Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Bachata Partnerwork Mastery The Ultimate Bachata Course" |
"In this course you'll learn Bachata from one of the Bachata Pioneers Worldwide. In 2013 Jorge Contreras was recognized as the 8th Top Bachata Instructor & Dancer in the World. Jorge co-founded the first Bachata Dance Company in Los Angeles, the first Bachata Festival in Los Angele, started the first Bachata Night Club in the US and has traveled to over 25 countries teaching Bachata frombeginners with zero experience to training other Instructors around the World.Jorge has inspired over 8 million new and experienced Bachata enthusiast in person and on YouTube and has personally trained 10's of thousands of students.You'll learn Jorge's Partnerwork Library that he has used over the last 10 years. From beginner partner-work combinations to intermediate and to Advanced.Get ready to take your Bachata to levels you never imagined before."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Bachata Footwork Mastery The Ultimate Bachata Course" |
"In this course you'll learn Bachata from one of the Bachata Pioneers Worldwide. In 2013 Jorge Contreras was recognized as the 8th Top Bachata Instructor & Dancer in the World. Jorge co-founded the first Bachata Dance Company in Los Angeles, the first Bachata Festival in Los Angeles, started the first Bachata Night Club in the US and has traveled to over 25 countries teaching Bachata tobeginners with zero experience to training other Instructors around the World.Jorge has inspired over 8 million new and experienced Bachata enthusiast in person and on YouTube and has personally trained 10's of thousands of students over the last 10 years.You'll learn Jorge'sFootwork Library that he has used over the last 10 years.From beginner foot-work combinations, to intermediate and to Advanced.Get ready to take your Bachata to levels you never imagined before!With our 30-day money back guarantee, there is no reason to hesitate, see you inside."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Programmer en Python pour la Data Science de A Z" |
"Ce cours est ddi l'apprentissage de la programmation en Python appliqu la Data Science. Si vous avez envie d'apprendre coder, d'apprendre manipuler de la data ou les deux, alors n'hsitez pas, ce cours est un concentr de tout a !Ce cours de 8 heures vous permettra dans un premier temps d'acqurir les outils ncessaires pour coder en Python et faire de la Data Science.Puis il enchanera sur la partie thorique de la programmation en Python, avec des exercices chaque tape, afin de comprendre la thorie en pratiquant.Enfin, vous apprendrez manipuler et explorer/visualiser des donnes efficacement.A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable d'aller rcuprer un jeu de donnes qui vous intresse et de l'analyser de A Z pour en sortir les informations qui vous intresse.J'espre que ce cours vous plaira, j'ajouterai d'avantage de cas pratiques au fur et mesure pour le rendre encore plus complet qu'il ne l'est dj.Le but de ce cours de Data Science est rellement de vous apprendre programmer en Python, de vous faire pratiquer afin de devenir totalement autonome pour analyser tous les jeux de donnes qui vous intresse.Et je compte bien vous aider chaque tape pour arriver cette finalit !Pourquoi utiliser Python ?Ce cours est ddi Python pour la simple et bonne raison que c'est un des langages les plus utiliss en Data Science.De plus,c'est un langage que je matrise et qui a fait ses preuves pour rsoudre tout mes problmes d'analyse de donnes.Mais aussi parce que c'est un langage de programmation libre, intuitif et trs bien document.Je veux que ce cours soit le plus complet possible.Ainsi, n'hsitez surtout pas me contacter si vous avez la moindre question ou la moindre remarque sur ce cours.C'est aussi grce vous que je pourrais l'amliorer et le faire voluer.Mon objectif est rellement de vous aider devenir un Data Scientist autonome et passionn !Logo conu par Katemangostar de Freepik."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Soul Mates--How to Tell If You've Met Your Soul Mate" |
"Are you in love?If so, this class will be wonderfully eye-opening!How do you avoid committing to a toxic person or a mean jerk? You'll learn more than 8 methods to see them clearly, truly, and on a level that usually takes years!Did you just fall out of love or lose a relationship? This class may give you some steps to avoid going down that potentially painful path again. Are you wondering if the person you just met is your soul mate? Is the person you just moved in with a good match for you? Learn who your partner or potential partner TRULY is.In this class you'll discover the tips and tricks to get to know a potential partner from every side. Once you know who they are, you'll know if they're good for you and if you're good for them. Are you ready for the epic journey to deeper love?This is such valuable information. Don't miss out"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on AWS DynamoDB" |
"In this course, we're going to explore how to use AWS NoSQL Database Solution DynamoDB. This course assumes you have no experience of the NoSQL database and DynamoDB but are eager to learn AWS solution on NoSQL. This course has twelve hands-on labs such as create DynamoDB Tables, load data, process data operations, enable DynamoDB Streams with TTL to manage modification, replicate table with Global Tables, setup Triggers with Lambda function, build the Serverless Web Application and setup web identity federation. You will also get the basic knowledge of other associated AWS services (e.g. S3, IAM, Lambda, CloudWatch, and CloudTrial). Once you have completed this course, you should be able to deploy your NoSQL database on DynamoDB, operate and maintain data, monitor and secure the database. Bonus Section:AWS DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on with AWS RDS" |
"This course Hands-on with AWS RDS covers all of the main concepts you need to know about the Amazon Relational Database Service. This course assumes you have no experience on AWS RDS but are eager to learn AWS solution on Relational Database. This course has many hands-on labs such as launching AWS RDS DB Instance, web application with RDS database or Aurora serverless in VPC, Multi-AZ deployments for failover, monitoring performance and encryption on RDS. You will learn AWS RDS essentials, Aurora serverless, RDS operations, and RDS maintenance. You will also get the basic knowledge of other associated AWS services (e.g. S3, IAM, VPC, CloudWatch, and Trusted Advisor) through hands-on labs.Once you have completed this course, you should be able to deploy your relational database on AWS RDS, operate databases, maintain databases, and set up security on AWS RDS. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Website erstellen mit dem ""Wordpress Masterkurs""" |
"Du mchtest deine eigene Website in weniger als 3 Stunden erstellen? Dann bist du hier beim Wordpress Masterkurs genau richtig. Ich zeige dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du deine eigene Website mit Wordpress erstellen kannst.Als ich an deiner Stelle war und meine erste Website geschrieben habe, habe ich lange nach einer guten und vor allem vollstndigen Erklrung gesucht. Ich konnte sie auf Deutsch schlicht und einfach nicht finden, deshalb habe ich den kostenlosen Wordpress Masterkurs erstellt und mache ihn fr jeden zugnglich.Im Masterkurs lernst du alles von A bis Z. Ich zeige dir, wie du ein gutes Hosting findest und deine Domain registrierst wie du Wordpress installierst, wie du dein Men anpasst, wie du einTheme installierstwie du Seiten und Beitrge erstellstwoher du ein Logo bekommst bis hin zu dem rechtlichen Teil deiner Website, um diese auch DSGVO Konform zu machen.Das alles zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt mit einer Videoanleitung. Diese ist in Kapitel aufgeteilt, somit kannst du auch immer bequem das fr dich gerade richtige Video finden.Sicher dir den Wordpress Masterkurs ganz einfach KOSTENLOSund bau in wenigen Stunden bereits deine eigene Website!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO Masterkurs" |
"Im SEOMasterkurs lernst du deine Beitrge fr Google richtig zu optimieren. Mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung zu mehr kostenlosen Besuchern fr deine Website! Kurz und knapp die Theorie erklrt und danach direkt in die Praxis. Ich zeige dir, wie du - eine effiziente kostenlose Keywordrecherche durchfhrst- die Suchintention hinter Keywords verstehen lernst- deine Beitrge selbst SEOOptimierst- Backlinks fr deine Website erstellst- viele weitere kleine Tipps &Tricks rund um SEO"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Award-Winning Lie Detection Course: Taught by FBI Trainer" |
"Lie Detection in a SNAP************************************************************************This is a PREMIUM courseDr. Lieberman is the author of the New York Times best-selling book, NEVER BE LIED TO AGAIN (St. Martin's Press), which is the #1 best-selling book on lie-detection, with millions of copies sold in more 27 languages. He is the expert's expert and in fact, he conducts training for elite FBI profilers, NSA, the United States military, and for police departments and private security firms on six continentsand created program that is mandatory for all Psychological Operations (PSYOP) graduates. He has been featured in hundreds of major publications and journals; and appears as a frequent guest expert on national media outlets, including multiple appearances on such shows as The Today Show, The View, and Fox & Friends and CNNDr. Lieberman is one of the top-rated experts in his fieldHighest quality video production and course contentUnconditional money-back guarantee************************************************************************Traditionally, lie-detection techniques relied on body-language cues or the use of a polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector, which measures physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity or perspiration levels, while a person is asked and answers a series of questions. And this works only when you can interact with, or at least observe, the person. You Can Become a MentalistNow, thanks to the exciting field known as psycho-linguistics, you can find out whether a person is telling the truth based on how they use language; and the best part is that it works without the need to interact with your subject! That's right. You can tell if they are lying simply from listening to a conversation or speech, or even from a recording such as a voice mail message, or from an email or handwritten letter. In this course youll learn how to analyze the words people useeither in speech or in writingand you will be able to determine who is being truthful and who is being deceptive. Even more so, youll learn the psychology behind the techniques to gain a complete mastery of your detection skills. Dr. David J. Lieberman is an award-winning author, with twelve published books, including two New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 27 languages and selling millions of copies worldwideincluding the internationally acclaimed, New York Times best-seller Never Be Lied to Again. Moreover, Dr.Lieberman conducts training in tactics of lie-detection and interview and interrogation for the NSA, CIA, and the FBIs elite Behavioral Analysis Unit. In fact, he created the program thats mandatory for all Psychological Operations (or PSYOP) graduates in the United States Air Forceand hes going to teach you, what he teaches to them.Welcome to SNAP: Statement and Narrative Analysis Protocol, the NEWEST and most advanced method to detect deceptionthe same easy-to-use-methodthe same method that taught to the FBI, CIA, NSA, and law enforcement agencies around the world.If youve ever imagined what it would be like to instantly tell when someone was lying, you dont have to imagine anymore; because now it can be your reality. The possibilities are endless when you learn the skill to detect deception in any conversation, statement, email, letter, or voice message. Dr. Lieberman has demonstrated the ease-of-use and accuracy of these techniques on hundreds of television and radio programs. In a special report for FOX News, host Jeff Rosin declared, Its simply amazing! I was with him and he was never wrong . . . not even once. I even learned how to do it and thats saying something. During an appearance on Fox & Friends the host shocked the world, when on live TV she announced that she used one of Dr. Lieberman's techniques to learn that her husband was having an affair! While interviewing Dr. Lieberman on his nationally syndicated radio program G. Gordon Liddy told his listeners, I wish I had these techniques back when I was in the FBI.Save yourself time, energy and heartacheand arm yourself today with techniques that are presented in the conversational and engaging, no-fluff style, that has made David Liebermans work so popular to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE around the world. In just about ONE HOUR, you will learn how to detect deceit without the need to interact with your subject! Again, you can tell if they are lying simply from listening to a conversation or speech, or even from a recording such as a voice mail message, or from an email or handwritten letter. If you want to become a mentalist and easily know what people are thinking in any situation, then become a real-life mentalist now.Don't miss out on your opportunity to enroll now because when the course is deleted, it will only be available to those who own it."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Chess Openings 101: Introduction To The Benoni Defense" |
"The Chess Openings 101 series of video courses by Chess University, Inc. offers beginner and intermediate players (900-1500 Elo) an easy path for learning chess openings. This Chess Openings 101: Introduction to the Benoni Defense video course by FM Dalton Perrine provides a complete overview of the Benoni Defense, characterized by the moves: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5. This four-part video course begins with a complete overview of the Benoni Defense. Subsequent video lessons cover how to play the Benoni Defense as Black, how to play against the Benoni Defense as White, and must-know tactical patterns that arise in the Benoni. The total run time of this video course is 1 hour and 24 minutes. Take this course if you would like to expand your opening knowledge and learn essentials of the Benoni Defense from one of the world's best online chess coaches!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Chess Openings 101: Introduction To The Benko Gambit" |
"The Chess Openings 101 series of video courses by Chess University, Inc. offers beginner and intermediate players (900-1500 Elo) an easy path for learning chess openings. This Chess Openings 101: Introduction to the Benko Gambit video course by FM Dalton Perrine provides a complete overview of the Benoni Defense, characterized by the moves: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5. This four-part video course begins with an overview of the Benko Gambit. Subsequent video lessons cover how to play the Benko Gambit as Black, how to play against the Benko Gambit as White, and key tactical/dynamic patterns that arise in the Benko Gambit. The total run time of this video course is 1 hour and 3 minutes. Take this course if you would like to expand your opening knowledge and learn essentials of the Benko Gambit from the world's #1 online chess academy."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Live Chess Playthrough #2 - Intermediate" |
"One of the goals of many improving chess players is to crack the 1500 rating barrier. Many players think its too difficult or just too time-consuming to reach that level. However, its much simpler than that. In this Live Chess Playthrough video course, FIDE-Master Dalton Perrine will teach you the skills needed to beat all kinds of players rated below 1500 and get yourself a higher rating. This 3-hour video course featuring 10 live chess playthroughs is targeted towards players in the 1200-1500 Elo range (beginner and intermediate) and will help boost your chess skills and rating. You can improve your play by studying how a strong player thinks during a game against a club-level player. Dalton discusses his thought-process as he makes each move and explains how to capitalize on his opponents mistakes. Throughout the games, Dalton will focus on teaching four key skills needed to crush amateur club-level players. Each video will feature one or more of these skills and how they were used to win the game. In addition to the 10 playthrough videos, this course contains a bonus video that summarizes the four key skills and what you can do to improve your own skills. By studying these playthrough videos, learning from Daltons thought-process, and applying the tips, tricks, and advice to your own games, youll become a better player and start winning more games."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Terraform and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic" |
"Terraform can describe complex sets of infrastructure that exists locally or remotely. It is focused on building and changing that infrastructure over time.The primary usage of Terraform is for managing remote resources in cloud providers such as AWS, Oracle Cloud. Terraform is designed to be able to manage extremely large infrastructures that span multiple cloud providers.This course about the provisioning the resources on oracle cloud infrastructure classic using the Terraform.As we already know, the goal of DevOps is to perform software delivery more efficiently, and we need some tools to make this delivery quickly and efficiently, this is where the tools like Terraform help companies with infrastructure as code and automation.I'm sureyou will enjoy this course!Disclaimer: Oracle and Terrafrom logo are registered trademark of Oracle Corp. and Terraform Corp. This course is not certified, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Oracle Corp. and Terraform Corp.Credit: Music (purple-planet)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Alibaba Cloud Computing Certified Associate 2019" |
"Ranked as Chinas largest public cloud service provider and the Fourth largest worldwide.Alibaba Cloud offers high-performance, elastic computing power in the cloud. Services are available on a pay-as-you-go basis and include data storage, relational databases, big-data processing, Anti-DDoS protection and content delivery networks (CDN). At the same time Alibaba Cloud is committed to the research and development of large database systems and advanced big data technologies. Alibaba Cloud has broken competition records at Sort Benchmark in data sorting, and set new records in mitigating DDoS attacks and the processing volume of e-commerce transactions.The company has an exclusive range of cloud computing products and services that are divided into 7 categories of Elastic Computing and Networking, Security and Management, Database, Application Services, Domains and website, Storage and CDN and Analytics. Customers of Alibaba Cloud are eligible to get the benefits of cloud security, record breaking computing power, cloud security, safeguard your data, etc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Database Automation using Ansible" |
"Its Time to Go FasterANSIBLE - AUTOMATION FOREVERYONEANSIBLE is OPEN SOURCE, SIMPLE, POWERFUL, and AGENTLESS.The database is one of the important key areas which is missed while implementing DevOps. The professionals lay full importance on code management, continuous integration etc. but fail to automate the databases. Database handling must be properly done and is very important for data-centric applications. The database plays a major role in such applications and it needs to be automated and rapidly expand along with DevOps. Ansible addresses this need by allowing you to provision and configure your resources using automation. Ansible doesn't require setting up complex agents, customized security, or centralized configuration servers. All you need to do is describe your automation jobs. Ansible is often combined into the DevOps tool category of 'Configuration Management' and compared to Puppet, Chef & Salt. The term 'Configuration Management' is generally used to describe the management of the state of IT infrastructure, which can include servers, storage and databases etc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Deploying Oracle Data Guard on AWS EC2" |
"Deploy Secure Easily In this, you will deploy Oracle Data Guard on AWS EC2, as AWS RDS for Oracle does not provide any disaster recovery solutions like data guard. so after the completion of this course, you will be able to deploy Oracle data guard configuration on aws ec2.AWS provides a secure infrastructure to run your Oracle Database with an enterprise class architecture, high availability, and support for small, medium, and large databases. If you have an Oracle Database that is larger than 16 TiB, or a database that relies on features that are not currently supported by Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), which is the AWS database platform, you can install your own Oracle Database in the AWS EC2 and manage it's underlying host."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Create a Server-less Website in AWS & Learn 7 AWS Services" |
"Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications and services without thinking about servers. Serverless applications don't require you to provision, scale, and manage any servers. You can build them fornearly any type of applicationor backend service, and everything required to run and scale your application with high availability is handled for you. AWS provides a set of fully managed services that you can use to build and run serverless applications.In this course you will learn about the functionality of 8 aws services i.e. aws lambda, dynamodb table, s3 static hosting, amazon certificate manager, cloudfront distribution, route53, and api gateway. We will deploy a static website using bootstrap and jquery and also write our lambda function in node.js!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Spirituality, Religion, and Science" |
"Have you ever thought that you'd have to take a side?To believe or not to believe?Have you ever thought that to believe in science meant to set aside faith in the spirit?Perhaps it's not so simple... in this course we'll explore the common ground and the discrepancies of science, spirituality, and religion, regardless of whether it's Christianity, Hinduism, Islam or any other.Upon completion you'll have a critical perspective on these controversial subjects, and hopefully, lots of good questions which you can continue to ponder upon.Course landing page image: DeviantArt HaniSantosa"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Copias de Seguridad en PostgreSQL" |
"Con nuestro curso de Copias de Seguridad aprenders a realizar copias de seguridad con xito y de forma eficiente. Aprenders cules son las diferencias entre las copias fsicas y lgicas. Tambin aprenders a utilizar las herramientas pg_dump, pg_dumpall, pg_restore, entre otras.No te pierdas ninguna clase y recuerda que tienes a nuestro profesor listo para solventar cualquier duda que puedas tener."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Desarrolla un Podcatcher para Android con Delphi desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenders a desarrollar un programa completo utilizando Delphi. El programa que desarrollaremos se trata de un programa que leer el archivo feed de un podcast y lo almacenar de forma local en el dispositivo en el que tengamos instalado nuestro programa. Una vez tengamos el podcast en nuestro dispositivo podremos reproducirlo cuando lo prefiramos.Un programa con el que nos pondremos en la piel de los diferentes aspecto de un desarrollador. Un curso cien por cien recomendado para dar un paso ms en el mundo de la programacin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Loadrunner 12.50 SAPGUI Protocol scripting -No Access to lab" |
"Welcome to ""Isha Training Solutions""First of all, I would like to thank Udemy Students for making my first course ""Performance testing Using LoadRunner (Basics + advanced)"" a hugely successfulWe, at Isha, continue to strive hard to create new courses for Performance Testers. As part of this efforts, we have come up with a new course "" Scripting for SAP GUI Protocol Using HP LoadRunner 12.50 (Basics + Advanced)"". At the end of this course, you not only can confidently handle interviews but also handle Performance Testing projects pertaining to SAP-GUI protocol.Learn all the basics and advanced concepts with Hands-on examples. All the intricacies and challenges typically faced by performance testers, is covered as part of this course. This course focuses on scripting part using VuGen.Pls email me on kgupta.testingtraining@gmail.comfor any questions / concerns. For immediate response, pls Whatsapp me on +91-8019952427."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"2018 Digital Marketing Planning Masterclass" |
"2018 is well underway but is your marketing? Take away the stress and 'adhocness' of marketing by learning how to plan and tie all your marketing efforts in for greater impact, all while giving you a simple platform to help you decide what to post on social media and when! We will show you how to integrate your newsletters, blog posts, website updates, collaboration potential, social media posts and other marketing to help you achieve your goals and objectives.We'll take you step by step through our simple planning/comms system, and share some marketing tips and hacks. Then enjoy a beautiful lunch*, and a chance to network (bring your business cards!), before we get down to business in planning out your next 3 months on the spot! You'll walk away with fresh perspective, ideas, motivation, strategies, and some templates to work with."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Cours de mdecine naturelle certifi pour tous. Cours #2" |
"Apprendre les bases pour commencer dans la profession de thrapeutes en sant naturelle, cette formation est certifie.Ce que vous apprendrezCe cours de 40 minutes aborde un tour du monde de lutilisation de la mdecine des abeilles en milieu mdical. Il vous fera dcouvrir les nombreuses facettes de cette pratique. Vous y verrez que chaque pays a dvelopp certaines facettes de cette science, mais que peu maitrisent lentiret de cet art. Tout au long de ce cours vous comprendrez limportance de la mdecine des abeilles (lapithrapie).La Pr Roch Domerego Academy vous permettra daccder la totalit de cette science grce ces deux niveaux. Ce tour du monde prsent dans ce cours vous donnera lindispensable tat des lieux des techniques que vous approfondirez, une par une, dans des cours spcifiques."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Google Tag Manager Course for Beginners" |
"Are you a Digital Marketer? Then you probably know how important it is to track data and conversions.If you want to increase the speed that you integrate your site with new advertising and analytics platforms, GTM helps you add and update conversion scripts, social marketing pixels, remarketing tags, and many others from a visual interface without having coding knowledge.At the end of this course you will have an overview of what GTM is, how to use it, and how it can help you test newer marketing techniques and platforms more quickly and efficiently.If you want to track your own conversions, user behaviour, and other macro-events without having to call a developer, then enrol in the Google Tag Manager now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Kubernetes Hands-On - Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud" |
"Kubernetes is one of the hottest topics right now, and engineers with Kubernetes skills are in big demand. Get those skills with this course! It's is a great chance to work on a real Kubernetes project, and to get yourself to a high professional standard on real projects.All the way through the course you'll be working on realistic requirements - but you don't need to be a coder or know any particular programming language - I've prepared for you a set of Docker images, and your job is to use Kubernetes to get these images running. The system is a Microservice-based architecture, and along the way, we'll look at design decisions and trade-offs you need to make when managing these complex systems. Note the course isn't about how to design Microservices (although we'll certainly be talking about that); the development work is done and we need to get the system running on a production cluster.We'll also discover that the developers have made some bad mistakes in their code, by analyzing the run time performance of the cluster!You can do the first part of the course on your local development computer (PC/Mac/Laptop). The second part (from Chapter 13 onwards) moves to the cloud. You'll use a real AWS account, and we go-ahead to set up monitoring with the ELK/Elastic Stack and monitor with Prometheus and Grafana.The course now supports EKS, the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service, but we also show how to use the alternative system, called Kops. The pros and cons of each are explained in detail.I've designed this course for a wide audience - whether you're a DevOps engineer, a developer, or if you're quite new to the whole field, I'll explain everything along the way. Just some basic knowledge of working with computers, and maybe a bit of command-line experience will suffice.You will need an AWS account for a part of the course if you want to work on the system yourself. If you're new to AWS then don't worry, I've got you covered -but Amazon will charge you for running the system (as with all/most cloud providers). Expect to pay no more than around 10USD for this (this is a safe overestimate), but you are expected to manage this spend yourself and you must delete your Kubernetes cluster at the end of your session. Don't let that put you off, it's a great investment.You can absolutely just watch the AWS videos if you'd prefer not to incur these costs - you will still learn plenty!As always, I'm here to answer questions and I aim to respond within 48 hours.Good luck!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Apache Spark for Java Developers" |
"Get started with the amazing Apache Spark parallel computing framework - this course is designed especially for Java Developers.If you're new to Data Science and want to find out about how massive datasets are processed in parallel, then the Java APIfor spark is a great way to get started, fast.All of the fundamentals you need to understand the main operations you can perform in Spark Core, SparkSQLand DataFrames are covered in detail, with easy to follow examples. You'll be able to follow along with all of the examples, and run them on your own local development computer.Included with the course is a module covering SparkML, an exciting addition to Spark that allows you to apply Machine Learning models to your Big Data!No mathematical experience is necessary! And finally, there's a full 3 hour module covering Spark Streaming, where you will get hands-on experience of integrating Spark with Apache Kafka to handle real-time big data streams. We use both the DStream and the Structured Streaming APIs.Optionally, if you have an AWSaccount, you'll see how to deploy your work to a live EMR (Elastic Map Reduce) hardware cluster. If you're not familiar with AWSyou can skip this video, but it's still worthwhile to watch rather than following along with the coding.You'll be going deep into the internals of Spark and you'll find out how it optimizes your execution plans. We'll be comparing the performance of RDDs vs SparkSQL, and you'll learn about the major performance pitfalls which could save a lot of money for live projects.Throughout the course, you'll be getting some great practice with Java 8 Lambdas - a great way to learn functional-style Java if you're new to it.NOTE: Java 8 is required for the course. Spark does not currently support Java9+ (we will update when this changes) and Java 8 is required for the lambda syntax."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"German tenses - Perfekt, Prteritum, Plusquamperfekt,Prsens" |
"Welcome to this course!Here you will learn the five most used tenses in the German language, which are the Perfekt, Prteritum, Plusquamperfekt, Prsens and Futur I.Especially if you have difficulties with differentiating the three past tenses from each other, this course will be very valuable to you. You will learn when to use the ""Perfekt"", ""Prteritum"" and the "" Plusquamperfekt"" as well as the ""Prsens"" and Futur I.I hope you join me inside the course & have you as one of my students. Join my course now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"German grammatical cases - intensive training" |
"Learn The German Grammatical Cases From An Experienced German Teacher!This course is all about the four German grammatical cases. If you have difficulties with understanding what the grammatical cases are and how understand the difference between each case, this case is perfect for you. Beginners as well as advanced students can participate in this course. You will learn the prepositions of each grammatical case, many verbs which are used with the cases and also the situations in which you need each case.At the end of the course we will practice to determine the objects and their corresponding grammatical case by braking down single sentences step by step.In my work as a German teacher I see very often that many students have difficulties with the grammatical cases, thus Im sure that this course can be very valuable for you, if you struggle with that, too.By comparing and explaining the German cases with the English cases, it will become much more clear to you, how to use them correctly.This course includes the following:- nominative- accusative- dative- genitive- two way prepositions (Wechselprpositionen)- demonstrative pronouns in all 4 grammatical cases (Demonstrativpronomen)- possessive determiner in all 4 grammatical cases (Possessivartikel)- adjective declension in all 4 grammatical cases (Adjektivdeklination)- how to determine what the nominative, accusative, dative and genitive object in a sentence isI hope you join me inside the course & have you as one of my students. Join my course now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"German A2 - German for advanced beginners" |
"Take your German to the next level!If you have started learning German and like to continue improving it, this course is perfect for you. Here you will learn all grammar you need for the A2 level.This course also includes one video which will show and prepare you for the speaking and writing part of the A2 German language certification.The covered subjects are:- Adjektivdeklination - Akkusativ - Dativ - Demonstrativpronomen - Futur I - Genitiv- indirekte Fragen - Komparativ- Konditionalstze - Konjunktiv II- das Verb ""lassen"" - Modalverben im Prteritum- n-Deklination - Possessivartikel- Prpositionaladverb - Prteritum- Pronomen - reflexive Verben- Relativpronomen - Satzstellung mit Akkusativ und Dativ- Subjunktionen - Verben mit Prpositionalobjekt- Vorgangspassiv - Wechselprpositionen- Wortbildung - Zeitadverbien- interesting facts about the German culture- Preparation for the writing and speaking part of the A2 German language exam If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; here is a brief overview:A1 - Complete beginnerA2 - ElementaryB1 - IntermediateB2 - Upper intermediateC1 - AdvancedC2 - Proficient"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"German B1 - Intermediate German" |
"Learn German B1 Level From An Experienced German Teacher!The course will start by introducing you to probably the easiest part of the B1 German grammar and work your way up to learning more intermediate German Grammar & the German Culture.Apart from the 79 grammar lectures, this course also includes 5 videos about German idioms. German culture, the German Educational System, German celebrations as well as valuable tips on how to learn languages more efficiently. This course also includes one video which will show and prepare you for the speaking part of the B1 German language certification.GOALS/LEARNINGS:Become Competent In German B1 GrammarLearn More About the German Culture Like Food, Celebrations, Places to VisitLearn About The German Educational System Get Valuable Tips On How To Learn German More Efficiently Learn Common German IdiomsYou will learn the following:Grammar:Zukunft im Prsens Zeitangaben - Zukunft Modalpartikel Kausale Konjunktionaladverbien Kausaladverbien Artikelwort ""Welch-"" Artikelwort ""Irgendein-"" Als Ob The Verb ""Brauchen"" And Its Correct Usage Konjunktionen The Word ""nmlich"" Pronomen Subclauses With ""dass"" Adjektivendung -bar Finalangaben Difference Between ""von"" and ""aus"" The Verb lassen"" and Its Correct Usage unpersnliche Ausdrcke Klassen der unregelmigen Verben Genitiv Genitiv Possessivartikel Demonstrativpronomen Genitiv ""indem"" and sodass"" Adjektivdeklination Konzessive Stze Modalverben und ihre Bedeutung Direktionaladverbien Perfekt Modalangaben Indirekte Fragen Konditionalstze Infinitivstze Komposita Prteritum Plusquamperfekt Werden - Vernderung weil - da - dennKonjunktiv II - irreale Wnsche Konjunktiv II - Wunschstze Konjunktiv II - Modalverben The Word ""falls"" Verben mit Infinitiv Prfix un- Prpositionaladverbien Verben mit Prpositionalobjekt Relativpronomen Temporale Nebenstze Vorgangspassiv Passiv im Nebensatz Passiv ohne Subjekt Passiv im Perfekt Passiv im Prteritum Passiv im Plusquamperfekt Adjektive als Nomen Adjektiv-Kombination Mehrteilige Konjunktionen Modaladverbien Partizip II als Substantiv Culture:German Idioms German Educational System German Celebrations German Culture (Food, Places, Virtues) Bonus:Tips On How To Learn A Language More Efficiently If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; here is a brief overview:A1 - Complete beginnerA2 - ElementaryB1 - IntermediateB2 - Upper intermediateC1 - AdvancedC2 - ProficientI hope you join me inside the course & have you as one of my students. Join my course now!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"[Mailchimp] : Vendre en Automatique de A Z !" |
"Formation consacr Mailchimp.Pour toutes les personnes partant de zroCette formation comprend toutes les bases pour dbuter rapidement la cration de squence mails automatis afin de dvelopper son business en ligne. Nous allons directement au coeur des choses pour aller chercher des rsultats sans plus attendre.Je prsente les diffrents outils et intrt que peut apporter Mailchimp a notre business, tout en dveloppant avec des exemples et en simulant un nouveau business. Je partage avec vous mes connaissances dans le domaine du marketing savoir : Comment rcolter des mails efficacementQuelles sont les outils intressantL'intrt des squences mails et de quelles faon les utiliserComment prsenter un produit destin la vente (landing page)Dans cette formation vous allez apprendre :Crer une liste Configurer sa listevoir les diffrents outils propre la listeCrer un formulaire dinscription personnalisCrer un formulaire dinscription intgrCrer un formulaire pop upIntgrer ces formulaires sur un site webCrer une landing page afin de capturer des mailsCrer une landing page (page de vente) afin de prsenter un produitCrer une squence mail automatisConfigurer une squence mail automatis selon nos besoinCette formation a pour but la cration dune squence mails automatise immdiate de ce fait certains outils ne sont vu que trs peu ou pas du tout, car cela ne justifie pas d'intrt pour ceci (le but tant davoir des bases solides pour dmarrer une utilisation rapide et par la suite peut tre voir les choses les plus avances)."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |