Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Social Media Marketing One On One Masterclass (2021)" |
"Do youwant to bemasterinSocial MediaMarketing? Then this course is right for you!Youwill learn theprinciplesandstrategiesthat work for small businesses to fortune 500 companies that we have used this exact model to build highly profitable converting ads across Facebook and Twitter!Stop wasting your money blindly running ads. MASTER paid online advertising once and for all! The optimization of your social media accounts is aREQUIREDskill for ALL marketers and business owners. TAKE ACTION and learn social media marketing on two of the biggest social media platforms in the world, Facebook and Twitter!Become a PRO today!This Social Media Marketing course is CONSTANTLY being UPDATED with all the latest tips and tricks and it will teach you paid advertising and online marketing skills required in two of the biggest social media platforms in the world! Learn social media ads from A to Z all in one place!REASONS TO TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You getlifetime accessto lectures, including new lectures every month (content is added constantlyas updates to social networks roll out).You canask me questionsandsee me respondto every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the Social Media Marketing strategies I implement for clients daily, including what social media pages are right for you and content management options that will streamline your posting process. This course will also layout how to optimize your paid ad strategy on the two social media networks giants and enable you to reach any type of target market! Make the most of social media marketing and make it easy, so you can get back to what you do best, running your business!In this course, you will learnSocial Media Marketingfrom beginner level to advanced!You will be able to optimize your ads for increased conversions and engagement, while decreasing costs and PPC/CPM/CPL/CPA. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of SMM ad and social media platforms online marketing strategy we use for our clients! You will be able to grow your page likes, account following, and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand and INCOME to new heights... ALL via social marketing!Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Social Media Marketing!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS TODAY!LEARN HOW SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WILL MAKE YOUR BRAND A HOUSEHOLD NAME!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Market Research-Complete Digital Marketing Research Bootcamp" |
"Do you want to learn market research? Then this course is perfect for you!For you to be able to run and succeed in your business, you need sufficient and proper market research. This course is for you if you are looking to findthe rightprofitable nichefor your new online businessbut don't know how to find profitable products, competitor traffic, competitor back-links and the required necessary capital to start your businessThis course will show you 3 types of market research methods:Quantitative researchQualitative researchMixed method researchYou will master market research using the biggest eCommerce Eco-systems in the world such as Amazon, Facebook, Google ads and LinkedIn. This training will be especially beneficial for small business owners, startup, and consultants. We will use the following tools:Google Keyword plannerFacebook InsightsAmazon BestsellersJungle ScoutSimiarWebSEMRUSHReasons to Take This Course?lifetime accessto course material.Practice challengePractice challenge solutionThe techniques taught in this course aresimple, easyand effectiveThis are the same strategies used by marketing agencies.ENROLLNOW and become a master at market research."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"STARTER PACK OUD : Dbutant" |
"Sous forme de vidos, je vous accompagne tape par tape en prenant le temps de bien vous expliquer afin que vous progressiez un MAXIMUM de votre ct ! Dans ce programme, nous verrons comment bien tenir son Oud et avoir une bonne posture. Ensuite, nous verrons comment accorder son Oud de la bonne manire, nous apprendrons les Maqams (Gammes Orientales) puis diffrents morceaux dans chacun de ces Maqams... En plus des vidos exceptionnelles dont vous disposerez, vous pourrez me contacter au moindre doute, je vous rpondrai grce au groupe priv dont l'accs vous sera fourni... Vous n'avez pas besoin d'apprendre le solfge, la science des rythmes ou autre concept musical. Nous avons facilit au MAXIMUM pour que vous preniez du PLAISIR ds le dbut ! Cependant l'avenir il y aura du contenu pour les personnes qui dsirent aller plus loin... Le temps est prcieux et c'est d'autant plus vrai aujourdhui. Vous pouvez suivre ce programme comme bon vous semble, il est accessible 24H24. Vous progressez donc votre rythme et sans pression. Notre objectif est que vous preniez du plaisir pratiquer..."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Lessons from the Battle of Gettysburg" |
"This course is first and foremost a leadership course. In this course, we will use key historical figures as ""mentors"" who faced challenges during this famous battle that are very similar to some of the leadership challenges you face today, including disagreeing with the boss, communication, promoting a culture that rewards initiative, and dealing with a team member who has failed.You do not need to be a history expert; in fact, you don't have to know anything about the battle. The instructor gives enough of the historical context so you can better understand the dilemmas each leader faced. You will learn some interesting historical facts, but that is secondary to the leadership lessons.Lectures are grouped by sections and each lesson builds on the previous lesson."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Linux Containers: An Introduction to Working with Docker" |
"Get a hands on introduction to the technology that not only revived Linux Containers, but turned them into an indispensable tool for application developers. Docker (and the open source version, Moby)are changing architectural approaches to software development and management. Faster and lighter than 'traditional' virtual machines, testing and deploying 'dockerized' applications accelerate application development.This course is intended to provide you with a basic understanding of what Docker is and how it is used to manage and run applications. You will also learnhow the related ""Docker Ecosystem"" applications and toolshelp app developers work with and manage Docker containers. Most importantly, you'll get hands on experience building and deploying an application with aDocker container. By the end of this class you should know if Docker is worth further investment in learning for your use case. See you in class!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Simplify Application Development with Draft and Kubernetes" |
"Draft allows developers to code their applications and deploy them toKubernetes-based systems without needing to manage the infrastructure. Draft seamlessly builds updated containers and launches them for you. Learn how to install, setup and use Draft with both overview lectures and hand-on lab exercises. Understand how to simplify your container-based development processes with Draft and push your app to any cloud system that is running k8s."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Amazon Web Services" |
"This course is designed as a step-by-step journey into the most commonly used products of the AWS platform. You will apply the best practices of cloud computing architecture design, deploying a high-available, scalable sample web application on AWS.The course features:8 sections83 videos13 practical activitiesA whopping 12 hours of video!You will find all you need to become proficient in the AWS cloud platform.If you are involved in IT (sysadmin, developer, etc.) or you would just like to dive into cloud computing, this course is for you. You will be able to design simple to mid-complex IT architectures using AWS resources.You should have at least a minimal understanding of IT architectures. In particular, you should know how to structure a simple web application.Have fun learning! Andrea"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain: Bitcoin, IOTA y Smart Contracts de Ethereum" |
"Blockchain lo est cambiando todo: ofreciendo la democratizacin de muchos servicios, potenciando la privacidad y haciendo muchas cosas de nuestro da a da ms fciles.Es la tecnologa que ha impactado en todos los sectores: banca, seguros, abogados, entidades registradoras, smart cities, internet of things y no se detiene!Si buscas aprender qu es Blockchain, cmo funcionan las criptomonedas y porqu, despus de Bitcoin, IOTA y Ethereum van a revolucionar el mundo, este curso va a cambiar tu vida en muy poco tiempo.Se trata del presente, y Blockchain est escribiendo nuevas pginas en la historia de la tecnologa y del negocio, no pierdas la oportunidad de aprovecharte sus ventajas.Con este programa de introduccin al mundo de Blockchain, aprenders a fondo como funciona Blockchain, cmo son y cmo trabajan los bloques para entender como funcionan criptomedas como Bitcoin, Ethereum o IOTA. En este viaje descubrirs los Smart Contracts, y las oportunidades de negocio que est abriendo, revolucionando muchos sectores tradicionales.Quieres formar parte de esta revolucin? Empezamos?"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Crea Cursos y Presentaciones Originales" |
"Alguna vez te preguntaste por qu aburren algunas presentaciones y cmo hacerlas divertidas? Sientes nervios al hablar en pblico y no sabes cmo controlarlos?Por qu la mayora de las personas no logran resolverlo?Es totalmente posible para ti resolver ambas cosas y ademas... muy fcil! El problema es que la mayora de la gente deja a medio camino porque se termina autoconvenciendo de que ""no es para mi"" y simplemente abandonan.Si te sientes identificado con lo anterior, te tengo una mala noticia: no son problemas que se van a solucionar solos y la oratoria podra ser fundamental para tu xito profesional.No caigas en la trampa de decir ""esto no es para mi"" y toma accin al respecto. Nadie naci sabiendo. Yo mismo era incapaz de hablar en pblico en la secundaria y ahora doy varias presentaciones todas las semanas con total soltura y mi audiencia super agradecida!Para eso he creado ste curso, que te ayudar a convertirte en el/la presentador/a que necesitas ser.Haz click en el botn rojo ""Comprar ahora"", te llevar a una pagina segura de pagos de Udemy para que puedas acceder a todo el material.Pero superar ese nerviosismo es una pequea parte de las presentaciones presenciales, despus viene todo lo dems, no menos importante: gustarle a tu audiencia, que se enganchen, que se entretengan, que no se aburran contigo y hasta que te los cruces aos despus y se les dibuje una sonrisa en la cara al comentarte lo bien que la pasaron y lo mucho que aprendieron con tu taller, curso o lo que sea que quieras hacer.EL curso est pensado desde los fundamentos del coaching, por lo tanto el principal ingrediente de nuestro curso es la interaccincon los participantes: es un curso interactivo, diseado para que aprendas a hacer que tu audiencia rompa la timidez y se animen a hablar, a realizar actividades, que participen y se lleven la mejor experiencia de aprendizajePor eso digoque te hars inolvidable para tu audiencia!Otro componente que tiene el curso, no menos importante que el de la interaccin, es el de aprendizaje. Est pensado para que logres que tus participantes saquen el mximo jugo de cada una de tus presentaciones y de cada actividad que realices en ellas.Est diseadopara audiencias pequeas, de como mximo unas 100 personas, para favorecer la interaccin.En tus presentaciones, lo mas importante es tu audiencia!Tus participantes! Solo desde ste principio te enfocars en lo que ellos quieren, necesitan, compran, valoran, etc. Y esto naturalmente impacta en como te perciben, para obtener reconocimiento, ventas o o que ests buscando.Es un escenario Ganar-Ganar.Haz click en el botn rojo ""Comprar ahora"" y empieza a dar presentaciones de alto impacto.Quien soy?Me llamo Ezequiel Navas Kellner, coach profesional alineado a estndares de la Asociacion Argentina de Coaching Ontolgico Profesional, la Federacin Internacional de Coaching Ontolgico Profesional y la International Coach Federation.Con cientos de horas de sesiones de coaching y de brindar talleres conversacionales, presentaciones y capacitaciones.Soy el creador de Introspectiva Coaching, la consultora donde trabajo y a la cual acuden clientes por distintas cuestiones: liderazgo empresarial, coaching vocacional y por este mismo curso sobre presentaciones.Cuando estaba terminando la secundaria, por algn motivo que desconozco, al pasar al frente a hablar en pblico me quedaba literalmente sin voz, apenas poda emitir sonido. Mi sensacin sumada a las risas de mis compaeros, hicieron que me alejara durante aos de las presentaciones, hacia lo que fuera por evitar exponerme a hablar en pblico.Unos cuantos aos ms tarde empec a estudiar coaching y la prctica, ms algunas tcnicas, me permitieron al menos poder pararme frente a una audiencia y presentar un tema. Despus la practica hizo su efecto y actualmente ya nada de esto es un problema para mi, incluso con audiencias de 50 o 100 personas.Por favor, sintete libre de ver los videos gratuitos y nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Programacin profesional desde cero" |
"Este curso es un curso de Programacin desde cero, y resaltamos la palabra programacin porque no es un curso de un lenguaje concreto, sino que es un entrenamiento diseado para forjar a un programador profesional desde la nada absoluta hasta la maestra.Pasars de forma progresiva por los distintos paradigmas de programacin, aprendiendo:Programacin estructuradaProgramacin modularMemoria dinmicaProgramacin Orientada a ObjetosProgramacin de Interfaces Grficas de UsuarioBases de Datos SQLA travs de este curso el estudiante desarrollar varios proyectos, disear sus propios programas, resolver problemas complejos con pocas herramientas, aprender a pensar y a dividir grandes retos en pequeas partes. Aprender tambin la teora profunda que todo programador necesita hoy da y la pondr en prctica inmediatamente a travs de los ejercicios y proyectos planteados.El curso se divide en 5 mdulos extremadamente poderosos, cada uno de los cuales extiende y amplifica al mdulo anterior. En concreto:=== Mdulo 1: Programacin estructurada ===Un curso de programacin en s mismo, ya que en l el estudiante conocer todas las herramientas esenciales para crear programas en cualquier lenguaje. Los conceptos son dados de tal forma que el estudiante podr aplicarlos en cualquier lenguaje moderno a su eleccin. Los temas que se darn son:Salida estndar de datosEntrada estndarDefinicin de variablesTipos primitivos de datosTipos estructurados de datosDiagramas de flujoSecuencia y seleccin (IF)Repeticin iterativa (FOR)Repeticin condicional (WHLE y REPEAT - DO...WHILE)SubrangosArreglos lineales estticosArreglos lineales dinmicosArreglos bidimensionalesDepurador y ejecucin paso a pasoEnumerados y registrosProcedimientos y funcionesAlcance de identificadores (locales y globales)Pasaje de parmetros por valor (copia) y por referencia (alias)Archivos de texto y archivos tipadosProyectos finales=== Mdulo 2: Memoria dinmica y Tipos Abstractos de datos===Aqu el curso comienza a profundizar en conceptos que muchos programadores desconocen o no dominan (como quienes aprenden Java como primer lenguaje): los punteros. A travs de esta herramienta el programador podr comenzar a crear programas que gestionen la memoria RAM, enfrentndose a los problemas y complejidades que sto conlleva.Los Tipos Abstractos de Datos (TADs) introducen todo un concepto nuevo de programacin: dividir el programa en mdulos individuales y trabajar por separado con cada uno. De este modo el estudiante aprender a abstraer datos y a modularizar sus programas, todo lo cual es la base fundamental de la Programacin Orientada a Objetos que posteriormente ser tratada en profundidad.El tipo punteroSolicitud de memoriaLiberacin de memoriaAliasReprogramacin de proyectos a memoria dinmicaModularizacin de programasCreacin de unidadesDefinicin de tipos abstractosImplementacin de operacionesUso de TADs en diferentes sistemasLinkedicinListas encadenadas simplesListas doblemente encadenadasListas circularesColasPilasTADs personalizadosReprogramacin de proyectos usando TADs=== Mdulo 3: Recursividad y el TAD rbol binario===Una herramienta muy poderosa y a la vez delicada. El estudiante aprender a utilizarla, conocer sus ventajas y desventajas, entender su diferencia con la repeticin iterativa, y comprender cmo resolver problemas complejos con ella.El estudiante adems conocer cmo crear una estructura arborescente a travs del uso de punteros, y cmo esta estructura resulta til para ciertos casos. Es una herramienta muy poderosa que no todo programador domina. Siendo una estructura recursiva, se une perfectamente con la recursividad.Qu es la recursividadDiferencia entre recursividad e iteracinRecursividad en listas linealesRecursividad en matricesReprogramacin de proyectos usando recursividadrbol binario de bsquedarbol generalEstructuras arborescentesCaso de estudioProyecto=== Mdulo 4: Programacin Orientada a Objetos ===El estudiante aplicar ahora todos sus conocimientos para aprender este nuevo paradigma y comenzar a ver las estructuras de los programas como objetos. De este modo lograr modularizar an ms su cdigo y comenzar a disear programas de forma ms rpida y eficiente.Teora de objetosClasesCreacin y destruccin de objetosHerenciaPolimorfismoCasteoClases abstractas e interfacesBloques try y lanzamiento de excepcionesBeansDiseo bsico de softwareBases de UMLProyectos finales=== Mdulo 5: Interfaces grficas de usuario ===Todo lo aprendido en el curso le permitir al estudiante comprender cmo crear interfaces grficas de usuario y utilizarlas de forma inteligente, ya que stas, en cualquier lenguaje moderno, estn diseadas con Objetos (POO). De esta manera el estudiante aprender a utilizar la librera LCL de Lazarus, que le permitir aprender las bases de la creacin de interfaces grficas, manejo de eventos y control de errores.Creacin manual de interfaces y componentesCreacin grfica mediante el entorno de desarrolloEjemplos y aplicacionesReprogramacin de proyectos para crear interfaces grficasProyecto final=== Mdulo 6: Bases de datos MySQL y SQLite ===Pasaremos a un punto bien distinto de la programacin, ya que el estudiante ahora aprender a usar dos herramientas concretas de bases de datos, que es algo que va ms all de la programacin en s pero que a la vez es super necesario.Conexin de bases de datos a un programaAnlisis y diseo de persistenciaComandos SQL por consolaHerramientas grficas MySQL Workbench y SQLite StudioDe tablas a objetos: mapeo de datosMantenimiento de bases de datos"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de SPSS de la A a la Z" |
"Convirtete en un experto en anlisis estadstico con el mejor curso online de SPSS que existe en la actualidad:30 vdeo lecciones que abarcan alrededor de 6 horas de vdeo!En muy poco tiempo dominars todas las habilidades esenciales de un analista de datos en SPSS, desde las operaciones ms simples con datos hasta tcnicas ms avanzadas.La buena noticia es que no necesitas ninguna experiencia previa con SPSS. Si conoce los conceptos estadsticos bsicos, eso servir.Inscrbete de una vez y domina esta excelente herramienta, si tienes alguna duda o pregunta mientras realizas el curso usa nuestra seccin de comentarios y en el menor tiempo posible estaremos contestando tu pregunta, no estas solo mientras realizas tu capacitacin en SPSS.Y no necesitas ser un matemtico o un estadstico para tomar este curso. Este curso fue especialmente concebido para personas que no son matemticos profesionales: todos los procedimientos estadsticos se presentan de una manera simple y directa, evitando trminos tcnicos.Eres estudiante universitario o de instituto o eres estudiante de alguna maestra o doctorado? Un investigador acadmico que busca mejorar sus habilidades en el anlisis estadstico? Sueas con conseguir un trabajo en el campo del anlisis estadstico algn da? Eres simplemente un apasionado del anlisis cuantitativo? Este curso es para ti, no hay dudas al respecto.Muy importante: esto no es solo un tutorial de SPSS. No solo te muestra qu men seleccionar o en qu botn hacer clic para ejecutar algn procedimiento. Este es un curso prctico de anlisis estadstico en el sentido estricto de la palabra.Para cada procedimiento estadstico proporciono la siguiente informacin:Una descripcin breve pero exhaustiva (para que entiendas lo que esa tcnica puede hacer por ti)Cmo realizar el procedimiento en SPSS.Cmo interpretar el resultado principal, para que puedas verificar sus hiptesis y encontrar las respuestas que necesitas para tu investigacin.Como realizar el reporte de tu investigacin con el estilo APA.Cules son los requisitos?Tener instalado el paquete SPSS (se recomienda la versin 20 o ms reciente)Conocimiento muy bsico de estadstica (media, desviacin estndar, intervalo de confianza, nivel de significancia, cosas as)A quin est dirigido?Estudiantes de Pre Grado e InstitutosEstudiantes de Maestria y DoctoradoInvestigadores acadmicosInvestigadores de negociosProfesores universitariosCualquiera que busque un trabajo en el campo del anlisis estadstico.Cualquiera que sea un apasionado de la investigacin cuantitativa."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"learn java swing basics course" |
"important: i assume you already know how to use java and have eclipce ide and java jdk installed, this course is not for total beginners in java and programming , i will not cover core java. this course is for learning how to use this course you will learn how to use the swing gui library for java. we will cover how to use the most common swing components, after that we will cover how to get user input and handle form submission.after that we will cover how to layout the components, using absolute position and the best swing layout the gridbag. finally we will create a notepad clone using everything we have learned.although its a basic course i will teach you an effective and reusable way to use swing. better then most resources available to learn swing.this java swing tutorial will cover the basics to get you up and running using swing, in the future i will make more advanced courses on how to use swing to create desktop software.even if your a beginner in java and programming you can sign up for this course for free and use it later when you covered java core subjects."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Conhecer Scrum: Para Gerentes de Projetos Tradicionais" |
"Este treinamento foi feito com o intuito de levar at gestores de projetos ou envolvidos em planejamentos de projetos tradicionais, de qualquer rea,conhecimentos importantes sobre um dos modelos mais difundidos no mundo:OScrum.Scrum um modelo de trabalho para gerenciamento gil de projetos que ajuda a equipe a ser mais produtiva, reagir melhor mudanas e entregar valor adiantado ao cliente. Tema de vrios cursos, certificaes e palestra em todo o mundo, este modelo pode te ajudar a melhorar a gesto de projetos."
Price: 384.99 ![]() |
"Estude em alta performance (passo a passo detalhado)" |
"J parou para pensar sobre o que define o sucesso de um estudante?Aps muita pesquisa e observao tentando responder essa pergunta, percebemos 5 pilares que devem ser aperfeioados pelo estudante para que ele se destaque e alcance os objetivos desejados.So eles:* Clareza* Metodologias* Ferramentas* Poder Mental* Alta PerformanceSomente quando estes 5 pilares so masterizados que o sucesso acontece.Nesse curso voc vai aprender como dominar todos esses pilares para conseguir a vantagem competitiva que voc precisa para alcanar seus objetivos de estudo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hackeando seu Foco" |
"Voc tem problema com foco na hora de estudar ou trabalhar?Voc aquele tipo de pessoa que, quando senta pra estudar ou trabalhar, facilmente se distrai com seu celular ou com outra coisa e quando percebe j se passaram horas e voc quase que no teve progresso nenhum?Se sim, esse curso pra voc!Aqui voc vai aprender a hackear a sua mente pra atingir um nvel extremo de foco.Todo material disponibilizado aqui foi cuidadosamente testado e aprovado, durante mais de 8 anos de pesquisa, e o que eu uso em mim mesmo nos dias atuais. Te espero l dentro do curso!Jorge Gabriel Siqueira"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PowerPoint for Complete Beginners (PowerPoint 2016)" |
"So, do you want to learn PowerPoint 2016?Well, you have come to the right place. My name is Luke and I will be your instructor in the""PowerPoint for Complete Beginners (PowerPoint 2016)""course. Sometimes can happen that PowerPoint is confusingespecially for complete beginners. You don't know how to add a slide, You don't know how to add an Animation and so on. This course is designed to help you master PowerPoint 2016.What Will I Learn?I start off easy. First, we learn how to save,open and create newpresentations. Then I show you how you can work with slides. How to add a slide, duplicate a slide, delete a slide andchange the order of slides in your presentation.Once you master those things we move on to Text and Shapes, I show you how to create a new text element in your presentation andhow to style your text. Then I explain how to add shapes to your presentation, and all kinds of cool things you can do with shapes.Afterward, I show you how you can insert all the things you need in order for your presentation to look good. ( Images, Audio, Icons, Tables...)Then I show you how to change the design of your presentation, in PowerPoint, there are several templates you can use in order for your presentation to look really goodand all you need to do is one click with your mouse.Once you master all of these things we move on toAdvanced PowerPoint Tools,in this section I will teach you how to use transitions andanimation. How to use equations, How to cut Audio, Image effects, Advanced animations, How to set the timing of your animations, and finally how to create HD videos.Why this course?I know there are many courses and books on PowerPoint out there. But my course is teaching you using examples, there is no point in learning PowerPoint from a book and memorizing all the functions that every button have. In this course, I show you how to create PowerPoint 2016presentations like a pro!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cryptography from Scratch Master Cryptography in Java" |
"So do you want to learn cryptography?and you want to understand it, be able to describe it, be able to use it?Am I right?My name is Lukas Vyhnalek, I am the creator of this course (Cryptography from Scratch Master Encryption in Java).These days Cryptography is a hot topic, you often read about someone who hacked something, or about new cipher that will be able to secure our communication. And in my opinion in the futureCyber securitywill be a huge problem. And this course is designed to get your foot in cryptography and cyber security.Whats stopping you from signing up to today? You dont have enough time:Not an issue. Idesigned this course so you can learn everything you needin a few HOURS! Youre still weighing up the value: I plan on keeping this course up-to-date and make it bigger over time.In fact, if you dontget everything you need from it you willgetyour MONEY BACK. You dont have any previous experience:Seriously, not a problem. This course is expertly designed to teach everyone from complete beginners ( as the name says ""Cryptographyfrom Scratch"")Don't know Java?Don't worry, if you have previous programming experience, the Encryption algorithms are really simple and I promise you, you will be able to rewrite my code from Java to C (or whatever language you use)And if you don't, still not a problem you can just skip the ""CODE"" lectures, or you can write me a message and we will figure something out.The CurriculumIn this Cryptography course we will start off witha little bit of history, then I cover the basics of Cryptography. Then I show you first simpleciphers (Substitution Cipher, Caesar Cipher, Affine Cipher), and by understanding these you should be able to know what cryptography is all about, and what not to do, because not only I explain how these ciphers works. I also explain How to break these Ciphers. So you will also know how cryptographicallyun-secure cipher looks like and how to break them.Once you master Basics of cryptography, we can move on to modern cryptography, I explain what is Stream Cipher, and how Xor encryption works.I also cover the AES encrypting algorithm and RSA (Public key cryptography).Also by completing this course, you will get Certificate of completion (if you pass all 3 quizzes)Still not Sure?Still not sure whether to enroll in this course? Feel free to watch the preview videos. And if you don't what to. There is 30-Daymoney-back Guarantee, so you have nothing to worry about.So do you want to learn cryptography?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Audacity Crash Course: Record great audio voice-over!" |
"Do you want to master Audacity?Well, you have come to the right place. In this course I will discuss everything you need to know in order to record, edit and export great audio, using audacity.I explain how to use effects in audacity, how to generate audio, how to export your audacity project to mp3.My name is Luke, I have been using audacity since 2013. I have plenty of experience with Audio Recording and Editing.What will I learn?Install AudacityRecord AudioImport AudioGenerate AudioEdit AudioPut Effect on AudioUse CompressionUse EqualizationUse Fade In, Fade OutUse AmplifyHow to Export into MP3How to Export into WAVBONUS: Vocal Exercises to protect your voice"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build Shopify Store AliExpress Dropshipping" |
"Would you like to start a Shopify Store?Would you like to build an Aliexpress Dropshipping store?Well you have come to the right place, in this course I will teach you everything you need in order to start a Shopify Aliexpress Dropshipping store and if you are a complete newbie, don't worry this course is beginner friendly, I even explain what is dropshipping.In this course you will learn:What is DropshippingHow to create Shopify storeHow to customize your Shopify store(Where to get FREE logo, How to change fonts and colors, How to add pages, How to edit Notifications, How to edit payment methods, How to add Blog posts, How to add Social networks, How to edit Navigations, How to create Collections, Where to find Shopify apps and much more)How to use Oberlo (How to import products in few clicks, How to import products from Aliexpress, How to edit products in Shopify Store)How to pick the right products ( How to not get sued, What to sell, How to choose good suppliers, What products to sell)How to connect Shopify store with a Facebook pageHow to connect the Shopify store with Google MerchantUseful tips and Dropshipping HACKS (Psychological hacks, Where to find Instagram Influencers, Virtual assistant, Shopify vs Woo commerce, Why people fail, Where to get FREE Shopify themes, Instagram vs Facebook ads, How to handle refunds, How to add chat to your Shopify store)It took me a long time to put this whole course together, I try to explain things in engaging, easy-to-understand way so that you get the best value out of the time you spend watching this course.Also, my job does not end by making these video lectures, my job is to guide you on your way, so if you have any questions about anything you can always reach out to me, mostly I respond to question within one day.So, would you like to build a Shopify Aliexpress Dropshipping store?if you do, I will see you in the course :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Canva For Complete Beginners" |
"Do you want to create Great Graphics using Canva?Well, you came to the right place, in this course I teach everything you need to know in order to use Canva. Canva is a free online graphics editor, that allows you to create great graphics simply by drag & drop elements in your web browser.Canva is a great tool if you want to create a graphic design on your own. It has a lot of predefined templates that you can use. These templates make your life so much easier. You can create for example Youtube thumbnail with one click.What will you learn in this course:How to create Canva Projects (new, duplicating, deleting)How to add Simple shapes to your project (Rectangles, Circles, Lines ...)How to add Advanced shapes (Graphs, Icons...)How to add and Edit textHow to get FREE HQ images and upload them to CanvaHo0w to Export and Share your Canva ProjectsAnd much moreThis course is designed for complete beginners, If you are someone who already uses Canva, I am not sure about the benefits this course can offer.So do you want to learn how to use Canva?If yes, I will see you in the course :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Algorithms and Data Structures in Javascript (2020)" |
"This course is designed to help you understand sorting algorithms and data structures. In my experience most people focus on the programming language, but people often forget about algorithms.Algorithmsare definitely more important than a programming language, you can learn a programming language in about week, but the problem-solving ability is much harder to learn. But the benefits are worth it.When you get tointerviewmostly they care about yourproblem-solving abilities, algorithms and data structures.To get your dream job, you need to know how to solve whatever problem they have. In this course, you will learn how to do that.Also, I believe thatnobodyhas time for long and boring lectures, so inthis class, Itry to explain theimportant thingsin afast and engagingway, so I won't bore you to death.We start off withSorting algorithms:- Selection Sort- Bubble SortFirst there is the explenation lecture where you learn the idea behind an algorithm, then there is the implementation lecture, where we implement the algorithm in Javascript.Then I show you how Recursion works, once again I try to explain what recursion means, then we implement some recursion algorithms and we use debugger to see how computer evaluates recursive functions.Then we move on to recursive Sorting Algorithms- Merge sort- Quick sortThese algorithms are most commonly used. With each algorithm I explain the idea, then we implement the algorithm.Once you learn sorting algorithms, we move on to Time Complexity:- What is time Complexity- Big O notationI explain what is time complexity and why we need it, also, I will show you how to compare sorting algorithms, so that we can see which one is the ""best"". In this section you also find an article with a lot of problems, where you can train your problem solving skills.After that we take a look atData Structures, Ichoose In my opinion the best dat structures for you to learn the important concepts.We start of with Tree Data Structures:- Binary Search Tree- AVL treeYou learn how these works and also how to implement them.Then we take a look at Linked List, Stack, Tries and Hash Tables. Once again we implement all of these in Javascript.I believe that learning and understanding these concepts willhelp you solve problems more efficiently."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Polymer 3: Learn Polymer 3 in 2020" |
"So, do you want to learn Polymer 3?You have come to the right place, in this course I will teach you everything you need to know about polymer 3. Polymer allows apps that launch quickly, respond instantly and can be accessed from anywhereon devices of all types and sizes, under any network conditions. Polymer is just great. Companies that use polymer:GoogleEACocaColaComcastIngBBVAUSA TodayAnd many moreVersion 3.0 of the Polymer library brings web components into the mainstream, embracing JavaScript modules and npm. What will I learn?Well, we start off by installing everything we need in order for us to be able to use Polymer 3, don't worry if you are a beginner who has never used bash or command line, I explain everything you need to knowThen we create our first simple web component - Article, This component is extremely simple but by building it you will understand how data binding works, how to install web components, how to add web components into your app, and basically how the polymer works.Then we move on to TODO list, this project is a bit more advanced, You will learn how 2-way data binding works, how to use web components like paper-input and paper-checkbox, how to use dom-repeat element, how to add custom functions to your web component and much more.The last project is the Image Slider, this application uses 2 custom web components, That works together, In this project, we will leverage the functionality of Javascript and make an actual slider that you can use on your website.Requirements:A bit of experience with HTML and JavascriptWho should take this course?Anyone who wants to learn Polymer 3Anyone who wants to create custom Web Components"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CSS Animations: Learn CSS Animations from Scratch" |
"Pretty much every website have some animations, when you hover over an Item in menu or button, you can see the background change. When you look at slider you can probably see some cool 3D transition between slides.All of these animations can be created using CSS.Do you want to Learn How to use CSS animation?Well, you have come to the right place, in this course I cover everything you need to know in order to create great looking CSS animations. I start off by explaining how transition works and all the things you can set.Then we use the gained knowledge and create 8 Buttons, Everyone of them will be somehow animated. using only CSS animations. Then we move on to Transformations. I explain how Rotate, Translate, Scale and Skew works and I also cover How keyframes works and how to use them. Then, once again, we will use the gained knowledge and create 5 Spinners.Requirements:Basic CSS and HTML knowledgeWho should take this course:Anyone who wants to learn how to Animate web using CSSAnyone who wants to learn more about CSS animationsAnyone who wants to improve their CSS animation skillsWhat will you learn & archive:Create CSS AnimationsMaster CSS TransitionsMaster CSS TransformationsLearn how to create great hover animationsLearn how to use KeyframesCreate 13 ""CSS animation"" Projects"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SQL & PostgreSQL: From Beginner to Pro in 2020" |
"If you want to learn how to gain insights from data but are too intimidated by databases to know where to start, then this course is for you. This course is designed to help you masterSQL&PostgreSQL, one of themost highly in-demand skillsin the computer science sector today. It doesn't matter who you are, whether you are a business owner, marketer or programmer. This course will teach you everything even if you don't have any previous experience. I try to make this course as engaging as possible. Yes, thats right, its possible to make an engaging course on databases. What I will learn?How to create tablesHow to delete tablesHow to select dataHow to restrict data (How to use WHERE)How to use logical connectives (AND, OR)How to order your resultHow to select data from multiple tables at the same timeHow to join tablesHow to use GROUPBYand so much moreWhy Learn SQLSQL is consistently ranked as the most in-demand skill in recent employer surveys, SQL is a fantastic way to increase your income and boost your professional development.So lets do this! Enroll today and start learning SQL!Who is the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn SQL and PostgreSQLAnyone who wants to learn how to create database and how to SELECT, INSERT & DELETE dataDevelopers who are looking to build applications using SQLWhat tool (application) do I need?No tools at all, all you need is a web browser, internet connection and willingness to learn."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQL Interview +150 SQL Interview Questions in 2020" |
"Are you getting ready for an SQL interview or do you just want to check you SQL knowledge?Then you have come to the right place.In this course I will prepare you for a SQL interview. By showing you all kinds of SQL Interview questions that you may get on an SQL interview.What is in the course?Over 95 SQL Interview questionsOver 55 SQL Interview queriesI also explain how to solve each query in a video lectures, so that if you don't know how to solve some problem you have the opportunity to learn.Everyone is afraid of failure and that is why after finishing this course you should be well prepared and ready for an SQL interview. This course is designed to help you masterSQL interview question. SQL is one of themost highly in-demand skillsin the computer science sector today. So when you are able to write SQL queries you should be just fine.NOTE: This course is not designed for beginners, I expect you know at least the basics of SQL"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"WPF & XAML: Build 10 WPF applications (C#) in 2020" |
"Do you want to start with WPF and XAML programming?Then this course is designed for you. In this course, you will create 10 applications using WPF,XAML and C# programming language. You will also learn the important concepts of programming. After finishing the course you should be able to create simple applications and have a strong foundation in programming. I try to explain how all the important concepts work and how you can use them in your C# code. I know you don't have time for long and boring lectures. That is why I try to be as engaging as possible. I also go directly to the point.Practice oppurtunities:Through out the course are 4 tests on which you can practice your knowledge. Also during the ""CODE"" videos I am tring to keep you engaged by asking questions like ""What will be the result of this?"".What will I learn?Firstly, you will learn programming fundamentals. Because without the foundation you cannot move on and create applications.what is programWhat is programmingvariablesdata typesif and switch statementsarraysloops (for, while, do-while)functionsthat is why the knowledge of programming fundamentals is optional.Then you will use the gained knowledge and build 10 WPF applications:Simple CalculatorGuessNumber GameTODO listAdvanced CalculatorText EditorCalendarCanvasGraph DesignerClicking gameTick tack toe game Who should take this course?Anyone who wants to learn programming fundamentals in C#Anyone who wants to create WPF & XAML applications"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Ingls Bsico y Salta la Barrera del Idioma" |
"En este curso aprenders a hablar ingls bsico sin importar que nunca hayas estudiado ingls en algn instituto o colegio. El requisito ms importante que tienes que tener para que este curso te valga la pena es solamente uno: Querer aprender ingls!Vocabulario, gramtica, pronunciacin y ejercicios son algunas de las cosas que obtendrs con este curso.Como valor extra, podrs comunicarte con el Profesor Pedro Planas en caso de que quieras repasar algo del idioma ingls sin ningn costo adicional."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Italiano: Lo que necesitas saber" |
"Benvenuto al corso! ""Italiano Express: Italiano Bsico y Fcil El curso es sencillo y fcil de digerir, con l cual aprenders varios delos aspectos bsicosdel idioma italiano. Como extra, tendrs bastante vocabulario y explicaciones del profesor Pedro Planas quien con dominio de ms de 4 idiomas te ensear tips especiales y excepcionales que ningunainstitucinpromueven entre sus cursos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Kanji: Japones Rpido y Prctico" |
"Preprate para aprender Kanji de manera fcil y eficiente. Ests justo a un paso de comprender el ""misterioso mundo de los Kanjis"" pertenecientes al idioma japons y sin duda alguna te sentirs como un experto al comprender tantos kanjis tras un buen estudio de este excelente idioma!Espero que tomes lo mejor de este curso pionero de Japons en Udemy para hispanohablantes. Que tu aprendizaje de japons se expanda!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Japanese: The Most Important Things in About 1 Hour" |
"This course is one of a compact japanese pill that will enhance your knowledge in hiragana, katakana, kanji and lots of vocabulary. Grammar is also included and what you can expect is you being able to defend yourself when it comes tomany topics in japanese and even learning what you will need in order to become a japanese PRO!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Programacin Neurolingstica del xito: Optimiza Tu Vida" |
"En este prctico y compacto videocurso, aprenders todo lo ms importante que necesitas saber acerca de la PNL sin necesidad de ir a costosos seminarios donde tardaras meses en aprender lo que aqu vers en minutos entre todas las lecciones. Una oportunidad de abordar el tren mientras todava est ah para optimizar tu vida!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |