Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Master the Conditionals 1 FUNDAMENTALS" |
"WHAT WILL I LEARN?HOW TO USE the ZERO, FIRST, SECOND and THIRD ConditionalsCONSTRUCT A SOLID BASISof the Conditionals that are USED IN EVERYDAY SPEECHUNDERSTAND how NATIVE SPEAKERS use these formsUSE THESE FORMS LIKE NATIVE SPEAKERSNEVER AGAIN DOUBT how to ask questions or use negative conditional formsGAIN CONFIDENCE in using these formsINTERACTIVE, ORAL practiceEASY-TO-FOLLOW methodIN-DEPTH, STEP BY-STEP approachGET FAST resultsMaster the Conditionals is a THREE-COURSE series that takes you step-by-step from the FUNDAMENTALSto the ADVANCEDforms that native speakers habitually use.Master the Conditionals 1 FUNDAMENTALS Get it right from the startMaster the Conditionals 2 VARIATIONS Learn how to use the VARIATIONS of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd types of the ConditionalsMaster the Conditionals 3 ADVANCED Understand and use the ADVANCED Conditionals like a NATIVE SPEAKER"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript - Dominando o ECMAScript 6 + Babel 6 e Webpack 4" |
"ATENO: Caso voc tenha obtido o curso 'Curso de JavaScript Completo - Formao JS Mestre Jedi' no ser necessrio adquirir este curso, pois trata-se de um mdulo do Mestre Jedi JS. Com crescentes atualizaes na especificao 262 da ECMAScript com ES5, ES6e ESNext, a linguagem de programao JavaScript est ganhando bastante espao entre os desenvolvedores e empresas, tem apresentado novas features que diminui a curva de aprendizagem da linguagem, tornando o processo de desenvolvimento mais gil, principalmente para desenvolvedores oriundos de linguagens como JAVA, C#, C++, PHP dentre outras que fazem uso do paradigma de programao orientado a objetos. Conforme publicado em janeiro/2018 o ndice TIOBE que aponta as linguagens mais populares na WEB, o JavaScript cresceu mais uma posio no rank, saltando da 7 para a 6 linguagem de programao mais pesquisada dentre os desenvolvedores do mundo inteiro, o que mostrao enorme sucesso da linguagem. JavaScript um mundo a ser explorado, desde o lanamento do popular framework JQuery em 2006 pelo John Resig, a linguagem tem tomado novos horizontes, com o surgimento de vrios frameworks impressionantes como o NodeJS, Angular, React,Vue, Ember dentre outros. Esta curso de JavaScript ir apresentar novos horizontes para os desenvolvedoresWeb, que terooportunidades de desenvolver projetos JavaScript modernos com os novos recurso do ECMAScript."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Programador FullStack JS/Node: Proj WEB SPA RESTFul PageCRUD" |
"Voc quer se tornar um Desenvolvedor FullStack em JavaScript com ES6/Next e Node.js!? Te digo uma coisa: Voc est no lugar certo! Eu tenho as ferramentas necessrias para isso. Neste curso voc ter a oportunidade de desenvolver junto comigo uma Aplicao Web SPA Completa!Mostrarei o passo a passo em vdeo aulas, onde voc poder tirar suas dvidas quando quiser! Isso porque estarei disponvel para responder as suas dvidas e lhe auxiliar na programao de sua App do incio at o fim!! ; )O desenvolvimento Web tem crescido a passos largos com surgimento de diversas tecnologias baseadas em JavaScript, sendo de grande importncia o surgimento do NodeJs, no qual esta se popularizando no mercado e nos possibilita desenvolver com JavaScript no lado servidor Back-end.Com a gama de frameworks JavaScript front-end e back-end o desenvolvedor deve aprimorar seus conhecimentos em JavaScript moderno ES6 e ESNext, podendo desenvolver aplicaes Web sofisticadas e escalveis atravs do uso do NodeJs e SPA (Single Page Application) no Front-end com requisies Ajax.Com a popularidade do NodeJs, o Express Middleware, que trata requisies e repostas em servidores Node, mostrou-se eficiente para criao de aplicaes Web e API RESTFul, no qual fazemos uso neste curso.ATENO: Caso voc tenha obtido o curso 'Curso de JavaScript Completo - Formao JS Mestre Jedi' no ser necessrio adquirir este curso, pois trata-se de um mdulo do Mestre Jedi JS."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao Angular" |
"Este curso tem como objeto apresentar o Angular, uma alternativa para desenvolver aplicaes Web de forma rpida, organizada e escalvel.Aprenda os conceitos iniciais do Angular, como criar um projeto, estrutura do projeto dentre pastas e arquivos e como realizar um build para homologao e produo.Ao final do curso voc ter uma compreenso bsica sobre Angular."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao TypeScript" |
"Este curso tem como objeto apresentar o TypeScript, uma alternativa para desenvolver aplicaes Web de forma rpida, organizada, escalvel e com suporte a tipagem de dados conforme consta em linguagens como JAVA e C#. Aprenda os conceitos iniciais do TypeScript, como criar um projeto, criar e compilar arquivos .ts para JavaScript puro ECMAScript 5.Ao final do curso voc ter uma compreenso bsica sobreTypeScript."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SU Podium" |
"SU PodiumSketchUp"
Price: 1200.00 ![]() |
"Departamento de Pessoal" |
"-----> Sejam bem-vindos! -----> Aqui vocs obtero explicaes claras, precisas e objetivas. -----> Todo o contedo tem como base a atual lei trabalhista e contm informaes 100% confiveis. -----> Profissionais dessa rea, SEMPRE PRECISAM LER ATENTAMENTE todas as documentaes e redigir relatrios, ou seja, sem a leitura no h desenvolvimento e aprimoramento profissional. Neste curso vocs aprendero sobre: Vnculo empregatcio Contrato de trabalho Procedimento de admisso Requerimento de salrio famlia Depsito em Conta Corrente Jornada de trabalho Minutos Residuais Frias Resciso indireta Resciso por culpa recproca Resciso por justa causa FGTS Leis do trabalho CLT Carteira de trabalho e Previdncia Social PIS / PASEP Clculo da resciso Clculo da DSR e muito mais!!! Todo trabalhador brasileiro deveria fazer este curso.Como funciona o curso?Voc far a leitura dos simulados e obter o conhecimento dos temas. No necessrio conhecimento prvio, todo o contedo e explicaes (em textos) esto nos simulados. Esse um curso para quem sabe ler, pois sem a leitura no h desenvolvimento profissional. NO TEM VDEOS! Por que comprar? O preo de uma nica aula presencial, em escolas particulares, bem maior (mais caro) do que esse curso completo; Desconto no meu Facebook."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Diseo con Paint" |
"Hola te saluda Javier Rubio.Te doy la bienvenida a este curso y si lo quieres tomar te aseguro que no te vas arrepentir. Yo se que muchas veces nos frustramos porque queremos empezar un negocio y creeme que yo he sido uno de esas personas que se enojaba porque le costaba aprender programas complicados como los de Adobe y pues djame decirte que si no aprendas no era tu culpa.Todos hemos nacido con distintos talentos y pues tu puedes tener el talento en los negocios, empresas, a lo mejor eres medico, profesor, ingeniero, estudiante, etc. Y tu quieres vender productos relativos a lo que te dedicas pero no sabes editar.Te voy a contar una de mis experiencias. Hace algunos meses mi hermana comenz su Fan Page como todos con CERO LIKES. Mi hermana es medico y ella al principio no sabia como hacer sus posts pero poco a poco le fui explicando como hacerlos y de hecho al principio no reciba ni un like o comentarios, pero ya despus de 1 mes tan solo de ayudarle ella empez a recibir citas onlines en un pas que cualquiera pensara que las personas no haran citas onlines. En una promocin que hicimos ella recibi hasta 300 pacientes y eso en ingresos en tan solo 1 da fue de alrededor de $1000.oo en tan solo 1 da en una pequea clnica en El Salvador. Si ella pudo tu tambin puedes hacerlo. Hoy en da ella recibe mensajes para citas todos los das.Bueno ya no tienes escusas, puedes comenzar tu E-Comerce usando Paint.Comienza Tu E-Comerce usando Microsoft Paint. Usando esta herramienta tan sencilla y que en cualquier computadora que tenga Paint podrs obtener resultados increbles para crear Post para tu E-Comerce. En muchas ocasiones no comenzamos nuestras empresas porque no podemos utilizar herramientas como ILUSTRATOR, PHOTOSHOP, etc. Paint es una excelente herramientas que podemos utilizar para hacer E-Comerce. Lo que aprenders:- Herramientas bsicas de Paint- Editar imgenes para E-Comerce - Hacer un trabajo limpio- Trabajo rpido- Poner precios- Utilizar herramientas de texto- Esttica- Hacer miniaturas- EtcNecesitas- Microsoft Paint- Ganas de aprenderReiteradamente mi nombre es Javier Rubio y te invito a mi curso."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"200+ confusing English words (5 hours)" |
"English is full of confusing words. Have a look at these:Able and CapableEffect and AffectGood and WellWho and WhomBy saying or writing the wrong word you are potentially ruining your chances at getting the score you want in the IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC or other exams.In a job interview, your interviewermight be afraid of communication issues that might financially hurt the company and, therefore, choose someone else.Regardless of why you are learning English you need to know the difference between various words in the English language and this course will do just that! How does this course work? As a teacher (and a language learner myself) I am a huge fan of quality learning. Learning a language is, for some people, a life time journey so dont rush it. Concentrate on learning the difference between 3 or 4 sets of words per day (3 to 4 videos), take notes and (very important) apply that knowledge. Remember.....practice, practice, practice!!!As with most things in life consistency is the key to improving. Dont watch 10 videos one day and then have a week off. It is better to watch 3 to 4 each day.....every day.Also, the course is structured in alphabetical order so it is great to use as a future reference. Think of it as a video dictionary for confusing words....ha ha.Can I improve my English with this course? Absolutely! It is so important that you learn the difference between two words that have a similar meaning, pronunciation or spelling. If you dont then you might make an unnecessary mistake that reduces your chances to succeed (pass a test, pass a job interview and so on).Why should I choose this course over other courses? Enthusiastic teacher. I think I teach this course in an enthusiastic way and hope that this enthusiasm spreads to you. I believe that if you want to learn anything, you must be enthusiastic or you will simply give up. Consistency is key (or king). As I mentioned before, its much more effective to study a few minutes a day than to study for a few hours once or twice a week. I want English to be your hobby that you enjoy not your habit that you hate. By only studying for a few minutes a day (but doing it every day) it is less likely that you will come to hate learning. Remember what you learn. I believe that quality is more important than quantity. My rule as an ESL/EFL teacher is to teach between 5 to 10 words per 1-hour class. This is because how many words you study is not important. Only how many words you can use is the number that we should care about. I see many students trying to remember 30 or even 50 words a day! But, the sad thing is the next day they may only remember 4 or 5. I will teach you vocabulary in a way that allows you to retain the vocabulary that you learn. Enroll now and start improving right away! So, if you want to make less mistakes when using English then why not enroll in this course? You have nothing to lose and you will be very glad you did. Thank you and see you soon, Joel"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"The ultimate English phrasal verbs course (3+ hours)" |
"Phrasal verbs are an important part of English. I personal use them, and hear them, every day. By not understanding the many phrasal verbs that English has, you are not helping your chances to pass exams and job interviews. Phrasal verbs can be difficult to learn but they are an important part of learning English as you will hear them all the time.Regardless of why you are learning English you need to know the most commonly used phrasal verbs found in the English language and this course will do just that!How does this course work? As a teacher (and a language learner myself) I am a huge fan of quality learning. Learning a language is, for some people, a life time journey so dont rush it. Concentrate on learning 3 or 4 phrasal verbs per day (3 to 4 videos), take notes and (very important) apply that knowledge. Remember.....practice, practice, practice!!!As with most things in life consistency is the key to improving. Dont watch 10 videos one day and then have a week off. It is better to watch 3 to 4 each day.....every day.Also, the course is structured in alphabetical order so it is great to use as a future reference. Think of it as a video dictionary for phrasal verbs....ha ha.Can I improve my English with this course? Absolutely! It is so important that you learn the difference between the many phrasal verbs that are in English. If you dont then you might make an unnecessary mistake that reduces your chances to succeed (pass a test, pass a job interview and so on).Why should I choose this course over other courses? Enthusiastic teacher. I think I teach this course in an enthusiastic way and hope that this enthusiasm spreads to you. I believe that if you want to learn anything, you must be enthusiastic or you will simply give up. Consistency is key (or king). As I mentioned before, its much more effective to study a few minutes a day than to stud for a few hours once or twice a week. I want English to be your hobb that you enjoy not your habit that you hate. By only studying for a few minutes a day (but doing it every day) it is less likely that you will come to hate learning. Remember what you learn. I believe that quality is more important than quantity. My rule as an ESL/EFL teacher is to teach between 5 to 10 words per 1-hour class. This is because how many words you study is not important. Only how many words you can use is the number that we should care about. I see many students trying to remember 30 or even 50 words a day! But, the sad thing is the next day they may only remember 4 or 5. I will teach you vocabulary in a way that allows you to retain the vocabulary that you learn. Enroll now and start improving right away! So, if you want to use phrasal verbs like a native speaker why not enroll in this course? You have nothing to lose and you will be very glad you did. Thank you and see you soon, Joel"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Pension im Crypto-Space: Bitcoin,Crypto-Currencies" |
"Du wnscht dir, dass du dieses Mal den Zug in den Crypto-Space nicht verpasst? Du wnscht dir alle Punkte und die greren Zusammenhnge fr deine finanzielle und crypto-reiche Zukunft zu verstehen und eigenverantwortlich und mit Vertrauen investieren zu knnen? Du mchtest mehr als die 95% der Menschheit verstehen, wenn es um Crypto-Currencies und Blockchain-Technologie verstehen?Kein Wunder, dass du dich nicht mehr auskennst und du vielleicht zum ersten Mal deiner eigenen Intelligenz vertraust und den ganzen Lgen und der Gehirnwsche der Massenmedien keinen Glauben schenken mchtest.Jetzt geht es wirklich darum, alle unsere globalen Probleme und das menschlichen Leiden an der Wurzel zu packen und die Transformation mit der Essenz von Crypto-Currencies, beginnend mit Bitcoin, und der Blockchain-Technologie zu beschleunigen.Jedoch ist ein fundamentales Verstndnis des kriminellen Zentralbanken-kontrolliertes Geldsystems unabdingbar. Wenn du den Kern des Problems und deines eigenen finanziell-materiell-existenziellen Schmerzes verstanden hast, dann verstehst du auch das gigantische Potential von Bitcoin, Crypto-Currencies und der darunter liegenden echten Blockchain-Technologie.Wir, als Menschheit, haben zumindest in den nchsten Jahrzehnten keine andere Wahl und kommen um die evolutionre Blockchain-Technologie nicht herum. Wir brauchen diese bergangstechnologie, um dieses kranke und extrem zentralisierte Zentralbank-Fiat-Geldsystem wahrlich zu transformieren.Dezentralisierung- ohne Mittelsmnner - , Unverfschbarkeit, Vertrauenslosigkeit (keiner Drittpartei muss vertraut werden), limitierte Menge (im Gegensatz zum unendlichen Drucken von Geld oder Generieren von digitalen Fiat-Geld wie $)...alle diese Qualitten und Eigenschaften wirst du immer wieder hren, wenn es um die (dezentralisierte und balancierte) Macht von Bitcoin, Crypto-Currencies und Blockchain-Technologie handelt.Wissen und Verstehen ist Macht in unserer Welt. Sobald du die Prinzipien und das grere Bild im Zusammenhang von Bitcoin, Crypto-Currencies und Blockchain-Technologie verstanden hast, kannst du eigenverantwortlich und mit einem unglaublichen Selbstvertrauen weise Investitionsentscheidungen machen und in deine ersten Crypto-Currencies fr dich und deine Familie mit Weisheit investieren.Ich wnsche dir viel Spa und Freiheit.Total Crypto. Total Blockchain. The Total Connector.Keyvan Davani"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SONGWRITING SIMPLIFIED: Music Theory, Melody & Creativity" |
"Writing a song is not as difficult as you think! If you can play some basic chords on Piano or Guitar, this course will teach you literally everything you need to know to get you started writing songs like the pros: Practical Music theory, Chord Progressions, Melodies, Song Structure, Lyric Writing, Creativity, Songwriting Tips & Tricks, and... YOUWON'THAVETOREADANOTEOFMUSIC! And if you are a beginner player, you'll learn even more about Chords and Scales throughout the course. SONGWRITINGSIMPLIFIED will take Pianists and Guitarists step by step through the entire songwriting process, and by the end of the course, you will have written a complete song: Chords, Melodies, and Lyrics! ALSO: Are you a singer who is frustrated by having to depend on someone else to help you write your songs?No problem! This course will teach you basic chords on piano and guitar to get you started writing basic Chord Progressions to help you communicate your songs to other musicians you're playing or writing with. Also included in the course:Easy-to-read charts of Piano Chords AND Guitar Chords for all Major and Minor Keys. Easy-to-read charts of Piano Scales AND Guitar Scales for all Major and Minor Keys.Samples of hit Chord Progressions used in Pop, Country and Rock styles.Insider tips that will help you write catchier melodies (hooks) in minutes. Details on how to Transpose any song into a key that fits your vocal range.Over 20 FREE Downloadable PDF'sAnd much more!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Meditation For People Who Swear They Can't Meditate" |
"You know meditation is good for you. Hell, all of your friends can't stop raving about it. Even your favorite celebrities have a 20-minute-a-day meditation habit. So you tried it. You sat down and expectedall your troubles to vanish into the etheras youfloated on a cloud of bliss.Who knows, you might even bereborn as the nextDalai Lama!But that's not what happened, right? Instead of having this peaceful mind, you noticed your mind was more distracted than ever! Within seconds you lost track of your breath andbegan to think:""Why am I thinking so much, what's wrong with me? Why can't I just clear my mind?""""Idon't have time for this, I have better things to do, like check Instagram.""""Ugh, I'm just one of those people who can't meditate.""Don't worry, these doubts are common. They come from common misconceptions about what meditation is. Here's a popular one: The goal of meditation is to clear your mind.Nope, trying to clear you mind directly is impossible. Instead, any reduction in thoughts, anyzen-like calmness thatoccurs, is a side-effect of doing what you are supposed to be doing -- focusing on the breath.This course is about clearing up these misconceptions and other obstacles that keep you from developing a meditation practice and reaping the rewards of a calm, balanced, and focused mind.In this course you will learn:*Proper Posture*How to make meditation a habit that you will look forward to, and not a chore*How to do mindfulness of breathing*How to do walking meditation... and much more.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Singer's Toolkit" |
"s to sing to sing better! The best part is its a play by ear method that doesnt require you have any musical background to learn to sing. All lessons were crafted based on my my 10 years of voice discovery, providing short cuts and the most workable techniques for you to immediately transform your voice and sing better!The Singers Toolkit provides solutions to these problems that you might be facing when you sing: SHORTAGE OF BREATH WHEN YOU SING UNABLE TO PROJECT THE HIGH NOTES SINGING OUT OF TUNE SINGING OUT OF TEMPO FLAT SINGING CRACKY VOICE WRONG EXPRESSIONMore About The Singers Toolkit (Online Singing Course)This online singing course breaks down into8 moduleswith total of28 lessons. All specially createdto guide you to sing better. The course will start to guide you to apply thecorrect breathing methodwhen you sing, follow up withvocal warm upsto let you familiarize with using different parts of the body to project the voice. After that, the course will teach you on how to be adetectiveto look for clues in order for you to master singing the song. The best part part is, Ill teach you how to singpop, musical and classical song! Once you understood how to use your voice, youll have no problem singing any type of songs. But please make sure you practice all the time!Its Not Just An Online Singing Course, We Also Create a CommunityAfter you have joined this course, well have aweekly sing along sessionwhere you can post your own cover up on ourFacebook pageand get comments from me on your singing to fix your voice. I love providing support for you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cartooning for Beginners - How to Draw Cartoon Robots!" |
"Welcome toHow to Draw Cartoon Robots! This is a course for beginners, kids, parents or anyone else who would like to learn cartooning. In this course Ill be walking you step-by-step through my process to create five cartoon robots (and their five little ducky pilots!). By the end of this workshop you will have created a the Laundry Bot, the Fancy Bot, the Party Bot, the Bunny RabBot and the oddly named 'Salad Server'!Ill first show you the sketch phase, where I build up each robot with some basic shapes, then well move on to inking in the dominant lines with a thick pen, followed by adding details with a thin pen. Finally we will get out some colored pencils and do some good old fashioned coloring in!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw 1920s Cartoon Animals for People Who Can't Draw!" |
"The purpose of this course is to teach you how to create retro 1920s style cartoon characters using basic shapes. This course will alsoshow you that anyone can draw a cartoon animal face! All you need to do is start your face withsolid confident shapes, followed by adding somedetail (and maybe a red nose, too)!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Build Your AR Portal With ARCore & ARKit" |
"----INSTAGRAM API IS DEPRECATED--------Buy this course only if you want to build a simple AR Portal:-)----Have you ever wanted to build a crazy Augmented Reality app and learn at the same time? You came to the right place. By taking this course, you will be able to build your private Instagram AR Portal Room that shows your top 5 Instagram pictures. You will learn how to build cross-platform AR apps that run ARCore and ARKit at the same time. It is possible thanks to AR Foundation!AR Foundation is a multi-platform API that allows us to develop cross-platform AR apps. With AR Foundation, you develop once and build to both Android and IOS saving you time and energy. By enrolling this course, we will learn lots of different things and combine them into a beautiful AR app:In this first section, we will get started with AR Foundation and build a simple AR Foundation app which is HelloAR.In the second section, we will get started with Shader coding using Unity's ShaderLab and write our own Shader to get a portal effect. Then, we will write the Portal script from scratch. This script will get us into the Portal. Then, we will integrate AR Foundation into our project and build two apps; one that runs ARCore and one that runs ARKit. After that, we will write PortalPlacer and PlaneController scripts from scratch. These scripts are fundamental scripts that should be used by other AR Apps as well.In the third section, we will get started with Instagram API and we will integrate Instagram API into Unity. Then, we will get your most liked 5 Instagram pictures by comparing the likes count of each Instagram picture. After that, we will show your TOP Five Instagram picture inside our Portal Room along with your profile picture and username. So, this course will teach not only Augmented Reality but also working with APIs and Shaders inside Unity 2018.3. You will code your own Shader, parse JSON, download pictures, write fundamental AR scripts... All of them will be done from scratch!Take this course and learn Augmented Reality in a cool way... :-)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Magie der Sprache - Fr ein erfolgreiches Business" |
"Die Inhalte von ""Magie der Sprache"" zusammengefasst:Die Besten Psychologischen Verkaufs- und berzeugungstechnikenHypnotische Verkaufstexte und TechnikenNeurolinguistische MethodenInsgesamt 33 Techniken und Methoden die Ihr Geschft in atemberaubendem Tempo mehr Umsatz, mehr Kunden und Auftrge bringen werden!Sie werden danach nicht nur verkaufsstarke Texte schreiben knnen, Sie werden verstehen wie Menschen gestrickt sind und viel einfacher ihre Bedrfnisse und Ziele durchsetzen. Einfach und fast schon lssig!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Autenticacin y Autorizacin en ASP.NET MVC" |
"Cuando desarrollamos una aplicacin web necesitamos autenticar a los usuarios que van a acceder, teniendo en cuenta que contamos con nuestra propia lgica de manejo de losusuariospodemos aprovechar la funcionalidad de ASPNETIdentity,el sistema de membresabasado enClaims recomendado por Microsoft para la autenticacin y autorizacin (Login, Logout) de losusuarios (Iniciar y cerrar sessin).En este curso aprenders paso a paso como autenticar un usuario con los datos locales de la aplicacin y con entidades sociales como Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Twitter etc.Para entender como trabaja Identity no se usarla plantilla de Visual Studio para el desarrollo de la aplicacin de ejemplo, en su lugar usaremos un proyecto web MVC vaco para ejemplificar cada paso del proceso de autenticacin y autorizacin del acceso a recursos del sistema.Usaremos la biblioteca de paquetes NuGet para instalar los paquetes necesarios para implementar una autenticacin de usuarios locales con ASP NET Identity.Hablaremos del atributo AuthorizeAttribute y AllowAnonymousAttribute los cuales nos vanarestrigir opermitirelacceso a los controladores y acciones.Finalizaremos con la implementacin de un esquemade autenticacina travs de proveedoresexternos comoFacebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Google entre otros.Inscribete y aprendamos las bases del desarrollo de una aplicacin con autenticacin y autorizacin inluda por nosotros mismos paso a paso."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Flutter - Advanced Course" |
"This is an advanced course and not intended for beginners. In this course you will learn how to work with graphics, animate widgets, use maps, phone integration such as permissions and the camera and how to work with firebase. This course picks up right where my previous courses have left off."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Qt Core for Beginners with C++" |
"No experience necessary, this is a beginners course that will teach you the foundations of both Qt and C++. This course is meant as a direct replacement for an introduction to C++ class. This course starts off with simple topics such as ""what is a variable"" and ends with some basic Qt classes and how to work with them. The main focus of this course is to get the student a solid foundation to move forward from.This is the starting point for all other Qt courses on UdemyQt Core IntermediateQt Core AdvancedQt WidgetsQt QML"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Opi Kehittmn Pelej" |
"Nyt ei pelinkehityksen aloittaminen helpommaksi tule. Yli seitsemn tuntia nauhoitettua, aloittelijalle sopivaa koulutusmateriaalia ja vielp tysin suomeksi. Vaikka et olisi koskaan ennen tehnyt pelej, kurssi sopii sinulle tydellisesti.Tervetuloa Opi kehittmn pelej -verkkokurssille! Kurssilla tutustutaan koodaamisen logiikkaan, Construct 3 -pelimoottoriin sek pelisuunnitteluun. Kurssi sopii vasta-aloittelijoille, eli et tarvitse aiempaa kokemusta hyptksesi mukaan.Pset mys mukaan pelinkehittjien yhteisn, jossa ratkotaan yhdess pelinkehityksen saloja sek autetaan toinen toistamme erilaisissa pulmatilanteissa.Ryhdytn opiskelemaan pelikehityst yhdess, aloitetaan perusteista ja siirrytn syvemmlle video kerrallaan. Lopuksi pset halutessasi julkaisemaan oman pelisi maailmanlaajuisesti!Kurssin lopuksi pystyt jatkamaan pelikehityst itsenisesti, olet kykenevinen luomaan omia pelej alusta loppuun sek julkaisemaan ne. Halutessasi voit joko jatkaa pelikehityst hydynten Construct 3 -pelimoottoria, tai siirty eteenpin opiskelemaan ohjelmointia. Kurssi tarjoaa tydelliset evt ohjelmoinnin jatko-opiskelua varten!Hypp mukaan!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"learn 3d modeling the introduction to blender 3d" |
"Learn Blender to create beautiful 3D models for video games, 3D printing, house design etc. No prior knowledge required. This course is continually updated in response to student suggestions. Blender is a 3d application that lets you create a range or things from3d animationgamesvideo editingmotion tracking and stabilizationMake unique 3D printed gifts.Design your dream house, car, etcand moreThis course is going to be mainly focused on learning the basics of blender and most importantly making money while you learn by selling the models you make on sites like turbosquid and cgtrader."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master advanced CSS keyframe animation and CSS transitions" |
"Learn how to make your website pop and have that wow effect with very fast and easy to make yet professional looking animations on your website.there is a turn of information to learn in this course first we kick off with some introduction part about html and css, as you may know CSS is used to style html so it would be hard to continue with this course if you don;t have any knowledge of HTML, so that's the first box we check, we brush off some basic html and css and then dive in to the real thing.We look atanimatable css propertiesthe proper way to make website animationsoptimizing css animations so as not to slow the website downlook at the advantages of using css animationwe look at what are css transitions and how to use themwhat is css key frame property and how to properly use itwe make two website slider or carousel using only css animations no jquery or javascript"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"how to really work from home online and avoid scums" |
"there many ways to earn income online but finding the right one that works for you is not as simple as you might think, it should be easy making money online and it is easy to earn recurring income online but those easy ways are over crowded by scummy dishonest individuals who are waiting for unsuspecting people looking to make honest a living online.In this course we are going to talk about those few easy ways to earn money online while avoiding simple and tricky scums.we also talk about freelancing and how to get your first clients how to get paid and how to settle disputes with clients"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete detail and explanation of SWOLLEN UVULA / UVULITIS" |
"Swollen uvula is a very common and is very disturbing condition, patient suffering from swollen uvula, use to complaint about problem in eating, talking and even breathing. In this lecture, I covered complete important information about swollen Uvula. You should take this course if you are a student, to get complete information and what to write about Uvulitis and if you are suffering from uvulitis, then get to know about the main causes, treatment, home remedies and tips for relief in swollen uvula."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scalable Web Applications with Python, Flask, and SQLAlchemy" |
"Flask is a very popular Micro Framework for building dynamic Web Applications using Python.This course is meant for beginners to intermediate level programmers who wish to take their Python programming skills to the next level Basic knowledge in Python,HTMLand CSS arepre-requsites for this course. Some understanding Object Orient Concepts and databases will help, but not mandatory This course is well-rounded and covers most aspects involved in building scalable WebApplications using Flask Framework such as FlaskBlueprints, WTForms, Security, adding a robust database layer to your application that supports CRUD operations (Create, Update, Read, Delete Database Records). You'll also learn how to useAmazon S3 to storedata and reference them in your projectsAs we progress through the course, wewill build a Online-Book-Catalog that relies on aPostgreSQL Databaseand allows users to register, login, logout and perform CRUD operations. We will save our code to GitHub, design and style the Application using FlaskBootstrap, useSQLAlchemy ORMto query data and finally deploy it to the web-hosting platform Heroku Considering the practical problems involved in learning these complex and vast frameworks, I used someintuitive animations to show youexactlyhow the control flows from python code to the database util to the point the requested information is finally display in a web-browser"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS With Python and Flask - Beanstalk, DynamoDB, Boto3, SNS" |
"This course will discuss about some of core products and services offered by Amazon AWS.You'll primarily learn to Build and Deploy Python-Flask Web-Applications to Amazon AWS using Amazon Elastic BeanstalkAs part of the Project, well build a Flask Application with a User SignUp Form. When the users enter data and submit the form, the data will be captured into the Amazon DynamoDB table, and an Email will be sent to the Owner of the Web-Application about the form submission using Amazon SNSAlong the Way, we'll discuss about Identity and Access Management (IAM), using which we can create users and groups to manage permissions to various AWSresourcesYou'll learn to work with Boto3, which is the Amazon Web Services SDK for Python, that allows Python developers to access Amazon services like EC2 instances, DynamoDB, S3 Buckets etcYoull also learn about Amazons NoSQL DynamoDB Database and learn to perform CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete data)The Project is simple but is a practical use-case for collecting information from Users or Customers and store the data in a database for later use and Analysis"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Regular Expressions Universe (Master Course)" |
"'This Course covers Regular expressions with real-time examples and Project which is a real-world application''Regular Expressions are also called as Regex or RegexP'""Welcome to the Most In-Depth and Quality Content Course of Regular Expression (REGEX or RegexP) from an Expert""The Course is full of quality content which you will not find anywhere on the InternetLearn from an expert who has a passion for trainingThe Course covers Real Training with the aim to provide knowledge that is similar to corporate training.==========================================================================================Join this course which is the best ""Regular Expression"" course. I will show all the syntax of Regular Expressions with multiple examples along the way!!!Want to master the Regular Expressions(REGEX) with no previous coding experience and are confused about joining which course on Regular Expressions(REGEX) to understand from the basics to an advanced level?You have come to the right place. This is the most complete and in-depth Course on Regular Expressions(REGEX) in UDEMY. If you do not believe me, Please have a look at the Course content carefully and ask a few questions from yourself?Is the Course taught by a real-time expert? I have more than 15 years of experience as an Instructor and more than 5 years of experience on Regular Expressions(REGEX). I firmly believe that if an Instructor does not have a good experience, he/she will flood the course with poor content.Is the Course content clear and Precise? I bet you will not get a better Course content than this. Please have a look at all the courses and choose wisely.Will the Course be In-depth? The Course covers In-Depth knowledge of Regular Expression(REGEX). The amount of Knowledge which is covered in this course is great.How is the quality of the Content? In Regular Expressions(REGEX), there is a lot of low-quality content that is spread throughout the internet. Be wise in choosing the course which has the best content which is presented in a good way to provide maximum output.The course assumes no prior knowledge on Regular Expression(REGEX) and teaches you from scratch to advanced levelOnce you Enroll for this Course, you get lifetime access to this course and you will get all the future updates. you also get a Certification of Completion once you complete the Course.Do you want to start on Regular Expressions(REGEX) but have no experience on Regular Expressions(REGEX)? If you have some prior knowledge on Regular Expressions(REGEX) or if are a complete fresher, you are at the right place. The Course teaches you to complete Regular Expression(REGEX) right from Scratch to Advanced level.Theres no risk involved in taking this Course!This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure that this is the best course on REGEX and you can compare the content which is provided in this course against any Regular Expressions (REGEX) Course and I guarantee you that you will not get such a good structured content anywhere. Still, if you are not completely satisfied with the course, please let us know and we will provide a refund without asking any question.What if you are stuck?I personally answer all the questions which are asked here. If you are stuck anywhere, ask a question or you can message me directly and I will answer all your doubts.Are you getting updated content?Yes, I keep updating the content always to make sure, I provide all the information to my students.Once you enroll for this course-1) Understand what are Regular Expressions2) Master the literal characters in Regular Expressions.3) Master the Character ranges in the Regex world.4) Numerous real-time examples have been shown to make learning better.5) Students will be able to code the Regular Expressions for any programming language.6) Create a strong foundation for Regex.7) You understand how to analyze the Regular Expressions.8) All special characters in Regular expressions are covered in detailNote: Earlier the name of the course was ""Complete Regular Expressions From Beginner To Expert"", I renamed this to -""The Complete Regular Expressions Universe (Master Course)"""
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"SAP Fiori - 1 Hour Introduction for End Users" |
"Take this course and in just 1 hour you'll know the basics of SAPFiori!This course explains SAP's new user interface Fiori as part of the SAP S/4 HANA system. Learn how to navigate and personalize your Fiori Launchpad as well as how to add new groups, tiles and apps. Also, understand how to work with Fiori apps & tiles. After you have completed this course you will be able to work with Fiori Apps."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Guia para a Certificao DBA Oracle / Oracle DBA Cert. Guide" |
"Este curso tem a finalidade de ser um Guia para sua Certificao DBA Oracle: onde buscar informaes, que provas fazer, o que estudar, roteiros de estudos, onde baixar materiais gratuitos e de qualidade, como fazer a preparao para os exames, onde agendar, o que esperar da prova, dicas importantes, etc.O objetivo do curso orientar, encurtar caminhos rumo Certificao Oracle. Muitos profissionais no conseguem atingir suas Certificaes por no conseguirem uma boa preparao para suas provas. Aqui voc ter dicas valiosas, roteiros de estudos, e unindo-os aos seus esforos para estudar e praticar os contedos propostos, certamente voc conquistar sua aprovao de forma mais rpida e direta. ------------Oracle DBA Certification GuideLearn the best way to get one of the most valued certifications in the job market: Oracle DBAThis course is intended to be a guide to your Oracle DBA Certification: where to seek information, what tests to take, what to study, study roadmaps, where to download free material, how to prepare for exams, where to schedule, what to expect from the exams, important tips, etc.The goal of the course is to guide and shorten the paths towards the Oracle Certification. Many professionals are unable to achieve their certifications because they do not get a good preparation for their exams. Here you will find valuable tips and study itineraries that, combined with your efforts to study and practice, will certainly lead to your approval in a faster and more direct way.--------Este curso NO ensina Banco de Dados, SQL, ou instalar e administrar o SGBD Oracle. Se voc busca treinamento nestas reas, deve procurar outros cursos.Para quem este curso:profissionais de TI que desejam tirar a Certificao Oracle, mas, no sabem os caminhos a serem trilhados para conquist-la.estudantes e profissionais que querem ser OCAs e/ou OCPs Oracle.profissionais que buscam melhorar suas carreiras, adquirindo competitividade e um diferencial nas suas formaes (uma Certificao reconhecida internacionalmente).---------This course does not teach database, SQL, or how to install and administer the Oracle DBMS. If you are looking for training in these areas, you should look for another courses.Who is this course for:IT Pros who want to take the Oracle certification, but do not know how to achieve it.Students and professionals who want to be OCA and/or OCPs Oracle.Professionals who seek to improve their careers, acquiring competitiveness and a differential in their curriculum (an internationally recognized Certification)."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |