Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"5S Workplace Management Technique" |
"5S is a very basic and simple system for Workplace Management. The 5S name is given because this method uses a list of five Japanese words: Seiri-Sorting, Seiton-Set in Order, Seiso- Shine, Seiketsu- Standardization and Shitsuke-Sustain/Self Discipline and all the five letters start with S.This concept helps to organize the workplace in such a manner so our day to day work becomes smooth, this results in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of an individual. 5S is also one of the key elements of Visual Factory concept. It helps to boost the morale of employees and also it improves the teamwork culture in the organization. 5S is the solid base of all other improvement initiatives in the organization.COURSE CONTENTModule 1 : Overview of 5S Workplace Management TechniqueImportance of 5S (Workplace Management Technique)Introduction of 5S (Workplace Management Technique)Benefits of 5S (Workplace Management Technique)Guideline for 5S Initiation Exercise Round 1Module 2 : 1-S Implementation Methodology1-S Overview1-S Implementation MethodologyExercise Round 2Module 3 : 2-S Implementation Methodology2-S Overview2-S Implementation Methodology2-S Implementation ExamplesExercise Round 3Module 4 : 3-S Implementation Methodology3-S Overview3-S Implementation MethodologyCleaning Check Sheet Preparation GuidelineAbnormality Detection and Correction with ExamplesMega Cleaning Day GuidelineModule 5 : 4-S Implementation Methodology4-S OverviewImportance of StandardizationExamples of Identification StandardsBriefing of Visual ManagementExamples of Visual ManagementExercise Round 4Module 6 : 5S Implementation Methodology5S OverviewImportance of Sustenance5S AuditingRole of Top Management for 5S (Workplace Management Technique) sustenance"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kaizen - Continuous Improvement Practitioner Course" |
"Kaizen - Continuous Improvement is the Japanese word for Continual Improvement. Kaizen consists of two words i.e. KAI Change and Zen-Good (For Better). So literal meaning of Kaizen is Change for Better through little steps in our Professional life, Personal life and Social life.Kaizen - Continuous Improvement helps the organizations to generate a process-oriented way of thinking and develop strategies that assure continuous improvements involving people at all levels of an organization hierarchy. The message of the Kaizen strategy is that not a day should pass by, without some kind of improvement being made somewhere in the organization.Kaizen - Continuous Improvement aims to eliminate the wastes from all the processes by involving 100% employees in the organization. Kaizen helps individual to think out of box and bring in Good Changes by using less resources.COURSE CONTENT:Module 1 : Overview of Kaizen1. What is Kaizen - Continuous Improvement2.What is GEMBA3.What is GEMBA Kaizen4.What Kaizen is not5.Why to Do Kaizen6. Continuous improvement in PQCDEHSM7.Elimination/Reduction of 7+1 waste8.To make attitudinal change9.5W 1H principle10. When to do Kaizen11. Who will do Kaizen12. Where to do KaizenModule 2 : 1H of Kaizen1. How to do Kaizen2.Hunting for 3Ms (Muda, Mura, Muri)3. SCAMPER Methodology4.Kaizen Sheet5. Real life Examples of Kaizens6. Evaluation of Kaizen7. Kaizen Mela Celebration8. Real life Examples of Kaizen Mela9.Course wrap up"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"School of Rockin' Content: Create Awesome Social Media Posts" |
"IT'STIMETOSTARTROCKIN' YOUR SOCIALMEDIA!TheSchoolofRockin'Contentwillhelpyou:BUILDALOYALARMYOFFANSANDCUSTOMERSthroughcreatingCREATIVEandEXCITINGCONTENTthat willDIFFERENTIATEyou from the competition.The best part:included are10+PRINTABLE BRAINSTORMSHEETSthat will help you brainstormyour own original content.NEVERRUNOUTOFIDEASAGAIN!With this course, you're not only learning, you'reDOING.This course is designed specifically to help youLEVELUPyour Social Media:IncreasefansIncreasefollowersIncreaselikesandsharesIncreaseengagementIncreasesalesandgrow yourbusiness/careerWe will do thisby teaching you toCREATEAWESOMECONTENT, featuring:how tocreate your content strategyshowcasingmanydifferenttypes of awesome contentfunexamplesand anecdotes to help you understand it allPLUS:Marketing Basics, SEO, and more!My main goal is toDRIVEYOURCONFIDENCEANDCREATIVITYin an interactive way, through:10+PrintableBrainstorm Sheets: helping you dream up andcreate your own original contentMonthly Content Plan Templatesto share with your teamSEOChecklistTarget MarketBrainstorm SheetMarketing Year PlanPrintable TemplateFacebook / Instagram / Twitter - in 2018,these are the BESTtools for marketing your business, and they're FREE - so why notBEAMAZINGATIT!Let's STOPwasting time wondering what to post andSTARTcreating awesome content thathelps you achieve your careergoals!BeMEMORABLE, andORIGINAL. Stand out, and succeed on social media!Take the course now!Risk-free with 30-day money back guarantee!Not only will you get the content presented here, but in the coming months I'll beadding new lessons and resources, so the course will keep growing!Which means you'll receive all future updatesfor free!I look forward toseeing you in the course!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a Serverless, Lambdas y Api Gateway con AWS" |
"Imagina que te piden realizar un servicio que devuelva los usuarios de una tabla en una base de datos y lo necesitas para ya, en 10 minutos podrs tenerlo listo todo, cdigo JavaScript con Nodejs, servidor en Amazon y una url para acceder gracias a API GATEWAY, eso te ofrece este curso.No te suena nada de lo siguiente y eres desarrollador web o mvil?Server lessMicro serviciosLambdaFaaSEntonces claramente necesitas actualizarte, y este curso te ofrece una rpida y correcta introduccin a todos estos temas utilizando Nodejs dentro de Amazon Web Services.En este curso vamos a aprender a desarrollar funciones que se comportan como servicios (FaaS). La idea principal al desarrollar este curso es ofrecer a cualquier desarrollador web o mvil la posibilidad de olvidarse de crear y mantener servidores.Nunca ms tendrs que crear un servidor para Nodejs o similar, todo lo que necesitas es desarrollar lambdas, utilizar API GATEWAY y mezclarlo todo dentro de AWS para que de eso aparezca una API que puedas consumir desde tus aplicaciones web utilizando por ejemplo Laravel o en el lado del cliente con Vuejs o Reactjs.Resumo lo que vamos a desarrollar:Instalar y configurar Serverless aadiendo las credenciales con nuestra cuenta de AWSHola mundo, peticiones GET y POST utilizando rutas con API GATEWAYHacer el deploy de nuestros micro servicios con un sencillo comandoCrear un servicio basado en lambdas llamando a distintos procesos dentro de nuestra aplicacinAadir Expressjs a Serverless para desarrollar una API utilizando una nica lambdaUtilizar bases de datos DynamoDB para nuestros proyectos, en remoto y en localCrear una API utilizando Amazon RDS con MySQLDar acceso al RDS desde la lambda utilizando Security Groups y VPC's"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Vuejs 2 y Vuex desde 0 con las mejores prcticas" |
"Vuejs es desde mi opinin el mejor Framework JavaScript del lado del cliente para el desarrollo de interfaces de usuarios basadas en una jerarqua de componentes, despus de haberlos probado todos durante mucho tiempo as lo pienso.Uno de los motivos queda reflejado claramente en sus repositorios de Github, donde Vuejs pasa por encima a sus principales competidores de una forma clara, teniendo en cuenta que las estrellas se las asignan los desarrolladores, es un factor muy a tener en cuenta: Vuejs Github:118.062 Reactjs Github:114.684 Angular Github:42.285Si a esto le sumamos que hace 3 meses Reactjs estaba por encima de Vuejs todava la valoracin habla mejor de Vuejs. Dicho esto, para mi Vuejs y React estn a la misma altura y ambos son excelentes Frameworks que hacen que el desarrollo de apps complejas se vuelva algo realmente sencillo y al alcance de todos.Este curso te ensear desde 0 a desarrollar aplicaciones completas con Vuejs 2 utilizando las ltimas versiones y siempre con el uso de las mejores prcticas.Utilizo Vuejs casi cada da desde sus inicios y he desarrollado cientos de App's con este Framework, me considero un desarrollador Experto en Vuejs 2. La meta de este curso es transmitirte todos estos conocimientos a travs de ejemplos paso a paso.Este curso est segmentado en varias secciones, siendo la primera la ms importante de todas ya que es la que te dar una base correcta para que entiendas de forma rpida y sencilla qu te ofrece Vuejs 2.Una vez finalices el curso no sers un experto, pero tendrs una base correcta y sabrs utilizar Vuejs 2 con las mejores prcticas y un montn de importantes herramientas necesarias para el da a da con este Framework."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Psychic Mediumship Beginners Course Level 1" |
"This course is a level 1 course,meant to be a beginner's introductory course into mediumship and psychic development. The course is also great for those who are sensitive to spirit but would like more interaction. level 1 is also appropriate for students who are just curious about mediumship and want to know more.This may be an introductory course, but the purpose is to build those essential foundational skills that are required to advanceyou into more depth with your mediumship skills.Topics for this course include:What is mediumship?Creating sacred spaceMeet your spirit guidethroat chakra workThird eye chakra worksetting boundaries with the spirit worldSpirit identificationOpening to spiritTarget audience: Anyone who wants to discover their gifts as a medium and intuitive.Anyone who suspects they have mediumshipabilities but doesn't know how to use themAnyone who wants to tap into their mediumshippower to improve their lifeAnyone who wants a safe and supportive environment to build up their psychic development"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"A journey into shamanism, beginners course" |
"The journey into Shamanism beginners course provides students with an in-depth and detailed knowledge of this ancient method of healing.The course begins with an introduction to Shamanic healing and the basic methods involved covering ""could you be a shaman"" and some history of shamanism before delving deeper into altered states of consciousness. Power animals and learning of the different worlds.This course highlights the journey shamans will undergo as they learn about spirit, including identification of earth bound spirits, spirit attachement, entities, and energy. Shamanism is about connecting with, and using the power given by spirits to bring about healing and up-leveling of vibration for yourself and other's. You will learn how to connect with your power animal. It is therefore important for a shaman to have a deep connection with the spiritual world and have a strong understanding of the spiritual nature of the method used. The Course provides insight into where shamanic healing is used, in the body, mind, and soul healing so you can begin your journey into shamanism Who is the target audience? This course is for students who like to learn about Shamanic Ritual and Shamanic Healing.It is for students who want to grow spirituallyThis course is not for people who need a medical or psychiatric treatment."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Profesyonel Blog Sitesi Kurma ve Blog Yazarl ile Kazan" |
"Tamamen sfrdan balayarak A'dan Z'ye bir blog eitimi. Tamamen cretsiz bir blog sitesi kurmaktan cretli ve en profesyonel haliylebir blog sitesi kurmaya kadar adm admher eyi reniyorsunuz. SEO nedir ve nasl SEO yapacanzdan, bilmediiniz konularda bile nasl kaliteli ve zgn makaleleri kolaycayazabileceinize, en sonunda bu iten nasl dzenli olarak para kazanabileceinize kadar reniyorsunuz. Web sitesi kurmak, web tasarm temelleri (wordpress ile), blog yazarl yapmak ve para kazanmak adna ihtiya duyabileceinizden fazlas,her ey tek bir eitimde sizlere sunulmutur."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Video Tasarm ve Grafik Tasarm ile Reklam Tasarmcl" |
"Bu kurs ile hibir teknik bilgisi olmayan kiiler sfrdan video tasarm ve grsel tasarm renerek birer reklam tasarmcs olabilecek freelance olarak ya da eitli ajanslarda bu ii yapabilecekler. internet zerinde reklam yapmak iin ihtiyac olan reklam grsellerini sfrdan tasarlayabilecek ve yine internet zerinde reklam yaynlamak iin ihtiyac olan reklam videolarn sfrdan hazrlayp oluturabilecekler. Profesyonel grafikerlerin kulland ve profesyonel kurgu montaj uzmanlarnn kulland programlar olan Photoshop ve After Effectseitimde kullanlacak olan programlardr. Temel grafik tasarm ve video tasarm dinamiklerini renerek reklam tasarmcs olacaksnz. Bu alanda freelance olarak da hizmet verippara kazanabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Udemy Eitmeni Ol - Udemy'de Kurs Vererek Kazan Unofficial" |
"Bu kursta tamamen sfrdan balayarak profesyonel dzeyde uzman bir Udemy Eitmeni olacaksnz. Bu ii ilerleyen zamanlarda tam zamanl ve asl iiniz olarak bile yapabileceksiniz. Zaman getike artan Udemy gelirleriniz ve eitimleriniz sayesinde tm zamannz Udemy'e harcayabilecek dzeye ulaabileceksiniz. nsanlara aktarabileceiniz, anlatabileceiniz ""herhangi"" bir alannz varsa eer Udemy Eitmeni olmamak iin hibir nedeniniz yok, o halde ilk derste grmek dileiyle :)Eitim ierisinde;Nasl bir konuda ve nasl bir eitim verebileceinizden,Eitimi nasl hazrlayp ekimlerinizi nasl yapabileceinize kadar,Kendinizi kameraya ekmeden ya da kendi grntnz de kaydederek nasl ders videolar hazrlayabileceinizden,Kolayca kurgu montaj ilemlerini nasl yapabileceinize kadar,Udemy Eitmen bavurusu, eitmen onay, Payoneer ulusal deme sistemi hesap oluturma, telif haklar onay gibi tm detaylaryla birlikte profesyonel bir Udemy eitmeni olacaksnz. Ardndan en ok satanlar listesine nasl gireceinizden, eitimleriniz sayesinde satlar artrp ilk srada nasl kabileceinize kadar tm yntemlerle birlikte eitimi tamamlayacaz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Unity Game Development: Build 2D & 3D Games" |
"Want to learn howisone of the most popular games like Flappy Bird, Temple Run, 2DPlatformer, Brick Breakerbuilt?Well in this course we will be going through these games with ease starting off simple with our first game ""The Cube"" which is made in less than one hour and from there we will create more and more complex games.Never codedbefore, not even one line of code?In this course, you will learn C#, as you know one of the most used programming languages in game development and in Unity.It doesn't matter if your a beginner or an advanced game developer information in this course will help you a lot throughout your career as a game developer. Developing awesome, stunning, commercial quality games on a variety of platforms in the latest version of Unity 2018, plus with this knowledge andlogic,you will be able to make games on your own, which is pretty amazing right? But there is more to it:Unity's interfaceImporting AssetsBasic AISound FXAnd MusicBoss FightsLearn How To Use Unity's UISystemProcedural Level GenerationCreate And Animate MenusSave And Load Your Game DataLock/Unlock System For StagesThat And Much More Is AwaitingYou In This CourseSo if you ever wanted to learn to code and make games this course is right for you no matter if your just a beginner or a bit more advanced developer that knows to code what you will learn is quite amazing.So if you ever wanted to learn to code and make games this course is right for you no matter if your just a beginner or a bit more advanced developer that knows to code what you will learn is quite amazing.If You ever get any question or if you are interested in something more than explained, just ask a question I will respond as soon as possible.0 Chance For Risking, How??Well, If You are not satisfied with course there is always an option for a refund within 30 days of enrolling andIts full refund of your money.So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start making awesome games."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a seguir una dieta flexible" |
"Haz seguido alguna vez alguna dieta? no te pareci algo inspida?Te apuesto a que te dieron una lista interminable de alimentos prohibidos y malos para tu salud. De seguro terminaste con ms miedo y culpa que con emocin y motivacin.La alimentacin sana no tiene porqu ser un mrtir! para nada!Te propongo algo, algo distinto, ms atractivo. Si haz ledo hasta aqu es porque de seguro te gustar.Si lo dudas es porque lo deseas.Ha odo hablar de la dieta flexible?No es nada del otro mundo, pero es algo con lo que cambiars tu manera de ver la alimentacin, as como yo mismo que soy Nutrilogo me impresion de hacerlo y he quedo muy satisfecho.Te ensear cmo por el simple hecho de contar caloras podrs incluir cualquier alimento que te guste y desees en tu plan de alimentacin.Qu es lo que ms te gusta, las donas, la pizza, el sushi, los tacos, el pan blanco?Anda y cmelos, no son malos para tu salud.Lo que es verdaderamente malo es tener que prohibirte hacer cosas que te gusta hacer. Olvdate de eso.Te ensear a seguir un modelo de alimentacin hedonista, ms natural, donde experimentes el placer de comer, sin culpa, y an ms, que puedas lograr tus metas de salud.Cules son?perder peso? reducir tu % de grasa corporal? ganar masa muscular?mejorar tu rendimiento atltico?Todas son posibles. Yo mismo le he vivido.Necesitars una mente abierta y vaca para poder entender todo lo que te ensearen este curso que debiste haber tomado mucho antes de pensar en hacer una dieta."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"Curso prctico: aprende a seguir una dieta cetognica." |
"En este curso ser no solo tu Instructor, sino tambin tu Nutrilogo, pues te guiar en cmo seguir una dieta cetognica, qu es, cmo funciona, porqu seguirla y cmo controlar tus carbohidratos en la dieta. En pocas palabras, quiero conozcas todos los porqus de esta dieta.Eso s, perder peso lo logrars aqu mismo siguiendo esta dieta, pues sabrs que es uno de los mtodos ms estudiados para lograr esa meta. No es superior a otros, pero funciona, es seguro y est comprobado.No es una dieta milagrosa, sino un mtodo clnico de uso mdico en mltiples enfermedades, y ltimamente, la el sobrepeso, la obesidad, las enfermedades del corazn y la diabetes.As que si deseas entrar en"
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"Ethical Hacking: Scanning and Enumeration" |
"What happens when you find a target machine with multiple open ports, but you have no idea where to begin or what tools to use to enumerate such ports? This course helps to build a method in scanning and enumerating such ports to make a way for easier exploitation. The course is for beginners who need that method in better building techniques to gather information in exploitation of the machine."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Creating A Business Plan" |
"Students will learn and know the language of a business plan. They will beable to construct a business plan that will aide them in making money and organizing their very ownbusiness.This will be beneficial for them as business plans are aneeded tool for attractingpotentialinvestors. Business plans show banks and investors that you are serious about your business and gives them the potential outlook of your company."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inequalities for A-Level Maths" |
"Inequalities is the third course in our Edexcel AS-Maths Algebra series! We recommend that you complete the courses in order to make sure that you do not get mixed up! All the modules in Inequalities are broken down into small baby steps to help new A-Level Maths students adjust to A-Level style questions. The Inequalities course also includes a downloadable workbook with 11 Edexcel Maths A-Level exam questions on Inequalities. We start each new module in Inequalities with a clear and easy to follow video tutorial with lots of examples.After the video we give you a small quiz to check you understood the new topic.After the video and quiz you are ready to complete a new section in your Inequalities workbook. Remember to check your answers against the model solutions! All done?!? Move onto the next module! There are 7 modules to complete in Inequalities.By the end of the course Inequalities you will be able to tackle any question that comes up in your A-Level or AS-Level maths exam. After all, you have already completed 11 exam questions in your workbook and 19 exam style questions in the quizzes! The next course in the series is Surds. Check it out!We hope you love the course Indices! Contact us with any questions and please leave a review! Lots of Love,Sophie xoxox"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simulados Preparatrio Certificao VeriSM Plus." |
"O material apresentado nos Simulados APENAS um complemento do conhecimentoj adquirido. As perguntas NOso iguais ao exame, os Simulados uma forma do candidato testar os seus conhecimentos e conhecer melhor o formato do exame.VeriSM Plus analisa prticas progressivas e como elas se relacionam com o gerenciamento de servios. A certificao concentra-se no impacto de prticas progressivas e tecnologias inovadoras no gerenciamento de servios moderno. O exame VeriSM aplicado peloExin, obedecendo os seguintes critrios: Durao: 30 minutos.Nmero de questes: 20 (mltipla escolha).Nvel: Fundamentos.Consultas de livros/notas, Permitido utilizar equipamentos eletrnicos: No.ndice mnimo para aprovao: 65% (15 de 20 questes). Idiomas disponvel: Portugus. (Entre outros).Assuntos abordados no exame e peso: A organizao de servio - 5 %; Cultura de servio - 15%; Pessoas e estructura organizacional - 15%; O modelo VeriSM - 30%; Prticas progressivas - 30%; Tecnologias inovadoras - 15%; Iniciao - 5%.Bons Estudos !!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Simulados Preparatrio Certificao VeriSM Foundation." |
"O material apresentado nos Simulados APENAS um complemento do conhecimentoj adquirido. As perguntas NOso iguais ao exame, os Simulados uma forma do candidato testar os seus conhecimentos e conhecer o formato do exame.VeriSM Foundations concentra-se no modelo VeriSM que enfatiza o foco no valor, nos resultados e nos objetivos de uma organizao. Tambm inclui uma engrenagem de gerenciamento exclusiva, a orientao para escolher as prticas de gerenciamento apropriadas para estabelecer o produto ou servio. Contextualiza o Gerenciamento de servios na era digital e analisa como tecnologias emergentes e prticas de gerenciamento progressivo podem ser aplicadas para agregar valor para o consumidor. O exame VeriSM Foundation aplicado peloExin, obedecendo os seguintes critrios: Durao: 60 minutos.Nmero de questes: 40 (mltipla escolha).Nvel: Fundamentos.Consultas de livros/notas, e/ou utilizar equipamentos eletrnicos: No.ndice mnimo para aprovao: 65% (13 de 20 questes).Idiomas disponvel: Portugus. (Entre outros).Assuntos abordados no exame e peso:A Organizao deServio - 10%. Cultura de servio - 5%. Pessoas e Estrutura Organizacional - 20%. O modelo VeriSM - 32.5%. Prtica Progressivas - 20%.Tecnologia Inovadoras - 10%.Iniciao - 2.5%. Bons Estudos !!!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pinterest Marketing for Business 2018" |
"Get MASSIVE traffic on your website!Are you tired of organic reach being very low from Facebook, Twitter & linkedin? If you are SICK of trying to use Twitter, Facebook Ads and backlinks to drive traffic without getting results then you have come to the right place.Advanced Pinterest tips, tricks and hacks not revealed anywhere else. This course is for business owners who are ready to invest in Pinterest and start seeing results.If you want to learn about how toIncrease traffic to your websiteMaster Pinterest SEO Create Strategies that workGrow Monthly unique visitors to your website.How to build a strong profile the right waySimple tricks to get your content to go viral.Grow your business Learn from case studies made about E-commerce brands who are currently on Pinterest Know about the right techniques that help you reach your target audience Learn how to create the right content that appeals to your specific target audience Knowledge about the New Pinterest Updates 2018If your answer is YES then ENROLLNOWand let's take your Pinterest marketing to the next level.Please note:This course will NOTcover Pinterest paid advertising; This course is focused on optimizing fororganic reach."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Best SEO For Small Local Business" |
"Is SEODead?I will give you that answer in a second. Here is the deal with SEO.SEOstill has a lot of potential but the way it is utilized has CHANGED!And many business owners are missing a large opportunity for organic traffic.Have you ever heard of the word ""Trends""?The marketing trend has taking a pivotal shift to paid ads for one reason.Speed.It is 10x faster to run a paid ad to your target audience with higher ROI than organic reach.Paid Ads are PERFECT and easily the best way to grow your business fast!But many have left a lot of money on the table by ignoring SEO.Want to know if this course is for you?Google your something related to your business (not your business name):Something like ""lawn care near me""And if you aren't at or near the top of Google... It's time to boost your SEO.See you on the inside of this course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Marketing Strategy Plan - Complete Course" |
"Can ONEmarketing course on Udemy create a massive upward shift in your business?The answer is simple, YES!And I'm confident this will be the only marketing ""strategy"" course you'll ever need.Because the content Ireveal in this course is currently making thousands of entrepreneurs wealthy.Keep in mind this is NOT a get rich quick course. This course is a strategy course that will layout the foundation for you to create a highly profitable marketing plan for your business.The good news for you?It doesn't matter whether you're already killing it in your business or if you haven't even launched yet...This course is about creating a SYSTEM and implementing the system into your business.Let me breakdown exactly what you'll learn inside of this fully loaded course:LEVEL ONE: ACQUISITION - How to identify your ideal client (Includes FREETemplate)How to create a unique transformation for your clients (Includes FREETemplate)How to attract your ideal clients with a compelling lead magnet How to create an effective Facebook Ad to get your audience's attentionLEVEL TWO: LIQUID FUNNEL -Create a self liquidated offer from scratchBuild your 4 page lead generation funnelHow to properly nurture your leads with email marketingHow to create re-targeting ad campaigns to push your leads towards your core offerLEVEL THREE: PROFIT FUNNEL -The 70/30 rule that will change your business focusHow to fine tune your irresistible offerHow to maximize your back end profitsMeasuring and monitor KPIperformance reportsGrowth optimization strategiesInternal scaling strategiesExternal scaling strategiesSo again, this course is JAM PACKED!This course is only for entrepreneur's (or those of you interested in starting a business) that are fully focused and passionate about growing and scaling your business. I really hope to see you on the inside of this course. It's one of my best courses that I've spent a lot of time perfecting.Talk to you soon inside the course, Dennis Hennigan"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Nutrition for the Athlete in YOU" |
"No matter how you look at it, we are all athletes in one way or another the mother, father, business person, and triathlete all have to eat for the performance of their day. Learn several of the key principles for designing a food plan based on performance. Energy, health, and mental clarity are enhanced when the correct food proportions are taken into consideration. Learn the valuble components of what makes quality carbohydrates, proteins, and fats Understand how to play with those components so that they will support your energy centers throughout the day Discover foods that provide mental clarity and energy and which foods shut that all down"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Get Results And Learn How To Start A Business" |
"Do this short course to avoid the biggest pitfall that 42% of failed small business ideas/startups fall into and set yourself up for GROWTH Lenny clearly knew the subject matter inside out however did a brilliant job at breaking it down into digestible content that the class was easily able to understand. I particularly liked that Lenny was able to challenge traditional thinking about growth marketing and identify ways to impact the complete value chain of a business to find areas for growth.- Luke Tengstrom His class was practical, fun and very insightful. I would love to attend his classes in the future and would welcome opportunities to work together. - Jyotan Singh Lenny was a great and enthusiastic teacher, hope to cross paths again. - Matthew Race I highly recommend Lenny Manor to anyone who is passionate about digital marketing, growth marketing and anything related ! He is definitely the right person to learn from. - Rong Li Lenny has been Super helpful to all in the class at Growth Marketing. His insightful wealth of knowledge is conveyed easily so it can be well understood at an easy pace. - Chris Prokopiou Not only does Lenny come with a tonne of experience and knowledge but he is also an awesome teacher of this wisdom (This comes from an ex teacher point of view). As for the content shared with us, wowsers! I highly recommend signing up for any course Lenny is teaching and most definitely getting him into your business to get thing moving in the right direction. Thanks Lenny, two big thumbs up for you! - Clarita Farrugia He has great knowledge in all growth marketing related fields, is result oriented with exceptional analytic skills. Throughout this course, he was dedicated sharing his knowledge while supporting each student to achieve set goals for their businesses. I can highly recommend Lenny as expert in his field! - Kim-Katharina Bezemer Lenny was able to differentiate the course content to be applicable to each person's skill and knowledge level. He also offered each person one-one advice during all of the activities and was genuinely invested in everyone's goals. He is a great presenter and educator and I look forward to attending more of his workshops! - Gabriele Oberman Lenny is a personable and knowledgable growth hacker who articulates himself well vocally and through fantastic applicable exercises that any entrepreneur, marketer, startup or brand will find helpful. - Rudi MorganLenny ManorTop Rated Startup Growth Trainer Melbourne, Australia[How To Start A Business, Small Business Ideas, Startup Marketing Course, Promote Startup, Effective Marketing Strategies for Startups]"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
studyturkisha2 |
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Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Ynetim Panelli Tema Yapm - Sper Hzl []" |
"Merhaba,Ben afak Saraolu, uzun sredir wordpress tema ve eklentileri retmekteyim. Wordpress tema yaparken en ok karlatm sorunlar ortadan kaldrmak adna birok yntem denedim bir ounda baarl olamadm. Ama en son yntem olarak birok harici ktphaneyi ( codestar framework, tgm plugin gibi) sistemime dahil ederek yeni bir ktphane oluturdum.Sizde dwt ktphane sayesinde web tasarmlarnz kolayca tema haline dntrebilirsiniz.Dwt ktphane gnu lisansl olup istediiniz gibi dzenleyip kullanabilirsiniz.UYARILAR;Bu eitim seti size yetenek kazandrmaz sadece yol gsterir.ncelikle rnek videolar izleyin, anlatmlarm hounuza gitmediyse baka bir kurs satn almanz faydanza olacaktr.Kurslar iin gerekli olan bilgi ve yetenekler belirtilmitir, bu bilgi ve yeteneklere sahip deilseniz eitim seti size bir ey kazandramayabilir.Derslerimiz hatalar ve sorunlar kesilerek montajlanmaz, bu sebepten uzun srebilir.Derslerde ok detaya inilmez yapl ekli gsterilip geri kalan bilgileri temin etmek kursiyere braklr.Ses kalitesi udemy yetkililerinin kabul ettii ldedir, Ancak bazen eksik kalabilir, araya czrt, tkrt vb. gibi sesler karabilir.Derslerdeki tm kaynaklar genelde paylalsa bile bazen paylalmayabilir.Kurs'un ilgili blm bitmeden o blmle ilgili destek taleplerine cevap verilmeyebilir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Uygulamal Wordpress Google Seo Eitim Seti []" |
"Merhaba;Bu eitim setinde profesyonel olarak wordpress bir sitenin arama motoru optimizasyonunun nasl yaplacan rettim. Bu eitim seti sadece wordpress ierik ynetim sistemine odakl bir eitim seti olsa dahi, anlatlan teknikler tm siteler iin geerlidir.Eitim setimiz uygulamal bir eitim seti olduu iin bir alan ad ve web alanna sahipseniz. Eitimde verilen tekniklerle sitenizi arama motorlarnda zirveye kartabilirsiniz.Seo genel olarak sk alma, emek ve tecrbe odakldr. Ben ne kadar sizlerle tecrbe ve seo srlarn paylasam bile sk alma ve emek sizin insiyatifinizdedir.Eitim setimiz her gerektii zaman veya yeni tecrbeler kazandka gncellenecektir. Kursu takipte kaln, zirvede olun.UYARILAR;Bu eitim seti size yetenek kazandrmaz sadece yol gsterir.ncelikle rnek videolar izleyin, anlatmlarm hounuza gitmediyse baka bir kurs satn almanz faydanza olacaktr.Kurslar iin gerekli olan bilgi ve yetenekler belirtilmitir, bu bilgi ve yeteneklere sahip deilseniz eitim seti size bir ey kazandramayabilir.Derslerimiz hatalar ve sorunlar kesilerek montajlanmaz, bu sebepten uzun srebilir.Derslerde ok detaya inilmez yapl ekli gsterilip geri kalan bilgileri temin etmek kursiyere braklr.Ses kalitesi udemy yetkililerinin kabul ettii ldedir, Ancak bazen eksik kalabilir, araya czrt, tkrt vb. gibi sesler karabilir.Derslerdeki tm kaynaklar genelde paylalsa bile bazen paylalmayabilir.Kurs'un ilgili blm bitmeden o blmle ilgili destek taleplerine cevap verilmeyebilir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Quality Assurance (QA) Class" |
"Software quality assurance consists of means of monitoring the software engineering processes and methods used to ensure software quality. It encompasses on the entire software development process including processes such as requirements definition, software design, coding, source code control, code reviews, software configuration management, testing, release management, and product integration. It is organized into: goals, commitments, abilities, activities, measurements, and verification.In this class below are the topics covered:Lecture-1 Introduction on various types of TestingLecture-2 Introduction on various types of Testing (Continued) and Functional Testing of an web applicationLecture-3 Introduction of Test Management tool (Rally)Lecture-4 Introduction of Test Management tool (Rally) (Continued)Lecture-5 Discussion on various types of documentsLecture-6 Discussion on various methodologies such asSDLC, STLCmethodology and Bug Life CycleLecture-7 Discussing on Agile MethodologyLecture-8 Very quick review of all the aboveLecture-9 Introduction on Quick Test Professional (QTP) as a Tester point of view [Not too much coding]Lecture-10 Introduction on Load Runner as Performance Testing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Komple C Programlama" |
"25 TL lik kupon kodu iin websitemi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.Websiteme google a boz training yazarak ulaabilirsiniz.Bu kurs sayesinde c programla dilinde sfrdan master seviyeye geleceksiniz.Eitim seti yeterli miktar teorik,bol egzersiz mant gzetilerek oluturulmutur.C programramlama da en ok karlalan sorun algoritmay kuramama,istenilen kodu yazamama eklindedir.C programlama eitim seti; tam da bu sorunun stne gidilerek en basit c programndan en ar C programna kadar bol egzersiz yaplarak oluturulmutur."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MS EXCEL Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Komple EXCEL" |
"*** DERSLER24.99 TL'yeSATINALMAK STYORSANIZ LTFENNDRMKUPONU STEYNZ. *** EXCEL eitim seti insanlarn ihtiyalar gzetilerek oluturulmutur .Bu eitime sfrdan balayp eitim sonunda profesyonel bir EXCEL kullancs olabilirsiniz.EXCEL'de en ok kartrlanlar fonksiyonlardr.Bu eitim setinde fonksiyonlarn zellikle zerine gittim ve ana EXCEL fonksiyonlarnn hepsini aklamaya altm.Kullanclarn bir dier ana problemi ise etkili sunum yapamama problemidir.Sunumlar talandran grafiklerdir.Grafiklerin zerinde de olduka fazla durdum.EXCEL eitim setinde sadece grafikleri anlattm 50 den fazla ders bulunmakta.Eitim setimiz, Microsoft'un belirlemi olduu MS Excel Eitim ieriine gre dzenlenmi olup; eitimde, en ksa srede en faydal bilgilere ulamak amalanmtr.Bu yzdensreyi verimli kullanabilmek adna,gereksiz yere konular uzatlmamtr."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing "" Facebook Ads """ |
" : UDEMY "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Complete LINUX Administration 2019 with real examples" |
"In this course we have covered very deep detail on LINUX ADMINISTRATION UNIX Shell Scripting and UNIX/LINUX Commands (SED,AWK all important commands). important topic related to script and commands covered in this course.We have coveredmajortopic which will help you to learn and you will have very good understand on UNIX Shell Scripting and UNIX/LINUX Commands.This Labs arein depth knowledge on UNIX Shell Scripting and UNIX/LINUX Commands .We have covered many SHELLSCRIPTING PROJECTS 1,2,3,4 and so on.Lab are CHALLENGING and you have to put your full effort that you learned about UNIX Shell Scripting and UNIX/LINUX Commands.Students Planning to UNIX Shell Scripting and UNIX/LINUX Commands .This course help you to improve your skills on UNIX Shell Scripting and UNIX/LINUX Commands .Please keep attending each LAB as many time.It covers theCore Capabilities that are part of UNIX Shell Scripting and UNIX/LINUX Commands . Sharpen your skills to Learn UNIX Shell Scripting and UNIX/LINUX Commands .ALL THE BEST !! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |