Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"iMessage Sticker -" |
".iMessage iOS iMessage Sticker ! . AppStore . ! !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"DC Electronic Circuit Analysis" |
"This course take the Student thru Calculating Voltage, Current and Resistance on a Series , Parallel and Series Parallel circuits ! The Instructor give the student a step by step instruction on how to solve these circuit properties. After finishing this course the student should have a very good understanding of Voltage drops , Current Division and Power consumption in a Electronic Circuit ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"matemticas preuniversitarias (preclculo)" |
"Aprueba y estudia para tu examen de preclculo de manera prctica, fcil y en poco tiempo.El curso de matemticas de pre universidad ideal para aprobar tu examen de ingreso enfocado a preclculo. Conoce los temas que debes estudiar para entrar a la universidad que tanto deseas.El curso esta enfocado a estudiantes de preparatoria y universidad que no tengan los fundamentos del pre clculo bien aprendidos, as como paraestudiantes y personas de cualquier profesin u oficioque requieren de un curso intensivo para recuperar los conocimientos olvidados.En las universidades los conocimientos de clculo son indispensable para desarrollar las aplicaciones con las cuales cuenta cualquier profesin incluso para tus negocios es importante poder contar con los fundamentos matemticosadecuados.Con el curso intensivo de clculo pre universitario podrs aprender:ConjuntosNmeros complejosPolinomiosFunciones matemticas.LogaritmosMatricesLmitesDerivadasIntegralesEl profesor Eduardo Mezaes graduado en ingenieraen la Universidad deGuanajuatoen Mxico, DICIS y una de sus especialidades es el clculopor lo cual puede responder cualquier tipo de pregunta avanzada y orientarte hacia niveles superiores."
Price: 1095.00 ![]() |
"Trigonometra preuniversitara" |
"Aprende trigonometra con el curso bsico de trigonometra online Aprender trigonometra bsica de una manera prctica, fcil y en poco tiempo.Este curso bsico de trigonometra te permite aprender a resolver ejercicios muy sencillos como razones trigonomtricas hasta resolver problemas de trigonometra mas complicados como las identidades trigonomtricas ya que los temas se explicande manera clara y por supuesto evitando complejidades innecesarias, para que aprendas en poco tiempo y paso a paso los conocimientos bsicos del curso de trigonometra.El curso esta enfocado a estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria que no tengan los fundamentos de trigonometra bien aprendidos, as como parauniversitarios y personas de cualquier profesin u oficioque requieren de un curso intensivo para recuperar los conocimientos olvidados.En las universidades la trigonometra es indispensable para desarrollar proyectos acadmicos e industriales que requieran clculos trigonomtricos para disear y contar con los conocimientos matemticosadecuados.El profesor Eduardo Mezaes graduado en ingenieraen la Universidad deGuanajuatoen Mxico, DICIS y una de sus especialidades es la trigonometrapor lo cual puede responder cualquier tipo de pregunta avanzada y orientarte hacia niveles superiores."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
java-english-interview-question-25 |
"**************************************** !! LEARNJAVASKILL 10 ^^****************************************< 25> . 25 .25 . 12 ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
vietnam_business_tips_for_korean |
". . . , , ."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"IntelliJ Gradle Spring Framework" |
"*******! LEARNSPRING 39(51%) ********(Spring) (Java) . . . Spring ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"SAT Exam Writing Punctuation Boot Camp 2019" |
"Studying for the SAT? Struggling with the writing section? Do you tend to get those nasty comma questions all mixed up? After watching the videos in this course and completing the exercises, you'll be well on your way to acing the SATexam. The Punctuation Boot Camp will get you using commas, dashes, semi-colons, colons, and apostrophes correctly in no time. Within this course, I will break down College Board released example questions. Additionally, the exercises are there to help you apply the rules and boost your score. ITWILLNEVERBEABETTERTIMETOSTARTSTUDYINGONLINE THANTODAYIf you haven't started studying for theSAT, it's okay! You don't need anything to get started.You don't need to buy any books. You just need to start somewhere. You just need to believe in yourself. You just need to keep your eye on the goal of getting into a great university! Start today! If you have already started and are feeling frustrated, let me help! I make this process simple by breaking down each type of punctuation into straight forward rules, without offering you an overwhelming amount of information. WHOAMI? I've been teaching the SAT for over two years and have been teaching for over 5. I've helped students get into top U.S. universities includingHarvard Princeton DukeSarah Lawrence CollegeStanford UniversityUniversity of California, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara,San Diego,RiversideUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of Michigan I've helped students improve their SATscore by 300+ points in order to gain these acceptances!HEAR FROMMYPASTSTUDENTS Megan helped me find my stride as a student and taught me to be confident as a person. I wouldnt be where I am today without her and I am so grateful.Oskar, Accepted into University of ArizonaMiss Megan teaches complex Math theories in a simple yet understandable way. SAT Math became much easier after having all the concepts that she has analyzed explained to me.Celine, Accepted into University of California LAMegan has helped me realize the variety of universities that offer different degrees and courses, and has helped narrow down the ones best for me.Eugene, Accepted into University of California Santa BarbaraICAN'TWAITTOSEEYOURSUCCESS!See you inside, -Megan"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java 8 New features" |
"Java 8 is one of the major and more prestigious version from Java. In this video tutorials we covered every topic in detailon the board and on the system with live execution. Definitely you can feel like you are learning in class room directly from the instructor.As the part of this course we are covering the following 11 topics.Get an overview of (almost) all of the new features in Java 8Gain in-depth understanding of the major new features in Java 8 that you can apply straight awayTopics Covered:1. Functional Interfaces 2. Default methods in Interface 3. Static Methods in Interfaces. 4. Predicate 5. Function 6. Consumer 7. Supplier 8. Method Refernce & Constructor Reference by Double Colon(::) Operator. 9. Stream API"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Azure Automation for Beginners." |
"This Azure Automation course though is a very small course, it completely covers both conceptual and practical knowledge about Azure Automation Runbooks and DSC. A walkthrough is provided on how to create PowerShell Runbooks and Graphical Runbooks. Also and example is provided on how input parameters can be used for customization."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tableau Server 2018 Administration" |
"The revamped version of 'Tableau Server 2018 Administration course created with Tableau Sever 2018 and has been designed specifically to answer How anyone can manage and configure daily tasks of the administrator? The course will provide that missing gap by giving an opportunity to manage and configure the Tableau Server by having the learner themselves take on the role of a Tableau Admin, and actually produce results by executing projects, tasks, and taking on responsibilities that are conducted on a day to day or weekly basis. This, in turn, will give confidence, encouragement and a sense of direction to what exactly is expected from a Server Admin, thus increasing chances of getting an new opportunity.COURSE CONTENTTableau Server Overview Understanding Tableau ProductsDesktop- Server OverviewSingle Server InstallationServer Processes and FunctionsTechnical Specifications & ChecklistInstallationConfiguring Server Installation optionsUnderstanding When/How to Upgrade Understanding high-availabilityUser ExperienceUnderstanding Content Navigation, Searching, Filtering Creating Site, Project, User and GroupModifying Admin SettingsPublishing workbooks and data sourceServer Tasks Tabadmin: Change Server configuration Tabcmd: Automate tasksJavaScript API: Hosting your viz over webAdvanced TasksChanging content OwnershipAssigning Permissions to ProjectsData driven alertsRevision HistoryRow level securitySchedules: Extract refresh and SubscriptionsWeb authoringMonitoring ServerViewing Server Status Built-in admin viewsPerformance RecordingOverview and Generating snapshot of Logs"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Complete Tableau 2018 Guide with Prep, Desktop and Server" |
"Let's decide if this course is right for you.Have you recently started, or are you planning to start, usingTableau Productsat your work?Are you looking toquickly build your skillsin Tableau Product stack?Looking for an opportunity with Tableau?This course is perfect to kick-start your path to becoming a Full Stack Tableau Developer! In this course, students will get an opportunity to explore 3-dimensional view to understand all aspects of BI development. Tableau PrepWe will start with Data preparation step which will give student fare understanding over data reshaping. Tableau Prep is the latestproductfrom Tableau, this will allow us most complex ETL tasks with No code environment. In this course you will see most of the part is covered over hands on- this will help in understanding new concepts quickly and also, project view will give you a better understanding of real-time problem solving with Prep.The course is structured in such as way as to guide youstep by stepthrough the process ofETLdata with Tableau Prep. We'll begin with connecting to your data and understanding basic steps. We'll look at the best ways ofharmonizingdata. We'll look at ways to analyze the data using data analytics. And we will put it all together into a project view.Tableau DesktopData visualization with Tableau desktop will give an understanding of visual analytics and the ability to solve complex business questions. this will help students to become expert in data visualization. I created this course to be what I wanted when I was learning Tableau Desktop.The Data visualization with Tableau Desktop course covers the fundamentals of Tableau Desktop before diving deep into advanced concepts.The entire course is based around a single goal: Turning you into a professional Tableau Desktop developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production Dashboard.The best way to learn Tableau Desktop is by building the Tableau Desktop dashboard.From the very start, youll be developing every task and working through challenges that Ive designed to reinforce what youve learned. This will give you the hands-on experience necessary to be able to create your own dashboards once youre done.Youll be building two dashboards:A Sales dashboard to judge your marketA Customer analysis dashboardTableau ServerThe Tableau Server administration focuses on the complete introduction to Tableau server admin role. This will add the necessary experience in managing, configuring, installing, and deploying the server.This section is designed specifically to answer How anyone can manage and configure the daily tasks of the administrator?. The course will provide that missing gap by giving an opportunity to manage and configure the Tableau Server by having the learner themselves take on the role of a Tableau Admin, and actually produce results by executing projects, tasks, and taking on responsibilities that are conducted on a day to day or weekly basis. This, in turn, will give confidence, encouragement and a sense of direction to what exactly is expected from a Server Admin, thus increasing the chances of getting a new opportunity.For details on the full course,Please have look at the course curriculum.When learning, learn the latest.I work to keep this course full of the most up-to-date Tableau material out there. This course is compatible with Tableau version 2018.2 and below, the newest Tableau Desktop version available. Youre getting access to hot-off-the-press features.Theres no better time to learn Tableau Desktop. According to the 2018 Gartner's report for BI and Analytics, Tableau is in the leader quadrant. This means more jobs opportunity and stable career growth for you.You might get stuck. But Im here to help.Theres nothing worse than getting five hours into a course, getting stuck, and not getting the help you need to continue.Im in the Q&A every day to help you get unstuck. I reply to every question to get you back on track.I guarantee this is the most up-to-date Tableau full stack course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Unity / C# - Apprendre crer des jeux vido" |
"Bienvenue sur cette formation !Si vous tes ici, c'est que vous avez comme objectif d'apprendre dvelopper des jeux vido sur la dernire version de Unity et j'ai une trs bonne nouvelle, vous tes au bon endroit !Dans cette formation complte dveloppeur de jeux vido 3D et 2D avec Unity vous allez apprendre :L'utilisation de toutes les fonctionnalits de Unity 2018La programmation en C#La ralisation d'un jeu vido completLa compilationEt beaucoup d'autres choses !La meilleur faon d'apprendre et la pratique, c'est pour a que je vous propose des ateliers pratiques dans lesquels nous allons mettre en pratiques tout les concepts que je vous aurai enseign !Vous allez dvelopper votre premier jeu vido 3D avec plusieurs niveaux, des animations, de la musique, un systme de game over, un menu... bref, il y aura beaucoup de chose !Bref, je pense que vous avez compris qu'une trs grande aventure vous attend, donc si vous voulez devenir dveloppeur de jeux vido, n'hsitez pas rejoindre cette formation sans plus attendre !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Go Oyunu 101" |
"Aslnda4000 yllk bir strateji tahta oyunu olan; ama zellikleson yllardayapay zeka ile adn oka duyar olduumuzGo oyununu renmeye ne dersiniz? Dikkat! Bu size keyifli dakikalar, farkl bak alar,yeni zmyollar, hayatnza yeniproblemler(tsume-go) vekeyifli arkadalklar katabilir.Bu kurs,kolaydan zora doru 4 ana blmdenemli Go kurallarnaklyor.Teori ile birlikte yer alan mini testlerle rendiklerinizi de snayabilirsiniz.Kursu bitirdiinizde tahminen20-30 kyu arasnda bir seviyede bu oyunu oynuyor olacaksnz. ster sadece internet zerinde oynayn,isterseniz yz yze bir turnuvada ya da bir kafedehi farketmez. Ksa srede bu oyun hakknda fikir sahibi olacaksnz.Tal yola hogeldiniz!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Making SPACE For Mindfulness" |
"Making SPACEfor mindfulness is a course designed to help you establish a mindfulness meditation practice in five practicalsteps. Each step has a guided meditation to help you embed the principles in your deep subconscious. Each step also has a soundscape designed to enhance the listening and learning experience. This approach to learning is more experientialthan academic, increasing the chances of success in forming the mindfulness habit in your personal life. The course is ideal for those who have been thinking about taking up mindfulness meditation but found it difficult to know where tostart. Once you have completed the course you will have a foundation to build on as you continue your mindfulness journey. You will also have a wealth ofvideo content,soundscapes,and guided meditationsyou can return to again and again to reinforce your mindfulnesspractice."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sales - The skills to become a successful sales rep" |
"Course updated regularlyNEW practicing material: Sales tests and Business cases, to help you explore and apply knowledge. Very important to prepare you for real case situations and job interviews. Both with proposed solutions.This training will provide you the different sales skills you need become a sales rep and to understand the buying & selling process. It will equip you to face challenging purchasers and close sales with confidence by providing you solid sales skills background.The training answers your questions and needs: How do I become a top sales rep?The relevance of your appearance/image as a sales rep.The role of empathy as main pillar in sales negotiationsSelling by building relations and focus on the long termHow persuasion can help you along the way in the sales processThe knowledge you need (Market, industry, products, trends) as a sales professionalThe Negotiation skills and techniques to ensure you don't leave money on the tableThis training is a masterclass on the commercial role (negotiation and closing deals)Developing skills is the best investment you can make so join the course now and enhance your career in sales.Course updated.Support material provided: There are several templates and documents in the bonus lecture at the end of the course that you can download for a better follow up and application of the learnings, and that includes my best seller book ""Sales is my passion"" available in the last section on ebook/pdf format.Recently added: How this course can help your career evolution. Downloadable in the first lecture.Some Testimonials:Saurabh Gumber: ""Yes, it is a 100 percent good match for me. ""Ratcliff K: ""Professional and knowledgeable instructor, presenting in a very friendly way ""Arjen B: ""Very good explanations and I like the way the instructor comes across"" LaQuadraStore: ""I like the pragmatic way and practical approach """
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Sales Skills - How to sell value instead of price" |
"Course updated regularlyNEW practicing material: Sales tests and Business cases, to help you explore and apply knowledge. Very important to prepare you for real case situations and job interviews. Both with proposed solutions.This course is about the two sides of the balance - Price and value - to leverage your skills as sales manager.Price being the financial reward for your product or service and value what your customer believes it is worth for them.Find or leverage your unique value propositions.Understand the concept of value and shift your discussions towards value instead of pure price.In this course you'll see practical examples, differentiators and how you can leverage your products or services to move from a ""Vending"" position to a ""strategic partner"" position.Customers will always push you to price discussions. Your role is to manage that diversion. In this course you'll have the insights and tool on how to do that.This training is a masterclass on the topic and will help you on your commercial role: sales negotiation and closing deals. Developing skills is the best investment you can make with your money so join the course now and enhance your career in sales.Course updated regularly.Support material provided: There are several templates and documents in the bonus lecture at the end of the course that you can download for a better follow up and application of the learnings, and that includes my best seller book ""Sales is my passion"" available in the last section on ebook/pdf format.Recently added: How this course can help your career evolution. Downloadable in the first lecture.Some Testimonials:Ratcliff K: ""Good insights and new ways to look at same issue""Arjen B: ""this helps me to change my perspective and question the traditional way I work""Gilles Broom: ""very interesting and realistic ""Rose Denter: ""I have difficulties to get away of recurrent price discussions, this course sheds some light on areas that I will be able to explore and hope to improve my margins """
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Sales Skills - How to sell to challenging modern buyers" |
"Course updated regularlyNEW practicing material: Sales tests and Business cases, to help you explore and apply knowledge. Very important to prepare you for real case situations and job interviews. Both with proposed solutions. This training is a masterclass on the commercial role: handling modern buyers, sales negotiation, closing deals.This sales skills course will give you insights on the purchasing evolution and a glimpse of who are these challenging modern buyers, so well prepared. The course will enhancing your sales skills to a higher level.By knowing who they are, how they work, what tools and systems they use; you'll be able to adopt the right approach and answer in order to overcome such a difficult obstacle called the modern buyer, by becoming a modern sales rep.In this sales skills course course you'll find the processes, tools and insights that will equip you properly and will give you confidence the next time you have to face such a difficult negotiation or purchaser.As you can't improve what you don't measure, you can't overcome a purchaser that you don't really know. This sales course takes you one step ahead and sheds the light on the modern purchasers and how you can leverage your position as sales rep.Developing skills is the best investment you can make with your money so join the course now and enhance your career in sales.Support material provided: There are several templates and documents in the bonus lecture at the end of the course that you can download for a better follow up and application of the learnings, and that includes my best seller book ""Sales is my passion"" available in the last section on ebook/pdf format.Recently added: How this course can help your career evolution. Downloadable in the first lecture.Some Testimonials:Radu Ursacescu: ""Very useful...Many negotiation courses are theoretical / academic. Amaro put a very personal / practical touch on his course. ""Ratcliff K: ""This is another league "" Arjen B: ""Very high level and pragmatic ""LaQuadraStore: ""I've been struggling with bossy buyers and this training help me to understand them and how to tackle it """
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Professional Email Etiquette" |
"NEW practicing material: Practice test, to help you explore and apply knowledge. Very important to prepare you for real case situations and job interviews. Composed of multi-choice questions and with right solutions, backed with further reasons and explanation of the right choice.Become a reference in email communication by applying the right subject, the right greeting and intro, concise and specific body and the right closure.This course will provide you the best practices on email communication, not only on the construction of your email but also managing and optimizing email communication:How to avoid emails to go back and forth.How to avoid misunderstandings.What info to put in, what to leave out.How to improve your time management avoiding being bothered with non relevant messages.Manage your email communication, don't let it manage you or your time.What are the do's and don'ts of email etiquette in the business world.Come across assertive and a professional.How does a perfect business email looks like.No more lack of confidence or doubt, get equipped, become a professional good communicator.Besides practical information and screenshots, you'll have further support material in the end of the course to download and/or print.Also extremely useful, the slide pack on how this course can help you on your career."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Easy Personal Finance System to Manage Your Money" |
"For the first time ever, I am sharing with the world the exact same system I've used to manage my money for the past 6 years. I've developed a very powerful personal finance system that allows me to visualize exactly how every single cent of my hard earned money is used. In this course,I will provide you with the education and teach you the tactics to successfully manage your money. By the end of the course:You willlearnhow to set-up and use a powerful accounting software to systematically manage your money. You will learn how to record and forecast your income, expenses, and control your cash flow. You will have the ability to determine exactly how much money you have at all times in your bank accounts, your wallet, and any amounts of cash owed to you by family and friends. You will learn how to create realistic and achievable money saving goals to fund unexpected life emergencies, vacations, and gifts.The ability to successfullymanage your money will trickle into other areas of your life.You'll become happier and live a higher quality of life after you learn the skills to successfully manage your money. This course will teach you the way to develop confidence in your ability to manage your money and reduce money related stress.My system is so powerful, that I haven't worried about money for the past 6 years! If you follow exactly what Iteach in this course step-by-step, I am sure my system will work for you also! I guarantee you'll be able to use your money effectively as a resource to help achieve your most desired goals in life.Don't procrastinate any longer. Discover how easy it is to manage and take complete control of your money! The information is all here for YOU inside this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Unstuck: Rejuvenating Marriages that Have Grown Complacent" |
"Do you feel stuck in your marriage or distanced from your spouse? Maybe you've reached the point where you feel like roommates - two people just co-existing together. Every marriage goes through these ""dry spells."" But what if you could learn the skills needed to create the marriage you always wanted?In this course, Dr. Barry Ham will give you the tools needed to: change the atmosphere of your relationship, sustain a passionate and vibrant marriage for years to come, reconnect with your spouse on a deeply intimate level, and build a successful and unshakeable marriage."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The Techniques Of Effective Presentation" |
"The Techniques Of Effective Presentation covers 12 courses and related videos.IntroductionBefore the presentationDeciding the presentation topicPre-planningDeciding the goal of the presentationPlanningLocation and technical equipmentTo have information about the audiencePreparing the presentationThe steps of preparing the presentationUsing your body and the placeBeing controlledUsing your voiceUsing the visuals in the slidesAudio-visual materialsThe correct and incorrect examples of presentationsPunctuation and grammerPresentingAfter presenting Presentation Programs-IPresentation Programs-IIPresentation Programs-IIIPresentation Programs-IV"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"[] (Ansible) with (Vagrant)" |
"'[] (Ansible)' . OS , . , . ( : .)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- / , . (/) . . (Bash) , (Batch), (PowerShell) / . , / , , . , . (Chef) (Puppet). , . . . 100% . . / ., :)"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Create Amazing Online Course From Scratch" |
"Finally the course finished and waiting for you but before you enroll you should knowwhat this course talking about?this course is talking about how to start your online teaching career in a regular steps in this course you will learn the following :How to use your current tools?i will show how to use your current tools and develop it as soon as possible to make a professional studio and what is the recommended tools to create your studioHow to talk to camera easily?when you talk to camera for the first time you will be confused and afraid in this course i will show how to get raid of this and to be also attractive and people like to listen to youHow to validate your course?you have an idea but you dont know thatpeople will like it or not and may me you dont have any ideas but want to start your online teaching career no worry about this point if have an idea or not i will show how make sure that your idea is accepted for people or not and if you dont have ideas i will show you how to find a oneHow to promote your course?after you finished your course creation you dont know how to promote your course and this the crucial part in the course promoting on social media which is the most important place and even deal sitesHow to create a website?to increase your presence and your audience i will show you how to create your website in simplest way without codes to brand yourself alsoHow to sell your course?once you done all the hard work of online course creationremains the last step to publish your course which is how to put the attractive price to drive people purchasing my online course and which places support this kind of work (teaching online course) dont worry in my course i will show how step by stepall of this and more in my online course so like you exactly i looking at money in the first step when i started my online teaching career and then i found that this is not true first looking at the content which you introduce to people and make a researches to give people the best results and then you will earn best money All right lets get started hope you enjoy itHappy learning"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Communication skills for beginners" |
"In this intro course you'll learn the very basics to communication. Why do you need to return to the basics of communication? It is the simple communication skills that we all need to use and develop over time that either 'makes the relationships or breaks it'. In other words if you do not communicate your message clearly, you can and will be completely misunderstood. If you don't listen to the other person whether it's a partner, a colleague, a boss or a stranger, you can hurt someone without truly understanding what happened.This course may appear to be simple and it is, but don't let that fool you. While communicating with others may seem easy to do, you can easily misunderstand messages that you've received, or be completely misunderstood. Could it be the words you chose, the medium you used, your tone, or your non-verbals that affected the communication?Whether you are taking this course for your professional life or for your personal life, you need to speak, listen and to share messages, spoken or unspoken.Going back to basics in order to truly understand what communication is, and how you communicate will help you become a better communicator. This, in turn, will enhance your relationships at work and at home."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Agile Proje Ynetimi ve Scrum Master Eitimi" |
"Scrum, yazlm Mhendislii'nde bir uygulama gelitirme yntemidir. Bu gelitirme ynteminin temel zellii gzlemci, gelitirmeci ve tekrara dayal olmasdr. evik yazlm yntemleri kendi ierisinde z ayn, fakat srelerinde farkllaan eitli alt kollara ayrlmaktadr. Bu kollardan popler bir tanesi de scrum yntemidir. Scrumkelime olarak rugby oyununda oluturulan kk ekiplere verilen isimdir. Bu yntem 90li yllarda oluturulmu, gnmze srekli bir gelime halinde gelmitir. Bu eitim kapsamndaAgile proje ynetiminintemelleri ve scrum master olmak isteyenler iin sertifika snavna hazrlk bilgileriverilmitir."
Price: 239.99 ![]() |
"Teaching English as a Foreign Language Introductory Course" |
"According to a recent report on the number of speakers of a language (Lewis, 2015), English is the third most spoken language in the world, with 335 million of speakers, behind Mandarin Chinese (1,797 million of speakers) and Spanish (399 million). The data gathered in that study is based only on the number of native speakers, as when it comes to talking about the total amount of speakers of those three languages, nearly a billion people speak English around the world. This fact is remarkable as there are more non-native speakers than native ones. The weight of English as an international language turns it very important for people interaction, as it gives the possibility of communicating with people all around the world not knowing their languages but just one.Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is about taking somebody from not knowing the language into somebody who masters it as much as we can. That is our job as teachers. We must help our students with the route they are taking when learning the language and make it most easy, comfortable, enjoyable and motivational as it can be. This is a course for everybody who is willing to take the path as a teacher and does not know where to start. I will tell you where to start Start by enrolling in this course and outstand your new colleagues in the world of teaching English!Bear in mind that this is an unfinished course. As I keep reading more authors and books or having new experiences, I will keep posting new contents to this online course.Please note that this course is not for you if you are looking for improving your own English."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guida base Google Analytics" |
"La Digital Analytics alla base di ogni progetto digitale: non possibile pianificare una strategia online senza avere il controllo dei dati. Un elemento importante nella conoscenza dei dati che attraverso essi siamo in grado di comprendere realmente le azioni passate per prendere decisioni migliori nel futuro.L'utilizzo di Google Analytics per chi vuol cominciare a muovere i primi passi in maniera semplice attraverso una spiegazione direttamente sul software di Google."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Email marketing para empresas y negocios" |
"Aprende como optimizar los emails/boletines/newsletters de tu empresa o negocio para mejorar tu relacin con tu pblico objetivo y obtener ms trfico a tu sitio web (proveniente de emails) y consultas de potenciales clientes.Mejora tus habilidades de email marketingOptimizatus emails/boletines para que generenms trfico y consultas.Aprende como sacar ideas para generar nuevos contenidos por email.Organiza tus emails/boletines/newsletters para ser ms productivo.Conoce las principales normas deemail marketing para evitar infraccionesrelacionadas con spam o las leyes de proteccin de datos.Establece un ritmo de publicacin por email.Optimiza las secuencias de seguimiento en email marketing.Una gran habilidad que puedes desarrollarAprender a creary optimizar emails o boletines permite que tunegocio puedaobtener visitas y consultas de potenciales clientes. El email marketing es una gran herramienta para cualquier negocio o empresa, pero para aprovecharla almximo debes seguir una estrategia ydesarrollar habilidades especficas quetepermitan (mediante el envo de emails/boletines)conectar con tu pblico objetivo.Contenidos y descripcin generalEl presente curso tiene ms de 4horas de video y un PDF de 60 pginas sobre emailmarketing para empresas y negocios, el curso estadiseado para personas que ya poseen una lista de suscriptorespor email ydeseanmejorar la calidad de sus emails/boletines/newsletter,conseguir ms suscriptores voluntarios, aumentar el trfico hacia su sitio web (proveniente de emails), ygenerar consultas de potenciales clientes.En primer lugar se har una introduccin al email marketing para negocios y empresas, luego se abordarn los posibles usos que puedes darle a los emails/boletines de tu negocioy qutipos de emails puedes enviar a tus potenciales clientes.Luego se aprender como optimizaremails utilizando un formato y estructura adecuado, inclusin de llamados a la accin,adems de aprendercmo establecer un ritmo adecuadode publicacin.Posteriormente se vern algunos ejemplos de pginas de captura, secuencias de seguimiento, adems de conocer las principales normas anti spam y de proteccin de datos.Al finalizar de este curso, tendrs habilidades valiosas que te ayudarn a desarrollarlos emails/boletines/newsletters de tu empresa o negocio (generando ms visitas y consultas de potenciales clientes) adems derecibirun certificado verificable de finalizacin al terminarel curso."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Genio de las integrales" |
"En este curso vas a subir de nivel con las integrales, vas a aprender a resolver integrales dificiles y te ensear las tipicas trampas que suelen poner los profesores en los exmenes, para cuando las veas las puedas detectar.Las integrales son como las sumas y restas si vas a estudiar ciencias, necesitas saber resolverlas pues se utilizan en todas las materias ya que son una herramienta matemtica buenisima."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Der komplette Zeichenkurs : Realistische Portrts" |
"- Sie mchten lernen, wie man ein Portrt professionell zeichnet- Wenn Sie ein professioneller Illustrator fr die Videospiel- oder Comicindustrie werden wollen, mssen Sie unbedingt zeichnen lernen.- Beherrschen Sie die Zeichnung, damit Sie Ihr Portfolio auf ein anderes Level bringen und den Job Ihrer Trume bekommen.Deshalb habe ich diesen Kurs entwickelt, in dem Sie in 20 Minuten meine Methode erlernt haben, Portraits wie dieses zu erstellen.Es hat mich viele Jahre gekostet, eine einfache und effektive Methode zu entwickeln, die jedem helfen kann, auch wenn ein Anfnger realistische Portrts erstellt.Im ersten Kapitel dieses Kurses werde ich Ihnen meine Methode in 20 Minuten beibringen. Mit dieser Methode knnen Sie ein menschliches Gesicht von jedem Winkel und Position aus genau darstellen.Wenn du lernst, ein menschliches Gesicht przise darzustellen, kannst du deine eigenen Charaktere erstellen, wie einen Zombie oder eine Fee.und in den folgenden Kapiteln werde ich jeden Schritt detaillierter erklren und Sie knnen in Echtzeit sehen, wie ich dieses Portrt zeichne.Wir werden am Anfang und am Ende des Kurses ein Testportrait machen. Ich garantiere, dass Ihr Portrait am Ende des Kurses groartig aussehen wirdWenn Sie anfangen wollen, brauchen Sie nur Bleistift und Papier und in 20 Minuten lernen Sie, wie man professionell zeichnet.Ok Leute, ich sehe sie im ersten Kapitel."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |