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"Crer un tunnel de vente rentable en partant de zro !" |
"Quand on vend des produits ou services sur le web, le plus difficile est bien souvent le marketing. Comment pousser vos prospects passer l'achat ? Vous avez certainement test diffrentes stratgies et j'en conclu que, si vous tes ici, c'est qu'elles n'taient pas la hauteur de vos esprances.Il faut dire que le marketing digital volue vitesse grand V. Les stratgies autrefois considres comme les plus efficaces sont dsormais dpasses. Crer son site pour y attirer du trafic, faire de la publicit Facebook, du dmarchage sur Instagram : tout cela ne suffit plus assurer le succs d'un business en ligne. Surtout en faisant tout soi-mme. Le processus sera chronophage et les rsultats limits.Heureusement, il existe une stratgie dont l'efficacit est maximale et va durer dans le temps. En plus, elle s'applique tous les types de business. Vous l'aurez compris, il s'agit des tunnels de vente. Mais pas n'importe lesquels. Ceux qui s'appuient sur la rgle de 20%.La rgle des 20% veut que sur 100 clients qui ont achet un produit, 20% taient prts payer 4 fois plus cher. Sur ces 20% l, nouveau 20% taient prts payer encore 4 fois plus cher. Et ainsi de suite !Par exemple, si vous vendez un produit 10 100 clients, vous gnrez 1000 de CA. Sur ces 100 personnes, 25 achtent un produit complmentaire 40, soit 1000 de CA en plus. Sur ces 25 personnes, 6 achtent un produit complmentaire 160, soit 960 de CA supplmentaires. In fine, votre CA a augment de 196% sans avoir que vous ayez eu rechercher un client supplmentaire !Tentant, n'est-ce pas ?Pour profiter de la rgle des 20%, il faut donc sortir de la logique d'un produit unique prix unique. Je vous invite proposer vos clients plusieurs produits diffrents tarifs pour dgager plus de revenus et de marges.Dans cette formation, je vais vous montrer comment revoir votre offre en crant une chelle de valeur. Mais aussi bien sr crer un tunnel de vente de A Z pour votre business.Car le tunnel de vente est LA meilleure manire de profiter de la rgle des 20%. Je vais vous montrer comment crer un tunnel de vente performant qui pousse l'achat. Vos prospects se verront proposer des produits supplmentaires (""upsell""). En un seul clic, le prix de leur panier doublera !L'quipe de ClickFunnel, le logiciel que nous allons utiliser, a prouv que les ventes augmentent de 540% pour un tunnel de vente avec deux upsell.Si vous suivez tous les conseils de cette formation, je vous garantis une augmentation de vos ventes rapidement aprs la mise en place du tunnel de vente et de votre offre marketing adapte cette stratgie. Vous pourrez atteindre jusqu' 196% d'augmentation de CA !En bonus, j'ai cr pour vous 5 modles (templates) de tunnels de vente sur ClickFunnel que vous pourrez tlcharger et installer en quelques clics. Vous n'aurez plus qu' personnaliser le modle choisi et voir vos ventes augmenter !Comment va se drouler cette formation ?Afin que vous puissiez avancer votre rythme et selon votre temps libre, cette formation est accessible la demande. Cela signifie que vous pouvez y avoir accs toute heure de la journe et ce de manire continue, 7 jours sur 7.Vous avez ainsi lassurance de bien travailler chaque notion sans prcipitation, afin de les matriser au mieux.Si une notion ne vous semble pas claire, il vous suffit alors de vous repasser la vido en question afin dclaircir tous les points abords. Vous pouvez le faire autant de fois que vous souhaitez, il ny a aucune limite !Mon souhait est de vous accompagner et de vous donner toutes les cls, tape par tape, afin que vous les mettiez en pratique en direct. Ds la fin de cette formation, vous aurez cr un tunnel de vente qui convertit en masse !Quel est le contenu de cette formation ?Jai mis en place une structure prcise pour vous accompagner de A Z dans la cration de votre tunnel de vente avec ClickFunnel. De la configuration de l'outil la personnalisation de votre tunnel en passant par les stratgies marketing les plus efficaces, je vous dvoile une mthode complte."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Instagram : La nouvelle recette pour booster vos rsultats !" |
"Lanc en 2010, Instagram vous permet de partager des photos et des vidos que vous pourrez personnaliser grce divers filtres. 8 annes aprs sa cration, Instagram se rvle tre un excellent moyen pour faire la promotion de votre entreprise et de vos produits. A condition de s'en servir correctement...Parce qu'il n'est pas simple de comprendre les rouages qui vous permettront de propulser votre marque, j'ai pens cette formation dans le but de vous accompagner en vous donnant les meilleurs conseils. Les tapes suivre pour un profil Instagram optimis nauront plus de secrets pour vous!Avec plus de 500 millions d'utilisateurs actifs chaque jour, Instagram se positionne parmi les rseaux sociaux les plus frquents. C'est autant de prospects que vous allez apprendre convertir en clients.En chiffres, Instagram cest: 4,2 milliards de likes au quotidien 95 millions de photos et vidos postes chaque jours.Impressionnant, non?Alors, pour pouvoir se dmarquer dans cet ocan de posts, il est important davoir une relle stratgie de dveloppement pour son compte Instagram.Concrtement, nous allons voir ensemble limportance davoir une prsence sur ce rseau social et comment optimiser votre compte professionnel Instagram pour atteindre vos objectifs et booster vos ventes.La majorit des gens pensent quil est simple de crer un profil Instagram. Beaucoup de personnes nutilisent pas la bonne mthode et cest un rel problme. Crer un bon profil Instagram gnrant du trafic nest pas aussi simple quil ny parat et requiert une mthodologie prcise.Alors, prt dcouvrir les secrets des influenceurs? Je vais vous dvoiler les lois qui rgissent Instagram et qui vous permettront daugmenter votre visibilit. Pour cela, je vous expliquerai le fonctionnement de son algorithme et comme en tirer profit.Noublions pas que le contenu publi est dune importance capitale si vous souhaitez garder votre audience tout en touchant de nouvelles personnes.Comment crer un bon contenu? Comment toucher plus de personnes susceptibles dacheter votre produit? Ce sont autant de questions auxquelles je vous rpondrai en vous donnant des informations chiffres que vous pourrez mettre immdiatement en pratique.Les hashtags ont une place cl. Ils se doivent dtre pertinents et adapts votre contenu. Vous dcouvrirez les secrets des hashtags et je vous livrerai quelques hacks vous permettant davoir plus de visibilit sur Instagram.Plus vous aurez de monde derrire vous, plus votre visibilit augmentera. Pour cela, nous aborderons la technique du following afin de faire grandir votre influence et votre communaut. Je vous dtaillerai les diffrentes tapes atteindre et le comportement adopter selon le nombre de followers que vous avez.Pour que cela soit plus simple, je vous donnerai une check-list chiffre respecter pour arriver votre objectif.Je vous parlerai aussi de My Business Automation, un logiciel trs utile sur Instagram. Il est indispensable de comprendre son fonctionnement et de bien le configurer pour obtenir un rsultat satisfaisant. Droulement de la formation: Pour que vous puissiez suivre la formation votre rythme, vous pourrez visionner les cours et les vidos quand vous le souhaitez. Accessibles toutes heures du jour et de la nuit, il vous sera facile de revoir les vidos que vous navez pas compris et ce, autant de fois que vous en aurez besoin.Vous aurez ainsi tout le temps ncessaire pour assimiler les notions abordes, en fonction de votre temps libre.A la fin de la formation, vous avez lassurance dtre en possession dun profil Instagram optimis et efficace pour le dveloppement de votre business.Programme de la formation:La formation telle que je lai conue se dcompose en 6 parties comprenant chacune plusieurs modules vidos.Son organisation est pense pour vous accompagner de A Z dans la cration dun profil Instagram optimis.Partie 1: Introduction.Limportance dune prsence sur Instagram.Partie 2: Cration dun profil Instagram optimis.Crer un profil professionnel: accs aux statistiques et publicit.Les codes et les rgles dInstagram: secrets dinfluenceurs.Partie 3: Cration de contenu et croissance de profil.Cration et mise en forme de contenu adapt son profil.Lalgorithme Instagram.Les hashtags.Comment augmenter son nombre dabonns avec le Following.Les 3 stades de croissance Instagram.Le process chiffr dInstagram.Partie 4: Lautomatisation sur Instagram.My Business Automation: configuration et utilisation.Utilisation du logiciel: plaire Instagram et maximiser sa croissance.Partie 5: Stratgies de montisation Instagram.6 stratgies pour montiser avec des produits de vos thmatiques.Conclusion."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Boostez Vos Ventes Avec Un Groupe Facebook Succs." |
"Si vous voulez vraiment russir dvelopper un business rentable avec Internet,Il y a 3 choses que vous devez savoir :1. Vous perdez votre temps, votre nergie et srement votre argent en multipliant les stratgies pour vendre.Vous devez DS MAINTENANT identifier les actions qui apportent du rsultat et supprimer celles qui sont inutiles.2. Vous devez connatre ET comprendre le concept des 1000 VRAIS fans de Kevin Kelly, que je vous expliquerai plus bas.Une fois que lon applique cet enseignement, on sait exactement quelles sont les actions mettre en place pour obtenir des rsultats rapides3. Vous devez IMPRATIVEMENT arrter dtre victime du shinning effect (lobjet qui brille et qui nous attire), ce procd utilis par tous les vendeurs de rves et autres gourous du marketing pour vous vendre leur mthode rvolutionnaire. Les mthodes les plus efficaces ne sont pas les plus coteuses. Je m'apprte vous le prouver. Mais, attention, cette formation n'est pas une mthode miracle. Vous ne roulerez pas en Ferrari la semaine prochaine. Par contre, votre chiffre d'affaires grimpera progressivement, sans que vous ayez fournir plus d'efforts. Car la mthode que je vous partage dans cette formation n'a rien de compliqu. Toute personne qui vend un produit ou un service sur Internet peut en bnficier.Pour bien vous expliquer cette stratgie, le plus simple est de vous raconter lhistoire dune de mes clientes.Quand on a commenc travailler ensemble, Cindy se dfinissait comme coach en loi dattraction et bossait avec des clients dans le monde rel. Pour trouver des clients, elle utilisait les mthodes classiques (bouche--oreille, carte de visites, networking, etc.).Comme beaucoup de coachs, elle changeait son temps contre de l'argent. Mais une fois son emploi du temps plein, entre rendez-vous et prospection, son business model atteignait ses limites. Elle a vu des coachs proposer leurs services sur Internet et ils avaient l'air de beaucoup mieux s'en sortir. C'tait dcid : elle aussi allait digitaliser son activit. Elle a cr un podcast sur YouTube et une page Facebook.Est-ce que cela a suffit tout changer pour elle ? Malheureusement, non. Publier du contenu, c'est bien. Mais il faut qu'il parvienne aux bons prospects !J'ai rencontr Cindy lorsqu'elle a particip l'un de mes bootcamps. Pendant 3 jours, je lui ai partag tout ce que je m'apprte vous dvoiler et, en quelque mois, son business sest radicalement transform...Aujourdhui elle a :Une formation en ligne qui se vend trs bien en automatique.Elle vient de faire une confrence devant 300 personnes pour parler de son parcours.Et, en coaching personnalis, elle ne prend QUE des clients haut de gamme.Quest-ce que Cindy a fait de plus quavant ?La rponse, c'est que Cindy fait moins. Mais elle fait mieux ! Elle s'est concentre sur la cration d'une communaut, avec une stratgie simple et sa porte. Preuve que l'on peut y parvenir sans devenir un expert du marketing en ligne ou en recruter un.Idem pour Michel, un autre de mes clients. Cet anthropologue spcialiste de la Transe a russi vendre sa formation 10 personnes en 9 jours, gnrant ainsi 1970 de chiffre d'affaires. S'il a pu le faire sur une thmatique aussi spcifique, vous le pouvez aussi. Car vos prospects, peu importe qui ils sont, sont dj sur les rseaux sociaux.Je vous dvoile le concept qui a tout chang pour moi (et pour la majorit des mes clients).Ce ne sont pas forcment les concepts les plus rcents qui s'appliquent le mieux sur Internet. Celui dont je vais vous parler date de 2008. C'est Kevin Kelly qui l'a thoris sur son blog, dans un article intitul ""1000 VRAIS FANS"".Il y explique que pour vivre en tant que crateur indpendant, nul besoin davoir des millions de fans, de clients, ou de gnrer des millions deuros de chiffre daffaires.Il suffit JUSTE davoir 1000 vrais fans.Kelly insiste sur le terme de ""vrais fans"". On ne parle pas de likes sur Facebook ou de followers sur Twitter.Un vrai fan est une personne qui va acheter tout ce que va produire un crateur.Il va acheter tous les albums dun artiste, ses ditions collector et va aller tous ses concerts. Il va acheter tous les livres et produits drivs dun auteur, etc.Kevin Kelly explique quil y a deux critres pour que le modle des 1 000 vrais fans fonctionne :Lartiste doit gagner environ $100/fan/an avec la vente de ses produits.Lartiste doit avoir une relation directe avec ses fans et doit pouvoir leur parler et leur vendre directement.Le raisonnement est simple : Si 1000 vrais fans donnent $100 chaque anne un crateur, et que celui-ci na pas verser diverses commissions des intermdiaires, il pourra vivre librement de ce quil fait. Car 1 000 * $100 = $100 000 / an, ou $8333/mois !Le concept des 1000 vrais fans adapt votre business :Pour appliquer correctement le principe des 1000 vrais fans votre business en ligne, il faut bien sr s'adapter son poque et faire ce qui marche le mieux en ce moment. C'est ce que je vous dvoile dans la formation. Grce cette mthode, vous allez facilement passer de 0 5000 /mois. Mais ce n'est pas le seul avantage ! En voici quatre :1. Vous allez utiliser les rseaux sociaux comme support et plus particulirement un groupe Facebook. Fini les problmes de technique. Grer un groupe Facebook est la porte de tous !2. Vous pourrez vous concentrer sur votre expertise ET vos prospects chauds.3. Avec un groupe FB bien optimis pour la croissance, vous allez galement pouvoir vous passer de budget pub pour faire vos premires ventes.4. Et dernier point (le plus important) : trouver ses 1000 vrais fans sur Facebook (ou ailleurs) est trs facile !Un simple calcul rapide le montre :Rappelons lobjectif, avoir 1000 Vrais fans en 1 an.En ramenant lobjectif au mois, a fait : 83,3 fans/mois.Et la journe 2,7 fans/jourObtenir 2,7 nouveaux membres qualifis dans votre groupe FB chaque jour est un jeu denfant. Surtout avec les techniques que je vous dvoile dans la formation !Avec une communaut de 1000 fans vous allez rapidement voir vos ventes exploser !Trs rapidement, gagner 5000/mois avec votre business sera devenu une norme pour vous ! Dans cette formation, je vous montre en dtails comment faire tout a avec ma methode Groupe FB rentable. Les tapes sont simples :1. Dabord, vous allez crer un groupe FB qui regroupe des membres autour dune thmatique spcifique (vos clients idaux).2. Ensuite, vous allez mettre en place un systme pour faire crotre le nombre de membres de la communaut (et Facebook va beaucoup vous aider pour a).3. Puis vous allez optimiser le groupe pour faire en sorte que les membres aient leffet wahou en arrivant dans le groupe (on appelle a faire un bon onboarding...).4. Et, pour finir, il vous suffira de proposer subtilement vos produits et/ou services dans le groupe pour vous assurer des ventes rgulires et croissantes. Cerise sur le gteau, vos clients vous diront merci !Avec cette mthode vous allez rapidement atteindre 5000 de ventes chaque mois avec votre groupe Facebook.Avec cette formation, je vous accompagne de A Z pour crer, animer et faire perdurer votre Groupe FB Rentable. Cest la faon la plus rapide facile et efficace pour crer votre communaut sur Facebook et atteindre cette barre symbolique des 5000 de ventes d'ici quelques semaines...Dans cette formation :- Je vous montre comment crer un groupe Facebook 100% optimis pour la croissance.- Je vous explique en dtails comment utiliser les groupes pour faire de la vente sur le long terme.- Je vous apprends augmenter rapidement la communaut de votre groupe Facebook !- Vous verrez 2 approches simples pour vendre (sans forcer) dans le groupe.- Vous saurez comment appliquer la stratgie des challenges/dfis pour vendre avec un groupe.- On verra en dtails les scripts et structure de vente suivre pour maximiser vos rsultats et gnrer un maximum de profits.Cette formation est faite pour ceux qui dtestent la technique et qui aiment quand a va droit au but.Imaginez avoir le pouvoir (parce que cest vraiment un POUVOIR) denvoyer du trafic cibl volont sur votre site, votre page de vente, votre boutique en ligneTous mes clients le pensent : Cest comme pouvoir appuyer sur un bouton dclencheur de commande et voir largent arriver quelques minutes plus tardAlors, vous aussi, prenez le pouvoir."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Create a Dogman Creature in Zbrush" |
"This course is great for anyone who has learned the basics of Zbrush and is wanting to learn how to improve their sculpting workflow.Learn to create insert mesh brushes, How to improve your sculpting, General workflow in creating a full body creature with anatomy, How to Quickly Zremesh and Project details, Posing the model, Lighting and Rendering in Zbrush, and Final Photoshop compositing. I try to make these courses efficient for the beginner, and fast paced. This course will save you time and effort on your journey to becoming a CG Character Artist"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mali Tablolar Analizi Nasl Yaplr?" |
"dll Mali Mavir Aydn Tuzcu'dan. Sistematik, bilinli ve renci dostu anlatm. Yazlardan okuma yok, geliigzel konuma yapmak yok. Ama emek var... renciye sayg var. Bilen bilir: MuhaSebep. Ltfen kursu satn almadan nce aratrnz. Cahil cesareti ile deil, yeni ve sevilen bir ekoln ncs olarak buradaym.Bilmeyene Mali Tablo Okuma. Muhasebe bilmenize gerek yoktur. Kolay anlalabilecek seviyede bir anlatm tarz ile orta lekli analizler yapabilecek seviyeye ulatrabilecek kapasitede bir kurstur. Yneticiler bata olmak zere, muhasebecilere, SMMM stajyerlerine, ynetici adaylarna ve konuya ilgi duyan muhasebe ile alakal veya alakasz herkese hitap etmektedir. Anlatm tarz ve format itibari ile bir benzeri (veya muadili)u an itibari ile kesinlikle yoktur. Kursu bir kez satn aldnzda mrnz boyunca, dnyann her yerinden ve istediiniz cihaz ile bu kursu tekrar tekrar seyredebilirsiniz. Unutmayn ltfen; kendinize ancak siz yardmc olabilirsiniz. Kaliteli kaynaklar aratrp, bunlardan azami fayday salamak iin frsatlar deerlendirmelisiniz. Ben yle yapyorum, sizlere de tavsiye ederim. Kariyerinizde baarlar dilerim."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"After Effects: The Complete Beginner Course (All Versions)" |
"Learn How to Use Adobe after Effects to Create ProfessionalMotion Graphics, Animations & Visual Effects -without gettingbored out of your mind!Complete Beginner Course for ANYversion of Adobe AfterEffects (you can even use the FREEtrial)Learn to create your own motion graphics, animations, titles and VFX for yourvideoprojectsGain asolid understanding of all of the fundamentals of Adobe AfterEffectsGainthe confidenceto follow along with any of the many exciting online tutorials that you may findGuaranteed to be bothfunANDeducational!Hi, my name is Tobias and IrunSurfaced Studio.In this Complete Beginner Course I want to share my passion for Adobe AfterEffects with you and teach you everything you need to know to get started usingthis powerful pieceof software.This course covers all of the basics of Adobe AfterEffects from how the interface worksall the wayto creating your ownMorphVFX.By the end you will feel comfortable creating your own Motion Graphics &Visual Effects, ready for intermediate training material.After the course, you shouldbe confident andable to follow along with all the exciting online tutorials that you may find!Ibelieve that training materials should be both entertaining and educational and tried to keep this course snappy, fun and useful.Ihope that you will join me onto this journey into the exciting world of Adobe AfterEffects!All feedback and comments are always welcome!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Blender 3D Crash Course for Absolute Beginners" |
"Blender is a POWERFUL and FREE software tool to create amazing 3D artwork!In this Absolute Beginner Course you will learn the basics of Blender and how to create your own 3D images & animations!Learn to create custom 3D models from Scratch!Learn to apply custom materials and textures to your 3D modelsLearn to rig and animate your 3D modelsLearn to render still images or 3D animationsIdeal for beginners!Honest Disclaimer:the contents of this course are available on the Surfaced Studio YouTube channel. So why buy the course on Udemy?You ownthe course! Download the videos and watch offline!Cleanly organised, narrated and all course materials provided in one spot!Track your progress!Full support - ask me questions directly if you get stuck anywhere :D"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Automation for Everyone" |
"This course is designed for both absolute beginners or people with some programming experience looking to learn Python which is one of the highest in-demand skills by employers in IT industry. The key point which makes this course unique is that it is fast yet detailed. This course provides sufficient details for you to design and develop your own Python solution. Unlike many other Python courses, This course is concise and you can complete it over a weekend.If you are looking for a course which just not help you in getting started with Python but can also enable you to think in terms of automating the different repetitive task which you see around you, It is the right course for you.Key Topics:Python Installation and Configuration(Creating VM in public cloud included)Python Overview (for Python Beginners)Why Python is preferred (for Python Beginners)Object Introspection in Python How to utilize Python's Interactive HelpPython Inbuilt FunctionsPython Input, Output from ConsoleSchedule and Execute Python Scripts asPython Programming BasicsPython Data TypesPython Collections List data Structure in PythonSet data Structure in Python Python DictionariesRange and Iterations in PythonPython FunctionsPython *args and *kwargsPython File handlingException Handling using PythonPython ModulesPython Database InteractionPython Scripting for AutomationLearn Python Scripting for enhancing office productivityPython Programming is immensely getting popular and this course serves as a foundation and covers basic concepts of Python for beginners. So If you are a beginner in Python and want to explore carrier in Python Programming, You are most welcome to enroll in this course and take your skills to the next level.If you know Python already and just want to advance your skills, this course is an excellent source to refresh your Python knowledge quicklyTags:Python AutomationAutomation using PythonPython for automationPython and Automation"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gua para acercarse al conocimiento del bamb" |
"Descubre en este curso acompaado de un experto, los aspectos bsicos y ms relevantes que debes saber sobre el bamb como material para mltiples usos. Este curso te proporcionar los conocimientos necesarios para adentrarte en el mundo del bamb, material natural polivalente, declarado el material del siglo XXI. Conocers de primera mano las ventajas y los beneficios de usar este material que puede ser empleado en la elaboracin de todo tipo de soluciones, desde elementos decorativos, muebles, bicicletas, suelos y tarimas, hasta estructuras para edificaciones. A travs del desarrollo del curso aprenders a conocer el material. De una forma nica este curso te preparar para conocer las posibilidades y sacar el mayor provecho a un recurso que nos regala la naturaleza y que apenas empezamos a reconocer. Toma ste curso ahora y estars listo para empezar a difundir la cultura del uso del bamb y contribuir con ello a un mundo ms sostenible."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"New Techniques to Plant Mango Tree in 10 Days" |
"In this course we will learn a New Techniques to plant a strong mango tree outside the soil then move it to a pot in your Balcony, garden or in your farm; this course could be used for a lot of purposes like decoration, educational, or for fun and eventually you may continue for getting a delicious healthy mango fruits, The idea for preparing this course came to my mind when I was helping my kid to study the plant life cycle by a practical experiment for planting a mango tree clarifying all stages of the cycle from seed to a tree which are included in this course, and it was really fun for my kid to participate in the experiments and he was very appreciated for helping him in his science lesson and didn't stop talking about it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Modern PHP MySQL Masterclass from Scratch- Chat Box Project" |
"Are you New to PHP and want to learn PHP MySQL database the right way? Then there is no need searching the web for outdated stuffs any longer. This course will help you get all the fundamentals of PHP & MYSQL DATABASE and at the end of this course you would be able to build an full Chat Box with Login/registration system that can communicate back & fort with the database as such, this system is an important feature employed in every application you find on the internet. This course is comprehensive for absolute beginner in php and it takes you completely from scratch to mastery so there is no previous knowledge of programming required in order to take this course. I have been a PHP developer for 8 years now and i have worked as a PHP developer in Canada, USA and other place. Been a PHP developer has fetched me a lot of money, and I'm super excited to take you with me on this journey. This course also comes with exercise files or course files to better prepare you towards your development career.The Knowledge of PHP MySQL will allow you to build web applications, Ecommerce websites, Mobile APP, Content Management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, and social networks likeFacebook, Twitter or even search engines like Google. PHP is still the NO:1 language for web programming and knowing it will make you stand out in the web development world and job market places. PROJECTThe beauty about this course is that, you will learn how to build a chat-box system with login/registration system from scratchincluding Ajax functionality.Some of the major TOPICS covered include ... Databases in PHPHow to implement user registration and loginForm submissions & interactions with PHPSecurity in PHPVariables in PHPSpaceship Operators in PHP 7+Tenary Operators in PHPNullcoalesing Operators in PHP 7+Logical Operators in PHPArrays in PHPControl Structures in PHPComparison Operators in PHPLoops in PHPFunctions and custom functions in PHPType declaration & strict mode in PHP 7+Constants in PHPSuper Globals in PHPPersistence Sessions in PHPHow to make uploads with FILESAuthenticationLearn to use AjaxLearn simple HTML and CSS from scratchAnd so much more .....LIFE TIME ACCESS:By enrolling in this course you have an instant Life- Time access30 DAY MONEY BACKGUARANTEE:This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you will be refunded of your money.THANK YOU AND I HOPE TO SEE YOU IN THE COURSE"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming for Beginners - Every Code line Explained" |
"Hands-on Python Programming for BeginnersPython Programming for Beginners-Every Code line Explained ! this course is targeted to people with no previous or little programming experience. My name is Edmund Psalm, I'm spent years teaching people to program in-person bootcamp and online, i'm supper excited to share this awesome programming language with you. This course is comprehensive, yet straight-forward and You'll get a full understanding of the Python Programming and how to work with the latest Python 3 in a practical way that will catapult you into becoming a Python 3 Programmer and get prepared for the future. Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python this course teaches all the keytopics covered by other Python courses , this course is for you.So, why python and why not something else ?It is no longer a news that Python is the language of future technology and one of employer's most requested skills come 2019. Python is consistently ranked as the most on-demand programming language across the job market. This course opens the gateway for you to explore python for data science, python for machine learning, python for web development, python for artificial intelligence, home automation software and many many more,Many of the older Python courses still focus on Python 2.This course is all about writing modern Python or up-to-date Python code, so Python 3 is the right choice. This comprehensive course leaves no stone upturned.We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, Mac OS, or Windows machine, we've got you covered! below are:Some of the major topics covered : Installing Python on major operating systems Running Python Code Strings and string methods in python python list List method Dictionaries in python Tuples in python Loops in python Control structures in python Variable & Data Types in python Casting Print Formatting Built-in Functions User-defined Functions Debugging and Error Handling Modules in python Built-in and user defined modules in python Object oriented programming in python How to build games in python How to create python calculator function Mathematical calculations in python Python GUI Programming (Tkinter) and much more.........LIFE TIME ACCESS:By enrolling in this course you have an instant Life- Time access30 DAY MONEY BACKGUARANTEE:This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you will be refunded of your money.THANK YOU AND SEE YOU IN THE COURSEIf you want to take that ONE COURSE to learn Python 3 then this is the course."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Diseo de interfaces responsive con Photoshop" |
"El curso de diseo de interfaces responsive con Photoshop te permitira disear interfaces funcionales y esteticamente atractivas, con este curso conoceras el proceso correcto a la hora de disear una interfaz en photoshop, desde la configuracion del documento hasta la creacion de reticulas para ubicar cada uno de los elementos de la interface, teniendo en cuenta el contenido en dispositivos moviles."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Adjustment tricks" |
"In this course you will improve your alignment in 12 different yoga poses. If your a teacher, your will improveteaching skills and learntricks that will help youto take your students deeper intheir practice.The course is videoed in the yoga capital of the world - Rishikesh. You'll find notes that you can copy and apply on your studentdirectly after watching."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Photoshop |
"Learn how to use basic Photoshop tools first, followed by advanced sequencing techniques. Until students can repair damaged photos. Adjustable light Followed by flyers, brochures and other designs. Tools needed in the old image repair tools such as the Clone Stamp Tool, the Healing Brush Tool, and the Patch Tool. The adjustable color adjustment tool is available in the Adjustment group and the easy-to-use shape tool. Design like Shape Tool etc. And teach drawing lines with the Pen Tool, which is an essential and essential tool for everyone learning Photoshop. Photoshop Clone Stamp Tool, Healing Brush Tool, Patch Tool Adjustment Shape Tool Pen Tool Photoshop"
Price: 800.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Guitarra Solos e Improvisao + 4 E-books Grtis" |
"Curso de Guitarra: Desvendando o Segredo dos SolosO curso direcionado para os alunos que queiram aprender a solar como os grandes guitarristas. Atravs de tcnicas e dicas fceis, voc poder desenvolver a criatividade para criar solos marcantes e imprimir a sua marca como guitarrista.Chega de mtodos complicados e sem resultado!Com esse treinamento, voc ir otimizar o seu aprendizado e descobrir como criar solos notveis na guitarra.Sobre o Professor:Anderson Paiva toca guitarra desde os 15 anos de idade e tem mais de 20 anos de experincia de mercado como Msico e Professor.Tem como influncia os grandes mestres da guitarra da dcada de 60 e 70 e tem como conceito os timbres orgnicos e um estilo vintage, com foco no sentimento e criatividade.Ao longo de sua experincia desenvolveu um mtodo prtico e descomplicado de fazer o aluno desenvolver uma alma artstica e se soltar das amarras da teoria musical e do pragmatismo das escalas.Contedo do Curso de Guitarra:- Mdulo Vertical e Aplicao de Bend- Mdulo Vertical e Aplicao de Pull off- Mdulo Vertical Suplementar- Mdulo Horizontal e Aplicao de Bend e Pull-Off- Mdulo Horizontal Suplementar- Aplicao dos Mdulos- Mdulos e os Tons Relativos- Bnus 1 - Progresso Pessoal- Bnus 2 - Criando seus Prprios Solos- Bnus 3 - Sentimento e CriatividadeBnus - 4 Ebooks Grtis:- Ebook Completo: Introduo ao Universo da Guitarra- Ebook Completo: Timbres de Guitarra- Ebook Completo: Captadores, Amplificadores e Efeitos de Guitarra- Ebook Completo: Mestres da GuitarraApostila:- Apostila Completa do CursoDepoimento dos Alunos:Luiz P.""Mto. bom nos d bastante conhecimento""Benedito F.""Com certeza muito bem explicado, obrigado professor. Valeu!""Elvis""Muito bom, fcil aplicabilidade.""Gabriel L.""Com aulas claras e objetivas, o Anderson te d o ""pulo do gato"" para te ajudar a conhecer o brao da guitarra e o que ela pode fazer por voc. Sua metodologia abre o caminho pra desenvolver a criatividade na guitarra e deixar o sentimento te conduzir. Graas aos mdulos e as outras tcnicas que ele ensinou, fico livre pra tirar um bom solo e me desenvolver cada vez mais na guitarra, e notria a evoluo. Recomendo!""Jefferson B.""Excelente tutorial! Instrutor do curso se mostra profundo conhecedor do assunto, o foco do curso no se perde durante as aulas. Metodologia ao passar a matria ajuda a seguir um passo a passo claro. Quando improvisa, mostra na prtica os exerccios. Explicaes simples e aplicveis que tornam o ensino bastante dinmico e no burocrtico. No aguardo um prximo curso, altamente recomendvel! Cinco estrelas com certeza!""Rodrigo L.""O curso muito prtico e direto. Atende muito bem a proposta de desenvolver a criatividade, incentivando a experimentao. Nota 10.""Descubra como voc tambm pode criar solos incrveis e se destacar como um grande guitarrista. Inscreva-se agora!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Uber/Lyft Android App Development Course" |
"Hey everyone!So you want to learn how to become an Android master?And you want to be able to develop production apps, and make your visions a reality?In this course, you will learn how to build a completeride sharing app like Uber and Lyft.It will take you from start to finish, and pretty soon, you will both become a master of Android programming and have a production level ride sharing app in your portfolio.The course will cover a whole range of topics, including all the basics of Android Studio, the Java language, and many advanced materials specific to our project.The course will cover several Android APIs, and their usages as well, including Facebook, Google, Stripe, PayPal, Sinch and others.I hope that after this course, you will have developed a strong foundation for Android Development, and with hands on experience developing a full Android App with several APIs implemented, can kick start your Android development career!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
Python/Django |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"7 Master Glands Purification and Activation part 1" |
"In this class, you will learn about your 7 master Glands : the pineal, the pituitary, the thyroid, the thymus, the pancreas, the adrenal and the sexual glands.You will discover and repeat DNA activation codes coming from a higher guidance, that are specific sounds or phonic triggers to purify each gland and to activate it.There are 3 levels of activation for each gland, that will increase their radiance and their energetic field.This practice will take you through a journey of purification and activation of your whole body, and will upgrade your ability to handle the current energy shift.It will create a space for global holistic health and will activate many psychic abilities.You will clear your ancestral lineage, your emotional body, increase your immunity, an balance your hormonal system.This is a easy but powerful practice that you can add to your own routine.Enjoy the codes that are dormant in your DNA, and uplift your consciousness to a all new level.This class is a prerequisite for the 7 Master Glands Activation part 2."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Welcome to this new class ! Are you ready to free yourself from what holds you back? Are you ready to unleash your True Self and its incredible power ?If your answer is YES, this class is for you !Emotional Barriers are Thought Forms that are created by our own consciousness, or inherited from our parents and ancestors that keep us from communicating our thoughts and feelings easily and openly to others. They are mental constructs that act as walls to protect us from harm, and that hold us back from expressing our true Authentic Self. They are usually created in our matrix during our time in the womb, or in early childhood.We have to take 100% responsibility to be able to identify them and to release them. They will be connected to specific beliefs, that are not serving our highest purpose.They express themselves through : Fears Unease when expressing ourselves Shyness Depression The inability to enjoy life at 100% Sadness Lack of clarity Codependence Unhealthy relationships Difficult relationships with our mother, or father No desire to live Not feeling complete and whole Self sabotage Lack of motivation Blockages to successful manifestationIn this class, we will first learn how to identify these core beliefs through Self Observation and Kinesiologic Muscle Testing.You will be able to see how specific beliefs, connected to your time in the womb trigger you and block you.You will learn how to test the accuracy of statements and beliefs with your own body, with Muscle testing, in a clear way, so that you can go beyond your denial and listen to the wisdom of your subconscious mind and cells.After identifying the core beliefs that created these emotional barriers, we will go through 2 different kind of healings : EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) : this technique will be used in a really specific way to replace the negative beliefs we hold by their positive equivalent. Quantum Energetic Healing : use the power of your Heart, and receive a powerful download to release the thoughts forms that are not serving you anymore from your energetic structure and replace them by positive beliefs.You will be guided through different processes to spot exactly what core issues you have, and how to release them.These are efficient and simple tools, that you can apply to many other aspects of your life.You will as well be able to use them for others, to support their own journey.After releasing these inappropriate beliefs from your field, you will open a new space for the Light ! You will be able to express yourself safely and easily, and you will embrace your life like never before !It is time to unleash your true potential ! Time to shine and share your own Light !So are you ready ? Then join us !!!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"HBITOS del XITO Espaol (2020)" |
"La Clave del xito 50 minutos de secretosQuieres saber como conseguir el xito de una forma dinmica y con 40 pasos?Entonces ests en el sitio adecuado!Imagina que ests delante de un ro que quieres cruzar, en este hay una hilera de rocas separadas entre si, lo suficientemente cerca como para que puedas saltar de una en una, hay veces que por impaciencia queremos llegar a la otra orilla lo mas rpido posible, as que damos un gran salto con la esperanza de llegar cuanto antes. Pero al igual que en todo en esta vida, si quieres avanzar demasiado rpido, acabas cayndote y retrocediendo, es por eso que las cosas hay que hacerlas paso a paso, y escoger muchas veces el camino mas lento. Siempre sers libre de escoger, si dar un gran salto o avanzar roca a roca. Con todo esto lo que quiero transmitirte es que el camino hacia el xito, hay que empezar por lo primero, que en este caso es la organizacin y no desesperarse si al principio no avanzas o avanzas lentamente, ya que es normal, es importante la constancia,la primera roca para cruzar el ro, una vez tienes los conocimientos necesarios podrs dar el salto hacia una nueva roca que te acerque a la otra orilla, en el xito,una vez has cruzado varias rocas, estas se bifurcan en varios sentidos, aqu tu decides cual tomar, pero al principio hay que pasar por las primeras rocas que te encuentras.Este cursose adentra en el conocimiento del desarrollo personal y en resumen, d elograr el xito para ser feliz. Saber progresar y entender lo que explicoes fundamental.1 hora de material nicoy exclusivamente devdeopara conseguir un aprendizaje sencillo y consolidado de los pasos hacia el xito, que herramientas usar y como aplicarlo a nuestra vida. Mediante el curso, veremos distintosconceptosque nos ayudarn a llegar a ese objetivo que desde un principio habamos soado.Si no entiendes algn concepto, no dudes enescribirmeen la seccinde preguntas y respuestas, si te gustara saber algo bsico que no queda claro o que no digo, puedes hacrmelo llegar y aadir la clase si me parece bien la propuesta.Estoy seguro de que encontrars suficiente informacin nueva en este curso para que valga la pena.Seguroque cuando acabes el cursosabrs como lograr el xito y entonces, todo depender de ti y adems sabrs todas las tcticasy tambinespero que me pongas tu opinin y as puedaayudarte! Un saludo y nos vemos en el siguiente curso.No hay un curso similar de xito disponible en ninguna parte. Todo lo que necesitas saber est aqu en espaol.Pd: Yo he logrado el xito para m, ya que gano un sueldo mensual pasivo con 16 aos de ms de 1000 al mes.No Esperes Ms!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ukulele Iniciante" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender o BSICO. Seus primeiros acordes, ritmos e um pouco de teoria. Aulas dinmicas com exerccios e materiais de apoio como PDF, mp3...ser decidido o formato que melhor for aplicado para o tipo de atividade. Qualquer dvida poder utilizar a rea de perguntas e respostas do curso ondeser respondido o mais rpido possvel pela equipe MVM Msica."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET CORE MVC - Sistema para Gesto de Vendas" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo capacitar o aluno para odesenvolvimento de sites e sistemas web utilizando a tecnologiaASP.NET CORE MVCnalinguagem C# com banco de dados MySQLseguindo o estilo arquitetural de programao em camadas.O curso ir abranger os seguintes tpicos:Utilizao e dicassobreo ambiente do Visual StudioArquitetura WebIntroduo Programao WebArquitetura MVCIntroduo ao ASP.NETCOREMVCUm pouco sobre UML:Diagrama de Classes e Casos de UsoModelagem de Banco de DadosConstruo de umProjeto Web Completo (Sistema para Gesto de Vendas)Configurao de Servidor IISPublicao no Windows AzurePara ilustrar todos os conceitos e exercitar os itensde aprendizado, umSistema paraGesto de Vendas construdo do zero,apresentando aoaluno todos osdetalhes de implementao de um projeto profissional, desde a construo da arquitetura, camada de viso, camadadenegcios at a camada de dados. Todos os cdigos so implementadoslinha por linha com a explicao detalhada pelo professor.Ao final do desenvolvimento deste curso, o aluno estar apto construo desistemas webutilizando a tecnologiaASP.NETCORE MVCcom Banco de DadosMySQL.Alm disso, o mesmo ser capaz deconfigurar um servidor para hospedagem completada aplicao."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Redis Bootcamp for Beginners: Get Hands On with Redis." |
"Have you heard that database skills are essential for developers to be skilled in and understand?Are you wanting to learn NoSQL database which runs blazingly fast?Maybe you want to learn Redis from Scratch but have not found a good place to learn.Or perhaps you are a developer who wants to improve your career options by having skills in Redis and NoSql, one of the worlds most popular database.Whatever the reason you have arrived here, this course will...Help you understand and apply Redis, including its various commands and options.Having database skills is absolutely vital for developers to avoid getting left behind and to maximize job and consulting opportunities.Key concepts you will learn and work with in this course.NOSql Database(very much an in-demand technology).Redis (one of the worlds most loved database).DatatypesTransactionsWorking with KeysUsing Publish/SubscribeHyperloglogSorted SetsKeysSetsStringGeo.In addition there are installation videos covering Redis on Windows, Mac or Linux.Not only does the course teach you Redis, but thereare multiple exercises for you to trywith video solutions to furtherhelp you understand the material.Why enrolling in this course is the best decision you can make.Become skilled as a database developer generally needs you to learn NoSQL. Often this will require multiple courses. However you learn all those topics, and data analysis in this one course.Essentially,you are learning from someone who has all the professional training,skills, and experience needed toteach you how to become proficient with Redis as quicklyas possible.If you are ready to get that first paid programming job, or to move up to a more senior programming position, then this course is for you!After completing this course, you will have the necessary skills to be able to use Redisconfidently, have a solid understanding ofRedis and be skilled in key value pair database.The sooner you sign up for this course, the sooner you will have the skills and knowledge you need to increase your job or consulting opportunities. Redisskills are in high demand, as is NoSql database,and you will understand and be able to use both after going through this course.Your new job or consulting opportunityawaits!Why not get started today?Click theSignupbutton to sign up for the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Solidworks Mold tools" |
"SOLIDWORKS mold design is a module present in SOLIDWORKS that contains many useful tools which aid in the design of molds for injection molding and casting. Plastic Injection Molding is a versatile and handy technique for producing plastic parts in mass quantities. A lot of the products that we use in our daily life are manufactured through this process. A variety of industries starting from consumer products to mission-critical aerospace and medical Industries,relyon the process of injection molding to produce the parts they require. Despitehaving many advantages and applications, the major complicated, time-consuming and costly part ofthe Injection Molding process is the mold design, used for producing the parts. In the process of Mold design, generation of different features such as the parting lines and surfaces, shut-off surfaces and toolingsplits isvery crucial for the most critical component i.e. theMold in the Injection Molding process. SOLIDWORKS is a software that is widely used in the industry for designing complicated products with ease. In this course, we will be using the SOLIDWORKS 2018 software and the SOLIDWORKSmold tools present in the software to generate Mold (core & cavity) that can be used as a part of the Mold assembly for either of the Injection Molding or the Casting process.Having knowledge on such type of modules in SOLIDWORKS software will make you stand out of the crowd of basic SOLIDWORKS users."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Design of Green Products using Solidworks 2018" |
"Our world is rapidly changing, the climate is degrading, Eco-systems & habitats are depleting. We the humans are the major factors in this context. The forecast for humans is not that optimistic if we continue in this fashion.So, what can you do about this as a ""Designer"" or ""Engineer""?Can we change the situation of the ""Environment""?Yes - You can change this situation. As a ""Designer"", you are responsible for changing the world to be a better place.You can design products that are more ""Environmentally Sustainable"" or follow a concept of Eco-design.For, taking action you need to have knowledge of the basic concepts of ""Sustainability & Sustainable design"".This course is all about learning how to analyse environmental impact of products and reducing their effect using the Solidworks 2018 software. Here, in this course, you are going to learn about the basic concepts of ""Sustainability & Sustainable design"", ""Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)"", principles and guideline for sustainable design, Eco-labeling schemes, Input factors &Impact factors calculated for assessing the environmental performance of a product , Industrial procedure adopted by the designers for producing sustainable products...etc., in the theoretical sessions.Then in the Solidworkstraining sessions, you are going to learn about how to asses the environmental sustainability of your designs, using practical product problems inside Solidworks 2018, from which you are going learn how to apply Solidworks 2018 Sustainability tools for producing an Eco-friendly design.Having knowledge on such an advanced modules in Solidworks software will make you stand out of the crowd of basic Solidworks users.Hope you are excited to join me on this journey & Happy Learning."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"ANSYS Training: A Easy Introduction with Applications" |
"Ansys Workbench is a general-purpose Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software that is widely used in the Industry and Academia to solve many different engineering problems through a virtual simulation of the Engineering Designs under consideration. Ansys Workbench is applied to virtual simulate the product operating conditions and helps us to understand its behavior and helps us achieve very good design through simulation and optimization even before the product has been manufactured.Using Ansys Workbench software we can Simulate problems from Different fields such as Structural, Vibrations, Heat transfer, Fluid Flows, and many more types.This course is all about learning and completing the Essential training required for effective usage of the Ansys Workbench Software so that by the end of the course you will be able confidently to perform Meshing of geometries, Static Structural, Modal, Thermal, Thermo-structural, buckling analysis using this Ansys Workbench software. you will also get acquaintance with the Design Modeler, Ansys Mechanical, Ansys Engineering Data, and other important modules in Ansys Workbench Software.This course is divided into Theoretical and Practical Sessions.In the Theoretical session, you will be introduced to the basic theoretical concepts regarding the topics of FEA, Meshing, Static Structural, Modal, Thermal, Thermo-structural, and buckling analysis.In the Practical sessions, you will be using industrial and academic examples for learning how to apply Ansys Workbench software for efficiently performing different kinds of Simulations such as:- Static Structural Analysis - 3-D Static Structural Analysis - 2-D Static Structural Analysis - 1-D Static Structural Analysis- Modal Analysis - Free Vibration Analysis - Forced Vibration Analysis (Pre-Stressed)- Thermal Analysis - Conduction Mode - Convection Mode - Radiation Mode - Mixed Mode Heat Transfer- Thermo-Structural Analysis- Buckling Analysis - Structural Buckling - Thermal BucklingIn addition to all of these analyses, you will learn about meshing and how to generate good mesh, use of Design Modeler Module, other important modules in Ansys Workbench software.I hope you will join me in this course for learning more information about FEA analysis and Ansys Workbench software."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to get started with Agile Project Management using Jira?" |
"This is a practical course on how to apply Agile methodology TODAY in your organisation.Are you looking for a PRACTICAL course on exactly how to setup your team, your scope, your schedule to be successful with Agile?Do you want to know how to define the project scope?Do you want to learn to write user stories?Do you want to learn how to keep yourself and the team committed to achieve sprint scope?Do you want to learn how to organise Jira for a better delivery?Do you want to learn what are Epics/Stories/Tasks and how to use them?Then this course is for you!This course is for the ones who haven't done Agile before OR who haven't been successful implementing Agile.If you master Agile, this course is NOTfor you.The course has 2 parts:Theory - where I explain you in very simple way ALL the terminology you need to know. Feel free to skip this part if you are familiar with the terms I'm presentingSTEPBYSTEP practical guide on HOWto implement Agile Methodology in your organisation NOW! TODAY! I walk you from defining the project scope to how to structure it in Jira: Components, Epics, Stories, TasksHow to be successful with this course? BRINGYOURPROJECT!Take one of your projects and start doing everything Ido! At the end of the course, you'll have AGILE APPLIEDin your organisation.YES! It takes only that!I look forward to see you in the course!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Project Management for Developers and Technical Experts" |
"I dedicate this course to all my team members who made a great project manager nowadays.And in the name of all the amazing friendships and support I got from my technical colleagues, I made a course to share with everyone few project management skills, tips and tricks that will make your professional life easier.What exactly to expect from this course?ANYTHING you want! (related to the topic of course)Anything? All right, let's be specific:Scope management:where to look for missing information in ""well documented scope""what questions to ask about the project scopethe power of explaining the technical details to your client and management, or how to win friends and influence people inside projects as technical expertwhat you should ask for?EVERYTHINGyou needhow to document requirements, how to structure requirements if nobody did it beforehow to say no to change requests AKA overtimehow to deal with uncertainty, should you take the risk? NO!Time management in projects:how to look at ittips & trips to be more productiveestimation techniquesestimation checklist - what you should actually consider inside your ""development"" effort to do correct estimationshow to avoid the ""blaming game""priority-urgency matrix used rightforget everything - who signs your cheque has PRIORITY!Budgets in projectshow to read the approved budget in regards to your workwhy certain periods of the year are more hecticwhat is the impact of technical debt in projectsI'll be improving this course based on your feedback and questions.So don't be shy, ASKANYTHINGYOUWANTTOKNOW.This is really a course I did with soul and in gratitude for each and every of my team members from over 100 projects that I managed in the last decade.THANK YOU!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Einfach Arbeitsrecht verstehen" |
"Fast jeder muss sich mit dem Arbeitsrecht auseinandersetzen. Aber gerade die Beschftigung mit einem scheinbar so trockenen Bereich wie dem Rechtswesen ist oft nicht die Stimmungskanone Nummer 1.Genau deswegen lernst du hier auf lockere Art alles, was du ber Arbeitsrecht wissen solltest. Ohne Fremdwrter und Schachtelstze geht es schrittweise in ein Thema, welches interessanter ist, als es zuerst erscheint.Durch viele Wiederholungen, Quizes und bungen ist ein einfacher und gehirngerechter Einstieg garantiert."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Medienfachwirt (IHK) Information Kommunikation und Planung" |
"Mit einer erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Prfung zum Medienfachwirt erhltst du nicht nur einen Abschluss auf Bachelor-Niveau, sondern auch einen echten Schub in deiner Karriere.Die meisten erledigen diesen Abschluss berufsbegleitend. Oft ist das aber schwer zu managen. Durch einen Videokurs bleibst du frei bei der Einteilung deiner Zeit. Da Udemy auch mobil verfgbar ist, kannst du immer dann, wenn du die Mglichkeit hast, einen weiteren Schritt in Richtung Erfolg gehen.Die Inhalte sind so aufbereitet, dass du selbst ohne Vorkenntnisse alles einfach aufnehmen kannst. Zusammenfassungen und bungsaufgaben erleichtern dir die Festigung zustzlich."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |