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"Learn 2D Game Development with Unity and C# Programming" |
"Do you want to learn to make awesome games and apps using Unity3D, but know nothing about where to begin? No problem! In my course, we'll go over all the basics you need to get started, and learn how to make great games with Unity. In this course, we'll be going over:Unity3D's user interface, and using the different windows to develop your project.An introduction to the C# programming language, where we'll make our script and learn to work with components in Unity to make our game come to life.How to make a visually appealing game scene and properly adjust and align UI graphics like text, buttons and graphics.How to export your project to computer and mobile devices.Learn to build a game of Blackjack, the popular card game. With input like Hitting & standing, and being able to place your bet with in-game money. With win, lose and game over events.At the beginning of the course, we'll introduce you to downloading Unity and good places to download royalty free assets online for us to work with in our game. And then we'll get familiar with Unity3D's setup and development environment. So we can build our game scene.Next we'll get familiar with the C# programming language, and how easy it is to integrate our scripts into Unity. In the course, we'll go over basic programming fundamentals such as:Variables and Arrays.Methods and Functions.Loops and Keywords.Towards the end of the course, we'll be putting the rest of our Blackjack game together with what we learned. And then we'll go over how to build our project to platforms like computer and mobile devices.This course is perfect for student who want:To learn Unity3D one ofthe most popular game engines out in the industry.To learn programming basics and coding in the C# language.To be able to make a game from start to finish.Enroll in the course and get started learning how to make awesome games & apps!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drupal per strutture ricettive" |
"Drupal per strutture ricettive il corso che permetter a tutti gestori di piccole strutture ricettive come B&B, Affittacamere, Hotel di conoscere il CMS Drupal e di poter realizzare nel proprio sito, realizzato con Drupal, un sistema di Booking Engine, cio un sistema di prenotazione online, oppure di integrare Drupal ad un sistema di Channel Manager come Planyo.Durante il corso potrai imparare come virtualizzare sul tuo PC o MAC un server e avere una panoramica del funzionamento di Drupal."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Joomla: le Basi!" |
"Nel corso ""Joomla: le basi"" potrai imparare tutto ci che compone il famoso CMS, o gestore di contenuti online, Joomla. In particolare imparerai tutte le risorse e le community dove potr chiedere aiuto, riuscirai a creare contenuti, categorie, menu. Durante il corso proveremo a realizzare un sito internet di prova, attraverso l'utilizzo anche di software come MAMP, in grado di trasformare il PC o MAC in un server virtuale. Apprenderai anche che cosa sono e come funzionano le estensioni, i moduli ed i plug in tracciando una veloce panoramica di come si installano e si utilizzano, senza dimenticare l'importanza di saper gestire impostazioni del core di Joomla. Ti spiegher anche qualche piccolo trucco sulle impostazioni di un template e su come creare, grazie a framework specifici, template a griglia mobile."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Finanzielle Intelligenz - Dein Weg aus dem Hamsterrad" |
"Niemand spricht gern ber Geld, aber alle trumen vom Reichtum und finanzieller Freiheit. Unwissenheit und Vorurteile zu diesem Thema berdecken die oft einfachen und schnell umsetzbaren Lsungen.Die meisten Menschen spren derzeit den massiven Wandel im Arbeitsmarkt, in der Wirtschaft und in der Gesellschaft. In solchen Zeiten wchst die wahrgenommene Unsicherheit und viele Menschen suchen nach neuen, zuverlssigen Einnahmequellen. Am besten neben dem Hauptberuf.Dieser Videokurs ist eine kleine Sammlung von selbst getesteten Geld Rezepten, die jeder fr sich ""nachkochen"" kann. Mit ihnen kannst du in Zukunft mehr Geld verdienen, wirst weniger Geld verlieren und du kannst das Geld effektiver fr dich arbeiten lassen. Bitte verstehe es als Buffett. Nichts muss, alles darf. Mit Sicherheit ist auch das eine oder andere Geldrezept fr dich dabei."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Photoshop y al Fotomontaje" |
"Despus de aos de hacer tutoriales y habiendo adquirido el conocimiento necesario y creado mi propio estilo de trabajo he decidido hacer un curso completo de Photoshop con el que ensear desde los primeros pasos con el programa hasta tcnicas ms avanzadas de fotomontaje.En el curso enseo todo lo que he aprendido durante ms de 10 aos trabajando con Photoshop, mi forma de trabajar y consejos para que te acostumbres a trabajar de forma eficiente y profesional utilizando atajos del teclado y tcnicas que utilizo a diario en mi trabajo.Empieza desde la baseEste curso de Photoshop esta pensado especialmente para aquellos que nunca se han atrevido a abrir el programa ya que empieza desde la base. Explicar la interfaz del programa, los paneles, las herramientas ajustes y tcnicas y cmo empezar a trabajar conjuntamente con todo ello. Te ensear el flujo de trabajo completo.Para usuarios principiantesSi ya sabes manejarte con el Photoshop pero quieres aprender a crear foto montajes este curso puede ser para ti. Si ya conoces la interfaz y sabes trabajar con las herramientas de Photoshop, con este curso podrs dar un paso ms aprendiendo tcnicas de fotomontaje empezando con manipulaciones sencillas y poco a poco subir de dificultad.Flujo de trabajo completoUno de mis principales objetivos con este curso es que aprendas un flujo de trabajo completo y sobretodo que entiendas cmo trabajar con todas las herramientas de forma conjunta para que puedas materializar tus ideas en diseos de forma autnoma y empezar crear tus propias manipulaciones a partir de tus ideas.Proyectos de fotomontaje paso a pasoAl final de los 5 captulos haremos 6 fotomontajes paso a paso con diferentes niveles de dificultad. Podrs subir el resultado de tus trabajos para incluirlo en la galera del curso.Beneficios de un curso estructurado versus tutoriales individualesQuizs te preguntes por qu tomar un curso como este en lugar de buscar tutoriales sueltos gratuitos de otras plataformas. Mi respuesta a esa pregunta siempre ha sido la misma.Un curso estructurado por captulos y episodios relacionados tiene la gran ventaja de ensearte a utilizar el software de forma conjunta. Te ayuda a seguir una linea de aprendizaje clara en la cual los conceptos y tcnicas se relacionan mucho mejor. Si quieres aprender a trabajar de forma eficiente y tener una visin de conjunto sobre como funciona el software Adobe Photoshop, un curso estructurado como este es la mejor opcin.El curso est estructurado en 5 secciones o captulos que comprenden los siguientes tpicosCaptulo 1: La interfaz de PhotoshopEmpezaremos el curso aprendiendo a navegar por la interfaz del programa. Aprenders qu es un espacio de trabajo, cmo personalizarlo y cmo crear documentos. Tambin vers qu son los paneles y la barra de herramientas y de opciones y una introduccin bsica al panel de capas y el concepto de capas.Captulo 2: El panel de capasTrabajar con capas es fundamental en Photoshop y el panel de capas es el corazn del programa. En este captulo aprenders a utilizar el panel de capas y veremos qu tipos de capas podemos crear en Photoshop. Aprenders qu son los modos de fusin y los objetos inteligentes y cuales son los beneficios de trabajar con capas.Captulo 3: SeleccionesDominar las selecciones es una de las tareas ms importantes en Photoshop. Las selecciones nos permiten delimitar el rea sobre el que aplicamos cierto efecto y hay muchas maneras de crear selecciones. En este captulo aprenders qu tipos de selecciones puedes crear y las herramientas ms utilizadas para crear diferentes tipos de seleccin. Tambin haremos una explicacin bsica de los canales y trabajar con mscaras de capa.Captulo 4: Ajustes y filtrosPara editar nuestras fotos y fotomontajes utilizaremos ajustes y filtros y en este captulo aprenders qu tipos de ajustes podemos hacer a nuestras fotos. Utilizaremos el panel de capas para crear capas de ajuste y trabajar de forma no destructiva. Entre otros, veremos de forma prctica qu son las Curvas, Niveles o los Mapas de degradado. Tambin veremos qu son los filtros y en qu se diferencian de los ajustes.Captulo 5: Introduccin a la manipulacin fotogrficaste captulo est dedicado exclusivamente a la introduccin a los fotomontajes y al flujo de trabajo que yo utilizo cuando hago un fotomontaje. Explicar de forma prctica las partes ms importantes que hay que tener en cuenta para crear un fotomontaje: fuentes de recursos, combinar fotos de stock iluminacin, sombreado, etc.Proyectos finales de fotomontajeSe trata de una introduccin bsica al fotomontaje en la cual haremos 6 proyectos prcticos de dificultad progresiva para introducirte en el mundo de la manipulacin fotogrfica."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Curso Faixa Preta Carat" |
"Este curso voltado para Caratecas que desejam realizar exame de faixa preta e/ou aprimorar seus movimentos e tcnicas. Explicao e repetio dos movimentos, alunos para demonstrao dos golpes e tcnicas. Teoria e prtica com dicas valiosssimas para lapidar seus movimentos.So 66 aulas dividido em 04 mdulos.1. Conscincia do trabalho muscularO objetivo deste mdulo identificar e trabalhar os msculos envolvidos nos movimentos dos golpes, defesas e nas bases. E destaque especial respirao com contrao dos glteos.2. Conscincia do movimentoNeste mdulo voc encontrar trabalho para a execuo correta dos golpes, defesas, bases e deslocamentos.3. O trabalho correto no Kihon4. KataEste curso no substitui o Sensei do Aluno, de extrema importncia que o aluno continue indo ao doj!"
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Graphology Level 1" |
":1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ( )"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Modos Gregos 2 - Modo Ldio, Mixoldio, Elio e Lcrio" |
"Talvez voc j tenha ouvido por a os nomes mixoldio, drico, ou algo semelhante. Parece coisa de outro mundo, no? Pois bem, com este curso voc ser capaz de executar e aprender os modos gregos de forma completa e funcional. No estamos oferecendo afrmula mgica, mas sim um estudo completo sobre os Modos Gregos e suas particularidades."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ingls de Negcios" |
"Esse curso de Ingls ir auxiliar o profissional a desenvolver vocabulrio especfico de sua rea de trabalho, bem como estar a par de jarges corporativos comuns a todas as reas. Saber como construir frases com as novas palavras que estiver aprendendo e as colocar imediatamente em prtica atravs de atividades em nossos grupos nas mdias sociais.Ademais, o curso visa dar oportunidade que o aluno saia de sua zona de conforto e pratique tudo o que aprende, no permanecendo com o conhecimento somente na teoria, o que faz com que este esquea tudo rapidamente.Neste curso, voc ter acompanhamento constante e direto com o professor que estar lhe auxiliando a se lapidar ao se comunicar com desenvoltura nos negcios.Eis alguns objetivos do curso:Melhorar compreenso auditiva.Preparar-se para viagem de negcios a um pas de lngua inglesa.Receber estrangeiros na empresa.Aprender vocabulrio relativo a diversas reas dentro do mundo business.Como compreender corretamente o ingls e buscar ampliar seus conhecimentos ao responder emails, redigir memorandos, documentos e contratos em ingls de forma adequada."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Ingls para Viagens" |
"Este um curso destinado todas as pessoas que querem aprender ingls para ser utilizado durante as suas viagens. Voc aprender a como se reportar no aeroporto, como realizar reservas em hotis, realizar compras, pedir informaes sobre atraes tursticas e at mesmo a como utilizar vocabulrio em casos de eventuais emergncias mdicas.Um curso para voc no passar nenhum tipo de apuro quando estiver desfrutando de sua viagem em outros pases."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Solving 100 Newton's Law Problems from the Popular Textbooks" |
"Physics is the logic of nature. Let the course begin howNewtonchanged our understanding of ThreeLawsof Motion. This course makes sure that students will be able to solveproblems and alsoto derive equations in Physics.- 100Hardest ProblemSolvingQuestions - Includes advanced physics topics - Covering all Newton's lawsProblems"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Project in QML: Windows 10's photos App." |
"Gui's are what are missing from most programmer's toolkit, they cannot find it in addition to their wealth of knowledge. Not many years ago, I researched by God's help and found to my utmost pleasure how programming knowledge is applied in the real world both for UI's and Core-code (Both are scripted by the way). Qt has powered the world of UI's and still powers it. Adobe, VLC, WhatsApp Inc, are a few of notable institutions that use Qt for both UI and also for functional code. But here is the catch, not so recent though, Qt released Qt Quick Markup language (Qml), that is not written in either C++ or python, but rather in it's css style writing. This will help the advanced team-work desire to separate UI from core-code functionality. Also there is another problem here, you can't seem to find much resources on it online. So here is it, an introduction and a quick practical hands on, on building a beautiful trendy app, that in most ways resembles Microsoft's Photos app. The reason is because I have Windows 10 and I love the look and feel of it, also taught is could boost your moral, and enrich your portfolio since it is very recent."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Elicitao de Requisitos de Software - Mini Curso" |
"Este treinamento foi baseado nas melhores literaturas sobre o assunto e vem de uma forma prtica e totalmente aplicvel no seu dia-a-dia, mostrar como utilizar corretamente as tcnicas de Elicitao de Requisitos, independente de estar no modelo cascata ou gil voc vai se beneficiar deste treinamento.No pense que nos modelos geis voc pode abrir mo de saber falar com os stakeholders e capturar da melhor forma possvel os requisitos que guiaro o desenvolvimento de software.Aproveite todo o conhecimento que est condensado aqui de uma forma leve e totalmente aplicvel no seu dia-a-dia."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Scrum para Engenheiros de Sistemas - Waterfall x gil" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de ajudar engenheiros de sistemas, desde o engenheiro especializado em requisitos at o engenheiro mais tcnico, a se adaptarem de forma mais fcil ao modelo gil. Neste treinamento faremos um passeio pelo modelo Scrum, fazendo um paralelo entre teoria e prtica e buscando ajudar o entendimento de todos os passos para essa adaptao. Fui engenheiro de software durante muito tempo e precisei me adaptar a modelos geis em uma grande empresa, sei bem como isso complicado e quero te ajudar com esse curso a fazer essa transio de forma mais rpida ;)"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
Python3 |
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Pricing Your Work" |
"This nagging question is one of the constants that eats at us and we never know what the right answer is. Heck, we don't even have a ballpark to start in. We can ask around all we want, but we're never going to feel confident in adopting numbers for ourselves. That's because YOU determine your pricing. How do you make it fair both to the client and to yourself? There are tricks for that. This class will provide a simple guide through multiple scenarios and topics on pricing your work, whether you're just beginning, have been at it for a while, or if you're a professional designer. Look no further. It's time to own your worth."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Body Language - The Scientific Way" |
"I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you're into self-development, body language is a low hanging fruit. It is by far the easiest and most impactful thing you can change to catapult you ahead in your career, love, and social life. Hi, I'm Nick. I'm a body language coach and a neuroscience researcher living in Vancouver. My goal is to make you as powerful and high-status as possible by changing how you move your body. Sound fun?Earlier I mentioned that body language is a low hanging fruit. Let me explain.All of us want to be confident, attractive, and successful, right?Thats one of the big reasons youre looking at online courses in the first place. But the amazing thing about good body language is that it kills all threebirds with one stone. Here's some quick science:Fact: having good body language helps you close more deals and make more money (Bowden & Ford, 2013) Fact: having good body language makes you a better romantic prospect (Hall & Xing, 2015) Fact: having good body language literally makes you happier and increases your confidence (Carney, Cuddy & Yap, 2010; Soussignan, 2002)Fact: nonverbal signals make up the majority of communication (Mehrabian, 1972) The jury is out on this one; good body language is essential.That being said, I'm tired of people making body language seem more complicatedthan it is. Self-proclaimed ""gurus"" and ""pros"" try and trick you into thinking you need hours and hours of instruction to even bemoderately capable. But that's not me.My approach when developing this course was to be as concise and straightforward as possible, and tell people the truth:You can learn everything you need to know about body language in approximately one hour.60 minutes. One-and-a-half lunch breaks.When I'm coaching clients, most of them only need one session. Because by the end of it, they know everything they need to know.That's what I mean by simple.I've distilled years ofneuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and communications research intoa small but effective 1-hour package.I'm not here to sell you on course after course of increasingly complex and redundant information.I'm here to give you everything you need to be better than >95% of the rest of the population in one hour. Functional, applicable knowledge you can start using right away.Now, I dont know about you.. .. but if I could make more money, become more attractive, and become a more confident person with an hour of simple work, Id be all over it!Sign up today and become a better communicator! See you inside :-)* Includes a 30 day no-risk money back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with our product, let us know and you'll happily be refunded!**COURSE UPDATED WEEKLY **References:Bowden, M. and Ford, A. (2013). Winning body language for sales professionals. New York: McGraw-Hill.Carney, D. R., Cuddy, A. J., & Yap, A. J. (2010). Power posing: Brief nonverbal displays affect neuroendocrine levels and risk tolerance. Psychological science, 21(10), 1363-1368. Hall, J. A., & Xing, C. (2015). The verbal and nonverbal correlates of the five flirting styles. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 39(1), 41-68.Mehrabian, A. (1972). Nonverbal Communication. New Brunswick: Aldine Transaction.Soussignan, R. (2002). Duchenne smile, emotional experience, and autonomic reactivity: a test of the facial feedback hypothesis. Emotion, 2(1), 52."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Speak Well On Camera: Public Speaking & Presentation Skills" |
"Speaking to a camera is the most important skill to have in the 21st century. Video is soon to be the most common way people share ideas, businesses, and relationships, and if you don't know how to speak to a camera effectively, you'll be left in the dust.Hi, we're Nick and Soma.Consider this:Over 3 billion people use social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Skype, and UdemyVideo content is by far the most pervasive and effective way we communicate on these platformsDevelopment in recording technology isn't slowing down - it's speeding up. If you thought people filming concerts with their iPads was crazy, that's nothing compared to what's comingAccording to Forrester Research, a single minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.What does this mean?It means the businesses, the innovators, and the world leaders of the future are going to be spreading the equivalent of several thousand books' worth of ideas, emotions, and experiences in the same time it takes for you to finish a single video on YouTube. That's world-changing potential.Entrepreneurs today are faced with the same dilemma they had twenty-five years ago when the internet was first becoming widespread:""Should I try and adapt? Or is this just a passing fad?""Newsflash: just like the internet, it's not a fad. Get in or get left behind.Now, where is this ""in"" anyway?""In"" is where the majority of people currently aren't. Most people out there have no idea how to talk to the camera - the second somebody starts filming, they freeze, get awkward, and manage to look more out of place than a penguin in the middle of the desert.But cameras are all around us. On every street corner. On every laptop. And in every kid's, young adult's, and granny's pockets. And by neglecting to spend any conscious time working on your camera skills, you're potentially missing out on huge opportunities. Like:Marketing videos. Personal branding. Skype interviews. Business meetings. Instagram stories. Virtual acting calls. News segments. Online dating. The list goes on and on. Take any activity, social situation, or career and apply video to it. Because if it doesn't already involve a camera, it will eventually.Here's where we come in.We coach communication. Body language, vocal tone, public speaking - you name it. Recently, we started applying what we know about the fundamentals of human interactions to the relatively esoteric sphere of communicating on camera. We compiled peer-reviewed articles, spoke to professional journalists, and watched a ton of crappy speakers. And we came up with a short list of 6 easy steps anyone can take to master their camera speaking. 6 short steps, with each one taking less than half an hour to practice and get down pat. Do the math, and you end up with just under 3 hours total to master one of the most important skills of the 21st century.We're proof that they work: we personally used these 6 steps to get over 4,000 students worldwide to enroll in our courses in just a few months. Because what most people don't realize about content creation is that it doesn't really matter what you're saying.It matters how you say it. And we'll teach you the how. Whether or not you actively create content, the tools, skills, and techniques you learn in our short information-packed course will benefit you the rest of your life.Let's get you started. Enroll now and we'll see you inside. Talk soon,Nick &SomaP.S If you're still not convinced, feel free to watch a few of our samples by clicking the video in the top-right corner. We stand by our content 100%. Happy public speaking!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Lead With Your Voice: Vocal Training for Influence" |
"Are you tired of having a weak voice? I was too, until I learned the secrets I'm about to teach you..Hi, I'm Soma. I teach people how to speak louder and more confidently, and do so in a way that's both safe and practical.If you've ever had to be a leader before, you've no doubt run into the problem of getting people to listen to you. It's Step 1 of leading anybody, since in order to mobilize a team you first need to show them you're worth being the mobilizer. Now, this is usually difficult, since winning people's respect is hard. Sometimes, it can takes years to do effectively.But what if Itold you there was a quick and easy social hack you could use to accelerate that process 10X? And all it took was a simple change in the way you inflect your voice?You'd probably want to know it, right?No, it's not too good to be true - studies have actually been done on this. The way you inflect your voice, your tonality, is critically important in both public perception and compliance.Additionally, how loud your voice is - your projection - also strongly impacts how likely people are to do what you tell them.And by utilizing these tools in a certain way, you can rewrite the social hierarchy and put yourself on top.You can rule the social landscape in business, relationships, and public speaking, using just your voice.Are you ready?Let's start giving your voice some credit :-) Sign up today, and I'll see you inside."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create an Awesome Geometric Poster Design" |
"So you want to create somethingin Photoshopbut you have no idea where to start? This is the course for you! I'll show you some simple tricks how to make poster or background for desktop.This course is for beginners.Anyone with a few minutes can learn the skill through this course.It covers 6 lectures and takes only 30 minutes to complete.This course is for you if you have no experience with design in Photoshop but you want to make your firstproject."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SAS Programming: Data Manipulation and Analysing Techniques" |
"What are we going to learn in this course?Firstly we are going to download and install SAS University Edition which is totaly free.We will convert Excel tables to SAS tables.We will write lots of SAS functions and create new variables/columns.We will write SQL scripts also, and we will compare SAS and SQL codes.We will join different tables, and filter&sort tables.We will create graphs easily.Creating meaningful data is the first step for the all data processes. If you want to create a model, apply data mining model, you have to apply this step firstly.If you want to become a data engineer or data scientist, this course is really helpful.You can understand and analysis data with some basic and easy functions in SAS which will be explained in the lesson.Then you can manipulate data, impute missing variables and create new columns, merge different tables with SAS.At the end of the course, you can apply all techniques to create clean and meaningful data with SAS.Lots of functions and examples are applied in this course, if you have any question about a function, I can answer you quickly and also you can suggest new topics or functions to me. Lots of additions will be done in this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A`dan Z`ye C# Programlama" |
"Eitimi almadan nce ltfen ak olan bir ok rnek dersi izleyin ve size uygun olduunu dnyorsanz seti aln. Bu eitim setinde hedef kitle C# diline balayanlar veya balang seviyesinde olup ilerletmek isteyenlerdir.Kursumuzda yaptmz rneklerin proje dosyalarna Ktphane projesi de dahil kursu satn aldktan sonra ulaabilirsiniz.C# Eitim Kursumuz:C# dilini renmek istiyorum diyenlerC# dilini biliyorum ve kendimi daha da ilerletmek istiyorum diyenlerDevexpress kontrollerini kullanmak istiyorum ve bu kontrolleri kullanarak uygulama gelitirmek istiyorum diyenlerEntity Framework ve LinQ ile veritabanna hakim olmak istiyorum diyenler iin hazrlanm bir mfredattr."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4 HANA SAP FICO Reports" |
"Vendor Invoice Management Reporting for SAPWhich module in SAP does not have reporting?Each and Every Module.Do you know which are the most Frequently used Reports that is used in 100% companies running in SAP?Sort of actually I do not Know.How will you know?Take this course and give the answer for sure I know.After taking this course you will be an Expert in the followingOverall Invoice Scan-to-Post Process.SAP Transaction Codes used in the SAPInvoice Management reporting process.Understanding how to use each transaction code. Expert in knowing the tables used in S/4 HANA reporting.FICOInvoice Management Reporting"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4 HANA SAP ABAP Enhancement" |
"SAP EnhancementsApplies to SAP R/3 ECC6 6.0 and S/4 HANAWhich company does need enhancement to be built?Everyone.This course is a handbook to explore how you can implement Enhancements/Customozation that allows you to add additional logic such that the SAP System can be customized to fit Business Needs. Examples of Enhancement does the following.Adding New Fields in Standard ScreenPopulate the Field with ValuesAdding New Button in Standard ScreenModifying the Standard Field value with Custom DataThis Course covers the followingUser ExitsBusiness Transaction EventValidation/Substitution in SAP FIBusiness Add ins.Enhancement PointBest Practice in Using SAP Enhancement"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SAP HANA Financial Accounting Configuration" |
"After Completing this Course you will be able to configure the SAPInvoice Management Module for ECC 6.0, SAPHANA and S/4 HANA System successfully. This module is very much in demand and if you take this course you might add a new feather to your current skill level. This Course covers the below processExpert in Creating a Document Processing Document Type Expert in Creating new Vim ExceptionExpert in Adding New Button in VIM ScreenExpert in Customizing Vim Pre-processExpert in Determining important tables related to VIM ConfigurationExpert in Testing the VIM Configuration."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4 HANA ABAP Workflow" |
"Which Company does not run Workflow and use SAP?NoneSo It is time to Learn SAPWorkflowSAP Business Workflow vs S/4 HANA WorkflowIf you have designed a SAP Workflow process in your current SAP system, it will continue to function after an upgrade to S/4HANA and can still be modified and expanded as well.S/4 HANA Workflow Development can be done in SAP Workflow Editor if the S/4 HANA is on Premise. This process continue to be supported by IT Team as it is Complex and cater for user requirement.S/4 HANA Workflow Development for Cloud can only be done with restriction in SAP Cloud Platform Workflow. This process is pretty simple and you do need an IT resource to do this development.Fiori Based application is more slick in the S/4 Environment"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"You will learn ABAPWebservice and ABAP Query from scratch and you will know all about it. The Course describes the fOLLOWINGBest Practice of all the features and also covers S/4 HANA. ABAP WEBSERVICE is the future of cloud integration.Standard Webservice that are delivered by SAP Out of the box and ready to be deployed easily."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP Purchase Order" |
"Purchase Order Flow.Transaction Codes for Purchase Order Different Operation with SAP Purchase Order A purchase order consists of a document header and a number of items.The information shown in the header relates to the entire purchase order For example, the terms of payment and the delivery terms are defined in the header.A procurement type is defined for each of the document items. The following procurement types exist:StandardSubcontractingConsignmentStock transferExternal serviceThe total quantity of materials to be delivered or services to be performed that is defined in the purchase order item can be subdivided in the schedule lines into various partial quantities with the relevant delivery dates.For PO items to be supplied by subcontractors, you can specify the necessary input materials or components that are to be provided to the subcontractor for assembly or processing in respect of each delivery date stipulated.An item of the procurement type external service contains a set of service specifications. Outline levels structure the service specifications and service lines determine the quantity ordered. Value limits are specified instead of service lines for services or work that initially cannot be specified precisely.If services covered by an already existing contract are released (ordered, or called off against the contract), the PO item can contain a value limit relating to the contract in question."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"7 Pasos Para Convertir Tus Conocimientos En Ingresos" |
"En este curso aprenders a cmo convertir tus conocimientos y experiencia profesional en productos digitales, los cuales podrs mercadear a travs del internet.Estos son los temas que desarrollaremos durante el curso:Introduccin Y OportunidadesPor Qu Es Importante Emprender En Internet?Mitos Sobre EmprendimientoMi Historia Como EmprendedorDefine Tu Por Qu?Define Tu Nicho De MercadoCmo Crear Tu Primer Producto DigitalCmo Vender Tu Producto Mediante Un Sistema De Marketing DigitalAsciate Con Otros EmprendedoresA-M-I: Accin Masiva ImperfectaTen Fe En Dios"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Uygulamal React ve Redux Eitimi" |
"Bu kursa temel seviye reactjs konular ile giri yapyoruz.Ardndan iki tane temel uygulama yapln anlatarak konunun iyice pekimesini salyorum. Uygulamalar bittikten sonra ileri seviye reactjs konularna balyorum ve redux konusunu ayrntl bir ekilde iliyorum. En son olarak da ileri seviye uygulamalar ile reactjs nin tam anlam ile kavranmasn salyorum. bu kursu tamamladktan sonra web uygulamalar gelitirebilir ve react native iin n bilgilere erimi olursunuz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Oyun Programlamann Temelleri (HTML 5 ve JS)" |
"Bu kurs ile oyun programlamann temellerini reneceksiniz. Jquery ve PabloJs ktphanelerini kullanarak batan sona bir oyunun nasl yazlacan rnek bir proje zerinde reneceksiniz. 2 ay nce Arkanoid,ylan ve mayn tarlas oyunlarnn nasl kodlandn ingilizce olarak yaynlamtm. Sevilen bir ierik oldu ve ok ilgi grd iin bir video eitim kursu olarak Udemy de trke olarak yaynlamay uygun grdm. Bu eitimi alan herkesin temel programlama mantna hakim olacana inancm tamdr. Ayrca bu kursu alanlara ilerde yaynlayacam oyun programlama kurslarna indirim kuponlar dzeleyeceim."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |