Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Meditations for Love, Money, Creativity & Consciousness" |
"Guided Meditations for Love, Money, Creativity & Consciousness are professional Guided Meditations sessions, providing relief and expansion to the most important areas of your life. Four powerful guided meditations take on real-life challenges and teach you how to enhance intimacy, strengthen finances, boost creativity, and expand consciousness.This is not a 'how-to' class. These are full-on, professional healing sessions to bring deep lasting relief while expanding your consciousness. You will learn how to command your internal meditative process and positively influence your practical, day-to-day life.Course material will be presented through video lectures, text summaries, and guided meditations. You will come away feeling better, with a profound sense of inner awareness.The course will include: One Guided Meditation to REMOVE BLOCKS INHIBITING INTIMACY. One Guided Meditation to expand and IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY. One Guided Meditation to TAP INTO THE SOURCE OF CREATIVITY. One Guided Meditation to vastly EXPAND your awareness of CONSCIOUSNESS.Through course lectures, you will come away with a deeper understanding of what Guided Meditation is and how it can transform the very essence of your being. In addition, the sessions will provide profound experiences to align you with the very person you are meant to be.Here's what scientific research is telling us about meditation. Meditation promotes numerous health benefits including:Reducing stress, anxiety, and depressionRegulating emotionsBoosting the immune systemIncreasing empathy, compassion, and emotional intelligenceSlowing the aging processWhat students are saying:the meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardI'm doing a couple of Joseph Drumheller courses and he's a really fantastic teacher. His approach is very genuine and authentic. He spent many years providing support to terminally ill cancer patients. Highly recommended. Phil StrongYour delivery was warm and natural and your sincerity and love of meditation shines through. I can see how much work has gone into this course and I'm sure it will reach and help many, many, many people. It's so nice to 'meet' someone with very similar views on meditation and an approach to teaching that chimes with my own. I wish you every success! Linda Hall""Joseph Drumheller's practical, earthy approach to meditation, along with his soothing voice and approachability provides a comfortable place to begin a new practice or gain deeper insights into those more established. Speaking as a lifelong meditator myself, I recommend his work. Judy BlackwellI will say that the main thing I look for is someone in such a course is that they exude calm, and joy....and you do......and that they look trustworthy, good energy when you look at their eyes.... when they speak....and you do Marika MarksVery informative about getting started at-home meditation. I am excited to dive into Josephs course! Kari Moore"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Create Effective Business Proposal from A-Z" |
"This course will teach you how to create a good business proposal that covers important aspects and contents that must be included in the proposal to convince your audiences (management executives, investors, peers) to fully support your ideas and help you achieve your goal. And you will see the real business proposals that my team uses in presenting Vending Machine project and Restaurant project that were approved to ""Go Ahead"" by the CEO and Chairman of the company. The Learnings and Value that you will get from this course, are as below; 1. Create concept for your business ideas 2. How to do market analysis 3. Unique Value Proposition and Differentiation 4. Come up with Strategy 5. Financial Forecasting 6. Income Statement Creation 7. Marketing Strategy 8. Proposal Presentation Techniques And you will also get Business proposal templates for two different type of projects (Vending Machine and Restaurant Projects) for you to use in the future. I believe you will be able to excel your entrepreneurial journey or advance your career with the skills and knowledge you will get from this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Armona menor" |
"En este curso revisamosel tema de tonalidad menor de manera precisa y extensa.Aqudejo una breve resea de lo que aprenderemos:La tonalidad menor se compone de las escalas menor natural, armnica y meldica.La tonalidad menor a diferencia de la tonalidad mayor no funciona armnicamente por si sola, tenemos que alterar la escala menor natural en su sptimo grado para dar origen a la escala menor armnica que brindar los acordes dominantes para su correcto funcionamiento. A su vez, la escala menor meldica corrige el intervalo ""indeseado"" de segunda aumentada entre el 6 y 7 grado de la escala menor armnica.El empleo de las escalas y distintos grados que surgen de las 3 escalas menores (natural, armnica y meldica) debe hacerse con conocimiento de enlaces cromticos, acordes de familia subdominanteydominante en menor para que suenen de manera musical y no forzada.En este curso tocamos el tema de las cadencias IIm7 V7 de dominantes con funcin diatnica:Se abordan en este curso porque elalumnoposee el conocimiento de los modos de la escala menor armnica y menor meldica, estofacilitarla comprensin total de los temas vistosen el curso de armona contempornea3.Estoy seguro que este curso te ayudar a reforzar tus conocimientos y te ayudar a concebir la tonalidad menor desde una perspectiva funcional y sumamente interesante.Nolo dudes: Inscrbete!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"4 tips para usar la escala mayor en la guitarra" |
"Bienvenido al curso!En este curso vamos a profundizar en 4 herramientas que te harn tener una percepcin totalmente distinta de la escala mayor. 1)Intervalos2)Diseos intervlicos3) 3 x 34)Escala a 3 octavasLa manera en que abordamos cada tpico esta hecha para que puedas desarrollarlos con creatividad y libertad debido a que t mismo podrs crear tus ejercicios y variaciones."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Beginner Course - Introduction Excel" |
"Quickly Learn Excel Basics Get Working with Excel.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------During thisMicrosoft Excel Beginner Course - Introduction Excelyou will build a solid foundation on which you will be able to learn, grow more and be able build the rest of your Excel experience on. Enroll now and I'll guide you step-by-step, exercise files included, through the basics of working with the most powerful spreadsheet tool on the market. In very little time you will master the basics of Excel that'll provide a foundation for more advanced Excel techniques (Course: Microsoft Excel beginner Course - Introduction Excel, (Microsoft Excel Intermediate Course - More Excel, Microsoft Excel Advance Course - Master Excel and Microsoft Excel Expert Course - Expertise Excel (Up Next)).Each section in this course will introduce you to a key foundational Excel concept that you will quickly master.Understanding the Excel Interface and Document StructureEntering and Working with Data in an Excel WorksheetWorking with Formulas and the most common Excel FunctionsFormatting Your Excel Data to make it more PresentableCreating and Working with Excel Charts to Visually Present DataPreparing Your Excel Documents to be PrintedConnecting with cloud service.Creating an Excel Template for Easy ReuseAt completion of this Microsoft Excel beginner Course - Introduction Excel you will have mastered the above Excel concepts and able to complete the fundamental day to day tasks of an Excel worker.Each section also includes quiz to test the knowledge you will gain and exercise files for you to download and practice with. These are the same files that are used in the video lectures. So that you can work along while watching the video lectures.So, what are you waiting for, enroll now and build a solid foundation within Microsoft Excel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel Intermediate Course - More Excel" |
"Learn Beyond the Basics**************** Course Material Works in Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 *******************Ready to take your Microsoft Office Excel skills to the next level? Then you've come to the right course. Enroll now and you will receive step by step mentoring on mastering Microsoft Excel at an intermediate level. You will learn how to work with some of the most powerful tools Excel has to offer. And this will help you grow your career in Excel to the Next Level.Using my10+ years of Experience and my teaching skillsI will guide you through these tools preparing you for the most advanced features used by Excel office workers. And this will give a Boost to your career in Excel.Topics I am going to include in this course are as follows:Excel Lists (Sorting, Filtering, Subtotals, and more)Powerful Excel Functions in order to Summarize List DataReport Creation with Excel PivotTablesPowerPivot to Create even more robust PivotTablesWorkingwith Data from other Sources through Import and Export CommandsCreating Measures and working with KPI'sProject on How to Create a Basic KPI Dashboard in ExcelAt completion of this Excel Intermediate courseyou will have mastered the above mentioned tools and more, will boost your Excel knowledge and skills to a whole new level. Each section also includes a quiz to test the knowledge you will gain and exercise files for you to download and practice with. These are the same files that are used in the video lectures. So, what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step towards growing your career to the Next Level."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Save Short-term Money for Income Producing Assets" |
"How to Save Short Termfor Income Producing Assets is a course designed for people, who want to save money to acquire assets. If you felt you had no where to turn, worry no more! Ill show you how to discover money that is hidden in plain sight like the equity in your home, money from services and money from physical resources. This course with also show you how to eliminate debt and use that money for assets. The methods we teach in this course will yield predicable results.Our students will learn methods to save money short term for assets. You will be very happy to know the skill in finding money you may have not been aware existed. Rest assure, a practicalstrategyplan will be assembled to help you find money. All our students will master the art of buying assets and minimizing liabilities. All you need is a pen and paper to take good notes and a calculator to make some calculations.Welcome to the beginning of the transformation of your life!You Need This Course If You Want:To save money short term for assetsTo acquire skills in financial educationTokeep more of your own moneyTo be financially astuteTo enjoy economic freedomTo calculate and keep account of your savingsTo create a plan for your financesTo improve credit by eliminating debtTo free yourself from your lenders andcreditorsTo build wealth"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Band in a Box em Portugus (Nvel 1)" |
"Neste curso irei mostrar muitas das coisas que o software Band in a Box da PG Music pode fazer. Este software excelente para poder criar uma msica do zero, fazer uma partitura, preparar um arranjo de uma msica, produzir uma base para colocar voz em cima, produzir uma msica completa e at us-lo como ferramenta de aprendizado musical. E estas so somente algumas das muitas solues que ele oferece.Venha se juntar a essa turma de milhes de msicos felizes e satisfeitos com sua vasta gama de solues!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Build Python Flask Website with Bootstrap and API Data" |
"This course is for beginners and details installing Flask and working with a JSON API to pull data and display it using Bootstrap on a webpage. It will display in a table and also have a web form that will allow for input and to process POST requests to update content in Bootstrap Panels. Will also use sqlite to cache data locally. Basic knowledge of Python is recommended and none required for Flask."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Image Manipulation with Python and Pillow" |
"Pillow is a free and open source library for the Python programming language that allows you to easily create and manipulate images.In this course, we'll take a hands-on approach to learning the library with several projects:A command line application to convert image file typesAtool to detect the edges of an object to crop around itResizing and adding logos and watermarksdynamically to a source imageRemoving solid backgrounds similar to the Chroma key effectAll of the source code is included with the course, so you can learn by coding along, watching the videos, or refactoring the code to meet your needs.If you're looking to automate your image editing workflow, expand your knowledge of Python, or are seeking your next creative project, this course is a must for you."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apps without coding" |
"Have you alwayswanted to create your own Android apps but you don't know how to code?Would you love to publish your own apps to the Play Store and get many downloads?Do you want to earn money passively with apps but don't know how to do this?Then this video course is the solution for your problems!I'm Linus and I had the same problems like you 2 years ago. I found solutions for them and published apps with overall 170,000 downloads. With this video course I want to tell you about the way I achieved this.You will learn:how to create a Androidquiz app without to earn money with this to publish your apps to the Play to create tool apps (in the course we will create a translator app and an app which can read out texts)Do you want to learn this and be successful like me? Then use your motivation, buy this course and start building your apps! You don't needany foreknowledge!And if there are still doubts:Udemy has a money-back-warrenty. If you are of the opinion, that the course is not worth the money, you can return it and get your money back."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Linux de A Z par la pratique: +120 exercices corrigs" |
"Avant de commencer s'il vous plat acceptez toutes mes excuses pour le problme de la langue, parce que je suis pas un franais natif, et crois moi que j'ai fait tous mes efforts pour viter les fautes quand je parle, mais soyez sur et je peux vous garantir que vous allez comprenez les explications 100%.Un grand remerciement mon professeur du module "" Systme d'exploitation 1 (Linux) "" BADSI Hichem, qui m'a donn la permission d'utiliser ces fiches dans ce cours. Le cours est construit d'une manire pdagogique, pour aider spcialement les tudiants qui veulent apprendre Linux du zro au certifi. Salut tous j'espre que vous allez bien et soient les bienvenus dans votre cours, ce cours va tudier Linux en gnral et aussi il va couvrir des dizaines des commandes avec des dizaines des exemples pratiques pour bien matriser la ligne De Commande Linux (Le Terminal de Linux) . la fin de chaque section vous allez avoir la fiche des questions et des commandes et leurs paramtres (Fiche de Travaux bien Diriger) + la solution complte bien explique de la fiche, pour que vous avoir un support crit trs utile pour la rvision.Pourquoi vous devez choisir ce cours ?C'est exactement la question pour laquelle vous lisez cette description:Premirement, ce cours est un cours universitaire; donc il est bien construit et approuv par des experts du domaine, pour que l'tudiant va avoir le chemin parfait pour apprendre Linux, sans aucune faute.Aussi, ce cours est un cours complet, avec mme des examains.Dans ces premiers temps, le cours figure dans la proportion la plus leve des revenus historiques des nouveaux cours de la catgorie en question.Le cours est bien expliqu pour assurer l'apprentissage de toutes les tudiant; avec ou sans niveaux.Le cours va vous aider apprendre l'utilisation du system d'exploitation Linux sans mme ne pas utiliser l'interface graphique, et aussi il va vous aider comprenez les commandes et pas juste les copiers et les colliers.Si vous etes interaisser un domaine qui a une relation avec Linux (par exemple: l'hacking thique, l'administration du system, l'Open Source...etc.), vous devez initialement apprendre l'utilisation du Linux OS, donc vous devez passer de ce cours.Ce cours contient plusieurs BONUSvido, pour vous enrichir et pour que vous apprenez l'utilisation de ce que vous etes regarder dans d'autres importants domaines.Ce cours ne perd pas de temps dans l'explication des autres conceptions qui n'ont pas une relation avec Linux, ou qui sont vodantes, mais parfois je rpte quelques explications plusieurs fois pour que tous les tudiants comprennent.Je peux citer des autres besoins de ce cours et expliquer l'utilisation de tous les chapitres, mais il sans vraiment trs nombreux et vous pouvez les consulter dans le cureculem (pour ne pas perdre votre temps deux fois).Finalement, n'oubliez pas que votre satisfaction est notre premire roccupation. C'est pourquoi tous les cours achets sur Udemy peuvent tre rembourss sous 30 jours.En gnral:Ce cours assure le professionnalisme aux tous les tudiants, avec bagage ou mme sans aucune connaissance, et STANDARS pour toutes les Distribution de Linux (UBUNTU, DEBIAN, ARCH LINUX, FEDORA, MINT....etc).NB: Ce cours n'est pas un cours de l'hacking ethique, mais va vous aider beaucoup comme du ""Ethical Hackers"" qui utilise LINUX."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AZ-103 / 104: Azure Administrator Exam Certification 2020" |
"Microsoft continued to updated and advance the Azure Administrator Certification which now requires you to pass either the AZ-103 or AZ-104 exam. As such, Nick Colyer, a Microsoft Certified Trainer, has worked with Skylines Academy once again to release the updated Azure Administrator certification course. This course continues to be well received by thousands of students all over the globe who continue to get certified using the Skylines Academy teaching formula ""Educate, Enable, Empower"". Lectures will educate you on the fundamental terms and principles of the Azure platform and demos will enable you with a hands-on experience using scenarios to empower you in the real world. We also include the Skylines Academy SKYLABS Guide so you can practice yourself at your own pace when you aren't watching the videos.This course curriculum follows the Microsoft's AZ-103/104 exam requirements and is broken out as follows:Manage Azure Subscriptions and ResourcesImplement and Manage StorageDeploy and Manage Virtual Machines (VMs)Configure and Manage Virtual NetworksManage IdentitiesAdditional AZ-104 SectionsWhether you are taking the AZ-103 or AZ-104 exam to get your certification. You can be sure that we have the material here to ensure your success. If that wasn't enough, there's also a FaceBook group to join where you can chat with Nick Colyer and fellow students to get help where needed. This is a high quality FaceBook group by invitation only, where people are there to help you along your Cloud journey so you can succeed in your career. Thanks for joining us and good luck!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Start an eBay Business Drop Shipping Wholesale Private Label" |
"This course was created after we discovered, it is possible for just about anyone* to open and own their own successful home based online ebay business. All you need to succeed is the knowledge you will get from our ebay home business course, a good business plan, and most importantly your time and effort. I am here to show you the way, because after having the fortunate pleasure of starting our very own online business and in less than a year generating six-figures in revenue for our company, we decided to create this course so that everyone can have an affordable way to REALLY learn how to start their own home business.Youre going to learn the complete proven system to build your own money generating home based ebay business.First we will learn how to start a home-based business online, the first learning module goes over the proper steps to take when opening up a business within the United States.Next, we will go over how to source products at a wholesale price.You will learn how to buy wholesale pallets for huge profits.You will learn how to properly buy products from overseas like China.Learn how to contact manufacturers in the USA and get the lowest price for products.We will then go over what drop shipping is and what some successful strategies look like.We will conduct a brief overview of marketplaces aside from eBay that you can sell on. (ie amazon, etsy, bonanza, etc.)You will learn how to effectively list your products on eBays marketplace.How to build an eBay store and stand out from your competition by using branding tactics and research analysis techniques, also how to promote your store to generate more sales and how to eventually automate your eBay store.Thats right there is software and programs available that monitor, maintain your eBay store, and even process orders on your eBay store.Lastly, we will go over the customer service aspect of it and how you will maintain good ratings and feedback for your eBay store."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Colorful Silver Jewelry - A Comprehensive Jewelry Course" |
"Fun, informative step-by-stepvideos, will teach teach youthe skills necessary to design and make a wide variety of colorfuljewelry items. Follow along at your own pace and make anamazing fashion jewelry necklace from silver wire, sheet metal, and epoxy resin. No previous experience is necessary. You'll be surprised how easy it is to make professional quality jewelry."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Making Beautiful Articulated Hinged Jewelry" |
"Fun, informative step-by-stepvideo lectures, will teach teach youthe skills necessary to design and make hinged jewelry items. This course is designed for intermediate to advanced jewelry students. Those who have taken our introductory course entitled ""Colorful Silver Jewelry"" are well prepared to move on to this project. This is a foundational course for anyone interested in creating fine jewelry items that exhibit refinement of detail and articulation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress devops: deploy Wordpress using Kubernetes & docker" |
"This is a practical course that presents an intuitive way of deploying Wordpress on Kubernetes.While Wordpress is one of the most used CMS or blogging platforms in the internet ( 26 % of Internet sites run on Wordpress), managing its infrastructure can be challenging. This course proposes a solution based on devops best practices. Itbetson theflexibility offered by docker and Kubernetes asa major gain in terms of efficiency, scalability, and ease of management compared to a traditional Wordpress set up on the host machine. Upgrading or changingany component of the Wordpress stack including Wordpress versionbecomes effortless and worryless."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Domina CINEMA 4D desde 0 de forma sencilla." |
"Trabajo como profesor de visuales en un instituto, y gracias a ello he aprendido a planear clases para ensear a mis alumnos a dominar este software desde cero, teniendo muy pocos conocimientos previos del mundo del 3D.Explico todo con video tutoriales muy sencillos pero que abarcan todos los efectos y las posibilidades en general del programa, y que lo han hecho casi imprescindibles para cualquier proyecto audiovisual.Con este curso, podrs tener una buena introduccin a este software.Son video-tutoriales cortos explicando ejercicios concretos.Es un primer paso donde ya conseguiras resultados muy ptimos.Te ayudar a conocer Cinema 4D y te animar a seguir aprendiendo.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 11th Step" |
"For the Addict Who Still Suffers:In this course we will explore how contemplative prayer and meditation can help us to recognize and begin to heal from our addictive desires and patterns and the underlying wounds that drive them. In doing so we begin to reclaim the experience of freedom and joy, and we move toward sharing those gifts with others in healthy communities and relationships.Learning Outcomes:Participants will... Cultivate a holistic approach to 12-step recovery so that contemplative prayer and meditation infuse and support recovery and new, healthy behaviorsPractice using simple forms of contemplative prayer and meditation in order to develop more wise and skillful means for responding to addictive triggers Develop more intimate and trusting relationships with the God of your understanding and with othersSet goals and intentions for developing daily practices that support a life-long program of spiritual recoveryEach daily lesson uses a 12-step slogan* to introduce the topic or theme of the day, and then follows the following pattern:Brief intro and background on the daily topic (5-10 min)Guided meditation to explore the daily topicSuggested reflection exercises and/or optional journaling prompts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Marketing para Ejecutivos y Emprendedores." |
"Este curso est especialmente diseado para emprendedores que estn pasando un mal rato con su marketing, en este curso aprenders de manera muy rpida y simple que hacer cuando las cosas no van bien.Analizamos las mtricas ms importantes que se desprenden del marketing digital o tradicional y te aportamos una correccin sencilla en caso de que el valor encontrado no sea el satisfactorio.Revisa y corrige para proteger tu dinero.En este curso aprenders:- Que informacin necesito para poder revisar y corregir mi marketing- Donde obtener la informacin- Formatos para ordenar y preparar la informacin- Como analizar la informacin obtenida- Como corregir como los profesionales (con fundamentos de neuro economa y PNL)- El marketing desde el punto de vista del clienteDirigido a negocios ( pymes ) y emprendedores."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Finanzas para Ejecutivos y Emprendedores." |
"Este curso esta especialmente diseado para emprendedores que estn pasando un mal rato con sus finanzas y batallando con su flujo de efectivo, es un curso simple y rpido para entender de manera cotidiana como poner una solucin a los problemas mas comunes que tenemos con el dinero.Revisa y corrige para proteger tu dinero y hacerlo crecer.En este curso aprenders:- Que informacin necesito para poder revisar y corregir mis finanzas- Donde obtener la informacin- Formatos para ordenar y preparar la informacin- Que es el flujo de efectivo y como lo soluciono.- Como analizar la informacin obtenida- Como corregir como los profesionales de manera simple- Consejos para mejorar las finanzasDirigido a negocios ( pymes ) y emprendedores."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fitness ninja masterclass(Flips, Martial arts, Calisthenics)" |
"Urban Ninja is the only place on Udemy where you will learn several different Urban arts all in one course. The instructor has over 15 years experience and is a professional Martial artist, Breakdancer, Calisthenic artist and a Gymnast. You will gain quality information, tips, guidance and drills to make something that you dream of doing into reality. Would you like to learn to do a Back flip, Flying kicks and Bar skills? Urban Ninja course has over 25 different movements that are the basis for elite fitness. You will develop skill, agility, quickness, power, strength and flexibility all in one video. The movements have basis from all different form of Martial arts, Flips, Breakdance and Calisthenic. You will develop many different arts from just one video. If you are trying alternate ways to stay fit and develop a skill then this is the course for you. This course has live tutorial to help you achieve your dream moves with very easy breakdowns achievable by most people. You will be highly skilled, technical and fit. All at same time! Furthermore, combine the movements to make your own movement and advance your skills. With this course you can become a good dancer, athlete, elite sports athlete, martial artist and best of all the best balanced physique for both upper and lower body. Please leave a review for Urban Ninja, I will really appreciate it!You will learn following skills: Content: HandstandForward rollDive rollBack HandspringBack Tuck / FlipFront HandspringRound-offAerial WebsterGainer FlashMuscle-upFront Knee GiantBack Hip Circle180 GrabHook KickTornado Kick360 Kick540 Kick720 KickButterfly KickSwipeKip-upBronco MacacoKnee spring upLeg FlicksOnce accessing this course with the link below. You can further your knowledge and skills on:Second part of Urban Ninja: Urban NInja Flips, Martial arts, Powermoves and CalisthenicFinal part of Urban Ninja: Principles of flips and tricks Combination"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Mapas Mentais sobre Logstica Reversa" |
"Este curso, tem como objetivo criar dois eixos de aprendizagem:1 Mostrar aos alunos o conceito do ensino atravs de Mapas Mantais, quebrando um pouco do mtodo convencional no Ensino Distncia.2 Apresentar no curso, conceitos, normas, regulamentaes, leis e condutas na logstica reversa, que muitas entidades j aplicam, mas no mtodo convencional, neste curso adquirimos as formas convencionais, mas repassamos no conceito de aprendizagem em Mapas Mentais(...) ""Alunos est metodologia de ensina vai ampliar, sua viso no planejamento estratgico, ttico e operacional, e vai facilitar no entendimento de processos e conceitos""."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Cmo componer canciones para tus vdeos con tu iPhone o iPad" |
"Componer canciones para tus vdeos es mucho ms fcil de lo que crees. Te imaginas crear tu propia msica, perfecta para las imgenes de tus vdeos? Una msica hecha a medida? Hacerlo es posible. Tan solo necesitas tener un iPhone, un iPad o incluso un iPod Touch y conocer el mtodo que hemos creado para ti. Conocerlo incrementar tu creatividad de forma exponencial. Comenzamos?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de GitHub: Aprendizaje Aplicado a Proyectos" |
"Domina la dinmica de trabajo de git/GitHub con aplicaciones prcticas reales en la plataforma con un proyecto creado especialmente para el curso en GitHub, grficos cuidadosamente diseados, lecciones en video y constante apoyo en los foros de discusin.GitHub es tu prximo paso para un futuro brillante en desarrollo de Software!===================Testimonios de Estudiantes:""Recomiendo el curso para darte una idea general de github y a detalle si te sientes perdido, animo. ... empieza con este curso y vers la diferencia al final."" Erick Pacheco Brcenas===================Aprenders lo poderoso que puede ser GitHub y sers capaz de:Crear, actualizar y administrar un repositorio.Bifurcar (Fork) un repositorio.Administrar ramas en tu repositorio local y remoto.Contribuir a otros repositorios y actualizar cambios hechos.Usar GitHub Flavored Markdown para escribir READMEs y comentarios en tus discusiones.Leer READMEs escritos para proyectos reales.Aadir colaboradores a tu proyecto y analizar las estadsticas de tus repositorios.Usar las etiquetas de GitHub y la barra de bsqueda para categorizar issues y encontrar en los que te gustara trabajar.Crear, editar y Bifurcar (Fork) gists.--------------Proyecto del Curso:La mejor forma de aprender es trabajar en un proyecto real para el cual puedes colaborar. Eso es exactamente lo que el curso ofrece! Aprenders aplicando tu conocimiento en un proyecto en GitHub especialmente creado para el curso. Puedes contribuir desde el primer da!Este curso de GitHub incluye: Lecciones en video.Foros de discusin - Siempre disponibles si necesitas ayuda.Guas PDF.Artculos.Enlaces a recursos tiles y lecturas e incluso ms contenido ya que el curso est siendo actualizado constantemente.Usaremos git bash y aprenders los comandos de git necesarios para trabajar con git y GitHub.Los conceptos y procedimientos sern explicados paso a paso tanto para git como para GitHub, y como estudiante del curso recibirs una Gua PDF con todos los comandos usados en los videos y un glosario que podrs descargar para introducirte a estos temas.Analizars ejemplos de proyectos reales con los elementos que aprenders, tales como pull requests, issues, etiquetas, READMEs y mucho ms.Si aprendes de forma visual, este curso es exactamente para ti! Lo dise con grficos y diapositivas cuidadosamente creadas con explicaciones grficas para aclarar conceptos detalladamente.Aprende git y GitHub a travs de una experiencia de aprendizaje divertida, interesante y con aplicaciones reales a travs de la prctica! La prctica lo es todo y practicars git y GitHub en detalle durante las asignaciones.GitHub es una plataforma asombrosa, empieza a sumergirte en sus increbles funcionalidades y desata tu verdadero poder como desarrollador(a).Inscrbete ahora e inicia tu viaje para aprender GitHub, Te veo en el curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Git Fundamentals: A Practical and Visual Learning Approach" |
"Do you want to learn git in 1+ hour?If your answer is yes....You Found the right git course for you!Git is your next step to a bright future in software development.=======================Student Reviews:""This is a wonderful course! I went from not knowing anything about git to feeling comfortable to use this on my own!"" Amanda Brioche""Very good entry level course for beginners."" Kozma Jnos""Very nice for begginers! All the basics in one place."" Tomasz Czaplicki=======================Why is this git course unique?Because it is specially designed for beginners just like YOU, who want to learn git very fast, and truly understand the concepts behind version control!Why should I enroll in this course?Because you will learn git in just 1 Hour and apply your knowledge while having fun!You Will Learn:- The git Workflow.- What repositories are and how to create, edit, modify and delete them.- What commits are and how to create, edit, modify and delete them.- What branches are and how to work with them.- How to customize git to set your username and email address.- What Merge Conflicts are and how you can solve them.- How to save changes for later by stashing them.- and much more!NO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED!You will apply your knowledge on a final capstone project!The Course Includes:- Engaging video lectures.- Slides specially designed with engaging visuals.- Assignments and Quizzes to test your knowledge.- Support on the discussion forums if you have any questions (I will be very glad to help you!).You will have LIFETIME ACCESS to the course and receive all the updates and new content.Start your journey to success with the amazing power of git and version control,Enroll Now, See you inside!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python OOP - Object Oriented Programming for Beginners" |
"Learn Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python with mini projects, hands-on practice, and carefully designed visual explanations. Understand how the elements and abstract concepts of OOP work behind the scenes. Apply your knowledge to new scenarios.Object Oriented Programming is Your Next Step Into the In-demand and Powerful World of PythonCreate and work with classes and instances to write Python programs.Understand how they work behind the scenes. Learn when to use instance attributes vs. class attributes.Implement and call methods. Understand their purpose. Take advantage of the power of inheritance to avoid code repetition.Use key concepts like Docstrings and Special methods in your programs.-----------------------------Student Reviews:""Even total noob will understand the OOP here :)"" ukasz Bryzek""I love how the instructor explains things in simple language and relates it to everyday life. I actually understand! I'm just at the beginning of the course and am excited about continuing."" Donny Lobree""I would strongly recommend this course if you are new to programming and want to master the basics of OOP."" Demayne Collins""The learning sticks. The coverage of Python classes here, for me, has been better than how this topic has been covered in a couple of other Python classes I have from more well-established Python instructors. Hats of to the instructor for putting this together."" Thomas P""Perfect for persons without any clue in oop!"" Patrick Onegin-----------------------------Add New Python Skills To Your ResumePython is currently one of the most popular programming languages and its popularity continues rising every year. It is used for real-world applications in diverse areas such as Data Science, Game Development, Web Development, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and many more. Learning Object Oriented Programming in Python is your next step into the powerful world of computer science. Object Oriented Programming is key if you wish to expand your computer science skills and create maintainable and scalable programs. You will need to learn these concepts to implement data structures like trees, graphs, and linked lists. It's also key for game development, GUI programming, artificial intelligence, and many other areas. The concepts and techniques that you will learn in this course are easily transferable to other programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and many more. Content & OverviewWith high-quality video lectures that include graphics and animations, you will learn and work with these concepts:ClassesInstancesInstance AttributesClass AttributesMethodsThe 'self' parameterInheritanceDocstringsSpecial Methods.... and more!You will create a mid-term course project, a text-based version of the Blackjack game following the principles of Object Oriented Programming. Learning Material & ResourcesThroughout the course, you will find these resources:Video lectures: carefully designed graphics, animations, and explanations.Mid-term Course Project: you will create a text-based version of the Blackjack game using the principles of Object Oriented Programming.Mini Projects: apply your knowledge at the end of each section with these mini projects. Solutions to the Mini Projects: each mini project has its corresponding solution.PDF Handouts: unique study guides with a graphical summary of the key aspects of each section. Coding Exercises: practice key concepts with the coding exercises.Solutions to the Coding Exercises: each coding exercise has its corresponding solution.Quizzes: check your knowledge interactively after each lecture with short quizzes that have unlimited attempts.PDF Slides: download the slides used in each section as a pdf file. Take your learning with you anywhere you go.Python Files: download the code used for each section as a compressed (.zip) file with individual python (.py) files. Articles: read complementary articles to expand your knowledge.Capstone Project: apply your knowledge in a final capstone project.Discussion Forums: ask questions on the discussion forums and discuss interesting topics with your peers.Why is this course unique?This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how the elements of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) work behind the scenes, so you will not only learn how to use them in Python, you will actually understand what each line of code does behind the scenes.During the course, you will apply your knowledge by completing mini projects that simulate simplified real-world scenarios such as fixing classes in a bakery system, representing bacteria for educational software using instance attributes, implementing inheritance for a videogame, completing the system of a vending machine, and many more. Each mini project includes its corresponding solution.Unique study materials complement the course experience. You will find PDF handouts specifically designed for the course with a graphical summary of the key aspects of each section. You will solve coding exercises directly on the browser and you will receive instant feedback for your submission. You will check your knowledge with short Quizzes after each main lecture. The Quizzes provide instant feedback, so you can see the correct answer immediately. The quiz questions were designed to make you think more deeply about the topics presented.You will receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your social media profiles to showcase your new skills. You will also have lifetime access to the course and to all the new additions. ---------You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum. If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, you've found it.Add ""Object Oriented Programming in Python"" to your resume and showcase your new skills!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
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"3DAfterEffect3D #VOL1" |
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Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Medical English vocabulary for medical professionals" |
"10 short videos with everyday medical terminology, with pronunciation practice, reading, understanding, use in a typical sentence and vivid graphics.Each lesson focuses on about 12 vocabulary items commonly used in everyday medical practice from private practice to hospital use.Each lesson is divided into alphabetical order, and includes a comprehension review at the end."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Basic body parts vocabulary for medical use." |
"A short course of 5 videos PLUS quiz. Everyday English is used -no medical terms-A running commentary starting at the head and ending at the toenails, discussing the major body parts in ""layman's"" terms-the sort of language a patient might use.Read the commentary, listen to the commentary, view a vivid graphic indicating the body part, listen and pronounce the vocabulary and commentary, and in the end, take a quiz to see if you have remembered."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |