms se deixar apenas como renda extra! Se voc se empenhar no negcio esse numero triplica pois um negcio totalmente escalvel!Por esse motivo no perca tempo. Venha ganhar dinheiro com formatao de computadores!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Educa Tu Voz" |
"Este es un curso para ti que sienten la necesidad y el deseo de mejorar tu voz hablada.Atravs de ejercicios orales logrars pronunciar correctamente tus mensajes para que tus oyentes los entiendan totalmente.Practicars ejercicios con todas las consonantes y vocales para que tengas un control de tu voz en todos los sonidos del habla. Practicars con diferentes duraciones, con diferentes ritmos logrando as el nfasis adecuado en tus mensajes. Ejercitar+as ritmos en tiempos lentos y en tiempos rpidos para fortalecer la musculatura involucrada en el acto de el habla.Tambin ejercitars ejercicios sencillos de canto para aprender a usar la voz en diferentes tonos de tu voz para tener una variedad de alturas en tu comunicacin hablada.Usars varios trabalenguas para que logres dominar las diferentes combinaciones de las letras y que cualquier mensaje sea emitido con una clara diccin. Con los trabalenguas logrars fortalecer y darle agilidad a la musculatura de tus labios, lengua y mandbula que te permitirn un excelente control sobre tus palabras habladas.En cada ejercicio se ejercita tambin la respiracin. Al dominar la respiracin podrs usar la voz con una intensidad fuerte o una intensidad suave como un susurro.Inscrbete hoy en este Curso y moldea tu voz para satisfacer tu necesidad de comunicarte eficientemente."
Price: 1020.00 ![]() |
"Guitarra Rtmica de Acompaamiento" |
"En este Curso de Guitarra Rtmica de Acompaamiento empezars a aprender a afinar la guitarra con un afinador gratuito en lnea. Conocers las principales partes de la guitarra. Podrs ver y tocar los movimientos bsicos de la mano derecha. Para cada movimiento de la mano derecha hay un ejercicio para lograr que tengas un buen control de ese movimiento. Despus combinars los movimientos bsicos para hacer varios ritmos: Ranchera Lenta, Vals, Balada Ska, Pasito Duranguense, Balada Sencilla, Corrido, Cancin Ranchera, Balada Lenta, Balada Rtmica, Balada Moderna, Cumbia, Reggaetn, Tres variantes de Rock, Rumba, Rumba Flamenca, Balda Sincopada, Bolero, Bachata, Clave, Huapango, Balada Arpegiada. Vers en video como se ejecuta cada uno de esos ritmos y tambin vers explicado en una grfica los movimientos exactos para cada ritmo. Para aprender los ritmos uso las FRASES RTMICAS que son algo que ayuda mucho a comprender con claridad el ritmo. Para la mano izquierda primero empezars a practicar unos ejercicios sencillos para los fortalecer los cuatro dedos que pisan las cuerdas. Luego aprenders los acordes que junto con los ritmos de la mano derecha te van a servir para ACOMPAAR cientos de canciones. Adems de las lecciones para principiantes y para medio avanzado voy a ir agregando ejemplos de canciones que pueden ser acompaadas con los acordes y ritmos que vayas aprendiendo. Usando los videos y las matemticas bsicas te voy a mostrar con exactitud en que momento de la cancin debes hacer los cambios de acordes. Tambin vas a aprender las CUATRO ETAPAS DEL APRENDIZAJE. Este conocimiento es muy til para poder superar los momentos en que sientes que no puedes hacer algo que ests aprendiendo. Tengo ms de 40 aos enseando a tocar la guitarra y el piano. He puesto toda mi experiencia como profesor de msica para que t tengas el mayor aprovechamiento en el menor tiempo posible. Te invito a que te inscribas en este Curso de Guitarra Rtmica"
Price: 1320.00 ![]() |
"The Secret to Getting into College" |
"LEARN ABOUT HOW TO BEST MARKET YOURSELF AS A COLLEGE APPLICANTIwork with high school students everyday on college applications, high school consulting, and test preparation. As an applicant myself, Ihad a perfect GPA, perfect test scores, and was accepted to Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, and more...I will teach you thesecrets on how to get in. Ireceived my B.S. from MITand have helped over 15 students get into the top schools of their dreams including University of Chicago, Stanford, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, Yale, and many more!Keep in mind that this course is audio only -- there is not anything to show on video and so Iwant you to be able to listen to this where ever you are; driving to school, on your way to a soccer game, before bed, etc. Take advantage to listen during any of your spare time!What are the requirements?Nothing. All you need is an open mind and a very positive attitude as you can do anything if youset yourmindto it.. Ihavehelped many accomplish their dreams! : )What is the target audience?Anyone that wants to go to a top school.Anyone considering college and feeling lost and confused by the process.Use this course to learn about being an Indian-American and how the fundamentals of building your college application packet apply to you. The basic foundations of what you should do in high school are covered in this course as well as the nuances that Indian students must look out for."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ansible - A Beginner's Tutorial" |
"In this course I show how to setup a simple web platform with Ansible. You will learn how to install Ansible itself, how to write roles and tasks, copy files to the target systems, configure passwords, use handlers to trigger actions and much more.At the end of the course you will be able to use Ansible to automate your server saving time and improving quality."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |