Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Bitcoin & Blockchain" |
"Allein die Begriffe lassen vielerorts die Emotionen hochgehen. Die einen meinen, Bitcoin, Blockchain und die ganze Kryptotechnologie und -diskussion werde die gngigen Wirtschaftsstrukturen pulverisieren. Die anderen: wieder einmal so ein Hype, der ber kurz oder lang sich entweder beruhigen oder explodieren werde. Wir gehren zu keiner der Gruppen.Wir sind aber der Meinung, man sollte zumindest die Grundzge verstehen, bevor man sich unbedarft auf die eine oder die andere Seite schlgt. Wir bieten in der Folge zwei Niveaus der Vertiefung an. Zum einen finden sich direkt nachfolgend zwei einfache bersichtvideos zu Bitcoin einerseits und Blockchain andererseits. Anschliessend finden Sie einen kleinen Test. Danach folgt eine Reihe von Vertiefungsvideos, welche die Details erlutern."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Wirtschaftswissen: Geld und Inflation" |
"In den letzten Jahren ist der Inflationsbegriff in unseren Breitengraden aus den meisten Traktanden gefallen. Sie scheint schlicht und einfach nicht mehr zu existieren. Bzw., wenn ber Preissteigerungen diskutiert wird und nicht gerade die Horror-szenarien von Zimbabwe oder Venezuela an die Wand gemalt werden, dann konzentriert sich die Diskussion eher auf den Begriff der Deflation (negative Preissteigerungen) und den damit einhergehenden Depressions-Assoziationen. Wir halten diese Denkhaltung fr gefhrlich."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Normas ABNT" |
"Este um importante curso se voc deseja realizar excelentes trabalhos e pesquisas formatados nas melhores prticas e no padro ABNT. Voc conhecer os princpios e as normas da pesquisa cientfica e sua importncia; permeando pelo projeto de pesquisa; citaes e referncias, expresses latinas nas notas de rodap; formatao do trabalho acadmico fazendo uso das normas ABNT; e tcnicas de anlise e leitura de textos, afim de compor a redao cientfica. Passo a passo voc aprender na prtica cada elemento constitui o TCC. Destaque criando pesquisas e trabalhos super elaborados."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Pesquisa de Marketing na internet: da teoria prtica." |
"O objetivodo curso conciliar a teoria e a prtica sobre pesquisa de marketing. Voc aprendercomo elaborar e aplicar uma pesquisa de Marketing nainternetpor meio do aplicativo Google Formulrio.O cursoabordadesdea definio do objetivo da pesquisaat a coleta e anlise dos dados. Apresentaos mtodos e tipos de pesquisa, com enfoque para a pesquisa quantitativa. Ensina a elaborar um questionrio, apresentandoos tipos de perguntas que podem ser elaboradas em uma pesquisa:perguntas filtro, de caracterizao e com escala. E apresenta os conceitos essenciais sobre amostragem, ou seja,como definir o nmero de pessoas que devero ser entrevistadas.De forma aplicada,o curso ensinacomoelaborar um questionrio no Google Formulrio. Mostracomo utilizar osrecursos do aplicativo para criar perguntas,comoenviar ou disponibilizar umquestionrio,como so tabulados os dados coletadose gerados grficos com base nesses dados. E ensina como utilizar o recursotabela dinmica para fazer tabulaes cruzadas para auxiliar na anlise dos dados."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pen-Tester's Guide to MALWARES" |
"In this course we are going to study about the malwares, how they work and how their effects can be mitigated. We are going to go is details about Viruses, Worms, Botnets, Browser Hijackers, Keyloggers and many more. Also we are going to learn how can these threats be mitigated."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Cryptography: Application and Data Security" |
"Cryptography is on of the foundation pillars of the Security. In this course, We are going to do lot of Hands-On to learn how to practically implement all the famous Techniques and Methodologies of Cryptography. We have included :Encryption, Hashing, Encoding, Obfuscation , Cryptosystems which includes:-Symmetric & Asymmetric Key Cryptography, MD5, SHA, HMAC, Cryptographic Protocols like SSL, PGP and Digital Signatures Cryptographic Attacks which includes:-Brute Force Attack,Dictionary Attack,Rainbow Table Attack,Collision Attack, andPre-image AttackCryptographic Tools which includes:-Encryption - Bitlocker, DiskCryptor, LUKSHashingHash - Calculator, FTK, SIFTFile Shredders - Eraser, AVG Shredder, CCleaner,Steganography - Steg, Our Secret, OpenPuff"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"OWASP Mobile Security Testing Top 10 Vulnerabilities" |
"The course Open Web Application Security Project gives (OWASP) Top 10 gives a guide for securely accessing online applications and defend against threats in case of crisis. This course takes you through a very well-structured, example-based prioritization of risks and prevention. Most importantly, you learn, how organizations build apps and protect against them.In addition to this, youll be able to answer followingWhat the top10threats are ?The risks associatedwith mobile appsHow these risks convert into threats ?How threats can be executed by attackers ?How these threats can be mitigated ?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Styles and an Introduction to Management Success" |
"A Leadership course by one of the top rated course instructors!You need to ensure that you have the leadership qualities and the management skills necessary to co-ordinate the efforts of your team, and in this leadership training course you will be taken through the leadership styles so important in achieving the best end result with and through people.Which is the best leadership style? This course will answer that!Leadership is the first course in developing the advanced management skills that top managers need.Your future training skills courses to develop the top 9 leadership and management skills you need to be a successful manager are:1. The Process of Management2. Delegation3. Time Management4. Productivity5. Planning and Control6. Organization Structures7. Performance Problem Analysis8. Decision Making9. Management Practices AnalysisFind them under my courses!Are leaders born? LEADERS ARE NOT BORN. Through this online leadership business course you can learn the qualities those great leaders displayed as well as what skills they needed to achieve their leadership qualities. You do not have to have a title to be a great leader. The newest, lowest paid worker in a manufacturing plant can take his colleagues out on a protest or strike is he has the qualities and skills of a leader.... and a cause.What is Leadership?""World Leaders meet in Geneva to discuss ....""Where did the world find leaders like the true leaders of the past, like Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi, for the meeting? What the media means is that the World's'Heads of Statemeet in Geneva to discuss ...""Leadership is more than a title. This course clearly expands on this. It identifies the qualities all leaders (leadership qualities), both good and bad, have displayed and it identifies what they all needed to achieve their goals/causes.The first lesson is an introduction to leadership and is the first of three lessons. It establishes the skills and qualities needed to function as a leader and to illustrate that leadership is more than just a title. For all three lessons, I have selected three of the more respected leaders in the world - Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela - all three true leaders as per my definition of leadership, and all three who achieved their ""cause"" without a title. The second lesson takes the leadership qualities into an area all successful leaders need; they all need a following to help them achieve their goal. Achievement through people is taught though the use of a Leadership Graph defining the leadership qualities in terms of the Task (Cause) and the Team (People) and we attempt to identify which Leadership Quality is best. The third and final lesson answers that question as we work our way through the 3-dimensional leadership styles graph. The best Leadership quality and style? Let's find out together!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Time Management Tips - increase productivity at work today!" |
"Time Management - A skills training course by one of the top rated instructors!If you are working through your lunch hour or, even worse, taking work home with you, you definitely need this course.If you need to help others to manage their time better, in everyday life as well as at work, then this online business course on Time Management will give you an easy method to teach them. It will give you the time management skills and knowledge to take control of the hours in the work day. It will easily enable you to spend more time on the important parts of your job and allow you sufficient time to handle the mundane and unimportant parts. You will also learn the difference between important tasks and urgent tasks and how to hand jobs effectively and efficiently. You will be taken through all the causes of time management problems, given time management tips and learn how to manage time.Please do remember, it will help you enormously if you complete both this and the Delegation Course. True time management needs both management skills.Why should time management skills be more important to a manager than the managing of any other resources, such as energy, budgets, personnel, tools, etc.? Well, because we can always increase or decrease all these resources - hiring employees, upgrade equipment, reduce energy costs, and so on. You cannot get more, or less, time. You can only use it or abuse (waste) it.Time management versus resource management. This online business time management course teaches you how to distinguish between efficient and effective; between management time and vocational time. And why? To simply give you more time management skills to manage your job.My course on Delegation must be done as a follow up to this course to improve your advanced management skills."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Delegation for leaders and managers to increase productivity" |
"A course by one of the top rated instructors!If you need more time for the important parts of your job (time management skills) and if you need to display your interest in launching your career, this course is ideal for you.Equally important, if you are new to the job and unsure of what to delegate and what not to delegate, but are determined not to fail, then this delegation course will help you to achieve success. This course clearly distinguishes between delegation of authority (task delegation) and assigning work. It clearly illustrates that one can delegate responsibility but not accountability. All the benefits to both you, as a manager, and to your subordinates are defined. How you can give your team the freedom to act and yet ensure that you are still in control, is an important part of the course. As essential component of this online business course on delegation, unlike many others, it that it focuses on the reasons why some managers either over or under-delegate and the effects this has on you, your team and your company. A strategy with communication skills for how to handle task delegation is part of the course. This course therefore comprises both knowledge and delegation skills.This online business course on Delegation of Authority is part of the Advanced Management Skills, which includes Leadership and Time Management. I recommend doing the Time Management Skills course first, as it will help you to achieve effective time management skills and delegation skills when used with this course. You will learn how to delegate authority responsibly, with action steps as a guide and a project to practice your new skills."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to increase production and profits quickly at work!" |
"A productivity skills course (part of the Advanced Management Skills Training) by one of the top rated instructors!Many of the companies for whom I have consulted, had been using the incorrect formula for measuring their so-called ""blue-collar workers"" productivity. Obviously, when it came to attempts to improve the productivity of the company, many areas were not considered as they were not part of the correct formula. Knowing the formula will give you more areas to consider when focusing on productivity improvement.In this course you will learn how to manage productivity and effectively and efficiently increase productivity in your team. This is a skills based training course that will give you the necessary tools and skills to increase productivity.Specifically, the benefits of this online business course include:1. Identify where losses can occur2. Know the four situations where improvement can be made3. Have a time-saving but comprehensive check list to ensure all bases are covered when looking at weaknesses/strengths when analyzing factors effecting performance.4. Have a project where you utilize a structured method to analyze your work area using your checklist.5. This method will ensure that you display participative management which will increase the commitment of your team.The key course objectives: What is meant by Productivity? What is meant by Productivity Improvements? The Performance Management Model. How to analyze your own work area to improve productivity.Productivity, like my other online business courses Leadership, Time Management, Delegation, Performance-Problem Analysis, and to come, Decision Making, Organization Structures, and Planning and Control are all key parts/modules in my Advanced Management Skills Course. This Advanced Management Skills Course, developed, researched, run and updated on a regular basis, has been run for over 45 years at hundreds of companies, by many different trainers that I have taught, to thousands of students internationally and is still very much in high demand. Due to continued requests, I am now offering my courses online."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Essentials for Technical Report Writing" |
"This is an integrated course of four crucial skills which are needed by trainees to ensure that they would improve their competencies in both writing and communication as well; the four basic skills are: the ability to form a simple sentence which is meaningfully and grammatically recognized ensuring that all aspects regarding this skill are fully discussed; this simple sentence will then upgraded to a higher level .i.e. compound and a complex sentences ,then into paragraphs and finally into written or spoken texts with various lengths and intensity The second skill is the ability to use highly selected transition words which are based on meaning which will enable trainees to join simple sentences based on meaning in two tutorials and another tutorial dedicated for the transitions that are used to refer to time. This leads us to the third skill which is the discussion of all 12 tenses in a very innovative approach by concentrating on the functions and situations in which these 12 tenses are used as well as showing trainees how these tenses will improve their capabilities to write and communicate by using a language which is fault free.The fourth skill is yet a skill which is needed basically for writing; this skill is the ability to use the 11 basic punctuation marks in the right position in the sentence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Security Specialty - Practice Tests" |
"Contains 3 full length mock tests with 65 questions in exam (195 unique questions)In depth explanations to the correct answers with screenshots and AWSbest practicesDetailed rationales for incorrect optionsQuestions are aligned to solve real-world business problemsQuestions are created by ourcertified experts with careful consideration of bringing the real exam environment into our practice questions"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect Practice Test" |
"This is a practice questions for the exam Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect. Test your knowledge and get confident before you appear for the real exam.3 full length practice tests150 unique questionsIn depth explanations to the correct answers with screenshots and Google best practicesQuestions are created bycertified experts with careful consideration of bringing the real exam environment"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional" |
"Whizlabs Practice Tests help students to be mentally prepared for the actual certification exam. Practicing several timesthrough AWSmock tests before the certification exam, makes you better prepared for the real one.400+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professionalcertification exam.Our support team consists of AWS Certification experts, ready to clarify all your questions.Exhaustive explanation for every question (we have explained the correct answer as well as why the other choices are incorrect)Explained with screenshots and imagesReference links to AWS documents"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) Prep" |
"Test your knowledge for AWS CSAA (Certified Solutions Architect Associate) Exam. Full Length Tests (6 Practice Tests 390 questions)Practice tests are designed by experts to simulate the real exam scenarios.The questions are created based on the exam syllabus outlined by official documentation.The questions that appear in each practice tests are unique and doesnt repeat in other practice tests.These practice tests are provided to the candidates to gain more confidence on exam preparation and self-evaluate them against the exam content."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Java SE 8 Certification - OCAJP Practice Tests" |
"Covers all the fundamental aspectsof Java programming (focus on the breadth of knowledge) from Oracles perspectiveJava BasicsWorking With Java Data TypesUsing Operators and Decision ConstructsCreating and Using ArraysUsing Loop ConstructsWorking with Methods and EncapsulationWorking with InheritanceHandling ExceptionsWorking with Selected classes from the Java APIPractice tests are designed by experts to simulate the real exam scenario. The questions are based on the exam syllabus outlined by official documentation. The questions that appear in each practice test are unique and not repeated in other practice tests. These practice tests are provided to the candidates to gain more confidence on exam preparation and self-evaluate them against the exam content."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Java SE 8 Certification - OCPJP Practice Tests" |
"Covers all the fundamental aspectsof Java programming (focus on the breadth of knowledge) from Oracles perspective.Java Class DesignAdvanced Java Class DesignGenerics and CollectionsLambda Built-in Functional InterfacesJava Stream APIExceptions and AssertionsUse Java SE 8 Date/Time APIJava I/O FundamentalsJava File I/O (NIO.2)Java ConcurrencyBuilding Database Applications with JDBCLocalizationPractice tests are designed by experts to simulate the real exam scenario. The questions are based on the exam syllabus outlined by official documentation. The questions that appear in each practice test are unique and not repeated in other practice tests. These practice tests are provided to the candidates to gain more confidence on exam preparation and self-evaluate them against the exam content."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional Prep Course" |
"This course is for anyone who is preparing for the AWSCertified DevOps Engineer Professional Exam.The course covers the entire syllabus needed for the exam. SDLC Automation- 22%Configuration Management and Infrastructure as code - 19%Monitoring and Logging - 15%Policies and Standards Automation- 10%Incident and Event Response- 18%High Availability, Fault Tolerance,and Disaster Recovery- 16% You will be able to learn provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Advanced PowerPoint course with FREE templates" |
"Welcome toAdvanced PowerPoint course with FREE templates!In this course we are going to talk about modern techniques, tools, effects etc that are used in PowerPoint.We will have 10 differentsections (images, videos, smartart objects,animations, transitions, slide master, examples, settings...)and also quizzes after different sections.Moreover you will get FREE modern and professional templates that you can use for your own purposes or sell it to someone.After this course you will be able to make eye-catching and good looking presentation, and leave special impression on viewer.Without further ado, let get started and have awesome time :)"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
become-photoshop-pro |
", .Photoshop . , -, Photoshop. . . . , Photoshop. , . , , , . , , . . . , . 3D- . . , ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"12 Creative Glitch Projects in Photoshop - secrets revealed" |
"You are probably scrolling through Instagram and seeing many amazing artworks and you wonder how the hell did they create that?In this course you will create 12 projects and learn some secret techniques used to create unique effects. All projects have detailed videos with explanations. We will go through every tool you need to know to create these effects. And if you need help just leave a comment and I will reply the same day.So why glitch projects?Glitch artworks have been a trend for a long time and especially this year they became really popular. Brands are working with more and more artists to ask them create artworks with unique styles. Anyone seeing a glitch artwork instantly fells in love with it.Do you need Photoshop knowledge to follow this course?Yes you need to be familiar with Photoshop, but if you are not then this is not a big problem because Ihave a free Photoshop course on Udemy, just go to my teacher profile and find it there. After learning some basics in that course you can get back here and start creating amazing projects"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Self-Publishing - Create Kindle Books Fast" |
"Want to make a passive income by publishing books to Amazon Kindle? Do you already publish books but wish you could publish more books, cheaper, and faster?In this course you will learn a strategy that allows you to research your topic, pick keywords, get content for your book, make a book cover, and publish it all withing an hour of work! You may say that is not possible but you will see how it is possible and how it is done inside the course.What included in this course?research your topicpick keywordspick a titlefind content for your bookmake your content uniqueformat your bookmake your cover lightning fastpublish your bookpromote your bookNothing is left out in this course. The difference between this course and other Kindle courses is that in this course you will be able to take massive action right away. You will be able to get several books published in a short amount of time. In other courses they focus more on research. In this course I show you how to do research extremely fast and then we move on so we can get you a book published. You can spend months researching a topic and then after launching your book it can still flop. You may as well take action and get books published. If you want to put more time into a book that shows it is worth it then that is a good step.You will never see another Kindle course with these secret content creation strategies which make this course stand out.Join the classroom today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Programao em Java 11 LTS do bsico ao avanado" |
"A linguagem Java uma das que mais oferecem oportunidades para os desenvolvedores. Seja pelasua praticidade e possibilidade de se criar projetos de todos os tipos ou seja pela sua competitividadecom todo o suporte da comunidade de desenvolvedores ou de empresas como a Oracle.Estamos utilizando neste curso a verso LTS mais recente lanada agora em 2020, a Java 11!So mais de 32 horas de curso que vai ensinar de verdade do bsico ao avanado, desde a instalao e configurao do sistema, passando por variveis, funes, orientao a objetos, estruturas de dados at classes annimas e lambdas.Em cada seo do curso fazemos uma breve introduo terica e codificamos passo a passo cada um dos exemplos. Neste curso voc ter mais de 385 exerccios espalhados pelas sees para que voc possa praticar ainda mais tudo que aprendemos no curso.Alm disso ao final do curso temos 3 projetos desenvolvidos do incio ao fim fazendo com que todos os conceitos e prticas estudadas duranteo curso possam ser revisados e aplicados com as melhores prticas!Aprenda sobre:- Estruturas de Controle e Deciso;- Tipos de Dados;- Vetores e Matrizes (Arrays Unidimensionais e Multidimensionais);- Funes;- Orientao a Objetos;- Pacotes;- Modificadores de Acesso;- Herana e Polimorfismo;- Classes Abstratas;- Atributos e Mtodos Estticos;- Criao de Executveis (jar) e Documentao;- Colees;- Threads (Programao Paralela);- Estruturas de Dados (Fila, Pilha, Listas Ligadas e etc);- Mais de 300 exerccios!- Projeto 1 - Game;- Projeto 2 - Mercado;- Projeto 3 - Banco;- E muito mais!No fim desde curso voc ser um especialista em Java e estar apto a desenvolver qualquer tipo de software utilizando a linguagem."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Programao em Python do bsico ao avanado" |
"A demanda por programadores Python nunca esteve to alta, afinal, Python uma das linguagens mais utilizadas no mundo e requisito para se trabalhar com Cincia de Dados e Inteligncia Artificial.Alm disso, a demanda por profissionais Python para trabalhar com a Internet utilizando algum dos frameworks web mais populares como Django, Flask ou Tornado tem crescido muito nos ltimos anos.Por ser uma linguagem de programao verstil, simples de aprender e muito poderosa, Python possui recursos que, apesar de simples de se utilizar, tornam o aprendizado muito divertido.Neste curso, a Geek University traz para voc mais de 64 horas de contedo Python, do bsico ao avanado, com explicaes claras e programao passo-a-passo utilizando a ltima verso da linguagem Python 3.8.5, sem deixar nada pra traz e o melhor de tudo, realizando repeties durante o decorrer do curso para auxiliar na fixao do aprendizado.Alm de tudo, so cerca de 378 exerccios espalhados pelas sees para que voc possa praticar tudo que aprender aqui neste curso e3 projetos desenvolvidos do zero, passo a passo, para que possamos no somente revisar todo o contedo do curso mas tambm que fiquemais claro quando, onde e como usar os poderosos recursos da linguagem!Aprenda sobre:- Variveis e Tipos de Dados;- Estruturas Lgicas e Condicionais;- Estruturas de Deciso e Repetio;- Colees (Listas, Tuplas, Sets, etc);- Funes;- Expresses Lambdas;- Debugar seu cdigo e tratar erros;- Mdulos;- Leitura e Escrita em arquivos;- Iteradores e Geradores;- Decorators;- Orientao a Objetos;- Herana e Polimorfismo;- Manipulao de Arquivos CSV e JSON;- Data e Horas;- Testes;- Alocao e Gerenciamento de Memria;- Novidades do Python 3.8;- Projeto 1: Game;- Projeto 2: Mercado;- Projeto 3: Banco;- E muito mais! No deixe a oportunidade passar mais uma vez. Sua hora de aprender Python chegou!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"SQL - Curso completo de Bases de Datos - de 0 a Avanzado" |
"ALGUNAS DE LAS +1000 RESEAS Excelente curso, actualmente el mejor de bases de datos en esta plataforma. si tu eres nuevo en databases, lo mejor que puedes hacer es comprar este curso, el profesor explica muy bien y hay muchas practicas para poner a prueba lo aprendido. Te recomiendo compres el curso, sera una buena inversin para tu vida como administrador de bases de datos - Josu David Argueta Orozco Super comprensible, Pablo de los mejores profesores que vi hasta ahora, espero que este curso sea el primero de varios a realizar para perfeccionarme en la materia y poder pasar de la rama de la electronica a la rama de la programacion.. Muchas gracias Pablo! y gracias Fede! - Federico Polesczuk Claramente fue una excelente experiencia, lo recomendara y porque no seguir buscando cursos como este dentro de la plataforma y que mejor que los imparta Pablo, es un excelente profesor. - Alberto Dorantes No tengo casi nada de conocimiento acerca de las bases de datos, pero, con unos pocos minutos puedo entender perfectamente como est el asunto. Excelente docente. - Johnny Antonio De Paz Castellanos Excelente forma de explicar y te lleva muy bien por cada modulo desde lo fcil a lo complicado - Arturo Perez Bernal Excelente curso es la primera ves que comento mi calificacin como podrn ver yo soy cliente de udemy de hace mas de un ao, e vistos varios varios cursos y este es el mejor en base de datos .Muy bien explicado se nota que es un experto en su trabajo .Justo necesitaba un curso de esta magnitud. - Diego Roldan Excelente, los conceptos se muestran detallados y entrega mucha informacin til para los que se inician en el aprendizaje de las bases de datos. Recomendado. - Jonathan Santamaria Agradezco mucho al maestro Pablo, es un excelente curso, muy bien explicado el contenido. El curso me ha sido de mucha utilidad. - Francis Onay Espinal Osorto El mejor curso de Bases de Datos que he visto. - Antonio Gustavo Martn Santamara Actualmente tomo la materia de bases de datos en mi universidad y decid tomar este curso para reforzar mi conocimiento y la verdad si esta muy completo y se ve la experiencia del tutor, excelente curso. - Hector Romn 'Potente' el curso! Muy agradecido con las clases profesor Tilotta, siga as y xitos en todo. - Jhordan Javier Villn Argelles Excelente eleccion! Excelente Profesor, un crack! La forma en que da las clases y guia el curso es muy bueno. Ojala pueda hacer algunos mas en los cuales seguro me anotaria. - Lionel Zulez Tena poco conocimiento, y ahora entiendo un par de cosas ms.Me gusto mucho la parte prctica. Es un curso muy completo. - Rocio Coccia Un excelente curso, aunque ya tenia conocimientos sobre el rea fue bueno para reforzar, ademas de varios consejos y teoras que explico, me sirvieron para comprender mejor ciertas cosas. - Julio Csar del ngel Hernandez Muy buen curso la verdad, estoy aprendiendo bastante y lo recomiendo - Alejandro Gallardo Excelente la calidad de este curso, lo recomiendo totalmente. - Gerardo Guevara Si. Fue una excelente eleccin. El profesor explica muy bien cada tema. - Fabian A. Quinteros Muy buen curso, el profesor explica a la perfeccin y muy pendiente a responderte lo mejor posible - Ezequiel Panigazzi++++++++++++++++++++ Porqu comprar este curso ??????? +++++++++++++++++Conocer sobre Bases de Datos hoy en da, es indispensable para el estudiante de Sistemas o el Profesional ya consolidado.Cada herramientas de Software o sistema empresarial usa Bases de Datos para alojar la informacin necesaria para su funcionamiento, como as tambin alojar toda la informacin del negocio : Clientes, Productos, Ventas, Detalles de Ventas, Proveedores, y un sinfn de posibilidades.Obtener los conocimientos que le permitirn optimizar y normalizar sus bases de datos es fundamental. este curso debera ser tomado no solo por aquellos que no posean conocimientos sobre bases de datos, sino por cada profesional que desee optimizar al mximo las bases de datos con las que trabaja.En este curso el estudiante tendr acceso a estas 11 secciones :Conceptos de Bases de DatosNormalizaciones de Bases de DatosNormalizacin avanzada y buenas prcticasBase de Datos MySQLLenguaje SQL (completo)Ejercicios puntuales de la instruccin SELECTManejo Avanzado de MySQL y HeidiSQLStored Procedures (Rutinas Almacenadas)Diagramas EER en WorkbenchCasos prcticos (Control de horario del Personal, Estructura de Precios y Costos y Sistema de InventarioTodos los comandos de la Consola de MySQLVeremos en su totalidad, el lenguaje SQL para lectura, escritura, borrado o actualizacin de datos en la Base de Datos. El estudiante podr pasar entre las secciones, completando un examen para reforzar sus conocimientos.Haremos ejercicios en tiempo real, tanto en la instalacin de la Base de Datos, como en las creaciones de las tablas y campos, indices y consultas.El estudiante tendr completo soporte a sus consultas y ser respondido en pocas horas (a veces en minutos).Este no es un curso mas.. este es un curso completo, didctico, paso a paso, sin apuros, sin correr dejando pasar explicaciones. y sobre todo, sabiendo que como todo tema nuevo, requiere del nivel de detalle y explicaciones correctas."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Google Data Studio from Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course will lead you fromBasic to Advancedlevel. You will be able to create amazing reports, graphs and analysis. You will understand how to create any type of chart, table or dashboard. You will be able to prepare valuable analysis to understand the story of your business.The course containspractical training assignmentsso you can develop your knowledge bypractice.Links to the Data, Assignments & Results are available inBonus Section."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Harness the Power of Your Thought to Think Yourself Thin" |
"Hey there, Im Dr. Christine Bradstreet. In this course, Im going to teach you to to use the infinite power of your mind and thought to think yourself thin.In a recent university study that taught participants just one of the techniques Ill be teaching you in this class, the participants lost on average 6 pounds during the study and continued to lose another 7 pounds in the months after the study was over.How cool is that! Thats nearly unheard of in the weightloss industry!This is a course designed to teach you how to think like a thin person to be fit and healthy. You see, your strongest weapon for health is your MIND!Believe it or not, its not all about what you eat, when you eat,or what exercise you do.What do I know about it? Plenty!Ive worked my entire adult life in natural health and wellness. Im an expert in the human body, neurology, physiology, and mind science.Im a chiropractor, a certified health coach,and a metaphysician. Ive put together a special blend of the physical and mental health sciences with Cognitive Behavior Technique, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Metaphysical Healing (by the way, that means healing by changing thoughts and beliefs)And on top of all that, Ive been thin my entire life. Yes, I watch what I eat and get a reasonable amount of exercise, but Im not hard core about any of it. I dont subscribe to any fads, I never diet, and I dont kill myself at the gym.The difference is how I think about weight. Just like a non-smoker and a smoker have different thoughts about smoking, my inner dialog about my weight might be different from yours.I see how obesity is affecting the lives of the people I love and care about. I see the pain of people not being able to do what they want to do or suffer with chronic, life limiting, obesity related diseases.I see how its become a generational issue.But it doesnt have to be this way. You can be the one to stop the cycle.Youre about to learn how to use your mind and your thoughts to create a healthier body, and your success is going to inspire others.Lets get started!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"D1: Beginner Dictations to Listen and Write Better English" |
"This English Dictations for beginners course will Improve your English listening skills and writing skills.You can listen to Native British English speaker Ken give short English dictations. Your job is to write down exactly what Ken is saying. Doing this, you will improve your English grammar by understanding short sentence structures in English.You will improve and reduce your thinking time in English - that time it takes for you to listen to what's being said then to think and translate what it means, most people do this, maybe you too!If the first dictation is too slow and easy for you, try half way though the lesson and there will be a faster version for you!______How will I improve?Remember this is a beginners English course so the English vocabulary and structures are quite basic. If you are new to learning and a basic English learner you will learn and improve.By listening to a native British English speaker, you will improve your listening skills. The English dictations have two parts, a slower version and a faster version to challenge you! You'll also improve your English writing skills, your English spelling will improve too as you practice your new English vocabulary.Your understanding of English grammar will improve by learning Present Tense Structures in questions and sentences.## Already there are a few thousand students in the first month - some reviews are excellent too.##New lessons are added regularly. Keep checking them out________How well do you understand? The first part of the dictation is quite slow and will be really helpful for beginner students to slowly improve and understand.The second part of the dictation is much quicker and will really challenge your English skills. You can then check how well you have done and use the captions and there is a booklet you can download with the dictation too.______What are dictations?Dictations are listening exercises in English. I speak out sentences and structures and you write down what you hear.The dictations are made up of sentences i know that you can use in everyday English and are taken from my Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English courses on UDEMY.If you write well, it is a great start to improving.________Who gives the lectures?I'm Ken and I'm from the UKand speak British English although I've lived in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Thailand in the last 15 years and have been able to learn some conversational French, Portuguese, Spanish and Ican understand some Thai also. I've visited around 50 countries around the world so I am very well aware of cultural differences and have adapted myself over time to understand languages and what's important culturally.So you have a teacher who understands what it is to learn a language, how challenging and difficult it can be. This is why these courses maybe perfect for you as it comes from real experiences from myself and also my many, many students. All of this experience goes into my course in many ways and these dictations are part of that.________What is Kens background?I've been a business trainer organising training workshops for companies and also I've been involved in language learning ever since I left the UK - both teaching and learning. Over the last few years, I've taught thousands of students in Europe, South America and more recently Asia where I've coached and taught newly graduated Asian students how to improve their English, confidence and give great career advice for those wanting to work in the aviation industry as cabin crew."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"F3: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English plus Grammar" |
"Want to learn English but can't seem to get started or you drop out quickly? Your English lessons not interesting enough? Can't find a regular time to study and learn English? Don't have a native English speaker to learn English from and study with?If this is you, then This Learn English course is excellent for you.Short, quick, interesting learn English lessons from a well known ESLteacher and expert Ajarn Ken will keep your attention long enough, No need to have a regular time to study, with these lessons you can learn on the go, just listen and speak along with a native English speaker speaking British English.#####BONUSCOURSEINCLUDED:Beginners Guide to English Grammar #####You learn as you speak!!It's an excellent way that Ken has taught thousands of students to be confident, clear and calm when speaking English. ____________________________________________________Ratings and Reviews - 85,4%31 Oct 2018 >>>>>> 38 Reviews - 33 - 4/5 Star Reviews""Really good to make my English better "" ***** - Hutani""I liked it, mainly because it makes us repeat the words and phrases. "" ***** Ana""I really enjoy. I hope if watching, listening and practicing every day I will get improving my self English speaking. "" ****MDGolam_______________________________________________________________________________________________If you want to know more, read on!!.........This F3: Beginners Guide to Speaking Better English course is the second course in the series and you will improve and practice:your English speaking skills by speaking along with Ken during the lessonyour English reading skills by following the lesson bookletyour listening skills by listening along with Ken during the lessonyour pronunciation skills by following the lesson and copying Kenyour English grammar and understand English betterYou will listen to Native British English speaker Ken give short English lessons. Your job is to follow and speak along with Ken. You will learn:basic vocabulary and sentence structures you can use in the present simple to speak smoother, clearer and have better pronunciation when speaking how to improve your confidence and fluency speaking Englishhow to link words together to speak smoother and faster and correctlybetter English Grammar with easy and simple ways to always rememberWho can use this course?Beginner English students who want to get confident speaking basic EnglishEnglish students who want to improve their pronunciation and get good habits speaking EnglishWhat are the lessons?The lessons are quite short but fast, I give you keywords as English vocabulary in useful sentences you can use every day. There is a lesson booklet giving you a complete dialogue for each lesson that you can follow to improve your English readingThe lesson gives you time and space to speak along with Ken and this will help you speak better English.________Who gives the lectures?I'm Ken and I'm from the UKand speak British English although I've lived in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Thailand in the last 15 years and have been able to learn some conversational French, Portuguese, Spanish and Ican understand some Thai also. I've visited around 50 countries around the world so I am very well aware of cultural differences and have adapted myself over time to understand languages and what's important culturally.So you have a teacher who understands what it is to learn a language, how challenging and difficult it can be. This is why these courses maybe perfect for you as it comes from real experiences from myself and also my many, many students. All of this experience goes into my course in many ways and these dictations are part of that.________What is Kens background?I've been a business trainer organising training workshops for companies and also I've been involved in language learning ever since I left the UK - both teaching and learning. Over the last few years, I've taught thousands of students in Europe, South America and more recently Asia where I've coached and taught newly graduated Asian students how to improve their English, confidence and give great career advice for those wanting to work in the aviation industry as cabin crew.___________"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crisper Learning for ServiceNow" |
"This course provides a crisp yet comprehensive knowledge of ServiceNow, one of the major IT Service Managementtools available in market today. The hands-on exercises and the video content is intended to make this course interactive as well as enjoyable. No programming background is necessary for this. All you need is Dedication to make best use of your time.Once this course is finished, you possess enough knowledge to crack the ServiceNow system administrator certification. That shining extra tag on your resume of being a ServiceNow administrator would certainly boast your overall profile.Check this out today."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |