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"Photoshop - Tecniche di fotomontaggio pubblicitario" |
"Questo videocorso dedicato a tutti igrafici creativi e art directorche si occupano diprogettare immaginiper lapubblicit. Molto spesso inpubblicitsi ricorre allametaforaper trasmettere, inmodo immediato ed incisivo, il messaggio pubblicitario.Tradurre un'idea in un'immagine d'impattodiventa un esercizio difficile e il rischio di avereun ottima idea realizzata male. In questo corso vengono spiegate attraversoesempi concreti, alcune tecniche fondamentali diPhotoshopper manipolare leimmagini, l'uso dellemaschere, ifiltri, glistrumenti di trasformazione, l'uso avanzato deimetodi di fusione.Tutto questo ovviamente nel linguaggio semplice ma accurato che contraddistingue tutti i nostri videocorsi. Che tu sia unespertodel settore o semplicemente unamatore, potrai imparare a comporre al meglio le tue immagini realizzandofotomontaggi creativie di sicuro impatto."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creare un sito e-commerce con WordPress e WooCommerce" |
"WordPress, la piattaforma gratuita di creazione di siti web e blog, perfetto anche per creare un e-commerce funzionale ed efficiente.Vi sono molti plugin per creare un e-commerce in WordPress e in questo videocorso utilizzeremoWooCommerce, una delle soluzioni pi diffuse.Procederemo per piccoli passi:imparerai inizialmente a creare un e-commerce molto semplice, in cui vengono commercializzati un numero limitato di prodotti attraverso il classico pulsante ""Compra subito"".Successivamente,vedrai realizzare uno store che vende prodotti in abbonamentoe infineun vero e proprio negozio onlinecompleto con offerte, categorie e gestione di magazzino, acquisti con diverse valute e calcolo delle tasse. Il tutto con il supporto di servizi di pagamento come PayPal.Se vuoi imparare ad usare una delle funzionalit pi potenti di WordPressquesto videocorso non devi fartelo sfuggire!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DaVinci Resolve 11: correzione colore - Avanzato" |
"Questo videocorso nasce comecompletamento di quanto spiegato in ""DaVinci Resolve: correzione colore nel video digitale - Base"".In questo videocorso avanzato vengono infatti analizzati nel dettaglio aspetti e tecniche del software adatte per chi vuole sfruttare al meglio questo potente programma di correzione colore.Potrai quindi familiarizzare con tutte le tipologie dinodi di correzionipresenti nella versione 11 di DaVinci Resolve (serials, parallels, layers, splitter), interagendo poi con le diversecurve di correzione a disposizione.Si affronteranno poi pi in profondit i concetti diPower Windows, Tracking e Keyframingper arrivare a possedere un arsenale di tecniche potenti dicolor correction e gradingcon cui affrontare il proprio lavoro quotidiano."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lightroom Classic CC - Camera Raw: tecniche e creativit" |
"LightroomePhotoshopcondividono lo stesso motore per lo sviluppo dei file RAW:Camera Raw. In questo videocorso imparerai come sviluppare i tuoi scatti con Lightroom o con Camera Raw, e comedare sfogo alla tua creativitper renderli unici e sorprendenti. Unvideocorso indispensabilesia se usi Lightroom sia se usi Photoshop!Ecco cosa imparerai da questo videocorso:-Ritagliare e raddrizzare le foto-Correggere tono, chiarezza, vividezza e saturazione-Correggere l'esposizione-Usare le curve di viraggio-Ridurre il rumore-Migliorare il dettaglio-Compensare le distorsioni-Applicare effetti alle fotografie-Rimuovere macchie e occhi rossi-Usare il filtro graduato-Usare il pennello di regolazione-Gestire la conversione in bianco e nero... e molto altro ancora!E per completare la tua formazione su Lightroom CC (ma anche Lightroom 6, praticamente identico) potrai poi scegliere diapprofondire tutti gli strumenti e le funzionalitdi questo software con il videocorso ""Lightroom CC - Tutti gli strumenti per gestire al meglio le fotografie""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop - Correzione colore di altre venti fotografie" |
"Dopo averimparato le principali tecniche di correzione coloregrazie ai videocorsi sulla correzione colore e dopo esserciesercitaticon il videocorso""Photoshop -Correzione del colore di venti fotografie"", arrivato il momento di affrontarealtri venti nuovi casi pratici di correzione colore.Questi nuovi esempi sono stati scelti sia perchcomportano l'uso di tecniche non ancora mostrate in nessun videocorso, sia per riesaminareapprocci che, nel frattempo, si sono evoluti.In tre ore vedrai esaminate e ottimizzate venti fotografie,con una media di meno di dieci minuti per ciascuna immagine: un flusso di lavoro che Marco Olivotto ha chiamato""ASIA"", sigla che sta perAnalisi, Strategia, Intervento, Analisi finale."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DaVinci Resolve 14 - Subito in pista" |
"DaVinci Resolve, nato come software di color correction e color grading, dalla versione 14rappresenta ora una soluzione completa per chi lavora nel modo del videograzie ai suoi strumenti per l'editing, la correzione colore e la post produzione audio.DaVinci Resolve 14 racchiude infatti tre programmi professionali in uno, permettendo allutente di passare tra editing, correzione colore, e audio Fairlight senza mai uscire dal programma. In particolare laudio Fairlight rappresentauna prestigiosa soluzione di post produzione audioper il cinema e la televisione, utilizzata da molti studi in tutto il mondo: un completo kit di strumenti professionali consente di registrare, editare, e perfezionare laudio.Diventa subito operativo con questo videocorso, grazie al quale, in sole cinque ore, potrai muovere con sicurezza i primi passi nell'uso di questo potente strumento e scoprire come DaVinci Resolve 14 possa essereuna valida alternativa ai pi conosciuti Adobe Premiere e Apple Final Cut X,senza i limiti di un abbonamento a tempo o di compatibilit con un unico sistema operativo!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dalla fotografia alla tipografia: stampa in quadricromia" |
"La conversione daRGBaCMYK un'operazione delicata che ognifotografo,graficootipografodeve affrontare quando un'immagine deve essere mandata instampa. Questa operazione spesso una ""bestia nera"" magari perch non si hanno ben presenti quali sono ipregie ilimitidellospazio CMYKe spesso i pareri chiesti a colleghi ""esperti"" o amici ""smanettoni"" non fanno altro che confondere le idee.Come venire quindi a capo dei mille dubbi che accompagnano laconversione da RGB in quadricromia?In altre parole, comeessere certidi ottenere in stampa proprio la fotografia che si desidera in termini dicolori,luminositecontrasto? Grazie a questo videocorso potrai finalmente capiretutto quello che sta dietroa unacorretta conversione da RGB a CMYK, per risultati di stampaperfetticon le tue aspettative.Ma non solo: scoprirai anche che nello spazioCMYK possibile realizzaretecnichedicorrezione coloreimpossibili in altri contesti o comunquepi efficaci. Questo videocorso altamente consigliato per:- ifotografiche vogliano ottenere dalla stampa tipograficaesattamente ci che desideranoin termini di colore e resa;- ifotografiche desiderinoscoprire le possibilituniche offerte dello spazio coloreCMYKper la correzione colore;- igraficiche devonocreare documenti destinati alla stampacontenenti fotografie;- glistampatoriche voglianocapire i segreti della conversione da RGB a CMYKper offrire ai propri clienti risultati impeccabili."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creare eBook con InDesign CS6 e CC" |
"Nel videocorso ""Creare eBook con InDesign CS6 e CC"" ti spieghiamo passo a passocome usare il software di casa Adobe (ma non solo)per realizzare pubblicazioni elettroniche o eBook visibili sui pi diffusi eBook reader.Cos' un eBook?Si tratta di un insieme di linguaggi, principalmente XHTML e CSS, che consentono dicreare pubblicazioni elettroniche in grado di adattarsi, a differenza del PDF, alla dimensione dello schermo che stiamo utilizzandoe personalizzata in termini di dimensione e tipo di carattere, per essere leggibile in ogni condizione.Chi lavora nella grafica o nell'editoria in genere non possiede conoscenze su questi linguaggi:ecco quindi che questo videocorso perfetto proprio per chi programmatore non (e non lo vuole diventare).In questo videocorso saranno illustrati i formati pi utilizzati per la distribuzione dieBook (ePub 2 e ePub 3) e mobi per Kindle (il formato proprietario di Amazon), qual la struttura classica di un eBook e come crearne uno utilizzando un software professionale come InDesign. Ma non solo! Vedrai come anche come sfruttare, a parte InDesign,anche altri software open sourceper creare eBook o convertire eBook in altri formati per renderli compatibili con i diversi dispositivi di lettura.Un videocorso imperdibile per chi si vuole affacciare con sicurezza nel mondo dell'editoria digitale!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fatturazione elettronica: partire con il piede giusto" |
"Dal 1 gennaio 2019 il processo di fatturazione cos come lo conosciamo, fatto da documenti cartacei o PDF spediti via email, verr totalmente rivoluzionato:diventa obbligatoria la fattura elettronica!Sei hai una partita IVA italiana anche tu dovrai sapere come funziona questo nuovo sistema: tutte le partite IVA italiane dovranno infatti emettere (e dunque ricevere dai propri fornitori italiani)solo ed esclusivamente fatture in questo formato. Unica eccezione chi in regime forfettario o dei minimi, ma anche questi soggetti avranno l'obbligo della conservazione della fatturazione elettronica!Qualunque sia il tuo regime, quindi,questo videocorso sar un prezioso e affidabile strumento professionale, davvero fondamentale per la tua attivit. In oltre un'ora e mezza di videolezioni,attraverso le semplici ma precise spiegazioni del nostro teacher Filippo Boron,dottore commercialista, capirai infatti:- cos (e cosa non ) una fattura elettronica- chi la deve fare- gli strumenti gratis e a pagamento per compilarla correttamente- quando usare la firma elettronica- come farla arrivare ai tuoi clienti- come riceverne dai tuoi fornitori- cos' il QR code e quando usarlo- come gestire gli acquisti di carburante- le soluzioni ai possibili problemi di ricezione- come conservare le fatture elettroniche a norma di legge.Non farti cogliere alla sprovvista da questo grande cambiamento:impara a muoverti senza paura nel mondo della fatturazione elettronica con questo videocorso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intellectual Property (IP) Basics" |
"Intellectual Property Basics is a self-paced, easy to digest, multi-part training program on how to avoid the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make. It draws on my twenty plus years of practicing and teaching in the technology/IP field. In this course, you will learn how to:analyze and protect your assets with trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets;analyze and negotiate representations and warranties in a technology license (or services) agreement; and protect your intellectual property rights in work created by contractors."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Netapp ONTAP 9 Troubleshooting" |
"In this training you will learn how to troubleshoot common problems in the Netapp ONTAP cluster environment.You will get familiar with causes of problems and learn how to solve the problems and fix your cluster. This training is aimed at students who either have some-hands on experience or have followed the ONTAP cli administration training which can also be found here on Udemy. This training is somewhat advanced, but if you are eager to learn, you will probably like this.=======================Table of Contents:- Architecture and Concepts. (22:01)- Booting and Coredumps. (10:50)- Coredumps. (5:07)- Replicated Databases. (16:04)- Epsilon. (10:56)- Halting a node and Eligibility. (6:31)- Troubleshooting Volumes. (5:55)- Losing the rootvolume of an SVM. (12:25)- Losing vol0. (8:22)- Losing vol0 (continued). (17:07)- Networking. (8:02)- Failover Groups. (6:25)- Connectivity. (4:40)- Logfiles. (10:54)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Netapp ONTAP fundamentals" |
"In this training you will be introduced to the NetApp ONTAP environment. You will mainly work from the command-line. We will start from scratch and no ONTAP knowledge or experience is required. By the end of this training you will have a good understanding of the main functions and protocols and should be able to manage an ONTAP cluster, at a junior admin level to the least.The training is constructed of two levels, the first level is absolutely basic. Once you are up to speed, we will enter level two and you will work with more advanced features of the topics that are selected for this training. The main topics are: Disks and Aggregates, Volumes, Networking, and Protocols. These main topics are presented at the two different levels. Then there will be some additional topics like WAFL and snapshots.Also, all the texts that are used in the presentation will be available as downloadable pdf files in the resource section of the course.I have tried to limit every lecture to 10 minutes. Sometimes I went a little further, sometimes I ran a little short. But my intention is to keep it tight and neat.I hope you will have a valuable experience.And whenever you have questions or remarks, please contact me.I have added a bonus module - Lecture 21 -in which I describe and demonstrate the setup of the Netapp Simulator in VirtualBox instead of in VMWare.In the first module you will set it up in workstation or fusion...but if you like you can also set it up in VBOX.Peter==================================================================================================================Table of ContentsLecture 1. Introduction. (3:43)Lecture 2. Lab Setup. (12:10)Lecture 3. Clients. (3:40)Lecture 4. What is ONTAP? (4:45)Lecture 5. Physical Storage. ( 9:21)Lecture 6. Logical Storage. (8:21)Lecture 7. Networking. (10:40)Lecture 8. System Manager. (7:28)Lecture 9. Add Second Node. (10:20)Lecture 10. Protocol Types. (4:42)Lecture 11. Shells and Modes. (7:09)Lecture 12. Physical Storage part1. (9:59)Lecture 13. Physical Storage part2. (9:21)Lecture 14. Logical Storage part1. (6:14)Lecture 15. Logical Storage part2. (13:38)Lecture 16. Networking. (9:35)Lecture 17. Preparing Protocols. (8:18)Lecture 18. Setting up NFS. (10:07)Lecture 19. Setting up CIFS. (6:35)Lecture 20. Setting up iSCSI. (11:50)Lecture 21. WAFL and Snapshots. (13:43)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Netapp ONTAP WAFL explored" |
"This training gives an insight into how Netapp's filesystem environment works. You will get an overview of what happens to client data from when it enters the cluster to when it is stored on disk. It will deal with inodes, pointers, blocks, snapshots, writes, efficiency, etc. The second part of the training will focus on performance of the WAFL environment. We will discuss and demonstrate command-line tools like statistics, statit, sysstat and stats. Also we will have a look at quality of service. And the training will end with the download, installation and configuration of NAbox and OnCommand Unified Manager. There will be theory as well as demonstrations. All of the texts are offered as downloadable PDF.By the end of this training, students should have a good understanding of how WAFL works and they will also have a working knowledge of the different performance tools that are available.Contents:Section 1. What is WAFL? - WAFLis more than a filesystemSection 2. What is a file system? - inodes and blocksSection 3. WAFL writes - how is client data written?Section 4. Snapshot management and restores - snapshot creation - restores (volumes, files, partial files)Section 5. Space Management and Efficiency - space management - efficiency - terminology and flexclones - compression - compaction - deduplicationSection 6. Performance and tools - terminology - sysstat, statit and statistics and qos - download nabox and ocum - working with nabox and ocumSection 7. Managing nabox and ocum - nabox - settings - dashboards - creating dashboards - ocum - settings - reports - policies, alerts and events - considerations"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Design Patterns com C# - Desenvolvimento Avanado" |
"Neste curso, voc ir aprender a usar e aplicar no desenvolvimento de suas aplicaes Design Patterns. Com isso, voc ser capaz de desenvolver cdigos mais enxuto, limpo, organizado e principalmente aumentar a qualidade e diminuir a complexidade do seu cdigo. Ou seja, desenvolver de forma profissional, alm de dominar prticas avanadas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Front-End profissional completo HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JS E MAIS" |
"Nesse curso, voc ir aprender a desenvolver um Front-End moderno do zero usando recursos e abordagens atuais passo passo. Ainda, ir ganhar de quebra, um curso de Adobe XD. Voc ir criar, desde a concepo do projeto at o desenvolvimento da Interface, aprender a usar bibliotecas, repositrios e frameworks para aumentar sua produtividade, alm de recursos e ferramentas para tornar o visual atrativo, incluindo animaes e interatividade em seu Front-End. Voc tambm ir aprender a desenvolver um Front-End responsivo, ou seja, que se ajusta a qualquer tamanho de tela (celular, tablet, computador, televiso, etc). E muito mais!Espero por voc!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Mindfulness: Atencin Plena, Vida Plena" |
"El Mindfulness te abre la puerta a una nueva forma de sentir y vivir cada instante. Sientes que tu vida podra ser mejor? Quieres crecer como persona, aumentar tu bienestar y mejorar tus relaciones personales?En este curso de Mindfulness, vamos a aclarar conceptos y descubrir ideas nuevas. Pero sobre todo, vas a dar tus primeros pasos para practicar el mindfulness, o atencin plena.Comprenderemos qu es y cmo se practica la Respiracin Consciente (considerada el corazn o la esencia del mindfulness).Diseccionaremos paso a paso las etapas de una sesin de meditacin de mindfulness clsica, a partir de la cual, cada uno puede hacer sus propias adaptaciones y variaciones.Haremos juntos una primera meditacin guiada, seguida por una actividad de reflexin grupal de todos los estudiantes.Resolveremos las principales dudas y preocupaciones que surgen cuando uno empieza a meditar.Aprenderemos 3 mtodos para crear y afianzar cualquier hbito; en nuestro caso, el hbito de la meditacin diaria.Descubriremos cmo plantar en nuestra rutina numerosos recordatorios para volver al presente y actuar con plena libertad.Elegiremos actividades cotidianas en las cuales aplicaremos los principios de la meditacin y del mindfulness.Reflexionaremos sobre algunos conceptos y valores que nos transmite la prctica del mindfulness.Desarrollaremos nuestra curiosidad con herramientas para continuar caminando por el sendero del mindfulness.El mindfulness, y la meditacin que la nutre, entrenan nuestra atencin. En el mundo frentico, hiperactivo y distrado de hoy, no es poca cosa. Slo esto ya justificara el inters creciente que despierta en mucha gente.Pero la importancia y la belleza del mindfulness yacen en otro lugar:No es la a-tencin sino la in-tencin.Y la intencin, al practicar el mindfulness, es ante todo ser: ser quien soy realmente, libre de historias y cuentos ficticios, en cada momento, viviendo plenamente, con toda la grandeza que ello implica. Lo haremos cultivando la serenidad, la ecuanimidad, lacuriosidad, la compasin, la sonrisa y la bondad.As es cmo la Atencin Plena abre la puerta a una Vida Plena."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Short Hair Hairstyles for Wedding & Prom" |
"""What can I do with short hair for a special look?""Well, I am here to tell you,""Plenty!""This course on short hairstyles, images and videos will get your creative ideas flowing. You will be inspired to try out something new on all of your short hair clients, your friends or yourself!Are you aProfessional?Don't lose your clientsto the blow-dry bars! Get them back in your chair inbetween haircuts for their date nights, special occasions or that next interview they need to shine for. Be their champion!Novice?These steps can be followed by you on yourself, or you can learn them to ""bring the joy"" to someone else.Plus!4 extra videos:An inspiring video of make-overs! Ask your clients to be your model and show off your work! Photo tips!A tutorial on best practices for Velcro rollers, hot rollers and curling iron for short styles.No hair brush blow drying?Yes! Watch the video:How to blow dry your hair without using a brush.Plus, How to use hairspray and gel to make your shorthair sizzle! ~~~ Be sure to check out my bonus section containing all of my contact information! I am here for you in life and career!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Three Easy Half up Hairstyles for Bridal or Prom" |
"Half up Hairstyles are very popular and a great option for the young as well as the older clients. Brides and Bridesmaids love them too. You will learn three different half up styles to add to your learning portfolio. Once you see how creative and diverse half up updos and hairstyles can be you will go to them over and over again."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Three Updo Hairstyles for Curly Hair" |
"In this course Three Updo Hairstyles for Curly hair you will learn fun and easy ideas that are perfect for your curly hair, your clients and your friends.My experience with curly hair clients is that some are real experts with their own curls and some need your professional guidance with their curls and how best to maintain them. If you can win over your curly hair clients with care, concern and patience they will be faithful to you. Watch these videos with someone in mind that you can practice on right away. I hope you find these looks a great addition to your current skill set."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Braided Hairstyles for Teens" |
"Welcome to Braided Hairstyles for Teens!This course is two fold. Learning hairstyles is one thing, but pleasing and getting the right style on the right client is another. Especially with teens. Once they trust you they will stay with you all the way up until their wedding and beyond. Earning that trust is a simple process I teach in my winning with teens video. That video is gold and free for you here as a add in bonus!The styles in the main tutorials are a lot of fun to add to your skill set. Also, enjoy my skill training videos if you are still new to braiding.See you in another course and please tell your friends!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Super Easy & Fast DIY Hairstyles anyone can do!" |
"When you learn how to break down updos into sections, it makes trying these hairstyle less scary. These three looks are quick and easy yet soft, modern, and flexible. Using my ponytail system, you will be well on your way to trying out your own original designs on others.I would love to see your images and special events you attend using these hairstyles! Let's connect over social media. My links are in the last bonus lecture."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hairstyles & Updo's for Tweens (young teens)" |
"Girls just want to have fun! Especially tweens! Young teens love doing hairstyles and experimenting with makeup! Whether these hairstyles are for a gymnastics events, special occasions, or just fun time with mom, these courses make it easy. You will be taken through step by step ways of putting hairstyles together. Take these skills into school plays, Halloween, dress up birthday parties or the holidays!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Updo And Hairstyles Half up for Wedding or Prom" |
"Half up hairstyles are for everyone. They can be dressed up or down depending on the special occasion they are being created for. All ages love wearing them and they are a great skill to have in your updo tool kit!I have labeled these styles Intermediate because they have more steps and require a bit more skill. BUT! This is not to say anyone with the determination and patience can handel them. Is that you?As always, I love teaching and meeting others passionate about styling hair for family, friends and clients! I would love to hear from you and see your styles! Let's connect on social media and in other courses. All my best to you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hairstyles & Updo's for Quiencerata, Weddings, & Prom" |
"Not every client wants what everyone else has or the latest trend on Instagram! You, as the professional should be able to listen to your client and hear what she wants, even if she does not know what she wants! Yes, really.She speaks through her clothing choice, is she high fashion or more BoHo?Her event speaks. Is it a garden party luncheon, or a new years eve party in five star hotel?Her dress or gown tells you what updo will look best. Does her gown have a low back? Then allow one curl to descend between her shoulder blades, sexy right? She will love you for it and she will be willing to pay for your expertise and care.This course may stretch your skills and challenge your assumptions about the style of updos you do or are used to doing. Good!If you desire to be a master in updos I applaud your desire to push and train yourself!Just doing as the client requests will put you are their mercy and keep your skills small as well as your wallet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Classic & Contemporary Chignon Hairstyle Tutorials" |
"Everyone loves Chignons! They are classic and easy to do!In this course you will learn four different ways to create a chignon.As always my tips, tricks and ideas will enhance your own creativity and help you to become an updo and hairstyling pro. Watch and interact with the videos. Practicing these methods and skills will grow your clients list and impress your friends and family.Do you love hairstyles?Do you want to learn and gain confidence doing hairstyles?Then this is the place to come back to over and over!I hope to see you inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fabulous Fringy Updo hairstyles anyone can do!" |
"In this course you will enjoy learning all about these modern and funky fringy updos. They are perfect for the unconventional bride and prom girls who wants something a little fun and different. There is also a separate tutorial on how to make the hair knots for these looks as well as a coiling tutorial. I am always available to talk to regarding this course or any of my courses. Once you see how I put these looks together you will be able to grow and learn in your skills and impress your clients and friends. Creating special occasion hair is so exciting as you are taking part in someones life event!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Half Up Half Down Hairstyles for Curly Hair" |
"Welcome to Half Up Half Down Hairstyles for Curly HairYou may have been interested in one or all of these styles but the biggest take away from my training's is how a style is broken down into steps. If you can focus on the steps and see how they build, then you can apply this method to all of your updos. Half up half down looks are very popular with all ages and fit for all style preferences. My steps will allow you to alter the finished look for your and your clients personal tastes. These are great to follow and learn while doing but the training will also grow your creativity and confidence too. I hope to see you inside and always feel free to reach out to me on social media!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Hairstyles ! Step by Step for Medium Length Hair" |
"Let's master some mid Length hairstyles for you, your friends and clients. There are subtle important steps that make these look clean and professional. Teasing in just the right spot! Soft braiding that makes them hug the side of the face. A way to work with hot rollers you can try again and again! Don't let these seemingly simple looks fool you. Dig in and enjoy all that you will learn!! Wait, there's more! I have added many extra tutorials that will give you an inside look at important skills for anyone who loves hairstyles. These are not fast running videos but clear step by step real time teaching to easily follow along!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Updo Hairstyles fit for the Princess in Everyone!" |
"Updos fit for the Princess in Everyone! If you are a stylist these are simply important skills to master. A professional can be called upon at any time to do any form, or style the client needs. Fashion shows, princess birthday parties, high-end formals and balls, theme weddings or quite simply - a beautiful classic updo. There are four here for your learning pleasure! Anyone can create these looks, it only takes a commitment and a ""not giving up"" attitude! See you inside! Everything is figure-out-able!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Updo's & Hairstyles for Children and Flower girls" |
"In this course you will learn Four styles you can use on children. The trick when working with children is keeping the mood fun and light, working fast and carefully watching for grabbing hands. This course and its material will help you keep smiling and your nerves at bay! Kids are so perceptive! All you can hope for is a cooperative child and an understanding bride! Other wise you've got this! These four styles can be used on all types of hair and hair length. Enjoy!But wait there's more! I have also included three braiding videos to hone your skills, as well as another video on how to create three types of curls using one curling iron."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Updos and Hairstyles for Curly Hair!" |
"In this course for Curly hairstyles and updos you will learn fun and easy ideas that are perfect for your curly hair, your clients and your friends. These styles work with natural curly hair allowing you or your client to feel that they are themselves.My experience with curly hair clients is that some are real experts with their own curls and some need your professional help with their curls and how best to maintain them. If you can win over your curly hair clients with care, concern and patience they will be faithful to you. Watch these videos with someone in mind that you can practice on right away. I hope you find these curly looks a great addition to your updo portfolio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |